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Reproduced from Revolutionary Spirit: Jose Rizal in Southeast Asia by John Nery (Singapore: Institute of

Southeast Asian Studies, 2011). This version was obtained electronically direct from the publisher on condition that
copyright is not infringed. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the Institute
of Southeast Asian Studies. Individual articles are available at < >


A Angkatan 45 (1945 generation of

Abella, Enrique, 78 writers), 157
Abidor, Mitchell, 11–12 Ang Manggagawa (The Worker),
Adams, Cindy, 179–80 139
Adriano, Numeriano, 11 Anthropology of Primitive Peoples, 47
Agoncillo, Teodoro, 6, 20, 30, 43, 67, Anti-Imperialist League, 225
93–94, 96, 101–02, 128, 141, Antonio, Antolina, 23
228 Anwar Ibrahim, 45, 232
Aguinaldo: A Narrative of Filipino Arellano, Deodato, 11
Ambitions, 113 Arek Suroboyo (youth of Surabaya),
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 11, 38–39, 80, 157
91–92, 94–95, 98–100, 110, Asociacion Hispano-Filipina, 9–10
113, 120–21, 129, 131, 137, Association Internationale des
164, 172, 183–87, 216, 246 Philippinistes, 106–07
Aguilera, Gregorio, 57–58 Asia Magazine, 29
Aguirre, Evaristo, 15, 46–47 Asia Raya, 41–42, 143–45, 151–54,
“A la Juventud Filipina”, 32 156, 159, 166–70, 178, 180,
Alejandrino, Jose, 50, 83 249, 252
ALIRAN (Nationalist Consciousness Asia Times, 220
Movement), 44, 203–04 Asia Timoer Raja (Greater East
Almayer’s Folly, 1 Asia), 144
Alvarez, Santiago, 41, 94–95, 97–102, Asrama Indonesia Merdeka (Free
128 Indonesia Asrama), 152
Alzona, Encarnacion, 197 Astray, Jose Millan, 30
Amal Hamzah, 43 Ataviado, Elias, 93
American imperialism, 131
Amir Sharifuddin, 158 B
Andersen, Hans Christian, 47, 60 Bakti, magazine, 42, 161–63, 165,
Anderson, Benedict, 1–2, 5, 18–20, 167–70, 252
44, 106 Balagtas, Masonic lodge, 7
Andriesse, George Albertus, 114 Bambang Sulistomo, 160

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Bantug, Asuncion Lopez, 6, 13, 16–17 Canon, Fernando, 240

Bardsley, Alex G., 221 Castilla, cruiser, 37, 49, 87–89, 97
Barrows, David P., 6, 18–19, 29 Castro, Jovita Ventura, 60
Basa, Jose Ma., 50–51, 53, 57 Cavite Mutiny, 32, 50
Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad, 109, 115 Chanco, Father Jose, 64
Batson, Ben, 214 Chandra Muzaffar, 44, 202–05, 209,
Battle of Surabaya, 42, 171 233
bebalisma, 195, 210 “Character of Rizal, The”, 22
Belgic, ship, 34 China, nationalist movement, 213–
Benitez, Conrado, 19 14
Biak-na-bato, treaty of, 92 Chinese Reform Movement, 217
Bilibid, prison, 15 Coates, Austin, 17, 52, 67–68
Blanco, Ramon, 37, 49, 240 Colon, 87
Blumenbach, Johann, 55 colonial capitalism, 195, 210
Blumentritt, Ferdinand, 2, 5, 13, 33– Cold War, 165, 188
35, 47–51, 53, 55, 60, 105–08, Columnas Volantes de la Federacion
110, 120, 237–39, 246–47 Malaya, 57
Boer War, 115 Comite de Propaganda, 11, 50
Bonifacio, Andres, 36, 40, 43, 64, 73, Communist International, 40
80, 84, 88, 95–98, 100, 122–33, Communist Party of the
135–36, 140–41, 216, 241, 244, Philippines, 138
246, 252 communist uprising, 41
Bonifacio Day, 138 Concept of a Hero in Malay Society,
Bonoan SJ, Raul, 237 28, 44, 203, 205, 211
Boston Evening Transcript, 113 review of, 206
Bracken, Josephine, 37, 99–100, 108, Congreso Obrero de Filipinas
112–13 (Workers’ Congress), 134, 138
Brains of the Nation, 30, 67, 230 Constantino, Renato, 43, 93, 243–48
British Museum, 35 Cooper, Henry, 148, 154, 225
Budi Utomo, 115, 118, 134, 172, Cordero, Francisco, 84
188, 213 Cortezo, Daniel, 15
Bung Tomo, 157, 159–60 Council of War, 98
Burgos, Jose, 32, 53, 177, 201 Cracks in the Parchment Curtain,
Buru Quartet, 104, 109, 120, 159, 230
214–15, 218–21, 225–26, 233 Craig, Austin, 6, 20, 52–53
Crayonpedia, 213–14
C Cruz, Hermenegildo, 40, 122–27,
Calderon, Felipe, 121 133–34, 141
Cambridge History of Southeast Asia, Cry of Balintawak, 101
214 cultural conditioning, 198

14 Revolutionary Spirit Index 272 5/5/11, 4:55 PM


D Djajabaja prophecy, 149–50

Dahm, Bernhard, 149, 151, 159, 170 Djemnah, steamship, 103–04
Danu Dirdjo Setiabuddhi, 119 Dominguez, Rafael, 77
Dari Pendjara ke Pendjara, 129, 224 Dominican University of Santo
Daroy, Petronilo Bn., 23 Thomas, 32
de Alcocer, Enrique, 78 Don Quixote, 21, 120
de Andrade, Luis Taviel, 6, 78–79, 88 Dutch East Indies, 39–40, 104, 107,
De Express, 40, 117–18 115, 132, 147, 171, 216
Dekker, E.F.E. Douwes, 40, 104, 111– Dutch Labour Party, 115
19, 130, 219, 223, 232
de la Costa SJ, Horacio, 5–6 E
de la Croix, Miriam, 104 Eagle Flight, An, 7, 148
de la Pena, Nicolas, 81–82, 96, 245 El Amor Patrio, 29, 33, 63
de Leon, Ceferino, 46 El Filibusterismo, 2, 19, 35, 43–44,
de los Reyes, Isabelo, 24, 67, 90, 127, 48, 50, 76, 78–79, 89, 101, 106,
141, 224, 230 120, 133, 196, 208
del Pilar, Marcelo, 2–4, 7–11, 33, 35, Epistolario Rizalino, 237, 238
48, 50, 52, 56, 58, 61–64, 66, errors, types of, 6
68, 70, 91, 240 Espana en Filipinas, 8, 9, 47
del Rosario, Aguedo, 84 Evangelista, Crisanto, 134
Del Sentimiento Tragico de la Vida Evangelista, Edilberto, 91, 138–39
en los Hombres y en los Pueblos,
21 F
de Madariaga, Salvador, 30 Far Eastern Economic Review, 220
de Morga, Antonio, 2, 6, 9, 33, 35, Farish A. Noor, 196, 202, 211–12,
48, 52, 77, 239 233
de Ora, Antonino, 138 Fast, Jonathan, 230
Derbyshire, Charles, 44, 250 Feria, Dolores, 23
de Mas, Sinibaldo, 201 “field of battle”, letter, 9, 13, 35
de Rivera, Primo, 27 Filipino colony, 48, 84
de San Agustin, Gaspar, 201 Filipino Malay identity, 55, 59
Despujol, Eulogio, 50, 76, 87, 90 see also Malay
de Tavera, Joaquin Pardo, 51, 53 Fili, see El Filibusterismo
de Tavera, Trinidad Pardo, 22–27, “First Filipino, The”, essay, 1, 47
30, 50–51, 53, 67 Flitch, J.E. Crawford, 30
de Unamuno, Miguel, 6, 20–28, 30 Flores, Ambrosio, 84
de Veyra, Jaime, 100 Font, Salvador, 85
de Viana, Augusto, 29 Foreman, John, 111–13, 132, 223
Diah, B.M., 152, 167 Fort Santiago, prison, 15–16, 36, 38,
Diariong Tagalog, 33, 63, 239 87–88

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Foulcher, Keith, 217–18 Hidalgo, Manuel, 47, 239

Francesco, Irineo, 84 Hikayat Hang Tuah, 207, 211–12
Francia, Benito, 83 Hispanization of the Philippines, The,
Franco, Domingo, 84 201
Frank Cass publishing house, 193 History of One of the Initiators of the
Free Indonesia Asrama (Asrama Filipino Revolution, 39, 90
Indonesia Merdeka), 152 History of Southeast Asia, A, 214
Freemasonry, 64 History of the Philippines, A, 18–19,
“Friendly Estimate of the Filipinos, 29
A”, essay, 29 Huk rebellion, 25
History of the War for Philippine
G Independence, 39
Gaceta de Manila, 36
Gamal Abdel Nasser, 181 I
Gasset, Jose Ortega y, 30 Ibn Batuta, 107
Gellner, Ernest, 193 Ibrahim Haji Yaacob, 41, 232
Generation of ’98, 20 Idrus, 157–58
“German doctor, the”, 34 Ileto, Reynaldo, 19, 129
Gil, Mariano, 112 Imagined Communities, 44
Gom-Bur,Za, execution, 32, 53 Indian Congress Party, 213
Gomez, Mariano, 32, 53, 177 Indian National Congress, 109
Greater East Asia (Asia Timoer Indios Bravos, 35, 56, 65, 68
Raja), 144 Indische Bond, 39, 114–15
Guerrero, Leon Ma., 47, 52, 74, 167, Indische Partij, 114, 116, 119
208, 244 Indolence of the Filipinos, see On the
Guevara, Antonino, 245 Indolence of the Filipinos
Guided Democracy, 178 Indonesia
Gunseikanbu, Japanese military independence, 169
administration, 143, 147 Japanese occupation, 144–51, 225,
H nationalism, 114, 119, 150, 216,
“halfbloed”, 114 220, 232
Hall, D.G.E., 214 see also Sukarno
Heartbeat of Indonesian Revolution, Indonesia Accuses, 174, 176, 185–86
The, 159 Indonesian Revolution, 156–57, 221,
Hero of the Filipinos, The, 148 231, 233
Het Nieuws van den Dag, 108 Indonesia Raya, anthem, 150
Het Tijdschrift, 40, 111–12 instructive error, 6, 18
Hidalgo, Felix Resurreccion, 33, 120, Intellectuals in Developing Societies,
237 44, 190, 192–95, 210

14 Revolutionary Spirit Index 274 5/5/11, 4:55 PM


International Conference on Jose Karl, Rebecca, 214

Rizal and the Asian Kartilyang Makabayan, 40, 122–23,
Renaissance, 45 134
Iron Curtain, 232 Kerkvliet, Melinda Tria, 138–39
Isla de Panay, 87 Kessler, Clive, 202
I-Stories, The, 29 Kidlat Club, 35–56
Kleden, Ignas, 153
J Kobayashi, Ichizo, 149–50
Jacinto, Emilio, 125 Koiso Declaration, 41, 145, 151
Jaena, Graciano Lopez, 8–9, 35, 91 Koiso, Kuniaki, 151
Jagor, Feodor, 47 Kratoska, Paul, 214
Jakarta Museum, 146, 249
Japanese expansionism, 110 L
Japanese military administration, labour movement, 123, 127
Gunseikanbu, 143, 147 labour sector divisions, 139
Japanese occupation Lacy, Allen, 30
Indonesia, 144–51, 225, 232 La Liga Filipina, 7–8, 36, 48, 78, 83–
Philippines, 144 84, 90, 124, 133–34, 208
Jarvis, Helen, 42, 129, 132, 224 La Masonizacion de Filipinas – Rizal
Jaures, Jean, 6, 11–12, 186–87 y su obra, 26
Java Bode, 38, 109 Lane, Max, 188, 215–16, 220, 222,
Joaquin, Nick, 86, 250 229–30
Jones, Howard, 176 Laong Laan, pseudonym, 3
Jose Protasio Rizal: Pelopor La Politica de Espana en Filipinas,
Kemerdekaan Bangsa Pilipina 37, 73–74
(Pioneer of Philippine La Revolucion Filipina, 7–8, 11, 13
Independence), 42 La Solidaridad, 1–3, 7–11, 18–19, 35,
Jose Rizal National Centennial 46, 59, 64–66, 73, 76–77, 90–
Commission, 67, 197, 237 91, 195, 248
Lapian, Adrian, 109–10
K La Publicidad, 62
Kahin, George, 146 Laurel, Jose P., 42, 145, 164
Kalayaan, 8, 89, 102 Laurel, Salvador, 231
Kalaw, Teodoro M., 125, 237 La Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho, 21
Katipunan and the Revolution, The, 102 Legge, John, 147
Katipunan, revolutionary LeRoy, James, 113
organization, 9, 36–37, 43, 83– Life, Lineage and Labours of Jose
84, 87–91, 94–98, 100–02, 122– Rizal, 52
25, 130–31, 137, 224, 241 Liga Filipina see La Liga Filipina
membership grades, 126, 141 Linggajati Agreement, 171

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Liukkonen, Petri, 30 Marias, Julian, 30

Llorente, Julio, 46, 64 Marques, Lourenco Pereira, 4
Locomotief, 115 Marxism, 25, 224
Lolo Jose, 13, 17 “Masjoemi” Muslim association, 144
London Review of Books, 1 Masturah Alatas, 190–91, 193
Lopez-Morillas, Frances, 30 Max Havelaar, 31, 35, 68, 105–07, 120
Lopez Museum, 237 M. Balfas, 157
Lopez-Rizal, Leoncio, 57–58 Medina, Elizabeth, 86
Lozano, Martin Constantino, 84 Meiji restoration, 214
Lucas, Henri, 12 Mendez, Paz Policarpio, 120
Lumbera, Bienvenido, 127–28 Mendoza, Antonio Guevara y, 39, 90
Luna, Antonio, 13, 80, 83, 248 Mercado, Jose Rizal, see Rizal, Jose
Luna, Juan, 33 Merdeka, weekly, 152, 158, 167
“mestizo”, 130–31, 232
M Meyer, A.B., 107
Mabini, Apolinario, 6–11, 18, 38, 50, Mojare, Resil, 230
66, 80, 84, 90, 131, 225, 240 Mojica, Diego, 128
Macaraig, Serafin E., 29 Montjuich prison, 38, 87
MacArthur, Douglas, 144, 165, 188 Michels, F.W., 43
Madiun rebellion, 171 “Mi Ultimo Adios”, poem, 38, 42–
Maeda, Tadashi, 152 43, 45, 99–100, 127–28, 145,
Magsaysay Award, 220 208, 231
Majlis, newspaper, 41 translation, 147–48, 156, 164, 169,
Malay 249–53
feudal period, 207 Mohammad Hatta, 143, 158, 171, 181
identity, 54–56 Mrazek, Rudolf, 132, 142
nationalism, 232 Muhammad Iqbal, 45
of the Philippines, 54 Muijzenberg, Otto van den, 108–10
see also Filipino Malay identity; Multatuli, 31, 35, 56, 68, 104–07, 110
Malay under Rizal, Jose “My Plan to Save Rizal”, 98
Malay, Armando, 101 Myth of the Lazy Native, The, 44,
Malay Ideas on Development: From 190, 192, 194–96, 202, 210
Feudal Lord to Capitalist, 210
Malay, Paula Carolina, 102 N
Maloles, Eustacio, 93 Nacionalista Party, 138–39
Malolos Congress, 92, 100 Nationalist Consciousness
Manahan, Jacinto, 139–40 Movement, see ALIRAN
Manifestation of 1888, 34 “National Reawakening Day”, 173
Manifesto to Certain Filipinos, 80–81 National University of Singapore,
Marcos, Ferdinand, 188 191

14 Revolutionary Spirit Index 276 5/5/11, 4:55 PM


Nahuijs, Baron Alphonse, 31, 105 Philippine-American War, 57, 91–92

Natividad, Mamerto, 83 Philippine Centennial Commission,
“new Kalamba”, 84 231
New Order, 226 Philippine Islands, The, 111, 113,
New York Times, 113 223
New York Times Magazine, 226 Philippine
Nieva, Gregorio, 22 republic, 42
Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, 108 Philippine Republic, The, 19
Noli Me Tangere, 1, 3–5, 7–8, 12–14, Philippine Review, 22
17–20, 29–30, 33–34, 43–44, Philippine Revolution, 101, 117, 232
47–48, 51, 53, 65, 70–71, 75, Philippine Revolution, The, 125
78–79, 89, 101, 104–05, 120, Philippines Free Press, 29
133, 148, 196, 220, 237 Philippines
ceded to the United States, 92
independence, 165–66
O Japanese occupation, 144
Ocampo, Nilo S., 60–62, 68 PKP (Partido Komunista sa
Ongjunco, Doroteo, 36 Pilipinas), 139
On the Indolence of the Filipinos, Plata, Teodoro, 84
194, 199–201, 204, 212 “Poetry and the Revolution (1882–
Ordonez, Elmer A., 250 1898)”, 127
Out of Exile, 146 Ponce, Mariano, 4, 9, 39, 48, 52–53,
58, 60–63, 65–66, 85
P Portillo, Luis, 30
Paget, Roger, 176, 185 Pramoedya Anantar Toer, 45, 61,
Panca Sila, 178, 185 104, 109, 119–20, 188, 214–15,
Panganiban, Jose Ma., 91 219–28, 230, 233
Paris Exposition, 35, 56 Private World: Selections from the
Partai Komunis Indonesia, 136 Diario Intimo and Selected
Partido Komunista sa Pilipinas Letters, The, 21, 30
(PKP), 139 Proletarian Labor Congress of the
Partido Obrero (Workers’ Party), Philippines, 139
138 Propaganda, campaign, 2, 7–8, 11,
Pastells, Pablo, 14, 26, 72, 82, 168 13, 29, 35, 46–47, 50, 61, 90–
Paterno, Pedro, 24, 67 91, 93
Pembangoen (The Builder), Propaganda Movement, The, 47
periodical, 178
pernicious error, 6, 20 Q
“people power”, 231 Quezon, Manuel L., 129, 183
Phelan, John Leddy, 201 Quibuyen, Floro, 93, 102

14 Revolutionary Spirit Index 277 5/5/11, 4:55 PM


R exile, 8–9, 11, 49, 87, 112, 125

Radio Pemberontakkan (Radio of family, 115
Revolt), 157 Hong Kong, in, 9–10, 12–13
Ramirez Printing Press, 15 leadership, 11
Ramlah Adam, 232 letters, 17, 29, 72, 105, 107, 167–
Razif Bahari, 218, 226 68, 237–41, 247–48
“Rd. L. M.”, secret society, 35, 50, 53, Malay, and, 54–59, 153–55, see
56–58, 64–65, 68, 108 also Malay
“Redemption of the Malay Race”, 58 martyrdom, 92–94, 204
“Redencion de los Malayos”, 58, 68 projects, and, 46–48
Regidor, Antonio Ma., 49–53, 67–68, prosecution, 75–78
107 pseudonym, 3
Reid, Anthony, 55 Spain, in, 32–33
Religion of the Katipunan, The, 230 Tagalog, and, 60–67
Renville Agreement, 171 Rizal Monument, 39
Retana, Wenceslao, 6, 20–25, 27, 37, Rizal, Paciano, 32, 53, 69, 90, 97–99,
52, 72–76, 83, 85–86, 108, 121, 112, 177, 241
208 Rizal, Saturnina, 52
Revista Filipina, 22 Rizal’s Life and Minor Writings, 53
Revolt of the Masses, The, 20, 30, 43, 141 “Rizal: The Tagalog Hamlet”, 24
Revolution of the Filipinos Against Robledo, Francisco Romero, 86
the Spanish, 88 Rodriguez, E.B., 148
Revolution, The, 60 Rodriguez, Jose, 70–71, 85
Rhodes, Sir Cecil, 109 Romulo, Carlos P., 165, 180, 183, 188
Ricarte, Artemio, 40–41, 87–90, 99–102 Roots of Dependency, 230
Richardson, Jim, 138, 230 Rosihan Anwar, 7, 42–43, 45, 143,
Riego, Perfecto Rufino, 29 145–48, 151–54, 156, 158–60,
“Rights of Man, The”, 60 164, 166–67, 169–70, 173, 180,
Rizal: Contrary Essays, 23 183, 188, 231–32, 249–53
“Rizal Day”, 38, 43, 92–93, 243 Roxas, Baldomero, 56, 58
“Rizaline Republic”, 40, 101 Roxas, Francisco, 86
Rizal, Jose Roxas, Manuel, 164
biography, 5, 16–17, 34 Royal Netherlands Academy of
born, 31 Sciences, 110
chronology, 31–45 Russell, Charles Edward, 148
diaries, 28, 80, 103 Russo-Japanese War, 39, 213–14
Europe, in, 2–5, 18, 36, 47, 62, 65,
75–76, 86, 103, 107 S
execution, 90–92, 97–100, 108–09, Sabam Siagian, 156, 159–60
112, 116, 120–21, 125, 133 Salazar, Zeus, 6, 54

14 Revolutionary Spirit Index 278 5/5/11, 4:55 PM


Salvador, Moises, 83 Sukarno and the Struggle for

Sandiko, Teodoro, 29 Indonesian Independence, 170
Santos, Lope K., 40, 85, 141 Sun Yat Sen, 185, 203, 216
Sarekat Islam, 118–19 Surabaja, story, 157
Saroyan, William, 220 Sutan Ibrahim, 129
Schumacher SJ, John, 8, 47, 86, 248 Sutan Sjahrir, 146, 149, 152, 159
Scott, William Henry, 230 Sutomo, 134, 224
Second World War, 165, 170, 198 Syed Farid Alatas, 233
Shaharuddin bin Maaruf, 28, 44, Syed Hussein Alatas, 44, 190, 192–
203, 205–10, 212, 233 205, 208–10, 212, 233
Shiraishi, Takashi, 118 born, 191
Sison, Jose Ma., 138
Social Problems, 29 T
Soerabaiaasch Handelsblad, 115 “Tagalog Malay”, 55
Soerjo, 161 Tagalog orthography, 77
Soewardi Soerjaningrat, 117 Tagore, Rabindranath, 45
Soli, see La Solidaridad Tan Malaka, 40, 42, 128–38, 142,
Spain 224, 233
ceded Philippines to the United Tetcho, Suehiro, 34, 229
States, 92 The Filipino, 18
enemies of, 96 Tjahaja Sijang, 120
Spanish Civil War, 27 Tjetje Jusuf, 44
Spanish colonialism, 27 Tjipto Mangoenkoesomo, 117
effect of, 197–98 Tjokroaminoto, 118
“Spanish doctor”, 9 Tojo, Hideki, 147, 151
Staging the World: Chinese Tolentino, Jose Reyes, 84
Nationalism at the Turn of the Toward the First Asian Republic, 250
Twentieth Century, 214 Tragic Sense of Life, The, 21, 30
Steinbeck, John, 220 treaty of Biak-na-bato, 92
Straits Times, 191, 206, 210 True Version of the Philippine
Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 48 Revolution, 91
Sudirman, General, 207 Turot, Henri, 11–12, 186–87
Suez Canal, 31, 242
Suharto, 221, 226 U
Sukarno, 11, 28, 41–42, 119, 134, Ullmer, Karl, 14, 17
145, 147, 149–50, 158–59, 162, “Ultimo Adios”, see “Mi Ultimo Adios”
171, 181–82, 184–87, 190–91, Umar Ibn Khattab, 206–07
203–04, 213, 232 UMNO (United Malay National
speech, 172–80, 183, 188 Organisation), 202
see also Indonesia Under Three Flags, 19

14 Revolutionary Spirit Index 279 5/5/11, 4:55 PM


unfortunate error, 6, 18 “Viva Espana”, 26

United States, Philippines ceded to, von Humbolt, Wilhelm, 55
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 209 W
University Central de Madrid, 33 Wallace, Alfred Russel, 55
University of Amsterdam, 191 Waitz, Theodor, 47
University of California, 18 Washington Post, 219
University of Michigan, 45, 220 Wehl, David, 146
University of Salamanca, 20, 30 Wildman, Edwin, 113
University of the Philippines, 19 Wilhemsfeld, vicarage, 14, 17
“Un Separatista Filipino – Jose Wilhelm Tell, 29, 47, 60
Rizal”, 37, 73 Workers’ Congress (Congreso
U.S. Philippine Commission, 67 Obrero de Filipinas), 134, 138
Workers’ Party (Partido Obrero),
V 138
Valenzuela, Pio, 37, 80, 83, 94, 96– World War II, see Second World
97, 101–02, 125, 136 War
Vatikiotis, Michael, 220–21
“Veneration without Y
Understanding”, 243–44, 246 Yamamoto, Moichiro, 147, 151
Veterano, revolutionary fighters, 131 Young Turks, 213
Vida y Escritos, 20
Viola, Maximo, 15, 34, 238, 242 Z
Villa, Simeon, 94 Zaide, Gregorio, 60
Vincent, Paul, 106 Zamora, Jacinto, 32, 53, 177

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