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Rationale and Background of The Study Rationale

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Filipinos are fond of eating varieties of food. They are always unto food pleasures

and fond of trying strange foods. As a matter of fact, Filipinos have a very unique plate

and taste buds when it comes to food. They are also wonder driven people and always

seeking for a thrill. Among these foods is what we called exotic foods. Exotic foods

cannot be found in most of the dishes, they are unique and extraordinary.

Moreover, exotic foods are foods that a person find unusual and unfamiliar. It can

be meats, vegetables, fruits and etc. They are one of a kind that is prepared differently

and not often found and served in a restaurant. If it is cannot be found for a certain region

then it can be considered as an exotic food.

Apart from that, it is more unique and convenient if it is served in a restaurant.

Restaurant is a business that prepares and serves food in exchange for money. It offers

dine in, food delivery, and takeout services. Its great appearance and offering services can

easily attracts customers. Restaurant differs from other in terms of its service, formality,

speed, cost, and location. In formal setting, the customers are sitting at tables and their

orders are taken by waiter while in others such as cafeterias, there are no waiters the

customers do a self-service manner.

Tree restaurant is a type of restaurant constructed around next to or among trunks

or branches of one or more mature trees in an above ground level. It is built with a light

construction materials such as wood, bamboo and etc.

Filipinos are by nature curious about many things. They want to try things that is

latest, trend, and unfamiliar. The proponents think that exotic food tree restaurant can

captivate the costumers’ interest by having its unique menu and concepts. Exotic food

tree restaurant offers various kind of food that is not commonly seen. It tends to satisfy

the Filipino extraordinary food cravings. To attract customers the restaurant bestows

Filipino ambiance that it is built in a Nipa hut constructed around a mature trees. As anti-

boredom add-ons, the researcher added Wi-Fi connection for all the customers who dine-

in on the restaurant. Customers can also take out orders if they want to. Furthermore, the

proposed business focuses on serving an exotic food in more unique and delicious way

and to create a beautiful place where people can enjoy food in an enchanting setting and

great ambiance.

Background of the Study

Among the various environmental issues today is the excessive cutting of trees.

Possible causes of these activities are the creation of subdivisions, building constructions

and the usage of tree parts. There are a lot of problems interrelated with the lack of trees

and these reasons gave rise to the idea of Tree Restaurant. Scorpwriters (2012) said that

tree building are termed to be eco-friendly as it will not need to cut down tree in order to

be built, just build it within the trees’ canopies.

In the hot Philippine weather, trees can be a natural air conditioner. The

evaporation from a single tree can produce the cooling effect of 10 room size air

conditioners operating 20 hours a day. A book, “Cities and Natural Process: A Basis for

Sustainability” written by Michael Hough (2004) pointed that trees have better cooling

power than air-conditioner has. According to this book, air-conditioner only shifts heat

from indoors to outdoors and also use electric power which is why heat is still available

to increase air temperature. On the other hand, tree renders it unavailable. Therefore a

free service the restaurant can offer is the healthy and natural environment.

Food really plays a vital part in everyone’s daily living. It is a thing that people

cannot live without. It nourishes and supplies within the body.

According to a food writer Mark Kurlansky (2002), food is about everything

especially about memories and traditions. Some may choose to eat meat, some are

vegetarian. Some are into traditional but some are into unusual. Others are more likely to

have their meals at food establishment like restaurant while others are more preferred at

home. Truthfully, people may vary their food accordance with their food perception.

The proposed business is highly demand in the market world. Entering into the

world of Food Industry requires a lot of risk but if one is competitive enough to face

those hindrances, a highly valued establishment will be created.

Nowadays, in order to be more competent in this whole wide market full of

competition, the goal of businessman is to think and discover unique ways to captivate

the customer’s interest.

Most of people are adventurous and try different foods like exotic foods. Exotic

food is food that a person finds strange or unfamiliar. Exotic food can be unusual types of

meats, fruits, vegetables or spices or it can be the way that the foodis prepared. This kind

of food is really suitable to offer in a tree restaurant because of the ambiance andthe style.

Tree Restaurant is truly unique and it brings people closer to nature.

The researchers proposed a restaurant business offering the different exotic foods

to satisfy the demand of the people on food. The price is surely affordable for every

choice of food and rest assured that the business will gain its customer’s satisfaction.

According to Jenny McKenzie, “The customer is why we are here, if we take good care

of them, they will give us good reason to comeback”. The customer is the business life

priority. What they need is what they will get.



General Objectives

To determine the Acceptability of Tree Restaurant offering Exotic Food in

San Pablo City Laguna.

Specific Objectives

 To serve high quality exotic food to the general public.

 To give good service qualities to the customers.

 To increase the number of sales by 5% each year.

 To increase profitability and revenue by 5% annually.



A. Technical Aspect

Technical Aspect of the feasibility study involves planning, execution, and control of the

procurement, movement, and stationing of personnel, material, and other resources to

achieve the objectives of the proposed business. It deals with how the services are to be

rendered and the costs associated with rendering the services.

conduct survey to determine the acceptability of the restaurant

Choosing the name of the restaurant

financing capital that needs to start up a business

finding the right location

space needed in opening the restaurant

diffrent equipment and supplies needed in putting a restaurant

hiring an employee

planning how the operation of the restaurant flow

Figure 1. Service Preparation


The preparation that the researchers made in putting a business which is tree

restaurant offering the different exotic foods are the following: they conduct survey to

determine the market acceptability of their restaurant, they choose the name that fit on

their restaurant, the financing capital that their need to start up a business, the space

needed in opening the restaurant, finding the right location, different equipment and

supplies needed in putting a restaurant, hiring an employee and planning how the

operation of their restaurant flow.

Service Implementation

In customers’ perspective, restaurant is not just about food. Customers sometimes

spend more money in a restaurant when they feel pampered. For this reason, the

proprietors of Exotic Food Tree Restaurant will affirm that the customers are greeted

warmly and treated with care and respect by the staff. Owners, managers and employers

have shared responsibility in ensuring that the customers are treated well and left with an

overall positive impression of their dining experience.

If the best efforts of the staff to eliminate complaints like insects on the food they will be

oriented beforehand that they shall remember the principle “customers are always right”.

If such incident happens, employees will politely accept that it is their shortcoming and

serve another food even if it is at the expense of the business.

In the case of food poisoning, if ever it is proven that it is the negligence of the business,

the business will compensate for the damage caused by such carelessness.

Service Description

The proposed business will be located at Sampaloc Lake, San Pablo City Laguna

which is besides at Doña Leonila Park and near at the San Pablo City Capitol Building.

Exotic Foods Tree Restaurant will have a total area of 43 square meters. 18 square

meters will be allotted for the dining area and 25 square meters for the kitchen. The

restaurant will offer different exotic food like Fried frog, sizzlingbalot, ginataangsuso,

ensalada,adobongsalagubang, Kilawingkambing,tortangtalaba, sarsyadongbayuko and

caterpillar stew. For the sake of other customers the researchers will also offer other

menus such as Crispy pata, pork adobo, tinolangmanok, ginisangampalaya, pinakbet and

chicken pastel.

Figure 2. The restaurant


Figure 2. The restaurant

Project Size

The proposed business will be a small venture. Owners will start from humble

beginnings to minimize risk.

Figure 3. Restaurant’s first Floor


The restaurant’s first floor is composed of comfort room, counter and kitchen.

The ground floor has an area of 25 square meters. 12 square meters for kitchen and

counter and rest is for customer space which are the comfort room and staircase.

Figure 4. Restaurant’s second floor

Once gone upstairs, there are 6 tables waiting for customers. It occupies the area

of 18 square meters. Some space will be for the plants for a good ambiance and oxygen.

Service Schedule

Table 1

Schedule of Tree Restaurant

Task Sun Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Food 8:00am- 8:00am- 8:00am- 8:00am- 8:00am- 8:00am-

Preparation 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am


Serving 9:01am- 9:01am- 9:01am- 9:01am- 9:01am- 9:01am-

Customers 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Restaurant 7:01pm- 7:01pm- 7:01pm- 7:01pm- 7:01pm- 7:01pm-

Cleaning 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm

Exotic food tree restaurant is open to serve its customers starting from Tuesdayto

Sunday at exactly 9:00 am – 7:00 pm. The preparation of exotic food starts at 8:00am –

9:00am, followed by serving the customers which starts at 9:00am – 7:00 pm and lastly

the restaurant cleaning which starts at 7:01am – 8:00pm. The proposed business is

expecting to have a huge volume of customers every Sunday since this day is allotted for

family bonding and people usually go to Sampaloc Lake to unwind and to feel the

refreshing nature ambiance.

Figure 5. Gantt Chart

After 1 year and 2 months of preparation, the restaurant will start its operation in

May. The process will start in finding a good location where it can select target markets

easily. This restaurant which is made from sturdy woods is 8 months in the making. Its

interior design, composed mostly of plants to create a serene ambiance, will take 3

months for perfection.

Figure 6. Location of the Business


Figure 6. Location of the Business

The planned business will be located at Sampaloc Lake, San Pablo City Laguna.

Sampaloc Lake is located beside the Doña Leonila Park and behind the San Pablo City

Capitol Building. The site will be accessible to all the people who want to visit the place.

B. Marketing Aspect

Marketing is the process of perceiving, understanding, stimulating, and satisfying

the customer needs, wants and expectations through the goods and services of specially

selected target market which is better than the competitors. The process of the business is

to build strong customer relationship in order to gain loyalty from them.


Market Segmentation


30% 14%


48% Teenager

Figure 7. Market Segmentation

The business’ target customers are those who have the possibility or potential to

eat on a restaurant. The target market of the Tree Restaurant offering Exotic Food

concentrates on people who live in San Pablo City, Laguna. The chart above stated the

population of consumers who will patronize the Exotic Food Tree Restaurant. The target

consumers’ labels are the following: Children from 10-12, senior from 60 and above,

Teenagers from 13-19 and Adults from 20-59. The 48% of the proposed business is from

the adults, 30% is from the teenagers, 8% is from the children and the least possible

target market is the seniors having an 14% in the pie graph. The highest percentage of

consumers of Tree Restaurant offering Exotic Food belongs to the adults because they are

more adventurous and always want to try unusual foods than others.

Target Market

People nowadays are always searching for a new, unique and unusual food. The

researchers’ proposed a business about the restaurant offering the different exotic foods

to satisfy the demand of people.

The researchers target customers’ are seniors, adults, teenagers and children.

Adults and teenagers are always want to try what is trend compared to seniors and

children that is why the researchers give them the highest percentage.


Figure 8.Positioning

The above positioning grid considered the two factors which was the quality and

the price. The proposed business which is Tree Restaurant Offering Exotic Food will

serve high quality foods with a low price. The nearest competitor of the researchers’

restaurant is the Clydenjosh Grill Restaurant which serves high quality foods with a high


Marketing analysis

Customers today look for a cozy place where they can take nice photos and

upload it to the social media. A background in their display photo that can make their

social media friends say “where did you took that?” is another factor. They, of course, do

not only go somewhere for such purpose. Today’s markets want to be secured that they

will get what they have paid for. Which are why, the proponents of this study wants to

offer a service worth paying for−an authentic and unforgettable experience.

Marketing Strategy

As a foundation of the marketing plan, marketing strategy will pave the way in

achieving the business goal. This will not only focus on the service but this shall center

also in the customer, their needs and wants.

Pricing Strategy

The proposed business will use cost plus pricing formula. It is a cost-based method for

setting the prices of goods and services. Under this approach, the total amount of direct

material cost, direct labor cost, and overhead costs will be added to a markup percentage

(to create a profit margin) in order to derive the price of the product. It makes the

derivation of food prices simple and it is justifiable that it is easy to find the reason of

price increase.

Advertising Strategy

Advertising trend is influenced of the improving technology. This is the very

reason why the advertising strategy of the proposed restaurant will use social media. The

proponents will create a business page of the restaurant using facebook, instagram and

twitter since it is the most visited websites.

Tarpaulins will also be distributed which includes the specific information of the

business such as the business’ name, logo,address, phone number, type of cuisine and the

business’ specialties. Tarpaulins will be posted especially for the individuals on their way

home from work. Having some legal permits, the tarpaulin will be posted around the city

and other specific location accessible by the target market.


The highlight of the promotional strategy is about captivating the customer’s

interest to come and try the service and product offerings. The restaurant will be honored

to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers whilst bringing them close to nature. We

will offer 40 % discount on exotic food one month after the grand opening.

The Restaurant will offer the following exotic food:

Sizzling Balut


With Plain Rice: Php115.36

Brown Rice: Php119.61

Black Rice: Php 130.24

Fried Frog


With Plain Rice: Php109.08

Brown Rice: Php113.33

Black Rice: Php123.96



With Plain Rice: Php87.83

Brown Rice: Php92.08

Black Rice: Php102.71




With Plain Rice: Php88.97

Brown Rice: Php93.22

Black Rice: Php103.85



With Plain Rice: Php106.25

Brown Rice: Php110.50

Black Rice: Php121.38



With Plain Rice: Php90.01

Brown Rice: Php94.35

Black Rice: Php104.98




With Plain Rice: Php108.80

Brown Rice: Php113.05

Black Rice: Php123.68

Other Menus:

Crispy Pata


With Plain Rice: Php71.61

Brown Rice: Php75.86

Black Rice: Php86.49

Chicken Pastel


With Plain Rice: Php85.00

Brown Rice: Php89.25

Black Rice: Php99.88




With Plain Rice: Php40.38

Brown Rice: Php44.63

Black Rice: Php55.26


Iced Tea


Pineapple Juice




Mountain Dew



Php 170.00


Plain Rice


Brown Rice


Black Rice


Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation of Data

5% 3%
22% Fast Casual
Casual Dining

7% Tree Restaurant
63% Family Style
Fast Food
Fine Dining

Figure 9.Frequency Distribution as to Concept of RestaurantPreference

Figure 9 shows frequency of preference of the respondence according to the

concept of restaurant. 3% preferred casual dining, 63% of them like tree restaurant, 7%

prefer family style while 22% choose fast food and 5% like fine dining.

23% 22%
Once a Month
6% Several Times a Week

25% Once a Week

24% Once a Year
2-3 times a month

Figure 10.Frequency Distribution as to how many times respondents go to a restaurant


Figure 10 shows how frequent the respondents go to a restaurant . 25% of them go

several times a week. 22% go once a month, 6% of them go once a year and 23% of them

go 2-3 times a week.


Food Quality

54% Price
Interior Design

Figure 11.Frequency Distribution as to what factors respondents consider first in a


The figure 11 shows the factor which the respondents consider first in choosing a

restaurant. According to the result, 54% of the respondents choose the food quality; 22%

of the respondents consider first the price; 19% choose service; 3% of the respondents

choose the hygiene and only 2% of the respondents consider first the interior design when

choosing the restaurant.


29% 36% Recommendation from a Friend

10% Social Media/Website
TV advertisement
Word of Mouth

Figure 12.Frequency of Distribution as to how the respondents inform themselves about

a restaurant

The figure 12 shows where does informaton about restaurant came from. 36% of

the respondents choose the recommendation from a friend; 22% choose the social media

or website; 29% choose word of mouth; 10% choose TV Advetisement and 3% only of

the respondents choose the newspaper.




Figure 13.Percentage of Respondents find tree restaurant uncommon


Figure 13 shows the percentage of respondents who find tree restaurant

uncommon. 89% find the tree restaurant uncommon and 11% of the respondents do not.



Figure 14.Percentage of Respondents who are willing to eat exotic food

The figure above shows the frequency of respondents who are willing to eat

exotic food. According to the result, 75% of the total number of respondents are willing

to eat exotic food and 25% of respondents are not willing to do so. It indicates that

majority of the respondents would like to eat exotic food.




Figure 15.Percentage of Respondents who choose to eat in a tree restaurant


Figure 15 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents choose to eat in a

tree restaurant. According to the results, 94% of the total numbers of respondents choose

to eat in a tree restaurant and only 6% are not willing to do so. The data indicates that

most of the respondents willing to eat in a tree restaurant.


64.89% Php131-Php160

Figure 16.Percentage of Price respondents prefer to pay

Figure 16 shows the range of price the respondents prefer to pay. Based on the

figure above, 64.89% of the respondents prefer to pay Php 100-130, 25.53% are willing

to pay Php 131-160 and 9.57% for Php 161-190. It indicates that majority of the

respondents prefer to pay a range of Php70-100.





Figure 17.Percentage of Respondents who like the idea of having tree restaurant offering

exotic food in San Pablo City.

Figure 17 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents who like the idea of

having Tree Restaurant offering Exotic Food in San Pablo City Laguna. According to the

results, 92% of the total numbers of respondents like the idea and only 8% do not. It only

indicates that most of the respondents like the idea of having Tree restaurant offering

Exotic food in San Pablo City Laguna.

Table 2
Acceptability in terms of proposed facilities
Indicators Mean Interpretations
1. It should be kept clean. 4.79 Strongly Agree
2. It should obtain and often display licenses or 4.43 Strongly Agree
3. It should have a good Architectural Structure. 4.78 Strongly Agree
4. It should have a proper ventilation. 4.67 Strongly Agree
5.00-4.21 Strongly Agree
4.20-3.41 Agree
3.40-2.61 NeitherAgree nor Disagree
2.60-1.81 Disagree
1.80-1.00 Strongly Disagree

Table 2 show the average anticipation of the respondents on proposed facilities of

the restaurant. All the indicators perceived to have a strongly agreeable interpretation.

The respondents perceived facilities of proposed restaurant as such: (1.) It should be kept

clean with the mean value of 4.79, interpreted as strongly agree (2.) It should obtain and

often display licenses or permits, with the mean value of 4.43, interpreted as strongly

agree. (3.) It should have a good architectural structure with the mean value of 4.78,

interpreted as strongly agree. (4.) It should have a proper ventilation with the mean value

of 4.67, interpreted as strongly agree. These findings imply that the respondents

anticipates that the restaurant will be kept clean since among the 4 indicators in terms of

proposed facilities, item number 1 exhibits the highest mean value of 4.79. On the other

hand, item number 2 which indicates that the respondents less anticipates that the

restaurant will often display licenses and permits.

Table 3
Acceptability in terms of proposed efficiency and effectiveness of the server
Indicators Mean Interpretations
1. The restaurant staff should be courteous and 4.75 Strongly Agree
2. The restaurant staff should answer customers’ 4.70 Strongly Agree
question and provide help.
3. The customer should be served promptly. 4.70 Strongly Agree
4. The employee should speak clearly. 4.72 Strongly Agree
5.00-4.21 Strongly Agree
4.20-3.41 Agree
3.40-2.61 NeitherAgree nor Disagree
2.60-1.81 Disagree
1.80-1.00 Strongly Disagree

Table 3 shows the average anticipation of the respondents on the proposed

efficiency and effectiveness of the services. According to the results, all the indicators

perceived to have an strongly agreeable interpretation. The respondents anticipates the

efficiency and effectiveness of the services as such: (1) the restaurant staff should be

courteous and professional, with the mean value of 4.75 which is interpreted as strongly

agree; (2) the restaurant staff should answer customer's questions and provide help, with

the mean value of 4.70 which is interpreted as strongly agree; (3) the customers should be

served promptly, with the mean value of 4.70 which is interpreted as strongly agree; (4)

the employees should speak clearly, with the mean value of 4.72 which is also interpreted

as strongly agree. These findings imply that the respondents anticipates that the restaurant

staff should be courteous and professional since among the four indicators in terms of

efficiency and effectiveness of the services item number 1 exhibits the highest mean

value of 4.75. On the other hand, item number 2 and 3 got the lowest mean value of 4.70

which indicates that the respondents less anticipates that the restaurant staff should

answer customer's question and provide help and the customers should be served


Table 4
Acceptability in terms of proposed food
Indicators Mean Interpretations
1. It should be tested before served. 4.53 Strongly Agree
2. Its offering shall adapt its local taste. 4.47 Strongly Agree
3. The presentation of exotic food will affect my 4.67 Strongly Agree
willingness to eat it.
4. The food should be served hot and fresh. 4.68 Strongly Agree
5.00-4.21 Strongly Agree
4.20-3.41 Agree
3.40-2.61 NeitherAgree nor Disagree
2.60-1.81 Disagree
1.80-1.00 Strongly Disagree

The table above shows the average anticipation of the respondents on the food.

According to the results,all the indicators perceived to have an strongly agree

interpretation. The respondents perceived on the food such as: (1) It shall be tested before

served, with the mean value of 4.53 interpretation as strongly agree, (2) Its offering shall

adapt its local taste,with the mean value of 4.47interpretation as strongly agree, (3) The

presentation of exotic food will affect my willingness to eat it, with the mean value of

4.67 interpretation as strongly agree, (4) The food should be served hot and fresh, with

the mean value of 4.68interpretation as strongly agree. These findings imply that the food

should be served hot and fresh, since among the four indicators in terms of food item

number four exhibits the highest mean value of 4.68. On the other hand, item number two

got the lowest mean value of 4.47 which indicates the respondents less anticipates that

the food will adapt its local taste.

C. Financial Aspect

The success of the business is usually measured through its financial aspect. The

decision-making process to maximize the wealth of the firm shall have the consideration

regarding its financial capability. It projects how much start-up capital is needed, sources

of capital, returns on investment, and other financial considerations. It looks at how much

cash is needed, where it will come from, and how it will be spent. Also, with the use of

financial analysis it is possible to determine the possible stability of the proposed


Initial Capital Requirement

The proponents agreed to contribute P320,000.00 each as an initial capital

requirement of the business. They have decided that all of them will have an equal share

in the initial capital for the sum of P 960,000.00.Due to less costly equipments and raw

materials. Minimization of materials needed to buy and how much each item costs will

help to meet the business’ goal and will able to earn a greater profit.

Table 5

Total Projected Cost

Monthly Expense One-off Costs

Machineries & Kitchen

Raw Materials ₱123,960.00 ₱ 9, 200.00

Maintenance Expense 2, 065.00 Permits & Licenses Expense 5, 830.00

Rent Expense
Advertising Expense 6, 000.00
One Month Advance 5,000.00

8, 400.00
Utilities Expense 2,400.00 Furniture & Fixtures

Salaries Expense 63, 600.00 Construction Expense 700,000.00

SSS, PhilHealth&Pag-ibig
6, 884.32

Office Supplies Expense 145.00

Total Monthly Expense 204, 054.32 Total One-off Costs 729, 430

Total Projected Cost 933, 484.32

Sources of Financing

One of the hardest parts of starting a business is raising the money to get going.

The business will have a starting capital of PhpEach partner will contribute the amount of

Php 320,000.00. According to the proponents, borrowing money from the banks is one of

the options to raise the capital. The profit or loss of share will also be divided equally to

the partners.

Financial Assumption

a) Accounting period: Calendar year ending Dec. 31

b) Starting capital Php 960,000.00

c) Sales is projected to increase 5% per year

d) All sales and purchases are made in cash

e) Rent expense is Php 5,000.00 monthly, including water consumption.

f) Office supplies expense increase 1% per year

g) Utilities expense increase 2% per year

h) For employees contribution

i. Pag-ibig 2%per head per month

ii. Phil Health ₱150 per headper month

iii. SSS 3.63 % per head per month

i) For employer’s contribution

i. Pagibig 2% per head per month

ii. PhilHealth₱150.00 per head per month

iii. SSS7.37 % per head per month

j) Method of depreciation: Building, machineries and equipment, furniture and

fixtures have estimated useful life of 5 years. Depreciation expense is computed

in a straight line method.

k) Tax rate is 30% on income should be imposed


l) Witholding taxes: 10% of quarterly compensation after deducting in compulsary

deduction by government agencies

m) Permit and Licenses are assumed to have a total of Php 5,830.00 annually

n) Raw materials will increase 2% yearly

o) Salaries and wages of employees and employers are consistent within 5 years

p) Leasing contract will be for 5 years

q) Supplies of raw materials will have a contract of 5 years

r) There will be withdrawals

s) Yearly Salary includes 13th month pay

t) Maintenance expense will increase 2% yearly

Table 6
Sales Forecast

Facilities andEquipments

Table 7

Furnitures and Fixtures

Items Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Tables 600.00 6 1200.00
Chair 300.00 24 7200.00
Total 8400.00

Table 7 contains the prices of furnitures and fixtures. Acquisition of dining tables

will cost ₱1200 while chairs will cost ₱7200. Lightning of the restaurant worth ₱800.

Procurement of furnitures and fixtures has a total of ₱92 000.

Table 8

Office Supplies Expense

Items Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Ballpen 35.00 1 box 35.00
Calculator 85.00 1 85.00
Recordbook 25.00 1 25.00
Total 145.00

Consumables that will be used regularly by the business include ballpens which

costs ₱35, calculator for ₱85 and recordbook amounting to ₱25. These supplies has the

sum of ₱145.00 and this will be the office supplies expense of the business.

Table 9

Utilities Expense
Monthly Cost Annual Cost
Wi-fi Connection Php 1400.00 Php 16,800.00
Electricity Php 1,000.00 Php 12,000.00
Total Php 2,400.00 Php28,800.00

Due to some innovation and expansion of the business the utilities expense is expected to

increase 5% annually.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Php28,800.00 Php 30,240.00 Php 31,752.00 Php33,340.00

The cost of usage of utilities will be ₱28 000. It arises from the cost of wifi

connection which is ₱1400 every month and ₱1000 cost of electricity consumption.

With the 5% increase of utilities expenses every year, it is expected to be ₱30 240

in its second year and ₱33 340.00 for the third year.

Table 10

Advertising Expense

Items Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)

Tarpaulin 500.00 12 6000.00

Advertising materials needed are 12 tarpaulins which costs ₱500 each that will

make the ₱6000 cost of advertising.

Table 11

Maintenance Expense
Items Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Broom 70.00 4 280.00
Mop 150.00 2 300.00
Trashcan 50.00 2 100.00
Dustpan 20.00 2 40.00
Lamp 200.00 4 800.00
Soap 30.00 12 360.00
Toilet Tissue 80.00 1 set 85.00
Rubs 25.00 4 100.00
Total 2065.00

The proper sanitary condition of the restaurant will depend on its maintenance.

Supplies needed are shown in table 7. Total cost of maintenance is ₱1265 because

cleaning materials such as broom, mop, trashcan, dustpan, soap, toilet tissue and rags

shall be purchased to perform an act of sanitation.

Table 12

Kitchen Utensils
Items Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
LPG tank 500.00 2 1,000.00
Cutleries 150.00 1 dozen 150.00
Plates 200.00 2 dozen 400.00
Cooking Utensils 500.00 5 2,500.00
Glass 150.00 1 dozen 150.00
Total 4,200.00

Table 12 is comprised of amounts of cooking equipments adding them up will

carry out the amount of ₱4200.

Table 13

Machineries and Equipments

Items Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Stove 1,000.00 2 2,000.00
Blender 1, 500.00 2 3,000.00
Total 5,000.00

Table 13 is shows the amount of machineries and equipments of tree restaurant

offering exotic food. The total amount is ₱5,000.

Table 14

Raw Materials
Items Price (Php) Monthly
Sizzling Balut 440.00 10, 560.00
Fried Frog 355.00 8, 520.00
GinataangSuso 280.00 6,720.00
Ensalada 284.00 6, 816.00
AdobongSalagubang 115.00 2,760.00
KilawingKambing 141.00 3, 384.00
SarsyadongBayuko 118.00 2, 832.00

Crispy Pata 297.00 7, 128.00

TinolangManok 235.00 5, 640.00
Chicken Pastel 360.00 8, 640.00
Pinakbet 159.00 3, 816.00
GinisangAmpalaya 75.00 1, 800.00
Softdrinks 320.00 7, 640.00
Juice 216.00 5, 184.00
Lambanog 900.00 21, 600.00
Sacks of rice 870.00 20, 880.00
Total 123, 960.00

Table 14 discloses the amount of the ingredients of the foods that are to be served

in the restaurant. Combining these items will sum up an amount of ₱120, 120.00

Exotic Food

Table 15

Sizzling Balut (for 7 servings)

Ingredients Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)

Balut 120.00 2 dozen 240.00
Flour 15.00 1/4 kilogram 15.00
Oil 20.00 1 bottles 20.00
Garlic 25.00 ½ kilogram 25.00
All-Purpose Cream 60.00 1 small pack 60.00
Butter 40.00 ¼ kg. 40.00
Salt 5.00 1pack 5.00
Pepper 5.00 3 packs 15.00
Onion 25.00 ½ kilogram 25.00
Mixed Vegetables 15.00 ¼ kilogram 15.00
Total 440.00

Table 15 is the list of the ingredients for sizzling balut with their corresponding

prices. The whole recipe is worth ₱440.


Table 16

Fried Frog (for 6 servings)

Ingredients Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)

Frog 15.00 18 pcs. 270.00
Breading 15.00 3 packs. 45.00
Oil 20 2 bottles 40.00
Total 355.00

As shown in table 16, ingredients needed for fried frog are frog, breading mix and

oil. All these raw materials cost ₱355

Table 17

GinataangSuso (for 6 servings)

Ingredients Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Suso 120.00 1 kilogram 120.00
Garlic 25.00 ¼ kilogram 25.00
Coconut Milk 10.00 2 pcs. 20.00
Shrimp Paste 30.00 ¼ kilogram 30.00
Ginger 30.00 ¼ kilogram 30.00
Malunggay 5.00 1 bunch 5.00
Papaya 15.00 1 whole 15.00
Chili 15.00 ¼ kilogram 15.00
Fish sauce 20.00 1 bottle 20.00
Total 280.00

Table 17shows all the ingredients, prices, and quantities for GinataangSuso. The

above listed is made for six servings which has a total amount of Php 280.00.

Table 18

Ensalada (for 6 servings)

Ingredients Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Paco tops 10.00 1 bunch 10.00
Onions 25.00 ½ kilogram 25.00
Tomatoes 20.00 ½ kilogram 20.00
Salted Egg 120.00 1 dozen 120.00
Calamansi 20.00 ½ kilogram 20.00
Orange 10.00 5 pcs. 50.00
Fish Sauce 25.00 1 bottle 25.00

Sugar 14.00 ¼ kilogram 14.00

Total 284.00

Table 18 contains all the information needed for Ensalada. All the things listed

above are good for six servings which is amounting to Php 284.00 only.

Table 19
AdobongSalagubang (2 Serving)
Ingredients Price Quantity Total
June Beetles Php 50.00 1 1/2 kl Php 75.00
Vinegar 10.00 1 pc 10.00
Garlic 5.00 5 pcs 25.00
Soy Sauce 5.00 ½ cup 5.00
Total 115.00

The table above shows all the ingredients, quantity and the price of

AdobongSalagubang. At the amount of Php 74.00 it is good for 2 servings.

Table 20
KilawingKambing (3 Servings)
Ingredients Price Quantity Total
Goat Skin and Meat Php 120.00 1 kl Php 120.00
Onion 3.00 2 tbsp 3.00
Calamansi 5.00 ½ cup 5.00
Vinegar 10.00 1 pc 10.00
Chili Pepper 3.00 1 tsp 3.00
Total 141.00

The above table listed all the ingredients, quantity and price needed in cooking

KilawingKambing. At the amount of Php 141.00 it is good for three serving

Table 21

SarsyadongBayuko (2 Servings)
Product Price (₱) Quantity Total (₱)
Snail 60.00 ½ Kilograms 30.00

Tomato 60.00 ¼ Kilograms 20.00

Red Bell Pepper 10.00 1 Piece 10.00
Onion 80.00 ¼ Kilograms 20.00
Chili Powder 5.00 1 Tablespoon 5.00
Garlic 3.00 5 Cloves 15.00
Salt 1.00 2 Tablespoons 2.00
Vegetable Oil 2.00 3 Tablespoons 6.00
Calamansi 40.00 ¼ Kilograms 10.00
Total ₱ 118

Table 21 contains essentials of SarsyadongBayuko recipe. This dish has a total

amount of ₱118.

Other Menus

Table 22
Crispy Pata (8 Servings)
Ingredients Price Quantity Total
Pork Pata Php 140.00 2 pcs Php 280.00
Salt 1.00 1 tsp 1.00
Garlic 3.00 5 cloves 15.00
Soy Sauce 1.00 1 tbsp 1.00
Total 297.00

The table above shows all the ingredients, price and quantity to make Crispy Pata.

The total amount which is Php 157.00 is good for 4 servings.

Table 23
Tinolang Manok (7 Servings)
Ingredients Price Quantity Total
Chicken Php 120.00 1 ½ kl Php 180.00
Ginger Root 3.00 1 pc 3.00
Garlic 3.00 2 cloves 6.00
Onion 3.00 1 pc 3.00
Fish Sauce 15.00 1 pc 15.00
Salt 2.00 1 tsp 2.00
Chayote Squash 3.00 2 pc 6.00
Papaya 10.00 1 pc 10.00
Chili Leaves 10.00 1 cup 10.00
Total 235.00

The table above listed all the ingredients to make the dish tinolangmanok. At the

amount of Php 175.00 it is good for 5 servings.

Table 24

Chicken Pastel(8 Servings)

Ingredients Price Quantity Total
Chicken Php 120.00 1 ½ kl Php 180.00
Hotdog 40.00 1 balot 40.00
Potatoes 8.00 3 pcs 24.00
Carrot 8.00 1 pc 8.00
Mushrooms 5.00 1 cup 5.00
Bell Pepper 10.00 1 pc 10.00
Onion 3.00 1 pc 3.00
Cheese 25.00 1 pc 25.00
Margarine 15.00 1 cup 15.00
Evaporated Milk 18.00 ½ cup 18.00
Soy Sauce 1.00 4 tbsp 4.00
Egg 5.00 1 pc 5.00
Calamansi Juice 10.00 ¼ kl 10.00
Salt 3.00 1 tsp 3.00
Pepper 3.00 1 tsp 3.00
Flour 5.00 ½ cup 5.00
Vegetable Oil 2.00 1tbsp 2.00
Total 360.00

One of the dish that the researcher’ restaurant offers is Chicken Pastel. The above

table shows all the ingredients needed in making the said dish.

Table 25
GinisangAmplaya (4 Servings)
Ingredients Price Quantity Total
Ampalaya Php 40.00 1 kl Php 40.00
Tomatoes 5.00 2 pcs 10.00
Eggs 5.00 2 pcs 10.00
Garlic 3.00 1 tbsp 3.00
Onion 3.00 1 pc 3.00
Salt 3.00 1 tsp 3.00
Pepper 3.00 1 tsp 3.00

Cooking oil 3.00 3 tbsp 3.00

Total 75.00

Ampalaya is one of the dish that the researchers’ restaurant will offer. At the

amount of Php 75.00 it is good for 4 servings.


Table 26

Item Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Coke 8.00 20 bottle 160.00
Mountain Dew 8.00 20 bottle 160.00
Total 320.00

Table 26 provides all the items, prices, and quantities of softdrinks which is

included in the proposed business’ menu amounting to Php 440.00.

Table 27

Pineapple Juice (5 servings)

Ingredients Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Ripe Pineapple 50.00 1 whole 50.00
Sugar 52.00 1 kilogram 15.00
Ice cubes 30.00 1 pack 30.00
Total 95.00

Table 27provides all the quantities, prices, and ingredients needed in order to

produce a pineapple juice. The total cost for pineapple juice is Php 95.00

Table 28

Ice Tea (5 servings)

Ingredients Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Sugar 26.00 1/2 kilogram 26.00
Black tea 80.00 1 box 80.00
Ice cubes 15.00 1 pack 15.00

Total 121.00

Table 28shows all the information necessary in order to make an ice tea. The total

cost for ice tea is Php 121.00.

Table 29

Item Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)
Lambanog 100.00 9 900.00
Total 900.00

Table 29 shows the amount of Lambanog which is amounting to Php 900.00 for 3


Table 30


Item Price (Php) Quantity Total (Php)

Brown Rice 60.00 2 kilos 120.00
Black Rice 110.00 1 kilos 110.00
Plain Rice 40.00 3 kilos 120.00
Total 3500.00

Table 30 contains the amount of rice necessary for the menu of the proposed

business. 5 kilos of brown rice, 3 kilos of black rice, and 6 kilos of plain rice which has a

total amount of 870.00

Table 31

Licenses and permits

Licenses Expenses

Registration in SEC 3,110

Barangay Clearance 70

Mayors Permit 500

BIR Clearance Registration 600

Business Permit 550

Sanitary Permit 400

FDA 600

Total 5,830

Abiding all the mandatory requirements in putting up a business is really

important. Table 31 provides all the licenses and permits particularly the SEC

Registration, Barangay Clearance, Mayors Permit, BIR Clearance Registration, Business

Permit, Sanitary Permit and FDI which has a total cost of Php 5830.00

Table 32

Salaries and Wages

Job Title Cost Per Day Cost per Month Cost per Year

Manager ₱ 600.00 ₱ 14,400.00 ₱ 172,800.00

Service crew 350.00 8,400.00 100,800.00
Cashier 350.00 8,400.00 100,800.00
Cook 1 500.00 12,000.00 144,000.00
Cook 2 500.00 12,000.00 144,000.00
Janitor 350.00 8,400.00 100,800.00
Total 3,350.00 63,600.00 763,200.00

Providing a monetary value to all the employees in exchange for their effort

exerted is really an important one. Table 32 shows the salary given to all the employees.

The service crew, cashier, janitor, and delivery boy willreceive a salary of Php 350.00

daily, the cook will get a Php500.00 daily and Php 650.00 daily for the manager in line

with the regional daily minimum wage rate.

Table 33

SSS Contribution
Job Title Employer Share Employee Share
Manager 1061.28 522.72
Service crew 619.08 304.92
Cashier 619.08 304.92
Cook 1 884.40 435.60
Cook 2 884.40 435.60
Janitor 619.08 304.92
Total 4687.32 2308.68

Table 34

PhilHealth Contribution
Job Title Employee Employer
Manager 175.00 175.00
Service crew 150.00 150.00
Cashier 150.00 150.00
Cook 1 150.00 150.00
Cook 2 150.00 150.00
Janitor 150.00 150.00
Total 925.00 925.00

Table 35

Pag-IBIG Contribution
Job Title Employee Employer
Manager 288.00 288.00
Service crew 168.00 168.00
Cashier 168.00 168.00
Cook 1 240.00 240.00
Cook 2 240.00 240.00
Janitor 168.00 168.00
Total 1272.00 1272.00

Table 36


Table 37

Item Supplier Supplier
Frog Atienza’s Farm Bilog’s Farm
Snail Public Market Gusi’s Snail
Balut Magadia’s Poultry Nading Balut Retail
Rice Papa Dan’s Rice Shop Luzon Rice Dealer
Salted Egg Mang Tomas’ Store Mr. Duck’s SaltedEgg
Salagubang Reyes’ Salagubang Del Valle’s
Kambing Nene’s Kambingan Goat Meat Tiaong’s Kambingan
Bayuko Dorset’s Bayuko Marta’s Bayuko
Pata SPC Public Market Tiaong Public Market
Chicken Perez Poultry Monterrey’s Meat
Bitter gourd SPC Public Market Tiaong Public Market
String beans SPC Public Market Tiaong Public Market
Lambanog Capistrano Distillery Jimmy’s Lambanog

The production of goods and services really depend on the supplier. Table 36
contains the suppliers of frog, snail, balut, rice and salted egg.

Financial Analysis and Ratios

Table 38
Current Ratio 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Current Assets 852047.08 1544601.10 2336814.66 3234331.43 4243090.47
Current 11,390.00 11,390.00 11,390.00 11,390.00 11,390.00
74.81 135.61 205.16 283.96 372.53

Fixed Assets 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Sales 3310986.24 3476535.55 3650362.33 3832880.45 4024524.47
Fixed Assets 713400 570720 428040 285360 142680
464% 343% 852% 1343% 2820%

Gross Profit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Sales minus Cost 1823466.24 1959265.15 2102746.52 2254312.32 2414384.98
of Goods Sold
Sales 3310986.24 3476535.55 3650362.33 3832880.45 4024524.47
55% 56% 58% 59% 60%

Net Profit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Net Income 451377.08 549874.02 649533.56 754836.77 866079.04
Sales 3310986.24 3476535.55 3650362.33 3832880.45 4024524.47
14% 16% 18% 20% 22%

Operating 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Profit Margin
Earnings before 644824.40 785534.31 927905.08 1078338.24 1237255.78
Sales 3310986.24 3476535.55 3650362.33 3832880.45 4024524.47

Return on 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Net Income 451377.08 549874.02 649533.56 754836.77 866079.04
Investment 960000 1411377.08 1961251.10 2610784.66 3365621.43
47% 39% 33% 29% 26%

Payback Period
Total Investment ₱960,000
Annual Average Profit 654,340.09
1.47 1 year, 5 months and 72

This shows the financial ratios of Exotic Feast Tree Restaurant. It demonstrates
the percentage of current ratio, fixed asset turnover, gross profit margin, and return on
investment for year 1 to 5. It also shows the payback period which is 1 year, 5 months
and 72 days.

D. Management Aspect

This aspect describes the form of ownership that is suitable for the proposed

business, the brand name and logo, the organizational structure, the number of persons

needed and their specific qualifications, the health and safety management for quality

service, proper waste disposal, project sustainability, and SWOT Analysis.

Form of Ownership

The proponents decided to form a partnership, where all the owners of the

invested their own fund and the profits and losses of the business will be distributed or

equally shared by the partners specifically, a General Partnership. In General Partnership

both the partners agreed to conduct a business jointly and have unlimited liability,

meaning all their personal assets are liable to the partnership’s obligation. They also have

a common goal which is to earn more profit.


Exotic Feast Restaurant has the highest customer and employee satisfaction

among the leading restaurants in San Pablo City by 2020.


Exotic Feast Restaurant offers safe and savory exotic food with reasonable price,

appropriate customer service and breath-taking scenery while dining at tree restaurant.

Figure 18.Brand Name/Logo

The word “feast” represents a large, special meal, often for many people,

to celebrate someone or something. In the proposed business, the customers may eat

exotic food as long as they can and restaurant is a good place to celebrate something

and even if there’s nothing to celebrate, the restaurant is ready to serve variety of exotic

food even in abundance. A place to find a large meal of exotic food is Exotic Feast


Human Resources

Human Resources Management provides the proposed business, well-disciplined

and organized business operations. All the tasks are properly distributed and there is

coordination among the staff. It includes proper organizational flow for the smooth

production of the business.



Cook1 Service Cashier Janitor


Figure 19.Organizational Chart

Functions of each unit

Manager is the one who directs,manage and see the flow of operation of the


Job Qualifications:

 Must be graduate of a 4 yrs. business management course

 Female or male from 25-35 yrs. old

 At least two year's work experience related in the field of business


 Must be able to communicate on his/her employees effectively, both oral and


 Has an authority to rule and lead his/her employees

Cashier is an employee who’s in charge to collect and record monetary transactions in

the business.

Job Qualifications:

 Graduate of any 2 or 4 yrs. course

 Have working experience as an cashier

 Male or female from 21-30 yrs. old

 Knowledgeable in basic mathematics

 Have pleasing personality and trustworthy

Janitor is one who maintains the cleanliness and makes a minor repairs on the

restaurant premises.

Job Qualifications:

 At least High School graduate

 Male or female 21-30 yrs old

 Have pleasing personality

 Dedicated on his/her work

Service crew is one who is in charge on serving the customers, taking their orders and

giving their needs.


Job Qualifications:

 At least high school graduate

 Male or female from 21-30 yrs. old

 Have a pleasing personality

 Must have a working experience

Cook is in charge in the kitchen; one who prepares and cook food in the restaurant.

Job Qualification:

 At least high school graduate

 Male or female from 21-30 yrs. old

 Must have at least two years working experience as a cook in any establishment

 Have a pleasing personality

Salary and Compensation

Compensation motivates employees to do their respective task effectively and

efficiently. Providing the employees proper monetary value in exchange of their exerted

effort is really important. It should be adequate and reasonable. The partnership based

their compensation on the regional daily minimum wage rate.

Table 39

Compensation Table
Salaries and Wages
Job Title Daily Monthly Annually
Manager ₱ 600.00 ₱14,400.00 ₱ 172,800.00
Service crew 350.00 8,400.00 100,800.00

Cashier 350.00 8,400.00 100,800.00

Cook 1 500.00 12,000.00 144,000.00
Cook 2 500.00 12,000.00 144,000.00
Janitor 350.00 8,400.00 100,800.00
Total 3,350.00 63,600.00 763,200.00

Table 44 shows the compensation table of the proposed business. The service

crew, cashier, and janitor will receive Php 350.00 daily, the cook will have a Php 500.00

daily, and the manager who’s in charge into the day-to-day operations shall receive Php

600.00 based on the regional minimum salary rate. Salaries were paid every 15th and 30th

day of month.


Aside from the compensation given, each of the employees will receive benefits

such as SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig, Contribution, and a 13th month pay. It is essentially to

have such benefits because it can promote loyalty and can help the business recruit the

best applicants. In addition to that, satisfied employees are more productive because it

can reduce the burden and can achieve a peaceful mind knowing that their respective

families are covered in case of emergency that might happen.

Policies, Rules and Regultions

Controlling a restaurantrequires owners to implement several policies their

employees, customers and suppliers must follow to meet health and safety regulations

and smooth operation of the business.

Policies for Personnel

 Working days start from Tuesday until Sunday

 Employees are entitled to have 1 hour lunch break between 12:01pm and 1:00pm

 Personal hygiene and dress code policies shall be observed

 Tardiness and absenteeism shall be avoided

Policies for customers

 Purchases are on cash basis only

 Delivery expenses are to be shouldered by the customer

 If customers damaged high-valued decorations or any property they shall pay for


Policies for Suppliers

 Defective supplies shall be returned and replaced by the same kind of material.

 Payments are on cash basis only

 Business shall be given a receipt to secure payments

 Delivery schedule shall be followed.

Project Sustainability

Envisioning business sustainability is a source of growth, development and

innovation for businesses. To address sustainability, a business shall

consider environmental, social, financial, ethical, legal and political issues that can be

both internal and external to the company. These issues will gave businesses an ideas to

set goals and long-term plans.

For the sustainability of Tree Restaurant offering Exotic food, the management of

the proposed business will always see to it that the restaurant can cope up with the current

trend related to the business while following domestic and international policies. This

will require high risks but managers shall deplete their fear of failure.

Food will always have a demand because it is one of the essentials in living.

Restaurant may campaign for exotic food and some cannot eat such but Tree Restaurant

will offer other than exotic for the taste of the general public.

Supplier management will have a great impact in the sustainability of the

proposed business because operations of the restaurant will depend on its suppliers. By

supplier management, it has the inclusion of operational efficiency and the right way to

handle the supplies and raw materials which is why managers will also establish this kind

of strategy.

A genuine commitment to the restaurant can prolong the business. This is the

reason why business sustainability can be a legacy to the next generation. Owners must

create a long-term and good reputation for the continuous patronization of its services

and next owners shall know how to maintain those reputation, good management and

genuine commitment.

Health and Safety Management

One of the priorities of every business is to maintain the safety and to observe the

highest standard hygiene and sanitation. In order to ensure that the food will not harm the

human health, a food safety management is being established wherein a set of procedures

and activities will be promulgated. The employees will check the raw materials from time

to time to assure that the food they serve is fresh and were not expired nor contained any

hazardous materials that could possibly harm the customers. To avoid contamination,

they will also disinfect all the utensils for the food safety assurance. The proponents also

make sure that all the employees will properly wear their mask, apron, hairnet and gloves

while doing their work. Above all this health and safety measures maintaining the

cleanliness of the workplace shall be the top one consideration.

Waste Disposal

In the saying "customer is always right" meaning customers are always the

priority because they are the very reason of the existence of a business. For that, the

proponents will ensure the orderliness and cleanliness of the proposed business to make

sure that the customers will be comfortable. The proponents planned to put garbage bags

or trashcan inside and outside of the restaurant with the label of biodegradable and non-

biodegradable and at least thrice a week it will be collected by the garbage collector ofthe

Municipality of San Pablo City Laguna.

Strengths Weaknesses

 Accessible location which is close to the  Limited supplies available.

market.  Difficulty in finding cook with exotic

 Unusual type of service business. food expertise.

 First Exotic Food Tree Restaurant in San  Exotic Restaurant is not easy to

Pablo City, Laguna. market.


Opportunities Threats

 Location is in a commercial area.  Competitors around the market area.

 It has ability to expand after several  Unexpected accident particularly fire

years of operating. occurrence.

 Open for franchising.  Unforeseen calamities.

Figure 20. SWOT Analysis


Knowing the possible strengths of one’s business is a crucial one. These strengths

can drive the business towards success. The proposed business has an advantage against

its competitors. One of them is its location, It is accessible which is close to the market.

Second, this type of service business is unusual and lastly it is the first Tree Restaurant

that offers Exotic Food in San Pablo City, Laguna.


Looking at the business weakness into a doomsday scenario can only generate a

negative impact on the business, instead think a better solution above all these

weaknesses. These are the disadvantages with regards to the proposed business, limited

supplies available, difficulty in finding a cook with exotic food expertise.



Opportunities provide the business to improve its performance and have a

competitive advantage in the market. Some of the opportunities that the proposed

business foresee are the location of the business is in a commercial area which can easily

be seen by the target market, it has an ability to expand after several years of operating

and it can be open for franchising.


Threats came from the external environment that affects the business performance

and achieving its goal. Some of the threats which the proposed business may face are the

competitors around the market area, the unexpected accident particularly fire occurrence

and unforeseen calamities.

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