Yu Yuan Bobet 2017 PDF
Yu Yuan Bobet 2017 PDF
Yu Yuan Bobet 2017 PDF
Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87
Received 2 January 2017; received in revised form 4 May 2017; accepted 14 May 2017
Available online 19 May 2017
Seismic analysis of long tunnels is important for safety evaluation of the tunnel structure during earthquakes. Simplified models of
long tunnels are commonly adopted in seismic design by practitioners, in which the tunnel is usually assumed as a beam supported by the
ground. These models can be conveniently used to obtain the overall response of the tunnel structure subjected to seismic loading. How-
ever, simplified methods are limited due to the assumptions that need to be made to reach the solution, e.g. shield tunnels are assembled
with segments and bolts to form a lining ring and such structural details may not be included in the simplified model. In most cases, the
design will require a numerical method that does not have the shortcomings of the analytical solutions, as it can consider the structural
details, non-linear behavior, etc. Furthermore, long tunnels have significant length and pass through different strata. All of these would
require large-scale seismic analysis of long tunnels with three-dimensional models, which is difficult due to the lack of available comput-
ing power. This paper introduces two types of methods for seismic analysis of long tunnels, namely simplified and unified methods. Sev-
eral models, including the mass-spring-beam model, and the beam-spring model and its analytical solution are presented as examples of
the simplified method. The unified method is based on a multiscale framework for long tunnels, with coarse and refined finite element
meshes, or with the discrete element method and the finite difference method to compute the overall seismic response of the tunnel while
including detailed dynamic response at positions of potential damage or of interest. A bridging scale term is introduced in the framework
so that compatibility of dynamic behavior between the macro- and meso-scale subdomains is enforced. Examples are presented to
demonstrate the applicability of the simplified and the unified methods.
Ó 2017 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: Earthquake engineering; Tunnel structure; Seismic analysis; Simplified method; Multiscale method
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Long tunnels in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
⇑ Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai
200092, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Yu).
Peer review under responsibility of Tongji University and Tongji University Press.
2467-9674/Ó 2017 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
74 H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87
tunnels, it is most appropriate to utilize three-dimensional in China. Given that all the tunnels are in seismic areas,
(3-D) models (Hatzigeorgiou & Beskos, 2010; Li & Song, the earthquake demand on the tunnels should be evaluated
2015; Stamos & Beskos, 1996). With high-performance com- to ensure the safety of the structures.
puters and large mass storage capabilities, it is now possible
to run large-scale 3-D dynamic FEM analyses for tunnels The HZM immersed tunnel
under seismic load (Ding, Jin, Guo, & Li, 2006). However,
if the entire tunnel is modeled including structural details The Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau linkage (HZM linkage)
such as connection bolts between liner segments and joints, is a major infrastructure project starting construction in
the finite element model will be extremely large and compu- China. Crossing the Lingding Sea, the project links Hon-
tation will be very expensive, if not impossible, even with the gkong, with its industry and tourist attractions, to Zhuhai
most advanced supercomputer. city and Macao. The main structures of the HZM linkage
The objective of the paper is to illustrate the seismic are composed of a cable stayed bridge and an immersed
analysis of long tunnels with two different methods: the tunnel via two artificial islands. The total length of the link-
simplified method and the unified method. The mass- age is 35,600 m and the immersed tunnel is 5,664 m. The
spring-beam model, and the beam-spring model and its tunnel is composed of 33 concrete tunnel elements (see
analytical solution for long tunnels are discussed, as exam- Fig. 1(a)), and each element consists of 8 concrete tunnel
ples of the simplified method. The unified method is based segments, each 22.5 m long (see Fig. 1(b)). The cross sec-
on two multiscale approaches, i.e. one is a continuum- tion of the tunnel is a rough rectangle with 37.95 m in
based multiscale method coupling both coarse and refined width and 11.4 m in height (see Fig. 1(c)) that provides
finite element meshes, and the other is a discrete-continuum two vehicle barrels, and one barrel for pipelines and venti-
multiscale method coupling the discrete element and the lation. Segments are prefabricated one by one using rein-
finite difference model, to reduce computational cost and forced concrete, and then assembled into a tunnel
improve accuracy of the solution. Examples are given to element in a dockyard before shipping and immersing them
demonstrate the applicability of the methods. at the site. The sediments at the site are of marine origin
and include silt, clay and sand above bedrock.
Long tunnels in China This tunnel is, as of today, one of the largest long-
distance immersed tunnels in the world. Given that the tun-
Three examples of tunnels in China, namely the nel area is prone to earthquake activity, seismic perfor-
Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau (HZM) immersed tunnel, the mance of the tunnel is investigated for the 120-year
Qingcaosha water conveyor tunnel, and the Longxi tunnel, design life of the structure. Furthermore, due to the spatial
are used to demonstrate the ongoing booming construction variation of earthquake motions along long tunnels
of long tunnels in China. Note that the three tunnels are (Hwang & Lysmer, 1981; Park, Sagong, Kwak, & Jeong,
built using three different construction methods, the 2009; Yu, Yuan, Qiao, et al., 2013), the influence of non-
Immersed Tunnelling Method, the Shield Tunnelling uniform seismic excitations on the immersed tunnel needs
Method and the New Austrian Tunnelling Method, respec- to be evaluated and considered for its seismic design (Yu
tively, which are the most widely used tunnelling methods et al., 2016; Yuan, Yu, Li, Yan, & Yuan, 2016).
Fig. 1. Layout of the HZM immersed tunnel (Unit: m) (Yu et al., 2016).
76 H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87
Fig. 3. Typical cross section of the Qingcaosha tunnel (Yu, Yuan, Qiao, et al., 2013).
H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87 77
Fig. 4. Location of the Longxi tunnel and earthquake epicenter (not to scale) (Yu, Chen, Bobet, et al., 2016).
78 H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87
Fig. 6. Collapse of the tunnel at the crossing of the fault (Yu, Chen,
Bobet, et al., 2016).
niently used to obtain the overall response of a tunnel Fig. 7. Mass-spring model for free field (Kiyomiya, 1995).
structure subjected to seismic loading. Two simplified mod-
els, namely the mass-spring-beam model, and the beam- A new method (Li, Yuan, Yu, & Yuan, submitted for
spring model and its analytical solution for seismic analysis publication), i.e. one-dimensional multiple-degree-of-
of long tunnels are discussed. freedom (MDOF) system, based on the equivalence of
modes, has been developed to represent the one-
Mass-spring-beam model dimensional layered soil deposit. A series of one-
dimensional MDOF systems are connected to constitute
The mass-spring-beam model is widely used in seismic a two-dimensional mass-spring model of the soil. The
design and analysis of long tunnels, especially for immersed equivalent mass-spring model is then used for the longitu-
tunnels (Kiyomiya, 1995). The mass-spring model was first dinal seismic analysis of long tunnels, as shown in Fig. 8.
proposed for the earthquake response analysis of immersed The modal equivalent MDOF system has the distinction
tunnels based on shaking table model tests and earthquake and advantage that it can characterize well the one-
observations of an immersed tunnel in Japan (Okamoto & dimensional ground properties, under shaking, such as nat-
Tamura, 1973). It relies on the assumptions that (1) the ural frequency and hysteretic damping. Comparisons of the
natural period of the ground is not influenced by the exis- amplification function of the modal equivalent MDOF sys-
tence of the tunnel, and (2) the motion of the ground is tem with the theoretical solution for the one-dimensional
induced by the shear vibration of soil strata and only the wave propagation provide excellent results (Li et al.,
fundamental mode is taken into consideration. submitted for publication).
Fig. 7 is a sketch of the mass-spring model (Kiyomiya,
1995). The surface layer of the soil along the tunnel axis Beam-spring model
is divided into a number of soil slices. Each slice is repre-
sented by an equivalent mass-spring system that consists The pseudo-static or dynamic analysis based on the
of a mass, a spring and a dashpot connecting the mass to beam-spring model is a simple method for the seismic anal-
the base rock. The neighboring masses are then connected
to each other along the tunnel axis by springs and dashpots
to simulate the connection between the adjacent soil slices.
By solving the dynamic equilibrium equation of the model,
the ground displacements at the positions of the soil masses
and tunnel can be evaluated. Assuming the tunnel as a
beam supported by soil springs, the seismic response of
the tunnel subjected to the obtained ground motions can
be calculated through a dynamic time-history analysis.
Note that the mass-spring model is established with the
assumption that the ground displacement is dominated
by the fundamental shear vibration. Clearly, the ground
response calculated may not be accurate when different soil Fig. 8. Mass-spring-beam model for longitudinal seismic analysis of long
layers are contained in a soil slice. tunnels.
H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87 79
ysis of long tunnels (Anastasopoulos et al., 2007; Hashash, 0; ðx > VtÞ
Tseng, & Krimotat, 1998). In this model, the tunnel is F ðx; tÞ ¼ ð1Þ
P sin 2pX t Vx ; ðx 6 VtÞ
assumed as a beam supported on the ground by soil springs
(and dashpots) representing the soil-structure interaction, where t, V , X and P are time, velocity, frequency and
as shown in Fig. 9. The seismic input is the free-field amplitude of the loads, respectively.
motion at the depth of the tunnel. Generally, two basic The displacement response of the tunnel is (Yu, Cai,
approaches, analytical and numerical, are employed for Guan, et al., 2016):
beams resting on elastic or viscoelastic foundations. Z þ1 Z t Z Vs
P cos½uðr xÞ
Numerical methods such as the finite element method are yðx; tÞ ¼ sin
useful to analyze complex structures; however, both time pqA 0 0 0 bðuÞ
X 2
X 2
The multiscale method consists of two steps. In the first dI ¼ ½d iI ¼ uCi ðXI Þ uRi ðXI Þ
step, a regular, e.g. coarse, 3-D Finite Element Model is i i
built based on geological data, tunnel geometry, construc- " #2
tion process, etc. Non-linear soil and/or structure models ¼ N CJ ðXI ÞuCiJ N RJ ðXI ÞuRiJ ¼0 ð6Þ
are included in the analysis as well as contact interfaces. i J J
The objective of this first step is to determine the seismic
where dI is the representation of the displacement bound-
response characteristics of the system and to identify areas
ary conditions on the overlapping subdomain; the super-
where detailed, e.g. refined, analysis is needed. In the sec-
scripts C and R correspond to the coarse and refined
ond step, the coarse mesh in those areas of interest identi-
subdomains, respectively. The refined displacements are
fied in the first step is replaced by a refined mesh and a new
required to conform to the coarse displacements at the dis-
simulation with the composite, i.e. coarse and fine, mesh is
crete nodal positions of the refined model. The constraints
carried out. This can be done while the coarse mesh still
are applied to all components of the displacements.
captures the seismic response characteristics of the system.
In the coupling method, the constraints are appended to
A difficulty that arises in multiscale couplings is that
the dynamic equations with Lagrange multipliers. The total
high frequency waves may be spuriously reflected at the
Hamiltonian can be described as
fine/coarse interface, as noted by a number of researchers X
such as Holmes and Belytschko (1976). This is because H L ¼ H þ kT d ¼ H þ kTI dI ð7Þ
the time step used for the entire domain depends on the size I
of the smallest element, and as a result one may observe where kI ¼ fkiI g is a vector of Lagrange multipliers, with
spurious reflections of high frequency waves at locations components corresponding to the components of the dis-
where there is a change of mesh density. An overlapping placement of the refined node I.
domain between coarse and refined meshes is defined to The equations of motion with the Lagrange multipliers
solve the problem. A schematic of the coupling method is are
shown in Fig. 10. The complete domain in the initial con- (
figuration is denoted by X0 . The domain is subdivided into M I €uC ¼ f extC f intC f dC f LC in XC
I I I I I 0
two subdomains: the refined subdomain denoted by XR0 , I €uRI ¼ f extR
m I f intR
I f dR
I fI
in XR0
and the coarse subdomain, denoted by XC0 . The overlap int
where f ext
I and f I are the external and internal nodal forces
0 ; ‘0 denotes the
of these two domains is denoted by Xint
respectively, f I is the damping node force, f LI is the force
boundary between the refined and the overlap subdomains
and ‘g1 denotes the boundary between the overlap and the due to the constraints enforced by the Lagrange multipli-
ers; the superscripts C and R correspond to the coarse
coarse subdomains.
and refined subdomains, respectively; M I and mI are the
In the method, the total energy is taken as a linear com-
lumped mass of coarse and refined subdomains at node I,
bination of the refined and coarse mesh energies. A scaling
parameter g is introduced in the overlapping subdomain.
The Hamiltonian for the complete domain is taken as a lin- The forces f LC I and f LRI are due to the constraints
ear combination of the refined and coarse subdomain. That enforced by the Lagrange multipliers and are given by
is, X @dJ X
I ¼
f LC kTJ C ¼ kTJ DCJI ð9Þ
H ¼ ð1 gÞH R þ gH C ð5Þ J I J
X @dJ X
To keep the continuity of the two divided subdomains, I ¼
f LR kTJ R ¼ kTJ DRJI ð10Þ
@u I J
the refined model and the coarse model are constrained
on the overlapping subdomain Xint where N IJ ¼ N I ðXJ Þ, and
0 by:
@dJ C @dJ
¼ N JI I ; DJI ¼
¼ ½N RJI I ð11Þ
@uCI @uRI
where N I is the shape function.
The explicit central difference method (CDM) is adopted
to solve for the motion. First, trial displacements and
velocities are obtained neglecting the constraints. Second,
Lagrangian multipliers are obtained to satisfy the con-
straints. Finally, updated final displacements and velocities
are computed. The steps required for FEM multiscale cou-
pling are as follows:
(2) Seismic simulation of the coarse model is performed. particles. The meshes are employed to capture dynamic
(3) Sections of interest are identified after (2). response characteristics of the system, whereas the particles
(4) Multi-scale FEM is implemented by replacing the describe the dynamic response at the mesoscale or micro-
coarse model with the refined model in the sections scale. An overlapping domain is created between the finite
of interest. difference meshes and the discrete particles, and a bridging
(5) Numerical simulation of the multi-scale model under scale term is introduced to ensure the compatibility of
seismic loading is carried out, using the dynamic energy in the overlapping domain. In the overlapping
explicit algorithm (CDM). domain (Fig. 11), the constraints between mesh and parti-
(6) Multi-scale FEM dynamic computation ends when cle subdomains are imposed to the motion equations using
the accumulated time is greater than the maximum Lagrange multipliers, which are developed in a consistent
time tmax . manner from the energy potential. The proposed method
does not result in spurious wave reflections and does not
need additional filtering or damping in the overlapping
Discrete-continuum multiscale coupling method
domain between the FDM meshes and the DEM particles.
The equations of motion for the coupling method,
Seismic analyses of long tunnels are generally performed
including the Lagrange multipliers are (Li et al., 2015)
using continuum-based methods such as FEM or FDM
(finite difference method) because of their suitability for a J €uJ ¼ f ext C f int C f LC ; in XC
M ð12Þ
J J J 0
continuous formulation of the problem considered. How-
ever, to resolve local phenomena such as crack propagation I €dI ¼ f ext
m I
f int
f LP
I ; in X0
and progressive failure at positions of potential damage, a J and m
where M I are the lumped mass of node J and par-
very refined model is desired. Furthermore, current consti-
tutive models establish stress-strain relationships at the ticle I, respectively; f ext
and f ext
are the external nodal
macroscopic scale but may lose the capability of capturing force and particle force, respectively; and f intC J and f intP
response at the microscale. An alternative to those methods are the internal nodal force and particle force, respectively.
is the discrete-based approach formulation, to describe the The forces f LC J and f LP
I are caused by the constraints,
mesomechanical or micromechanical response of materials enforced by Lagrange multipliers, and given by (Li et al.,
and local failure processes. However, because of the 2015)
demanding computational cost of discrete methods, it is X @g X
impossible to realistically model large engineering prob- J ¼
f LC kK K ¼ kK GCKJ ð14Þ
lems with the current capacity. Fortunately, in many appli- K K
Fig. 11. Bridging domain coupling discrete and continuum regions (Li et al., 2015).
82 H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87
the procedure to obtain displacements and velocities at propagating along the positive axis. The travelling har-
time n + 1, assuming that displacements and velocities monic load applied at time t is described in Eq. (1). The
are known at time steps n and n + 1/2. First, trial displace- parameters of the load are as follows: amplitude
ments and velocities are obtained, neglecting the con- P ¼ 21 kN; frequency X ¼ 2 Hz; and wave velocity
straints. Second, Lagrangian multipliers are obtained to V ¼ 200 m=s.
satisfy the constraints. Finally, updated final displacements The analytical solution is provided in integral form in
and velocities are computed. A user-defined subroutine is Eq. (2), which can be solved in combination with the Gaus-
developed based on the two commercial packages, fast sian integral. Fig. 12 shows the comparison of the bending
Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) and particle flow moment and shear force responses at point x ¼ 500 m of
code (PFC). The advantage of the multiscale continuum- the tunnel under travelling and uniform harmonic loads.
discrete coupling approach is that it allows modeling of The figure indicates that both the bending moment and
local physical phenomena at the mesoscopic or microscopic shear force responses of the tunnel under travelling loads
scales in very large systems. are significantly larger than those under uniform loads.
This can be taken as an indication that, for long tunnels,
Examples the wave passage effect would dramatically amplify the
structural response; therefore, uniform loads should not
Several examples using the simplified and unified seismic be used in the seismic design, but rather appropriate con-
analyses of the Qingcaosha water-conveyance tunnel sideration should be given to travelling loads.
(Fig. 2) are presented to illustrate the applicability of the It is of interest to observe how the velocity and fre-
methods. More detailed information of the tunnel is pro- quency of the travelling load influence the response of the
vided in Section 2.2. To provide a better understanding tunnel. Fig. 13 shows the bending moments and the shear
and yet limit the number of analyses, the following discus- forces at point x ¼ 500 m for the travelling load, with
sion is limited to the beam-spring model and multiscale velocity 200 m/s, 400 m/s, 600 m/s, 800 m/s and constant
model, coupling coarse-refined meshes, for large-scale seis- frequency 2 Hz. It can be seen from the figure that the
mic analyses. velocity of the travelling loads has significant influence on
the response of the tunnel. In this case, the dynamic
response for the wave velocity 200 m/s is much larger than
Case I: Simplified seismic analyses the other waves, and thus it can be considered as the critical
condition for the tunnel design.
Due to the aforementioned limitations of the simplified Fig. 14 is a plot similar to Fig. 13, also showing the
method, only the cross-river segment of the tunnel (Fig. 2) bending moments and shear forces at x ¼ 500 m, for the
is considered here, which is assumed as an infinitely long travelling load with frequency 2 Hz, 4 Hz, 6 Hz, 8 Hz and
lined tunnel with external and inner diameters 6.4 m and constant wave velocity 200 m/s. The figure indicates that
5.5 m, respectively. The tunnel is assumed linear elastic, the bending moment of the tunnel structure increases with
homogeneous and isotropic, with mass density q ¼ decreasing wave frequency. This result suggests that the
2500 kg=m3 and Young’s modulus E ¼ 3:55 1010 Pa. influence of low frequency waves should be considered
The foundation is linear elastic, with spring stiffness for the seismic design of long tunnels.
K ¼ 3:5 107 N=m2 and viscous damping C ¼ 0. A travel- Regarding the advantages (and limitations) of analytical
ling harmonic load is imposed to the tunnel structure from solutions over numerical routines applied to practical engi-
the origin of the coordinate system x ¼ 0 (see in Fig. 9), neering problems, the following comments apply: although
Fig. 12. Response of the tunnel liner under travelling and uniform harmonic loads, at x ¼ 500 m: (a) bending moment; and (b) shear force.
H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87 83
Fig. 13. Response of the tunnel liner for travelling harmonic waves with velocity 200 m/s, 400 m/s, 600 m/s, 800 m/s and constant frequency 2 Hz, at
x ¼ 500 m: (a) bending moment; and (b) shear force.
Fig. 14. Response of the tunnel liner for travelling harmonic waves with frequency 2 Hz, 4 Hz, 6 Hz, 8 Hz and constant velocity 200 m/s, at x ¼ 500 m: (a)
bending moment; and (b) shear force.
Fig. 16. Mesh of the multiscale tunnel model: (a) coarse-refined mesh; and (b) detail of the refined mesh for a liner segment and bolts.
the model, the closest distance from the tunnel to the lateral and longitudinal bolts are placed in tension. The pre-
boundary is more than ten times the spacing between the tension force is about 176 kN. The refined mesh for the
east and the west tunnels. Because the lateral boundaries liner segments is composed of eight-node hexahedral ele-
are far from the tunnel structure, the influence of wave ments, the same elements used for the coarse mesh. The
reflection caused by the free boundaries on the tunnel is neg- length of the overlap domain between the coarse and
ligible. The adequacy of the type of boundary and mesh size refined discretization is 1.5 m (Fig. 16). The prestressed
was verified by running a number of preliminary numerical bolts are simulated with two-node link elements (Fig. 16).
tests, where the lateral boundaries of the discretization were The force generated by the bolt is nonzero if and only if
placed at different distances from the tunnel. It was decided the bolt is in tension. Since the nodes of the link element
that the size of the discretization was acceptable when free- have the same degrees of freedom as the solid elements,
field conditions were recovered in the area between the tun- the connection between bolts and tunnel segments is
nel and the boundaries. consistent.
The multi-scale model is implemented by replacing the An elastic material model is assumed for both the con-
coarse model with the refined model at positions of poten- crete (liner segments) and steel (connection bolts). The
tial damage; these include the liner segments at particular nonlinear soil model (R-O model) is used for the entire
cross sections and the bolts that connect the segments ground, i.e. for both the coarse and refined meshes. The
(Fig. 16). In the refined model, each of the six segments material parameters for segments, bolts and soil properties
in each ring is connected by M36 bolts (circumferential used in the model can be found in Yu, Yuan, Bobet, 2013.
bolts), with a total of 24 bolts; the joints between the seg- The Shanghai artificial seismic wave record has been
ments of two adjacent rings have M30 bolts with a total imposed to the bottom of the discretization, which corre-
of 16 bolts (longitudinal bolts). Both the circumferential sponds to bedrock (Fig. 17). In the numerical model, the
Ratio between max. principal stress
Acceleration (g)
-0.10 0.20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 5 10 15 20
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 17. Acceleration time history of the Shanghai artificial seismic wave. Fig. 18. Maximum tension in bolts.
H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87 85
Fig. 19. Contour plots of stresses in the tunnel liner segments at time 5.2 s. (a) maximum principal stress; (b) minimum principal stress. Max. and Min.
ratio in the figures denote the maximum and minimum ratio of maximum principal stress/tensile strength or the maximum and minimum ratio of
minimum principal stress/compressive strength.
seismic input is applied to all the nodes at the bottom of the stresses, i.e. maximum tension and maximum compression,
discretization, i.e. all the nodes, at a given time, have accel- occur at the contact between segments, as shown in Fig. 19,
eration in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. which is a contour plot of the maximum and minimum
The simulations have been carried out using 64 CPUs of principal stresses. The extreme values are due to the stress
the Magic Cube supercomputer at the Shanghai Supercom- concentration induced by contact between tunnel segments.
puter Center. Each run takes about 75 h to complete. The Also, since the tensile strength of the concrete is reached
following is a discussion of the results obtained with the during the earthquake, cracking may be expected.
refined model at one of the potentially most critical sec- In reality, not only the ovaling deformation of the cross
tions along the tunnel. sections but also the deformation of joints is of great con-
Fig. 18 illustrates the ratio between maximum principal cern. Figs. 20 and 21 are plots of the maximum opening
stress and tensile strength of the bolts connecting the seg- and the maximum shearing dislocation, respectively, of
ments at the most critical section of the east-line tunnel. any of the circumferential joints. The figures show that
What is shown is the maximum stress at any given time the maximum opening of the circumferential joint is
in any of the bolts. The maximum tension, of about 2.3 mm and the maximum shear dislocation of the circum-
240 MPa, occurs at about 8.2 s within the earthquake, ferential joint is 2.4 mm. These values are smaller than the
which can be considered acceptable given that the maxi- allowable upper limits of 3–5 mm for joint opening and 4–
mum allowable stress is 480–640 MPa, depending on the 5 mm for joint dislocation, based on the Shanghai code for
grade of the bolts used (Yu, Yuan, Qiao, et al., 2013). It foundation design (DGJ08-11-1999), and so the perfor-
is interesting to note that the largest values of the principal mance of the tunnel under the seismic acceleration input
is acceptable.
2 2.0
circumferential joints (mm)
1 1.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 20. Maximum opening of circumferential joints. Fig. 21. Maximum shearing dislocation of circumferential joints.
86 H. Yu et al. / Underground Space 2 (2017) 73–87
Two different methods, the simplified and the unified The research has been supported by the National Natu-
method, are introduced, which are employed for seismic ral Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51678438 &
analysis of long tunnels. The simplified methods such as 51478343), the Shanghai Rising-Star Program
the beam model provide effective tools for practitioners. (17QC1400500), and the Shanghai Committee of Science
They allow readily identification of the variables controlling and Technology (Grant No. 16DZ1200302 &
the magnitude of the distortions and thus provide an insight 16DZ1201904). The authors acknowledge the support from
into the behavior of the structure. Furthermore, the simpli- the Fundamental Research Funds for the State Key Labo-
fied method and its solutions are invaluable to obtain a bet- ratory for GeoMechanics and Deep Underground Engi-
ter understanding of the interplay that exists between neering, China University of Mining & Technology
dynamic loads, viscoelastic foundation and tunnel structure, (SKLGDUEK1723).
to identify what are the most critical parameters for the
problem, and to provide first estimates or even a preliminary
design. An added advantage is that they can be used with lit-
tle cost to conduct sensitivity analysis. However, the simpli- Amorosi, A., & Boldini, D. (2009). Numerical modeling of the transverse
fied method may not be able to capture response and damage dynamic behavior of circular tunnels in clayey soils. Soil Dynamics and
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Anastasopoulos, I., Gerolymos, N., Drosos, V., Kourkoulis, R., Geor-
failure, due to the simplified assumptions taken to include garakos, T., & Gazetas, G. (2007). Nonlinear response of deep
the tunnel structure and the soil-tunnel interaction. immersed tunnel to strong seismic shaking. Journal of Geotechnical and
Thus, a novel and reliable multiscale coupling method is Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(9), 1067–1090.
Bobet, A. (2003). Effect of pore water pressure on tunnel support during
proposed to solve the problem. The multiscale approach static and seismic loading. Tunneling and Underground Space Technol-
couples continuum-based FEM calculations with coarse ogy, 18, 377–393.
and fine meshes. The coarse-scale mesh is employed to cap- DGJ08-11-1999. Shanghai code for design of foundation, Management
Office for Shanghai Technical Standard Project: Shanghai, 1999 (in
ture seismic response characteristics of the integral system, Chinese).
whereas the fine-scale mesh describes in detail the dynamic Ding, J. H., Jin, X. L., Guo, Y. Z., & Li, G. G. (2006). Numerical
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