Analytical, Biochemical and Synthetic Applications Of: Review Article
Analytical, Biochemical and Synthetic Applications Of: Review Article
Analytical, Biochemical and Synthetic Applications Of: Review Article
Review Article
Olajire A. Adegoke
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
3.0 REPORTED APPLICATIONS OF The color reaction of indole alkaloids with the DMAB/iron
P-DIMETHYLAMINOBENZALDEHYDE (DMAB) (III) chloride reagent suitable for the assay of various
formulations of pharmaceuticals has been widely
Based on the above considered peculiar structural 14-20
reported .
features of DMAB, several applications have been
reported for this compound. This section of this review The spectrophotometric detection of 7-aminocephalo
report chronicles the diverse applications of this sporanic acid (7-ACA) is possible through imine formation
important derivative of benzaldehyde. of its amino functionality with DMAB 21. This kind of
derivatization was originally developed for the detection
3.1 Analytical Applications
of 6-aminopenicillic acid22, 23. It has also been applied to
24, 25
The analytical applications of DMAB comprise its the determination of 7-ACA and 7-amino
26, 27
utilization for the determination of a wide range of desacetoxycephalosporanic acid after cleavage of
substances notably among which are pharmaceuticals their respective glutaryl derivatives.
(inorganic and organic), bioactive substances and
The herbicide, isoproturon, has been determined
nanomaterials. In the applications of DMAB as an
spectrophotometrically using DMAB with good accuracy
analytical reagent, use is made of its peculiar properties
though methanolic NaOH was used for hydrolysis which
of forming condensation products, the ability of its 28
was criticized by later studies .
aldehyde moiety being reduced to the alcohol or oxidized
to the carboxylic acid. DMAB has also been used in inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled
3.1.1 Spectrophotometric methods
plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) which
DMAB has been adopted solely or in combination with have been introduced and applied in analytical chemistry.
some reagents for the spectrophotometric analyses of In particular, DMAB is used in the preconcentration steps
pharmaceuticals. thus detection limits for ICP-MS and ICP-AES are at the
very low ng/L and ng/ml, respectively, which may be
A simple, accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric
useful for the determination of trace metals in real
method has been developed and validated for
determination of H2-receptor antagonists: cimetidine,
famotidine, nizatidine and ranitidine hydrochloride. The The rate of condensation of DMAB and other aromatic
method was based on the oxidation of these drugs with aldehydes with 5-N-benzoylamino-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole-2-
cerium (IV) in presence of perchloric acid and subsequent acetonitrile has been studied and applied to the
measurement of the excess Ce (IV) by its reaction with spectrophotometric determination of these aldehydes30.
DMAB to give a red colored product (λmax at 464 nm). The
Another set of spectrophotometric applications of DMAB
decrease in the absorption intensity of the colored
include the formation of Schiff bases. The Schiff bases are
product (ΔA), due to the presence of the drug was
formed by the condensation of the aldehyde functional
correlated with its concentration in the sample solution.
with amino donors and since this extends electronic
The results obtained by the proposed method were
conjugation many of the Schiff bases are brilliantly
comparable with those obtained by the official
colored and are used for the spectrophotometric
methods11. Adegoke and Balogun also reported the
determination of the amino donors. Thus 6-APA and 6-
spectrophotometric determination of three quinolones
ACA (Figure 4) have been determined
(ciprofloxacin, sparfloxacin and perfloxacin) using Ce (IV)
spectrophotometrically in the presence of sodium
with determination of excess oxidant by a reddish-brown
dodecyl sulphate micelles via the formation of Schiff
colour formation with DMAB with good reproducibility 31, 32
12 bases . Secnidazole has also been determined
and accuracy . In both cases, the ability of excess
spectrophotometrically through Schiff base formation
unreacted Ce (IV) to oxidise DMAB is adopted.
with DMAB with measurement made at 494 nm yielding
In another application of DMAB, bopindolol was good accuracy and reproducibility33. Hydralazine has also
determined. In the proposed procedure, the been determined using Schiff base formation with DMAB
determination of bopindolol using a sequential injection with good accuracy and reproducibility. The calibration
technique (SIA) with spectrophotometric detection at 560 range obtained with the DMAB method was particularly
nm is described. The new method of determination is described as been better than previously adopted
based on the color reaction of the indole group in the methods34. The Schiff base produced with hydralazine is
molecule of bopindolol with DMAB (Ehrlich’s reagent) in shown in Figure 5. Ceftiofur has also been determined
acidic medium with production of a violet water-soluble through a condensation reaction with DMAB . A Schiff
complex. The selectivity of the proposed method of base formed between DMAB and sulphanilamide has
determination was tested in the presence of seven been applied as acid-base indicator which represents a
interfering substances from the group of β-blockers with major departure from previously known applications of
good results. The interference effect was observed only in Schiff bases as they are often regarded as unstable to be
the presence of pindolol. Obtained results were so utilized in acid-base titrations . Hydrazine derivatives
compared with conventional HPLC method both analytical supported on resin have been determined using DMAB in
techniques were in good agreement . alkaline media37. Benzocaine is well known as an insoluble
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Page 19
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Volume 11, Issue 2, November – December 2011; Article-004 ISSN 0976 – 044X
substrate in water. Therefore, its physical and analytical and diazotized nitroimidazoles. The method yielded
treatments in the presence of surfactant may allow results that were comparable with official methods and
organic solvents to be replaced by aqueous surfactants offered a promise for future applications to other
solutions. The effect of the presence of anionic surfactant diazotizable groups .
(sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS) upon the condensation
DMAB has also found practical relevance in the
reaction of benzocaine with water insoluble p-
determination of environmental pollutants. The Person-
dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB) in aqueous solution
Portable Analytical Kit (PPAK) was further expanded to
has been investigated extensively. The presence of 5x10-3
allow the quantitative determination of primary amines.
M SDS increases the reaction rate by 20 times in contrast
DMAB was used to analyse for hydrazine, aniline, m-
to that of a solution in 20 % ethanol. A substantial
nitroaniline and 2, 4-diaminotoluene in tap water, waste
increase in absorption band due to the formed Schiff base
water and sea water at temperatures ranging from 10oC
followed by a red shift has been observed. A great
to 32oC41.
advantage in analytical application resulting from the
presence of surfactant due to the formation of a charge A spectrophotometric method for the determination of
transfer complex has been reported38. Chloramphenicol, total serotonin derivatives in the safflower (Carthamus
an important antibacterial agent has also been tinctorius L.) seeds has been described. The
determined via its formation of a Schiff base with determination is based upon a color reaction between
DMAB . serotonin derivatives and DMAB, which follows the
electrophilic substitution reaction mechanism at the
indole ring. The maximum absorption wavelength of the
complex was determined at 625 nm42. The reaction
occurring is shown in Figure 6.
recommended the use of the simple Kovacs' test (p-DAB, chitinase present in the sample (Fenneropenaeus indicus
direct). The Manual of Microbiological Methods 58 agglutinin), and then detection of released GlcNAc by p-
indicates Gore's59 modification is more specific than the dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB) reagent. The
aforementioned Kovacs' test. The indole reaction is absorbance of the samples was read at 585 nm against
illustrated in Figure 7. the reagent blank .
Collagen integrity is often assayed by a measurement of
the content of hydroxyproline and DMAB has also found
wide applications in this regard64. The biochemical
composition and biomechanical properties of articular
cartilage from 53 human thumb carpometacarpal (CMC)
joints from cadavers aged 20 to 79 years were measured
and studied in normal, mildly fibrillated, and advanced
osteoarthritic (OA) joints Colorimetric analysis was then
used to measure the OH-Pro content when the residues
were oxidized with chloramines-T reagent to form a
compound that reacted with the DMAB .
Allografts of articular cartilage are both used clinically for
tissue-transplantation procedures and experimentally as
model systems to study the physiological behaviour of
chondrocytes in their native extracellular matrix. Long-
term maintenance of allograft tissue is challenging. The
Figure 7: The indole reaction by bacteria overall collagen content was assessed by measuring the
Hyaluronidase (HAase) activity has also been assessed by ortho-hydroxyproline (OHP) content via dimethylamino
the use of DMAB. The colorimetric Morgan–Elson assay benzaldehyde and chloramine T assay66.
method, which is based upon the generation of a new In measuring some common biochemical bone turnover
reducing N-acetyl-D-glucosamine terminus with each parameters in menopausal women, Sachdeva et al67 used
cleavage reaction, is most widely employed but is yet 5 % solution of DMAB in propanol to determine
insensitive. The colorimetric method was reinvestigated hydroxyproline content. Likewise the presence of DMAB-
and established the fluorimetric Morgan–Elson assay for reactive substances has been used to provide a tissue
HAase activity, with the optimized tetraborate reagent. measure of integrated hyperglycaemia over prolonged
Human serum HAase was easily characterized it along periods of time in streptozotocin-diabetic rats68.
with its optimum pH and kinetic parameters60.
DMAB has also been used as a reagent in studying many
The kynurenine (KYN) pathway of tryptophan (TRP) enzyme activities especially those related to the semi-
degradation on gene transcription of inducible nitric oxide synthesis of antibiotics. The soluble penicillin G acylase
synthase (iNOS) and nitric oxide (NO) production in (PGA) from Bacillus megaterium was used for the
chicken interferon gamma (ChIFN-γ)-stimulated and non- synthesis of cefaclor. The enzyme activity was determined
stimulated chicken macrophage cell line HD11 has also by a spectrophotometric assay with DMAB as a
been investigated spectrophotometrically using DMAB61. colorimetric substrate69.
GM2 ganglioside, β-GalNAc-(1-4)-[α-Neu5Ac-(2-3)-]β-Gal- Simple and sensitive spectrophotometric and
(1-4)-β-Glc-(1-1)-Cer, is the main ganglioside in the brain radiochemical procedures were described for the assay of
of Tay-Sachs patients. GM2 ganglioside was extracted acetyl-CoA: arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT: EC
from a Variant B Tay-Sachs human brain, purified to which catalyzes the reaction acetyl CoA +
homogeneity of the oligosaccharide moiety by silica gel arylamine - N-acetylated arylamine + CoASH. The
chromatography. It was further fractionated for the first methods were applicable to crude tissue homogenates
time into the molecular species differing in the ceramide and blood lysates70.
structures by reverse-phase flash chromatography. The
GM2 ganglioside species were characterized by gas- The effective production of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid
chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance (7-ACA) is a matter of concern in the pharmaceutical
spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. Gangliosides on industry because it is a starting material for the synthesis
the TLC plate were made visible by spraying the plate of semi synthetic cephalosporin. Therefore screening for
with a DMAB followed by heating at 120oC for 20 min62. new source of cephalosporin acylase positive bacteria is
very important. The cephalosporin acylase can be found
A natural agglutinin from the serum of Indian white in several Pseudomonas sp. and other bacteria. To
shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) was isolated and its facilitate the attempts of obtaining the microorganisms
chinitase activity was assessed using DMAB reagent. This with higher cephalosporin acylase activity from natural
assay involves release of N-acetylgalactosamine (GlcNAc) environments, development of new and specific methods
from colloidal chitin upon enzymatic hydrolysis by for screening environmental microorganisms with
cephalosporin acylase activity is very important. For (PMSF) and tryptophan specific N-bromosuccinimide
detection of microorganisms with cephalosporin acylase (NBS) resulted in the complete inactivation of the
activity, bacteria were grown for 3 day; then each colony enzyme. DMAB method was used for kinetic
on the plate was exposed to chloroform vapour for 15 investigations instead of the hydroxyl amine method .
min, scraped with a toothpick, and suspended in 100 µL
The effects of the I5 polyol compounds on the
of GL-7ACA (1 mg of GL-7ACA or cephalosporin C per ml
thermostability of penicillin G acylase (PGA) from a
of 0.1 M phosphate buffer [pH 7.0]) in a well of a
mutant of Escherichia coli ATCC 11105 were investigated
microtitre dish. The mixture was incubated at 37°C for 60
by monitoring acylase activity with DMAB76.
min, and the reaction was terminated by addition of 120
µL of acetic acid : 4.25 M NaOH (2:1), followed by The effect of pHs between 2.0 and 10.0 on the
addition of 40 µL of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (0.5% inactivation kinetics of penicillin G acylase (PGA) obtained
in methanol). Para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde forms a from a mutant of Escherichia coli A TCC 11105 and the
yellow condensation product with 7-ACA or stabilization of enzyme against pH by chemical cross-
cephalosporin C71. linking with dimethyladipimidate (DMA) were studied
with enzyme activity monitored with DMAB method77.
A grapelike odour is often of diagnostic importance in
detecting the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in The induction of ergot alkaloid synthesis at enzymatic
culture and in burn wounds. The compound responsible level was studied by measuring the level of tryptophan
for the odour has been identified as 2- using the DMAB method78.
aminoacetophenone (2AA) by mass spectroscopy.
3.3 Some Biomedical Applications
Although the grape odour is sometimes difficult to detect
in culture media, gas chromatographic, fluorimetric, and DMAB has also been utilized for the biomedical analysis
colorimetric methods can be utilized to assay 2- of endogenous substances. Diagnostic tests on 102 male
aminoacetophenone production in a variety of media. Its patients suspected with cannabis abuse were done.
synthesis occurs relatively early in the growth cycle. It has Liquid-liquid extraction of cannabinoids from urine was
proved easy and convenient to detect 2- done and screened by Duquenois-Levine, fast blue B salt
aminoacetophenone excretion by P. aeruginosa after 24 h and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (p-DMAB) tests. All
of incubation on blood agar plates employing a the results were confirmed by high performance thin
fluorimetric assay of ether extracts of the agar medium. layer chromatography (HPTLC). Samples were considered
Thin-layer chromatograms of authentic 2AA and ether positive for cannabis based on the positive indication in
extracts of alkaline culture media yielded single, yellow colour test and by detection of 11-nor-Δ9
spots at the position of 2AA when the developed tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THC-COOH) on
chromatograms were sprayed with Ehrlich reagent (1 g of HPTLC 79. Likewise, p-amino compounds in acidic and
p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in a solution containing 25 ethanolic solution combine directly with DMAB to yield a
mL of HCl and 75 mL of methanol)72. yellow product. The color formation is pH sensitive, with
an optimal pH zone. This has been used for analyzing
In order to study enzyme immobilization on chitosan
biological fluids for primary arylamines and especially for
activated with glutaraldehyde, aiming to produce a cheap
the determination of p-aminohippuric acid in renal
biocatalyst, two different immobilization strategies were
function studies80. This method is a modification of
studied: one-point and multipoint covalent attachment to
previously developed method for sulphanilamide81 and p-
the solid matrix. The multipoint covalent attachment
aminohuppuric acid82 in clinical samples.
derivative had an 82% immobilization yield. Enzyme
activity was assessed via colorimetric analysis using 3.4 Synthetic Applications
DMAB has found a profound use in many synthetic
The various factors and conditions that can lead to designs as a suitable carbonyl donor and for the
production of mutant strains of microorganisms have also introduction of para-dimethylaminobenzene substituents
been studied by adopting DMAB as a reagent for into many synthetic compounds. The formation of most
monitoring one metabolite or another. Two mutants reported Schiff bases- imines, hydrazones and
have been described in which the synthesis of semicarbazones have all adopted DMAB as one of the
tryptophanase is unusually insensitive to catabolite aldehyde donors. This section of this paper reviews some
repression. Transductants were purified and grown of the synthetic applications where DMAB has found
overnight in L-broth. The addition of DMAB showed relevance in their designs.
whether or not indole (made by Tna+ but not Tna- strains)
74 3.4.1 Schiff bases
was present .
Perhaps the major synthetic application of DMAB has
The chemical modification of penicillin G acylase (PGA)
been in the formation of varied types of Schiff bases.
obtained from a mutant of Escherichia coli ATCC 11105
Schiff bases are formed by the condensation of a carbonyl
was studied in order to identify the catalytically essential
group with an amino donor. The general synthetic
amino acid residues of the enzyme. The modification of
pathway for these compounds is presented in Figure 8.
PGA by serine specific phenylmethylsulphonylfluoride
this ring system with a nitrogen or oxygen atom of Cyanines are a class of dyes whose chemical structure is
another fragment by means of a polymethine chain characterized by two nitrogen atoms (one of which is
should lead to new dyes with interesting spectroscopic positively charged), which are separated by a conjugated
properties. The preparation and the solvatochromic bridge formed by a carbon framework. The importance of
behaviour of two dyes, obtained by condensation of N,N`- these dyes stems from their wide use in industries for
dimethylbarbituric acid with DMAB and with 4,4`-bis(N,N- many years as spectral sensitizers for silver halide
dimethylamino)benzophenone (Michler’s ketone) have photography, in optical disks as recording media, as
been described92. The structures of the dyes and their photorefractive materials, in laser devices and even as
ionic forms in protic solvents are presented in Figure 10. anti-tumour reagents. One of the cyanine dyes was
prepared by coupling bromooctanoic acid with γ-picoline,
which was then condensed with DMAB to afford the
desired product as red solid 95.
A series of novel 4-oxo-4,6,7,8-tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-
a]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidinium and 5-oxo-1,2,3,5-
tetrahydropyrrolo[2,1-b]quinazoliniumstyryl dyes were
synthesized. For preparing of studied dyes the standard
(a) method of styrylcyanines synthesis was modified.
Spectral-luminescent properties of obtained dyes in the
free state and in the presence of nucleic acids and BSA
were studied. It was shown that p-dimethylaminostyryls
based on 4-oxo-4,6,7,8-tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]thieno
[2,3-d]pyrimidinium with aliphatic substituents in 2 and 3
positions demonstrated RNA binding preference. These
dyes in the presence of RNA significantly enhance
(b) emission intensity and could be used as RNA-specific
Figure 10: Merocyanine-type dyes from barbituric acid fluorescent probes. Besides, the fluorescence emission
derivatives (a)-the two dyes and (b)-various ionic forms in after two-photon absorption of dye-RNA complexes in
protic solvents (ref 92). buffer solutions was measured96. One of the dyes was
The synthesis and characteristic absorption spectra of formed by a condensation reaction with DMAB.
2,3,8-trisubstituted-indeno[2,1 b]thiophene compounds 3.4.4. Miscellaneous Synthetic Applications
have been reported. Cyclization of 3-dicyanovinyl-indan-
1-one with sulphur gave 2-amino-8-oxo-8H-indeno[2,1- Para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde has found some other
b]thiophene-3-carbo-nitrile compound. The reaction of useful synthetic applications which do not fall under the
the latter with malononitrile and with ethyl cyanoacetate categorization stated in the paragraphs above. Thus, this
gave the indeno[2,1-b]thiophene derivatives. The section reviews some other important synthetic
absorption maxima of these compounds changed very applications of DMAB.
significantly by the introduction of various substituents on Azulene and its derivatives constitute a highly interesting
the 8-position of indeno[2,1-b]thiophenes ring system. class of compounds due to the fused 5–7 bicyclic aromatic
The preparations of the corresponding azomethine dyes ring system. These compounds are regarded as one of the
and azo disperse dyes were also reported. Three representative examples of non-benzenoid aromatic
azomethine dyes were prepared by condensation hydrocarbons, which were found to be reluctant to
reaction of nitrile and thiophenes derivatives with undergo Diels–Alder reactions but easily susceptible to
DMAB93. various electrophilic substitution reactions such as
Cyclic 1,3-diones like Meldrum’s (2,2,-dimethyl-1,3- acylation, halogenation, nitration, azo-coupling and
dioxane-4,6-dione) and barbituric acid may be used as aminomethylation most easily at the C-1 and/or C-3
building blocks for intramolecular donor– acceptor pairs position. In particular, naturally occurring guaiazulene (1:
which act as solvatochromic dyes. Thus, condensation of 1,4-dimethyl-7-isopropylazulene) possesses low oxidation
DMAB with N,N-dimethylbarbituric acid leads to the potential (Eox +0.65 V vs SCE) in comparison with those of
formation of merocyanine. In this regard, The preparation azulene (Eox+0.88 V vs SCE) and other alkylazulenes (Eox
of the 5-(4-N,N-dimethylaminobenzylidene)-2,2-dimethyl- +0.88– +0.67 V vs SCE), and is an interesting compound
1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione, a dye derived from Meldrum’s from the viewpoint of the creation of novel functional
acid, was described, and its solvatochromic behaviour materials, with a delocalized p-electron system
compared with that of an analogous derivative of possessing a 3-guaiazulenyl group (Gu ), which serves as
barbituric acid . The dye was particularly found to be an electron donor. Thus, reaction of guaiazulene with
sensitive both to the dipolarity–polarizability and the DMAB in methanol in the presence of tetrafluoroboric
acidity of the medium. acid gives the title mono-carbocation compound, [4-
(dimethylamino) phenyl] -3-guaiazulenyl methylium
tetrafluoro borate, in 90% yield 97.
Search for new materials with high optical nonlinearities 4.0 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS
has been the important task because of their practical
This part of this review reports some other applications
application in harmonic generation, amplitude and phase
where DMAB has been utilized either as a synthetic
modulation, switching and other signal processing
precursor or reagent for analysis. The formation of an
devices. In this regard, an organic nonlinear optical
alcohol from the reaction of DMAB with pyrrole
material, 4-chloro-4-dimethylamino-benzylidene aniline
derivatives having intact CH-group in the α or β position
(CDMABA), was synthesized by the condensation of the p-
relative to the cyclic NH-group have been reported and
chloroaniline and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde.
DMAB reagent was utilised for the spectrophotometric
Solubility of CDMABA was determined in acetone at
determination of 2-phenylindole by Gillio-Tos et al105. In a
different temperatures. Single crystals were grown by the 106
similar procedure, Adegoke and Osoye found that
solvent evaporation method from acetone solution at
reactive methylene centres generated by artemisinin
room temperature. Grown crystal was subjected to FTIR,
1 derivatives (artesunate and dihydroartemisinin) in situ in
FTRaman and H NMR spectral analyses to confirm the
an acidic medium produced a purple-coloured solution
synthesized compound. The range and percentage of
which was used for the full colorimetric determination of
optical transmission was ascertained by recording UV–
98 these important antimalarial agents.
Vis–NIR spectrum .
DMAB has also been used for the histochemical
A novel and simple fluorophore, p-
demonstration of tryptophan and related compounds107.
dimethylaminobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone
(DMABTS), was prepared in order to find available
fluorescent chemosensor for mercuric ion in aqueous
solution. DMABTS emitted fluorescence at 448 nm in
aqueous solution and its fluorescence intensity was This paper has made attempt to review the many diverse
completely quenched upon interaction with Hg2+ ions, applications of DMAB which spanned over a century.
which should be attributed to the 1:1 complex formation DMAB because of its peculiar structural features has
between DMABTS and Hg2+. The coexistence of several found applications in synthetic, biochemical, biomedical
transition metal ions and anions did interfere with the and analytical sciences. Its use in these respects is
fluorimetric titration of Hg2+ ion by less than 4 % in the gradually increasing and some of the age-long
emission change99. applications of this reagent are experiencing some new
modifications. The relevance of this compound in
Hybrid mixed metal oxalates of general formula [M2III
microbiology and analytical chemistry has been
MII(C2O4)6][DAMS]4.2DAMBA. 2H2O, where MIII = Rh, Fe,
unparalled by any other reagent in history. It behoves to
Cr; MII = Mn, Zn; DAMBA = para-dimethylamino
opine that the relative lack of toxicity of this compound
benzaldehyde and [DAMS+] = trans-4-(4- dimethylamino
has made it more useful in these fields. However, the
styryl)-1-methylpyridinium, belong to a new family of
synthesis of DMAB appears unnecessarily too lengthy and
multifunctional materials displaying both very high
one believes that the challenge for synthetic chemists will
second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency and tunable
be to devise some simpler pathways for its synthesis. The
magnetic properties. Cariati et al reported the
future prospect of this reagent is still bright as its unique
preparation and magnetic characterization of the new NiII
properties of being oxidizable and reducible will lend it to
members of this family 100.
more usefulness. When a need for a dimethylamino
DMAB has also found practical relevance in the cross- substituted benzene molecule is arises DMAB comes
coupling reaction of arylbromides and chlorides , handy and useful. Its ability to form condensation
reductive C-alkylation of barbituric acid derivatives in the products readily with a wide range of chemical groupings
presence of palladium and platinum catalysts as well as such as amines, carboxylates and other aldehydes will
in the reductive mono-alkylation of nitroaryls . make it more relevant in synthetic design and processes.
Its recent application as a coupling component in our
Oniţa et al recently reported the synthesis of
laboratory for the spectrophotometric determination of
Aminophosphonates as potential herbicides for which
diazotized nitroimidazoles has further opened up another
DMAB served as one of the precursors. The antioxidant
area of research into its utilization for which ready
activity was tested in experimental assays with DPPH•
applications in the third world economies will be possible.
(1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) and the potential to
The reaction also has a potential of being used as a pre-
function as herbicides, in red blood cells membrane
column derivatization procedure and for which analysis of
destruction experiments. Regarding the reaction with
pharmaceuticals in dosage forms and biological fluids will
DPPH•, at least 3 aminophosphonates are better
be possible.
antioxidants than 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT).
Aminophosphonates’ capacity to function as herbicide
(demonstrated through their haemolytic activity) is given
by the presence in their structure of some shorter
aliphatic substituents and / or more benzene nuclei .
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