Digital Electronics
Digital Electronics
Digital Electronics
1. In the circuit shown below, Q1 has negligible collector-to-emitter saturation voltage and the
diode drops negligible voltage across it under forward bias. If Vcc is +5 V, X and Y are digital
signals with 0 V as logic 0 and Vcc as logic 1, then the Boolean expression for Z is
2. A bulb in a staircase has two switches, one switch being at the ground floor and the other one at the
first floor. The bulb can be turned ON and also can be turned OFF by any one of the switches
irrespective of the state of the other switch. The logic of switching of the bulb resembles
(A) AN AND gate (B) an OR gate (C) an XOR gate (D) a NAND gate
4. The output Y of a 2-bit comparator is logic 1 whenever the 2-bit input A is greater than the 2-bit input
B. The number of combinations for which the output is logic 1, is
6. In the sum of products function f( X,Y,Z) = ∑( 2,3,4,5) the prime implicants are
(A) X’Y, XY ‘(B) X’Y, X Y’ Z’, XY’ Z (C) X’Y Z ‘,X’YZ, XY’ (D) X’Y Z’, X’YZ ,XY’ Z’, XY’ Z
7. In the CMOS circuit shown, electron and hole mobilities are equal, and M1 and M2 are equally sized.
The device M1 is in the linear region if
(A) Vin < 1.875 V (B) 1.875V<Vin< 3.125 V (C) Vin > 3.125 V (D) 0 < Vin<5V
10. When the output Y in the circuit below is “1”, it implies that data has
(A) F =AND ( P, Q )
(B) F = OR (P, Q)
(C) F =XNOR ( P, Q)
(D) F =XOR ( P, Q)
12. The output of a 3-stage Johnson (twisted ring) counter is fed to a digital-to analog (D/A) converter as
shown in the figure below. Assume all states of the counter to be unset initially. The waveform which
represents the D/A converter output Vo is
Ans: A
13. Two D flip-flops are connected as a synchronous counter that goes through the following QB QA
sequence00→11→01→10→ 00→….. The connections to the inputs DA and DB are
(A) DA =Q B, DB =Q A
(B)) DA =Q A ‘, DB =Q B ‘
15. In the circuit shown, the device connected Y5 can have address in the range
(A) 2000 - 20FF
16. For the output F to be 1 in the logic circuit shown, the input combination should be
(A) A =1,B =1, C=0 (B) A =1,B =0, C=0 (C )A =0,B =1, C=0 (D) A =0,B =0, C=1
17. Assuming that the flip-flop are in reset condition initially, the count sequence observed at QA, in the
circuit shown is
(A) F=∑m (0,1, 3, 5, 9,10,14) (B) F =∑m ( 2 ,3 ,5 ,7 ,8 ,12 ,13) (C) F =∑m( 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15) (D)F=∑m
(2 ,3 ,5 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,12)
19. The full form of the abbreviations TTL and CMOS in reference to logic families are
21. What are the minimum number of 2- to -1 multiplexers required to generate a 2- input AND gate
and a 2- input Ex-OR gate
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 1 and 1
(D) 2 and 2
22. What are the counting states (Q1 , Q2 )for the counter shown in the figure below
Two products are sold from a vending machine, which has two push buttons P1 and P2. When a buttons
is pressed, the price of the corresponding product is displayed in a 7 - segment display. If no buttons are
pressed, ' ' 0 is displayed signifying ‘Rs 0’. If only P1 is pressed, ‘2’ is displayed, signifying ‘Rs. 2’ If only P2
is pressed ‘5’ is displayed, signifying ‘Rs. 5’ If both P1 and P2 are pressed, ' ' E is displayed, signifying
‘Error’ The names of the segments in the 7 - segment display, and the glow of the display for ‘0’, ‘2’, ‘5’
and ‘E’ are shown below.
(2) A segment glowing/not glowing in the display is equivalent to logic 1/0 respectively.
23. If segments a to g are considered as functions of P1 and P2, then which of the following is correct
(A) g =P1’+P2 ,d=c+ e (B) g =P1+P2 ,d=c+ e(C) g =P1’+P2 ,d=b+c(D) g =P1+P2 ,d=b+c
24. What are the minimum numbers of NOT gates and 2 - input OR gates required to design the logic of
the driver for this 7 - Segment display
25. Refer to the NAND and NOR latches shown in the figure. The inputs (,) P P1 2 for both latches are
first made (0, 1) and then, after a few seconds, made (1, 1). The corresponding stable outputs (,) Q Q1 2
(A) NAND: first (0, 1) then (0, 1) NOR: first (1, 0) then (0, 0)
(B) NAND: first (1, 0) then (1, 0) NOR: first (1, 0) then (1, 0)
(C) NAND: first (1, 0) then (1, 0) NOR: first (1, 0) then (0, 0)
(D) NAND: first (1, 0) then (1, 1) NOR: first (0, 1) then (0, 1)
26. The logic function implemented by the following circuit at the terminal OUT is
(C) P OR Q
27. The two numbers represented in signed 2’s complement form are P = 11101101 and Q = 11100110.
If Q is subtracted from P, the value obtained in signed 2’s complement is
(A) 1000001111
(B) 00000111
(C) 11111001
(D) 111111001
28. Which of the following Boolean Expressions correctly represents therelation between ,, PQR and
29. For the circuit shown in the figure, D has a transition from 0 to 1 after CLK changes from 1 to 0.
Assume gate delays to be negligible Which of the following statements is true
30. For each of the positive edge-triggered JK - flip flop used in the following figure, the propagation
delay is Æϫt
Ans: B
31.For the circuit shown in the following, II 03 - are inputs to the 4:1 multiplexers, R(MSB) and S are
control bits. The output Z can be represented by
32. X =01110 and Y= 11001 are two 5-bit binary numbers represented in two’s complement format.
The sum of X and Y represented in two’s complement format using 6 bits is
33. The Boolean function Y= AB+ CD is to be realized using only 2 - input NAND gates. The minimum
number of gates required is
34. The Boolean expression Y=( AB)’(CD)’+ A’BCD’+ A(BC)’D+ AB(CD)’ can be minimized to
(D) Y =A’BCD’+B’C’D+AB(CD)’
(C) X= AB +BC+ AC
36. The following binary values were applied to the X and Y inputs of NAND latch shown in the figure in
the sequence indicated below : X=0,Y=1;X=0,Y=0; X=1, Y =1 The corresponding stable P,Q output will be.
37. For the circuit shown, the counter state ( Q1Q0)follows the sequence
(A) 00, 01, 10, 11, 00 (B)00, 01 ,10, 00, 01 (C) 00, 01, 11, 00, 01 (D) 00,10,11,00,10
38. The number of product terms in the minimized sum-of-product expression obtained through the
following K - map is (where, "d” denotes don’t care states)
39. For the circuit shown in figures below, two 4 - bit parallel - in serial- out shift registers loaded with
the data shown are used to feed the data to a full adder. Initially, all the flip - flops are in clear state.
After applying two clock pulse, the output of the full-adder should be
40. A new Binary Coded Pentary (BCP) number system is proposed in which every digit of a base-5
number is represented by its corresponding 3-bit binary code. For example, the base-5 number A new
Binary Coded Pentary (BCP) number system is proposed in which every digit of a base-5 number is
represented by its corresponding 3-bit binary code. For example, the base-5 number24 will be
represented by its BCP code 010100. In this numbering system, the BCP code 10001001101 corresponds
of the following number is base-5 system
41. A 4 - bit D/A converter is connected to a free - running 3 - big UP counter, as shown in the following
figure. Which of the following waveforms will be observed at V0 ?
Ans: B
42. Two D - flip - flops, as shown below, are to be connected as a synchronous counter that goes
through the following sequence 00 →01 →11 →10 →00.The inputs D0 and D1 respectively should be
connected as,
43. The point P in the following figure is stuck at 1. The output f will be
45. The Boolean function f implemented in the figure using two input multiplexes is
(C) A’BC+(ABC)’
47. The present output Qn of an edge triggered JK flip-flop is logic 0. If J =1 , then Qn+1
(A) Cannot be determined (B) Will be logic 0 (C) Will be logic 1 (D) Will rave around
48. The given figure shows a ripple counter using positive edge triggered flip-flops. If the present state of
the counter is Q2Q1Q 0 =001 then is next state Q2Q1Q 0will be
(A) 010 (B) 111 (C) 100 (D) 101
(B) Change in the output occurs when the state of the master is affected
(C) Change in the output occurs when the state of the slave is affected
(D) Both the master and the slave states are affected at the same time
50. The range of signed decimal numbers that can be represented by 6-bits 1’s complement number is
(A) -31 to +31 (B) -63 to +63 (C) -64 to +63 (D) -32 to +31
51. A digital system is required to amplify a binary-encoded audio signal. The user should be able to
control the gain of the amplifier from minimum to a maximum in 100 increments. The minimum number
of bits required to encode, in straight binary, is
52. Choose the correct one from among the alternatives A,B,C,D after matching an item from Group 1
most appropriate item in Group 2.
Group 1 Group 2
53. The figure the internal schematic of a TTL AND-OR-OR-Invert (AOI) gate. For the inputs shown in the
figure, the output Y is
54. 11001, 1001, 111001 correspond to the 2’s complement representation of which one of the
following sets of number
(A) 25,9, and 57 respectively (B) -6, -6, and -6 respectively (C) -7, -7 and -7 respectively (D) -25, -9 and -
57 respectively
55. In the modulo-6 ripple counter shown in figure, the output of the 2- input gate is used to clear the J-
K flip-flop The 2-input gate is
(A) a NAND gate (B) a NOR gate (C) an OR gate (D) a AND gate
(A) A’C +BC’+ AC (B) B’C+ AC+ BC’+ A’CB’ (C) AC +BC’+ B’C+ ABC (D) ABC +A’BC’+ ABC’+ AB’C
58. A Boolean function f of two variables x and y is defined as follows :f (0 ,0 )=f (0 ,1 )=f (1 ,1 )=f (1 ,0 )=0
Assuming complements of x and y are not available, a minimum cost solution for realizing f using only 2-
input NOR gates and 2- input OR gates (each having unit cost) would have a total cost of
60. Without any additional circuitry, an 8:1 MUX can be used to obtain
(C) All functions of 3 variables and some but not all of 4 variables
61. A 0 to 6 counter consists of 3 flip flops and a combination circuit of 2 input gate (s). The common
circuit consists of
(A) One AND gate (B) One OR gate (C) One AND gate and one OR gate (D) Two AND gates
62. The circuit in the figure has 4 boxes each described by inputs P,Q,R and outputs Y,Z with Y=P XOR Q
XOR R and Z= RQ+ P’R+ QP’. The circuit acts as a
(A) 4 bit adder giving P+Q
63.If the function W,X,Y and Z are as follows W =R+ P’Q +R’S ;X= PQ(RS)’+(PQRS)’+ P(QRS)’ ; Y= RS+( PR+
PQ’+ P’ Q’)’ ; Z= R+ S+ (PQ+ P ‘Q ‘R ‘+PQ’ S’)’ .Then,
64. A 4 bit ripple counter and a bit synchronous counter are made using flip flops having a propagation
delay of 10 ns each. If the worst case delay in the ripple counter and the synchronous counter be R and S
respectively, then
65. In the circuit shown in the figure, A is parallel-in, parallel-out 4 bit register, which loads at the rising
edge of the clock C. The input lines are connected to a 4 bit bus, W . Its output acts at input to a 16* 4
ROM whose output is floating when the input to a partial table of the contents of the ROM is as follows
The clock to the register is shown, and the data on the W bus at time t1 is 0110. The data on the bus at
time t2 is
(A) 1111 (B) 1011 (C) 1000 (D) 0010
67.4 - bit 2’s complement representation of a decimal number is 1000. The number is
69. The circuit in the figure has two CMOS NOR gates. This circuit functions as a:
(A) flip-flop (B) Schmitt trigger (C) Monostable multivibrator (D) Astable multivibrator
70. The gates G1 and G2 in the figure have propagation delays of 10 ns and 20 ns respectively. If the input
V1, makes an output change from logic 0 to 1 at time t = t0, then the output waveform V0 is
Ans: B
71. If the input X3,X2, X1 ,X0 to the ROM in the figure are 8 4 2 1 BCD numbers, then the outputs Y3 ,Y2 Y1
Y0 are
(A) Gray code numbers (B) 2 4 2 1 BCD numbers (C) Excess - 3 code numbers (D) None of the above
73. For the ring oscillator shown in the figure, the propagation delay of each inverter is 100 pico sec.
What is the fundamental frequency of the oscillator output
74. In the TTL circuit in the figure, S2 and S0 are select lines and X7 and X0 are input lines. S0 and X0 are
LSBs. The output Y is
(A) indeterminate
76. The digital block in the figure is realized using two positive edge triggered D-flip-flop. Assume that
for t t<t0 ,Q1 =Q 2= 0. The circuit in the digital block is given by
Ans: C
77.For the logic circuit shown in the figure, the required input condition (A,B,C) to make the output (X )
= 1 is
78. For the logic circuit shown in the figure, the simplified Boolean expression for the output Y is
79. A sequential circuit using D flip-flop and logic gates is shown in the figure, where X and Y are the
inputs and Z is the inputs. The circuit is
80. In the figure, the J and K inputs of all the four Flip-Flips are made high. The frequency of the signal at
output Y is
(A) 0.833 kHz (B) 1.0 kHz (C) 0.91 kHz (D) 0.77 kHz
82. The minimized form of the logical expression ( ‘AB’C ‘+A’B C’+ A’BC+ ABC’ ) is
(A) A’C’+ BC’+ A’B (B) AC’+ B’C+ A’B (C) A’C+ B’C+ A’B (D) AC’+ B’C+ AB’
83.For a binary half-Subtractor having two inputs A and B, the correct set of logical expressions for the
outputs D(= A minus B) and X(= borrow) are
(A) mod-3 up counter (B) mod-5 up counter (C) mod-3 down counter (D) mod-5 down counter
85. The minimum number of 2-input NAND gates required to implement of Boolean function Z=AB’C ,
assuming that A, B and C are available, is
86. In the figure is A = 1 and B = 1, the input B is now replaced by a sequence 101010....., the output x
and y will be
(A) Fixed at 0 and 1, respectively
87. An equivalent 2’s complement representation of the 2’s complement number 1101 is
88. Two 2’s complement number having sign bits x and y are added and the sign bit of the result is z .
Then, the occurrence of overflow is indicated by the Boolean function
(A) xyz (B) x’y’z’ (C) x’ y’z+ xyz’ (D) xy+ yz+ zx
89. For the identity AB+ A’C+ BC= AB +A’C , the dual form is
(A) (A+B)(A’+C)(B+C)=(A+B)(A’+C)
(B) (A’+B’)(A+C’)(B’+C’))=(A’+B’)(A+C’)
(C) (A+B)(A’+C)(B+C)=(A’+B’)(A+C’)
(D) A’B’+AC’+B’C’=A’B’+AC’
91. The K -map for a Boolean function is shown in the figure is the number of essential prime implicates
for this function is
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 8
94. The decoding circuit shown in the figure is has been used to generate the active low chip select
signal for a microprocessor peripheral. (The address lines are designated as AO to A7 for I O/ address)
(A) 60 H to 63 H
(B) A4 to A 7H
(C) 30 H to 33 H
(D) 70 H to 73 H
95. A signed integer has been stored in a byte using the 2’s complement format. We wish to store the
same integer in a 16 bit word. We should
(A) Copy the original byte to the less significant byte of the word and fill the more significant with zeros
(B) Copy the original byte to the more significant byte of the word and fill the less significant byte with
(C) Copy the original byte to the less significant byte of the word and make each fit of the more
significant byte equal to the most significant bit of the original byte
(D) Copy the original byte to the less significant byte as well as the more significant byte of the word
96. In a J–K flip-flop we have J Q = and K = 1. Assuming the flip flop was initially cleared and then clocked
for 6 pulses, the sequence at the Q output will be
(A) AB +BC
(B) ( A+ B)( A+ C)
(D) (A+ C) B
98. A pulse train can be delayed by a finite number of clock periods using
99. For an n-variable Boolean function, the maximum number of prime implicants is
Answer: (D)
100. The number of bytes required to represent the decimal number 1856357 in packed BCD (Binary
Coded Decimal) form is __________ .
Answer: 4
101. In a half-Subtractor circuit with X and Y as inputs, the Borrow (M) and Difference (N = X - Y) are
given by
(A) M= X XOR Y,N=XY (B) M= XY ,N=X XOR Y (C) M= X’Y ,N=X XOR Y (D) M= XY ,N=X XNOR
Answer: (C)
102. The outputs of the two flip-flops Q1, Q2 in the figure shown are initialized to 0,0. The sequence
generated at Q1 upon application of clock signal is
105. A 4:1 multiplexer is to be used for generating the output carry of a full adder. A and B are the bits
to be added while Cin is the input carry and Cout is the output carry. A and B are to be used as the select
bits with A being the more significant select bit.
106. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the choice of signals to be connected to
the inputs I0, I1, I2 and I3 so that the output is Cout?
107. The state transition diagram for a finite state machine with states A, B and C, and binary inputs X,Y
and Z, is shown in the figure.
Ans: C
108. Following is the K-map of a Boolean function of five variables P, Q, R, S and X. The minimum sumof-
product (SOP) expression for the function is
(A) P’ Q’SX’+ P Q’SX’+ Q R ‘S’X+ QRS’X (B) Q’SX’+ QS’X (C) Q’SX+ QS’X’ (D) Q’S +QS’
Key: (B)
109. For the circuit shown in the figure, the delays of NOR gates, multiplexers and inverters are 2 ns, 1.5
ns and 1 ns, respectively. If all the inputs P, Q, R, S and T are applied at the same time instant, the
maximum propagation delay (in ns) of the circuit is ___________.
Key: (6)
110. For the circuit shown in the figure, the delay of the bubbled NAND gate is 2 ns and that of the
counter is assumed to be zero. If the clock (Clk) frequency is 1 GHz, then the counter behaves as a
(A) mod-5 counter (B) mod-6 counter (C) mod-7 counter (D) mod-8 counter
Key: (D)
111. Write the counting sequence of a 4 bit down synchronous counter. Design the same using negative
edge triggered J–K Flip-Flops.
112. Perform the following operations on the given binary numbers as specified.
(a) 110.01 + 1.011
(b) Convert 11101.01 to decimal
(c) 11100.101 – 101.01 using 2‟s complement
(d) Convert 111000 to octal
114. Obtain the minimal SOP expression for Y(A, B, C, D) = m (2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9,11, 12, 13, 14, 15) + d(2,
4) using K-map. Realize the expression using 2 input NAND gates only.
115. Design a mod-7 asynchronous up counter using JK flip-flops. Write the state diagram and the timing
diagram for the same. The counter counts during positive edges of the clock.
117. Implement the following expressions using CMOS-AOI logic circuits. Verify the circuit operation with
the help of truth table:
(i) Y A BC
(ii) Y AB CD)‟
118. Implement the function f A, B, C, D0, 1, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15 Using an appropriate multiplexer.
119. Design a combinational circuit that accepts a 3-bit number as input and generates an output binary
number equal to square of the input number.
120. The state transition diagram of a synchronous counter is given below.Design the counter circuit
using J – K flip-flops. Use the state table for the design.
122. For the given circuit shown below, the decimal inputs are given from a mod16 counter. Calculate the
equivalent analog voltages when the counter outputs are 0011, 0111, 1011 and 1110. Also calculate the
counter outputs when the analog voltages are 1.25V, 2.5 V, 3.75 V and 4.06 V. Assume that binary „1‟
=5V and „0‟ =0 V.
123. Assertion (A) : Asynchronous sequential circuits are difficult to design. Reason
(R) : External clock is used for synchronization of asynchronous sequential circuits.
a. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true
124. Assertion (A) : The switching speed of ECL gate is very high. Reason
(R) : The devices in ECL gate operate in active region.
a. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false
d. A is false but R is true 1
a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 12
126. The characteristic equation for the next state (Qn+1) of a J-K flip-flop is
127. Match List I (Digital Circuit) with List II (Circuit Type) and select the correct answer :
List I A. BCD to 7-segment Decoder B. 4- to -1 Multiplexer C. 4-bit Shift Register D. BCD Counter
List II 1. Sequential circuit 2. Combinational circuit 3. Neither sequential nor combinational circuit
a.2 1 2 1
b. 3 2 1 3
c. 2 2 1 1
d. 3 1 2 3
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
129. The minimum number of NAND gates required to implement the Boolean junction A + AB’+ AB’C is
equal to
a. zero b. 1 c. 4 d. 7
130. The addition of two binary variables A and B results into a SUM and a CARRY output. Consider the
following expressions for the SUM and CARRY outputs :
1. SUM = A . B + A ‘. B ‘
3. CARRY = A . B
4. CARRY = A + B