1 JUN23. i019
‘CASE NO. $-12-0015 NSAS sec
‘ORDER NO. $-12-0015-14-0807
‘This Consent Order ("Order”) i entered pursuant tothe Arkansas Securities Act, coified
at Atk. Code Ann. §§ 2312-101 through 23:42-509 (“Act”), the Rules ofthe Arkansas
‘Securities Commissioner promulgated pursuant tothe Act Rules”), and the Arkensns
‘Administrative Procedures Act, codified at Ark. Code Ann. §§ 25-15-20] through 25-13-219, ia
‘ccordance with an agreement betven the Sta ofthe Arkansas Securities Department (“Staff”)
tnd the Respondents in fll and final settlement o ll lai that could be brought against
Respondents by Staff in connection with this mater
‘This Order isa compromise of disputed claims and is entered into forthe sole purpose of|
‘resolving the issues between the partes and avoiding the costs and expenses of litigation.
Respondents admit the jurisdiction ofthe Act andthe Arkansas Securities Commissioner
(Commissioner”, waive their right oa formal hearing and appeal, consent othe entry ofthis
(Order, and, without admiting or denying the findings of fat or conclusions of law, agree to
abide by its tems in settlement of any possible violations concerning the matters detailed hese.
\VFG isa Delaware limited liability company (“LLC”) registred to do business in
Gamber isthe managing member of VFG, owning 100% ofthe company as of February
20, 2013. Atall times referenced herein, Gamber held at lest a 32% interest in VF.
Gamber has been the managing member since February 28, 2012,
‘Richard Younkman (*Younkman”) is a resident of Dallss, Texas. Younkman is not
registered with the Department in any capacity. In addition, Younkman has not been
registered on CRD with any sate securities administrator since 2009. Younkman was an
agent of VEG.
An individual who wants to sll his or er income stream (“selle”) appointed VFG as an
‘authorized “buying agent” to submit a contingent offer to third-party buyer ("buyer").
FG created a platform that facilitated transactions between buyers and selles of income
* streams derived from assets that have fixed payment amounts and term, such a5
retirement of military pension streams (“platform”). VEG determined the present valueof the income streams and sold the steams to interested buyers through the platform.
4. VEG provided the potential buyer wih “losing book” comprised of ll the information
‘gered from the seller regarding the income stream. As represented by VFG, the
Information contained therein is “all ofthe information that the (b]uyer needs to make an
informed decision on whether to fllow through withthe purchase.” The buyer and sel
‘donot directly communicate during this process. All information and contracts are
provided by VEG, All paperwork bears the VEG logo. Furthermore, counsel for VEG
‘Encouraged an agent to compete most of the paperwork, so buyers only were required 0
sign the paperwork.
17, VFG provided the buyer wih purchase aplication, and VFG accepted the offer to
purchase oa behalf ofthe see,
‘Once an income stream was purchased, the buyer would forward the purchase-price
[amount to VEG which set up an escrow account with an escrow company to hold that
‘amount and make certain distributions and payments.
‘The buyer didnot acquire vite or ovmership of the underying asset that provided the
income stream but acquired a contractual right to receive the income steam from the
annuity or pension
to, ee the seller assigned the right to receive the fncome seam to he buyer, the seller
{realed an eserow account in his or her name and control. The seller granted the escrow
‘Sompany a special, durable power of atiomey enabling the escrow company to manage
that account and the income-stream funds received. VFG worked with the buyer to
{struct the escrow company to direct payments of a monthly amount othe buyer forthe
term agreed upon a the time of sale
11, The buyer ad te opto for VEG to facia payment of pean for aie insurance
- policy on the seller ofthe income stream because the income streams are life contingent.
"Further, the buyer had the option to purchase a two-year conestability wrapper through
\VEG from an insurance company. VFG then coordinated the purchase ofthe life
{insurance policies and collateral assignments of pre-existing lie msurance policies.
1p, Bees the buyer didnot acquire te or ownership ofthe underying asst thet provided
the income stream, a seller could redirect the stream back to the seller at any time,
leaving the buyer with only a legal claim,
13, VFG diafied ll ofthe required paperwork and facilitated the execution ofthe contacts
and agreements by involved partes. Additionally, VFG received a percentage
‘commission from all sale at closing.
14,NFG offered and sold income szeams to investors though sling agents, ike
‘Younkman. VG authored and provided selling agents with al the documents necessary
to offer and sell these income streams to investors.
4, AZ 0F August 20,2012, VG bad fitted approximately 317 sales in 31 states fran
estimated total of $34,245,351 48 and received an estimated $6,724,049.71 in
‘commissions, VEG paid addtional commissions to an estimated eighty-one agents
between February 2011 and July 2012. Multiple sales were made to two Arkansas
residents during that ime,
16,08 0 sbout Apil 20, 2012, and May 18,2012, VFG and Younkman offered and sold
‘income steams fo a married couple residing in Horatio, Arkansas, Arkansas Resident 1
CARI”), ARI invested epproximately $63,000 in April and approximately $87,000 in
‘May with VFG and Younkman, As part ofthe offer and sale ofthe income streams to
'ARI, VEG and Youskman provided a Closing Book to ARI.
17, The Closing Book included document prepared by VEG and tiled Purchase
‘Application. On page one of the Purchase Application it states, “A purchase of Payments
is only suitable for persons who have adequate financial means and who wil not need
immediate liquidity from this asset. There is no public market for this asset, and we
cannot assure that one will develop, which means that it may be difficult for you o sell,
‘your ase" This statement omitted and filed t provide ARI with full and complete
Uiselosure of material fcts, including, but not limited to, tha the assignment of federalions or pension payments are prohibited by federal aw, and the fll extent ofthe
liquid nature of VEG's investments. Although VFG's statement uses some disclosure
language tat is similar to tha found in many private placement securities offering
documents, no suitability information was ever gathered from ARI by VFG or
‘Younkman. Since VFG included this language on its Purchase Application, VFG clearly
understood that their investments were not suitable for every investor. In spite ofthis
fact, VEG and Younkman never ask ARI for their yearly income, liquid net worth, age,
‘and investment experienc,
18, 00 page two of the VEG Purchase Application, it discusses individual life insurance
* policy coverage onthe seller ofthe income stream. In addition, onthe same page of the
Purchase Application it discusses wrap insurance policy protection provided by Lloyd's
‘of London forthe first two years of ARI’s investments. However, VFG omitted and
fled to provide ARI with fll and complete disclosure of material facts, inluding, but
‘not limited to, details on the insurance coverage or the payment of premiums for this
insurance. Also, VFG did not diselose the risks that the seller's life insurance policy
‘might not actually be purchased, premium payments might not be sent, the seller's
insurance policy might lapse, or the sellers insurance policy might not be honored for
some other reason. Further, VFG provided ARI no deals or proof that VF ever had a
‘wrap insurance policy with Lloyd's of London on the sellers of the income streams
purchased by ARI. Finally, VEG omited and failed to disclose the fact that a life
insurance policy provides no protection against the seller unilaterally stopping. or
‘erecting the income stream payments away ftom ARI.
‘The Closing Book also included a document prepared by VFG and titled Contract for
* Sale of Payments. On page two, paragraph number five of the Contract for Sale of
Payments it states, “For the eansderaton described inthe Sales Assistance Agreement,
Seller shall ransfer and sll to Buyer at Closing one hundred percent (100%) of Seller's
‘ght tl, and interest in and tothe Payments”. ‘This is clearly a misstatement in view of
federal laws prohibiting the assignment or transfer of federal pension. Also, this section
‘of VFG's Contract for Sale of Payments fais to adequately disclose to ARI the risk tht
the sellers of income streams could at any time redirect the payments away fom AR. In
the event thatthe sellers redirected these income steam paymens, then ARI's only
recourse would be a civil suit against the sellers.
‘On page thre of the Contract for Sale of Payments it also states, 102. BOTH PARTIES
prepared by VEG mentions risks, VEG omitted and filed to provide ARI with full and
complete disclosure of any specific risks. In addition, this section misstates federal laws.
‘and court cases that clearly prohibit the assignment or transfer of federal pension
payments sold by VFG and Younkman to ARI. ‘Therefore, inspite ofthe language of
this section of VFG's Contract for Sale of Payments, the sellers and not ARI would
‘maintain all rights and claims to these pension peyments.
(On page thee of the Contract for Sale of Payments it states, “10,3. BY EXECUTING
this section of the document prepared by VFG mentions risks, VFG omitted and filed to
provide ARI with fll and complete disclosure of any specific risks.
In eight separate transactions ranging from on or about June 6, 2011, t0 August 2, 2012,
‘VEG offered and sold income streams to an Arkansas resident, Arkansas Resident 2
(CAR2"). AR? invested approximately $297,000 during that ime.
‘A search ofthe records ofthe Arkansas Securities Department (“Department”) shows that
21.2, VPG has never registered or fled a proof of exemption in accordance withthe Act and
‘has never notice filed in accordance with federal law in connection with a covered
security for offers and sales of securities in Arkansts
‘Atk. Code Ann, § 23=12:102(17)(A)(xi) includes investment contract within the
‘definition of a security. Based upon the totality ofthe services offered pursuant tothe
platform, the transactions are investment contacts, and are therefore a security pursuant
tothe Act.
1s, VFG sa personas defined in Ark. Code Ann. §23-12:102(13).
23% Rule 102.01(11)B) presumes contro ofa person when any individual has the right to
‘vote 25% or more of the voting securities of such person.
‘Atk Code Ann. § 23:42:50 provides that tis unlawful for any person to offer o ell
‘ay security unless it is registered, exempt, ora covered security
[None ofthe income streams offeed for saleby VFG through the platform were
epstered, exempt from registration, ora covered security, Therefore, VFG and Gamber
violated Ark. Code Ann. § 23-12-50].
go, Atk, Code Ann. § 23=12:301(6X1) states it is unlawful for an issuer to employ an
unregistered agent except a nonresident agent whois registered by any other state
securities administrator and who effects transactions in this state exclusively with
rpistered broker-dealers. VEG violated Ark. Code Ann, § 23-12-301(0)(1) when it
‘ernployed Younkman o offer and sell securities to AR! as detailed in this Order.
‘Atk, Code Ann. § 23-12-507(2) states that it is unlawful for any person, in connection
‘with the sale of any security, directly or indirectly, to make any untrue statement of &
‘material factor omit to state @ material fact necessary in order 10 make the statement
‘made in the light ofthe circumstances under which it was made, not misleading. VFG
and Younkman violated Ark. Code Ann. § 23-12-507(2) when they omitted to disclose
‘material information and they medo meterial misstatements to ARI as detailed in this
41, Atk Code Ann. § 23:12-200(¢) permits the informal disposition of « proceeding. or
allegations by settlement or consent.
"The facts se out in paragraphs one through twenty-three support the conclusions of law
set out in paragraphs twenty-four through thirty-one. The Commissioner finds this Order
necessary and appropriate in the public interest for the protection of investors, and consistent
‘with the purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions ofthe Act and Rules. The Staff
and Respondents are desirous of setting this matter as hereafter set forth and agree tothe entry
‘ofthis Order. It is agreed tat Respondents enter into this Order freely and voluntarily and with
fll understanding ofits terms and significance. tis further agreed thatthe Commissioner has
jurisdition to eter his Order. In consideration ofthe foregoing, Respondents waive thei rights
to aearin inthis matter and to judicial review ofthis Order.
ITIS THEREFORE ORDERED that VEG shall offer restitution to ARI and AR2 as ifthe
‘contracts had been rescinded within twenty (20) days ofthe entry ofthis Order; VFG shall
rovide the Staff with proof that these offers of restitution equivalent to rescission have been
‘made within thity (30) days ofthe entry ofthis Order; Order No. $-12-0015-13-ORO2, In he
Matter of VFG, LLC fa Voyager Financial Group, LLC, Andrew Gamber, Kevin McNay,
Robert Henry, ad Jonathan Sheets, is afGimed as to Respondents requiring tat they cease and