Bahan Ajar Minggu 5 City Logistics

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Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5

Tujuan Instruksional Umum Setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah ini mahasiswa semester
7 mampu menerapkan konsep city logistics pada sebuah
sistem nyata.

Tujuan Instruksional Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan inistiatif city logistics


City Logistics Initiatives

City Logistics usually includes one or more of the following initiatives:

a) Advanced information systems

b) Co-operative freight transport systems
c) Public logistics terminals
d) Load factor controls
e) Underground freight transport systems

It is common for these initiatives to be combined and varied to be compatible with

local transport planning policies.

1. Advanced Information Systems

Advanced information systems have become important in rationalising

existing logistics operations. In general, advanced information systems for
pickup/delivery trucks operations have three important functions:

(a) To allow communication between drivers and the control centre

(b) To provide real time information on traffic conditions
(c) To store detailed historical pickup/delivery truck operations data

The third function has not been fully discussed in the literature, but it is very
important for rationalising logistics operations. A Japanese milk producing
company experienced one successful application of historical operations data.
After introducing a satellite based information system for one year, the
company was able to reduce the number of pickup/delivery trucks by 13.5%

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

(from 37 to 32 vehicles) and increase their average load factor by 10 percent

(from 60% to 70%). A computer based system was used to store detailed
historical data of the pickup/delivery trucks operations, including times of
starting/arriving times at the depot and customers as well as the waiting times,
travelling speeds and routes travelled. The company was able to analyse this
data and change their routes and schedules to substantially increase the
efficiency of their vehicle fleet. This type of system can reduce both freight
transport and environmental costs within a city.

2. Cooperative Freight Transport Systems

Several researchers have investigated cooperative freight transport systems

that allow a reduced number of trucks to be used for collecting or delivering
the same amount of goods. Based on survey by Kohler (1997), it is remarkable
to see competitive freight carriers cooperating in delivering goods to the inner
city of Kassel in Germany. A neutral freight carrier collects goods from 5
freight carriers and delivers them to shops in the inner city. After introducing
this system the total time travelled by trucks was reduced as well as queues of
trucks waiting to deliver goods on streets. Originally this system started with
10 freight carriers, and now 5 companies remain in the cooperative system.
Another outstanding case is the cooperative delivering system among 11
department stores in Osaka, Japan. In this system, basically two department
stores having depots adjacent each other, exchange their goods to be delivered
in neighbourhood of the depot. This led to the considerable reduction of travel
time for trucks, person work hours and total costs. As observed in these cases,
cooperative freight systems can substantially reduce transport costs as well as
environmental impacts.

3. Public Logistics Terminals

Public logistics terminals located in areas surrounding a city can be helpful in

promoting cooperative freight transport systems. A good example of this
platform for city distribution can be seen in Monaco (Dablanc, 1998). This
platform is provided by the government and operated by a private freight

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

carrier for delivering goods to city areas. This company is subsidised by the
government to provide a delivery service with cheaper prices than normal.
This system helps reduce the required number of trucks used for deliveries. In
Japan the first multi-functional logistics terminal is to be built in Seki near
Nagoya. This logistics terminal is referred to as a "logistics town" and has
various functions such as the transhipment of goods, assembling products
during distribution, warehouses and wholesale markets. This project is being
planned and executed by a group of companies from various kinds of
industries with the support of the national, prefecture and municipal

4. Load Factor Controls

Controlling the loads of pickup/delivery trucks is a relatively new initiative

compared with conventional regulations such as vehicle weight limits,
designated times for trucks to enter city centres and the control of vehicle
emissions. Two European cities (Copenhagen and Amsterdam) introduced a
certificate system for freight carriers who deliver or collect goods within the
central city areas in 1998. In Copenhagen, only vehicles with a certificate
(green sticker) are allowed to use public loading/unloading terminals in the
inner city. This certificate can only be issued to vehicles satisfying the
following two conditions:

a) Load factor over 60 percent

b) Vehicle age less than 8 years old

Companies owning vehicles are required to produce a report on the load

factors of their vehicles every month. To maintain certification, a company
must have an average load factor during the previous month above 60 percent.
In Amsterdam vehicles weighing over 7.5 tons are not permitted to use streets
other than main streets. However, vehicles weighing over 7.5 tons are able to
obtain a special certificate to enter these streets, if they satisfy the following
three conditions:

a) Load factor over 80 percent

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

b) Length less than 9m

c) Engine must satisfy Euro II emission standards

The police inspect the load factor of specific vehicles on the road. This
initiative assumes that higher load factors produce lower the environmental

5. Underground Freight Transport Systems

Underground freight transport systems are innovative solutions for urban

freight transport problems. Koshi et al.(1992) estimated the impacts of
building an underground freight transport system in the central area of Tokyo,
Japan. The results of this study indicate that NOX and CO2 emissions would
be reduced by 10 percent and 18 percent respectively and that energy
consumption would be reduced by 18 percent and the average travel speed
would be increased by 24 percent. Ooishi and Taniguchi (1999) studied the
economic feasibility of the underground freight transport system in Tokyo and
concluded that this project has an internal income rate of 10 percent when the
infrastructure is constructed by the public sector.

The Dual Mode Truck (DMT) was developed and tested by Public Works
Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction in Japan. This new type of
automated electric truck can travel through an exclusive guided lane in
underground tunnels with the external supply of electricity and also travel on
normal streets operated by a driver with batteries. In the Netherlands a similar
idea was proposed and the feasibility of underground freight transport system
between Aalsmeer and Schiphol airport for carrying flowers was investigated.

An automated guided truck named the "Combi-road" system was also

developed and tested by a group of private companies.

Underground transportation is already common technology in passenger

transportation systems such as subways. In freight transportation systems the
industrial application of this technology is mainly restricted to transport by
pipelines for some chemical products, oils etc. Underground logistics

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

distribution systems seem to be a sustainable solution for environmental,

congestion and space problems. In highly congested areas initiatives for
underground projects have been studied over as an alternative. Initially Japan
started with the study of underground distribution systems.

Actually most of these initiatives have not been realised, since they are
innovative systems with automation that requires a huge initial investment,
although cost benefit analyses showed positive results.

Despite these results in the Netherlands, the Centre for Transport Technology
provided large subsidies to investigate opportunities for underground freight
transport systems. The reason for investing in this technology is based on the
fact that other industries, i.e. the drilling industry, can also benefit from these
funds. For a specific project, called the Underground Logistic system
Schiphol, the cost-benefit calculations showed an economical feasible
exploitation under assumptions of certain growth scenarios (CTT, 1997a-d).
For this project the conditions seems to be (economically) favourable while
two big private companies, flower auction Aalsmeer and Airport Schiphol, are
willing to invest. The knowledge and technology applied in this project could
be reused for underground city distribution projects.

Therefore, underground freight transport systems are included as a future

development for City Logistics. At the city level, some municipalities have
already adopted this idea and have started to work on a feasibility study for
this new technology. At the regional level some companies located at different
industrial zones could become connected by an underground distribution
system. Especially companies with a strong supplier-customer relationship in
terms of volumes and pieces are potential users of these systems. Due to the
flexible, continuous and reliable underground transport system just-in-time
deliveries become possible, thus reducing stock positions at suppliers' as well
as at customers' end. At a national level, huge economic centres with
underground distributions networks will be interconnected by high-speed rail

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

The feasibility of these projects will be examined for logistical aspects,

technical specifications of infrastructure and means of transport, financial
aspects, and environmental conditions. To give an idea for some of the critical
design issues:

a) Layout of the network

Which kind of layout can service most locations? What kind of traffic
control system do we need at the junctions in the network under all
kinds of circumstances?
b) Tubes
What are the influences of gradients on the performances of the
system? Should the tube be used for one-way traffic or two-way
traffic? What should the diameter of the tube be?
c) Energy supply
What is the influence of the power supply systems, like wire
conduction, or loadable batteries with power loading stations on the
layout of the system?
d) Terminals
How many terminals should be available in the system to meet
customers' requirements? What should be the layout of terminal in
terms of docking stations, driving lines and parking facilities?
e) Vehicles
What are the relationships between the physical characteristics (like
speed, acceleration, braking distance, sizes, and loading capacity) and
the requirements derived from the infrastructure (e.g. safety and
f) Dock stations
What is the influence of top, rear, one-sided or two-sided loading?
g) Freight flows
Can we define the maximum handling capacity of these systems? Can
the system facilitate loads?
h) Disturbances and recovery

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

What are the effects of physical disturbances (for instance a defective

vehicle in a tube)? How can the system be reactivated again?

To answer these types of design questions it is very useful to use simulation

modelling as a technique. Most design issues are interrelated and therefore
simulation can deal with these dynamic characteristics. For setting
dynamically -up several simulation experiments the simulation approach is
based on the development of library of components (objects). As a
consequence of this approach all kind of configurations can be built and
evaluated quickly. The chosen language is SiMPLE ++, an object-oriented
simulation language allowing hierarchical building blocks (Aesop, 1997).

Of course, not all the questions can be answered by the use of simulation. For
instance the determination of the tube diameter size was identified with the
application of Group Support Systems. About a hundred potential
users/experts brainstormed and voted on arguments pro and contra 3l/2 or 5-
metre tube diameter. The final discussions evaluated after these sessions
showed a rich picture for making an appropriate, well-considered decision.

6. Intermodal Transport Systems

During the past decade containerised intermodal transport has grown in

importance as a competitive alternative for the growth in road transportation
in order to reduce (road) congestion and environmental pollution. This growth
will certainly continue in the next decade.

For instance, in Europe the ministers of transport of the European Committee

try to coordinate the development of intermodal transportation networks in
their plan 'Trans European Networks'. In contrast these policy plans the
practice of terminal development and intermodal transportation initiatives
seem to develop more whimsical. Due to the small profit margins in
transportation the perspective of transportation entrepreneur is strongly
focused on profitability of new intermodal transportation services. Taking into
account these different perspectives we developed a three-stage modelling

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics

approach that is strongly connected to the perspectives of the transportation

entrepreneurs and the shippers who potentially will exploit these services.

In many national programmes for traffic and transport themes like

accessibility and liveability have become main issues in the development of a
sustainable society. One of the important policy strategies in order to meet
elements of a sustainable society is the modal shift of road transport to more
environment-friendly modes like railroad, coast and barge transport. To
compete with road transport these transport modes are multimodal set-up as
intermodal transportation services with pick-up and delivery services by truck.
According to a U.S. General Accounting Office report '...the trucking industry
also provided flexible, reliable, and economical service, but the growth of
trucking has contributed to concerns about safety, congestion, pollution, and
highway deterioration' (USGAO, 1992). Due to these facts the attention of the
Ministers of Transport for intermodal transportation is increasing and several
policy documents have been published concerning this subject.

At different levels of policymaking, i.e. the continental level, the national

level, and the regional level, we notice an ambiguity of plans for stimulating
intermodal transport. At each level policy makers base their own plans for
intermodal transport focusing on different goals. The integration of these
plans, as well as the attention for the stakeholders, seems to be forgotten.
Therefore, the practice of intermodal transportation seems to develop more
whimsically, and not as expected in the policy plans.

On policy planning three specific arenas can be identified in which actors play
their part in relation to intermodal transport. Each arena can be seen as a level
of consideration in which actors are relationally joined. Each perspective of an
actor on intermodal transportation is given in terms of goals and instruments.
Due to this insight of these perspectives in the specific arenas we have
developed three different models. Each model is developed in such a way that
it seeks for solutions, taking into account the main performance indicators of
the arena.

Bahan Ajar Minggu Ke-5 City Logistics


1. Taniguchi, E., Thompson, R.G., Yamada, T. dan van Duin, R. (2001): City
Logistics: Network Modelling And Intelligent Transport Systems,
Pergamon, Oxford.

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