Basal Implant The Save PDF
Basal Implant The Save PDF
Basal Implant The Save PDF
Implant Directions®
Vol.2 No.3 September 2007
ISSN 1864-1199 / e-ISSN 1864-1237
Abstract Keywords
The purpose of this four years study was to Basal implants, implant survival, immediate
report on the outcomes after using a basal loading, poor bone, BOI, basal implants
implant design for treating patients espe-
cially with poor quality and quantity of bone Introduction
under immediate load conditions. From May Survival rates for conventional dental implant
2003 to end of April 2007, 88 consecutive systems are relatively high in normal healthy
patients receiving 302 BOI®-implants were bone.1 However, there are subgroups of pa-
enrolled in this study. No patients seeking tients that are at an increase risk of implant or
implant treatment were turned away for treatment failure. In particular, patients with re-
any reason nor got screw type implants. duced quantity or quality of bone present a sig-
The mean age at implant surgery was 50.1 nificant challenge to the dental implantologist
years. All 88 patients and their implants and have higher rates of implant failure (2-6).
were accounted for at the end of the follow- Disease, congenital anodontia, trauma, or atro-
up period. All but one implant underwent phy due to the aging process leads to this poor
immediate loading. Even in cases of severe quality or quantity of bone.
bone atrophy, no augmentations were per-
formed. We found a 95.7% implant survival A lack of physiological forces in fully- or partially
rate among this consecutive group of pa- edentulous patients often leads to a decrease
tients with varying degrees of bone quality in the residual alveolar ridge. Dental implants
and quantity. All patients received a fixed may help to preserve bone due to their positive
temporary or permanent bridge within 24 load-related effects on the jawbone surrounding
hours after the implant procedure. All pa- the implant; hence, appropriate solutions should
tients continued to possess fixed dentures, be explored and discovered to facilitate this pro-
so the prosthetic outcome is 100%. Basal cess in these challenging patients (7,8).
implants used for single tooth replacement The management of poor bone with root-
showed the lowest survival rate (90.9%), form dental implants typically requires additional
but this was result of specific overload. No or augmentative procedures to ensure sufficient
stability, even if there are newer developments Implants
like Osseopore®, a short conical implant design Titanium basal implants consist of a cylindrical
with sintered surface. Most of these short verti- part and a larger, cortically anchored base plate.
cal integrated implants require a long function- Unlike the traditional root-form implants (i.e.,
less healing period. Bone augmentation may be screw and blade implants), which are inserted
necessary through procedures such as grafting, vertically and primarily designed to be supported
transplanting, or more novel therapies includ- by trabecular bone, these implants are inserted
ing augmentation of bone combined with substi- from the lateral aspect of the host bone provid-
tutes and/or morphogenetic proteins (9). So all ing multicortical support. Hence, are common-
these methods typically add treatment steps to ly called “disk” or “lateral” or “basal” implants.
the procedure, delay loading, and increase the BOI® implants possess one to three very pro-
total risks and costs. nounced „threads“ or “base-plates”, which are
securely anchored in the cortical bone, a bone
With basal implants (BOI®-brand of Dr. Ihde area which is more stable during the remodel-
Dental AG, Switzerland) we avoid augmentation ing/resorption process and which can respond
and reopening, have immediate function and successfully to immediate loading protocols,
generally do implantation simultaneously with Figures 1, 2, 3. BOI® implants allow for the fa-
the extraction, so these advantages make a vorable distribution of masticatory loads to the
study expedient. cortical regions. The site of force transmission
is far away from the site of bacterial invasion al-
Methods lowing for early loading and resistance to infec-
Subjects tion. This, as well as the thin smooth shaft, may
be a reason for their observed and reported
From May 2003 to April 2007, 88 consecutive equal success in smokers as in non smokers.
patients (55.7% female) receiving 302 basal im-
plants (mean = 3.4 per person; SD=2.8; median While we used 11 different implant types in
= 2.0: range, 1 – 16) and 129 prosthetic con- this series of patients with varying shaft lengths,
structions thereon were enrolled in this study. they can be basically categorized in two major
All patients seeking implant treatment have groups: BOI® with single base plates and more
been treated by BOI® only and included in the than one base plate (up to three). The majority
study. The surgical and prosthetic treatments of the patients who received a single disk were
were all performed by the same clinician. The those with poor available vertical bone especial-
mean age at implant surgery was 50.1 years ly in the distal jaws. But the atrophic bone in this
(SD=14.1; range: 16 to 80 years). area is frequently broad, which is ideal indication
for basal implants due to their lateral placement,
Figures 2-5. In a few cases (N=12; 4%), the re-
sidual cavities after teeth or implant displace-
Discussion may serve as a surrogate for patients with poor
We found a nearly 96% implant survival rate vertical bone, as well as the difficult regions
among a consecutive series of 88 patients re- (95.2%), Table 1. We have only placed basal
ceiving 302 BOI® implants and fixed dentures implants in our practice during the observa-
with varying degrees of bone quality and quanti- tion period and therefore a direct comparison
ty. The only statistically significant factor on suc- to traditional root-form implant is not possible.
cess we found, is implant design (p<0.05). The This is a case series and can only be compared
survival rate in multiple disk implants (96.6%) to historical publications; however, our survival
is 1.7% higher than in those with single disk rates are very similar to those found in the lit-
(94.9%). This confirms clinical observations, be- erature.
cause multiple disks will be used in higher but The strengths of this study are many. Since we
narrow bone ridges, single disk implants when did not exclude any patients who presented to
vertical bone loss is extreme, so leverage differ- our clinic, even those send away by colleagues,
ences are obvious. Patients who received a sin- we feel that our findings are generalizeable.
gle crown had the lowest survival rate (90.9%; Even patients who typically may be turned down
p>0.05). Here were two failures among 22 im- due to poor bone quality or recommended to
plants, but these suffered from non-physiologi- receive bone augmentation procedures, are
cal, uncompensated forces. No other patient or smoking or show periodontal involvement are,
implant related characteristics were found to according to our findings, good candidates for
be associated with a failure rate over 7%. The basal implants. This is a consecutive series of
non-significant difference in bone status results patients and hence does not represent a conve-
brings a strong evidence for immediate placing nience sample or select group.
of basal implants. So even post extraction heal-
ing periods can be avoided. Diskimplants® are similar in form and func-
tion to BOI® implants and have reported rates
There are limitations to the present study. of successful osseointegration of ≥ 97% with
While we were all inclusive and did not turn any relatively long follow-up periods. Scortecci per-
patients away who desired implants, we did not formed a prospective case series of 783 im-
quantify bone quantity and quality. Had we done plants (627 Diskimplants®), placed in 72 pa-
this, we feel we would make an even stronger tients with completely edentulous maxillae using
case for the use of BOI® implants in patients an immediate load protocol. Follow-up ranged
with poor bone, Figures 3-5. However, we did from 6 – 48 months. At 6 months, 98% of im-
report a similar rate of survival among patients plants were osseointegrated, with all fixed pros-
who received single-disk implants (94.9%) ver- theses remaining functional during the study pe-
sus multi-disk implants (96.6%). Patients who riod.10 Scortecci combined crestal and basal
received single-disks generally had very little implants, which makes it difficult to distinguish
vertical bone available and therefore this group between the merits of basal and crestal implant
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Gender .139
Female patients 156 51.7 151 96.8
Male patients 146 48.3 138 94.5
Jaw .519
Upper jaw 162 53.6 154 95.1
Lower jaw 140 46.4 135 96.4
Localization .576
Sub nasal 29 9.6 29 100
Sub antral 76 25.2 71 93.4
Distal lower jaw 84 27.8 80 95.2
Figure 1. Typical BOI® shapes representing single, double
and triple base-plate designs as well as three different supra
structure connectors as external thread connection, integrated Figure 2. Schematic drawing showing a typical basal implant
abutment and external octagon connector with internal screw after trans-osseous insertion in the distal mandible. This im-
(ITI-compatible). plant was inserted from the right side, achieving a bi-cortical
Figure 3. A typical patient with congenital anodontia and there- Figure 4. This X-ray shows an exemplary male patient nine
fore a thin bone ridge is treated with BOI® in an immediate months post surgery, where five residual teeth and removable
loading protocol. The right 2nd incisor implant was primarily dentures were replaced with two bridges on eight BOI® in stra-
fixed by a osseous fixation screw. (Published with the patient’s tegic position. The atrophic distal jaws are excellent regions for
BOI®. (Published with the patient’s consent)
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RePlAcINg RePlAce®
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