Iot Smart Parking PDF
Iot Smart Parking PDF
Iot Smart Parking PDF
Zubydur Rahman
Mohammad Jayeed
Dr Amitabha Chakrabarty
August 2017
This is to certify that this final thesis report ‘Cloud Based Smart Parking System using IoT
Technology’ is submitted by the authors for the purpose of obtaining a degree in Bachelors of
Science in Computer Science. We hereby declare all the work presented in this thesis paper are
authentic and any inspiration of the work have been accredited with proper referencing.
____________________ ______________________
Mohammad Jayeed
Zubydur Rahman
First and foremost, all praises to Almighty God, the most high and merciful.
Our most sincere gratitude to our thesis supervisor Dr. Amitabha Chakrabarty. Without his
assistance and dedicated involvement in every step throughout the process, completing this thesis
might have proved to be an impossible task.
Also, we want to thank our family, friends and well-wishers who inspired, encouraged and fully
supported us through every trial that came our way, who helped us not only financially, but
morally and spiritually.
Finally, we are very thankful to BRAC University, Bangladesh for giving us a chance to
complete our B.Sc. degree in Computer Science.
The number of vehicles on Bangladeshi roads are expected to increase by 360 000 by 2035,
reducing average speed from an already miserly 6.4 kph to 4.7 kph – walking speed for most
people. [18] While major infrastructural improvements are scheduled to take place to reduce the
number of cars on the road, we proposed a solution directed at traffic space management
accelerate the process.
Studies have shown illegal encroachments by motor vehicles parking on roads have a massive
effect of the flow in traffic [19]. The purpose of this paper is to remove the all too familiar sight
of cars parked on the roads by introducing smart parking lots.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Keypad .................................................................................................................................. 25
Book a Parking Spot ............................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Feasibility.............................................................................................................................. 31
Requirement .......................................................................................................................... 32
Home Activity....................................................................................................................... 43
Profile Activity...................................................................................................................... 46
Our Manifest File .................................................................................................................. 57
Chapter 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 62
Table of Figures
Figure 1: System Flow Chart ........................................................................................................ 17
Figure 2: Arduino Uno Front ........................................................................................................ 23
Figure 3: Block Diagram of IR sensor .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 4: Output voltage vs. distance graph of IR sensor ............................................................. 24
Figure 5: Matrix styled hex keypad .............................................................................................. 25
Figure 6: RGB LED and Resistors................................................................................................ 25
Figure 7: Main Activity ................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 8: Registration Activity ..................................................................................................... 41
Figure 9: Login Activity ............................................................................................................... 42
Figure 10: Home and Navigation Activity.................................................................................... 43
Figure 11: History Activity ........................................................................................................... 44
Figure 12: My Spots Activity ....................................................................................................... 45
Figure 13: Profile Activity ............................................................................................................ 46
Figure 14: Time out pop up .......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 15: Root DB ....................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 16: History DB .................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 17: Parking Place DB ........................................................................................................ 55
Figure 18: Passcode DB ................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 19: Users DB ..................................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Everyone who has ever been frustrated driving around urban areas in search of parking has
wished for a solution that could quickly lead them to that elusive spot. In a recent research it has
been found that a driver takes nearly 8 minutes to park his vehicle because he spend more time in
searching the parking lot. This searching leads to 30 to 40% of traffic congestion.This concern
attracted strategic investments from dedicated industry sectors to boost parking revenues through
technology-enabled solutions. Parking industry is being revolutionized by new technologies that
enable cities to reduce traffic congestion and carbon emission. The Internet of Things (IoT)
permeates with the world of parking to streamline processes that deliver intelligent parking
solutions, which extend and manage parking inventories. In this context, IoT uses embedded
wireless sensor networks to connect physical parking space infrastructures with information and
communication technologies, where cloud-based smart management services are provided. This
interconnectivity shift is also driving socio-economical changes, where data unleashed from
physical infrastructures is leading to productivity gains through new applications and new
business models.
Currently, the common method of finding a parking space is manual where the driver usually nds
a space in the street through luck and experience. This process takes time and effort and may
lead to the worst case of failing to find any parking space if the driver is driving in a city with
high vehicle density.The alternative is to find a predefined car park with high capacity.However,
this is not an optimal solution because the car park could usually be far away from the user
destination. In recent years, research has used vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure
interaction with the support of various wireless network technologies such as radio frequency
identification (RFID), Zigbee, wireless mesh network, and the Internet. This study aimed to
provide information about nearby parking spaces for the driver and to make a reservation
minutes earlier using supported devices such as smartphones or tablet PCs. Furthermore, the
services use the ID of each vehicle in booking a parking space. However, the current intelligent
parking system does not provide an overall optimal solution in finding an available parking
space, does not solve the problem of load balancing, does not provide economic benefit, and
does not plan for vehicle-refusal service.
To resolve the aforementioned problems and take advantage of the significant development in
technology, the Internet-of-Things technology (IoT) has created a revolution in many fields in
life as well as in smart-parking system (SPS) technology.
The present study proposes and develops an effective cloud-based SPS solution based on the
Internet of Things. Our system constructs each car park as an IoT network, and the data that
include the vehicle GPS location, distance between car parking areas and number of free slots in
car park areas will be transferred to the cloud data center. We have used a Geolocation Service
that calculates the cost of a parking request in terms of distance and time, and this cost is
frequently updated and are accessible at any time by the vehicles in the network.
The SPS is based on several innovative technologies and can automatically monitor and manage
car parks. Furthermore, in the proposed system, each car park can function independently as a
traditional car park. This research also implements a system prototype with wireless access in an
open-source physical computing platform based on Arduino using a smartphone that provides the
communication and user interface for both the control system and the vehicles to verify the
feasibility of the proposed system.
Modeling smart parking with a reservation policy provides many advantages for both the users
(i.e. drivers) and parking areas controllers (managers). A parking reservation system allows users
to book their parking spots prior to their arrival through the use of advanced communication
technologies, such as Web interfaces and Push Notifications. A parking reservation system
presents major advantages compared to the traditional Parking Guidance and Information (PGI)
architectures. They continuously inform drivers regarding the parking space availability. Also
provides optimum utilization of infrastructures for the parking owners In this paper, we propose
a new intelligent parking reservation management architecture which is based on an optimization
strategy that exploits interval scheduling principles. In interval scheduling, a list of parking
requests is given as a set of requested time intervals (expressed as start and finish time) and the
scheduler (parking management architecture) decides if it can accept a task and assign it to some
resource or reject it.
1.2 Motivation
Navigating the contested streets of Dhaka on a daily basis is a tiring experience and drains all
energy from one's body and is a topic that is very common among those that fall victim to it.
However, our true motivation came from a discussion where we were talking about the future
prospects of IoT and cloud computing in Bangladesh.
Technological advances have seen no implementation in parking management systems till date.
With the vision of 'Digital Bangladesh' in mind and all the resources that will be available to us,
we plan to create an affective smart parking system that significantly reduces traffic congestion.
The parking management problem can be viewed from several angles. Limited number of
parking lots, drivers not knowing where parking lots are, drivers not sure if parking lots have
enough space and a tendency to park illegally on the roads.
1.4 Solution
To achieve this goal, each parking lot has to be equipped with a control system that enables
monitoring of the number of free and occupied parking places and informing potential parking
lot users about the parking lot status (open with/without free available parking spaces or closed)
locally and in a wider area. Additionally, it is preferable that the systems contains driver
navigation to a parking lot with free parking spaces in an urban area and driver navigation to a
free parking space in a parking lot, tracking of parking lot occupancy during parking lot working
hours for further analysis, parking service payment according to parking time duration, and
security monitoring of the parking lot.
Chapter 1: Introduction, Motivation, Problem Statement and Solution of the proposed system.
Chapter 2
In some studies [1]–[3], the authors proposed a new algorithm for treatment planning in real-time
parking. First, they used an algorithm to schedule the online problem of a parking system into an
offline problem. Second, they set up a mathematical model describing the offline problem as a
linear problem. Third, they designed an algorithm to solve this linear problem. Finally, they
evaluated the proposed algorithm using experimental simulations of the system. The
experimental results indicated timely and efficient performance. However, these papers do not
mention the resource reservation mechanism (all parking requirements are derived immediately
and are placed in the queue), the mechanism for assessing the resources system, the mechanism
to guide vehicles to the parking space, the mechanism for handling situations when the request
for service is denied and do not calculate the average waiting time and average total time that
each vehicle spends on the system.
In another study Mainetti et al.[4], the authors propose an SPS based on the integration of UHF
frequency, RFID and IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network technologies. This system can
collect information about the state of occupancy of the car parks, and can direct drivers to the
nearest vacant parking spot by using a software application. However, in this work, the authors
have no mathematical equations for the system architecture and do not create a large-scale
parking system. The results of this paper only implement the proposed architecture; they do not
mention the performance of the parking system.
Hsu et al. [5] proposed an innovative system including the parking guidance service. A parking
space can be reserved by a smartphone via Internet access. Upon entering the car park, the
reserved parking space will be displayed on a small map using wireless transmission for vehicles
under the dedicated short-range communication protocol DSRC. An inertial navigation system
(INS) is implemented to guide the vehicle to the reserved space. The system will periodically
update the status of the parking space in real time to help ensure system accuracy. System
performance is measured through the accuracy of the inertial navigation systems run in an indoor
environment, and the system implementation is evaluated by considering the accuracy of the
GPS. In this paper, the authors have not evaluated the performance of the parking services, they
do not provide any mathematical model of the system, and do not consider the waiting time of
each vehicle for service.
Other researchers have designed architecture for parking management in smart cities Barone et
al.[6]. They proposed intelligent parking assistant (IPA) architecture aimed at overcoming
current public parking management solutions. This architecture provides drivers with
information about on-street parking stall availability and allow drivers to reserve the most
convenient parking stall at their destination before their departure. They use RFID technology in
this system. When a car parks or leaves the IPA parking spot, the RFID reader and the magnetic
loop detect the action and send this information to the unit controller to update the information
on the car park status. This study uses only some simple mathematical equations for the system
architecture and does not create a large-scale parking system.
In other works, authors have designed and implemented an SPS whose bottom part is composed
of ZigBee network which sent pressure information to PC through a coordinator and then update
database Shiyao et al.[7] to solve the parking problem. A part of this system is implemented in
the Zigbee network which sends urgent information to a PC through a coordinator and then
updates the database. The application layer can quickly pass the parking information over the
Internet, and use the advantages of a web service to gather all the scattered parking information
for the convenience of those who want to find a parking space. This paper simply reports the
design and implementation of an SPS and does not evaluate the system performance.
Bonde et al. [8] aimed to automate the car and the car parking. The paper discusses a project
which presents a miniature model of an automated car parking system that can regulate and
manage the number of cars that can be parked in a given area at any given time based on the
availability of parking spaces. The automated parking method allows the parking and exiting of
cars using sensing devices. Entry to or exit from the car park is commanded by an Android based
application. The difference between the Bonde system and the other existing systems is that the
authors were aiming to make the system as little human dependent as possible by automating the
cars as well as the entire car park; on the other hand, most existing systems require human
intervention (the car owner or other) to park the car.
To this extent a number of parking guidance systems aiming to minimize driver inconvenience
have been reported in the literature over the last decade [11–13]. The aforementioned works
describe architectures for real-time parking space availability which take into account
information obtained from parking meters or sensors installed across the parking lot. However,
the main drawback of such approaches is the cost of sensor deployment, especially in large
parking areas.
To avoid the cost of using parking sensors, an alternative solution Lu[14] performs parking
reservation by exploiting the capabilities of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETS). VANETs
utilize wireless communication enabling cars to communicate with each other and with the
roadside infrastructure. The main drawback of such technology is that it requires special
equipment to be installed in cars and the roadside; it is anticipated that such deployment will take
some time and therefore the aforementioned approach is not realistically implementable at
Another concept in the area of intelligent transportation systems is the development of Parking
Reservation Systems (PRs) that aim to enable drivers to reserve a parking spot prior to their trip
Mouskos et al.[15]. These schemes, instead of introducing dynamic message signs that
continuously update the number of available parking spaces, propose parking reservation based
on the use of an optimization strategy. This paper formulates parking reservation as a binary
assignment integer linear program, which can be solved through the use of any linear
programming software. Linear programming optimization is rather simple; it does not provide an
efficient max-min optimization strategy-minimization of parking overlapping (satisfaction of
user‘s requirements) and simultaneous maximization of parking infrastructure capability
(satisfaction of parking owners).
Lambrinos and Dosis [9] described a new SPS architecture based on the Internet of Things
technology. The architecture of this system consists of a Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
(WSN), an IoT middleware layer and a front-end layer as the final user interface that provides
data reporting to the user. However, there are disadvantage as it does not use a suitable
application protocol for the transfer of data from the WSN to the server, such as the constrained
application protocol (CoAP), there is no mathematical model for the system operations, and there
is no system performance evaluation. In Geng and Cassandras [10], an approach is presented for
reservation of parking slots based on the driver‘s costs. But the proposed system can not fuse the
parking reservation requests and statuses with other useful data which is gathered by the cars and
parking slots.
This open opportunity can lead to propose an Internet of Things solution to connect every
parking slots to every cars efficiently by using added value services. As the best of our
knowledge there is no proposed IoT-based scheme for traffic-correlated parking reservation
service. Parking reservation scheme without considering the estimated time of car arrivals and
reservation cannot lead to an efficient solution.
Chapter 3
3.2 Algorithm
1. System Starts{
2. Int D , Time, pcount;
3. Pcount = 10;
4. Time = 9Mins;
5. ArrayList<LatLng> parking_locations;
6. parking_locations = new ArrayList();
7. parking_locations_n = new ArrayList();
8. //set existing parking locations on map.
9. parking_locations.add(new LatLng(latitude, longitude));
10. parking_locations_n.add(new LatLng(...... , ……));
11. // here ―n‖ signifies the nth number of parking location
12. //display current location on the MapActivity on ButtonPress()
13. ShowCurrentLocation(){
14. //using inbuilt android location managers.
15. googleMap.SetLocationEnabled = true;
16. LocationManager locationmanager = (LocationManager) getSystemService
17. String Provider = locationManager.GetBestProvider(services, true);
18. Location location = locationManager.GetLastKnownLocation(Provider);
19. if (location not null){
20. //fetching latitude and longitude
21. double latitude = location.getLatitude();
22. double longitude = location.getLongitude();
23. //set marker
24. MarkerOptions options=new MarkerOptions().setTitle(― My Current
25. googleMap.addMarker(options);
26. return latitude, longitude;
27. }
28. Void buttonPress(){
29. ShowCurrentLocation(Lat, Long);
30. //sends HTTP requests through Google API to determine current location.
31. }
32. SearchForParkingLot(){
33. //using retrofit and google distance matrix API to match D within 100metres from current
location from‖
34. //retrieve green signal from the hardware.
37. //search for parking location within a specific radius e.g 100 metres and save coordinates
in an arraylist called parking_location using inbuilt android methods.
38. if (pcount != 0){
39. //checks from hardware if the parking spots are available.
40. Toast : ― nearest parking found‖
41. }else{
42. Toast: ― Valid parking spots not found. Searching for a 2nd best location‖
43. restart();
44. //starts the process again if the desired parking location not found
45. }
46. }
47. void BookParking(){
48. if(pcount != 0){
49. //start booking process
50. showRoute(lat, long){
51. display (― Parking booked for 10 minutes‖);
52. time- -;
53. //time deducted for every seconds spent while reaching towards destination
54. pcount--;
55. //pcount is reduced by 1 for every parking spots booked or taken and this information is
sent to the firebase and hence to the hardware.
56. D = CurrentLocation(lat, long) - Parking_Location(lat, long); // deducts current location
from the destination and forms a route
57. }
58. }
59. D- - ;
60. //the D will decrease for every distance travelled towards the destination.
61. POPUP Message : This is your passcode ― XXXX‖, please drive to your destination
before time runs out;
62. //fetches keycode from the hardware with the help of cloud services and wireless
63. if(D != 0 && Time == 0){
64. cancelRoute();
65. //user fails to reach destination in time, asks the user if he wants to find a spot again
66. }
67. When D = = 0;
68. Toast: ― you have reached your destination, enter the keycode to park the car‖;
69. If (application keycode == hardware generated keycode){
70. Gate.Open();
71. }else{
72. Gate.AccessDenied();
73. }
74. }
75. }
76. //enter the keycode again to open the gate during departure
77. DiscardKeycode(keycode){
78. keycode = null;
79. //cancels the keycode and it cannot be used again.
80. }
81. //automatically closes gate after a few seconds
82. exit();
Cloud-Based Server
This is a Web entity that stores the resource information provided by local units located centrally
in the system. This server basically receives the request from clients placed through the
application for free parking spaces. After receiving the request it checks for available nearest
parking lots from the client's current location in the central database which is stored in it without
letting the client directly access the local servers of each car park. On finding the nearest car park
with the least cost in terms of both distance and estimated time needed to reach, it displays the
client the information of the car park via the application. The cloud server also performs
necessary computation on the data that has been routed to it from the local servers. After
completing each calculation the server periodically updates the central database with data like
total percentage of free space in each parking lot and also the total percentage of the overall
parking system.
Local Unit
This unit is located in each car park and stores the information of each parking space. The
server basically maintains a counter which keep track of the current occupancy status of the car
park. The local zone contains a router to transmit sensor data. Each router in a zone is connected
to pressure sensors to detect the presence or absence of a vehicle, to IR sensors to detect the
occupancy of each parking spots and to a number pad attached to the entrance to detect the real
user who has booked the specified spot. The information from the local server is then uploaded
into a central cloud based server, which makes decisions to provide the suitable parking zone for
a vehicle based on its vicinity. The local unit also contains a control unit, which is an Arduino
module that connects with the cloud server through an Internet connection to transfer data from
the local car park to the cloud server database. The Arduino module will control the opening of
the door for the vehicle to enter in the booked parking space.
Software Client
This is an application software system running on Android operating system. Users will install it
on their smartphones and use it to find, reserve and navigate to the nearest parking spaces
available. The users access the system via 3G/4G mobile connections. To make the system work,
we have to locate the address on the exact position of the map which requires address geocoding
a process of finding associated geographic coordinates (often expressed as latitude and
longitude) of a location by the text of the address. For this we have used Class Client Geocoder
in Google Maps API. A Client Geocoder object communicates with Google map servers to
obtain geocodes for user-specified addresses. In addition, a Geocoder object maintains its own
cache of addresses, which allows repeated queries to be answered without a round trip to the
After getting the vehicle location we need to display a route on the map. For this we have used
Google Maps Direction API which retrieves the duration and distance values for multiple
destinations and transport modes. In many systems, the distance between a customer pair is
simplified to Euclidean distance. However, in real situations, the distance should be calculated
based on the shortest road path between two locations. In Google Maps API for android, we can
get the real distance from the distance property of the class Directions. A Direction object
communicates with Google servers to obtain directions between two or more waypoints.
Chapter 4
An instrumental part of our projected was the designing and implementation of a backend
hardware system. This system will undertake the task of:
Checking to see which parking spots are open and booking them
Identifying vehicles
Generating security codes to be sent to user for verification
Mapping parking spots against vehicles
Mapping verification code against user and parking spot
Updating database
The entire system of a parking lot was scaled down to accommodate real-time simulations.
A Raspberry Pi is a general-purpose computer, usually with a Linux operating system, and the
ability to run multiple programs.
We found the Arduino to contain sufficient memory and processing power to handle the codes
and sensors used in the scaled down parking model.
Figure 2: Arduino Uno Front
The sensor gives an analogue voltage reading corresponding to the detected distance.
1. Distance measuring range: 10 to 80 cm
2. Analog output type
3. Package size: 29.5×13×13.5 mm
4. Consumption current: Typ. 30 mA
5. Supply voltage: 4.5 to 5.5 V
Figure 3: Block Diagram of IR sensor
The analogue readings taken from the sensor was converted to a distance using a simple mapping
function in Arduino.
We used a matrix styled hex keypad and installed the ―
Keypad‖ [1] library. This took an input
and was used for user verification before entering a booked parking spot.
4.2 Hardware Prototype
The hardware prototype provides back-end hardware support for users to book and access a
parking spot. The algorithm was fine-tuned to reduce run time to an absolute minimum, making
the user experience as smooth and fast as possible. To book the parking spot, the system
conducts a 5 step process as follows:
The variables val1, val2 and val3 store the analogue readings and dist1/2/3 stores the mapped
distance variable.
Check condition of all parking spots
This part of the system checks to see which parkings are open and which are used, prints the
condition of the parking spaces and updates an integer array parkingSlotsEmpty[]. The array, in
combination with another array called parkingSlotsBooked[] enables us to see which parking
spots are available.
Book a Parking Spot
This function checks the two arrays that deal with booked slots and empty slots. If the function
finds a spot that is open, it will call upon another function book_parkingSpotName(); [e.g.
bookP1() ]. The book_parkingSpotName () function prints the name of the booked spot and
updates parkingSlotsBooked [ ] and sets the LED to red. A red LED represents a closed gate.
Generate and send a random password
This function makes a random 4 digit code using the 'True Random' [2] library and sends it to the
central database.
Chapter 5
Technological feasibility: The app we have developed is very easy to use. It was built in a way
that it meets the user‘s comfort zone. The current users of mobile phone application across the
globe whether using a navigation app or rent a car app use an interface quite similar to ours thus
making it possible to reach every user type. There is enough software components used in the
backend to provide a robust service to the user.
Economic feasibility: As a mobile assistant application we had to make zero investment for now
thus making it economic. And in the long run with more features added like premium database
handling, still a better economic feasibility can be achieved. If we look carefully, we will notice
that for maximum number of users, even a purchased database or cloud system can be very cost
Organizational Feasibility: Car parking problem is quite major across the world and to solve
this, our application can help users and reduce their trouble. If we imagine a short scenario with a
car parking app in a remote city of Bangladesh, say for Dhaka, we would definitely see a major
change in the traffic condition of the streets as we are very likely to park our cars anywhere we
find space. This ensures our application‘s organizational feasibility.
Functional Requirements
1. We are building an android mobile application. User will need a smartphone with android
2. As an IOT based mobile app, internet connection is a must.
3. The app needs user authorization.
4. Application should not contain a loophole and not let the users misuse it.
5. The mobile application requires a real-time database and cloud system. If any of these
goes down, the application will collapse. Thus, a live support is necessary.
Nonfunctional requirements
1. The application should be user friendly.
2. The application when crashed will generate negative perception about the application.
Therefore, every time the application crashes, a crash report processing is necessary.
3. Huge number of users may login at the same time. So, the application should be able to
handle high traffic.
4. The application‘s data fetching and retrieval system should be faster.
5. Premium database plan should be undertaken.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system based on the
Linux Kernel, middleware and key applications. At a larger scale, Android is an Ecosystem built
by Google & its affiliates, which enables Android developers to build, deploy and monetize
applications for a range of touchscreen Android devices. In addition to touchscreen devices,
Google has further developed Android TV for televisions, Android Auto for cars, and Android
Wear for wristwatches, each with a specialized user interface. Variants of Android are also used
on game consoles, digital cameras, PCs and other electronics.
Java is the most widely used programming language by the android developers. It was originally
developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems on 1995 which is now acquired by Oracle
Corporation. One of the main reasons of using Java for android development is, the language‘s
platform independent quality. Android runs on many different hardware platforms. So using any
platform dependent language will lead you to compile and optimize your native code for each of
these different platforms to see any real benefits. Besides Java has huge open source support,
with many libraries and tools available to make developers life easier. Java also protects
developers from many of the problems inherent in native code, like memory leaks, bad pointer
usage, etc. Java allows creating sandbox applications and creating a better security model so that
one bad App can't take down your entire OS. Lastly there are a large number of developers
already proficient in Java which is one of the vital reasons of using Java in developing android
Android Studio
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google's Android
operating system, built based on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for
Android development. It is available for download on Windows, macOS and Linux based
operating systems. It is a replacement for the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as
primary IDE for native Android application development. We have used the current android
studio version v2.3.0 for this project because it includes certain useful updates like- the two new
Constraint Layout Features, the separate button to push changes with Instant Run, can now
convert PNG, BMP, JPG, and static GIF files to WebP format. WebP file format which provides
glossy compression (like JPEG) as well as transparency (like PNG) but can provide better
compression than either JPEG or PNG.
Android SDK
The Android software development kit (SDK) includes a comprehensive set of development
tools. These include a debugger, libraries, a handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation,
sample code, and tutorials. Currently supported development platforms include computers
running Linux (any modern desktop Linux distribution), Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later, and Windows
7 or later. For this project we have used sdk version v25.0.1 .
Google Firebase
Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform developed by Firebase, Inc. in
2011, then acquired by Google in 2014.Firebase has grown inside Google and expanded their
services to become a unified platform for mobile developers. Firebase now integrates with
various other Google services to offer broader products and scale for developers. We have used a
handful of features provided by this platform in our project which made our work for building
the server side of our application a lot more easier. The Firebase services that we use for building
the server side of our mobile application are briefly discussed below:
● Icons anchored to specific positions on the map (Markers).
● Sets of line segments (Polylines).
● Enclosed segments (Polygons).
● Bitmap graphics anchored to specific positions on the map (Ground Overlays).
● Sets of images which are displayed on top of the base map tiles (Tile Overlays).
We have used the API for displaying user‘s current location as well as the location of the
designated parking spot for the user.
Retrofit is a REST Client for Android and Java by Square. It makes it relatively easy to retrieve
and upload JSON ( or other structured data ) via a REST based web service. In Retrofit we
configure which converter is used for the data serialization. Typically for JSON you use GSon,
but you can add custom converters to process XML or other protocols. Retrofit uses the OkHttp
library for HTTP requests. To work with Retrofit you need basically three classes.
Retrofit Converter
Retrofit can be configured to use a specific converter. This converter handles the data
(de)serialization. Several converters are already available for various serialization formats.
Glide is a fast and efficient open source media management and image loading framework for
Android that wraps media decoding, memory and disk caching, and resource pooling into a
simple and easy to use interface. Glide supports fetching, decoding, and displaying video stills,
images, and animated GIFs. Glide includes a flexible API that allows developers to plug in to
almost any network stack. By default Glide uses a custom HttpUrlConnection based stack, but
also includes utility libraries plug in to Google's Volley project or Square's OkHttp library
instead. Glide's primary focus is on making scrolling any kind of a list of images as smooth and
fast as possible, but Glide is also effective for almost any case where you need to fetch, resize,
and display a remote image. For developing our application we have used glide version v3.7.0.
EZ PhotoPicker Library
If some want to pick up a photo from the gallery and camera, store it somewhere then do
something, this library will be the best choice for them. It will handle all the storing, scaling,
rotating, threading, loading dialog. Easy to start a photo intent, easy to get the result, won't need
to code a lot as what one used to do. It also help to handle about real-time permission without
any lines of code. In our app a user can put his/her photo during registration. The photo will be
stored in firebase database under user profile. For accomplishing the above mentioned task we
have used EZ PhotoPicker library version v1.0.6 .
greenDAO is an open source Android ORM making development for SQLite databases fun
again. It relieves developers from dealing with low-level database requirements while saving
development time. SQLite is an awesome embedded relational database. Still, writing SQL and
parsing query results are quite tedious and time-consuming tasks. greenDAO frees you from
these by mapping Java objects to database tables (called ORM, ―
object/relational mapping‖).
This way someone can store, update, delete, and query for Java objects using a simple object
oriented API. greenDAO's unique set of features:
● Maximum performance (probably the fastest ORM for Android); our benchmarks are
open sourced too
● Easy to use powerful APIs covering relations and joins
● Minimal memory consumption
● Small library size (<100KB) to keep your build times low and to avoid the 65k method
● Database encryption: greenDAO supports SQLCipher to keep your user‘s data safe
● Strong community: More than 5.000 GitHub stars show there is a strong and active
The version of greenDAO used in this project is v3.1.1
5.3 User Interface and Design
Main Activity
This is the main landing screen of our application ‗Find My Parking‘. From here a user can
navigate both to the login and registration screens.
Registration Activity
This activity is used for completing the registration process. Here the user needs to provide their
email, password, full name, phone number, driving license number, car registration number and
their photo in order to successfully complete their registration.
Login Activity
Users can log into their already registered accounts using this screen. Here insertion in the two
input fields are mandatory for a successful login.
Home Activity
The main activity of our application is this activity. This is the screen form where a user can
make a parking request, can check their previous subscriptions, their frequently used parkings,
user profile and can logout of the application using the navigation drawer located at the top left
corner. Route to the nearest parking space and travel time is also shown on this screen. User can
also see the destination address here.
History Activity
A user can reach this screen via the navigation drawer on home screen and can see his/her
subscription history.
My Spots Activity
This is where a user can find his/her frequently used parking space locations with a number
associated to them indicating how many times each of these parkings has been assigned to the
Profile Activity
User‘s profile can be viewed from this screen. A user can navigate to this screen by using the
navigation drawer.
5.4 Application’s Features
Find the closest parking space from the user‘s current location in terms of
distance and travel time.
Guide vehicles to the nearby parking space through the shortest possible path
considering travel time as the primary factor and further optimized by the number
of turns in the route, real time traffic and some other parameters.
Reserve a parking spot for the user and display the time to reach that spot.
On exceeding the time limit let the user know that the booking has been cancelled
and ask if he wants to make another request.
Forwards the user to another car park if he makes another request.
Store user subscription history.
Store frequently used parking spaces under the tab called ―
My Spots‖.
5.5 Client’s View of the whole process
Time out pop up
An alert box pops up when the user fails to reach the designated parking on time. The system
then asks if he/she wants to make another request since the previous one has been terminated.
5.6 Database Design
As stated above we have used Google‘s Firebase Database as our main database for the
application. We have used Firebase because:
● Real-time: Instead of typical HTTP requests, the Firebase Realtime Database uses data
synchronization—every time data changes, any connected device receives that update
within milliseconds. Provide collaborative and immersive experiences without thinking
about networking code.
● Offline: Firebase apps remain responsive even when offline because the Firebase Real-
time Database SDK persists your data to disk. Once connectivity is reestablished, the
client device receives any changes it missed, synchronizing it with the current server
● Accessible from Client Devices: The Firebase Real-time Database can be accessed
directly from a mobile device or web browser; there‘s no need for an application server.
Security and data validation are available through the Firebase Real-time Database
Security Rules, expression-based rules that are executed when data is read or written.
● Real-time: Instead of typical HTTP requests, the Firebase Realtime Database uses data
synchronization—every time data changes, any connected device receives that update
within milliseconds. Provide collaborative and immersive experiences without thinking
about networking code.
● Offline: Firebase apps remain responsive even when offline because the Firebase Real-
time Database SDK persists your data to disk. Once connectivity is reestablished, the
client device receives any changes it missed, synchronizing it with the current server
● Accessible from Client Devices: The Firebase Realtime Database can be accessed
directly from a mobile device or web browser; there‘s no need for an application server.
Security and data validation are available through the Firebase Realtime Database
Security Rules, expression-based rules that are executed when data is read or written.
Figure 16: History DB
Figure 17: Parking Place DB
Figure 19: Users DB
5.6 System Implementation
Some important code snippets of our software system are included below:
App Dependencies
All the third party APIs and libraries that we have used to build our application.
Taking User’s Current Location
We have taken a user‘s current location using the android‘s native Location Manager class and
then put a pin on the map showing the location using Google maps API.
Chapter 7
7.1 Limitations
A prototype of a broad idea has been presented. We need much more time to make it
deliverable. At this moment, we are not following any ideal structure or model. We will
create one in the future.
Whenever we turn on location system in our app, the exact location of the user may get
deviated a bit due to network interferences from around the environment.
The hardware part was implemented with Arduino which has a very limited amount of
ram and motivated us thinking critically to make the project work.
As for now, our project covers a smaller span of people for a ideal scenario and therefore
Arduino is working fine in here. But, in the near future, our app covering a wider group
of people with much more complex scenario will definitely need a more stable system
like Raspberry Pi.
Firebase being a database platform is good for certain amount of data handling. Massive
data handling may result to a cumbersome scenario. But, we shall make it robust in the
near future with a dedicated database.
The data request and data retrieval system is conducted among the app, the Arduino and
the database which may make the process a bit slower.
As researchers we lacked knowledge of cloud system beforehand. As a result we learnt
about the system and then got to work.
A transaction system could have been implemented with PayPal API which at present, is
not included.
7.2 Future Work
Security: We are currently using basic security protocols for the application and the cloud
database. But when the application is considered for real life implementation, more
versatile encrypted security system can be considered.
Tracker: By using gps and such technology, user will no longer be required to give their
location as input. Location of the user will be tracked immediately as the user logs in to
the app.
Feedback: Initially we will take feedback from the users in old fashioned way. Live
conversation feature can be incorporated to the application.
7.3 Conclusion
The ease of parking system is quite a challenge in modern days. Since the advent of
industrialized cities, number of cars has been increasing and day by day people are facing bigger
trouble while trying to manage their cars into a parking lot. This scenario of parking crisis gives
rise to new solutions with the help of Internet of things (IOT) thus managing car parking
systems. Our paper addresses the crisis of car parking across a remote city and comes out with an
IoT based assistant mobile application system. The proposed project provides real time
information of a car parking lot and is able to coordinate with the mobile application thus giving
user the feasibility of booking a parking lot staying at a distance.
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