HHS Public Access: The Role of Acute Kidney Injury in Chronic Kidney Disease
HHS Public Access: The Role of Acute Kidney Injury in Chronic Kidney Disease
HHS Public Access: The Role of Acute Kidney Injury in Chronic Kidney Disease
Author manuscript
Semin Nephrol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 July 01.
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Author Manuscript
There is increasing recognition that acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD)
are closely linked and likely promote one another. Underlying CKD is now recognized as a clear
risk factor for AKI, as both decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and increased proteinuria
have each been shown to be strongly associated with AKI. A growing body of literature also
provides evidence that AKI accelerates the progression of CKD. Individuals who suffered dialysis-
requiring AKI are particularly vulnerable to worse long-term renal outcomes, including end-stage
renal disease (ESRD). The association between AKI and subsequent renal function decline is
amplified by pre-existing severity of CKD, higher stage AKI, and cumulative number of AKI
episodes. However, residual confounding and ascertainment bias may partly explain the
epidemiologic association between AKI and CKD in observational studies. As the number of AKI
survivors increases, we need to better understand other clinically important outcomes after AKI,
identify those at highest risk for the most adverse sequelae, and develop strategies to optimize their
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acute kidney injury; acute renal failure; chronic kidney disease; epidemiology; outcomes
There have been several important developments in the literature recently regarding the
association between acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). First,
when the National Kidney Foundation promulgated their highly influential Kidney Disease
Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) CKD guidelines in 2002, six chapters were devoted to
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the complications associated with decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) including
hypertension, anemia, nutritional status, bone disease/disorders of calcium and phosphorus
metabolism, neuropathy, and indices of functioning/well-being.1 Notably, AKI was not
Corresponding Author: Chi-yuan Hsu, MD, MSc, 533 Parnassus Avenue, U404, Division of Nephrology, University of California, San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143-0532, Phone: 415-476-2172, Fax: 415-476-3381, hsuchi@medicine.ucsf.edu.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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Hsu and Hsu Page 2
included although it had long been known that patients with CKD were more prone to AKI
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(“acute on chronic renal failure”). Much of the CKD epidemiology literature around the time
of and following the KDOQI CKD guideline publication focused on how reduced
(estimated) GFR (and proteinuria) is related to risk of end-stage renal disease,
cardiovascular events, and death.2–4 Since 2008, however, a number of papers have sought to
better quantify how the severity of CKD is a risk factor for development of AKI.5 These are
discussed in more detail below (section “CKD as a risk factor for AKI”).
Second, recent studies have highlighted the fact that the population incidence of AKI
appears to be increasing rapidly.6–12 Recognizing the sizable and growing public health
burden of AKI has focused more attention on its role in the natural history of CKD.13,14
Third, there has been a great deal of interest in and investigation into AKI as an instigator
and promoter of CKD. Most of this manuscript will be devoted to reviewing the burgeoning
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literature on this topic. There is now a general consensus that AKI and CKD are, at times,
two closely linked and interconnected syndromes.13,15,16
1.73m2.5 This paper was also the first to report that proteinuria was a strong risk factor for
AKI (adjusted odds ratio 2.8 [95% CI 2.5–3.1] for dipstick proteinuria 1+ or greater).5
The latter association – that proteinuria is a risk factor for AKI--had not previously been
appreciated, but has since been confirmed in a number of subsequent publications.17 These
studies advanced the field by quantifying proteinuria closer in time to the event precipitating
AKI (e.g., cardiac surgery18), by more precisely quantifying proteinuria down into the
microalbuminuria range19 and by examining other community-based populations.20 A
number of meta-analyses have now been published characterizing how AKI risk is
independently determined by severity of CKD—defined on two orthogonal dimensions—
estimated GFR and albuminuria21 (Figure 1) and describing how associations may vary in
important subgroups.22,23
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Why is CKD a risk factor for AKI? Certainly some of the connection is biological, related to
diseased kidneys’ reduced renal reserve and inability to handle stress such as abnormally
low blood pressure or nephrotoxic drugs. However, the exact pathophysiological relationship
between CKD and AKI is not well understood. In fact, some animal studies have suggested
that prior renal injury actually conferred protection against subsequent insults to the kidney
(“preconditioning”).24 An alternative (or additional) reason for the association between
CKD and subsequent AKI may be that patients with CKD experience more acute medical
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illnesses requiring hospitalizations and procedures that increase the risk of exposure to
nephrotoxic insults. Although attempts have been made in prior studies to adjust for such
AKI risk factors (such as hyperbilirubinemia, intensive care unit stay, sepsis, mechanical
ventilation, cardiac surgery, and cardiac catheterization),5 it is difficult to completely
eliminate the role of residual confounding when examining CKD as a risk factor for AKI.
Finally, due to the reciprocal mathematical relationship between GFR and serum creatinine
level (Cr), with any given absolute decrement of GFR (e.g., 30 ml/min/1.73m2) the
increment in Cr (in mg/dl) will be greater if GFR is lower (i.e., serum Cr is higher) at
baseline, hence making it easier for patients with CKD to fulfill any AKI definition that is
based on changes in serum Cr level (e.g., 0.3 mg/dl per either the Acute Kidney Injury
Network [AKIN]25 or Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes [KDIGO]26 guidelines).
The same argument holds for the outcome of dialysis-requiring AKI, since with any given
acute absolute decrement in GFR, a patient starting at a lower GFR (e.g. 25 ml/min/1.73m2)
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prior to AKI would be more likely to reach the threshold for starting dialysis than a patient
starting at a higher GFR (e.g. 85 ml/min/1.73m2). However, it is doubtful that this final
possibility is the only (or primary) explanation since proteinuria—independent of level of
GFR—is also a risk factor for AKI.
The more frequent occurrence of AKI with greater severity of CKD complicates our ability
to explore if AKI is a risk factor for CKD. In other words, an association observed between
AKI and a subsequent more rapid decline in renal function may not be due to AKI’s causing
the more rapid decline, but rather, due to AKI being a marker that identifies higher risk CKD
patients more likely to progress rapidly (e.g., because they have higher levels of baseline
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CKD progression (although acceptance is not universal—please see section below regarding
“Controversies and unresolved issues”). Some have even written that “Identification of the
AKI-CKD nexus represents the single most important advance in understanding of the
mechanisms of progression since hyperfiltration was shown to occur following renal
ablation and chronic nephropathy.”32
An important reason for the lack of appreciation of the long-term impact of AKI is that,
traditionally, clinical studies of AKI have focused on in-hospital outcomes--such as short-
term mortality and resource utilization33–36—and did not have follow-up information on
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what transpired months to years after hospital discharge. Hence the association between AKI
and subsequent changes in renal function among those with CKD could not be studied.
Contemporary literature on the long-term sequelae of AKI, including the impact of AKI on
renal trajectory, dates back to around 2008, when two papers were published on the long-
term outcomes associated with AKI within a cohort of Medicare (age 65 years or older)
patients who had acute myocardial infarctions.37,38 AKI was found to have an independent
and graded association with both progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD)37 (and all-
cause mortality38) over a decade of follow-up.
Subsequently, a growing number of studies have linked AKI with development and
acceleration of CKD. The early literature, which established the field has been well-
summarized in a meta-analysis by Coca et al.39 Table 1 lists the patient characteristics from
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the thirteen cohort studies20,37,40–51 included in that systematic review. Eleven of the
thirteen studies followed more than 3,000 patients each, and all were retrospective. One
study included patients with HIV exclusively,42 and two studies included recipients of
hematopoietic stem cell transplants.43,48 Overall, patients who experienced AKI (compared
to those without AKI) had an almost 9-fold higher adjusted risk of CKD (pooled adjusted
hazard ratio [HR] 8.8, 95% CI 3.1–25.5) and a 3-fold higher adjusted risk of progressing to
ESRD (pooled adjusted HR 3.1, 95% CI 1.9–5.0)(Figure 2).39 Furthermore, the relationship
between AKI and CKD or ESRD was graded, with larger risk associated with greater
severity of AKI.
In the following sections, we highlight a number of key studies, including some published
after this systematic review.
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1.73m2) and found that patients with “acute on chronic renal failure” had an adjusted 47%
increased risk of ESRD within 30 days of discharge, compared to hospitalized CKD patients
without AKI.40
Inferences from these studies are powerful because it is more plausible that a serious injury
(e.g., one requiring acute dialysis) causes long-term permanent kidney damage. In contrast,
mild or rapidly reversible acute changes in renal function (such as “pre-renal azotemia,”
which has historically been considered a functional and not a structural disorder), are less
likely to cause long-term renal parenchymal damage. Accordingly, their associations with
adverse outcomes are likely explained by residual confounding due to shared risk factors.52
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Studies of AKI and progression of CKD with more rigorous quantification of pre-AKI eGFR
Owing to the availability of comprehensive clinical data from the same Northern California
integrated health system, the above two referenced studies also had excellent assessments of
baseline kidney function.40,41 Reliable assessment of baseline renal function is important in
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this situation for several reasons. First, it allows for better control of potential confounding
because baseline CKD severity is a very strong risk factor for AKI (section above “CKD as a
risk factor for AKI”). Second, reliable assessment of baseline renal function allows for better
quantification of the degree of renal function loss associated with AKI. In both studies,40,41
the investigators identified the last outpatient estimated GFR before hospitalization, as
inpatient creatinine measurements may not reflect baseline kidney function. Sensitivity
analyses that used outpatient serum creatinine measurements greater than 30 days prior to
admission to reduce the possibility that the last observed outpatient creatinine value reflected
acute illness/community-acquired AKI showed results similar to the main study analysis.
This pair of studies also allowed for direct comparisons of “de-novo AKI” (AKI in a patient
without baseline CKD) vs. “acute on chronic renal disease” due to well-defined baseline
kidney function assessment. Notably, the risk of non-recovery from dialysis dependency
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(i.e., immediate precipitation of ESRD) varied with level of baseline renal function—being
84% among survivors with baseline estimated GFR ≥45 ml/min/1.73m2, 58% among
survivors with baseline estimated GFR 30–44 ml/min/1.73m2, and 37% among survivors
with baseline estimated GFR 15–29 ml/min/1.73m2.40,41
Effect of baseline proteinuria on the association between AKI and subsequent CKD
A key parameter that characterizes the severity of chronic kidney disease in addition to
estimated GFR is the level of proteinuria. James et al. utilized a provincial sample of nearly
one million adults in Alberta, Canada to study the associations among baseline renal
function, proteinuria, and AKI.20 While they found that lower baseline estimated GFR and
higher levels of proteinuria were associated with a greater risk of AKI, they also observed
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that higher levels of proteinuria predicted the long-term renal composite outcome of ESRD
or doubling of serum creatinine, following an episode of AKI (Figure 3). This study has
provided important evidence that proteinuria worsens, in an additive and graded manner, the
impact of AKI on long-term renal function decline across all levels of baseline estimated
Studies that used actual serum creatinine measurements to study this problem include that by
Wu et al. who conducted a multiple-center study in Taiwan to directly compare “acute on
chronic kidney injury” and “de-novo AKI” in intensive care unit (ICU) patients who had
undergone major surgery.58 The patients with “acute on chronic kidney injury” had a 20-fold
higher risk of long-term dialysis (adjusted HR 19.8, 95% CI 13.6–28.7), compared to those
with AKI without pre-existing CKD. (Long-term mortality was also higher among the
“acute on chronic kidney injury” patients.)
Pannu et al. used provincial data from Alberta, Canada and observed that lower levels of
baseline estimated GFR and greater severity of AKI both independently increased risk of
ESRD. At any given severity of AKI, death was less likely among those with lower baseline
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estimated GFR.59 That “de novo AKI” is associated with higher short-term mortality than
acute on chronic kidney injury has been noted also before.40,41,60 This observation may at
first appear paradoxical, but it may be that in the latter case, a lesser degree of nephrotoxic
and systemic insult is required for the patients with CKD to experience superimposed AKI
thereby explaining the lower overall mortality rate from AKI in this setting.40
stage 4 CKD (adjusted HR 3.6, 95% CI 2.8–4.6), but also that this risk was additionally
doubled with each additional AKI episode (adjusted HR 2.0, 95% CI 1.8–2.3).
The prevalence of recurrent AKI (defined as a recurrent AKI episode within one year) was
reported in a recent study by Siew et al. to be 25%.62 These findings raise the possibility that
recurrent episodes of AKI are an important reason for recent observations that reductions in
estimated GFR as CKD progresses often take a non-linear trajectory.63–66 These patterns of
renal function decline suggest that kidney disease often does not progress in a linear fashion,
which had been a commonly accepted paradigm.67
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Chawla et al. used Veterans Affairs patient data to test the hypothesis that severity of AKI is
useful to risk stratify progression of CKD.69 Using multivariable logistic regression models,
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the authors found that each incremental stage in AKI severity—as defined using the Risk,
Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage Kidney Disease (RIFLE)70 criteria—was associated
with 4.4-fold higher odds of entering stage 4 or greater CKD (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 4.4,
95% CI 4.0–4.9). (The authors utilized cutoffs in change in Cr and GFR to stage AKI as per
RIFLE critieria, but not urine output.) Furthermore, AKI requiring renal replacement therapy
by itself was associated with 53-fold higher odds of entering stage 4 or greater CKD
(adjusted OR 53.2, 95% CI 11.3–250.6). The authors concluded that the extraordinary risk
of long-term renal derangement associated with more severe AKI should help guide which
patients warrant nephrology follow-up after hospital discharge.69
found that even reversible AKI is associated with a higher rate of subsequent incident
CKD.71 Patients with normal kidney function and no proteinuria at baseline who
experienced “reversible AKI,” defined by return of the serum creatinine to within 90% of
baseline within 90 days of AKI, had a nearly 2-fold increased risk of incident CKD during
follow-up compared with matched controls without AKI (adjusted HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.8–
A study by Jones and colleagues also found that AKI with complete recovery (defined as a
return of serum creatinine levels to less than 1.1 times baseline values) was significantly
associated with development of incident stage 3 CKD.72 The authors utilized data from a
large integrated health system in Utah, and found that during a median follow-up of 2.5
years, incident stage 3 CKD occurred in 15% of those with AKI (with recovery), yielding an
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adjusted HR of 3.8 (95% CI, 2.8–5.12) when compared with those without AKI).72
More recently, Heung et al. analyzed Veterans Affairs data and reported that even KDIGO26
Stage 1 AKI with “fast” recovery (defined as return in serum Cr to within 0.3 mg/dL of
baseline within 2 days from peak serum Cr) was independently associated with increased
risk for development of CKD (adjusted relative risk ratio 1.4, 95% CI 1.4–1.5).73
The fact that even mild episodes of AKI or rapidly reversible cases (which would be
considered “pre-renal azotemia” by many physicians) are independently associated with a
future decline in renal function raises the possibility these associations are not indicative of a
causal relationship. This concern had been raised early on in this field,74 and remains an
outstanding issue.
Rifkin and colleagues75 have argued that the current literature suffers from several important
shortcomings, including residual confounding (due to shared risk factors between AKI and
CKD) and ascertainment bias (for example, in clinical datasets, sicker patients have more
follow-up assessments and thereby have greater opportunity for CKD to be detected and
detected sooner).76 In support of this skepticism, a recent analysis of the CABG Off or On
Pump Revascularization Study (CORONARY)77 by Garg et al. showed in this interventional
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trial setting that patients randomized to off-pump coronary artery bypass had 17% lower
rates of AKI (≥50% increase in serum Cr) than those randomized to on-pump bypass, but
there was no difference between the two groups in terms of kidney function loss at one year
(defined as ≥20% loss in estimated GFR).78 Interestingly, when the CORONARY trial was
analyzed as a prospective cohort, AKI was independently associated with a greater risk of
kidney function loss at 1 year (adjusted OR 3.4, 95% CI 2.7–4.3).78 Although this study has
been criticized for lack of power due to the relatively modest effect of the off-pump by-
pass,79 these data argue that observational studies suffer from residual confounding,
especially when only relatively mild cases of AKI—of the type observed in CORONARY—
are being considered.
Future epidemiological studies designed to address the question whether AKI itself causes
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longer-term kidney function decline will need to be more rigorous in ascertaining baseline
CKD—status including baseline, pre-AKI estimated GFR trajectory (rather than just a static
estimated GFR level) which has not been captured in many published studies.39,58,72,73,80
Prospective ascertainment of renal function trajectory after AKI would also be a
methodological advance over retrospective studies that have had to rely on data collected as
part of routine clinical care and the associated risk of bias due to differential ascertainment
and missing observations.81
Future directions
One promising avenue may be for future studies to examine the impact of AKI on
development or exacerbation of other renal outcomes such as hypertension, which may be a
more subtle manifestation of tubular injury82 than frank elevations in serum Cr (since overall
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GFR may be maintained even with nephron dropout by increases in single nephron GFR83).
Some animal studies of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury have shown that post-ischemic rats
develop salt-sensitive hypertension, potentially mediated through alterations in pressure
natriuresis.84,85 And indeed, a recent study showed that among normotensive individuals,
AKI was an independent risk factor for subsequent development of elevated blood
Another potential area of investigation would be to better define the relationship between
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AKI and other important outcomes common in CKD patients, such as cardiovascular disease
events.87 Some have suggested that the upsurge of profibrotic and apoptotic factors after an
acute episode of inflammation during AKI has deleterious effects on remote organs and that
this “uremic memory” enables one episode of AKI to leave an imprint, putting patients at
risk for long-term morbidity and mortality.88 There is a body of literature about how AKI
appears to enhance risk of future CVD events in the setting of cardiac interventions (such as
percutaneous or surgical revascularization for coronary artery disease)89,90 but data are now
emerging in other settings as well91,92 and this should be a fruitful area of research in the
coming years.
If AKI truly were an important mechanism through which CKD occurs and progresses (i.e.,
assuming the association between CKD and AKI is not principally due to the effects of CKD
on subsequent AKI), the need to understand (and prevent) the causes of AKI would become
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even more compelling. While the severe cases of AKI (in the setting, for example, of septic
shock) may be difficult to prevent, it may be important to focus on milder cases of AKI,
many of which occur outside of the context of catastrophic illness.
Finally, the best approach to managing patients who experience an episode of AKI has yet to
be defined.93 Although some academic medical centers have established specialized “post-
AKI” clinics,94,95 there are scant data to guide clinicians and policy makers. Harel et al.
reported that early nephrology follow-up after hospitalization with dialysis-requiring AKI
was associated with improved survival,96 although no mechanism was provided to explain
this observation (i.e., it is not clear what nephrologists were doing differently in terms of
medical care compared with non-nephrologists). Notably, early nephrology follow-up was
also associated with a higher risk of chronic dialysis,96 so it is possible that these results
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could be explained by discharge physicians triaging patients who are more likely to progress
to ESRD to nephrologists and patients who are more likely to die from competing causes
away from nephrologists and to primary care or other providers. This type of selection bias
is difficult to capture in an observational study that relied mostly on administrative codes to
describe study participants.
To conclude, although our understanding of the role of AKI in CKD has progressed
considerably over the last decade, much work remains to be done. It appears that AKI is
both a cause and a consequence of progressive CKD. Assuming so, any observed
relationship between AKI and advancing CKD would be composed of two components: AKI
contributing to CKD and CKD contributing to AKI. Discerning the size of these relative
components requires detailed epidemiological analyses that can potentially identify the best
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Financial Support: RKH was supported by K23DK100468; CYH was supported by K24DK092291,
U01DK60902 and U01DK82223.
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FIGURE 1. Pooled adjusted hazard ratios for acute kidney injury according to estimated GFR
and albuminuria, reproduced with permission from Gansevoort et al.21
Author Manuscript
Hazard ratios are adjusted for age, sex, and cardiovascular risk factors. Reference category is
estimated GFR 95 ml/min/1.73m2 plus albumin-to-creatinine ratio 5mg/g or dipstick
negative or trace. Left panel shows result for general population cohorts, and right panel for
high-risk cohorts. Dots represent statistical significance, triangles represent non-
significance, and shaded areas are 95% confidence intervals. Black lines and blue shading
represent an albumin-to-creatinine ratio of <30 mg/g or dipstick negative or trace; green
lines and green shading represent an albumin-to-creatinine ratio 30–299 mg/g or dipstick 1+;
red lines and red shading represent an albumin-to-creatinine ratio ≥300 mg/g or dipstick
HR, hazard ratio; AKI, acute kidney injury; GP cohorts, general population cohorts; HR
cohorts, high-risk cohorts; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
FIGURE 2. Meta-analysis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
associated with acute kidney injury (AKI), reproduced with permission from Coca et al.39
(a) Pooled adjusted hazard ratios for CKD after AKI. (b) Pooled adjusted hazard ratios for
ESRD after AKI.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
FIGURE 3. Rate ratios of the composite outcome of end-stage renal disease or doubling of serum
creatinine after acute kidney injury (AKI) by baseline kidney function and proteinuria,
reproduced with permission by James, et al.20
Blue squares and horizontal bars represent point estimates and 95% CIs respectively for rate
ratios of participants who had AKI for various values of eGFR and proteinuria. Red squares
and horizontal bars similarly represent the point estimates and 95% CIs for participants who
did not have AKI. The referent group for all rate ratios are participants who did not have
AKI, and had normal proteinuria and eGFR ≥60 ml/min/1.73m2.
RR, rate ratio; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal disease.
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Characteristics of studies included in systemic review and meta analysis by Coca et al. on chronic kidney disease after acute kidney injury. Reproduced
with permission.39
Hsu and Hsu
CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; HCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; ICU, intensive care unit; MI, myocardial infarction; NR, not