Bachelor of Pharmacy: A Project ON Nanoparticle Based Drug Delivery System Cancer Therapy
Bachelor of Pharmacy: A Project ON Nanoparticle Based Drug Delivery System Cancer Therapy
Bachelor of Pharmacy: A Project ON Nanoparticle Based Drug Delivery System Cancer Therapy
Submitted to
A Submitted by
Roshni Shivvedi
Under The Supervision of
This is to certify that the project entitled " NANOPARTICLE BASED DRUG
DELIVERY SYSTEM CANCER THERAPY " which is submitted by Roshni
Shivvedi Enrollment No. 0137PY101018 in the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy by the R.G.P.V.,
Bhopal, is a record of the candidate's own work carried out by his under my
supervision and guidance. He has collected all his literature very sincerely and
methodically and his work is authentic.
I recommend the project to be forwarded to the examiner for evaluation.
Academic session 2013-14
Principal Supervised by
Dr. A.K.Singhai Mr. R.T.Paliwal
Asst. Professor
Roshni Shivvedi
B.Pharm. VII Sem.
Enroll. No. 0137PY101018
I express my appreciated thanks of LORD GANESHA for showing his
infinite boundaries and grace upon me and for being my constant companion the
friends who always covered the shade of their love and blessing and provide their
Date: /11/2013