Riaz 2018
Riaz 2018
Riaz 2018
Article history: Objective: To assess the effectiveness of 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) against
Received 13 August 2018 invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) due to vaccine serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae post
Received in revised form 6 December 2018 introduction of the vaccine into the routine immunization program in Pakistan.
Accepted 11 December 2018
Methods: A matched case–control study was conducted at 16 hospitals in Sindh Province, Pakistan.
Corresponding Editor: Eskild Petersen, Aar-
hus, Denmark
Children aged <5 years (eligible to receive PCV10) who presented with radiographically confirmed
pneumonia and/or meningitis were enrolled as cases. PCR for the lytA gene was conducted on blood (for
radiographic pneumonia) and cerebrospinal fluid (for meningitis) samples to detect S. pneumoniae. The
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
proportion of IPD due to vaccine serotypes (including vaccine-related serogroups) was determined
Effectiveness through serial multiplex PCR. For each case, at least five controls were enrolled from children hospitalized
Invasive pneumococcal disease at the same institution, matched for age, district, and season.
Results: Of 92 IPD patients enrolled during July 2013 to March 2017, 24 (26.0%) had disease caused by
vaccine serotypes. Most case (87.5% of 24) and control (66.4% of 134) children had not received any PCV10
doses. The estimated effectiveness of PCV10 against vaccine-type IPD was 72.7% (95% confidence interval
(CI) 7.2% to 92.6%) with at least one dose, 78.8% (95% CI 11.9% to 96.0%) for at least two doses, and 81.9%
(95% CI 55.7% to 97.9%) for all three doses of vaccine.
Conclusions: The vaccine effectiveness point estimates for PCV10 were high and increased with increasing
number of doses. However, vaccine effectiveness estimates did not reach statistical significance, possibly
due to low power. The findings indicate the likely impact of vaccine in reducing the burden of vaccine-
type IPD if vaccine uptake can be improved.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
1201-9712/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
A. Riaz et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 80 (2019) 28–33 29
There are, however, few reports on post-vaccine presented with signs of fast respiratory rate (>60 breaths per
introduction assessment available from these countries, espe- minute for children younger than 2 months, >50 per minute for
cially those in Asia. Pakistan was the first country in South Asia those aged 2–11 months, and >40 per minute for those aged 12–
to introduce the 10-valent PCV (PCV10) into its national 59 months), fever (>38.3 C), and at least one of three danger
expanded program on immunization (EPI). A scientific assess- signs, including lower chest wall indrawing, central cyanosis,
ment of vaccine effectiveness could help policymakers under- and inability to drink (Scott et al., 2012). Similarly, children
stand the performance of a routine vaccination program in were considered to have suspected meningitis if they presented
Pakistan and provide information to guide decisions on with fever (>38.3 C) along with one of the following signs: neck
introducing or sustaining PCV programs in other countries in stiffness, bulging fontanelle (in children aged <12 months),
the region. The primary objective of this study was to assess the altered consciousness and irritability, or convulsions. Children
effectiveness of PCV10 on IPD due to vaccine serotypes of S. eligible for recruitment into the study underwent chest
pneumoniae. This appears to be the first such evaluation of any radiography, blood specimen collection, and lumbar puncture,
pneumococcal vaccine in the region. as determined by the treating physician.
All chest radiographs were screened for substantial alveolar
Methods consolidation by a physician at each sentinel site (reader 1) and
scanned using a VIDAR high-resolution digitizer for further
Setting interpretation. The scanned radiographs were sent to two
independent radiologists trained in World Health Organization
Pakistan is a lower middle-income country with a population (WHO) protocols (readers 2 and 3) (World Health Organization,
of more than 200 million (Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, 2017) and 2001; O’Grady et al., 2010) for X-ray interpretation in a blinded
a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of US$ 1468.20 (World fashion. Radiographs with discordant end-points between reader 2
Bank, 2019). Globally, Pakistan has the third highest burden of and 3 were interpreted by an additional senior radiologist, with
child mortality, and progress towards reducing child mortality two out of three agreements considered the final diagnosis for
has been slow (Bhutta et al., 2013). Infectious diseases, radiographically proven pneumonia. For quality assurance, every
particularly vaccine-preventable illnesses, contribute a signifi- fourth negative radiograph identified from each sentinel site was
cant burden to childhood mortality, with Pakistan identified as sent to readers 2 and 3 for verification.
one of the six countries globally with a high burden of S. Lumbar puncture specimens of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
pneumoniae-related mortality (WHO, 2000). Sentinel site surveil- obtained from children with suspected meningitis were analyzed
lance has been established at several public and private secondary for cell count; visibly cloudy specimens or those with a white blood
and tertiary care hospitals serving low and middle-income cell count >10 106/l were considered diagnostic of bacterial
populations in eight districts of the province of Sindh. Sindh is meningitis.
the second most populous province in Pakistan, with a population All children with radiographically proven pneumonia or
of 48 million. bacterial meningitis were considered eligible for study enroll-
PCV10 was introduced into the Sindh EPI on April 1, 2013, with a ment. Blood samples from children with radiographically proven
schedule of three doses given at 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age and no pneumonia and CSF samples from bacterial meningitis case
opportunity for catch-up vaccination (Ali et al., 2016). All vaccines patients were sent to the Infectious Disease Research Laboratory
are provided free of cost to children of eligible age through at Aga Khan University (AKU-IDRL) in Karachi at a controlled
designated government EPI centers and outreach facilities. temperature (2–8 C) for the detection of S. pneumoniae by lytA-
Twenty-nine percent of children in Sindh were reported to be targeted real-time PCR (Maria da Gloria et al., 2007). A case met
fully vaccinated before the initiation of this study (Pakistan the criteria for IPD if S. pneumoniae was detected in either blood or
Demographic and Health Survey, 2013). CSF specimens on PCR. Serotype determination was done using
Sixteen healthcare facilities (nine public and seven private) serial multiplex PCR. Details of laboratory methods for blood PCR
were included in the study. These sites were established based on are provided elsewhere (Kabir et al., 2017). IPD cases were
the availability of pediatric inpatient care, including the diagnosis, classified as vaccine-type (VT-IPD) if the serotype matched those
treatment, and management of childhood pneumonia and present in the PCV10 composition (1, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F,
meningitis, the availability of chest radiography facilities, and and 23F) or if they were from the same serogroups (e.g. 6A/B/C/D,
the willingness of the hospital administration to participate in the 7A/F, 18A/B/C/F).
study. A list of participating hospitals by district is provided in the Children were excluded if they had been enrolled previously,
Supplementary material (Appendix S1). were not eligible to receive vaccines, resided outside the study
catchment area, or if parental consent was not obtained.
Study design and enrollment Five controls were enrolled from the same hospital for each case
of IPD, irrespective of serotype and vaccination status. Children
A matched case–control study design was used. Case enroll- were excluded from enrollment as controls if they had signs of
ment began in July 2013 and was concluded in March 2017. suspected pneumonia, meningitis, or fever of unknown origin, if
Children admitted to inpatient units at the sentinel hospitals were they lived outside the catchment area, or if their parents did not
screened for eligibility prior to enrollment in the study. A research provide consent. Controls were matched to case patients by age,
team (comprising a medical officer and/or nurse) at each sentinel district, and season. Controls were age-matched within 8 weeks of
site maintained inpatient lists and assessed each individual child’s case patient age for case patients aged <1 year and within 12 weeks
eligibility for enrollment. for case patients aged 1 year. Controls were randomly identified
Children born on or after February 15, 2013 (who would from the inpatient wards and emergency rooms and enrollment
have been eligible to receive at least one dose of PCV10) and was completed within 2 months of enrollment of the respective
who were less than 5 years of age at the time of the study, who IPD case. In some instances, where an enrolled control was
had a provisional diagnosis of pneumonia and/or meningitis, vaccinated but did not have a clear vaccination history (i.e., lacked
and who were residents of study catchment districts were a verifiable vaccination record), an additional control was enrolled.
screened for enrollment as a case patient. Children were All additional controls were included in the calculation of vaccine
considered to have suspected severe pneumonia if they effectiveness (VE).
30 A. Riaz et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 80 (2019) 28–33
Data collection cooking smoke, use of natural gas for cooking, at least one other
child <5 years of age in the house, and crowding (>2 people sleeping
Parents/caretakers of all enrolled children were interviewed in in the same room as the child). Propensity scores for significant
person by trained research staff using a standardized question- confounders and risk factors including sex, age, and paternal
naire. Data were collected on demographic characteristics and education, use of natural gas for cooking, crowding, cigarette
household information, including the number of people residing in smoking, and exposure to smoke (p-values 0.25) were used for the
the household, index child’s exposure to smoke, treatment history final adjusted multivariable model.
and outcome of disease for the current illness, and vaccination
history. Where available, vaccination cards were used to verify Results
vaccination history. These cards were reviewed by two indepen-
dent research staff in a blinded manner. In the case of discrepancy A total 10 124 children with suspected pneumonia and 2567
between the two readers, vaccination status was verified with the children with suspected meningitis were screened at the sentinel sites
EPI center where the child was vaccinated, as identified by the using the eligibility criteria. Of 6554 eligible children, 2530 (38.6%)
parents. When parents indicated that the child had not received were identified as having suspected pneumonia by study physicians at
any vaccination, the oral history was used. the sentinel sites and underwent chest radiography. Of these, 1426
(56.3%) were diagnosed with radiographically confirmed pneumonia
Sample size by radiologists at subsequent levels of X-ray interpretation.
Among 1726 eligible children with suspected meningitis, 213
The sample size was calculated using NCSS PASS v. 11 software (12.3%) were diagnosed with bacterial meningitis and their CSF
(NCSS, 2019) for a matched case–control study design. Initially the samples were submitted for PCR testing.
sample size was calculated to assess VE against overall IPD. However, A total of 92 case patients with IPD were enrolled, including 63
it was recalculated in 2014 to detect a VE of 73% for VT-IPD with at cases of pneumococcal meningitis and 29 cases of pneumococcal
least three doses of PCV10 (Domingues et al., 2014). Using an alpha pneumonia (Figure 1). Among these, a serotype could be
error of 0.05, 80% power, 50% vaccine coverage for PCV10, and a determined for 60 (65.2%). Twenty-four (26%) were identified as
correlation coefficient for vaccination between matched cases and vaccine types (VT-IPD), as defined above. Thirty-six cases (39.1%)
controls of 0.20, it was estimated that 28 VT-IPD cases with five were non-vaccine types (NVT) and 32 (34.7%) could not be typed
matched controls for each case would be needed. with the available panel of multiplex PCR reactions employed.
Table 1 provides the general characteristics of the 24 VT-IPD case
Data quality and statistical analysis patients. The mean age of the VT-IPD case patients was 6.5 months;
members), exposure to cigarette smoke in the house, exposure to IPD, invasive pneumococcal disease; SD, standard deviation.
A. Riaz et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 80 (2019) 28–33 31
Table 2
Comparison of characteristics of case patients and controls.a
six of 24 were <14 weeks of age, too young to have been eligible for controls were found in sex, parental education, exposure to
three PCV10 doses. Seventeen (71%) had meningitis and seven cigarette smoke in the home, use of natural gas for cooking, and
(29%) had pneumonia. The average duration of hospitalization for vaccination status. While 44% of controls compared to 29% of case
these case patients was 9.3 days. Of the 24 VT-IPD case patients, patients had received at least a single dose of pentavalent vaccine
five died during their hospital stay. (comprising five vaccine antigens: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,
Among the 24 cases of VT-IPD, seven (29%) were serotype 19F, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type B), this difference was
with 14 and 23F as other predominant serotypes. Furthermore, 21 not statistically significant. The majority of both case patients
out of 24 cases occurred in children who had not received even a (87.5%) and controls (66.4%) had not received any doses of PCV10.
single dose of PCV10. Only one case each of serotypes 23F and 5 Table 3 provides unadjusted and adjusted VE against VT-IPD
were identified: one in a child who had received two doses of with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Estimated VE against VT-IPD
PCV10 and one in a child who had received a single dose; only one was 72.7% (95% CI 7.2% to 92.6%) for at least one dose of PCV10
child with serotype 1 disease had received all three doses of and 78.8% (95% CI 11.9% to 96.0%) for at least two doses. Only 4.2%
PCV10 (Figure 2). of case patients had received all three doses of PCV10, compared to
VE for PCV10 was calculated for the 24 VT-IPD cases along with 17.9% of controls, resulting in VE of 81.9% (95% CI 55.7% to 97.9%).
134 age-matched controls. Table 2 presents a comparison of the Point estimates of VE were lower for those receiving exactly two
demographic characteristics of enrolled case patients and controls. doses of PCV10 (71.4%) and one dose of PCV10 (51.5%), compared to
There was no difference in mean age, nutritional status, family size, no vaccination. Effectiveness against non-PCV10 serotypes was not
or crowded living conditions between case patients and controls. significantly different from zero for different vaccination statuses
Statistically significant differences between case patients and (Table 3).
32 A. Riaz et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 80 (2019) 28–33
Table 3
Unadjusted and adjusted PCV10 effectiveness against vaccine-type and non-vaccine type invasive pneumococcal disease outcomes in case patients and controls.
PCV10, 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; VE, vaccine effectiveness; CI, confidence interval.
Adjusted for sex, age, paternal education, use of natural gas for cooking, crowding and exposure to smoke based on propensity scores, VE = (1 OR) 100%.