Ae IT10 Test1
Ae IT10 Test1
Ae IT10 Test1
Competência pragmática:
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/ estratégica
Exercises 1 and 2
You will hear the first and second parts of a radio podcast about easy ways to learn a
foreign language for people over 18.
1. Listen to the first part of the radio podcast and circle the correct option. (10 x 5 = 50 points)
Learning a asovereign / foreign language when you are over 18 is bchallenging / changing,
but there are ways you can easily enhance the process. While a recent MIT study did pinpoint
17.4 years as the cut-off for obtaining a cnative-like / creative-like mastery of another
language's dvocabulary / grammar structure, the results of the same study suggest that people
over the age of eighteen can definitely still learn a foreign eculture / language quickly - they just
may not achieve the same native-like fefficiency / proficiency. It is also important to remember
that children are not inherently better glearners / earners than their adult hcounterparts /
colleagues: the two groups just learn very differently, and, in fact, there are a few ways that
adults can outperform children in language icognition / acquisition based on their longer and
more robust life jexperiences / experiments.
2. Listen to the second part of the radio podcast and match the phrases in column A with the
ones in column B. There are 2 extra phrases in column B. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
1. There are some useful strategies for people a. it’s important for you to put your knowledge
over 18 _____ into practice, in real-world situations.
2. There are some language-learning apps b. to offer reliable cloud platforms for
prepared _____ videoconferencing.
3. Once you know the vocabulary and grammar c. once the educational environment is less
rules of the language you are learning, _____ traditional.
4. Language exchange programmes allow to d. to learn new words and idioms.
talk with foreign students in a more casual e. to learn a foreign language more easily.
and natural way _____ f. once the educational environment is more
5. Reading books you are familiar with in a new formal.
language makes it easier for you _____ g. to establish connections between learners
and native speakers via chat. (AmE; abridged and adapted)
Exercises 3 and 4
You will hear the third and fourth parts of the radio podcast about easy ways to learn a
foreign language for people over 18.
3. Listen to the third part of the radio podcast. Underline the wrong pieces of information in
the paragraph and correct them. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
Tuning into TV channels, podcasts, or even books-on-tape spoken exclusively in the language
you are trying to learn is an especially good way to absorb phonetic information. Since these
sound experiments are typically designed for intermediate learners, the people talking or singing
tend to do so at an extremely fast pace, forcing your brain to synthesize the music better. (AmE; abridged and adapted)
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________
e. ________________________________________
4. Listen to the fourth part of the radio podcast and complete the sentences according to
what you hear. (5 x 10 = 50 points)
a. The role of music in the learning process is important once it can promote ________________,
and it can be _______________________________________________________________
b. Music can be very helpful when you want your ______________________________________
c. Music makes language learners feel _____________________________________________
d. Music allows you to learn features related to the ____________________________________
e. Songs tell __________________________________________________________________'_Performance
(abridged and adapted)
Competência pragmática
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/estratégica
Competência sociolinguística
Competência pragmática
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/estratégica
1. Complete the text using five words from the box. (5 x 3 = 15 points)
linguistic diversity translation speakers music language teachers
Music can be used to enhance English teaching and learning. Songs sung by native English
a_______________ are of great value to the teaching of speaking and listening. Singing helps
students “tune in” with the target b_______________. Karaoke is very useful once we can listen
to the song and read the words at the same time. Several projects on English music can be
developed. Students can collect songs according to the themes they are learning (cultural and
linguistic c_______________, youth, technology, global communications, etc.) translate the lyrics
and write critical essays on the context and meaning of the songs. Students will be aware of
issues related to d_______________ and cultural awareness in e_______________, and they
can also discuss differences between spoken and written language.'_Performance (abridged and adapted)
2. Rewrite the sentences below using the words/expressions given in brackets and without
changing their meaning. (3 x 5 = 15 points)
a. The UK is culturally diverse. However, pop music in Britain has always been in English. (despite)
b. Singing helps develop pronunciation. It also introduces language learners to new words and
phrases. (both…and)
c. Diverse music promotes language learning. It also enables exposure to other cultures, customs
and people. (besides)
This is largely because most of the world’s recorded music is controlled by “the big three” –
Universal, Sony BMG and Warner – corporations established in Britain or America who together
control up to 80 per cent of today’s market. Most music listeners experience new music through
radio and the music charts, and as these platforms are monopolised by these major record labels,
English-language songs receive the most exposure and are therefore more likely to be widely
listened to. This has led to countless international artists choosing to sing in English out of fear that
an international audience wouldn’t accept their music in its native language.
However, over the past few years technology has been facilitating a surge in the popularity of non-
English language music internationally, including in Britain. Due to the popularity of online streaming
services like YouTube, Apple Music or Spotify, it is now easier than ever for consumers to access
music which would be traditionally outside of what was promoted within their cultural context. The
Internet has also made it easier for fans to form international communities, to share new music and
to translate lyrics to better understand music in languages other than their mother tongue. By 2017,
YouTube’s global Top 10 featured six non-English language tracks, with the number one track being
Despacito by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee – the first video on the platform to ever reach 6 billion
Singing can help facilitate foreign language learning, as it can improve memory, help develop
pronunciation, and introduce language learners to new words and phrases. Beyond promoting
language learning, diverse music also enables exposure to other cultures, customs and people more
generally – promoting tolerance and understanding in the wider community. When young people
who listen to non-English language music think about other countries, they are much more likely to
be aware of that country’s culture, and much less likely to see others as strange and different from
themselves. As music trends are generally set by the young, I believe that the increasing popularity
of diverse music is a reason for optimism – as it demonstrates a turn away from the nationalist and
isolationist discourses that are so prevalent today.
(abridged and adapted)
1. Complete the following sentences according to the text. (3 x 4 = 12 points)
a. Despite the UK’s cultural diversity, …
b. German radio stations play music in …
c. You can appreciate a great song when you hear one, even …
4. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb tenses. (30 points)
a. Paul is the director of an important record label. He ____________________ (listen) to
Portuguese music for the first time when he ____________________ (spend) his holidays in
the Algarve.
b. William is a language specialist. He ____________________ (work) at Oxford University. Now
he ____________________ (study) the influence of music on the language learning process.
c. Beatrice ____________________ (go) on a school programme when she was in high school.
She ____________________ (stay) in Guatemala for two weeks.
d. - Ted, how long ____________________ (you / study) for your English exam?
- For a week! I ____________________ (do) my best to get a good mark!
e. Helen’s plane ____________________ (just / leave). She ____________________ (go) to
Haiti as a volunteer. She is going to teach English to children who live in a poor community.
Write a text about one of the following topics (150-200 words). (80 points)
Intervenientes e Descrição das atividades
Professor Hello. Could I just check your names, please?
What’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno A.]
And what’s your name? [O professor dirige-se ao aluno B.]
For about four minutes, I would like you both to answer some questions so that I can learn a bit
more about you. Please answer the questions, but do not interrupt your partner.
[1. O professor usa a lista que se segue, escolhendo o número de estímulos adequados ao
tempo. 2. As perguntas são colocadas seguindo uma linha vertical (entrevistando um aluno de
cada vez).]
Professor e A B
alunos • What languages have you studied? • Have you ever made any friends over the
• How well can you read, write and speak Internet?
each of them? • What are the advantages and
• Which language do you think is the most disadvantages of these kinds of
difficult to learn? Why? friendships?
• Which do you think are the best ways to • Have you ever participated in a student
learn a foreign language? exchange programme?
Total: • Why do so many people want to learn • Have you ever taken a summer course?
+/– 4 minutos English? • How can students benefit from these
Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about two minutes.
Cada aluno 1 You have one minute to prepare. You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she is speaking.
minuto Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes.
Please do not write a text.
Cada aluno [O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos. Se o aluno A iniciou o 1.º momento,
+/– 2 minutos será o aluno B a iniciar o 2.º.]
Professor Look at this picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you.
Cada aluno 1 You have a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.
minuto [O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]
Picture 1: Picture 2:
• What can you see in the picture? • What can you see in the picture?
• What does it represent? • What does it represent?
• What are the benefits? • What are the benefits?
• Are there any disadvantages? • Are there any disadvantages?
• How can these be tackled? • How can these be tackled?
[O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:
• Can you give me some (more) examples/details?
• Can you tell me more about that?]
[O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:
• Remember you have to…]
+/– 6 minutos Thank you, A. Thank you, B.
Professor Now I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen.
+/– 30 segundos You have to speak clearly and loud enough so that we can hear you both.
One of you thinks everyone should speak the same language and the other disagrees.
Here is a card for you.
[O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 e Card 2]
Alunos [Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos podem usar algum tempo para tomarem conhecimento do
+/– 5 minutos material de suporte.
O professor poderá ainda repetir as instruções ou dizer, por exemplo:
• “Could you start, please?”, caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenham decorrido mais
de 30 segundos.
• “Remember you have to…” para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande
desvio ao tema.
• “Remember you have to talk to each other.” para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um
com o outro.]
+/– 6 minutos Thank you both. That is the end of your test.
Total final:
+/– 16 minutos FIM DA PROVA
You think musicians should always sing in You think musicians should always sing in
English. their native languages.
Mention: Mention:
• popularity of the English language • expression of identity
• number of people who know English • expression of linguistic diversity
• better understanding of the lyrics • expression of cultural diversity
• lack of language barriers among people • use of words which embody certain
• help with the process of learning English emotions in a particular language
• improvement in terms of global • help with the process of learning diverse
communication languages