Air Quality Management Plan
Air Quality Management Plan
Air Quality Management Plan
Title: LNG Operations – Air Quality Management Plan Issue date: September 2013
LNGOP-QL00-ENV-PLN-000004 Review due: September 2014
1.0 Summary of Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Structure ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Aspect ............................................................................................................................................. 5
4.0 Objective ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.0 Performance Criteria....................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Legislation and Standards ............................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Performance Criteria....................................................................................................................... 9
6.0 Management Measures ................................................................................................................ 10
6.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ........................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Dust and Odour ............................................................................................................................. 11
6.3 Fugitive Emissions ......................................................................................................................... 11
6.4 Flares ............................................................................................................................................. 12
6.5 Fuel Burning .................................................................................................................................. 12
6.6 Point Source Emissions ................................................................................................................. 13
7.0 Monitoring and Reporting ............................................................................................................ 14
7.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ........................................................................................................... 15
7.2 Dust and Odour ............................................................................................................................. 15
7.3 Point Source Emissions ................................................................................................................. 15
8.0 Auditing ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 1: Summary of Responsibilities 3
Table 2: Structure 4
Table 3: Key Emissions Sources 8
Table 4: Management Measures 11
Table 5: Monitoring and Reporting Requirements 15
Table 6: Static Emissions Monitoring 16
Table 7: Correction Actions 18
Figure 1: Locations of QCLNG Static Emissions Sources 6
Figure 2: Static Emissions Monitoring Locations 7
2.0 Structure
The body of this management plan follows the structure outlined below:
Table 2: Structure
Section Heading Description
1.0 Summary of Summary of responsibilities for all personnel undertaking
Responsibilities activities covered by this document.
2.0 Structure This section, summarising document structure.
3.0 Aspect How aspects of the activity phases are to be managed (as
it affects environmental and social values).
4.0 Objective The Activity policy or management objective that applies
to each element.
5.0 Performance Measurable performance criteria (outcomes) for each
Criteria element of each Activity phase.
6.0 Management The strategies, tasks or action program (to nominated
Measures operational design standards) that will be implemented to
achieve the performance criteria.
7.0 Monitoring and The monitoring requirements to measure actual
Reporting performance (i.e. specified limits to pre-selected indicators
of change).
Format, timing and responsibility for reporting and
auditing of monitoring results.
8.0 Auditing The auditing requirements to demonstrate
implementation of agreed environmental management
strategies and compliance with agreed performance
9.0 Corrective The action (options) to be implemented in case a
Actions performance requirement is not reached and the person
responsible for that action (including staff authority,
responsibility and management structure).
3.0 Aspect
A brief description of emission sources and key emissions are included in Table 3
below. Locations of key point source emissions are provided in Figure 1 and
locations for monitoring are included in Figure 2.
Emissions sources addressed include the following:
1. Point Sources under Normal Operations
Sources with continuous emissions under normal operations, including
emissions generated by the combustion of coal seam gas (CSG) and the
processing of feed gas for liquefaction. These emissions will tend to be
constant within certain bounds.
2. Point Sources under Start-up, Shutdown or Upset Conditions
Non-normal operations refer to conditions at the LNG Facility that are
outside the general operating parameters of the plant and occur
intermittently for a short duration. Emission rates for these activities
may also be variable and, consequently, do not impact air quality on a
continual basis.
3. Fugitive Emissions and Other Sources
There may also be minor emissions from vehicles and occasional use of
mobile plant and equipment (for example, mobile pumps to manage
stormwater, mobile generators for maintenance works, etc).These
emissions will be transient, intermittent and spatially variable. Vehicles
may also generate dust if driven on unsurfaced roadways.
Fugitive emissions may arise due to trace leakage of gas through
flanges, valves or other equipment, and from vents and pressure safety
valves (PSVs). PSVs and vents are installed on a range of equipment
across the site. While emissions from many of these will be only
pressurised air or inert gas (nitrogen), emissions to atmosphere with
potential air quality impact or greenhouse gas impact may arise from
the sources identified in Table 3.
Marine Flare
Note: Every effort has been made to ensure this information is spatially accurate.
The location of this information should not be relied on as the exact field location
"Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of
Environment and Resources Management) 2011. In consideration of the State permitting
use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to
the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts
no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or
costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not
be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws."
Figure 2.
Train 2
Static Emission
Monitoring Locations
( Static Emission Source
RP10 QCLNG Site Boundary (PFL11)
( !((
! ( Wet Lease Boundary
RP7 !(! ! RP12
RP9 ( Export Pipeline
( RP15
Train 1 !
( (! (
! ( RP6
!(! !
RP3 (
Release Equipment
Location Emission Source 0 25 50 75 100
Point Number
Propane Compressor Gas Turbine RP1 1TC-1411
Propane Compressor Gas Turbine RP2 1TC-1421 Map Projection: GDA 94 SCALE: 1:3,000 (A4)
Ethylene Compressor Gas Turbine RP3 1TC-1511
Ethylene Compressor Gas Turbine RP4 1TC-1521
Methane Compressor Gas Turbine (with WHR) RP5 1TC-1611
Note: Every effort has been made to ensure this information is spatially accurate.
The location of this information should not be relied on as the exact field location
4.0 Objective
The Project environmental objectives for air quality are:
To operate in a manner that minimises impacts on ambient air quality.
To preserve ambient air quality to the extent that ecological health,
public amenity or safety is maintained.
To actively manage emissions of greenhouse gases and to minimise the
emission of greenhouse gases in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent
(CO2eq) per unit of hydrocarbon produced/transmitted (Greenhouse Gas
(GHG) efficiency).
To manage the physical risks to facilities resulting from climate change.
To eliminate the emission of ozone depleting substances.
Releases to Atmosphere
Release of contaminants to the atmosphere from point sources only at
flow and emission rates in accordance with Schedule B, Table 1 and
Schedule B, Table 2 of the EA.
Monitoring of contaminants to the atmosphere from Point Sources in
accordance with Schedule B, Table 2 of the EA.
No emission to air of ozone depleting substances.
Visual smoke and particulate emissions will not occur for more than five
(5) minutes in any two (2) hour period during normal operating
conditions, other than during LNG train start-up.
Fugitive Emissions
Take all reasonable and practicable measures to minimise fugitive
Fuel Burning
No burning of waste or fuel, other than as permitted by the EA.
The sulphur content of fuel burned in the power generators will not
exceed 0.5 percent by weight.
Manage complaints in accordance with the Gladstone Stakeholder
Engagement Plan.
Corrective actions will be implemented promptly where fault of omission
has resulted in emission of contaminants from industrial plant or ducting
Manage emissions of greenhouse gases in accordance with the QCLNG Greenhouse Gas Emissions Strategy. QGC Central
. Environment Team/
QGC Central
Compliance Team
No environmental nuisance from the All vehicles travelling within the LNG Facility will use the permanent site roads All Staff
release of dust or particulate matter provided.
at any nuisance sensitive or
commercial place. Roads within the LNG Facility in regular use during normal operations will be sealed Maintenance
and maintained. Manager
Manage complaints about air quality The security permiter road around the exterior of the LNG Facility is only to be utilised LEA
in accordance and within timeframes for maintenance of regeneration works and access to the GAWB Pipeline. Traffic
stipulated in the Gladstone speeds are less than 20 km/hour to minimise dust generation.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan. The Spoil Pile Access Road is only to be utilised for weed management and
regenerations works and traffic speeds are less than 20 km/hour to minimise dust
Undertake dust and particulate monitoring in response to a complaint or request QGC Central Refer to EA Schedule B Condition B3
from the Administering Authority. Environment Team (Appendix A)
Dust and particulate monitoring undertaken to meet EA requirements as provided in / QGC Central
Appendix A. Compliance Team
Staff that will be responsible for receiving and responding to complaints will be (LEA to assist
trained in Gladstone Stakeholder Engagement Plan. onsite)
Fugitive emissions will be minimised Implementation of the Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS), which is Production
by taking all reasonable and integrated by three components; the Fire and Gas System (FGS), the Distributed Manager
practicable measures during design Control System (DCS), and the Safety Instrument System (SIS).
and operation. Line-of site, Infra-red (IR) and Point Gas Detector high-level gas/leak alarms and
Regular maintenance of the Plant will be undertaken by the Maintenance Team. Maintenance
Routine Baseline Inspection will be undertaken pre-operation.
Leak detection of the flanges will be undertaken at start up or if the flanges are
6.4 Flares
Visible smoke and particulate Design of the flares has addressed the requirement that visible smoke and particulate Engineering
emissions will not occur for more emissions are not to occur for more than five (5) minutes in any two (2) hour period Manager
than five (5) minutes in any two (2) during normal operating conditions, other than during LNG train start-up.
hour period during normal operating Emergency Procedures have been developed and are implemented for non-routine Production
conditions, other than during LNG situations to deal with foreseeable risks and hazards including corrective responses to Manager
train start-up prevent and mitigate environmental harm.
No burning of waste or fuel, other There will be no burning of waste, fuel (other than natural gas in the fuel burning LEA
than as permitted by the EA. equipment under normal operating conditions) or chemicals at the LNG Facility.
The sulphur content of fuel burned in Fuel supply contracts will specify the supply of low sulphur fuel. Business Services
the power generators will not exceed Manager
0.5 percent by weight.
Release of contaminants to the The exhaust stacks have been designed to achieve the minimum release heights Engineering
atmosphere will only occur from (above grade) stipulated in the EA. Manager
Point Sources at flow and emission Operate the plant to achieve the minimum release velocity stipulated in the EA. Production
rates in accordance with Schedule B, Manager
Table 1 and Schedule B, Table 2 of
Assist the contractor in obtaining additional information as required on the Plant QGC Central
the EA.
operation. Environment Team/
QGC Central
Compliance Team
Monitoring of contaminants to the The following testing on equipment will be undertaken which will confirm equipment Production
atmosphere from Point Sources will is running to specifications and meeting design criteria: Manager
occur in accordance with Schedule B, Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs) for the ICSS systems will occur at supplier’s Maintenance
Table 2 of the EA. staging facilities. Manager
Commissioning Demonstration Tests are intended to demonstrate performance
of the subject system meets the design intent as shown in technical
Plant Performance Test, which measures the rate of increase of LNG in storage
(Net LNG Production).
Fuel Gas Consumption Performance Test.
Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics, 24/7.
Performance Maintenance will be undertaken at 4,000, 25,000 and 50,000 hour
intervals. Exhaust Emissions Mapping will therefore occur approximately every 3
Monitor the Greenhouse Gas Emissions in accordance with the Report Greenhouse Gas Emissions as required, QGC Central Environment
Greenhouse Gas Emission Strategy. including preparation of the Annual Environmental Team /
Return QGC Central Compliance
In the event of a complaint or request from the Administering Gladstone Stakeholder Engagement Plan QGC Central Environment Refer to EA Schedule B Condition B3
Authority, dust and particulate monitoring must be undertaken Annual Environmental Return Team / (Appendix A)
to meet EA requirements as provided in Appendix A. QGC Central Compliance
Team (LEA to assist onsite)
Monitoring of the point sources is to occur annually, on a Annual Environmental Return QGC Central Environment
rotational basis. Table 6 outlines the release points to be Team /
monitored, the frequency of monitoring and the contaminant QGC Central Compliance
release limits. Figure 2 shows the monitoring locations. Team
Analysis of samples to be undertaken by a NATA certified
Samples must be taken when emissions are expected to be at
maximum rates.
8.0 Auditing
QGC maintains an EMS in accordance with the international standard AS/NZS ISO Auditing against relevant
14001. The EMS must be regularly audited to ensure its continuing suitability, environmental legislation and
adequacy and effectiveness and meet QGC’s commitment to continual regulations, environmental
improvement. licences and permits
Regular internal audits of the EMS are conducted, covering all activities within the
scope of the QGC Asset EMS.
QGC will also ensure that a qualified third party auditor (accepted by the
Administering Authority) undertakes compliance monitoring against the EA
conditions within one (1) year of the completion of commissioning of the LNG
Facility and every three years thereafter.
9.1 Dust
In the event of a complaint, undertake dust and particulate monitoring. QGC Central Environment Team /
QGC Central Compliance Team (LEA to Refer to EA Schedule B Condition B3
assist onsite) (Appendix A)
9.2 Fugitive Emissions
Fugitive emissions from the Plant will be identified by the Production Team via a leak detection Production Manager (leak detection)
program and responded to by the Maintenance Team. Maintenance Manager (required
9.3 Flares
Should visible smoke and particulate emissions occur for more than five (5) minutes in any two (2) hour Production Manager
period during normal operating conditions, other than during LNG train start-up the Production
Manager will:
1. Consult with engineering to identify possible causes.
2. Investigate mitigation measures.
3. Implement appropriate mitigations if possible.
9.4 Fuel Burning
Should the fuel received from suppliers for burning in the power generators exceed 0.5 percent sulphur Business Services Manager
by weight the Business Services Manager will contact the suppliers and investigate.
9.6 General
Investigate complaints and advise the Administering Authority in writing (within 14 days of completion QGC Central Environment Team /
of the investigation) of the proposed or undertaken action in relation to the complaint. QGC Central Compliance Team
and LEA
Undertake monitoring specified by the Administering Authority to investigate any complaint of
environmental harm. Report results of the investigation and monitoring within 14 days of completion
of the investigation or receipt of the monitoring results, whichever is the latter.
Implement corrective actions if the monitoring indicates an exceedence of discharge limits in the EA.
Record the following details for all complaints received and provide the information to the
Administering Authority:
Name, address and contact details of complainant.
Time and date of complaint.
Reasons for the complaint.
Investigations undertaken.
Conclusions formed.
Actions taken to resolve complaint.
Any abatement measures implemented.
Person responsible for resolving the complaint.
Term Meaning
Administering Authority Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (formerly Department of
Environment and Resource Management). The Queensland Government
Department that administers the Environmental Authority under the Environmental
Protection Act 1994.
In the event of a complaint or request from the Administering Authority, dust and particulate monitoring must be
undertaken to meet EA requirements. The following criteria must be achieved:
Dust deposition of 120 mg/m2 per day over a 30-days averaging period, when monitored in accordance
with Australian Standard AS 3580.10.1 of 2003 (or more recent editions); or
A concentration of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 µm (PM10) suspended
in the atmosphere of 50 µg/m3 (with five one day exceedances allowed in any one year period1); and over
a 24 hour averaging time, at a dust sensitive place downwind of the licensed place, when monitored in
accordance with:
- Australian Standard AS3580.9.6 of 2003 (or more recent editions) ‘Ambient air – Particulate matter
– Determination of suspended particulate PM10 high-volume sampler with size-selective inlet –
Gravimetric method’; or
- Any alternative method of monitoring PM10 which may be permitted by the ‘Air Quality Sampling
Manual´ as published from time to time by the Administering Authority.
The 5 days exceedances per year are based on the expected exceedances from the natural events such as bushfires and dust storm.