Advanced Strategies For Robot Manipulators

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Advanced Strategies

for Robot Manipulators

edited by
Seyed Ehsan Shafiei

Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators
Edited by Seyed Ehsan Shafiei

Published by Sciyo
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Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators, Edited by Seyed Ehsan Shafiei

p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-307-099-5
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Preface IX

Chapter 1 The Comparative Assessment of Modelling

and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 1
M. H. Korayem, H. N. Rahimi and A. Nikoobin

Chapter 2 Hyper Redundant Manipulators 27

Ivanescu Mircea and Cojocaru Dorian

Chapter 3 Micro-Manipulator for Neurosurgical Application 61

M. R. Arshad and Ya’akob Yusof

Chapter 4 DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 73

Jaime Gallardo–Alvarado

Chapter 5 Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and Simulation Results

of a Novel Underactuated Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot) 91
Mohsen Moradi Dalvand and Bijan Shirinzadeh

Chapter 6 Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear

Actuators for High Velocity Robotics with
Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 107
Luc Rolland

Chapter 7 Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators

via Intelligent Approaches 135
Seyed Ehsan Shafiei

Chapter 8 Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator

Using a Mechatronic Approach 173
FJoão Mauricio Rosário, Didier Dumur, Mariana Moretti,
Fabian Lara and Alvaro Uribe

Chapter 9 Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible

Manipulators Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 197
Yuichi Sawada, YusukeWatanabe and Junki Kondo

Chapter 10 On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots:

The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 217
Jorge Orrante-Sakanassi, Víctor Santibáñez and Ricardo Campa

Chapter 11 Real-Time-Position Prediction Algorithm for Under-actuated

Robot Manipulator Using of Artificial Neural Network 249
Ahmad Azlan Mat Isa, Hayder M.A.A. Al-Assadi and Ali T. Hasan

Chapter 12 On Nonlinear Control Perspectives of a Challenging Benchmark 261

Guangyu Liu and Yanxin Zhang

Chapter 13 A Unified Approach to Robust Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems

Using H∞ Control Powered by PD Control 273
Masayoshi Toda

Chapter 14 An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking

of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 287
Ali T. Hasan, Hayder M.A.A. Al-Assadi and Ahmad Azlan Mat Isa

Chapter 15 Development of Fuzzy-logic-based

Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 311
Oyas Wahyunggoro and Nordin Saad

Chapter 16 Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks

for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 329
Gerasimos G. Rigatos

Chapter 17 Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator:

A Biologically Inspired Approach 365
Atsushi Nishikawa, Kazuhiro Taniguchi, Mitsugu Sekimoto, Yasuo Yamada,
Norikatsu Miyoshi, Shuji Takiguchi, Yuichiro Doki, Masaki Mori and Fumio Miyazaki

Chapter 18 Open Software Architecture for Advanced Control

of Robotic Manipulators 381
J. Gomez Ortega, J. Gamez García, L. M. Nieto Nieto and A. Sánchez García

Chapter 19 Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci

of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 397
Y. Cao, Y. W. Li and Z. Huang
Robotic technology has grown beyond the boundaries of imagination during recent decades.
Nowadays, it’s not very surprising to see that a robot can hear, see and even talk and a servant
robot is not a dream anymore. But now we confront newer challenges such as nano-robots,
surgical manipulators and even robots who can make decisions which are employed for
underwater or space missions.

Amongst the robotic systems, robot manipulators have proven themselves to be of increasing
importance and are widely adopted to substitute humans in repetitive and/or hazardous
tasks. Modern manipulators have a complicated design and need to do more precise, crucial
and critical tasks. So, the simple traditional control methods cannot be efficient, and advanced
control strategies with considering special constraints need to be established. In spite of the
fact that groundbreaking researches have been carried out in this realm until now, there are
still many novel aspects which have to be explored.

This book consists of a set of materials that introduces various strategies related to robot
manipulators. Although the topics provided here are not in a rational order, they can be divided
into three major subjects such as design and modelling, control strategies and applications of robot
manipulators. These subjects cover different approaches like dynamic modelling, redundant
manipulators, micro-manipulator, parallel manipulator, nonlinear control, intelligent control
and many other valuable matters that are addressed here by different authors through 19

I gratefully acknowledge the contributions made by each of my coauthors. They showed

enthusiasm to contribute their knowledge that lead to creation of this book. However, this is
not a text book for academic education, the book is addressed to graduate students as well as
researchers in the field and I am sure they can benefit from its multidisciplinary chapters.


Seyed Ehsan Shafiei

Shahrood University of Technology

The Comparative Assessment of Modelling

and Control of Mechanical Manipulator
M. H. Korayem, H. N. Rahimi and A. Nikoobin
Robotic Research Lab, College of Mechanical Engineering,
Iran University of Science and Technology

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
In this book chapter a comparative assessment of modelling and control of mechanical
manipulator is considered. First, kinematic and dynamic modelling of wide range of
mechanical manipulators comprising flexible link, flexible joint and mobile manipulators are
considered. Then, open-loop optimal control problem is formulated to control of the
obtained system. Finally, some applications of method including motion planning and
maximum payload determination are illustrated through the computer simulations.

1.2 Problem statement

Mechanical flexibilities can be classified into two categories: Link flexibility and joint
flexibility. Link flexibility is a result of applying lightweight structure in manipulator arms
designed to increase the productivity by fast motion and to complete a motion with small
energy requirement. Joint flexibility arises from elastic behavior of the drive transmission
systems such as transmission belts, gears and shafts. Mobile manipulators are combined
systems consists of a robotic manipulator mounted on a mobile platform. Such systems are
able to accomplish complicated tasks in large workspaces. In particular the greatest
disadvantage of mobile robotic manipulators is that most of these systems are powered on
board with limited capacity. Hence, incorporating light links can minimize the inertia and
gravity effects on links and actuators and it results to decrease the energy consumption in
the same motion. Hence, lightweight systems have primary importance in design and
manufacturing stages of mobile manipulators.

1.3 Motivation
Unfortunately, reviewing of the recent literature on modelling and optimization of flexible
and mobile manipulators shows that a very scant attention has been paid to study of model
that describes both link and joint flexibility, particularly for mobile manipulators. The main
motivation for this study is to present a comprehensive modelling and optimal control of
flexible link-joint mechanical mobile manipulators. It can provide an inclusive reference for
other researchers with comparative assessment view in the future studies.
2 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

1.4 Prior work

Analyzing of nonlinear dynamic motion of elastic manipulators is a very complex task
that plays a crucial role in design and application of such robots in task space. This
complexity arises from very lengthy, fluctuating and highly nonlinear and coupled set of
dynamic equations due to the flexible nature of both links and joints. The original dynamics
of robotic manipulators with elastic arms, being described by nonlinear coupled partial
differential equations. They are continuous nonlinear dynamical systems distinguished by
an infinite number of degrees of freedom. The exact solution of such systems does not exist.
However, most commonly the dynamic equations are truncated to some finite dimensional
models with either the assumed modes method (AMM) or the finite element method
The assumed mode expansion method was used to derive the dynamic equation of the
flexible manipulator (Sasiadek & Green, 2004). Dynamic modelling technique for a
manipulator with multiple flexible links and flexible joints was presented based on a
combined Euler–Lagrange formulation and assumed modes method (Subudhi & Morris,
2002). Then, control of such system was carried out by formulating a singularly perturbed
model and using it to design a reduced-order controller. Combined Euler–Lagrange
formulation and assumed modes method was used for driving the equation of motions of
flexible mobile manipulators with considering the simply support mode shape and one
mode per link (Korayem & Rahimi Nohooji, 2008). Then, open-loop optimal control method
was proposed to trajectory optimization of flexible link mobile manipulator for a given two-
end-point task in point-to-point motion.
In finite element method, the elastic deformations are analyzed by assuming a known rigid
body motion and later superposing the elastic deformation with the rigid body motion
(Usoro et al. 1986). One of the main advantages of FEM over the most of other approximate
solution methods to modelling the flexible links is the fact that in FEM the connection
are supposed to be clamp-free with minimum two mode shapes per each link (Korayem et
al. 2009(a)). This ensures to achieve the results that display the nonlinearity of the system
The Timoshenko beam theory and the finite element method was employed to drive the
dynamic equation of flexible link planar cooperative manipulators in absolute coordinates
(Zhang & Yu, 2004). Dynamic model of a single-link flexible manipulator was derived using
FEM and then studied the feed-forward control strategies for controlling the vibration
(Mohamed & Tokhi, 2004). Finite element method was used for describing the dynamics of
the system and computed the maximum payload of kinematically redundant flexible
manipulators (Yue et al., 2001). Then, the problem was formulated for finding the optimal
trajectory and maximum dynamic payload for a given point-to-point task. Finally,
numerically simulation was carried out for a planar flexible robot manipulator to validate
the research work.
The review of the recent literature shows that extensive research has been addressed the
elastic joints robotic arms (Korayem et al. 2009(b)). However, there is only limited research
works have been reported on a comprehensive model that describes both link and joint
elasticity (Rahimi et al. 2009). Moreover, in almost all cases, linearized models of the link
flexibility are considered which reduced the complexity of the model based controller
(Chen, 2001).
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 3

Mobile manipulators have recently received considerable attention with wide range of
applications mainly due to their extended workspace and their ability to reach targets that
are initially outside of the manipulator reach. A comprehensive literature survey on mobile
manipulator systems can be found (Bloch, 2003). A host of issues related to mobile
manipulators have been studied in the past two decade. These include for example:
dynamic and static stability (Papadopoulos & Rey, 1996), force development and application
(Papadopoulos & Gonthier, 1999), maximum payload determination (Korayem & Ghariblu,
2004). However, a vast number of research publications that deal with the mobile
manipulators focus on techniques for trajectory planning of such robots (Korayem & Rahimi
Nohooji, 2008).
Motion planning for mobile manipulators is concerned with obtaining open-loop or close-
loop controls. It steers a platform and its accompanying manipulator from an initial state to
a final one, without violating the nonholonomic constraints (Sheng & Qun, 2006). In most
studies of trajectory planning for mobile manipulators the end effector trajectory is specified
and the optimal motion planning of the base is considered (Mohri et al., 2001), or integrated
motion planning of the base and the end effector is carried out (Papadopoulos, et al., 2002).
However, because of designing limitation or environmental obstacle in majority of practical
application of mobile manipulators especially in repetitive applications, the platform must
follow a specified pose trajectory. In this case, designer must control the joint motions to
achieve the best dynamic coordination that optimize the defined cost function such as
energy consumption, actuating torques, traveling time or bounding the velocity
magnitudes. Applications for such systems abound in mining, construction or in industrial
Optimal control problems can be solved with direct and indirect techniques. In the direct
method at first the control and state variables are discretized and the optimal control
problem is transcribed into a large, constrained and often sparse nonlinear programming
problem, then, the resulting nonlinear programming problem is treated by standard
algorithm like interior point methods (Wachter & Biegler, 2006). Famous realizations of
direct methods are direct shooting methods (Bock & Plitt, 1984) or direct collocation
methods (Hargraves & Paris, 1987). However, direct methods are not yield to exact results.
They are exhaustively time consuming and quite inefficient due to the large number of
parameters involved. Consequently, when the solution of highly complex problems such as
the structural analysis of optimal control problems in robotics is required, the indirect
method is a more suitable candidate. This method is widely used as an accurate and
powerful tool in analyzing of the nonlinear systems. The indirect method is characterized by
a ''first optimize, then discretize'' strategy. Hence, the problem of optimal control is first
transformed into a piecewise defined multipoint boundary value problem, which contains
the full mathematical information about the respective optimal control problem. In the
following step, this boundary value problem is discretized to achieve the numerical solution
(Sentinella & Casalino, 2006). It is well known that this technique is conceptually fertile, and
has given rise to far-reaching mathematical developments in the wide ranges of optimal
dynamic motion planning problems. For example, it is employed in the path planning of
flexible manipulators (Rahimi, 2009), for the actuated kinematic chains (Bessonnet &
Chessé, 2005) and for a large multibody system (Bertolazzi et al., 2005). A survey on this
method is found in (Callies & Rentrop, 2008).
4 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

1.5 Layout
The balance of the remaining of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
background information about kinematic and dynamic analysis of the flexible mobile
robotic manipulators. Hence, assumed mode and finite element methods are introduced and
formulated to dynamic modelling of flexible link manipulators. Then, the flexible model is
completed by adding the joint flexibility. After that, formulation is extended to comprise the
mobile manipulators. Section 3 consists of a brief review of converting the problem from
optimal control to optimization procedure with implementing of Pontryagin’s minimum
principle. some application examples with the two links flexible mobile manipulator is
detailed in this section. Finally, the concluding remarks with a brief summary of the chapter
is presented in the last section.

2. System modelling
2.1 Kinematic analysis
A mobile manipulator consisting of differentially driven vehicle with n flexible links and n
flexible revolute joints is expressed in this section (Fig. 1). The links are cascaded in a serial
fashion and are actuated by rotors and hubs with individual motors. The flexible joints are
dynamically simplified as a linear torsional springs that works as a connector between the
rotors and the links. A concentrated payload of mass mp is connected to the distal link.



rn ( FJ) n

( FJ) i +1
θ2 Link-i

ri ( FJ) i
θ0 (FJ)2

r0 r1 θ1

( FJ)1

Fig. 1. A schematic view of a multiple flexible links – joints mobile manipulator
The following assumptions are made for the development of a dynamic model of the
• Each link is assumed to be long and slender.
• The motion of each link and its deformation is supposed to be in the horizontal plane.
• Links are considered to have constant cross-sectional area and uniform material
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 5

• The inertia of payload is neglected.

• The backlash in the reduction gear and coulomb friction effects are neglected.
• It is assumed that the mobile base does not slide.
The generalized coordinates of the flexible links/joints mobile manipulator consist of four
parts, the generalized coordinates defining the mobile base motion qb = (qb 1 , qb 2 ,… , qbnb )T , the
generalized coordinates of the rigid body motion of links qr = (q1 , q2 ,… , qn )T and the
generalized coordinates that related to the flexibility of the links
q f = (q11 , q12 ,…, q1n f , q21 ,…, q2 n f ,…, qn1 ,…, qnn f )T , and the generalized coordinate corresponding
to the flexibility of joints q j = (q1 + n , q2 + n ,… , qn + n )T .Where n, nb and n f are number of links,
base degrees of freedom and manipulator mode shapes, respectively.
The notion of redundancy expresses that the number of generalized coordinates (v) is
strictly greater than the (global) degree of freedom (d). Thus, the mechanical system is
redundant if d<v; and the order of redundancy is v-d. Hence, it is comprehensible that in
most mobile manipulator systems v = n + nb is greater than the end effector degree of freedom
in the work space (d). Accordingly, these systems usually are subjected to some non-integrable
kinematic constraints known as non-holonomic constraints. There are different techniques,
which can be applied to a robotic system to solve the redundancy resolution. Some of these
techniques are based on an optimization criterion such as overall torque minimization,
minimum joint motion and so on. Hence, Seraji has used r additional user-defined kinematic
constraint equations as a function of the motion variables (Seraji, 1998). This method results in
a simple and online coordination of the control of a mobile manipulator during motion. The
presenting study follows this method. Hence, some additional suitable kinematic constraint
equations to the system dynamics are applied. Results are in simple and on-line coordination
of the mobile manipulator during the motion. These constraints undertake the robot
movement only in the direction normal to the axis of the driving wheels along with previously
specification of the base trajectory during the motion.

2.2 Dynamic modelling

2.2.1 Dynamic modelling of flexible link manipulator
The original dynamics of robotic manipulators with elastic arms, being described by
nonlinear coupled partial differential equations. They are continuous nonlinear dynamical
systems distinguished by an infinite number of degrees of freedom. The exact solution of
such systems does not exist. However, most commonly the dynamic equations are truncated
to some finite dimensional models with either the assumed modes method (AMM) or the
finite element method (FEM). Assumed mode method
A large number of researchers use assumed modes of vibration to model robot dynamic in
order to capture the interaction between flexural vibrations and nonlinear dynamics. In the
assumed modes method, the dynamic model of the robot manipulator is described by a set
of vibration modes other than its natural modes. Using assumed modes to model flexibility
requires Euler–Bernoulli beam theory boundary conditions and accommodates changes in
configuration during operation, whereas natural modes must be continually recomputed.
According to this method an approximate deflection of any continuous elastic beam
subjected to transverse vibrations, can be expressed through truncated modal expansion,
under the planar small deflection assumption of the link as
6 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

vi ( xi , t ) = ∑ ϕij ( xi )eij (t ) i = 1, . . . , n (1)
j =1

where vi ( xi , t ) is the bending deflection of the i th link at a spatial point xi (0 ≤ xi ≤ Li ) and

Li is the length of the i th link. ni is the number of modes used to describe the deflection of
link i; ϕij ( xi ) and eij (t ) are the j th assumed mode shape function and j th modal
displacement for the i th link, respectively. Position and velocity of each point on link i can
be obtained with respect to inertial coordinate frame using the transformation matrices
between the rigid and flexible coordinate systems.
In the AMM there are numerous ways to choose the boundary conditions. The presenting
study addresses four well-known conditions and chooses them with one mode shape per
each link in the numerical simulations.
Ideally, the optimum set of assumed modes is that closest to natural modes of the system.
Hence, there is no stipulation as to which set of assumed modes should be used. Natural
modes depend on several factors such as size of hub inertia and size of payload mass.
Choosing appropriate conditions is very important and it may cause better consequences in
the results. Hence, the ultimate choice requires an assessment based on the actual robot
structure and for example, anticipated range of payloads together with its natural modes.
Firs four normal modes for some familiar mode conditions are described as following:
Clamped-free mode shapes are given by

ϕi ( xi ) = sin( Bi . xi ) − sinh( Bi . xi ) + A (cos( Bi . xi ) − cosh( Bi . xi ))

cos( Bi . Li ) + cosh( Bi . Li ) (2)
Ai =
sin( Bi . Li ) − sinh( Bi . Li )
Bi .Li : 1.87 4.69 7.85 10.99. .

Also, clamped – clamped mode shapes are determined as

ϕi ( xi ) = sin( Bi . xi ) − sinh( Bi . xi ) + A (cos( Bi . xi ) − cosh( Bi . xi ))

cos( Bi . Li ) − cosh( Bi . Li ) (3)
Ai =
sin( Bi . Li ) + sinh( Bi . Li )
Bi .Li : 4.73 7.85 10.99 14.13.

In addition, mode shape functions with clamped-pinned boundary conditions are given by

ϕi ( xi ) = sin( Bi . xi ) − sinh( Bi . xi ) + A (cos( Bi . xi ) − cosh( Bi . xi ))

sin( Bi . Li ) + sinh( Bi . Li ) (4)
Ai = −
cos( Bi . Li ) + cosh( Bi . Li )
Bi .Li : 3.92 7.06 10.21 13.35 .

Similarly, this theory determines pinned–pinned mode shapes as:

The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 7

ϕi ( xi ) = Ai sin( Bi . xi )
cosh( Bi .Li )
Ai = (5)
cos( Bi .Li )
Bi .Li : 3.14 6.28 9.42 12.56.

Choosing the appropriate set of assumed modes as a boundary condition may be quite
valuable for robot to fit in a suitable application. Ideally, the optimum set of assumed modes is
that closest to natural modes of the system. Natural modes depend on several factors within
the robotic system ensemble including size of hub inertia and size of payload mass. For large
joint gearing inertia and relatively small payload mass, the link may be considered clamped at
the joint. Conversely, for smaller joint gearing inertia and larger payload mass both ends of the
link may be considered pinned. The ultimate choice requires an assessment based on the
actual robot structure and anticipated range of payloads together with its natural modes.
Although assume mode method has been widely used, there are several ways to choose link
boundary conditions and mode eigen-functions. This drawback may increase drastically
when finding modes for links with non-regular cross sections and multi-link manipulators is
objected. In addition, using the AMM to derive the equations of motion of the flexible
manipulators, only the first several modes are usually retained by truncation and the higher
modes are neglected. Finite element method
The finite element method is broadly used to derive dynamic equations of elastic robotic
arms. Researcher usually used the Euler–Bernoulli beam element with multiple nodes and
Lagrange shape function to achieve the reasonable finite element model. The node number
can be selected according to requirement on precision. But, increasing the node number may
enlarge the stiffness matrix and it cause to long and complex equations. Hence, choosing the
proper node number is very important in the finite element analyzing.
The overall finite element approach involves treating each link of the manipulator as an
assemblage of n elements of length Li. For each of these elements the kinetic energy Tij and
potential energyVij, are computed in terms of a selected system of generalized coordinate q
and their rate of change q . Note that subscript ij refer to the j th element of link i.
In summary the kinetic energy Tij and potential energy Vij are computed by the following

1 li ⎡ ∂riT ∂ri ⎤
2 ∫0
Tij = mi ⎢ ⋅ ⎥dxij (6)
⎣ ∂t ∂t ⎦

Vij = Vgij + Veij

⎡( j − 1 ) li + xij ⎤ 1 li ⎡ ∂ 2 y ij ⎤ (7)
= ∫ mi g [ 0 1]T01 ⎢

2 ∫0
⎥ ij + EI i ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎢⎣ yij ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ∂xij ⎥⎦
In above equation, the potential energy is consisted of two parts. One part is due to gravity
(Vgij) and another is related to elasticity of links (Veij). ri, mi, li and EIi are the position, mass,
length and the flexural rigidity of ith element respectively. xij and yij are specified the
distances along body- fixed system OijXijYij from common junction between elements ‘i(j-1)’
8 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

⎡ cos(θ 1 ) − sin(θ 1 )⎤
and ‘ij’ of link i. T01 = ⎢ ⎥ is transformation matrix from body-fixed system
⎣ cos(θ 1 ) sin(θ 1 ) ⎦
attached to link 1 to inertial system of coordinates and θ1 is it’s correlated joint angle. These
energies of elements are then combined to obtain the total kinetic energy T, and potential
energy V, for the each link. Knowledge of the kinetic and potential energies is tantamount to
specify the Lagrangian £ of the system, given by £=T-V. Using of finite element method in
modelling of the robotics system are details in (Usoro, 1986).
As it can be seen, modelling of flexural vibrations of robotic elements using finite element is
a well-established technique. So, researchers can handle nonlinear conditions with this
method. However, in order to solve a large set of differential equations derived by the finite
element method, a lot of boundary conditions have to be considered, which are, in most
situations, uncertain for flexible manipulators. Also, although significant advantages of FEM
over analytical solution techniques such as easy to handle with which nonlinear conditions,
this approach seems more complex over AMM. The main reason is that use of the finite
element model to approximate flexibility usually gives rise to an overestimated stiffness
matrix. Moreover, because of the large number of equations, the numerical simulation time
may be exhausting for the finite element models. Numerical simulations
The dynamic equations of the flexible robotic arms are verified in this section by
undertaking a computer simulation. Hence, the case of harmonic motion of a nonlinear
model of flexible robotic arms is selected to simulation. In this simulation, the robot is
hanged freely and it influenced only under gravity effect. The physical parameters of the
system used in this simulation study were L1 = L2 = 1 m , I 1 = I 2 = 5 × 10 −9 m 4 , m1 = m2 = 5 kg
and E1 = E2 = 2 × 10 11 N / m2 . Simulating both FEM and AMM (pinned-pinned and clamped-
pinned) models and comparing them with the rigid links in this simulation shows the
oscillatory behavior of nonlinear robotic system advisably.
Now, considering the equations describe in the last section for FEM and AMM, also, using
Lagrangian formulation, the set of equation of motion for each method is derived in
compact form as

M ( q ) q + H (q , q ) = U (8)

where M is the inertia matrix, H is the vector of Coriolis and centrifugal forces in addition to
the gravity effects vector and U is the generalized force vector inserted into the actuator.
Open loop system response of changing the initial condition from normal equilibrium
position to the relative angle between the first and second link of this system (θ2) to the
deviation of 5 degree is studied in this simulation (Fig. 2).
The responses of the system are presented in Figs. 3-5. Figures show the difference between
rigid and flexible robotic arms also between the FEM and AMM with both pinned- pinned
and clamped- pinned boundary conditions.
Figs. 3 and 4 show the angular positions and angular velocities of joints. It is obvious from
figures that the link elasticity appears in velocity graph more and more than the position
graph. Also, these figures restate the issue that the FEM model displays the nonlinearity of
the system properly.
The corresponding amplitudes of vibration modes in the AMM are shown in Fig. 5. It is
clear that link flexibility significantly affects the link vibrations. In addition, pictures shows
that these effects are appeared more when clamped – pinned boundary condition is
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 9

considered. Figures are plotted in this section clearly show a good agreement between the
obtained results in this study and those presented in (Usoro, 1986).

θ1 (0) = −90

Link - 1

Link - 2
θ2 (0) = 5

Fig. 2. Initial robot configuration

-1.5 0.1
C-P 0.08 C-P
Angular Position-Joint 1 (rad)

Angular Position-Joint 2 (rad)

P-P 0.06 P-P

-1.54 Rigid Rigid
-1.58 -1.523

-0.02 0.084
-0.04 0.083
-1.524 -0.06 0.082
-0.08 0.081
-1.5245 2.6 2.62 2.64 2.66
2.18 2.2 2.22 2.24
-1.66 -0.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Angular position of joints: (a) joint 1; (b) joint 2.
0.3 0.8
Angular Velocity-Joint 2 (rad/s)
Angular Velocity-Joint 1 (rad/s)

0.2 C-P 0.6 C-P

Rigid 0.4 Rigid
0.2 0.7
0 0.24 0.65
0 0.6
-0.1 0.55
0.22 -0.2
-0.2 0.21 0.45
-0.3 -0.6 0.35
1.9 1.95 2 2.05 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5
-0.4 -0.8
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Angular velocity of joints: (a) joint 1; (b) joint 2.
10 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

-4 -5
x 10 x 10
1 5
Mode Shape - Link 1 (m)

Mode Shape - Link 2 (m)


0 0


0 1 2 3 4 5 -5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
Time (s)
(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Amplitudes of vibration’s modes: (a) Link 1; (b) Link 2

2.2.2 Dynamic modelling of flexible joint manipulator

To model a flexible joint manipulator (FJM) the link positions are let to be in the state vector
as is the case with rigid manipulators. Actuator positions must be also considered because in
contradiction to rigid robots these are related to the link position through the dynamics of
the flexible element. By defining the link number of a flexible joint manipulator is m,
position of the i th link is shown with θ 2 i − 1 : i = 1, 2,..., m and the position of the i th actuator
with θ 2 i : i = 1, 2,..., m , it is usual in the FJM literature to arrange these angles in a vector as

Q = [θ 1 ,θ 3 ,...θ 2 m − 1 |θ 2 ,θ 4 ,...θ 2 m ] = ⎡⎣q1T , qT2 ⎤⎦


So by adding the joint flexibility with considering the elastic mechanical coupling between
the i th joint and link is modeled as a linear torsional spring with constant stiffness coefficient
ki , the set of equation of motion comprising mobile base with both link and joint flexibility
can be rearranged into the following form:

M(q1 )q1 + H (q1 , q1 ) + G(q1 ) + K ( q1 − q2 ) = 0

Jq2 + K ( q2 − q1 ) = U

where K=diag[ k1 , k2 ,..., km ] is a diagonal stiffness matrix which models the joint elasticity,
J=diag[ J 1 , J 2 ,..., J m ] is the diagonal matrix representing motor inertia.
A simulation is performed to investigate the effect of joint flexibility on the response of
model by adding the elasticity at each joint as a linear spring. The case study with clamped-
pinned boundary condition is modeled for that issue. Simulation is done at the overall time
5 seconds. Parameter values of joints are k1 = k2 = 1500 N.m and J 1 = J 2 = 2 kg. m2 .
As shown in Fig. 6 the joint flexibility has considerable consequences on the robot behavior
and link parameters have significant deviations from rotor’s one. Hence, it can be conclude
that the joint flexibility, considerably influences the performance of robotic arms and it can
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 11

be as a significant source of nonlinearity and system’s oscillatory behavior. Therefore, it is

recommended that to improve the performance of the robotic systems, joint flexibility taken
into account in modelling and control of such systems.

Angular Position - Second Link & Motor (degree)

Angular Position - First Link & Motor (degree)

-89 5

-89.5 3

-90 1
-1 4.7

-2 4.6
Link 4.5
-89.12 Link
Motor 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 2.3 2.4 2.5
-4 Motor
0 1 2 3 4 5 -5
Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)

Angular Velocity - First Link & Motor (rad/s)

Angular Velocity - Second Link & Motor (rad/s)

Link 0.5
Motor Link
0.4 Motor




0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)

Fig. 6. Effect of joint flexibility in (a) Position and (b) Velocity of joints

2.2.4 Dynamic modelling of mobile manipulator

Consider an n DOFs rigid mobile manipulator with generalized coordinates q = [ qi ] ,
i = 1, 2,..., n and a task described by m task coordinates rj , j = 1, 2,..., m with m < n. By
applying h holonomic constraints and c non-holonomic constraints to the system, r = h + c
redundant DOFs of the system can be directly determined. Therefore m DOFs of the system
is remained to accomplish the desired task. As a result, we can decomposed the generalized
coordinate vector as q = [ qr qnr ] , where qr is the redundant generalized coordinate vector

determined by applying constraints and qnr is the non-redundant generalized coordinate

vector. By considering the flexible link manipulators instead of the rigid ones, their related
generalized coordinates, q f , are added to the system; therefore, the overall decomposed
generalized coordinate vector of system obtain as q = ⎡⎣ qr qnrf ⎤⎦ , where qnrf is the
combination vector of qnr and q f .
12 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

The system dynamics can also be decomposed into two parts: one is corresponding to
redundant set of variables, qr and the remained set of them, qnrf . That is,

⎡ Mr , r Mr , nrf ⎤ ⎡ qr ⎤ ⎡ C r + Gr ⎤ ⎡ U r ⎤
⎢M + = (11)
⎣ r , nrf Mnrf , nrf ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣qnrf ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣C nrf + Gnrf ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣U nrf ⎥⎦

where by considering the second row in order to path optimization procedure leads to

U nrf = Aqnrf + B . (12)

Using redundancy resolution qr will be obtained as a known vector in terms of the time (t).
Therefore A is obtained as a function of time and qnrf and B as a function of time, qr and
qnrf .
By defining the state vector as

X = [ X1 X 2 ] = ⎡⎣qnrf
qnrf ⎤⎦ , (13)

Eq. (5) can be rewritten in state space form as

⎡X ⎤ ⎡ X2 ⎤ ⎡ F1 ⎤
X = ⎢ 1⎥ = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥, (14)
⎣ X 2 ⎦ ⎣ N ( X ) + D( X )U ⎦ ⎣F2 ⎦

where D = M −1 and N = − M −1 (C ( X1 , X 2 ) + G( X1 )) . Then, optimal control problem is

determined the position and velocity variable X1(t) and X2(t), and the joint torque U (t)
which optimize a well-defined performance measure when the model is given in Eq. (14).

3. Optimal control
3.1 Defining the optimal control problem
Pontryagin's minimum principle provides an excellent tool to calculate optimal trajectories
by deriving a two-point boundary value problem. Let the trajectory generation problem be
defined here as determining a feasible specification of motion, which will cause the robot to
move from a given initial state to a given final state. The method presented in this article
adapts in a straightforward manner to the generation of such dynamic profiles.
There are known that nonlinear system dynamics stated as Eq. (14) be expressed in the term
of states (X), controls (U) and time (t) as

X = f ( X ,U , t ) (15)

Generating optimal movements can be achieved by minimizing a variety of quantities

involving directly or not some dynamic capacities of the mechanical system. A functional is
considered as the integral


J (u) = ∫ L( X ,U , t )dt (16)

The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 13

where the function L may be specified in quite varied manners. There are initial and
terminal constraints on the states:

X (t0 ) = X 0 X (t f ) = X f (17)

There may also be certain pragmatic constraints (reflecting such concerns as limited actuator
power) on the inputs. For example:

U (t ) ≤ Umax (t ) (18)

According to the minimum principle of Pontryagin (Kirk, 1970), minimization of

performance criterion at Eq. (16), is achieved by minimizing the Hamiltonian (H) which is
defined as follow:

H ( X ,U , Ψ , mp , t ) = L( X ,U , mp , t ) + Ψ T f ( X ,U , t ) (19)
where Ψ(t ) = ⎡⎣ψ 1 (t )T ψ 2 (t )T ⎤⎦ is the nonzero costate time vector-function.
Finally, according to the aforementioned principle, stating the costate vector-equation

Ψ T = −∂H ∂X (20)

in addition to the minimality condition for the Hamiltonian as

∂H ∂U = 0 (21)

X = ∂H ∂Ψ , (22)

leads to transform the problem of optimal control into a non-linear multi-point boundary
value problem.
Consequently, for a specified payload value, substituting obtained computed control
equations from Eqs. (21) and Eq. (18) into Eqs. (20) and (22), sixteen nonlinear ordinary
differential equations are obtained which with sixteen boundary conditions given in Eq. (17),
constructs a Two Point Boundary Value Problem(TPBVP). Such a problem is solvable with
available commands in different software such as MATLAB and MATEMATHICA.

3.2 Application
3.2.1 Developing for two-link flexible mobile manipulator Equations of motion
In this section, a mobile manipulator consists of a mobile platform with two flexible links /
joints manipulator as depicted in Fig. 7 is considered to analysis. For study on the complete
model, first, a mobile manipulator with two flexible links is considered to derive the
dynamic equations, then, with applying the joint flexibility by modelling the elasticity at
each joint as a linear torsinal spring the model is developed for integrated link and joint
flexible mobile manipulator.
To model the equations of motion of the system, assumed mode method is used. For this
purpose, the total energy associated with the system must be computed to determine the
Lagrangian function.
14 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Y0 End Effector Path

E(xe , ye)

F(xf , yf)

r2 v2
G(xb , yb)

v1 θ2

θ1 θ4
L0 J2


Base Path

Fig. 7. Two links mobile manipulator with flexible links and joints
The total kinetic energy of the system (T) is given by

T = TL + TB + TM , (23)

The kinetic energy of flexible links can be found as

1 i
TL = ∑ ρ i ∫ riT ( xi ) ri ( xi )dxi , (24)
i =1 2 0

where ri is the position vector that describes an arbitrary point along the i th deflected link
with respect to the global co-ordinate frame ( X 0Y0 ) and ρ i is the linear mass density for the
i th link.
By defining rb and rm as position vectors of the base and the payload respectively, the
associated kinetic energies are obtained as:

TM = mprm2
2 , (25)
1 1
TB = mb rb2 + I bωb2
2 2
where I b and ωb are the moment of inertia and the angular velocity of base, respectively.
Note that the moment of inertia of the end effector has been neglected.
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 15

Next, the potential energy associated with the flexibility of the links due to the link
deformation is obtained as:

1 i ⎛ d2v ⎞
UL = ∑ ∫ (EI )i ⎜ 2i ⎟dxi , (26)
i =1 2 0 ⎝ dxi ⎠
where (EI )i is the flexural rigidity of the i th link and vi ( xi , t ) is the bending deflection of the
i th link at a point xi , (0 ≤ xi ≤ li ) . Now, by determining the gravity energy as:

2 Li
U g = ∑ ∫ ρ i g xi dxi , (27)
i =1 0

and adding this energy to those obtained in Eq. (26) the total potential energy of the system
is obtained as U = U L + U g . Finally, by constructing the Lagrangian as L = T – U and using
the Lagrangian equation, the equations of motion for two-link flexible mobile manipulator
can be obtained as Eq. (8). Hence, the overall generalized co-ordinate vector of the system
can be written as: q = [qb qr q f ] = [ x f y f θ 0 θ 1 θ 2 e1 e2 ] , where qb = [ x f y f θ 0 ] is
the base generalized coordinates vector, qr = [θ 1 θ 2 ] is the link angles vector and
q f = [ e1 e2 ] is the vector of link modal displacements.
There is one nonholonomic constraint for the mobile base that undertakes the robot
movement only in the direction normal to the axis of the driving wheels:

x f sin(θ 0 ) − y f cos(θ 0 ) + L0θ 0 = 0 . (28)

Now, by predefining the base trajectory, the system dynamics can be decomposed into two
parts: one is corresponding to redundant set of variables, qr and the remained set of them,
qnrf . That is

⎡ Mr , r Mr , nrf ⎤ ⎡ qr ⎤ ⎡ H r ⎤ ⎡ U r ⎤
⎢M + = , (29)
⎣ r , nrf Mnrf , nrf ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣qnrf ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ H nrf ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣U nrf ⎥⎦

Now, by remaining the second row of above equation, the non-redundant part of system
equations is considered to path optimization procedure.
For developing the system to encounter the flexible joints manipulator, adding the actuator
positions and their dynamic equations is required. Hence, the set of system dynamic
equation is rearranged as explain in Eq. (10). This overall system is clearly established the
equations that involve the flexible nature of both links and joints.

⎧ ⎡m11 m12 m13 m14 ⎤ ⎡θ 1 ⎤ ⎡ h1 ⎤ ⎡ k1 0 0 0 ⎤ ⎡θ 1 − θ 3 ⎤

⎪⎢ ⎢ ⎥
⎪⎢ m22 m23 m24 ⎥⎥ ⎢θ 2 ⎥ ⎢⎢ h2 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 0 k2 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢θ 2 − θ 4 ⎥⎥
⎪⎢ + + =0
⎪ m33 m34 ⎥ ⎢ e1 ⎥ ⎢ h3 ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎨⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ (30)
Sym m44 ⎦ ⎢⎣ e2 ⎥⎦ ⎣ h4 ⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 0⎦ ⎣ 0 ⎦
⎪⎡ J 0 ⎤ ⎡θ 3 ⎤ ⎡ k1 0 ⎤ ⎡θ 3 − θ 1 ⎤ ⎡ u1 ⎤
⎪⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥+⎢ =
⎩⎪ ⎣ 0 J 2 ⎦ ⎣θ 4 ⎦ ⎣ 0 k2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣θ 4 − θ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣u2 ⎥⎦
16 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

These enhanced dynamic equations that involve dynamic of the two-link flexible mobile
manipulator are considered in trajectory planning problem in the presenting study. Stating an optimal control solution
Optimal control approach provides an excellent tool to calculate optimal trajectory with
high accuracy for robots that include, in this case, two link flexible mobile manipulators.
Let the trajectory generation problem be defined here as determining a feasible specification
of motion which will cause the robot to move from a given initial posture (state) to a given
final posture (state) while minimize a performance criterion such as integral quadratic norm
of actuating torques or velocities, which leads to minimize energy consumption or bounding
the velocity magnitude.
For this reason, as it can be seen in Fig. 7 the state vectors can be defined as:

⎡θ 1 (t )⎤ ⎡ x1 (t )⎤ ⎡θ (t )⎤ ⎡ x2 (t )⎤
X1 = ⎢ ⎥ =⎢ ⎥ X2 = ⎢ 1 ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥
⎣θ 2 (t )⎦ ⎣ x3 (t )⎦ ⎣θ 2 (t )⎦ ⎣ x 4 (t )⎦
⎡ e1 (t )⎤ ⎡ x5 (t )⎤ ⎡ e1 ( t ) ⎤ ⎡ x 6 ( t ) ⎤
X3 = ⎢ ⎥ =⎢ ⎥ X4 = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ (31)
⎣ e2 ( t ) ⎦ ⎣ x 7 ( t ) ⎦ ⎣ e2 (t )⎦ ⎣ x8 (t ) ⎦
⎡θ 3 (t )⎤ ⎡ x9 (t ) ⎤ ⎡θ 3 (t )⎤ ⎡ x10 (t )⎤
X5 = ⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ x ( t )⎥ X 6 = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥.
θ ( t )
⎣ 4 ⎦ ⎣ 11 ⎦ ⎣θ 4 (t )⎦ ⎣ x12 (t )⎦
where θ1 and θ2 are angular positions of links, e1 and e2 are links modal displacements, and θ3
and θ4 are angular positions of motors. The boundary condition can be expressed as:

x1 (0) = x9 (0) = x10 , x3 (0) = x11 (0) = X 30 ;

x1 ( f ) = x9 ( f ) = X1 f , x3 ( f ) = x11 ( f ) = X 3 f ;

Other boundary conditions are assumed to be zero.

Now, with defining Z4× 4 = M 4× 4 −1 and I 2 × 2 = J 2× 2 −1 Eq. (30) can be rewritten in the compact
form as:

q1 = Z(K (q21 − q11 ) − H ) = F1

q 2 = I (U − K (q22 − q12 )) = F2 ,
where q21 = ( x1 x3 0 0) , q11 = ( x9 x11 0 0) , q22 = ( x1 x3 ) , q12 = ( x9 x11 ) , and
U = ( u1 u2 ) . Remember that in this simulation the gravity effect is assumed to be zero.
Hence, by defining the vector F as: F = [F1 F2 ] = [ f 1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f 6 ] the set of state
space equations of system can be written as:

x2 i − 1 = x2 i ;
. (34)
x2 i = f i ; i = 1...6

In order to derive the equations associated with optimality conditions, penalty matrices can
be selected as follows:

W = diag( w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 , w5 , w6 )
R = diag(r1 , r2 ) .
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 17

An important remark must be done here is that the study is planned a trajectory in the joint
space rather than in the operating space. It means the control system acts on the manipulator
joints rather than on the end effector. Trajectory planning in the joint space would allow
avoiding the problems arising with kinematic singularities and manipulator redundancy.
Moreover, it would be easier to adjust the trajectory according to the design requirements if
working in the joint space. By controlling manipulator joints can achieve the best dynamic
coordination of joint motions, while minimizing the actuating inputs together with bounding
the velocity magnitudes. It causes to ensure soft and efficient functioning while improving the
manipulator working performances. For that reason, the objective function is formed as:

1⎛ 6

L= ⎜ r1 u 12 +r2 u 22 + ∑ w i x 2i2 ⎟ . (36)
2⎝ i =1 ⎠
Subsequently, with defining the auxiliary costate vector as:
Ψ = ⎡⎣ψ 1 ψ 2 ... ψ 12 ⎤⎦ = ⎡⎣ x13 x14 ... x24 ⎤⎦ results to the Hamiltonian function as:

1⎛ 2 6
2 ⎞
H= ⎜ r1u1 +r2 u2 + ∑ w i x 2i ⎟ + ∑ x12 + i xi ,
2⎝ i =1 ⎠ i =1
Consequently, with differentiating the Hamiltonian function with respect to states, the
costate equations are obtained as follow

ψi = − , i = 1, ,12 . (38)

Also, differentiating the Hamiltonian with respect to control and setting the derivative equal
to zero, yields the following control equations:

∂H ∂H
= r1u1 + x23 J 1 = 0 ; = r2 u2 + x24 J 2 = 0 (39)
∂u1 ∂u1

where by solving them, the expression for control values in the admissible interval,
ui − < ui < ui + ; i = 1, 2 can be obtained as follow:

u1 = − x23 ( r1 J 1 ) ; u2 = −x24 ( r2 J 2 ) . (40)

Then, by considering the constraint on control input, the optimal control can be expressed as

⎧ u1+ − x23 / ( r1 J 1 ) ≥ u1+

u1 = ⎨− x23 ( r1 J 1 ) otherwise

23 / ( r1 J 1 ) ≤ u1
− −
⎩ u1 − x
⎧ u +
2 − x24 / ( r2 J 2 ) ≥ u +

u2 = ⎨− x24 ( r2 J 2 ) otherwise

24 / ( r2 J 2 ) ≤ u2
− −
⎩ u 2 − x
18 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

where the final bound of control for each motor is obtained as:

u 1+ = τ 1 − S 1 x 11 ; u 1− = − τ 1 − S 1 x 11
u = τ 2 − S 2 x 12
2 ; u 2− = − τ 2 − S 2 x 12

where S i = (τ i / ωmi ) , τ i and ωmi are the stall torque and maximum no-load speed of i th
motor respectively.
Finally, 24 nonlinear ordinary differential equations are obtained by substituting Eq.(33) into
Eqs. (38) and (34), which with 24 boundary conditions given in Eq.(32) construct a two point
boundary value problem (TPBVP).
There are numerous influential and efficient commands for solving such problems that are
available in different software such as MATLAB, MATEMATHICA or FORTRAN. These
commands by employing capable methods such as finite difference, collocation and
shooting method solve the problem. In this study, BVP4C command in MATLAB® which is
based on the collocation method is used to solve the aforesaid problem. This numerical
technique have been detailed by (Shampine et al.). Required parameters
In all simulations the mobile base is initially at point ( x fi = 0.5m, y fi = 0.5m, θ fi = 0) and
moves along a straight-line path to final position ( x ff = 1.5m, y ff = 1m). The necessary
parameters used in the simulations are summarized in the Table 1.

Properties Symbol Value (Unit)

Length of Links l 1(m)
Mass Density ρ 6 (kg. m −1 )
Flexural Rigidity EI 100 ( N.m 2 )
Max. no Load Speed of Actuators ωs 6 (rad / s)
Actuator Stall Torque τs 25 (N. m)
Moment of Inertia (Motor) J 2
2 (kg. m )
Spring Constant k 1000 Nm
Table 1. System parameters
Velocity at start and stop is considered to be zero. Other boundary conditions are assumed
to be:

x 1 ( 0) = x 9 ( 0) = 120 , x 3 ( 0) = x 11 ( 0) = 90 ;
x 1 ( f ) = x 9 ( f ) = 30 , x 3 ( f ) = x 11 ( f ) = 30 ;

Also, in all simulations, the penalty matrix of control efforts R assumes to be R=diag[0.01].
Note that in all simulations, the payload is calculated with the accuracy of 0.1 Kg.

3.2.2 Motion planning Motion planning for different penalty matrixes
In the first case, effects of changing in performance index in the path planning problem are
investigated. Hence, simulation is done for the different values of W and optimal paths for a
given payload are obtained.
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 19

By considering penalty matrices as W = (w, w, 0, 0, w, w) by zero the first path is

determined. Other paths are drowning with scaling up the value of W as: 1, 100, and 1000.
Note that in these simulations the penalty matrices refer to velocities of mode shapes are
fixed in zero and the payload is assumed to be 1 Kg.

0.5 1
case 1 case 1
Angular Velocity-Joint 1 (rad/s)

Angular Velocity-Joint 2 (rad/s)

case 2 case 2
case 3 case 3
case 4 case 4

-0.5 -0.5


-1.5 -2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 8. Angular velocities of joints

30 30
case 1
case 2
20 20
case 3
Torque Motor 1 (N-m)

Torque Motor 2 (N-m)

case 4
10 upper bound 10
lower bound

0 0

case 1
-10 -10
case 2
case 3
-20 -20 case 4
upper bound
lower bound
-30 -30
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 9. Torques of motors

Robot Configuration




-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Fig. 10. Robot Configuration

20 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

End Effector Trajectory



2 case 1
case 2

case 3
1.5 case 4

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Fig. 11. End effector trajectory in XY plane
Fig. 8 shows the angular velocities of joints. The computed torques are plotted in Fig. 9. As
shown in figures increasing W causes reducing the maximum velocity magnitude while the
torques are growing. This issue is predictable, since, in the cost functional defined in the Eq.
(16) increasing W causes to rise the role of velocity in path planning an it can decreases the
proportion of R in such process. Furthermore, it can be found from figures, in order to attain
a smoother path with smaller amount of velocity, more effort must be applied. Also, it is
obvious that all the obtained graphs are satisfied the system cost function in Eq. (16). hence,
they specify optimal trajectories of the system motion. Therefore, in the proposed method
designer is able to choose most appropriate path among various optimal paths according to
designing requirements. Robot configuration and end effector trajectory are depected in
Figs. 10 and 11 respectively. Motion planning for different payloads
In this case W is assumed to be constant at W=1. Then, the robot path planning problem will
be investigated by increasing the payload mass until maximum allowable load will be
determined. This maximum payload is obtained as 8.4 kg (case 4). The obtained angular
positions, angular velocities and torque curves graphs for a range of mP given in Table 2 are
shown in Fig.s 12 - 14. It can be found that, increasing the mP results to enlarge the velocity
values as a consequence various optimal paths have been attained. As shown in figures,
increasing the payload increases the required torque until the maximum payload. So that for
the last case the torque curves lay on their limits. Hence, it is the most possible values of the
torques and increasing the payload can lead to violate the boundary conditions. Finally, end
effector trajectories in the Cartesian space are depicting in Fig. 15.

Case 1 2 3 4
mp 1 3 7 8.4
Table 2. The values of mp used in the simulation.
mpmax =8.4 kg is the maximum allowable payload for the selected penalty matrices while
choosing the other penalty matrices, results in other optimal trajectories. To demonstrate
that issue, simulations are carried out for different values of W given in Table 3.
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 21

120 180
case 1 case 1
Angular Position-Joint 1 (degree)

Angular Position-Joint 2 (degree)

100 case 2 160 case 2
case 3 case 3
80 case 4 case 4

0 40

-20 20
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 12. Angular positions of joints

2 4
case 1
Angular Velocity-Joint 1 (rad/s)

Angular Velocity-Joint 2 (rad/s)

1 case 2
2 case 3
case 4
case 1
case 2 -4
-3 case 3
case 4
-4 -6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 13. Angular velocities of joints

50 60
case 1 case 1
case 2 case 2
case 3 case 3
Torque Motor 1 (N-m)

Torque Motor 2 (N-m)

case 4 case 4
upper bound 20 upper bound
lower bound lower bound

0 0



-50 -60
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 14. Torques of motors

22 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators


y(m) 2


case 1
1 case 2
case 3
case 4
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Fig. 15. End effector trajectory in XY plane

3.2.3 Maximum payload determination

In this case, the maximum payload of flexible mobile manipulator will be calculated
and corresponding optimal trajectory at point-to-point motion will be illustrated
for different values of W. Payload paths for these cases are shown in Fig. 16. Fig. 17 shows
the robot configuration for the first and last cases. Also, he computed torques for these
cases are plotted in Fig.18. As it can be seen, increasing W causes to increase oscillatory
behavior of the systems that results to reduce the maximum dynamic payload as shown in
Table 3.

Case 1 2 3 4
W 1 400 600 800
m p max 8.4 7.9 7.5 6.3

Table 3. The values of W and corresponding calculated maximum payloads



case 1
case 2
case 3
case 4
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Fig. 16. End effector trajectory in XY plane
The Comparative Assessment of Modelling and Control of Mechanical Manipulator 23

Robot Configuration Robot Configuration

3 3
Case 1 Case 4
2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
-1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3
x(m) x(m)

Fig. 17. Robot Configuration

50 40
Case 1 case 4
Torque Motor 1&2 (N-m)

Torque Motor 1&2 (N-m)




Motor 1 -20 Motor 1

Motor 2 Motor 2
-50 -30
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 18. Torques of motors

4. Conclusion
In this chapter, modelling and control of mechanical manipulator had been studied. First,
kinematic and dynamic modelling of flexible link, flexible joint and mobile manipulators
have been considered. Then, optimal control of a flexible mobile manipulator in point-to-
point motion had been formulated based on the open-loop optimal control approach. The
first objective of the chapter is to state the dynamic optimization problem under a quite
generalized form in order to be applied to a variety of situations with any guess objective
functions for the optimality solution. The second objective is consisting in developing the
method for optimizing the applicable case studies, which results.
Using assumed mode and finite element methods oscillatory behavior of he mobile robotic
manipulators had been described. The model equations had been verified for a two-link
manipulator, and the model responses had been discussed. Then, joint flexibility had been
added to the system and obtained model had been simulated. After that, an efficient
solution on the basis of TPBVP solution had been proposed to path optimization –
maximum payload determination in order to achieve the predefined objective. The solving
strategy makes it possible to get any guess objective functions for the optimality solution.
Attaining the minimum effort trajectory along with bounding the obtained velocity
magnitude had been chosen at the application example. The obtained results illustrate the
24 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

power and efficiency of the method to overcome the highly nonlinearity nature of the
optimization problem which with other methods, it may be very difficult or impossible.
Highlighting the main contribution of the chapter can be presented as:
• The proposed approach can be adapted to any general serial manipulator including
both non-redundant and redundant systems with link flexibility and base mobility.
• In this approach the nonholonomic constraints do not appear in TPBVP directly, unlike
the method given in (Mohri et al. 2001; Furuno et al. 2003).
• This approach allows completely nonlinear states and control constraints treated
without any simplifications.
• The obtained results illustrate the power and efficiency of the method to overcome the
high nonlinearity nature of the optimization problem, which with other methods, it
may be very difficult or impossible.
• In this method, boundary conditions are satisfied exactly, while the results obtained by
methods such as Iterative Linear Programming (ILP) have a considerable error in final
time (Ghariblu & Korayem, 2006).
• In this method, designer is able to choose the most appropriate path among various
optimal paths by considering the proper penalty matrices.
The optimal trajectory and corresponding input control obtained using this method can be
used as a reference signal and feed forward command in the closed-loop control of such

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126, pp. 442–448

Hyper Redundant Manipulators

Ivanescu Mircea and Cojocaru Dorian
University of Craiova

1. Introduction
Modern industrial robots are mostly (human) arm-inspired mechanisms with serially
arranged discrete links. When it comes to industrial environment where the workspace is
structured and predefined this kind of structure is fine. This type of robots are placed in
carefully controlled environments and kept away from human and their world.
When it comes to robots that must interact with the natural world, it needs to be able to
solve the same problems that animals do. The rigid structure of traditional robots limit their
ability to maneuver and in small spaces and congested environments, and to adapt to
variations in their environmental contact conditions. For improving the adaptability and
versatility of robots, recently there has been interest and research in “soft” robots. In
particular, several research groups are investigating robots based on continuous body
“continuum” structure. If a robot’s body is soft and/or continuously bendable it might
emulate a snake or an eel with an undulating locomotion (Walker & Carreras, 2006).
An ideal tentacle manipulator is a non-conventional robotic arm with an infinite mobility. It
has the capability of takeing sophisticated shapes and of achieving any position and
orientation in a 3D space. Behavior similar to biological trunks, tentacles, or snakes may be
exhibited by continuum or hyper-redundant robot manipulators (Walker et al., 2005). Hence
these manipulators are extremely dexterous, compliant, and are capable of dynamic
adaptive manipulation in unstructured environments, continuum robot manipulators do not
have rigid joints unlike traditional rigid-link robot manipulators. The movement of the
continuum robot mechanisms is generated by bending continuously along their length to
produce a sequence of smooth curves. This contrasts with discrete robot devices, which
generate movement at independent joints separated by supporting links.
The snake-arm robots and elephant’s trunk robots are also described as continuum robots,
although these descriptions are restrictive in their definitions and cannot be applied to all
snake-arm robots (Hirose, 1993). A continuum robot is a continuously curving manipulator,
much like the arm of an octopus (Cowan & Walker, 2008). An elephant’s trunk robot is a
good descriptor of a continuum robot (Hutchinson, S.; Hager et al., 1996). The elephant’s
trunk robot has been generally associated with an arm manipulation – an entire arm used to
grasp and manipulate objects, the same way that an elephant would pick up a ball. As the
best term for this class of robots has not been agreed upon, this is still an emerging issue.
Snake-arm robots are often used in association with another device meant to introduce the
snake-arm into the confined space.
However, the development of high-performance control algorithms for these manipulators
is quite a challenge, due to their unique design and the high degree of uncertainty in their
28 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

dynamic models. The great number of parameters, theoretically an infinite one, makes very
difficult the use of classical control methods and the conventional transducers for position
and orientation.” must be moved after the paragraph “An ideal tentacle manipulator is a
non-conventional robotic arm with an infinite mobility. It has the capability of takeing
sophisticated shapes and of achieving any position and orientation in a 3D space. These
systems are also known as hyper redundant manipulators and, over the past several years,
there has been a rapid expanding interest in their study and construction.
An ideal tentacle manipulator is a non-conventional robotic arm with an infinite mobility. It
has the capability of takeing sophisticated shapes and of achieving any position and
orientation in a 3D space. These systems are also known as hyper redundant manipulators
and, over the past several years, there has been a rapid expanding interest in their study and
The control of these systems is very complicated and a great number of researchers tried to
offer solutions for this difficult problem. In (Hemami, 1984); (Suzumori et al., 1991) it
analyses the control by cables or tendons meant to transmit forces to the elements of the arm
in order to closely approximate the arm as a truly continuous backbone. Also, Mochiyama
has investigated the problem of controlling the shape of an HDOF rigid-link robot with two-
degree-of-freedom joints using spatial curves (Mochiyama & Kobayashi, 1999). Important
results were obtained by Chirikjian (Chirikjian, 1993) who laid the foundations for the
kinematic theory of hyper redundant robots. His results are based on a “backbone curve”
that captures the robot’s macroscopic geometric features.
The inverse kinematic problem is reduced to determining the time varying backbone curve
behaviour (Takegaki & Arimoto, 1981). New methods for determining “optimal” hyper-
redundant manipulator configurations based on a continuous formulation of kinematics are
developed. In (Gravagne & Walker, 2001), Gravagne analysed the kinematic model of
“hyper-redundant” robots, known as “continuum” robots. Robinson and Davies (Robinson
& Davies, 1999) present the “state of art” of continuum robots, outline their areas of
application and introduce some control issues. The great number of parameters,
theoretically an infinite one, makes very difficult the use of classical control methods and the
conventional transducers for position and orientation.
The lack of no discrete joints is a serious and difficult issue in the determination of the
robot’s shape. A solution for this problem is the vision based control of the robot, kinematics
and dynamics.
The research group from the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University
of Craiova, Romania, started working in research field of hyper redundant robots over 25
years ago. The experiments started on a family of TEROB robots which used cables and DC
motors. The kinematics and dynamics models, as well as the different control methods
developed by the research group were tested on these robots. Starting with 2008, the
research group designed a new experimental platform for hyper redundant robots. This new
robot is actuated by stepper motors. The rotation of these motors rotates the cables which by
correlated screwing and unscrewing of their ends determine their shortening or prolonging,
and by consequence, the tentacle curvature (Blessing & Walker, 2004). Segments were
cylindrical in the initial prototype, and cone-shaped in actual prototype. The backbone of
the tentacle is an elastic cable made out of steel, which sustains the entire structure and
allows the bending. Depending on which cable shortens or prolongs, the tentacle bends in
different planes, each one making different angles (rotations) respective to the initial
coordinate frame attached to the manipulator segment – i.e. allowing the movement in 3D.
Due to the mechanical design it can be assumed that the individual cable torsion,
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 29

respectively entire manipulator torsion can be neglected. Even if these phenomena would
appear, the structure control is not based on the stepper motors angles, but on the
information given by the robotic vision system which is able to offer the real spatial
positions and orientations of the tentacle segments.

Fig. 1. A tentacle arm prototype

2. Kinematics
In order to control a hyper-redundant robot it has to develop a method to compute the
positions for each one of his segments (Immega & Antonelli, 1995). By consequence, given a
desired curvature S*(x, tf) as sequence of semi circles, identify how to move the structure, to
obtain s(x, t) such that

lim t →t f s( x , t ) = S * ( x , t f ) (1)

where x is the column vector of the shape description and tf is the final time (see Fig. 2).


R1 R2

Fig. 2. The description of the desired shape

30 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

To describe the tentacle’s shape we will consider two angles (α, θ) for each segment, where θ
is the rotation angle around Z-axis and α is the rotation angle around the Y-axis (see Fig. 2).
To describe the movement we can use the roto-translation matrix considering θ = 2β as
shown in Fig. 3.

original position of the

β L


Fig. 3. Curvature and relation between θ and β

The generic matrix in 2D that expresses the coordinate of the next segment related to the
previous reference system can be written as follow:

⎡ cos(2 ⋅ β ) sin(2 ⋅ β ) L ⋅ sin( β )⎤

⎢ ⎥
⎢− sin(2 ⋅ β ) cos(2 ⋅ β ) L ⋅ cos( β )⎥
⎢⎣ 0 0 1 ⎥⎦

In 3D space we cannot write immediately the dependence that exists between two segments.
This relation can be obtained through the pre-multiplication of generic roto-translation
matrix. One of the possible combinations to express the coordinate of the next segment
related to the frame coordinate of the previous segment is the following:

R i generic := Rzi (θ i ) ⋅ Try (V i ) ⋅ Ryi (α i ) ⋅ Rzi (θ i ) (3)

where Rzi (θ i ) and Ryi (α i ) are the fundamental roto-translation matrix having 4x4 elements
in 3-D space, and Try(Vi) is a 4x4 elements matrix of pure translation in 3-D space and where
Vi is the vector describing the translation between two segments expressed in coordinate of
i-th reference system.e main problem remains to obtain an imposed shape for the tentacle
arm. In order to control the robot, we need to obtain the relation between the position of the
wires and the position of the segment.
Here, a decoupled approach is used for the robot control scheme. Thus the segments are
controlled separately, without considering the interaction between them. Considering the
segments of the tentacle separately, then (α, θ)i is the asigned coordinate of i-th segment.
Having as purpose to command the robot to reach the position (α, θ)i the following relation
is useful:

R= ∀θ ≠ 0 (4)
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 31

where R represents the curvature’s radius of the central bone and LCB is a constant, equal to
the length of the central bone.
Once we have θ and α together as parameters of the desired shape, and after we obtained R,
we can compute the corresponding lengths of the wires. Depending on the types of wires
and on the structure of the tentacle, we must choose the way to compute the length of each
For the hard wire, made from the same material as the central bone, and by consequence
having the same elasticity, referring to Fig. 4, we can write:

Hard wires X1
Soft wires X

Z1 Y
Lw3 Lw1 X2 Z



Fig. 4. Different types of wires.

⎧ Lw 1 = R1 ⋅ θ

⎨Lw 2 = R2 ⋅ θ (5)
⎪L = R3 ⋅ θ
⎩ w3
For the soft wires, we can write:

⎪L w1 = [R1 ⋅θ ]⋅ sin(θ / i )
⎪ θ /i
⎪ sin(θ / i )
⎨Lw 2 = [R2 ⋅ θ ]⋅ (6)
⎪ θ /i
⎪L sin(θ / i )
⎪ w3 = [R3 ⋅ θ ]⋅
⎩ θ /i

where Lwn is the length of the n-th wire and Ri is the radius of the curvature of the real i-th
Farther it can be written:

Rn = ( R − ΔR ) ⋅ cos(α n ) (7)

where ΔR is constant equal to the distance between the center and the wires and αn is:
32 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

⎧α 1 = −α
⎪ (8)
⎨α 2 = 120° − α

⎩α 3 = 240° − α
Obviously the equations (5) and (6), become the same for i → ∞.
In order to reach the desired shape in a finite time tf, we should choose the appropriate law
for the time variation of the displacements and speed for the three wires, going from the
home position to the final position. For each instant, the wires must be moved in order to
avoid elongation or compression of it self.
The reference systems for each segment are oriented with the X-axes passing through the
first wire. That means that the angles considered between the wires and the desired
directions are as in the equation (8).
We can obtain the correlation between these angles and the bending direction of the
segment. E.g. if the direction is α =2/3π, that means we intend to bend the tentacle in the
direction of the second wire with the imposed value of θ degrees. In this case, if we will
move the second wire of ΔLw2, we should move the first and third wires with ΔLw2/2 and
with the apropiate speed in order to maintain this relation during the movement.
Once we know the angle α, we can obtain the value ΔRi = ΔR ⋅ cos (α i ) , defining the
displacements of the wires.
The algorithm that we are using, assigns the speed of the wires proportional to ΔRi in order
to go from the home position (θ =0, α =0) to the position (α, θ)i with a constant speed of the
In fact, given the final time tf and the starting time ti, after we obtained the displacement of
the wires we impose the speed in order to reach the desired position in (tf-ti) seconds.
So the speed is:

L wi ( t f ) − LCB
L wi = (9)
(t f − ti )

Our structure does not have encoders. Counting the impulses given to the motors, we can
evaluate the lengths [Lw1, Lw2, Lw3]. We use these values in order to obtain (α ,θ)i. The
algorithm’s steps are the following.
For the n-th rigid wire:

Lwn = LCB − θ ⋅ ΔR ⋅ cos(α n ) (10)

Considering the equation (8) and (10), evaluating these for all the wires we can obtain:

⎧ 3
⎪ ∑ cos(α i ) = 0
⎪ i=1
⎪⎪ 1 3
⎨ ∑ Ri = R
⎪ 3 i =1
⎪1 3
⎪ ∑ i = 1 L wi = L
⎪⎩ 3

Considering again the equation (10) for the first and second wires, we can write:

Lw 1 + ΔR ⋅ θ ⋅ cos(α 1 ) = Lw 2 + ΔR ⋅ θ ⋅ cos(α 2 ) (12)

Hyper Redundant Manipulators 33

Replacing the (8) we obtain θ in function of α:

2 Lw 1 − Lw 2
θ= ⋅ (13)
ΔR 3cos (α ) − 3 sin (α )

And considering the eq. (10) for the third wire:

Lw 3 = Lw 1 +
2 ⋅ ( Lw 1 − Lw 2 ) ⋅ 3cos (α ) − 3 sin (α ) ) (14)
3 cos (α ) − 3 sin (α )

Finally the α angle can be obtained using the function atan2.

α = atan2 ( 3 ( Lw 2 − Lw 3 ) , 2 Lw 1 − Lw 2 − Lw 3 ) (15)

where atan2 is an extension of arctan(y/x) on more quadrant having the following form:

⎧atan( y / x ) + π if x < 0, y ≥ 0
⎪ atan( y / x ) − π if x < 0, y < 0

⎪⎪ atan( y / x ) if x>0
⎨ π (16)
⎪ if x = 0, y > 0
⎪ 2
⎪ −π
if x = 0, y < 0
⎪⎩ 2
The same methodology can be applied for a tronconical robot. The following paragraphs
will show how the equations change. The geometry of one segment for the 2D case is
described in Fig. 6. The curvature’s angle θ of the segment is considered as the input
parameter, while the lengths L1 and L2 of the control wires are the outputs.

Fig. 5. Projection of the wire to get the α direction

34 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 6. The geometry of one segment.

The radius R of the segment curvature is obtained using equation (17):

R= (17)
where H is the height of the segment. The following lengths are obtained from Fig. 5, based
on the segment curvature:

L11 = CP4 = R + D1 2 L12 = CP1 = R + D2 2

L21 = CP3 = R − D1 2 L22 = CP2 = R − D2 2

where D1 and D2 are the diameters of the segment end discs. Based on the Carnot theorem,
the lengths A1 and A2 are then obtained:

A1 = L211 + L212 − 2 ⋅ L211 ⋅ L212 ⋅ cosθ

A2 = L221 + L222 − 2 ⋅ L221 ⋅ L222 ⋅ cosθ

The control wires curvature radius R1 and R2 are given by the relations (20):

R1 = A1 2 ⋅ sin θ 2 R2 = A2 2 ⋅ sin θ 2 (20)

Finally, the lengths of the control wires are obtained as in (21):

Lw 1 = R1 ⋅ θ = A1 ⋅ θ / 2 ⋅ sin θ2
Lw 2 = R2 ⋅ θ = A2 ⋅ θ / 2 ⋅ sin θ2

For the 3D case, a virtual wire is considered, which gives the α direction of the curvature.
Considering one virtual wire in the direction of the desired curvature having length
calculated as follows. Firstly the following lengths are computed:

L11 = R + D1 2 ⋅ cos(α 1 ) L12 = R + D2 2 ⋅ cos(α 1 )

L21 = R + D1 2 ⋅ cos(α 2 ) L22 = R + D2 2 ⋅ cos(α 2 ) (22)
L31 = R + D1 2 ⋅ cos(α 3 ) L22 = R + D2 2 ⋅ cos(α 3 )
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 35

where αn is according to Fig. 5:

⎧α 1 = −α

⎨α 2 = 120° − α (23)
⎪α = 240° − α
⎩ 3
Based on (19) and (20) the curvature radiuses R1, R2 and R3 of the three control wires are
then obtained. Finally the lengths of the control wires are computed with (24):

Lw 1 = R1 ⋅ θ
L w 2 = R2 ⋅ θ (24)
L w 3 = R3 ⋅ θ

Apart from the system presented we can obtain two useful relations:

⎧ 3
⎪ ∑ cos(α i ) = 0
⎪ i =1
⎨ (25)
⎪1 3 L
⎪⎩ 3 ∑ i = 1 wi = L

The second equation of (25), can be utilized to estimate the virtual compression or the
extension of the central bone. We call that virtual compression because before we compress
the central bone, the robot will twist to find the shape to guaranty the wrong length of the

3. Dynamics
3.1 Theoretical model
The essence of the tentacle model is a 3-dimensional backbone curve C that is parametrically
described by a vector r ( s ) ∈ R 3 and an associated frame ϕ ( s ) ∈ R 3× 3 whose columns create
the frame bases (Fig. 7a) (Ivănescu et al., 2006).


ez φ
s Z
e0 z
P ey
φ q(s)
r(s) Y

e0x X
(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Tentacle system parameters.

36 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

The independent parameter s is related to the arc-length from the origin of the curve C, a
variable parameter, where

l = ∑ ( l0 i + Δli ) (26)
i =1


l = l0 + u (27)

where l0 represents the length of the N elements of the arm in the initial position and

u = ∑ Δli (28)
i =1

determines the control variable of the arm length.

The position of a point s on curve C is defined by the position vector,

r = r (s ) (29)
when s ∈ [0 , l]. For a dynamic motion, the time variable will be introduced, r = r (s , t ) .
We used a parameterization of the curve C based upon two "continuous angles" θ (s ) and
q (s ) and length variable u (Fig. 4).
At each point r (s , t ) , the robot’s orientation is given by a right-handed orthonormal basis
vector e x , e y , e z } and its origin coincides with point r (s , t ) , where the vector ex is tangent
and ez is orthogonal to the curve C. The position vector on curve C is given by

r (s , t ) = [x(s , t ) y (s , t ) z(s , t )]T (30)


x(s , t ) = ∫ sin θ (s′ , t )cos q (s′ , t )ds′ (31)

y (s , t ) = ∫ cos θ (s′ , t )cos q (s′ , t )ds′ (32)

z(s , t ) = ∫ sin q (s′ , t )ds′ (33)

with s′ ∈ [0 , s]. We can adopt the following interpretation: at any point s the relations (31)-
(33) determine the current position and Φ (s ) determines the robot’s orientation, and the
robot’s shape is defined by the behaviour of functions θ (s ) and q (s ) . The robot “grows”
from the origin by integrating to get r (s , t ) , s ∈ [0 , l0 + u] . The velocity components are
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 37

vx = ∫ −q′ sin q′ sin θ ′ + θ ′ cos q′ cosθ ′ ds′ ) (34)

( )
vy = ∫ − q′ sin q′ cosθ ′ − θ ′ cos q′ cosθ ′ ds′ (35)

v z = ∫ q cos q ′ds′ (36)

vu = u (37)

For an element dm, kinetic and gravitational potential (Douskaia, 1998) energy will be

dT =
dm vx2 + vy2 + vz2 + vu2 ) (38)

dV = dm ⋅ g ⋅ z (39)

dm = ρds (40)
From (13)-(15) we obtain

1 l ⎛⎜ ⎛⎜ s

T= ( ⎞
ρ ∫ ⎜ ⎜ ∫ − q sin q ′ sin θ ′ + θ ′ cos q ′ cos θ ′ ds′ ⎟⎟ +
2 0 ⎜⎝ 0
) (41)
⎝ ⎠

( ⎞
+ ⎜⎜ ∫ − q ′ sin q ′ cos θ ′ − θ ′ cos q ′ sin θ ′ ds′ ⎟⎟ + )
⎝0 ⎠

⎛s ⎞
2 ⎞ l
⎜ ∫ q ′ cos q ′ds′ ⎟ ⎟ ds + 1 ρ u 2 ds
⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟ 2 0

⎝0 ⎠ ⎠

l s
V = ρg ∫ ∫ sin q ′ds′ds (42)

The elastic potential energy will be approximated by two components, one determined by
the bending of the element

Veb = k
d2 N 2
∑ qi + θi2
4 i =1
( ) (43)

and the other is given by the axial tension/compression energy component

1 2
Vea = ku (44)
38 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

where we assumed that each element has a constant curvature and a uniform equivalent
elasticity coefficient k, assumed constant on all the length of the arm.
The total elastic potential energy will be

Ve = Veb + Vea (45)

We will consider Fθ (s , t ), Fq (s , t ) the distributed forces on the length that determine motion
and orientation in the θ - plane, q - plane and Fu (t ) , the force that determines axial motion,
assumed constant along the length of the arm.

3.2 Dynamic model

In this paper, the manipulator model is considered a distributed parameter (Ivanescu, 2002).
system defined on a variable spatial domain Ω = [0 , l] and the spatial coordinate is denoted
by s.
The dynamic model of this manipulator with hyper-redundant configurations can be
obtained, in general form, from Hamilton partial differential equations of the distributed
parameter model,

∂ω (t , s ) δH
= (46)
∂t δν (t , s )

∂ν (t , s ) δH
=− + F (t , s ) (47)
∂t δω (t , s )
where ω and ν are the generalized coordinates and momentum densities, respectively, and
δ ( ⋅) / δ ( ⋅) denotes a functional partial derivative.
The state of this system at any fixed time t is specified by the set (ω (t , s ),ν (t , s )) , where
ω = [θ q u]T . The set of all functions of s ∈ Ω that ω , ν can take on at any time is state
function space Γ (Ω ). We will consider that Γ (Ω ) ⊂ L2 (Ω ).
The control forces have the distributed components along the arm, Fθ (t , s ), Fq (t , s ), s ∈ [0 , l]
and a lumped component Fu (t ).
A practical form of dynamic model expressed only as a function of generalised coordinates
is derived by using Lagrange equations developed for infinite dimensional systems,

∂ ⎛ δT ⎞ δT δV δVe
⎜ ⎟− + + = Fθ (48)
∂t ⎜⎝ δθ (t , s ) ⎟⎠ δθ (t , s ) δθ (t , s ) δθ (t , s )

∂ ⎛ δT ⎞ δT δV δVe
⎜ ⎟− + + = Fq (49)
∂t ⎜⎝ δq (t , s ) ⎟⎠ δq (t , s ) δq (t , s ) δq (t , s )

∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂T ∂V ∂Ve
⎜ ⎟− + + = Fu (50)
∂t ⎝ ∂u ⎠ ∂u ∂u ∂u
where ∂ / ∂ (⋅), δ / δ (⋅) denote classical and functional partial derivatives (in Gateaux sense]),
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 39

In Appendix 1 the dynamic model of this ideal spatial tentacle manipulator will be
developed and the difficulties to obtain a control law will be easily inferred.
The great number of parameters - theoretically an infinite number of parameters - the
complexity of the dynamic model make the application of the classical algorithms meant to
obtain the control law very difficult. In much of the literature concerned with the control of
these systems, the complexity of the problem is emphasized and various methods that
compensate all nonlinear terms in dynamics in real time are developed in order to reduce
the complexity of control systems. Also, simplified procedures are introduced or the
difficult components are neglected in order to generate a particular law for position or
motion control. In all these cases, these methods require a large amount of complicated
calculation so that it is difficult to implement these methods with usual level controllers. In
addition, the reliability of these methods may be lost when a small error in computation or a
small change in the system's parameters occurs.

3.3 Unconstrained control

The artificial potential is a potential function whose points of minimum are attractors for a
dissipative controlled system. It was shown that the control of robot motion to a desired
point is possible if the function has a minimum in the desired point. In this section we will
extend this result for the infinite dimensional model of the tentacle manipulator with
variable length.
We consider that the initial state of the system is given by

ω0 = ω (0 , s ) = [θ0 , q0 , l0 ]T (51)

ν 0 = ν (0 , s ) = [0 , 0 , 0 ]T (52)

θ 0 = θ (0 , s ), q 0 = q (0 , s ), s ∈ [0 , l0 ] (53)

l0 = l(0 ) (54)

corresponding to the initial position of the manipulator defined by the curve C 0

C 0 : (θ 0 ( s ) , q0 ( s ) , l0 ) , s ∈ [ 0, l0 ] (55)

The desired point in Γ (Ω ) is represented by a desired position of the arm, the curve C d ,

ωd = [θ d , qd , ld ]T ν d = [0 , 0 , 0 ]T
C d : (θ d (s ), q d (s ), ld ), s ∈ [0 , ld ]

The system motion (48)-(5) corresponding to a given initial state (ω0 , ν 0 ) defines a trajectory
in the state function space Γ (Ω ) . The control problem of the manipulator means the motion
control by the forces Fθ , Fq , Fu from the initial position C 0 to the desired position C d . From
the viewpoint of mechanics, the desired position (ω d , ν d ) is asymptotically stable if the
potential function of the system has a minimum at (ω , ν )(s ) = (ω d , ν d )(s ), s ∈ [0 , l] and the
40 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

system is completely damped. As a control problem in this paper the results of will be
extended for the infinite dynamic systems.
We will consider the control forces,

δV δVe δΠ
Fθ (t , s ) = + − Fθd − (57)
δθ (t , s ) δθ (t , s ) δθ (t , s )

∂V ∂Ve ∂Π
Fu (t ) = + − Fud − (58)
∂u(t ) ∂u(t ) ∂u(t )
The first two terms compensate the gravitational and elastic potential, the third components
assure the damping control and the last terms define the new artificial potential introduced
in order to assure the motion to the desired position. The minimum points of this potential
must be identical with desired positions of the manipulator, as attractors of its motion. For
example, the potential Π can be selected as a functional of generalised coordinates,

( )
Π (θ , q , u ) = ∫ (θ − θ d (s ))2 + (q − q d (s ))2 ds + (l0 + u − ld )2 (59)

The control law (57)-(59) modifies the system potential and the Lagrange equation (48)-(50)
(Masoud & Masoud, 2000) become

∂ ⎛ δT ⎞ δT δΠ
⎜ ⎟− + = Fθ d (60)
∂t ⎜⎝ δθ (t , s ) ⎟⎠ δθ (t , s ) δθ (t , s )

∂ ⎛ δT ⎞ δT δΠ
⎜ ⎟− + = Fq d (61)
∂t ⎜⎝ δq (t , s ) ⎟⎠ δq (t , s ) δq (t , s )

∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂T ∂Π
⎜ ⎟− + = Fu d (62)
∂t ⎝ ∂u ⎠ ∂u ∂u

The force components Fθ d , Fqd , Fud represent the damping components of the control and
have the form

Fθ d (s , t ) = − ∫ Kθ (s , s′)θ (s′ , t )ds′ (63)

Fq d (s , t ) = − ∫ K q (s , s′)q (s′ , t )ds′ (64)

Fud (t ) = −K uu(t ) (65)

where Kθ (s , s′), K q (s , s′) are positive definite specified spatial weighting functions on
(Ω × Ω ) and K u is a positive constant. For practical reasons, the derivative components of
the control have the form
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 41

Kθ (s , s′) = δ (s − s′) ⋅ kθ (s ) (66)

K q (s , s′) = δ (s − s′) ⋅ kq (s ) (67)

3.4 Constrained control

Let B be the region of the state (Ceah & Wang, 2005) space where the mechanical system
motion is not admissible, its complement B is the region of admissible movements and ∂B
is the boundary of B. The control problem is to determine the potential function Π (θ , q , u )
which would determine the motion to the desired position (ωd (s ), ν d (s )), s ∈ [0 , l] and it does
not penetrate the constrained area B. In terms of the artificial potential, this means that this
functional should have a single stationary point in B and grows without limit when the
system penetrates the boundary ∂B .
We will consider the following artificial potential,

Π (θ , q , u ) = max Π 1 (θ , q , u ), Π 2 (θ , q , u ) } (68)

where Π 1 (θ , q , u ) is the artificial potential for unconstrained problem and Π 2 (θ , q , u ) is the

potential for constrained control problem.
Π 2 (θ , q , u ) is a non-negative, continuous functional defined in B and

lim Π 2 (θ , q , u ) = ∞ (69)
d →0

where d is the distance between the current state (θ , q , u ) and the boundary ∂B .

3.5 Appendix 1
We will consider a spatial tentacle model, an ideal system, neglecting friction and structural
damping. We assume a uniformly distributed mass with a linear density ρ [kg/m].
We will use the notations:

[ ]
q = q(s , t ), s ∈ [0 , l ], t ∈ 0 , t f [ ]
θ = θ (s , t ), s ∈ [0 , l ], t ∈ 0 , t f

∂q (s , t )
[ ]
q ′ = q(s′ , t ), s′ ∈ [0 , s ], t ∈ 0 , t f q=
[ ]
, s ∈ [0 , l ], t ∈ 0 , t f

∂q (s′ , t ) ∂ 2 q (s′ , t )
q′ =
[ ]
, s′ ∈ [0 , s], t ∈ 0 , t f q′ =
∂t 2
[ ]
, s′ ∈ [0 , s], t ∈ 0 , t f

∂ 2 q (s′′ , t )
q ′′ =
∂t 2
[ ]
, s′′ ∈ [0 , s ], t ∈ 0 , t f


Fq = Fq (s , t ), s ∈ [0 , l ], t ∈ 0 , t f [ ] Fu = Fu (t ), t ∈ 0 , t f[ ]
42 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

From (60)-(62), it results,

s s
ρ ∫ ∫ (q′(sin q′ sin q′′ cos(q′ − q′′) + cos q′ cos q′′) − θ ′ cos q′ sin q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′) +

+ q′2 (cos q′ sin q′′ cos(θ ′ − θ ′′) − sin q′ cos q′′) + θ ′2 cos q′ sin q′′ cos(θ ′ − θ ′′) − q′q′′ sin(q′′ − q′))ds′ds′′ +

1 2
+ ρg ∫ cos q′ds′ + kd q = Fq
0 2

s s
ρ ∫ ∫ (q′ sin q′ cos q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′) + θ ′ cos q′ cos q′′ cos(θ ′′ − θ ′) − q′2 cos q′ cos q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′) +

+ θ ′ cos q′ cos q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′) − θ ′q′ sin q′ cos q′′ cos(θ ′′ − θ ′) ds′ds′′ +
1 2
kd θ = Fθ

ρu + ρu 2 + ku = Fu

4. Visual servoing system

4.1 Camera system
In the Appendix 2 the dynamic model of the 3D spatial hyper redundant arm is
determinated. Two video cameras provide two images of the whole robot workspace. The
two images planes are parallel with XOY and ZOY planes from robot coordinate frame,
respectively (Fig. 8). The cameras provide the images of the scene stored in the frame
grabber’s video memory being displayed on the computer screens (Hannan & Walker,
2005); (Kelly, 1996). Related to the image planes, two dimensional coordinate frames, called
screen coordinate frames or image coordinate systems are defined. Denote X S1 , YS1 and
ZS2 , YS2 , respectively, the axes of the two screen coordinate frames provided by the two
cameras. The spatial centers for each camera are located at the distances D1 and D2, with
respect to the XOY and ZOY planes, respectively. The orientation of the cameras arround
the optical axes with respect to the robot coordinate frame, are noted with ψ and φ ,
respectively. A point P in the coordinate frame is

P=[ x, y, z]T (70)

The description of a point P in the two screen coordinate frames are denoted by

PS 2 =[ x S1 , yS2 ] (71)

PS 2 =[ zS2 , yS2 ] (72)

Geometric optics are used to model the mapping between the robot Cartesian space and the
screen coordinate systems. We assume that the quantization and the lens distortion effects
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 43

are negligible. The description of the point P=[ x, y, z]T in the robot coordinate frame is given
in terms of screen coordinate frames as

⎡ x s1 ⎤ λ1 ⎧⎪⎡ x ⎤ ⎡ o11 ⎤ ⎫⎪ ⎡c x1 ⎤
⎢y ⎥ = α1 ⋅ ⋅ R( φ ) ⋅ ⎨⎢ ⎥ − ⎢ ⎥ ⎬ + ⎢c ⎥ (73)
⎣ s1 ⎦ λ1 − (D1 + x ) ⎪⎩⎣ y ⎦ ⎣o12 ⎦ ⎪⎭ ⎣⎢ y 1 ⎦⎥

for the ZS1 OS1 YS1 frame and

⎡ zs 2 ⎤ λ2 ⎧⎪⎡ z ⎤ ⎡ o21 ⎤ ⎫⎪ ⎡c z 2 ⎤
⎢y ⎥ = α 2 ⋅ ⋅ R(φ ) ⋅ ⎨⎢ ⎥ − ⎢ ⎥ ⎬ + ⎢c ⎥ (74)
⎣ s2 ⎦ λ 2 − (D2 + x ) ⎪⎩⎣ y ⎦ ⎣o22 ⎦ ⎪⎭ ⎣⎢ y 2 ⎦⎥

for the ZS2 OS2 YS2 frame, where [ c x1 , c y1 ]T and [ c z2 , c y 2 ]T the image centers, α 1 and α 2 are
the scale factors of the length units in the front image planes given in pixel/m, R( ψ ) and
R( φ ) are the rotation matrices generated by clockwise rotating the cameras about their
optical axes by ψ and φ radians, respectively, and [O11, O12]T and [O21, O22]T represent the
distances between the optical axes and the XOY and ZOY planes, respectively.

Z s2 Os 2 Xs 2




Os 1

X s1
Fig. 8. Camera system
In Fig. 9 the frames corresponding to the screen images of the two cameras are presented.
From the relations (73), (74), we obtain

⎡ Δx s1 ⎤ λ1 ⎡ Δx ⎤
⎢Δy ⎥ = α 1 ⋅ ⋅⎢ ⎥ (75)
⎣ s1 ⎦ λ1 − (D 1 + x ) ⎣Δy ⎦

⎡ Δzs2 ⎤ λ2 ⎡ Δz ⎤
⎢Δy ⎥ = α 2 ⋅ ⋅⎢ ⎥ (76)
⎣ s2 ⎦ λ 2 − (D 2 + x ) ⎣Δy ⎦
44 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

and the orientation angles for each plane will be

Δx s1 Δx
tgθ s = = = tgθ (77)
Δy s1 Δy


θ s ( s' ) = θ ( s ) , s ∈ [ 0 , l ] , s'∈ [ 0 , l' ] (78)

Δz s 2 Δz
for the plane ZS1 OS1 YS1 and tgq s = =
Δy s 2 Δy

X s1 Cs1 Zs 2
x s1 Fq s 2
Csd1 zs 2 qs
Ps 2

O s1 y s1 Ys1 Os 2 ys 2 Ys 2

Fig. 9. Image frames

This relation allows the computation of the orientation angle q s in the plane ZS2 OS2 YS2

tgq s ( s'' ) = tgq( s ) ⋅ , s ∈ [ 0 , l ] , s''∈ [ 0 , l'' ] (79)
cos θ ( s )
where, s' , s'' and l' , l'' represent the projections of the variable s and the length l in the two
planes, respectively. The projection of the forces on the two planes can be easily inferred and
the relations (77)-(79),

Fθ s = Fθ (80)

Fqs = Fq ⋅ cos 2 q + sin 2 q ⋅ cos 2 θ (81)

4.2 Servoing system

The control system is an image – based visual servo control where the error control signal is
defined directly in terms of image feature parameters. The desired position of the arm in the
robot space is defined by the curve Cd,

C : (θ d ( s ), q d ( s )) , s ∈ [ o , l ] (82)

or, in the two image coordinate frames ZS1 OS1 YS1 and ZS2 OS2 YS2 , by the projection of the
curve C,
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 45

C sd1 : (θ sd ( s' )) , s'∈ [ 0 , l' ] (83)

C sd2 : ( q sd ( s'' )) , s''∈ [ 0 , l'' ] (84)

Define the motion errors as

eθ ( t , s ) = θ ( t , s ) − θ d ( s ) , s ∈ [ 0 , l ] (85)

eq ( t , s ) = q( t , s ) − q d ( s ) , s ∈ [ 0 , l ] (86)
or, in the image coordinate frames, by s'∈ [ 0 , l' ] , s''∈ [ 0 , l'' ]

eθ s ( t , s' ) = θ s ( t , s' ) − θ sd ( s' ) (87)

eq ( t , s'' ) = q s ( t , s'' ) − q sd ( s'' ) (88)


The global control system is presented in Fig. 10. The control problem of this system is a
direct visual servocontrol but we do not use the clasical concept of the position control
where the error between the robot end-effector and target is minimized (Grosso et all., 1996).

θd θ sd eθ s θs
qd q sd eqs qs
Desired Z
Projection Control
law Y
Values O
+ -

Image feature
Parameter extractor

Fig. 10. The global control system

In this paper we will use the control of the curve’s shape in each point of the mechanical
structure. The method is based on the particular structure of the system defined as a
“backbone with two continuous angles θ ( s ) and q(s)”. The control of the system is based on
the control of the two angles θ ( s ) and q(s). These angles are measured directly or indirectly.
The angle θ ( s ) is measured dircetly by the projection on the image plane ZS1 OS1 YS1
(relation 78) and q(s) is computed from the projection on the image plane ZS2 OS2 YS2
(relation 79). The stability of the closed-loop system is proven by the Lyapunov’s second
method but, in order to avoid the complex problems derived from using the nonlinear
derivation integral model, a method based on the energy-work relationship (Ge at al.,1996)
was be developed (see Appendix 2).
46 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Proposition: The closed-loop hyper redundant arm system is stable if the control law is

Fθ ( s , t ) = − kθ1 ( s ) ⋅ eθ s ( s' , t ) − kθ2 ( s ) ⋅ eθs ( s' , t ) (89)

Fq ( s , t ) = − kq1 ( s ) ⋅ tg −1 (cosθ s ( s' , t )) ⋅ tgqs ( s'' , t ) − q d ( s ) ] (90)

where s'∈ [ 0 , l' ] , s''∈ [ 0 , l'' ] and kθ1 ( s ), kθ2 ( s ), k q1 ( s ) are positive coefficients of the control law
for all s ∈ [ 0 , l ] . The parameter of the control law (88), (89), can be inferred from the image
feature extraction of the •
two planes. The parameters eθ s can be directly calculated from
equation (85-88) and eθ s can be indirectly computed. Also θ s , qs and q sd are evaluated
directly from the trajectory projections. We remark that the control law represents a robust
control, independent of the camera parameters. No intrinsec camera parameters are
assumed known.

4.3 Appendix 2
We will consider a spatial tentacle model, an ideal system, neglecting friction and structural
damping. We assume a uniformly distributed mass with linear density ρ [ kg / m ] . We will
consider a non-extensible arm with constant length.
We will use the notations:

• ∂q( s , t )
q = q( s , t ) , q'= q'( s' , t ) , q = ,

• ∂q( s' , t ) •• ∂ 2q( s' , t ) •• ∂ 2q( s'' , t )

q'= , q' = , q''= ,
∂t ∂t 2 ∂t 2
The position of a point P is given by (31-33) and the velocity components are given by (34-
37). From an element dm, kinetic and potential energy are given by will be (38-40).
Following (41-42) were computed.
The dynamic model is obtained by using Lagrange equation of motion

⎛ ⎞
d ⎜ δT ⎟ δT δV
⎜ • ⎟
− + =F (91)
dt ⎜ δ q ⎟ δq δq
⎝ ⎠
where δ (.) / δ (.) denotes a functional partial (variational) Gateaux derivate (Wang, 1965), as
shown before, that is defined as the variation of the functional Ω with respect to the
function θ at a point s ∈ [ 0 , l ] . From (41-42) it results,

l s ••
⎛ ••
ρ ⋅ ∫ ∫ ⎜ q'⋅ (sin q'⋅ sin q''⋅ cos( q'−q'' ) + cos q'⋅ cos q'') − θ '⋅ cos q'⋅ sin q''⋅ sin(θ ''−θ ' ) +
0 0⎝
• •
+ q'2 ⋅(cos q'⋅ sin q''⋅ cos(θ ''−θ ' )) − sin q ⋅ cos q'' ) + θ '2 ⋅ cos q'⋅ sin q''⋅ cos(θ ''−θ ' ) − (92)
• • ⎞
− q'⋅ q''⋅ sin( q''−q' ) ⎟ ⋅ ds'⋅ds''+ ρ ⋅ g ⋅ ∫ cos q'⋅ds'= Fq
⎠ 0
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 47

l s
⎛ •• ••
ρ ⋅ ∫ ∫ ⎜ q'sin q'⋅ cos''⋅ sin( q'−q'' ) + θ '⋅ cos q'⋅ cos''⋅ cos(θ ''−θ ' ) +
• •
+ q'2 ⋅(cos q'⋅ cos q''⋅ sin(θ ''−θ ' )) + θ '⋅ cos q'⋅ cos q''⋅ sin( θ ''−θ ' ) − (93)
• • ⎞
− θ '⋅ q'⋅ cos q''⋅ cos(θ ''−θ ' ) ⎟ ⋅ ds'⋅ds''= Fθ

We consider the following Lyapunov function.

1 l 1
V * ( t ) = T( t ) + V( t ) + ⋅ kθ ( s ) ⋅ eθ2 ( s , t ) ⋅ ds
2 0∫

where T, V represent the kinetic and potential energies of the system. V*(t) is pozitive
definited because the terms that represent the energy T and V are always T ( t ) ≥ 0 , V ( t ) ≥ 0 .
For the steady desired position, we have

• l
⎛ • • ⎞
V * ( t ) = ∫ ⎜ Fθ ( s , t ) ⋅ eθ ( s , t ) + F q ( s , t ) ⋅ e q ( s , t ) + kθ1 (θ ) ⋅ eθ ( s , t ) ⎟ ⋅ ds (95)
0 ⎝ ⎠
If we use the control low defined by the relations (89)-(90), where the parameters of motion
are evaluated from (78)-(79), (85)-(88), we will have,

• l 2
⎛• ⎞
V * ( t ) = − ∫ kθ1 ⋅ ⎜ eθ ( s , t ) ⎟ ⋅ ds (96)
0 ⎝ ⎠

V* (t) ≤ 0 (97)
The derivative of the error in the control laws (89), (90) can be computed by an iteration
procedure. The coordinate x s1 on the projection C s1 can be evaluated by the relation

x s1 ( i ⋅ Δs' ) = ∑ sinθ s1 ( j ⋅Δs' ) ⋅ Δs' (98)
j =1

Δx s1 ( i ⋅ Δs' ) = ∑ cos θ s1 ( j ⋅Δs' ) ⋅ Δθ ( j ⋅ Δs' ) ⋅ Δs' (99)
j =1

Assuming that θ si ( si ) ≠ , we obtain
i=1 Δθ ( Δs') =
( Δxs1 ( Δs') cosθs1 ( Δs'))
i=2 Δθ ( 2 ⋅ Δs') = ( Δx1 ( 2 ⋅ Δs') / Δs'− cos θ s1 ( Δs') ⋅ Δθ ( Δs') ) cosθ s1 ( 2 ⋅ Δs')

⎛ m −1 ⎞ 1
i=m Δθ (m ⋅ Δs') = ⎜⎜ Δx1 (m ⋅ Δs') / Δs'− − ∑ cos θ s1 ( j ⋅ Δs') ⋅ Δθ ( j ⋅ Δs') ⎟⋅
⎟ cos( m ⋅ Δs' )
⎝ j =1 ⎠
48 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

If θ si (si ) = , a similar procedure for y s1 (i ⋅ Δs') can be used.
4.4 Camera calibration
The term “camera calibration” in the context of this paper refers to positioning and orienting
the two cameras at imposed values (Fig. 11) (Tanasie et al., 2009).). This calibration is
performed only at the beginning, after that the cameras remain still. First, a zoom that
maximizes the image resolution of the working space used by the manipulator is performed.
Second, positioning of the two cameras brings the manipulator in the middle of the two
images. Third, a pan / tilt orientation is performed (as descried later in the paper). At this
step the manipulator is moved in a test position that allows free of (or minimum) errors
calibration. The test images are compared to the images generated by the graphic simulator
(ideal images) which represent references for the calibration operation.

θd θs
qd qs Z Image of the Real
Desired Contro real
test Y parameters
l law O manipulator
values X - Pan/tilt/zoom
control law
Image of the
Grapfic simulated Ideal
simulator manipulator

Fig. 11. Camera calibration system

In order, to ease the fulfil of the cameras calibration, a graphic simulator based on a 2D
direct kinematics model was designed, implemented and used. By consequence, during the
calibration procedure, the robot was commanded to bend in planes perpendicular to the
cameras axes. Thus only the arching angle needs to be computed and a 2D model is
sufficient to solve the problem. The next version of the software application introduces also
the possibility to calibrate in 3D, the test positions corresponding to unrestricted planes
orientation. A very important task in developing this application is to control the camera
position and orientation. From this point of view, the calibration operation assures that the
two cameras’ axes are orthogonal. In the beginning, the tentacle manipulator receives the
needed commands in order to stand in a test pose (imposed position and orientation). The
same commands are sent to the graphic simulator. Two different sets of images are
obtained: real images acquired by the real cameras and simulated images offered by the
graphic simulator. From these two sets of images, two sets of parameters are computed: real
parameters are computed from real images and, respectively, ideal parameters are
computed from synthetic images. Comparing the two sets of parameters and knowing the
image/parameters behavior for the camera orientation, the cameras are orientated
(pan/tilt/zoom) in order to minimize the error.
A graphical simulator was designed and implemented in order to test the robot behavior
under certain circumstances (Cojocaru et al., 2010). The simulator approximates the curved
segments of the hyper redundant robot and considers constant the length of the median arc
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 49

of each segment. To ease the presentation, the term segment will be used in all that follows
referring to the median segment (arched or un-arched). For the arched segment, its median
arc remains constant. In this paper the term O-X angle will be used to denote the angle that
the chord made by an arched element of the robot makes with the O-X axis of a selected
reference system.
The inputs for the simulator are: robot configuration; robot initial position; rontrol laws for
each of the segments of the hyper redundant robot. The robot configuration consists of the
number of segments the hyper redundant robot has, the length of each segment and the
angles that the cords make with the O-X axis. The arching angles are computed from these
angles. An arching angle is defined as the angle made by the cord (determined by the ends
of the arched segment) and the original un-arched segment. For the direct kinematics
problem, the control of the robot simulation is accomplished by giving the O-X angles for
each of the segments in their final position and the output of the simulation is the hyper
redundant robot’s end-effector final position in the operation space. In order to compute the
final position of the end-effector and the hyper redundant robot’s behavior during its
motion, a few elements must be computed: the relation between the arching angle and the
angle at center determined by the arched segment (this angle determines the length of the
arc); the cord length; the relation between an O-X angle and an arching angle; the final
arching angles – recurrent set.
The computation of the relation between the arching angle and the angle at center
determined by the arched segment is determined by the following axiom: For camera
calibration a direct kinematics model was used, thus the rotation angles for each segment
are given. For a robot that has only rotation joints, the O-X angle increases (or decreases,
depending on the selected positive direction) for each segment with the sum of rotation
angles of each of the previous segments (including the current segment). This is true
because the orthogonal system attached to the ith segment is obtained from its initial
position and applying all the anterior transformations. For a hyper redundant robot the
problems are different. The arching angle is double the sum of each previous arching angle
plus the current arching angle, because the un-arched segment is a prolongation of the
previous segment.
In order to simulate the circular arched segments a series of intermediate points (that are
connected by lines) between the segment origins must be determined. The Catmull-Rom
interpolation algorithm was used for this simulator because it was need an interpolation
algorithm that passes through the control points. Catmull-Rom splines are a family of cubic
interpolating splines formulated such that the tangent at each point pi is calculated using
the previous and next point on the splines, τ (pi +1 − pi −1 ) .
Camera calibration is the essential procedure for all such applications: positioning and
orienting the cameras in order to support the accuracy of the image features extraction.
Calibration for a pan/tilt/zoom camera shape is achieved by means of an engineered
environment and a graphic simulation module.
Term “camera calibration” in the context of this paper refers to positioning and orienting the
two cameras at imposed values. This calibration is performed only at the beginning, after
that the cameras remain still. The general control method is an image based visual servoing
one instead of position based. Camera calibration based on intrinsic parameters (classic
50 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

sense, not the one used in this paper) is not necessary. Calibration operation assures that the
two cameras’ axes are orthogonal.
Taking into account the presented structure of the tentacle - vision system, in order to apply
the tested visual servoing algorithm, the two cameras must be positioned and oriented as:
both focus on the robot, their axes are orthogonal, both have the same zoom factor.
Two different algorithms were implemented: one uses a cylindrical etalon, other uses the
graphical simulator.
For the first algorithm, special starting conditions were imposed in order to support the
image processing tasks: white background, dark grey cylinder, red vertical equidistant (90
degrees) axes, friendly initial camera's positions and orientations, zoom x1 (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. The cylindrical etalon

Three succesive and dependent calibrations are performed: Horizontal (pan): position and
orientation are obtained in two successive, but dependent steps; Vertical (tilt): position and
orientation are obtained in two successive, but dependent steps; Zoom: tuning the two
cameras as both look to the cylinder from virtual equal distances.
Both offsets must be under the accepted thresholds. Else, the positioning destroyed the
orientation and the procedure must be repeated. A similar algorithm is developed for the
vertical orientation and positioning.
The second algorithm works together with the graphic simulator. It was proven that the two
camera axes are orthogonal if, when both cameras are looking at the tentacle successively
bended as circle's arcs in two orthogonal planes, are seeing also two circle's arcs (Fig. 13).
The previous condition is fulfilled if each camera looks at the center of the circle containing
the arc and the view line is orthogonal on the plane's circle.
Three calibration steps must be performed: Horizontal calibration - positioning and
orienting the camera horizontally (pan); Vertical calibration - positioning and orienting the
camera vertically (tilt); Zoom calibration - tuning the two cameras as both look at the robot
from virtual equal distances.
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 51

Fig. 13. Camera looks to the center of the circle

How to “move” the camera according to the steps of these algorithms? The image behavior
in accordance with camera’s movements was studied. The effect of pan and tilt rotations on
two points placed in a quadratic position on a circle was geometrically described.
Coordinate transformation matrices corresponding to rotations with pan and tilt angles,
respectively for perspective transformation were used. The variation of the distance between
the two points, placed in a quadratic position on the circle, and the centre of the circle,
depending of the tilt angle X, is plotted bellow in Fig. 14.

15 6

10 4

FRx1( f , α ) − FRx0( f , α ) FRx2( f , α ) −FRx0( f , α ) 3

5 2

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
α α

Fig. 14. Distance variation for quadratic positions

The variation of the ratio of the two distances is plotted bellow in Fig. 15a. The plot from
Fig. 15b shows how is transformed a rectangle (inscribed in the circle and having the edges
parallel with the axes OX and OY) when a tilt rotation is performed. Theoretically, by
zooming, the distance between the two points varies in a linear way, as it is shown upper
The image’s segmentation is basically a threshold procedure applied to the image’s
histogram. All the procedures included in the calibration algorithms were mathematically
proven. If the calibration algorithm was successfully applied then the system is ready to
perform the visual servoing tasks.
52 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators



1.3 yp i
FRx1 ( f , α ) − FRx0 ( f , α )
yn i
FRx2 ( f , α ) − FRx0 ( f , α )
1.2 −1

0 0.5 1 1.5
α −3
−2 −1 0 1 2
xp i , xni

Fig. 15. a. Ratio distances variation b. Rectangle transformation and distance variation under
zoom influence

5. A Compliance control of a hyper redundant robot

This section treats a class of hyper redundant arms can achieve any position and orientation
in 3D space, and that can perform a coil function for the grasping. The arm is a high degree
of freedom structure or a continuum structure, but in this chapter a different technological
solution is assumed.
The general form of the arm is shown in Figure 16. It consists of a number (N) of elements,
cylinders made of fibre-reinforced rubber.

Force sensors

Force sensors

0 Y

Fig. 16. The force sensors distribution

There are four internal chambers in the cylinder, each of them containing the ER fluid with
an individual control circuit. The deformation in each cylinder is controlled by an
independent electrohydraulic pressure control system combined with the distributed
control of the ER fluid.
The last m elements (m < N) represent the grasping terminal. These elements contain a
number of force sensors distributed on the surface of the cylinders. These sensors measure
the contact with the load and ensure the distributed force control (Singh & Popa, 2005)
during the grasping. The theoretical model is described as in Fig. 7 and equation (26)-(33).
For an element dm, kinetic and gravitational potential energy will be:
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 53

dT =
( )
dm v x2 + v y2 + v z2 , dV = dm ⋅ g ⋅ z (101)

where dm = ρ ⋅ ds , and ρ is the mass density.

The elastic potential energy will be approximated by the bending of the element:

d2 N 2
Ve = k ∑ ( qi + θi2 )
4 i =1

We will consider Fθ (s , t ) , Fq (s , t ) the distributed forces on the length of the arm that
determine motion and orientation in the θ -plane, q -plane. The mechanical work is:

( )
l t
L = ∫ ∫ Fθ (s ,τ )θ (s ,τ ) + Fq (s ,τ )q (s ,τ ) dτds (103)

The energy-work relationship will be

( )
l t
L = ∫ ∫ Fθ (s ,τ )θ (s ,τ ) + Fq (s ,τ )q (s ,τ ) dτds (104)

where T (t ) and T (0 ) , V ∗ (t ) and V ∗ (0 ) are the total kinetic energy and total potential
energy of the system at time t and 0, respectively.
In this chapter, the manipulator model is considered as a distributed parameter system
defined on a variable spatial domain Ω = [0 , L ] and the spatial coordinate s.
From (101-103), the distributed parameter model becomes,

ρ ∫ ∫ (q′(sin q′ sin q′′ cos(q′ − q′′) + cos q′ cos q′′) −θ ′ cos q′ sin q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′) +

( )
+ (q′)2 (cos q′ sin q′′ cos(θ ′ − θ ′′) − sin q′ cos q′′) + θ ′ cos q′ sin q′′ cos(θ ′ − θ ′′) −
− q′q′′ sin(q′′ − q′))ds′ds′′ + ρg ∫ cos q′ds′ + k ∗q = Fq

ρ ∫ ∫ (q′ sin q′ cos q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′) +θ ′ cos q′ cos q′′ cos(θ ′′ − θ ′) − (q′)2 cos q′ cos q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′) +
00 (106)
( ) )
+ θ ′ cos q′ cos q′′ sin(θ ′′ − θ ′)− θ ′q′ sin q′ cos q′′ cos(θ ′′ − θ ′) ds′ds′′ + k θ = Fθ
2 ∗

The control forces have the distributed components along the arm, Fθ (s , t ) , Fq (s , t ) ,
s ∈ [0 , L ] that are determined by the lumped torques,

⎧ N
⎪⎪Fθ (s , t ) = ∑ δ (s − il )τ θ i (t )
i =1
⎨ N (107)
⎪Fq (s , t ) = ∑ δ (s − il )τ q (t )
⎪⎩ i =1
54 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

where δ is Kronecker delta, l1 = l2 = … = lN = l , and

τ θi (t ) = pθ1i − pθ2i S ⋅ d 8 ) (108)

( )
τ q i (t ) = pq1i − pq2i S ⋅ d 8 i = 1,2 ,… , N
, (109)

In (107)-(108), pθ1i , pθ2i , pq1i , pq2i represent the fluid pressure in the two chamber pairs, θ , q
and S, d are section area and diameter of the cylinder, respectively (Fig. 17).

τθ Li

pθ i pθ i 2

r r

u θ 1i uθ 2i
Fig. 17. The cylinder driving
The pressure control of the chambers is described by the equations:

a ki (θ ) = uθki (110)

bki (q ) = uqki
dt , k = 1,2 , i = 1,2 ,… , N (111)
where aki (θ ) , bki (q ) are determined by the fluid parameters and the geometry of the
chambers and

a ki (0 ) > 0 , b ki (0 ) > 0 (112)

The control problem of a grasping function by coiling is constituted from two subproblems:
the position control of the arm around the object-load and the force control of grasping
(Chiaverini et al., (1996). We consider that the initial state of the system is given by

ω0 = ω (0 , s ) = [θ 0 , q0 ]T (113)

corresponding to the initial position of the arm defined by the curve C 0

C 0 : (θ 0 (s ), q0 (s )) , s ∈ [0 , L ] (114)
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 55

Position (C0) 0b s
Desired elements X
Position (Cd)
(a) (b)
Fig. 18. (a) The grasping position; (b) The grasping parameters
The desired point is represented by a desired position, the curve Cd that coils the load,

ωd = [θ d , q d ]T (115)

C d : (θ d (s ), q d (s )) , s ∈ [0 , L ] (116)

In a grasping function by coiling, only the last m elements (m < N) are used. Let lg be the
active grasping length, where l g = ∑ li . We define by e p (t ) the position error
i =m

e p (t ) = ∫ ((θ (s , t ) − θ b (s )) + (q(s , t ) − q b (s )))ds (117)
L −l g

It is difficult to measure practically the angles θ , q for all s ∈ [0 , L ] . These angles can be
evaluated at the terminal point of each element. In this case, the relation (117) becomes

e p (t ) = ∑ ((θ i (t ) − θ bi ) + (qi (t ) − qbi )) (118)
i =m

The error can also be expressed with respect to the global desired position Cd

e p (t ) = ∑ ((θ i (t ) − θ di ) + (q i (t ) − q di )) (119)
i =1

The position control of the arm means the motion control from the initial position C0 to the
desired position Cd in order to minimize the error. An area reaching control problem is
discussed. The desired area is specified by the inequality function:

f (δr ) ≤ 0 (120)

where f is a scalar function with continuous first partial derivates, δ r = rF − r0 , r0 ∈ R 3 is a

reference point of the desired area and rF is the position vector of the terminal point.
The potential energy function for the area reaching control has the form:

⎛ ∂VPT ⎞
τ θ i (t ) = − kθ i eθ i (t ) − kθ∗i eθ2i (t ) − max ⎜⎜ 0 , ⋅ k Pθ a ∗ (θ i , q i )⎟⎟ (121)
⎝ ∂r i

56 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Theorem 1. The closed-loop control system for the desired reaching area problem is stable if
the control forces are

τ θ i (t ) = − kθ i eθ i (t ) − kθ∗i eθ2i (t ) − max 0 , ∂VPT ∂r ⋅ kPθ a∗ (θ i , qi )
) (122)

τ θ i (t ) = − kq i eq i (t ) − kq∗i eq2i (t ) − max 0 , ∂VPT ∂r ⋅ kPq a∗ (θ i , qi )
) (123)

Theorem 2. The closed-loop control system of the position (107)-(108), (110)-(111) is stable if
the fluid pressures control law in the chambers of the elements given by:

uθ ji ( t ) = − a ji (θ ) kθj i1 eθ i ( t ) + kθj i2 eθ i ( t ) ) (124)

uqji ( t ) = −b ji (θ ) kqij 1 eqi ( t ) + kqij 2 eqi ( t ) ) (125)

where j = 1,2 ; i = 1,2 ,… , N , with initial conditions:

pθ1i ( 0 ) − pθ2i ( 0 ) = ( kθ11i − kθ21i ) eθ i ( 0 ) (126)

( )
pqi1 ( 0 ) − pqi2 ( 0 ) = kqi11 − kqi21 eqi ( 0 ) (127)

eθ i ( 0 ) = 0 (128)

eqi ( 0 ) = 0 , i = 1,2 ,… , N (129)

and the coefficients kθ i , kqi , kθmni , kqimn are positive and verify the conditions

kθ11i > kθ21i ; kθ12i > kθ22i (130)

kqi11 > kqi21 ; kqi12 > kqi22 , i = 1,2 ,… , N (131)

The grasping by coiling of the continuum terminal elements offers a very good solution in
the fore of uncertainty on the geometry of the contact surface. The contact between an
element and the load is presented in Fig. 19. It is assumed that the grasping is determined
by the chambers in θ -plane. The relation between the fluid pressure and the grasping forces
can be inferred for a steady state from,

∂ 2θ ( s ) l s
∫k ds + ∫ f ( s ) Tθ ( s ) ∫ T Tθ ( s ) ds = ( p1 − p2 ) S (132)
0 ∂s 2 0 0 8

where f (s ) is the orthogonal force on C b , f (s ) is Fθ (s ) in θ -plane and Fq (s ) in q-plane.

For small variation Δθ i around the desired position θ id , in θ -plane, the dynamic model
(118) can be approximated by the following discrete model,

mi Δθ i + c i Δθ i + H i (θ id + Δθ i , θ id , q d ) − H (θ id , q d ) = di ( f i − Fei ) (133)
Hyper Redundant Manipulators 57

Δ element


Fig. 19. The grasping force

Fid efi fi Δθi

Eq(135), (136) Eq(137)
+ υ


Fig. 20. The block scheme of the control system

where mi = ρSΔ , i = 1,2 ,… , l1 . H (θ id , q d ) is a nonlinear function defined on the desired
position (θ id , q d ) , c i = c i (ν , θ i , q d ) , c i > 0 , θ , q ∈ Γ (Ω ) , where ν is the viscosity of the
fluid in the chambers. The equation (133) becomes:

mi Δθ i + c i (ν , θ i , q d )Δθ i + hi (θ id , q d ) ⋅ Δθ i = di ( f i − Fei ) (134)

The aim of explicit force control is to exert a desired force Fid . If the contact with load is
modelled as a linear spring with constant stiffness kL , the environment force can be
modelled as Fei = kL Δθ i . The error of the force control may be introduced as

e fi = Fie − Fid (135)

It may be easily shown that the equation (134) becomes

mi c ⎛h ⎞ ⎛h ⎞
e fi + i e fi + ⎜ i + di ⎟ e fi = di f i − ⎜ i + di ⎟Fid (136)
kL kL ⎝k ⎠ ⎝ k ⎠
Theorem 3. The closed force control system is asymptotic stable if the control law is

fi =
k L di
(( ) )
hi + kL di + miσ 2 e fi − (hi − kL di )Fid , c i > miσ (137)
58 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

6. Conclusion
The research group from the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University
of Craiova, Romania, started working in research field of hyper redundant robots over 25
years ago. The experiments used cables and DC motors or stepper motors. The rotation of
these motors rotates the cables which by correlated screwing and unscrewing of their ends
determine their shortening or prolonging, and by consequence, the tentacle curvature.
The inverse kinematics problem is reduced to determining the time varying backbone curve
behaviour. New methods for determining “optimal” hyper-redundant manipulator
configurations based on a continuous formulation of kinematics are developed.
The difficulty of the dynamic control is determined by integral-partial-differential models
with high nonlinearities that characterize the dynamic of these systems. First, the dynamic
model of the system was inferred. The method of artificial potential was used for these
infinite dimensional systems. In order to avoid the difficulties associated with the dynamic
model, the control law was based only on the gravitational potential and a new artificial
The control system is an image – based visual servo control. Servoing was based on
binocular vision, a continuous measure of the arm parameters derived from the real-time
computation of the binocular optical flow over the two images, and is compared with the
desired position of the arm. The method is based on the particular structure of the system
defined as a “backbone with two continuous angles”. The control of the system is based on
the control of the two angles. The error angle was used to calculate the spatial error and a
control law was synthesized. The general control method is an image based visual servoing
one instead of position based. By consequence, camera calibration based on intrinsic
parameters is not necessary („calibration“ in the classic sense of the term, not the one used
in this paper). The term “camera calibration” in the context of this paper refers to
positioning and orienting the two cameras at imposed values. This calibration is performed
only at the beginning, after that the cameras remain still.
A new application investigates the control problem of a class of hyper-redundant arms with
continuum elements that performs the grasping function by coiling. The control problem of
a grasping function by coiling is constituted from two subproblems: the position control of
the arm around the object-load and the force control of grasping.

7. Acknowledgement
The research presented in this paper was supported by the Romanian National University
Research Council CNCSIS through the IDEI Research Grant ID93 and by FP6 MARTN
through FREESUBNET Project no. 36186.

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Micro-Manipulator for Neurosurgical Application

M. R. Arshad and Ya’akob Yusof
Underwater Robotics Research Group (URRG),
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia,

1. Introduction
Neurosurgery is a part of the surgical field that focused in taking care of the diseases related
to human’s central peripheral nervous system and also their central spinal cord [20]. The
term surgery refers to the operation of peripheral nervous system as well as the spinal cord,
brain, blood vessel connected to it, spine, spinal cord, and also nerves that control our senses
and body’s movement [29]. There are lots of neuro diseases, which among them were brain
tumors, head trauma, stroke, thalamic astrocytomas, and spinal cord trauma. These
diseases, if not thrown away, will results the patient in body disorder, health problem, and
of course, death. To put an end to these disorders, appropriate treatment is mandatory.
Those diseases need to be cured and removed. Surgery, or specifically neurosurgery, is one
of the effective methods to treat it.
Neurosurgery comes with risks. Any operation dealing with brain or the spinal cord can
cause paralysis, brain damage, infection, psychosis, or even death if a mistake happens.
These operations are also likely to cause mental impairment as of any surgical procedure
dealing with the brain. Therefore, it is vital for neurosurgeon to make sure that this kind of
surgery is performed in an almost perfect condition to minimize any risks or poor results as
the consequences from it. Traditionally, starting from scalp removing, drilling and removing
the skull, handling the lump, until sewing the skull and scalp back at its original location;
surgeons put their efforts with their own hands and bare eyes. Tools and equipments did
improved, for example with the usage of apparatus such as top-mount microscope and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine. However, they still need to manipulate the
surgical tools, the closest tools to the human brain, such as the knife and biopsy needles
with naked hands. As a results, it will surely introduced limits to the tools manipulation.
This is where robots can do a lot better. A very precise robotic device that can perform
manipulation at much smaller or micro scale, plus the capability of the surgeon himself, will
produce much superior results. These robotic devices are termed surgical micro-
This chapter presents readers with information regarding the design of a micro-manipulator
purposely for neurosurgical application. It also shares beneficial facts and particulars
regarding current progress about micro-manipulator research around the globe. This
chapter is organized as the following: Section 2 provides details justification of designing a
robotic hand in an operating room based on the constraints for a neurosurgical procedures.
Section 3 will discuss design considerations for a micro-manipulator for neurosurgery. This
62 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

includes the important hardware and software elements that contributed to the build-up of
a micromanipulator. Section 4 briefly shares on the design and uniqueness of one of the
recent and successful micro-manipulator for neurosurgical application. Section 5 will finally
conclude this article.

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Graphical illustration of brain tumor. A primary brain tumor is a mass created by
the growth or uncontrolled proliferation of cells in the brain. (b) Spinal tumor

2. Why robotics

Fig. 2. Da Vinci® tele-surgical system.

The idea of having robots inside the operation theatre is basically to assist the neurosurgeon
perform the surgery. Fatigue experienced by surgeons, post-surgery trauma on the patient
and human errors are among the challenges faced during neurosurgical operation [10].
According to [6], there are studies being done that shows during a long surgical operation,
there will be substantial muscle fatigue. Neurosurgical or any surgical procedure usually
takes a very long time, thus will decrease the effectiveness of a surgeon. In contrast, robots
will never experience fatigue because their moves are controlled by devices. Moreover, they
Micro-Manipulator for Neurosurgical Application 63

can be very precise and reliable because robot can filter the handshakes and keep the
operation steady.
Another reason surgeons need to use such a system is that it can provide them with a
minimally invasive surgery (MIS). This provides less trauma for the patient after the surgery
and of course, a shorter recovery period. Moreover, human involvement is also a concern. In
today's operating rooms, you'll find two or three surgeons, an anesthesiologist and several
nurses, all needed for even the simplest of surgeries. Most surgeries require nearly a dozen
people in the room. As with all automation, surgical robots will eventually eliminate the
need for some personnel. Taking a glimpse into the future, surgery may require only one
surgeon, an anesthesiologist and one or two nurses. In this nearly empty operating room,
the doctor its at a computer console, either in or outside the operating room, using the
surgical robot to accomplish what it once took a crowd of people to perform.
The first use of robot in a neurosurgical procedure is in 1985, according to [30]. Researches
from Department of Radiology, Memorial Medical Center employed a PUMA
(Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) robot in the operating room. Even though
the task of the robot at that time is only to hold and manipulate biopsy cannulae, it marked
the start of a robot’s manipulator cooperation inside the operation room. Since then, various
researches in various aspect of neurosurgery have been explored. Those included the
micromanipulators design [22], vision and imaging scheme, sensors design [16], haptic
technology [9], magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatibility equipments, telesurgery
system [15], as well as controller technique and planning.

2.1 What is a micro-manipulator?

The term manipulator in robotics means a device or equipment that allows for movement of
a part through multiple joints on the mechanical device. It is also better known as robotic
arm [26]. Micro-manipulator also carries the same meaning, but the term ‘micro’ referred it
to a more specific task, which is object handling in small (micro) scale. In dealing with
neurosurgical procedure, precision and accuracy plays a very important role. This situation
leads to the needs of micro-manipulation, using micro-manipulator. This further explains
that the level of manipulation is very small and the accuracy in need is very high. It is not

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) A micro-manipulator for surgery, deisgned by Francesco Cepolina, [4] & [7]
(b)NeuroMaster, a stereotactic neurosurgery robot system by Beihang University, [13] & [18]
64 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

necessarily that the tool and manipulator must be small, but the whole system itself must be
able to integrate and produce very precise micro-manipulation with a very minimal error in
all the 3- axis’s direction. This includes the sensors parts, vision and imaging system and
also the controller technique.

2.2 Type of robotics involvement in operation theatre / operation room

According to [27], robotic involvement in surgical procedure can be divided into three
categories. These categories were based on robot and surgeon interaction during the
The first category is supervisory-controlled system. This is where robots performed the surgery
by implementing specific instructions and paths set earlier by the surgeon. Those paths were
planned during planning and registration process before the operation, which integrates the
images from the MRI scanning process. In this scheme, surgeon is still playing the important
roles, which is planning and setting up the whole operation’s path. Then, the robot will do
everything that has been pre-planned, while the surgeon supervising the operation. Though,
the surgeon did not directly use his hands during this procedure.
The second category, which is the telesurgical system, needs the surgeon to use his own hands
during the process. Also known as remote surgery, this is different from the previous
technique. However, it is the robotic manipulator who is doing the real operation on the
patient. The surgeon, on the other hand, is manipulating the robot through some distance
from a computer console. In this method, sensors including haptic feedback system are
providing the surgeon with all the necessary data for the surgeon to react with. The
computer console is the master, while the manipulator is called slave. The operation being
done by the robotic manipulator is imitating the master controller’s movement in real time.
The most popular and widely used telesurgical system is the da Vinci® Surgical System
manufactured by Intuitive Surgical, where more than 1000 units sold worldwide [5].
The last category is the shared-control system. This is where surgeon and robot works together
at the same time, where a number of specifically designed tasks were done by the doctor
and others by the robot. This system, compared to the previous two, has the most surgeon
involvement in the operation theatre. Figure 3(b) is an example of this.

4. Discussion
The buildup of a neurosurgical type micro-manipulator usually consists of few important
parts or elements, both hardwares and softwares. These elements were essential to ensure
the specification and performance of the robot itself achieved the function of a
micromanipulator. This description may act like a general guideline in developing the
micromanipulator because some of the micro-manipulator might not have all the elements,
because each of them has different specifications and design.

4.1 Modeling
Modeling is a process of using mathematical description to simulate real physical events
[17]. It allows complex systems to be understood and thus their behavior can be predicted
and simulated. In modeling, usually some details will be ignored or assumed, due to the
shortcomings occurred in the process. Micro-manipulator is a very expensive system to
Micro-Manipulator for Neurosurgical Application 65

Thus, it needs to be modeled before it is fabricated. From the model, we can investigate
much information, such as the kinematic and dynamic behavior of the model, the
workspace of the model, materials to build the model, suitable actuator to achieve the
design objectives and the controller technique that is most efficient to the system. There are
lots of software that can be use to model a micro-manipulator system, including Robotics
Toolbox® and SimMechanics from Matlab, AutoCAD, SolidWorks and Rhinoceros®.
One common technique to model a manipulator system is to use Denavit-Hartenberg (DH)
method [12]. From the DH model, either the classical or the modified version of it, we can
simulate and further investigate the behavior of the micro-manipulator, both the kinematic
and dynamic. Kinematics relates the motion behavior of the robot without regards to the
forces that causes it, whereas dynamic considers the effect of internal and external forces or
torques applied to the micro-manipulator. With the information from both the kinematic
and dynamic behavior, we can have a good knowledge on how the micro-manipulator
moves, which path it follows, how many micro-Newton of forces applied at the patient’s
head, how precise the robot is, as well as the speed of the robot movements. Those are
among the vital information needed by the surgeon during his usage of the micro-
manipulator during a surgery. In addition, we can always estimate the workspace of the
robot. Workspace is the region where the end effector of the micro-manipulator can possibly
reach, which a surgeon needs to know prior to an operation to estimate the tools
arrangements and movements.
Equation 1 below represents the transformation matrices associated with modified DH
method. The parameters ‘α’ and ‘θ’ represents the angular behavior of the
micromanipulator’s links, while the ‘a’ and ‘d’ parameters represents the prismatic aspect.

⎡ cosθ i − sin θ i 0 α i −1 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
sin θ i × cos α i − 1 cosθ i × cos α i − 1 − sin α i − 1 − sin α i − 1 × di ⎥
Ti = ⎢ (1)
⎢ sin θ i × sin α i − 1 cosθi × sin α i − 1 cosα i − 1 cos α i − 1 × di ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ 0 0 0 1 ⎦⎥

Equation 2 shows the equations of motion, in general, of a micro-manipulator.

τ = M(θ )θ + C (θ ,θ )θ + N (θ ,θ) (2)

τ = torques vector
M = inertia matrix
C = Coriolis and Centrifugal matrix (these are types of internal forces)
N = gravity terms and other forces act on the joints (all external forces defines here)

4.2 Trajectory planning

Trajectory refers to time domain of the position, velocity and acceleration of a system [23]. It
described the motion’s behavior of the micro-manipulator in all of the 3-dimensional (3-D)
axis. The trajectories were generated through interpolation or approximation of the desired
path by a polynomial or any other smooth function. The function is used to approximate
and provide the mathematical description of the trajectory.
66 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

There are two categories of trajectory planning techniques. They are joint space technique
and Cartesian space technique. Joint space technique is suitable for point-to-point motion,
where the motion planning is done at the joint level. This technique describes the time
function of all the joints’ variables including the speed and acceleration. Equation 3 below
shows an example of a five-degree or quintic polynomial equations with its joints’ variables,
Ci. The position of the end effector was computed by using forward kinematics. This is just
one of many smooth functions that can be used to interpolate a trajectory.
Cartesian space technique is a method that most suited with continuous path type of
motion, and therefore suit neurosurgical application better than the previous technique.
While joint space method focus on the joint position, Cartesian space method controls the
end effector itself, with respect to the base of the robot. By using inverse kinematics, the
joints variables were computed.
In general, to set a trajectory, we must define the starting and end points, as well as the
mathematical function that the joints and end effector will undertake during its movement.
The time taken to complete the trajectory is also important as it will affect the speed and
smoothness of the manipulation. This is important in designing a micro-manipulator since
we need to specify each and every point on the route of the end-effector and the joints as
well. Failing to do this will let us lose control of the surgical tools.

θ (t ) = c0 + c1t + c 2t 2 + c3t 3 + c 4t 4 + c 5t 5 (3)

c0 = θ0
c = θ
1 0

c2 =
20θ f − 20θ 0 − (8θf + 12θ0 )t f − (3θ0 − θf )t 2f
c3 =
2t 3f
30θ0 − 30θ f + (14θf + 16θ0 )t f − (3θ0 − 2θf )t 2f
c4 =
2t 4f
12θ f − 12θ 0 − (6θf + 6θ0 )t f − (θ0 − θf )t 2f
c5 =
2t 5f

4.3 Actuator
This is an equipment that allows a robot to move by conversion of different energy types
such as electrical or mechanical processes [26]. This includes human muscles, propellers,
and hydraulic cylinders. Actuators are very important because it’s the main mechanism to
make the robot being in specified motion. For micro-manipulator, type of actuator that is
widely used is the electrically controlled motors. Electrical motors are favored because it is
much more precise and accurate in terms of their generated motion, as compared to the
hydraulic and pneumatic-actuated motor.
Accuracy to the highest level is very important for a micro-manipulator design. Thus, the
selection of a suitable actuator is very important. In [1], Adha Cahyadi et al use piezo
Micro-Manipulator for Neurosurgical Application 67

electric actuator in their micro-manipulator design. With the special capability of piezo
material, it can produce a very fine displacement, down till micrometers. This shows the
importance of selecting the right actuator. It really depends on the micro-manipulator
design. Moreover, suitable controller implementation technique can also contribute well to
manage the output of an actuator.

4.4 Sensors
Sensors are very important devices that allow the analog world to communicate with the
digital environment. By definition, it converts physical signals such as heat, light, sound,
rotary motion, and force into electrical signal [24]. The resulting electrical signal will be send
to the controller and the required calculation or assigned resulting action will be taken. A
precise rotary encoder for example, can provide the system with the exact location of each
joints and the end effector. Then by using various types of control method, their locations
can be corrected if it does slightly differ from the desired one.
In micro-manipulator design, there are many types sensor that is very useful to be
incorporated with. Among them is vision or imaging sensor and force or haptic devices.
Imaging is a key element for a robotic neurosurgery. It can be used during the registration
process before the surgery to organize the surgery through coordinate relationship between
the robot frame and the patient head’s frame [13]. In addition, MRI images can also help the
surgeon. Using images from the MRI and special software, the patient head can be redraw
in the computer, and allows the surgeon to use it for a rehearsal before the real surgery [8].
From the MRI images as well, the location of the tumor can be captured and locked for
operation. This can act as a simulation tool for the surgeon, as well as it can help the surgeon
during the registration process.
On the other hand, the term haptic is referring to the tactile or sense of touch information
that is required during a surgery [11]. By using the tele-operated surgery system, this kind
of information is not there with the surgeon. Thus, haptic or force feedback sensor must be
put at the slave robot so that the surgeon who is manipulating the master robot can have
better control and awareness of the operation undertaken. Excessive force applied on the
head of a patient might well damage important tissues or nerves.

4.5 End-effector
It is a device or tool specifically designed and attached to the last link of the robot or to the
robot wrist [25]. It enables the robot to perform its intended tasks, for example cutting the
skull or taking samples inside a body. The end-effector is loosely comparable to a human's
hand. Its size is depending on the tasks assigned and also the working area. For a MIS
operation, the end effector must be small enough to get to the body through the specified
path or hole created.

4.6 Controller design

Control technique or controller is a tools used to cause the micro-manipulator perform the
desired motions and actions, for example to executes planned trajectories. There are two
class of manipulator control, namely the linear control and the nonlinear control. If a system
can be defined using linear differential equations, than a linear control method is used.
Otherwise, nonlinear control will come into action. There are various types of control
method or technique. Among them were closed loop and open loop, classical, adaptive and
intelligent control technique.
68 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

4.7 Size and materials

The micro-manipulator’s type of materials used, its shape and size depends on the purpose
and intended usage. The size and shape can be as shown in Figure 3(a) or as big as the
DaVinci® system. It goes back to the user or surgeon, and the use of the system. The most
important aspect is that it can works as it was intended to be, in a neurosurgical procedure.
Moreover, the material is also very important. Let say it is going to be used inside an MRI
machine, thus it must be made from MRI compatible type of materials.

5. Case study: NeuroArm

NeuroArm is a research project that was organized by the University of Calgary and
MacDonald Dettwiler Associates (MDA). It was aimed to develop a MR-compatible micro-
manipulator system for neurosurgical operation. This surgical robot system provides an
immersive robotic system with full complement of planning and assistive software. Besides
being a MR-compatible, this system is also incorporated with powerful image-guided
system and haptic devices in its architecture ([2], [6] & [8]).
The system consists of three main parts. They are the robot itself, the workstation, and its
cabinet for control system. The robot has with two arms with a moveable platform. Each
arm has 8 degree of freedom (dof). The size of the arm is small and can operate in a 68cm
working area inside the MRI scanner. The end-effector of the robot can fit various surgical
tools required by the surgical procedure, such as forceps, needle drivers, suction,
microscissor, and dissector. It is using the master-slave concept, means it incorporated the
telesurgical system. The type of actuator used on the surgical side is a piezoceramic motors.
This is primarily used to ensure safe functioning of the robot at the operative site and to
avoid image distortion.

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) NeuroArm workstation. (b) NeuroArm surgical robot.
Micro-Manipulator for Neurosurgical Application 69

The master and the surgeon workstation are placed in a room adjacent to the operation
room, while the slave or the robot itself was put inside the operation room. The master and
slave are bit different in design, where the master was only a 6-dof controller with 3-dof
positional force feedback. The workstation also consists of high-resolution binoculars where
the surgeon can have direct access to the surgical binoculars, haptic hand-controllers,
microphone to communicate with the operation room’s personnel, and four monitors that
display the information needed to know by the surgeon of the surgery that is going on. The
master manipulator, as shown in Figure 6 has high-fidelity haptic capability, so the surgeon
that is using the master controller will know the force currently being exerted to the patient
at real time. In addition, tremor filter was installed in the system, to improve accuracy and
precision as well as the stamina of the surgeon. This also enhances the surgical ability of the
robot. The force exerted during operation can be limited. And for security purpose, if the
robot fails itself, intrinsic braking system will automatically freeze the robot. Besides, the
robot’s actuators are functioning at low torque and low force in order to reduce any risks of
injury. It can also move on a slow pace as 1mm/s, and can go up to 200mm/s, depending on
the needs.

Fig. 5. Specifications and accuracy of NeuroArm

This system has has a simulation software that allows the surgeon to do a simulation
operation before actually going for the real surgery. During the simulation, he can calculate
the safe region for the robot’s arm to operate. The virtual boundaries were also being able to
define before the surgery. This can prevent injuries to the neural area surrounding the
operation area.
Among the uniqueness of this NeuroArm is that it can fit into an MRI magnet bore. This
means that the material used in building this robot is not affected by the effect of the magnet
bore. Its upper arm is made of titanium and its lower arm is made from
polyetheretherketone (PEEK) materials. In addition it ensures that the image generated by
70 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

the MRI is not significantly affected by the surgical tools. Even though some of the
procedure is still being done by the surgeon himself, like burr holes and cranial exposure,
NeuroArm has started creating its milestones in neurosurgery. With tested accuracy of
30micron, it is so great that in will surely enhance surgical capability. In addition to that,
NeuroArm has successfully performed a neurosurgical operation in May 2008. The
operation is to remove a tumor from a 21-year old’s women brain in United States of

Fig. 6. Master manipulator of NeuroArm, that has the haptic interface

6. Conclusion
Researches on various aspects of neurosurgical operation were still going on. The purpose is
to improve the existing system and also human lives. While surgical robots offer some
advantages over the human hand, we are still a long way from the day when autonomous
robots will operate on people without human interaction. With advances in our technology,
it is not an impossible thing to be done. However, besides the excitement in this research
field, the safety of the patient inside the operation theatre must be the highest priority.

7. References
[1] Adha Cahyadi and Yoshio Yamamoto, Hysteretic Modelling of Piezoelectric Actuator
Attached on Flexure Hinge Mechanism, IEEE International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, 9-15 October 2006
[2] Alexander D. Greer, Perry M. Newhook, and Garnette R. Sutherland, Human–Machine
Interface for Robotic Surgery and Stereotaxy, IEEE/ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics, Vol. 13, No. 3, JUNE 2008
[3] Da Liu and Tianmiao Wang, A Workflow for Robot Assisted Neurosurgery, IEEE
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, 9-16
October 2006
[4] Damien Sallé, Francesco Cepolina and Philippe Bidaud, Surgery grippers for Minimally
Invasive Heart Surgery, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on
Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping, Genova, Italy, 1-2 July 2004
[5] da Vinci Surgical System,
Micro-Manipulator for Neurosurgical Application 71

[6] Deon F. Louw, Tim Fielding, and Paul B. McBeth et al, Surgical Robotics: A Review and
Neurosurgical Prototype Development, Neurosurgery, Vol. 54, No. 3, March 2004
[7] F. Cepolina, Development of Micro Tools for Surgical Applications, Ph.D. Thesis,
Universita’ Degli Studi De Genova/ Uiversite Piere Et marie Currie: Paris 2005
[8] Garnette R. Sutherland, Isabelle Latour, and Alexander D. Greer, Integrating an Image-
Guided Robot with Intraoperative MRI, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Megazine, May/June 2008
[9] Ho-seok Song, Ki-young Kim and Jung-ju Lee, Development of the Dexterous
Manipulator and the Force Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgery, IEEE
International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents, Wellington, New
Zealand, 10-12 February 2009
[10] How Robotic Surgery Will Work,
[11] James C. Gwilliam, Mohsen Mahvash and Balazs Vagvolgyi et al, Effects of Haptic and
Graphical Force Feedback on Teleoperated Palpation, IEEE International
Conference of Robotics and Automation, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 May 2009
[12] John J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control, 3rd edition, 2005,
Pearson Prentice Hall
[13] Junchuan Liu, Yuru Zhang, Zengmin Tian, Tianmiao Wang and Hongguang Xing,
NeuroMaster: A Robot System for Neurosurgery, IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation, 2004
[14] Junchuan Liu, Yuru Zhang and Zhen Li, The Application Accuracy of NeuroMaster:A
Robot System for Stereotactic Neurosurgery, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ASME
International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and
Applications, 2006
[15] Koji Ikuta, Keiichi Yamamoto and Keiji Sasaki, Development of RemoteMicrosurgery
Robot and New Surgical Procedure for Deep and Narrow Space, IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, 14-19 September 2003
[16] M. Tanimoto, F. Arail and T. Fukuda et al, Micro Force Sensor for Intravascular
Neurosurgery and In Vivo Experiment, The Eleventh Annual International
Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 1998
[17] Mathematical Model,
[18] Meng Cai, Wang Tianmiao, Chou Wusheng and Zhang Yuru, A Neurosurgical Robotic
System under Image-Guidance, IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics, 2006
[19] NeuroArm,
[20] Neurosurgery,
[21] Paul B. McBeth, Deon F. Louw, Peter R. Rizun and Garnette R. Sutherland, Robotics in
Neurosurgery, The American Journal or Surgery 188 (Suppl to October 2004)
[22] Peter R. Rizun, Paul B. McBeth, Deon F. Louw and Garnette R. Sutherland, Robot-
Assisted Neurosurgery,
[23] R. K. Mittal and I. J. Nagrath, Robotics and Control; 2005, Tata McGraw Hill
[24] Robot and Robotic Glossary,
[25] Robot End Effector,
72 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

[26] Robot Glossary – Industrial Terminology Defined,
[27] Robotic Surgery,
[28] Victor M. Becerra, Callum N. J. Cage, William S. Harwin and Paul M. Sharkey,
Hardware Retrofit and Computed Torque Control of a PUMA 560 Robot, IEEE
Control System Megazine: pp. 78-82, October 2004
[29] What is Neurosurgery by Sanjay Mongia (Dr.),
[30] Yik San Kwoh, Joahin Hou, Edmond A. Jonckheere and Samad Hayati, A Robot with
Improved Absolute Positioning Accuracy for CT Guided Stereotactic Brain Surgery,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 2, February 1988

DeLiA: A New Family of

Redundant Robot Manipulators
Jaime Gallardo–Alvarado
Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya,

1. Introduction
A fully decoupled parallel manipulator is a mechanism in which one output kinematic joint,
degree of freedom, is affected by only one active or input kinematic pair, the perfect
mechanism from a kinematic point of view due to the possibility to generate linear input–
output kinematic constraint equations. Parallel manipulators with fewer than six–degrees–
of–freedom frequently referred as limited–dof or defective parallel manipulators were the
first class of parallel manipulators to be considered in that trend. Kong & Gosselin (2002a)
introduced a class of translational fully decoupled parallel manipulators called Tripteron
family. Carricato & Parenti–Castelli (2004) invented a two–degrees–of–freedom parallel
wrist in which two interconnected linkages independently actuate one of the two angles
associated to the orientation of the moving platform. Recently, Briot & Bonev (2009)
proposed a fully decoupled translational parallel manipulator, called Pantopteron, for
simple pick–and–place operations. Certainly, there is a significative number of contributions
dealing with the study of limited–dof fully decoupled parallel manipulators, see for instance
Carricato & Parenti–Castelli (2002), Kong & Gosselin (2002b, 2002c), Gosselin et al., (2004),
Gogu (2005), Li et al., (2005), Ruggiu (2009) and so on. On the other hand, a fully decoupled
six–degrees–of–freedom parallel manipulator is maybe, still in our days, an unrealistic task.
In fact, the dream that in a Gough–Stewart platform one degree of freedom shall be affected
by only one active kinematic joint is a far away reality, if sensors are not considered. In
order to diminish such drawback, the term fully can be removed from the original concept
meaning that a decoupled parallel manipulator is a mechanism in which the position and
orientation, pose, of the moving platform with respect to the fixed platform can be
computed separately. The decoupled motion can be achieved by introducing geometric
conditions, e.g. Wohlhart (1994) studied a Gough–Stewart platform in which three of the six
limbs share a common spherical joint over the moving platform, other topologies with
uncoupled rotations and translations were investigated by Innocenti & Parenti–Castelli
(1991), Zabalza et al., (2002), Yang et al., (2004), Takeda (2005) and so on. Despite the
indisputable recent valuable advances in this subject, the development of decoupled parallel
manipulators with simplified architectures preserving the well–known benefits of parallel
manipulators such as higher stiffness and payload/capacity is a rather complicated task. At
this point, and mainly due to the lack of an efficient mathematical resource to approach the
forward kinematics of a general Gough–Stewart platform capable to determine the actual
configuration of the manipulator, without using sensors, one can take into account that if
74 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

there is not essential the fully decoupled motion, then the development of partially
decoupled parallel manipulators is a viable option to apply the benefits of mechanisms with
nearly parallel kinematic structures, see for instance Briot et al., (2009), Altuzarra et al.,
(2010). It is interesting to note that mechanisms with mixed motions can be included in the
class known as partially decoupled parallel manipulators.
In this chapter a new family of partially decoupled parallel manipulators endowed with an
extra active kinematic joint is introduced. One member of this new family of robot
manipulators is selected with the purpose to illustrate the methodology of kinematic
analysis chosen to characterize the angular and linear kinematic properties, up to the
acceleration analysis, of it. The forward position analysis of the robot, a challenging task for
most parallel manipulators, is carried–out in a semi–closed form solution applying
recursively the Sylvester dialytic elimination method that allows to determine all the
feasible locations that the output platform can reach with respect to the fixed platform given
a set of generalized coordinates. On the other hand, the velocity and acceleration analyses of
the robot are approached by means of the theory of screws. With this mathematical tool,
simple and compact expressions for computing the velocity and reduced acceleration states
of the output platform are obtained taking advantage of the properties of reciprocal screws,
via the Klein form of the Lie algebra e (3). Finally, the robot is simulated as a virtual five–
degrees–of–freedom parallel kinematic machine using special commercially available
software like ADAMS©.

2. Description of the DeLiA robot family

Before the transcendental contributions of Gough (1957), Gough & Whitehall (1962) and
Stewart (1965), it seems that a five–degrees–of–freedom spray painting machine was the first
promissory industrial application of a parallel manipulator (Pollard, 1940; Bonev, 2003).
Furthermore, many practical applications do not require the six degrees of freedom of a
general Gough–Stewart platform, particularly five–degrees–of–freedom parallel
manipulators had been proposed, among simple pointing devices, as multi–axis machine
tools (Bohez, 2002; Zheng et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2005, 2006), bio–mechanical devices (Zhu et
al., 2008; Gallardo–Alvarado, 2010) or new architectures for medical applications (Vlachos &
Papadopoulos, 2005; Piccina, 2009).
With these considerations in mind and with the motivation that not always is essential a
pure parallel kinematic topology, this work is intended to be a viable option to the
development of a new class of five–degrees–of–freedom robots with a nearly parallel
kinematic architecture, preserving the advantages of serial-parallel manipulators but with
the possibility to mount all the active limbs on the fixed platform.
The proposed general topology is depicted in Fig. 1, it consists of a fixed platform, a coupler
platform and an end–effector–platform also called output– platform. Please note that while
in a general Gough–Stewart platform the generalized coordinates or active joints are
necessarily coupled, in the proposed topology these motors can be decoupled into two
different groups which allows to simplify the forward kinematics of the mechanisms at
hand. Furthermore, the end–effector–platform is connected at the fixed platform by means
of an active 6–dof three–legged parallel manipulator (XYS–type limb with X=RR,U,C,S;
Y=P,R,C) whereas the coupler platform is connected at the fixed platform by means of an
active 3–dof parallel manipulator (XYS–type limb with X=R,P; Y=R,P) and at the end–
effector platform through a passive 3–dof parallel manipulator (XYS–type limb with X=R,P;
Y=R,P). Interesting benefits can be observed in this topology:
DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 75

Fig. 1. General Gough–Stewart platform and the general proposed topology

• The motors can be mounted on the fixed platform
• The forward finite kinematics can be carried–out solving two decoupled systems of
non–linear kinematic constraint equations
• The spherical joints attached at the end–effector platform allow to affirm that this
topology is a non–overconstrained mechanism, e.g. does not require of additional
tolerances of manufacture that ensure the intersection of screws
On the other hand, the 3–dof parallel manipulators chosen for this research, belong to the
class known as zero–torsion parallel manipulators (Bonev, 2002).
Several combinations can be generated with the considerations above–mentioned and one of
them, here after called D1 robot, is presented in Fig. 2.
D1 is a robot formed with an active 3–UPS parallel manipulator and two 3–RPS parallel
manipulators, one active and the other passive. The nominal coordinates of the universal,
prismatic, spherical and revolute joints of the chosen architecture are denoted respectively
by U, P, S and R and are located by vectors U, P, S and R. In the rest of this work, the
analysis is focused on the D1 robot.

3. Mobility analysis of the D1 robot

An exhaustive review of formulae addressing the mobility analysis of closed kinematic
chains can be found in Gogu (2005) and the following is a variant of the well–known
Kutzbach–Grübler formula for computing the degrees–of– freedom of spatial parallel
F = 6( n − j − 1) + ∑ f i (1)
i =1
76 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 2. D1, a member of the DeLiA robot family and its geometric scheme

where n is the number of links, j is the number of kinematic pairs, and fi is the number of
freedoms of the i–th kinematic pair. For the robot D1 n = 21, j = 6R+9P+3U+9S = 27,

i =1
fi = 48 and therefore F = 6, which is a wrong result. In fact, Dai et al. (2006) proved that
in a 3–RPS parallel manipulator a basis representing the motions of the moving platform,
with respect to the fixed platform, consists of three elements, two non–parallel coplanar
rotations and one translation along an axis perpendicular to the plane formed by the
spherical joints. According to this basis, the coupler platform of the robot D1 cannot rotate
with respect to the fixed platform along an axis perpendicular to the plane formed by the
spherical joints attached at the coupler platform. It is straightforward to demonstrate that
such argument is valid too for the end– effector–platform and the coupler platform, in other
words, the end–effector– platform has a rotation restricted with respect to the coupler
platform due to the passive 3–RPS parallel manipulator connecting both platforms and the
coupler platform has a rotation restricted with respect to the fixed platform due to the 3–
RPS active parallel manipulator. With these considerations in mind, although the computed
degrees of freedom of the robot at hand is six, the end–effector–platform does not accept
arbitrary orientations with respect to the fixed platform, and therefore D1 is in reality a five–
degrees–of–freedom redundant robot.

4. Finite kinematics
In this section the position analysis of the proposed robot is presented.
DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 77

4.1 Forward position analysis

The forward position analysis (FPA) consists of finding the pose of the end– effector–
platform with respect to the fixed platform given a set of six generalized coordinates
qi(i = 1, 2, . . . , 6). Due to the decoupled architecture, the pose of the coupler platform, body
B, with respect to the fixed platform, body A, is controled by means of the internal
generalized coordinates qi(i = 1, 2, 3). Furthermore, the pose of the coupler platform is easily
determined through the computation of the coordinates of the centers of the spherical joints
attached at the coupler platform, points Si(i = 1, 2, 3).
Let XY Z and xyz be two reference frames attached, respectively, at the fixed platform and at
the end–effector–platform. With reference to Fig. 2, since the revolute joints attached at the
fixed platform have a tangential arrangement, then it is possible to write three kinematic
constraint equations as

( S 1 − R1 ) • ( R 2 − R 3 ) = 0 ⎫
⎪ (2)
( S 2 − R 2 ) • ( R 3 − R1 ) = 0 ⎬
( S3 − R3 ) • ( R2 − R1 ) = 0 ⎭⎪

where the dot (•) denotes the usual inner product of the three–dimensional vectorial
algebra. Furthermore, three closure equations can be written as

( Si − Ri ) • ( Si − Ri ) = q i2 i = 1, 2, 3 (3)

Finally, according to the triangle ΔS1S2S3 three compatibility equations are given by
( Si − S j ) • ( Si − S j ) = S i S j i , j = 1, 2, 3 mod(3) (4)

Expressions (2), (3) and (4) are solved by applying the Sylvester dialytic elimination method
(Tsai, 1999; Gallardo et al., 2007). Once the coordinates of the points Si(i = 1, 2, 3) are
calculated, the center of the triangle ΔS1S2S3, vector AρB, results in
ρ B = ( S1 + S2 + S3 ) / 3 (5)

Finally, the pose of the coupler platform with respect to the fixed platform is summarized in
the 4 × 4 homogeneous transformation matrix ATB:

TB = ⎢ ⎥ (6)
⎣ O 1× 3 1 ⎦
where ARB is the rotation matrix which is computed by means of the coordinates of the points
Si(i = 1, 2, 3), for details see Gallardo–Alvarado et al. (2008). Following a similar procedure, the
homogeneous transformation matrix of the end–effector–platform with respect to the fixed
platform, ATC, is computed. To this end, consider the following closure equations

( S 4 − R 4 ) • ( R 5 − R6 ) = 0 ⎫
( S 5 − R 5 ) • ( R6 − R 4 ) = 0 ⎪

( S 6 − R6 ) • ( R 5 − R 4 ) = 0 ⎪ (7)

( Si + 3 − U i ) • ( Si + 3 − U i ) = q i2+ 3 i = 1, 2, 3 ⎪

( Si − S j ) • ( S i − S j ) = S i S j i , j = 4, 5, 6 mod(3) ⎪⎭
78 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

where the vectors Ri(i = 4, 5, 6) are computed by using the matrix ATB. Furthermore, the
homogeneous transformation matrix between the end–effector– platform and the fixed
platforms, BTC, can be calculated from
TC = A T B B T C (8)

4.2 Inverse position analysis

The inverse position analysis consists of finding the active limb lengths qi(i = 1, 2, . . . , 6) of
the robot given the pose of the end–effector–platform with respect to the fixed platform,
matrix ATC. To this end, it is necessary to compute, as an intermediate step, the vectors
Si(i = 1, 2, . . . , 6).
Immediately emerges that the coordinates of the points Si(i = 4, 5, 6), expressed in the fixed
reference frame XY Z, attached at the end–effector–platform can be obtained from

⎡Si ⎤ A C ⎡si ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ = T ⎢1⎥ (9)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
where si(i = 4, 5, 6) is the i–th point but expressed according to the moving reference frame
xyz. Furthermore, the unknown vectors Ri(i = 4, 5, 6) and Si(i = 1, 2, 3) can be computed
according to the following closure equations

(S6 − R6 ) • ( R5 − R4 ) = 0 ⎫
(S5 − R5 ) • ( R6 − R4 ) = 0 ⎪

(S4 − R4 ) • ( R6 − R5 ) = 0 ⎪

(S1 − R1 ) • ( R2 − R3 ) = 0 ⎪
(S2 − R2 ) • ( R3 − R1 ) = 0 ⎪

(S3 − R3 ) • ( R2 − R1 ) = 0 ⎬ (10)

S1 + S2 + S3 = R4 + R5 + R6 ⎪
2 ⎪
(Si − S j ) • (Si − S j ) = Si S j i , j = 1, 2, 3 mod(3) ⎪
2 ⎪
( Ri − R j ) • ( Ri − R j ) = Ri R j i , j = 4, 5,6 mod(3)⎪
2 ⎪
(Si − Ri + 3 ) • (Si − Ri + 3 ) = Si Ri + 3 i = 1, 2, 3 ⎭
Finally, the limb lengths qi(i = 1, 2, . . . , 6) result in

qi2 = (Si − Ri ) • ( Si − Ri ) ⎫⎪
⎬ (11)
qi2+ 3 = (Si + 3 − U i ) • (Si + 3 − U i ) i = 1, 2, 3 ⎪⎭

5. Infinitesimal kinematics
In this section the velocity and acceleration analyses of the proposed robot are approached
by means of the theory of screws. For detailed information of the kinematic analysis of
closed chains and parallel manipulators, using such mathematical resource, the reader is
referred to (Rico & Duffy, 2000; Gallardo et al., 2003). In particular screw theory is an
DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 79

efficient mathematical resource to analyze five–degrees–of–freedom parallel manipulators

(Li & Huang, 2002; Zhu et al., 2008; Gallardo–Alvarado et al., 2009). Furthermore, as a
consideration for readers unfamiliar with the theory of screws an explanation of basic
concepts dealing with it is also included in this section.

5.1 Preliminary concepts. Basic concepts of the screw theory

A screw $ = ( ŝ , sO) is a six-dimensional vector composed of a vector ŝ , namely the primal
part, denoting the direction of the screw axis and a vector sO, namely the dual part, which is
the moment produced by ŝ about a point O fixed to the reference frame. The moment sO is
calculated as follows

sO = sˆ h + sˆ × rO /P (12)

where h is the pitch of the screw and rO/P is a vector directed from a point P, fixed to the
screw axis, to point O. Note that if the pitch of the screw goes to infinity, then the screw
represents a prismatic joint and it is represented by $ = (0, ŝ ). Any lower kinematic pair can
be represented either by a screw or a group of screws. A cylindrical joint can be simulated
by the combination of one revolute joint and one prismatic joint, whereas a spherical joint
results of the action of three revolute joints whose axes, usually mutually orthogonal,
intersect a common point.
Screw theory, which is isomorphic to the Lie algebra e(3) also referred as motor algebra, is
the set of elements of the form $ = ( ŝ , sO) with the following operations.
Let $1 = ( ŝ 1, sO1), $2 = ( ŝ 2, sO2), and $3 = ( ŝ 3, sO3) be elements of the Lie algebra e(3) with λ1,
λ2, λ3 ∈ ℜ. Then
1. Addition, $1 + $2 = ( ŝ 1 + ŝ 2, sO1 + sO2)
2. Multiplication by a scalar, λ$1 = (λ ŝ 1, λsO1)
3. Lie product or dual motor product, [$1 $2] = ( ŝ 1× ŝ 2, ŝ 1×sO2− ŝ 2×sO1).
The Lie product exhibits interesting properties like
a. Nilpotent, [$1 $1] = (0, 0)
b. Non–commutative, [$1 $2] = −[$2 $1]
c. Distributive

[$1 λ2$2 + λ3$3] = λ2 [$1 $2] + λ3 [$1 $3]

[λ$1 + λ2$2 $3] = λ1 [$1 $3] + λ2 [$2 $3]

4. Jacobi identity, [$1 [$2 $3]] + [$3 [$1 $2]] + [$2 [$3 $1]] = (0, 0)
Furthermore, the Lie algebra e(3) is endowed with two symmetric bilinear forms
1. The Killing form, ($1; $2) = ŝ 1 • ŝ 2
2. The Klein form, {$1; $2} = ŝ 1 • sO2 + ŝ 2 • sO1
It is said that the screws $1 and $2 are reciprocal if {$1; $2} = 0, an interesting property that
allows to simplify the forward infinitesimal kinematics of parallel manipulators.
Screw theory is a powerful mathematical tool modeling the kinematics of rigid bodies.
The velocity state n VOm of a rigid body m as it is observed from another body n or reference
frame is a twist about screw (Ball, 1900), indeed n VOm = ωn$m, given by
80 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

⎡ nω m ⎤
VOm = ⎢ n m ⎥ (13)
⎣ vO ⎦

where nωm and n VOm are, respectively, the angular and linear velocities of the body under
study and O is a point of the body m that is instantaneously coincident with the origin of the
reference frame n, point O is also known as the reference pole. Furthermore, in an open
kinematic chain, e.g. a serial manipulator, the velocity state of the end–effector, labeled body
m, with respect to the base link, labeled body n, can be written as a linear combination of the
involved infinitesimal screws associated to the kinematic pairs as follows

n ωn + 1n $ n + 1 + n + 1 ωn + 2 n + 1 $ n + 2 + … + m − 1 ωmm − 1 $ m =n VOm (14)

On the other hand, the reduced acceleration state AOm of body m with respect to body n,
also known as accelerator, is a six-dimensional vector given by

⎡ ω
n m

AOm =n ωm n $ m = ⎢ n m n m n m ⎥ (15)
⎣ aO − ω × vO ⎦
where ω and n aOm are the angular and linear accelerations of body m with respect to body n
taking O as the reference pole. Furthermore, in a serial manipulator the reduced acceleration
state of the end-effector with respect to the base link is given by

n ωn + 1n $ n + 1 + n + 1 ωn + 2 n + 1 $ n + 2 + … + m − 1 ωmm − 1 $ m + n Lm =n AOm (16)

Lm = [ n ωn + 1n $ n + 1 n+1 ωn + 2 n + 1 $ n + 2 + … + m − 1 ωm m − 1 $ m ]

+[ n + 1 ωn + 2 n + 1 $ n + 2 + n + 2 ωn + 3 n + 2 $ n + 3 + … + m − 1 ωm m − 1 $ m ]

+ … + [ m − 2 ωm − 1 m − 2 $ m − 1 m−1 ωm m − 1 $ m ] (17)

is the Lie screw or complementary six-dimensional vector of the reduced acceleration state.
It is worth mentioning that eventhough its compactness, Eq. (16) contains all the terms
involved in the acceleration analysis of a rigid body. In fact, e.g. Eq. (16) contains the terms
of the acceleration of Coriolis and one not need to make a distinction of it. Furthermore, Eq.
(16) can be easily translated into computer codes approaching the kinematic analysis of
robot manipulators. This expression was introduced by the first time by Rico–Martínez &
Duffy (1996) and its correctness was validated by the author of this work with the
publication of several papers in well known journals. Before the pioneering contribution of
Rico–Martínez & Duffy (1996) the screw theory was confined to the so–called first order
analysis (velocity analysis). Its introduction almost fifteen years ago open the possibility to
extend the screw theory to the so–called higher order kinematic analyses.

5.2 Velocity analysis

The modeling of the screws of three representative limbs of the robot is depicted in Fig. 3. It
must be noted that due to existence of compound joints in the output platform, e.g.
DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 81

Spherical + Spherical, these spherical joints require each one more of the usual three
infinitesimal screws indicating concurrent revolute joints. Furthermore, before do any
further, in order to solve the inverse velocity and acceleration analyses, it is necessary the
introduction of auxiliary screws with the purpose to satisfy an algebraic requirement, with
this consideration in mind the revolute joints are modeled as cylindrical joints, in
which the corresponding translational velocities are equal to zero. In other words,
i i
0 ω 1 =6 ω 7 = 0(i = 1, 2, 3) .

Fig. 3. Infinitesimal screws of three representative limbs of the robot D1

Let AωC and A vOC be, respectively, the angular and linear velocities of a point O attached at
the end–effector–platform. The velocity state, or twist about a screw, of the end–effector–
platform with respect to the fixed platform, six– dimensional vector A VOC = [AωC, A vOC ]T , can
be obtained trough the coupler and fixed platforms as
VOC = A VOB + B VOC (18)

where A VOB is the velocity state of the coupler platform with respect to the fixed platform,
and B VOC is the velocity state of the end–effector–platform with respect to the coupler
platform. Furthermore, these kinematic states can be written in screw form as

V = J i Ωi , V ∈ { A VOB ,B VOC , A VOC } i = 1, 2, 3 (19)

82 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

where the Jacobians J i ∈ { A J iB ,B JCi , A JCi } are given by

A C 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 ⎫
J = [ 12 $ i ,13 $ 14 i , $i , $i , $i , $i ]

B C 7 9 ⎪
J i = [ 6 $ i ,7 $ 8i ,8 $ i ,9 $ 10 10 11 11 12
i , $i , $i ] ⎬ (20)
A B 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6

Ji = [ $ i , $ i , $ i , $ i , $ i , $ i ] ⎪

whereas Ω i∈ { A Ω iB ,B Ω Ci , A Ω Ci } are matrices containing the joint rate velocities. In fact:

ω18i ]T ⎫
Ω Ci = [ 12 ω 13 13ω14 14ω 15 15ω16 16ω17
A i i i i

i ⎪
Ω Ci = [ 6 ω 7 7ω8i 8ω 9 9ω10
10ω11 11ω12 ]
B i i i T
⎬ (21)
i ⎪
Ω iB= [ 0 ω 1 1 ω2i 2ω i3 3ω4i 4ω5i 5ω6i ]T ⎪

The inverse velocity analysis consists of finding the joint rate velocities of the robot given a
prescribed velocity state of the end–effector–platform with respect to the fixed platform,
VO . This analysis is solved directly by means of expressions (18) and (19), however the
loss freedom of the end–effector–platform must be taken into proper account in order to
obtain the desired velocity state. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that the
Jacobians A J iB , B JCi and A JCi must be invertible, otherwise the robot is at singular
On the other hand, the forward velocity analysis consists of finding the velocity state A VOC ,
given the active joint rate velocities of the robot. It is interesting to note that due to the
decoupled architecture, the velocity state A VOB depends only of the three active joints
2 ω 3 ( i = 1, 2, 3) . Furthermore, since
i 3 4
$ i and 4 $ i5 are reciprocal to the remaining screws
representing the revolute joints in the same limbs, the application of the Klein form, {∗; ∗},
between the velocity state A VOB and these reciprocal screws, the reduction of terms leads to

J 1 Δ AVOB = [0 2ω 3 0 2ω 3 0 2ω 3 ]T
T 1 2 3

J 1 = [ 3 $ 14 ,4 $ 15 ,3 $ 24 , 4 $ 25 ,3 $ 34 , 4 $ 35 ] (23)

is the active Jacobian matrix between the middle and fixed platforms and

⎡O I ⎤
Δ=⎢ ⎥ (24)
⎣ I O⎦
is an operator of polarity defined by the 3 × 3 identity matrix I and the 3 × 3 zero matrix O.
Hence, the velocity state A VOB is obtained directly from the input/output velocity equation (22).
In order to compute the velocity state A VOC please note that the screws 16 $ i17 (i = 1, 2, 3) are
reciprocal to the remaining screws, in the same limb, representing the revolute joints of the
UPS–type limbs. Thus, after applying the Klein form between these screws and the velocity
state A VOC , the reduction of terms yields
DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 83

i ; VO } =14 ω 15 i = 1, 2, 3
{ 16 $ 17 A C
9 10
Similarly, the application of the Klein form of the screws $ ( i = 1, 2, 3) to both sides of Eq.
(18) allows to write

{ 9 $ i10 ; A VOC } = { 9 $ 10 A B
i ; VO } i = 1, 2, 3 (26)

Finally, casting in a matrix–vector form Eqs. (25) and (26) one obtains

⎡ 14 ω 115 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 14 ω 15 ⎥

⎢ ⎥
J 2 Δ AVOC = ⎢ 14 ω 15 ⎥
⎢{ 9 $ 10 ; A V B } ⎥
⎢ 9 110 A OB ⎥
⎢{ $ 2 ; VO } ⎥
⎢{ 9 $ 10 ; A V B } ⎥
⎣ 3 O ⎦


J 2 = [ 16 $ 117 ,16 $ 17 16 17 9 10 9 10 9 10
2 , $3 , $1 , $2 , $3 ] (28)

is the active Jacobian matrix between the output and fixed platforms.
Therefore the velocity state A VOC can be computed directly from the input/ output velocity
equation (27). Please note that the forward velocity analysis requires that the active Jacobian
matrices J1 and J 2 must be invertible, otherwise the manipulator is at a singular

5.3 Redundancy analysis of the robot D1

In what follows the redundancy of the robot under study is briefly explained. Firstly,
consider that according to section 3 AωB • Aτ B = BωC • Bτ C = 0 where Aτ B and Bτ C are,
respectively, normal vectors to the planes S1S2S3 and S4S5S6. Furthermore, taking into
account that AωC = AωB + BωC, then the loss rotation of the robot leads to
ω C • ( Aτ B + B τ C ) − A ω B • B τ C − B ω C • A τ B = 0 (29)

Equation (29) is called a zero–torsion condition and indicates that one element of the angular
velocity AωC can be written as a linear combination of its remaining components. With this
consideration in mind the velocity state A VOC can be considered, by using a proper reference
frame, as a five–dimensional vector which implies that it is possible to write, according to
Eqs. (22) and (27), A VOC in terms of first order coefficients (Gallardo–Alvarado & Rico–
Martínez, 2001) as
VOC = GQ + Q * (30)

where Q is a 5 × 1 matrix containing five of the six generalized or active joint rate velocities
which is affected by the 5 × 5 matrix G whose elements are the corresponding first order
coefficients of the chosen active joints while Q∗ is a 5×1 matrix formed with the remaining
active joint multiplied by its corresponding first order coefficients. Given a prescribed
84 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

velocity state A VOC , expression (30) indicates that the user can select five of the six active
joints and the remaining one can be used in order to avoid/escape from possible
singularities, if any. Furthermore, the extra active joint can be used with the purpose to
optimize trajectories. This feature is one of the main benefits of the robot D1.

5.4 Acceleration analysis

Let A ω C and A aOC be, respectively, the angular and linear accelerations of a point O of the
end–effector–platform. The reduced acceleration state, or accelerator, of the end–effector–
platform with respect to the fixed platform, A AOC = [ A ω C , A aOC − A ω C × A vOC ]T , can be obtained
trough the coupler and fixed platforms as
AOC = A AOB + B AOC + [ A VOB BVOC ] (31)

where B AOC is the accelerator of the coupler platform with respect to the fixed platform, B AOC
is the accelerator of the end–effector–platform with respect to the coupler platform.
Furthermore, these accelerators can be written in screw form as follows

A = Ji Ω i + Li A ∈ { A AOB ,B AOC , A AOC } i = 1, 2, 3 (32)

where Ω i ∈ { Ω i , Ω i , Ω i } are matrices containing the joint rate accelerations of the


corresponding limbs, whereas Li ∈ { A L iB ,B L Ci , A L Ci } are composed Lie products given by

16 ⎡ 17 ⎤⎫
L Ci = ∑⎢ j ω j + 1 i j $ ij + 1 ∑ k ω k + 1 i k $ ik + 1 ⎥ ⎪

j =12 k= j+1 ⎦⎪

10 11 ⎤ ⎪
L i = ∑ ⎢ j ω j + 1 i j $ ij + 1
∑ k k+1 i ⎥ ⎬
ω i k k +1
$ (33)
j =6 ⎣ k= j+1 ⎦ ⎪
4 ⎡ ⎪
5 ⎤⎪
L iB = ∑ ⎢ j ω j + 1 i j $ ij + 1 ∑ k ω k + 1i $ i
k k +1
j =0 ⎣ k= j+1 ⎦⎭

The inverse acceleration analysis consists of finding the joint rate accelerations of the robot
given a prescribed accelerator A AOC . This analysis is carried–out by means of expressions
(31) and (32).
On the other hand the forward acceleration analysis consists of finding the accelerator of the
end–effector–platform with respect to the fixed platform, A AOC , given the active joint rate
accelerations of the robot. This analysis is very close to the presented to solve the forward
velocity analysis, therefore only the obtained expressions are included here.
The accelerator A AOB can be computed upon the input/output acceleration expression

⎡ { 3 $ 14 ; A L 1B } ⎤
⎢ 1 4 5 A B ⎥
⎢ 2ω 3 + { $1 ; L 1 }⎥
⎢ {3 $ 4 ;A L B } ⎥
J1 Δ A AOB = ⎢ 2 4 5 A B ⎥
T 2 2
⎢ 2 ω + { $1 ; L 2 }⎥
⎢ 33 4 A B ⎥
⎢ { $3 ; L 3 } ⎥
⎢ 3 4 5 A B ⎥
⎣ 2ω 3 + { $3 ; L 3 }⎦
DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 85

whereas the reduced acceleration state AOC can be obtained from the input/ output
acceleration relationship

⎡ 14 ω 15 + { $ 1 ; L 1 }
1 16 17 A C

⎢ ⎥
14 ω 15 + { $ 1 ; L 2 }
2 16 17 A C
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
14 ω 15 + { $ 1 ; L 3 }
3 16 17 A C
J 2 Δ A AOC = ⎢ ⎥
⎢{ $ ; A + [ V V ] + L } ⎥
9 10 A B A B B C B C
⎢ 9 10 A B A B B C B C ⎥
1 O O O 1

⎢{ $ 2 ; AO + [ VO VO ] + L 2 } ⎥
⎢{ 9 $ 10 ; A AB + [ A V B BV C ] + B L C } ⎥
⎣ 3 O O O 3 ⎦

Finally, please note that the computation of the accelerators A AOB and A AOC , by means
respectively of expression (34) and (35), does not require the values of the passive joint rate
accelerations of the robot. Furthermore, once these reduced acceleration states are
calculated, the accelerator B AOC is obtained using expression (31).

6. Computer aided kinematic simulations

With the purpose to exemplify the performance of the D1 robot, in this section the kinematic
behavior of a virtual prototype, left image provided in Fig. 2, is simulated by means of the
commercially available software ADAMS©.
The parameters of the robot, using hereafter SI units, are given by

⎧ R1 = (0.3,0,0) ⎫
⎪ R = ( −0.125,0, −0.216) ⎪
⎪ 2 ⎪
⎪ R3 = ( −0.125,0,0.216) ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪U 1 = (0.5, −0.25,0) ⎪
⎪U = ( −0.215, −0.25, −0.337)⎪
⎨ 2 ⎬
⎪U 3 = ( −0.215, −0.25,0.337) ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪S1S2 = S1S3 = S3S2 = 0.173 ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪S4S5 = S4S6 = S5S6 = 0.311 ⎪
⎪S R = S R = S R = 0.125 ⎪
⎩ 1 4 2 5 3 6 ⎭
whereas in the home position the coordinates of the spherical joints Si(i = 1, 2, . . . , 6) and of
the tool tip T are given by

⎧S1 = (0.1, −0.5,0) ⎫

⎪S = ( −0.05, −0.05,0.086) ⎪
⎪ 2 ⎪
⎪S3 = ( −0.05, −0.05, −0.086)⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎨S4 = (0.18, −0.75,0) ⎬
⎪S = ( −0.09, −0.75, −0.155)⎪
⎪ 5

⎪S6 = ( −0.09, −0.75,0.155) ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎩T = (0, −1.0,0) ⎭
86 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

The inverse kinematics of the robot is proved simulating the D1 robot as a parallel kinematic
machine tool. To this end, two tasks are assigned to the tool tip:
• The robot will drill three holes
• The robot will mill a hexagon
In order to achieve these tasks, only five of the six available generalized coordinates are
required, therefore one of them, e.g. q3, should be locked. After, the required instantaneous
variations of the generalized coordinates satisfying such operations are provided in Fig. 4.




Length (meter)




0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
Time (sec)


Length (meter)



0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
Time (sec)

Fig. 4. The D1 robot working as a non–redundant five–degrees–of–freedom parallel

kinematic machine
On the other hand, the forward kinematics of the robot is simulated by using the six
generalized coordinates. In other words, the robot D1 is used as a redundant manipulator
with six active joints to realize five degrees of freedom in the output platform. To this end,
upon the home position of the robot D1, the active limbs are conditioned to the following
periodical variations

⎧Δq1 = −0.01sin(t ), Δq 2 = 0.0125sin(t ) ⎫

⎪Δq = 0.015sin(t )cos(t ), Δq = 0.1sin(t )cos(t )⎪
⎪ 3 4 ⎪
⎨ ⎬
⎪ 5 q = 0.075sin( t ), Δ q 6 = 0.125 sin
( t ) ⎪
⎪⎩0.0 ≤ t ≤ 2π ⎭⎪
DeLiA: A New Family of Redundant Robot Manipulators 87

With these data the most representative results of the simulation are provided in Fig. 5.



Length (meter)



0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Time (sec)

-0.9 0.05

Length (meter)

Length (meter)


-1.1 -0.2
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)

1.0 0.15




-1.0 -0.2
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)

1.0 0.35
0.0 0.15
-1.0 -0.05
-2.0 -0.25
-3.0 -0.45
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 5. Forward kinematics, six active joints to realize five degrees of freedom
88 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Finally, of course a virtual prototype is not the final word about the correctness performance
of a proposed manipulator, but it is an advisable option before the construction of a real

7. Conclusions
In this work a new class of redundant robot manipulators called DeLiA is introduced. The
main features of the proposed robots are:
• Symmetry
• Decoupled architecture. Only three of the six active limbs connect the end–effector–
platform to the fixed platform
• The forward position analysis, a challenging task of most parallel manipulators, is
carried–out by solving two sets of non–linear equations
• The proposed robot does not require of special conditions of mechanical assembly like
intersection of screws or similar
• The six active limbs are mounted on the fixed platform, simplifying the kinematics and
control of the robot
• Redundancy, the robot is endowed with an extra degree of freedom which can be used
with the purpose to avoid/escape from singular configurations, as well to optimize
trajectories. Any of the six active joints can play this role
Finally, D1, a member of the DeLiA robot family, is simulated as a five-degrees- of-freedom
parallel kinematic machine tool with the aid of commercially available software like

8. Acknowledgement
This work was supported by National Council of Science and Technology of México,

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Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and

Simulation Results of a Novel Underactuated
Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot)
Mohsen Moradi Dalvand and Bijan Shirinzadeh
Robotics and Mechatronics Research Laboratory (RMRL), Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria

1. Introduction
Being an inherently open loop unstable mechanical system with highly nonlinear dynamics
and with the number of actuators less than the number of degrees of freedom, the inverted
pendulum system is a perfect benchmark for the design of a wide range of classical and
contemporary control techniques. There are a number of different versions of the inverted
pendulum systems offering a variety of control challenges. The most common types are the
single inverted pendulum on a cart (Ohsumi & Izumikawa, 1995; Åström & Furuta, 2000;
Yoshida, 1999), the double inverted pendulum on a cart (Zhong & Rock, 2001), the double
inverted pendulum with an actuator at the first joint only (Pendubot) (Spong, 1996;
Graichen & Zeitz, 2005; Fantoni et al., 2000), the double inverted pendulum with an actuator
at the second joint only (Acrobot) (Spong, 1994; 1995; Hauser & Murray, 1990), the rotational
single-arm pendulum (Furuta et al., 1991; 1992) and the rotational two-arm pendulum
(Yamakita & Furuta, 1999). Beyond non-mobile inverted pendulum robots, wheeled
inverted pendulum robots or commonly known as balancing robots (e.g., Segway
(Browning et al., 2005), Quasimoro (Salerno & Angeles, 2003), and Joe (Grasser et al., 2002))
have induced much interests by researchers.
The control techniques involved in various types of inverted pendulum systems are also
numerous, ranging from simple conventional controllers to advanced control techniques
based on modern nonlinear control theory. A vast range of contributions exists for the
stabilization of different types of inverted pendulums (Mori et al., 1976; Chaturvedi et al.,
2008; Angeli, 2001). Besides the stabilization aspect, the swing-up of various types of single
and double inverted pendulum(s) is also addressed in the literature. Examples include
classic single pendulum on a cart (Åström et al., 2008; Åström & Furuta, 2000), Acrobot and
Pendubot (Fantoni et al., 2000; Spong, 1994; 1995; Graichen et al., 2007; Brown & Passino,
1997) and the rotary double inverted pendulum (Yamakita et al., 1993; 1995). In addition to
the stabilization and swing-up of different kinds of inverted pendulum robots, trajectory
tracking of these underactuated systems has gained attention by researches (Cho & Jung,
2003; Chanchareon et al., 2006; Hung et al., 1997; Magana & Holzapfel, 1998). There are two
major approaches to construct the trajectory tracking controller for such nonlinear systems.
The first one is based on system inversion (Devasia et al., 1996; Wang & Chen, 2006) and the
92 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

second approach is based on output regulation theory (Isidori & Byrnes, 1990; Qian & Lin,
2002; Hirschorn & Aranda-Bricaire, 1998). Extensive controller developments have also been
achieved by researchers for mobile inverted pendulum robots over the last decade (Salerno
& Angeles, 2007; Pathak et al., 2005; Tsuchiya et al., 1999).
This chapter studies a novel underactuated wheeled manipulator (WAcrobot) comprising an
underactuated 2-DOF planar manipulator or an unstable double inverted pendulum
(Acrobot) combined with a balancing robot. The WAcrobot has two independent driving
wheels in same axis, and two gyro type sensors to determine the inclination angular velocity
of two arms and rotary encoders to know wheels and arms rotation individually. Due to its
configuration with two coaxial wheels, each wheel is coupled to a geared dc motor. The
manipulator is able to do stationary U-turns while keeping balance and manipulating. Such
manipulator is of interest because it has a small foot-print and can turn on dime. The design,
dynamic modeling and tracking control of this novel mobile manipulator is discussed in this
chapter for the first time. This chapter aims at achieving three different types of trajectory
tracking control tasks for a) wheels, b) first or second arm and c) wheels and one of the arms
simultaneously, while the WAcrobot stabilization is guaranteed by the system internal
equilibria calculation. The tracking controller is designed using the Gain Scheduling method
that is based on the idea of the linearisation of the system equations around certain
operating points and design of a linear controller for each region of operation (Lawrence &
Rugh, 1993; Shamma & Athans, 1990a)]. For the design of the linear controller, we consider
the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) model to stabilize the WAcrobot around any point
over the equilibrium manifold. We verified the effectiveness of the designed control system
via numerical simulation visualized by graphical simulation to illustrate the physical
response of the WAcrobot.
In the following sections of this chapter the dynamic model of the wheeled manipulator
(WAcrobot) is firstly presented. Then the equilibrium manifold of the WAcrobot is
investigated. After that the stabilization controller based on LQR technique is proposed.
Then by employing Gain Scheduling method, for any given trajectory of wheels and/or
arm(s), the trajectories of the rest of DOF of the WAcrobot is determined such that during
the trajectory tracking the WAcrobot system is stabilized. Numerical and graphical
simulations for three types of tracking control tasks are given to show the effectiveness of
the proposed scheme.

2. Dynamics of WAcrobot
The mechanism of the WAcrobot is shown in Figure 1 schematically. The WAcrobot
(Wheeled Acrobot) is an underactuated mechanical system consisting of an underactuated
planar manipulator (Acrobot), a double inverted pendulum robot with an actuator at the
second joint only (Figure 1-a), which is combined with a balancing robot (Figure 1-b) or
equipped with two actuated wheels and has the capability to be as an underactuated
wheeled manipulator. The mathematical model of the WAcrobot can be derived using the
Euler-Lagrange equation. The form of the Euler-Lagrangian equation used here is:

d ⎡ ∂L ⎤ ∂L
⎢ ⎥− =τ (1)
dt ⎣ ∂q ⎦ ∂q
Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and Simulation Results
of a Novel Underactuated Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot) 93

Active Joint
Passive Joint



Fig. 1. WAcrobot, Acrobot (a) and Wheeled Inverted Pendulum (b)

where L = T – V is a Lagrangian, T is kinetic energy, V is potential energy, τ = [τ1 0 τ2]T is the
input generalized force vector produced by two actuators at wheels and second arm,
q = [q1 q2 q3]Tε R3 is generalized coordinate vector which is selected as q = [θ1 θ2 θ3]T where θ1,
θ2 and θ3 are angular positions of wheels, first arm, and second arm of the WAcrobot,
respectively. The kinetic and potential energies of the WAcrobot’s components in terms of
generalized coordinates can be determined as:

1 / ( I + (m + m + m )l 2 )θ 2 + 1 / ( m l 2 + I )θ 2 + m l l θ θ cos(θ ) = T (2)

2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 c3 3 3 3 c3 2 2 3 3

+ 1 /2 (2 m3cos(θ 3 )l2 lc 3 + m2 lc22 + m3l22 + m3lc23 + I 2 + I 3 )θ22 + m3lc 3lc 3θ2θ3

+ l1 ((m2 lc 2 + m3l2 )cos(θ 2 ) + m3lc 3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 ))θ1θ2 + m3l1lc 3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 )θ1θ3

(m1 + m2 + m3 )l1 g + m3lc 3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 ) g + (m2 lc 2 + m3l2 )cos(θ 2 ) g = V (3)

Differentiating the Lagrangian (L = T – V) by generalized coordinate vector θ and θ yields

Euler-Lagrange Equation (1) as:

((m1 + m2 + m3 )l12 + I 1 )θ1 + l1 (lc 3m3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 ) + cos(θ 2 )(m2 lc 2 + m3l2 ))θ2 = τ1 (4)

+ m3l1lc 3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 )θ3 − l1 (lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 ) + (l2 m3 + lc 2 m2 )sin(θ 2 ))θ22

−l1lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 )θ32 − 2l1lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 )θ2θ3

94 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

l1 ( lc 3m3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 ) + (m2 lc 2 + m3l2 )cos(θ 2 ))θ1 + m3lc 3 ( lc 3 + l2cos(θ 3 ))θ3 = 0 (5)

+(m2 lc22 + m3 (lc23 + l22 ) + I 2 + I 3 + 2 m3l2 lc 3cos(θ 3 ))θ2 − m3l2 lc 3sin(θ 3 )θ32

−(m3lc 3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 ) + ( m3l2 + m2 lc 2 )sin(θ 2 )) g − 2m3l2 lc 3sin(θ 3 )θ2θ3

l1lc 3m3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 )θ1 + m3lc 3 ( lc 3 + l2cos(θ 3 ))θ2 + (m3lc23 + I 3 )θ3 = τ2 (6)

+l2 lc 3m3sin(θ 3 )θ22 − lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 ) g

Equations (4), (5) and (6) can be put into the frequently used compact form (Spong & Block,

M(θ )θ + C (θ ,θ )θ + G(θ ) = τ (7)

where θ = [θ1 θ2 θ3] ∈R is the generalized coordinate vector, M(θ )∈R is the symmetric
T 3 3×3

positive definite inertia matrix, C(θ, θ ) θ ∈R3 contains Coriolis and centrifugal terms,
G(θ )∈R3 contains gravitational terms and τ = [τ1 0 τ2]T is the input generalized force vector.

⎡ M 11 M12 M 13 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ (8)
M (q ) = ⎢ M 21 M 22 M 23 ⎥ ,
⎢⎣ M 31 M 32 M 33 ⎥⎦


M11 = (m1 + m2 + m3 )l12 + I 1

M 12 = M 21 = l1 (lc 3m3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 ) + cos(θ 2 )(m2 lc 2 + m3l2 ))
M 13 = M 31 = m3l1lc 3cos(θ 2 + θ 3 )
M 22 = m2 lc22 + m3 (lc23 + l22 ) + I 2 + I 3 + 2m3l2 lc 3cos(θ 3 )
M 23 = M 32 = m3lc 3 (lc 3 + l2cos(θ 3 ))
M 33 = m3lc23 + I 3

C (θ ,θ)θ = [ H 1 H 2 H 3 ]T (9)


H 1 = −l1 (lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 ) + (l2 m3 + lc 2 m2 )sin(θ 2 ))θ22

−l1lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 )θ32 − 2l1lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 )θ2θ3

H 2 = −2 m3l2 lc 3sin(θ 3 )θ2θ3 − m3l2 lc 3sin(θ 3 )θ32

H 3 = +l2 lc 3m3sin(θ 3 )θ22

Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and Simulation Results
of a Novel Underactuated Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot) 95


G(θ ) = [G1 G2 G3 ]T (10)

G1 = 0

G2 = −(m3lc 3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 ) + (m3l2 + m2 lc 2 )sin(θ 2 )) g

G3 = −lc 3m3sin(θ 2 + θ 3 ) g
and g is the gravitational acceleration. The parameters of the WAcrobot are defined in Table
1. Equation (7) represents the underactuated and nonlinear system of the WAcrobot
including two input torques applied to wheels and second arm (τ1 and τ2), two active DOFs
(θ1 and θ3) and one passive DOF (θ2).

θi (i = 1,2, 3) Angular rotation of the wheels and arms

mi (i = 1,2, 3) Mass of wheels and arms
lci(i = 2, 3) Length from the joint to the center of the gravity of the arms
li(i = 1, 2,3) Radius of the wheels and length of arms
Ii(i = 1,2,3) Inertia moment around the center of gravity
Table 1. Definition of Parameters

3. Tracking control
The tracking controller of the WAcrobot is designed using the Gain Scheduling method
based on the linearisation of the system equations around certain equilibrium points in a
first stage followed by the design of a linear controller for each region of tracking operation
in a second stage. For the design of the linear controller, we consider the Linear Quadratic
Regulator (LQR) model to stabilize the WAcrobot around any operating point over the
equilibrium manifold.

3.1 Equilibrium manifold

Underactuated mechanical systems generally have equilibria which depend on both their
kinematic and dynamic parameters (Bortoff & Spong, 1992). In these systems, to track a
trajectory while balancing is guaranteed, it is vital to consider the equilibrium manifold.
Beyond the unforced equilibria of the WAcrobot, (θ, θ ) = (θ1,π, 0, 0, 0,0) (lower or pendent
equilibrium) and (θ, θ ) = (θ1, 0, 0, 0, 0,0) (upper or inverted equilibrium), it has a manifold of
forced equilibrium points. Generally the WAcrobot is at rest or particularly at equilibrium
point whenever θ 1eq , θ2 eq and θ3eq are zero and the joint torque τeq = [τ1eq 0 τ2eq ]T is such that
to equalize G(θ) in Equation (7). So this set of equilibrium points consists of all states where

θeq = θeq = 0 (11)

G(θ eq ) = τ eq (12)

If the outputs that are required to track a trajectory include the first arm, it follows from
Equations (7), (10), (11) and (12) that:
96 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators



θ +θ3 (rad)



-1.5 C=1.0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
θ (rad)

Fig. 2. Equilibrium set points according to the different values of parameter C

τ1 = 0

τ 2 = (m3l2 + m2 lc 2 ) gsin(θ 2 )
eq eq

m3l2 + m2 lc 2
θ 3 + θ 2 = arcsin[ −( )sin(θ 2 eq )] (14)
eq eq
m3lc 3

Since the value of the absolute angular position of the second arm with respect to the
vertical direction θ 3a = θ 3 + θ 2 cannot be imaginary, the condition for the existence of the
eq eq eq
equilibrium from Equation (14) may be written:

m3l2 + m2 lc 2
C= ≤1 (15)
m3lc 3

Figure 2 illustrates equilibrium set points derived from Equation (14) according to different
values of parameter C from Equation (15). It demonstrates how value of parameter C affects
θ 3a corresponding to any given θ 2 in which the WAcrobot is stabilized. By decreasing

parameter C, the required θ 3a , corresponding to the desired θ 2 to stabilize the robot,

eq eq

decreases and to decrease parameter C, the second arm should be long and heavy which is
not suitable. On the other hand, for any given angular position of the first arm, if the second
arm is long and heavy, it needs smaller angular changes to stabilize the WAcrobot and vice
versa. Therefore there needs to be a trade-off between the ranges of the rotational motions of
arms and the volume and weight of the WAcrobot. In particular, for any given m3, if the
specification of the first arm (m2, l2 and lc2) are given, Equation (15) is only true if lc3 ≥ (m3l2 +
m2lc2)/m3 and for any given lc3, it is only true if m3 ≥ m2lc2/(lc3 –l2). Considering l2 = 2lc2 and l3 =
2lc3, we can simplify Equation (15) as:

l3 m
≥ (2 + 2 ) (16)
l2 m3
Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and Simulation Results
of a Novel Underactuated Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot) 97

From the other point of view, if the trajectory tracking of the second arm is desired, it
follows from Equations (7), (10), (11) and (12) that:

τ 1eq = 0

τ 2 eq = −m3lc 3 gsin(θ 3aeq ) (17)

m3lc 3
θ 2 eq = arcsin[ −( )sin(θ 3a )] (18)
m3l2 + m2 lc 2 eq

Since the value of the angular position of the first arm ( θ 2 ) cannot be imaginary, the

condition for the existence of the equilibrium from Equation (18) is:

m3lc 3
C −1 = ≤1 (19)
m3l2 + m2 lc 2

Considering l2 = 2lc2 and l3 = 2lc3, we can simplify Equation (19) as:

l3 m
≤ (2 + 2 ) (20)
l2 m3

3.2 Stabilization
The balancing controller is designed using the well known Linear Quadratic Regulator
(LQR) method based on the linearised plant model around any equilibrium point. The LQR
is a controller for state variable feedback in such a way that u = –Kx is the input so that the
value of K is obtained from minimization of the cost function J = ∫ ∞
0 (x’Qx + u’Ru)dt where
matrix Q and R are positive semidefinite matrix and symmetric positive definite matrix that
penalize the state error and the control effort, respectively.

3.3 Gain scheduling

Jacobian linearisation or linearisation about an equilibrium point is the technique for
transforming original system models into equivalent models with simpler form. Since the
linearization is about a single point, trajectory tracking can only be guaranteed in a
sufficiently small region of states about that point. There are several methods for
circumventing this problem; one of the most common is Gain Scheduling (Shamma &
Athans, 1990b). Control of nonlinear systems by Gain Scheduling is based on the idea of the
linearising the system equations around certain operating points, and the design of a linear
controller for each region of operation over the entire motion envelope (Cloutier et al., 1996;
Dorato et al., 1994; Langson, 1997). The controller coefficients are varied continuously
according to the value of the scheduling variable. In fact, this can be performed in a more or
less continuous fashion using a technique called extended linearisation (Baumann & Rugh,
In broad terms, according to (WJ & Shamma, 2000), the design of a gain scheduled controller
for nonlinear plant of the WAcrobot can be described with a six-step procedure, though
98 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

various technical methods are available in each step. The first step involves finding
θ 3a or θ 2 in all operating points, for each desired θ 2 or θ 3a , using Equations 14 or 18
eq eq eq eq

respectively. The second step is the calculation of the joint torque required to keep the
WAcrobot at desired θ 2 (or θ 3a ) and calculated θ 3a (or θ 2 ). The third step is the
eq eq eq eq

computation of a linear parameter varying model for the plant. The most common approach
is to linearise the nonlinear plant around a selection of equilibrium points. This results in a
family of operating points. The fourth step is to design a family of controllers for the
linearised models in each operating point. Because of the linearised model, linear controller
design methods such as LQR can be used to stabilize the system around the operating point.
The fifth step is the actual Gain Scheduling. Gain Scheduling involves the implementation of
the family of linear controllers such that the controller coefficients are scheduled according
to the current value of the scheduling variables which are θ 2 or θ 3a . The last step is the
eq eq

performance assessment that can be performed analytically or by using extensive

computational analysis and simulation.

3.4 Computational analysis and simulation

In order to verify the validity of the Gain Scheduling method for trajectory tracking of
different types of reference trajectories in the WAcrobot, we carried out computational
analyses and visual simulations using MATLAB/Simulink® package integrated with
ADAMS® simulation software. Three types of tracking control tasks for wheels and/or
arm(s) have been evaluated which are presented in this section. The simulations are
performed with the following parameters given in Table 2.

Wheels/Arms Wheels First arm Second arm

mi [kg] 1.22 0.28 0.72
li [m] 0.05 0.15 0.45
lci [kg] — 0.075 0.225
Ii [kg.m2] 1.53E-003 5.98E-004 1.3138E-002
Table 2. Parameters of the WAcrobot
In table 2, parameter l, for wheels, means radius while for arms means length. From
Equation (15) and Table 2, we obtain C=0.763. It is supposed that the WAcrobot starts the
trajectory tracking from its unforced inverted equilibrium position. Therefore the initial
conditions are as follow:

θ1 = 0 θ2 = 0 θ3 = 0 θ1 = 0 θ2 = 0 θ3 = 0 τ1 = 0 τ2 = 0

Q and R in the optimal regulators for simulations are designed as:

Q = diag([10, 100, 100, 0, 0,0])

R = diag([0.1, 0.1])
It must be noted that in order to have better sense of motion, the angular position and
velocity of the second arm are considered as absolute states and are plotted with respect to
the vertical direction not relative to the first arm.
Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and Simulation Results
of a Novel Underactuated Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot) 99

3.4.1 Wheels tracking

The control objective is that the wheels to follow a trajectory with linear segments and
parabolic blends while both arms are balancing inverted close to their initial positions.
Practically this task is that the WAcrobot smoothly starts moving at x = 0 (m) and gently
stops at x = 1.5 (m) while both arms are stabilized during the movement. Figure 3 shows the
computational analysis results. In this figure the responses of angular position and velocity
of the wheels and arms as well as applied torques to actuated DOFs are shown respectively.
Tracking errors are calculated for the linear position and velocity of the WAcrobot, as shown
in Figure 4. It should be noted that this control task can be defined as tracking problem for
wheels while the arms, instead of being at inverted position, are at any point over the
equilibrium manifold. Assume that the WAcrobot is balanced while the first arm is at 1
(rad). In this case the absolute angular position of the second arm and the input torque for
the second joint required to keep the arms balanced at the specified angular positions, are
calculated using Equations (13) and (14). Therefore the initial conditions for this simulation
are as follow:

θ1 = 0 θ2 = 1 θ3 = –0.7343 θ1 = 0 θ2 = 0 θ3 = 0 τ1 = 0 τ2 = –1.065

Figure 5 demonstrates a superimposed snapshot of the graphical simulation for two
tracking problems of the WAcrobot’s wheels while the arms are at the inverted position and
are at another point over the equilibrium manifold. It is clear from both numerical and
graphical simulations that the WAcrobot’s wheels track a specified trajectory while both
arms are close to the inverted position or a defined position over the equilibrium manifold
at all times during the movement.
5.00 1.000
dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.00 θ1 desired 0.000

θ (rad)

θ1 actual -1.000
-10.00 -2.000
-20.00 -3.000
-25.00 -4.000 dθ
θ1/dt desired

-30.00 -5.000 dθ
θ1/dt actual
-35.00 -6.000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.080 0.250
dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.060 0.200 dθ
θ2/dt desired
0.040 0.150
θ (rad)

θ2/dt actual
0.020 0.050
0.000 0.000
-0.020 -0.050
-0.040 θ2 desired -0.100
θ2 actual -0.150
-0.060 -0.200
-0.080 -0.250
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.025 0.060
dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.020 θ3 desired
0.015 0.040
θ (rad)

θ3 actual
0.010 0.020
0.000 0.000
-0.010 -0.020 dθ
θ3/dt desired
-0.015 -0.040 dθ
θ3/dt actual
-0.025 -0.060
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.050 0.060
θ torque (N.m)

θ torque (N.m)

0.040 T2
0.030 0.040
0.020 θ 0.020 θ
0.000 0.000
-0.020 -0.020
-0.030 T1 -0.040
-0.050 -0.060
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s) time (s)

Fig. 3. The simulation responses of positions, velocities and torques for the wheels tracking
100 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

0.020 0.040
θ position (m)

0.015 tracking error 0.030

θ speed (m/s)
0.010 0.020
0.005 θ 0.010 θ
0.000 0.000
-0.005 -0.010
-0.010 -0.020
-0.015 -0.030 tracking error
-0.020 -0.040
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s) time (s)

Fig. 4. Tracking errors for the linear position and velocity of the wheels for wheels tracking

Fig. 5. Superimposed snapshot of the visualized simulation of the wheels tracking task while
the arms are in inverted position (left) and are not in inverted position (right)

T2 desired
θ1 desired
1.0 θ2 desired
θ (rad) and torque (N.m)

θ3 desired




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (s)

Fig. 6. The desired and calculated trajectories for the wheels, arms and time-varying torque

3.4.2 Arms tracking

Another tracking control objective defined for the WAcrobot is that the first arm to follow a
trajectory with linear segments and parabolic blends while the WAcrobot’s wheels are fixed
in the initial position. Practically this task is that the first arm to smoothly start rotating from
the inverted position and stop at a special angular position while wheels have no rotation
during the tracking. To make the first arm to track the desired trajectory, the second arm
should also track a calculated trajectory to make the WAcrobot stabilized during the
tracking motion. Therefore the tracking problem for the first arm is also a tracking problem
for the second arm. Figure 6 shows the desired and calculated trajectories for the first and
second arm as well as the calculated time-varying torque required to be applied at the
second joint to keep the WAcrobot balanced. Tracking errors of the linear and angular
positions and velocities of the wheels, first arm and second arm are displayed in Figure 7
from top to bottom, respectively.
Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and Simulation Results
of a Novel Underactuated Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot) 101

position (m)

speed (m/s)
0.003 0.010
0.002 0.005
0.001 0.000
0.000 -0.005
-0.001 -0.010
-0.002 -0.015
-0.003 -0.020
-0.004 tracking error -0.025 tracking error
-0.005 -0.030
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.150 0.500

dθ/dt (rad/s)
θ2 tracking error 0.400 dθ
θ2/dt tracking error
0.100 0.300
θ (rad)

0.050 0.200
0.000 0.000
-0.050 -0.100
-0.100 -0.300
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.040 0.100

θ dθ/dt (rad/s)
0.030 0.080 dθ
θ3/dt tracking error
0.020 0.060
θ (rad)

0.010 θ 0.040 θ
0.000 0.020
-0.010 -0.020
-0.020 -0.040
-0.030 θ3 tracking error
-0.040 -0.080

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (s) time (s)

Fig. 7. Tracking errors of the positions and velocities of the wheels and arms for arms
Simulation results are shown in Figure 8. In this figure the simulation responses of angular
positions and velocities of wheels and arms as well as applied torques to actuated degrees of
freedom are demonstrated, respectively. To show the correlation between the computational
analysis results and the WAcrobot physical response, the graphical simulation is prepared
and is shown in Figure 9.

0.060 0.300
dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.040 0.200
0.020 0.100
θ (rad)

0.000 0.000
-0.020 -0.100
-0.040 θ1 desired -0.300 dθ
θ1/dt desired
-0.060 -0.400
-0.080 θ1 actual dθ
θ1/dt actual
-0.100 -0.600
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.400 1.000
dθ/dt (rad/s)

1.200 θ2 desired 0.800 dθ

θ2/dt desired
1.000 0.600
θ (rad)

θ2 actual dθ
θ2/dt actual
0.800 0.200
0.600 0.000
0.400 -0.200
0.200 -0.400
0.000 -0.800
-0.200 -1.000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.200 0.600
dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.000 0.400
θ (rad)

-0.200 0.200
-0.400 0.000
-0.600 -0.200
-0.800 θ3 desired -0.400 dθ
θ3/dt desired
-1.000 θ3 actual -0.600 dθ
θ3/dt actual
-1.200 -0.800
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.100 0.100
θ torque (N.m)

θ torque (N.m)

T1 0.000
0.050 -0.100
0.000 θ -0.200 θ
-0.050 -0.400
-0.100 -0.500
-0.600 T2
-0.150 -0.700
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (s) time (s)

Fig. 8. The simulation responses of positions, velocities and torques for the first arm tracking
102 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 9. Snapshots of the visualized simulation for the arms tracking task

3.4.3 Wheels and arm tracking

The most complicated task is that the first arm to follow a trajectory while the wheels are
tracking another specified trajectory. In other words, this task is that the first arm to track
the trajectory while the WAcrobot starts moving from the initial position (x = 0 (m)) and stop
at x = 1.6 (m) smoothly. Both specified trajectories are linear segments with parabolic blends
and are shown in Figure 10. Also the calculated trajectories for the angular position of the
second arm as well as the input torque required at the second joint are also plotted in Figure
T2 desired
θ(rad) and T(N.m) (θ1=25*θ*1)

θ*1 desired
θ2 desired
θ3 desired




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)

Fig. 10. The desired and calculated trajectories for the wheels, arms and time-varying torque

# Description
b d
a LQR Gains

c Switching
c nonlinear
f Reference
d Generator
e Calculation
a e f

Fig. 11. The Simulink® block diagram of the WAcrobot system with tracking controller
The WAcrobot system with gain scheduling tracking controller simulated in Simulink® is
illustrated in Figure 11. Figure 12 shows the simulation results of the wheels and arm
tracking task. In this figure the simulation responses of the angular positions and velocities
Dynamic Modelling, Tracking Control and Simulation Results
of a Novel Underactuated Wheeled Manipulator (WAcrobot) 103

of wheels and arms as well as applied torques to actuated DOFs are shown. Figure 13
respectively displays the tracking errors of the linear and angular positions and velocities of
the wheels and arms from top to bottom. Figure 14 shows a superimposed snapshot of the
visualized simulation of the WAcrobot while wheels are tracking the specified trajectory
and the first arm is tracking another specified trajectory simultaneously. The simulation
results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control methodology and the developed
5.00 1.000

dθ/dt (rad/s)
0.00 θ1 desired 0.000
-5.00 -1.000
θ (rad)

θ1 actual
-10.00 -2.000
-15.00 -3.000
-20.00 -5.000 dθ
θ1/dt desired
-25.00 -6.000
-30.00 dθ
θ1/dt actual
-35.00 -8.000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.600 0.800

dθ/dt (rad/s)
1.400 θ2 desired 0.600
1.200 0.400
θ (rad)

θ2 actual
1.000 0.200
0.800 0.000
0.600 -0.200
0.400 -0.600 dθ
θ2/dt desired
0.200 -0.800 dθ
θ2/dt actual
0.000 -1.000
-0.200 -1.200
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.200 0.600
dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.000 0.400
θ (rad)

-0.200 0.200
-0.600 θ3 desired -0.400 dθ
θ3/dt desired
-0.800 θ3 actual -0.600 dθ
θ3/dt actual
-1.000 -0.800
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.100 0.200
θ torque (N.m)

θ torque (N.m)

0.050 -0.200
0.000 θ -0.400 θ
-0.050 -0.800
-0.100 -1.000
T1 -1.200 T2
-0.150 -1.400
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s) time (s)

Fig. 12. The simulation responses of positions, velocities and torques for the manipulator
0.025 0.06
position (m)

0.020 tracking error

speed (m/s)

0.015 0.04
0.010 0.02
0.000 0.00
-0.010 -0.02
-0.015 -0.04
-0.020 tracking error
-0.025 -0.06
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.25 0.50
dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.20 θ2 tracking error 0.40 dθ

θ2/dt tracking error
θ (rad)

0.15 0.20
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.00
-0.00 -0.10
-0.05 -0.30
-0.10 -0.40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.04 0.08
θ dθ/dt (rad/s)

0.03 θ3 tracking error 0.06

0.02 0.04
θ (rad)

0.01 θ 0.02 θ
0.00 0.00
-0.01 -0.02
-0.02 -0.04
-0.03 -0.06 dθ
θ3/dt tracking error
-0.04 -0.08

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s) time (s)

Fig. 13. Tracking errors of the positions and velocities of the wheels and arms
104 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 14. Superimposed snapshot of the graphical simulation of the wheels and arms tracking

4. Conclusion
In this chapter the WAcrobot, a novel underactuated manipulator which is the combination
of a well-known double inverted pendulum (Acrobot) and a wheeled inverted pendulum,
was proposed and the tracking control algorithm of this mobile manipulator was
investigated. The balancing controller is designed using the well known Linear Quadratic
Regulator (LQR) method and the tracking controller was designed on the basis of the Gain
Scheduling control strategy. Three different types of trajectory tracking tasks were
investigated including tracking of a) wheels, b) first or second arm and c) wheels and first or
second arm simultaneously.
This chapter also provided numerical and graphical simulation results to validate the
obtained theoretical results and to demonstrate the correlation between the numerical
results and the WAcrobot physical response. Simulation results illustrated good
performance results for different tracking controls designed based on the Gain Scheduling
Research into the control of this novel robotic system is just in the beginning and there are a
number of research problems that remain to be addressed. It would be desirable to develop
the theory of robust and adaptive controller for swing-up control problem of the WAcrobot.

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Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of

Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity
Robotics with Improved Performance
Based on Parallel Architecture
Luc Rolland
Ecole Normale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, Metz

1. Introduction
This article studies several classes of linear actuators based on parallel topology featuring
lower mobility.
Translation actuator design represents a very important issue in manipulator design in areas
like machine tools for example and more recently hexapods. Actual designs are usually
limited to low accelerations actually limited to 2 g. Moreover, alignment problems are
difficult to circumvent and usually lead to non-uniform friction in the translation motion
refered as hard spots. Despite important breakthroughs, linear motors are still limited to
accelerations of 5g and they are plagued by problems such as surrounding magnetisation
and limited torque. As for any parallel mechanisms, the proposed architectures do provide
for a more rigid linkage. Their rigidity advantage leads to larger actuator bandwidth,
thereby allowing for increased accelerations which result in larger forces being applicable to
the extremity while keeping overall mass very low. The main disadvantage will be their
transverse emcumbrance which will be minimized through mechanism networking.
Two diamond and one rhombus configurations have been designed, analyzed, constructed
and compared verifying their ability for very fast accelerations. Their kinematics are
investigated allowing to write the forward and inverse problems for position, velocity and
accelerations where closed-form solutions are determined. Motion limitations and
singularity analysis are also provided from which configuration recommendations can be
derived. These actuators will then be easily controllable despite their non-linear nature.
In parallel manipulators, the prismatic pairs are usually encountered as the linear actuators
for several architectures such as the planar 3RPR, the general Gough platform, (Gough &
Whitehall, 1962; Fichter, Kerr and Rees-Jones) and the Kanuk (Rolland, 1999) for examples.
These prismatic actuators, may they be guided or not, do play a very important role in
robotics design and their performance has been an issue. According to the author’s
obsevration on several high speed milling projects, these actuators have been hampering the
advent of high speed milling by being unable to provide for adequate accelerations in low
inertia and high rigidity packages.
108 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

(a) Unimate (b) Versatran (c) Stanford Arm

Fig. 1. Cylindrical robots
Typically, contemporary linear actuators have generally evolved in devices which can be
classified under the nine following categories:
• Piston in a Cylinder or diaphragm being driven by a fluid
• Linear motors
• machine screw and nut
• A worm gear and screw
• Rack and pinion
• Belts and pulleys
• Cam and plunger
• Crank-slider
• Linkages
Lets consider Euclid’s definition of a straight line: ”A straight line is a line which lies evenly
with the points on itself”, (Euclid, 2002).
A straight line mechanism is defined as a mechanism that generates a straight-line output
motion from an input actuator which rotates, oscillates, or moves in a straight line.
Inventing a straight line mechanism, referred as SLM hereafter, has been the concern of
many researchers and engineers long before the industrial revolution. The use of linkages as
SLM can be traced as far back as in the XIII century when sawmill drawings showed
mechanisms for changing circular motion to straight-line motion. Even Da Vinci himself has
drawn one mechanism to convert rotation to translation having slides acting as guides
(DaVinci, 1493). Door locking mechanisms are other old examples where the rotation of the
key was converted into translation motion of the lock element.
In 1603, Christopher Scheiner invented the pantograph, (Scheiner, 1631). It may be regarded
as the first example of the four-bar linkage. The pantograph is a device for copying and
enlarging drawings. Knowing that the actuator is located to one end, this device can be
made to move on a straight-line providing that the input follows a straight-line, therefore
becoming a pure amplification linkage.
In the late seventeenth century, it was extremely difficult to machine straight line and flat
surfaces. Knowing that prismatic pair construction without backlash had become an
important and difficult challenge, much effort was then diverted towards the coupler curve
of a linkage comprising only revolute joints which were much easier to produce.
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 109

Fig. 2. Typical linear actuator

Later, James Watt proposed a four-bar mechanism generating motion approximating
roughly a straight-line. We would have to wait until 1864 when Peaucellier introduced the
first planar linkage capable of transforming rotary motion into exact straight-line motion.
Until this invention, no planar mechanism existed for producing straight-line motion
without reference guideways which could not be made very straight themselves.
It was soon followed by the grasshopper linkage which also provided for an exact straight-
line. These mechanisms were essential in the development of steam engines and machine
tools. Then, Hart’s Linkage and A-frame both reduce the link number to only five.
The Kmoddl library from Cornell University presents 39 linkages imagined to produce
linear motion which come from Franz Reuleaux Collection of Kinematic Mechanisms
(Reuleaux, 1876; Moon, 2007). Most of them feature relatively complex architectures where
linkages cannot easily be practically applied in systems such as robots or milling machines.
Several proposals were patented trying to simplify the linkage producing straight-line
motion. In the class of nearly straight line linkages, one can identify several linkages by
inventors such as Hoekens, Chebyshev, Evans, Roberts and Burmester. With appropriate
linkage dimensions, part of the motion can be a straigth line. Hoekens linkage can be
considered a Cognate linkage of the Chebyshev linkage since it produces a similar motion
pattern. These simpler designs always applied the properties of special points on one of the
links of a four-bar linkage. They could often produce straight-lines over some limited range
of their motion. The commonality of all these ingenious mechanisms is in the fact that they
feature linkages based on closed loops or so-called parallel topology.
Very early on, the designers were faced with the fact that a prismatic pair or joint is much
more difficult to build than a revolute joint. This is even more the case when trying to have a
linear actuator, (Soylemez, 1999). This observation holds on even today.
Practically, parallel mechanism architectures have been able to provide solutions to
industrial problems and needs with improved performance manipulators.
Theoritically, they may even improve accuracy but this is still an open problem at the
moment, especially when control in concerned.
When the proposed configurations allow to bring the actuators fixed on or jointed to the
base, the inertia of mobile elements can be significantly reduced so the extremity or end-
effector can move at higher accelerations resulting in the deliverance of larger forces.
110 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 3. Scheiner pantograph

The principal drawback which shall be studied is the construction of kinematics models
characterized by non-linear equations where an implicit relationship is produced between
the manipulator configuration parameters, actuator joint positions and the end-effector
position and orientation.
The simplest forms of parallel manipulators are the ones producing one degree-of-freedom.
Performance evaluation for these single DOF mechanisms includes the four following
• workspace
• singularity avoidance
• linkage ecumbrance
• linearity in motion transmission
In a one DOF problem, the workspace criteria is then reduced to a simple range with two
extremum values te be determined: the minimal and maximal positions.
Moreover, the design of machine-tools based on parallel robots have been concerned by
problems related to inherent difficulties with prismatic actuator designs which have
hampered their successful implementation.
This paper original contribution is in the design of a new generation of linear actuators for
increased performance where planar parallel linkages are applied. For example, if
implemented to replace classical linear actuators on Gough platform or even planar 3RPR
manipulators, they allow to bring the motors in positions directly jointed to the base.
The introduction is followed by chapter on kinematic topology synthesis consisting of a
review of various kinds of mechanisms to provide straight-line motion where mobility is
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 111

analyzed. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the kinematics analysis of several promising alternatives

based on the four-bar mechanism. Then, chapter four investigates the selected performance
criterias. This paper closes on a design chapter where prototypes are shown with motion
analysis in terms of position, velocity and acceleration.

2. Kinematics topology synthesis

Firstly, in this section, we shall make a review of some interesting planar mechanisms which
can perform the specified set of functionnal requirements. In this case the tasks shall be to
achieve straight-line motion.

2.1 Background study

We need two definitions related to degree-of-freedoms.
The DOF of the space is defined as the number of independant parameters to define the
position of a rigid body in that space, identified as λ.
The DOF of a kinematic pair is defined as the number of independant parameters that is
required to determine the relative position of one rigid body with respect to the other
connected rigid body through the kinematic pair.
The term mechanism is defined as a group of rigid bodies or links connected together to
transmit force and motion.
Mobility and kinematics analyses are possible under some assumptions:
• Ideal mechanisms with rigid bodies reducing the mechanism motion to the geometric
• Elastic deformations are neglected
• Joint clearance and backlash are insignificant

2.2 Functionnal requirements

Historically, the need for straight-line motion has resulted on linkages based on closed loops
or so-called parallel topology. The idea is to convert rotation motion into translations or
straight-line motions. It is usually considered that prismatic pairs are much harder to build
than revolute joints, (Soylemez, 1999).
Prismatic actuators as well as slides have the following problems:
• the side reactions of prismatic pairs produce friction leading to wear
• these wears are uneven, non-uniform and unpredictable along the path of the slide
since the flat surfaces in contact are not well defined due to construction imperfections.
Some mechanisms are designed to generate a straight-line output motion from an input
element which rotates, oscillates or moves also in a straight line.
The kinematic pair DOF is defined as the number of independent parameters necessary to
determine the relative position of one rigid body with respect to the other connected to the
pair, (Soylemez, 1999).
The linkages are designed to generate motion in the plane and are then limited to three
DOFs, therefore the only available joints are either with one or 2 dofs only.
The actual problem is addressed from a robotics or even machine-tool point of view. It can
be summarized by this question: how can you draw a straight line without a reference edge?
Most robotics manipulators or machine tools are applying referenced linear motions with
guiding rails and even now linear motors. In design of parallel manipulators such as 3RPR
112 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

or Gough platforms, the actuators have especially to generate straight lines without any
guiding rails.
This question is not new and it actually comes from the title taken from the book written by
Kempe, where he describes plane linkages which were designed to constrain mechanical
linkages to move in a straight line (Kempe, 1877).

2.3 Mobility analysis of linkages

Here is the mobility formula that is applied for topology investigation, (Rolland, 1998):

m = Σji − λn (1)
where Σji is the sum of all degree-of-freedoms introduced by joints and λ = 3 is the available
DOF of the planar space in which the actuator is evolving.
Finally, the number of closed loops in the system is n. This number can be multiplied and
shall be a natural number n ∈ {1,2,3, . . .}

2.4 Four-bar mechanisms

If n = 1 and only revolute joints are selected, then the mechanisms can be selected in the
large variety of four-bar mechanisms. These linkages feature one closed-loop or one
mechanical circuit. According to Grashof’s law, the sum of the shortest and longest link
cannot exceed the sum of the remaining two links if there is to be continuous relative motion
between the links. Hence, they can be classified as four types as shown in figure 4.

Fig. 4. Four-bar mechanism classification (from Wikipedia)

Three four-bar mechanisms can produce partial straight-line motion. They are characterized
by two joints connected to the fixed base.
The Chebyshev linkage is the epitome of the four-bar mechanical linkage that converts
rotational motion to approximate straight-line motion. It was invented by the 19th century
mathematician Pafnuty Chebyshev. It is a four-bar linkage therefore it includes 4 revolute
joints such that Σji = 4 ∗ 1 where n = 1 since there is only one closed loop. The resulting
mobility: m = 4−3 ∗ 1=1. Hoekens linkage happens to be a Cognate linkage of the Chebyshev
linkage. It produces a similar motion pattern. With appropriate linkage dimensions, part of
the motion can be an exact straigth line.
Robert’s linkage can have the extremity P set at any distance providing it is layed out on
that line perpendicular to the coupler, i-e link between A and B. This means that P can be
positionned on top of the coupler curve instead of below.
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 113

This mobility calculation holds fo any four-bar mechanism including the free ones, i-e not
being attached to the base.
If properly designed and dimensionned, four-bar linkages can become straight-line motion
generators as will be seen in the next section on kinematics. This is one of the contribution of
this work.

2.5 True straight-line mechanisms

If n > 1 and only revolute joints are selected, then the mechanisms become more complex
and will integrate two closed loops or two mechanical circuits.
Three mechanisms can produce exact straight-line motion: the Peaucelier linkage, the
Grasshoper mechanism and a third one which has no name.
This linkage contains nine revolute joints such that Σji = 9 ∗ 1 = 9. Please note that where
three links meet at one point, two revolute joints are effectively existing. Three closed loops
can be counted for n = 3. The resulting mobility: m = 9 − 3 ∗ 3 = 0. The linkage designed by
Peaucelier is one of those mechanisms which cannot meet the mobility criterion but do
provide the required mobility. Very recently, Gogu has reviewed the limitations of mobility
analysis, (Gogu, 2004).


Fig. 5. Four-bar mechanisms: Chebyshev, Hoekens and Robert linkages

(a) Peaucelier (b) The grasshoper (c) An alternate case

Fig. 6. Exact straigth-line mechanisms
The two other linkages do provide for seven revolute joints for Σji = 7 ∗ 1 = 7 and two closed
loops for n = 2. The resulting mobility: m = 7 − 3 ∗ 2 = 1 which is verified by experiments.
114 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

These three mechanisms do provide for straight-line motion at the cost of complex linkages
which do occupy very valuable space. This makes them less likely to be applied on robots.

3. Kinematics analysis
A mechanism is defined as a group of rigid bodies connected to each other by rigid
kinematics pairs to transmit force and motion. (Soylemez, 1999).
Kinematics synthesis is defined as the design of a mechanism to yield a predetermined set of
motion with specific characteristics.
We shall favor dimensional synthesis of function generation implementing an analytical
method. The function is simply a linear function describing a straight-line positioned
parallel to one reference frame axis.
The method will implement a loop-closure equation particularily expressed for the general
four bar linkage at first. The first step consists in establishing the fixed base coordinate system.

3.1 Four-bar mechanism

r r
3 3

r r
r 4 r 4
2 2

O 4 2 O
2 4

(a) Fixed four-bar (b) Semi-free four-bar

Fig. 7. General four-bar linkages
Lets define the position vectors and write the vector equation. Taking O2 and O4 as the link
connecting points to the fixed base located at the revolute joint center, taking A and B as the
remainder mobile revolute joint centers, the general vectorial formulation is the following,
(Uicker, Pennock and Shigley, 2003):

(r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 = 0) (2)
This last equation is rewritten using the complex algebra formulation which is available in
the textbooks, (Uicker, Pennock and Shigley):

j θ1 jθ 2 jθ 3 jθ 4
r1 e + r2 e + r3 e − r4 e =0 (3)

where θ1, θ2, θ3 and θ4 are respectively the fixed base, crank, coupler and follower angles
respective to the horizontal X axis.
If we set the x axis to be colinear with O2O4, if we wish to isolate point B under study, then
the equation system becomes:
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 115

jθ 3 jθ 4 jθ 2
r3 e = r4 e − r1 − r2 e (4)

Complex algebra contains two parts directly related to 2D geometry. We project to the x and
y coordinate axes, in order to obtain the two algebraic equations. The real part corresponds
to the X coordinates and the imaginary part to the Y coordinates. Thus, the equation system
can be converted into two distinct equations in trigonometric format.
For the real or horizontal part:

r3 cos (θ 3 ) = r4 cos (θ 4 ) − r1 − r2 cos (θ 2 ) (5)

For the imaginary or vertical part:

r3 sin (θ 3 ) = r4 sin (θ 4 ) − r2 sin (θ 2 ) (6)

When O2O4 is made colinear with the X axis, as far as r1 is concerned, there remains only one
real part leading to some useful simplification.
The general four bar linkage can be configured in floating format where the O4 joint is
detached from the fixed base, leaving one joint attached through a pivot connected to the
base. Then, a relative moving reference frame can be attached on O2 and pointing towards
O4. This change results in the same kinematic equations.
Since, the same equation holds and we can solve the system:

⎛ B + − A 2 + B2 − C 2 ⎞
(θ 4 ) = 2arctan ⎜⎜ ⎟

⎝ A+C ⎠
where the A,B,C parameters are:

A= − cos (θ 2 )
B = − sin (θ 2 ) (8)
r cos (θ 2 ) 1 r1 2 + r2 2 − r3 2 + r4 2
C= 1 −
r4 2 r2 r4

To determine the position of joint center B in terms of the relative reference frame O:

O2 B = [r1 + r4 cos (θ 4 ) , r4 sin (θ 4 )]t (9)

Then, the norm of the vector OB gives the distance between O and B:

(r + r4 cos (θ 4 ) ) + r4 2 ( sin (θ 4 ) )
2 2
x = O2 B = 1 (10)

This explicit equation gives the solution to the forward kinematics problem. An expression
spanning several lines if expanded and which cannot be shown here when the expression of
θ4, equation 7, is substitued in it. This last equation gives the distance between O and B, the
output of the system in relation to the angle θ2, the input of the system as produced by the
rotary motor. The problem can be defined as: Given the angle θ2, calculate the distance x
between O and B.
116 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

The four-bar can be referred as one of the simplest parallel manipulator forms, featuring one
DOF in the planar space (λ = 3). One family of the lowest mobility parallel mechanisms.
The important issue is the one of the path obtained by point B which is described by a
coupler curve not being a straight line in the four-bar general case.
However, in the floating case, if applied as an actuator, the general four-bar can be made to
react like a linear actuator. The drawbacks are in its complex algebraic formulation and non-
regular shape making it prone for collisions.

3.2 Specific four bar linkages

We have two questions if we want to apply them as linear actuators:
• Can we have the four-bar linkage to be made to move in a straight-line between point
O2, the input, where the motor is located and B, the output, where the extremity or end-
effector is positionned?
• Can simplification of resulting equations lead to their inversions?
As we have seen earlier, specific four bar linkages can be made to produce straight-line
paths if they use appropriate dimensions and their coupler curves are considered on link
extensions. In this case, we still wish to study the motion of B with the link lengths made
equal in specific formats to produce specific shapes with interesting properties. Three
solutions can be derived:
• the parallelogram configuration,
• the rhombus configuration,
• the kite or diamond shape configuration, (Kempe, 1877).

3.2.1 The parallelogram configuration

Parallelograms are characterized by their opposite sides of equal lengths and they can have
any angle. They even include the rectangle when angles are set to 90 degrees. They have
been applied for motion transmission in the CaPaMan robot, (Ceccarelli, 1997).
The parallelogram four-bars are characterized by one long and one short link length. They
can be configured into two different formats as shown in figure 8.


r B
r 3

r r
2 4

2 4 2 4

Fig. 8. The two parallelogram four-bar cases

Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 117

The follower follows exactly the crank. This results in the equivalence of the input and
following angles: θ4 = θ2.
If we set R and r as the link lengths respectively, then to determine the position of joint
center B in terms of the relative reference frame O2; an simple expression is derived from the
general four-bar one:

O2 B = [ R + r cos (θ ) , r sin (θ )] (11)

Then, the norm of the vector O2B gives the distance between O2 and B:

x =|O2 B|= R 2 + r 2 + 2 Rr cos(θ ) (12)

This last equation is the result of the forward kinematics problem.

Isolation of the θ variable will lead to the inverse kinematics problem formulation:

⎛ x2 − R2 − r 2 ⎞
θ = arccos ⎜ ⎟ (13)
⎝ 2 Rr ⎠
Detaching joint O4 from the fixed base, the parallelogram becomes a semi-free linkage which
can be considered as one prismatic actuator.

3.2.2 The rhombus configuration

The rhombus configuration can be considered a special case of the parallelogram one. All
sides of a Rhombus are congruent and they can have any angle. Therefore, r1 = r2 = r3 = r4 or
even one can write r = R as for the parallelogram parameters. The mechanism configuration
even includes the square when angles are set to 90 degrees.
The forward kinematics problem becomes:

⎛θ ⎞
x = 2 r cos ⎜ ⎟ (14)
The Inverse kinematics problem is expressed as:


Fig. 9. The Rhombus detailed configuration
118 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

⎛ x ⎞
θ = 2arccos ⎜ ⎟ (15)
⎝ 2r ⎠
Simple derivation will lead to differential kinematics.
The forward differential kinematics is expressed by the following equation:

v = −rω sin( ) (16)

where ω =
We take the following geometric property:

⎛θ ⎞ x
cos ⎜ ⎟ = (17)
⎝2⎠ 2
We apply Pythagore’s theorem:

⎛θ ⎞ 1 x2
sin ⎜ ⎟ = 4− 2 (18)
⎝2⎠ 2 r
Then, the FDP can be rewritten in terms of the length x:

r x2
v = −ω 4− 2 (19)
2 r
Inversion of equation 19 lead to the inverse differential kinematics problem being expressed

ω=− (20)
r sin( θ2 )

Substituting equation 17 and equation 18 into the former, we obtain:

v x
ω=− 1− (21)
r 2r
Further derivation will give the extremity acceleration where the FDDP can be expressed as:

⎛θ ⎞ 1 ⎛θ ⎞
a = −rα sin ⎜ ⎟ − r ω 2 cos ⎜ ⎟ (22)
⎝2⎠ 2 ⎝2⎠
Substituting equation 17 into the former lead to the following expression of the FDDP:

1 x2 1
a = − rα 4 − 2 − ω 2 x (23)
2 r 4
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 119

1 ⎛θ ⎞
− a − r ω 2 cos ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝2⎠
α= (24)
⎛θ ⎞
r sin ⎜ ⎟
Substituting equation 21, equation 17 and equation 18 into the former, we obtain:

1 1 ⎛x⎞
α = −2 ar −1 − vx 2 r −4 ⎜ ⎟ (25)
x 2 2 ⎝r⎠
4− 2


Fig. 10. The diamond shape four-bar

3.2.3 The kite or diamond shape configuration

The kite configuration is characterized by two pairs of adjacent sides of equal lengths,
namely R and r.
Then, two configurations into space depending on which joint the motor is attached. The
motor is also located on the joint attached on the fixed base.
To obtain the first configuration, the first pair is located at O2, the crank joint center where
the motor is located, as its articulation center and the second pair at B, the extremity joint, as
its center.
The second configuration integrates the actuator on O4. However, the actuator x output is
defined as the linear distance between O2 and B making this actuator moving sideways. The
problem will be that the change of four-bar width is going to introduce parasitic transverse
motion which will in turn prevent real linear motion due to the pivot effect caused by the
motor joint. This approach is thus rejected.
To obtain the second disposition, one can mount the driven joint between two unequal links
and have the output on the opposite joint also mounted between two unequal links. This
results in sideways motion. However, this would also result in parasitic transverse motion
which would mean that the final motion would not be linear being their combination.
Therefore, this last configuration will not be retained further.
Lets R be the longest link length, the links next to B, and r be the smallest link one, the links
next to O2.
Since this configuration is symmetric around the axis going through O2 and B, it is thus
possible to solve the problem geometrically by cutting the quadrilateral shape into two
mirror triangles where the Pythagorean theorem will be applied to determine the distance
between O2 and B giving:
120 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

( ( ))

⎛ ⎛θ ⎞⎞
r sin θ2
x = r 1 − ⎜ sin ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ + R 1 − (26)
⎝ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎠ R

This equation expresses then the forward kinematics problem.

Using the law of cosinuses on the general triangle where the longest side is that line between
O2 and B, it is possible to write a more compact version for the FKP:

x = R 2 − r 2 − 2 r cos 21 θ ( ) (27)

The inverse kinematics problem requires the distance or position x as input which completes
the two triangle lengths into the diamond shape. Hence, the cosinus laws on general
triangles can be applied to solve the IKP:

⎛ 1 R2 − r 2 − x 2 ⎞
θ = 2arccos ⎜ ⎟ (28)
⎝2 r ⎠
To obtain the differential kinematics models, the kinematics models are differentiated.

1 ( )
r 2 sin 21 θ ω
2 R 2 − r 2 − 2 r cos 1 θ
2 ( )
Differentiation of the IKP leads to the following IDP expression:

4 R 2 − r 2 − 2 r cos( 21 θ )
ω = v∗ (30)
r 4 − 4 cos( 21 θ )2

After testing several approach for obtaining the differential model leading to accelerations,
it was observed that starting with the inverse problem leads to more compact expressions:
The IDDP is obtained by differentiating the IDP:

4 8x 2 ( R 2 − r 2 − x 2 )
α = a( A1 + A2) where A1 = , A2 = − 3/2
( R 2 − r 2 − x 2 )2 ⎛ ( R 2 − r 2 − x 2 )2 ⎞
r 4− r3 ⎜ 4 − ⎟
r2 ⎝ r2 ⎠

Inverting the IDDP produces the FDDP but it cannot be shown in the most compact form.
The Kite configuration models are definitely more elaborate and complex than for the
rhombus configuration without necessarily leading to any kinematics advantages.

3.2.4 The rhombus configuration repetition or networking

The rhombus four-bar linkage can be multiplied as it can be seen in platform lifting devices.
The repetition of these identical linkages helps reduce the encumbrance and this will be
studied in this section in the context of linear actuator design.
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 121

(a) Single rhombus (b) Double rhombus (c) Triple rhombus

Fig. 11. Rhombus networking
The distance traveled by the first moving central joint (FKP) is:

x1 = 2 r cos θ (32)

This problem can be solved just like solving the original single rhombus FKP.
The distance traveled by the second moving central joint (FKP) is:

x2 = 2 x1 = 4 r cos θ (33)

The impact of adding the second rhombus is doubling the distance or position reach.
The distance traveled by the third moving central joint or the solution of the FKP of a triple
rhombus is:

x3 = 3 x1 = 6 r cos θ (34)

This trend can be generalized to a repetition of n identical rhombuses.

xn = nx1 = n 2 r cos θ(2) (35)

The result of the four-bar rhombus repetition is the linear motion amplification by that
repetition number.
To obtain the inverse kinematics problem, one can proceed with inversion of the FKP.
The double rhombus angular position of the actuator can then be deduced:
122 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

θ = 2arccos ⎜ ⎟ (36)
This equation can then also be extrapolated to a repetition of n identical rhombuses.

⎛ 1 x⎞
θ = 2arccos ⎜ ⎟ (37)
⎝ 2n r ⎠
The forward differential model is obtained by derivation of the forward kinematics model.
For a double rhombus configuration, the relative speed of the second central joint is equal to
the absolute speed of the first central joint:

v2/r = v1 (38)

v2 = v1 + v2 /r (39)

v 2 = 2 v1 (40)

v1 = −rω sin θ (2) (41)

Hence, the actual speed of the second extremity or the final end-effector becomes:

v2 = −2 rω sin θ (2) (42)

The impact of adding the second rhombus is doubling the end-effector velocity.
The same result would be obtained by derivation of the equation for x2.
We now calculate the velocity of the third moving central joint which corresponds to the
solution of the FDP of a triple rhombus.

v3 = 3 v1 = −3 rω sin θ (2) (43)

This trend can be generalized to a repetition of n identical rhombuses:

vn = nv1 = −nrω sin θ (2) (44)

The inverse differential model can be obtained in two ways, either by derivation of the
inverse kinematics model or inversion of the forward differential model.
By inversion of the FDP, the double rhombus angular position of the actuator can then be

ω = vr −1 (45)
For the triple rhombus, we extrapolate:
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 123

2 1
ω=v (46)
3r x2
4− 2
For a linkage with the repetition of n rhombuses, we obtain the following equation:

2 1
ω=v (47)
nr x2
4− 2
To determine the accelerations, we will again differentiate the former differential models.
We calculate derivation of the equation for v2 for the second rhombus; it results in doubling
the end-effector acceleration.
The FDDP for the case where we are doubling the rhombus leads to:

( )
a2 = 2 a1 = −2r α sin θ − r ω 2 cos θ
2 ( ) (48)

For the triple rhombus, we can determine that:

( )
a3 = 3 a1 = −3r α sin θ − r ω 2 cos θ
2 ( ) (49)

For n rhombuses, it is possible to extrapolate:

( )
an = na1 = −nr α sin θ − r ω 2 cos θ
2 ( ) (50)

Multying n times the rhombus linkage results in multiplying the acceleration likewise.
The IDDP, inverse model for a double rhombus, through derivation of the IDP or inversion
of the FDDP, the calculation returns this equation:

− 23
1 1 ⎛ 1 x2 ⎞
α = 2 ar −1 − v 2 xr −4 ⎜ 1 − ⎟ (51)
x 2 8 ⎝ 16 r 2 ⎠
16 − 2
For three rhombuses, the angular acceleration can then be determined:

− 23
1 1 ⎛ 1 x2 ⎞
α = 2 ar −1 − 7 v 2 xr −4 ⎜ 1 − ⎟ (52)
x 2 2 ⎝ 36 r 2 ⎠
36 − 2
We have then extrapolated for a linear actuator constructed with n rhombuses:

− 23
a 1 ⎛ 1 x2 ⎞
α =2 2 −3 −4
− v xn r ⎜ 1 − ⎟ (53)
nr x2 ⎝ 4 n2 r 2 ⎠
n2 r 2
124 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

3.2.5 The kite configuration repetition or networking

There seems to be no advantage to gain from networking the kite configuration. This will
even add complexity to the kinematics models. Therefore, this prospect has not been
investigated further.

4. Kinematics performance
4.1 Singularity analysis
4.1.1 General four bar linkage
For the general four bar linkage, singularities can be found when A + C = 0 using the values
of equation 8. The solution to this equation results in:

⎛ 1 −2 r1 r4 + r1 2 + r2 2 − r3 2 + r4 2 ⎞
θ 2 = arccos ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (54)
⎝2 r2 ( − r4 + r1 ) ⎠

4.1.2 The parallelogram configuration

Singularities could be found only when Rr = 0 which is impossible since all links obviously
have lengths larger then zero.
From the kinematics point of view, no limitations apply on the application of parallelograms
since the rocker can follow the crank in any position allowing full rotation capability,
therefore having no kinematics singularity whatesoever.
This mechanism could be considered somewhat similar or equivalent to the belt and pulley
one where the two pulleys are of equal lengths if the belt is considered without elasticity.

4.1.3 The rhombus configuration

For the IDP, singularities exist and they can be determined by cancelling the denominator in
the equations 20 and 21 leading to the two following equations.
The first one calculates the singularity in terms of the input angle θ:

( )
sin θ2 = 0 (55)

Hence, we find a singularity at θ = 0 and its conterpart θ = 360 degrees.

For the second one determines the singularity in terms of the extremity position x:

4− =0 (56)
Hence, the singular position x = 2r corresponds to the same posture as θ = 0.
From a geometric point of view, links have no material existence (no mass) and they can
occupy the same position in space. In reality, the masses do not allow such cases and
therefore the singularity will be alleviated by bar width as will be explained later in the
design section. The IDDP models bring singularities. Observation of the denominator allows
us to determine that the singular configurations are just the same as the one studied for the
IDP since the equations feature the same denominators under the power.

4.1.4 The kite or diamond shape configuration

If R > r, then this results then into an amplified motion without any singularity with full 360
degrees rotation of the input crank. This configuration has an advantage over the other
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 125

types of four-bars. This would surely represent one reason to apply this mechanism as a
linear actuator.
If R < r, then the mechanism cannot reach an input angle of 180 degrees since this would
mean 2R > 2r in contradiction with stated configurations. Hence, the system will block into
position θmax < 180° unable to go further. The angular range will be limited to [0, θmax] where:

θ max = 2arcsin Rr( ) (57)

This posture also yield a singularity which can also enforce mechanism blockage. Hence,
this type will not be retained.

4.1.5 The rhombus configuration repetition or networking

In terms of singularities, finding the roots of the FDP and IDP will lead to the same
singularities as for a single rhombus as it would seem logical. In terms of singularities,
finding the roots of the FDDP and IDDP is equivalent to finding the same singularities
solving the roots of only the IDDP as for a single rhombus.
Therefore, networking rhombuses will not introduce any singularity.

4.2 Workspace
The second important performance criterion for robotic design is usually the workspace. In the
case of single DOF device, this narrows down to a simple range which we wish to maximize.

4.2.1 The general four-bar linkage

The mechanism can reach the following maximum length where two links are aligned,
either r1 and r4 or r2 and r3. Then, the mechanism reach will be xmax and is calculated by the
length of the extension of the two shortest links going from O2 and leading to the extremity B:

xmax = min ( r1 + r4 , r2 + r3 ) (58)

The mechanism can also reach a minimum length which is a far more difficult problem to
determine depending upon the configuration and relative link lengths. This is where
Graschoff’s formulas could help solve this problem. Despite the fact that link lengths value
could be found leading to a coupler curve being a straight line, this constitutes another
reason to avoid the general four-bar mechanisms.

4.2.2 The parallelogram configuration

The maximum and minimum actuator values of x can be determined by looking for the
roots of the x(θ) function derivative or by geometric reasoning. Hence, using the simplest, i-e
the second approach, we can determine that the extremas are found at θ = kπ where k ∈
{0,1,2,3, . . .}. With n = 0, the maximum value is found xmax = R + r and with n = 1, the
minimum value is xmin = |R − r|. We do not need to go further because of the repetitive
nature of the trigonometric signal. These correspond to the posture where the four-bar is
folded on itself: one fold to the left and one to the right.

4.2.3 The rhombus configuration

To determine the maximum and minimum values, several methods lead to the same results.
126 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Taking the FKP, equation 14, the maximum value is obtained when cos( θ2 ) = 1 and the
minimum value will be when cos( θ2 ) = −1. Hence, xmax = 2r and the related angle is then θ =
0. Moroever, xmin = −2r and the related angle is then θ = −2π. These values imply that the
pure geometric nature of the kinematics analysis allows the mechanism to reverse by going
unto itself. Hence, the minimum can be seen on the left or negative side of the reference
frame and the maximum is located on the right or positive side.
With considerations of the linkage dimensions, the geometric analysis can be augmented by
taking into account the linkage width.
Firstly, two linkages cannot occupy the same space, therefore, the rhombus linkage
configuration will have a pair of opposite linkages below and one pair above. This lead to
physical constraints equations. This property can also be translated into geometric
These opposite links are parallel pairs which will eventually touch each other alongside at
two mechanism rotations. These postures could be considered as folded ones. The first
corresponds to the minimum rotation and the second to the maximum rotation.
Let the rhombus linkage be constructed by four bars of identical width w.
The minimal rotation angle increases to:

θ min > 0 (59)

θ min = 2arcsin ⎜ ⎟ (60)
Taking into account that the kinematics chain cannot reverse by going unto itself, the
maximal rotation angle reduces to:

θ max < π (61)

θ max = 2arccos ⎜ ⎟ (62)
The final range of the linear actuator is then the interval determined by: [2 arcsin( wr ,
2 arccos( wr ].


X max

X min

Fig. 12. The rhombus extreme positions

Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 127

The extreme positions can be determined from these values. Minimal length is going to
occur at maximal angular displacement.

⎛θ ⎞
xmin = 2 r cos ⎜ ⎟ (63)
⎝ 2 max ⎠
Substituting θmax into the equation, we get:

xmin = 2 r cos 2arccos ( w
r) ) (64)

Similarily, maximal length is going to occur at minimal angular displacement.

⎛θ ⎞
xmax = 2 r cos ⎜ ⎟ (65)
⎝ 2 min ⎠
Substituting θmin into the equation, we get:

xmax = 2 r cos 2arcsin ( w
r) ) (66)

4.2.4 The kite or diamond configuration

Let the kite linkage be constructed by four bars of identical width w.
The minimal rotation angle is exactly the same as the rhombus:

θ min > 0 (67)

θ min = 2arcsin ( w
r) (68)

Taking into account that the kinematics chain cannot reverse by going unto itself, the
maximal rotation angle reduces to the case where the long bars touch each other in the
negative sense of the reference frame. We have to take then the angle outside the triangle
formed by these long bars:

θ max < 2π (69)

θ max = 2π − 2arcsin ⎜ ⎟ (70)
The extreme positions can be determined from these values. In the case of maximal position,
the two geometric triangles formed by the long and short links add up:
Minimal length is going to occur at maximal angular displacement.

w ⎛θ ⎞
xmin = R 2 − ( )2 − r cos ⎜ ⎟ (71)
2 ⎝ 2 max ⎠
Maximal length is going to occur at minimal angular displacement.

w ⎛θ ⎞
xmax = R 2 − ( )2 + r cos ⎜ ⎟ (72)
2 ⎝ 2 max ⎠
128 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

E max


E min

Fig. 13. The rhombus encumbrance

4.3 Encumbrance
4.3.1 The rhombus configuration
The proposed linear actuators are based on four-bar linkage where encumbrance becomes
an issue considering that the mechanism spread sideways making them subject to collisions
if other actuators would be located in the vicinity such as it is often the case with parallel
Ecumbrance is defined as the distance from one side of the mechanism to the other side
taking into account the linkage width.
A Rhombus would have minimum encumbrance of Emin = 2w when the angle is at θmin. This
characteristic is relatively unimportant compared to the maximum encumbrance occuring at
the maximum input angle posture θmax:

Emax = 2 r 2 − w 2 + w (73)

4.3.2 The kite configuration

A folded kite would have minimum encumbrance of Emin = 2w when the angle is at θmin just
like the rhombus. The maximum encumbrance is occuring at the maximum input angle
posture θmax = π2 when the smaller links are aligned:

Emax = 2 r + w (74)

As can be observed, the kite encumbrance only really depends on the dimension of the
shortest links.

4.4 The repeated rhombus configuration

The problem of encumbrance justifies the design of a mechanism based on the repetition of
identical rhombuses as it is done for lifting platforms.
The repetition of the four-bar rhombuses is not affecting the rotation input and the θmin and
θmax values are only related to the first rhombus, therefore these extrema are unchanged.

4.4.1 The double rhombus

For the double rhombus, the minimum position is determined by:

xmin = 4 r cos 2arccos ( w
r) ) (75)
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 129

And the maximum position is calculated using:

xmax = 4 r cos 2arcsin ( w
r) ) (76)

4.4.2 The triple rhombus

For the triple rhombus, the minimum position is determined by:

xmax = 6 r cos 2arcsin ( w
r) ) (77)
And the maximum position is calculated using:

xmax = 6 r cos 2arcsin ( w
r) ) (78)

4.4.3 The multiple rhombus

For the generalized case with n rhombuses, the minimum position is determined by:

xmax = n 2 r cos 2arcsin ( w
r) ) (79)
And the maximum position is calculated using:

xmax = n 2 r cos 2arcsin ( w
r) ) (80)

4.4.4 Encumbrance of the multiple rhombus

The networking of rhombuses is not affecting encumbrance in the sense that the values are
exactly the same. However, the main advantage is that the reach which can be defined as the
maximum position is increasing while the encumbrance remains unchanged. This could not
happen with a simple rhombus where we would need to increase the link lengths in order to
increase reach resulting in larger emcumbrance.
Lets define the encumbrance ratio.
The encumbrance ratio is defined as the ratio of reach divided by the transverse
encumbrance perpendicular to the axis of motion.

e= (81)
For the repeated rhombus, this occus when θ = θmin and the encumbrance ratio becomes:

e = n 2 r cos 2arcsin ( w )
r ) 2 r −w +w
2 2

Hence, the motion to encumbrance ratio is increasing proportionaly with the rhombus repetition.

5. Design examples
5.1 Initial prototypes
A first group of prototypes were constructed and tested using a Meccano set while the
author was working at the Ecole Nationale des Arts et Metiers in Metz. This resulted in the
constuction of a planar parallel manipulator as seen in figure 14. The DC motor was the
typical Meccano 36 VDC.
130 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 14. Planar parallel manipulator with four-bar actuators

They were sufficient to prove and validate the concept. In effect, one rhombus four-bar with
a Meccano motor could not be seen moving due to very high accelerations.

5.2 Actual prototypes

This work was then completed during the author stay at Middle East Technical University,
Northern Cyprus Campus.
Three typical linear actuators were constructed as seen in figure 15. One comprising one
rhombus, one with two rhombuses and one with a kite configuration using the same links
and motors whenever possible.

5.2.1 Configuration
Here are the mechanism geometric parameters. They were constructed with two
standardized bars. The short bars have length r = 10 cm and width w = 3 cm. The long bars
have length R = 20 cm with same width.
The geared electrical motors were selected to provide maximum rotation speed of 120 RPM.
Hence, ωmax = 4π radians/s.

5.2.2 Extreme positions

For the rhombus, from the proposed equations, the minimum input angle is then θmin = 0,301
radian. The maximum input angle is θmax = 2,84 radian. These values are confirmed by
measurements on the prototypes.
From these angular positions, we calculate the maximum position or reach as xmax = 19,77 cm
and the minimum value is xmin = 3 cm. Again these calculated values are confirmed by
Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 131

(a) Kite (b) Single rhombus

(c) Double rhombus

Fig. 15. The three four-bar actuator prototypes
The encumbrance can also be deduced. At θmax, the maximum encumbrance is calculated as
Emax = 22,77 cm. This was confirmed by measurements.

5.2.3 Motion analysis

In the curves of figure 16, t is in fact θ2, the angular input position in radian, and ω is the
angular velocity made to change from −4π to 4π radians/s.
The first question is about the actuator linearity and this issue can be answered by plotting
the extremity position in relation to the input angle position. The motion becomes non-linear
at the angular extremities and it becomes almost linear for a large number of angular
positions from -1 to 1 radian corresponding to the position range of -18 to 18 cm.
The second question is to determine the extremity velocity profile according to input angle
position at angular velocities going from the minimum until the maximum. This last value
comes from the geared motor specifications. End-effector velocity changes almost linearily
with the angular velocity but changes non-linearily with the angular position. It cancels out
at angular extremities and it becomes maximal at θ = π.
This velocity profile also corresponds to the accuracy profile. This means that for a
predefined encoder accuracy located on the gearmotor shaft, the resulting extremity
accuracy will be changing accordingly. One can foresee that the lowest accuracy is attained
at θ = π and the best accuracies are achieved near the angular position extremities.
The third question involves the extremity acceleration in relation to input angle position at
angular velocities going from the minimum until the maximum. We have to fix some
angular acceleration and the value 1rad/s2 has been selected arbitrarily. Extremity
132 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

acceleration changes non-linearily with the angular velocity. It changes almost linearily with
the angular position. It reaches very high values when the linkage reaches very close to the
maximum position.

(a) Position (b) Velocity

(c) Acceleration

Fig. 16. The rhombus kinematics performance

Kinematics Synthesis of a New Generation of Rapid Linear Actuators for High Velocity Robotics
with Improved Performance Based on Parallel Architecture 133

6. Conclusion
As can be seen by the results obtained by calculations as well by experiments on the
prototypes, four-bar mechanisms can be rearranged in rhombus and kite configurations
which lead to very performant prismatic pairs allowing to design very fast linear actuators.
Moreover, to improve performance and to reduce emcumbrance, networking the rhombus
four-bars can lead to very good results.
In the author’s knowledge, this is the first time that four-bars were envisaged to be applied
as linear actuators.
The next step will be to analyze their dynamics design integrating force analysis.
Then, to design a large scale parallel robot prototype will help investigate their worthiness
towards the design a very high speed milling machine.
Finaly, several optimization problems may arise to determine proper linkage sizing.

7. References
Ceccarelli M. (1997) A new 3 d.o.f. spatial parallel mechanism. Mechanism and Machine
Theory, vol.32(no.8), pp 896-902.
DaVinci, L. (1493) Tratado de Estatica y Mechanica en Italiano. CodexMadrid 1, National
Library Madrid.
Euclid (2002) Euclid’s Elements - All thirteen books in one volume. Green Lion Press. Based on
Heath’s translation, Greek original from c. 300 BC
Fichter, E.F., Kerr, D.R. and Rees-Jones, J. (2009) The Gough-Stewart platform parallel
manipulator: a retrospective appreciation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Volume 223, Number 1,
pp. 243-281.
Gogu, G. (2004) Chebychev-Grübler-Kutzbach’s criterion for mobility calculation of
multiloop mechanisms revisited via theory of linear transformations. European
Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids. Volume 24, Issue 3, May-June 2005, Pages 427-441
Gough, V. E. and Whitehall, S. G. (1962) Universal tyre testing machine. Proceedings of the 9th
International Automobile Technical Congress, discussion, Federation Internationale des
Societes dIngenieurs des Techniques de lAutomobile (FISITA) (Ed. G. Eley),
(IMechE 1, London, UK), pp. 117137.
Kempe A.B. (1877) How to draw a straight line; a lecture on linkages. Macmillan and Co,
Moon, F.C. (2007) The Machines of Leonardo Da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux. Volume on
Kinematics of Machines from the Renaissance to the 20th Century, Series on
History of Mechanism and Machine Science, Springer Netherlands, 417 pages
Reuleaux, F. (1876) Kinematics of Machinery: Outlines of a Theory of Machines. Macmillan and
Co., London.
Rolland, L. (1998) Conception de mécanismes, élaboration des principes demobilit´e.
Technical report number 98-02, ISR, EPFL, Lausanne.
Rolland, L. (1999) The Manta and the Kanuk novel 4-dof parallel mechanisms for industrial
handling. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress,
Nashville, 14-19 Novembre 1999.
134 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Scheiner, C. (1631) Pantographice, seu ars delineandi res quaslibet per parallelogrammum lineare
seu cavum, mechanicum, mobile. Romae: Ex typographia Ludouici Grignani,
sumptibus Hermanni Scheus, vol. 12, 108 pages.
Soylemez E. (1999) Mechanisms. METU Press, Ankara, 350 pages.
Uicker, J.J., Pennock, G.R. and Shigley, 2003, J.E. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, third
edition. Oxford University Press, New-York, 2003, 734 pages.

Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators

via Intelligent Approaches
Seyed Ehsan Shafiei
Shahrood University of Technology

1. Introduction
1.1 Robot manipulators
Robot manipulators are well-known as nonlinear systems including strong coupling
between their dynamics (Craig, 1996). These characteristics, in company with: 1) structured
uncertainties caused by model imprecision of link parameters, payload variation, etc., and 2)
unstructured uncertainties produced by un-modeled dynamics –such as nonlinear friction and
external disturbances– make the motion control of rigid-link manipulators a complicated
problem (Spong & Vidiasagar, 1989). Practice trajectory control is required in many of the
sophisticated applications of manipulators (e.g. machining, welding, complex assembly). On
the other hand, robot manipulators have to face various uncertainties in their dynamics and
they are required to handle various tools and, hence, the dynamic parameters of the robots
vary during operation. Thus, it is difficult to initiate an appropriate mathematical model for
employing model-based control strategies.
In general, the intelligent control approaches can attenuate the effects of structured
parametric uncertainty and unstructured disturbance by using their powerful learning
ability without a detailed knowledge of the controlled plant in the design processes. On the
other hand, many intelligent control algorithms could have been found for the robot control
system without including the actuator dynamics, while, actuator dynamics carry out a
significant role in the complete robot dynamics and ignoring them may cause detrimental
effects, especially in the case of high-velocity moment, highly varying loads, friction, and
actuator saturations (Chang et al., 2008), (Chang & Yen, 2009). Since the electrical actuators
are highly controllable in comparison with the other one, they are more convenient for
driving manipulators. Also, in practical applications, the voltages or currents of the
electrical actuators are accessible for applying control commands and consequently, torque-
based control design confronts implementation problems when one intends to apply the
torque control commands directly to actuators. Additionally, one constraint in the robot
controller designs is saturation nonlinearity of actuators which is less considered in control
design of robot manipulators.

1.2 Sliding mode control

Sliding mode control (SMC) is a variable-structure, robust control strategy which is capable
in controlling different class of uncertain systems including nonlinear systems, MIMO
systems, and even discrete time systems (Utkin, 1978), (Zhang et al., 2008). Such
136 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

uncertainties may be structured, unstructured, or may result from nondeterministic features

of the plant. A sliding mode controller is essentially high gain switching controller. The idea
is to keep the trajectory of the system on a particular surface in the phase space. In a two
dimensional system this would reduce to following a line in the phase plane. The SMC law
is formulated using a Lyapunov approach that guarantees robustness despite the presence
of bounded modeling uncertainties (Slotin & Li, 1991).
However, sliding mode control has a good deal of advantages such as insensitivity to
parameter variations, disturbance rejection and fast dynamic responses (Zhang et al., 2008).
Despite these merits, SMC suffers from some disadvantages. Actually, the sliding mode
control law consists of two main parts. The first part is the equivalent control law which
involves inverse dynamics of model nonlinearities that demonstrates the dependency of
SMC on the dynamical model of the plant. The second part is the robustifying term which has
discontinuous nature and may employ unnecessary high control gain to overcome
uncertainties and disturbances. However, this discontinuity may lead to chattering
phenomenon that can excite un-modeled high-frequency plant dynamics and harm the
overall control system. Also, using high control gain may cause saturating the actuators.
Accordingly, several methods have been developed for improving the SMC performance
which the most significant of them is intelligent control approach (Kaynak et al., 2001)
mainly includes fuzzy logic control and neural network control.

1.3 Fuzzy control

Fuzzy control is based on fuzzy logic and is a nonlinear control strategy which uses
heuristic information. In the fuzzy control design methodology, human thinking and expert
knowledge are incorporated into a fuzzy system that emulates the decision-making process
of the human. Basically, a fuzzy system in general or fuzzy control in especial comprises five
main parts: 1) fuzzyfication of inputs, 2) fuzzy control rules, 3) fuzzy implication, 4) fuzzy
reasoning and 5) defuzzification (Lee, 1990), (Wang, 1997).
Fuzzy control represents efficient performance in absence of uncertainties and disturbance
and where the plant dynamics were well-described with mathematical equations. Moreover,
stability of the fuzzy control systems is hard to analyze and needs strong mathematical
procedures. Therefore, it seems reasonable to enhance fuzzy control efficiency by using of
incorporating well-organized nonlinear control methods (e.g. sliding mode control).

1.4 Neural network control

Prominent features of neural networks (NN) have drawn much attention in control research
areas especially in robot control systems (Lewis, 1998). Some of this features that are closely
related to control design strategies are:
• Universal approximation: neural networks can approximate smooth nonlinear functions
with any degree of accuracy. This feature may be utilized in nonlinear control systems.
• Learning and adaptation: neural networks can be trained off-line with adequate amount
of data or they can be adapted on-line with appropriate adaptation laws. This property
is applied to identification concerns.
• MIMO characteristic: neural networks can accept many inputs and can produce required
number of outputs. So they are appropriate for MIMO control systems.
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 137

There are many other distinguished features as parallel processing, hardware

implementation and data fusion etc. that we neglect them here. Also, fuzzy logic may be
employed for constructing special networks like fuzzy-neural-networks. Alternatively,
neural networks may be exerted to fuzzy control design like neuro-fuzzy control systems.
In the reminder of this chapter three methods are proposed for controller designs. In the first
case, sliding mode control plays the main role and fuzzy logic is employed for tuning the
controller gains. In the second case, fuzzy control and sliding mode control have the parallel
mission in control strategy. Finally, the third case proposes the sliding mode control method
by using adaptive neural network approach.

2. Sliding mode control using fuzzy approach

2.1 Sliding_mode_PID controller design by using of fuzzy tuning
This section addresses a chattering free sliding mode control (SMC) for a robot manipulator
including PID part with a fuzzy tunable gain. The main idea is that the robustness property
of SMC and good response characteristics of PID are combined with fuzzy tuning gain
approach to achieve more acceptable performance. For this purpose, in the first stage, a PID
sliding surface is considered such that the robot dynamical equations can be rewritten in
terms of sliding surface and its derivative and the related control law of the SMC design will
contain a PID part. The stability guarantee of this sliding mode PID-controller is proved by a
lemma using Lyapunov direct method. Then, in the second stage, in order to decrease the
reaching time to the sliding surface and deleting the oscillations of the response, a fuzzy
tuning system is used for adjusting both controller gains including sliding controller gain
parameter and PID coefficients (Ataei & Shafiei, 2008).

2.1.1 Mathematical model of the system

The dynamical equation of an n-link robot manipulator in the standard form is as follows
(Spong & Vidiasagar, 1989):

M (q )q + C (q , q )q + G( q ) + τ d = τ (1)

where M (q ) ∈ R n×n is the completed inertia matrix, the vectors q , q , q ∈ R n are the position,
velocity and angular acceleration of the robot joints, respectively. Moreover, the matrix
C (q , q ) ∈ R n×n is the matrix of Coriolis and centrifugal forces and G(q ) ∈ R n is the gravity
vector. Also, τ d ∈ R n denotes the vector of disturbance and un-modeled dynamics, and
finally, τ is the torque vector. In the following, two conventional properties of the robot
manipulators are considered.
Property 2.1. The inertia matrix M (q ) is symmetric and positive definite, M T = M .
Property 2.2. The matrix of ( M − 2C ) is skew-symmetric, i.e. for any vector of X , we have
X T ( M − 2C )X = 0 .

2.1.2 Sliding mode control with PID

The objective of the tracking control is to design such a control law, for obtaining the
suitable input torque τ , that the position vector q could track the desired trajectory q d . In
this regard, the tracking error vector is defined as follows:
138 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

e = qd − q (2)

In order to apply the SMC, the sliding surface is considered as relation (3) which contains
the integral part in addition to the derivative term:
s = e + λ1 e + λ2 ∫ edt (3)

where λi is diagonal positive definite matrix. Therefore, s = 0 is a stable sliding surface and
e → 0 as t → ∞ . The robot dynamical equations can be rewritten based on the sliding
surface (in term of filtered error) as:

Ms = −Cs + f + τ d − τ (4)
f = M (q d + λ1 e + λ2 e ) + C (q d + λ1 e + λ2 ∫ edt ) + G (5)

Now, the control input can be considered as:

τ = fˆ + K vs + K sgn(s ) (6)

fˆ = Mˆ (q d + λ1e + λ 2 e) + Cˆ (q d + λ1e + λ 2 edt ) + Gˆ
is an estimation of f and K v s = K v e + K v λ e + K v λ ∫ edt is the outer PID tracking loop, and
K v , K are diagonal positive definite matrices and are defined such that the stability
conditions are guaranteed. The sgn(s) is also the sign function.
We have also:

f = M(qd + λ1 e + λ2 e ) + C (qd + λ1 e + λ2 ∫ edt ) + G ≤ F (8)

where f = f − fˆ , M = M − M
ˆ , C = C − Cˆ ,and G = G − Gˆ . Vector F can also be selected as
the following relation:

F = M(qd + λ1 e + λ2 e ) + C (qd + λ1 e + λ2 ∫ edt + G (9)

In order to govern the system states ( e , e ) to reach the sliding surface s = 0 in a limited time
and to remain there, the control law should be designed such that the following sliding
condition is satisfied (Slotin & Li, 1991):

1 d T
⎡s Ms ⎦⎤ < −η (sT s )1/2 , η > 0 (10)
2 dt ⎣
This aim is fulfilled in the following lemma.
Lemma 2.1. In the SMC design of a system with dynamical equation (1) and sliding surface
(3), if the control input τ is selected as (6), by considering F as (9) and
K = diag(K 11 , K 22 ,… , K nn ) with the following components:
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 139

Kii = ⎡⎣F + K v s + TD + η ⎤⎦ i , i = 1, 2,… , n (11)

Then, the sliding condition (10) is satisfied by equation (4).

Proof: Consider the following Lyapunov function candidate:

1 T
V= s Ms (12)
Since M is positive definite, for s ≠ 0 we have V > 0 and by taking derivative from relation
(12) and regarding the symmetric property of M, it can be written:

1 T
V= s Ms + sT Ms (13)

By substituting (4) into (13) and considering that sT ( M − 2C )s = 0 , we have:

1 T
V= s Ms − sT Cs + sT ( f + τ d − τ ) = sT ( f + τ d − τ ) (14)

By replacing the relation (6) into (14), V can be rewritten as:

V = sT ( f + τ d − fˆ − K v s − K sgn(s )) = sT ( f + τ d − K v s ) − ∑ K ii si (15)
i =1

Since the following inequality (16) is valid and by regarding the relation (11), we have:

F + K v s + TD ≥ f + τ d − K vs (16)

K ii ≥ [ f + τ d − K v s]i + ηi (17)

Finally, it can be concluded that:

V ≤ −∑ηi si (18)
i =1

This indicates that V is a Lyapunov function and the sliding condition (10) has been
The use of sign function in the control law leads to high oscillations in control torque which
is undesired phenomenon and is called chattering. To overcome this drawback, there are
some solutions that one of them is using the following saturation function instead of sign
function in the discontinuous part of the control law:

⎧1 s ≥ϕ

⎛s⎞ ⎪s
sat ⎜ ⎟ = ⎨ −κ < s < ϕ (19)
⎝ϕ ⎠ ⎪ϕ
⎪⎩−1 s ≤ −ϕ
140 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

By this, there is a boundary layer ϕ around the sliding surface such that once the state
trajectory reaches this layer, then it will be remaining there.

2.1.3 Fuzzy gain tuning

As mentioned before, by using a high gain in SMC, i.e. K, the sensitivity of the controller to
the model uncertainties and external disturbances can be reduced. Moreover, a high gain in
PID part of the control system (K v ) can reduce the reaching time to sliding surface and
tracking error. However, increasing the gain causes the increment of the oscillations in the
input torque around the sliding surface. Therefore, if this gain can be tuned based on the
distance of the states to the sliding surface, a more acceptable performance can be achieved.
In the other words, the value of gain should be selected high when the state trajectory is far
from the sliding surface and when the distance is decreasing, its value should be decreased.
This idea can be accomplished by using fuzzy logic in combination with SMC to tune the
gain adaptively.
For this purpose, two-input one-output fuzzy system is designed whose inputs are s and s
which are the distance of state trajectories to the sliding surface and its derivative,
respectively. The membership functions of these two inputs are shown in Fig. 1. The output
of the fuzzy system is denoted by K fuzz and has been shown in Fig. 2. For applying these
gains to the control input, the normalization factors N and N v are used as the following

K = N ⋅ K fuzz (20)

K v = N v ⋅ K fuzz (21)

These factors can be selected by trial and error such that the stability condition (17) is
1 1

0.8 0.8
Degree of membership
Degree of membership

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

input variable "s" inpu variable sd

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. The membership functions, (a) input s , (b) input s
The maximum values of K and Kv are limited according to the system actuators power, and the
minimum value of K should not be less than the provided amount in relation (17). The fuzzy
rule base has been given in table 1 in which the following abbreviations have been used: NB:
Negative Big; NS: Negative Small; Z: Zero; PS: Positive Small; PB: Positive Big; M: Medium.
For example, when s is negative small (NS) and s is positive (P), then K fuzz is small (S).
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 141



Degree of membership



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

output variable K

Fig. 2. The membership functions of the output K fuzz

Table 1. The fuzzy rule base for tuning K fuzz

Simulation example 2.1. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control law, it is
applied to a two-link robot with the following parameters:

⎡α + β + 2γ cos q 2 β + γ cos q2 ⎤
M(q ) = ⎢ ⎥ (22)
⎣ β + γ cos q 2 β ⎦

⎡ −γ q 2 sin q 2 −γ ( q1 + q 2 )sin q 2 ⎤
C (q , q ) = ⎢ ⎥ (23)
⎣ γ q1 sin q 2 0 ⎦

⎡αδ 1 cos q1 + γδ 1 cos(q1 + q 2 ) ⎤

G( q ) = ⎢ ⎥ (24)
⎣ γδ 1 cos( q1 + q2 ) ⎦
where α = (m1 + m2 )a12 , β = m2 a22 , γ = m2 a1 a2 , δ = g a1 , and m1 , m2 , a1 = .7 , a2 = .5 are the
masses and lengths of the first and second links, respectively. The masses are assumed to be
in the end of the arms and the gravity acceleration is considered as g = 9.8 . Moreover, the
masses are considered with 10% uncertainty as follow:

m1 = m10 + Δm1 , Δm1 ≤ .4

m2 = m20 + Δm2 , Δm2 ≤ .2

where m10 = 4 and m20 = 2 , and M̂ , Ĉ , and Ĝ are estimated. The desired state trajectory is:

⎡ 1 − cos π t ⎤
qd = ⎢ ⎥ (26)
⎣ 2 cos π t ⎦
142 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

and the disturbance torque is considered as:

⎡ 0.5sin 2π t ⎤
τd = ⎢ ⎥ (27)
⎣ 0.5sin 2π t ⎦

⎡0.5 ⎤
which leads to TD = ⎢ ⎥ .
⎣0.5 ⎦
The design parameters are determined as follow:

⎡15 0 ⎤ ⎡ 40 0 ⎤
λ1 = ⎢ ⎥ , λ2 = ⎢ 0 40 ⎥ (28)
⎣ 0 15 ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

Values of ϕ and η are selected as ϕ = 0.167 and η = [ 0.1 0.1] . Moreover, the factors N

and N v are selected as:

⎡ 50 0 ⎤ ⎡5 0 ⎤
N=⎢ ⎥ , N v = ⎢0 10 ⎥ (29)
⎣ 0 5 ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
In order to show the improvement due to the proposed method, the simulation results of
applying this method are compared with the related results of the conventional SMC. The
tracking error and control law in the case of conventional SMC have been shown in Fig. 3
and Fig. 4, respectively. The corresponding graphs for the case of applying fuzzy SMC-PID
are also provided in Fig. 5 and 6.


0 2 4 6 8 10


0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 3. The tracking errors in the case of using conventional SMC

As it can be seen from these figures, the proposed fuzzy SMC-PID has faster response and
less tracking error in comparison with conventional SMC. In order to show more clearly the
difference between the tracking errors in two cases, the enlarged graphs have been provided
in Fig. 7 and 8.
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 143



0 2 4 6 8 10


0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4. The control inputs in the case of using conventional SMC



0 2 4 6 8 10
Error2 (rad)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 5. The tracking errors in the case of using Fuzzy SMC-PID

144 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators


input1 (N.m)

0 2 4 6 8 10

input2 (N.m)


0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 6. The control inputs in the case of using Fuzzy SMC-PID




0 2 4 6 8 10
x 10

0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 7. The enlargement of the tracking errors in the case of using conventional SMC
x 10
Error1 (rad)

0 2 4 6 8 10
x 10
Error2 (rad)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 8. The enlargement of the tracking errors in the case of using Fuzzy SMC-PID
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 145

2.2 Incorporating sliding mode and fuzzy control

In this section, a combined controller includes SMC term and fuzzy term is proposed for set-
point tracking of robot manipulators. Some practical issues, such as existence of joint
frictions, restriction on input torque magnitude due to saturation of actuators, and modeling
uncertainties have been considered here. Design procedure contains two steps. First, SMC
design is accomplished and system stability in this case is provided by Lyapunov direct
method. When the tracking error would be less than predefined value then a sectorial fuzzy
controller (SFC), (Calcev, 1998), is responsible for control action. Designing of this kind of
fuzzy controller is exactly the same as in which has performed in (Santibanez et al., 2005).
This proposed controller has following advantages. 1) There are less tracking errors versus
traditional SMC in condition that the control input is limited, 2) the chattering is avoided, 3)
convergence of tracking error is more rapid than fuzzy controller designed in (Santibanez et
al., 2005) and modeling uncertainty is considered here (Shafiei & Sepasi, 2010).

2.2.1 Mathematical model and problem formulation

This time the friction of joint is considered and is added to dynamical equation (1) as:

M (q )q + C (q , q )q + G(q ) + F(q ,τ ) = τ (30)

where F(q ,τ ) ∈ R n stands for the friction vector which is as follows (Cai & Song, 1994):

f i ( q ,τ i ) = bi qi + f ci sgn(qi ) + ⎣⎡1 − sgn(qi ) ⎦⎤ sat(τ i ; f si ) (31)

where f i (q ,τ i ) , i = 1, 2, , n , denotes the i-th element of F(q ,τ ) vector. bi , f ci and f si are

the viscous, Coulomb and static friction, respectively. The sat(·; ·) indicates saturation
function with following equation.

⎧ r if x>r

sat ( x ; r ) = ⎨ x if −r ≤ x ≤ r

⎩−r if x < −r

In the following, M (q ) , C (q , q ) and G( q ) might be shown by M , C , and G , respectively in

where it would be requisite.
Now, the boundedness properties are defined as below:

sup { gi ( q ) } ≤ gi , i = 1, ,n (32)
q ∈R n

where gi stands for the i-th element of G( q ) and gi is finite nonnegative constant. Assume
that the maximum torque that joint actuator can supply is τ max . Therefore:

τ i ≤ τ imax , i = 1, ,n (33)

and each actuator satisfies the following condition:

τ imax > gi + f si (34)

146 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

In robot modeling, one can well determine the terms M (q ) and G( q ) but it is difficult in
most cases obtaining the parameters of C (q , q ) and F(q ,τ ) exactly. So, in present section, the
matrix C is considered as follows:

C = Cˆ + ΔC (35)

where Ĉ denotes estimation of C , and ΔC is bounded estimation error which has the
following relation:

ΔC i , j ≤ 0.1 C i , j (36)

where C i , j stands for elements of the matrix C . Also the vector F is supposed as an external
disturbance with the following unknown upper bound:

F ≤ Fup (37)

where the operator ⋅ denotes Euclidean norm.

If one considers the desired point which joint position must be held on it as qd , then the
position error could be defined as:

q = qd − q (38)

Here, the set-point tracking problem refers to define the control law such that error e would
be driven toward the inside of an arbitrary small region around zero with maintaining the
torques within the constraints (33). In succeeding subsections, this aim will be attained.

2.2.2 Sliding mode controller design

The following sliding surface is considered for designing SMC controller.

s = e + λe (39)

where e = −q = q − q d is error vector and λ is supposed symmetric positive definite matrix

such that s=0 would become a stable surface. The reference velocity vector " qr " is defined as
in (Slotin & Li, 1991):

qr = q d − λ e (40)

Thus, one can interpret sliding surface as:

s = q − qr (41)

Here, the SMC controller design is expressed by lemma 2.2.

Lemma 2.2. Consider the system with dynamic equation (30) and sliding surface and
reference velocity defined by (39) and (40), respectively. If one chooses the control law

τ = τˆ − K sgn(s) (42)
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 147

such that

ˆ +G
τˆ = Mqr + Cq (43)


K i ≥ ΔCqr + Γ i (44)

then the sliding condition (10) is satisfied. In the last inequality, Ki denotes the element of
sliding gain vector K and Γ is design parameter vector which must be selected such
that Γ i ≥ Fup + ηi .
Proof: Consider the following Lyapunov function candidate:

1 T
V= s Ms (45)
Since M is positive definite, for s ≠ 0 we have V > 0 and by taking time derivative of the
relation (45) and regarding the symmetric property of M, it can be written:

V = sT Ms + sT Ms (46)
from (40), gives:

V = sT ( Mq − Mqr ) + sT Ms (47)

By substituting (30) in (47) and considering asymmetry property sT ( M − 2C )s = 0 , we have:

V = sT (τ − Cqr − G − F − Mqr ) (48)

Now, applying (42) and (43) yields:

V = sT ( ΔCqr + F ) − ∑ K i si (49)
i =1

Finally, from relation (44) it can be concluded that:

V ≤ −∑ηi si (50)
i =1

This indicates that V is a Lyapunov function and the sliding condition (10) has been
Note that, in general, the sign function is replaced by saturation function as sat ( s / ϕ ) ,
where ϕ denotes boundary layer thickness.

2.2.3 Fuzzy controller design

In this section, the SFC class of fuzzy controller studied in (Santibanez et al., 2005) is
considered which has two-input one-output rules used in the formulation of the knowledge
base. These IF-THEN rules have following form:
148 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

IF x1 is A1l1 and x2 is A2l2 THEN y is Bl1 l2 (51)

where x = [ x1 x2 ] ∈ U = U1 × U 2 ⊂ ℜ2 and y ∈ V ⊂ ℜ . For each input fuzzy set A jj in

T l

x j ⊂ U j and output fuzzy set Bl1 l2 in y ⊂ V , exist an input membership function μ l j ( x j )

and output membership function μBl1l2 ( y ) shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively.

Fig. 9. Input membership functions

Fig. 10. Output membership functions

The fuzzy system considered here has following specifications: Singleton fuzzifier,
triangular membership functions for each inputs, singleton membership functions for the
output, rule base defined by (51), (see Table. 2), product inference and center average

Table 2. The fuzzy rule base for obtaining output y
Thus, one can compute the output y in terms of inputs as follows (Wang, 1997):

⎛ 2 ⎞
∑∑ y ⎜ j∩= 1 μ Al j ( x j ) ⎟
l1 l2

⎝ j ⎠
y ( x ) = ϕ ( x1 , x 2 ) = 1 2
l l
⎛ 2

∑∑ ⎜ ∩ μ Al j ( x j ) ⎟
l1 l2 ⎝ j = 1 j ⎠
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 149

Special properties of this input-output mapping y( x ) for x1, x2 are given in (Santibanez et
al., 2005).
Lemma 2.3. For the system with dynamical equation (30), if one chooses the following
control law,

τ = ϕ ( q , q ) + G(q ) (53)

where q is defined as (38) and q = qd − q is velocity error vector, then the closed-loop system
shown in Fig. 11 becomes stable.
Proof: the stability analysis is based on the study performed in (Calcev 1998) and is fully
discussed in (Santibanez et al., 2005), so it is omitted here. Note that for constant set-point
we have q d = 0 , hence q = −q .

Fig. 11. Closed-loop system in the case of fuzzy controller (Santibanez et al., 2005)

2.2.4 Incorporating SMC and SFC

Each of the two controllers explained in last two subsections drives the robot joint angles to
desired set-point in finite time and according to the Lemma 2.2 and 2.3 the closed-loop
system is stable in both cases. In this section, for utilizing advantages of both sliding mode
control and sectorial fuzzy control, and also minimizing the drawbacks of both of them, the
following control law is proposed:

⎧⎪ τˆ − K sgn( s ) when q e ≥ α
τ =⎨ (54)
y (
⎪⎩ e eq , q ) + G( q ) when qe < α

where α is strictly positive small parameter which can be determined adaptively or set to a
constant value. So, while the magnitude of error is greater than or equal to α , SMC drives
the system states, errors in our case, toward sliding surface and as soon as the magnitude of
error becomes less than α , then the SFC which is designed independent of initial
conditions, controls the system. Since the SMC shows faster transient response, the response
of the system controlled by (54) is faster than the case of SFC. Additionally, in spite of the
torque boundedness, since the SFC controls the system in the steady state, the proposed
controller (54) has less set-point tracking error. Also, since near the sliding surface the
proposed controller switch from SMC to SFC, therefore, the chattering is avoided here.
150 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Simulation example 2.2. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control law, it is
applied to a two-link direct drive robot arm with the following parameters (Santibanez et
al., 2005):
⎡ 2.351 + 0.168 cos( q 2 ) 0.102 + 0.084 cos( q 2 )⎤
M(q ) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣0.102 + 0.084 cos(q 2 ) 0.102 ⎦
⎡ −0.084 sin(q 2 )q 2 −0.084 sin(q 2 )(q1 + q 2 )⎤
Cˆ (q , q ) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.084 sin(q 2 )q1 0 ⎦
⎡ 3.921sin(q1 ) + 0.186 sin(q1 + q 2 )⎤ (55)
G( q ) = 9.81 ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.186 sin(q1 + q 2 ) ⎦
⎡ 2.288q1 + 8.049 sgn(q1 ) + ⎡⎣1 − sgn(q1 ) ⎤⎦ sat(τ 1 ;9.7) ⎤
F(q ) = ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣0.186q 2 + 1.734 sgn(q 2 ) + ⎡⎣1 − sgn(q 2 ) ⎤⎦ sat(τ 2 ;1.87)⎥⎦

C = Cˆ + ΔC
According to the actuators manufacturer, the direct drive motors are able to supply torques
within the following bounds:

τ 1 ≤ τ 1max = 150[Nm]
τ 2 ≤ τ 2max = 15[Nm]
The desired set-point is,

qd = [π −π ]

which is applied as a step function at time zero. The SMC design parameters are as below:

⎡10 0 ⎤ ⎡140 ⎤
0 10 ⎥ , Γ = ⎢ 8 ⎥ and φ = 5 (58)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
For SFC case, according to Fig. 9 and Fig. 11, px j = { − p2 j , − p1 j , p0 j , p1 j , p2 j } is fuzzy partition of
the input universe of discourse and py = { − y 2 , − y1 , y 0 , y 1 , y 2 } is for output universe of
discourse. Now, SFC design parameters are given by following equations (Santibanez et al.,
pq1 = { −180, − 4,0, 4,180}
pq2 = { −180, − 2,0, 2,180}
pq1 = { −360, − 270,0, 270, 360}
pq2 = { −360, − 270,0, 270, 360}
py1 = { −109, − 90,0,90,109}
py2 = { −13, − 9,0,9,13}

For our proposed controller (54), the constant α = 0.3 is supposed. Additionally, to show the
improvement achieved from applying the proposed method of this section (incorporating
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 151

SMC and SFC), the simulation results of applying this method are compared with the
related results of the SMC case and SFC case, separately. The error vector and control law in
the case of conventional SMC have been shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, respectively.

Error (rad)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 12. Error vector in the case of SMC


Input torque (Nm)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 13. The control torques in the case of SMC

The tracking error in this case is about 0.1(rad) and when one choose the thinner boundary
layer to decrease this error, chattering will be occurred. The corresponding graphs for the
case of applying SFC are also provided in Fig. 14, and Fig. 15.
In the case of control law proposed in the present section, Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 illustrate the
error vector and control law, respectively. The tracking error is about 0.002 in this state of
152 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

As it can be seen from these results, the proposed incorporating SMC and SFC controller has
faster response and less tracking error in comparison with SMC and also the error vector
converges toward zero faster than SFC.
In order to show the robustness of the proposed method, the inertia and torque
perturbations are considered as following. The elements of inertia matrix are supposed to
increase fifty percent after 2 sec. It can be a weight that added to the mass of 2nd link. Also,
disturbance torque is considered with the following equation.

τ d = [ 3sin 2π t 3sin 2π ]

Error (rad)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 14. Error vector in the case of SFC




Input torques (Nm)






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (sec)

Fig. 15. The control torques in the case of SFC

Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 153

In this case, the vector of joint errors is shown in Fig. 18. The errors are as good as previous
case. Fig. 19 illustrates the control torques which are not change significantly, and because of
existing perturbations, they alter trivially after 2 sec. these two recent results verify the
robustness of the presented approach.

Error (rad)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 16. Error vector in the case of incorporating SMC and SFC


Input torques (Nm)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 17. The control torques in the case of incorporating SMC and SFC
154 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Error (rad)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (sec)

Fig. 18. Error vector in the case of torque and inertia perturbations


Input torques (Nm)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (sec)

Fig. 19. The control torques in the case of torque and inertia perturbations

3. Sliding mode control using neural network approach

Sliding-Mode-PID control for robot manipulator was explored by (Ataei & Shafiei, 2008). In
their study, although, the uncertainties are considered but controller design is extremely
model-dependent. Also, control command starts with high gain and actuator dynamics is
neglected. Moreover, stability analysis is not investigated after incorporating fuzzy tuning
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 155

system. A robust neural-fuzzy-network controller was designed in (Wai & Chen 2006) for
the position control of an n-link robot manipulator including actuator dynamics. Although,
their control scheme does not require compensating auxiliary control design, but the
employed network is more complicated and uses excess number of neurons. In addition, the
second derivative of position angle is required as a part of controller inputs. Capisani et al.,
(Capisani et al., 2009) presented an inverse dynamic-based second-order sliding mode
controller to perform motion control of robot manipulators, but this method involves the
higher order derivatives of the state variables.
In this section, the motion tracking control of multiple-link robot manipulators actuated by
permanent magnet DC motors is addressed. Sliding-mode-PID tracking controller is
designed such that all the states and signals of the closed loop system remain bounded in
the presence of unknown parameters and uncertainties. Also, neural network universal
approximation property is employed for compensating uncertainties. Furthermore, the
proposed controller contains an outer PID-loop that enhances the approximation
performance during the initial period of weight adaptations, and provides designing a
simple NN with lower amount of layers and neurons. Adaptation laws are applied to adjust
the NN weights on-line. In order to avoid high gain control, the gain factor of robustifying
term is designed adaptively (Shafiei & Soltanpour, 2010).

3.1 Actuated robot dynamics

The mathematical equations describing electrical and mechanical dynamics of a permanent
magnet DC motor are as follows (Spong & Vidiasagar, 1989):

di dθ
V = Ri + L + Kb (61)
dt dt

J mθ + Bmθ + τ m = τ (62)

τ = K mi (63)

where V is the armature voltage of the motor, R and L are armature equivalent resistance
and inductance, respectively, K b is the back electromotive force constant, i is the armature
current and θ denotes the rotor position, J m is the total moment of inertia, Bm is the
damping coefficient, τ m and τ represent the generated motor torque and the load torque,
respectively, and K m is the diagonal matrix of motor torque constant.
The dynamical equation of an n-link robot manipulator is in the standard form of (30) and is
rewritten here.

M(q )q + C (q , q )q + G( q ) + F(q ) + τ d = τ (64)

Here, F (q ) ∈ R n is the dynamic friction vector, τ d ∈ R n denotes the vector of disturbance

and un-modeled dynamics, and τ is the torque vector.
With the purpose of increasing motion speed of the manipulators, motors are equipped with
the high reduction gears as follows:

q = grθ (65)
156 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators


τ m = grτ (66)

where g r is the diagonal matrix of reduction ratio. In the following a practical constraint is
Constraint 3.1. The maximum voltage that joint actuator can supply is V max . So, we have:

Vi ≤ Vimax , i = 1, ,n

It should be noted that, the applicable control input for driving robot arm is the armature
voltage of the motors, here. So, by using equations (61)-(66) and neglecting the inductance
L , because of its tiny amount, the following equation is achieved.

V = RK m−1 {[ J m gr−1 + gr M ]q + ( Bm gr−1 + grC + K m R −1K b gr−1 )q + gr G + gr F(q ) + grτ d } (67)

The previous equation can be expressed in a compact form as:

U = Dq + H + d (68)

with U = V is the control command and the other parameters are

D = RK m−1 ( J m gr−1 + gr M ) (69)

H = Vm + RK m−1 [( Bm gr−1 + K m R −1K b gr−1 )q + gr G(q )] (70)

Vm = RK m−1 grC (q , q ) (71)

d = RK m−1 gr (F( q ) + τ d ) (72)

Remark 3.1. By noting that the parameters, R , K m , J m and g r are positive definite diagonal
matrices, the matrix D is symmetric and positive definite.
Remark 3.2. From relations (69) and (71), and property 2.2, the matrix ( D − 2Vm ) is skew-
symmetric too.

3.2 SMC- PID design and NN description

The tracking error could be defined as before as:

e = qd − q (73)

A key step in designing sliding mode controller is to introduce a proper sliding surface so
that tracking errors and output deviations can be reduced to a satisfactory level (Eker, 2006).
Accordingly, the sliding surface is considered as (74), containing the integral part in
addition to the derivative term.
s = e + λ1 e + λ2 ∫ edt (74)
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 157

where λi is diagonal positive definite matrix. Hence, s = 0 is a stable sliding surface and
e → 0 as t → ∞ . Only defining the sliding surface as (74) is not adequate to claim that SMC-
PID is designed, but the control effort must contain the independent PID part. For this
purpose, the robot dynamic equations can be rewritten based on the sliding surface (in term
of filtered error) as follows:

Ds = −Vm s + f − U (75)


f ( x ) = D(q d + λ1 e + λ 2 e ) + Vms + H + d (76)

where D , Vm and d are given by (69), (71) and (72) respectively, and

x = ⎡⎣qTd sT qT ⎤⎦ (77)

Note that the input vector of s includes linear combination of e and e , (i.e. e + λ1e ) which
they comprise qd , q and qd , q , too, respectively. The input dimension of the two-layer
NN designed here is less than that of given by (Lewis et al., 1996), and thus the proposed
method is more desirable from an implementation point of view. Sliding mode control
strategy consists of designing a two-part controller.

USMC = U eq + U s (78)

with U eq is equivalent control part which is applied to cancel the uncertain nonlinear
function f , and U s specifies robust control term. Considering unknown parameter,
uncertainties and disturbances indicates that the function f is not accessible. Briefly
speaking, neural networks incorporate to reconstruct the U eq part by approximating the
function f , here. According to universal approximation property of neural networks
(Lewis et al., 1998), there is a two-layer NN with sufficient number of neurons, and sigmoid
or RBF activation function for hidden layer and linear activation function for output layer
(see Fig. 20) such that:

f ( x ) = W Tσ (V T x ) + ε (79)

where x ∈ R N2 is the input vector computed by (77), V ∈ R N 2×N2 and W ∈ R N 2×N 2 represents
the NN weights for hidden and output layers, respectively, σ (⋅) denotes activation function
of the hidden layer and ε is NN approximation error. Choosing activation function is
arbitrary provided that the function satisfies an approximation property and it and its
derivative are bounded (Lewis et al., 1998), consequently the sigmoid activation function is
considered, here.

σ ( z) = (80)
1 + e− z
Succeeding section explains complete controller design and investigates stability content.
158 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 20. Two-layer NN structure

3.3 Sliding mode control using adaptive neural network

Note that the utilized weights in (79) are optimum and f ( x) is approximated ideally, over
there. Estimation of f is accomplished by the estimated weights Ŵ and Vˆ , respectively.
So, the NN controller is designed as:

fˆ ( x) = Wˆ T σ (Vˆ T x) (81)

here fˆ ( x) is estimation of f ( x) and Ŵ and Vˆ are updated adaptively. The estimation

errors are defined as follows:

~ ~
V = V − Vˆ , W = W − Wˆ (82)

also, the hidden layer output error for a given input x is

σ~ = σ (V T x) − σ (Vˆ T x) = σ − σˆ (83)

Consider the σ (V x ) as its Taylor series expansion as


~ ~
σ (V T x) = σ (Vˆ T x) + σ ′(Vˆ T x)V T x + Oh (V T x) (84)

where Oh (⋅) denotes higher order terms in Taylor series and

dσ ( z )
σ ′( z ) ≡ (85)
dz z = zˆ

From (83) and (84), we have:

Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 159

~ ~ ~
σ~ = σ ′(Vˆ T x)V T x + Oh (V T x) = σˆ ′V T x + Oh (86)

Now, one can obtain overall error between optimum function f and its estimation fˆ as:

f − fˆ = W Tσ (V T x ) + ε − W ˆ Tσ (Vˆ T x ) = W Tσ (V T x ) + W ˆ Tσ (Vˆ T x ) + ε
ˆ T [σ ′(Vˆ T x )V T x + O ] + ε
= W T [σ (Vˆ T x ) + σ ′(Vˆ T x )V T x + O ] + W
h h
ˆ Tσˆ ′V T x + W Tσˆ ′V T x + W T O + ε
= W σ (Vˆ T x ) − W Tσ ′(Vˆ T x )Vˆ T x + W

= W σ (Vˆ x ) − W σ ′(Vˆ x )Vˆ x + W

T T T T T ˆ Tσˆ ′V T x + ε

ε N = W T σˆ ′ V T x + W T Oh + ε (88)

is the uncertain term and is supposed to be bounded by K as demonstrated in (89).

ε N ≤ W T σˆ ′V T x + W T Oh + ε < K (89)

Design of the control system is provided in the following theorem and is illustrated in Fig.
21 schematically.
Theorem 3.1. Robot manipulator including actuator dynamics represented by equation (68)
is considered, and the sliding surface is defined by (74). If the control input U is designed
as (90) together with adaptation laws of NN controller as (91)-(93), then the asymptotic
stability of the dynamical system is guaranteed.

U = K v s + fˆ + Kˆ sgn( s ) (90)

Wˆ = ασ (Vˆ T x) s T − ασˆ ′Vˆ T xsT (91)

Vˆ = β xs T Wˆ T σˆ ′ (92)

Kˆ = γ s T sgn( s ) (93)

where K v is a positive definite diagonal matrix, K̂ is the estimated value of K . Also, α , β

and γ are positive constants and sgn(⋅) denotes sign function.
Proof: consider the following Lyapunov function candidate

1 T 1 1 1 T
VL =
s Ds +

tr W T W +

tr V TV +

K K( ) (94)

where tr (⋅) denotes the trace operator and K = K − Kˆ . Differentiating of the relation (94)

β ( 1
VL = sT Ds + sT Ds + tr W T W + tr V TV + K T K
γ ( ) (95)
160 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

By substituting (90) in to the first part of (95) and by using (87) one can obtain

ST Ds = sT [ −Vms + f − U ] = sT [ −Vms + f − K v s − fˆ − Kˆ sgn(s )]

= sT [ −V s − K s + W Tσˆ − W Tσˆ ′Vˆ T x + W ˆ Tσˆ ′V T x + ε − Kˆ sgn( s)]
m v N

Some useful relations for manipulating last tow equations are provided in the following.

⎧sT W Tσˆ = tr W Tσˆ sT

⎪ T T ˆT
⎨s W σˆ ′V x = tr W σˆ ′Vˆ xs

⎪ sT W
⎩ (
ˆ Tσˆ ′V T x = tr V T xsT W
ˆ Tσˆ ′
Replacing (96) in (95) and using above relations, produce

1 ⎡ 1 ⎤
VL = −sT K v s + sT (D − 2Vm )s + tr ⎢ W T ( W + σˆ sT − σˆ ′Vˆ T xsT )⎥
2 ⎣ α ⎦
⎡ 1 ˆ Tσˆ ′)⎤ + sT ε − Ks
ˆ T sgn(s ) + 1 KK
+ tr ⎢V T ( V + xsT W ⎥ N
⎣ β ⎦ γ

ˆ , V = −Vˆ , K = −Kˆ , and Remark 3.2 yields sT ( D − 2V )s = 0 . Also, if

Note that W = − W m

adaptive laws (91) and (92) are taken in to account, then we have

ˆ T sgn(s ) − 1 (K − Kˆ )Kˆ = −sT K s + sT ε − KsT sgn( s )

VL = −sT K v s + sT ε N − Ks (98)
v N
substituting (93) in (98) and adopting (99), yields

VL ≤ −K vmin s + ε N ( s1 + s 2 + + sm ) − K ∑ si ≤ −K vmin s ≤ 0
i =1

where K vmin is minimum singular value of K v . Since VL ≤ 0 , the stability in the sense of
Lyapunov is guaranteed which implies that the parameters s , W , V and K (and
consequently Ŵ , V̂ , K̂ ) are bounded. In addition, lim ∫ −VL dτ < ∞ and −VL is bounded,
t →∞ 0
hence Barbalat’s Lemma (Khalil, 2001) indicates that lim( −VL ) = 0 . Note that
t →∞
( −VL ) ≥ K vmin s ≥ 0 , as a result s → 0 as t → ∞ . Therefore, the proposed control system is
asymptotically stable.
Remark 3.3. The PID term in the above control effort, makes Lyapunov derivative more
negative, so it makes the transient response faster and also ensures the performance
efficiency during the initial period of weights adaptations.
Remark 3.4. In practical systems, however, it is impossible to achieve infinitely fast switching
control, because of finite time delays for the control computation and limitation of physical
actuators. For that reason, the sign function is replaced by saturation function here, and the
stability matter is investigated analytically.
The saturation function is selected as
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 161

⎧ s
s ≤ϕ
⎛ s ⎞ ⎪⎪ ϕ
sat ⎜ ⎟ = ⎨ (100)
⎝ ϕ ⎠ ⎪sgn( s ) s ≥ϕ
⎪⎩ ϕ

where ϕ is a thin boundary layer such that 0 < ϕ ≤ 1 . The adaptive law (93) must be
replaced by Kˆ = γ sT sat( s ϕ ) ; So, the equation (98) is changed to

VL = −sT K v s + sT ε N − KsT sat(s ϕ ) (101)

Now, there are two situations;

a. if s > ϕ , then

+ sm ) − K ∑ si < 0
VL ≤ −K vmin s + ε N ( s1 + s2 + (102)
i =1

b. if s ≤ ϕ , then

K m

VL ≤ −K vmin s + ε N ( s1 + s2 + + sm ) − i <0 (103)
φ i =1

Note that, since 0 < ϕ < 1 , therefore ≥ K > ε N . Both situations imply that VL < 0 , and
consequently, the control system remains stable after replacing saturation function.

Fig. 21. Block diagram of the control system structure

Remark 3.5. The sliding gain K̂ is chosen dynamically and its dynamic depends on sliding
surface. When the states go far from the sliding manifold, the absolute value of K̂ increases
to force them back to sliding manifold, and when the states are close to the sliding manifold,
the absolute value of K̂ decreases accordingly. This feature beside the replacing saturation
function, act as what is heuristically designed by fuzzy system in (Ataei & Shafiei, 2008).
Furthermore, the system stability is addressed here.
162 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Simulation example 3.1. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control method,
it is applied to a two-link elbow robot driven by permanent magnet DC motors with the
following parameters:

⎡m l 2 + m2 ( l12 + lc22 + 2 l1lc 2 cos q 2 ) m2 ( lc22 + l1lc 2 cos q 2 )⎤

M(q ) = ⎢ 1 c 1 ⎥
⎣ m2 ( lc22 + l1lc 2 cos q2 ) m2 lc22 ⎦
⎡ −m2 l1lc 2 sin(q2 )q2 −m2 l1lc 2 sin(q2 )(q1 + q2 )⎤ (104)
C(q , q ) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ m2 l1lc 2 sin( q2 )q1 0 ⎦
⎡m1 glc 1 cos q1 + m2 gl1 cos q1 + m2 glc 2 cos( q1 + q2 )⎤
G( q ) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ m2 glc 2 cos(q1 + q2 ) ⎦
where qi is the angle of joint i, mi is the mass of link i, li is the total length of link i, lci is
center-of-gravity length of link i, and g = 9.8 m/s2 is gravity acceleration. The detailed
parameters of this robot manipulator and permanent magnet DC motor actuators are
provided in Table 3 (Wai & Chen, 2006). According to the actuator manufacturer, the DC
motors are able to accept input voltages within the following bounds:

V1 ≤ V1max = 12 [ volt ], V2 ≤ V2max = 12 [ volt ] (105)

For example, one can use 12V DC servo motors for actuating joints. In practice, also, a servo
control card is required which should include multi-channels of digital/analog (D/A) and
encoder interface circuits.
Two-link elbow robot Permanent-magnet DC motors
m1 = 3.55 kg m2 = 0.75 kg J m1 = 3.7 × 10 −5 kg.m2 J m 2 = 1.47 × 10 −4 kg.m2
l1 = 205 mm l2 = 210 mm Bm1 = 1.3 × 10 −5 N.m/s Bm 2 = 2 × 10 −5 N.m/s
lc1 = 154.8 mm lc 2 = 105 mm R1 = 2.8 Ω R2 = 4.8 Ω
K m1 = 0.21 Nm/A K m 2 = 0.23 Nm/A L1 = 3 mH L2 = 2.4 mH
g r1 = 1 60 g r 2 = 1 30 K b1 = 2.42 × 10 s/rad.V
K b 2 = 2.18 × 10 −4 s/rad.V

Table 3. Parameters of two-link elbow robot and actuators

The external disturbances can be considered as external forces injected into the robotic
system, and are supposed to have following expression.

τ d = [sin 4t sin 4t ]T (106)

Also, the friction term is considered here as (Wai & Chen, 2006):

F (q ) = [20q1 + 0.8 sgn(q1 ) 4q2 + 0.16 sgn(q2 )]


In order to show the effectiveness of proposed controller in tracking of desired trajectory, it

is assumed to have the sinusoidal shape in this simulation.

qd = [sin t sin t ]

The design parameters are given in Table 4. The gain matrices λ1 and λ2 are selected such
that the roots of the characteristic polynomial e + λ1e + λ2 e = 0 lie strictly in the open left half
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 163

of the complex plane when the system is in sliding mode ( s = 0 ). The neural network
designed here has four neurons as hidden layer and two neurons as output layer, and its
weights are totally initialized at zero.
Remark 3.6. For a two-layer NN designed here with the input vector given by (77), we have
N1 = 6, N2 = 4 and N3 = 2, for a two-link manipulator. Accordingly, the numbers of adaptive
weights are 24 and 8 for input-to-hidden layer weights and output layer weights,
respectively. So, only 32 weight parameters must be adaptively updated here while using
the NN given in (Lewis et al., 1996), with N1 = 10, N2 = 10 and N3 = 2, this number increases
to 120. If the network size is chosen to large, the improvement of control performance is
limited and the computation burden for the CPU is significantly increased.
The gain matrix Kv which acts as the gain of the PID term is determined large enough to
improve transient response in the initial period of weight adaptations. On the other hand,
choosing Kv to a large extent increases the overall controller gain and may exceed the
permissible voltages of the actuators that are regarded in constraint 3.1. So, there is a trade
off between fast response and practical limitations.

⎡10 0 ⎤ ⎡24 0 ⎤ ⎡1 60 0 ⎤ ⎡5 0 ⎤
λ1 = ⎢ ⎥ λ2 = ⎢ ⎥ gr = ⎢ ⎥ Kv = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 10⎦ ⎣ 0 24⎦ ⎣ 0 1 30⎦ ⎣0 5 ⎦
α =5 β =5 γ =2 ϕ = 0.05
Table 4. Design parameters
The mass variation of second link, the external disturbance and the friction are the major
factors that affect the control performance of the robotic system. In the reminder of this section,
two simulation cases are carried out to show the improvement due to the NNSM_PID control
method proposed in this section. In both cases, the simulation results of applying presented
method are compared with the related results of the fuzzy sliding mode_PID (FSM_PID)
control method proposed in (Ataei & Shafiei, 2008). In the first case, the disturbance (106) and
mass variation are injected and in the second case, the friction term is exerted too. The mass
variation condition is that 1 kg weight is added to the mass of 2nd link (i.e. m2 = 1.75 kg). For the
FSM_PID case, the control law is as following (Ataei & Shafiei, 2008):

U f = K vf s + fˆ f + K f sgn( s) (109)

K vf = N vf K fuzzy (110)

K f = N f K fuzzy (111)

where, Uf is the control input, Kfuzzy is of fuzzy system output and Nvf and Nf are the scaling
gain of the fuzzy system output. Here, it is assumed that only manipulator parameters could
be estimated and actuator parameters are still unknown. So, fˆ f is chosen as (Ataei &
Shafiei, 2008):

fˆ f = Mˆ (qd + λ1e + λ2 e) + Cˆ (qd + λ1e + λ2 edt ) + Gˆ

where M̂ , Ĉ and Ĝ are achieved from nominal value of manipulator parameters.

However, all of the manipulator parameters are considered with 10% uncertainty. The
design parameters of the FSM_PID controller are
164 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

⎡ 3.2 0 ⎤ ⎡0.8 0 ⎤
N vf = ⎢ ⎥ , N f = ⎢ 0 0.7 ⎥ (113)
⎣ 0 3.5 ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Simulation 1─ In this case, the friction term is neglected, mass variation occurs at 3 sec and
external disturbance is injected at 6 sec. The desired trajectory is depicted in Fig. 22. The
vectors of tracking errors of FSM_PID and NNSM_PID are shown in Fig. 23 (a) and (b),
respectively. Both diagrams of Fig. 23 are plotted in the same scaled axes to achieve fairly
comparison. The FSM_PID controller does not meet the tracking purpose in the unknown
actuator parameters and mass variation conditions. On the contrary, the method proposed
in this section provides swift and precise tracking responses. Fig. 24 displays the control
efforts (i.e. input armature voltages of motors). The FSM_PID associated control commands
are jagged to some extent, while, the NNSM_PID case produces smooth control commands
with slowly variation and lower voltage amplitude. Lower voltage commands are more
protected toward actuator saturations. The NN outputs are shown in Fig. 25 and it indicates
that the designed neural network can approximate nonlinear terms with unknown
parameters, smoothly and boundedly.
Simulation 2─ With the purpose of showing robustness of our designed controller against
uncertainties and un-modeled dynamics, the friction term (107) is added here. The vectors of
tracking errors of FSM_PID and NNSM_PID are shown in Fig. 26 (a) and (b), respectively.
However, the response of the FSM_PID case is further undesirable in this condition, on the
other hand, the NNSM_PID control remains robust and its response is satisfactory, as well
as previous simulation case. Control efforts of this case are demonstrated in Fig. 27. Because
of exerting friction term, the input voltage commands are higher than previous case but the
NNSM_PID control commands are still smooth and vary slowly. The NN output is shown
in Fig. 28. Finally, as can be seen from Fig. 29, matrix norm of the adaptive weights, Ŵ and
Vˆ , have bounded value, less than 3, that it verifies what was claimed in the Theorem 3.1
about boundedness of these signals.

Fig. 22. Desired input trajectory qd

Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 165



Fig. 23. (sim1) Tracking error of joints, (a) FSM_PID (b) NNSM_PID
166 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators



Fig. 24. (sim1) Control commands (a) FSM_PID (b) NNSM_PID

Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 167

Fig. 25. (sim1) NN control effort

168 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators



Fig. 26. (sim2) Tracking error of joints (a) FSM_PID (b) NNSM_PID
Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 169



Fig. 27. (sim2) Control commands (a) FSM_PID (b) NNSM_PID

170 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 28. (sim2) NN control effort

Fig. 29. (sim2) Matrix norm of adaptive weights W and V

Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators via Intelligent Approaches 171

4. Conclusion
This chapter addressed sliding mode control (SMC) of n-link robot manipulators by using of
intelligent methods including fuzzy logic and neural network strategies. In this regard, three
control strategies were investigated. In the first case, design of a sliding mode control with a
PID loop for robot manipulator was presented in which the gain of both SMC and PID was
tuned on-line by using fuzzy approach. The proposed methodology in fact tries to use the
advantages of the SMC, PID and Fuzzy controllers simultaneously, i. e., the robustness
against the model uncertainty and external disturbances, quick response, and on-line
automatic gain tuning, respectively. Finally, the simulation results of applying the proposed
methodology to a two-link robot were provided and compared with corresponding results
of the conventional SMC which show the improvements of results in the case of using the
proposed method. In the second case, a new combination of sliding mode control and fuzzy
control is proposed which is called incorporating sliding mode and fuzzy controller. Three
practical aspects of robot manipulator control are considered there, such as restriction on
input torque magnitude due to saturation of actuators, friction and modeling uncertainty. In
spite of these features, the designed controller can improve the sliding mode and fuzzy
controller performance in the tracking error and faster transient points of view, respectively.
As previous case, the simulation results of applying the proposed methodology and other
two methodologies to a two-link direct drive robot arm were provided. Comparing these
results demonstrate the success of the proposed method.
Whenever, fast and high-precision position control is required for a system which has high
nonlinearity and unknown parameters, and also, suffers from uncertainties and
disturbances, such as robot manipulators, in that case, necessity of designing a developed
controller that is robust and has self-learning ability is appeared. For this purpose, an
efficient combination of sliding mode control, PID control and neural network control for
position tracking of robot manipulators driven by permanent magnet DC motors was
addressed in the third case. SMC is robust against uncertainties, but it is extremely
dependent on model and uses unnecessary high control gain; So, NN control approach is
employed to approximate major part of the model. A PID part was added to make the
response faster, and to assure the reaching of sliding surface during initial period of weight
adaptations. Moreover, four practical aspects of robot manipulator control such as actuator
dynamics, restriction on input armature voltage of actuators due to saturation of them,
friction and uncertainties were considered. In spite of these features, the controller was
designed based on Lyapunov stability theory and it could carry out the position control
with fast transient and high-precision response, successfully. Finally, two-step simulation
was performed and its results confirmed the success of presented approach. However, the
presented design was performed in the joint space of robot manipulator and kinematic
uncertainty was not considered. For the future work, one can expand this method to work
space design with uncertain kinematics.

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Supervision and Control Strategies of a

6 DOF Parallel Manipulator
Using a Mechatronic Approach
João Mauricio Rosário1, Didier Dumur2, Mariana Moretti1,
Fabian Lara1 and Alvaro Uribe1
1UNICAMP, Campinas, SP,
2SUPELEC, Gif-sur-Yvette,

1. Introduction
Currently, the Stewart Platform is used in different engineering applications (machine tool
technology, underwater research, entertainment, medical applications surgery, and others)
due to its low mechatronic cost implementation as an alternative to conventional robots. The
current trend of using parallel manipulators has created the need for developing open
supervision and control architectures. This chapter presents the mathematical analysis,
simulation, supervision and control implementation of a six degree of freedom (DOF)
parallel manipulator known as the Stewart platform. The related studies are critically
examined to ascertain the research trends in the field. An analytical study of the kinematics,
dynamics and control of this manipulator covers the derivation of closed form expressions
for the inverse Jacobian matrix of the mechanism and its time derivative, the evaluation of a
numerical iterative scheme for forward kinematics on-line solving, the effects of various
configurations of the unpowered joints due to angular velocities and accelerations of the
links, and finally the Newton-Euler formulation for deriving the rigid body dynamic
The contents of this chapter are organized as follows:
• Section II presents the features of a Stewart Platform manipulator, describing its spatial
motion and applications.
• Section III covers the mathematical description, with the kinematics and dynamics
modelling, and the actuator control using a mechatronic prototyping approach.
• Section IV details the control structure, and compares two different control strategies:
the PID joint control structure and the Generalized Predictive Control (GPC). Both
controllers structured in the polynomial RST form, as a generic framework for
numerical control laws satisfying open architecture requirements.
• Section V describes the supervision and control architecture, particularly the spatial
tracking error is analyzed for both controllers.
174 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

• Section VI provides time domain simulation results and performance comparison for
several scenarios (linear and circular displacements, translational or rotational
movements), using reconfigurable computing applied to a Stewart-Gough platform.
• Section VII presents the supervisory control and hardware interface implemented in a
LabviewTM environment.
• Finally, section VII presents the conclusions and contributions.

2. Stewart platform manipulator

The Stewart platform is a 6 DOF mechanism with two bodies connected by six extendable
legs. The manipulation device is obtained from the generalisation of the proposed
mechanism of a flight simulator presented in (Stewart, 1965)(Gough & Whitehall,
1962)(Karger, 2003)(Cappel, 1967). It legs are connected through spherical joints at both
ends, or a spherical joint at one end, and a universal joint at the other. The structure with
spherical joints at both ends is the 6-SPS (spherical-prismatic-spherical) Stewart platform
(Fig. 1), while the one, with an universal joint at the base and a spherical joint at the top is
the 6-UPS (universal-prismatic-spherical) Stewart platform (Dasgupta, 1998)(Bessala,
Philippe & Ouezdou, 1996).
The spatial movements of the six-axis parallel manipulator provide three translational and
three rotational DOF of the movable plate, allowing position accuracy, stiffness and
payload-to-weight ratio to exceed conventional serial manipulators performances. Due to
these mechanical advantages, the Stewart platform manipulator is used in many
applications such as flight simulators, parallel machine-tools, biped locomotion systems and
surgery manipulators (Sugahara et al., 2005)(Wapler et al., 2003)(Wentlandt & Sastry, 1994).

a) MathworksTM description b) The 6-UPS Stewart Platforms

Fig. 1. Schematic Representation of the Stewart-Gough Platform.

3. Mathematical description
The mathematical model has to respond to a desired trajectory by actuating forces in order
to properly move the mobile plate to the targeted position and orientation. For obtaining the
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 175

mathematical representation, a reference coordinated system for analyzing the manipulator

is presented in Fig. 1.

3.1 Geometric model

Given the accomplishment of numerous tasks due to its configuration, the platform legs are
identical kinematics chains whose motion varies accordingly to the tip of the joint used
(Fasse & Gosselin, 1998)(Boney, 2003). Typically, the legs are designed with an upper and
lower adjustable body, so each one has a variable length (Fig. 1). The geometrical model of a
platform is expressed by its (X, Y, Z) position and the (ψ, θ, φ) orientation due to a fixed
coordinate system linked at the base of the platform. The obtained function of this
generalized coordinates (joints linear movements), is presented in (1).

X i = f (Li ) (1)

where Li = (L1 L2 " L6 ) are each joint linear position, X i = ( X Y Z ψ θ ϕ ) the

position-orientation vector of a point of the platform. Then the transformation matrix for
rotations can be organised as Shown in (2), where, cψ: cos ψ, sψ: sin ψ

⎡cϕ cθ −cϕ sθ sψ − sϕ cψ cϕ sθ cψ + sϕ sψ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
T (ψ ,θ , ϕ ) = rot( x ,ϕ )rot( y ,θ )rot( z ,ψ ) = ⎢ sϕ cθ −sϕ sθ sψ + cϕ cψ sϕ sθ cψ − cϕ sψ ⎥ (2)
⎢⎣ − sθ cθ sψ cθ cψ ⎥⎦

⎡ − nZ ⎤ ⎡ ny ⎤ ⎡ sφ a x − cφ a y ⎤
where, θ = ATAN 2 ⎢ ⎥ , φ = ATAN 2 ⎢ ⎥ , ψ = ATAN 2 ⎢ ⎥ and
⎢⎣ cφ n x + sφ n y⎥⎦ ⎣ nx ⎦ ⎢⎣ − sφ s x + cφ s y ⎥⎦
n= nx ny ] [
nz , s = s x sy ] [ ]
s z , a = a x a y a z : are the orthonormal vectors that describe
the platform's orientation.

a) Inferior base b) Superior base

Fig. 2. Platform Geometric Model – Actuators reference points.
176 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

This transformation matrix allows changing each actuator's position into a new
configuration in order to define the kinematics model as shown in Fig.2 (Kim, Chungt &
Youmt, 1997)(Li & Salcudean, 1997).
The points that define the upper base motion are located at the extremities of the six linear
actuators fixed at the lower base of the platform. When assuming that the actuators have
reached their final position and orientation, the problem is calculating the coordinates of the
center of mass on the superior base, and the RPY orientation angles (roll, pitch and yaw).
The relative positions can be calculated from the position and orientation analysis (using the
transformation matrix), leading to new ones within the platform’s workspace.
The position vector for the actuator of the upper/lower base, Pi , Ps , is determined in
relation to the fixed reference system at the center of mass of the inferior part as described in
(3). The parameters α , β , δ , ε , a , b , d , e are reported in Fig.2, where h represents the position
of the center of mass of the upper base in its initial configuration, and each line of Pi , Ps
represents the lower ( A1 " A6 ) and superior ( B1 " B6 ) coordinated extremities of
the actuators.

⎡ Ai + ε Di − δ 0⎤ ⎡ As + e Ds − d h⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ − Ai + ε Di − δ 0⎥ ⎢ − As + e Ds − d h⎥
⎢− A + ε + Ci Di − δ + C i 0⎥ ⎢ − As + e + C s Ds − d + C s h⎥
Pi = ⎢ i ⎥ P =⎢ ⎥ (3)
⎢ −Bi + ε Di + δ 0 ⎥ s ⎢ −Bs + e Ds + d h⎥
⎢ B +ε −Di + δ 0⎥ ⎢ B +e −Ds + d h⎥
⎢ i
⎥ ⎢ s

⎢⎣ Ai − ε − C i Di − δ + C i 0 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ As − e − C s Ds − d + C s h ⎥⎦

where, Ai = 0.5α , As = 0.5b , Bi = 0.5 β , Bs = 0.5 a , Ci = 2(ε − Bi )cos(t ) , C s = 2( e − Bs )cos(t ) ,

Di = ( Ai + Bi )cos(t ) , Ds = ( As + Bs )cos(t )
Each actuator is associated to a position vector Xi considering its inferior end and the value
of the distension associated with the ith actuator. With the transformation matrix, XiT is the
new associated position vector for each upper position ith, obtained in (4).

X i = T (ψ ,θ ,ϕ ) X iT (4)

From the known position of the upper base, the coordinates of its extremities are calculated
using the previous equations resulting in new ones, whose norm corresponds to the new
size of the actuator. If X0 is the reference point, then the difference between the current sizes
and the target ones is the distension that must be imposed to each actuator in order to reach
its new position as presented in (5)

ΔL = X iT − X 0 − X i − X 0 (5)

Thus, the distance between the extremities is calculated using the transformation matrix and
the known coordinates. The kinematic model of the platform receives the translation
information in vector form and the rotation from a matrix with the RPY angles.
This analysis allows calculating each axes lengths so that the platform moves to the target
position, so the required of each linear actuator k connected to the upper mobile base before
and after movement is described in Eqs. 6 and 7.
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 177

L= ∑(P
j =1
− Pikj )2 with k = 1," ,6 (6)

L + ΔL = ∑ (T
j =1
(ψ ,θ ,φ )Pskj − Pikj )2 (7)

The links of the platform are defined by:

iπ − ap
Ai =[rp cos(αi ), rp sen(αi ),0]T =[Aix , Aiy , Aiz ]T αi = for i=1,3,5 αi =αi-1 + ap for i=2,4,6 (8)
And the links of the base by:

iπ − ab
Bi = [rb cos(βi ), rb sen(βi ),0]T = [Bix , Biy , Biz ]T βi = for i=1,3,5 βi = βi-1 + ab for i=2,4,6 (9)
Where rp: radius of platform; rb: radius of base; ap: angle of platform and ab: angle of base

3.2 Kinematic model

The Stewart Platform Manipulator changes its position and orientation as a function of its
linear actuator’s length. Fig. 3 shows the corresponding geometric model viewed from the
top, where the bottom base geometry is formed by the B1 to B6 points, and the upper one by
A1 to A6 points.

Fig. 3. Stewart Platform geometric model

3.3 Inverse kinematics

The inverse kinematics model of the manipulator expresses the joint linear motion as a
position and orientation function due to the fixed coordinate system at the base of the
platform (Wang, Gosselin & Cheng, 2002)(Zhang & Chen, 2007), as presented in Eq. 10:

l=f (x ) (10)
Where, l=(l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6) is the linear position of the joints, x=(X, Y, Z, ψ, θ, φ) is the position
vector of the platform, X,Y,Z the cartesian position and ψ, θ, φ represents the orientation of
178 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

the platform. The reference systems are fixed to A(u,v,w) and B(x,y,z) at the base, as shown
in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Vector representation of the manipulator.

The transformation for the mobile platform´s centroid to the base, is described by the
position vector x and the rotation matrix BRA, where,

⎡ r11 r12 r13 ⎤

⎢ ⎥
RA = ⎢r21 r22 r23 ⎥ (11)
⎢⎣r31 r32 r33 ⎥⎦

The angular motions are expressed as Euler angle rotations in respect to x-axis, y-axis, and
z-axis, i.e. roll, pitch and yaw, in sequence.

⎡cψ cφ cψ sφ sθ − sψ cθ cψ sφ cθ + sψ sφ cθ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
RA = ⎢cψ cφ sψ sφ sθ + cψ cθ sψ sφ cθ − cψ sθ ⎥ (12)
⎢⎣ −sφ cφ cθ cφ cθ ⎥⎦

The vector-loop equation for the ith actuator of the manipulator is as follows:

li = A RB Ai + x − Bi (13)

By substituting the terms for each actuator, (14) describes the platform motion in relation to
its base.

( )
li 2 = X 2 + Y 2 + Z 2 + rp 2 + rb 2 + 2 r11 Aix + r12 Aiy ( X − Bix )
( )(
+ 2 r21 Aix + r22 Aiy Y − Biy ) + 2 (r
31 Aix + r23 Aiy )(Y − B ) + 2Z ( r
iy 31 ) (
Aix + r23 Aiy − 2 XBix + YBiy )
3.4 Dynamics study
The dynamic equations are derived for the Stewart Platform with a universal joint at the
base and a spherical joint at the top of each leg. For this study, it is assumed that there is no
rotation allowed on any leg about its own axis, so the kinematics and dynamics for each one
considers and calculates the constraining force over the spherical joint at its top.
Finally, the kinematics and dynamics of the platform are considered so the spherical joint
forces from all the six legs complete the dynamic equations.
The motion control can be implemented on every joint considering the movements of each
actuator (Guo & Li, 2006). Considering the coupling effects and to solve the trajectory
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 179

problem, the dynamic control takes the inputs of the system so the drive of each joint moves
its links to the target position with the required speed.
The dynamic model of a 6-DOF platform can be calculated with the Euler-Lagrange
formulation that expresses the generalized torque (Jaramillo et al, 2006)(Liu, Li and Li,
2000).The dynamic model is described by a set of differential equations called dynamic
equations of motion as shown in (15).

τ i = Ji Li + Fi L i + Γi i = 1," ,6 (15)

where τ i ( t ) is the generalized torque vector, Li ( t ) the generalized frame vector (linear
joints), J i ( t ) the inertial matrix, Fi ( t ) the non-linear forces (for example centrifugal) matrix,
Γi the gravity force matrix.

3.5 Actuator model

Each joint is composed of a motor, a transmission system and an encoder and by
considering DC motor (Ollero, Boverie & Goodal, 2005), its three classic equations are
presented in Eq. 16

d i( t ) d θ (t )
u(t ) = Lmot + Rmot i(t ) + KE m
dt dt
2 (16)
d θ m (t ) d θ (t )
Tm (t ) = J eq + Beq m = K i(t )
2 dt T

where Tm ( t ) is the torque, θ m ( t ) the angular position of the motor axis, i ( t ) the current,
Lmot , Rmot respectively the inductance, resistance, J eq , Beq the inertia, friction of the axis load
calculated on the motor side.

4. Control structure
A simulation environment allows implementing and testing advanced axis control
strategies, such as Predictive Control, which is a well known structure for providing
improved tracking performance. The purpose of the control structure is to obtain a model of
the system that predicts the future system's behaviour, calculates the minimization of a
quadratic cost function over a finite future horizon using future predicted errors. It also
elaborates a sequence of future control values; only the first value is applied both on the
system and the model, finally the repetition of the whole procedure at the next sampling
period happens accordingly to the preceding horizon strategy (Li & Salcudean, 1997)
(Nadimi, Bak & Izadi, 2006)(Remillard & Boukas, 2007)(Su et al, 2004).

4.1 Model
The Controlled Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model (CARIMA) form is used
as numerical model for the system so the steady state error is cancelled due to a step input
or disturbance by introducing an integral term in the controller (Clarke, Mohtadi & Tuffs,
180 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

1987). The predictive control law uses an external input-output representation form, given
by the polynomial relation:

ξ (k)
A(q −1 )y( k ) = B(q −1 )u( k − 1) + (17)
Δ( q −1 )

where u is the control signal applied to the system, y the output of the system, Δ(q-1) =1 - q-1
the difference operator, A and B polynomials in the backward shift operator q-1, of
respective order na and nb, ξ an uncorrelated zero-mean white noise.

4.2 Predictive equation

The predictive method requires the definition of an optimal j-step ahead predictor which is
able to anticipate the behaviour of the process in the future over a finite horizon. From the
input-output model, the polynomial predictor is designed under the following form:

yˆ ( k + j ) = Fj (q −1 )y( k ) + H j (q −1 )Δu( k − 1) + + G j (q −1 )Δu( k + j − 1) + J j (q −1 )ξ ( k + j ) (18)

free response forced response

where Fj, Gj, Hj and Jj, unknown polynomials, corresponding to the expression of the past
and of the future, are derived solving Diophantine equations, with unique solutions
controller (Clarke, Mohtadi & Tuffs, 1987).

4.3 Cost function

The GPC strategy minimizes the weighted sum of the square predicted future errors and the
square control signal increments:

N2 Nu

∑ ( yˆ ( k + j ) − w( k + j )) + λ ∑ Δu( k + j − 1)2
J= (19)
j = N1 j =1

Assuming that Δu (t + j ) = 0 for j ≥ N u . Four tuning parameters are required: N1, the
minimum prediction horizon, N2 the maximum prediction horizon, Nu the control horizon
and λ the control-weighting factor.

4.4 Cost function minimization

The optimal j-step ahead predictor (20) is rewritten in matrix form:

yˆ = G u + if(q −1 ) y(t ) + ih(q −1 ) Δu(t − 1) (20)


⎡ ⎤
if(q −1 ) = ⎢F (q −1 ) " F (q −1 )⎥ ′
⎣ 1
2 ⎦ u = ⎡⎣ Δu(t ) " Δu(t + N u − 1)⎤⎦ ′
⎡ ⎤ yˆ = ⎡⎣ yˆ (t + N 1 ) " yˆ (t + N 2 ))⎤⎦
ih(q −1 ) = ⎢ H (q −1 ) " H (q −1 )⎥ ′
⎣ 1 2 ⎦
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 181

⎡ gNN11 gNN11 − 1 " " ⎤

⎢ N1 + 1 ⎥
g gNN11 + 1 " "
G = ⎢⎢ N1 + 1 ⎥ (22)
" " " " ⎥
⎢ N ⎥
⎢⎣ gN 22 gNN22 − 1 " gNN22 − Nu + 1 ⎥⎦

The future control sequence is then obtained by minimizing the criterion (23) (Clarke,
Mohtadi and Tuffs, 1987):

u = M ⎡ w − if(q −1 ) y(t ) − ih( q −1 ) Δu(t − 1)⎤ (23)

⎣⎢ ⎦⎥

⎡ ⎤
M = Q G' , N u × ( N 2 − N 1 + 1) , Q = ⎢ G'G + λ I , w = ⎡⎣ w(t + N 1 ) " w(t + N 2 )⎤⎦ (24)
⎣ Nu ⎥⎦

4.5 RST form controller

The minimization of the previous cost function (Clarke, Mohtadi & Tuffs, 1987), results in
the predictive controller derived in the RST form according to Fig. 5 and implemented
through a differential equation in (25).

S(q −1 )Δ(q −1 )u(t ) = − R(q −1 )y(t ) + T (q )w(t ) (25)

T (q) DAC Process ADC
w + ΔS (q −1 )
- y
Polynomial RST
R(q −1 )

Fig. 5. GPC in a RST form.

The main feature of this RST controller is the non-causal form of the T polynomial, creating
the anticipative effect of this control law.

4.6 Complete model implementation

Taking the xr as the system's input trajectory the objective is to calculate the actuator’s length
lr for each sampled position. Mechanism and actuator controller dynamic effects are
considered over the six legs having as outputs their δld and previous position xi-1, this is done
in order to calculated the current manipulator position xo, xf is determined by the length of
the actuator l0. Then these values are compared with the target position in order to estimate
the error δl between the reference position xr and the manipulator’s position xo after all the
dynamics effects have been considered (Fig. 6 and Fig. 7) (Hunt, 1978)(Jaramillo et al, 2006)
(Ghobakhloo, Eghtesad & Azadi, 2006).
182 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

(b) Actuator model

(a) Global model (c) Joint space control architecture

Fig. 6. Total system Model

(a) Continuous PID joint control (b) Discrete PID in RST form

Fig. 7. Continuous and Discrete PID Controller.

( ) ( )
degree R(q −1 ) = degree R(q −1 )

degree ( S( q −1 )) = degree ( B(q −1 )) (44)

degree (T (q )) = N
The GPC has shown to be an effective strategy in many fields of applications, with good
time-domain and frequency properties (small overshoot, improved tracking accuracy and
disturbance rejection ability, good stability and robustness margins), is able to cope with
important parameters variations.

5. Simulation
The modelling of the Parallel Manipulator leads to the design of a simulator adopting
electric and mechanical libraries blocks using Simulink (Gosselin, Lavoie & Toutant, 1992).
The main elements of the robotics joints are brushless DC motor drives, axis inertia, gears
and control blocks. Other elements of the manipulator (including loads) are represented by
three nonlinear models, one for each motor drive. The control system itself consists,
essentially, in a cascade of control loops (for each axis). The inner speed and torque control
loops are part of the drive model where only the position loop is explicitly modelled. In fact,
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 183

the position control of the manipulator can be implemented through the control feedback of
each isolated joint (Cappel, 1967).
The developed simulator also includes a path generation module, providing the joints with
axis trajectories as reference signal for controlling each of the parts (Jaramillo et al, 2006).
Finally, a graphic interface is developed, showing the results of joint motion obtained
through typical trajectories. The simulation software was implemented using Matlab ® and
programmed with the equations of the Stewart Platform manipulator. This interface allows
the input of the dynamic simulation parameters: mass and inertia of the mobile platform,
actuator parameters and the gains of the PID controller. Fig. 8 shows a screen capture of the
developed interface.

Fig. 8. Implemented simulation environment

In Fig. 9 the overall block diagram with the dynamic and control model (Fig. 3)
implemented in Simulink is presented
The considered system used for supervision and control implementation includes 3 DC
motors, a 1:100 gear box (N), a ball screw transmission (for joint 1 only) and incremental
encoders (Table 1).The joint controllers are designed independently, resulting in three RST
parameters, considering the same axis motor but with different inertia on the motor side due
to different geometrical features for each one.
Four tuning parameters are required: N1 the minimum prediction horizon, N2 the maximum
prediction horizon, Nu the control horizon and λ the control weighting factor. These are
given in Table 2 have been chosen to provide good stability and robustness margins (Clarke,
Mohtadi, & Tuffs, 1998).
184 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 9. Simulink Dynamic and control Model

Jm - Inertia (kgm2) 0.71 10-3

Weight (kg) 8
Mechanical time constant (ms) 1.94
Voltage constant (V/rad/s) 0.807
Torque constant (Nm/A) 1.33
L - Inductance (mH) 14.7
R - Resistance ( Ω ) 1.44
Table 1. Motor Parameters.

Joint N1 N2 Nu λ
1 1 8 1 92
2 1 8 1 107.3
3 1 8 1 126
Table 2. GPC tuning parameters for each joint.

5.1 Manipulator geometry variation: case study

The manipulator workspace and behaviour can be studied from the variation and
simulation of various upper and bottom plate geometries, these configurations are
presented in Fig. 10 with their corresponding geometry parameters. Once the geometry of
each plate is chosen, motion to target positions can be simulated using the implemented
path generator, Fig. 11 presents a circular path over a xy plane.
An initial point of the circular trajectory on the xy plane is presented in Fig. 11.
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 185

Fig. 10. Top and bottom implemented base geometries and parameters

Fig. 11. Path Generator Results

The maximum velocity for this workspace trajectory is 2mm/s and the maximum
acceleration is 0.1 mm/s2 (Fig. 12).
186 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 12. a. workspace velocity b. workspace acceleration

The joint space trajectory corresponding to the target workspace path for each actuator li(t)
is obtained through the inverse kinematics model obtaining the trajectories trajectories
presented in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13. Joint space trajectory

The singular configurations with various conditions along the trajectory are analyzed (Fig.
14), in this case, the variation of the singular number respect to the initial condition is 2.52%;
with this small variation singular configurations are avoided, while in other cases changing
the number of conditions results in higher singularities.

Fig. 14. Singular Analyses.

Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 187

The constant workspace volume of the manipulator is also evaluated (Fig. 15). This useful
characteristic helps to plan new workspace trajectories with constant orientation.

Fig. 15. Work space volume

5.2 Dynamics study

In order to perform the dynamic study and analyze the associated effects of various forces
over the platform, the entire system has been modelled in a Simulink environment. The
obtained model is composed of of one equation and four integration blocks for calculating
velocity and position from the known acceleration. In addition, to simplify the
implementation of the simulation, the platform initial conditions are declared through an
initialization button. Finally a graph button allows the visualization of the results after
The simulation tests were performed using values defined in subsection 5.1, and also the
initial position of the center of gravity of the following platform:

To = [ 0.1 0 0.395 ] m

θo = [ 0.1 0 -0.2 ] rad

The initial position of the 3D platform is presented in Fig. 16a, where a 50N constant force is
applied on each arm for 0.5 s resulting in the position of the platform shown in Fig. 16b.
During this movement the change of position, linear and angular velocities of the center of
gravity is calculated and presented in Fig.17.

5.3 Control analysis

For joint space position control the PID controller is tunned with the following gains:
Kp=100, Ki=1 and kd=1. the li(t) input and ld(t) output joint space trajectory is presented in
Fig. 18.
188 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

0.5 0.8

0.4 0.6


-0.1 -0.2
0.5 0.5
0 0 0.2
0.4 0
0 -0.2
-0.5 -0.2 -0.5
-0.4 -0.4

(a) Initial Position (b) 50N load position

Fig. 16. Stewart Platform Positions
Déplacement linéaire Déplacement angulaire
1 0
x tetax
y -0.5 tetay
z tetaz

-0.5 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Vitesse linéaire Vitesse angulaire

2 5
dx wx
dy wy
0 0 wz

-2 -5

-4 -10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 17. Linear and angular displacement of of the center of gravity of the Stewart Platform.

Fig. 18. Input and output joint space trajectory.

Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 189

The maximum joint space error is 0.1 mm in all the actuators resulting in a maximum
motion of 30 mm or 0.333%.

Fig. 19. Joint Space error

Appling the forward kinematics for calculating and comparing the workspace output x0 is
calculated and compared with the workspace input xr.

Fig. 20. Output and input workspace trajectory

The maximum work space error is 0.5 mm for a maximum linear motion of 390 mm in the z
axis (Fig. 21).

6. Supervision and control architecture

The purpose of implementing a supervisory system over the platform is to permit an easy,
fast adaptation and expansion of the system due to current technological trends, resulting in
better portability and scalability of the system. Through the structure division in functional
blocks, with very specific dedicated interfaces, the project implementation becomes more
efficient. The rapid prototyping tools allow designing integrated environments for
190 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 21. Work space error

a) Tracking error b) Disturbance reaction, PID

Fig. 22. Time domain simulation results, tracking error and disturbance reaction
modelling, simulating, and testing algorithm development, through components that
simulates the dynamic models of the mechatronic systems; performs complex simulation of
the overall system and environment; generates programming code for embedded robot
control, and communicates with the platform for controlling it locally or remotely
(McCallion, 1977).
The proposed control architecture is a set of implemented hardware and software modules
emphasizing on rapid prototyping systems integrated to support the development of the
platform tasks.

6.1 Control levels

In the supervisory control level, the supervision of a generic platform task can be achieved
through the execution of global control strategies. This level also allows correcting the task
execution according to the data obtained through the sensors. The embedded control level is
dedicated for executing control strategies allowing locally decision making, with occasional
corrections from the supervisory control level. The local control is restricted to local
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 191

strategies associated with the sensors and actuators data. The strategies in this level can be
implemented under a rapid prototyping framework like FPGA, as described in Fig. 23.

Fig. 23. Stewart-Gough Platform – Control Architecture.

6.2 Embedded level

At the embedded control level two main tasks are implemented: the command decoder and
the logic control. The first task decodes commands received by the embedded
communication interface (from supervisory control), allowing different actions to be
executed according to the received data. The second task generates control signals to
actuators’ interfaces and receives signals from sensors’ interfaces, both located at local
control level, so control strategies are implemented in the logic control block.
The prototype uses a FPGA from Altera (Stratix II EP2S60) (Altera, 2008), the configware
blocks were implemented in VHDL or Graphic language in the Altera’s development
platform Quartus II. The embedded control strategies in the logic control block were
development using C++ language, in a system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC)
environment or through the use of blocks implemented in reconfigurable hardware.

6.3 Position control using FPGA

The objective of the proposed controller is to control the linear actuators of the platform. It is
able to process the digital signals from the encoders coupled to each linear actuator and the
digital signals of the target trajectory. For example, a PID digital controller written in a RST
form can be implemented in PLD, with the fitted gain parameters through external
programming. The controller’s output is a digital signal for the PWM power block. Various
implementations of the digital PID (Proportional-Integrative-Derivative) controllers are
implemented, and, consequently tuning parameters are necessary for fulfulling the different
performance requirements, or to endure different levels of operating noise. A typical
implementation of a PID controller can be achieved using a set of differential equations, as

U[ n] = P[n] + I[n] + D[n] , (45)

P[n] = Kp ⋅ e[ n] , (46)
192 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Kp ⋅ Ts
I[n] = I[n − 1] + ( e[n] − e[n − 1]) (47)
2 * Ti

D[n] =
( pTs − 2) ⋅ D[n − 1] + 2 ⋅ Kp ⋅ Td ⋅ (e[n] − e[n − 1]) (48)
( pTs + 2) Ts ⋅ ( pTs + 2)

where: U[n] is the current control signal resultant, P[n] the current proportional control
signal, I[n] the current integral control signal, D[n] is composed of the proportional,
derivative and integral parameters (Kp, Td and Ti) where Ts is the sampling time,
respectively. Also, e[n] the current error sample, and finally, e[n-1] the previous error
sample. A register error block stores values of e[n] and e[n-1], and makes shift operations
(e[n-1] = e[n] and u[n-1] = u[n]). An output register block stores u[n] and u[n-1].


Inte wer
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E R (3
16 2b
bits Pa its )
Co ram e
nfig ter
Reg uratio
iste n
bit s Dife
Equ enc e
Co a tio
Re ntrol n
De t rror
(16 cting
EN bits
CO )
Velo put
Sa m city

c Win is e
Me ity d ow
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q ue
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Fig. 24. Embedded DC motor control blocks.

Some of the blocks are described as follows: Error Detecting is used for comparing of the
reference input and output velocity signals, allowing the generation of a proportional binary
word to the error among the periods of the signs. The obtained output of this block is U[n],
Difference Equation implements the PID digital controller, using the gain parameters (Kp,
Ts and Ti) contained in the control input registers. Control Register implements the control
registers, responsible for the programming of several operational parameters, including the
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 193

gain parameters. PWM and Power Interface converts the binary word supplied by PID
controller in a pattern of digital signs to control the PWM potency block.
The considered reconfiguration in the interface and logical block design eases testing,
implementation and future updating, due to this, the development of systems based on
reconfigurable computing present well-suited features for developing this kind of problem.
The synchronized control of the actuator system can be easily achieved through the same

6.4 Prototyping environment

A simulation tool was developed for the 6 DOF parallel manipulator, including motor
drives, gear boxes, kinematic and dynamic models, and design of the control system for
three axes. Simulations described below consider trajectories issued from the path
generation module. The model was tested first in Matlab-Simulink language and the final
control hardware implementation was performed in visual programming using LabVIEWTM
software (Fig. 25). This last one is used for communication purposes between the program
and the control hardware of the prototype.

Fig. 25. Model implemented in LabVIEWTM.

6.5 Experimental results

The development of a numerical algorithm [8], allows calculating the linear positions for a
task defined with respect of the platform center in the Cartesian Space, contains the solution
of the inverse kinematics through the use of recursive numerical methods based on the
calculation of the kinematics model and of the inverse Jacobian matrix of the manipulator.
This algorithm has been validated through different simulations, assessing the behavior of
194 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

the trajectory (joint coordinate). For this purpose the kinematics model of the platform was
used with six linear joints. Fig. 26a shows the joints movements of each linear actuator and
their displacement (45 degrees, approximately) of one point of the upper base of this
platform obtained through the inverse kinematics model (Fig. 26b). Fig. 26c shows results of
the proposed simulation, obtained with PID axis controllers implemented through FPGA,
considering general sea movements and LABVIEWTM experimental platform.

a) b)


a) Joints evolutions. b) Trajectory description. c) Joint motion

Fig. 26. Kinematics model - Simulation results.

7. Conclusions
This chapter presents the study of kinematics, dynamics and supervision and control of a
Stewart-Gough platform, under a reconfigurable architecture concept, considering the
division of the system in small functional blocks. This implementation consisted in merging
knowledge acquired in multiple areas, and appears as a very promising design strategy for
a better reconfiguration capability and portability.
Supervision and Control Strategies of a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator Using a Mechatronic Approach 195

This platform also becomes a powerful benchmark for many research activities, such as the
validation of controllers and supervision strategies, model generation and data transmission
protocols, among others. For example, the implementation of predictive controllers on this
prototype may enable the test of this advanced control strategy under severe conditions of
To simplify tests, implementation and future modifications, the use of rapid prototyping
functions in the implementation of the interfaces and other logical blocks is emphasized in
the proposed prototype. The control block, for example, can benefit of the characteristics of
low consumption, high-speed operations, integration capacity, flexibility and simple
programming. Some promising aspects of this architecture are:
• Flexibility, as there is a large variety of possible configurations in the implementation of
solutions for several problems,
• It is a powerful tool for prototype design, allowing simple solution to control the
several sensors and actuators usually present in this kind of projects,
• Possibility of modification of control strategies during operation of the platform,
• The open architecture of this platform enables the use for educational and researches

8. References
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Collision Detection and Control of

Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter
Yuichi Sawada, YusukeWatanabe and Junki Kondo
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Department of Mechanical and System Engineering

1. Introduction
Flexible manipulators that are lightweight and mechanically flexible are useful for operations
in various fields, e.g. space development programs, robotic assistants to humans and so
forth. However, the derivation of their exact mathematical model and synthesis of the
accurate positioning controller is exceptionally difficult because of the mechanical flexibility.
On the other hand, the mechanical flexibility is conducive to the safety in collision between
the manipulator and the obstacles. However, it is not positive safety measures that
reduction of the influence due to the impact force of collision for the flexible manipulator
depends only on its mechanical flexibility. In order to develop flexible manipulators so that
they work safely with persons cooperatively, we need to introduce the active collision
detection and suspension control algorithms to the flexible manipulators.
The functional requirements of safety in the operations of flexible manipulators are as
follows: i) to avoid collisions with obstacles placed or moving in the work space; ii) to detect
collisions when unlooked-for obstacles contact with the flexible arm of the manipulator and
to suspend the motion as immediately as possible; iii) to plan a new path so as to avoid the
place of obstacles.
There are several researches on collision detection methods without extra sensors (A. Garcia
& Somolinos, 2003), (M. Kaneko & Tsuji, 1998), (T. Matsumoto & Kosuge, 2000). Moorehead
and Wang proposed (Moorehead & Wang, 1996) a collision detection method using strain
gauges to determine the intensity and position of external force due to collision with a
flexible cantilevered beam. The estimation of the contact position in their approach was
achieved by the mechanical relation between positions of the two strain gauges and the
bending moments measured by the sensors. Payo et al. (I. Payo & Cortazar, 2009) is
produced the method of collision detection and suspend control of the very lightweight
single-link flexible arm based on coupling torque feedback. They used the variation of the
control torque.
The authors have focused our attention on the second item mentioned above. We already
developed a method of collision detection for the single-link flexible manipulator using the
innovation process of the Kalman filter (Sawada, 2002a), (Sawada, 2002b), (Sawada, 2002c),
(Sawada, 2004 (in Japanese)), (Kondo & Sawada, 2008). Our approach requires no particular
198 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

sensors for measuring the contact events between the flexible arm and the obstacles. This
collision detection method is based on the observation data for vibration control of the
flexible manipulator. The mathematical model of the flexible manipulators is expressed by
nonlinear partial differential equations and ordinary differential equations, which is
regarded as the infinite-dimensional system. The Kalman filter is constructed for the
linearized finite-dimensional model corresponding to the mathematical model of the
This chapter describes a method of collision detection and suspend control for parallel-
structured flexible manipulators subject to random disturbance using unscented Kalman
filter (UKF), which is one of the nonlinear filters. The features of the parallel-structured
flexible manipulator are that it holds sufficient rigidity along the vertical axis and mechanical
flexibility along the displacement axis of the arm (Sawada & Watanabe, 2007). The exact
mathematical model of the parallel-structured flexible manipulator is described by quite
complex nonlinear partial and ordinary differential equations, because the manipulator
consists of two flexible beams which are disposed parallel. In this chapter, the parallel-
structured flexible manipulators are approximately modeled by a flexible arm consisting of
a flexible beam with the same boundary conditions as the parallel-structured one.
The approximated model of the flexible manipulator is also a nonlinear system. In order to
construct the state estimate for the flexible manipulator, we employed the unscented
Kalman filter as the nonlinear state estimator (S. Julier & Durrant-Whyte, 2000), (S.J. Julier &
Durrant-Whyte, 1997), (Y.-S. Chen & Wakui, 1989). The UKFs are based on the Monte Carlo
method, which have been developed by Simon Julier (S. Julier & Durrant-Whyte, 2000), (S.J.
Julier & Durrant-Whyte, 1997) in order to improve the accuracy of the extended Kalman
filters. The UKF generates a population of so-called sigma-points on the basis of the current
mean and covariance of the state vector. The mean and covariance of the state are calculated
using these sigma-points, which means that the algorithm is not necessary to evaluate the
Collision between the parallel-structured flexible manipulator and an undesirable obstacle
can be detected using the innovation process of the UKF based on the measured data of
strain sensors pasted on the side of the manipulator. The UKF is constructed for the
nonlinear state space model corresponding to the parallel-structured flexible manipulator
without the impact force term due to the collision. The collision detection function is defined
by the strength of the innovation process. The detection algorithm decides that the collision
occurs if the collision detection function exceeds a preassigned threshold.
The controller for the manipulator has the following two objectives: i) to rotate the flexible
arm from the initial position to the desired position; ii) to safely suspend the rotation of the
arm when the collision is detected.

2. Mathematical model of parallel-structured single-link flexible manipulator

Consider a parallel-structured single-link flexible arm with collision illustrated in Fig.1. This
arm consists of two uniform Euler-Bernoulli beams with their length ℓ. The end of each
beam is clamped to an unit of hub and the other end is to a tip-mass.
Let OXY be the inertial Cartesian coordinate system; Oxy the rotating coordinate system
around the servomotor shaft at the hub; O1x1y and O2x2y the rotating coordinate systems for
Beam 1 and 2, respectively. ui(t, xi) (i = 1,2) denotes the transverse displacement of Beam I
from the xi-axis. Physical parameters of the beams are as follows: ρ the uniform mass
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 199

Fig. 1. Parallel-structured single-link flexible arm.

density; S the cross section; EI the uniform flexible rigidity (where E denotes the Young’s
modulus and I the second moment of cross sectional area); and cD the coefficient of Kelvin-
Voigt type damping. The unit of the hub has the moment of inertia J0. The tip-mass has its
mass m and the moment of inertia J1. It is assumed that the obstacle collides at
x = xc (0 < xc < ℓ) at t = tc, where xc and tc are all unknown. Ψ0 denotes the angle of position
which is the contact point between the arm and the obstacle, where Ψ0 is also unknown.
The exact mathematical model of the parallel-structured single-link flexible arm derived by
the Hamilton’s principle is highly complex. For the sake of simplicity, the parallel-structured
single-link flexible arm consisting of two Euler-Bernoulli type beams is approximately
modeled by a single-link flexible arm constructed by a flexible beam with the same
boundary conditions as the parallel-structured one (see Fig.2). u(t, x) denotes the transverse
displacement of the approximated model from the equilibrium state of the beam. θ(t) is the
angle of the tangential axis of the root of the arm from the X-axis; e(t) the error of the
rotation angle θ(t) from the desired position θd, i.e. e(t) := θ(t) – θd.
Now we derive the approximated mathematical model of the parallel-structured single-link
flexible arm with the collision based on the simple-structured model using the Hamilton’s
principle. The position vectors of the arbitrary point of the beam, r(t, x), and the mass center
of the tip-mass, p(t), are expressed by

⎡ x cosθ (t ) − { u(t , x ) − a} sin θ (t )⎤

r (t , x ) = ⎢ ⎥ (1)
⎣ x sin θ (t ) + {u(t , x ) + a} sin θ (t ) ⎦

⎡(A + h )cosθ (t ) − u(t , A )sin θ (t )⎤

p(t ) = ⎢ ⎥, (2)
⎣ (A + h )sin θ (t ) + u(t , A )sin θ (t ) ⎦
where 2h denotes the length of the tip-mass.
200 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 2. Simplified structure of parallel-structured single-link flexible arm.

The kinetic energy of rigid part of the arm, TR(t), is given by the sum of the kinetic energies
of the translation motion and rotation of the tip-mass and the rotation of the hub attached to
the shaft of the servomotor:

1 1
m p (t ) + ( J 0 + J 1 )θ 2 (t ),
TR (t ) = (3)
2 2
where &·& denotes the Euclid norm. Similarly, the kinetic energy of the flexible beam is
given by
TF (t ) = ∫ Tˆ (t , x )dx , (4)

where Tˆ (t , x ) represents the kinetic energy density of flexible part defined by

Tˆ (t , x ) := ρ S r(t , x ) .
The total kinetic energy of the arm is expressed by the sum of the kinetic energies of the
rigid and flexible parts, i.e.,

T (t ) = TR (t ) + TF (t ). (6)

The potential energy of the whole arm is expressed by

V (t ) = ∫ Vˆ (t , x )dx , (7)

where Vˆ (t , x ) is the density function of the potential energy of the flexible part given by

1 ⎧ ∂ 2 u(t , x ) ⎫
Vˆ (t , x ) = EI ⎨ ⎬. (8)
2 ⎩ ∂x 2 ⎭
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 201

The Hamilton’s principle is described by the following equation:

∫ {δ T (t ) − δ V (t ) + δ W
t1 nc (t ) + s(t )δψ(t )} dt = 0, (9)

where t1 and t2 are arbitrary times; s(t) represents the Lagrange multiplier which is
equivalent to the external force generated by the collision with the obstacle; and δWnc(t)
denotes the virtual work due to the nonconservative forces, e.g. internal damping forces of
the beams, the control torque and external disturbances. ψ(t) describes the geometric
constrained condition between the unlooked-for obstacle and the flexible beam, i.e.

ψ(t ) = u(t , xc ) − xc tan{ϕ0 − θ (t )} ≡ 0. (10)

Let us assume that |ϕ0 – θ(t)| is sufficiently small. We can regard tan{ϕ0 – θ(t)} ≅ ϕ0 – θ(t).
Then, (10) can be rewritten into
ψ(t ) = ∫ u(t , x )δ ( x − xc )dx − xc {ϕ0 − θ (t )} ≡ 0. (11)

δWnc(t) is expressed by

δ Wnc (t ) = − μθ(t )δθ + τ (t )δθ + gθ γ θ (t )δθ

A ⎛ ∂ 3u(t , x ) ⎞ A
− ∫ cD ⎜ ⎟ δ u′′dx + ∫0 g f γ (t , x )δ udxi , (12)
⎝ ∂x ∂t ⎠
0 2

where the prime denotes the differentiation with respect to x; μ denotes the damping
coefficient corresponding to the damping force acting at the shaft of the servomotor; τ (t) the
control torque; γθ(t) the random disturbance acting at the rotation of the arm; γ(t, x) the
distributed random disturbance along the beam due to the aerodynamic resistance; and
gθ and gf are constants.
As the generalized coordinates, we consider the following variables: θ(t), θ(t ) , u(t, x),
u (t , x ) , u’(t, x), u’(t, x), u’’(t, x), u ′′(t , x ), u(t, ℓ), u (t , A ) . Substituting (7), (8) and (11) into (10);
in addition, performing a large amount of calculations, we have the following nonlinear
differential equations as the mathematical model of the approximated dynamical model
corresponding to the parallel-structured single-link flexible manipulator:

∂ 2 u(t , x ) ∂ 5u(t , x ) ∂ 4 u(t , x )

ρS + cD I + EI = − ρ Sxe(t ) + ρ Se 2 (t )u(t , x ) + g1γ (t , x )
∂t 2
∂x ∂t
∂x 4

⎧ ∂ 2 u(t , x ) ⎫
+ s(t )δ ( x − xc ) − ⎨m(A + h )e(t ) + m − me 2 (t )u(t , x )⎬ δ ( x − A ), (13)
⎩ ∂t 2

where γ(t, x) the distributed random disturbance modeled by the white Gaussian noise; g1
and h are constants; δ(·) denotes the Dirac’s delta function; and s(t) the magnitude of
collision input. Assuming that the collision occurs momentarily, the magnitude of collision
is assumed to be expressed by s(t) := s0δ(t – tc), where s0 and tc are all unknown. The initial
and boundary conditions of (13) are
202 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

∂u(0, x )
I .C . : u(0, x ) = =0 (14)

∂u(t ,0) ∂u(t , A ) ∂ 3u(t , A )

B.C . : u(t ,0) = = = = 0. (15)
∂x ∂x ∂x 3
The initial condition of the error of rotation e(t) is given by e(0) = θ0 – θd, where θ0 is initial
angle position of the arm.
The dynamics of rotation is given by the following nonlinear differential equation:

⎡ J + J + mu2 (t , A ) + mh(A + h ) + ρ S Au 2 (t , x )dx ⎤ e(t )

⎣⎢ 0 1 ∫0 ⎦⎥

+ ⎡ μθ + 2mu(t , A )u (t , A ) + ρ S ∫ 2 u(t , x )u (t , x )dx ⎤ e(t ) + mhu

(t , A )
⎣⎢ 0 ⎦⎥
A ⎡ ∂ 5u(t , x ) ∂ 4 u(t , x ) ⎤
− ⎡ ρ S ∫ u(t , x )dx − mAu(t , A )⎤ e 2 (t ) − ∫ x ⎢c D I
+ EI ⎥ dx
⎣⎢ 0 ⎦⎥ 0
⎣ ∂x ∂t
∂x 4 ⎦

+ ∫ g xγ (t , x )dx − τ (t ) − gθ γ θ (t ) = 0.
0 1 (16)

The observation data is obtained by means of P strain sensors pasted at x = ξj, (j = 1, … ,P)
and a potentiometer installed at the shaft of the hub, i.e.

y 0 (t ) = c0 e(t ) + e0 β 0 (t ) (17)

ξ j + bs ∂ 2 u(t , x )
y j (t ) = c j ∫ dx + e j β j (t ), (18)
ξj ∂x 2
where cj and ej are constants; and βj(t), (j =0, 1, … ,P) represents the observation noise which
is modeled by the white Gaussian noise. In order to use the finite-dimensional controller
and state estimator, the dynamics of the arm described by (13) and (16) are converted into
the stochastic finite-dimensional state space model via the modal expansion technique,

u(t , x ) = ∑uk (t )φk ( x ), (19)
k =1

where {uk(t)}k=1,… ,N denote the modal displacements; N the large positive number; φk(x) the
eigenfunction (mode function) of the following eigenvalue problem with respect to the
operator A = {(EI)/(ρS)}(d4/dx4):

Aφk ( x ) = λkφk ( x ). (20)

Introducing the state vector defined by v(t) = [u1(t),… ,uN(t), u 1 (t), … , u N (t), e(t), e (t)]T, the
state space model of the approximated flexible arm can be described by the following
stochastic differential equation:

v (t ) = A( v )v(t ) + b( v )τ (t ) + G( v )γ (t ) + gc ( v ; xc )s(t ) (21)

Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 203

y(t ) = Cv(t ) + Eβ (t ), (22)

where γ (t) = [γ1(t), … ,γ N(t),γθ(t)]T; γ k(t) = ∫ A0 γ (t, x)φk(x)dx; β(t) := [β0(t), β1(t), … , βP(t)]T; E{γ (t)
γ T(τ)g} = Wδ(t – τ); E{β(t)βT(τ)} = Vδ(t – τ) (E{·}: mathematical expectation).

3. Nonlinear state estimation using UKF

The state space model described by (21) and (22) is a stochastic nonlinear system with the
collision input. In order to control the tip position and to reduce the random vibration of the
whole flexible manipulator, the information of the state v(t) is required. However, the
collision input affects as an unknown disturbance. For achieving these purposes, the
unscented Kalman filter (UKF) for the following collision-free system is employed:

v f (t ) = A( v f )v f (t ) + B( v f ) f (t ) + G( v f )γ (t ), (23)

where vf (t) denotes the state vector of collision-free system.

The UKF is constructed for the discrete-time nonlinear stochastic system given by equation
(23) that is the continuous-time system. Equation (23) and (22) can be converted into the
discretized version of the system. By using the Runge-Kutta method, (22) and (23) are
rewritten into the following nonlinear discrete-time system:

v f ( k + 1) = F( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) (24)

y( k ) = Cv( k ) + Eβ ( k ), (25)

where k denotes the time-step; Δt the time interval; and F(·) the nonlinear function defined by

F( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) = v f ( k ) + { H 1 ( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) + 2 H 2 ( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k ))

+2 H 3 ( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) + H 4 ( vτ ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k ))} (26)

H 1 ( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) = A( v f ( k ))v f ( k ) + B( v f ( k ))τ ( k ) + G( v f ( k ))γ ( k )

H 2 ( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) = A( v f ( k )){ v f ( k ) + H 1 (⋅)Δt / 2} + B( v f ( k ))τ ( k ) + G( v f ( k ))γ ( k )

H 3 ( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) = A( v f ( k )){ v f ( k ) + H 2 (⋅)Δt / 2} + B( v f ( k ))τ ( k ) + G( v f ( k ))γ ( k )

H 4 ( v f ( k ),τ ( k ), γ ( k )) = A( v f ( k )){ v f ( k ) + H 3 (⋅)Δt} + B( v f ( k ))τ ( k ) + G( v f ( k ))γ ( k ).

The algorithm of UKF is summarized the three steps as follows:

Step 1. The (2N + 2)-dimensional random variable vf (k) is approximated by 2(2N + 2) + 1
sigma points Xi with weight coefficients Wi.

X0 = vˆ f ( k|k ) (27)

W0 = (28)
2N + 2 + κ
204 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Xi = vˆ f ( k| k ) + { (2 N + 2 + κ )P( k|k )} i (29)

Wi = (30)
2(2N + 2 + κ )

Xi + 2 N + 2 = vˆ f ( k| k ) − { (2 N + 2 + κ )P( k| k )} i (31)

Wi + 2 N + 2 = , ( i = 1," , 2 N + 2) (32)
2(2N + 2 + κ )

where κ denotes the integer scaling parameter; Wi the weight coefficient that is
associated with the i-th point and { (2 N + 2 + κ )P( k| k )} i represents the i-th column
of the matrix U satisfying M = UUT if M := (2N + 2 + κ)P(k|k). In this paper, the
matrix U is calculated via the incomplete Cholesky decomposition (Saad, 1996).
Step 2. Transform each point through the nonlinear function F(·), and the predicted mean,
covariance and observation, the innovation covariance Pyy(k + 1|k) and the cross
correlation matrix Pxy(k + 1|k) are computed as follows:

Xi ( k + 1| k ) = F(Xi ( k| k ),τ ( k ),0) (33)

2(2 N + 2)
vˆ f ( k + 1|k ) = ∑
i =0
WiX i ( k + 1| k ) (34)

2(2 N + 2)
P( k + 1| k ) = ∑
i =0
Wi {Xi ( k + 1|k ) − vˆ f ( k + 1|k )}

×{Xi ( k + 1|k ) − vˆ f ( k + 1|k )} T + GWG T (35)

Yi ( k + 1| k ) = CXi ( k + 1| k ) (36)

2(2 N + 2)
yˆ i ( k + 1|k ) = ∑
i =0
Wi Yi ( k + 1|k ) (37)

2(2 N + 2)
Pyy ( k + 1|k ) = ∑
i =0
Wi {Yi ( k + 1|k ) − yˆ ( k + 1|k )}

×{Yi ( k + 1|k ) − yˆ ( k + 1|k )} T + EVET (38)

2(2 N + 2)
Pvy ( k + 1|k ) = ∑i =0
Wi {X i ( k + 1|k ) − vˆ f ( k + 1|k )}

×{Yi ( k + 1|k ) − yˆ ( k + 1|k )} T . (39)

Step 3. The state estimate and covariance are given through updating the prediction by the
linear update rule which is specified by the weights chosen to minimize the mean
squared error of the estimate. The update rule is
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 205

vˆ f ( k + 1|k + 1) = vˆ f ( k + 1|k ) + K ( k + 1){ y( k + 1) − yˆ ( k + 1|k )} (40)

P( k + 1|k + 1) = P( k + 1| k ) − K ( k + 1)Pyy ( k + 1| k )K T ( k + 1|k ), (41)

where K(k + 1) is the Kalman filter gain given by

K ( k + 1) = Pvy ( k + 1|k )Pyy−1 ( k + 1|k ). (42)

4. Collision detection algorithm

It is an undesirable accident that the flexible manipulator collides with an unknown
obstacle, because the collision input s(t) affects the state of flexible manipulators as the
disturbance. The problem of the collision detection is considered as a detection problem of
the abrupt change from the collision-free system to the system with the collision. The change
of the systems can be detected using the observation data measured by the piezoelectric
sensors pasted at the root of the flexible arm. In other words, the collision is detected by
making a decision whether the observation data y(t) is provided from the collision included
model or the collision-free model.
For this purpose, the intensity of the innovation process is used. The innovation process of
the UKF, μ(k), is defined by the difference between the actual observation data and the
estimated observation data measuring collision-free system, i.e.,

μ ( k ) = y( k ) − Cvˆ f ( k|k ), (43)

where vˆ f ( k|k ) is the estimate of vf (k) which is calculated by the UKF mentioned in the
previous Section. Substituting (25) into (43), we have

μ ( k ) = Cz( k ) + Eβ ( k ), (44)

where z(k) is the estimation error defined by z(k) := v(k) – vˆ f ( k|k ) . If the collision does not
occurr, the state vector v(k) is equal to vf (k). However, if the collision occurrs, v(k) is equal to
the state vector of collision model. In this case, z(k) becomes large because of the collision
input. In order to detect the collision, the following scalar function (collision detection
function) is introduced:

r ( k ) = μ T ( k )μ ( k ). (45)

If the collision detection function r(k) exceeds a threshold ε, then the collision has occurred.
In fact, it is assumed that the estimation error when the collision has occurred is separated as

z( k ) = z( k ) + α ( k ), (46)

where z( k ) is the estimation error of the UKF based on the collision-free system; and α(k)
the estimation error caused by the collision input. Substituting (46) into (44), the innovation
process μ(k) is rewritten into

μ ( k ) = Cz( k ) + Cα ( k ) + Eβ ( k ). (47)
206 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

From equations (45) and (47), the mathematical expectation of the collision detection
function r(k) is evaluated by

E {r ( k )} = tr{CPz ( k )C T } + tr{EVET } + tr{Cα T ( k )α ( k )C T }, (48)

where Pz ( k ) := E { z T ( k )z( k )} . The first two terms in the right-hand side of (48) is the bias
depending on the observation and the system noises. The third term is caused by the
collision input which is the deterministic process. If the third term becomes sufficiently
large, then r(k) becomes also large at the time when the collision occurs.

5. Position and suspend control

The purpose of controller is to generate the control torque for the servomotor so that the tip
position of the flexible manipulator follows the reference trajectory. In this work, the sliding
mode controller is employed (Utkin, 1992). The flexible manipulator is controlled so that its
state converges to the equilibrium sate.
The sliding mode controller is constructed for the following deterministic collision-free

v f (t ) = A( v f (t ))v f (t ) + B( v f (t ))τ (t ) (49)

which has no system noise term. If the flexible manipulator is well controlled, the error state
vector vf (t) is assumed to sufficiently be small, i.e. &vf (t)& 1. In this work, we consider that
the matrices A(vf (t)) and B(vf (t)) can be approximated as A(vf (t)) ≅ A(0) and B(vf (t)) ≅ B(0).
Using these approximations, the error system is rewritten into the following equation:

v f (t ) = Ae v f (t ) + Be τ (t ), (50)

where Ae and Be are constant matrices defined by

Ae := A(0), Be := B(0). (51)

The objectives of the sliding mode controller are to control the tip position, to suppress the
random vibration of the whole manipulator, and to suspend the motion of the manipulator
when a collision is detected. The control torque τ(t) is generated by the sliding mode
controller. The output of the controller can be separated into two parts, i.e.:

τ (t ) = f eq (t ) + f nl (t ), (52)

where feq(t) represents the term of linear control input called the equivalent control input in
the sliding mode; and fnl(t) the term of nonlinear control input in the reaching mode.
The switching function σ(t) is given by

σ (t ) = Sv f (t ), (53)

where S represents the gradient of the switching plane. In the sliding mode, the switching
function σ(t) holds the following conditions:

σ (t ) = 0 (54)
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 207

σ (t ) = 0. (55)

The equivalent control input is obtained using (50), (53) and (55) as:

f eq (t ) = −(SBe )−1 SAe v f (t ). (56)

Substituting (56) into (50), the equivalent control system can be described by

 v (t ),
v f (t ) = { Ae − Be (SBe )−1 SAe } v f (t ) ≡ A (57)
e f

 := A − B (SB )−1 SA .
where Ae e e e e

In order to find the switching plane, we consider the cost functional defined by
t A
J = ∫ { ∫ [q1 {u (s , x )} 2 + q2 {u(s , x )} 2
0 0

+q3 {u ′′(s , x )} 2 + q 4 {u′′( s , x )} 2 ]dx + q5 e 2 ( s ) + q6 e 2 ( s )} ds , (58)

where qi (i = 1, … 6) are positive constants. Substituting the solution of the system described
by the equation (13) given by (19) into this, it is rewritten into the following expression:

J = ∫ v Tf (t )Qv f (t )dt , (59)

where Q := diag{Θ1,Θ2, q5, q6}; Θ1 = q1 IN + q3Ψ; Θ2 = q2 IN + q4Ψ; (IN: N-dimensional unit

matrix); and

⎡ A φ ′′( x )φ ′′( x )dx A

φ1′′( x )φN′′ ( x )dx ⎤
⎢ ∫0 1 ∫
1 0 ⎥
Ψ=⎢ # # ⎥. (60)
⎢ A ⎥
⎢ i φ ′′ ( x )φ ′′( x )dx A
φN′′ ( x )φN′′ ( x )dx ⎥
⎣ ∫0 N ∫
1 0 ⎦

The gradient of the switching plane S must be decided so that the eigenvalues of A 
becomes stable. There are a method to choose S as a feedback gain of the optimal control.
Namely, S is determined as follows (Y.-S. Chen & Wakui (1989)):

S = BeT P (61)

PAe + AeT P − PBe BeT P + Q = 0. (62)

The nonlinear control input in reaching mode is considered. The sliding mode control is
regarded as variable structure control as a required condition. So, using the switching
function σ(t), the term of nonlinear control input fnl(t) is defined by

f nl (t ) = −F sgn(σ (t )), (63)

where F is the nonlinear controller gain; and sgn(·) the signum function. Therefore, the
control input f (t) is given by
208 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

τ (t ) = −(SBe )−1 SAe v f (t ) − F sgn(σ (t )). (64)

In order to achieve σ(t)→0 (t→∞), the Lyapunov function for the switching function is
chosen as

V (t ) = σ T (t )σ (t ). (65)
The time derivative of the the Lyapunov function defined by (65) is described with (50) and
(64) by

V (t ) = −σ T (t )SBe F sgn(σ (t )). (66)

If V (t ) < 0, the switching function converges to zero. Hence, the nonlinear control gain F
must satisfy the following condition:

⎧> 0 : if SBe > 0

F⎨ (67)
⎩< 0 : if SBe < 0.
At the neighborhood of the switching plane, the signum function raises the chattering. So,
the signum function is approximated as follows:

σ (t ) σ (t )
sgn(σ (t )) = ≈ , (68)
& σ (t ) & & σ (t ) & +δ

where δ is a positive constant. As a result, (64) is rewritten into

σ (t )
τ (t ) = −(SBe )−1 SAe v f (t ) − F . (69)
& σ (t ) & +δ

Because of using the unscented Kalman filter, it is necessary that the switching function σ(t)
and the controller input τ(t) given by the sliding mode controller with the UKF are
converted into the discretized version given by

σ ( k ) = Svˆ f ( k ) (70)

σ (k)
τ ( k ) = −(SBe )−1 SAe vˆ f ( k ) − F . (71)
& σ ( k ) & +δ

When the collision occurs, it is necessary that the flexible manipulator is suspended because
of absorbing the impact of collision. The proposed flexible manipulator is controlled by
tracking the reference trajectory using the sliding mode controller. For suspending the
motion of the manipulator, we consider that the reference trajectory (position control) is
changed into a steady position when the collision occurs. The angle position of flexible
manipulator at the time tc when the collision occurs is given by

θ ( tc ) = θ c , (72)
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 209

After the collision occurred, the reference trajectory is changed into the trajectory given by
the following equation:

θ d (t ) ≡ θ c . (73)

The desired position becomes the position that the flexible manipulator collides with the
obstacle. Then, the flexible manipulator can be suspended at this position.

6. Simulation studies
In this section, several numerical results are presented. The flexible beam is assumed to be
made with the phosphor bronze. The physical parameters and the coefficients of the flexible
manipulator are listed in Table 1. The observation data is supposed to be measured by
piezoelectric sensors with their length bs = 3×10–2[m] and width 1.2×10–2 [m] pasted at
ξ1 = 3×10–3[m] and potentiometers installed at each hub. The parameters of the observation
system were set as c0 = 10, c1 = 1, e0 = e1 = 1. The parameter for the UKF κ was set as κ = 1. The
covariance matrices for the system and observation noises were given by W = 10–5 × I2N+2,
V = 10–8 × I2. The number of modes of the system was set as N = 2. The time partition in
numerical simulation was set as Δt = 1 × 10–3[s].
The initial condition of state vector were set as u(0, x)=0[m], u (0, x)=0[m/s θ ],
˙θ(0)=0[rad/s] and θ(0) = 0[rad]. The initial condition of the state vector of the control error
system was also set as zero. The weight coefficients of cost functional for the hyperplane S
were set as the values; q1 = 100, q2 = 100, q3 = 100, q4 = 5, q5 = 4500, q6 = 200. The nonlinear
controller gain was F = 4, δ = 10 and the simulation study was carried out for 5 seconds.

Parameters Values
ℓ1 0.3[m]
E 1.1×105[MPa]
S 2×10–5 [m2]
ρ 8.8×103[kg/m2]
cD 4.84×107[N·s/m2]
J0 5 [kg·m2]
J1 0.08[kg·m2]
m 0.61[kg]
h 0.026[m]
g1 0.05
g2 0.4
Table 1. Physical parameters of the flexible manipulator.

6.1 Position control

The simulation results of the position control in the collision-free case are shown in Figs.3-6.
Fig.3 depicts the angle θ(t) and its estimate computed by the UKF θˆ(t ) . The estimation error
with respect to θ(t) sufficiently small. The controlled angle has converged at the desired
position using the UKF based sliding mode control. Figs. 4 and 5 presents the observation
210 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

data of the strain measured by the piezoelectric sensor y1(t) and the displacement of the tip
mass u(t,ℓ), respectively. Furthermore, Fig.5 also depicts the estimate of the tip-mass
displacement uˆ (t , A ) which is calculated by uˆ (t , A ) = ∑ uˆ i (t )φi (A ) . The estimation error of
i =1
the tip-displacement based on the noisy observation data (see Figure 4) is adequately small for
suppressing the vibration of the tip-mass. Fig.6 shows the response of the control torque τ(t).

True value


θ( t) [rad/s]





0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]
Fig. 3. Behavior of the rotational angle θ(t) and its estimate θˆ(t ) obtained using the UKF in
the collision-free case. The solid line and the dashed line depict the true state of the angle
θ(t) and its estimate θˆ(t ) , respectively
-4 Observation (Strain)
x 10

y1 ( t )


0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]
Fig. 4. Observation data of the strain measured by the piezoelectric sensor, y1(t) in the
collision-free case.
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 211

-3 u(t, ℓ), û(t, ℓ)

x 10

True value
u( t, ℓ) , û( t, ℓ) [m]





0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]
Fig. 5. Displacement of the tip mass u(t, ℓ) and its estimate û (t, ℓ).
Control Input

τ ( t) [N·m]




0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]
Fig. 6. Control torque τ(t) generated by the sliding mode controller in the collision-free case.

6.2 Collision detection and suspend control

The simulation results in the collision case are shown in Figs.7-11. In this case, the desired
position θd was set as the same as in the collision-free case. Figure 7 shows the behavior of
the collision detection function given by equation (45). We considered that the collision
between the prallel-structured single-link flexible manipulator and the unlooked-for
obstacle occurs at tc = 1.24[s]. The value of r(t) before the collision occurs is very small. When
the collision occurs at t = tc, the value of r(t) abruptly increases. As seen in Fig. 8, the
212 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

x 10 Collision Detection Function





r ( t)





0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]

Fig. 7. Behavior of the collision detection function r(t) generated by the innovation process of
the UKF in the collision case. The collision occurs at tc = 1.24[s].

-4 Observation (Strain)
x 10

y1 ( t )





0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]

Fig. 8. Observation data of the strain measured by the piezoelectric sensor, y1(t) in the
collision case.
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 213








- 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 9. Behavior of the rotational angle θ(t) obtained using the UKF in the collision-free and
the collision cases. The solid line and the dashed line depict the angle θ(t) in the collision
and collision-free cases, respectively.

-3 u(t, ℓ), û(t, ℓ)

x 10

u( t, ℓ) , û( t, ℓ) [m]



0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]

Fig. 10. Displacement of the tip mass u(t, ℓ) and its estimate uˆ (t , A ).
214 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Control Input


τ ( t) [N·m]




0 1 2 3 4 5

Time t[s]

Fig. 11. Control torque τ(t) generated by the sliding mode controller in the collision case.
observation data of the strain is very noisy. From Figs. 7 and 8, we can see that the collision
detection function can detect the week collision based on the noisy observation data.
The results of the suspend control are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. The rotation of the
manipulator was interrupted when the collision has been detected using the collision
detection function (see Figure 9). After r(t) exceeded the preassigned threshold ε = 1 × 10–12,
the desired position has been changed from θd to θ(tc). The displacement of the tip-mass
u(t, ℓ) shows the vibration with large amplitude after the collision was detected (Fig. 10). The
control torque is depicted in Fig. 11. This figure explains that the control torque when the
motion of the manipulator was suspended requires the torque of large value.

7. Conclusions
This chapter has presented the new collision detection method and the suspend control of
parallel-structured single-link flexible manipulators using the unscented Kalman filter and
the sliding mode control. The main result is that the collision detection was achieved using
the innovation process of the UKF which is one of the nonlinear filters. Furthermore, the
high performance suspend control has been constructed using the sliding mode controller
based on the UKF. The proposed approach brings an advantage that the system model
requires no linearization. In our previous work, the linearized mathematical model was
required because of using the Kalman filter and the LQG controller for collision detection
Collision Detection and Control of Parallel-Structured Flexible Manipulators
Based on Unscented Kalman Filter 215

and control. The proposed collision detection method can be applied to the multi-link
flexible manipulators, which have strong nonlinearity.

8. References
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collision detection mechanism for a new three-degree-of-freedom flexible robot,
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flexible arm based on coupling torque feedback, Mechatronics Vol. 19:
Kondo, J. & Sawada, Y. (2008). Collision detection and suspend control of parallel-structured
single-link flexible arms, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2008, Tokyo pp.
3250– 3255.
Kaneko, M.; Kanayama, N. & Tsuji, T. (1998). Active antenna for contact sensing, IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and Automation Vol. 14(No. 2): 278–291.
Moorehead, S. & Wang, D. (1996). Active antenna for contact sensing, Proceedings of. IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation pp. 804–809.
Julier, S.; Uhlmann, J. & Durrant-Whyte, H. F. (2000). A new method for the nonlinear
transformation of means and covariances in filters and estimators, Transaction on
Automatic Control Vol. 45(No. 3): 477–482.
Saad, Y. (1996). Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, PWS Publishing
Sawada, Y. (2002a). Collision detection for a flexible cantilever-beam subject to random
disturbance based on innovation process, Proceedins of IEEE International Conference
on Control Applications pp. 1171–1176.
Sawada, Y. (2002b). Collision estimation for a flexible cantilevered-beam subject to random
disturbance, Proceedins of 34th ISCIE Int. Symp. on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its
Application pp. 183–188.
Sawada, Y. (2002c). Detection of collisions for a flexible beam subject to random disturbance,
Proceedins of 41st SICE Annual Conference pp. 268–273.
Sawada, Y. (2004 (in Japanese)). On-line collision detection for flexible cantilevered beams
using innovation process, Transaction of The Institute of Systems, Control and
Information Engineers pp. 349–357.
Sawada, Y. &Watanabe, T. (2007). Lqg control of a parallel-structured single-link
flexible arm, Proceedings of 51st Annual Conference of ISCIE
pp. 372–373.
Julier, S.; Uhlmann, J. & Durrant-Whyte, H. F. (1997). A new extension of the kalman filter to
nonlinear systems, Proceedings of AeroSense: 11th International Symposium
Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation Control.
Matsumoto, T. & Kosuge, K. (2000). Collision detection of manipulator based on adaptive
control law, Proceedings of 2001 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced
Intelligent Mechanics pp. 177–182.
Utkin, V. I. (1992). Sliding modes in optimization and control problems, Springer,
New York.
216 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Chen, Y.-S.; Ikeda, H.; Mita, T. & Wakui, S. (1989). Trajectory control of robot arm using
sliding mode control and experimented results, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan
Vol. 7(No. 6): 706–711.

On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial

Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study
Jorge Orrante-Sakanassi, Víctor Santibáñez and Ricardo Campa
Instituto Tecnológico de la Laguna

1. Introduction
Industrial robots are naturally equipped with classical PID controllers, which theoretically
assure semi–global asymptotic stability of the closed–loop system equilibrium for the
regulation case (see, e.g., Arimoto & Miyazaki (1984), Arimoto et al., (1990), Kelly (1995b),
Ortega et al., (1995), Alvarez-Ramirez et al., (2000), Kelly et al., (2005), Meza et al., (2007)).
Uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed–loop solutions can be concluded when the
desired position is a function of time (some stability analyzes for this case can be found in
the works of Kawamura et al. (1988), Wen & Murphy (1990), Qu & Dorsey (1991), Rocco
(1996), Cervantes & Alvarez-Ramirez (2001), Choi & Chung (2004), and Camarillo et al.,
(2008)), but to the authors’ knowledge, so far there is not a proof of global regulation for
such controller.
In the search of a practical globally stable PID regulator, some nonlinear control structures
based on the classical PID controller, which assure global asymptotic stability of the closed–
loop system, have emerged. Some works that deal with global nonlinear PID regulators
based on Lyapunov theory and passivity theory have been reported by Arimoto (1995),
Kelly (1998), Santibañez & Kelly (1998a), and Meza & Santibañez (1999). Recently, a
particular case of the class of nonlinear PID global regulators originally proposed in
(Santibañez & Kelly, 1998a) was presented by Sun et al., (2009).
On the other hand, it is well known that saturation phenomena in robot control systems are
intrinsically present when the actuators are driven by sufficiently large control signals. If
these physical constraints are not considered in the controller design they may lead to a lack
of the stability properties.
Even though no one of the controllers mentioned above considers the influence of the
saturation phenomena, there are some works that have been reported to solve this
saturation problem in PD-like controllers for the case of regulation tasks (Kelly &
Santibañez, 1996; Colbaugh et al., 1997a; Loria et al., 1997; Santibañez & Kelly, 1997; 1998b).
Solutions without considering velocity measurements and with gravity compensation are
treated in (Loria et al., 1997). A full–state (position and velocity) feedback solution with
adaptive gravity compensation is presented in (Zergeroglu et al., 2000). More recently, new
schemes dealing with this regulation problem of robot manipulators with bounded inputs
have been presented by Zavala & Santibañez (2006), Zavala & Santibañez (2007), Dixon
(2007), Alvarez-Ramirez et al., (2003), and Alvarez–Ramirez et al., (2008). An adaptive
218 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

approach involving task–space coordinates, and considering the uncertainities of the

kinematic model of the robot manipulator is proposed in Dixon (2007). Also, for the
bounded input tracking case, the following works have appeared in the control literature:
Loria & Nijmeijer (1998), Dixon et al., (1999), Santibañez & Kelly (2001), Moreno et al.,
(2008a), Moreno et al., (2008b), Aguinaga-Ruiz et al., (2009), Zavala-Rio et al., (2010).
Few saturated PID controllers (that is, bounded PID controllers taking into account the
actuator torque constraints) have been reported: for the case of semiglobal asymptotic
stability, a saturated linear PID controller was presented in (Alvarez-Ramirez et al., 2003)
and (Alvarez–Ramirez et al., 2008); for the case of global asymptotic stability, saturated
nonlinear PID controllers were introduced in (Gorez, 1999; Meza et al., 2005; Santibañez et
al., 2008). The work introduced by Gorez (1999) was the first bounded PID–like controller in
assuring global regulation; the latter works, introduced in (Meza et al., 2005) and
(Santibañez et al., 2008), also guarantee global regulation, but with the advantage of a
controller structure which is simpler than that presented in Gorez (1999). A local adaptive
bounded regulator was presented by Laib (2000).
Most of nonlinear PID global regulators for robot manipulators are based on the energy–
shaping methodology. There are two approaches: those controllers which do not take into
account the effects of actuator saturations, and those which consider the saturation
phenomena introduced only by the actuators. However, the actuators are not the only
components of the closed–loop system that produce saturation constraints; there exist other
devices, such as the servo–drivers and the output electronics of the control computer,
presenting saturation effects.
In the practice, industrial robots are equipped with a position control computer which
produces the commands of desired joint velocities to the joint actuator servo-drivers. In such a
sense, Santibañez et al. (2010) recently proposed a new saturated nonlinear PID regulator for
robot manipulators that considers the saturation phenomena of both the control computer, the
velocity servo–drivers and the torque constraints of the actuators. The structure of this
controller is closer to the structure of the practical PID controllers used in the industry. Fig. 1
shows the scheme that was considered to design such saturated nonlinear PID controller; in
this figure the constraints over the input and output commands of the servo driver and the
torque constraints of the actuators are clearly shown. Notice that because a cascade connection
of two saturation blocks can be reduced to only one saturation function, and for simplicity, the
saturation of the velocity PI loop and the saturation of the actuators, are both represented by
one saturation block in Fig. 1; also, the driver is assumed to have an ideal inner torque
controller. In such a work a proportional outer position loop and a PI inner velocity loop
constitute the main structure of the controller, which is intrinsic to the industrial robots if we
consider the typical low–level controllers in the actuator servo–drivers.
The contribution of this chapter is twofold: first, we present a variant of the work presented
by Santibañez et al. (2010), where now the controller is composed by a saturated velocity
proportional (P) inner loop, provided by the servo–driver, and a saturated position
proportional–integral (PI) outer loop, supplied by the control computer (see Fig. 2). Such a
controller also has a structure that naturally matches that of the practical industrial robots.
Secondly, we present an experimental evaluation on the PA10-7C robot arm, comparing the
nonlinear PID regulator previously reported in Santibañez et al. (2010) and the controller
proposed in this chapter.
By following similar steps as those given in Santibañez et al. (2010) we employ the singular
perturbation theory to analyze the exponential stability of the equilibrium of the closed–
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 219

Fig. 1. Practical nonlinear PID controller with bounded torques for robot manipulators.


Fig. 2. Variant of the practical PID controller with bounded torques for robot manipulators.
loop system. This result guarantees that exponential stability of the classical PID linear
regulator in industrial robots is preserved even though the saturation phenomena due to the
electronic devices and/or the actuators are present.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 2 states the dynamic model of
a serial n–link rigid robot manipulator in open–loop, some of its properties, as well as some
considerations, assumptions and definitions that are useful throughout the analysis. The
proposed control scheme is presented in Section 3. Section 4 shows the singularly perturbed
system to analyze. Section 5 states the stability analysis and proves that the control objective
is achieved. Section 6 is devoted to the real–time experimental evaluation carried out on the
PA-10 robot arm. The conclusions of the work are presented in Section 7.
Throughout this chapter, we use the notation λmin{A(x)} and λmax{A(x)} to indicate the
smallest and largest eigenvalues, respectively, of a symmetric positive definite bounded
matrix A(x), for any x ∈ Rn. Also, we define λmin{A} as the greatest lower bound (infimum) of
λmin{A(x)}, for all x ∈ Rn, that is, λmin{A} = infx∈Rn λmin{A(x)}. Similarly, we define λmax{A} as
the least upper bound (supremum) of λmax{A(x)}, for all x ∈ Rn, that is, λmax{A} = supx∈Rn
λmax{A(x)}. The norm of vector x is defined as x = x T x and that of matrix A(x) is defined
as the corresponding induced norm A( x ) = λmax { A( x )T A( x )} .

2. Preliminaries
2.1 Robot dynamics
The dynamics of a serial n–link rigid robot, without the effect of friction, can be written as
(Spong & Vidyasagar, 1989):
220 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

M ( q )q + C ( q , q )q + g ( q ) = τ (1)

where q, q , q ∈ Rn are the vectors of joint positions, velocities and accelerations, respectively,
τ ∈ Rn is the vector of applied torques, M(q) ∈ Rn×n is the symmetric positive–definite inertia
matrix, C(q, q ) ∈ Rn×n is the matrix of centripetal and Coriolis torques, and g(q) ∈ Rn is the
vector of gravitational torques obtained as the gradient of the robot potential energy U(q), i.e.

∂U( q )
g( q ) = . (2)

We assume that all the joints of the robot are of the revolute type.

2.2 Properties of the robot dynamics

We recall two important properties of dynamics (1) which are useful in our paper:
Property 1. The matrix C(q, q ) and the time derivative M (q) of the inertia matrix satisfy
(Koditschek, 1984; Ortega & Spong, 1989):

⎡1 ⎤
q T ⎢ M ( q ) − C ( q , q )⎥ q = 0 ∀ q , q∈R n .
⎣2 ⎦

Property 2. The gravitational torque vector g(q) is bounded for all q ∈ Rn. This means that
there exist finite constants γ i ≥ 0 such that (Craig, 1998):

sup gi ( q ) ≤ γ i i = 1, 2, , n, (3)
q ∈R n

where gi(q) stands for the i-th element of g(q). Equivalently, there exists a constant k′ such
that &g(q)& ≤ k′ , for all q ∈ Rn. Furthermore, there exists a positive constant kg such that

∂ g( q )
≤ kg ,

for all q ∈ Rn, and &g(x) − g(y)& ≤ kg&x − y&, for all x,y ∈ Rn. Moreover, a simple way to
compute kg is:

⎛ ∂g ( q ) ⎞
k g ≥ n ⎜ max i ⎟ where i = 1, 2,… n and j = 1, 2,… n. (4)
⎜ i , j , q ∂q j ⎟
⎝ ⎠
A less restrictive constant k g can be computed by:

⎛ ∂g ( q ) ⎞
k g ≥ n ⎜ max i ⎟ where i = 1, 2,… n and j = 1, 2,… n. (5)
i ⎜ j , q ∂q j ⎟
⎝ ⎠

On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 221

2.3 Useful theorems

Here, we recall two versions of the Mean–Value Theorem, which are key in finding the less
restrictive constants k g related with the gravitational torque vector.
Theorem 1. [Kelly et al., (2005), p. 384] Consider the continuous function f: Rn → R. If
f (z1 ,z2, . . . , zn) has continuous partial derivatives then, for any constant vectors x,y ∈ Rn, we have

⎡ ∂f ( z ) ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂z1 z= ξ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂f ( z ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
f ( x ) − f ( y ) = ⎢ ∂z2 z= ξ ⎥ [ x − y ] (6)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂f ( z ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂zn ⎥
z= ξ ⎦

where ξ ∈ Rn is a vector suitably chosen on the line segment which joins vectors x and y. ◊
Theorem 2. [Kelly et al. (2005), p.385] Consider the continuous vectorial function f : Rn → Rm. If
f i (z1,z2, . . . ,zn) has continuous partial derivatives for i = 1, . . . , m, then, for each pair of vectors
x,y ∈ Rn and each ω ∈ Rm there exists ξ ∈ Rn such that:

∂f ( z )
[ f ( x ) − f ( y )]T ω = ω T ( x − y ), (7)
∂z z= ξ

where ξ ∈ Rn is a vector on the line segment that joins vectors x and y. ◊

2.4 Problem formulation

Before presenting the formulation of the control problem, we recall some useful definitions.
Definition 1. The hard saturation function is denoted by sat(x;k) ∈Rn, where

⎡ sat( x1 ; k1 ) ⎤ ⎡ x1 ⎤ ⎡ k1 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
sat( x ; k ) x k
sat( x ; k ) = ⎢
2 2 ⎥
, x = ⎢ 2⎥, k = ⎢ 2⎥,
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣sat( xn ; kn )⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ xn ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ kn ⎥⎦
with ki being the i–th saturation limit, i = 1,2, . . . ,n, and each element of sat(x;k) is defined as:

⎧ xi if |xi |≤ ki

sat( xi ; ki ) = ⎨ ki if xi > ki

⎩− ki if xi < − ki

222 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Furthermore, the control scheme proposed in this chapter involves special saturation
functions which fit in the following definition.
Definition 2. [Zavala & Santibañez (2006)] Given positive constants l and m, with l < m, a
function Sat(x; l,m) : R→R: x 6 Sat(x; l,m) is said to be a strictly increasing linear saturation
function for (l,m) if it is locally Lipschitz, strictly increasing, C2 differentiable and satisfies:
1. Sat(x; l,m) = x when |x| ≤ l
2. |Sat(x; l,m)| < m for all x ∈ R. ◊
For instance, the following saturation function is a special case of the linear saturation given
in Definition 2:

⎧ ⎛ x+l ⎞
⎪−l+(m−l )tanh ⎜ ⎟ if x < −l
⎪⎪ ⎝ m−l⎠
Sat( x ; l , m)=⎨ x if |x|≤ l (8)

⎪ l+(m−l )tanh ⎜⎛ x − l ⎟⎞ if x > l
⎪⎩ ⎝m−l⎠
n saturation functions of the form (8) can be joined together in an n × 1 saturation function
vector denoted by Sat(x; l,m), i.e.,

⎡ Sat( x1 ; l1 , m1 ) ⎤
⎢ ⎥
Sat( x2 ; l2 , m2 ) ⎥
Sat( x ; l , m) = ⎢ ,
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ Sat( xn ; ln , mn )⎦⎥
where x, l, m ∈Rn, that is,

⎡ x1 ⎤ ⎡ l1 ⎤ ⎡ m1 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
x l m
x = ⎢ 2 ⎥ , l = ⎢ 2 ⎥ , m = ⎢ 2 ⎥.
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ xn ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ln ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢mn ⎦⎥
Consider the robot dynamic model (1). Assume that each joint actuator is able to supply a
known maximum torque τ imax so that:

|τ i |≤ τ imax , i = 1, 2,… , n (9)

where τ i stands for the i–th entry of vector τ. In other words, if ui represents the control
signal (controller output) before the actuator, related to the i-th joint, then

⎛ ui ⎞
τ i = τ imaxsat ⎜ ⎟, (10)
⎜ τ max ⎟
⎝ i ⎠
for i = 1, . . . ,n, where sat(·) is the standard hard saturation function. We also assume:
Assumption 1. The maximum torque τ imax of each actuator satisfies the following condition:
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 223

τ imax > γ i , (11)

where γ i was defined in Property 2, with i = 1,2, ...,n. ◊

This assumption means that the robot actuators are able to supply torques in order to hold
the robot at rest for all desired joint positions qd ∈ Rn.
The control problem is to design a controller to compute the torque τ ∈Rn applied to the
joints, satisfying the constraints (9), such that the robot joint positions q tend asymptotically
toward the constant desired joint positions qd.

3. Proposed control scheme

In this section we present a nonlinear PID controller which can be seen as a practical version
of the classical PID control of robot manipulators.
The proposed nonlinear PID controller has the form:

τ = Sat[K pv [Sat(K pp q + w * ; l *pi , m *pi ) − q ]; l p , m p ] (12)

w* = Kip

q dr (13)

where Kpv, Kpp and Kip are diagonal positive definite matrices. This control law is formed by
two loops: an outer joint–position proportional–integral PI loop and an inner joint–velocity
proportional P loop, and considers the saturation effects existing in the output of the control
stage (see Figure 2), where Sat[Kpv [Sat(K pp q + w∗ , l∗pi , m∗pi ) − q ] ; lp,mp] is a vector where each
element is a saturation function as in Definition 2 for some (lp,mp), where lp and mp are
vectors with elements lpi and mpi, respectively, and i = 1,2, . . . ,n. The control law (12) can be
rewritten as:

τ = Sat[Sat( K p q + w ; l pi , m pi ) − K v q ; l p , m p ] (14)

w = Ki
∫ 0
q dr (15)


K p = K pvK pp , Ki = K pvKip , K v = K pv , l pi= K pv l *pi , m pi= K pv m *pi

and the following assumption is satisfied.

Assumption 2: The saturation limits of the PI and P loops satisfy:

γ i < lpi < mpi (16)

i i

γ i < lp < mp < τ imax . (17)

i i

224 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Remark: In practice, the saturation constraints of the electronic devices and the actuators
are, in fact, hard saturations like those in Definition 1. However, with the end of carrying
out the stability analysis, they can be aproximated by linear saturation functions like those
defined in Definition 2, with l < m, and l arbitrarily close to m.
In order to simplify the notation, henceforth, we will omit, in the argument, the limits of the
saturation functions.

4. Singularly perturbed system

4.1 Closed–loop system
By substituting (14) into the robot dynamics (1), we obtain

⎡ q ⎤ ⎡ −q ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
d ⎢ ⎥ ⎢
q = M( q )−1[Sat[Sat(K p q + w ) − K v q ] − C( q , q )q − g ( q )]⎥ (18)
dt ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ w⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣⎢ Ki q ⎦⎥
which is an autonomous differential equation with a unique equilibrium point given by
[ q T q T wT]T = [0T 0T g(qd)T ]T ∈ R3n, where we have used Assumption 2, and (3), to get that
Sat(Sat(w)) − g(qd) = 0 implies w = g(qd). In order to move the equilibrium point of (18) to the
origin, we apply the change of variables x = w − g(qd). Now the new closed–loop system is
given by:

⎡q ⎤ ⎡ −q ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
d ⎢ ⎥ ⎢
⎢ q ⎥ = M( q )−1[Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g( q d )) − K v q ] − C ( q , q )q − g( q )]⎥ . (19)
dt ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢x⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎢⎣ K i q ⎦⎥
The previous closed–loop system can be studied as a singularly perturbed system. To this
end, system (19) can be described as two first–order differential equations as follows:

x = Ki q (20)

d ⎡q ⎤ ⎡ −q ⎤
⎢ ⎥=⎢ −1 ⎥. (21)
dt ⎣ q ⎦ ⎢⎣ M( q ) [Sat[Sat( K p q + x + g( q d )) − K vq ] − C ( q , q )q − g ( q )]⎥⎦

Moreover, by choosing the integral gain matrix as Ki = ε Ki* , where Ki* is a diagonal
positive–definite matrix and ε > 0 is a small parameter, and letting t′ = εt be a new time–
scale ( t′ is a slow time compared to t), we can rewrite (20)–(21) as

x = K i* q (22)
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 225

d ⎡q ⎤ ⎡ −q ⎤
ε ⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ −1 ⎥ (23)
dt′ ⎣ q ⎦ ⎢⎣ M( q ) [Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g ( q d )) − K v q ] − C ( q ,q )q − g ( q )]⎥⎦

where, in the forthcoming analysis, and in accordance with the singular perturbation theory,
x in (23) will be treated as a fixed parameter, due to its slow variation.

4.2 Equilibrium points

For each fixed x representing the frozen variable as a fixed parameter in (23), the
equilibrium points are the solutions of the nonlinear system:

q = 0, (24)

Sat[Sat[K pq + x + g( q d )]] − g ( q ) = 0. (25)

According to Definition 2 and Assumption 2, (25) can be written as:

K p q + x + g ( q d ) − g ( q ) = 0. (26)

Now, the Contraction Mapping Theorem (Kelly et al., 2005; Khalil, 2002), guarantees that
(26) has a unique solution q = h1(x) ∈ Rn provided that

kp > k g (27)
i i

is satisfied (see Appendix A).

Then we have that, for each x ∈ Rn, the unique equilibrium point of (23) is:

⎡ q ⎤ ⎡ h 1( x )⎤ 2n
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ = h ( x ) ∈R . (28)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ 0 ⎦
Consequently, we have that:

x = h −1( q ) = −K p q − g( q d ) + g ( q ) (29)

which we will use later on.

4.3 Overall singularly perturbed system

In order to proceed with the stability analysis, we shift the equilibrium point of (23) to the
origin. To this end, we make the following change of variables:

⎡ y 1(t′) ⎤ ⎡ q (t′) − h 1( x )⎤
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ (30)
⎣ y 2( t ′ ) ⎦ ⎣ q (t′) ⎦
which implies that q = y1 + h1(x). Then, (22)–(23) can be now represented by the new
variables as a singularly perturbed system given by
226 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

x = K i* [ y 1+ h 1( x )] (31)

⎡ ⎡ ∂h (x) ⎤ ⎤
⎡ y1⎤ ⎢ − y 2 − ε ⎢ 1 ⎥ K i* [ y 1+ h 1( x )] ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ ∂x ⎦ ⎥
d ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
ε = ⎢ ⎥. (32)
dt′ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ M( q − y − h ( x ))−1[Sat[Sat[K ( y − h ( x )) + x + g( q )] − K y ]⎥
⎢⎣ y 2 ⎥⎦ ⎢ d 1 1 p 1 1 d v 2 ⎥
⎢⎣ −C ( q d − y 1− h 1( x ), y 2 ) y 2 − g ( q d − y 1− h 1( x ))] ⎥⎦

5. Stability analysis
According to the theory of singularly perturbed systems (Khalil, 2002), the origin of (22)–
(23) is asymptotically stable if and only if the origin of (31)–(32) is asymptotically stable. It is
important to remember that x is a fixed parameter in (23) and (32), this is because t′ and x
are varying slowly since, in the t time scale, they are given by (Khalil, 2002):

t ′ = t0 + ε t , x = x (t0 + ε t ), (33)

being t0 the initial time. The setting of ε = 0 freezes these variables at t′ = t0 and x = x(t0 )
(initial conditions).
By simplicity, we divide the stability analysis in two parts:
• First, we will prove asymptotic stability and local exponential stability of the origin of a
saturated PD controller with desired gravity compensation plus a constant vector x,
which can be seen as a constant control input.
• Second, based on a theorem of singularly perturbed systems, we will prove that the
origin of (22)–(23) is locally exponentially stable.

5.1 Stability analysis of a Saturated PD Controller with Desired Gravity Compensation

plus a constant vector x
The control law that describes the proposed Saturated PD Controller with Desired Gravity
Compensation plus a constant vector x is given by:

τ = Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g ( q d )) − K v q ]. (34)

By substituting (34) into the robot dynamics (1), we obtain

d ⎡q⎤ ⎡ −q ⎤
⎢ ⎥=⎢ −1 ⎥ (35)
dt ⎣ q ⎦ ⎢ M( q ) [Sat[Sat( K p q + x + g ( q d )) − K v q ] − C ( q , q )q − g ( q )]⎥
⎣ ⎦

whose equilibrium points are the solutions of the nonlinear equations (24)-(25) and they
have already been proven to have a unique solution ⎡q T q T ⎤ = ⎡ h 1( x )T 0T ⎤ , provided
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
that k p > k g is satisfied.
i i
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 227

5.1.1 Asymptotic stability analysis

To carry out the stability analysis of the equilibrium of (35), we propose the following
Lyapunov function candidate, which is inspired from one in (Alvarez–Ramirez et al., 2008):

1 T
W ( q ,q ) = q M( q )q + W1 ( q ) (36)

n qi
W1 ( q ) = ∑∫ i =1
Sat[Sat( k p ri + x i + gi ( q d ))]dri + U ( q d − q )

n h1 ( x )
− ∑∫
i =1
i Sat[Sat( k p ri
+ x i + gi ( q d ))]dri − U ( q d − h 1( x )).

By following similar steps to those given by Zavala & Santibañez (2007) (see Appendix B)
we prove that (36) is a positive definite and radially unbounded function, provided that
k p > k g . The time derivative of W ( q , q ) along the trajectories of (35), and after some
i i
algebraic simplifications, results in:

W ( q , q ) = qT Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g( q d )) − K v q ] − qT Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g ( q d ))]. (37)

Finally, by using the following property of linear saturation functions (Santibañez et al.,

qi [Sat( zi − qi ) − Sat( zi )] ≤ −|Sat( zi − qi ) − Sat( zi )|2

we have that W ( q ,q ) is upper bounded by:

W ( q , q ) ≤ − Sat[Sat(K pq + x + g ( q d )) − K v q ] − Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g ( q d ))] ≤ 0.

Thus W ( q ,q ) is a negative semidefinite function and we can conclude stability of the

equilibrium point ⎡ q T q T ⎤ = ⎡ h 1( x )T 0T ⎤ ∈ R 2 n of (35). We can use the LaSalle’s
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Invariance Principle (Kelly et al., 2005) to conclude that the equilibrium point is, in fact,
globally asymptotically stable. To this end, let us define Ω as:

Ω = { q , q ∈ R n: W ( q , q ) = 0} = { q = 0, q ∈ R n}.
Notice that, from (35),

q (t ) ≡ 0 ⇒ q (t ) ≡ 0 ⇒ Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g ( q d ))] − g( q d − q ) ≡ 0.

Furthermore, under the assumption (27) we can assure that

Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g ( q d ))] − g( q d − q ) ≡ 0 ⇒ q ≡ h 1( x ).
228 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Therefore, from LaSalle’s Invariance Principle we conclude that the equilibrium point
⎡q T q T ⎤ = ⎡ h 1( x )T 0T ⎤ ∈ R 2 n of (35) is globally asymptotically stable.
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

5.1.2 Local exponential stability analysis

Before proceeding with the stability analysis of this section, we recall a useful existing
lemma presented in (Kelly, 1995a).
Lemma1. Consider the nonlinear system:

y = A( y ) y + B( y ) f ( y ), (38)

where y ∈ Rm, A(y) and B(y) are m×m nonlinear functions of y, and f (y) is a m×1 nonlinear
function of y. Assume that f (0) = 0; hence, y = 0 ∈ Rm is an equilibrium point of the system
(38). Then, the linearized system of (38) around the equilibrium y = 0 is given by:

⎡ ∂ f (0) ⎤
y = ⎢ A(0) + B(0) ⎥ y. (39)
⎣ ∂y ⎦

In order to prove that the equilibrium point of the closed–loop system (35) is locally
exponentially stable, we consider a local linearization of the closed–loop system around the
equilibrium point ⎡q T q T ⎤ = ⎡ h 1( x )T 0T ⎤ ∈ R 2 n (Khalil, 2002). In the neighborhood of
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
this equilibrium point, the closed–loop system (35) can be represented by:

M( q )q + C ( q , q )q + g( q ) − K p q + K v q − x − g( q d ) = 0. (40)

A local change of variables y1 = q − h1(x), and y2 = q leads to:

M ( q d − y 1− h 1( x )) y 2 + C ( q d − y 1− h 1( x ), y 2 ) y 2

+ g ( q d − y 1− h 1( x )) − K p [ y 1+ h 1( x )] + K v y 2 − x − g( q d ) = 0

whose unique equilibrium is the origin, provided that (27) is satisfied. The previous
equation can be written as:

y = A( y ) y + B( y ) f ( y ). (41)

d ⎡ y1⎤
y = ⎢ ⎥
dt ⎣ y 2 ⎦
⎡0 −I ⎤
A( y ) = ⎢ −1 ⎥
⎣⎢0 − M( q d − y 1− h 1( x )) [K v + C ( q d − y 1− h 1( x ), y 2 )]⎦⎥
⎡0 0 ⎤
B( y ) = ⎢ −1 ⎥
⎣⎢ 0 M ( q d − y 1− h 1( x )) ⎦⎥
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 229

⎡ 0 ⎤
f (y) = ⎢ ⎥.
K [ y + h ( x )] + x + g ( q ) − g ( q − y − h ( x ))
⎣⎢ p 1 1 d d 1 1 ⎦⎥
According to Lemma 1, the linearized system from (41), around the equilibrium y = 0, has
the form (39), with:

⎡0 −I ⎤
A(0) = ⎢ −1 ⎥
⎢⎣0 −M ( q d − h 1( x )) K v ⎥⎦

⎡0 0 ⎤
B(0) = ⎢ −1 ⎥
⎣⎢ 0 M( q d − h 1( x )) ⎦⎥
∂ f (0) ⎡0 0⎤
= ⎢ * ⎥
∂y ⎣⎢ K 0 ⎦⎥
which can be compacted in:

d ⎡ y1⎤ ⎡ 0 −I ⎤⎡ y1⎤
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ (42)
dt ⎣ y 2 ⎦ ⎣⎢ M ( q d − h 1( x ))−1 K * −1
− M( q d − h 1( x )) K v ⎦⎥ ⎣ y 2 ⎦

where K is given by:

∂g ( q d − y1 − h1 ( x ))
K * = Kp − .
∂y 1

Notice that if (27) is satisfied then K * is a positive definite matrix (Hernandez-Guzman et

al., 2008). To analyze the stability of the origin of (42), we propose the Lyapunov function

1 T 1
WL ( y 1 , y 2 ) = y 2 M( q d − h 1( x )) y 2 + y T1 K * y 1 (43)
2 2
which is a positive definite function. The time derivative along the trajectories of (42) is:

W ( y 1, y 2 ) = y T2 M( q d − h 1( x )) y 2 + y T1 K * y 1

= y T2 [K * y 1− K v y 2 ] − y T1 K * y 2= − y T2 K v y 2
which is a negative semidefinite function. By using the LaSalle’s Invariance Principle we can
conclude global asymptotic stability of the closed–loop system (42). To this end, let us define
Ω as:

Ω = { y 1 , y 2∈R n: W ( y 1 , y 2 ) = 0} = { y 2= 0, y 1∈R n}. (44)

Notice that, from (42):

y 2(t ) ≡ 0 ⇒ y 2(t ) ≡ 0 ⇒ M( q d − h 1( x ))−1 K * y 1≡ 0. (45)

230 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Furthermore, under assumption (27) we can assure that

M ( q d − h 1( x ))−1 K * y 1≡ 0 ⇒ y 1≡ 0.
Therefore, from LaSalle’s Invariance Principle we conclude that the origin of the linear
system (42) is globally asymptotically stable. This implies that the eigenvalues of J in (42) are
located in the left–hand side of the complex plane (see Theorem 4.5 in Khalil (2002)), and
hence, the origin of the linear system (42) is exponentially stable (see e.g. Theorem 4.11 in
Khalil (2002) that shows that, for linear systems, uniform asymptotic stability of the origin is
equivalent to exponential stability). According to this, exponential stability of the origin for
the linear system (42) implies the local exponential stability of the origin for the nonlinear
system (41) (see e.g. Theorem 4.13 in Khalil (2002)).
Finally, we can conclude that the equilibrium point of the nonlinear system (35) is locally
exponentially stable. So we have proven the following:
Proposition 1. Under Assumption 2, and (27), the control law (34) guarantees global
asymptotic stability and local exponential stability of the closed–loop system (35) with
|τ i (t )|≤ τ imax for all i = 1,2, ...,n and t ≥ 0.

5.2 Stability analysis of the singularly perturbed system.

To prove the exponential stability of the origin of (22)–(23), we recall an existing theorem:
Theorem 3 (Khalil, 2002): Consider the singularly perturbed system

x = f (t′ , x , z , ε ) (46)

ε z = g (t′, x , z , ε ). (47)

Assume that the following are satisfied for all ( t′, x,ε) ∈ [0,∞) × Br × [0, ε], with Br = {x ∈ Rn :
&x& ≤ r}:
a. f (t′,0,0, ε ) = 0 and g(t′,0,0, ε ) = 0.
b. The equation 0 = g(t′, x , z ,0) has an isolated root z = h( t′, x ) such that h( t′,0 ) = 0.
c. The functions f, g, h and their partial derivatives up to the second order are bounded for z −
h( t′, x ) ∈ Bρ, with Bρ = {y ∈ R2n : &y& ≤ ρ}.
d. The origin of the reduced system

x = f (t′, x , h (t′, x ),0) (48)

is exponentially stable.
e. The origin of the boundary–layer system

= g(t′, x , y + h (t′, x ),0) (49)
is exponentially stable, uniformly in ( t′ ,x).
Then, there exists ε* > 0 such that, for all ε < ε *, the origin of (46)–(47) is exponentially stable. ◊
We are now ready to present our main contribution.
Proposition 2. Consider the robot dynamics (1) in closed–loop with the practical saturated
PID control law (12). Under Assumption 2, and (27), the origin of the closed–loop system
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 231

(22)–(23) is locally exponentially stable, and therefore, the equilibrium point of (18) is locally
exponentially stable. Besides |τi (t)| ≤ τ imax for all i = 1,2, ...,n and t ≥ 0. ◊
Proof. Notice that (46)–(47) correspond to (22)–(23), respectively, with

f (t′ , x , z , ε ) = K i* q

⎡ −q ⎤
g (t′ , x , z , ε ) = ⎢ −1 ⎥
⎢⎣ M( q ) [Sat[Sat(K p q + x + g( q d )) − K v q ] − C( q , q ) q − g( q )]⎥⎦

⎡q ⎤ 2n
z = ⎢ ⎥∈ R .
⎣ ⎦
In order to complete the stability analysis, we are going to check each item of the Theorem 3.
a) By substituting x = q = q = 0 in (22)–(23), it is straightforward to verify this assumption.
b) This item is easily fulfilled by noting that the root of g(t′, x , z , ε ) has been obtained in
Section 4.2, where it was proven that, for each x ∈ Rn, the unique root of (23) is z = h(x) =
[h1(x)T 0T]T ∈ R2n, provided that (27) is satisfied. On the other hand, we know from (28) that
q = h1(x), and therefore, when x = 0 we have that q = h1(0); then, from (29), 0 = h 1−1 (q ) =
−[KpKpc q + g(qd) − g(qd − q )] which under assumption (27) has a unique solution q = 0.
Hence, h(0) = [h1(0)T 0T]T = [0T 0T]T and assumption b) is verified.
c) This is straightforward given that the right–hand side of (22)–(23) is C2.
d) By substituting the isolated root z = h(x) and ε = 0 in (22), that is q = h1(x) and q = 0, we
obtain the so–called reduced system, which is given by:

x = K i* h 1( x ) (50)

whose unique equilibrium point results from h1(x) = 0 and is given by x = h 1−1 (0) = 0
provided that (27) is satisfied. Comparing the reduced system (50) with the terms used in
Theorem 3, we have x = f (t′, x , h(t , x ),0) = Ki* h1 ( x ).
On the other hand, to analyze the origin of the reduced system (50), let us define the
quadratic Lyapunov function candidate

1 T * −1
V( x ) = x (Ki ) x (51)
which satisfies

1 1
λmax {(K i* )−1 } x 2
≥ V(x ) ≥ λmin {(K i* )−1 } x 2
2 2
and hence, it is a positive definite and radially unbounded function. The time derivative
along the trajectories of (50) is given by:

V ( x ) = x T (K i* )−1 x = x T h 1( x ). (53)
232 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Consider (29) with q = h1(x):

x = −K p h( x ) − g( q d ) + g( q d − h( x )), (54)
substituting in (53) we have

h T1 x = h 1( x )T [ −K p h( x ) − g ( q d ) + g ( q d − h ( x ))]

= − h 1( x )T K p h 1( x ) + h 1( x )T [ − g( q d ) + g( q d − h 1( x ))]
⎡ ∂g( z ) ⎤
≤ − h 1( x )T ⎢K p + ⎥ h 1( x )
⎢ ∂z z = ξ ⎥⎦

where we use Theorem 2, and

∂g( z )
Kp + (55)
∂z z= ξ
is a positive definite matrix provided that

∂gi ( q )
kp >
i ∑max
j =1
q ∂q j
for i = 1,… , n. (56)

is satisfied (Hernandez-Guzman et al., 2008).

Note that (27) implies (56). Therefore

⎡ ∂g( z ) ⎤ ⎧ ∂g( z ) ⎪⎫
⎥ h 1( x ) ≤ −λmin ⎪⎨K p +
V ( x ) ≤ − h 1( x )T ⎢ K p + ⎬ h 1( x ) (57)
⎢ ∂z z = ξ ⎥⎦ ⎪⎩ ∂z z= ξ ⎪
⎣ ⎭

Notice that, due to h1(0) = 0, the time derivative (53) is a negative definite function and we
can conclude global asymptotic stability of the origin of (50).
Moreover, we have that:

x = xTx

= [ −K p h 1( x ) − g ( q d ) + g ( q d − h 1( x ))]T [ −K p h 1( x ) − g( q d ) + g( q d − h 1( x ))]

= h 1( x )T K p2 h 1( x ) + 2 h 1( x )T K p [ − g ( q d ) + g ( q d − h 1( x ))]

+[ − g ( q d ) + g( q d − h 1( x ))]T [ − g ( q d ) + g ( q d − h 1( x ))]
≤ [λmax {K p } 2 + 2 k g λmax {K p } + k g2 ] h 1( x )
= [λmax {K p } + k g ]2 h 1( x ) .

2 1 2
h 1( x ) ≥ 2
x , (58)
[λmax {K p } + k g ]
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 233

and we have that

⎧⎪ ∂g( z ) ⎫⎪
−λmin ⎨K p + ⎬
V( x ) ≤ ⎩⎪ z= ξ ⎭⎪
. (59)
[λmax { K p } + k g ]2

Therefore, from (52) and (59), we can conclude that x = 0 is a globally exponentially stable
equilibrium point for the reduced system (50) provided that (27) is satisfied (see Theorem
4.10, Khalil (2002)). So we have verified the assumption d) of Theorem 3.
dy dy
e) By setting ε = 0 and considering that ε = in (32), we obtain the boundary–layer
dt′ dt

⎡ y1 ⎤ ⎡ − y2 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
dt ⎢ ⎥ ⎢
1 ⎡

⎣ ⎣ (
⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ M( q d − y1− h 1( x )) Sat ⎢Sat K p( y 1+ h 1( x ) )+ g( q d ) + x −K v y 2 ⎥
− ⎡ ⎤

⎦⎥ ) (60)
⎢ y2 ⎥ ⎢ −C ( q − y − h ( x ), y ) y − g ( q − y − h ( x )) ⎤ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ d 1 1 2 2 d 1 1 ⎦ ⎦
dy g ( t , x , y + h ( t , x ),0)

where, according to (33), x is frozen at x = x(t0 ), which corresponds to the robotic system
under the Saturated PD Controller with Desired Gravity Compensation plus a constant
vector x, whose unique equilibrium point is the origin, provided that (27) is satisfied.
The stability analysis of (60) has already been carried out in the previous subsection, where
we concluded, in accordance with Proposition 1, that the origin of (60) is asymptotically
stable and locally exponentially stable, uniformly in x. The uniformity in x is given
straightforward with the asymptotic stability of the origin of (60) because it is an
autonomous system. This checks the assumption e). Finally, we conclude, in accordance
with Theorem 3, that the equilibrium point of the closed–loop system (18) is locally
exponentially stable for a sufficiently small ε. Under Assumption 2 the constraints (9) are
trivially satisfied. This completes the proof. ◊

6. Experimental results
6.1 The PA10 robot system
The Mitsubishi PA10 arm is an industrial robot manipulator which completely changes the
vision of conventional industrial robots. Its name is an acronym of Portable General-Purpose
Intelligent Arm. There exist two versions (Higuchi et al., 2003): the PA10-6C and the PA10-
7C, where the suffix digit indicates the number of degrees of freedom of the arm. This work
focuses on the study of the PA10-7CE model, which is the enhanced version of the PA10-7C.
The PA10-7CE robot is a 7–dof redundant manipulator with revolute joints. Figure 3 shows
a diagram of the PA10 arm, indicating the positive rotation direction and the respective
names of each of the joints. The PA10 arm is an open architecture robot; it means that it
possesses (Oonishi, 1999):
234 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

• A hierarchical structure with several control levels.

• Communication between levels, via standard interfaces.
• An open general–purpose interface in the higher level.

Axis 6 (W1)

Axis 7 (W2)

Axis 5 (E2)
Axis 4 (E1)
Axis 3 (S3)

Axis 1 (S1)
Axis 2 (S2)

Fig. 3. Mitsubishi PA10-7CE robot

This scheme allows the user to focus on the programming of the tasks at the higher level of
the PA10 system, without regarding on the operation of the lower levels. The control
architecture of the PA10-7CE robot arm has been modified in order to have access to the
low–level signals and configure it in both torque and velocity modes (Ramirez, 2008).

6.2 Numeric values of the parameters for the PA10-7CE.

The vector of gravitational torques for the PA10-7CE is (Ramirez, 2008):

g ( q ) = ⎡⎣ g1 (q ) g2 ( q ) … gn ( q )⎤⎦

g1 ( q ) = 0

g2 ( q ) = 9.81( −6.9472 sin(q2 ) − 3.1393(cos( q 2 )cos( q 3 )sin( q 4 ) + sin( q 2 )cos( q 4 ))

−0.004((( − cos( q2 )cos(q3 )cos(q 4 ) + sin( q 2 )sin( q 4 ))cos( q5 )
+ cos(q 2 )sin(q3 )sin(q 5 ))sin(q6 ) − (cos(q2 )cos( q3 )sin( q 4 ) + sin( q2 )cos( q 4 ))cos( q6 )))
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 235

g3 ( q ) = 9.81(3.1393sin( q 2 )sin( q3 )sin( q 4 ) − 0.004((sin(q2 )sin(q3 )cos( q 4 )cos(q5 )

+ sin(q2 )cos( q3 )sin( q5 ))sin( q6 ) + sin( q2 )sin( q 3 )sin( q 4 )cos( q6 )))

g 4 ( q ) = 9.81( −3.1393(sin(q 2 )cos(q 3 )cos( q 4 ) + cos(q 2 )sin(q 4 )) − 0.004((sin(q2 )cos(q3 )sin(q 4 )

− cos(q2 )cos( q 4 ))cos( q5 )sin( q6 ) − (sin( q 2 )cos( q 3 )cos( q 4 ) + cos( q2 )sin( q 4 ))cos( q6 )))

g5 ( q ) = 9.81( −0.004( − sin(q5 )( − sin(q2 )cos(q3 )cos(q 4 )

− cos(q2 )sin(q 4 )) + sin( q2 )sin(q 3 )cos( q5 ))sin(q6 ))

g6 ( q ) = 9.81( −0.004((( − sin( q2 )cos( q3 )cos( q 4 ) − cos( q 2 )sin(q 4 ))cos(q5 )

+ sin(q2 )sin( q3 )sin(q 5 ))cos(q6 ) + (sin(q 2 )cos( q 3 )sin( q 4 ) − cos( q2 )cos( q 4 ))sin( q6 )))

g7 ( q ) = 0
The following expressions recall how the parameters of interest can be found:

∂gi ( q ) ∂g ( q )
k g ≥ n max , k g ≥ n max i ,
i, j, q ∂q j i j, q ∂q j

γ i ≥ sup| gi (q )|, k′ ≥ γ 12 + γ 22 + … + γ n2 .

The numerical values of the parameters for the PA10-7CE are shown in Table 1. The table
also shows the torque and velocity saturation limits of each joint, which are employed to
select the corresponding limits of the saturation functions in the controller.

Parameter Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3 Joint 4 Joint 5 Joint 6 Joint 7 Units

kg 0 909.58 216.39 432.25 0.8240 1.3734 0 [Nm/rad]

γi 0 129.94 30.91 61.75 0.11772 0.1962 0 [Nm]

τ imax 232 232 100 100 14.5 14.5 14.5 [Nm]
vimax 1 1 2 2 2π 2π 2π [rad/s]
kg 909.58 [Nm/rad]
k′ 147.1513 [Nm]

Table 1. Numerical values of the parameters for the PA10-7CE

In order to illustrate the stability results described in the previous pages, this section shows
a real–time experiment essay on the PA10-7CE robot system, using the controller proposed
in this chapter, given by equation (12) and labeled in this section as Sat(Sat(PI)+P)), and the
controller presented in Santibañez et al. (2010), labeled Sat(Sat(P)+PI),whose equation is
given by
236 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

⎣ ( )
τ = Sat ⎡⎢K pdSat K pc q ; l p , m p − K pd q + w ; l pi , m pi ⎤⎥


w = Kid
∫ ⎡⎣Sat(K
pc q ( r ); l p , m p ) − q (r )⎤ dr

where Kpd, Kpc, Kid ∈ Rn×n are diagonal positive definite matrices, and we take α = 1 (see
Fig. 1).
Each of the experiments consisted in taking the robot from the vertical home position
(where q = 0) to the following desired position: qd = ⎡⎣ − π2 π3 π2 π3 π2 − π2 π2 ⎤⎦ rad.

6.3 Sat(Sat(PI)+P) scheme

Table 2 shows the values of the gains and the saturation limits for each joint of the proposed
control scheme (12). It is easy to check that the assumptions (16), (17) and (27) are fulfilled.
Figure 4 shows the evolution of the position error for each joint. It can be seen that transient
responses are relatively fast (lower than 1 second for joints 4 to 7 and lower than 2 seconds
for joints 1 to 3) without overshoot. The steady state error for each joint is lower than 0.4
degrees. Figure 5 shows the applied torque for each joint. The torques evolve inside of the
prescribed limits. For the joints 4 to 7 the torques reach, sometimes, the permitted torque
limits, confirming in this way the stability theoretical result.

Gain Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3 Joint 4 Joint 5 Joint 6 Joint 7 Units

Kpp 10.0 100.0 60.0 60.0 50.0 35.0 30.0 [1/s]

Kip 0.01 0.01 0.3 0.01 0.5 0.01 0.01 [1/s2]

Kpv 90.0 150.0 35.0 85.0 10.0 6.0 12.0 [Nm s/rad]

l *pi 0.95 0.95 1.75 1.75 5.5 5.5 5.5 [rad/s]

m *pi 1 1 1.9 1.9 6 6 6 [rad/s]

lp 185 185 75 75 12 12 12 [Nm]

mp 200 200 80 80 13 13 13 [Nm]

Table 2. Values of the control parameters selected for the Sat(Sat(PI)+P) scheme

6.4 Sat(Sat(P)+PI) scheme

Table 3 shows the values of the gains and the saturation limits for each joint of the control
scheme (61). The parameters of the controller have been chosen in such a way that
assumptions for the controller (61), given in (Santibañez et al., 2010), are satisfied. Figure 6
shows the position error for each joint. Slightly slower transient responses were obtained,
but without overshoot. The steady state errors are similar to those obtained for the
Sat(Sat(PI)+P) scheme. Figure 7 shows the evolution of the applied torques, which are more
noisy than those of the proposed scheme.
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 237

q̃1 [rad]
q̃2 [rad]
0 ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

π/3 ....
.. ..
.. . ..
. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
− π/4 ...
... ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. .. ...
. ...
.. ..
.. ...
.. ...
.. ...
− π/2 .. . ...
....... ........ ........ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

q̃3 [rad] q̃4 [rad]

π/2 ...
π/3 ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
... ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ...
.. ..
... ...
π/4 ..
π/6 ..
.. ..
... ..
... ..
... ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.... ..
... ..
.. ..
.. .
....... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
0 ....... ........ ........ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

q̃5 [rad] q̃6 [rad]

π/2 ...
.. 0 ....... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
.. ....
.. ..
... ..
... ...
... ..
... ...
... ..
.. ...
.. ..
.. ..
− π/4 ....
.. ..
... ...
.. ..
... ..
.. ...
... ....
... .
... ..
... ..
. ..
0 ....... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
− π/2 ...

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

q̃7 [rad]
π/2 ...
....... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s]

Fig. 4. Position errors for the (Sat(Sat(PI)+P)) scheme

238 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

τ [Nm]
1 ....... 200 τ2 [Nm]
.. ...
....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ............... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...
0 .. ... . .. . .... . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . ..
......... ....... . .......................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 150 .......
.... ... .. . .....
... ......
... ..
− 20 ..... .......
................ ..... .... ....... ...................
.. 100 ... ....
. ..
...... . ....... ...... ............................. . . ...... ... . . .. ..
... .. . . ...
..... . 50 ..
.... ... ...
..... ....
− 40 .... ..
... .
....... ............. ................. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...
.... .. .. ... . .......
.... ..
... .... .... .
− 60
.. − 50 ... .. ......
... ........... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
.... .... .... .
... ..
.... − 100 .
..... ....
− 80 ....
− 150 ......
.... ....
− 100 − 200
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

τ3 [Nm] 100 τ4 [Nm]

90 80 ....

60 ..
70 ...
... ..... 40
. .
... ......... ...
... ... ..
20 ......... .
............ .
... ... ... ..
....... ........................... .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...
.... ....
...... ..............
.. . 0 ... ..... ..
.... ...... . ... . .
... . . . ... .... . ... ....................................... .. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
30 ...
... ..
.. ...
.. ....... ..... ....
− 20 ... .... .... ......... ........
.... ... ..
.. ... . ... .
... ........... .
............. .. ... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
... .. − 40 .... ...
.. ..
... ... ..... ....
10 .......
− 60 ... ...
.... ....
....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ... − 80
− 10 − 100
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

15 τ5 [Nm] 15 τ6 [Nm]
.... ...
... ...
... .. ...
10 .... ... ...
............... ...
...... .
............................... ..
. .. ..
.... ........ .
5 ............
. 5 ....
.............. . .. . .. . ........
.. .... . ..... .. .
....... ..................... ......... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
0 ....
0 ....... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
......... .....
−5 ... −5 ....
..... ..
. ..
..... ...
.... ...
− 10 ..... − 10 ..... ....
.... .
.. .....

− 15 − 15
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

15 τ7 [Nm]
10 ...
.. .
. ...
5 ...
.. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
....... .... ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...
0 .....
−5 .........
− 10 ........

− 15
0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s]

Fig. 5. Applied torques for the Sat(Sat(PI)+P) scheme

On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 239

Gain Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3 Joint 4 Joint 5 Joint 6 Joint 7 Units

Kpc 3.0 15.0 8.0 8.0 1.2 2.25 1.0 [1/s]

Kpd 40.0 280.0 45.0 110.0 15.0 12.0 8.0 [Nm s/rad]
Kid 15.0 18.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 8.0 4.0 [Nm/rad]
lp 0.95 0.95 1.75 1.75 5.5 5.5 5.5 [rad/s]
mp 1 1 1.9 1.9 6 6 6 [rad/s]
lpi 185 185 75 75 12 12 12 [Nm]
mpi 200 200 80 80 13 13 13 [Nm]

Table 3. Values of the control parameters selected for the Sat(Sat(P)+PI) scheme

7. Conclusions
In this chapter we have proposed an alternative to the saturated nonlinear PID controller
previously presented by Santibañez et al. (2010) which, also, results from the practical
implementation of the classical PID controller, by considering the natural saturations of the
electronics in the control computer, servo drivers, and actuators. The stability analysis of the
closed–loop system is carried out by using the singular perturbation theory. Based on auxiliary
Lyapunov functions, we prove local exponential stability of the equilibrium point of the closed–
loop system. It is also guaranteed that, regardless of the initial conditions, the delivered actuator
torques evolve inside the permitted limits. Experimental results confirm the proposed analysis.
Furthermore, the theoretical result explains why the classical linear PID regulator used in
industrial robot manipulators preserves the exponential stability in spite of entering the
saturation zones inherent to the electronic control devices and the actuator torque constraints.

8. Acknowledgement
This work is partially supported by PROMEP, DGEST, and CONACYT (grant 60230), Mexico.

9. References
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240 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

q̃1 [rad] q̃2 [rad]

0 ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
... π/3 ....
... ...
... ..
.. ..
.. . ..
.. ..
... ..
.. ..
.. ...
− π/4 .
.. ..
... π/6 ..
... ..
... ...
.. ..
... ...
... ..
..... ..
.. ..
... ..
... ...
... .
... ....... ........ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
− π/2 .....
... 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

q̃3 [rad] q̃4 [rad]

π/2 ...
π/3 ...
... ...
.. ..
.. ..
... ...
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
... ..
π/4 .. ..
π/6 ..
.. ..
.. ..
... ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ...
.. ..
.. ...
... ..
..... ...
....................................... ....... ........ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
0 ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

q̃5 [rad] q̃6 [rad]

π/2 ..
0 ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
... ...........
.. ......
.. ......
.. ....
.. ...
.. ...
.. ...
.. .. .
.. ..
.. ..
... ...
.. ..
− π/4 .
... ..
... ..
.... ..
.... ..
..... ..
..... ...
..... ..
....... ..
........ ..
............ ..
................. ..
....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..
0 − π/2 ...

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

q̃7 [rad]
π/2 ...
π/4 ...
....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s]

Fig. 6. Position errors for the Sat(Sat(P)+PI) scheme

On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 241

10 τ1 [Nm]
200 .....
.... τ [Nm] 2
....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ... ........
150 ......
− 10 ...
......................... . ...
.... .
....... ................................................. ........ . .
. . ................................................................. ..... 100 ......
.. . . . .................................................................................. ...
................. ... .. .........
.. ..
...... . .... ............................... ....... ....
............ .... . . .. . ... .
50 .........
. .
... ................
− 30 ... ...... .
....... ........................................ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...
... 0 ... ...............................
.... . . . ...
.... . ...
.. ... ............
.. .. ............................................................................... .. ..
− 50 .........
.. ................................................................................................................ ............................................. ......................... .......... .............. ........ .. .... . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .
. . ...... ...... .............. ...... ................................................................................................................................................... ................. .............................. .... ...............
..... . . . .... ... .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ....... .................................... ...... ................ ....................................................
...... . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. ... ..
− 50 − 100
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

τ3 [Nm] τ4 [Nm]
90 90 ....
.. ..
... 70 ...
70 ...
50 ...
... ..
50 ...
... 30 ...
... ...... .....
... . .. ... .. .
... ............... .. .... . .... . . .. . ... . . ..... . ........ .. ...
... ................... ....... ............ ............................................ . ...................................................................................... . ...................................... . ....................................... ............................................................... 10 ................................
30 ...
. .. .
........... . ........ . . . . .......
................................... ................ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...
...................... ... ........ ............
. ... ................... ..... . .... ... ... .
. ..
− 10 .... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .............................. .. . . ..... .
. . ..... ..... . ... . ... .. .. ................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................
10 .... ...................................... . . . .. .. . . . .
....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ... − 30 .... ... ..
..... ...

− 10 − 50
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

15 τ5 [Nm] 15 τ6 [Nm]
............ ....... .. ......
................... .. ........
................................................ ................... ....
10 ................ ......... ... ..
......................................................................... ..........................
. . ...... . . .. ... .. .
........................................................................................................................ ...........
. .. . . ...... . .
.................................................................................................................. . .. ..................................
5 .......................................................................... ............................. ..... ......... ..
................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................... .... ........... ... ..... ...... .... . ............................. .... ....... . .......... .. . .
.. . . .. .... . . . . . . ... ..... . .. . ..... . . .. .. . .............. ........... ...... ........................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... ... ....... ....................................... ........................................ .... ............... ....... . .. ................. ........ .......... ..... . ... . .. .
...... .................................. .... . .......... . .
.............................................................................. ........... ........ ................ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...
0 ... ... .......... ............... ... .... ........
. .. ......... . ........ .. ...... .....
... 0 ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...

... ........ ........ .....

.. .... ...... ... .. ...
........ ......... ..... . ................... .... ............ ......... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
−5 . ...
−5 . .... ...... .. ................. . .
.. .. ............ . .. .. .
.. ....... ..... ..
. . ................ .
− 10 − 10 ...

− 15 − 15
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s] t [s]

15 τ7 [Nm]
10 ...
5 .......
.................. . ..
... . ................................ .. ....... .. .. . . .. .... . .. .
.. ... . . .. .. ......... . ......................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

0 ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...

− 10
− 15
0 2 4 6 8 10
t [s]

Fig. 7. Applied torques for the Sat(Sat(P)+PI) scheme

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Appendix A
In this section we prove that (26) has a unique solution q = h(x) ∈Rn, provided that

⎛ ∂g ( q ) ⎞
k p > k g ≥ n ⎜ max i ⎟ where i = 1, 2,… n and j = 1, 2,… n.
i i ⎜ q , j ∂q j ⎟
⎝ ⎠
To this end, notice that we can rewrite (26) as

⎡ g1 ( q ) − g 1 ( q d ) − x 1 ⎤
⎢ k p1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎡ 1⎤ ⎢
q ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 2 g ( q ) − g (
2 d q ) − x 2
q ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢
2 k p2 ⎥
q =⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ = f ( q , q d ). (62)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢q ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ n⎦
⎢ n ( q ) − g (
n d q ) − x n⎥
⎢ k pn ⎥
⎣ ⎦
If f ( q , qd) satisfies the Contraction Mapping Theorem (Kelly et al., 2005; Khalil, 2002), then
(62) has a unique solution q *. Considering this, we have
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 245

⎡ g1 ( q d − v ) − g1 ( q d ) − x1 − g1 ( q d − w ) + g1 ( q d ) + x1 ⎤
⎢ k p1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ g ( q − v) − g ( q ) − x − g ( q − w) + g ( q ) + x ⎥
2 d 2 d 2 2 d 2 d 2
⎢ ⎥
f (v, q d) − f (w, q d) = ⎢ k p2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ gn ( q d − v ) − gn ( q d ) − xn − gn ( q d − w ) + gn ( q d ) + xn ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ k pn ⎥⎦

⎡ g1 ( q d − v ) − g1 ( q d − w ) ⎤
⎢ k p1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ g ( q − v) − g ( q − w) ⎥
⎢ 2 d 2 d

= ⎢ k p2 ⎥ (63)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ gn ( q d − v ) − gn ( q d − w ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
k pn
⎣⎢ ⎦⎥
Using Theorem 1, we can rewrite gi(qd − v) − gi(qd − w) as

∂gi ( z ) ∂g i ( z ) ∂g i ( z )
g i ( q d − v ) − gi ( q d − w ) = ( w 1 − v1 ) + ( w 2 − v2 ) + … + ( wn − vn ) (64)
∂z1 z =ξ i
∂z 2 z =ξ i
∂zn z =ξ i

where ξi is a vector on the line segment that joins vectors w and v, and, by substituting in
(63), we obtain
⎡ g1 ( q d − v ) − g 1 ( q d − w ) ⎤
⎢ k p1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ g ( q − v) − g ( q − w) ⎥
2 d 2 d
⎢ ⎥
f ( v ,q d ) − f ( w ,q d ) = ⎢ k p2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ gn ( q d − v ) − g n ( q d − w ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ kpn ⎥⎦
⎡ ∂g 1 ( z ) ∂g 1 ( z ) ∂g 1 ( z ) ⎤
⎢ ( w 1 − v1 ) + ( w 2 − v2 ) + … + ( w n − vn ) ⎥
⎢ ∂z1 z =ξ 1
∂z 2 z =ξ 1
∂ zn
z =ξ 1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ k p1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂g 2 ( z ) ∂g ( z ) ∂g ( z ) ⎥
⎢ ∂z ( w 1 − v1 ) + 2 ( w2 − v2 ) + … + 2 ( wn − vn ) ⎥
∂ z ∂ z
⎢ 1 z =ξ 2 2 z =ξ 2 n z =ξ 2 ⎥
= ⎢ ⎥
⎢ k p2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂g ( z ) ∂g n ( z ) ∂g n ( z ) ⎥
⎢ n ( w 1 − v1 ) + ( w2 − v2 ) + … + ( w n − vn ) ⎥
⎢ ∂z1 z =ξ n
∂ z 2 z =ξ n
∂ z n z =ξ n ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ k pn ⎥⎦
246 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

= A[ w − v ]
≤ A w−v

⎡ 1 ∂g1 ( z ) 1 ∂g1 ( z ) 1 ∂g1 ( z ) ⎤

⎢ … ⎥
⎢ k p1 ∂ z1 z =ξ1
k p1 ∂ z 2 z =ξ1
k p1 ∂ z n z =ξ1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 ∂g2 ( z ) 1 ∂g2 ( z ) 1 ∂g2 ( z ) ⎥
⎢ … ⎥
A = ⎢ k p2 ∂ z1 k p2 ∂ z 2 k p2 ∂ z n z =ξ ⎥ (65)
z =ξ 2 z =ξ 2
⎢ 2⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 ∂gn ( z ) 1 ∂gn ( z ) 1 ∂gn ( z ) ⎥
⎢k …
∂ z1 k pn ∂ z 2 k pn ∂ z n z =ξ ⎥
⎢⎣ pn z =ξn z =ξn n ⎥⎦

If &A& < 1, then f ( q , qd) fulfills the Contraction Mapping Theorem. Now notice that

A = λmax { AT A} . (66)

∂gi ( z )
By defining = Δgij , we have that
z =ξi

⎡ Δg11 Δg21 Δgn1 ⎤ ⎡ Δg11 Δg12 Δg1n ⎤

⎢ k … …
⎢ p1 k p2 k pn ⎥⎥ ⎢ k
⎢ p1 k p1 k p1 ⎥⎥
⎢ Δg Δg22 Δgn 2 ⎥ ⎢ Δg Δg22 Δg2 n ⎥
⎢ 12 … ⎥ ⎢ 21 … ⎥
A A = ⎢ k p1 k p2 k pn ⎥ ⎢ k p2 k p2 k p2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ Δg1n Δg2 n Δgnn ⎥ ⎢ Δgn1 Δgn 2 Δgnn ⎥
⎢ … ⎥ ⎢ … ⎥
⎢⎣ k p1 k p2 k pn ⎥
⎦ ⎢⎣ k pn k pn k pn ⎥

⎡ 2
Δg11 Δg2 Δg2 Δg12 Δg11 Δg21Δg22 Δgn1Δgn2 Δg11Δg1n Δgn1Δgnn ⎤
⎢ + 21 + … + n21 + +…+ … + +…+ ⎥
⎢ kp12 kp22 kpn kp12 kp22 kpn2 kp12 kp22 kpn2 ⎥
⎢ 2 2 ⎥
⎢ Δg12Δg11 + Δg21Δg22 + … + Δgn1Δgn2 Δg12 Δg22 Δgn22 Δg12 Δg1n Δg22Δg2n Δgn2Δgn2 ⎥
+ +…+ … + +…+
= ⎢ kp12 kp22 kpn2 kp12 kp22 kpn2 kp12 2
kp2 kpn ⎥⎥

⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ Δg11Δg1n Δg21Δg2n Δg Δg Δg12 Δg1n Δg22 Δg2n Δgn2 Δgn2 Δg12n Δg22n 2
Δgnn ⎥
⎢ 2
+ 2
+ … + n1 2 nn + +…+ … + +…+ ⎥
⎣ kp1 kp 2 kpn kp12 kp22 kpn2 2
kp1 2
kp2 2
kpn ⎦

Considering (5) and (27), we have that each element in ATA fulfills

| AT A(i , j )|< . (67)
Now, knowing that the eigenvalues of any matrix B, where bij denotes its ij-th element, fulfill
(Horn & Johnson, 1985):
On Saturated PID Controllers for Industrial Robots: The PA10 Robot Arm as Case of Study 247

⎡ ⎤
|λk |≤ n ⎢ max{|bij |} ⎥ ∀ k = 1,… , n
⎣⎢ i , j ⎦⎥
we obtain that

⎡ ⎤ ⎡1⎤
λk { AT A} ≤ λmax { AT A} ≤ n ⎢max{| AT A(i , j )|} ⎥ < n ⎢ ⎥ = 1
⎣⎢ i, j n ⎦⎥ ⎣ ⎦
and consequently we have that A = λmax { A A} < 1 = 1. Therefore, we get &f (v, qd)−
f (w, qd)& ≤ &A&&w −v& where &A& is strictly smaller than the unity. Hence, we have that (26)
has a unique solution q = h(x) ∈ Rn provided that:
⎛ ∂g ( q ) ⎞⎟
k p > n ⎜ max i where i = 1, 2,… n and j = 1, 2,… n.
i ⎜ q , j ∂q j ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Appendix B
The positive definiteness and radial unboundedness analysis of W( q , q ) is dealt in this
appendix. The Lyapunov function candidate W( q , q ) can be written as:

1 T
W ( q ,q ) = q M( q )q + W1 ( q )

n qi
W1 ( q ) = ∑∫
i =1
⎡ Sat ⎡ Sat( k r +x +g ( q ))⎤−g ( r )⎤ dr
⎢⎣ ⎣⎢ pi i i i d ⎥ i i ⎥ i
⎦ ⎦

n h1i ( x )
−∑∫ i =1
⎡ Sat⎡ Sat( k r +x +g ( q ))⎤−g (r )⎤dr .
⎣⎢ ⎣⎢
pi i i i d ⎥ i i ⎥ i
⎦ ⎦

g1 (r1 ) = g1 ( qd − r1 , qd ,… , q d )
1 2 n
g2 ( r2 ) = g2 (qd − q1 , qd − r2 ,… , q d )
1 2 n

gn (rn ) = gn ( qd − q1 , qd − q 2 ,… , q d − rn )
1 2 n
Notice that the positive definiteness and the radial unboundedness of W1( q , q ) implies the
positive definiteness and the radial unboundedness of W( q , q ).
Let us define a region β1 where the saturation functions of the P and PI parts of the
controller work in their linear section, such that:

β1 = {qi: | kp ri +xi +gi ( q d )|< lpi and| k p ri +xi +gi ( q d )| < lp }.

i i i i

Notice that, in this region we have that Sat[Sat( k pi qi + xi + gi(qd))] = k pi k pc qi + xi + gi(qd). For
this case, we will show that W1( q ) is a strictly convex function with a unique minimum
248 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

point at q = h1(x). To this end, we evaluate W1( q ) at q = h1(x) and obtain its gradient and
a) W1 ( q )|q = h ( x ) can be written as:
n qi
W1 ( q ) q = h
= ∑∫
i =1

k p ri +xi +gi ( q d )−gi (ri )⎤dri
i ⎦⎥
q = h1 ( x )
n h1i ( x )
−∑∫ i =1
⎡ k r +x +g ( q )−g ( r )⎤dr .
⎢⎣ pi i i i d i i ⎥⎦ i

= 0
b) The gradient of W1( q ) with respect to q is given by:

∂W1 ( q )
= K p q + x + g ( q d ) − g( q d − q ) = 0. (69)

Under assumption (27), and by using the Contraction Mapping Theorem, (69) has a
unique solution q = h1(x), that is, a unique critical point.
c) The Hessian of W1( q ) with respect to q is given by:
∂ 2 W1 ( q ) ∂ g( q d − q )
= Kp − =0
∂q 2 ∂q
which is a positive definite function for all q ∈ Rn provided that (Hernandez-Guzman
et al., 2008):

∂gi ( q )
kp >
i ∑maxj =1
q ∂qi

Note that (27) implies (70).

Therefore, in the linear region β1, W1( q ) is a strictly convex function with a unique minimal
point q = h1(x) which implies that W1( q − h1(x)) is a locally positive definite function.
Also notice that the gradient of W1( q ) with respect to q is given globally by

∂W1 ( q )
∂q ⎣ (
= Sat ⎡⎢Sat K p q + x + g ( q d ) ⎤⎥ − g( q d − q )
⎦ ) (71)

which, under Assumption 2, will have a unique critical point for all qi ∈R with i = 1,2, . . .
,n, and hence, the minimum point of W1( q ) results to be a global minimum point q = h1(x).
In order to prove radially unboundedness of W1( q ), it is possible to prove that outside of
the region β1 the function W1( q ) can be lower bounded by straight lines of the type

Wβ = kβ 1 qi − h1 ( x ) − ci
i i i

where kβ 1i and ci are suitable constants. So, | qi − h1i (x)| →∞ implies Wβi → ∞ for i = 1,2, .
. . ,n; therefore W( q )→ ∞ as & q & → ∞, which proves that W1( q ) is radially unbounded.

Real-Time-Position Prediction Algorithm for

Under-actuated Robot Manipulator Using of
Artificial Neural Network
Ahmad Azlan Mat Isa, Hayder M.A.A. Al-Assadi and Ali T. Hasan
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Technology MARA (UiTM)
Shah Alam, 40450

1. Introduction
Robot manipulators, in general, are required to have the same number of actuators as the
number of joints to obtain full control. In the case of under-actuated robots, this condition is
not satisfied which make the behavior of that class of robots very difficult to be predicted.
Under-actuated robots can be a better design choice for robots in space and other industrial
applications, their advantages over fully actuated robots led to many studies to predict their
behavior (Yu et al., 1998; Berkemeier & Fearing, 1999; Spong, 1995; Ono et al., 2001;
Nakanishi et al., 2000; Funda et al., 1996; Luca et al., 2000; Luca & Oriolo, 2002; Arai & Tachi,
1991; Mukherjee & Chen, 1993;Yu et al., 1993;Bergerman et al., 1995; Mahindrakar et al.,
2006; Muscato, 2006; Begovich et al., 2002). As a first advantage, a light-weight and low
power consumption manipulator can be made. This feature is required in low cost
automation and space robots. Second, they can easily overcome actuator failure due to
unexpected accident. The under-actuated manipulator could be the model of the direct drive
manipulator that has some failed joints; such fault-tolerant behavior is highly desirable for
robots in remote or hazardous environments (Yu et al., 1998). Other interesting applications
include the Acrobot (Berkemeier & Fearing, 1999; Spong, 1995), the gymnast robots (Ono et
al., 2001), the brachiating robots (Nakanishi et al., 2000), and surgical robots (Funda et al.,
The mathematical complexity and wide variety of applications have kept under-actuated
robots an area of open research. (Luca et al., 2000; Luca & Oriolo, 2002) have investigated the
behavior of a 2R manipulator moving in a horizontal plane with a single actuator at the first
joint, neglecting joint friction which is not easy to achieve in real world as it involves high
manufacturing cost. Trying to overcome that problem, some researchers have implemented
additional equipments such as breaks at the passive joint (Arai & Tachi, 1991; Mukherjee &
Chen, 1993; Yu et al., 1993; Bergerman et al., 1995). In this case, the brake can generate
torque that means after all that kind of systems is considered some kind of actuator. So, it
will be difficult to consider that robot as an under-actuated manipulator.
Motivated by this problem, (Yu et al., 1998) have investigated the dynamic characteristics of
a two-link manipulator in view of global motion including joint friction by proposing a
mathematical model; they have found that the manipulator can be positioned if the friction
250 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

acts on the passive joint. In this case, any additional equipment such as brakes is not needed
in positioning all the joints to desired position. Their results were verified using numerical
simulation. Later on, (Mahindrakar et al., 2006) have presented a mathematical model for a
two-link under-actuated manipulator wherein the motion of the system was confined to a
horizontal plane; their proposed dynamic model takes into account the frictional forces
acting on the joints. Results obtained were also verified through numerical simulation.
Many attempts to solve the problem have been found in the literature. Yet, solutions
proposed are still lack of generality and systematization. To overcome this problem,
artificial intelligence was introduced for prediction and making robot systems able to
attribute more intelligence and high degree of autonomy.
Appling fuzzy logic to under-actuated robots (as an artificial intelligence method), there
were few studies in recent past (Muscato, 2006; Begovich et al., 2002).
Although the results presented were promising, these results cannot be generalized to other
systems, because they only came from practical considerations. Besides, despite the fact that
unlike most learning control algorithms, multiple trials are not necessary for the robot to
learn the desired trajectory. A major drawback was that Fuzzy Logic based approaches only
remembers the most recent data points introduced (Graca & Gu, 1993). Gleaning the
learning abilities of genetic algorithms GA (as another method of artificial intelligence) to
solve the problem was an alternative. Blending of GA with fuzzy rules, in order to capture
the hidden nonlinearities of the system will be useful in developing any learning techniques.
(Lee & Zak, 2002) have presented the design criterion of a GA based neural fuzzy controller
for an anti-break system. As it has been seen, each of the previously mentioned techniques
has their own drawbacks. To overcome this problem researchers have recommended neural
networks so that it would remember the trajectories as it traversed them (Graca & Gu, 1993).
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely used for their extreme flexibility due to
its learning ability and the capability of non-linear function approximation. Their ability to
learn by example makes them very flexible and powerful. ANNs while implemented on
computers are not programmed to perform specific tasks. Instead, they are trained with
respect to data sets until they learn the patterns presented to them. Once they are trained,
new patterns may be presented to them for prediction or classification (Kalogirou, 2001;
Hasan et al., 2006). Therefore, ANNs have been intensively used for solving regression and
classification problems in many fields. A number of realistic approaches have been
proposed and justified for applications to robotic systems (Balakrishnan et al., 2000; Kim et
al., 2002; Köker, 2005; Hasan et al., 2007; Al-Assadi et al., 2007; Siqueira & Terra, 2009).
In real world application, no physical property such as the friction coefficient can be exactly
derived. Besides, there are always kinematics uncertainties presence in the real world such
as ill-defined linkage parameters and backlashes in gear trains (Hasan et al., 2009; Hasan et
al., 2010). In this paper, and to overcome whichever uncertainty presented in the real world,
data were recorded experimentally from sensors fixed on each joint for a horizontal two-link
under-actuated robot.
The developed learning algorithm is based on weight adaptation of the network, by
minimizing the tracking error after each iteration process. This scheme does not require any
prior knowledge of the dynamic model of the system being controlled. The basic idea of this
concept is the use of the ANNs to learn the characteristics of the robot system rather than to
specify an explicit robot system model, so, every uncertainty in the system will be counted
for. Experimental trajectory tracking has shown the ability of the proposed approach to
Real-Time-Position Prediction Algorithm for Under-actuated
Robot Manipulator Using of Artificial Neural Network 251

overcome the disadvantages of using some schemes like the Fuzzy Learning for example
that only remembers the most recent data sets introduced, as the literature has shown.

2. Equations of motion with friction effect

As Figure 1 show, the space coordinate of the manipulator is parameterized by q .

Link 2



Link 1

m1,m2 = Link masses

L1,L2 = Link lengths
r1 I1,I2 = Link moments of inertia
r1, r2 = Center of masses
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the robot used
The coordinate qi , i = 1, 2 are the joint angles. The Euler–Lagrange equation of motion is
(Mahindrakar et al., 2006):

•• •
M(q ) q + h( q , q ) = τ , (1)
• ••
Where q and q are the generalized velocities and accelerations respectively. M (q ) is the
inertia matrix, which is symmetric and positive definite. The centripetal and Coriolis terms

are collected in the vector h(q , q ) . The vector h contains terms purely quadratic in the
velocities; gravity terms are absent since it assumed that the manipulator moves in a
horizontal plane.
Define the following constants:
252 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

c1 = m1r12 + m2 l12 + I 1 , c 2 = m2 r22 + I 2 , c 3 = m2 l1r2 .

The equations of motion accounting for the Coulomb plus viscous friction at the joints become:

•• •• • •
m11 q 1 + m12 q 2 + h1 = τ − SGN (q 1 )F1 − b1 q 1 , (2)

•• •• • •
m21 q 1 + m22 q 2 + h2 = −SGN (q 2 )F2 − b2 q 2 , (3)

m11 = c1 + c 2 + 2c 3Cosq 2 , m12 = c 2 + c 3Cosq2 ,
m21 = m12 , m22 = c 2 ,
• • •2 •2
h1 = −c 3 (2 q 1 q 2 + q 2 )Sinq2 , h2 = c 3 q 1 Sinq2 .

The Fi , bi q i , i = 1, 2 represent the Coulomb and viscous friction forces respectively. The set-
valued signum function is defined as:

⎪ {1} if x > 0,

SGN ( x ) ⎨ { −1} if x < 0, (4)

⎪[ −1,1] if x = 0.

The above shown function suffers from the fact that the solution does not give a clear
indication on how to select an appropriate solution from the several possible solutions for a
particular arm configuration.

3. Experiment procedure
In this section, the real time implementation of the experimentally collecting data procedure
is discussed. Different methods for collecting data have been found in the literature. Using a
pre-specified model, using a trajectory planning method or using a simulation program for
this purpose are examples for some of these methods. However, there are always kinematics
uncertainties presences in the real world such as ill-defined linkage parameters, links
flexibility and backlashes in gear train, in this approach, data were recorded directly from
sensors fixed on each joint, so every uncertainty in the dynamics of the system will be
counted for.
The manipulator used is shown in Figure 2, which is actuated only at the first joint. The
actuator used is a DC motor connected to the first link through a gearbox with a reduction
ratio of 100:1, while the second joint is passive.
Each of the joints have an encoder attached to it, in order to measure the rotation angle and
there are torque sensors between the motor output shaft and the robot joint to measure the
torque being supplied by the motor. Joints encoders are connected to a computer equipped
with MATLAB software through a data acquisition card. The robot arms were made of an
aluminum square section beam to ensure a resisting to bending lightweight arm. Length of
arms are l1 = 40 cm and l2 = 30 cm respectively. The control circuit is made up of computer
Real-Time-Position Prediction Algorithm for Under-actuated
Robot Manipulator Using of Artificial Neural Network 253

Fig. 2. The robot system used showing the computer, the data acquisition card and the robot
with the MATLAB software connected to the robot through a data acquisition card that
acquires the motion data of the two links. Input signal is generated by the MATLAB
software and transferred to the motor using the electrical board, and the robot response is
recorded using the MATLAB software.
A Sinusoidal excitation signal was applied to the actuator causing different torque to the
joints and the dynamic coupling effect was moving the passive joint correspondently. As a
standard signal generated by the MATLAB, Sinusoidal excitation signal, was chosen in
order to cause a robot motion that covers the whole working cell rather than being a
specified signal to perform a pre-defined trajectory.
When the excitation signal is given, the motion of the active joint and the corresponding
response of the passive joint that can be seen in Figures 3 and 4 respectively were recorded
in order to be used in the training process of the ANN.

4. The adaptive learning algorithm

The fundamental idea underlying the design of the network is that the information entering
the input layer is mapped as an internal representation in the units of the hidden layer and
the outputs are generated by this internal representation rather than by the input vector.
Given that there are enough hidden neurons, input vectors can always be encoded in a form
so that the appropriate output vector can be generated from any input vector.
Figure 5 shows the network used. The output of the units in layer A are multiplied by
appropriate weights Wij and these are fed as inputs to the hidden layer. Hence if Oi are the
output of units in layer A, then the total input to the hidden layer, i.e., layer B is:
254 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 3. Trajectory of the active joint when the excitation signal was applied

Fig. 4. Corresponding trajectory of the passive joint

Real-Time-Position Prediction Algorithm for Under-actuated
Robot Manipulator Using of Artificial Neural Network 255



Angular Displacement
Angular Displacement
First Joint
Second Joint


Input Layer Output Layer
Hidden Layer

Fig. 5. The topology of the ANN used

SumB = ∑ Oi Wij (5)


And the output Oj of a unit in layer B is:

O j = f (sumB ) (6)

Where f is a non-linear activation function, it is a common practice to choose the sigmoid

function given by: -

f (O j ) = −O j
1+ e
As a nonlinear activation function.
However, any input-output function that possesses a bounded derivative can be used in
place of the sigmoid function.
If there is a fixed, finite set of input-output pairs, the total error in the performance of the
network with a particular set of weights can be computed by comparing the actual and the
desired output vectors for each presentation of an input vector.
Error at any output unit eK in the layer C can be calculated by: -

eK = dK − OK (8)

Where dK is the desired output for that unit in layer C and OK is the actual output produced
by the network .the total error E at the output can be calculated by: -
256 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

E= ∑ ( dK − OK )2
2 K

Learning comprises changing weights so as to minimize the error function.

To minimize E by the gradient descent method. It is necessary to compute the partial
derivative of E with respect to each weight in the network. Equations (5) and (6) describe the
forward pass through the network where units in each layer have there states determined
by the inputs they received from units of lower layer.
The backward pass through the network that involves “ back propagation “ of weight error
derivatives from the output layer back to the input layer is more complicated. For the
sigmoid activation function given in equation (7), the so-called delta-rule for iterative
convergence towards a solution maybe stated in general as:

ΔW JK = ηδ K OJ (10)

Where η is the learning rate parameter, and the error δK at an output layer unit K is given by: -

δ K = OK (1 − OK )( dK − OK ) (11)

And the error δJ at a hidden layer unit is given by: -

δ J = OJ (1 − OJ )∑ δ K WJK (12)

Using the generalize delta rule to adjust weights leading to the hidden units is back
propagating the error-adjustment, which allows for adjustment of weights leading to the
hidden layer neurons in addition to the usual adjustments to the weights leading to the
output layer neurons.
A back propagation network trains with two step procedure, the activity from the input
pattern flows forward through the network and the error signal flows backwards to adjust
the weights using the following equations: -

WIJ = WIJ + ηδ J OI (13)

W JK = W JK + ηδ K OJ (14)

Until for each input vector the output vector produced by the network is the same as (or
sufficiently close to) the desired output vector (Kalogirou, 2001; Hasan et al., 2006). Number
of hidden neurons and the learning factor are determined by trial and error.

5. Results
A supervised feed forward ANN was designed using C programming language to learn the
system behavior over its workspace. The network consists of input, output and one hidden
layer, the input vector for the network consists of the angular displacement, the torque
applied at the active joint (first joint) and the time interval, while the output vector was the
angular position of the passive joint (second joint). As can be seen in Figure 5, every neuron
in the network is fully connected with each other, sigmoid transfer function was used to be
Real-Time-Position Prediction Algorithm for Under-actuated
Robot Manipulator Using of Artificial Neural Network 257

the activation function, and generalized backpropagation delta learning rule (GDR)
algorithm was used in the training process. All control datasets values had been scaled
individually so that the overall difference in the dataset was maximized.
Training data were divided into 50 input–output sets, which covered the entire work cell of
the manipulator. To build the control knowledge, a training process was carried out using
the experimentally obtained data. The network was trained by presenting several target
points that the network had to learn, number of neurons in the hidden layer was set to 25
with a constant learning factor of 0.9 by trial and error. Figure 6 shows the building
knowledge process for the system.
To verify the success of the algorithm, the predicted values of the passive joint were
compared to the experimentally collected data. The average absolute error was 4.9% after
100,000 Iterations. Figure 7 graphically shows the trajectory tracking of the passive joint,
Results obtained show that the design network is capable of learning and predicting the
position of the passive joint successfully.

6. Conclusions and recommendations for further research

In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network technique was applied to the problem of
positioning an under-actuated robot manipulator. The position of the passive joint of under-
actuated 2R manipulator is now learned through training a network based only on
observation of the input–output relationship.
The proposed technique does not require any prior knowledge of the system model, the
basic idea of this concept is the use of the ANN to learn the characteristics of the robot
system rather than to specify explicit robot system model. Any modification in the physical
set-up of the robot such as the addition of a new tool would only require training for a new
trajectory without the need for any major system software modification, which is a
significant advantage of using neural network approach.



Error %




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Iteration X 1000

Fig. 6. Building knowledge curve of the system

258 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

200 Desired

Angular Position ( Deg. )



0 10 20 30 40 50

Time ( Sec. )
Fig. 7. Predicted trajectory tracking of the passive joint
Results obtained have shown the ability of the network to predict the trajectory of the
passive joint, that is positioned by the dynamic coupling of the active joint, overcoming the
disadvantages of using some schemes like the Fuzzy Learning for example that only
remembers the most recent data sets introduced.
Backpropagation algorithm was used as a learning algorithm with sigmoid transfer function
as an activation function in all neurons, For further research, we recommend that a different
learning algorithm, different activation function and/or different number of hidden layers
to be used in order to achieve, if possible, a better response in terms of precision and

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On Nonlinear Control Perspectives

of a Challenging Benchmark
Guangyu Liu and Yanxin Zhang
The University of Auckland
New Zealand

1. Introduction
Dynamical systems are often nonlinear in nature. It motives people to explore various
theoretical nonlinear analysis and control design tools, of which constructive nonlinear
design methods are the most celebrated ones. However, applying a constructive tool faces
up a big hurdle that the tool deals only with a certain dynamical structure, often not
possessed by the natural dynamics. Nonlinear constructive control designs heavily relies on
the identification of a particular structure via coordinate transformation and control
transformation. To be realistic, these theoretical tools are not general to all of the nonlinear
systems. Here, a challenging benchmark example–a four degrees of freedom inverted
pendulum under the influence of a planar force–is considered that is nonlinear, multiple
input and multiple output, underactuated and unstable. The benchmark is also of practical
interests because it is an abstract of several applications. Three challenging control objectives
are envisaged for the first time in the literature in order to how to apply various cutting-
edge theoretical nonlinear control tools. In fact, the key step of all of the nonlinear designs is
to identify spectral structures– certain “normal” forms. From this aspect, a sequence of
preliminary designs will accompany the existing tools to construct nonlinear controllers,
which is quite different from the linear control designs.

2. The benchmark problem

2.1 Modeling
The spherical inverted pendulum is subject to a holonomic constraint on the vertical direction
and its self-spin about the principal axis along the pole is neglected from the context. As a
result, the benchmark has only four degrees of freedom described by a set of generalized
coordinates q ∈ R4 that include two translational ones (also called external variables) and two
angular ones (also called shape variables). The translational coordinates are unanimously
denoted by two globally fixed Cartesian coordinates (x,y) while the angular ones have
several choices as is given later. Q ∈ R4 denotes the generalized input for the system with

Q = ( Fx, Fy, 0, 0 )T + vf , (1)

where (Fx, Fy)  F is the actual planar force and vf ∈ R4 is a collection of exogenous
disturbances and unmodelled dynamics.
262 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 1. The configurations of a spherical inverted pendulum

On Nonlinear Control Perspectives of a Challenging Benchmark 263

Define a Lagrangian L = K – V where K and V are respectively the kinetic energy and the
potential energy of the benchmark. Applying the Euler-Lagrangian equations

d dL dL
− =Q (2)
dt dq dq

for the benchmark derives the dynamics

D(q ) ⋅ {
q} + C(q , q ) ⋅ { q i } + G(q ) = Q , (3)

where D(q) is the matrix of inertia, C(q, q ) is the centrifugal and Coriolis matrix and G(q) is
the gravitational matrix. Equation 3 is taken as the mathematical model of the benchmark.
Three models with respect to three sets of generalized coordinates are derived (see Fig. 1)
M.1 The model in q = (x,y, θ,φ) in (Liu, 2006) – θ and φ are the procession and nutation angles
respectively; the model has singular points at φ = . . . , 0,π,2π, . . . but the model is ideal
for the objective of swing-up (e.g., (Albouy & Praly, 2000)); the upper space is defined
by U = {(x,y, θ,φ, x , y , θ , φ ) ∈ R8|– π/2 < φ < π/2};
M.2 The model in q = (x,y, δ, ε) in (Liu et al., 2008a) – δ and ε denote the heading and bank
angles respectively; the model has singular points at δ = π/2,3π/2, . . . and/or ε =
π/2,3π/2, . . . that does not affect the control objectives here; special structures have
been derived from this model (see S.1 and S.2 in the sequel); the upper space is defined
by U = {(x,y, δ, ε, x , y , δ , ε ) ∈ R8| – π/2 < δ < π/2 and – π/2 < ε < π/2};
M.3 The model in q = (x,y,X,Y) in (Liu et al., 2008b) – X and Y are the projection of the center
of mass in the horizontal plane; the model can only represent the case that the
pendulum is either above the horizontal plane or below the plane but it is sufficient to
the control objectives in this paper; the description of the model is technically simpler
than the above two but we cannot ensure that it also implies particular structures as
those derived from M.2; the upper space is defined by U = {(x,y,X,Y, x , y , X , Y ) ∈
R8| X 2 + Y 2 < L} (L is the length of the center of mass to the pivot).
Generally, Equation 3 can be written in a state space form

η = f (η , F , v f ) (4)

where η (q, q ) ∈ U denotes the state vector and Equation 4 is called the nominal dynamics
as vf ≡ 0.

2.2 Problem formulation

In the literature, a local stabilizing controller is used to switch from a swing-up strategy
(Albouy & Praly, 2000) to achieve a large domain attraction. Here, three different control
objectives are envisaged which are more challenging:
PF.1 The non-local stabilization – Find a planar force F to drive the spherical inverted
pendulum in such a way that for a non-trivial set S ⊂ U and S † 0, where the trivial
solution denotes the upright position of the pendulum and a given point on the
horizontal plane in (x,y) for the universal joint of the pendulum, S is contained in a
domain of attraction. If S ⊆ U and U ⊆ S, the closed loop system is said to yield a
“global” stability region. If ∀S ⊆ U, there exist certain design parameters such that S is
264 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

contained in a domain of attraction. Then, the closed loop system is said to yield a
“semi-global” stability region.
PF.2 Exact output tracking – Let (xd(t),yd(t)) for t ∈ (–∞,∞) be a sufficiently smooth desired
curvature in the globally fixed frame with respect to the time variable t. Derive a
feedback control law for F such that the pivot position, denoted by triplet (t,x(t),y(t)), of
the pendulum starting from a set of initial conditions (t0, x(t0),y(t0)) converges to
(t,xd(t),yd(t)) asymptotically, i.e., x(t) – xd(t) →0, y(t) – yd(t) →0 as t → ∞. Meanwhile, the
pendulum is kept in U.
PF.3 Way-point tracking – Let p = {p1, p2..., pn} with pi = (xri,yri ) for i = 1, 2, ..., n be a given
sequence of points on the plane x – y of the globally fixed frame. Associated with each
pi, consider the closed ball Nμi (pi) with center pi and radius μi > 0. Derive a feedback
control law for F such that the pivot (x,y) of the pendulum converges to pn after visiting
the ordered sequence of neighborhood Nμi (pi) for i = 1, 2, ..., (n – 1) while keeping the
pendulum in the upper space U.

2.3 Derivatives of the benchmark

The system is an abstraction of many real life applications/problems (see Fig. 2)
A.1 A juggler’s balancing problem – One of very childish games is to balance a pole using a
finger. The pole may fall in any direction and its base moves together with the finger.
When the finger moves to the left, to the right, forward or backward in a horizontal
plane, a planar force F = (Fx, Fy) is applied the pole to steer it around. The human’s hand
is replaced by a manipulator in an automated environment.
A.2 The hovering of a vector thrusted rocket – This system may hover at certain altitude either
staying at a point or tracking certain trajectory. The rocket may head to any direction in
a horizontal plane under the influence of injection–the main thrust. In this case, the
main thrust can be decoupled to a vertical thrust against the gravity force or the drag
and a planar thrust F = (Fx, Fy) steering the rocket in the plane.
A.3 A personal transporter – It is a two-wheel vehicle on which a rider stands without falling
over in any direction. The rider who hold the bar bending to the left, the right, forward
and backward induces the cart to move intelligently to balance the rider. Some different
accelerations may yielded by two wheels that together with an acceleration yielded by
the centrifugal and Coriolis effects form a planar force F = (Fx, Fy) to balance the rider.
There is a commercial product from Segway.
A.4 The test bench – A pole with a universal joint stands on a cart sliding on a beam that in
turn slides in a fixed frame. The cart and the beam that are driven by two motors
respectively yields a planar force F = (Fx, Fy) to the pole. This is a case where the
classical inverted pendulum on the cart operates in three dimensional space;
A.5 Others – There are other controlled systems similar to the benchmark, for example, the
launching of a spacecraft (without the thrust at the beginning).
As is given in A.1-A.5, a planar force F = (Fx, Fy) could be derived from several different
types of original actuation for different controlled systems. Without loss of generality, we
take the planar force F as the “generalized” force acting on the models from M.1-M.3. This
gives us the same benchmark when exploring various control ideas. So, one can focus on the
basic dynamic behaviors and the principles.
On Nonlinear Control Perspectives of a Challenging Benchmark 265

Fig. 2. Applications A.1-A.4

266 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

3. Nonlinear analysis and design tools

In the realm of various nonlinear analysis and design tools, the following concepts and tools
are among the mainstream (not a complete survey), which are either used, incorporated, or
related to several successful designs for the benchmark
T.1 The differential geometric approach (see (Isidori, 1995)) – It is fundamental to nonlinear
control systems. One of the key ideas is to transform a system to a linear one by means
of feedback and coordinate transformation. The notion of “zero” dynamics plays an
important role in the problem of achieving local asymptotic stability, asymptotic
tracking, model matching and disturbance decoupling.
T.2 Input-to-state stability (ISS) (see (Sontag, 1990; 2005)) – The concept establishes a result on
feedback redesign to obtain a desirable stability condition with respect to actuator
errors, and provides a necessary and sufficiency test in terms of ISS-Lyapunov function.
It brings about a number of powerful analysis tools, one of which is asymptotic “ISS”
gain and its small gain theorem (Teel, 1996). The latter leads to a “celebrated” design
T.3 Forwarding and backstepping – Forwarding is a recursive control design procedure for
nonlinear systems possessing an upper triangular structure. Nest saturating design (a
low gain approach) (Teel, 1996) is the first tool in forwarding where design parameters
are carefully selected to make the feedback interconnection of two systems satisfying
small gain conditions. Lyapunov approaches (see (Mazenc & Praly, 1996; Sepulchre et
al., 1997)) for forwarding are practically very difficult to apply because constructing an
“exact” cross term in the Lyapunov function is hard. Backstepping (a high gain
approach) (see (Kristić, 1995; Sepulchre et al., 1997)) is a different recursive design
procedure for nonlinear systems possessing a lower triangular structure. It is a very
successful tool. However, one must realize that many nature systems do not possess
such a structure. A misconception is that the interlaced designs (Sepulchre et al., 1997)
apply also to special structures (half upper and half lower structures). Sliding mode
control (see (Utkin, 1992)) can be taken as a recursive design procedure similar to
T.4 Singular perturbations (see (Kokotović, 1986) – It is a means of taking into account
neglected high-frequency phenomena and considering them in a separate fast time-
scale. This is achieved by treating a change in the dynamic order of a system of
differential equations as a parameter perturbation, called the “singular perturbations”.
It results in a structure of a dynamical system with two time scales (fast and slow) so
that the control problem is simplified.
T.5 Controlled Lagrangians/Hamiltanians (IDA-PBC) (see (Block et al., 2001; Ortega et al., 2002)
– The methods are constructive passivity based control tools for a physical system that
can be described in Lagrangian dynamics or Hamiltanian dynamics. The key notion is
the energy shaping (kinetic, potential or total energy) such that the closed loop system
preserves the structure of Lagrangian or Hamiltanian dynamics with a desired
behavior. For example, the unstable equilibrium of the original dynamics may become a
stable equilibrium of the modified dynamics. For mechanical systems, two variations
are equivalent.
T.6 Stable inversion/output regulation (see (Devasia, 1996; Isidori, 1995) – The Byrnes-Isidori
(see (Isidori, 1995)) regulator generalizes internal model principle to nonlinear systems
that can be applied to track any trajectory generated by a given exosystem if one can
On Nonlinear Control Perspectives of a Challenging Benchmark 267

solve the associated PDEs. The stable inversion technique (see (Devasia, 1996)) trades
the requirement of solving these general PDES for a specific trajectory. Both tools can
deal with the unstable “zero” dynamics that cannot be dealt with by the conventional
inversion technique.
T.7 Hybrid control1–There is no ultimate definition. It refers to a control system that mixes
discrete parts (e.g., a controller, a supervisor) and continuous parts (e.g., a continuous

4. Constructive control designs

4.1 Step 1 identifying “normal” forms
Unlike linear systems that can be written more or less in a unified manner, nonlinear
systems are so diversified that one can only cope with a subclass of nonlinear systems even
one particular example at a time. Therefore, nonlinear control designs are usually much
more complex and difficult than linear ones. The situation well fits in with a famous
sentence in Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina
“All happy families (linear systems here) are happy alike, all unhappy families (nonlinear systems
here) are unhappy in their own way.”
Nevertheless, the linear control theory is not a panacea to all control problems as it holds
only around an operating point if and only if the first approximation principle holds at this
point. In contrast, nonlinear control systems may yield a large (even “global”) region of
stability, tracks asymptotically a nonlinear trajectory that exceeds the bandwidth of a linear
control system, and provides more physical insights.
A significant effort in nonlinear control designs is to identify a structure that is suitable for a
particular design procedure. Ad hoc approaches for identifying a structure of a nonlinear
control system maybe
• neglecting some nonlinear effects or considering them as perturbations;
• exploring physical properties to provide insight to the dynamics;
• taking a preliminary feedback and/or a change of states to simplify the dynamics.
Neglecting some nonlinear effects in a nonlinear design should be taken carefully because
the claimed properties (e.g., a “global” domain of attraction and robustness) for the reduced
dynamics may not represent a real situation. In our designs, we only neglect the disturbance
and the unmodelled dynamics in analysis and design. So, we guarantee that the closed loop
systems represents the original full nonlinear control system.
The structures that are explored for our designs are listed (to compare with the different
structures, we abuse notations a little bit for new states)
S.1 The original dynamics maps to an “appropriate” upper triangular structure (Liu et al.,

ζ i = Ai ζ i + gi (ξi , u)
for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (5)
ξ = f (ξ , u),
i i i

by a nonsingular transformation T1U → R8 (there is no constraint in new states) and a

preliminary feedback F = α1(η,u), where u is the new input, ξi+1  (ξi, ζi), (ξi, ζi) are the

1 It does not mean a particular tool or method but a broad class of mixed tools and methods.
268 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

states corresponding to each augmented subsystem and Ai = 0. The feedback

linearization technique (Isidori, 1995) in T.1 is incorporated.
S.2 The original dynamics also maps to two interconnected subsystems (Liu et al., 2008c)

ω = Aω + Bξ1 + ϕη ( ξ1 , ξ2 , ζ 1 , ζ 2 )
ξ 1 = ξ2 (6)
ξ 2 = u1

ϑ = Aϑ + Bζ 1 + ϕϑ (ξ1 , ξ2 , ζ 1 , ζ 2 )
ζ 1 = ζ 2 (7)
ζ 2 = u2

by a nonsingular transformation T2U → R8 (there is no constraint in new states) and a

preliminary feedback F = α2(η,u), where u = (u1,u2) is the new input, (ξ1, ξ2,ω) (with
ω = (ω1,ω2)) and (ζ1, ζ2,ϑ) (with ϑ = (ϑ1,ϑ2)) are the states for two subsystems
⎛ 0 1⎞ ⎛0⎞
respectively, A = ⎜ ⎟ , B = ⎜ ⎟ , and ϕη(·) and ϕϑ(·) are interconnected terms which
⎝ 0 0 ⎠ ⎝ 1⎠
are high order nonlinear terms with respect to their arguments.
S.3 This structure is trivial as we can write the original unperturbed dynamics in an
“appropriate” form of the Euler-Lagrangian equations (Block et al., 2001)

ω = Auω + ψη (ω ,ϑ , u1 , u2 )
ξ 1 = ξ2 (10)
ξ 2 = u1

ϑ = Asϑ + ψϑ (ω ,ϑ , u1 , u2 )
ζ 1 = ζ 2 (11)
ζ 2 = u2

by a nonsingular transformation T3U → χ ∈ R8 (χ is a locally bounded set about

(ω,ϑ) † 0) and a preliminary feedback F = α3(η,u), where u = (u1,u2) is the new input, (ξ1,
⎛ c 0⎞
ξ2, ω, ζ1, ζ2, ϑ) with ω = (ω1, ω2) and ϑ = (ϑ1,ϑ2) are the new states, Au = ⎜ ⎟ and
⎝0 c ⎠
⎛ −c 0 ⎞
As = ⎜ ⎟ for a scalar c > 0. Here, a combination of a linear transformation and the
⎝ 0 −c ⎠
feedback linearization technique is used.

4.2 Step 2 applying nonlinear tools

The structures S.1-S.4 enable us to complete a number of nonlinear control designs
relatively easier for three control objectives PF.1-PF.3. Fig. 3 shows the close loop systems
with the controllers NC.1-NC.5 as follows.
On Nonlinear Control Perspectives of a Challenging Benchmark 269

Fig. 3. Diagrams of NC.1-NC.5

270 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

NC.1 The high-low gain controller (see (Liu et al., 2008a) for PF.1 is designed on the basis of S.1

u = −Lξ1 − σ i + 1 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (12)

where L ∈ R4×4 is a linear high gain matrix, σ i + 1  λi ⋅ sat( ( Ki + 1ξi + 1 + Γi + 1 vi + 1 )) with
vi+1 = σi+2 (v5 does not necessary to be given as the design is complete, Ki+1 and λi are
associated gain matrices and saturation levels). Nested saturating method (Teel, 1996)
in T.3 is used to design a low gain control part σi+1 at the aid of a linear control design
method–LQR. The controller yields a closed loop system with a “global” stability
region. The design implies the existence of appropriate λi that is related to the domain
of attraction yielded by a linear controller. Practically, λi is found by trails and errors.
ISS (see (Sontag, 2005)) in T.2 is a key analysis tool in both the design and the redesign.
NC.2 The decentralized controller in (Liu et al., 2008c) for PF.1 is designed on the basis of S.2

u1 = −ε L1,1 (ε K1,1ω1 + K 1,2ω2 )

+ (L1,1ξ1 + L1,2 ξ2 )
u2 = −ε L2,1 (ε K 2,1ϑ1 + K 2,2ϑ2 )
+ (L2,1ζ 1 + L2,2 ζ 2 )

where L.,. and K.,. are positive scalars, ε ∈ (0,1) is time scaling parameters. The resultant
closed loop system is a hidden singularly perturbed system that can be transformed
into a standard singular perturbation form (slow) x = f ( x , y ), (fast) ε y = h( x , y , ε). A
“strong” Lyapunov function comes with the design and the total stability of the system
is ensured. A “semi-global” stability region (it increases as ε decreases) is yielded by the
closed loop system. The design is heavily relying on T.4 (see (Kokotović, 1986)).
NC.3 The controller via controlled Lagrangians in (Block et al., 2001) and (Liu et al., 2007) (a
complete version) for PF.1 is based on S.3

F ⇐ Lc (14)

which defines a passivity based controller F, where Lc is defined as a controlled

Lagragian that satisfies the conditions in (Block et al., 2001). Although the controller is a
direct result of the theory (Block et al., 2001) in T.5, the derivation is technically
complex. A “weak” Lyapunov function comes with the design, that is, an energy
function of the closed loop system. LaShall’s invariance principle is used to established
the stability but the principle cannot guarantee the stability under disturbances.
NC.4 The exact output tracking controller in (Liu et al., 2008b) for PF.2 is a designed on the
basis of S.3

u1 = 
ξ1 d + K 1 (ω1 − ω1dω2 − ω2 d
ξ1 − ξ1 d ξ 2 − ξ 2 d )
u2 = 
ζ 1d + K 2 (ϑ1 − ϑ1dϑ2 − ϑ2 d
ζ 1 − ζ 1d ζ 2 − ζ 2 d )
On Nonlinear Control Perspectives of a Challenging Benchmark 271

ξ1d , 
where {ξ1d, ζ1d|ξ2d, ζ2d,  ζ 1d ,ω1d,ω2d,ϑ1d,ϑ2d} are obtained based on the stable
inversion tool (Devasia, 1996) in T.6 with respect to a desired output trajectory. K. are
ξ , 
linear feedback gain matrices obtained by a linear controller design–LQR. (  ζ 1d ) is
a guidance controller (a feedforward part) and the rest is a feedback minimizing the
tracking errors and rejecting exogenous disturbances. For an achievable desired
trajectory that is c2(–∞,∞), the output (the translational variables ξ1 and ζ1 – the original x
and y) of the closed loop system tracks exactly the desired trajectory while keeping the
pendulum upward.
NC.5 The hybrid controller in (Liu & Yang, 2010) for PF.3 is in the category of T.7. The result is
relying on NC.1 or NC.2 and an event driven piecewise constant signal σ[t0,∞) →Zn that
is continuous from the right at every point and is defined recursively by

σ = α ( χ , ψ ,σ − ), t ≥ t0 (16)

where χ and ψ are metrics on the current tracking errors with respect to the
neighborhood Nμi of ith way-point, σ–(τ ) is equal to the limit from the left of σ(τ ) as τ →
t based on an event that determines the discrete value i in a set {1, 2, ...,n}. The controller
yields either “global” or “semi-global” stability region to the closed loop system inherit
from NC.1 or NC.2. The ordered sequence of way-points are guaranteed but the timing
to a way-point is uncertain.

5. Conclusion and future work

The cutting-edge theoretical nonlinear analysis and designs tools have been used
successfully to solve the challenging control goals for a four degrees of freedom spherical
inverted pendulum, such as the global stabilization and the nonlinear exact tracking.
However, the tools are unable to yield satisfactory controllers on their own. A designer
should perform preliminary designs via identify the special structures, “normal” forms, to
bridge the gap. Observed from these successful designs, a good insight to the physical
dynamical system would help us to find a way, bridging the gap. The experiences obtained
from the benchmark example should be extended to other nonlinear control systems.
Techniques of identifying various “normal forms” should be emphasized.

6. References
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and Design, Academic Press Inc..
272 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

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Utkin, V. (1992). Sliding modes in control optimization, Springer-Verlag.

A Unified Approach to Robust Control of

Flexible Mechanical Systems Using H∞ Control
Powered by PD Control
Masayoshi Toda
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

1. Introduction
This chapter presents a unified approach to robust control of a variety of flexible mechanical
systems, which are not only systems having flexible structure themselves such as a robotic
manipulator with a flexible structure and a crane system, but also systems not having
flexible structure but handling flexible objects such as a liquid container system and a
fishery robot. So far, a lot of research efforts have been devoted to solve control problems of
such flexible systems, one of the most typical problems among which is the problem of
flexible robotic manipulators, e.g., [Sharon & Hardt (1984); Spong (1987); Wang &
Vidyasagar (1990); Torres et al., (1994); Magee & Book (1995); Nenchev et al., (1996);
Nenchev et al., (1997)]. As other types of applications, the problems of a crane system [Kang
et al. (1999)] and of a liquid container system [Yano & Terashima (2001); Yano et al., (2001)]
have been investigated. The common control problem for flexible systems can be stated as
“how to achieve required motion control with suppressing undesirable oscillation due to its flexibility”.
From the control methodology point of view, let us review those previous works. For so-
called micro-macro manipulators associated with large flexible space robots, [Torres et al
(1994)] and [Nenchev et al., (1996); Nenchev et al., (1997)] have proposed path-planning
based control methods using a coupling map and a reaction null-space respectively, which
utilize the geometric redundancy. The control methods in [Sharon & Hardt (1984)] for a
micro-macro manipulator and in [Kang et al., (1999)] for a crane system rely on the endpoint
direct feedback, which require sensors to measure the endpoint. In [Wang & Vidyasagar
(1990)], a passivity-based control method has been proposed for a single flexible link, and in
[Spong (1987)] an exact-linearization method and an integral manifold method have been
presented for a flexible-joint manipulator. The method in [Magee & Book (1995)] is based on
input signal filtering where the underlying concept is pole-zero cancellation. [Ueda &
Yoshikawa (2004)] has applied a mode-shape compensator based on acceleration feedback
to a flexible-base manipulator. For a liquid container system, H∞ control in [Yano &
Terashima (2001)] and a notch-type filter based control, that is, equivalent to pole-zero
cancellation, in [Yano et al., (2001)] are utilized respectively. In general, most other works
have focused on individual systems and hence their control methods are not directly
available for various flexible systems. For example, the path-planning methods in [Torres et
274 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

al., (1994); Nenchev et al., (1996); Nenchev et al., (1997)] cannot be applied to non-redundant
systems. The direct endpoint feedback might be difficult in such a case as of a large space
robot where it is difficult to employ sensors to directly measure the endpoint.
In a stark contrast with those works, we have been tackling with a unified control design
method which can be applied to various flexible mechanical systems in a uniform and
systematic manner. The proposed method exploits a problem setting framework which is
referred to as “generic problem setting” in the modeling phase and then, in the control
design phase, H∞ control powered by PD control. In the sense of control methodology, the
underlying concept is pole-zero cancellation similarly with [Magee & Book (1995); Yano et
al., (2001)], however the control design approach is totally different from ones in those
works. On the other hand, although [Yano & Terashima (2001)] has employed H∞ control, its
usage is different from ours as explained later, and further the pole-zero cancellation is not
the case in [Yano & Terashima (2001)]. In our control design method, the point to be
emphasized is that PD control plays very important roles in facilitating the generic problem
setting and the H∞ control design, and most importantly in enhancing the robustness of the
control system. Then, the advantageous features of our control design method are:
1. The method can be applied to various flexible systems in a uniform, systematic, and
simple manner where the frequency-domain perspective will be provided;
2. The robustness can easily be enhanced by appropriately choosing the PD control gains;
3. Due to the nature based on pole-zero cancellation, any oscillation sensors will not be
required, which is considerably important in the practical sense.
In [Toda (2004)], we have first introduced the fundamental idea and demonstrated control
simulations using linear system and weakly nonlinear system examples. Then, in [Toda
(2007)], robust control has been explicitly considered and a rather strongly nonlinear system
example has been tackled. Now, in this article the control design method and the previous
achievements are summarized, moreover a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system
and the optimality with respect to PD control are examined while those points have not
been considered in [Toda (2004); Toda (2007)].
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the generic problem
setting and an illustrative MIMO system example. Section 3 introduces the control design
method and discusses its features in some detail. Then, Section 4 demonstrates control
simulations using the MIMO system example. Finally, Section 5 gives some concluding remarks.

2. Generic problem setting and an illustrative example

2.1 Generic problem setting
For the purpose of accommodating a variety of flexible systems, in the modeling phase, a
generic model which can represent such systems in a uniform manner is required. Hence,
we consider a cascade chain of linear mass-spring-damper systems as shown in Fig. 1. mi, ki,
di, fi, and qi denote the mass, stiffness parameter, damping parameter, exerted force, and
displacement from the equilibrium of the ith component respectively. The first component is
connected to the stationary base. The number of components depends on systems to be
modeled. For example, a single-link flexible-joint manipulator can be modeled as a two-
component model, where m1 denotes the inertia of the actuator, f1 the actuator torque, m2 the
inertia of the link, and f2 must be zero, that is, the first component is directly actuated while
the second one is not so, thus, is merely an oscillatory component. Applying PD control to
the actuator, the corresponding dynamical model can be described as follows,
A Unified Approach to Robust Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems
Using H∞ Control Powered by PD Control 275

f1 f2 fn
k1 k2 kn
m1 m2 mn

d1 d2 dn

q1 q2 qn
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the generic problem setting.

q1 + m2 (
m1 q1 + 
q2 ) + d1q 1 + k1q1 = f1
q1 + 
m2 ( q2 ) + d2 q 2 + k2 q2 = 0.

On the other hand, let us consider a single-link flexible-base linear manipulator. In this case,
conversely, the first component is merely an oscillatory component while the second one is
to be directly controlled via the actuator. The dynamical model including PD control to the
actuator can be described as follows,

q1 + m2 (
m1 q1 + 
q2 ) + d1q 1 + k1q1 = 0
q1 + 
m2 ( q2 ) + d2 q 2 + k2 q2 = f2 .

As seen from the above discussion, by assigning a component to be directly controlled via
the corresponding actuator or an oscillatory component to each mass, this chain model can
represent various flexible systems. This problem setting framework based on the chain
model is referred to as “generic problem setting”. Then, the control problem is how to
control positions of the directly controlled components with suppressing oscillations of the
oscillatory components. It should be noted that with the proposed control method any
sensors for the oscillatory components will not be required except such cases where, in the
steady state, deformation due to the flexibility and the gravity would become a problem. In
cases of nonlinear and/or uncertain systems, through some linearization procedures such as
nonlinear state feedback and linear approximation around the equilibrium, the system is
modeled as a linear model with parametric uncertainties and/or disturbances. Furthermore,
by applying PD control to the nonlinear system, one can make the linear dynamics
dominant, therefore can facilitate the generic problem setting.

2.2 Illustrative example

In [Toda (2004)], as illustrative examples, we have chosen the flexible-joint manipulator and
the flexible-base linear one represented by (1) and (2) respectively, and a gantry-crane
system which can be represented by the same model as the flexible-joint manipulator one by
using linear approximation. Then, in [Toda (2007)], as a strongly nonlinear system example,
a single-link revolutionary-joint flexible-base manipulator has been considered. Since all the
examples in these previous works are of single-input-single-output (SISO) systems, in this
article we choose a two-link flexible-joint manipulator as an MIMO system example as
depicted in Fig. 2.
276 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

q2 k4


Fig. 2. Two-link flexible-joint manipulator.

q = [q1, q2, q3, q4]t denotes the position vector of the manipulator, k2, k4, and d2, d4 denote the
joint stiffness and damping parameters respectively. [·]t denotes the transpose. Additionally,
by introducing PD control to the actuators with the P gains k1, k3 and the D gains d1, d3, the
dynamical model is as in the following.

 + C ( q , q ) + Dq + Kq = f
M ( q )q (3)

where M(q) is the inertia matrix, C(q, q ) is the centripetal and Coriolis term,
D = diag[d1,d2,d3,d4] is the damping diagonal matrix, K = diag[k1, k2, k3, k4] is the stiffness
diagonal matrix, and f = [ f1, 0, f3, 0]t is the control torque vector excluding the PD control
scheme. Specifically, each element of M(q), Mij is as follows:

M11 = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + 2 R cos(q3 + q 4 )
M12 = M 21 = M 22 = m2 + m3 + m4 + 2 R cos(q3 + q 4 )
M13 = M 23 = M 31 = M 32 = m3 + m4 + R cos(q3 + q 4 )
M14 = M 24 = M 41 = M 42 = m4 + R cos(q3 + q 4 )
M 33 = m3 + m4
M 34 = M 43 = M 44 = m4

where mi and R are the inertia parameters. And C(q, q ) is formulated as

⎡ −{2(q 1 + q 2 ) + (q 3 + q 4 )}(q 3 + q 4 )R sin(q3 + q 4 )⎤

⎢ ⎥
−{2(q 1 + q 2 ) + (q 3 + q 4 )}(q 3 + q 4 )R sin(q3 + q 4 )⎥
C ( q , q ) = ⎢ . (5)
⎢ (q 1 + q 2 )2 R sin(q3 + q 4 ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ (q 1 + q 2 )2 R sin(q3 + q 4 ) ⎥⎦
As seen from Equations (3)–(5), it is confirmed that except the nonlinear terms the dynamical
model can completely be represented in the generic problem setting with four components.
Moreover, assuming that the dynamics due to the PD control scheme is more dominant than
C(q, q ) and that M(q) with q3 = π/3 and q4 = 0 is a nominal constant matrix, the proposed
control design method will be applied to this problem. The physical parameters in the
A Unified Approach to Robust Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems
Using H∞ Control Powered by PD Control 277

dynamical model employed for the control design and simulations in the sequel are shown
in Table 1, which are set by considering the experimental apparatus at hand.

parameter value unit

m1 1.000e-5 kgm2
m2 2.027e-3 kgm2
m3 1.000e-6 kgm2
m4 1.520e-4 kgm2
R 9.410e-5 kgm2
d2 0.000e 0 Nms
d4 0.000e 0 Nms
k2 2.180e-1 Nm
k4 1.520e-2 Nm
Table 1. Physical parameters.

3. Control design
Here we introduce our control design method which is applied to the obtained model in the
generic problem setting. In the design procedure, first one should determine the PD control
gains, then proceed to the H∞ control design aiming to shape the associated sensitivity
functions. However, in this section, for ease of exposition we first present the H∞ control
design and after that discuss the PD control scheme in some detail.

3.1 Sensitivity function shaping by H∞ control

Once the PD control scheme has been determined, the control design procedure is almost
automatically processed in the linear H∞ control framework with the aim of shaping the
associated sensitivity functions. Fig. 3 depicts the augmented plant for H∞ control design
where P denotes the plant incorporating the PD control scheme which consists of Pi
corresponding to the components to be directly controlled and Pj to the oscillatory ones,

z2 z3 r
W2 W3
Pj qj
fi +e
Pi qi - W1
Fig. 3. Augmented plant for H∞ control design.
278 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

where Pi and Pj are coupled systems each other. The sensitivity functions taken into account
are the transfer function S1 from the reference commands r to the tracking control errors e, S2
from r to the control inputs fi, and S3 from r to the oscillatory component displacements qj. In
the example given in Section 2.2, qi are q1, q3, and qj are q2, q4 respectively.
Note that S3 plays a key role in this problem and, in terms of H∞ control design, makes our
method differ from the others such as [Yano & Terashima (2001)] which does not consider S3
but only the standard mixed sensitivity problem. By explicitly employing S3, the resultant
H∞ controller will automatically contain the corresponding zeros to the oscillatory poles of
the plant and thus pole-zero cancellation will occur in the closed-loop system which leads to
suppression of oscillation. Due to this nature of pole-zero cancellation, the control system
will not require any sensors to measure the states of the oscillatory components qj.
The respective weighting functions for the sensitivity functions in the example are

⎡ 1 ⎤
20 ⎢ s + 0.0001 ⎥
W1 (s ) = ⎢ ⎥ (6)
7 ⎢ 1 ⎥
⎢⎣ s + 0.0001 ⎥⎦

⎡ s + 0.1 ⎤
3 ⎢ s + 100 ⎥
W2 (s ) = ⎢ ⎥ (7)
7 ⎢ s + 0.1 ⎥
⎣⎢ s + 100 ⎦⎥

20 ⎡ 1 0 ⎤
W3 (s) = ⎢ ⎥. (8)
7 ⎣0 1⎦

W1 is only a quasi-integrator intended for step tracking control. W2 is a high-pass filter which
will be determined by the actuator capability. W3 for S3 is only a constant gain. These functions
are very simple, and in particular W1 and W3 might not depend on problems. Therefore, the
designer will only need to care the constants 20/7, 3/7, 20/7 to adjust the balance among the
functions. This simplicity is one of the important advantages of the proposed method.
Then, by constructing the augmented plant G as in Fig. 3, an H∞ controller C will be
synthesized such that the H∞ norm of the closed-loop system Trz from r to z = [z1, z2, z3]t, that
is, &Trz&∞ is minimum. In this example, the resultant &Trz&∞ was 1.
If one may wish to explicitly consider the model uncertainties in the control design, μ-
synthesis [Packard & Doyle (1993); Zhou et al., (1995)] can be applied instead of merely H∞
control design. The interested readers may consult [Toda (2007)] for the specific approach in
the same framework.
In addition, to improve the transient performance of the obtained control system, a low-pass
filter is employed for step reference commands. In this example, the reference command
filter is

⎡ 100 ⎤
⎢ s 2 + 36 s + 100 0 ⎥
Pr = ⎢ ⎥. (9)
⎢ 100 ⎥
⎢⎣ s 2 + 36 s + 100 ⎥⎦
A Unified Approach to Robust Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems
Using H∞ Control Powered by PD Control 279

3.2 PD control
3.2.1 Roles of PD control
Next, let us discuss the PD control scheme exploited for this problem. One role of the PD
control scheme is, as mentioned in Section 2.1, of facilitating the generic problem setting by
making the linear dynamics dominant. And as the second role, the scheme serves to
facilitate the H∞ control design, that is, by eliminating the poles on the imaginary axis and
turning the problem into so-called the standard H∞ control problem [Doyle et al. (1989);
Zhou et al., (1995)]. However, a more important role is of enhancing the robustness with
respect to the oscillation suppression capability, which is deeply connected with the pole-
zero cancellation mechanism of the H∞ controller.
In the case of a completely linear system with neither model uncertainties nor perturbations,
the pole-zero cancellation will never fail, and hence the constant oscillation suppression
performance can be acquired. However, otherwise, that is, in cases of a nonlinear system
and/or with model uncertainties, the pole-zero cancellation will fail since the oscillatory
poles of the plant vary. In such a case, the damping property of the plant will become
critical. Specifically, when the minimum among the damping factors of the plant poles is too
small, the oscillation suppression performance can largely degrade in case of failure of the
pole-zero cancellation. Here the damping factor ζ of a stable pole s, whose real part
Re(s) ≤ 0, is defined as

Re(s )
ζ := - (10)

where ζ of a real s is the maximum of 1.

However, by choosing the PD control gains, this damping property can be appropriately
modified. We illustrate this fact by using a nonlinear SISO system example, i.e., a single-link
revolutionary-joint flexible-base manipulator, investigated in [Toda (2007)]. Fig. 4 shows the
frequency responses of the H∞ controller C, sensitivity functions S1, S3 of the two control
systems with the different PD gains respectively. The upper figure shows the case with the
minimal damping factor of 8 × 10-4, and the lower one does the case with the factor of 6 × 10-2.
Further, in each figure, the nominal and perturbed cases are compared. As seen from the
figures, in the upper case, the controller has a very stark notch compared to that in the lower
case. Then, considering the sensitivity function S1 corresponding to the tracking control
performance, in both the systems and in both the nominal and perturbed cases, the
properties are the same. However, when it comes to S3 related to the oscillation suppression
performance, although in the nominal case their properties are the same in both the system,
in the perturbed case they are totally different. In the upper case, the stark oscillatory
property has appeared due to the pole-zero cancellation failure while in the lower case it is
not the case despite of such a failure. This difference stems from the difference in the
minimal damping factors. Therefore, all the above discussions have been demonstrated, and
it has been proved that the PD control scheme plays an important role of enhancing the
robustness with respect to the oscillation suppression capability.
Additionally, note that considering the fact that the obtained H∞ controller is strictly proper,
employing PD control obviously extends the class of controllers.
280 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators


gain S3

−1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10
frequency (rad/s)


−1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10
frequency (rad/s)

(a) Frequency responses of C, S1, and S3 with the minimal damping factor of 8 × 10-4.
(a) nominal case (b) perturbed case.



−1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10
frequency (rad/s)


−1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10
frequency (rad/s)

(b) Frequency responses of C, S1, and S3 with the minimal damping factor of 6 × 10-2.
(a) nominal case (b) perturbed case.

Fig. 4. Pole-zero cancellation failure examples from [Toda (2007)].

A Unified Approach to Robust Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems
Using H∞ Control Powered by PD Control 281

3.2.2 Optimality with respect to the PD gains

Here, one question may arise, “when is it optimal in choosing the PD control gains and/or
the minimal damping factor?”. To seek the answer to this question, by using the illustrative
example, we have examined various PD gains, the resultant minimal damping factors and
control simulation results in a trial and error manner. Then, we have found the following
P1 A too small minimal damping factor leads to poor oscillation suppression performance;
P2 The maximum of minimal damping factor however does not necessarily reveal the
optimal control performance;
P3 even if with the same minimal damping factor, the control performance varies according
to the P gain.
Accordingly, in this example, we have employed the following cost function η1 to be
minimized in choosing the PD gains;

η1 ( d1 , d3 , k1 , k3 ) := (ζ min − 0.4)2 + 100( k1 + k3 ) (11)

where di’s and ki’s are bounded as 2.18e-5 ≤ d1 ≤ 2.18e1, 1.52e-6·≤ d3 ≤ 1.52, 2.18e-6 ≤ k1 ≤
2.18e2, 1.52e-7 ≤ k3 ≤ 1.52e1, respectively. Further, to demonstrate the above point 3, the
other cost function η2 taking only ζmin into account

η2 ( d1 , d3 , k1 , k3 ) := (ζ min − 0.4)2 (12)

for similarly bounded di’s and ki’s has been also considered. In the next section, these
optimization strategies will be discussed based on control simulations.

4. Control simulations
In this article, to prove that the proposed control method can be applied to even MIMO
systems, and to demonstrate the above discussions on the optimality with respect to the PD
gains, we here present control simulations. According to the last section, four cases of PD
gains are considered, which includes the cases of the respective optimal gains due to η1 and
η2, and additional two non-optimal cases. The respective ζmin and PD gains are shown in
Table 2. Comparing Cases 1 and 2 in Table 2, it is noticed that the same ζmin and similar D
gains can be obtained, however that the P gains in Case 2 are considerably larger than those
in Case 1, which indeed reflects the cost functions in (11) and (12).

Case ζmin d1(Nms) d3(Nms) k1(Nm) k3(Nm)

Case 1 (η1) 0.40 2.25e-2 1.60e-3 2.18e-6 1.52e-7
Case 2 (η2) 0.40 2.20e-2 1.46e-3 8.49e-2 6.22e-3
Case 3 0.06 1.02e-1 1,76e-2 4.68e-5 7.60e-7
Case 4 1.00 3.3e-3 5.67e-4 9.35e-4 1.52e-5
Table 2. ζmin and PD gains.
For these cases, step tracking control simulations have been conducted. The conditions are:
1. the simulation period is 10 s;
2. all the initial states are zeros;
282 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

3. two types of references 0→π/3 rad and 0→π/2 rad for both r1 and r3, with the step time
of 1 s are applied.
The simulation results are shown in Figs. 5–7 respectively. First we shall see the two optimal
cases. In Figs. 5 and 6, the upper figures show each displacement on large scale graphs while
the lower ones do each tracking control error to the final goal on fine scale ones. Comparing
Case 1 of η1 and Case2 of η2, that is, with the same ζmin of 0.40, on large scale graphs those
results are almost the same and reveal the good performances for both tracking control and
oscillation suppression. On fine scale graphs, they are still very similar, however the
oscillations of the oscillatory components e2 and e4 in Case 2 are slightly larger than those in
Case 1, and slight overshoots of e3 can be seen at around 3 s in Case 2, which might be due to
the largenesses of k1 and k3.
Next, let us see the non-optimal cases in Fig. 7. In the figure, the upper figure shows the
results of Case 3 with the small ζmin of 0.06, while the lower one does those of Case 4 with the
large, in fact, maximal ζmin of 1.00 on fine scale graphs respectively. As seen from the figures,
as pointed out before, the results of Case 3 reveal poor oscillation suppression performances,
while the results of Case 4 reveal a slightly slow response in e3 and a slight steady error in e1,
which thus has demonstrated P1 and P2 in the last section.
Consequently, the main goal of extending our proposed method to MIMO systems has
successfully been achieved, that is, it has been confirmed that the proposed method is
effective and feasible for even MIMO systems. Additionally, discussions on the optimality
with respect to the PD control gains have been given in some detail. The obtained control
system based on the cost function η1 has revealed good performances in both tracking
control and oscillation suppression, which therefore can be one of the promising candidates
for the optimality, although it has not yet been conclusive that η1 can be useful for other

5. Conclusions
In this article, we have presented the control design method based on H∞ control and PD
control aiming at a uniform approach to motion control of various flexible mechanical
systems. In particular, with a special emphasis on MIMO systems and the optimal PD
gains, we have introduced and demonstrated the concept of the generic problem setting in
the modeling phase, the physics behind our control method, that is, how the PD control
scheme elaborately powers the H∞ control system, the promising candidate of cost
function for the optimal PD gains, and the control simulations which have supported all
the discussions.
Here, again we emphasize the advantageous features of the proposed approach:
1. A variety of flexible mechanical systems can be systematically dealt with in a uniform
and simple manner where the frequency-domain perspective will be provided;
2. The robustness can be easily enhanced by appropriately choosing the PD control
3. Due to the nature based on pole-zero cancellation, any oscillation sensors will not be
required, which is considerably important in the practical sense.
Consequently, we have shown that our methodology is easy to use and effective indeed and
further will possibly evolve in the sense of optimality.
A Unified Approach to Robust Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems
Using H∞ Control Powered by PD Control 283

0 to π/3 rad
displacements (rad) 1.5 
0.5 q3
0 q4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)
0 to π/2 rad
displacements (rad)

1 q2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)

(a) Simulation results (large scale).

0 to π/3 rad
errors (rad)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)
0 to π/2 rad
errors (rad)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)

(b) Simulation results (fine scale).

Fig. 5. Simulation results using the optimal PD gains due to η1 (ζmin=0.40).

284 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

0 to π/3 rad
displacements (rad) 1.5 
0.5 q3
0 q4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)
0 to π/2 rad
displacements (rad)

1 q2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)

(a) Simulation results (large scale).

0 to π/3 rad
errors (rad)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)
0 to π/2 rad
errors (rad)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)

(b) Simulation results (fine scale).

Fig. 6. Simulation results using the optimal PD gains due to η2 (ζmin=0.40).

A Unified Approach to Robust Control of Flexible Mechanical Systems
Using H∞ Control Powered by PD Control 285

0 to π/3 rad
errors (rad)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)
0 to π/2 rad
errors (rad)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)

(a) Simulation results with ζmin = 0.06.

0 to π/3 rad
errors (rad)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)
0 to π/2 rad
errors (rad)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (s)

(b) Simulation results with ζmin = 1.00.

Fig. 7. Simulation results using the non-optimal PD gains.

286 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

6. References
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New Jersey.

An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian

Trajectory Tracking of a Serial Robot Passing
Through Singular Configurations
Ali T. Hasan1, Hayder M.A.A. Al-Assadi2 and Ahmad Azlan Mat Isa2
1Mechanical& Manufacturing Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
University Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor
2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Technology MARA Shah Alam, 40450


1. Introduction
In real time applications, the trajectory which has to be followed and the task that has to be
performed during motion planning of multi-axis non-linear mechanical systems, such as
robot manipulators are of great importance. Due to the non-linear transformation between
the task space and the joint space coordinates, singularities and uncertainties in the arm
configuration occur, the unplanned occurrence of such problems drive the end-effector out
of the desired path which may cause collision of the robot arm with objects located in its
work cell (Köker, 2005; Antonelli et al., 2003).
Depending on different tasks operation requirements and circumstances, motion control
algorithms can be developed either at the kinematics level or at the dynamic level (Graca &
Gu, 1993; Karilk & Aydin, 2000). To develop a dynamic control algorithm, torque limits of
the joint actuators are to be handled, two typical approaches were introduced which are the
Computed-torque and Resolved-acceleration approach, both approaches are based on the
inverse dynamic model of the robot system (Asada & Soltin,1986; Sopng & Vinyasagar,1998;
Faiz & Agrawal ,2000). A problem with these algorithms is the remarkable computational
load required to handle the dynamics of a full-sized manipulator, which is seldom
affordable by current industrial control units. In addition, implementation of torque-based
control laws requires replacement of the low-level joint servos typically available in
industrial robots with custom control loops.
Aimed at overcoming the above drawbacks, a different approach to path tracking based on
the kinematics control was proposed. In detail, kinematics control consists in an inverse
kinematics transformation which sends to the joint servos the reference values
corresponding to an assigned end-effector trajectory; as a first advantage, this allows simple
interfacing with the standard control architecture of industrial robots. In the framework of
kinematics-based methods for path tracking, the counterpart of the physically meaning joint
torque limits is played by acceleration constraints and the use of full dynamic models can be
avoided; this typically leads to computationally light algorithms that allow real-time
implementation on standard numerical hardware even for robot arms of many Degrees of
288 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Freedom (DOF). A further advantage of kinematics control methods is the possibility of

exploiting the presence of redundant (DOF) (Antonelli et al., 2003).
A considerable research effort has been devoted to solve the Inverse Kinematics problem in
past years (Yang, 1969; Duffy & Rooney, 1975; Albala & Angeles, 1979; Tsai & Morgan, 1985;
Daniel & Raul, 2003). Even though, Closed-form analytical solutions can only be found for
manipulators having simple geometric structures (Antonelli et al., 2003; Karilk & Aydin,
2000). A number of algorithmic techniques mainly based on inversion of the mapping
established between the joint space and the task space of the manipulator’s Jacobian matrix
have been proposed for those structures that cannot be solved in closed form.
The Resolved Motion Rate-Control technique was the first work in this field (Whitney,1969),
in this technique the pseudoinverse of the Jacobian matrix is used to obtain the joint
velocities corresponding to a given end-effector velocity, a major drawback of this method
was the singularity problem. The use of a damped least-squares inverse of the Jacobian
matrix has been later proposed in lieu of the pseudoinverse to overcome the problem of
kinematics singularities (Nakamura & Hanafusa, 1986; Wampler, 1986).
Since in the above algorithmic methods the joint angles are obtained by numerical
integration of the joint velocities, these and other related techniques suffer from errors due
to both long-term numerical integration drift and incorrect initial joint angles.
To alleviate the difficulty, algorithms based on the feedback error correction are introduced
(Balestrino et al., 1984; Wampler & Leifer, 1988). However, it is assumed that the exact
model of manipulator Jacobian matrix of the mapping from joint coordinate to Cartesian
coordinate is exactly known. It is also not sure to what extent the uncertainty could be
allowed. Therefore, most research on robot control has assumed that the exact kinematics
and Jacobian matrix of the manipulator from joint space to Cartesian space are known. This
assumption leads to several open problems in the development of robot control laws today
(Antonelli et al., 2003).
A new direction making control systems able to attribute more intelligence and high degrees
of autonomy was proposed. With proper development, intelligent control systems may have
great potential for solving today’s and tomorrow’s more complex control problems. The
common objective associated with an intelligent control system can be identified to reduce
accurate crisp model dependence and increase intelligent abilities of the control system.
Owing to this motivation, there have been increasing research interest of ANNs and a
number of realistic control approaches have been proposed and justified for their feasible
applications to robotic systems (D’Souza et al., 2001; Ogawa et al., 2005; Köker, 2005; Hasan
et al., 2006; Al-Assadi et al., 2007). Artificial neural network (ANN) uses data sets to obtain
the models of systems in fields such as robotics, factory automation and autonomous
vehicles. Their ability to learn by example makes artificial neural networks very flexible and
powerful. Therefore, neural networks have been intensively used for solving regression and
classification problems in many fields. In short, neural networks are nonlinear processes that
perform learning and classification. Recently neural networks have been used in many areas
that require computational techniques such as pattern recognition, optical character
recognition, outcome prediction and problem classification. The current focuses in learning
research lies on increasingly more sophisticated algorithms for the off-line analysis of finite
data sets, without severe constraints on the computational complexity of the algorithms
(Bingual et al., 2005).
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 289

Kuroe and colleges (Kuroe et al., 1994) have proposed a learning method of a neural
network such that the network represents the relations of both the positions and velocities
from the Cartesian coordinate to the joint space coordinate. They’ve derived a learning
algorithm for arbitrary connected recurrent networks by introducing adjoint neural
networks for the original neural networks (Network inversion method). On-line training has
been performed for a 2 DOF robot.
It was essentially an on-line learning process (Graca & Gu, 1993) have developed a Fuzzy
Learning Control algorithm. Based on the robotic differential motion procedure, the
Jacobian inverse has treated as a fuzzy matrix and has learned through the fuzzy regression
process. It was significant that the fuzzy learning control algorithm neither requires an exact
kinematics model of a robotic manipulator, nor a fuzzy inference engine as is typically done
in conventional fuzzy control. Despite the fact that unlike most learning control algorithms,
multiple trials are not necessary for the robot to “learn” the desired trajectory. A major
drawback was that it only remembers the most recent data points introduced, the
researchers have recommended neural networks so that it would remember the trajectories
as it traversed them.
Studying the trajectory tracking of a serial manipulator by using ANNs has two problems,
one of these is the selection of the appropriate type of network and the other is the
generating of suitable training data set (Funahashi, 1998; Hasan et al, 2007). Researchers
have applied different methods for gathering training data, while some of them have used
the kinematics equations (Karilk & Aydin, 2000; Bingual et al., 2005), others have used the
network inversion method (Kuroe et al., 1994); Köker, 2005), while the cubic trajectory
planning was also used (Köker et al., 2004), a simulation program has also been used for this
purpose (Driscoll, 2000). However, there are always kinematics uncertainties presence in the
real world such as ill-defined linkage parameters, links flexibility and backlashes in gear
The proposed solution of the kinematics Jacobian in this approach, involves the
determination of the end-effectors coordinates and their rate of change as a function of given
positions and speed of the axes of motion, although this is very difficult in practice (Hornic,
1991), training data were recorded experimentally from sensors fixed on each joint and the
Euler (RPY) representation was used to represent the orientation (as was recommended by
Karilk and Aydin (Karilk & Aydin, 2000), as they have used the robot model to get the
training data and used the homogeneous transformation matrix representation to represent
the orientation). On the other hand, two different network’s configurations were trained and
compared to examine the effect of the orientation on the Inverse Kinematics solution of
serial robots. Finally, the obtained results from the testing phase of the best network were
verified experimentally using a six DOF serial robot manipulator.

2. Kinematics of serial robots

For serial robot manipulators, the Cartesian space coordinates x of a robot manipulator is
related to the joint coordinates q by:

x = f (q ) (1)

where f (⋅) is a non-linear differential function.

290 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

If the Cartesian coordinates x were given, joint coordinates q can be obtained as:

q = f −1 ( x ) (2)

If a Cartesian linear velocity is denoted by V , the joint velocity vector q has the following

V = Jq (3)

Where J is the Jacobian matrix.

If V , is a desired Cartesian velocity which represents• the linear velocity of the desired
trajectory to be followed. Then, the joint velocity vector q can be resolved by:

q = J −1V (4)

In differential motion control, the desired trajectory is subdivided into sampling points
separated by a time interval Δt between two terminal points of the path. Assuming that at
time ti the joint positions take on the value q(ti ) , the required q at time (ti + Δt ) is
conventionally updated by using:

q(ti + Δt ) = q(ti ) + q Δt (5)

Substituting Eqs. (2) and (4) into (5) yields:

q(ti + Δt ) = f −1 ( x )(ti ) + J −1V Δt (6)

Equation (6) is a kinematics control law used to update the joint position q and is evaluated
on each sampling interval. The resulting q(ti + Δt ) is then sent to the individual joint motor
servo-controllers, each of which will independently drive the motor so that the robotic
manipulator can be maneuvered to follow the desired trajectory (Graca & Gu, 1993).
Using ANN to solve relation (2), researchers applied two approaches. In (Ogawa et al., 2005;
Hasan et al., 2006; Köker et al.,2004) only the Cartesian coordinates has been inverted,
mapping from the joint space to the Cartesian space is uniquely decided when the end
effector’s position is calculated using direct kinematics, as shown in figure 1(a). However,
the transformation from the Cartesian to the joint space is not uniquely decided in the
inverse kinematics as shown in figure 1(b).
When coupling of the position and orientation e.g., (Köker,2005; Karilk & Aydin, 2000)
Denavit and Hartenberg (Denavit & Hertenberg, 1955) proposed a matrix method of
systematically establishing a coordinate system to each link of an articulated chain as shown
in figure 2 to describe both translational and rotational relationships between adjacent links
(Fu et al., 1987; Köker, 2005).
In this method each of the manipulator links is modelled, this modelling describes the “A”
homogeneous transformation matrix, which uses four link parameters. The forward
kinematics solution can be obtained as:
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 291

⎡ Rotation Position ⎤
⎢ matrix |
vector ⎥ ⎡ nx sx ax px ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢n sy ay py ⎥⎥
AEND − EFFECTOR = T6 = A1 . A2 .A3 .A4 .A5 .A6 = ⎢ −−−− | −−−− ⎥ =⎢ y (7)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ nz sz az pz ⎥
⎢ Perspective | Scaling ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 1⎦

⎢transformation ⎥ ⎣
⎣ ⎦

Fig. 1. a) Joint angles and end-effector’s coordinates (forward kinematics).

b) Combination of all possible joint angles (Inverse Kinematics).
n: Normal vector of the hand. Assuming a parallel-jaw hand, it is orthogonal to the
fingers of the robot arm.
a: Sliding vector of the hand. It is pointing in the direction of the finger motion as the
gripper opens and closes.
a: Approach vector of the hand. It is pointing in the direction normal to the palm of the
hand (i.e., normal to the tool mounting plate of the arm).
p: Position vector of the hand. It points from the origin of the base coordinate system to
the origin of the hand coordinate system, which is usually located at the center point
of the fully closed fingers.
The orientation of the hand is described according to the RPY rotation as:

RPY (ϕ x ,ϕ y ,ϕ z ) = Rot(Zw ,ϕ z ).Rot(Yw ,ϕ y ).Rot( X w ,ϕ x ) (8)

After T6 matrix is solved:

ϕ z = ATAN 2(ny , nx ) (9)

ϕ y = ATAN 2( −nz , nx cos ϕ z + ny sin ϕ z ) (10)

ϕ x = ATAN 2( ax sin ϕ z − ay cos ϕ z , oy cos ϕ z − ox sin ϕ z ) (11)

292 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram for a general 6 DOF serial robot showing the wrist mechanism
These equations describe the orientation according to the RPY representation (Karilk &
Aydin, 2000). To find the IK solution, however, joints angels are found according to the
manipulator’s end position, described with respect to the world coordinate system.
IK solution can be shown as a function:

IK ( X , Y , Z ,ϕ x ,ϕ y ,ϕ z ) = (θ 1 ,θ 2 ,θ 3 ,θ 4 ,θ 5 ,θ 6 ) (12)

Traditional methods for solving the IK problem are inadequate if the structure of the robot is
complex, besides; these methods suffer from the fact that the solution does not give a clear
indication on how to select an appropriate solution from the several possible solutions for a
particular arm configuration, users often needs to rely on their intuition to choose the right
answer (Fu et al., 1987; Hasan et al., 2006).
On the other hand, solving Eq. (4) for the joint velocities (Inverting the Jacobian matrix),
results in the singularity problem. The manipulator singularity resolution problem has
attracted many research interests, and various approaches have been proposed to tackle the
problem. Techniques of coping with kinematics singularities can be divided into four
groups: avoiding singular configurations, robust inverses, a normal form approach and
extended Jacobian techniques.
The first approach to cope with singularities is to keep a current configuration far away
from singular configurations. Unfortunately, it causes severe restrictions on the
configuration space as well as the workspace because the singular configurations split the
configuration space into separate components. To avoid ill conditioning of the Jacobian
matrix, robust inverses are used. Instead inverting the original Jacobian matrix at
singularity, a disturbed well-conditioned Jacobian matrix is inverted. The main drawback
using this approach is that robust inverse methods increase errors in following a desired
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 293

The normal form technique, with the use of diffeomorphisms in joint and task spaces,
expresses original kinematics around singularity in the simplest normal form. Then, a piece
of the path to follow corresponding to the singular configuration mapped into the task space
is moved from the task to the joint space and trajectory planning is performed there. Far
away from singularities the basic Newton algorithm is used to generate a trajectory. Finally,
trajectory pieces are joined.
For most singularities the normal form approach enables to detect their types. It provides for
a smooth passing through singular configurations. The main disadvantage of the normal
form approach is a significant computational load in deriving the diffeomorphisms.
Finally, The extended Jacobian technique, supplements original kinematics with auxiliary
functions. Then, extended Jacobian is formulated to be well conditioned.
For nonredundant manipulators with square Jacobian matrices the extended Jacobian forms
a non-square matrix and its generalized (Moore-Penrose) inversion is computationally
expensive (Dulęba & Sasiadek, 2000).
Therefore, to analyze the singular conditions of a manipulator and develop effective
algorithms to resolve the inverse kinematics problem at or in the vicinity of singularities are
of great importance.

3. Artificial neural networks

The possibility of developing a machine that would “think” has intrigued human beings
since ancient times, Machinery can outperform humans physically. Similarly, computers can
outperform mental functions in limited areas, notably in the speed of mathematical
calculations. For example, the fastest computers developed are able to perform roughly 10
billion calculations per second. But making more powerful computers will probably not be
the way to create a machine capable of thinking. Computer programs operate according to
set procedures, or logic steps, called algorithms. In addition, most computers do serial
processing such as operations of recognition and computations are performed one at a time.
The brain works in a manner called parallel processing, performing a number of operations
simultaneously. To achieve simulated parallel processing, artificial neural networks (ANNs)
are collections of small individual interconnected processing units. Information is passed
between these units along interconnections. An incoming connection has two values
associated with it, an input value and a weight. The output of the unit is a function of the
summed value. ANNs while implemented on computers are not programmed to perform
specific tasks. Instead, they are trained with respect to data sets until they learn the patterns
presented to them. Once they are trained, new patterns may be presented to them for
prediction or classification (Kalogirou, 2001).
The elementary nerve cell called a neuron, which is the fundamental building block of the
biological neural network. Its schematic diagram is shown in Figure 3.
A typical cell has three major regions: the cell body, which is also called the soma, the axon,
and the dendrites. Dendrites form a dendritic tree, which is a very fine bush of thin fibbers
around the neuron's body. Dendrites receive information from neurons through axons-Long
fibbers that serve as transmission lines. An axon is a long cylindrical connection that carries
impulses from the neuron. The end part of an axon splits into a fine arborization. Each
branch of it terminates in a small end bulb almost touching the dendrites of neighbouring
neurons. The axon-dendrite contact organ is called a synapse. The synapse is where the
neuron introduces its signal to the neighbouring neuron (Zurada, 1992; Hasan et al., 2006),
294 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

to stimulate some important aspects of the real biological neuron. An ANN is a group of
interconnected artificial neurons usually referred to as “node” interacting with one another
in a concerted manner; Figure 4 illustrates how information is processed through a single
node. The node receives weighted activation of other nodes through its incoming
connections. First, these are added up (summation). The result is then passed through an
activation function and the outcome is the activation of the node. The activation function
can be a threshold function that passes information only if the combined activity level
reaches a certain value, or it could be a continues function of the combined input, the most
common to use is a sigmoid function for this purpose. For each of the outgoing connections,
this activation value is multiplied by the specific weight and transferred to the next node
(Kalogirou, 2001; Hasan, 2006).

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram for the biological neuron

An artificial neural network consists of many nods joined together usually organized in
groups called ‘layers’, a typical network consists of a sequence of layers with full or random
connections between successive layers as Figure 5 shows. There are typically two layers
with connection to the outside world; an input buffer where data is presented to the
network, and an output buffer which holds the response of the network to a given input
pattern, layers distinct from the input and output buffers called ‘hidden layer’, in principle
there could be more than one hidden layer, In such a system, excitation is applied to the
input layer of the network.
Following some suitable operation, it results in a desired output. Knowledge is usually
stored as a set of connecting weights (presumably corresponding to synapse efficiency in
biological neural system) (Santosh et al., 1993). A neural network is a massively parallel-
distributed processor that has a natural propensity for storing experiential knowledge and
making it available for use. It resembles the human brain in two respects; the knowledge is
acquired by the network through a learning process, and interneuron connection strengths
known as synaptic weights are used to store the knowledge (Haykin, 1994).
Training is the process of modifying the connection weights in some orderly fashion using a
suitable learning method. The network uses a learning mode, in which an input is presented
to the network along with the desired output and the weights are adjusted so that the
network attempts to produce the desired output. Weights after training contain meaningful
information whereas before training they are random and have no meaning (Kalogirou,
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 295

Fig. 4. Information processing in the neural unit

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of a multilayer feedforward neural network

Two different types of learning can be distinguished: supervised and unsupervised learning,
in supervised learning it is assumed that at each instant of time when the input is applied,
the desired response d of the system is provided by the teacher. This is illustrated in Figure
6-a. The distance ρ [d,o] between the actual and the desired response serves as an error
measure and is used to correct network parameters externally. Since adjustable weights are
assumed, the teacher may implement a reward-and-punishment scheme to adopt the
network's weight. For instance, in learning classifications of input patterns or situations with
known responses, the error can be used to modify weights so that the error decreases. This
mode of learning is very pervasive.
296 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Also, it is used in many situations of learning. A set of input and output patterns called a
training set is required for this learning mode. Figure 6-b shows the block diagram of
unsupervised learning. In unsupervised learning, the desired response is not known; thus,
explicit error information cannot be used to improve network’s behaviour. Since no
information is available as to correctness or incorrectness of responses, learning must
somehow be accomplished based on observations of responses to inputs that we have mar-
ginal or no knowledge about (Zurada, 1992).
The fundamental idea underlying the design of a network is that the information entering
the input layer is mapped as an internal representation in the units of the hidden layer(s)
and the outputs are generated by this internal representation rather than by the input vector.
Given that there are enough hidden neurons, input vectors can always be encoded in a form
so that the appropriate output vector can be generated from any input vector (Santosh et al.,

Fig. 6. Basic learning modes

As it can be seen in figure 5, the output of the units in layer A (Input Layer) are multiplied
by appropriate weights Wij and these are fed as inputs to the hidden layer. Hence if Oi are
the output of units in layer A, then the total input to the hidden layer, i.e., layer B is:

SumB = ∑ Oi Wij (13)


And the output Oj of a unit in layer B is:

O j = f ( sumB ) (14)

Where f is the non-linear activation function, it is a common practice to choose the sigmoid
function given by:

f (O j ) = −O j
1+ e
as the nonlinear activation function. However, any input-output function that possesses a
bounded derivative can be used in place of the sigmoid function. If there is a fixed, finite set
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 297

of input-output pairs, the total error in the performance of the network with a particular set
of weights can be computed by comparing the actual and the desired output vectors for
each presentation of an input vector. The error at any output unit eK in the layer C can be
calculated by:

eK = dK − OK (16)

Where dK is the desired output for that unit in layer C and OK is the actual output produced
by the network .the total error E at the output can be calculated by:

E= ∑ ( dK − OK )2
2 K

Learning comprises changing weights so as to minimize the error function and to minimize
E by the gradient descent method. It is necessary to compute the partial derivative of E with
respect to each weight in the network. Equations (13) and (14) describe the forward pass
through the network where units in each layer have there states determined by the inputs
they received from units of lower layer. The backward pass through the network that
involves “back propagation “ of weight error derivatives from the output layer back to the
input layer is more complicated. For the sigmoid activation function given in equation (15),
the so-called delta-rule for iterative convergence towards a solution maybe stated in general

ΔWJK = ηδ K OJ (18)

Where η is the learning rate parameter, and the error δ K at an output layer unit K is given

δ K = OK (1 − OK )( dK − OK ) (19)

And the error δ J at a hidden layer unit is given by:

δ J = OJ (1 − OJ )∑ δ K WJK (20)

Using the generalize delta rule to adjust weights leading to the hidden units is back
propagating the error-adjustment, which allows for adjustment of weights leading to the
hidden layer neurons in addition to the usual adjustments to the weights leading to the
output layer neurons. A back propagation network trains with two step procedures as it is
shown in figure 7, the activity from the input pattern flows forward through the network
and the error signal flows backwards to adjust the weights using the following equations:

WIJ = WIJ + ηδ J OI (21)

WJK = WJK + ηδ KOJ (22)

Until for each input vector the output vector produced by the network is the same as (or
sufficiently close to) the desired output vector (Santosh et al., 1993).
298 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

ANNs while implemented on computers are not programmed to perform specific tasks.
Instead, they are trained with respect to data sets until they learn the patterns presented to
them. Once they are trained, new patterns may be presented to them for prediction or
classification (Kalogirou, 2001).

4. Experiment design
Trajectory planning was performed for every 1-second interval using cubic trajectory
planning method to generate the angular position and velocity for each joint, and then these
generated data were fed to the robot’s controller to generate the corresponding Cartesian
position, orientation and linear velocity of the end-effector, which were recorded
experimentally from sensors fixed on the robot joints.
In trajectory planning of a manipulator, it is interested in getting the robot from an initial
position to a target position with free of obstacles path. Cubic trajectory planning method
has been used in order to find a function for each joint between the initial position, θ0, and
final position, θf of each joint.
It is necessary to have at least four-limit value on the θ(t) function that belongs to each joint,
where θ(t) denotes the angular position at time t.
Two limit values of the function are the initial and final position of the joint, where:

θ (0) = θ 0 (23)

θ (t f ) = θ f (24)

Additional two limit values, the angular velocity will be zero at the beginning and the target
position of the joint, where:

θ (0) = 0 (25)

θ (t f ) = 0 (26)

Based on the constrains of typical joint trajectory listed above, a third order polynomial
function can be used to satisfy these four conditions; since a cubic polynomial has four
These conditions can determine the cubic path, where a cubic trajectory equation can be
written as:

θ (t ) = a0 + a1t + a2t 2 + a3t 3 (27)

The angular velocity and acceleration can be found by differentiation, as follows:

θ (t ) = a1 + 2 a2t + 3 a3t 2 (28)

θ ( t ) = 2 a 2 + 6 a3 t (29)

Substituting the constrain conditions in the above equations results in four equations with
four unknowns:
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 299

θ 0 = a0 ,
θ f = a0 + a1t f + a2t 2f + a3t 3f ,
0 = a0 , (30)

0 = a1 + 2 a2t f + 3a3t 2f

The coefficients are found by solving the above equations.

a0 = θ 0 ,
a1 = 0,
a2 = (θ f − θ 0 ), (31)
t 2f
a3 = (θ f − θ 0 )
t 3f

Angular position and velocity can be calculated by substituting the coefficients driven in Eq.
(31) into the cubic trajectory Equations (27) and (28) respectively (Köker et al.,2004), which

3 2
θ i (t ) = θ i 0 + 2
(θ if − θ i 0 )t 2 − 3 (θ if − θ i 0 )t 3 , (32)
tf tf

• 6 6
θ i (t ) = (θ if − θ i 0 )t − 3 (θ if − θ i 0 )t 2
t 2f tf (33)
i = 1, 2,..........., n Where n is the joint number

Joint angles generated ranged from amongst all the possible joint angles that do not exceed
the physical limits of each joint; Table 1 shows the range of angles for each joint used in this

Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3 Joint 4 Joint 5 Joint 6

Range of
0 − 160
0 − 60
0 − 150
0 D
0 − 150
0 D
0 − 120
0D − 160D
Table 1. The range of angles for each joint used
Trajectory used for the training process has meant to be random trajectory rather than a
common trajectory performed by the robot in order to cover as most space as possible of the
robot’s working cell. The interval of 1 second was used between a trajectory segment and
another where the final position for one segment is going to be the initial position for the
next segment and so on for every joint of the six joints of the robot.
After generating the joint angles and their corresponding angular velocities, these data are
fed to the robot controller, which is provided with a sensor system that can detect the
angular position and velocity on one hand and the Cartesian position, orientation and the
linear velocity of the end-effector on the other hand; which are recorded to be used for the
networks’ training and testing process later.
300 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

5. ANN implementation
To avoid modeling kinematics and the determination of the inverse of the Jacobian matrix,
the ANN technique has been used.
Two different configurations of supervised feed-forward ANNs were designed using
C programming language, each of which consists of input, output, and one hidden layer.
Every neuron in each network was fully connected with each other. Sigmoid transfer
function was chosen to be the activation function, and the generalized backpropagation
GDR algorithm was used in the training process.
Off-line training was implemented, every input and output values are usually scaled
individually such that overall variance in the data set is maximized, this is necessary as it
leads to faster learning, all the vectors were scaled to reflect continuous values ranges
from -1 to 1.
FANUC M-710i robot was used in this study, which is a serial robot manipulator consisting
of axes and arms driven by servomotors. The place at which arm is connected is a joint, or
an axis. This type of robot has three main axes; the basic configuration of the robot depends
on whether each main axis functions as a linear axis or rotation axis. The wrist axes are used
to move an end effecter (tool) mounted on the wrist flange. The wrist itself can be wagged
about one wrist axis and the end effecter rotated about the other wrist axis, this highly non-
linear structure makes this robot very useful in typical industrial applications such as the
material handling, assembly of parts and painting.

5.1 Training stage

In order to overcome the uncertainties in arm configuration and singularities that result
from applying the robot system model, and to make sure that for a certain trajectory the
angular position and velocity of each joint will be the same as desired when planning the
trajectory for the robot; the ANN technique has been utilized where learning is only based
on observation of the input–output relationship.
In back-propagation networks, the number of hidden neurons determines how well a
problem can be learned. If too many are used, the network will tend to try to memorize the
problem and thus not generalize well later; if too few are used, the network will generalize
well but may not have enough power to learn the patterns well. Obtaining the correct
number of hidden neurons is a matter of trial and error.

5.1.1 Networks’ topologies

In this chapter, two different configurations were used in the training process to determine
which configuration is better to be used corresponding to Eq. (2) previously discussed in
section 2. First Configuration (4 – 12 Network Configuration)
As can be seen in Figure 7, the input layer consists of 4 neurons the first three of them
represent the Cartesian position of the X, Y and Z positions along the world coordinate
system of the robot while the fourth neuron represents the linear velocity of the end-effector.
The output layer consists of 12 neurons; the first 6 of them represent the angular position of
the robot joints while the last 6 of them represent the angular velocity of each joint
respectively. Number of neurons in the hidden layer was set to 77 with a constant learning
factor of 0.9 by trail and error.
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 301

Fig. 7. The Topology of the First Network (4 –12 Network Configuration) Second Configuration (7 – 12 Network Configuration)
In this configuration, the input layer has 7 neurons; the first three of them represent the X, Y
and Z coordinates of the robot along the world coordinates system, the next three represent
the orientation of the tool mounted on the last joint of the robot according to the RPY (Roll,
Pitch, Yaw) representation, while the last neuron represents the linear velocity of the end-
effector; as can be seen in figure 8.
Same as the first configuration, the output layer consists of 12 neurons; the first 6 of them
represent the angular position of the robot joints while the last 6 of them represent the
angular velocity of each joint respectively.
Number of neurons in the hidden layer was set to 55 with a constant learning factor of 0.9
by trail and error.

5.1.2 Networks’ performance

The success of the ANN approach is measured according to the training error (the difference
between the desired and actual system outputs). In the Generalized Delta learning Rule
GDR the system is modified following each iteration, which leads to the learning curves a
sample of which is shown in Figure 9 of each network configuration compared to the other
(the rest of the curves have a similar behavior), as this curve shows; error is reduced in
subsequent trials.
Table 2, shows the error percentages of each of the six joints compared for each other in both
network configurations after the training has finished after 150 000 iteration.
302 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 8. The Topology of the Second Network (7 –12 Network Configuration)

100 7 - 12 Network Configuration

90 4 - 12 Network Configuration



Error %






0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Iteration X 1000

Fig. 9. The learning curve for the angular position of Joint 1 as a sample
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 303

Network Configuration
4 - 12 7 - 12
θ 7.898% 2.27%
Joint 1
ω 8.67% 1.8%
θ 12.432% 0.907%
Joint 2
ω 39.75% 2.183%
θ 2.607% 1.033%
Joint 3
ω 5.03% 1.775%
θ 9.82% 2.015%
Joint 4
ω 10.4% 2.342%
θ 8.47% 4.435%
Joint 5
ω 19.94% 1.558%
θ 10.86% 1.143%
Joint 6
ω 5.735% 1.528%
Table 2. Training error percentages of each of the six joints compared for each other in both
network configurations

180 Desired

160 7 - 12 Network Configuration

4 - 12 Network Configuration
Angular Position ( Deg. )







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time ( Sec. )

Fig. 10. The response of both network configurations compared to each other during
training (The angular position of the firs joint as an example)
As a result for the training stage, 7-12 network configuration has shown a better response
than the 4-12 network configuration, in terms of precision and iteration (as can be seen
through Table 2). Therefore, it has been chosen to apply the testing data.
To drive the robot to follow a desired path, it will be necessary to divide this path into small
segments, and to move the robot through all intermediate points. To accomplish this task, at
each intermediate location, the robot’s trajectory equations are solved, a set of joint variables
304 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

is calculated, and the controller is directed to drive the robot to the next segment. When all
segments are completed, the robot will be at the end point as desired. Figure 10 shows a
sample of angular position and velocity for each joint during training (other joints have a
similar behavior).

5.2 Testing phase

New data that has never been introduced to the network before have been fed to the trained
network in order to test its ability to make prediction and generalization to any set of data
later overcoming the singularity and uncertainty in the arm configuration resulting from
applying the robot model.
Testing data were meant to pass nearby and through the singular configurations (Fourth
and Fifth joints), these configurations have been determined by setting the determinant of
the Jacobian matrix to zero.
Table 3 shows the percentages of error for the testing data set for each joint.
In order to verify the testing results, experiment has been performed to make sure that the
output is the same or sufficiently close to the desired trajectory, and to show the combined
effect of error, Figures 11 to 16 show the tracking of the Cartesian paths for the X, Y, and Z
coordinates with the Roll, Pitch and Yaw orientation angles respectively.
The locus of which robot is passing through singular configurations are also shown. The
error percentages in the experimental data are shown in Table 4.

Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3 Joint 4 Joint 5 Joint 6

Angular Position 0.06% 0.029% 0.039% 5.865% 5.065% 1.495%
Angular Velocity 3.79% 4.285% 3.745% 3.085% 4.97% 2.1%
Table 3. Error percentages for the testing data set for each joint

Cartesian Position Orientation

Px Py Pz Roll Pitch Yaw
5.645% 1.09% 3.93% 5.95% 9.24% 5.338%
Table 4. Error percentages in the experimental data

6. Conclusions
In this approach, ANN technique has been used. The Jacobian inverse is now learned
through training the network based only on observation of the input–output relationship
unlike most other control schemes, which depends on the robot system model
The proposed technique does not require any prior knowledge of the kinematics model of
the system being controlled, the basic idea of this concept is the use of the ANN to learn the
characteristics of the robot system rather than to specify explicit robot system model.
Two different ANN configurations were used in this study. Training results have shown a
better response (in terms of precision and iteration) for the configuration where the orientation
of the tool is considered as an input to the network, which makes it useful in applications
where a relatively accurate, minimally complex, and cheaper configuration is required.
As a conclusion, this study shows that ANNs are applicable to the Kinematics Jacobian
solution of serial robots. Since one of the most important issues in using ANNs is the
selection of the appropriate type of network, for future research, we suggest that different
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 305

types of networks (different topology, different activation function, different learning mode)
to be used in order to get, if possible, more accurate trajectory tracking.

Fig. 11. Experimental trajectory tracking for the predicted X coordinate

Fig. 12. Experimental trajectory tracking for the predicted Y coordinate

306 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 13. Experimental trajectory tracking for the predicted Z coordinate

Fig. 14. Experimental trajectory tracking for the Roll orientation angle
An Improved Adaptive Kinematics Jacobian Trajectory Tracking
of a Serial Robot Passing Through Singular Configurations 307

Fig. 15. Experimental trajectory tracking for the Pitch orientation angle

Fig. 16. Experimental trajectory tracking for the Yaw orientation angle
308 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

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Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning

PI Controller for Servomotor
Oyas Wahyunggoro and Nordin Saad
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi

1. Introduction
Servomotors are used in a variety of applications in industrial electronics and robotics that
includes precision positioning as well as speed control. Basically, any motor can be used in a
servo system (Kissell, 2002). There are two types of motors: (a) DC motors, and (b) AC
motors. DC motors have better starting torque than AC motors although they are more
expensive than AC motors. Servomotors use feedback controller to control the speed or the
position, or both. The basic continuous feedback control is PID controller. The PID controller
posses good performance but is not adaptive enough. This is appealing when the load is
changed, where the original controller generally cannot maintain the design performance
and thus should be re-designed for the new system conditions (Shieh & Li, 1998).
The pioneering work dealing with expert knowledge that can be well applied to the control
of systems with uncertained, nonlinear dynamics is credited to Zadeh (Zadeh, 1968) who
proposed fuzzy control theory to overcome the weakness of conventional controllers, and
investigated by which owns good robustness (Yu et. al., 2004). Fuzzy systems are capable of
handling complex, non-linear and sometimes mathematically intangible dynamic systems
using simple solutions. Fuzzy logic uses human-like but systematic properties of converting
linguistic control rules based on expert knowledge into automatic control strategies. But, the
response of a fuzzy logic controller is slower than a PID controller. It has been reported in a
number of papers that hybrid of PID or PI, with fuzzy logic in control system can overcome
the set-back of fuzzy logic controller, see (Yeh & Tsao, 1994), (He et. al., 1993), (Ga & Feng,
2005) and (Jee & Koren, 2004). In fuzzy systems, the numerical input values should be first
converted into the corresponding fuzzy representations by using ‘fuzzifiers’. The fuzzy
output are then provided by a fuzzy model, which could be a set of fuzzy logic rules, fuzzy
relations or even a simple fuzzy table, with or without deep fuzzy reasoning. Finally, the
fuzzy output can be converted back into their relevant numerical (crisp) output through
’defuzzifiers’ (Lu, 1996). Basic configuration of fuzzy systems with fuzzifier and defuzzifier
is shown in Figure 1.
Singleton fuzzifier maps a real-valued point x * ∈ U into a fuzzy singleton A’ in U, which
has membership value 1 at x* and 0 at all other points in U (Wang, 1997). If y is the center
of the l'th fuzzy set and wl is its height, then the center of average defuzzifier determines y*
as (Wang, 1997).
312 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 1. Basic configuration of fuzzy systems with fuzzifier and defuzzifier (Wang, 1997)

M l
y wl
y* = l =1


A study on induction machine speed control proved that PID controller’s parameters can be
tuned on-line by an adaptive mechanism based on a fuzzy logic (Bousserhanel et. al., 2006).
It is expected that hybrid of PID and fuzzy logic in control system can overcome the
problem of fuzzy logic controller.
Servomotor controllers need optimization to give a good performance as desired.
Sometimes, it requires time and has big risk in the optimization process. To investigate this
issue, a detail study on servomotor control is conducted. A real plant, constituting of a DC
motor and its controller has been built and this system is modeled and simulated to allow
detail analysis about its control system. The system identification problem is to estimate a
model of a system based on the observed input-output data (Takami & Mahmoudi, 2007).
The expected output of identification is an s-domain model of a real system. System
identification technique is used to get a transfer function of the plant and is used to build a
virtual controller, which is basically the software equivalent of the real controller at the
abstraction level. The virtual controller is optimized, and then the optimized parameters are
applied to the real controller in the real control system.
Therefore, this work discusses the modeling, simulation and hardware implementation of a
DC servomotor controller built using MATLAB/Simulink, and the analysis of controller’s
performance, namely a PID controller, PI controller, fuzzy logic controller, fuzzy-logic-based
self tuning PI controller, and a fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PID controller on the system. In
this work the aim is to improve the controller’s performance using hybrid fuzzy and PID.
Figure 2 outlines the background and purpose of this work.

2. The experimental DC servomotor system

The experimental rig constituiting the servo speed and position controller system consists of
the servomotor and load, measuring and controlling devices. The servo system contains a DC
motor driven by an IGBT chopper inverter. The measuring device is the speed sensor
(tachogenerator), ADC and a digital filter i.e., finite input response (FIR), while the controlling
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 313

devices are DAC, differential amplifier, and the IGBT inverter circuit. The measuring devices
provide status of the output responses of the speed and position where the information about
the speed and position is fed through signal conditioning circuit and anti-aliasing filter for
analysis and calculation of the control signal. The speed and position requirements
proportional to the manipulated variable of the controller’s output are fed to a computer.

Fig. 2. Overview of the study background

The modeling and analysis of the DC servomotor for the speed and position was conducted
using Simulink, with the block diagram is as shown in Figure 3. In this arrangement, the
speed control loop is in the position control loop (Lacevic et. al., 2007). Basically, the position
control loop work until reaching the position set point while the speed is limited to the
speed set point. Position control systems with conventional position sensor have well-
known drawbacks. Notably, friction, stiction, backlash, and hysteresis limit the positioning
accuracy. This would lead to mechanical wear that introduces impurities in the form of dust
particles into the manufacturing environment. The other consequence would be mechanical
coupling transmits to the microstepper vibrations from the surrounding environment,
(Fulford et. al., 2009). Notably, in this experimental set-up the position control is sensorless.
Practically, position control is preferred to be sensorless to reduce cost and size and increase
the reliability of overall system (Montanari et. al., 2007).
The input, feedback, and output elements for position and speed are implemented in the
Simulink diagram with specifications as follows:
314 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 3. Structure of feedback controller (Lacevic et. al., 2007)

These specifications have been based on realistic assumptions.
The hardware implementation for the block diagram is as follows:

DC motor: 175 W, 1500 rpm, 240 V, 1.1 A

Load: Dynamometer load controller
Input elements:
Tacho-generator with 500 rpm/volt
ADC: 1 channel 0 to 10 volts
Filtering: FIR with 30 points
Output elements:
DAC: 2 channels 0 to 4 volts
Differential amp: HA-17741
Power amp: Chopper/Inverter and IGBT
Controller elements:
Computer with Intel Pentium Dual Core T2080 processor, Windows XP SP3,
The block diagram of hardware design is shown in Figure 4, and the power amplifier and
differential amplifier are presented more detail in Figures 5 and 6.
As an illustration to substantiate the applicability of this approach, the following test
parameters have been chosen. The set point for position is 5 rad, and the set point for speed
equals 250 rpm. The load is initially at 0 Nm and then abruptly increases to 1 Nm after about
15 sec. The total duration of experiment is 90 sec. The speed of DC motor is detected by a
tacho-generator, sampled every 0.01 sec, and filtered by 30-point FIR.
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 315

Fig. 4. Block diagram of hardware design

Fig. 5. Power amplifier circuit diagram

316 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 6. Differential amplifier circuit diagram

3. Experimental procedures
3.1 The identification process
The typical identification process consists of stages where the model structure is iteratively
selected, computed and updated for the best model in the structure, and finally the
evaluation of the model’s properties (Takami & Mahmoudi, 2007). The steps can be itemized
as follows:
a. Design an experiment and collect input-output data from the process to be identified.
b. Examine the data. Polish the data by removing trends and outliers, and select useful
portions of the original data. Apply filters to the data to enhance important frequency
c. Select and define a model structure (a set of candidate system descriptions), within
which a model is to be found.
d. Compute the best model in the model structure according to the input-output data and
a given criterion for goodness of fit.
e. Examine the properties of the model obtained. If the model is good enough, then stop;
otherwise go back to step c to try another model structure. Attempt other estimation
methods (step 4), or work further on the input-output data (steps a and b).

3.1.1 Process I: Open loop analysis

Open loop characteristic of the gray box is tested using Simulink, which is applied to the
plant through a data acquisition (DAQ), 30-point FIR, chopper/inverter control unit, and
IGBT. The input voltage is varied randomly in the range of 0 to 20 volts for 100 seconds. The
output of the gray box model is in rad/sec. There are five variations of input, and the
characteristic of one of the input-output is shown in Figure 7.
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 317

3.1.2 Process II: Best model selection

There are six process models that can represent the system. To select the most suitable
model, these models will be analysed and compared:
a. Process model using 1st order transfer function without zero,
b. Process model using 1st order transfer function with zero,
c. Process model using 2nd order transfer function without zero,
d. Process model using 2nd order transfer function with zero,
e. Process model using 3rd order transfer function without zero, and
f. Process model using 3rd order transfer function with zero.
The DC motor is operated for 150 sec with variations of input voltages as shown in Figure 7.
The sampling time is 0.01 sec. The result (output voltage) and the input are then saved in
workspace. The data for identification is obtained from the MATLAB using the command as


Using MATLAB command, the general command to get the process model is as follows:

model=pem(data, 'PnDZU');

P : (required) for process model
n : 0,1,2, or 3 (required) for the number of poles
D : (optional) to include a time-delay term
Z : (optional) to include a process zero (numerator term)
U : (optional) to indicate possible complex-valued (underdamped) poles

Fig. 7. Graphical process of identification

To select the best process model, the fitness value has to be obtained. If i_FIT is the fitness
value for identification process, Y is the real (measured) output, Ŷ is the estimated output,
318 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

and Y is the mean value of real output, then the fitness value can be obtained from the
formula below, see (Montanari et. al., 2007):

⎛ 1 − NORM Y − Yˆ
i _ FIT = ⎜
) ⎞⎟ ∗ 100 (2)

⎜ NORM Y − Y ) ⎟

3.2 The controllers

3.2.1 Conventional controllers
In this work the following two conventional controllers, namely the PI and PID are used.
Each controller is optimized using Ziegler-Nichols (ultimate cycle) method. If Kpu is the
minimum value of KP resulting undamped oscillation and Tu is the oscillation period, then

K P = 0.45 * K Pu
1 (2a)
KI =
0.83 * Tu
for the PI controller, and

K P = 0.6 * K Pu
KD = (2b)
KI =
for the PID controller.

3.2.2 Fuzzy logic controllers

In this work, a fuzzifier is a singleton mode with two inputs consisting of error and change
of error, each with seven uniform triangular membership functions, and one output with
seven triangular membership functions. As an inference engine, the Mamdani product is
used and as a defuzzifier, the center of average is used. The controllers use the rules as
shown in Table I.
D, change of error
E, error NB NM NS Z PS PM PB
Table I. The rules for FLC
NB: Negative Big; NM: Negative Medium; NS: Negative Small Z: Zero; PS: Positive Small;
PM: Positive Medium; PB: Positive Big
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 319

The fuzzy sets and their corresponding membership functions for input (error, and change
of error) are shown in Figure 8, and for output are shown in Figure 9.

Fig. 8. Fuzzy sets for input

Fig. 9. Fuzzy sets for output rate

3.2.3 Hybrid controllers

There are two kinds of hybrid controllers that be the focus of this work: FLBPI and FLBPID.
FLBPID uses the basis of FLBPI with additional of fixed value of KD. The block diagram of
fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PI for speed controller is shown in Figure 10. In this figure,
ωm ( k ) is the process value of speed and ωm* ( k ) is the setpoint of speed.
320 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 10. Block diagram of fuzzy-logic-based self-tuning PI for the speed controller [11]
The fuzzy sets and their corresponding membership functions for input (error, eω ( k ) and
change of error, Δeω ( k ) ) and output (h) are shown in Figure 11. The rules for FLBPI and
FLBPID (KP and KI) are shown in Table II. The value of KD is constant based on Ziegler-
Nichols method in PID tuning.

Fig. 11. Fuzzy sets and their corresponding membership functions, (Mannan et. al., 2004).

Change of Error
N: Negative, Z: Zero, P: Positive, S: Small, B: Big
Table II. Fuzzy Rules Base for KP and KI in Hybrid (Mannan et. al., 2004).
The values of KP, KI, and KD for hybrid controllers are obtained from the following formula:

K p = h.K Pm ; K I = h 2 .K Im ; K D = K Dm (3)

Proportional based controller is used for the position control since the requirement is such
that the motor would rotate in one direction. The proportional controller for position (KPP) is
tuned using experimental method with no overshoot criteria.
Integral of Absolute value of Error (IAE) is used as a performance index for overall speed
control (IAEv) in which the formula is as follows, see (Marlin, 2000):

IAEv = ∫ SP(t ) − PV (t ) dt
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 321

Integral of Time Absolute value of Error (ITAE) is used as a performance index for position
control (ITAEp), the first 8-second of starting speed control (ITAEvp), and the 9-second of
loading speed control (ITAEvpl) which the formulas are as follows, see (Marlin, 2000):

ITAEvp = t ∫ SP(t ) − PV (t ) dt (5a)

ITAEvpl = t ∫ SP(t ) − PV (t ) dt (5b)

ITAEp = t ∫ SP(t ) − PV (t ) dt (5c)

and the fitness value is obtained from the basic formula as follows, see (Xiu & Ren, 2004):

ITAE − ITAE (i )
f (i ) = (6)
max − ITAE ( i )

Based on Eq (6), the fitness values for overall speed (fv), first 8-second starting speed (fvp), 9-
second loading speed (fvpl) and position (fp) are as follows:

10( IAEv ,max − IAEv (i ))

f v (i ) = 5
∑ ( IAEv ,max − IAEv (i ))
i =1

10( ITAEvp ,max − ITAEvp (i ))

f vp (i ) = 5
i =1
ITAEvp ,max − ITAEvp (i ) )
10( ITAEvpl ,max − ITAEvpl (i ))
f vpl (i ) = 5
i =1
ITAEvpl ,max − ITAEvpl (i ) )
10( ITAEp ,max − ITAEp (i ))
f p (i ) = 5
i =1
ITAEp ,max − ITAEp (i ) )

4. Experimental results
The comparison on the effectiveness of modeling the DC motor based on the fitness value is
presented in Table III.
Selecting the best process model in Table III, the transfer function (s-domain model) of the
plant based on the best model is as follows:
322 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

SpeedOUT (s ) ⎡ 456.3713 ⎤ −0.1682 s

= G(s) = ⎢ 3 ⎥e (8)
⎣ s + 9.5040s + 80.7000s + 204.5000 ⎦
VoltageIN (s )

Process Model Fitness Remark

1 84.1416
2 84.4121
3 84.8531
4 -34.0071
5 86.5877 Best
6 75.5157
Table III. Fitness value modelling the DC motor
Graphical comparison of actual (real time) response and s-model (estimated) response in
open loop analysis is shown in Figure 12.
The PI, PID, FLBPI and FLBPID have parameters as follows:
KP=10.58 and KI=1.47 for PI controller
KP=14.10, KD=0.1, and KI=2.44 for PID controller
KPm=6 and KIm=7.9 for FLBPI controller (experiment)
KPm=10.4 (experiment), KDm=0.1 (Ziegler-Nichols), and KIm=7.2 (experiment) for
FLBPID controller

Fig. 12. Graphical comparison of actual (real time) and estimation (s-model)
The relevant parameters were obtained during the simulation (offline optimization) using
the transfer function as shown in Eq (8). The comparison on the effectiveness of
implementing FLBPI as compared to FLBPID, FLC, PID, and PI controller based on the
performance metrics for real time experiment is presented in Table IV.
The ability to understand the influence of the different controllers on the servomotor speed
and achieving its target position is one of the important aspects of this study. It is noted that
the speed response with the FLBPID-type controller has a relatively good settling time, but
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 323

the fitness values for the motor during starting and loading is not good enough due to the
fact that the noise is a bit larger as compared to FLBPI, albeit the fitness value of the overall
speed for the FLBPI and the FLBPID are similar. A closer observation at the starting and
loading performances during the real time experimentations, FLBPI performances is
relatively better as compared to the PI, PID, FLBPID or FLC for speed control. A similar
performance is also observed in the fitness value of position for real time experiment, where
the FLBPI is relatively better as compared to the PI, PID, FLBPI or FLC for position control.

1 Overshoot (%) 0.0000 0.0000 11.4299 9.5200 0.0000
2 Settling Time (sec) 3.4900 3.6200 8.9400 2.1700 1.1100
3 #SSEP (%) 0.3914 0.0334 0.5290 0.0896 0.0083
4 Undershoot (%) 38.4279 36.5108 41.5249 41.2515 40.7199
5 IAE v all 1.15E+03 1.22E+03 1.34E+03 7.12E+02 7.13E+02
6 ITAE v start 2.54E+02 1.84E+02 5.17E+02 1.45E+02 1.49E+02
7 ITAE v load 2.28E+03 1.59E+03 2.42E+03 1.54E+03 1.62E+03
8 ITAE p 1.40E+03 1.30E+03 1.49E+03 1.29E+03 1.30E+03
9 fv all 1.2137 0.7666 0.0000 4.0140 4.0057
10 fv start 1.9715 2.4915 0.0000 2.7820 2.7550
11 fv load 0.0528 0.3132 0.0000 0.3321 0.3019
12 fp 1.3433 2.8358 0.0000 2.9851 2.8358
#SSEP: Steady State Error of Position
Table IV. Performance Index Comparison for Real time experiment
Comparing the conventional and hybrid controllers based on fitness values in real time
experiments, the PID performs better than the PI for speed and position control in the case
for conventional controllers. Interestingly, for hybrid controllers, the FLBPI is better than the
FLBPID for speed and position control, whilst the FLBPI is better than the PID for speed and
position control. This shows that the performance has improved when having the hybrid
fuzzy and PI as a controller. In the standalone condition and using default parameters, the
FLC is not as good as its competitors for both speed and position controls.
Plots for the speed control in response to a set-point specified in both simulation and real
time experiment for FLBPI controller are presented in Figure 13 and for the position control
are presented in Figure 14. Comparing the simulation and real time experiment results as
shown in Figures 13 and 14, the performances are not exactly the same but the output
patterns are similar and the results in real time experiments are validly representing the real
system’s performance. This shows that identification (s-modeling) is an estimation of real
hardware plant.
Plots for the speed control in response to a set-point specified in the real time experiment for
FLBPI compared to PID controller are presented in Figure 15 and for the position control are
as presented in Figure 16. A sudden change in load requirements that happens at t=15
seconds causes the speed to fall and then rises and stabilized at the original level within a
reasonable range of time. This demonstrates the action of the controllers to regulate the
324 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 13. Speed control of DC servomotor using FLBPI in real time experiment vs simulation

Fig. 14. Position control of DC servomotor using FLBPI in real time vs simulation
Plots for the speed control in response to a set-point specified in the real time experiment for
FLBPI compared to FLC are presented in Figure 17 and for the position control are
presented in Figure 18. A sudden change in load requirements that happens at t=15 seconds
causes the speed to fall and then rises and stabilized at the original level within a reasonable
range of time. Interestingly, it can be seen the delay in speed and position when using FLC
alone as the controller. This demonstrates the action of the controllers to regulate the speed,
and the effect of the PI in improving the response time of the hybrid controller.
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 325

Fig. 15. Speed control of DC servomotor using FLBPI vs PID in real time experiment

Fig. 16. Position control of DC servomotor using FLBPI vs PID in real time experiment
326 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 17. Speed control of DC servomotor using FLBPI vs FLC in real time experiment

Fig. 18. Position control of DC servomotor using FLBPI vs FLC in real time experiment

5. Conclusions
This work discusses the modeling of a DC servomotor from gray box identification and
performance evaluations of real time experiment using a fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PI
controller as compared to fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PID controller, fuzzy logic
controller, PID controller and PI controller on the DC servomotor system. Here, the s-model
transfer function of a DC servomotor is identified as a third order transfer function without
Development of Fuzzy-logic-based Self Tuning PI Controller for Servomotor 327

zero. This identification is useful in offline optimization of a DC servomotor control, and the
performance of s-modeled and real DC servomotor are similar.
Two control modes are applied in sequential to the plant: speed control in the position
control loop. The open loop characteristic of a DC servomotor is sampled at 0.01 sec interval
by a DAQ based on Simulink platform. Some controllers are applied to both s-modeled and
real DC servomotor. It has been demonstrated that defining the fuzzy rules for the fuzzy
logic-based self-tuning PI/PID controller is a much simpler task than for fuzzy logic
controller. Based on the real time experiment, hybrid controllers are better than
conventional controllers and fuzzy logic-based self-tuning PI controller tends to be the
better choice for implementation in the hybrid controller.

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328 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

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Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor

Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs
Gerasimos G. Rigatos
Industrial Systems Institute

1. Introduction
State estimation and control over sensor networks is a problem met in several applications
such as surveillance and condition monitoring of large-scale systems, multi-robot systems
and cooperating UAVs. In sensor networks the simplest kind of architecture is centralized.
Distributed sensors send measurement data to a central processing unit which provides the
state estimate for the monitored system. Such an approach has several weaknesses: (i) it
lacks fault tolerance: if the central processing unit is subject to a fault then state estimation
becomes impossible, (ii) communication overhead often prohibits proper functioning in case
of a large number of distributed measurement units. On the other hand decentralized
architectures are based on the communication between neighboring measurement units.
This assures scalability for the network since the number of messages received or sent by
each measurement unit is independent of the total number of measurement units in the
system. It has been shown that scalable decentralized state estimation can be achieved for
linear Gaussian models, when the measurements are linear functions of the state and the
associated process and measurement noise models follow a Gaussian distribution (Nettleton
et al. 2003). A solution to decentralized sensor fusion over sensor networks with the use of
distributed Kalman Filtering has been proposed in (Olfati-Saber 2006), (Watanabe &
Tzafestas 1992), (Olfati-Saber 2005), (Gan & Harris 2001), (Gao et al. 2009). Distributed state
estimation in the case of non-Gaussian models has been studied in (Rosencrantz et al. 2003)
where decentralized sensor fusion with the use of distributed particle filters has been
proposed in several other research works (Mahler 2007), (Makarenko & Durrant-Whyte
2006), (Deming & Perlovsky 2007).
In this paper autonomous navigation of UAVs will be examined and a solution to this
problem will be first attempted with the use of the Extended Information Filter and the
Unscented Kalman filter (Shima et al. 2007), (Lee et al. 2008), (Lee et al. 2008), (Vercauteren
& Wang 2005). Comparatively, autonomous UAV navigation with the use of the Distributed
Particle Filter will be studied. This problem belongs to the wider area of multi-source multi-
target tracking (Coué et al. 2006), (Hue et al. 2002), (Ing & Coates 2005), (Coué et al. 2003),
(Morelande & D. Mušicki 2005). Subproblems to be solved for succeeding autonomous
navigation of the UAVs are: (i) implementation of sensor fusion with the use of distributed
filtering. In this approach the goal is to consistently combine the local particle distribution
with the communicated particle distribution coming from particle filters running on nearby
330 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

measurement stations (Caballero et al. 2008). It is assumed that each local measurement
station runs its own local filter and communicates information to other measurement
stations close to it. The motivation for using particle filters is that they can represent almost
arbitrary probability distributions, thus becoming well-suited to accommodate the types of
uncertainty and nonlinearities that arise in the distributed estimation (Rigatos 2009a),
(Rigatos 2009b) (ii) nonlinear control of the UAVs based on the state estimates provided by
the particle filtering algorithm. Various approaches have been proposed for the UAV
navigation using nonlinear feedback control (Ren & Beard 2004), (Beard et al. 2002), (Singh
& Fuller 2001). The paper proposes flatness-based control for the UAV models. Flatness-
based control theory is based on the concept of differential flatness and has been
successfully applied to several nonlinear dynamical systems. Flatness-based control for a
UAV helicopter-like model has been developed in (Léchevin & Rabbath 2006), assuming
that the UAV performs manoeuvres at a constant altitude.
The paper proposes first the Extended Information Filter (EIF) and the Unscented
Information Filter (UIF) as possible approaches for fusing the state estimates provided by
the local monitoring stations, under the assumption of Gaussian noises. The EIF and UIF
estimated state vector is in turn used by a flatness-based controller that makes the UAV
follow the desirable trajectory. The Extended Information Filter is a generalization of the
Information Filter in which the local filters do not exchange raw measurements but send to
an aggregation filter their local information matrices (local inverse covariance matrices) and
their associated local information state vectors (products of the local information matrices
with the local state vectors) (Shima et al. 2007), (Lee et al. 2008). In the case of the Unscented
Information Filter there is no linearization of the UAVs observation equation. However the
application of the Information Filter algorithm is possible through an implicit linearization
which is performed by approximating the Jacobian matrix of the system’s output equation
by the product of the inverse of the state vector’s covariance matrix (which can be also
associated to the Fisher Information matrix) with the cross-correlation covariance matrix
between the system’s state vector and the system’s output (Lee et al. 2008)], (Vercauteren &
Wang 2005). Again, the local information matrices and the local information state vectors are
transferred to an aggregation filter which produces the global estimation of the system’s
state vector.
Next, the Distributed Particle Filter (DPF) is proposed for fusing the state estimates
provided by the local monitoring stations (local filters). The motivation for using DPF is that
it is well-suited to accommodate non-Gaussian measurements. A difficulty in implementing
distributed particle filtering is that particles from one particle set (which correspond to a
local particle filter) do not have the same support (do not cover the same area and points on
the samples space) as particles from another particle set (which are associated with another
particle filter) (Ong et al. 2008), (Ong et al. 2006). This can be resolved by transforming the
particles sets into Gaussian mixtures, and defining the global probability distribution on the
common support set of the probability density functions associated with the local filters. The
state vector which is estimated with the use of the DPF is used again by a flatness-based
controller to make each UAV follow a desirable flight path.
The structure of the chapter is as follows: in Section 2 the Distributed Extended Kalman
Filter (Extended Information Filter) is studied. In Section 3, the Distributed Unscented
Kalman Filter (Unscented Information Filter) is analyzed and its use for distributed sensor
fusion and state estimation is explained. In Section 4 Distributed Particle Filtering for sensor
fusion-based state estimation will be analyzed. In Section 5 nonlinear control will be
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 331

proposed for succeeding trajectory tracking by the UAVs. In Section 6 simulation

experiments will be provided about UAVs autonomous navigation using the proposed
distributed particle filtering algorithm. The test case will be concerned with m helicopter
models monitored by n different ground stations. By fusing the measurements from the
distributed observation units with the use of the Extended Information Filter and the
proposed Particle Filter algorithm, state estimates of the UAVs are obtained. These in turn
are used by local nonlinear controllers for succeeding trajectory tracking. Finally in Section 7
concluding remarks will be provided.

2. Distributed Extended Kalman Filtering

2.1 Extended Kalman Filtering at local processing units
The distributed Extended Kalman Filter, also know as Extended Information Filter,
performs fusion of the state estimates which are provided by local Extended Kalman Filters.
Thus, the functioning of the local Extended Kalman Filters should be analyzed first. The
following nonlinear state model is considered (Rigatos & Tzafestas 2007):

x( k + 1) = φ ( x( k )) + L( k )u( k ) + w( k )
z( k ) = γ ( x( k )) + v( k )

where x∈Rm×1 is the system’s state vector and z∈Rp×1 is the system’s output, while w(k) and
v(k) are uncorrelated, zero-mean, Gaussian zero-mean noise processes with co- variance
matrices Q(k) and R(k) respectively. The operators φ(x) and γ(x) are φ (x) = [φ1(x), φ2(x),
···,φm(x)]T, and γ (x) = [γ1(x), γ2(x), ··· , γp(x)]T, respectively. It is assumed that φ and γ are
sufficiently smooth in x so that each one has a valid series Taylor expansion.
Following a linearization procedure, φ is expanded into Taylor series about x̂ :

φ ( x( k )) = φ ( xˆ ( k )) + Jφ ( xˆ ( k ))[ x( k ) − xˆ ( k )] + (2)

where Jφ(x) is the Jacobian of φ calculated at xˆ ( k ) :

⎛ ∂φ1 ∂φ1 ∂φ1 ⎞

⎜ ∂x ∂x2 ∂xm ⎟⎟
⎜ 1
⎜ ∂φ2 ∂φ2 ∂φ2 ⎟
∂φ ⎜ ⎟
Jφ ( x ) = |x = xˆ ( k ) = ⎜ ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xm ⎟ (3)
∂x ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ∂φm ∂φm ∂φm ⎟
⎜ ∂x ∂x2 ∂xm ⎟⎠
⎝ 1

Likewise, γ is expanded about xˆ − ( k )

γ ( x( k )) = γ ( xˆ − ( k )) + Jγ [ x( k ) − xˆ − ( k )] + (4)

where xˆ − ( k ) is the estimation of the state vector x(k) before measurement at the k-th instant
to be receivec and xˆ ( k ) is the updated estimation of the state vector after measurement at
the k-th instant has been received. The Jacobian Jγ(x) is
332 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

⎛ ∂γ 1 ∂γ 1 ∂γ 1 ⎞
⎜ ∂x ∂x2 ∂xm ⎟⎟
⎜ 1
⎜ ∂γ 2 ∂γ 2 ∂γ 2 ⎟
∂γ ⎜ ⎟
Jγ ( x ) = |x = xˆ − ( k ) = ⎜ ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xm ⎟ (5)
∂x ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ∂γ p ∂γ p ∂γ p ⎟
⎜ ∂x ∂x2 ∂xm ⎟⎠
⎝ 1
The resulting expressions create first order approximations of φ and γ. Thus the linearized
version of the system is obtained:

x( k + 1) = φ ( xˆ ( k )) + Jφ ( xˆ ( k ))[ x( k ) − xˆ ( k )] + w( k )
z( k ) = γ ( xˆ − ( k )) + Jγ ( xˆ − ( k ))[ x( k ) − xˆ − ( k )] + v( k )

Now, the EKF recursion is as follows: First the time update is considered: by xˆ ( k ) the
estimation of the state vector at instant k is denoted. Given initial conditions xˆ (0) and P−(0)
the recursion proceeds as:
• Measurement update. Acquire z(k) and compute:

K ( k ) = P − ( k ) JγT ( xˆ − ( k )) ⋅ [ Jγ ( xˆ − ( k ))P − ( k ) JγT ( xˆ − ( k )) + R( k )]−1

xˆ ( k ) = xˆ − ( k ) + K ( k )[ z( k ) − γ ( xˆ − ( k ))] (7)
− − −
P( k ) = P ( k ) − K ( k ) Jγ ( xˆ ( k ))P ( k )

• Time update. Compute:

P − ( k + 1) = Jφ ( xˆ ( k ))P( k ) JφT ( xˆ ( k )) + Q( k )
xˆ − ( k + 1) = φ ( xˆ ( k )) + L( k )u( k )

The schematic diagram of the EKF loop is given in Fig. 1.

2.2 Calculation of local estimations in terms of EIF information contributions

Again the discrete-time nonlinear system of Eq. (1) is considered. The Extended Information
Filter (EIF) performs fusion of the local state vector estimates which are provided by the
local Extended Kalman Filters, using the Information matrix and the Information state vector
(Lee et al. 2008), (Lee et al. 2008), (Vercauteren & Wang 2005), (Manyika & H. Durrant-
Whyte 1994). The Information Matrix is the inverse of the state vector covariance matrix,
and can be also associated to the Fisher Information matrix.” (Rigatos & Zhang 2009). The
Information state vector is the product between the Information matrix and the local state
vector estimate

Y ( k ) = P −1 ( k ) = I ( K )
yˆ ( k ) = P −−1 xˆ ( k ) = Y ( k )xˆ ( k )

The update equation for the Information Matrix and the Information state vector are given by
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 333

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the EKF loop

Y ( k ) = P − ( k )−1 + JγT ( k )R −1 ( k ) Jγ ( k )
= Y − ( k ) + I( k )

yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + JγT R( k )−1[ z( k ) − γ ( x( k )) + Jγ xˆ − ( k )]
= yˆ − ( k ) + i( k )


I ( k ) = JγT ( k )R( k ) − 1 Jγ ( k ) is the associated information matrix and

i( k ) = JγT R( k ) − 1[( z( k ) − γ ( x( k ))) + Jγ xˆ − ( k )] is the information state contribution

The predicted information state vector and Information matrix are obtained from

yˆ − ( k ) = P − ( k )−1 xˆ − ( k )
Y − ( k ) = P − ( k )−1 = [ Jφ ( k )P − ( k ) Jφ ( k )T + Q( k )]−1

The Extended Information Filter is next formulated for the case that multiple local sensor
measurements and local estimates are used to increase the accuracy and reliability of the
estimation. It is assumed that an observation vector zi(k) is available for N different sensor
sites i = 1, 2, ··· ,N and each sensor observes a common state according to the local
observation model, expressed by

zi ( k ) = γ ( x( k )) + v i ( k ), i = 1, 2, ,N (14)

where the local noise vector vi(k)~N(0,Ri) is assumed to be white Gaussian and uncorrelated
between sensors. The variance of a composite observation noise vector vk is expressed in
terms of the block diagonal matrix
334 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

R(k) = diag[R(k)1, ··· ,RN(k)]T (15)

The information contribution can be expressed by a linear combination of each local
information state contribution ii and the associated information matrix Ii at the i-th sensor site

N ^_
i( k ) = ∑ Jγi T ( k )R i ( k )−1[ zi ( k ) − γ k ( x( k )) + Jγi ( k ) x ( k )]
i =1
I ( k ) = ∑ Jγ ( k )R ( k ) Jγ ( k )
iT i −1 i

i =1

Using Eq. (16) the update equations for fusing the local state estimates become

yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + ∑ Jγi T ( k )R i ( k )−1[ zi ( k ) − γ k ( x( k )) + Jγi ( k )xˆ _ ( k )]
i =1
Y ( k ) = Y ( k ) + ∑ J γ ( k )R ( k ) J γ ( k )
− iT i −1 i

i =1

It is noted that in the Extended Information Filter an aggregation (master) fusion filter
produces a global estimate by using the local sensor information provided by each local filter.

Fig. 2. Fusion of the distributed state estimates with the use of the Extended Information Filter
As in the case of the Extended Kalman Filter the local filters which constitute the Extended
Information Filter can be written in terms of time update and a measurement update equation.
Measurement update: Acquire z(k) and compute

Y ( k ) = P − ( k )−1 + J γT ( k )R( k )−1 J γ ( k )

or Y ( k ) = Y − ( k ) + I ( k ) where I ( k ) = J γT ( k )R −1 ( k ) J γ ( k )
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 335

yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + JγT ( k )R( k )−1[ z( k ) − γ ( xˆ ( k )) + Jγ xˆ − ( k )]

or yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + i( k )
Time update: Compute

Y − ( k + 1) = P − ( k + 1)−1 = [ Jφ ( k )P( k ) Jφ ( k )T + Q( k )]−1 (20)

y − ( k + 1) = P − ( k + 1)−1 xˆ − ( k + 1) (21)

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the Extended Information Filter loop

2.3 Extended Information Filtering for state estimates fusion

In the Extended Information Filter each one of the local filters operates independently,
processing its own local measurements. It is assumed that there is no sharing of
measurements between the local filters and that the aggregation filter (Fig. 2) does not have
direct access to the raw measurements feeding each local filter. The outputs of the local
filters are treated as measurements which are fed into the aggregation fusion filter (Lee et al.
2008), (Lee et al. 2008), (Vercauteren &Wang 2005). Then each local filter is expressed by its
respective error covariance and estimate in terms of information contributions given in

Pi−1 ( k ) = Pi− ( k )−1 + JγT ( k )R( k )−1 Jγ ( k )

^ ^_ ^_ (22)
x i ( k ) = Pi ( k )( Pi− ( k )−1 x i ( k ) + JγT ( k )R( k )−1 ⋅ [ zi ( k ) − γ k ( x( k )) + Jγi ( k ) x i ( k )])

It is noted that the local estimates are suboptimal and also conditionally independent given
their own measurements. The global estimate and the associated error covariance for the
aggregate fusion filter can be rewritten in terms of the computed estimates and covariances
from the local filters using the relations
336 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

JγT ( k )R( k )−1 Jγ ( k ) = Pi−1 ( k ) − Pi− ( k )−1

JγT ( k )R( k )−1[ zi ( k ) − γ k ( x( k )) + Jγi ( k )xˆ i_ ( k )] = Pi ( k )−1 xˆ i ( k ) − Pi− ( k )−1 xˆ i_ ( k )

For the general case of N local filters i = 1, ··· , N, the distributed filtering architecture is
described by the following equations
P( k )−1 = P − ( k )−1 + ∑[ Pi ( k )−1 − Pi− ( k )−1 ]
i =1
xˆ ( k ) = P( k )[ P ( k )−1 xˆ − ( k ) + ∑( Pi ( k )−1 xˆ i ( k ) − Pi− ( k )−1 xˆ i− ( k ))]

i =1

It is noted that the global state update equation in the above distributed filter can be written
in terms of the information state vector and of the information matrix
yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + ∑( yˆ i ( k ) − yˆ i− ( k ))
i =1
Yˆ ( k ) = Yˆ ( k ) + ∑(Yˆi ( k ) − Yˆi− ( k ))

i =1

The local filters provide their own local estimates and repeat the cycle at step k + 1. In turn
the global filter can predict its global estimate and repeat the cycle at the next time step k + 1
when the new state x̂ (k + 1) and the new global covariance matrix P(k + 1) are calculated.
From Eq. (24) it can be seen that if a local filter (processing station) fails, then the local
covariance matrices and the local state estimates provided by the rest of the filters will
enable an accurate computation of the system’s state vector.

3. Distributed Sigma-Point Kalman Filtering

3.1 Unscented Kalman Filtering at local processing units
It is also possible to estimate the state vectors of the distributed UAVs which constitute the
multi-UAV system through the fusion of the estimates provided by local Sigma-Point
Kalman Filters. This can be succeeded using the Distributed Sigma-Point Kalman Filter, also
known as Unscented Information Filter (UIF) (Lee et al. 2008), (Lee et al. 2008). First, the
functioning of the local Sigma-Point Kalman Filters will be explained. Each local Sigma-
Point Kalman Filter generates an estimation of the UAV’s state vector by fusing
measurement from distributed sensors (e.g. IMU and GPS). Sigma-Point Kalman Filtering is
proposed (Julier et al. 2000), (Julier et al. 2004), (Särrkä 2007). The Sigma-Point Kalman Filter
overcomes the flaws of Extended Kalman Filtering. Unlike EKF no analytical Jacobians of
the system equations need to be calculated as in the case for the EKF. This makes the sigma-
point approach suitable for application in ”black-box” models where analytical expressions
of the system dynamics are either not available or not in a form which allows for easy
linearization. This is achieved through a different approach for calculating the posterior 1st
and 2nd order statistics of a random variable that undergoes a nonlinear transformation.
The state distribution is represented again by a Gaussian Random Variable but is now
specified using a minimal set of deterministically chosen weighted sample points. The basic
sigma-point approach can be described as follows:
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 337

1. A set of weighted samples (sigma-points) are deterministically calculated using the

mean and square-root decomposition of the covariance matrix of the system’s state
vector. As a minimal requirement the sigma-point set must completely capture the first
and second order moments of the prior random variable. Higher order moments can be
captured at the cost of using more sigma-points.
2. The sigma-points are propagated through the true nonlinear function using functional
evaluations alone, i.e. no analytical derivatives are used, in order to generate a posterior
sigma-point set.
3. The posterior statistics are calculated (approximated) using tractable functions of the
propagated sigma-points and weights. Typically, these take on the form of a simple
weighted sample mean and covariance calculations of the posterior sigma points.
It is noted that the sigma-point approach differs substantially from general stochastic
sampling techniques, such as Monte-Carlo integration (e.g Particle Filtering methods) which
require significantly more sample points in an attempt to propagate an accurate (possibly
non-Gaussian) distribution of the state. The deceptively simple sigma-point approach
results in posterior approximations that are accurate to the third order for Gaussian inputs
for all nonlinearities. For non-Gaussian inputs, approximations are accurate to at least the
second-order, with the accuracy of third and higher-order moments determined by the
specific choice of weights and scaling factors.
The Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is a special case of Sigma-Point Kalman Filters. The
UKF is a discrete time filtering algorithm which uses the unscented transform for computing
approximate solutions to the filtering problem of the form

x( k + 1) = φ ( x( k )) + L( k )U ( k ) + w( k )
y( k ) = γ ( x( k )) + v( k )

where x(k)∈Rn is the system’s state vector, y(k)∈Rm is the measurement, w(k)∈Rn is a
Gaussian process noise w(k)~N(0,Q(k)), and v(k)∈Rm is a Gaussian measurement noise
v(k)~N(0,R(k)). The mean and covariance of the initial state x(0) are m(0) and P(0),
Some basic operations performed in the UKF algorithm (Unscented Transform) are
summarized as follows:
1. Denoting the current state mean as x̂ , a set of 2n+1 sigma points is taken from the
columns of the n×n matrix ( n + λ )Pxx as follows:

x 0 = xˆ
x i = xˆ + [ ( n + λ )Pxx ]i , i = 1, ,n (27)
x = xˆ − [ (n + λ )Pxx ]i , i = n + 1,
, 2n

and the associate weights are computed:

λ λ
W0( m ) = W0( c ) =
(n + λ ) (n + λ ) + (1 − α 2 + b )
1 1
Wi( m ) = , i = 1, , 2n Wi( c ) =
2(n + λ ) 2(n + λ )
338 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

where i = 1, 2, ··· ,2n and λ = α 2(n + κ) − n is a scaling parameter, while α, β and κ are
constant parameters. Matrix Pxx is the covariance matrix of the state x.
2. Transform each of the sigma points as

zi = h(xi) i = 0, ··· ,2n (29)

3. Mean and covariance estimates for z can be computed as
zˆ ∑W
i =0
(m) i
Pzz = ∑Wi( c ) ( zi − zˆ )( zi − zˆ )T
i =0

4. The cross-covariance of x and z is estimated as

Pxz = ∑W
i =0
(c )
( x i − xˆ )( zi − zˆ )T (31)

The matrix square root of positive definite matrix Pxx means a matrix A = Pxx such that
Pxx = AAT and a possible way for calculation is SVD.
Next the basic stages of the Unscented Kalman Filter are given:
As in the case of the Extended Kalman Filter and the Particle Filter, the Unscented Kalman
Filter also consists of prediction stage (time update) and correction stage (measurement
update) (Julier et al. 2004), (Särrkä 2007).
Time update: Compute the predicted state mean x̂ −(k) and the predicted covariance Pxx−(k) as

[ xˆ − ( k ), Pxx− ( k )] = UT ( f d , xˆ ( k − 1), Pxx ( k − 1))

Pxx− ( k ) = Pxx ( k − 1) + Q( k − 1)

Measurement update: Obtain the new output measurement zk and compute the predicted
mean ẑ (k) and covariance of the measurement Pzz(k), and the cross covariance of the state
and measurement Pxz(k)

[ zˆ( k ), Pzz ( k ), Pxz ( k )] = UT ( hd , xˆ − ( k ), Pxx− ( k ))

Pzz ( k ) = Pzz ( k ) + R( k )

Then compute the filter gain K(k), the state mean x̂ (k) and the covariance Pxx(k), conditional
to the measurement y(k)

K (k ) = Pxz (k ) Pzz−1 (k )
xˆ (k ) = xˆ − (k ) + K (k )[ z (k ) − zˆ (k )] (34)

Pxx (k ) = Pxx− (k ) − K (k ) Pzz (k ) K (k )T

The filter starts from the initial mean m(0) and covariance Pxx(0). The stages of state vector
estimation with the use of the Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm are depicted in Fig. 6.
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 339

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the Unscented Kalman Filter loop

3.2 Unscented Information Filtering

The Unscented Information Filter (UIF) performs fusion of the state vector estimates which
are provided by local Unscented Kalman Filters, by weighting these estimates with local
Information matrices (inverse of the local state vector covariance matrices which are again
recursively computed) (Lee et al. 2008), (Lee et al. 2008), (Vercauteren &Wang 2005). The
Unscented Information Filter is derived by introducing a linear error propagation based on
the unscented transformation into the Extended Information Filtering structure. First, an
augmented state vector xα−(k) is considered, along with the process noise vector, and the
associated covariance matrix is introduced

⎛ xˆ − ( k ) ⎞ ⎛ P− (k) 0 ⎞
xˆ α − ( k ) = ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ , Pα − ( k ) = ⎜⎜ ⎟ (35)
⎝w ˆ (k)⎠ ⎝ 0 Q ( k ) ⎟⎠

As in the case of local (lumped) Unscented Kalman Filters, a set of weighted sigma points
Xαi − ( k ) is generated as

Xα− ,0 ( k ) = xˆ α − ( k )
Xα− , i ( k ) = xˆ α − ( k ) + [ (nα + λ )Pα− ( k − 1)]i , i = 1, ,n (36)
Xα , i ( k ) = xˆα ( k ) + [ (nα + λ )Pα ( k − 1)]i , i = n + 1,
− − −
, 2n

where λ = α 2(nα + κ) − nα is a scaling, while 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and κ are constant parameters. The

corresponding weights for the mean and covariance are defined as in the case of the lumped
Unscented Kalman Filter
340 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

λ λ
W0( m ) = W0( c ) =
nα + λ ( nα + λ ) + (1 − α 2 + β )
1 1
Wi( m ) = , i = 1, , 2 nα Wi(C ) = , i = 1, , 2 nα
2( nα + λ ) 2( nα + λ )

where β is again a constant parameter. The equations of the prediction stage (measurement
update) of the information filter, i.e. the calculation of the information matrix and the
information state vector of Eq. (13) now become

2 nα

yˆ − ( k ) = Y − ( k ) ∑Wim Xix ( k )
i =0 (38)
− − −1
Y (k) = P (k)

where Xix are the predicted state vectors when using the sigma point vectors Xiw in the
state equation Xix ( k + 1) = φ ( Xiw − ( k )) + L( k )U ( k ) . The predicted state covariance matrix is
computed as

2 nα

P − ( k ) = ∑Wi( c )[ Xix ( k ) − xˆ − ( k )][ X ix ( k ) − xˆ − ( k )]T (39)

i =0

As noted, the equations of the Extended Information Filter (EIF) are based on the linearized
dynamic model of the system and on the inverse of the covariance matrix of the state vector.
However, in the equations of the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) there is no linearization of
the system dynamics, thus the UKF cannot be included directly into the EIF equations. In-
stead, it is assumed that the nonlinear measurement equation of the system given in Eq. (1)
can be mapped into a linear function of its statistical mean and covariance, which makes
possible to use the information update equations of the EIF. Denoting Yi(k) = γ( Xix (k)) (i.e.
the output of the system calculated through the propagation of the i-th sigma point Xi
through the system’s nonlinear equation) the observation covariance and its cross-
covariance are approximated by

PYY ( k ) = E[( z( k ) − zˆ _ ( k ))( z( k ) − zˆ _ ( k ))T ]
≅ Jγ ( k )P − ( k ) Jγ ( k )T

PXY ( k ) = E[( x( k ) − xˆ _ ( k ))( z( k ) − zˆ _ ( k ))T ]
≅ P − ( k ) Jγ ( k )T

where z(k) = γ(x(k)) and Jγ(k) is the Jacobian of the output equation γ(x(k)). Next, mul-
tiplying the predicted covariance and its inverse term on the right side of the information
matrix Eq. (12) and replacing P(k)Jγ(k)T with PXY−
( k ) (k) gives the following representation of
the information matrix (Lee et al. 2008), (Lee et al. 2008), (Vercauteren &Wang 2005)

I ( k ) = Jγ ( k )T R( k )−1 Jγ ( k )
= P − ( k )−1 P − ( k ) Jγ ( k )T R( k )−1 Jγ− ( k )P − ( k )T ( P − ( k )−1 )T (42)
− −1 −1 − −1 T
= P ( k ) PXY ( k )R( k ) PXY ( k ) ( P ( k ) ) T
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 341

where P−(k)−1 is calculated according to Eq. (39) and the cross-correlation matrix PXY(k) is
calculated from
2 nα

PXY (k) = ∑W
i =0
(c )
[ X ix ( k ) − xˆ − ( k )][Yi ( k ) − zˆ − ( k )]T (43)

where Yi ( k ) = γ ( Xix ( k )) and the predicted measurement vector zˆ − ( k ) is obtained by

zˆ − ( k ) = ∑ i = 0 W i( m )Yi ( k ) . Similarly, the information state vector ik can be rewritten as

i( k ) = J γT ( k ) R( k )−1 [ z( k ) − γ ( x( k )) + J γT ( k )xˆ _ ( k )]
= P − ( k )−1 P − ( k ) J γT ( k ) R( k )−1 ⋅
⋅ [ z( k ) − γ ( x( k )) + J γT ( k )xˆ _ ( k )( P − ( k ))T ( P − ( k )−1 )T xˆ _ ( k )]
= P − ( k )−1 PXY

( k ) R( k )−1 [ z( k ) − γ ( x( k )) + PXY

( k )( P − ( k )−1 )T xˆ _ ( k )]

To complete the analogy to the information contribution equations of the EIF a

”measurement” matrix HT(k) is defined as

H ( k )T = P − ( k )−1 PXY

(k) (45)

In terms of the measurement matrix H(k) the information contributions equations are
written as

i( k ) = H T ( k ) R( k )−1 [ z( k ) − γ ( x( k )) + H ( k )xˆ − ( k )]
I ( k ) = H T ( k ) R ( k ) −1 H ( k )

The above procedure leads to an implicit linearization in which the nonlinear measurement
equation of the system given in Eq. (1) is approximated by the statistical error variance and
its mean

z( k ) = h( x( k )) H ( k )x ( k ) + u ( k ) (47)

where u( k ) = γ ( xˆ − ( k )) − H ( k )xˆ − ( k ) is a measurement residual term. (47).

3.3 Calculation of local estimations in terms of UIF information contributions

Next, the local estimations provided by distributed (local) Unscented Kalmans filters will be
expressed in terms of the information contributions (information matrix I and information
state vector i) of the Unscented Information Filter, which were defined in Eq. (46) (Lee et al.
2008), (Lee et al. 2008), (Vercauteren &Wang 2005). It is assumed that the observation vector
zi ( k + 1) is available from N different sensors, and that each sensor observes a common state
according to the local observation model, expressed by

zi ( k ) = H i ( k )x( k ) + ui ( k ) + vi ( k ) (48)

where the noise vector vi(k) is taken to be white Gaussian and uncorrelated between sensors.
The variance of the composite observation noise vector vk of all sensors is written in terms of
the block diagonal matrix R(k) = diag[R1(k)T, ··· ,RN(k)T]T. Then one can define the local
information matrix Ii(k) and the local information state vector ii(k) at the i-th sensor, as follows
342 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

ii ( k ) = H iT ( k ) Ri ( k )−1 [ zi ( k ) − γ i ( x( k )) + H i ( k )xˆ − ( k )]
I i ( k ) = H iT ( k )Ri ( k )−1 H i ( k )

Since the information contribution terms have group diagonal structure in terms of the
innovation and measurement matrix, the update equations for the multiple state estimation
and data fusion are written as a linear combination of the local information contribution terms
yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + ∑ii ( k )
i =1
Y ( k ) = Y ( k ) + ∑I i ( k )


Then using Eq. (38) one can find the mean state vector for the multiple sensor estimation
As in the case of the Unscented Kalman Filter, the Unscented Information Filter running at
the i-th measurement processing unit can be written in terms of measurement update and time
update equations:
Measurement update: Acquire measurement z(k) and compute

Y ( k ) = P − ( k )−1 + H T ( k )R −1 ( k )H ( k )
or Y ( k ) = Y − ( k ) + I ( k ) where I ( k ) = H T ( k )R −1 ( k )H ( k )

yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + H T ( k )R −1 ( k )[ z( k ) − γ ( xˆ ( k )) + H ( k )xˆ − ( k )]
or yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + i( k )
Time update: Compute

Y − ( k + 1) = ( P − ( k + 1))−1
2 nα (53)
where P − ( k + 1) = ∑W
i =0
(c )
[ X ix ( k + 1) − xˆ − ( k + 1)][ X ix ( k + 1) − xˆ − ( k + 1)]T

2 nα

yˆ ( k + 1) = Y ( k + 1) ∑ W i( m ) X ix ( k + 1)
where X ( k + 1) = φ ( X ( k )) + L( k )U ( k )

3.4 Distributed Unscented Information Filtering for state estimates fusion

It has been shown that the update of the aggregate state vector of the Unscented Information
Filter architecture can be expressed in terms of the local information matrices Ii and of the
local information state vectors ii, which in turn depend on the local covariance matrices P
and cross-covariance matrices PXY. Next, it will be shown that the update of the aggregate
state vector can be also expressed in terms of the local state vectors xi(k) and in terms of the
local covariance matrices Pi(k) and cross-covariance matrices PXY ( k ) . It is assumed that the
local filters do not have access to each other row measurements and that they are allowed to
communicate only their information matrices and their local information state vectors. Thus
each local filter is expressed by its respective error covariance and estimate in terms of the
local information state contribution ii and its associated information matrix Ii at the i-th filter
site. Then using Eq. (38) one obtains
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 343

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the Unscented Information Filter loop

Pi ( k )−1 = Pi− ( k )−1 + H iT ( k )Ri ( k )−1 H i ( k )

xˆ i = Pi ( k )( Pi ( k )xˆ i− ( k ) + H iT ( k )Ri ( k )−1 [ zi ( k ) − γ i ( x( k )) + H i ( k )xˆ − ( k )])

Using Eq. (55), each local information state contribution ii and its associated information
matrix Ii at the i-th filter are rewritten in terms of the computed estimates and covariances of
the local filters

H iT ( k )Ri ( k )−1 H i ( k ) = Pi ( k )−1 − Pi− ( k )−1

H iT ( k )Ri ( k )−1[ zi ( k ) − γ i ( x( k )) + H i ( k )xˆ − ( k )] = Pi ( k )−1 xˆ i ( k ) − Pi− ( k )−1 xˆ i− ( k )

where according to Eq.(45) it holds H i ( k ) = Pi− ( k )−1 PXY

, i ( k ) . Next, the aggregate estimates of
the distributed unscented information filtering are derived for a number of N local filters
i = 1, ··· , N and sensor measurements, first in terms of covariances (Vercauteren &Wang
2005), (Lee et al. 2008), (Lee et al. 2008)
P ( k )−1 = P − ( k )−1 + ∑[ Pi ( k )−1 − Pi − ( k )−1 ]
i =1
xˆ ( k ) = P ( k )[ P − ( k )−1 xˆ − ( k ) + ∑ ( Pi ( k )−1 xˆ i ( k ) − Pi− ( k )−1 xˆ i− ( k ))]
i =1

and also in terms of the information state vector and of the information state covariance matrix

yˆ ( k ) = yˆ − ( k ) + ∑( yˆ i ( k ) − yˆ i− ( k ))
i =1
Y ( k ) = Y ( k ) + ∑[Yi ( k ) − Yi− ( k )]

i =1
344 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

State estimation fusion based on the Unscented Information Filter (UIF) is fault tolerant.
From Eq. (57) it can be seen that if a local filter (processing station) fails, then the local
covariance matrices and local estimates provided by the rest of the filters will enable a
reliable calculation of the system’s state vector. Moreover, it is and computationally efficient
comparing to centralized filters and results in enhanced estimation accuracy.

4. Distributed Particle Filter

4.1 Particle Filtering at local processing units
4.1.1 The particle approximation of probability density functions
One can also estimate the state vector of the UAVs that constitute the multi-UAV system
through the fusion of estimates provided by local Particle Filters. This can be succeeded
using the Distributed Particle Filter (DPF). First, the functioning of the local Particle Filters
will be explained. Each local Particle Filter generates an estimation of the UAV’s state vector
by fusing measurements from distibuted sensors. Particle Filtering is a method for state
estimation that is not dependent on the probability density function of the measurements. In
the general case the equations of the optimal filter used for the calculation of the state-vector
of a dynamical system do not have an explicit solution. This happens for instance when the
process noise and the noise of the output measurement do not follow a Gaussian
distribution. In that case approximation through Monte-Carlo methods can be used (Thrun
wt al. 2005). A sampling of size N is assumed, i.e. N i.i.d. (independent identically
distributed) variables ξ1, ξ2, ··· , ξN. This sampling follows the p.d.f. p(x) i.e. ξ1:N~p(x). Instead
of p(x) the function p( x ) p N ( x ) = ∑ i =1δ i ( x ) can be used. It is assumed that all points ξi

N ξ

have an equal weighted contribution to the approximation of p(x). A more general approach
would be if weight factors were assigned to the points ξi, which will also satisfy the

normality condition i =1
w i = 1 . In the latter case

p( x ) p N ( x ) = ∑w iδ i ( x ) (59)
i =1

If p(ξi) is known then the probability P(x) can be approximated using the discrete values of
the p.d.f. p(ξi) = wi. If sampling over the p.d.f. p(x) is unavailable, then one can use a p.d.f.
p( x ) with similar support set, i.e. p( x ) = 0 ⇒ p( x ) = 0 . Then it holds
p( x )
E(φ ( x )) = ∫φ ( x )p( x )dx = ∫φ ( x )p( x ) dx . If the N samples of p( x ) are available at the points
p( x )
p(ξ i )
ξ1 ξ N , i.e. p(ξ )i = δ ξ i ( x ) and the weight coefficients wi are defined as w i = , then it is
p(ξ i )
easily shown that

N ⎧⎪ ξ 1:N ∼ p( x )
E(φ ( x ))
i =1
∑w φ (ξ
), where ⎨ i i
i i
⎪⎩ w = p( x ) / p( x )

The meaning of Eq. (60) is as follows: assume that the p.d.f. p(x) is unknown (target
distribution), however the p.d.f. p( x ) (importance law) is available. Then, it is sufficient to
sample on p( x ) and find the associated weight coefficients wi so as to calculate E(φ(x)).
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 345

4.1.2 The prediction stage

As in the case of the Kalman Filter or the Extended Kalman Filter the particles filter consists
of the measurement update (correction stage) and the time update (prediction stage)
(Rigatos 2009b),(Thrun wt al. 2005). The prediction stage calculates p(x(k)|Z−) where Z− =
{z(1), z(2), ··· , z(n − 1)} according to Eq. (59). It holds that:

p( x( k − 1)|Z − ) = ∑wki − 1δ ( x( k − 1)) (61)
ξ ki − 1
i =1

while from Bayes formula it holds p(x(k)|Z−) = ∫p(x(k)|x(k − 1))p(x(k − 1)|Z−)dx. Using also
Eq. (61) one finally obtains

p( x( k )|Z − ) = ∑wki − 1δ ( x( k ))
i =1 k− (62)
with ξ i − ∼ p( x( k )|x( k − 1) = ξ ki − 1 )

The meaning of Eq. (62) is as follows: the state equation of the system is executed N times,
starting from the N previous values of the state vectors x( k − 1) = ξ ki − 1

xˆ ( k + 1) = φ ( xˆ ( k )) + L( k )u( k ) + w( k )
z( k ) = γ ( xˆ ( k )) + v( k )

Thus estimations of the current value of the state vector xˆ ( k ) are obtained, and
consequently the mean value of the state vector will be given from Eq. (62). This means that
the value of the state vector which is calculated in the prediction stage is the result of the
weighted averaging of the state vectors which were calculated after running the state
equation, starting from the N previous values of the state vectors ξ ki − 1 .

4.1.3 The correction stage

The a-posteriori probability density is found using Eq. (62). Now a new position
measurement z(k) is obtained and the objective is to calculate the corrected probability
density p(x(k)|Z), where Z = {z(1), z(2), ··· , z(k)}. From Bayes law it holds that
p(Z|x( k ))p( x( k ))
p( x( k )|Z ) = which can be also written as
p(Z )

p( z( k )|x( k ))p( x( k )|Z − )

p( x( k )|Z ) = (64)
∫p( z( k )|x( k ), Z

)p( x( k )|Z − )dx

Substituting Eq. (62) into Eq. (64) and after intermediate calculations one finally obtains
p( x( k )|Z ) = ∑wki δ ( x( k ))
i =1 k−

wi − p( z( k )|x( k ) = ξ i − ) (65)
where wki = N
k k

j =1
p( z( k )|x( k ) = ξ j− )
346 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Eq. (65) denotes the corrected value for the state vector. The recursion of the Particle Filter
proceeds in a way similar to the update of the Kalman Filter or the Extended Kalman Filter,
• Measurement update: Acquire z(k) and compute

new value of the state vector

p( x( k )|Z ) = ∑wki δ ( x( k ))
i =1 k−

with corrected weights (66)

w − p( z( k )|x( k ) = ξ − )
i i

wki = N
k k
and ξ ki = ξ i −
j =1
p( z( k )|x( k ) = ξ − )

Resampling for substitution of the degenerated particles

• Time update: compute state vector x(k + 1) according to the pdf

p( x( k + 1)|Z ) = ∑wki δ i ( x( k ))
i =1
ξk (67)
where ξ ∼ p( x( k + 1)|x( k ) = ξ ki )

The stages of state vector estimation with the use of the Particle Filtering algorithm are
depicted in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the Particle Filter loop

Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 347

4.1.4 Resampling issues in particle filtering

The algorithm of particle filtering which is described through Eq. (62) and Eq. (65) has a
significant drawback: after a certain number of iterations k, almost all the weights wki
become 0. In the ideal case all the weights should converge to the value 1 , i.e. the particles
should have the same significance. The criterion used to define a sufficient number of
particles is N keff = N i 2 ∈ [1, N ] . When N keff is close to value N then all particles have
∑ i =1wk
almost the same significance. However using the algorithm of Eq. (62) and Eq. (65) results in
N keff →1, which means that the particles are degenerated, i.e. they lose their effectiveness.
Therefore, it is necessary to modify the algorithm so as to assure that degeneration of the
particles will not take place (Rigatos 2009a), (Thrun wt al. 2005), (Zhang et al. 2005).
When N keff is small then most of the particles have weights close to 0 and consequently they
have a negligible contribution to the estimation of the state vector. To overcome this
drawback of the PF algorithm weakens such particles in favor of particles that have a non-
negligible contribution. Therefore, the particles of low weight factors are removed and their
place is occupied by duplicates of the particles with high weight factors. The total number of
particles remains unchanged (equal to N) and therefore this procedure can be viewed as a
”resampling” or ”redistribution” of the particles set.
The particles resampling presented above maybe slow if not appropriately tuned. There are
improved versions of it which substitute the particles of low importance with those of
higher importance. A first choice would be to perform a multinomial resampling. N
particles are chosen between {ξ k1 , , ξ kN } and the corresponding weights are wk1 , , wkN . The
number of times each particle is selected is given by [j1, ··· , jn]. Thus a set of N particles is
again created, the elements of which are chosen after sampling with the discrete distribution

i =1
wki δ i ( x ) . The particles {ξ k1 , , ξ kN } are chosen according to the probabilities { wk1 , , wkN

}. The selected particles are assigned with equal weights 1 .

Although sorting of the particles’ weights is not necessary for the convergence of the particle
filter algorithm, there are variants of the resampling procedure of ( ξ ki , wki i = 1, , N ) which
are based on previous sorting in decreasing order of the particles’ weights (efficient sorting
approaches make the complexity of the particle filtering to be O(Nlog(N)), while the
avoidance of resampling results in a faster algorithm of complexity O(N)). Sorting of
particles’ weights gives ws[1] > ws[2] > ··· > ws[N]. A random numbers generator is evoked and
the resulting numbers ui:N~U[0,1] fall in the partitions of the interval [0,1]. The width of
these partitions is wi and thus a redistribution of the particles is generated. For instance, in a
wide partition of width wj will be assigned more particles than to a narrow partition of
witdh wm. A detailed analysis on the tuning of the resampling procedure in Particle Fitlering
has been given in (Rigatos 2009a).

4.2 Distributed Particle Filtering for state estimation fusion

The Distributed Particle Filter performs fusion of the state vector estimates which are
provided by the local Particle Filters. This is succeeded by fusing the discrete probability
348 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

density functions of the local Particle Filters into a common probability distribution of the
system’s state vector. Without loss of generality fusion between two estimates which are
provided by two different probabilistic estimators (particle filters) is assumed. This amounts
to a multiplication and a division operation to remove the common information, and is
given by (Ong et al. 2008), (Ong et al. 2006)

p( x( k )|ZA )p( x( k )|ZB )

p( x( k )|ZA ∪ZB ) ∝ (68)
p( x( k )|ZA ∩ZB )

where ZA is the sequence of measurements associated with the i-th processing unit and ZB is
the sequence of measurements associated with the j-th measurement unit. In the
implementation of distributed particle filtering, the following issues arise:
1. Particles from one particle set (which correspond to a local particle filter) do not have
the same support (do not cover the same area and points on the samples space) as
particles from another particle set (which are associated with another particle filter).
Therefore a point-to-point application of Eq. (68) is not possible.
2. The communication of particles representation (i.e. local particle sets and associated
weight sets) requires significantly more bandwidth compared to other representations,
such as Gaussian mixtures.
Fusion of the estimates provided by the local particle filters (located at different processing
units) can be performed through the following stages. First, the discrete particle set of
Particle Filter A (Particle Filter B) is transformed into a continuous distribution by placing a
Gaussian kernel over each sample (Fig. 7) (Musso et al. 2001)

Kh(x) = h2K(x) (69)

where K() is the rescaled Kernel density and h > 0 is the scaling parameter. Then the
continuous distribution A (B) is sampled with the other particles set B (A) to obtain the new
importance weights, so that the weighted sample corresponds to the numerator of Eq. (68)
(Fig. 8). Such a conversion from a discrete particle probability distribution functions
∑ w(Ai )δ ( x(Ai ) ) ( ∑ i =1wB( i )δ ( x(Bi ) ) ) into continuous distributions is denoted as
i =1


i =1
A δ ( x(Ai ) ) → p A ( x ) ( ∑wB( i )δ ( xB( i ) ) → pB ( x ))
(i )

i =1

The common information appearing in the processing units A and B should not be taken
into account in the joint probability distribution which is created after fusing the local
probability densities of A and B. This means that in the joint p.d.f. one should sample with
importance weights calculated according to Eq. (68). The objective is then to create an
importance sampling approximation for the joint distribution that will be in accordance to
Eq. (68). A solution to this can be obtained through Monte Carlo sampling and suitable
selection of the so-called ”proposal distribution” (Ong et al. 2008), (Ong et al. 2006)]
According to the above, for the joint distribution the idea behind Monte Carlo sampling is to
draw N i.i.d samples from the associated probability density function p(x), such that the
target density is approximated by a point-mass function of the form

p( x ) ∑w
i =1
(i )
k δ ( x(ki ) ) (71)
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 349

Fig. 7. Conversion of the particles discrete probability density function to a continuous

distribution, after allocating a Gaussian kernel over each particle
where δ ( x (ki ) ) is a Dirac delta mass located at x(ki ) . Then the expectation of some function
f (x) with respect to the pdf p(x) is given by

I ( f ) = Ep ( x ) [ f ( x )] = ∫ f ( x )p( x )dx (72)

the Monte-Carlo approximation of the integral with samples is then

1 N
IN ( f ) = ∑ f (x( i ) )
N i =1

where x(i) p(X) and IN( f )→I( f ) for N→∞. since, the true probability distribution p(x) is
hard to sample from, the concept of importance sampling is to select a proposal distribution
p( x ) in place of p(x), with the assumption that p( x ) includes the support space of p(x). Then
the expectation of function f (x), previously given in Eq. (72), is now calculated as

p( x )
I( f ) = ∫ f (x) p( x )dx = ∫ f ( x )w( x )p( x )dx (74)
p( x )

where w(x) are the importance weights

p( x )
w( x ) = (75)
p( x )

Then the Monte-Carlo estimation of the mean value of function f (x) becomes

I N ( f ) = ∑ f ( x( i ) )w( x( i ) ) (76)
i =1

For the division operation, the desired probability distribution is

350 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

p A ( x( i ) )
p( x( i ) ) = (77)
pB ( x ( i ) )

In that case the important weights of the fused probability density functions become

pA ( x( i ) )
w( x( i ) ) = (78)
pB ( x ( i ) ) p ( x ( i ) )

which is then normalized so that ∑ i =1w( x( i ) ) = 1 / N , where N is the number of particles.


The next step is to decide what will be the form of the proposal distribution p( x ) . A first
option is to take p( x ) to be a uniform distribution, with a support that covers both of the
support sets of the distributions A and B.

p( x ) = U( x ) (79)

Then the sample weights p( x( i ) ) are all equal at a constant of value C. Hence the importance
weights are

pA ( x( i ) )
w( x( i ) ) = (80)
pB ( x( i ) )C

Another suitable proposal distribution that takes more into account the new information re
ceived (described as the probability distribution of the second processing unit) is given by

p ( x ) = pB ( x ) (81)

and the important weights are then adjusted to be

p A ( x( i ) )
w( x( i ) ) = (82)
p B ( x ( i ) )2

5. Nonlinear control for autonomous UAV navigation

5.1 Kinematic model of the UAV
For the design of the autonomous navigation system of the UAVs a suitable control scheme
has to be chosen. In this control loop there will be processing of the estimated UAV state
vector, as obtained through the distributed filtering algorithms which were presented in
Sections 2 to 4. To this end, the kinematic model the kinematic model of the UAVs has to be
analyzed first. Based on this kinematic model a flatness-based controller will be derived.
The UAV dynamics suggest the following structure for constant altitude manoeuvres
(Léchevin & Rabbath 2006):

x = vcos(θ ), y = vsin(θ ), θ = u1
v = u2 , h = 0

where (x,y) is the desired inertial position of the UAV, θ is the UAV’s heading, v is the
UAV’s velocity, h is the UAV’s attitude, and u1, u2 are constrained by the dynamic capability
of the UAVs namely the heading rate constraint and the acceleration constraint respectively.
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 351


pA(x) 0.02

0 2 4 6 8 10


0 2 4 6 8 10


0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 8. Fusion of the probability density functions produced by the local particle filters
An inertial measurement unit (IMU) of a UAV usually consists of a three axis gyroscope and
a three axis accelerometer. A vision sensor can be also mounted underneath the body of the
UAV and is used to extract points of interest in the environment. The UAV also carries a
barometric pressure sensor for aiding of the platform attitude estimation. A GPS sensor, can
be also mounted on the board. The sensor data is filtered and fused to obtain estimates of
the desired entities such as platform and feature position (Vissière et al. 2008).

5.2 Differential flatness for finite dimensional systems

Flatness-based control is proposed for steering the UAV along a desirable trajectory (Oriolo
et al. 2002), (Villagra et al. 2007), (Fliess et al. 1999). The main principles of flatness- based
control are as follows: A finite dimensional system is considered. This can be written in the
general form of an ODE, i.e.

Si ( w , w , w , , w i ), i = 1, 2, ,q (84)

The quantity w denotes the system variable while wi, i = 1, 2, ··· , q are its derivatives (these
and can be for instance the elements of the system’s state vector). The system of Eq. (1) is
said to be differentially flat if there exists a collection of m functions y = (y1, ··· ,ym) of the
system variables wi, i = 1, ··· , s and of their time-derivatives, i.e.

yi = φ ( w , w , w , , w i ), i = 1, ,m (85)

such that the following two conditions are satisfied (Fliess et al. 1999), (Rigatos 2008):
1. There does not exist any differential relation of the form

R( y , y , , yβ ) = 0 (86)
352 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

which implies that the derivatives of the flat output are not coupled in the sense of an
ODE, or equivalently it can be said that the flat output is differentially independent.
2. All system variables, i.e. the components of w (elements of the system’s state vectors)
can be expressed using only the flat output y and its time derivatives

wi = ψi ( y , y , , y i ), i = 1, ,s (87)

An equivalent definition of differentially flat systems is as follows:

Definition: The system x = f ( x , u) , x∈Rn, u∈Rm is differentially flat if there exist relations h :
Rn×Rm→Rm, φ: (Rm)r→Rn and ψ: (Rm)r+1→Rm, such that y = h(x , u, u, , u( r ) ) , x = φ( y , y , , y( r −1) )
and u = ψ( y , y ,..., y ( r − 1) , y ( r ) ) . This means that all system dynamics can be expressed as a
function of the flat output and its derivatives, therefore the state vector and the control input
can be written as x( y ) = φ ( y(t ), y(t ),..., y ( r ) (t )) and u = ψ( y(t ), y(t ),..., y ( r ) (t )) .
It is noted that for linear systems the property of differential flatness is equivalent to that of

5.3 Differential flatness of the UAV kinematic model

It is assumed that the helicopter-like UAV, performs manoeuvres at a constant altitude.
Then, from Eq. (83) one can obtain the following description for the UAV kinematics

x = vcos(θ ), y = vsin(θ ), θ = tan(φ ) (88)
where using the analogous of the unicycle robot v is the velocity of the UAV, l is the UAV’s
length, θ is the UAV’s orientation (angle between the transversal axis of the UAV and axis
OX), and φ is a steering angle. The flat output is the cartesian position of the UAV’s center of
gravity, denoted as η = (x,y) , while the other model parameters can be written as:

⎛ cos(θ ) ⎞ η
v=± η ⎜ ⎟= tan(φ ) = ldet(ηη ) / v 3 (89)
⎝ sin(θ ) ⎠ v
These formulas show simply that θ is the tangent angle of the curve traced by P and tan(φ) is
the associated curvature. With reference to a generic driftless nonlinear system

q , q ∈ Rn , w ∈ Rm (90)

dynamic feedback linearization consists in finding a feedback compensator of the form

ξ = α (q , ξ ) + b(q , ξ )u
w = c(q , ξ ) + d(q , ξ )u

with state ξ ∈ Rv and input u ∈ Rm, such that the closed-loop system of Eq. (90) and Eq. (91)
is equivalent under a state transformation z = T(q, ξ) to a linear system. The starting point is
the definition of a m-dimensional output η = h(q) to which a desired behavior can be
assigned. One then proceeds by successively differentiating the output until the input
appears in a non-singular way. If the sum of the output differentiation orders equals the
dimension n + v of the extended state space, full input-state-output linearization is obtained
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 353

(In this case η is also called a flat output). The closed-loop system is then equivalent to a set
of decoupled input-output chains of integrators from ui to ηi. The exact linearization
procedure is illustrated for the unicycle model of Eq. (21). As flat output the coordinates of
the center of gravity of the vehicle is considered η = (x,y). Differentiation with respect to
time then yields (Oriolo et al. 2002), (Rigatos 2008)

⎛x⎞ ⎛ cos(θ ) 0 ⎞ ⎛ v ⎞
η =⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⋅⎜ ⎟ (92)
⎝y⎠ ⎝ sin(θ ) 0 ⎠ ⎝ ω ⎠
showing that only v affects η , while the angular velocity ω cannot be recovered from this
first-order differential information. To proceed, one needs to add an integrator (whose state
is denoted by ξ) on the linear velocity input

⎛ cos(θ ) ⎞
v = ξ , ξ =α ⇒η = ξ ⎜ ⎟ (93)
⎝ sin(θ ) ⎠
where α denotes the linear acceleration of the UAV. Differentiating further one obtains

⎛ cos(θ ) ⎞ ⎛ sin(θ ) ⎞ ⎛ cos(θ ) −ξ sin(θ ) ⎞⎛ α ⎞

η =ξ⎜ ⎟ + ξθ ⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ (94)
⎝ sin(θ ) ⎠ ⎝ cos(θ ) ⎠ ⎝ sin(θ ) ξ cos(θ ) ⎠⎝ ω ⎠
and the matrix multiplying the modified input (α,ω) is nonsingular if ξ ≠ 0. Under this
assumption one defines

⎛ α ⎞ ⎛ cos(θ ) −ξ sin(θ ) ⎞ ⎛ u1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⋅⎜ ⎟ (95)
⎝ ω ⎠ ⎝ sin(θ ) ξ cos(θ ) ⎠ ⎝ u2 ⎠
η is denoted as

⎛ η1 ⎞ ⎛ u1 ⎞
η =⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟=u (96)
⎝η 2 ⎠ ⎝ u2 ⎠
which means that the desirable linear acceleration and the desirable angular velocity can be
expressed using the transformed control inputs u1 and u2. Then, the resulting dynamic
compensator is (return to the initial control inputs v and ω)

ξ = u1cos(θ ) + u2 sin(θ )
v=ξ (97)
u 2 cos(θ ) − u1 sin(θ )
Being ξ∈R, it is n + v = 3 + 1 = 4, equal to the output differentiation order in Eq. (29). In the
new coordinates

z1 = x
z2 = y
z 3 = x = ξ cos(θ )
z 4 = y = ξ sin(θ )
354 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

The extended system is thus fully linearized and described by the chains of integrators, in
Eq. (29), and can be rewritten as

z1 = u1
z2 = u2

The dynamic compensator of Eq. (97) has a potential singularity at ξ = v = 0, i.e. when the
UAV is not moving, which is a case never met when the UAV is in flight. It is noted
however, that the occurrence of such a singularity is structural for non-holonomic systems.
In general, this difficulty must be obviously taken into account when designing control laws
on the equivalent linear model.
A nonlinear controller for output trajectory tracking, based on dynamic feedback
linearization, is easily derived. Assume that the UAV must follow a smooth trajectory
(xd(t),yd(t)) which is persistent, i.e. for which the nominal velocity vd = ( xd2 + y d2 ) 2 along the
trajectory never goes to zeros (and thus singularities are avoided). On the equivalent and
decoupled system of Eq. (32), one can easily design an exponentially stabilizing feedback for
the desired trajectory, which has the form

u1 = xd + k p ( xd − x ) + kd ( xd − x )
1 1
u2 = y d + k p ( y d − y ) + kd ( y d − y )
1 1

and which results in the following error dynamics for the closed-loop system

ex + k d ex + k p ex = 0
1 1
ey + kd ey + k p ey = 0
2 2

where ex = x − xd and ey = y − yd. The proportional-derivative (PD) gains are chosen as kp1 > 0
and kd1 > 0 for i = 1, 2. Knowing the control inputs u1, u2, for the linearized system one can
calculate the control inputs v and ω applied to the UAV, using Eq. (91). The above result is
valid, provided that the dynamic feedback compensator does not meet the singularity. In
the general case of design of flatness-based controllers, the following theorem assures the
avoidance of singularities in the proposed control law (Oriolo et al. 2002):
Theorem: Let λ11, λ12 and λ21, λ22, be respectively the eigenvalues of two equations of the
error dynamics, given in Eq. (91). Assume that, for i = 1,2 it is λ11 < λ12 < 0 (negative real
eigenvalues), and that λi2 is sufficiently small. If

⎛ xd (t ) ⎞ ⎛ εx ⎞

min t ≥ 0 ⎜ ⎟ ≥ ⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟ (102)
⎝ y d (t ) ⎠ ⎝ εy ⎠

with εx0 = εx (0) ≠ 0 and εy0 = εy (0) ≠ 0 , then the singularity ξ = 0 is never met.

6. Simulation tests
6.1 Autonomous UAV navigation with Extended Information Filtering
It was assumed that m = 2 helicopter models were monitored by n = 2 different ground
stations. At each ground station an Extended Kalman Filter was used to track each UAV. By
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 355

fusing the measurements provided by the sensors mounted on each UAV, each local EKF
was able to produce an estimation of a UAV’s motion. Next, the state estimates obtained by
the pair local EKFs associated with each UAV were fused with the use of the Extended
Information Filter. This fusion-based state estimation scheme is depicted in Fig. 2. As
explained in Section 2 the weighting of the state estimates of the local EKFs was performed
using the local information matrices. The distributed fitering architecture is shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Distributed Filtering over WSN

Next, some details will be given about the local EKF design for the UAV model of Eq. (88).
The UAV’s continuous-time kinematic equation is:

x(t ) = v(t )cos(θ (t )), y(t ) = v(t )sin(θ (t )), θ (t ) = ω (t ) (103)

The IMU system provides measurements or the UAV’s position [x,y] and the UAV’s
orientation angle θ over a sampling period T. These sensors are used to obtain an estimation
of the displacement and the angular velocity of the UAV v(t) and ω(t), respectively. The IMU
sensors can introduce incremental errors, which result in an erroneous estimation of the
orientation θ. To improve the accuracy of the UAV’s localization, measurements from the
GPS (or visual sensors) can be used. On the other hand, the GPS on this own is not always
reliable since its signal can be intermittent. Therefore, to succeed accurate localization of the
UAV it is necessary to fuse the GPS measurements with the IMU measurements of the UAV
or with measurements from visual sensors (visual odometry).
The inertial coordinates system OXY is defined. Furthermore the coordinates system O′X′Y′
is considered (Fig. 10). O′X′Y′ results from OXY if it is rotated by an angle θ. The coordinates
of the center of symmetry of the UAV with respect to OXY are (x,y), while the coordinates of
356 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 10. Reference frames for the UAV

the GPS or visual sensor that is mounted on the UAV, with respect to O′X′Y′ are x′i , y′i . The
orientation of the GPS (or visual sensor) with respect to OX′Y′ is θ i′ . Thus the coordinates of
the GPS or visual sensor with respect to OXY are (xi,yi) and its orientation is θi, and are given

xi ( k ) = x( k ) + x′i sin(θ ( k )) + y′i cos(θ ( k ))

y i ( k ) = y( k ) − x′icos(θ ( k )) + y′i sin(θ ( k )) (104)
θi ( k ) = θ ( k ) + θi

For manoeuvres at constant altitude the GPS measurement (or the visual sensor
measurement) can be considered as the measurement of the distance from a reference
surface P j. A reference surface P j in the UAVs 2D flight area can be represented by Prj and
Pnj , where (i) Prj is the normal distance of the plane from the origin O, (ii) Pnj is the angle
between the normal line to the plane and the x-direction.
The GPS sensor (or visual sensor i) is at position xi(k),yi(k) with respect to the inertial
coordinates system OXY and its orientation is θi(k). Using the above notation, the distance of
the GPS (or visual sensor i), from the plane P j is represented by Prj , Pnj (see Fig. 10):

dij ( k ) = Prj − xi ( k )cos( Pnj ) − y i ( k )sin( Pnj ) (105)

Assuming a constant sampling period Δtk = T the measurement equation is z(k + 1) = γ(x(k))
+ v(k), where z(k) is the vector containing GPS (or visual sensor) and IMU measures and v(k)
is a white noise sequence ~N(0,R(kT)).
By definition of the measurement vector one has that the output function is γ(x(k)) =
[x(k),y(k), θ(k),d1(k)]T. The UAV state is [x(k),y(k), θ(k)]T and the control input is denoted by
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 357

U(k) = [v(k),ω(k)]T. To obtain the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), the kinematic model of the
UAV is linearized about the estimates xˆ ( k ) and xˆ − ( k ) the control input U(k − 1) is applied.
The measurement update of the EKF is

K( k ) = P − ( k ) JγT ( xˆ − ( k ))[ Jγ ( xˆ − ( k ))P − ( k ) JγT ( xˆ − ( k )) + R( k )]−1

xˆ ( k ) = xˆ − ( k ) + K ( k )[ z( k ) − γ ( xˆ − ( k ))]
P( k ) = P − ( k ) − K ( k ) JγT P − ( k )

The time update of the EKF is

P − ( k + 1) = Jφ ( xˆ ( k ))P( k ) JφT ( xˆ ( k )) + Q( k )
xˆ − ( k + 1) = φ ( xˆ ( k )) + L( k )U ( k )

⎛ Tcos(θ ( k )) 0 ⎞ ⎛ 1 0 − v( k )sin(θ )T ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
where L( k ) = ⎜ Tsin(θ ( k )) 0 ⎟ and Jφ ( xˆ ( k )) = ⎜ 0 1 − v( k )cos(θ )T ⎟ (106)
⎜ 0 T ⎟⎠ ⎜0 0 1 ⎟
⎝ ⎝ ⎠

while Q(k) = diag[σ2(k),σ2(k),σ2(k)], with σ2(k) chosen to be 10−3 and φ ( xˆ ( k )) = [ xˆ ( k ), yˆ ( k ),θˆ( k )]T ,
γ ( xˆ ( k )) = [ xˆ ( k ), yˆ ( k ),θˆ( k ), d( k )]T , i.e.

⎛ xˆ ( k ) ⎞
⎜ ˆ ⎟
y ( k )
γ ( xˆ ( k )) = ⎜⎜ ⎟
⎟ (107)
θˆ( k )
⎜ j ⎟
⎜ P − x ( k ))cos( P ) − y ( k )sin( P ) ⎟
j j
⎝ r i n i n ⎠

In the calculation of the observation equation Jacobian one gets

⎛ 1 0 0 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
0 1 0
JγT ( xˆ − ( k )) = ⎜ ⎟ (108)
⎜ 0 0 1 ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
j j
′ j

⎝ −cos( Pn ) −sin( Pn ) { xi cos(θ − Pn ) − yi sin(θ − Pn )} ⎠

The UAV is steered by a dynamic feedback linearization control algorithm which is based
the flatness-based control analyzed in Section 5:

u1 = xd + K p ( xd − x ) + K d ( xd − x )
1 1

u2 = y d + K p ( y d − y ) + K d ( y d − y )
2 2

ξ = u1cos(θ ) + u2 sin(θ ) (109)

u cos(θ ) − u1sin(θ )
v =ξ, ω = 2
358 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Under the control law of Eq. (109) the dynamics of the tracking error finally becomes

ex + K d ex + K p ex = 0
1 1
e y + K d ex + K p e y = 0
2 2

where ex = x − xd and ey = y − yd. The proportional-derivative (PD) gains are chosen as Kp1
and Kd1, for i = 1, 2.

EIF Master Station EIF Master Station

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10

-15 -15
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Autonomous navigation of the multi-UAV system when the UAVs state vector is
estimated with the use of the Extended Information Filter (a) tracking of circular reference
trajectory (b) tracking of a curve-shaped reference trajectory
Results on the performance of the Extended Information Filter in estimating the state vectors
of multiple UAVs when observed by distributed processing units is given in Fig. 11. Using
distributed EKFs and fusion through the Extended Information Filter is more robust
comparing to the centralized EKF since (i) if a local processing unit is subject to a fault then
state estimation becomes is still possible and can be used for accurate localization of the
UAV, as well as for tracking of desirable flight paths, (ii) communication overhead remains
low even in the case of a large number of distributed measurement units, because the
greatest part of state estimation is performed locally and only information matrices and state
vectors are communicated between the local processing units, (iii) the aggregation
performed on the local EKF also compensates for deviations in state estimates of local filters
(which can be due to linearization errors).

6.2 Autonomous UAV navigation with Distributed Particle Filtering

Details on the implementation of the local particle filters are given first. Each local particle
filter provides an estimation of the UAV’s state vector using sensor fusion. The UAV model
described in Eq. (103), and the control law given in Eq. (109) are used again.
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 359

p( x( k )|Z ) = ∑ i =1wki δ
The measurement update of the PF is ( x( k )) with

w i − p( z( k )|x( k ) = ξ i − )
wki = k k
where the measurement equation is given by zˆ( k ) = z( k ) + v( k )
∑ j =1wkj p( z( k )|x( k ) = ξ j− )

with z(k) = [x(k), y(k), θ(k), d(k)]T, and v(k) =measurement noise.
The time update of the PF is p( x( k + 1)|Z ) = ∑ i =1wki δ i ( x( k )) where ξ ki ∼ p( x( k + 1)|x( k ) = ξ i − )
ξk k

and the state equation is xˆ − = φ ( x( k )) + L( k )U ( k ) , where φ(x(k)), L(k), and U(k) are defined in
subsection 6.1. At each run of the time update of the PF, the state vector estimation xˆ − ( k + 1)
is calculated N times, starting each time from a different value of the state vector ξ ki .
Although the Distributed Particle Filter can function under any noise distribution in the
simulation experiments the measurement noise was assumed to be Gaussian. The obtained
results are given in Fig. 12.

DPF Master Station DPF Master Station

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10

-15 -15
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Autonomous navigation of the multi-UAV system when the UAVs state vector is
estimated with the use of the Distributed Particle Filter (a) tracking of circular reference
trajectory (b) tracking of a curve-shaped reference trajectory
In the simulation experiments it was observed that the Distributed Particle Filter, for
N = 1000 particles, succeeded more accurate state estimation (smaller variance) than the EIF
and consequently enables better tracking of the desirable trajectories by the UAVs. This
improved performance of the DPF over the EIF is due to the fact that the local EKFs that
constitute the EIF introduce cumulative errors due to the EKF linearization assumption
(truncation of higher order terms in the Taylor expansion of Eq. (2) and Eq. (4)). Comparing
to the Extended Information Filter, the Distributed Particle Filter demands more
computation resources and its computation cycle is longer. However, the computation cycle
of PF can be drastically reduced on a computing machine with a fast processor or with
360 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

parallel processors (Míguez 2007). Other significant issues that should be taken into account
in the design of the Distributed Particle Filter are the consistency of the fusion performed
between the probability density functions of the local filters and the communication
overhead between the local filters.
The simulation results presented in Fig. 12 show the efficiency of the Distributed Particle
Filtering in providing accurate localization for the multi-UAV system, as well as for
implementing state estimation-based control schemes. The advantages of using Distributed
Particle Filtering are summarized as follows: (i) there is robust state estimation which is not
constrained by the assumption of Gaussian noises. The fusion performed between the local
probability density functions enables to remove outlier particles thus resulting in an
aggregate state distribution that confines with accuracy the real state vector of each UAV. If
a local processing unit (local filter) fails the reliability of the aggregate state estimation will
be preserved (ii) computation load can be better managed comparing to a centralized
particle filtering architecture. The greatest part of the necessary computations is performed
at the local filters. Moreover the advantage of communicating state posteriors over raw
observations is bandwidth efficiency, which is particularly useful for control over a wireless
sensor network.

7. Conclusions
The paper has examined the problem of localization and autonomous navigation of a multi-
UAV system based on distributed filtering over sensor networks. Particular emphasis was
paid to distributed particle filtering since this decentralized state estimation approach is not
constrained by the assumption of noise Gaussian distribution. It was considered that m
UAV (helicopter) models are monitored by n different ground stations. The overall concept
was that at each monitoring station a filter should be used to track each UAV by fusing
measurements which are provided by various UAV sensors, while by fusing the state
estimates from the distributed local filters an aggregate state estimate for each UAV should
be obtained.
The paper proposed first the Extended Information Filter (EIF) and the Unscented
Information Filter (UIF) as possible approaches for fusing the state estimates obtained by the
local monitoring stations, under the assumption of Gaussian noises. It was shown that the
EIF and UIF estimated state vector can be used by a flatness-based controller that makes the
UAV follow the desirable trajectory. The Extended Information Filter is a generalization of
the Information Filter in which the local filters do not exchange raw measurements but send
to an aggregation filter their local information matrices (inverse covariance matrices which
can be also associated to the Fisher Information matrices) and their associated local
information state vectors (products of the local Information matrices with the local state
vectors). In case of nonlinear system dynamics, such as the considered UAV models, the
calculation of the information matrices and information state vectors requires the
linearization of the local observation equations in the system’s state space description and
consequently the computation of Jacobian matrices is needed.
In the case of the Unscented Information Filter there is no linearization of the UAVs
observation equation. However the application of the Information Filter algorithm is
possible through an implicit linearization which is performed by approximating the
Jacobian matrix of the system’s output equation by the product of the inverse of the state
vector’s covariance matrix (Fisher information matrix) with the cross-covariance matrix
Distributed Particle Filtering over Sensor Networks for Autonomous Navigation of UAVs 361

between the system’s state vector and the system’s output. Again, the local information
matrices and the local information state vectors are transferred to an aggregation filter
which produces the global estimation of the system’s state vector.
Next, the Distributed Particle Filter (DPF) was proposed for fusing the state estimates pro-
vided by the local monitoring stations (local filters). The motivation for using DPF was that
it is well-suited to accommodate non-Gaussian measurements. A difficulty in implementing
distributed particle filtering is that particles from one particle set (which correspond to a
local particle filter) do not have the same support (do not cover the same area and points on
the samples space) as particles from another particle set (which are associated with another
particle filter). This can be resolved by transforming the particles set into Gaussian mixtures,
and defining the global probability distribution on the common support set of the
probability density functions associated with the local filters. Suitable importance
resampling is proposed so as to derive the weights of the joint distribution after removing
the common information contained in the probability density functions of the local filters.
The state vector which is estimated with the use of the DPF was again used by the flatness-
based controller to make each UAV follow a desirable flight path.
Comparing to centralized state estimation and control the proposed distributed state
estimation and control schemes have significant advantages: (i) they are fault tolerant: if a
local processing unit is subject to a fault then state estimation is still possible and accurate,
(ii) the computation load is distributed between local processing units and since there is no
need to exchange a large amount of information, the associated communication bandwidth
is low. In the case of the Extended Information Filter and of the Unscented Information
Filter the information transmitted between the local processing units takes the form of the
information covariance matrices and the information state vectors. In the case of Distributed
Particle Filtering the information transmitted between the local processing units takes the
form of Gaussian mixtures. The performance of the Extended Information Filter and of the
Distributed Particle Filter was evaluated through simulation experiments in the case of a 2-
UAV model monitored and remotely navigated by two local stations.
Comparing the DPF to the EIF through simulation experiments it was observed that the
Distributed Particle Filter, succeeded more accurate state estimation (smaller variance) than
the EIF and consequently enabled better tracking of the desirable trajectories by the UAVs.
This improved performance of the DPF over the EIF is explained according to to the fact that
the local EKFs that constitute the EIF introduce cumulative errors due to the EKF
linearization assumption. It was also observed that the Distributed Particle Filter demands
more computation resources than the Extended Information Filter and that its computation
cycle is longer. However, the computation cycle of the DPF can be drastically reduced on a
computing machine with a fast processor or with parallel processors. Other issues that
should be taken into account in the design of the Distributed Particle Filter are the
consistency of the fusion performed between the probability density functions of the local
filters and the communication overhead between the local filters.

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Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope

Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach
Atsushi Nishikawa1, Kazuhiro Taniguchi2, Mitsugu Sekimoto3,
Yasuo Yamada3, Norikatsu Miyoshi3, Shuji Takiguchi3,
Yuichiro Doki3, Masaki Mori3 and Fumio Miyazaki3
1Shinshu University
2Kogakuin University
3Osaka University


1. Introduction
Laparoscopic surgery is a technique where surgical tools and a laparoscope are inserted into
the patient’s body through small holes in the abdomen, and the surgeon carries out the
surgery while viewing the images from the laparoscope on a TV monitor (see Fig. 1(left)).
Laparoscopic surgery has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years, not only because it is
less invasive and produces less visible scarring, but also because of its benefits in terms of
healthcare economy, such as shorter patient stays. The most important characteristic of this
technique is that the surgeon performs the operation while watching the video image from
the laparoscope on a monitor instead of looking directly at the site of the operation. Thus, an
important factor affecting the safety and smoothness of the operation is the way in which
the video images are presented in a field of view suitable for the surgical operation.
Manipulation of the laparoscope is not only needed for orienting the laparoscope towards
the parts requiring surgery, but also for making fine adjustments to ensure that the field of
view, viewing distance and so on are suitable for the surgical operation being performed. A
camera assistant operates the laparoscope according to the surgeon’s instructions, but must
also make independent decisions on how to operate the laparoscope in line with the
surgeon’s intentions as the surgery progresses. Consequently even the camera assistant that
operates the laparoscope must have the same level of experience in laparoscopic surgery as
the surgeon. However, not many surgeons are skilled in the special techniques of
laparoscopic surgery. It is therefore not uncommon for camera assistants to be
inexperienced and unable to maintain a suitable field of view, thus hindering the progress of
the operation. To address this problem, laparoscope manipulating robots are expected as a
substitute for the human camera assistant and have already been made commercially
available (see Fig. 1(right)). However, there are several problems to be solved:
1. Hardware problems: A large apparatus sometimes interferes with the surgeon. The
setting and repositioning is awkward. Furthermore, the initial and maintenance costs
are expensive.
366 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 1. Laparoscopic surgery. (left) Conventional laparoscopic surgery where the

laparoscope is operated by a human camera assistant. (right) Robot-assisted surgery where
the laparoscope is operated by a laparoscope manipulator.

2. Software problems: It is difficult to build and implement the accurate laparoscope

manipulating model and consequently the conventional systems may not always offer
the optimal view that the surgeon wants.
In this chapter, we will introduce a biologically inspired approach to the development of a
new laparoscope manipulating robot to overcome those problems.

2. Related works
Laparoscope manipulators have been developed in the last fifteen years and there are at
least 27 kinds of laparoscope controlling robots which are commercialized or published in
refereed articles as of September 2009 (Taniguchi et al. (2010)). Some of them have already
been made commercially available and are in widespread use. These include AESOP made
in the US by Computer Motion Inc. (now known as Intuitive Surgical Inc.) (Sackier & Wang
(1994)), EndoAssist made in the UK by Armstrong Healthcare Ltd. (now known as
Prosurgics Inc.) (Aiono et al. (2002)), LapMan made in Belgium by Medsys s.a. (Polet &
Donnez (2004)), and Naviot made in Japan by Hitachi Co.,Ltd. (Tanoue et al. (2006)).
Although these commercialized manipulators have various merits such as stable view and
reduction of need for medical staff, several problems have been noted. First, the bulky
manipulator and the supporting arm often interfere with the surgical procedures. Second,
the setting and detaching of the robot is frequently awkward, causing an extension of the
time required for the operation. Furthermore, the initial and maintenance costs are
expensive. In addition to such hardware problems, they usually must be controlled by the
operating surgeon himself/herself using a human-machine interface such as an instrument-
mounted joystick, foot pedal, voice controller, or head/face motion-activated system. This is
an additional task that distracts the surgeon’s attention from the main region of interest and
may result in frustration and longer surgery time.
To free the surgeon from the task of controlling the view and to automatically offer an
optimal and stable view during laparoscopic surgery, several automatic camera positioning
systems have been devised (Casals et al. (1996), Wei et al. (1997), Wang et al. (1998),
Nishikawa et al. (2003), Ko & Kwon (2004), Nishikawa et al. (2006)). These systems visually
extract the shape and/or position of the surgical instrument from the laparoscopic images in
Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach 367

real time, and automatically manipulate the laparoscope to always center the tip of the
instrument in the displayed image. Such systems are based on the simple idea that the
projected position of the distal end of the surgical tool corresponds to the surgeon’s region
of interest in a laparoscopic image. Besides centering on the most interesting area, there is an
additional and important factor that defines a good image of the surgical scene—zooming
ratio (Nishikawa et al. (2008)) — that corresponds to the depth of insertion of the
laparoscope along its longitudinal axis. The pioneering studies of fully automatic camera
positioning systems defined the zooming ratio as a “uniform” function of the estimated
distance between the tip of the tool and the laparoscope (Wei et al. (1997)) or the area ratio
between the visible tool and the whole image (Casals et al. (1996)). Although these
approaches may completely remove the surgeon’s camera control burden, they may not
provide the specific view that the surgeon wants, because the most appropriate zooming
ratio varies widely during surgery. The best zooming ratio depends on both the surgical
procedure/phase and the habits/preferences of the operating surgeon. For this reason, most
of the instrument tracking systems recently developed (Wang et al. (1998), Nishikawa et al.
(2003), Ko & Kwon (2004), Nishikawa et al. (2006)) have abandoned the idea of systematic
control of zooming parameters; instead, the surgeon is required to define the parameters
preoperatively or adjust them intraoperatively through conventional human-machine
interfaces, which again means an extra control burden for the surgeon.

3. Hardware design: analogy to human muscular structure

We developed a compact and lightweight robot manipulator, named P-arm (Sekimoto et al.
(2009)), in collaboration with Daiken Medical Co., Ltd., Japan.

3.1 Parallel mechanism

There are several parallel robots (Kobayashi et al. (1999), Tanoue et al. (2006), Pisla et al.
(2008)), which operates a laparoscope through the incision point on the abdominal wall of
the patient. These systems have “less than 4” DOF and set up the laparoscope “outside” the
parallel mechanism. Unlike the previous systems, the proposed manipulator is composed of
a Stewart-Gough platform equipped with “six” linear actuators arranged in parallel
“around” the laparoscope (see Fig. 2). This novel mechanism has an analogy to human
muscular structure in which many extensors and flexors interact with each other; the rigid
laparoscope corresponds to a bone of the human body and the linear actuators correspond
to the muscles attached to the bone. This bio-inspired structure enables both the
manipulator itself and the space necessary for operating the manipulator to be simple and
small. The size of the P-arm is 120 mm in maximum diameter and 297.5 mm in length.
Consequently, the manipulator can avoid interference with the surgeon’s work during
surgery. The Stewart-Gough platform has 6 DOF, whereas laparoscope movements are
kinematically restricted to 4 DOF, due to the constraints imposed by operating through the
incision point. In our case, even when two of the six actuators stop and are dislocated, the
manipulator works safely because the system uses the remaining four actuators to produce
constrained 4 DOF motion. Thus, our laparoscope manipulating robot based on the use of
Stewart-Gough platform architecture provides both flexibility and accuracy while
maintaining safety.
368 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Compact and lightweight laparoscope manipulator, named P-arm. (a) The P-arm is
composed of a Stewart-Gough platform equipped with six linear hydraulic actuators. (b)
The P-arm can hold a general laparoscope and can be supported by the conventional
instrument holder.

3.2 Hydraulic actuators

The “artificial” muscles of the manipulator, that is, the linear actuators, are driven by
hydraulic pressure transmitted via tubes connecting to the water cylinders in the controller
unit. The actuator, tube, and the cylinder containing water were assembled en bloc and
packaged in sterilized condition for clinical use. Also, the materials that were as inexpensive
as possible were selected for all the parts of the manipulator including the actuators among
those suitable for medical use and sterilization. All of the previously developed robots had
to be wrapped in a sterilized plastic bag preoperatively, because the robot itself was not
suitable for sterilization. The proposed manipulator was designed to be disposable and to be
provided in a sterilized condition to make the preparation for the operation easy and quick
and lessen the maintenance cost of the robot. Furthermore, materials in the manipulator
were also selected in consideration of their weight. The actuator, which was mainly made of
polycarbonate, weighed only 30 g. In total, the manipulator weighed only 580 g. The light
weight allows that the manipulator to be fixed to the operating table with a conventional
slim instrument holder. This makes the setting and repositioning of the manipulator easier
and quicker. Also, the operating table can be tilted without repositioning the manipulator.
Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach 369

The actuators are attached to the manipulator using a permanent magnet. Therefore, when
excess force is applied to the manipulator, the actuator is readily dislocated so it does not
injure the patient. In addition, even when two of the six actuators are dislocated, the
manipulator works safely as discussed above. The dislocated actuators can be easily
reattached to the manipulator. Furthermore, in the case of an emergency, the robot can be
stopped promptly by the emergency stop system, which is controlled by a circuit
independent of the operating system.

3.3 Results
The robot was evaluated by performing the following three types of operations using a
living swine: a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a laparoscopic anterior resection of the
rectum, a laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (Sekimoto et al. (2009)). As a result, it worked
steadily for all the operations, without interfering with the surgeon’s work (see Fig. 3). Also,

Fig. 3. View of an in vivo experiment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) using a living swine.

The P-arm and its supporting arm were so small that they did not interfere with the
surgeon’s work.
370 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

it contributed to shortening the setting and detaching time. The setting times were 66, 93,
104 seconds and the detaching times were 24 and 17 seconds, respectively. Wagner reported
the setting time of 2 minutes for AESOP and 5.3 minutes for EndoAssist (Wagner et al.
(2006)). Compared with these results, the P-arm was considered to be superior. The facility
of the system is essential for the robot to be accepted by surgeons.

4. Software design: Use of biological fluctuation

Recent studies revealed that biological systems did not require the precise environmental
model but rather made use of “fluctuation” in order to adapt to the environment. This
adaptation mechanism can be represented by the following equation (Kashiwagi et al. (2006)):
dx G G G
= f ( x ) × activity + η (1)
where x and f ( x ) are the state and the dynamics of the system, and η indicates noise
(fluctuation). A scalar variable activity indicates the fitness
G G of the state x to the environment
and controls the behavior of the system. The term f ( x ) × activity becomes dominant in the
above equation when the variable activity is large, and the state transition becomes
deterministic. On the other hand, the noise η becomes dominant G G when activity is small, and
the state transition becomes probabilistic. If the function f ( x ) has several attractors, the
state of the system x is entrained into one attractor when activity is large, while the
behavior of the system becomes like a random walk when activity is small. The variable
activity is designed to be large
G G (small) when the state x is suited (not suited) to the
environment. The function f ( x ) is designed to have several attractors and updated in real-
time based on the present activity information such that the state x may efficiently become
suited to the environment. As a result, the state of the system is entrained into an attractor
that is suited to the environment and activity becomes large. Otherwise activity remains
small and the system searches for a suitable attractor by a random walk.
By letting the state x be the desired position of the tip of the right-hand surgical instrument
in terms of laparoscopic camera coordinates, we developed a novel laparoscope positioning
system that did not require any precise camera manipulating models (Nishikawa et al.

4.1 Design of activity

In order to find the activity–the most important factor for offering the specific view that the
surgeon wants during laparoscopic surgery, a number of in-vitro laparoscopic
cholecystectomy tests were performed. For each test, a swine liver with a gallbladder was
placed in a training box and the gallbladder was removed by an operating surgeon with the
use of the laparoscope robot P-arm controlled through a joystick interface by a camera
assistant (another surgeon). In order to gather the positional relationship between the right
and left surgical instruments and the laparoscope during surgery, a 3D tracking system
(Polaris Accedo, NDI Corporation) was used. As a result, it was found that the velocity of
the tip of the left-hand instrument and the velocity of the tip of the laparoscope had a high
correlation (the cross correlation coefficient between the two was +0.765, (Nishikawa et al.
(2009b))). We hypothesized that, at least in case of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the camera
Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach 371

assistant changed the field of view when the magnitude of the acceleration of the tip of the
left-hand instrument was large, and employed the following equation as the activity:

N −1
activity =
∑ activity
i −n (2)

N −1
activity i =
i −n (3)

⎪⎧0 if vi − vi − 1 > K
pi = ⎨ (4)
⎪⎩ 1 if vi − vi − 1 ≤ K

where i means time, N indicates the positive number for calculating the moving average. vi
indicates the magnitude of the velocity of the tip of the left-hand instrument at time i, and
K(> 0) is a threshold value.

4.2 DesignGof attractors

In Eq. 1, f ( x ) must have several attractors. Fukuyori et al. (2008) pointed out that the
attractor should be adaptively allocated where the activity becomes large. Based on this
concept of “adaptive attractors”, we regard the position of the tip of the right-hand
instrument at time j as the center of the j-th attractor with the magnitude of Ci−j × activityj at
time i(≥ j), and employ the following equation to design attractors:

⎡ ⎤ G G
G G ⎢ i− j B ⎥ rj − x
f (x) = ∑ ⎢C × activity j ×
G G2 ⎥⋅ G G
rj − x
i− j
j ≤ i , C × activity j > M ⎢ rj − x + A ⎥
⎣ ⎦

N −1
G 1 G
x( t ) t =0 =
∑ ri −n (6)

where i means the present time, N indicates the positive number for calculating the moving
average. The vector rj represents the position of the tip of the right-hand instrument at time
j. A, B, and C are all the positive constants: the parameters A and B respectively set the range
and power of attractors, and the parameter C(<1) indicates a forgetting factor. M(>0) is a
threshold for ignoring weak attractors. The term B acts like the Gaussian function
G G 2
rj − x + A
whose center is rj .

4.3 Results
We implemented this bio-inspired method on our robotic laparoscope positioner described
in section 3. Fig. 4 shows the overview of our automatic laparoscope positioning system. The
position/pose of the three tools: the right and left instruments and the laparoscope can be
obtained simultaneously by the commercial 3D tracking system, Polaris Accedo (NDI
Corporation) (See Blasinski et al. (2007) and Nishikawa et al. (2008) for the details). Then
372 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 4. Overview of automatic laparoscope positioning system. The proposed system uses
“fluctuation” to determine and update in real-time the desired position of the tip of the
righthand instrument, x , during surgery.
both ri (the position of the tip of the right-hand instrument) and vi (the velocity of the tip of
the left-hand instrument)
G G are estimated in terms of laparoscopic camera coordinates, and
activity and f ( x ) are calculated from Eqs. 2 and 5 respectively. As a result, we can
determine and update also in real-time the desired position of the tip of the right-hand
instrument, x , during surgery, by substituting the resulting values: activity and f ( x ) into
Eq. 1 and solving the Eq. 1 numerically (e.g., by the Runge-Kutta method) under the initial
condition given by Eq. 6.
To validate the proposed system, a number of in-vitro laparoscopic cholecystectomy tests
were performed. For each test, a swine liver with a gallbladder was placed in the training
box and the gallbladder was removed by an operating surgeon with the support of the
laparoscope robot P-arm controlled by Eq. 1. As a result, our system successfully and
automatically controlled the position of a laparoscope during all the operations (Figs. 5–10).

5. Concluding remarks
A compact and lightweight laparoscope manipulator was developed. Also, a novel method
for controlling the position of a laparoscope was inspired by biological systems dynamics.
Our approach opens potential applications to skill transfer and adaptive behavior in
Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach 373

Fig. 5. View of an in vitro experiment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) using a swine liver

with a gallbladder (1/6). (left) a surgeon and the laparoscope robot P-arm, (mid) image from
the laparoscope, (right) visualization of attractors as the contour map on the image plane.
374 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 6. View of an in vitro experiment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) using a swine liver

with a gallbladder (2/6). (left) a surgeon and the laparoscope robot P-arm, (mid) image from
the laparoscope, (right) visualization of attractors as the contour map on the image plane.
Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach 375

Fig. 7. View of an in vitro experiment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) using a swine liver

with a gallbladder (3/6). (left) a surgeon and the laparoscope robot P-arm, (mid) image from
the laparoscope, (right) visualization of attractors as the contour map on the image plane.
376 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 8. View of an in vitro experiment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) using a swine liver

with a gallbladder (4/6). (left) a surgeon and the laparoscope robot P-arm, (mid) image from
the laparoscope, (right) visualization of attractors as the contour map on the image plane.
Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach 377

Fig. 9. View of an in vitro experiment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) using a swine liver

with a gallbladder (5/6). (left) a surgeon and the laparoscope robot P-arm, (mid) image from
the laparoscope, (right) visualization of attractors as the contour map on the image plane.
378 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Fig. 10. View of an in vitro experiment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) using a swine liver
with a gallbladder (6/6). (left) a surgeon and the laparoscope robot P-arm, (mid) image from
the laparoscope, (right) visualization of attractors as the contour map on the image plane.
Design and Control of a Compact Laparoscope Manipulator: A Biologically Inspired Approach 379

6. Acknowledgements
This research was supported by “Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and
Technology: Yuragi Project” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, Japan, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) of the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (Representative Researcher: Atsushi Nishikawa, Project Number
19206047). We cordially appreciate the cooperation of Mr. Takeharu Kobayashi, Mr. Kouhei
Kazuhara, Mr. Takaharu Ichihara, and Mr. Naoto Kurashita of Daiken Medical Co. Ltd.
Also, we would like to express our sincere gratitude that the surgeons of Osaka University
Hospital agreed to help our research.

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Open Software Architecture

for Advanced Control of Robotic Manipulators
J. Gomez Ortega, J. Gamez García,
L. M. Nieto Nieto and A. Sánchez García
System Engineering and Automation Department at Jaén University,

1. Introduction
So far, the robotic applications has been dominated by proprietary based hardware and
software devices developed for industrial applications with a large volume manufacturing,
like the automotive and electronics industries. Then, the main goal of the automation
technologies has been an optimized robot design for precise assembly tasks, resulting in
complex systems with a reduced flexibility.
Traditional robotic applications have a fixed configuration, with the advantages of high
accuracy and a well studied kinematics. However, since recent years, the number of service
robots in our daily life environments is increasing. There are many new applications, i.e.
teleoperation, human-robot-collaborative works, etc. that require reconfigurable hardware
and expansibility to accomplish new working modes in not-structured scenarios and not-
intensive manufacturing tasks. However, these systems must meet diverse user
requirements and integrate different hardware and software systems developed for a
particular proprietary platform. As a result, many different researchers have solved similar
issues with non-interchangeable products, working from scratch each time, adapting the
traditional industrial robots platform for the new applications.
Today, a new robotic system is an integration of different processors and hardware
platforms manufactured by different vendors, controlled by software modules developed
using different programming languages and different communication protocols. In
addition, as robotic manipulator is expected to accomplish more complex tasks, it needs the
integration of multiple sensors working with different time bases and bandwidths (Gamez
et al., 2009; Luo et al., 2002), and new capabilities are needed that traditional control
technology of current industrial robots is not offering. In order to solve these problems
different open robotics platforms have been presented.

1.1 Open robotic platforms: an overview

From the definition of an Open Systems (IEEE 1003.0), an Open (Robotic) Platform should
"provide capabilities that enable properly implemented applications to run on a variety of
platforms from multiple vendors interoperate with other system applications and present a
consistent style of interaction with the user". This leads to the following properties:
• Portability of the software, to reuse it in other platforms with minor changes.
382 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

• Reusability is an issue that should be addressed from the beginning of the development
process, identifying common problems that could be solved with reusable solutions and
shared within the robotics community.
• Extensibility to change or add several component (of hardware or software) to the
system from different vendors.
• Adaptability/dynamic reconfigurability, providing mechanism of easy adaptation of its
parameters according to the application requirements.
• Interoperability refers to the ability to support interchange of information between
robotic modules designed by different vendors, providing effective communication and
working in a coordinated manner. In particular it relies on the network and
communication protocols that must provide effective real-time communication among
distributed components, independently of the system specific particularities.
Diverse approaches have been proposed to achieve these capabilities. Some solutions use
Matlab/Simulink and Real Time Workshop to generate control applications for robotic
systems with a proprietary operating systems (Gamez et al., 2007), but with the
disadvantage of a limited interoperability. Today, most of the research and robotic
applications developed based on proprietary hardware used a layered software architecture.
This approach typically includes a standard based middleware to provide integration,
efficient communication, interoperability, abstraction of software components, also
providing portability. At the top level different reusable software components are used. In
the low level layer, the hardware is controlled by drivers developed to run on a proprietary
RTOS. However, since last decade, developers have a growing interest on developing open
source applications based on Linux RTOS. Thus, vendors are offering commercial-grade
Linux operating systems (Saravanan et al., 2009; Gamez et al. 2009).
Another approach based on hardware modularity can support integration of new
components from various vendors. The corresponding software must provide a well
defined interface to provide easily integration between interconnected devices, and the
capabilities of extensibility and modification (Xuemei & Liangzhong, 2007).
As the hardware is always vendor-dependent, the integration of different devices may be
difficult due to incompatibility reasons. To overcome this problem, some hardware
standards have been proposed, however this method is considered too restrictive to achieve
reusability of existing hardware (Hong et al. 2001).

1.2 Related research

In recent years, an increasing number of initiatives have been presented:
• OROCOS (Open Robot Control Software) project (OROCOS, 2010), is a European
initiative for providing free software project to develop advanced robotics applications.
The project supports different C++ libraries for creating control applications over
different proprietary operating systems (e.g. Win32, Mac OS). Also includes the Real-
Time Toolkit (RTT) library for writing hard real-time control applications in C++ for
Linux based systems, and tools from contributors to generate components using Real-
Time Workshop from Matlab/Simulink. To achieve reusability, the framework
supports standard component interfaces and CORBA for interoperability between
distributed components over a network. Some others not real-time projects have
derived from OROCOS, like ORCA (ORCA, 2010) and SmartSOFT (Schlegel, 1999).
• RT-Middleware (from Robot-Technology) (Ando et al., 2006; Chishiro et al. 2009) is a
CORBA based software platform for robot system integration developed in Japan, with
Open Software Architecture for Advanced Control of Robotic Manipulators 383

the participation of the Japan Robot Association (JARA). One of the objectives of the
project is to simplify the construction of customized robot combining selected RT-
components. In recent years, the Object Management Group (OMG) (OMG, 2008)
started a standardization process for these RT-components to achieve interoperability,
interconnectivity and integration of components from different manufacturers.
• In Korea, the Open Platform for Robotic Services (OPRoS) (Park & Han, 2009) is another
open software project promoted to unify different robots platforms. The framework
includes standardized components, an integrated development environment (IDE) and
a simulation and testing environment. OPRoS supports CORBA and the Universal Plug
and Play (UPnP) (Ahn et al., 2006) standards for modular integration. The operational
scheme employs a server-client model to interact with the robot system as a target
robot, and external servers for heavy computation.
• The Coupled Layered Architecture for Robotic Autonomy (CLARAty) (Nesnas et al.,
2003) was initiated in the NASA to provide a software framework to develop advanced
robotic technologies for robotic platforms employed in other NASA programs. Unlike
others architectures, CLARAty is a two-level architecture were the system
decomposition allows for intelligent behavior at low levels while the structure of the
different levels is maintained. In this scheme, the high level Decision Layer sends
command to the Functional Layer and in a client-server model, and the Functional
Layer provides different levels of abstractions to achieve adaptation of the reusable
components to the hardware of different robots. Also, the Decision Layer provides a
unified representation of activity plans based on a declarative model.
• For the Mobile and Autonomous Robotics Integration Environment (MARIE), the main
goal was to provide a common component-based middleware to reuse and interconnect
different programming environments (Cote et al., 2006). The framework followed a one-
to-many interaction model between different components to coordinate the interaction
within a virtual shared space, and allowing each component to use its own
communication protocol.
• MIRO (Utz et al., 2002) is a CORBA based middleware organized in three layers: a
device layer provides object-oriented interface abstraction for the hardware, and a
service layer provides CORBA interface services between the device layer and the top
layer. This layer provides reusability and easy integration in an object oriented
• In recent years, several RT-Linux based open projects are developed: RTOC (Xu & Jia,
2006) is a RT-Linux based architecture based upon the OSACA model (OSACA, 1996)
that can be ported to not PC-based platforms. In its layered model, a database stores
universal application modules for control, path planning, etc. Other Linux based
platforms use ST-RTL to generate control applications from Simulink models
(Ostrovrsnik et al., 2003). Xenomai (Xenomai, 2010) is another Linux-based Real Time
operating system used to develop robot control systems using open source and
standardized communications protocols (Sarker et al. 2006).
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Firstly, a brief explanation of the
necessity of these platforms is introduced in Section 2. Later, Section 3 describes the
hardware structure. In this section the main characteristics of both hardware configurations
are presented. In Sec. 4, the software structure is presented, while Sec. 5 presents
experimental results which validate the performance of the proposed architecture. Finally,
Discussions and Conclusions are presented in Section 6 and 7, respectively.
384 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

2. Why the necessity of these robotic platforms

It has been long recognized that multisensor-based control is an important problem in
robotics (Gamez et al. 2008), the need to take advantage of multiple sensors in controlling a
system becomes increasingly important. On the other hand, to the purpose of getting an
adequate interaction between the manipulator and its environment, force/position feedback
control is necessary, above all, if the environment where the robot wants to interact is
unknown or changing (Gamez et al., 2005). In general, given the classical hierarchical
control structure of a robot microcomputer controller (Groover, 2008) (Fig. 1), the
possibilities of control or the integration of new sensors into the setup, are not offered
nowadays by the robot manufacturers.

Fig. 1. Classical hierarchical control structure of a robot microcomputer controller.

A representative example of implementation of a force/position controller could be the
impedance controller (Hogan, 1985). The purpose is to ensure that the manipulator is able to
operate in a non-ideally structured constrained environment while maintaining contact
forces within suitable limits. A description of this system is sumarized in fig. 2:

Fig. 2. Impedance controller structure.

However, an intrinsic problem occurs when trying the application of this control algorithm,
if only a wrist force sensor has been used, in a dynamic situation, where the manipulator is
Open Software Architecture for Advanced Control of Robotic Manipulators 385

moving in either free or constraint space, the interaction forces and moments at the contact
point, and also the noncontact ones, are measured by this sensor (Gamez et al., 2004).
Furthermore, the magnitude of these dynamics disturbances cannot be ignored when large
accelerations and fast motions are considered (Khatib & Burdick, 1986), when the
manipulator carries out tasks with heavy tools (Johansson & Robertsson, 2003), or when the
environment is not perfectly known (not allowing the use of switching strategies that
compensate for the free space phase).
To solve this problem, the integration of different sensors such as a force/torque and a
acceleration sensor could be use to solve this problem (Gamez et al., 2008; Kroger et al.,
2007); however, fusion of data from multiple sensors into a robust and consistent model
meets some difficulties such as measurements with different time bases (Luo et al., 2002) or
noise and incompleteness of sensor data (Larsson et al., 1996). Another problem could be to
easily connect these sensors, which are from diverse manufacturers, to the hardware setup
(Gamez et al. 2009).
Thus, observing these problems, it can be guessed why a complex dynamic system, such as
robotic manipulator, is demanding new and highly sophisticated capabilities that traditional
control technology of current industrial robots is not offering (Wills et al., 2001).

3. Hardware elements of the platform

This section describes the hardware components that convert this platform in a non-
conventional one from an industrial point of view. Also, we will describe the necessity of
these elements that were used to test and validate new control concepts for manipulators
that interacts with an unknown environments. In this point, it is necessary to point out that
two different hardware configurations, and thus two software structure, were carried out. In
both cases, the experimental setup contained the following elements: an anthropomorphic 6-
DOF Stäubli RX60 industrial manipulator and a CS8 controller, a Phantom 6D Haptic
Device, a vision system composed of two cameras, a 6-DOF ATI wrist force/torque sensor, a
3-DOF capacitive accelerometer , a 3-DOF gyroscope, a special purpose end effector and the
teach pendant, an acquisition board integrated in the robot controller, a workcell and a
number PCs to mainly develop software and to collect data.

3.1 Old hardware configuration

Initially we designed a hardware scheme that had the structure shown in Figure 3 (Gamez
et al., 2009).
The kernel of this architecture is the CS8 controller PC. It is in charged of the high-level
operations (execution of the path planner, trajectory generation, sercos communication, etc.),
and also of reading external sensors such us the wrist force and torque sensor or the
acceleration sensor. These elements were connected to the open PCI slot in the controller PC.
With this structure, software modules for collecting data where mainly resident in this PC.
The main advantage of using a PC-based standard interface is that it ensures that the
extensibility and scalability are available. Therefore, the hardware and software components
can be integrated or replaced easily.
Due to proprietary reasons, the operating system running on this PC is VxWorks (Wind-
River, 2005), which allows easy integration of many commercially available add-on
peripherals such as acquisition boards, ethernet boards, etc.. It also provides deterministic
386 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

context switching, timeliness, support for open standard. The external sensors used to
model the environment, and thus to make the robot capable of interacting with it, are: a ATI
wrist force/torque (f/t) sensor (MINI SI80-4) where the f/t strain gauge signals are
conditioned using an intermediate module, called supply board, and later transmitted
through a DAQ acquisition board which processes the strain gauge information and offers it
through the PCI slot. A 3D accelerometer, which was attached to the end-effector of the
manipulator and a 3D gyroscope of CFX Technology (an UCG-TX model). These two last
sensors were also read by the same acquisition board.

CS8 Controller

Pendant DAQ (PCI)

CPU Pentium
Force and
acc. sensors
Servo Vision Sensors
USB Board Controllers
Haptic (original
Device PC I/O
Ethernet units)


Host PC External PC for

Computer Vision

Fig. 3. Hardware configuration for the old system.

Regarding the vision system, the cameras are connected directly to a dedicated computer
vision PC. Later, the image is processed and the required information -normally a vector
with coordinates of positions and orientations- sent to the controller PC through ethernet.
The haptic device is a PHANTOM 3/6DOF with six degrees of freedom in position and
force feedback in three translational degrees of freedom. The 3.0/6 DOF has a range of
motion approximating full arm movement pivoting at the shoulder. This device is connected
to an extra PC via the parallel port (EPP) interface. The sample time of the haptic device is
higher than the controller loop (1 Khz against 250 Hz.), and since there is no physical
distance between them, the delay is one controller sample time at maximum. The
bandwidth of all the mentioned sensors apart from the vision sensor is 250 Hz. This sample
time has been chosen in order to synchronize the sensor readings with the robot control
loop. The bandwidth of the vision sensor is smaller (around 30 Hz), because of the high
computational effort required and the camera speed. Shortly, we are going to change these
cameras to new ones with a bandwidth of 120 frames/sec.
Open Software Architecture for Advanced Control of Robotic Manipulators 387

3.2 New hardware configuration

The main drawbacks that can be found in the former robotic system are:
• The master PC, where a huge number of applications are running -sensor readings,
control algorithm execution, robot movements- , is placed in the controller PC, so this
structure is subject to a PC that in few years is antiquated and cannot be changed
(without the manufacturer collaboration).
• A great part of the code running in the controller is unknown -belongs to the
manufacturer- and sometimes it occurs problems because of the inconsistency between
the original code and the experimental one (as uncontrolled modifications of some
common data). These problems are difficult to solve, again, without a close
collaboration with the manufacturer. Also, while the experimental code is more
complex and bigger, the inconsistencies are more probable.
• The time synchronization is easier and more robust if we have an external master PC that
configures and controls all the sensors, the control algorithms and the actuation system.
To solve the problems that the first configuration presented, a new hardware and software
structure is being developed. Similar to first one, the main difference can be found in where
the main executions are carried out. Figure 4 shows a scheme of this new configuration.


Haptic Device


COMPUTER Force and
Vision Sensors acceleration


Fig. 4. Hardware configuration for the new system.

With respect to the old system, this new system introduces the following changes:
• The operating system is based on LINUX with a real time framework called XENOMAI
(Xenomai, 2010).
• The vision sensors are read through a IEEE 1394 port placed in the master PC. From the
experimental tests, it was checked that the computational effort required by a normal
vision system processing does not bother to the rest of the tasks.
• The haptic device is connected directly to the Master PC through a parallel port.
• The external sensors, i.e. the wrist force sensor, the accelerometer, or other sensors, are
connected to a Data Acquisition Board plugged into a PCI slot of the Master PC.

4. Software structure
In this section, we describe a component-based control software architecture developed in
order to get a robust and easy-to-maintain experimental robotic platform. Two fundamental
388 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

goals were established for the architecture: first, it should standardize functions that are
common across sensors and open robotic platforms; second, the architecture should enable
design by composition. Since the most interesting configuration is the new one, we limit this
section to its the description. Further information about the old software configuration can
be found in (Gamez et al. 2010).

4.1 Layer architecture and component definitions

Although the software structure of the experimental setup contains basically two PCs: the
master PC and the controller PC, it consists of a hierarchy of components that are divided
into four main layers proposed originally by (Nilsson & Johansson, 1999): lowest layer,
middle layer, high layer and end-user layer. Each layer contains different types of
components, which are classified depending on their functionality (Fig. 5). This components
are related, in the major cases, to a block or system of the hardware structure. The four
layers are:
1. Lowest layer: whose components correspond to those ones closer to the physical
environment. Examples are the different sensor components or the joint control
2. Middle layer: Components can use the information of the lowest layer and the high
layer. Examples could be a virtual sensor component or a manipulator control
3. High layer: Trajectory generator components.
4. End-user layer: Task planner components.

Fig. 5. Structure of the components developed for the platform.

Open Software Architecture for Advanced Control of Robotic Manipulators 389

The end-user layer describes the task to be carried out in terms of final positions,
orientations and velocities of the robot end-effector. Different components have been
developed and they are used depending if the task to be carried out is in open space, with
constraint motion or with both. In addition, another component has been designed which is
in charge of controlling the haptic device. The inputs to the components of this layer can be
the reference position-orientation of the robot TCP, the desired contact forces exerted by the
manipulator to the environment or even vision features. Currently, these inputs can only be
defined off-line, not taking the most significant advantage of on-line programming, that is,
the robot can be programmed in accordance with the actual position of equipment and
pieces of these modules.
The high-level layer is compound basically of two components with the functions of a path
planner. This planner generates trajectory set points for the robot, according to motion
command which it receives from task specification. The commands these components offer
to their lower layer can be either the joints trajectory or the Cartesian trajectory of the robot
end-effector. It is necessary to point out that both the original task planning and the original
trajectory generator developed by Stäubli were not used in this platform due to proprietary
reasons. For our applications, the components designed for the special-purpose planner
calculate the joint coordinates from the Cartesian references solving the inverse kinematics
on line (Gamez, 2006). In this sense, a second component has been developed to reduce the
computational cost of the previous block if necessary. Specifically, it consists of the
decomposition of the robot geometric structure into two subsystems: one for position and
one for orientation. This option offers an analytic solution that simplifies the singularities
problem. Furthermore, a number of restrictions have been imposed to prevent special
singularities such as shoulder and wrist ones. Although the developed trajectory is not
robust, the resultant workspace is acceptable for most of the practical cases. Currently, these
components are used from the former configuration and, in the future, we expect to
improve them using more sophisticated trajectory generators than can be found, for instant,
in (Bruyninckx, 2001).
For the middle-level layer, and from an engineering point of view, we note that tailoring the
motion control requires control engineering competence while application support does not
(Nilsson & Johansson, 1999). Although is therefore reasonable and appropriate to define two
different sub-layers for these types of programming: application control layer, (movement
constraints, tool mass, etc.) and control layer (to configure the control loop, tunes the gains,
etc.), this level is built, on the one hand, using manipulator control components. On the
other hand, other kind of components that are used in this layer are the virtual sensor
components. These elements allowed the application of sensor fusion strategies in a
structured way. Both components are designed with Simulink and the Real Time Toolboox
of Matlab.
Using the property that any Simulink control model is an interconnection of signals
(reference commands, position feedback, velocity feedback, torque feedback, sensors
feedback) and mathematical operations, a generic block has been designed with a
predefined number of inputs and outputs. Inside each block, one can implement different
control algorithms, or sensor fusion strategies, combining a high-performance language for
technical computing with a fast prototyping of the robotic platform since all the inputs and
outputs are readable and writable.
390 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

In the lowest layer dedicated to the sensor, each one is modeled by a component that
contains basically two parts: one is for data structure building and the other is for sensory
data sharing. One of the function of the sensor components is to process the information of a
specific sensor and to provide a unified sensory data bank manager. The main advantage of
this manager is that it can directly offer the calibrated sensor data. Furthermore, sensor data
must be shared with every necessary function in the software architecture. Another
important function of the sensor components, and on the rest of components, is to stamp a
time when a set of measurements, or interaction, is obtained. It helps to obtain a history of
the events.

Fig. 6. Low level structure of the joint controllers.

Regarding the joints control sub-layer, it uses a low level interface designed by Stäubli
Robots (Pertin & Bonnet, 2004); in fact, this is the only software module that remains from
the original Stäubli system. This level obeys the structure presented in Fig. 6 and its mission
is to allow the low level control of each joint. Although three different components were
defined in the previous software structure (given their possibility of control: torque, position
and velocity controller), only a generic one is considered in this structure. This sub-layer is
placed currently in the robot controller PC and we are working on how to define the
component automatically -in terms of torque, position or velocity-, given the programming
of manipulator control component.

4.2 Middleware
In our case, we have to different software contexts: this one placed at the controller PC and
the second one running on the master PC. In the controller PC, where the component of the
joints control sub-layer is running, to guarantee that the shared memory constraints are
fulfilled, the system has to protect itself from invalid memory accesses that otherwise could
compromise the system.
In this case, to avoid this problem, between the component and the monitoring task, the
tasks are synchronized following a structure "top to bottom" where the maximum priority is
given to the joints control task. The operating system running on this PC was VxWorks
(Wind-River, 2005).
Another problem was to synchronize different components that are placed in a master PC
with interconnections with external systems and a Real Time Linux operating system. The
solution selected was to choose XENOMAI (Xenomai, 2010) with the RTNet (Real Time
Open Software Architecture for Advanced Control of Robotic Manipulators 391

Network) package. For our case, the synchronization scheme is not based on a master clock
(as it was in the former configuration, where the it followed a "top to bottom" structure).
Each component has its own clock, updating data with their respective bandwidth.
Currently, we are implementing a middleware using concepts similar to those ones defined
in OROCOS project (Bruyninckx, 2001). In a middle-long term, our intention is to obtain a
user-friendly API that allows fast and easy prototyping. Figure 7 shows the block diagram
of the hardware and software communications differentiating between the master PC and
the controller PC. It can be guessed from this figure that each component communicates
with other ones mainly through shared memory, or through Ethernet depending on where it
is placed.

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the hardware-software communications.

5. Experimental validation
Different experiments have been carried out to validate the performance of the proposed
architecture, noting that these results are obtained from the old hardware configuration.
They consisted in the application of a compliant motion controller where the environment
392 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

information was obtained fusing different sensors. In particular, for the case shown in this
paper, the sensors used were a force/torque sensor, an accelerometer and the joint sensors.
The objective of this integration was to develop a force observer capable of estimating,
accurately and from the f/t sensor measurements -which reflect the contact forces, the
inertial ones and the gravity forces- , the contact force exerted by a manipulator to its
environment (Gamez et al., 2008).
To carry out this test, some of the components that were described before in the previous
section were used.

Fig. 8. Force measurement from the wrist sensor ATI (upper-left), force observer output
(upper-right), accelerometer output (lower-left) and real and measured position of the robot
tip for y-axis (lower-right).
The results obtained applying the force/position controller, where the information of the
force observer is used, are presented in Fig. 8. The experiment consisted of a movement in
the axis z of three phases: an initial movement in free space (from t =5s to t = 6.2s), a contact
transition (from t =6.2s to t = 6.4s) and a movement in constrained space (from t =6.4s to t =
9s). Apart from the force compensation shown in Fig. 8, it can be also compared how the
observer eliminates the inertial effects and the noise introduced by the sensors. Note the
time lag between the filtered signal and the original one. It was because the selection of the
gains made the poles of observer to be quite near the unit-circle (Gamez, 2006). The force
control loop applied was an impedance controller (Hogan, 1985).
Open Software Architecture for Advanced Control of Robotic Manipulators 393

6. Discussion
The construction of the open robotic system developed in the framework of this work was
necessary because, as it is well known, industrial manipulators do not offer, with an
appropriate bandwidth, the possibility of integrating either advanced control algorithms or
new sensors into the software-hardware architecture. This fact forced the research
community to extend an industrial manipulator architecture in order to get a completely
open one in both senses: hardware and software.
The proposed platform was designed considering a multi-layer structure that simplified the
integration of external functionality in several ways. The first one consisted of offering
different interfaces where the user was capable of reading all the parameters and variables,
besides modifying the commanded signals, with a considerable bandwidth. The second one
pretended to avoid the limitation of the industrial robots where the current methodology is
to control exclusively the position without considering high level strategies for task decision
making, or without taking into account new sensors that could improve the environment
Certainly, a pending aspect of this platform is the the man-machine interaction. New
solutions in the area of software technology have to be included in order to create a more
friendly-interface that permits to modify easily the requirements of the system, especially
for the experiment generation. Perhaps, creating pseudo intelligent task interpreters, as a
experimental interface, will play an important role.
Furthermore, it has to be pointed out that the design solutions have been driven following a
trade-off between mass products (paying attention to the cost) and standardization
requirements (leading edge technology).
On the other hand, the proposed architecture was based on consolidated open robotic
platforms, specially on those ones developed in Lund University (Sweden) and Leuven
University (Belgium). These platforms have been developed during several decades and
have accumulated a great deal of experience, representing an excellent paradigm for initial
developments. In addition, a narrow collaboration with the company of the manipulator
robot has existed, what allowed access to internal functions and hardware what would be
impossible in other conditions.
To conclude this section, the development of this kind of platforms does not only prove to
be useful for testing advance control algorithms, but also it is necessary to emphasize the
necessity of building such systems since, from a robotic research point of view, and mainly,
from a robotic manufacturers overview, it helps to increase the development speed opening
up the systems for third party.

7. Conclusions
This work describes an experimental platform that allows the implementation of model-
based and sensor-based control algorithms in robotic manipulator. Particulary, this new
system allows to easily integrate new sensors and advance control algorithms in an Stäubli
industrial 6-dof robot using a component-based software methodology.
Based on a component-based development approach, two possible configurations were
described, explaining why the original structure was modified migrating to a new one
where the Master PC was different to the controller PC. It is also explained how the fact of
using this paradigm allowed an easy reconfiguration of the robotic platform, demonstrating
394 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

that the use of components -i. e. Sensor components- , that are independent of the context,
allowed as well an important restructuration of the new robotic architecture.
The resulting architecture has been designed, among other objectives, to allow different
sensors to be easily switched and rewired depending on the new sensor fusion or control
strategy that must be tested. Together with the component-based development approach, a
software structure of layers has been proposed to facilitate the design, configuration and
testing of new control algorithms and sensor fusion techniques. This structure allows
systems of components, with standardized interfaces, to be connected while abstracting
away implementation details of components.
Eventually, a number of experiments were performed to validate the performance of the
proposed architecture and its capacity of allowing a fast and easy implementation of
advance control algorithms in non-structured environments.

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Structure and Property of the Singularity

Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator
Y. Cao1, Y. W. Li2 and Z. Huang2
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Avenue,
Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122,
2Robotics Research Center, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, 066004,


1. Introduction
During the past two decades, parallel manipulator system has become one of the research
attentions in robotics. This popularity has been motivated by the fact that parallel
manipulators possess some specific advantages over serial manipulators, i.e., higher rigidity
and load-carrying capacity, better dynamic performance and a simpler inverse position
kinematics, etc. Among various manipulators, the best-known is the Gough-Stewart
Platform (GSP) that was introduced as a tire performance (Gough 1956-57) and an aircraft
simulator (Stewart 1965).
One of the important problems in robot kinematics is special configuration or singularity. As
to parallel manipulators, in such configurations, the end-effector keeps at least one remnant
freedom while all the actuators are locked. This transitorily puts the end-effector out of
control. Meanwhile, the articular forces may go to infinity and cause mechanical damages.
Determination of the special configurations of the six-DOF Gough-Stewart parallel
manipulators is a very important problem. It is one of the main concerns in the analysis and
design of manipulators. The singularity analysis of parallel manipulators has attracted a
great deal of attention in the past two decades. Hunt (1983) first discovered a special
configuration for this manipulator that occurs when the moving triangle-platform is
coplanar with two legs meeting at a vertex of the triangle, and all the six segments
associated with six prismatic actuators intersect a common line. Fichter (1986) discovered a
singularity of the parallel manipulator. That occurs when the moving platform rotates ψ
=±π/2 around Z-axis, whatever the position of the moving platform is. That mechanism has
a triangular mobile platform and a hexagonal base platform. It may be named a 3/6-GSP.
Huang and Qu (1987) and Huang, Kong and Fang (1997) also studied the singularity of the
parallel manipulator, whose moving and basic platforms are both semi-regular hexagons
(6/6-GSP). It also occurs whenψ= ±π/2. Merlet (1988, 1989) studied the singularity of the
six-DOF 3/6-GSP more systematically based on Grassman line geometry. He discovered
many new singularities including 3c, 4b, 4d, 5a and 5b. 3c occurs when four lines of the six
legs intersect at a common point; 4b occurs when five lines are concurrent with two skew
lines; 4d occurs when all the five lines are in one plane or pass through one common point
398 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

in that plane; 5a is in general complex; 5b occurs when the six segments cross the same line.
Based on line geometry, wrench singularity analyses for platform devices have been
presented by Collins & Long (1995), and Hao & McCarthy (1998). Gosselin and Angeles
(1990) pointed that singularities of closed-loop mechanisms can be classified into three
different groups based on the Jacobian matrices. This classification was further discussed by
Zlatanov, Fenton and Benhabib (1994, 1995). Zlatanov, Bonev and Gosselin (2002) discussed
constraint singularities. Ma and Angeles (1991) studied architecture singularities of parallel
manipulators. Kong (1998) also discussed architecture singularities of the general GSP.
McAree and Daniel (1999) discussed the singularity and motion property of a 3/3-parallel
manipulator. Karger and Husty (1998), Karger (2001) described the singular positions and
self-motions of a special class of planar parallel manipulators where the platform is similar
to the base one. It is shown that it has no self-motions unless it is architecturally singular.
Kong (1998), Kong and Gosselin (2002) also studied self-motion. Chan and Ebert-Uphoff
(2000) studied the nature of the kinematic deficiency in a singular configuration by
calculating the nullspace of the Jacobian matrix. Di Gregorio (2004) studied the SX-YS-ZS
Structures and Singularity.
Many researches dealt only with isolated singular points in space. However, in the practical
configuration space of parallel manipulators the singularity configuration should be a
continuous singularity curve or even be high-dimension surface. One of the main concerns
is further to find out its singularity loci and their graphical representations, as well as the
structure and property of the singularity loci. That is of great significance in a context of
analysis and design since it allows one to obtain a complete picture of the location of the
singular configurations in the workspace. For a given practical application, it is therefore
easy to decide whether the singularities can be avoided. Sefrioui and Gosselin (1994, 1995)
studied singularity loci of planar and spherical parallel mechanisms. Wang and Gosselin
(1996, 1997) used the numerical method to study the singularity loci of spatial four- and five-
DOF parallel manipulators. Collins and McCarthy (1997, 1998) studied singularity loci of the
planar 3-RPR parallel manipulator, and 2-2-2 and 3-2-1 platforms and obtained cubic
singularity surfaces. For the six-DOF Gough-Stewart Platform, however, the singularity
expression generally is quite complicated, and difficult to analyze. Recently, Wang (1998)
presented a method to analyze the singularity of a special form of the GSP and derived
corresponding analytical singularity conditions. Di Gregorio (2001, 2002) also discussed the
singularity loci of 3/6 and 6/6 fully-parallel manipulators. In particular, Mayer St-Onge and
Gosselin (2000) analyzed the Jacobian matrix of general Stewart manipulators by two
different new approaches. They derived a simpler explicit expression from the Jacobian
matrix, and pointed out that the singularity locus of the general Gough-Stewart manipulator
should be a polynomial expression of degree three. They also gave the graphical
representations of the singularity loci.
For practical application, we want to obtain a simpler algebra expression of the singularity
loci, their accurate graphical representations and know whether it consists of some typical
geometrical figures. But this is very difficult for the Gough-Stewart manipulator. Huang et
al. (1999, 2003) studied the singularity kinematics principle of parallel manipulators, and
proved a new kinematics sufficient and necessary condition to determine the singularity.
Using this method he discovered the characters of singularity locus of the 3/6-Gough-
Stewart platform firstly. It shows that the singularity locus of the 3/6-Gough-Stewart
platform is resolvable and consists of two typical geometrical graphs, a plane and a
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 399

hyperbolic paraboloid, for the special orientations: φ=±30°, ±90°, or ±150°. However, the
singularity locus expression of degree three is irresolvable, and the locus graph in infinite
parallel principal sections includes a parabola, four pairs of intersecting straight lines and
infinite hyperbolas for the general orientations: φ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150°.
For the singularity loci of the 6/6-GSP which is a more general structure form and widely
used in practice, its graphical representations of the singularity loci for different orientations
are quite various and complex. Huang and Cao (2005) analyzed the singularity loci both in
3-D space and in the principal-section on which the moving platform lies. The singularity
locus equation of this class of Gough–Stewart manipulators in three-dimensional space is
also irresolvable, and the curves in infinite parallel principal sections of the singularity loci
also contains one parabola, four pairs of intersecting straight lines, and infinite hyperbolas.
We also found out an incredible phenomenon, in that special configuration six lines
associated with the six extensible links of the 6/6-Gough-Stewart manipulator can intersect
the same common line and the remnant instantaneous motion of the manipulator is a pure
All the above-mentioned analyses are only about positional singularity when the orientation
of the moving platform is specified and invariable. On the other hand, there is a need to
further find out the orientation-singularity space when the position of the moving platform
is specified and invariable. Some researchers began to study the issue, such as Pernkopf and
Husty (2002); Cao, Huang & Ge (2006). Of course, for this topic there is still much work to be
done in depth.

2. The kinematics principle and linear-complex classification

2.1 The classification of singularity by linear-complex
A general algebraic equation for a linear complex (Hunt 1978; Ball 1900) is:

a1 P + a2Q + a3 R + a4 L + a5 M + a6 N = 0 (1)

where the six coefficients denote a twist screw

$m = ( a1 a2 a3 ; a4 a5 a6 ) (2)

Its pitch is

a1 a4 + a2 a5 + a3 a6
hm = (3)
a12 + a22 + a32

Its reciprocal screw satisfying Eq. (1) is

$ = (L M N ; P Q R ) (4)

and we have

LP + MQ + NR = 0 (5)
where $ denotes a line vector. The infinite line vectors satisfying Eq. (1) composed a line
400 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators


Fig. 1. Linear complex

In a linear complex (Hunt 1978), those lines that pass through any pole must all lie in the
same polar plane; those lines that lie in any polar plane must all intersect the same point.
Fig. 1 shows the pole and polar plane of a linear complex with the pencil of lines in α. All
the lines that pass through the pole are normal to the helix. The linear complex can be
divided into three parts according to its pitch hm: when hm is finite and nonzero, it is a
general linear complex; when hm=0,this is the first special linear complex, in which all the
coaxial helices collapse into homocentric circles with a common axis $m and all the lines of
the complex intersect $m or parallel to it; and when hm=∞, this is the second special linear
complex, in which all the lines of the complex comprise planar fields of lines in all planes
normal to the direction $m, and $m is no longer occupying a specific line. The last two forms
are associated respectively with pure rotation and pure translation.
All singularities of the Gough-Stewart parallel mechanism belong to the linear-complex
singularity. From this point of view, the singularity can be divided into three kinds with
different instant output motion:
(1) The general Linear-Complex Singularity. The possible motion of end-effector is a twist
with hm is finite and nonzero;
(2) The First Special Linear-Complex Singularity. The possible motion of end-effector is a
pure rotation with hm=0;
(3) The Second Special Linear-Complex Singularity. The possible motion of end-effector is a
pure translation with hm=∞.

2.2 The kinematic principle of singularity

First of all, let us discuss the velocity relationship of three points in a moving body. The
following issue is to introduce the principle of a novel method analyzing the singularities of
parallel manipulators (Huang et al. 1999; 2003; Ebert-Uphoff et al., 2000; Kong and Gosselin
2001). Let us consider any non-collinear three points in a rigid body, and then we may
deduce the following theorem:
Theorem 1: Three velocities of three points in a moving body have three normal planes at
the corresponding three points. In general, the three planes intersect at a common point, and
the intersecting point necessarily lies in the plane determined by the three points.
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 401

Fig. 2 The velocity relationship of three non collinear points in a moving body
Theorem 2: When three velocity directions of three points in a rigid body are given, then
three normal planes of the three velocities are determined. If the intersecting point of the
three planes lies in the plane determined by the three points, the three velocities can
determine a twist; otherwise, the given velocities are improper and cannot determine a twist
of that body.
The thinking of the velocity analysis in the proof of Theorem 2 itself is also useful for
singularity study of the 3/6-GSP.
The 3/6-GSP is a typical manipulator which many authors paid attention to. The 3/6-GSP is
represented schematically in Fig.3. It consists of a mobile platform B1B3B5, equilateral
triangle; a base platform C1…C6, semi-regular hexagon; and they are connected via six
extensible prismatic actuators.
When all the legs of 3/6-GSP are locked, the three normal planes of three velocities VB1, VB3
and VB5 are respectively B1C1C2, B3C3C4 and B5C5C6 (Fig.3). According to Theorem 2, we may
educe the following deduction to determine the singularity of 3/6-GSP. Let us firstly define
a “Star-frame C-B1B3B5” in the moving platform. It is constructed by using three ray lines
passing three points, B1, B2 and B3, of the triangle B1B3B5 and intersecting at a common point
C called the center of Star-Frame.

a) A 3/6–Stewart manipulator b) Its top view

Fig. 3. A 3/6-Stewart parallel manipulator

402 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Theorem 3: A necessary and sufficient condition that the three velocities of three points in a
rigid body can express that the body has a possible twist motion is that the intersecting
point of three normal planes of the three velocities lies in the plane determined by the three

3. Structure and property of singularity loci of 3/6-Gough-Stewart for special

The kinematics method can determine the singularity of the manipulator. If the six
extensible legs of the GSP are locked and the mechanism has an instantaneous freedom, the
manipulator is singular. Now, let us firstly discuss the kinematics properties of the typical
singularity structures including singularities: 3c, 4b, 4d, 5b (Merlet 1988; 1989) and others.

3.1 Singularity hyperbola equation derived in an oblique plane

Our task is to find the whole singularity loci of the GSP and identify their structure and
property. It is of an important and difficult issue. Here three Euler angles φ, θ and ψ are used
to represent orientation of the mobile in terms of a rotation φ about Z-axis, then a rotation θ
about the new Y′-axis, and finally a rotation ψ about the new Z″-axis.
In order to find the whole singularity loci and solve the issue, we first study the singularity
equation in a special plane (Huang et al. 2003). The issue is divided into two parts:
(1) When the first Euler angle φ is equal to one of the following values, ±30°, ±90°, and ±150°,
it is a special orientation cases and easier to analyze.
(2) When φ is any value with the exception of ±30°, ±90°, and ±150°, this is the general case.
Now, we solve the equation for singularity curve of the 3/6-GSP in a certain plane while the
orientation of the mobile is provisionally set to φ=90°, ψ=0and θ is any finite nonzero value.
The parameters of the parallel manipulator are as follows. The circumcircle radius of the
basic hexagon platform is Ra, and the one of the triangle mobile is Rb; β0 denotes the central
angle of the circumcircle of the basic hexagon corresponding to side C1C2. Point P is the
geometric center of the mobile (Fig. 3). The stationary frame O-XYZ is fixed to the base and
the moving frame P-X′Y′Z′ is attached to the mobile.
Fig. 4 shows the position after the mobile rotates (90°, θ, 0). The oblique plane in which the
moving platform lies intersects the basic plane at line UV, which is parallel to axis X. For the
orientation, B1P(Y′)is parallel to A5A1 (X).At first, providing that point P is located at a
special point C0 in the perpendicular bisector of UV, and the distance from O2 to point C0 is
equal to that between point O2 and A3, then we deduce that C0B3 and A3A1 intersect at point
V, and C0B5 and A3A5 intersect at U. In that case, the mechanism is singular according to
Deduction 2. The included angle between the oblique plane and the basic one is θ. In order
to conveniently express the oblique plane below, we call it θ-plane. Let us suppose that the
mobile translates to the position B11B31B51 in θ-plane and line B11P intersects line O2C0 at C. If
line B31C intersects A1A3 at point V, and line C1B51 intersects A3A5 at point U, the mechanism
is also singular (Deduction 2). We can prove that the center of Star-frame always lies in line
O2C0 for the orientation. In general, the singularity is a general-linear-complex singularity.
Based on the analysis above, we study the singularities of 3/6–GSP when the mobile
translates arbitrarily in θ-plane. The coordinates of point C0 and O2 with respect to the fixed
frame are (0, Y0, Z0) and (0, u, 0), respectively. The frame O2-xyz is attached to θ-plane. It
should be noticed that angle θ as shown in Fig. 5 about the Y′-axis is negative.
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 403

X' B1
B3 P
B3 C0
B5 X x
A1 V

Y A3 O O θ O

A5 U
Fig. 4. θ- Oblique plane for the orientation (90°, θ, 0)
The coordinates of points P, C, B31 and V with respect to O2-xyz are

P : ( x , y , 0)
C : (0, y , 0)
Rb 3 (6)
B31 : ( x −
, y+ Rb , 0)
2 2
3 Z0
V : (− , 0, 0)
3 sin θ
Considering O2C0=O2A3, we can obtain

O2O1 − OO1 + OA3 = O2C 0 (7)


cosθ Z
3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) − Z0 − Y0 = − 0 (8)
sin θ sin θ
In the right-angled triangle ΔO1O2C0, we obtain

Y0 − u = −Z0 (9)
sin θ
Solving Eqs. (8) and (9) for Y0 and Z0, we obtain

Y0 = u(1 − cosθ ) + 3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2)cosθ

Z0 = u sin θ − 3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2)sin θ

Provided that the coordinates of an arbitrary point in line B31Vare ( xx , y y , 0) , its equation is
written as
404 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

3 R
yy − y − Rb xx − x + b
2 = 2 (11)
3 3 Z0 R
−y − Rb − −x+ b
2 3 sin θ 2
Since point C lies in line B31V, substitute the coordinates of point C ( xx = 0 and y y = y ) into
Eq. (9) and simplify as

xy − y− 0 b =0 (12)
2 2 sin θ
Substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (11) and eliminating Z0 , yield

Rb (3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) − u)Rb
xy − y+ =0 (13)
2 2
Eq. (13) denotes a hyperbola and is independent of the Euler angle θ. The coordinates of its
center are (Rb/2,0), and its vertical and horizontal asymptotes are x= Rb/2, y=0
This is an important conclusion, as we have known that the singularity equation of GSP in 3-
dimension space is a polynomial expression of degree three. However, equation (13) is only
a quadratic equation in the special θ-plane. Eq. (13) only contains variables x and y, so it
denotes the positions of point p when the mechanism is singular. The equation is termed the
equation of the singularity curve in θ-plane.
When orientation of the mobile is given by three Euler angles (-90°, θ, 0), the singularity
equation can also be obtained in θ-plane with respect to the frame O2-xyz, the same as in Fig. 4.

Rb (3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) − u)Rb
xy + y− =0 (14)
2 2

When parameters of the mechanism are set to Ra = 2 , Rb = 1 , β 0 = 900 and u = −2 , the

hyperbolas denoted by Eqs. (13) and (14) are illustrated in Fig. 6(a). Since the result comes
from the above-mentioned Theorem and satisfies the necessary and sufficient condition of
singularity, so that there is no any singularity except the points on hyperbolas in that θ-plane.

(a) For the orientation ( ±900 θ 0) (b) For the orientation ( ±900 θ 600 )
Fig. 5. The singularity curve in θ- plane
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 405

3.2 The singularity equation derived in three-dimensional space

Eqs. (13) and (14) are deduced by geometric method in the oblique plane. By Theorem 3, we
can analyze the distribution properties of the singularities of 3/6-GSP in three-dimensional
The coordinates of point Bi (i=1, 2, 3) of the mobile are denoted as Bi':(Bix', Biy', Biz') in the
moving frame, and Bi:(Bix, Biy, Biz) in the fixed frame; the coordinates of point Cj are denoted
as (Cjx, Cjy, Cjz) in the fixed frame.
The transformation matrix T of the moving frame with respect to the fixed one can be
written using Euler angles φ, θ and ψ as

⎡ cos φ osθ cosψ − sin φ sinψ − cos φ cosθ sinψ − sin φ cosψ cos φ sin θ X ⎤
⎢sin φ cosθ cosψ + cos φ sinψ − sin φ cosθ sinψ + cos φ cosψ sin φ sin θ Y ⎥
[ T ] = ⎢⎢ − sin θ cosψ sin θ sinψ cosθ Z ⎥
⎥ (15)
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣0 0 0 1 ⎥⎦

where(X, Y, Z) are the coordinates of point p with respect to the fixed frame. The coordinates
of point Bi in the mobile with respect to the fixed frame are

⎧Bix ⎫ ⎧Bix′ ⎫
⎪B ⎪ ⎪B′ ⎪
⎪ iy ⎪ ⎪ iy ⎪
⎨ ⎬ = [ T ] ⎨ ⎬ , i = 1, 2, 3 (16)
⎪ iz ⎪ ⎪Biz′ ⎪
⎪1 ⎪ ⎪1 ⎪
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭

3.2.1 Singularity equation for orientation (90°, θ, 0)

When three Euler angles are 900, θ and 0, respectively, from Eq. (16), we can obtain
coordinates of three points Bi (i = 1, 2, 3) in the mobile with respect to the fixed frame. Thus
three equations of three normal planes B1C1C2, B3C3C4 and B5C5C6 and the one that the
mobile belongs to can be written by the coordinates of the three corresponding points. The
equation of plane B1C1C2 is

x − B1 x y − B1 y z − B1 z
C 1 x − B1 x C 1 y − B1 y C 1 z − B1 z = 0 (17)
C 2 x − B1 x C 2 y − B1 y C 2 z − B1 z

where x, y and z are the coordinates of moving point in plane B1C1C2 with respect to the
fixed frame. Substituting coordinates of points B1, C1 and C2 into the above equation, we

Z y −Y z = 0 (18)

Similarly, the equation of plane B3C3C4 can be obtained

(-3Rb sin θ + 2 3Z )x + (2 Z - 3 Rb sin θ )y + ( - 2Y + 6 Ra cos(β0 / 2) - 3Rb cosθ

+ 3 Rb - 2 3X )z - 6Z Ra cos(β0 / 2) + 3 3 Ra Rb sin θ cos(β0 / 2) = 0
406 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

The one of plane B5C5C6 is:

(-3Rb sin θ − 2 3Z )x + (2 Z + 3Rb sin θ )y + ( − 2Y + 6 Ra cos(β0 / 2) + 3 Rb cosθ − 3 Rb

+2 3X )z − 6Z Ra cos(β0 / 2) − 3 3 Ra Rb sin θ cos(β0 / 2) = 0

The one of plane B1B3B5 is

(sin θ )y+(cosθ )z − (sin θ )Y − (cosθ )Z = 0 (21)

Note that, the equations of these planes are on the same condition that point P (X, Y, Z) is
located at some point and the orientation is denoted by three Euler angles (90°, θ, 0).
Solving Eqs. (18), (19) and (20) for x, y and z, then substituting them into Eq. (21) and
eliminating x, y and z, we obtain

[(sin θ ) Y + (cosθ ) Z] [ 2 XZ + Rb (sin θ )Y + Rb (cosθ )Z − Rb Z − 3Rb Ra sin θ cos( β0 / 2)] = 0 (22)

According to Theorem 3, Eq. (22) denotes the singularity locus of point P for the orientation
(90°, θ, 0). Obviously, it includes a plane and a conicoid. The plane equation is

(sin θ )Y + (cosθ ) Z = 0 (23)

Eq. (23) denotes that singularity locus of point P is a plane containing line C1C2 or A5A1,
namely, X-axis. As the plane and plane B1B3B5 denoted by Eq. (23) have the same normal
vector, and when plane B1B3B5 translates and coincides with plane expressed by Eq.(23), the
configuration is singular. The case belongs to the Hunt’s singularity and is the first special-
linear-complex singularity explained in Case 5. Eq. (23) shows that the mechanism is
singular, wherever point P locates in the plane.
The conicoid equation is

2 XZ + Rb (sin θ ) Y + Rb ((cosθ ) − 1)Z − 3Rb Ra sin θ cos( β 0 / 2) = 0 (24)

When θ is constant, Eq. (24) denotes a hyperbolic paraboloid and we will explain later.
Eq. (28) also represents a hyperbolic paraboloid.

3.2.2 Singularity equation for the orientation (±90°, θ, ψ) The Derivation of the Equation
For the orientation (±90°, θ, ψ), the transformation matrix T is

⎡ −c − d 0 X⎤
⎢bd − bc a Y ⎥⎥
[ T ] = ⎢⎢ − ad ac b Z⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢0 0 0 1⎦⎥


a = sin θ ; b = cosθ ; c = sinψ ; d = cosψ (26)

Using the same method above, the equations of the three normal planes can be obtained.
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 407

( acRb − Z )y + (bcRb + Y )z = 0 (27)

3( 3 adRb − acRb − 2 Z )x + ( 3 adRb − 2 Z − acRb )y + (2Y + 2 3X + 3bdRb − 3cRb −

3dRb − bcRb − 6 Ra cos( β 0 / 2))z + 3Ra cos( β 0 / 2)(2Z + acRb − 3adRb ) = 0

3( acRb + 2 Z + 3adRb )x − (2 Z + 3 adRb + acRb )y + (2Y − bcRb − 6 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) −

3bdRb − 3cRb + 3dRb − 2 3X )z + 3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2)(2 Z + acRb + 3adRb ) = 0

The equation of plane B1B3B5 is

a y + b z − aY − b Z = 0 (30)

Solving Eqs. (27), (28) and (29) for x , y and z , and then substituting them into Eq. (30), the
singularity equation is

[(sin θ )Y + (cosθ )Z] ( e Z 2 − f XZ + gYZ + h X − iY + j Z + k ) = 0 (31)

Eq. (31) shows that the singular loci include a plane and a conicoid. The plane equation is
the same as Eq. (25). It also represents that in this case all the six lines cross a common line.
This case belongs to the first special-linear-complex singularity. The quadratic equation is

e Z 2 − f XZ + gYZ + h X − iY + j Z + k = 0 (32)

Eq. (32) is a singularity equation with respect to the fixed frame O-XYZ. When the mobile
shown in Fig. 5 rotates an angle ψ about Z″-axis again, its orientation is (90°, θ, ψ).
The plane in which the mobile lies is still θ-plane. After the coordinate transformation, the
equation of the singularity curve in θ-plane with respect to the frame O2-xyz is

⎧2(sinψ )y 2 + 2(cosψ )xy + Rb sin(2ψ )x + ( −2u sinψ + 6 Ra sinψ cos( β 0 / 2)

⎨− Rb cos(2ψ ))y − Rb sinψ + Rb cos(2ψ )(3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) − u) = 0
⎪z = 0

It is also a hyperbola. In addition, Eq. (33) is independent of the Euler angle θ. Analysis of the Singularity Property
The four invariants Δ , D, I and J of Eq. (32) are

f h
0 0 −
2 2
g i
0 0 −
2 = Rb sin θ cos 3ψ ≥ 0
2 6 2
Δ= 2 (34)
f g j 4
− e
2 2 2
h i j
− k
2 2 2
408 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

0 0 −
D= 0 0 =0 (35)
f g
− e
2 2

I = 2 sinψ (1 + cosθ ) , J = − sin 2 θ (36)

The following cases are discussed according to its invariants, in which D is always zero
whatever θ and ψ are.
1. If θ≠0, ψ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150°, then D=0, Δ>0, the singular locus denoted by Eq. (32) is
a hyperbolic paraboloid. Generally, the six lines 1, 2, …, 6 belong to a general linear
complex when point P locates at the surface.
2. If θ=0, Eq. (32) can be written as

4(sinψ )Z 3 = 0 (37)

a. When ψ=0 and Z≠0, namely, the orientation is (90°, 0, 0), Eq. (37) is an identical
equation and the mechanism is singular whatever the position of point P in three-
dimensional space is. This is the Fichter’s singular configuration and all the six
lines belong to a general linear complex.
b. When Z=0, the moving platform and the base are coplanar. The mechanism is also
singular whatever Euler angle ψ is. The mechanism holds three remnant freedoms
when all the legs are locked. In this case, there exist the first and the second special-
linear-complex singularities.
3. If θ≠0, ψ=±30°, ±90°, or ±150°, then D=0, Δ=0 and J≠0, and the conicoid degenerates into
a pair of intersecting planes. For instance, when ψ=±30°, two equations are

2 Z − Rb sin θ = 0 (38)

3(sin θ )X − (sin θ )Y − (1 + cosθ )Z − Rb sin θ + 3Ra sin θ cos( β 0 / 2) = 0 (39)

When ψ=-30°, ±90°, or ±150, the conicoid also degenerates into two planes. The singularity
cases are similar to the above. Analysis of Other Singularities
The singularities discussed above are all for the orientations, (±90°, θ, ψ), of the mobile. In
these cases, the intersecting lines between the oblique moving plane and the basic one are
parallel to line C1C2 or A1A5, one of the three sides of the triangle A1A3A5.
The similar singularities with a plane equation and a quadratic one can also occur when the
orientations are as follows
1. The Euler angles are
(–150°, θ, ψ) or (30°, θ, ψ)
All the intersecting lines between the oblique mobile and the base are parallel to line C3C4 or
2. The Euler angles are
(150°, θ, ψ) or (–30°, θ, ψ)
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 409

All the intersecting lines between the oblique mobile and the base are parallel to line C5C6 or
For the two cases, the singularity equation can also resolve into two parts: one is a plane
equation containing the corresponding side CiCj, another is a hyperbolic paraboloid
equation, too. When ψ =±30°, ±90°, or ±150°, the hyperbolic paraboloid also degenerates into
two planes.
However, when the orientation is
(φ, θ, ±30°), (φ, θ, ±90°) or (φ, θ, ±150°)
in which φ and θ, can be arbitrary values, the singularity locus also consists of two parts:
One is a plane; another is also a hyperbolic paraboloid. When point P translates in the plane,
two of three points B1, B3 and B5 lie in the basic plane.

3.3 Singularity distribution in three-dimensional space

According to the analysis method above, we may easily know the distribution
characteristics of the singularity loci of the 3/6-Gough-Stewart manipulator, and draw their
singularity surface in three-dimensional space for some different orientations of the mobile
in frame O-XYZ. Here, the parameters of the mechanism are set to Ra = 2 , Rm=1m and
β0=90°, and the surfaces are shown in Fig. 6.

(a) The orientation (90° 45° 0) (b) The orientation (90° 30° 60°)

(c) The orientation (90° 45° 30°) (d) The orientation (45° 25° 30°)
Fig. 6. The singularity loci for 3/6―Stewart parallel manipulator
410 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

The readers may wonder that the singularity loci are so huge and completed and ask how
can the GSP work? In practice, if you notice the position of the origin point of the O-XYZ
system in Figures, and the magnitudes of the parameters, Ra = 2 and Rm=1m, you can find
that the workspace of the manipulator is smaller relative the singularity loci shown in
figures. You can easily design the manipulator making its workspace locate over the
singularity loci and avoiding singularity.

P B1 x X
B5 ψ
A3 A1 V

Fig. 7. The general case

4. Structure and property of the singularity loci of the 3/6-Gough-Stewart for

general orientations
When φ takes any value with the exception of ±30°, ±90°, or ±150°, this is the general
orientation case of the mobile of the GSP, and the analysis of the singularity loci is more
difficult. In this case, UV is not parallel to any side of triangle A1A3 A5, as shown in Fig. 7.

4.1 Singularity equation based on Theorem 3 for general orientations

For the most general orientations of the mobile, φ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150°, the singularity
equation can be directly obtained by using Theorem 3. The equation of normal plane B1C1C2 is

x ' − B1 x y ' − B1 y z' − B1 z

C 1 x − B1 x C 1 y − B1 y C 1 z − B1 z = 0 (40)
C 2 x − B1 x C 2 y − B1 y C 2 z − B1 z

where (x′, y′, z′)denotes coordinates of the moving point on plane B1C1C2 in the fixed frame.
This gives

Fy ' + Gz' = 0 (41)

Similarly, equations of three planes B3C3C4, B5C5C6 and B1B3B5 can be obtained as well.
According to Theorem 3, solving the linear equation system of the four planes for
intersecting point C, the singularity locus equation for general orientations is as follows
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 411

f1 Z 3 + f2 XZ 2 + f3 YZ 2 + f4 X 2 Z + f5 Y 2 Z + f6 XYZ + f7 Z 2 + f8 X 2
+ f9 Y 2 + f10 XY + f11 XZ + f12 YZ + f13 Z + f14 X + f15 Y + f16 = 0

where (X, Y, Z)are the coordinates of center point P. It is a polynomial expression of degree
three. The equation is still very complicated and difficult to further analyze, but it is very
simple in the following special cases.
When φ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150°and ψ is one of the values ±30°, ±90°, or ±150°, Eq. (42)
degenerates into a plane and a hyperbolic paraboloid as well. For example, whenψ=90°, the
singularity equation is

( 2Z + R b sin θ )( a 11 X 2 + a 22 Y 2 + a 33 Z 2 + 2a 23 YZ + 2a 31 ZX + 2a12 XY +
2a 14 X + 2a 24 Y + 2a 34 Z + a 44 ) = 0

where these coefficients are listed in the Appendix 2. Eq. (43) indicates a plane and a
hyperbolic paraboloid. The first factor forms a plane equation

2Z + R b sin θ = 0 (44)

which is parallel to the basic plane. When point P lies in the plane, the mechanism is
singular for orientation (φ, θ, 90°), because points B3 and B5 lie in the basic plane. This is
similar to Case 6. All the six lines cross the same line C1C2.

4.2 Singularity analysis using singularity-equivalent-mechanism

The singularity locus expression (Eq. (43)) for general orientations has been derived by
Theorem 3. But it is still quite complicated, and we are not sure whether it consists of some
typical geometrical figures. Meanwhile the property of singularity loci is unknown yet. In
order to reply this question, a “Singularity-Equivalent-Mechanism” which is a planar
mechanism is proposed. Thus the troublesome singularity analysis of the GSP can be
transformed into a position analysis of the simpler planar mechanism.

4.2.1 The parallel case The Singularity-Equivalent-Mechanism
In the parallel case, the three Euler angles of the mobile platform are (90°, θ, ψ), while θ and
ψ can be any nonzero value. The mobile plane of the mechanism lies on θ-plane (Fig. 5).
The corresponding imaginary planar singularity-equivalent-mechanism is illustrated in Fig.
8. Where Rdenotes a revolute pair and P a prismatic pair, triangle B1B3B5 is connected to
ground by three kinematic chains, RPP, PPR and RPR. The latter two pass through two
points U andV, respectively, while the first one slides along the vertical direction and keeps
L1C//UV. Three slotted links, L1, L2 and L3, intersect at a common point C. In order to keep
the three links always intersecting at a common point and satisfying Deduction 2, a
concurrent kinematic chain PRPRP is used. It consists of five kinematic pairs, where two R
pairs connect three sliders. The three sliders and three slotted links form three P pairs. The
PRPRP chain coincides with a single point C from top view. Based on the Grübler-Kutzbach
criterion, the mobility of the mechanism is two.
It is evident that the planar mechanism can guarantee that the three lines passing through
three vertices intersect at a common point, and these three lines can always intersect the
412 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

corresponding sides of the basic triangle. From Deduction 2, every position of the planar
mechanism corresponds to a special configuration of the original GSP. So we call it a
“singularity-equivalent-mechanism”. Thus the position solution of the planar mechanism
expresses the singularity of the original mechanism. Forward Position Analysis of the Singularity -Equivalent-Mechanism
The frames are set as the same as in Fig. 5 and Fig. 10. The coordinates of point P in frame
O2-xy are (x, y). ψ indicates the orientation of the triangle B1B3B5 in θ,-plane. In order to
obtain the locus equation of point P, firstly we can set three equations of three lines passing
through the three vertices, and substitute the coordinates of points B1, B3 and B5 into the
equations, then (x, y)and ψ can be obtained.

Y '
P ψ B1 L1


L3 L2
α β
U O2 V

Fig. 8. The singularity-equivalent-mechanism for (90°, θ, ψ)

Considering that the mobility of this mechanism is two, there need two inputs α andβ. Three
equations of three lines CU, CV and CB1 in reference frame O2-xy are respectively

Y = ( tan α )( X + a / 2 ) (45)

Y = ( tan β )( X − a / 2 ) (46)

a tan a tan β
Y=− (47)
tan α − tan β
Solving Eqs. (52), (53) and (54) yields

Rb cosψ J 1 − ( 3 Rb sinψ + a )J 3
x= (48)
2( tan α − tan β )

Rb sinψ J 2 − 3 Rb J 3 cosψ − 2 a tan α tan β

y= (49)
2( tan α − tan β )

(tanβ + tanα )
tanψ = (50)
3tanα - 3tanβ − 2tanα tanβ
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 413

where J 1 = tan α − tan β − 2 3 , J 2 = tan α − tan β − 2 3 tan α tan β , J 3 = tan α + tan β , Eqs. (48),
(49) and (50) denote direct kinematics of the mechanism.
4. 2. 1. 3. Singularity Equation in the θ- plane
Once the orientation (90°, θ, ψ)of the mobile platform is specified, in Fig.10, Euler angle ψ is
an invariant. So it only needs to choose one input in this case. From Eq. (65) one obtains

tanα ( 3 tanψ -1)

tanβ = (51)
3 tanψ + 2 tanα tanψ + 1
So the singularity equation in θ- plane for the orientation (90°, θ, ψ) can be obtained from
Eqs. (48), (49) and (50) by eliminating parameters α andβ

2(sinψ )y 2 + 2(cosψ )xy + Rb sin(2ψ )x +

( 3 a sinψ − Rb cos(2ψ ))y − Rb2 sinψ + 3 aRb cos(2ψ ) / 2 = 0

where a = 2(3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) − u) / 3 . Eq. (52) denotes a hyperbola. Especially, when ψ=±90°,
Eq. (52) degenerates into a pair of intersecting straight lines respectively. Two of the four
equations are

y − R b /2 = 0 , y + R b /2 = 0 (53)

In both cases, two points B3 and B5 lie in line UV. So that four lines are coplanar with the
base plane. This is the singularity of Case 6. The similar situation is for ψ=30°,ψ=-150°,
ψ=-30° and ψ=150°.

4.2.2 The general case

When φ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150°, the intersecting line UVW between θ- plane and the base one
is not parallel to any side of triangle A1A3A5. This is the most general and also the most
difficult case. The Singularity-Equivalent-Mechanism
Fig. 11 shows the singularity-equivalent-mechanism. The triangle B1B3B5 is connected to the
ground passing through three points W, V and U by three RPR kinematic chains. The three
points U, V and W, as shown in Fig. 9, are three intersecting points between θ-plane and
sides A3A5, A1A3 and A1A5, respectively. Three slotted links L1, L2 and L3 intersect at a
common point C. In order to keep the three links always intersecting at a common point, a
concurrent kinematic chain, PRPRP, is used as well. Therefore, all the configurations of the
equivalent mechanism satisfying Deduction 2 are special configurations of the Gough-
Stewart manipulator. So we can analyze direct kinematics of the equivalent mechanism to
find singularity loci of the manipulator.
Similarly the mobility of the equivalent mechanism is two, and it needs two inputs when
analyzing its position. Forward Position Analysis of the Singularity–Equivalent -Mechanism
The frames are set as shown in Fig. 11. Similar to section, we may set three equations
of three straight lines passing through three vertices, and substitute the coordinates of
points B1, B3 and B5 into the equations, then solutions, (x, y)and ψ, can be obtained
414 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators


Y' C
L2 L1 x
L3 W
β V

Fig. 9. The singularity-equivalent-mechanism for general case

x = -(3Rb sinψ − 2Rb tanα cosψ + 2w tanα + 3 Rb cosψ

- Rb tanβ cosψ + 3Rb tanβ sinψ -2u tanβ )/(2tanβ − 2tanα )

y = (-R b tan α sinψ − 3R b tan α cosψ + 3R b tan α tan β cosψ + 2u tan α tan β
− 3R b tan α tan β sinψ -2R b tan β sinψ − 2w tan α tan β )/(2 tan β − 2 tan α )

2 3 w tanα -3u tanα tanβ − 3u tanβ

tanψ = (56)
tanβ (-2 3 w tanα + 3u tanα -3u)

where u indicates the distance from point U to V, and w the distance from V to W.
Substituting Eq. (56) into Eqs. (55) and (54), and eliminating ψ, the relations between (x, y)
and the inputs α, β can be obtained. This is direct kinematics of the equivalent mechanism. Singularity Equation in the θ- plane
Under a general case, Euler angle φ can be any value with the exception of ±30°, ±90°, or
±150°. From Eq (56) one obtains

2 3w tan α
tan β = (57)
-2 3w tan α tanψ + 3u tan α tanψ -3u tanψ + 3u tan α + 3u

In the case of some specified ψ, there are the same three particular situations that is B1 and
B5, B1 and B3, or B3 and B5 lie in the line UV, respectively. The singularity loci are three pairs
of intersecting straight lines.
In order to use the above-mentioned formulas, u and w in Eq. (57) should be calculated in
advance. They depend on their relative positions in UV, as shown in Fig. 10.
The distance w between V and W is

3 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) − 3xV
w = WV = (68)
cos φ
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 415


φ x
A5 O γ
θ A1 W
φ V

Fig. 10. The Intersecting Line UW of two planes
The distance u between U and V is

2 3x V
u = UV = (59)
( 3 + cot φ ) sin φ

The sign of w is positive when point W is on the right side of V, and it is negative when W is
on the left side of V. It is similar for the sign of u.
For a given xv, the singularity equation in θ-plane can be obtained by eliminating the
parameter α

bxy + cy 2 + dx + ey + f = 0 (60)

The two invariants D, δ of Eq. (60) are

0 b/2 d/2
D = b/2 c e/2 = − ( b 2 f + d 2 c − bde ) (61)
d/2 e/2 f


0 b/2 1
δ= = − b2 < 0 (62)
b/2 c 4

Generally, D≠0 and δ<0 for a general value of xv, so Eq. (60) indicates a set of hyperbolas.

4.3 Five special cases of the singularity equation

There are five special cases. For the given parameters (Ra, Rb, β0)and (φ, θ, ψ),D is a quartic
equation while δ a quadratic equation with respect to the single variable xv, respectively.
Generally, there are four real roots of xv when D=0 and δ≠0, and Eq. (60) degenerates into
four pairs of intersecting straight lines. For the same reason, there is one real root of
multiplicity 2 when δ=0 and D≠0, and Eq. (60) degenerates into a parabola.
416 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

y Y' y
A3 X
Q B3 A3 Q B3
B1 X'
x p x
θ φ θ φ
γ B5 γ
O X A5 X
A5 A1 (V, W) O B5(A1,V,W)


(a) B5 does not coincide with A1 (b) B5 coincides with A1

Fig. 11. UV passes through the points A1
Case 1. The line UV passes through point A1, as shown in Fig. 11. In this case
x v = 3 Ra cos(β0 / 2) , two points W and V coincide with point A1. The singularity equation
denoted by Eq. (75) degenerates into a pair of intersecting straight lines

[ y − Rb sin(ψ + 60° )][( − 3 sin(ψ ) + cos(ψ ))x + ( 3 cos(ψ ) + sin(ψ ))y + Rb ] = 0 (63)
One of them is

y − Rb sin(ψ + 60° ) = 0 (64)

Case 2. UV passes through point A3. In this case xv=0, two points U and V coincide with
point A3. Eq. (60) degenerates into a pair of intersecting straight lines either

[( y + Rb sin(ψ )][ x cos(ψ ) + y sin(ψ ) − Rb / 2] = 0 (65)

The first part of Eq. (65) indicates a straight line parallel to x-axis. Similarly when B1
coincides with point A3, the singularity of this point is the first special-linear-complex
singularity and the instantaneous motion is a pure rotation. When B1 does not coincide with
A3, the singularities of points lying in this straight line are the general-linear-complex
singularity and its instantaneous motion is a twist with hm≠0.
The second part of Eq. (62) denotes another straight line. The singularities of points lying in
this straight line are all the general-linear-complex singularity.
Case 3. UV passes point A5. In this case

x v = 3R a cos( β 0 /2 )( 3 + cot φ )/( 3 − cot φ )

two points U and W coincide with point A5. Eq. (60) degenerates into a pair of intersecting
straight lines.

[ y − Rb sin(ψ − 60° )][( 3 sin(ψ ) + cos(ψ ))x + ( − 3 cos(ψ ) + sin(ψ ))y

+ Rb − 2 3 cos( β 0 / 2)sin(ψ + 60° ) / sin(ϕ − 60° )] = 0

The first factor indicates a straight line parallel to the x-axis. Similarly when B3 coincides
with A5, the singularity of this point is the first special-linear-complex singularity. When B3
does not coincide with A5, the singularities of points lying in this straight line are the
general-linear-complex singularity.
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 417

Similarly the second factor of Eq. (66) denotes another straight line. The singularities of
points lying in this straight line are all the general-linear-complex singularity.
Case 4. When

( −1 + 2 cos(2φ ))( Rb cos φ − 2 Ra cos( β 0 / 2)cosψ )

xv = (67)
(2( 3 sin φ − cos φ )sin(φ + ψ ))

Eq. (67) degenerates into a pair of intersecting straight lines as well

( Ra cos(( β 0 − 6ψ ) / 2) − Rb cos(φ − 2ψ ) + Ra cos(( β 0 + 6ψ ) / 2)

−2 y sin(φ + ψ ))( ax + by + c ) = 0

For the first straight line when β0=90°, (φ, θ, ψ)=(60°, 30°, 0), and the coordinates of point P6
are x = Rb /2, y = (2 2 Ra - Rb )/2 3 , point B5 lies in the intersecting line of two normal
planes B1A1A5 and B3A1A3. Therefore, the six lines associated with the six extensible links of
the 3/6-GSP intersect a common line B5A1. It is the first special-linear-complex singularity.
The instantaneous motion is a pure rotation about line B5A1. The singularities of points lying
in the first line with the exception of the above-mentioned point and the points lying in the
second line are all belong to the general-linear-complex singularity.
Case 5. When

x v = Ra cos( β 0 / 2)cosψ (cos ϕ + 3 sin φ ) / sin(φ + ψ ) , δ=0 and D≠0,

Eq. (60) degenerates into a parabola.

cy 2 + dx + ey + f = 0 (69)

According to the analysis mentioned above, it is shown that the singularity expression in θ-
plane is not cubic but always quadratic. This indicates the θ-plane is a very special cross
section of the singularity surface, so the special θ-plane can be called the principal section.
Generally speaking, the singularity loci of the 3/6-GSP for the most general orientations are
different from those for some special orientations. The singularity loci in infinite parallel
principal sections are all quadratic equations. The structure of the singularity loci in the
principal sections of the cubic singularity surface includes a parabola, four pairs of
intersecting straight lines and infinity of hyperbolas. The singularity loci in three-
dimensional space are illustrated in Fig. 12.
In addition, it should be pointed out that once the mechanism is singular at the orientation
(φ, θ, ψ), any orientation with different variable θ is singular as well (Huang at el. 2003).

5. Structure and property of the singularity loci of the 6/6-Gough-Stewart

Base on the above-mentioned analysis of the 3/6-GSP, here we focus on the most difficult
issue, the singularity locus analysis of the 6/6-GSP including the singularity equation and
the structure of singularity surface. The 6/6-GSP is typical manipulator. The 6/6-GSP is
represented schematically in Fig. 13. It consists of two semi-regular hexagons: a mobile
platform B1B3…B6and a base platform C1…C6. They are connected via six extensible
prismatic actuators.
418 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

(a) for orientation (600 ,450 ,450) (b) with a principal section xv=-4

(c) for orientation (600 ,600 ,450) (d) with a principal section xv=-4
Fig. 12. The singularity loci in three-dimensional space for the general orientations

5.1 The Jacobian matrix

The Jacobian matrix of this class of the Gough-Stewart manipulators can be constructed as
follows according to the theory of static equilibrium (Huang and Qu 1987)

⎛ S S2 S3 S4 S 5 S6 ⎞
[J] = [$1 $2 $6 ] = ⎜ 1
$3 $4 $5 ⎟
⎝ SO 1 SO 2 SO 3 SO 4 SO 5 SO 6 ⎠
⎛ (B1 − C 1 ) (B2 − C 2 ) (B3 − C 3 ) (B4 − C 4 ) (B5 − C 5 ) (B6 − C 6 ) ⎞
⎜ B −C (70)
B2 − C 2 B3 − C 3 B4 − C 4 B5 − C 5 B6 − C 6 ⎟⎟
1 1
⎜ (C 1 × B1 ) (C 2 × B2 ) (C 3 × B3 ) (C 4 × B4 ) (C 5 × B5 ) (C 6 × B6 ) ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ B1 − C 1 B2 − C 2 B3 − C 3 B4 − C 4 B5 − C 5 B6 − C 6 ⎠⎟

where vectors, Bi, Ci (i=1, 2, …, 6), respectively denote the vertex vectors of the moving and
base platforms with respect to the fixed frame,Fig. 15; $i (i=1, 2, …, 6)is a line vector of the
corresponding extensible link, and its Plücker coordinates are as follows $i=(Si; SOi)=(Li, Mi,
Ni; Pi, Qi, Ri)where the subscript i (i=1, 2, …, 6) indicates the ith limb connected by two
vertices Bi, Ci of the moving and base platforms of the manipulator. Si is a unit vector
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 419

specifying the direction of line vector $i, and SOi is a vector indicating the position of the line
vector together with Si.

(a) A 6/6-Gough-Stewart manipulators (b) Its top view

Fig. 13. Schematic of a class of the Gough-Stewart manipulators

5.2 Singularity analysis in three-dimensional space

A moving reference frame P-X’Y’Z’ and a fixed one O-XYZ are respectively attached to the
moving platform and the base platform of the manipulator, as shown in Fig. 15, where
origins P and O are corresponding geometric center of the moving and base platforms. The
position of the moving platform is given by the position of point P with respect to the fixed
frame, designated by (X, Y, Z), and the orientation of the moving platform is represented by
the standard Z-Y-Z Euler angles (φ, θ, ψ). Furthermore, geometric parameters of the
manipulator can be described as follows. The circumcircle radius of the base hexagon is Ra,
and that of the mobile hexagon is Rb,. β0 denotes the central angle of circumcircles of the
hexagons corresponding to sides C1C2 and B1B6, as shown in Fig. 15. The coordinates of six
vertices, Bi (i=1, 2, …, 6), of the moving platform are denoted by Bi' with respect to the
moving frame, and Bi with respect to the fixed frame. Similarly, Ci and Aj represent
coordinates of vertices, Ci (i=1, 2, …, 6) and Aj (j=1, 3, 5), of the base platform with respect to
the fixed frame.
Gosselin and Angeles (1990) pointed out that singularities of parallel manipulators could be
classified into three different types, i.e., inverse kinematic singularity, direct kinematic
singularity and architecture singularity. Here we only discuss the direct kinematic
singularity of this class of 6/6-Gough-Stewart manipulators, which occurs when the
determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the manipulator is equal to zero, i.e., det(J)=det(JT)=0.
Expanding and factorizing the determinant of the Jacobian matrix, the singularity locus
equation of the manipulator can be written as

f 1Z 3 + f 2 XZ 2 + f 3YZ 2 + f 4 X 2 Z + f 5Y 2 Z + f 6 XYZ + f 7 Z 2 + f 8 X 2 +
f 9Y 2 + f 10 XY + f 11 XZ + f 12YZ + f 13Z + f 14 X + f 15Y + f 16 = 0

Eq. (71) represents the constant-orientation singularity locus of this class of the Gough-
Stewart manipulators in the Cartesian space for a constant orientation (φ, θ, ψ). It is a
polynomial expression of degree three in the moving platform position parameters XYZ.
420 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

Coefficients of Eq. (71), fi (i=1, 2, …, 15, 16), are all functions of geometric parameters, Ra, Rb
and β0, and orientation parameters, (φ, θ, ψ), of the manipulator.
Graphical representations of the constant-orientation singularity locus of the manipulator
for different orientations are given to illustrate the result, as shown in Fig. 14. Geometric
parameters used here are given as Rb=2, Ra=1.5, β0=π/2.

(a) for orientation (90°, 60°, 30°) (b) for orientation (-90°, 30°, 60°)

(c) for orientation (60°, 30°, 45°) (d) for orientation (45°, 30°, 45°)
Fig. 14. Singularity loci for different orientations
From Figure 14, it can be clearly seen that the singularity loci for different orientations are
quite different, and they are complex and various. Among them, the most complicated
graph of the singularity loci looks like a trifoliate surface, whose two branches are of the
shape of a horn with one hole (Figure 14 (c) and (d)).

5.3 Singularity analysis in parallel principal-sections

5.3.1 Singularity locus equation in θ-plane
Huang, Chen and Li (2003) pointed out that the cross-sections of the cubic singularity locus
equation of the 3/6-GSP in parallelθ-planes are all quadratic expressions that include a
parabola, four pairs of intersecting lines and infinite hyperbolas. This conclusion is of great
importance for the property identification of the singularity loci of the 3/6-GSP. Similarly, in
order to identify the characteristics of singularity loci of this class of the 6/6-GSP, singularity
loci of the manipulator in parallel θ-planes will also be discussed in this section. Fig. 16
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 421

shows the position of the manipulator for orientation (φ, θ, ψ). The oblique plane is θ-plane
on which the moving platform lies.


C5 C4
X ψ
C6 C3
π /2 +φ Y' P
A5 A1 x
C1 W C2

Fig. 15. The position of the manipulator for orientation (φ, θ, ψ)
When θ≠0, the moving platform is not parallel to the base one. θ-plane intersects the base
plane at a line UWV, where points U, W, V are intersecting points between θ-plane and
three sides, A3A5, A1A5, and A3A1, of the base hexagon, as shown in Fig. 15. We set another
moving reference frame V-xy in θ-plane, and the coordinates of point P in this moving frame
V-xy are denoted by (x, y).
Equations of three lines, A3A5, A1A5, and A3A1, in the fixed frame O-XYZ can be easily
written. Owing to space limitations, we do not present these equations here. As point V, i.e.,
origin of the moving frame V-xy, lies on line A3A1, and it can be assumed that the
coordinates of point V with respect to the fixed frame O-XYZ are

V : ( XV , YV , 0)

where XV is a variable indicating the position of θ-plane, i.e., the position of the moving
platform for any given geometric and orientation parameters, and YV can be established by
the following expression

YV = 2 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) − 3XV (72)

So, the equation of line UV can be written as follows

YUV − 2 Ra cos( β 0 / 2) + 3XV = − cot(φ )( XUV − XV ) (73)

Therefore, coordinates of points U and W can be easily obtained. The coordinates of point P
designated by (X, Y, Z) with respect to the fixed frame and (x, y) in the moving frame V-xy
satisfy the following expression

X = cos φ cosθ x − sin φ y + XV

Y = sin φ cosθ x + cos φ y + YV (74)
Z = − sin θ x

Substituting Eq. (81) into Eq. (78) and after some rearrangements and factorizations, the
singularity locus equation of the manipulator in θ-plane can be written as follows
422 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

sin 3 θ ( ax 2 + 2 bxy + cy 2 + 2 dx + 2 ey + f ) = 0 (75)

Since θ≠0, the singularity locus equation of the manipulator with respect to θ-plane becomes

ax 2 + 2 bxy + cy 2 + 2 dx + 2 ey + f = 0 (76)

It can be proved that the coefficient c is always equal to zero, so Eq. (76) is a quadratic
polynomial expression with respect to x and y, and the maximum degree of variable x is 2
and y is 1. Coefficients a, b, d, e, f of Eq. (76) are all functions of geometric parameters Ra, Rb
and β0, Euler angles (φ, ψ) and XV. They are all independent of Euler angle θ. Generally, the
intersecting curve between a cubic surface and a plane is also a cubic expression that may
also contain a closed-loop curve. For example, when Ra=2, Rb=1.5, β0=π/2, (φ, θ, ψ)=(π/3,
π/6, π/4), intersecting curves between the corresponding singularity locus surface and the
following two planes, Z=-Y/3 and Z=-4(X-14)/45, are respectively presented as follows

(a) with the plane Z = −Y / 3 (b) with the plane Z = −4( X − 14) / 45

Fig. 16. Intersecting curves of closed-loop with different sections

Obviously, the intersecting curves between the singularity locus surface of the manipulator
and the two aforementioned planes are actually cubic expressions, which contain a closed-
loop curve, Fig.18. However, Eq. (76) is always a quadratic polynomial expression; it is
worth noting the same conclusion presented above holds for any manipulator of this class of
the Gough-Stewart manipulators considered in the current study. Therefore, θ-plane reflects
characteristics of the singularity loci of this class of the Gough-Stewart manipulators, and
that is why we call it the principal-section.

5.3.2 Property identification of the singularity loci in parallel principal-sections

The property of the singularity loci of the manipulator in parallel principal-sections can be
analyzed by two invariants, D and δ, of Eq. (76)

a b
δ= = ac − b 2 = −b 2 (77)
b c

a b d
D= b c e = −( a e 2 + f b 2 − 2b d e ) (78)
d e f
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 423

For any given geometric parameters and orientation parameters, generally, D≠0 and δ<0 for
general values of XV, so Eq. (76) indicates a set of hyperbolas shown in Fig. 19. Geometric
parameters and orientation parameters used in these examples are given as Ra=2, Rb=1.5,
β0=π/2, (φ, θ, ψ)=(π/3, π/6, 0).
Further research shows that for any given geometric parameters, Ra, Rb and β0, and
orientation parameters, (φ, θ, ψ), of the manipulator, D is a quartic expression while δ is a
quadratic expression with respect to the single variable XV. Generally, there are four real
roots when D=0 and δ≠0, and, in each of the four cases, Eq. (76) degenerates into two
intersecting lines. For the same reason, there is one real root of multiplicity two when δ=0
and D=0; in this case, Eq. (83) degenerates into a parabola. In order to demonstrate the
aforementioned theoretical results, a 6/6-GSP will be studied, whose geometric parameters
and the orientation parameters are given as follows: Ra=2, Rb=1.5, β0=π/2, (φ, θ, ψ)=(π/3,
π/6, 0). Please note that the following calculations are all based on these parameters.

(a) for orientation (60°, 30°, 0°), XV = 0 (b) for orientation (60°, 30°, 0°), XV = −1
Fig. 17. Singularity loci in parallel principal-planes for general values of XV

Fig. 18. The first case of two intersecting lines First Case of Two Intersecting Lines
The intersecting line UV passes through point C3 and then point V coincides with point C3.
When XV 1 = ( 6 + 2 ) / 2 , Eq. (76) degenerates into two intersecting lines, as shown in
Fig. 18.

(8x − 3( 6 + 2 ))( x + k1 y + c 1 ) = 0 (79) Second Case of Two Intersecting Lines

The intersecting line UV passes through point C4 and then point V coincides with point C4.
424 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

XV 2 = ( 6 − 2 ) / 2 (80)

Eq. (76) also degenerates into two intersecting lines

(8x − 3( 6 − 2 ))( x + k2 y + c 2 ) = 0 (81)

The first part of Eq. (81) is

8x − 3( 6 − 2 ) = 0 (82)

which is a line parallel to y-axis. Meanwhile, it can be proved that point B1 is located on the
base plane. Similarly, when B1 coincides with C4, the singularity of this point is of the first
special-linear-complex singularity. Similarly, when B1 does not coincide with C4,
singularities corresponding to points lying in line of Eq. (82) are of the general-linear-
complex singularity.
The second part of Eq. (81) denotes another line. Singularities corresponding to points lying
in this line are all of the general-linear-complex singularity. Third Case of Two Intersecting Lines
When XV 3 = 3( 6 + 2 ) / 2 , D=0 and δ≠0, Eq. (76) degenerates into two intersecting lines

(8x + (9 2 + 3 6 ))( x + k3 y + c 3 ) = 0 (83) The Fourth Case of Two Intersecting Lines

When XV 4 = (11 6 − 3 2 ) / 12 , D=0 and δ≠0, Eq. (76) degenerates into two intersecting lines

(24 x − (15 2 + 5 6 ))( x + k4 y + c 4 ) = 0 (84)

The first part of Eq. (84) is

24 x − (15 2 + 5 6 ) = 0 (85)

which is a line parallel to y-axis of frame V-xy. In particular, there are three special points at
which all the segments associated with the six extensible links of the manipulator intersect
one common line, respectively One Case of a Parabola
When XV 5 = (7 6 + 3 2 ) / 6 , δ=0and D≠0, Eq. (76) degenerates into a parabola, as shown in
Fig. 23

(528 6 − 912 2 )x 2 + (1423 3 − 2472)x + (504 − 288 3)y + 513 6 − 909 2 = 0 (86)

The manipulator is always singular corresponding to points lying in the parabola. Similarly,
there are three special points at which all the segments associated with the six extensible
links of the manipulator intersect one common line.
Based on the analyses described above, it can be concluded that the singularity loci of this
class of the 6/6-Gough-Stewart manipulators in parallel principal-sections are always
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 425

quadratic expressions that generally include infinite hyperbolas. However, for four parallel
locations of the principal-section, the quadratic expression degenerates into two intersecting
lines respectively, and in one location the quadratic expression is a parabola when θ≠0.

Fig. 19. One case of a parabola

5.3.3 Singularity analysis when θ=0

When θ=0, the moving platform is parallel to the base one. Meanwhile, Eq. (94) can be
reduces as follows

Z 3 cos(φ + ψ ) = 0 (87)

1. When Z=0, the moving and the base platforms are coincident. In this special
configuration, the manipulator has three DOFs: two rotational freedoms and one
translational freedom.
2. When (φ+ψ)=±90°, for the 6/6-Gough-Stewart manipulator, it is the singularity
proposed by Fichter (1986).
As we have discussed, the singularity loci of this class of the 6/6-Gough-Stewart
manipulators in parallel principal-sections include infinite hyperbolas, four cases of two
intersecting lines, and one case of a parabola when θ=0.
From analytic geometry, there are five different types of quadric surface with hyperbola
sections: hyperbolic cylinder, hyperbolic paraboloid, hyperboloid of one sheet, hyperboloid
of two sheets, and conic surface. However, none of these can contain infinite hyperbolas,
one case of a parabola, and four cases of two intersecting lines simultaneously. Therefore,
the singularity locus equation of this class of 6/6-Gough-Stewart manipulators considered
in three-dimensional space is a special irresolvable polynomial expression of degree three,
whose cross-sections in parallel principal-sections contain one case of a parabola, four cases
of two intersecting lines and infinite hyperbolas.

6. Conslusion
6.1 A necessary and sufficient condition that the three velocities of three non-collinear points
in a rigid body can reflect that the body has a possible twist motion is that the intersecting
point of three normal planes of three velocities lies in the plane determined by the three
points. This is also the necessary and sufficient condition of occuring singularity for a
parallel mechanism, when all actuators are locked.
6.2 Based on the singularity kinematics principle and Singularity-Equivalent-Mechanism
method, the structure and property of the singularity surface of 3/6-Gough-Stewart
platform for all different orientations (φ, θ, ψ)can be finally concluded as follows
426 Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

6.2.1 When θ=0, the mobile platform and the base one are parallel with each other. The
special configuration of the mechanism is (90°, 0, 0)which is proposed by Fichter (1986). The
mechanism is singular whatever the position of the mobile platform is. It belongs to the
general-linear-complex singularity.
6.2.2 When θ=0, Z=0, the mobile platform and the base one are coincident. The mechanism is
singular whatever the other two Euler angles are. The mechanism has three DOF: two
rotational freedoms and one translational freedom. They belong to the first or the second
special-linear-complex singularity, respectively (Huang; Chen; Li 2003).
6.2.3 When θ≠0, φ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150° and ψ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150°, the singularity loci for
this orientation include a plane (Hunt plane) and a hyperbolic paraboloid (Huang; Chen; Li
2003). The intersecting line UV between the mobile platform and the base one is parallel to
some side of the basic triangle A1A3A5.
6.2.4 When θ≠0, φ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150° and ψ=±30°, ±90°, or ±150°, the singularity loci are
three intersecting planes (Huang; Chen; Li 2003).
6.2.5 When θ≠0, φ≠±30°, ±90°, and ±150° and ψ=±30°, ±90°, or ±150°, the singularity loci for
this orientation also include a plane and a hyperbolic paraboloid (Huang; Chen; Li 2003).
6.2.6 When θ=0, neither φ nor ψ is equal to any one of the angles, ±30°, ±90°, ±150°. This is
the most general case for 3/6-GSP. The singularity equation for this orientation is a special
irresolvable polynomial expression of degree three, and the structure of the singularity loci
in infinite parallel principal sections includes a parabola, four pairs of intersecting straight
lines and infinity of hyperbolas (Huang and Cao 2006).
6.2.7 There is only one instantaneous freedom forming a twist with hm≠0, appearing when
3/6-GSP is singular for infinite general orientations. But there are seven special situations in
which the instantaneous motion is a pure rotation with hm=0. However, under the case θ=0,
Z=0 the instantaneous motion is a pure translation with hm=∞.
6.2.8 According to the singularity-equivalent-mechanism, the singularity can occur at any
point all over the θ-plane. That is to say, the singularity can occur everywhere in the
workspace of the mechanism. But the singularity orientation of the platform in different
points may be different.
6.2.9 The planar section parallel to the mobile platform is named principal section of the
singularity surface. The singularity expressions in infinite parallel principal sections are
always quadratic.
6.3 The structure and property of the singularity loci of this class of 6/6-Gough-Stewart
manipulators for all different orientations can be finally concluded as follows (Huang and
Cao 2005)
6.3.1 The singularity locus equation of degree three, is of a special irresolvable polynomial
expression whose cross-sections in parallel principal-sections contain one parabola, four
pairs of intersecting lines, and infinite hyperbolas.
6.3.2 The graphical representations of the singularity locus of this class of the 6/6-Gough-
Stewart manipulators are quite complex and various for different orientations. The most
complex graphic of the singularity loci looks like a trifoliate surface with two holes.
6.3.3 We find an incredible phenomenon, for this class of the 6/6-Gough-Stewart
manipulators, there are also some special singularity cases where six lines associated with
the six extensible links of the manipulator can intersect one common line and the remnant
motion of the manipulator is a pure rotational motion. Even for the same orientation of the
manipulator, there are two or more positions of the manipulator at which the six lines of the
manipulator all intersect one common line simultaneously.
Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of Gough-Stewart Manipulator 427

6.3.4 When θ=0, Z=0, the manipulator also has three remnant DOFs: two rotational freedoms
and one translational freedom.

7. Acknowledgment
The research work reported here is supported by the NSFC under Grant No. 59885006 and
50275129, 50905075 and Supported by the Self-determined Research Program of Jiangnan
University under Grant No. JUSRP10908.

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