Om Sri
During Dakshinayana period; with Jupiter in Meena rasi and Saturn in Mesha rasi; on 1998 August 2 Sunday at
4 Ghati (Nazhika) 8 Vinazhika After sunrise; in Fourth Pada of Star Vishakha; Suklapaksha Navami Thidhi,
Kaulava Karana and Subra Nithya Yoga; with Moon in Vrischika rasi and Karkata Navamsa; in Simha Lagna
and Beginning Drekkana; the Girl is born.
Weekday : Sunday
As you are born on a Sunday you will have courage to face difficult situations in life. People will appreciate your
sincerity and intelligence. You enjoy travel.
You are well liked in your youth. You have an irritable temper and tend to get moody. You are careful about your
money, but often wonder why you seem to run out of it as fast as you do. You enjoy the finer things in life. You also
enjoy a good argument. You have a special talent for debates. You are capable of analyzing and criticising the actions
of others. You are a practical thinker. You would make a good administrator. Do not expect too much from your
mother. You may rebel against, or otherwise be removed from the control of your father. You are a broad-minded,
independent, sympathetic and reasonable woman. You welcome new activities and endeavors. You will be intimately
and emotionally close to your husband. Give your love to a man who can appreciate the depth of your love. You should
be careful not to do things just because you are put under a lot of pressure. You choose your words carefully and
Those who are born in NAVAMI THIDHI have great powers of concentration. You will work hard to meet your goals.
You will also be a good manager of money and materials. You are capable of conniving or fighting to achieve your
Karanam : Kaulava
Birth in Koulava Karana indicates that your life will sail through periods of agony and ecstasy. You show compassion
towards animals. You can successfully own animal farms.
You are intelligent, rich, and self-assured since you have SUBHRA NITHYAYOGA. Your friends respect you and
actively seek your company. This gives you added confidence. Some people may envy you.
Astro-Vision LifeSign Horoscope [Ref:12.5 S Eng-060-7438-EB43-79C4]
Name : Kavya G
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : 2 August, 1998 Sunday
Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 07:28:00 AM Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth : Khammam
Longitude & Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 80.9 East , 17.15 North
Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 50 Min. 7 Sec.
Birth Star - Star Pada (Quarter) : Vishakha - 4
Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Vrischika - Kuja
Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Simha - Surya
Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami, Suklapaksha
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Planet Longitude Planet Longitude
Deg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec
NIRAYANA longitudes of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from the
SAYANA values shown above. All the charts, calculations and analysis following this are based on Indian Predictive
The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained by subtracting the
ayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.
There are different basis for calculating ayanamsa. The method selected here is :
Chitra Paksha = 23Deg.50 Min.7 Sec.
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Nirayana Longitudes (Summary) ( Deg. Min. Sec. )
Jup Sat Ven Mar Ven Mer Mar Rah
Ket 2-August-1998 Sun Moo
07:28:00 AM Navamsa
Rasi Mer
Longitude -80.9 Rah Jup
Latitude +17.15
Maa20:44:1 Moo3:13:9(
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Jup Sat Ven
Bhava Chart
Maa Moo
Bhava Table
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Sudarshana Chakra
7 6 Mer 4 3
Rah Sun
Lag 5
9 7 6
Maa Moo
Ket Jup
10 1
Corresponding to each planet, a sub-planet (Upagraha) is calculated. The sub planets of Moon, Venus, Mars, Rahu and
Ketu are based on the longitude of the Sun as follows.
The sub-planets of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and an additional sub-planet of Mars are calculated based on the
division of day or night into eight equal parts.
The first part belongs to the lord of the day, followed by the remaining lords of the week in cyclic order. The eight part
is lordless.In the case of birth at night, out of the eight equal parts, the first seven are allotted to the lords of the planets
starting from the 5th. weekday.
Two different methods are popularly adopted for finding the longitude.In the first method an ascendant is calculated for
the beginning of the period ruled by the planet. In the second method, the end of the period is taken.
In the case of Gulika, the sub-planet of Saturn, a third method is also available to calculate the longitude of the
dhumadi group of subplanets based on fixed values of rise time as given below.The value calculated thus is termed
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MAANDI in Astro-Vision Horoscope and presented along with the principal planets in the Rasi Chart.
Gulikadi group
Upagraha Longitudes
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Ind Upk
Par Kal
Vya Lag
Karaka Planet
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P8 P12 P5
P3 P6
Aruda Chakra
P4 P9 Lag
Shodasavarga Table
Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Maa
Rasi 5 8: 4: 5 3 3 12: 1 5 11 9
Hora 5 4: 5 5 4: 4: 4: 5 5 5 4:
Drekkana 5 8: 8: 5 11 11 12: 1 5 11 5
Chathurthamsa 8: 8: 10: 5 9 12: 12: 4: 8: 2: 3
Saptamsa 6: 2: 1 5 8: 8: 6: 3 7 1 1
Navamsa 3 4: 8: 2: 1 2: 5 3 3 9 7
Dasamsa 7 5 5 6: 10: 10: 9 4: 7 1 3
Dwadasamsa 8: 9 10: 6: 11 12: 1 4: 8: 2: 5
Shodasamsa 9 6: 9 7 8: 9 11 6: 9 9 8:
Vimsamsa 2: 11 11 11 7 8: 7 7 2: 2: 6:
Chathurvimsamsa 11 6: 4: 8: 10: 12: 7 12: 11 11 9
Bhamsa 7 12: 12: 4: 3 4: 1 9 8: 2: 7
Trimsamsa 11 2: 12: 1 3 3 2: 11 11 11 3
Khavedamsa 11 11 4: 6: 6: 8: 12: 1 12: 12: 4:
Akshavedamsa 4: 9 12: 11 6: 8: 2: 3 5 5 4:
Shashtiamsa 8: 2: 11 1 11 2: 7 8: 10: 4: 2:
Ojarasi Count 10 5 6 10 9 4 8 10 10 10 10
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Lords of Shodasavarga
Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Maa
Rasi Sun =Mar +Moo +Sun +Mer ~Mer ^Jup ~Mar ~Sun ~Sat Jup
Hora Sun ^Moo ^Sun +Sun ~Moo +Moo +Moo ~Sun ~Sun +Sun Moo
Drekkana Sun =Mar +Mar +Sun +Sat =Sat ^Jup ~Mar ~Sun ~Sat Sun
Chathurthamsa Mar =Mar ~Sat +Sun =Jup +Jup ^Jup ~Moo =Mar =Ven Mer
Saptamsa Mer =Ven +Mar +Sun =Mar ^Mar ~Mer +Mer +Ven +Mar Mar
Navamsa Mer ^Moo +Mar +Ven =Mar =Ven +Sun +Mer +Mer +Jup Ven
Dasamsa Ven +Sun ^Sun ^Mer +Sat =Sat ^Jup ~Moo +Ven +Mar Mer
Dwadasamsa Mar =Jup ~Sat ^Mer +Sat +Jup +Mar ~Moo =Mar =Ven Sun
Shodasamsa Jup +Mer +Jup +Ven =Mar +Jup =Sat +Mer ~Jup +Jup Mar
Vimsamsa Ven =Sat ~Sat =Sat ^Ven ^Mar ~Ven +Ven +Ven =Ven Mer
Chathurvimsamsa Sat +Mer +Moo =Mar +Sat +Jup ~Ven =Jup +Sat ~Sat Jup
Bhamsa Ven =Jup +Jup ~Moo +Mer +Moo +Mar =Jup =Mar =Ven Ven
Trimsamsa Sat =Ven +Jup =Mar +Mer ~Mer ~Ven ^Sat +Sat ~Sat Mer
Khavedamsa Sat =Sat +Moo ^Mer +Mer ^Mar ^Jup ~Mar ~Jup +Jup Moo
Akshavedamsa Moo =Jup +Jup =Sat +Mer ^Mar ~Ven +Mer ~Sun +Sun Moo
Shashtiamsa Mar =Ven ~Sat =Mar +Sat =Ven ~Ven ~Mar +Sat =Moo Ven
Varga Bheda
Points are given for Swavarga (own house) and Uchavarga (exaltation)
Shodasavarga Charts
Maa Moo
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Jup Sat Mar Jup Ket Maa
Mar Sat
Drekkana[D3] Chathurthamsa[D4]
Mer Rah
Sun Mer
Lag Maa
Moo Sun Ven Rah
Sun Sat
Ket Moo Sat Ven Mer Mar Rah
Maa Lag
Saptamsa[D7] Navamsa[D9]
Mer Jup
Dasamsa[D10] Dwadasamsa[D12]
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Jup Sun
Shodasamsa[D16] Vimsamsa[D20]
Ket Sun Mer Mar
Chathurvimsamsa[D24] Bhamsa[D27]
Ven Jup
Sun Mer Moo Jup Mar Rah Sat
Maa Ket
Sat Rah
Moo Lag Sun Maa
Ket Lag
Trimsamsa[D30] Khavedamsa[D40]
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Sun Jup Sat Mer Mar
Akshavedamsa[D45] Shashtiamsa[D60]
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Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Budha
Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag Total
Mesha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 4
Mithuna 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Karkata 1 1 1 1 4
Simha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Kanya 1 1 1 1 4
Tula 1 1 1 1 4
Vrischika 1 1 1 3
Dhanu 1 1 1 1 1 5
Makara 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Kumbha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Meena 1 1 1 3
Total 6 5 8 8 8 4 8 7 54
Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Shukra
Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag Total
Mesha 1 1 1 1 4
Vrishabha 1 1 2
Mithuna 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Karkata 1 1 1 1 4
Simha 1 1 1 1 4
Kanya 1 1 1 3
Tula 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Vrischika 1 1 1 1 1 5
Dhanu 1 1 1 1 1 5
Makara 1 1 1 1 1 5
Kumbha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Meena 1 1 1 3
Total 9 3 5 9 6 5 7 8 52
Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Kuja
Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag Total
Mesha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Vrishabha 1 1 1 3
Mithuna 1 1 1 3
Karkata 1 1 2
Simha 1 1 2
Kanya 1 1 1 3
Tula 1 1 1 3
Vrischika 1 1 1 3
Dhanu 1 1 1 1 1 5
Makara 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Kumbha 1 1 2
Meena 1 1
Total 3 5 4 4 7 4 7 5 39
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Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Guru
Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag Total
Mesha 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Mithuna 1 1 1 1 1 5
Karkata 1 1 1 1 4
Simha 1 1 1 1 4
Kanya 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Tula 1 1 1 3
Vrischika 1 1 1 3
Dhanu 1 1 1 1 1 5
Makara 1 1 1 1 1 5
Kumbha 1 1 1 3
Meena 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Total 5 9 8 6 7 8 4 9 56
Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Sani
Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag Total
Mesha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Mithuna 1 1 1 3
Karkata 1 1 1 3
Simha 1 1 1 1 1 5
Kanya 1 1 2
Tula 1 1 1 3
Vrischika 1 1 1 3
Dhanu 0
Makara 1 1 1 1 1 5
Kumbha 1 1 1 3
Meena 1 1 2
Total 3 7 6 3 6 4 4 6 39
Mesha 4 5 5 4 5 6 5 34
Vrishabha 4 5 4 2 3 5 5 28
Mithuna 4 3 6 6 3 5 3 30
Karkata 1 6 4 4 2 4 3 24
Simha 5 3 5 4 2 4 5 28
Kanya 5 2 4 3 3 7 2 26
Tula 5 4 4 6 3 3 3 28
Vrischika 3 4 3 5 3 3 3 24
Dhanu 4 4 5 5 5 5 0 28
Makara 4 7 6 5 7 5 5 39
Kumbha 6 3 5 5 2 3 3 27
Meena 4 2 3 3 1 6 2 21
49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337
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Ashtakavarga Charts
4 4 4 4 2 5 5 3
6 Chandra 1 3 Surya 6
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
4 49 5 7 48 3
4 3 5 5 4 4 4 2
3 5 4 6 3 4 2 6
5 Budha 4 5 Shukra 4
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
6 54 5 5 52 4
5 3 4 4 5 5 6 3
1 5 3 3 6 6 5 5
2 Kuja 2 3 Guru 4
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
7 39 2 5 56 4
5 3 3 3 5 3 3 7
2 5 5 3 21 34 28 30
3 Sani 3 27 Sarva 24
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
5 39 5 39 337 28
0 3 3 2 28 24 28 26
3 0 0 0 0 2 3 0
2 Chandra 0 0 Surya 4
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
0 10 1 5 18 0
0 2 1 1 1 2 1 0
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0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
1 Budha 1 0 Shukra 1
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
2 6 0 3 10 0
0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1
0 3 0 1 3 2 0 2
0 Kuja 1 0 Guru 1
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
4 15 0 0 11 0
3 2 1 0 1 0 0 2
0 5 3 0 6 12 6 6
0 Sani 1 3 Sarva 9
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
3 18 5 17 88 6
0 1 0 0 6 9 4 4
3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0
2 Chandra 0 0 Surya 4
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
0 10 1 5 16 0
0 2 1 1 1 2 1 0
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
1 Budha 1 0 Shukra 1
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
1 5 0 3 10 0
0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1
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0 3 0 1 3 2 0 2
0 Kuja 1 0 Guru 1
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
4 15 0 0 10 0
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 2
0 5 3 0 6 12 4 6
0 Sani 1 3 Sarva 9
Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga
3 18 5 16 84 6
0 1 0 0 5 9 4 4
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Ket Mar 25-03-2037 21-08-2037
Ket Rah 21-08-2037 09-09-2038
Ket Jup 09-09-2038 16-08-2039
Ket Sat 16-08-2039 23-09-2040
Ket Mer 23-09-2040 21-09-2041
The bottom line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.
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Dasa : Sani Apahara : Rahu
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Dasa : Budha Apahara : Kuja
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Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Chandra
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Analysis of Planetary Disposition
Lords of Houses
Jupiter, Venus and Moon with Paksha Bala are natural benefics..From Shashti Thidhi in the Suklapaksha to Shashti
Thidhi in the KrishnaPaksha, MOON has Paksha Bala.
Chandra - Benefic
Surya - Malefic
Budha - Benefic
Shukra - Benefic
Kuja - Malefic
Guru - Benefic
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Sani - Malefic
Rahu - Malefic
Ketu - Malefic
Although planets are classified as natural benefics and malefics their effect in a horoscope is to be judged by the
lordships of different houses.
Lords of first, fifth and ninth houses are always benefic.
If natural malefics become lords of fourth, seventh and tenth, they turn benefic.
If natural benefics become lords of fourth, seventh and tenth, they turn malefic due to kendradhipathya dosham.
Except Moon and Sun, other planets take lordships of two houses and the net effect is to be judged.
While some astrologers assume that the lord of eighth house is always malefic, authentic texts indicate that the nature
of eighth lord is to be judged by the lordship of the other house it owns.
Chandra 12 Neutral
Surya 1 Benefic
Budha 2 11 Malefic
Shukra 3 10 Malefic
Kuja 4 9 Benefic
Guru 5 8 Neutral
Sani 6 7 Neutral
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Permanent (Naisargika) Friendship Chart
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Aspect Strength Chart ( Drikbala ) in Shashtiamsas
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Shadbala Table
Ucha Bala
0.07 28.08 46.42 31.52 11.33 19.62 3.46
Saptavargaja Bala
78.75 120.00 157.50 99.38 93.75 106.88 69.38
Ojayugmarasymasa Bala
30.00 0 15.00 0 15.00 15.00 30.00
Kendra Bala
60.00 15.00 60.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 15.00
Drekkana Bala
0 0 0 15.00 0 15.00 0
Total Sthana Bala
168.82 163.08 278.92 175.90 150.08 186.50 117.84
Total Dig Bala
58.28 37.53 58.85 14.69 44.79 8.72 39.36
Nathonnatha Bala
23.96 36.04 60.00 36.04 23.96 36.04 23.96
Paksha Bala
71.62 24.19 35.81 35.81 24.19 35.81 24.19
Thribhaga Bala
0 0 60.00 0 0 60.00 0
Abda Bala
0 0 0 0 0 15.00 0
Masa Bala
0 0 0 0 0 0 30.00
Vara Bala
0 45.00 0 0 0 0 0
Hora Bala
0 0 0 60.00 0 0 0
Ayana Bala
54.83 105.28 45.44 58.65 58.33 28.84 13.92
Yuddha Bala
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Kala Bala
150.41 210.51 201.25 190.50 106.48 175.69 92.07
Total Cheshta Bala
0 0 56.18 14.01 11.66 45.11 32.86
Total Naisargika Bala
51.43 60.00 25.70 42.85 17.14 34.28 8.57
Total Drik Bala
-2.94 7.47 -4.15 -0.43 -1.21 9.45 6.04
Total Shadbala
426.00 478.59 616.75 437.52 328.94 459.75 296.74
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Shadbala Summary Table
Total Shadbala
426.00 478.59 616.75 437.52 328.94 459.75 296.74
Total Shadbala in Rupas
7.10 7.98 10.28 7.29 5.48 7.66 4.95
Minimum Requirement
6.00 5.00 7.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 5.00
Shadbala Ratio
1.18 1.60 1.47 1.33 1.10 1.18 0.99
Relative Rank
4 1 2 3 6 5 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3.19 . . . 0.62 4.93 10.69 6.32 2.46 14.36 10.64 6.91
. 1.83 18.88 42.95 26.12 7.33 58.28 43.17 28.06 12.95 . .
1.91 7.62 9.29 3.52 7.86 13.06 9.34 5.56 1.79 . . .
7.69 57.97 42.86 27.75 12.86 . . . 2.14 19.51 42.86 25.93
30.00 30.00
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Subha bala
12.79 67.42 71.03 104.22 47.46 25.32 78.31 55.05 34.45 46.82 53.50 62.84
. -2.77 -9.34 -8.43 -1.91 -11.08 -12.26 -8.48 -4.70 -0.93 . .
-1.71 -7.23 -9.48 -3.91 -7.08 -13.26 -9.54 -5.76 -1.98 . . .
-3.75 -3.75
-7.74 -0.43 -14.26 -11.41 -7.69 -3.96 -0.24 . . . -3.57 -10.83
-11.25 -11.25
Asubha bala
-9.45 -10.43 -36.83 -23.75 -16.68 -28.30 -37.04 -14.24 -6.68 -0.93 -3.57 -22.08
3.34 56.99 34.20 80.47 30.78 -2.98 41.27 40.81 27.77 45.89 49.93 40.76
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati Bala
478.59 616.75 437.52 328.94 459.75 296.74 296.74 459.75 328.94 437.52 616.75 426.00
Bhava Digbala
30.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 0 20.00 50.00 60.00 40.00 20.00
Bhavadrishti Bala
3.34 56.99 34.20 80.47 30.78 -2.98 41.27 40.81 27.77 45.89 49.93 40.76
Total Bhava Bala
511.93 723.74 511.72 439.41 510.53 313.76 338.01 520.56 406.71 543.41 706.68 486.76
Bhava Bala in Rupas
8.53 12.06 8.53 7.32 8.51 5.23 5.63 8.68 6.78 9.06 11.78 8.11
Relative Rank
5 1 6 9 7 12 11 4 10 3 2 8
Great importance is attached to the effect of KUJA in a horoscope. Kuja plays an important role in determining
marriage compatibility. Often people say that there is Kuja dosham in a horoscope simply because Kuja is in the 7th. or
8th. house. However, authentic books on astrology gives several rules of exception by which Kuja dosha can be
considered as nullified. A proper analysis on this basis is given below to see if there is Kuja dosham in your horoscope
or not.
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Check for Moudhyam (combustion)
When planets come very near to Sun they get 'Moudhyam' (combust). Planets in 'Moudhyam' produce very bad effects.
Moon within 12, Mars 17, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 9 and Saturn 15 degrees of the Sun are considered to be in
Planets except the Sun and the Moon enter into war when they are closer than one degree from each other. Although
there are differences of opinion regarding which planets win in graha yuddha, the concept followed here is that :
Among others, the planet on the northern side wins.
Summary of Grahavastha
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Special Combination of Planets in the Horoscope (YOGA)
Yogas are special combination of planets in the horoscope which influence the life and future of a person. Some are
formed by simple conjunction of planets,whereas others are based on complex astrological logic or peculiar placement
of planets in the chart. Hundreds of combinations and their effects have been described in the ancient astrological texts.
While some combinations are good, others may have undesirable effects.
The important combinations identified in your horoscope are listed below with a brief mention of the effect it can have
on you.
Raja Yoga
Lords of Ninth and Tenth houses are in conjunction
Raja yoga is seen in this horoscope.
Amala Yoga
Tenth house from Moon or Lagna occupied by benefic.
As you are born with Amala Yoga, you will be able to generate goodwill in people. Your influence will be felt and
remembered. You will have abundant wealth. You will be respected and noticed for your generosity and purity of spirit.
Your character will be above reproach. You will lead a happy and joyful life.
Dehapushti Yoga
Lagna lord in a movable sign with beneficial aspect.
You will have a healthy and handsome body. You remain happy after meeting your husband. You will become a rich
lady and will enjoy life.
Lord of Lagna in a movable sign.
As a girl you are always on the move. Even your job may involve plenty of travelling. If you are not careful during
college days other girls may drag you to wandering.
Dwigraha Yoga
Two planets are situated in the same house
Shukra,Kuja are in Eleventh house
Go that extra mile to earn the love and trust of family members. Don't get embroiled in scandalous issues lest they may
turn sour. Rein in the tendency to act untruthfully and to oppose others unreasonably. Since you are good at heart you
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will be able to control yourself and thereby earn the approval of others.
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Bhava Predictions
This report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions or contradictions in
the report which only show the interactive nature of various planets on your life.
The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fame of the
Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be present in your personality. You are: ambitious;
warm-hearted; cheerful; steady; proud; determined; courageous; quick to anger; sincere; forgiving; adaptable. You are
interested in: art; literature, music; the wilderness and forests; good food. Physically you are: broad shouldered,
magnetic. You love music. You will do well in governmental or institutional jobs. You are extremely concerned about
the welfare of your mother. You lead and encourage family discussions. You uphold traditional values, but you are
tolerant. You may suffer from nervous troubles. Your ambitions may remain unfulfilled if misunderstandings arise with
your superiors.
Since your Lagna lies in the first Drekkana of its house,you will make money through your own efforts. Though you
will probably make good money, you may not save as much as you'd like. You will do well in the goods and services
industry. You should be prepared for sudden ups and downs in your financial life. You will have a fascination for
astrology. The important years in your life are 21,26,31,33,38,43,50 and 54.
Your ascendant lord is in the 12th house. You are likely to be a spend-thrift. You are a dual personality, and the two
facets of your character must be brought together in order to function in society. If not, you will tend to send mixed
signals to people. You do not do well by gambling. You will do well in the field of academics or education. Business
dealings will not be very profitable for you. You enjoy spending money, time, and effort on other people. Therefore,
you will do well in public service.
Since Mercury is seen in the first house, you are a charming conversationalist. You will be learned, disciplined, and
wealthy by own efforts. You will also be long-lived.
As Rahu is in the first house, you will be strong but appear weak. If you have children, they will probably be born late
in your life.
Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by the second
house in a horoscope.
As the 2nd lord is in the ascendant, there is little doubt that you ultimately make money. However, your relationship
with your parents and siblings will be far from satisfactory. Even in youth, you will look beyond the home for comfort
and pleasure. You may resent your parents and see them as barriers to your progress and happiness. In business, you
must remain vigilant so as to avoid fraud. Your financial fortunes will rise and fall intermittently, and therefore cause
you much worry. You are occasionally abrupt or rude to others.
Third house in the horoscope mainly refers to siblings, courage and cleverness .
Since the 3rd lord is in the 11th, you will be good at business. You will know how to look after your interests, whether
you are dealing with outsiders or with your own family. Nothing hurts and angers you more than to be unjustly
mistrusted or suspected by members of your family. You are capable of becoming spiteful. But your resentment is
temporary and rarely leads to permanent bitterness. You become dependent on your brothers and are ready to serve
them. Health problems may worry you unnecessarily.
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Property, Education etc.
The fourth house of your horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.
As the 4th lord is in the 11th, you will be a broad minded individual. You will be willing to help those in need. You
learn your values from your mother. Your mother will be a lucky person. You may also have a step mother. Men will
appreciate your charming personality. As a young girl, you show an interest in animals, birds, and the land. Generally,
you do not let others know if you are feeling unwell. You require a lot of peace and tranquility in your family life. You
like privacy, stability, solitude and certainity in life.
As Mars is the lord of the 4th house you will demonstrate aggressive qualities and be a practical woman. Even when
you are a small girl, the fighting spirit will be evident. The sense of commitment you show in your work will be highly
appreciated by all around you. You will do much better in practice than in theory.
Since the Moon is occupying the fourth, you will have a house of your own. You will receive happiness from relatives.
You will be cheerful, contented, confident, and proud. You want to influence people and induce them to think like you.
This may create occasional problems. You have good administrative skills. Early separation from your mother is
probable. You have an innate flair for academics.
You have inborn talent and taste for studies connected with humanities such as political science, language studies,
psychology and metaphysics. You will do well when employed in areas where human interaction is important.
Apart from the above, you should be happy to note that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the fourth house and
this reduces any bad effects predicted otherwise.
The fifth house of the horoscope mainly gives indications regarding children, mind and intelligence.
Since the 5th lord is in the 8th, you may have children late in life, or not at all. You may be troubled by chest ailments.
On the domestic front, occasional flare-ups occur when you spend too much time with either your parents or your
children. When it comes to arguments, you start the altercation and then leave your spouse to fix the situation you
created. You have to quit being dictatorial if you want your children to listen to you. You may not be able to hold on to
inherited property.
Positioning of benefic planets in the fifth house from Lagna, Moon or Jupiter or benefic planets aspecting these houses
is considered to favour well for having children. Such positive indications are seen in this horoscope.
The sixth house gives indications regarding diseases, enemies, obstacles and other generally negative topics.
Since the 6th lord is in the 9th, your professional fortunes will fluctuate. You are connected with building materials and
construction in one form or another. Your maternal uncle is very successful in some way, and your father who is well
respected is in a position where he judges you and others. But there will be misunderstandings between you and your
father. Your cousins will be helpful to you. Numerous incidents will occur in your life to establish your influence over
your enemies. You will not be taken advantage of, in the long run. You will manage to outwit those that try and outwit
Marriage etc.
The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th. house.
Your 7th lord is in the 9th house. You will be a shy and diffident as a young girl. However, you will undergo a
personality change as you approach adolescence. You will become dignified and self-possessed, and you will command
respect and consideration from others. Your husband will be a man of worldly experience and wisdom. You will
consider yourself lucky. Your husband may have old girlfriends or lovers who upset you and make you jealous.
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Express your concerns to him. You, or your husband, will be involved with a foreign concern, or a foreign country in
some way. You are a romantic and you may find the practical realities of marriage difficult. However, your strength
lies in your self-confidence.
A person from the east could make an ideal partner for you.
Ketu is in your 7th house. Your marriage may be delayed as it will take time to find a husband who meets your
specifications. You will pay special attention to the health and care of your husband. He will be emotionally dependant
on you. You may not find him demonstrative enough, either physically or emotionally. This should not be interpreted as
a lack of interest in you.
Since Jupiter influences the Sun, your husband will probably be religious. He will give you good advice.
Since Jupiter influences the Moon, your married life will be smooth and happy.
Longevity, difficulties
The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment and other difficulties.
Since the 8th lord is in the 8th, longevity can be expected. You will have to face criticism or scandal. Your spouse or
lover will either be wealthy or will help you to become wealthy. There is a likelihood of your inheriting family property
as well. Your father will have had to pass through a crisis early in life. Those who are jealous of your progress will try
and undermine you in any way possible. But you will have the courage and ability to successfully withstand all this
with the goodwill and active support of your partner. You will have plenty of self-control. You will need all of it when
your enemies try your patience. Don't do anything hasty or rash. People wonder how you manage to come out of the
worst situation looking good and feeling great.
Your 8th house is occupied by Jupiter. You will be wealthy and long lived. You will have friends and acquaintances
from all walks of life. The health of your children may be worrying to you.
Since the eighth lord is positioned in eighth house itself, there are no negative indications regarding longevity.
As the 9th lord is in the 11th, you are a lucky girl and will become exceedingly rich and influential especially after you
get married. As a child you may master-mind pranks and other mischief. Your father will be well placed in society and
his contacts help you greatly. You are appreciated in any field in which you choose to participate. This astrological
combination is good for material advancement. You are too intelligent and fond of your freedom to risk arrest or
imprisonment by violating the law, but you do have a fascination for the forbidden. If you do attempt anti-social
activity, the tendency will be to commit petty crimes.
Since Saturn is occupying your ninth, you may lead a solitary existence for a long time. You will be aggressive.
It is seen that the lord of 9th is weak, and this reduces the good effects.
Wearing clothes with red or shades of red will bring you good luck. Coral is your lucky stone. This will give you the
courage to face difficult situations, and help you in relationships with your brother. This is the ideal stone to wear if
you are a soldier, doctor, metal worker, glass blower, or anyone involved in melting and casting.
Verse from Phaladeepika says that the tenth house indicates Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position), Karma
(acts, occupation, profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood, profession), Vyoma
(sky), Achara (conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (going), Ajna (command)
According to Sarvartha Chintamani, from the tenth house, the astrologer should judge occupation, command, authority,
fame, rain, life in foreign lands, performance of sacrifice, esteem, respect, means of livelihood, profession, the knees
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and the servants.
An analysis of the tenth house, lord of tenth house, planets in tenth house, position of Sun and Moon are analysed
below to get an insight into the professions astrologically indicated for you.
In your horoscope, the lord of the tenth house is placed in the eleventh house. Verse from Brihat Parasara Hora
indicates that you will be wealthy and happy. You have a cheerful personality. You are truthful and virtuous.
Tenth house is Taurus. It is a earthy sign. It denotes agricultural pursuits. As it is the second sign of the zodiac, it
denotes finance also. Taurus is said to represent house agents, brokers, bankers and company managers. Venus ruling
this sign is helpful to musicians, actresses and dress makers. Farming, gardening, horticulture, flowers, ornaments,
glass, milk, rice, cotton, silk, plastic, music, sugar and vehicle sales are the areas where you can be successful.
Mercury is in the tenth house from Moon. This normally emphasize the use of intellectual faculties in the professional
life. You respond to the challenges in professional work or social leadership with a keen sense of planning and a
thorough analysis of problems. Mercury also rules over humour and vivid imagination. You could try your hand at
commercial art, advertising, cartoon sketching or journalism. As Mercury is placed in the tenth house in your chart,
you will be intelligent, will take up a lofty profession. You will show courage. You will receive awards, certificates of
merit, honours and decorations (ornaments, dress etc.) You can do well in running trading companies, commission
agencies and commercial establishments. Mercury produces literary and scientific tendencies. It gives you a taste for
science, accounts, mathematics and law.
Mercury is in Leo. Ideal planetary position to build a successful career in Government. You have the patience, tenacity
and also a tinge of arrogance to function as an officer in a government or public utility company. Although you have
the breadth of vision, you often find yourself constrained by the maze of rules and regulations and end up doing the
Rahu is in the tenth house from Moon in your horoscope. You have a tendency to involve in other's business. You can
be difficult at times. You are fearless. You aspire and work towards attaining powerful positions. You find success in
latter part of your life. You are interested in quick money.
Apart from the above analysis based on the planetary positions in the horoscope, some general guidance can be derived
from the birth star itself. Occupations suggested for your birth star are related to the following.
Insurance, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, plantations and estates, bank, judge, criminal law, share broking, sea ports,
defence department, traditional medicine.
Moon is debilitated in your horoscope. You have to choose your career carefully.
The eleventh house mainly gives indications regarding income and sources of income.
As the 11th lord is in the ascendant, you will be born in a rich home, and will earn wealth yourself. You may miss
having an older brother. You have the ability to choose the good and reject evil. You will do well in a profession where
your eloquence or discernment can be utilized effectively.
Since Venus occupies your 11th house, you may have friends who are well placed in life. You are a romantic, and you
will have happiness because of your children.
Since Mars occupies the 11th house, you should be careful before trusting your friends totally. You are cheerful and
rich. Your father may give you cause for some kind of worry.
Eleventh lord is in a Kendra position. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy wealth.
Expenditure, losses
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The twelfth house gives indications regarding expenditure and losses.
Since the 12th lord is in the 4th, mental restlessness, unnecessary worry, enmity of relatives and life in places far from
home are all possibilities. You may have to face problems with landlords. You may also have trouble with your car.
You'll spend a lot of time on maintaining your equipment.
As the Sun is in the 12th house, you are courageous, and always on the move. Your relationship with your father may
not be satisfactory. You may have eye problems. You may experience delays or disappointments in having children.
Effect of Dasa/Apahara
In Indian Astrology, the Dasa system divides your life into periods and sub-periods which are influenced by various
planets. The general trend of fortunes and misfortunes that can be expected are given below. The intensity of
experiences may vary depending on the natal and transit positions of the planets. This needs further in-depth analysis.
The effects which are not applicable to a child should be considered as applicable to the parents. Predictions are given
starting from current dasa onwards. Details of apahara (bhukti) are given for a maximum of twenty five years only.
The starting and ending of each apahara is also shown. (The initial five years are skipped for infants). Strength of
planets is judged by their positions in Saptavarga.
Saturn is the gloomy member of the heavenly family. But the planet does not bring grief for its entire period. You
should expect your share of ups and downs, pleasures and displeasures during this period. However, Saturn also rules
perseverance, and it gives you the power to accomplish what you want through hard work. Hence, Saturn is called the
great disciplinarian. You will find many people who are willing to give you support when you need it. If you are
married, you may find more support from your husband than you had ever anticipated. You can expect pleasant
surprises as well. There may be problems for your mate or for other men in your family. You may have pain due to
rheumatic complaints.
During the sub-period of Rahu in the Saturn dasa, you will feel depressed, or weighed down by worry. Do not act
impulsively. Get a grip on your emotions and worries.
The sub-period of Jupiter in the Saturn dasa is generally considered good. There will be no shortage of assistance. You
will get appreciation or encouragement. You may begin a romantic relationship, or become more affectionate in an
existing relationship. You will enjoy a sense of self-confidence.
This dasa ruled by Mercury, known as the messenger of the gods, will generate unusual desire for higher knowledge,
and a longing for change. You will feel unsettled and will be prone to wandering with friends without definite
objectives. However you will meet with success if intellectual activities are taken up seriously. You will probably travel
far from home. Important men will be helpful at this time. If you are married, you will enjoy the companionship of your
husband and your joint ventures and opportunities will flourish. However, you have to be careful about your health.
You will be more inclined to devote time and energy to studying, writing, reading, reviewing or interacting profitably
with others. Your negotiating and mediating skills will be improved. Friends and relatives may prove useful. You may
travel more in the northern direction and enjoy or gain from such travel. Association with people younger than you will
be beneficial.
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( 21-09-2017 >> 17-02-2020 )
During the sub-period of Mercury in the Mercury dasa, your mind and brain will work in positive and constructive
ways. You will be interested in expanding your knowledge. You will make important and intellectual friends. You will
attend or participate in weddings or other social occasions.
During the sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury dasa, you may be more depressed than usual. You will be more
susceptible to infections. Your productivity may be low.
The prospects of receiving commendation and encouragement from people in authority is higher during the sub-period
of Venus in the Mercury dasa. As your income increases you will be more committed to helping those less fortunate
than yourself. You will either move into a new house, or modify your existing building. Marriage may be proposed at
this time.
Most of your desires will be fulfilled during the sub-period of Sun in the Mercury dasa. But this may not be a good
time for your partner or for those who depend on you. You will attend many social events. You will be lucky with
vehicles. You will rise professionally.
During the sub-period of Moon in the Mercury dasa, chances of skin problems are increased. Animals may cause
damage of some sort. Be careful while driving because the possibility of vehicular accidents exists.
During the sub-period of Mars in the Mercury dasa, you may accidentally injure your head. There is a possibility of
change, either in residence or in occupation. You should guard yourself, your family, your home, and your possessions
more carefully at this time.
Opponents will conspire against you during the sub-period of Rahu in the Mercury dasa. You should be extremely
careful while handling fire, gas, electricity, etc. Stay away from places that are not well lighted or well ventilated.
There will be progress in education. Will do well financially.
The sub-period of Jupiter in the Mercury dasa may be considered good and enriching. Physical and mental strength will
be enhanced. You will be generous and unselfish. You will do well. You may have to plan a wedding.
There will be marked but unexpected change in your attitude and behavior during the sub-period of Saturn in the
Mercury dasa. You may become more greedy. You will become less enthusiastic about hard work. You will have to
handle an increased amount of correspondence.
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Ketu Dasa
During the period of Ketu dasa adverse effects, suffering and related mental strain are to be expected. This is a period
of special significance for women. You should try and maintain your calm, and focus your attentions on what you are
doing. You may suffer from one of the following problems: enmity from rivals; loss of prestige or image; scandals; or
dental problems. Consult a dentist early. Ironically, Ketu is also known to confer money, power, domestic happiness
and other benefits. Therefore, this could also be a secure time for your family. Check the nature of Ketu in your chart
for an added analysis of its potential effects.
The sub-period of Ketu in the Ketu dasa is not considered a comfortable period. You may be subjected to questioning
and investigation. You may have to answer to the IRS or to other government agencies. You have to maintain your
self-control under trying circumstances.
During the sub-period of Venus in the Ketu dasa, you will be more prone to arguments with your spouse or partner.
You may find yourself contemplating separation. Be careful while handling fire or fireworks both literally and
It will be difficult to get the approval of those in authority during the sub-period of Sun in the Ketu dasa. Rules and
regulations will become more restrictive. You may have to face penalties for some of your actions. You may also have
to face some health problems. A visit abroad may prove pleasant.
Both income and expenditure will rise equally during the sub-period of Moon in the Ketu dasa. You will have a mixture
of pleasure and unhappiness. You may feel a distance from those you love. Marriages are possible among friends and
family, or even for you. Those in education will do well at this time.
During the sub-period of Mars in Ketu dasa, verbal disagreements will increase. Unnecessary talk will create tensions
both inside and outside home. Be wary of crooks and cheats.
The sub-period of Rahu in the Ketu dasa is not good and you have to accept that and make the best of it. Extra
attention to all facets of life is necessary, but don't worry unduly. Take care of your health.
This dasa governed by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty is generally favourable for budding musicians, painters,
poets, actors, artists and philosophers. This is a prosperous and comfortable period particularly for women. If married,
you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your husband's work. You will have enough money to ensure comfortable and
attractive surroundings. Men who deal in clothing or luxury items will profit by association with you. You will get
numerous opportunities to travel for both business and pleasure. Other women may be jealous of your success.
Venus is well placed in the Varga and it will be able to give its good effects.
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You will acquire artistic objects. You will achieve success through cooperation. Love, romance, or spiritedness will be
apparent. There will be marriages and happy events in the family. You will get ahead with help from the opposite sex.
When you enter Surya dasa you will appear to be a more self-confident and cheerful woman. However, you will feel
the need to establish your superiority over others. You want to win profits by eliminating those who stand in your way.
You may become more calculating. You will, however, be respected and well-liked. During your Surya dasa period,
your family will do well. However, you may have to face trouble from animals or fire. Eyes, stomach and teeth may
give you trouble. As a woman, you will be called on to fulfil the role of nurturer. You may be separated from parents,
or other older people who are important to you. During Surya dasa, you may inadvertently cause problems for your
friends, and for property.
Since the Sun is strongly positioned in your horoscope, Surya Dasa will generally be good for you.
During this period you will develop mentally and spiritually. You will feel stronger. You will travel a lot and will feel
successful. You will surmount the obstacles in your path. Your father will rise in life or you may gain from your
parents. There will be improvement in your status and position. You will show fortitude and physical strength.
You are likely to become more spiritually inclined and take an interest in devotional matters. You will be serene and
happy. You will attend to, and respect, the wisdom of those older than you. During this period you will meet and
associate with more men. Your food habits will become more organized. However, you should pay more attention to
your health, otherwise, you may feel weak, lose energy, and tend toward arthritis.
Mars is the god of war. This dasa ruled by Mars will tend to make you restless and combative. If married, you may
provoke arguments with your husband at the slightest provocation. You are likely to lose your temper with others as
well. You are advised to guard against sudden and impulsive action at this time. You can direct your forcefulness into
productive channels. Others may be jealous of your progress. You may not get the attention or affection of those older
than you, if you are not sufficiently diplomatic. You may appear anaemic or weak.
Star Remedies
As you are born in Vishakham star, your star lord is Jupiter. You show the basic competitive and fighting spirit in
facing the various challenges in life. As a result you may lack stable friendships in life.
On the basis of the birth star, the Dasa periods of some planets may be generally unfavorable to you. The birth star
being Vishakham suggests that you may have adverse experiences during the dasa periods of Mercury, Venus and
There will be a number of visible changes in your thoughts and actions during this period. The support from the parents
may be short of your expectations. Self-regulation may not be sufficient. So don't make your family consider you as an
impatient person. You may have to restrict your likes and dislikes in domestic life. Get the better of the pride in you.
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As your birth is in the sign of Vrischikam, your lord is Mars. Situations may arise which demand sharpness and
strength of character. It will be better to consider how variations in your ideas influence the life of others. Recognition,
even among relatives, will not come easily.
Avoid transactions and auspicious functions in the unfavourable stars of Thrikketta, Pooradam, Thiruvonam,
Makayiram (Mithunam sign), Thiruvathira and Punartham (Mithunam sign).
You must practice restraining your words and behaviour during the unfavourable Dasa periods, especially on the
hostile stars. Try to stay away from unnecessary tussles. It is best not to interfere in others' matters during this period.
Practicing customary remedial measures will help to mitigate the negative effects.
Praying regularly to Jupiter and Lord Vishnu, particularly during the hostile Dasa period, is considered to be beneficial.
For better results, visit the temples on the birth star of Vishakham and on the associated stars of Pooruruttathi and
Punartham. It is also considered highly auspicious to meditate on the divine power on Thursdays, which fall on
Vishakham star.
Pray daily to the lord of the star, Jupiter, to get good results.
Besides, measures to please the lord of the sign Mars will bear fruit. Selecting and wearing black, dark blue and red
dresses will appease both the lord of the star and Rasi.
Indragni is the lord of Vishakham star. Chant faithfully any of the following Mantras to appease this lord and receive
good prospects:
2 Om indhraagnibyam namaha
Besides, nurturing plants, animals and birds is considered highly auspicious. Especially, avoid harming lion, the animal
of Vishakham star, and being instrumental in their extinction. Try to plant and grow Vayyankathavu, the official tree of
Vishakham. Do not harm crow, the official bird of Vishakham and if possible feed them. The element of Vishakham is
Fire. Ancient astrologers testify that worshipping the lord of fire and lighting lamps during twilight will bring good luck
to the people born in this star.
Dasa Remedies
The analysis of the general trend of fortunes and misfortunes, during the dasa of each planet, is based on the planetary
position in the horoscope. The examination of the benefic and malefic effects of the planets shows that some dasa
periods are not generally favorable to you. In order to mitigate the harmful effects of the unfavourable dasa periods,
you must observe certain remedial rites.
The unfavourable dasa periods in this horoscope and the remedial rites to be observed during that period are given
Dasa :Sani
Sani is in Mesha Rasi. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.
According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Saturn
dasa. You will have to face unexpected obstacles and difficulties in every field. You may not be able to fight against
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unfavourable situations. Tension may affect your natural sleep.
The intensity of the harmful effects of Saturn dasa varies according to the positional variation of Saturn. Some of the
difficulties that you may have to face, when Saturn is in unfavourable positions, are given below.
When Saturn is debilitated, you will have to face the frequent difficulties in your life with a courageous spirit. You may
not always be able to formulate ideas with insight and put it in to practice. As a result you may incur financial losses.
During this period the relation with the elderly people may be strained. Generally your social transactions will lack
warmth. Take care that your food is hygienic.
During this period there will be a considerable decrease in your capacity to resist diseases. You may not get respite
from diseases easily. You may suffer excessively due to Saturn's bad influence.
When Saturn is in unfavourable positions, your ability to think practically will decline considerably. You are advised
not to be mentally disturbed.
If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Saturn dasa, you can easily deduce that Saturn is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Saturn.
Appeasing Saturn not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.
Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Saturn dasa are
given below.
Dark blue and black are the favourite colours of Saturn. Wearing these colours will help you to appease Saturn. In
order to reduce the harmful effects, you should wear dark blue on Saturdays.
Your lifestyle in the Saturn dasa period should complement the requirements of Saturn. In order to escape from the
harmful effects of Saturn, you should lead a disciplined life. You must think before taking any action. You should
avoid reckless actions, adventures and competitions.
Saturn can create obstacles to good causes like prosperity, peace and the grace of god. So you must try to repel its
harmful effects through good deeds and by following the path of virtue. Avoid circumstances which may make you do
bad things. Engage in activities like farming or appreciating the beauty of nature. Abstain from taking cold food and
cool drinks. Performing the pithr karmas (suspended rites for the well-being of forefathers or departed souls) and
respecting and caring the elders of the family will be beneficial to you.
Devatha Bhajanam
Lord Shiva and Sri Ayyappa are usually worshipped to eliminate the harmful effects of Saturn dasa. Some astrologers
have recommended the worship of Hanuman. The astrologers of Kerala recommend the worship of Sri Ayyappa.
Visiting the temple of Sri Ayyappa wearing black or blue dresses, while fasting; and presenting light offerings and
sesame sweet broth (Ellu payasa) libation are some of the ways to appease Saturn.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise before sunrise
daily, during Saturn dasa. Invoke the grace of Saturn after purifying your body. Special care must be taken to clear
your mind of all other thoughts.
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Suryaaya sheetharuchaye dharaneesuthaaya
Soumyaaya devagurave brigunandanaaya
Suryaathmajaaya bujagaaya cha kethave cha
Nithyam namo bagavathe gurave varaaya(After this prayer)
Krishnaaya vaasudevaaya namaami haraye sadaa
Mandasyaanishtasambootham doshajaatham vinaashaya(say this prayer too).
Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.
You must wear flowers like blue Clitoria Ternata (Neela Shangu pushpam), blue lotus, blue hibiscus etc to appease
Saturn. . Take the flowers to wear in your hand. Chant the mantra given below and wear it.
Anishtasthaanasanjaathadoshashaanthikaram sumam
Santhathe shirasaa thena suryaputhraha praseethathu
Dasa :Budha
Your birth star is Vishakha. Lord of the dasa has malfic associations. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable
experiences during this dasa.
According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Mercury
dasa. You may come across many unforeseen complications in this period. You are advised to exercise self-restrain in
speech. Be careful while dealing with the situations which demand taking important decisions.
The intensity of the harmful effects of Mercury dasa varies according to the positional variation of Mercury. Some of
the difficulties that you may have to face, when Mercury is in unfavourable positions, are given below.
When Mercury is debilitated, you may not achieve the desired satisfaction in your field of activity. Unanticipated
hindrances are likely to occur in the execution of auspicious feats.
During this period you may make delay in taking logical decisions and implementing it. You may need assistance in
your field. It won't be easy to deviate from the long practiced customs. As a result, you may incur practical difficulties
and unexpected losses.
You may find it difficult to maintain personal relationships. Your words and actions may evoke adverse consequences
in certain situations. All may not happen according to your expectations. Be careful while making diplomatic decisions.
If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Mercury dasa, you can easily deduce that Mercury is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Mercury.
Appeasing Mercury not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.
Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Mercury dasa are
given below.
Green is the favourite colour of Mercury. So wear green dresses to appease Mercury. It is auspicious to wear green
dresses on Wednesdays and while worshipping Mercury.
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Devatha Bhajanam
Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, must be worshipped to appease Mercury. In order to
reduce the harmful effects of both dasa and time, pray to these deities every Wednesday. Visiting the temple of these
idols and making offerings to them is considered virtuous.
Fasting (Vratham)
The term 'fasting' signifies the practice of frugality in the consumption of food materials. Above all, the ultimate motive
of fasting and observing rites is to attain all kinds of purity by subduing your body, mind and utterance. You should
fast on the days which are relevant to the planet and the days special to you. You should fast on Wednesdays to gratify
Abstain from consuming alcohol, non-vegetarian foods and other intoxicants while fasting. Natural foods like fruits,
vegetables, and green leaves- which help digestion- are the suitable food for these days. Refrain from eating cereals,
oily, hot and sour food. You can fast partially or fully according to the intensity of the harmful effects. It is not
appropriate to indulge in pomp and pleasure while fasting. Your fasting will be fruitful only if you restrict your
expression and emotion.
Alms (Daanam)
Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins.
Donate gold, green gems, the image of Mercury and green clothes to appease Mercury. It is beneficial to give away
sugar, ghee, pulses or the food made with it.
You must wear the green tender leaves of Basil (Thulsi) and Crataeva Religiosa (Koovalam) to appease Mercury. You
can also wear yellow flowers during Mercury dasa. Wear the yellow flowers of Chrysanthus (chethi), Boehima
(Mandaram), Nerium (Arali), Caesalpinia (Swarnamalli), Cassia (Konnapoovu) and Dandelion (Jamanthi) during
Mercury dasa.
Some poojas and sacrificial offerings are suggested to appease Mercury. The rites to gratify Mercury are usually
performed in the temples where one of Lord Vishnu's incarnations is consecrated. The sacrificial offering in which
Acsyranthus Aspera (Kadalaadichamatha) is used as the main ingredient is suggested to gratify Mercury. The poojas
and sacrificial offerings should be performed according to the expert advice of the astrologers.
Anointing Mercury with milk and doing poojas with the white flowers of Boehima in the temple where the nine planets
are consecrated will reduce the harmful effects.
Chanting of Mantras
Those who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Mercury through prayer.
You can appease Mercury by chanting the following mantras.
Om somaputhraya vidhmahe
Jnanarupaya dhimahi
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Thanno budhaha prajodhayath
Gajadhwajaya vidhmahe
Shula hasthaya dhimahi
Thanno budhaha prajodhayath
You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.
Chant the basic mantras which comprise Mercury's various names to gratify him. The mantras are the following.
Om Budhaya namaha
Om Budharchithaya namaha
Om Soumyaya namaha
Om Soumyachithaya namaha
Om Shubhapradhaya namaha
Om Dhridavrathaya namaha
Om Dhridabalaya namaha
Om Shruthijalaprabhodhakaya namaha
Om Sathyavasaya namaha
Om Sathyavachase namaha
Om Shreyasampathaye namaha
Om Avyayaya namaha
Chanting these mantras with concentration will reduce the harmful effects of Mercury dasa.
Digital Yanthra
Another device to gratify the planets is the digital yanthra. The digital yanthra recommended to appease Mercury is
given below.
9 4 11
10 8 6
5 12 7
Wearing this device with a pure mind not only drives away the harmful effects but also provides a new vigour to the
mind. If you wish to prosper in your field, you must place this yanthra- inscribed on a piece of paper or metal leaf- in
your work place, vehicle and upon the table.
Dasa :Shukra
Your birth star is Vishakha. Lord of the dasa has malfic associations. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable
experiences during this dasa.
According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Venus dasa.
During this period you may come across many unforeseen complications. You are advised to restrain your words and
actions. Be careful while socializing with others.
The intensity of the harmful effects of Venus dasa varies according to the positional variation of Venus. Some of the
difficulties that you may have to face, when Venus is in unfavourable positions, are given below.
When Venus is debilitated, you may not achieve the desired happiness and contentment in your life. You can expect
variation in your interest for people and objects. You may not be able to gain the deserving love and trust of others.
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You may experience unexpected fluctuations in your field of activity and financial status.
Generally, you will be interested in luxuries during Venus dasa. This tendency will be more than usual when Venus is
in an unfavourable position. So you are advised to restrain yourself, while spending money, during this period.
During this period, you will have to give more consideration and care to your family ties. You cannot eliminate the
possibility of baseless scandals. Be careful when you have to socialize with people, especially with that of the opposite
During this period you may have unexpected obstructions while traveling or handling vehicles. You will be unusually
tired when you work hard.
If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Venus dasa, you can easily deduce that Venus is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Venus.
Appeasing Venus not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.
Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Venus dasa are
given below.
Light colours are dear to Venus. You can wear white or light blue dresses to appease Venus. Try to avoid dark colours
during this period. It is best to wear bright dresses on Fridays.
Devatha Bhajanam
Mahalakshmi is the patron goddess of Venus. You can also worship goddess Annapoorneshwari and Yakshi to gratify
Fasting (Vratham)
The term 'fasting' signifies the practice of frugality in the consumption of food materials. Above all, the ultimate motive
of fasting and observing rites is to attain all kinds of purity by subduing your body, mind and utterance. You should
fast on the days which are relevant to the planet and the days special to you. You should fast on Fridays to gratify
Venus. Visiting the temple of goddesses and making offerings according to your ability in these days is beneficial.
Abstain from consuming alcohol, non-vegetarian foods and other intoxicants while fasting. Natural foods like fruits,
vegetables, and green leaves- which help digestion- are the suitable food for these days. Refrain from eating cereals,
oily, hot and sour food. You can fast partially or fully according to the intensity of the harmful effects. It is not
appropriate to indulge in pomp and pleasure while fasting. Your fasting will be fruitful only if you restrict your
expression and emotion.
Alms (Daanam)
Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins.
Donating the silver statue of Venus, Dolichos Lablab (Amara), different coloured silk, diamond, white cow, white
horse, perfumes etc will help you to appease Venus. Giving away food to gratify Annapoorneshwari is also beneficial.
You must wear white flowers to appease Venus. Take the flowers to wear in your hand. Chant the mantra given below
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and wear it.
Anishtasthaanasanjaathadoshashaanthikaram sumam
Santhathe shirasaa, thena daithyamanthree praseethathu
Some poojas are suggested to appease Venus. You should worship Venus with white flowers. You can visit the temple
where the nine planets are consecrated and worship the idol of Venus with the petals of lotus. The poojas should be
performed according to the expert advice of the astrologers. The days like the Friday of the month Meenam; and the
day when the star lords Bharani, Pooram and Pooradam come together are suitable to do Venus pooja.
Chanting of Mantras
Those who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Venus through prayer.
You can appease Venus by chanting the following mantras.
Om briguputhraya vidhmahe
Daithyacharyaya dhimahi
Thannaha shukra prajodhayath
You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.
Chant the basic mantras which comprise Venus's various names to gratify him. The mantras are the following.
Om Shukraya namaha
Om Shuchaye namaha
Om Shubhaganaya namaha
Om Shubhadhaya namaha
Om Shubhalakshanaya namaha
Om Shobhanakshaya namaha
Om Shubravahaya namaha
Om Shudhasfadika bhaswaraya namaha
Om Dhinarthiharaya namaha
Om Dhaithyaguruve namaha
Om Bhargavaya namaha
Om Kavyasakthaya namaha
Digital Yanthra
Another device to gratify the planets is the digital yanthra. The digital yanthra recommended to appease Venus is given
11 6 13
12 10 8
7 14 9
Wearing this device with a pure mind not only drives away the harmful effects but also provides a new vigour to the
mind. If you wish to prosper in your field, you must place this yanthra- inscribed on a piece of paper or metal leaf- in
your work place, vehicle and upon the table.
Dasa :Surya
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Your Surya dasa starts on 21-9-2061
Surya is in Twelfth Bhava. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.
According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Sun dasa.
During this period you may have to face many obstacles. You are advised to exercise self-control in such cases. Take
extra care to avoid impropriety in communication.
The intensity of the harmful effects of Sun dasa varies according to the positional variation of Sun. Some of the
difficulties that you may have to face, when Sun is in unfavourable positions, are given below.
When sun is debilitated, you will have a tendency to get alienated even from those closest to you. You may find it
difficult to trust anyone. You will have trouble in participating in public stages. Friends and relatives may not stand up
for you when you really need their assistance or co-operation.
During this period, you may not get enough recognition or respect. You will feel alienated even among the most
beloved. During such adverse situations you will try your best to stay away from others.
You will be reluctant to respond to questions which you think are needless. Your neutral stand may lead to unnecessary
suspicion. This eventually may result in the breaking up of your friendships.
During this period you may not always succeed in evaluating situations in another's shoes. Reckless words and
behaviour may lead to misunderstanding. As a result of it you will not only incur loss but also suffer unnecessary grief.
If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Sun dasa, you can easily deduce that Sun is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Sun. Appeasing
Sun not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.
Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Sun dasa are given
Wear saffron dresses to appease Sun. You can also wear red dresses. It is auspicious to wear such dresses on Sundays
and while worshipping Sun. Wearing saffron dresses while fasting will help you gain good results.
Your lifestyle in the Sun dasa period should complement the requirements of Sun. During this period you must rise
before sun rise. Take sun bath daily. Try not to depend on others for your needs. Be prepared to do any action without
hesitation. Avoiding sleep in the day time and spending your time outside will help you to contain Sun's energy
completely. It is best to be involved in social activities, even if you are alone. Develop your field with the support of
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise before sunrise
daily, during Sun dasa. Invoke the grace of Sun after purifying your body. Special care must be taken to clear your
mind of all other thoughts.
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Nithyam namo bagavathe gurave varaaya
Soukyadaayin mahaadeva lokanaada mahamathe
Aadithyaanishtajaan sarvvaan doshaanethyaanyapaakuru
Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.
Fasting (Vratham)
The term 'fasting' signifies the practice of frugality in the consumption of food materials. Above all, the ultimate motive
of fasting and observing rites is to attain all kinds of purity by subduing your body, mind and utterance. You should
fast on the days which are relevant to the planet and the days special to you. You should fast on Sundays to gratify
Sun. You must also visit the temple of Sun or Lord Shiva and make offerings according to your ability. Offering
Ponkaala (worshipping sun-god, goddesses etc with the offering of rice boiled with jaggery, ghee etc) in the month of
Medam is also beneficial.
Abstain from consuming alcohol, non-vegetarian foods and other intoxicants while fasting. Natural foods like fruits,
vegetables, and green leaves- which help digestion- are the suitable food for these days. Refrain from eating cereals,
oily, hot and sour food. You can fast partially or fully according to the intensity of the harmful effects. It is not
appropriate to indulge in pomp and pleasure while fasting. Your fasting will be fruitful only if you restrict your
expression and emotion.
You must wear red flowers to reduce the harmful effects of Sun. You can also wear red lotus, Chrysanthus (thechi),
hibiscus etc. After taking your bath, take the flowers placed on the leaves before the oil lamp (nilavilakku) in your
hand, and wear it after chanting the following mantra.
Dasa :Chandra
Your birth star is Vishakha. Chandra is in Vrischika Rasi. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable
experiences during this dasa.
According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Moon dasa.
During this period you may have to face many unforeseen difficulties. You are advised to stay away from laborious
mental and physical exertions. Be careful while dealing with eminent personalities.
The intensity of the harmful effects of Moon dasa varies according to the positional variation of Moon. Some of the
difficulties that you may have to face, when Moon is in unfavourable positions, are given below.
You may incur unexpected losses and financial difficulties when Moon is debilitated. You are likely to suffer from
sleeplessness. Your tendency to worry needlessly may create problems in most of the situations.
During this period there will be visible changes in your thoughts and feelings. Adverse situations may force you to
deviate from your own opinion. You will find it difficult to survive the hot environment.
During this period you may find it difficult to maintain family ties. Even silly things will disturb you mentally. Very
often it may be tough to restrain your words.
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You are prone to illness when Moon is in unfavourable positions. Be careful if symptoms like indigestion,
breathlessness, exceptional fatigue and excessive thirst are visible.
If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Moon dasa, you can easily deduce that moon is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Moon.
Appeasing Moon not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.
Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Moon dasa are
given below.
The colours which are bright as moon light are dear to Moon. So wear white or sandal coloured dresses to appease
Moon. It is auspicious to wear such dresses on Mondays and full moon days; and also when the star lord is Rohini and
while worshipping Moon.
Devatha Bhajanam
Goddess Durga is the powerful patron god of Moon in your horoscope. Therefore you should worship goddess Durga
during Moon dasa. Visiting the temple of goddess Durga and doing Durga pooja in the full moon day is auspicious.
You must worship goddess Badrakali to gratify Moon. The Kali pooja performed in the new moon day has special
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise before sunrise
daily, during Moon dasa. Invoke the grace of Moon after purifying your body. Special care must be taken to clear your
mind of all other thoughts.
Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.
Alms (Daanam)
Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins.
White rice, pearl, white silk, plate filled with milk and ghee, conch, silver statue of Moon, camphor, sugar cane etc can
be given as directed in order to appease Moon.
You must wear white flowers to appease Moon. You can also wear white lotus, Boehima, Nandyaarvattom (shrub with
white flowers), jasmine etc to appease Moon. Chant this mantra while wearing the flowers.
Anishtasthaanasamjaathadoshanaashakaram sumam
Santhathe shirasaa, thena shashaanko me praseethathu
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Some poojas are suggested to appease Moon. Visiting the temple where the nine planets are consecrated and doing
pooja with the garland made of white flowers is beneficial. The full moon day and birth star day are suitable for this
pooja. The poojas should be performed according to the expert advice of the astrologers.
It is forbidden to do poojas to gratify moon on days like new moon, lunar eclipse (4th paadam) and on the star days like
Anizham and Thriketta.
Chanting of Mantras
Those who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Moon through prayer.
You can appease moon by chanting the following mantras.
Om athriputhraya vidhmahe
Amrithamayaya dhimahi
Thannaha somaha prajodhayath
You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.
Digital Yanthra
Another device to gratify the planets is the digital yanthra. The digital yanthra recommended to appease Moon is given
7 2 9
8 6 4
3 10 5
Wearing this device with a pure mind not only drives away the harmful effects but also provides a new vigour to the
mind. If you wish to prosper in your field, you must place this yanthra- inscribed on a piece of paper or metal leaf- in
your work place, vehicle and upon the table.
Dasa :Kuja
Kuja is in Mithuna Rasi. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.
According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Mars dasa.
During this period you may have to overcome unexpected difficulties to achieve success. You may have to depend on
others even for silly things. Take extra care to preserve your enthusiasm and vitality in your field of activity.
The intensity of the harmful effects of Mars dasa varies according to the positional variation of Mars. Some of the
difficulties that you may have to face, when Mars is in unfavourable positions, are given below.
When Mars is debilitated some changes may occur in your field. So be careful that nothing happens to your special
During this period it is likely that you may knowingly or unknowingly get involved in scandals. You will have to
restrict your lifestyle. Be careful when you have to socialize with people, especially with that of the opposite sex.
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During this period you shouldn't be prejudiced while handling situations. You will have difficulty in controlling your
anger in adverse circumstances. You may be interested in interfering in others affairs. As a result you may fall in
unnecessary trouble.
Mars is considered as the planet responsible for discord. Therefore when Mars is in unfavourable positions even silly
arguments and disputes may become big issues. So try to avoid adverse situations and restrain your words and
behaviour. Show respect to your adversaries while participating in conversations and discussions.
During this period you will be prone to illness. The changes in your surroundings may influence your health.
If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles during Mars dasa, you can easily deduce that Mars is in
unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Mars.
Appeasing Mars not only nullifies its harmful effects but also makes your life prosperous.
Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directions you are to follow in the Mars dasa are
given below.
Mars is the red planet. Red is also the favourite colour of Mars. You must wear red dresses on Tuesdays to appease
Mars. It is beneficial to wear silk dresses of the same colour.
Your lifestyle in the Mars dasa period should complement the requirements of Mars. You should think a lot before
doing anything, during this unfavourable situation. You should indulge in yoga and meditation to gain mental strength
and confidence. You must work consciously to improve your functional and physical abilities. Avoiding foods which
stimulate the attributes of darkness, and upholding morality will help to reduce the harmful effects and you will be
subjected to Mars' grace. Don't engage in adventurous activities as you are prone to accidents. You must always be
careful, cautious, and have faith in God.
Devatha Bhajanam
The people who's Mars is in Oja rasi in the horoscope must worship Lord Subramanya, and those who's is in Yugma
rasi must worship goddess Badrakali.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise before sunrise
daily, during Mars dasa. Invoke the grace of Mars after purifying your body. Special care must be taken to clear your
mind of all other thoughts.
Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.
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You must wear red flowers like Chrysanthus (thechi), hibiscus, red lotus etc to appease Mars. Take the flowers to wear
in your hand. Chant the mantra given below and wear it.
Anishtasthaanasanjaathadoshashaanthikaram sumam
Santhathe shirasaa thena mangalo me praseethathu
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Transit forecast
Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. The
movements of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may be opposing,
nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of the dynamics at work
by studying the impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, is a blend of the following
Transit of Sun
There will be changes affecting your body, mind, environment, and also the attitude of others toward you. This will be
both pleasant and unpleasant. You may change schools or get new teachers. You may have to travel far to get to
school. There will be a change in your performance at school. You will be able to make up for what you have lost thus
far. It is in this period that you will encounter the intellectual changes that mark your transition from childhood to
Losses you experience now will not affect you forever. This is a transitional phase for you in all respects. You may
experience delay getting the encouragement you need. You should have your eyes examined.
You appear more optimistic and have a pleasant manner. This period is good for you. Parents, particularly your
mother, will give you more freedom. Your performance in academics, sports, or art will be a source of pride. If you put
in a little extra effort at this time, success in all you do is ensured. This is also a period where you will attract the
attention of adults, and young men.
Transit of Jupiter
Jupiter stays in one sign for about an year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effect of
this planet.
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The transitory influence of Jupiter is at its worst during this period. You may face a variety of problems. You may
argue with those you are closest to. It's better to maintain a low profile and avoid confrontation. You may be affected
by tragedies you hear about. You may suddenly squabble with your boy friend or best friend.
You are entering a better phase since Jupiter is in a favorable position. Irritating situations and people suddenly seem to
leave you alone. People who love you seem more approachable. You will be popular among people your age. A former
act of kindness will be remembered at this time. You may establish a new friendship. You will be more peaceful and
Transit of Saturn
Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However in certain positions it gives
powerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.
You are going through the period of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). A chaotic period of your life is starting. You may have
problems from many directions. You may get negativity from teachers, parents, friends, or siblings. You also have a
tendency, at this time, to interpret situations negatively. You may withdraw from most people. You may lose some
friends. You have to maintain your self-confidence, because this is a period of flux. You have to also appreciate the
sensitivity of others at this time. You will be called upon to work hard during this period. Your life appears more
turbulent than it really is.
You are going through the period of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). This is generally a bad period. You may experience a lot
of breakdowns, both of equipment and in relationships. Your family or friends may seem opposed to most of your
ideas. A group of acquaintances may turn against you. You have to consciously assess your priorities and follow them,
otherwise you'll lose sight of the important things in your life. You may be disappointed in your relationships at this
time. Money will be tighter and you have to be careful about your spending habits. However, you cannot let yourself
wallow in self-pity. You have to recognize that the way you handle yourself at this time will have far-reaching effects.
The trouble you face is because Saturn is moving through your birth sign at this time.
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Favourable Periods for Career
Considering the lagna lord, tenth lord, benefic planets in lagna and tenth house, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and tenth
house and other factors the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for career.
Analysis for age 15 to age 60.
Considering the seventh lord, planets in seventh house, Venus, Rahu, Moon and aspect of Jupiter and other factors the
following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for marriage.
Analysis for age 18 to age 30.
Considering the second, ninth, tenth and eleventh lords, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and eleventh house and other
factors, the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for business activities.
Analysis for age 15 to age 60.
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Budha Kuja 22-03-2026 19-03-2027 Excellent
Budha Rahu 19-03-2027 06-10-2029 Favourable
Budha Guru 06-10-2029 12-01-2032 Favourable
Budha Sani 12-01-2032 21-09-2034 Favourable
Ketu Shukra 17-02-2035 18-04-2036 Favourable
Ketu Guru 09-09-2038 16-08-2039 Favourable
Shukra Surya 20-01-2045 20-01-2046 Excellent
Shukra Chandra 20-01-2046 21-09-2047 Favourable
Shukra Kuja 21-09-2047 20-11-2048 Excellent
Shukra Rahu 20-11-2048 21-11-2051 Favourable
Shukra Guru 21-11-2051 22-07-2054 Favourable
Shukra Sani 22-07-2054 21-09-2057 Favourable
Shukra Budha 21-09-2057 22-07-2060 Excellent
Considering the fourth lord, benefic planets with aspect on fourth house or fourth lord and other factors, the following
dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for construction of house.
Analysis for age 15 to age 80.
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AshtakaVarga Predictions
Ashtakavarga system is a predictive method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary
positions. Ashtakavarga means eightfold categorization. It depicts eightfold strength of planets excluding the nodes of
the Moon but including the ascendant. It is worked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the
planetary strength. The strength of each planet and the power and intensity of their influence depends upon the location
of other planets and the ascendant in relation to it. Eight full points are assigned to each planet. They can obtain
strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plotted on different signs in a chart, determine the possibility of a
transiting planet in inducing auspicious or other effects during its sojourn in a particular sign. Events and their timings
are to a large extent determined by the positioning of particular points. Depending on their negative or positive
influences the native can take remedial measures or pre-empt unpleasant possibilities, just by being aware of the likely
consequences. To be forewarned is to be forearmed --- the planets are one of the best guides to help condition mans
mind to the possibilities of his future.
Mesha 4 5 5 4 5 6 5* 34
Vrishabha 4 5 4 2 3 5 5 28
Mithuna 4 3 6 6* 3* 5 3 30
Karkata 1 6* 4 4 2 4 3 24
Simha 5 3 5* 4 2 4 5 28
Kanya 5 2 4 3 3 7 2 26
Tula 5 4 4 6 3 3 3 28
Vrischika 3* 4 3 5 3 3 3 24
Dhanu 4 4 5 5 5 5 0 28
Makara 4 7 6 5 7 5 5 39
Kumbha 6 3 5 5 2 3 3 27
Meena 4 2 3 3 1 6* 2 21
49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337
* - Planetary Position.
Lagna in Simha.
Moon's Ashtakavarga
The effect of having three Bindus in the moon's ashtakavarga on your chart is neither extremely beneficial or
detrimental. Misfortune and ill health will raise their ungly heads occasionally but you will be empowered to weather
all storms and emerge the better. It is good to keep a close watch on the health of your mother and other female
Sun's Ashtakavarga
Fortunate to have the influence of the six Bindus present in the suns ashtakavarga, you will be bestowed with good
looks and a charming demeanor. Your winning manner will give you plenty of friends and well wishers. Your wealth
and fortune will be of decent proportions and you will earn good fame for your deeds.
Mercury's Ashtakavarga
Lucky you to be favoured by Mercury's ashtakavarga with the presence of five Bindus. You will top the popularity
charts with your warm and friendly nature. Your ability to put yourself in others shoes and understand the other
persons point of view will give you an edge in establishing good relationships with all.
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Venus' Ashtakavarga
There is something about you that attracts the association of a variety of wonderful persons. That something is the
presence of six Bindus that occur in Venus' ashtakavarga on your chart. Your magnetic personality will draw them into
your fold. This could serve you well if you handle your charms in the right way.
Mars' Ashtakavarga
The occurrence of three Bindus in the mars' ashtakavarga indicates a tendency to remain away from your loved ones.
This may be due to career opportunities abroad or the decision to migrate to better pastures. You may not entirely
relish the separation but will have to endure it.
Jupiter's Ashtakavarga
The godess of wealth does not cease to smile on your fortunes. You are so blessed with the unusual presence of six
Bindus in Jupiter's ashtakavarga that you are unlikely to ever experience lack of money or vehicles. The best of both
will always be at your service.
Saturn's Ashtakavarga
Luck with wealth and worldly gains are predicted for you. Saturn's ashtakavarga has five Bindus indicating that good
fortune is yours for the making . You will also enjoy happiness that stems from a life of satisfaction and contentment.
Sarvashtakavarga Predictions
The 3rd house is associated with 25 to 30 bindus and is aspected by Saturn. The killjoy of your otherwise tranquil life
centres around the bladder area. If care is not taken with drinking plenty of water or fluids regularly, you could
develop urinary infections and kidney complaints. Take cognisance of the warning of the stars and use them as a
guideline to good health care.
In your horoscope, the 11th house has more bindus than the 10th , but the 12th has less number of bindus than the 11th
and the bindus in the ascendant are greater than those in the 12th. Even if you want to, you cant run away from the
wealth and fame that are likely to befall any person whose planetary influences are such as those of yours. You are
doubly fortunate in that your riches and recognition do not prevent happiness from blessing your life in equal measure.
A blessed life indeed .
The significance of the greatest number of Bindus in your chart appearing in Vrischika to Kumba cannot be
undermined. Blessed are those on whom fortune smiles during the twilight years of life. Regardless of what might
have happened in your life earlier, rewards await you in old age. The planets conspire to eliminate stresses and
tensions of finances and health and lead you towards the peaceful enjoyment of retirement and grand-parenthood.
At the age corresponding to the figures in the signs occupied by Jupiter, Venus and Mercury..your fortune turns for the
better . Your educational ambitions will materialise and you could acquire that coveted seat for higher education if
you have been aspiring towards that. Your future looks set to take off on the path to wealth, recognition and fame for
your professional accomplishments . Personal life will also match up giving you the ideal mate and marital
togetherness will bring much joy . Your life with progeny also appears blessed. This is the stage of life that will be
one of the most rewarding for you.
In your case this special periods comes in your 21, 30 and 28 years of age.
Note: This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we have received so far.
We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken on the basis of
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this report.
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