Ino Mother Tongue Multilingual Education PDF
Ino Mother Tongue Multilingual Education PDF
Ino Mother Tongue Multilingual Education PDF
Working Paper
November 2014
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
Box 1: The Case for Instruction in the Mother Tongue
Source: Professor Joseph Lo Bianco, 2014. Professor of Language and Literacy Education at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of
Melbourne, Australia.
“We need to see that literacy grows out of the general learning that children have already done. Children don’t start learning the minute
they enter the classroom; they start learning from the moment they’re born.
When you’re born you’re learning with your parents, your siblings, the other people involved in your life. And so you’re basically at the focus
point of a large community of people who informally are your teachers. So you’re learning your social life, your conceptual development,
your place in the world. And how to control other people’s behavior towards you by mastering language, because language is the tool
we use for all of those things.
We think, in educational circles, of language mainly as a cognitive tool. But language is much more than that. It is a cognitive tool - the
most extensive and complex one we have. But it is also the tool we use to make our presence felt in the world, to get our desires expressed
and met. And children, as they acquire that, are doing it in their mother tongue.
We can’t expect that when they go to school there will be this instantaneous transition over to another medium of exchange for all of this
really important information they encounter at school.”
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
Figure 1: Language Instruction in Education Systems
Bilingual Education Two languages are used as the media of instruction. This type of instruction is also known as
‘dual language instruction’ in which children who speak both the minority and majority language
are taught in both majority and minority languages.
Mother Tongue-Based Bilingual L1 is used as the primary medium of instruction during all of primary school. Then, L2 is
Education introduced as a subject of study to prepare children for eventual transition to using L2 as the
medium of learning in some academic classes.
Multilingual Education Formal use of more than two languages in the curriculum.
Transitional Bi/Multilingual This type of instruction is aimed at planning a transition for children to move from learning in L1
Education, or ‘Bridging’ to learning in L2. Such transition can be done abruptly after a few years or after a longer period
during which the child has become fully fluent academically in his/her L1.
Maintenance Bi/Multilingual Even after L2 has been introduced, children are instructed in L1 and L2. L1 continues, often as a
Education subject of study, to ensure ongoing support for children to become academically proficient in L1.
This is also called ‘additive bilingual education’ because one or more languages are added but do
not displace L1.
Immersion or Foreign Language The entire education programme is provided in a language that is new to the child.
Submersion Speakers of non-dominant languages have no choice but to receive education in a language
they do not understand. The approach promotes subtractive bilingualism, i.e., learning L2 at the
expense of L1.
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
study concludes that if mother-tongue instruction is available By reducing dropout and grade repetition, mother tongue-
at half or more of the schools attended by members of a based multilingual education can also be more cost-effective
linguistic group, the percentage of out-of-school children in in the medium and long run than monolingual alternatives.
that group is about 10% lower compared to groups for which A World Bank study in Mali has found that mother tongue-
mother-tongue instruction is not available or is only available based programmes cost 27% less over the 6-year primary
in a smaller proportion of schools.19 Another study finds that cycle than programmes taught exclusively in French, largely
Malian students instructed in their mother tongues are five because of reduced drop out and repetition.22 Similarly, a
times less likely to repeat a grade and three times less likely sixth-grade graduate of a bilingual programme in Guatemala
to drop out than those instructed in a second language.2021 has been found to be nearly 10% less costly to produce than a
graduate of a comparable monolingual school.23 Evaluations
suggest that covering the costs of providing mother-tongue
Box 2: Philippines instruction requires an initial increase of between 1-5%
Source: Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines. 2012.
Department of Education Order No. 31, 2012; Walter, S. and D. Dekker. in a country’s education budget, but that the resulting
2008. The Lubuagan Mother Tongue Education Experiment. improvement in internal efficiency would greatly reduce the
cost of the education system in the long run.24
In 2012, the Philippine government introduced the use of
mother tongues as the language of instruction in schools, » Socio-cultural Benefits
reversing a long-held policy of using only the national Historical incursions associated with colonialism as well
languages, English and Filipino. Since 2012, students acquire
as a host of contemporary political, economic and social
emerging literacy and numeracy skills in their mother tongues
processes have endangered many of the world’s languages
with the national languages taught as subjects in the first three
and cultures.25 Encouraging and supporting parents in
grades, transitioning to instruction in English and Filipino from
teaching their infants and young children the local language
grade 4 onwards. The change in policy came after a 10-year
experiment in the use of mother tongues in classrooms in in the home, and delivering early childhood education
the district of Lubuagan which produced promising results. programmes and formal education systems in the children’s
Children taking part in the Lubuagan MTB-MLE project, known mother tongue can ensure the transmission of a community’s
as the First Language Component (FLC), received instruction linguistic heritage and prevent this cultural and linguistic loss.
in their first language for the first three years of school. During
In supporting diverse communities to conserve their
this period, they also received instruction in oral English and
languages and culture, MTB-MLE programmes, such as
oral Filipino as preparation for learning to speak and read in
these languages. After three years, children taking part in that implemented in Thailand (see Box 3), have been
FLC merged with others who have received instruction in found to promote greater social cohesion, rather than
the national languages into classrooms where English is the the disintegration feared by proponents of monolingual
primary language of instruction. Standardised tests showed education.
that by grade 3 FLC participants significantly outperformed
Parents are also more likely to communicate with teachers,
their peers in control schools in a range of academic subjects,
including the national languages. For example, FLC students participate in children’s learning and become involved in what
in the 2007-2008 cohort scored an average of more than 75% goes on in the classroom when they feel their knowledge and
on a standardized test of knowledge and skills in mathematics, culture are valued. As evident in the case of Guatemala, the
while students in comparator monolingual schools scored just
50% on average. Similar differences were found in the results 22
World Bank. 2005. In Their Own Language…Education for All.
of tests of reading, English and Filipino. 23
Education Notes. June 2005.
Ministry of Education, Government of Guatemala. 2009. Modelo
Educativo Bilingüe e Intercultural (Bilingual and Intercultural
Education Model). Guatemala: Government of Guatemala.
Alidou, H. et al. 2006. Optimizing Learning and Education in Africa – the
Language Factor. Presented at the Association for the Development of
19 Education in Africa biennial meeting. Libreville, Gabon, March 27-31
Smits, J., J. Huisman and K. Kruijff. 2008. Home Language and
Education in the Developing World. Background paper prepared for 25
UNESCO. 2008. Mother Tongue Instruction in Early Childhood
the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2009.
20 Education: A Selected Bibliography. Paris: UNESCO.
Pflepsen, A. 2011. 26
A Report of Comparative Test Results. Presented to the House of Benson, C. 2002. Real and Potential Benefits of Bilingual
Representatives, Quezon City, Republic of the Philippines, February 27, Programmes in Developing Countries. International Journal of
2008 Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 5 (6), 303-317.
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
Box 3: Thailand’s Deep South and the Patani Malay-Thai Bilingual/Multilingual Education Project, 2014
Source: UNESCO, 2014 Effective Literacy Programmes: Pattani Malay-Thai Bilingual/Multilingual Education
Thailand’s government established a primarily Thai-only educational system with the aim of promoting national unity. However, this
policy has shown to actually fuel social conflict as well as overlook the needs of ethnic minority children. The Patani Malay people’s fears
of assimilation by the Thai majority have fueled renewed social violence, and government schools, which are perceived as instruments
of assimilationist policies, have been targeted. Over 150 teachers have been killed. In addition, student achievements in ethnic minority
communities have also suffered. In 2008, 42.11% of third graders in Thailand’s Deep South failed the Thai writing test taken by all third
graders, while only 5.8% failed nationwide.
As part of an effort to promote peace, Thai officials are supporting the Patani Malay-Thai Bilingual/Multilingual Education (PM-MLE)
project in Thailand’s Deep South. PM-MLE is meant to bring the cultural identity of the Patani Malay people into the education system,
show respect for their cultural heritage and reduce resentment. Under PM-MLE, both Thai and Patani Malay are used as the language of
instruction, although for different purposes and at different times in a lesson. Class time is also devoted to children’s academic and socio
cultural development in order to promote their respect for their own as well as other cultures and religions.
The impact of PM-MLE has been positive. Local communities are being strengthened as parents and grandparents are now able to
relate to their children’s schooling. Students taking part in the PM-MLE project also tend to achieve 40-60% higher scores in all subject
areas compared to Patani Malay students in monolingual Thai classrooms. Due to the success of PM-MLE, Thailand has adopted as a
comprehensive national language policy that supports the right of all Thailand’s ethnic minority children to obtain an education that
incorporates their mother tongue.
use of local languages in instruction can transform parental the easier and faster they are mastered and used to impact
and community participation and responsibility, and such achievement in other subjects. Children should learn 1,000-
empowerment can in turn improve the quality of schooling. 2,500 words a year in order to understand the roughly 2,000-
The use of local languages also has an impact on adult 3,000 words needed to understand the concept of lessons
literacy. As parents see their children successfully learn to sufficiently.32 Further, children require 5-7 years of instruction
read and write in their language, they are often motivated to in a second language before they start catching up on school
attend literacy classes27themselves.28 tests that measure their ability to use L2 for formal academic
learning, as opposed to using L2 for basic interpersonal
» Introducing the Second Language communication.33
Countries that use MTE-MLE must decide when the second
language should be introduced and if/when instruction in Yet, giving a child a strong foundation in his/her mother
mother tongue languages will be discontinued. tongue language helps L2 learning much more than early
or long exposure to L2 by itself. Young students are able to
Introducing a second language to children is most transfer literacy and curriculum content skills learned in one
advantageous when it is introduced to them at an early age language while learning another, and high achievement in L1
and in low anxiety situations, containing familiar and easy helps students maximize this skill. Differences in reading and
understood messages rooted in their culture and traditions. academic performance may be dramatic between students
Children learn a language most efficiently between the ages who receive bilingual education and those who receive
of 3 and 830, and their ability declines dramatically afterwards 34
instruction only in L2. Further, deficiencies in the second
as working memory and reasoning ability increases.31 In language and verbalization of concepts within curriculum
addition, the earlier vocabulary and grammar are learned, content may not be apparent in the lower grades, but they
27 become more apparent after grades 4-5, when concepts
World Bank. 2005 become more challenging. When students know only limited
Mechelli, A., J.T. Crinion, U. Noppeney, J. O’Doherty, J. Ashburner,
R.S. Frackowiak, and C.J. Price. 2004. “Neurolinguistics: Structural Nation, P., and R., Waring. 1997. “Vocabulary Size, Text Coverage
Plasticity in the Bilingual Brain.” Nature 431: 757; UNESCO. 2008. and Word Lists.” In Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and
Improving the Quality of Mother Tongue-Based Literacy and Pedagogy, N. Schmitt and M. McCarthy, eds. Cambridge:
Learning: Case Studies from Asia, Africa and South America. Cambridge University Press, pp. 6-19.
30 33
Johnson J.S., and E.L. Newport. 1989. “Critical Period Effects in Ball, Jessica. 2011. Enhancing Learning of Children from Diverse
Second Learning.” Cognitive Psychology 21: 60-99. Language Backgrounds: Mother Tongue-Based Bilingual or
Mervis. C.B., and J. Bertrand. 1994. “Acquisition of the Novel- Multilingual Education in the Early Years. UNESCO.
Nameless Category Principle.” Child Development 65: 1646-1662. Abadzi. 2006.
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
grammar and vocabulary, they do not have a sufficient introducing the second language: 10 percent of L2 in Grade
foundation from which to peg complex concepts and classes 1, and then gradually increasing to 20 percent, 30 percent, 40
get stuck in a relatively simple level of discourse. In addition, percent, and 50 percent by Grade 5. In this scenario, students
although introducing L2 early is beneficial, early childhood whose mother tongue is different than the second language
education programs such as preschool, which play a critical will, by Grade 5, catch up with or even overtake students
role in providing students with “school readiness skills” in who have been taught only in this language.38 Effective MT-
preparation for the literacy and numeracy skills to be acquired Based MLE programmes use both languages for teaching
in the early grades of elementary school, are more effective throughout primary school. Figure 2 presents an example
when conducted in the medium of the learner’s mother of a progression plan for teaching and using languages in a
tongue, or the language that the learners know best.3536 3-language MT-Based MLE program.
Figure 2: Methods of incorporating multiple languages into education
L1 for teaching L1 for teaching L1 for teaching L1 for teaching L1-L2-L1 for L1-L2-L1 for L1-L2-L1 for L2-L1 for
teaching teaching teaching teaching
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
• Some countries have taken advantage of ICT 3. Challenge: Political Ambivalence
technologies (such as computer based word
• Governments may find it difficult to prioritise learning
processing) to reduce costs associated with
outcomes over politically sensitive issues concerning
developing materials for bi/multilingual instruction.
language use in education.
• Example: Papua New Guinea has published materials
• Children of the elite as well as gifted children usually
in hundreds of languages by using a basic “shell book”
have little difficulty in achieving academic success
by learning in the medium of the dominant national
• Example: Mali, where bilingually-taught students languages in schools.
significantly outperform those in French-only schools, Responses:
provides education in 11 languages and has materials
40 • The type of system-wide reform that is needed for bi-
available in each.
or multi-lingual instruction to achieve its potential,
including reform of teacher training, adapting the
2. Challenge: Parental Resistance examination system and moving toward a more
student-centred method of instruction, requires
• Parents may wonder why their child is being given
significant political commitment and the development
instruction in their mother tongue instead of in a
of administrative and technical capacities throughout
national or international language that would improve
the education system.
their earning opportunities and enhance their socio-
economic status. • The gifted child and those who come from higher
socio-economic households, are in the minority. An
• Example: Many parents in Haiti have resisted the use
equitable education system must consider the vast
of Creole because it is considered the “language of the
majority of students who face significant problems
with the language of instruction, especially in schools
• Example: Many Mexican parents believe Spanish in rural and remote areas.
should be prioritized over indigenous languages
• The best outcomes from the implementation of
because it is the ‘language of progress.’
mother-tongue policies have been found in countries
Responses: where policies have been matched by sustained
• Learning in their mother tongue will not harm commitment from both national and local authorities.
children’s acquisition of the national language. In
• Example: In Mali, reform has been extensive and
contrast, mother tongue instruction has actually
successful and could have only taken place in a
shown to improve national language proficiency
context of long-term political support for mother-
compared to monolingual instruction in the national 45
tongue instruction.
• Example: India’s government has demonstrated
• Creating awareness among parents of mother-
long-term commitment to multilingual education
tongue language policy and its benefits is crucial for
(See Box 4).
successful implementation of MTB-MLE programs.
4. Challenge: Human Resources
• Parents should be included in providing support in • Teachers proficient in mother tongue languages must
classrooms with, for example, the development of be identified and trained.
materials and supervision of their implementation • Teachers will require support, supervision and
in schools, such as by reading stories in the mother monitoring, creating further costs for the government.
• In many countries, materials in one language are scarce
40 and teacher development for monolingual instruction
World Bank. 2005.
UNESCO. 2011.
42 44
World Bank. 2005. Abadzi, A. 2006.
43 45
Pflepsen, A. 2011. UNESCO. 2008a.
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
Box 4: India’s Three Language Formula • Example: Thailand has provided pre-primary teachers
who do not speak Patani Malay with speaking
India, one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the
assistants who do speak the minority languages to
world, has a long history of supporting the right of children to
allow for bilingual education. These assistants receive
learn in their mother tongues. In the 1960s, the government
a monthly stipend from the PM-MLP project. A number
introduced the Three Language Formula in education,
of unpaid volunteers also support the program.
whereby all children should learn their mother tongue or a
regional language, Hindi and English. The Indian Constitution • Example: In Thailand, new teachers and teacher
also establishes that states and local authorities within states assistants are trained and mentored by teachers who
should ‘provide adequate facilities for the instruction in the already have experience in multilingual education.
mother tongue at the primary stage to children belonging Faculties of local universities are developing a
to linguistic minority groups’. Similarly, the 2009 Right to curriculum to teach university students to become
Education Act emphasizes the education should be delivered teachers for multilingual education. They are also
in the mother tongue where possible. Many states comply with assisting in helping ethnic Thai teachers who do not
the Three Language Formula and mother-tongue instruction speak Patani Malay to understand their role in the
directives, with more than 90 per cent of primary schools programme.49
using mother tongues in instruction. In some states, the
government has invested significant resources in developing
» Implementing MTB-MLE in Papua
materials for instruction in minority languages, bringing about Implementing mother tongue based multilingual education
improvements in enrolment, attendance and achievements more widely in eastern Indonesia, especially in Papua, could
across the curriculum. For example, materials such as alphabet significantly improve education outcomes and contribute to
charts, big books for class and group reading and small books reducing gaps in enrolment and dropout between western
for individual reading have been developed in eight minority and eastern Indonesia. However, a range of obstacles
languages in the state of Andhra Pradesh and in ten minority like those described above have historically prevented
languages in the state of Orissa. An evaluation of multilingual
indigenous languages from being used more widely as a
education programmes in Orissa found students taught in
medium of instruction in Papuan schools.
their mother tongues performed better in tests of language
and mathematics than those who were not.46 Firstly, for many community leaders, education administrators
and practitioners (such as principals, teachers and supervisors)
problematic, creating understandable reluctance to government policy on which language to use in education
the development of resources in multiple language is still too vague. As noted above, government policy in
and the training of teachers in bi- or multilingual46 Indonesia allows local languages to be used in classrooms
instruction.47 if Bahasa Indonesia cannot be used as the introductory
Response: language. However, the ambiguity of the terms ‘cannot be
• Recent research by the Summer Institute of Linguistics used’ and ‘introductory language’ lead many communities
(SIL) has underlined the importance of developing which have low levels of use and understanding of Bahasa
teacher training curriculum that is driven by the Indonesia to feel compelled to use Bahasa Indonesia as the
educational needs of rural and remote communities, language of instruction in school. Although senior education
instead of adopting a teacher training curriculum administrators have voiced significant support for MTB-MLE
meant for urban areas, as a key means of establishing recently (see Box 5), a clearer, more explicit policy that states
quality education in remote and rural communities. that the mother tongue and/or the language used most
widely in communication in the community can be used as
Source Global Campaign for Education. n.d. Mother Tongue Education: the language of instruction in early grades in the elementary
Policy Lessons for Quality and Inclusion: Johannesburg, South Africa:
Global Campaign for Education; Pandey, L. n.d. Multilingual Education schools, would provide far greater legitimacy to the use of
Programme of Orissa – An Evaluation Study. Presentation. Delhi, India: mother tongues in instruction.
National Council of Educational Research and Training; Subhash.
2013. Three Language Education Formula in Multilingual Education
India: Problems and Prospects. International J. Education Research.
A further challenge is that the value of MTB-MLE tends to
Vol 1. Issue 4 be misunderstood and inconsistent among the isolated and
World Bank. 2005.
Pikkert, Joost, Jacqualine Menanti and Novi Matulessy. 2014. Rural
and Remote Area Education Strategic Planning Study for Tanah UNESCO. 2012. Patani Malay-Thai Bilingual/Multilingual Education.
Papua, 2014. SIL Indonesia.
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
Box 5: Political support for MTB-MLE in Papua One solution to this could be to strengthen the community
Source: Protasius Lobya, (Cenderawasih Pos, 7 October 2014) school committee for each village school. Currently school
“The mother tongue has a very important role in education committees function in a mainly consultative and fundraising
development, particularly in isolated areas.” - Protasius Lobya, manner. However, they could be strengthened to provide
Secretary of the Education and Culture Office of Papua greater oversight for school matters, including the monitoring
Province (Cenderawasih Post, Oct 3, 2014) of teacher attendance and performance.
“If many first graders do not understand what their teachers are Teachers need to be trained to teach in a multi-lingual
teaching them (in Bahasa Indonesia), then they will not be able context and to use mother tongue instruction in schools.
to count, read or learn science. But they will surely succeed better Here the role of the Faculty of Teaching and Learning (FKIP)
if (we teach them) using the language used in their daily lives.” -
in the local universities plays an important role in promoting
Protasius Lobya (Cenderawasih Post, Oct 7, 2014)
MTB-MLE in its teacher preparation programmes as well as in
the Teacher Training Colleges which have a specific mandate
rural communities that would stand to benefit most from its to serve the rural and remote areas of Papua where mother-
implementation. Reactions range from “We’ve been told the tongue instruction can be of the most benefit.
language we speak is an animal language,” to “Yes! We would
love to have the freedom to use mother tongue but we are
afraid of what the government might think.” Many rural and
remote communities support the use of mother tongues in
classrooms. However, their support tends to be based on the
fear that their languages and cultures will die out if it is not
integrated into the school curriculum rather than perceived
educational benefits.
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
Moreover, while local language curricula have been mapping language communities, schools and MTB-MLE
developed in many Papuan languages over the years, this development, has the potential of providing critical support
has been carried out by a range of organisations and many for development of Papuan languages and MTB-MLE. In
of the curricula are very different in terms of structure and addition, establishing Mother Tongue Based Multilingual
philosophy. The lack of a “print culture” as well as a specific Education committees at the community level would also
model of MTB-MTE to be used (see Figure 2 above) needs facilitate stronger implementation.
to be addressed. Fortunately, with modern technology it
is possible to write and produce instructional materials in All of these challenges can be overcome with political will
multiple languages more cheaply than in the past. and commitment as they have been in many other countries
around the world. Some key political support for MTB-MLE
For greater numbers of communities and schools to embrace is already in place in Papua. The government has committed
high quality MTB-MLE, the government must provide to running an MTB-MLE pilot programme in collaboration
greater support for capacity development, implementation with other stakeholders, which will start in the school year
and co-ordination of such initiatives. The newly established 2015/2016. Drawing heavily from the Thai-Malay multilingual
“Language and Letters Section” within the provincial education project, the pilot program will evaluate the
office of Education and Culture in Papua, working with effectiveness of using a transitional MTB-MLE model in
NGOs and Foundations such as SIL that are devoted to increasing learning outcomes among students in rural and
ACDPINDONESIA Education Sector Analytical And Capacity Development Partnership
remote primary schools over a 3-year period. The pilot will
be designed for implementation in 30 “sekolah kampong”
schools (20 treatment and up to 10 control schools) in the
rural and remote areas of the province.
Kementerian PPN/