MCQ in Gynecology

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MCQ in gynecology

1 The patient with imperforated hymen might present with the following except

A Primary amenorrhea
B Cyclic menstrual molimina
C Acute retension of urine
D Abdominal mass
E Hypomenorrhea

2 The following system anomalies are commonly associate with mullerian

A Cardiac
B Renal
C Gatrointestinal
D Limb deformity
E Cerebral

3 Ambiguous genitalia at birth may be associated with the following

A Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
B Maternal ingestion of danazol during pregnancy
C True hermaphroditism
D All of the above
E None of the above

4 Barr body may be found in the following except

A Klinfilter syndrome
B Turner syndrome
C Down syndrome
D Adrenogenital syndrome
E Pituitary adenoma

5 Congenital absence of the vagina is most commonly associated with

A Absent secondary sexual character

B Absent uterus
C Exposure to diethyl stilbosterol
D Turner syndrome
E Imperforated anus

6 The following is true about gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogue

A They are given continuously in IVF to stimulate follicular growth

B The may cause endometrial hyperplasia
C The can be given intramuscular
D Their long term use increase bone density
E Progestrone back up is better used with its chronic use
7 As regard pituitary FSH hormones the following are true except

A Aglycoprotein
B Excreted in increased amount at menopause
C Stimulate spermatogenesis in male
D FSH and LH stimulate oestrogen secretion and ovulation
E Identical with human chorionic gonadotrphin

8 The function of mid cycle LH surge include the following except

A Enhance thecal cell androgen production

B Lutenizes granulose cells
C Intiate resumption of meiosis
D Faciltate ooocyt expulsion
E Produce luteolysis

9 The site of production of follicular estrogen is

A Granulosa cells
B Theca cells
C Stromal cells
D Endometrium
E Pituitary beta cells

10 The following is a normal finding on the 23 day of a normal 28 day

menstrual cycle provide strong evidence that ovulation has occurred
A Cervical mucus with positive arborization when dry on a glass slide

B Subnuclear vaculation apparent on endometrim biopsy

C High cornification index in vaginal cytology preparation
D High level of total estrogen in a 24 hour specimen of urine
E Presence of an apparently healthy corpus luteum in an ovary

11 Menopause could be diagnosed by

A history of absent menstruation

B High FSH level in young age group
C Absent menstruation for 1 year at the age of 52 year
D Hot flushes
E Insomnia
12 Contraindication to postmenpausal estrogen replacement therapy
include the following except

A Resent deep vein thrombosis

B Acute liver disease
C High serum triglyceride
D Premenpausal mastectomy for breast cancer
E Diabetes mellitus

13 As regard osteoporosis the following are true except

A There is increased osteoclastic activity resulted in fragile bone

B Is prevented by estrogen therapy
C Bisphosphonates are the most effective bone building drugs
D Diagnosed mainly by determination of serum calcium
E Occurs more commonly in patients with turner syndrome

14 In normal puberty the following are true except

A Pubic hair growth is the first sign

B The first menstrual cycles are anovulatory
C Axillary hair growth occurs often before menstrual cycle
D Changes in the vaginal epithelium
E Estrogen produce the growth spurt and then closure of long bone epiphyses

15 Hyperprolactinemia may be associated with all of the following except

A Chronic renal failure

B Hypothyrodism
C Pituitory adenoma
D Methyl dopa therapy
E Adrenogenital syndrome

16 The incorrect statement about a women presenting with cyclical

menorrhagia at the age of 46 years is

A Is likely to be cured by an oral progesterone

B May have uterine fibroid
C May require hysterectomy if medical treatment fails
D Shoud be treated with dilation and curettage
E May have uterine adenomyosis

17 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is frequently associated with

A Endometrial polyp
B Anovulation
C Cervical polyp
D Uterine fibroid
E Vonwillbrand disease
18 The following is characteristics of Sheehan syndrome

A Profuse lactation
B Amenorrhea
C Hyperthyrodism
D Renal insufficiency
E Cushinoid faces

19 Accepted parameter for a normal semen analysis is

A A sperm count of 10 – 20 million per ml
B A volume of 1 ml
C 60 % motility
D 60 % abnormal forms
E A positive agglutination reaction

20 The following are advantage of laparoscope in the diagnosis of infertility

A Good evaluation of tubal factor
B Diagnosis of endometriosis
C Diagnosis of Asherman syndrome
D Good visualization of pelvic adhesion
E Direct visualization of corpus luteum

21 PCOS ovarian disease characterized by all of the following except

A Increase LH level
B Increase in androgen level
C Decrease in estrogen level
D Oligomenorrhea
anges detected at histological examination of the endometrium
E Monphasic basal body temperature

23 Facts about clomophene citrate include the following except :

A Has antiestrogenic properties

B May be started with 50 mg dose daily

C Is useful in primary ovarian failure
D May cause cervical mucus hostility
E Multiple pregnancy may be a side effect of its use

24 Genital prolapse is associated with the following except

A Chronic constipation
B Prolonged second stage
C Unreparied hidden perineal tear
D Improper applied forceps
E The use of HRT at the menpause

25 As regards anterior colporrhaphy , the following are true except

A May cause temporary retension of urine

B Is the treatment of midline defect of anterior vaginal wall
C Is frequently combined with vaginal hysterectomy
D Better avoided with patients with urge incontinence
E Should be carried out only after completion of childbearing

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