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Design of Elastomeric Bearing: (For Effective Span of 20.95M)

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Basic features of superstructure
Span c/c of brg. = 20.950 m
Span c/c of exp. Joint = 22.650 m
Total deck width = 15.800 m
Depth of superstructure = 1.870 m

Nos. of brg per span = 12

Coefficient of thermal expansion = 12.0E-06 /o C
Temparature Variation (T) = 40 /o C

Material Specifications:
Shear modulus of elastomeric bearing, G = 0.9 N/mm
Bulk modulus of the elastomeric bearing, Eb = 2000 N/mm
Adhesion strength of elastomer to steel plate (min) = 7 kN/m
Yield stress of the laminate, fy = 250 N/mm

Dimensions of the bearing :

Dimension of the bearing in T-T dir (perpendicular to traffic), b = 480 mm
Dimension of the bearing in L-L dir (parallel to traffic), a = 370 mm
Side cover for laminates = 4 mm
Thickness of internal layers of elastomer = 12 mm
Thickness of external layer of elastomer = 6 mm
No. of rows of elastomer = 6
Thickness of reinforcing plate = 4 mm
Total thickness of bearing = 112 mm
Total thickness of elastomer = 84 mm

Summary of Checks:
Total design strain = 3.93 < 7 , OK
min. plate thickness required = 1.56 < 4 , OK
limiting rotation = OK
Buckling stability = OK
Non sliding condition = OK
Shear Rating = 1373.01 N/m

Calculation of Rotation

Grade of concrete for superstructure = M45

For simply supported span it may be computed as

ad = 400 Mmax. L x 10^-3
(E I)

Es = 2.0E+11 N/m2

Ec = 3.40E+10 N/m2 For transient load

E = Ec / 2 = 1.70E+10 N/m2 For permanent load

S. No. Load case Load factor Mmax. E I L ad

(Nm) (N/m2) ( m^4) (m)
1 DL 1.35 1676000 1.70E+10 0.215 20.950 0.0052
2 SIDL1 1.35 1560000 3.40E+10 0.475 20.950 0.0011
3 SIDL2 1.75 40000 3.40E+10 0.475 20.950 0.0000
4 F.P.L.L 1.5 400000 3.40E+10 0.475 20.950 0.0003
5 CWLL 1.5 200000 3.40E+10 0.475 20.950 0.0002
Total 0.0068

Design Rotation = 0.0068 = 0.0068 (say)

angular rotation in both direction = 0.0068

Seismic Coefficient Calculation :
Zone factor, Z = 0.1 (ZONE II)
Importance factor, I = 1.2
Response reduction factor, R = 1.0
Acceleration coefficient, Sa/g = 2.5
Hence, Ah = 0.15

CHARACTERISTIC LOADS from superstructure analysis

Bearing SIDL2-
DL SIDL1 FPLL LL(Max) LL(Min) Total(Max) Total(Min)
Number surfacing
1 358.00 350 5 80.0 65.0 12 858.00 805.00
2 380.00 75.0 55 15.0 415.0 45 940.00 570.00
3 380.00 -18.0 66 -4.0 357.0 65 781.00 489.00
4 380.00 -15.0 65 -2.0 120.0 43.00 548.00 471.00
5 380.00 140 61 -0.5 0.0 7.00 580.50 587.50
6 358.00 340 44 0.0 0.0 -8.00 742.00 734.00
Max working vertical load Fz max = 940.00 kN
Corresponding Min design vertical load Fz min = 570.00 kN


Load factor 1.35 1.35 1.75 1.5

Bearing DL SIDL1 SIDL2 FPLL LL(Max) LL(Min) Total(Max) Total(Min)
1 483.30 472.50 8.75 120.00 97.50 18.00 1182.05 1102.55
2 513.00 101.25 96.25 22.50 622.50 90.00 1355.50 823.00
3 513.00 -24.30 115.50 -6.00 535.50 97.50 1133.70 695.70
4 513.00 -20.25 113.75 -3.00 180.00 64.50 783.50 668.00
5 513.00 189.00 106.75 -0.75 0.00 10.50 808.00 818.50
6 483.30 459.00 77.00 0.00 0.00 -12.00 1019.30 1007.30

Impact Factor = 1.17

Max design vertical load Fz,d max = 1355.50 kN

Corresponding Min design vertical load Fz,d min = 823.00 kN

Normal Case:
Total braking force = (0.2* 1000+0.05*500)*1.5 = 337.5 kN
No of bearings resisting = 12
Horizontal load in L-L direction per bearing = 28.125 kN

Seismic Case:
Vertical load support DL+SIDL1+SIDL2 = 733.00 kN
Max Live load on the structure LL/5 = 287.10 kN
L-L Direction
EQ force on the structure in L-L direction = 109.950 kN
EQ effect on LL in L-L direction = 0 kN
Force per bearing in L-L direction = 109.950 kN
T-T Direction
EQ force on the structure in T-T direction = 109.950 kN
EQ effect on LL in T-T direction = 7.178 kN
Force per bearing in T-T direction = 117.128 kN
Longitudinal Seismic Case:
Force per bearing in L-L dir = 109.950 kN
30% of force in T-T dir per bearing = 35.138 kN

Transverse Seismic Case: Maximum vertical load case

Force per bearing in T-T dir = 117.128 kN
30% of force in L-L dir per bearing = 32.985 kN

Transverse Seismic Case: Minimum vertical load case

Force per bearing in T-T dir = 109.590 kN
30% of force in L-L dir per bearing = 32.877 kN
Shape factor
Shape factor for laminated bearings, S =
Effective dimension of the bearing in T-T dir, b' = 472 mm
Effective dimension of the bearing in L-L dir, a' = 362 mm
Effective plan area of the bearing, A1 = 170864 mm
Force-free perimeter of the bearing, lp = 1668 mm
Effective thickness of individual layer of elastomer in compression = 12 mm
Shape factor, S = 8.54
Shape factor for the thickest layer, S1 = 8.54

Working Load :
Maximum vertical load on the bearing Fz max = 940.000 kN
Minimum vertical load on the bearing Fz min = 570.000 kN

Design Loads :
Maximum vertical load on the bearing Fz,d max = 1355.500 kN
Minimum vertical load on the bearing Fz,d min = 823.000 kN

Normal Transverse Seismic

Horiz. Load per Longitudinal Seismic Transverse Seismic Max
Case Min. reaction Case
bearing (kN) Case (kN) reaction Case (kN)
(kN) (kN)

L-L dir 28.125 109.950 32.985 32.877

T-T dir 0 35.138 117.128 109.590

Resultant 28.125 115.428 121.683 114.415

Check for Maximum design strain:

et,d = KL ( ec,d + eq,d + ea,d ) < eu,d


et,d = total design strain in the bearing

ec,d = design strain due to compressive design loads
eq,d = design shear strain due to design translatory movements
ea,d = design strain due to design angular rotation
eu,d = eu,k / ym = ultimate design strain = 7/1.0 = 7

Calculation for strain due to compressive loads: Clause of IRC:83 (Part II) -2015

ec,d = 1.5 Fz,d / ( G. Ar. S )

Fz,d = Vertical design force on the bearing, = 1355.500 kN

G = Shear modulus of elastomeric bearing = 0.9 N/mm
Ar = Reduced effective plan area of the bearing = A1 ( 1 - vx,d/a' - v y,d/b')

Calculation for v x,d:

Vxd = V1+V2+V3 where V1 is the displacement due to temperature load, V2 is due to horizontal force for
normal case and V3 is for seismic case.
Due to temparature load
V1 = α*L*T/2
α = 0.000012 /°c
L = 22.65 m
T = 40 °c
V1 = 5.436 mm

Due to Horizontal force For Normal Case

V2 = F*Tq/(G*a'*b')
F = Horizontal Force = 28.13 kN
Tq = Total thick. of elastomer including top and bottom cover = 84 mm
G = 0.9 N/mm2
a' = 472 mm
b' = 362 mm

V2 = 15.36 mm

Due to Horizontal force in Longitudinal Seismic Case

V3 = F*Tq/(G*a'*b')
F = 109.95 kN
V3 = 60.06 mm

Vxd = 80.86 mm

Calculation for v y,d:

Vyd = V1+V2+V3 where V1 is the displacement due to temperature load, V2 is due to horizontal force for
normal case and V3 is for seismic case.

Due to temparature load

V1 = α*B*T/2
α = 12.0E-06 /°c
B = 15.8 m
T = 40 °c
V1 = 3.792 mm

Due to Horizontal force For Normal Case

V2 = F*Tq/(G*a'*b')
F = 0.00 kN
Tq = 84 mm
G = 0.9 N/mm2
a' = 472 mm
b' = 362 mm

V2 = 0.00 mm

Due to Horizontal force in Transverse Seismic Case

V3 = F*Tq/(G*a'*b')
F = 117.13 kN
V3 = 63.98 mm

Vyd = 67.77 mm

Max. horizontal displacement of parts of = 80.86 mm

the bearing in L-L dir, Vxd
Max. horizontal displacement of parts of = 67.77 mm
the bearing in T-T dir, Vyd
Ar = 1.08E+05 mm2
ec,d = 2.45
Calculation for strain due to translatory movements: Clause of IRC:83 (Part II) -2015

eq,d = vxy,d /Tq

vxy,d = Max resultant horizontal relative displacement of parts = 80.86 mm

Tq = Total thick. of elastomer including top and bottom cover = 84.00 mm

eq,d = 0.96 OK

Calculation for strain due to angular rotations: Clause of IRC:83 (Part II) -2015

2 2 3
ea,d =( a' . αa,d + b' . αb,d) ti / ( 2 S(ti ) )

αa,d = 0.0068 rad

αb,d = 0.0001 rad
ea,d = 0.52

Total design strain , et,d = 3.93 < 7 OK

Check for minimum reinforcing plate thickness: Clause of IRC:83 (Part II) -2015
ts = Kp. Fz,d . ( t1 + t2).Kh. gm / (Ar. fy )
Fz,d maximum vertical force = 1355.500 KN
Ar = 1.08E+05 mm2
fy = 250.00 N/mm
t1 & t2 - thickness of elastomer on either side of the plate = 12 mm
gm - factor for induced tensile stresses = 1.0
Kp - stress correction factor = 1.3
Kh = 1 without hole
ts = Minimum thickness of plate = 1.56 < 4 OK

LIMITING CONDITIONS: Clause of IRC:83 (Part II) -2015

Rotational limitation condition:

Svz,d - ( a' . αa,d + b' . αb,d)/Kr,d ≥ 0

Svz,d = total vertical deflection = S ( Fzd. ti / A1) (1 / 5. G. S1 + 1/Eb)
vertical force Fzd = 1355.500 kN
summation of elastomer ti = 84 mm
effective plan area A1 = 170864 mm
shear modulus G = 0.9 N/mm2
shape factor S1 = 8.54
bulk density Eb = 2000 N/mm2

Svz,d = total vertical deflecton of bearing = 2.365 mm

a' = 362 mm
b' = 472 mm
αa,d = 0.0067837
αb,d = 6.784E-05
Rotation factor = Kr,d = 3
( a' . αa,d + b' . αb,d) / Kr,d = 0.83 mm

Svz,d - ( a' . αa,d + b' . αb,d)/Kr,d = 2.365 - 0.83 = 1.536 OK

Buckling Stability (ULS):

the pressure Fz,d/Ar shall satisfy the following expression
Fz,d/Ar < 2. a'. G. S1/3. Te
Fz,d/Ar = 12.53 N/mm
2. a'. G. S1/3. Te = 22.07 N/mm
expression 12.53 < 22.07 OK

Non sliding condition (ULS)

Fxy,d ≤ me. Fz,dmin

Fxy,d = Resultant of all the horizontal forces = 114.42 kN
Fz,dmin = Minimum vertical design force = 823.00 kN
Ar = = 1.08E+05 mm
sm = Fz,dmin/Ar = 7.61 N/mm
Kf = 0.20
me = 0.1+1.5 Kf / sm = 0.14
me. Fz,dmin = 114.750 kN

114.42 < 114.75 kN OK

Shear Rating

Vr = G*A1/Tb = 1373.01 N/m

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