Family Types
Family Types
Family Types
DURATION: 45 minutes
TOPIC: Family
TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, showing different types of family on cardboard papers, cello
tape and paper pins.
1. Define Family
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: The students have idea about the topic as they are from
one type of family or the other. The teacher also asked the students some members of
their family they know by name and the students answered to the positive.
INTRODUCTION: The teacher introduces the topic by showing the students the
pictures of different types of family; and asks them this question: who can tell me how
many persons are in your family? Expected answers: 3, 4, 6, 10 and so on --------- Do
you have an Uncle or Aunt living or house-help with you? Expected answer: Yes, No.
PRESENTATION: The teacher presents the lesson in a textual, tabular and pictorial
media according to the stated objectives in STEP I, STEP II and STEP III as follows:
STEPI: Definition of Family– “a group of people related through blood, marriage or
adoption”; or a group of individuals who share a legal or genetic bond.
Family Structures (Types of Families)
STEPII: Types of family STEPIII: Characteristics
Nuclear Family
Extended Family
Lone-Parent Family
The teacher further guides students in developing a class definition of family such as “a
family is a group of people who live together and take care of each other.”The teacher
also, explains that, any type of the family may have house helps that are living with the
other members of the family. The teacher also explains that one other cause of single-
parenting is children out of wedlock.
i. Family is a group of people related through ---------, ---------, and --------- (a) flood,
mirage and portion, (b) food, mileage and absorption, (c) blood, marriage and adoption.
ii. How many types of family do we learn today --------? (a) 2; (b) 4; (c) 5
iv. Mention the major characteristics of any of the type of family you know.
ii. b-4
iii. Nuclear family; Extended family; Lone-Parent family and Blended family.
CONCLUSION: The teacher gives the students a short note to copy, marks the note
and gives a home work on the next topic (Function of Family).
NTI (2004): Post Graduate Diploma in Education; Book 4, PDE 711: Micro-
Teaching in Teaching Education. Kaduna: DLS, NTI Computer
Orubite, T. (2019): Wedding Anniversary Picture (26th Feb 2013- 26th Feb
2019). Kaduna: Jessy Motions Pictures Mando.