Satvik, Cse G, AP19110010152
Satvik, Cse G, AP19110010152
Satvik, Cse G, AP19110010152
Yes, because we can get motivated, to improve our mood, cognitive development. They help
us to improve lot of skills that we need in our life. The gaming market has been continuously
In United States, estimated 99 percent of boys and 94 percent of girls play video games. In
2010 the revenue of video game industry got 25 Billion dollars when compared to Hollywood
box office sales 10.8 Billion dollars. This helps children to grow and develop. The themes
like aggression, pain, dominance can be rehearsed under non frightening conditions. The
video games have lot of benefits such as they improve coordination, problem solving,
enhances memory, concentration and attention, social skills. They entertain and educate us in
In video games the person should be very active to play because all the movements are so
fast. He should coordinate with his visuals and physical movements to play fast. The game
has lot of puzzles and rules which makes the player to think a lot to solve them. In this way
The authors Jin and Park (2009) said that the gaming world has changed a lot. Few years
back avatar-based consoles came into the market. In avatar-based consoles there is motion
sensing capability that empowers players to interact the items on the screen. These give par
asocial interaction with their avatars and feeling of self-presence. These also give physical
exercise to our body. The game extents players to think themselves interacting with their
The author Squire (2006) say that video games should not be seen as problem creating but as
problem solving. He says that the innovation in design and technology have reshaped video
games. They should not be seen as menace but as powerful tools for schooling. Video games
enhance the learning capability of students to develop situated understanding, to learn from
failures, and to develop identities as expert problem solvers. As students get into the world of
computer outside schools, its time to impart computer-based learning in schools as well.
The authors Adachi, Paul J.C and Teena Willoughby (2012) tells that there are positive role
that video games are playing in development of the youth. They say that video games are the
new way of socializing and helping children to learn skills like effective decision making etc.
They say that there are some games to teach history and some teach critical thinking,
So, the video games help us to earn money and help us to learn a lot of things. People
suffering from cataracts can get good vision by playing shooting games. But we should be in
our limits. We should not get addicted to them. There should be time for each and every thing
Educational Researcher.
Adachi, Paul J. C., and Teena Willoughby. (2012) “Do Video Games Promote Positive Youth