Investigation of Potential Landsubsidence Using Gnss Cors Udip and Dinsar, Sayung, Demak, Indonesia
Investigation of Potential Landsubsidence Using Gnss Cors Udip and Dinsar, Sayung, Demak, Indonesia
Investigation of Potential Landsubsidence Using Gnss Cors Udip and Dinsar, Sayung, Demak, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: The coastal flooding induced by land subsidence is one of major social problems in the
coastal area of Central Java, especially North Demak. Recent advance technology Global
Navigation Satellite System Continuously Operating System (GNSS) and Differential Synthetic
Aperture Radar Interferometry ( DInSAR) is already increased our capability to identify of land
subsidence processes. DInSAR required not only availability of good quality input data but also
rigorous approaches. In this research we used DInSAR analysis with focusing on landsubsidence
phenomena. Tests were done with geodetic GPS survey with GNSS CORS UDIP as base station.
Performance assessment of development method was conducted on study area affected by land
subsidence. The results of this study indicate land subsidence spreads in study area with varying
degrees of subsidence.
1. Introduction
Land subsidence is definite as downward displacement of the land surface relative to certain reference
surfacel, such as mean sea level (MSL) or reference ellipsoid. Land Subsidence mainly caused by the
combination of natural consolidation of alluvium soil, excessive groundwater extraction and loading
constructions [1]. Natural-anthropogenic hazard occurs quite many in large urban and the coastal area
including coastal Semarang Demak [2].
There are several methods for identifying subsidence e.g. GPS [1], Gravity survey [3], Levelling and
InSAR [4]. This research mainly discuss about identify subsided area in Sayung using DInSAR and GPS
method. The use of SAR interferometry technique can explore and map deformation area especially land
subsidence with good precision. SAR techniques have been tools successfully applied for the study
deformation as for example in Jakarta [5], Semarang [6].
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2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
often affected by tidal floods or better known as rob floods. The rob flood is an ever-present phenomenon
in the northern Demak district since 1997. The flood of rob in the village Bedono has drowned 2 villages
namely Tambaksari and Senik [7].
2.2. DInSAR
Deformation especially landsubsidece phenomenon can be studied by using geodetic method, e.g
Global Positioning System (GPS), Differential Interferometri Aperture Syntetic Radar (DinSAR). Both
methods have been utilized to study landsubsidene in Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung and Surabaya [8]. This
research had been done by using both method In order to compare and to complete earch other, because
each of method has disadvantages.
Sentinel-1 is the first satellite series of seven satellite missions launched as part of the Copernicus
program. Copernicus is the new name of GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), an
earth observation program initiated by the European Commission (EC) and the European Space Agency
(ESA). This observation program aims to provide accurate, timely and accessible information to improve
environmental management, understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure civilian
security [9].
Sentinel-l has four observation modes. The main modes are Interferometric Wide-swath (IW) mode,
and Wave mode (WV). It also features Stripmap (SM), Extra Wide-swath (EW) modes for data continuity
reasons and usage requirements for certain situations.
The basic concept of the InSAR and DInSAR methods is to utilize coherence (the measure of
correlation or suitability for the phase information of the corresponding signals) in phase measurement to
obtain distance difference and distance change from two or more SAR images having complex values
from the same area. If there are two images in a single complex observation format of the same area then
the phase information of the two images in the form of such complex numbers can be combined. The
result of this phase difference produces a phase difference image called interferogram, where the fringes
indicate all relative geometry information [10].
In this research there are two pairs of images were processed. The first was Master 29 October 2015
and the second was Slave 29 October 2016. In this case, the subsidence is derived using differential
method, and data SRTM was used for generating the DEM for the area. In the interferogram, the phase
difference is described as the distance difference measured by the line of sight (LOS) radar and includes
2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
topography, orbit shifts, surface deformation and atmospheric effects [11]. The phase difference in the
interferogram can be written by the following equation I:
. . . . . . . . . . . . .(1)
M = Difference Phase
Mtopo = Topographic Phase
Mdefo = Deformation Phase
Matm = Atmosphere Phase
Morb = Orbit Phase
DInSAR is the process whereby the phase component caused by ground surface displacement is
extracted by somehow eliminating or minimizing the phase difference magnitudes attributable to other
sources. [12].
This research is done in accordance with the figure 2. With using DInSAR and GPS method including
data collecting, data processing and data analyzing. It would be compared result deformation in both
2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
2.4. Coregistration
At this stage, the image pair is evaluated to select the best image pair. As can be seen in Figure III.3,
information obtained is acquisition date, sensor mode, perpendicular and temporal baseline, estimation of
coherence model and Doppler centroid frequency difference between the two images. However, the
coherence information (γ) obtained is not the result of the calculation of complex data but the calculation
of the metadata of both images. So the coherence value will be different after further.
2.5. Interferograms
If two images exist in a single complex observation format from the same area, then the phase
information of the two ideals in the form of such complex numbers can be combined. The formation of
the inteferogram is done by computing the complex form of the conjugate complex product (*) between
the main image of C1 (master) with the second image of C2 (slave), through the following relationship
I = C1 . C2................................................................................. (2)
φ^ = ................................................................. (3)
= .................................................................... (4)
In addition to forming interferogram, equation 2 ) in this stage also carried out the process of
coherence formation. This coherence value (γ) is closely related to the match that will occur between the
master image and the slave image. The higher the value of the coherence the greater the compatibility of
the two images and the smaller the coherence value the lower the match rate of the two images. This
coherency value estimate is expressed in equation 4. Coherence between C1 and C2 is defined as [13].
The coherence value (γ) of an image pair has a range of values from 0-1. If the image pair is really
identical then the value γ = 1 and vice versa if the image pair is different or the image is only a noise then
γ = 0. In this study the determined coherence limit is 0.2 which refers to the minimum value of the
formation of the surface of the digital model in Set by ESA. The author does not set a smaller value
because generally PMT in Semarang city is not too large to cause the coherence value is below the value
of 0.2. In addition fringes also cannot be formed if the coherence is too small where the fringes
appearance is required for the next stage. Interferogram can be distributed by removing the topographic
phase. Topographic phase removal operations in SNAP software will create an interferogram simulation
based on the DEM reference and substrate the topographic phase of the processed interferogram. This
2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
stage will produce an interferogram with deleted topography and an additional topographic phase channel
such as Figure 3 and Figure 4.
ܾܽݏ = ^ + ݇. 2...............................................................(5)
2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
For statistically [2] check the significance of land subsidence values, It used the general linear
hypothesis test {11) Reference Height change defined as dhij and its rate dhij at each station are derived
using the following relation.
......................................................... (10)
2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
At a confidence level of 99% (i.e. =1%), the critical value is . The Estimated land
subsidence at several locations in Sayung Demak is given in Table 1.
Years Landsubsidence
Station s(Ddh12)
h 2015 h 2016 Dh12 cm 12 cm t-test
WNSR 27.8 27.72 -8.1 5 -8.4 -16.3
SIDO 27.1 26.99 -11.9 4.9 -12.2 -24.1
GEMA 27.45 27.33 -12.3 4.9 -12.6 -24.9
TUGU 27.62 27.56 -6.5 5 -6.8 -13.1
TMBL 27.28 27.16 -11.7 5 -12 -23.6
SURO 27.04 27.04 0.3 4.9 0.3 0.7
Result from the GPS observation show that subsidence area has distributed in spatial variation,
ranging between 0.3 cm to 12.6 cm (see table 1). Base on the result in table 1, it could be statistically
concluded that with 99% confidence lever there were significant ellipsoid changes observed by GPS
surveys at all the stations during the period between 2015 and 2016 except suro. Figure 7 shows that the
Middle region on Sayung district indicates higher rates of subsidence compare to it north region.
2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
results are more or less similar with the aforementioned results derived by other methods. There are
should be noted that the uplift presece in figure 8 is mostly caused by the very low correlations of images,
and the uplift presence should not be considered as a ‘real‘ uplift.
Analysis for DInSAR processing show Sayung district tend to subsided with the average value
Sabsidence value in each villages shown in table2 , which the highest subsidence level was located in
tugu village with the subsidence level 3 cm.
2nd Geoplanning-International Conference on Geomatics and Planning IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
123 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/123/1/012005
The comparison of DInSAR and GPS observations indicates that the study area has spatial variation
of landsubsidence. The subsidence value of DInSAR and GPS has not shown correlation, due to different
observation time intervals, data accuracy, and accuracy typical of limitation seen in Table 3.
No Village Latitude Longitude
(cm) (cm)
1 WNSR -6.936 110.499 -5.29 -0.50
2 TMBL -6.894 110.510 -4.74 -2.00
3 GEMA -6.918 110.515 -5.87 -1.50
4 SIDO -6.935 110.515 -8.37 -2.80
5 SURO -6.879 110.521 -0.66 -3.00
6 TUGU -6.908 110.522 -5.07 -1.00
7 DADI -6.869 110.527 2.078 -1.00
Standard Deviation 0.95
Average Difference 1.68
4. Conclusion
Land subsidence characteristic in Sayung can be estimated by using geodetic measurement techniques
such as DInSAR and GPS. And each method has strengths and limitation. It cannot be stated that the
existence of land subsidence in Demak is due to a fairly short range of observations. It is necessary to
study land subsidence through periodic measurement in the long term so that will give better conclusion
about deformation was occurred.
5. Acknowledgments
In this research GPS surveys has been conducted using research RPP grants form from Diponegoro
University and were conducted by staffs of Survey and Mapping, Remote Sensing Laboratory of
Diponegoro University and student of Geodetic Diponegoro University. We thank to PT Adhimulia
Interniagatama has supported GNSS CORS.
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