MME 9624 Actuator Principles, Integration and Control Assignment 2: Fluidic Systems

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Actuator Principles, Integration and Control

Problem Set #3
MME 9624
1. The hydraulic
Actuatorcylinder control system shown
Principles, in Figure 1 controls
Integration and the position
Control of the servo valve
by a solenoid with a constant gain (i.e. x(t) = Ks i(t)).
a. If the operating pressure is 0.7 MPa,
Assignment 2: compute
Fluidic the minimum
Systems cylinder bore for a force of
2000 N if the diameter of the rod in the cylinder is considered to be equal to half of the
Dept. ofdiameter of the
Mechanical bore. What
& Materials is the difference
Engineering in force
Instructor: between
Prof. Aaron the extend and retract
Faculty directions?
of Engineering Due Date: Thurs., October 31, 2019 5:00 pm
b. Show
Western the transfer function of the output
University displacement
Total to solenoid current is given by the
Marks: 5 points
following equation if we neglect the compressibility of the fluid.
Y (s) KxKs
Instructions: Assignment submissions must K p m electronic
I ( s ) be uploaded K p b files via our OWL site’s As-
signments tool ( Whiles s + + A portions of this assign-
not Arequired,
ment may be easier with the use of MATLAB. This software is available to UWO graduate stu-
dents system has
installation the physical
on their personal parameters listed
computers, see: below. Compare the extend response in
matlab terms of time constant, overshoot and type number of the system if the fluid is considered
incompressible or if the fluid has a bulk modulus of 50 MPa.
m = 30 kg Kp = 9e-3 (m3/s)/Pa
V = 1e-3 m3 Kx = 7e3 (m3/s)/m
b = 150 N/(m/s) Ks = 1e-3 m/A
1. d.(5 points) The position of the servo hydraulic valve illustrated is actuated by a solenoid
Compute maximum speed for extend and retract of the cylinder for an input of 5A to the
that has a constant gain, i.e. x(t) = Ks i(t).
solenoid (ignore compressibility). Compute the required flow rate for the pump based on
the maximum speed of the cylinder in litres per minute.



A m

Figure 1
(a) If the operating pressure is 0.7 MPa, compute the minimum cylinder bore for a force of 2 kN
if the diameter of the rod in the cylinder is considered to be equal to half of the diameter of the
bore. What is the difference in force between the extension and retraction directions?

(b) Show that if we neglect the compressibility of the fluid, the transfer function of the output
displacement to solenoid current is given by the following:

Y (s) Kx Ks
= hK m K b
I(s) s A s + Ap + A

1 1 of 3
(c) The system has the physical parameters listed below. Compare the cylinder extension
response in terms of time constant and overshoot of the system if the fluid is (i) incompressible,
and (ii) has a bulk modulus of 50 MPa.

Table 1: System parameters

Parameter Value
m 30 kg
V 1 × 10−3 m3
b 150 N/(m/s)
Kp 9 × 10−3 (m3 /s)/Pa
Kx 7 × 103 (m3 /s)/m
Ks 1 × 10−3 m/A

(d) Determine the maximum speed for the extension and retraction of the cylinder for an input
of 5 A to the solenoid (neglect compressibility). Compute the required flow rate for the pump
based on the maximum speed of the cylinder in litres per minute, [l/min].

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