Datum Transformation
Datum Transformation
Datum Transformation
The coordinates (latitude, longitude and height) of a point are dependent on the datum being used;
the coordinates of a point referred to the local datum will certainly be different from its coordinates
defined on the global datum. Coordinates can thus be transformed from one datum to another if the
relationship between the two datums, that is, if a set of transformation parameters which can be
used to transform the coordinates in one datum to the other are known. The process of converting
coordinates from one datum to the other is known as datum transformation. The derived
coordinates on global datum and local datum coordinates of common points may be processed
together using an appropriate transformation model, several of which have been developed by
Geodesists. The models differ from each other in several ways including the type of coordinates
used and the interpretation of results
METHODS:- The methods of determining datum transformation parameters can be listed as:
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Note Contact: [email protected] 1
Geometric Geodesy by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem
R = R G + KMr (3.1)
Figure 3.1: Positioning and Orienting a Geodetic Datum
Let ( X , Y , Z ) defines the coordinate system to which satellite observations are referred, say WGS84
(geocentric datum), and ( x, y , z ) defines the geodetic Cartesian coordinate system, say Clarke
1880 (local datum) (Heiskanen & Moritz, 1967; Torge, 1980; Ezeigbo, 1990; Singh, 1994;
Hofmann-Wellenhof & Moritz, 2005).
If the ( X , Y , Z ) coordinate axes of two datums are known to be parallel and identically scaled, a
three parameter transformation (translations) can be derived to represent their relationship (Torge,
1980; Andrew, 1998; Seeber, 2003). In reality none of these assumptions occurs, the establishment
of a local geodetic datum did not always achieve the objective of making axes parallel to the global
system. This is in particular the case for many existing national datums, and thus translation can
vary from point to point. A more general transformation involves seven parameters: a change in
scale factors between the two systems, the rotation of the axes between the two systems and the
three translation factors (Charles, 2000; Seeber, 2003; Hofmann-Wellenhof & Moritz, 2005).
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Note Contact: [email protected] 2
Geometric Geodesy by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem
X� �
� DX � �1 - z + y ���
� � � � ���
DY �
Y �= �
� + z
�+ � 1 y [1+ d K ]
- x ���
� �� ��
DZ � - y
� + x 1 � ���
X = DX + x - z y + y z + xK
Y = DY + y + z x - x z + yK
Z = DZ + z - y x + x y + zK
point on the reference ellipsoid P0 (see figure 3.1) which is preferably the centroid or the
barycentre of the points (origin) of the network or any convenient point within the network
If P0 (see figure 3.1) is the fixed point of the rotation M . Equation (3.1) can be modified as follows
R = R G + KMr
= R G + K ( r0 + MS )
= R G + Kr0 + KMS
The points on the spheroid are relatively very close to the point Po and therefore the effects of any
systematic errors in the rotations on the translations will be very small. In other words the
correlations between the rotations and the translations are insignificant (Burford, 1985).
will not affect the errors in the shift parameters ( DX , DY , DZ ) as in the case of the Bursa Wolf
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Geometric Geodesy by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem
model. Therefore, the correlation between the rotation and shift parameters is small. The
convergence of the iterated solution is also very good
If the local system is aligned to the global datum using Laplace equation, that is, if Laplace
equation is fulfilled at least at the initial point P0 (origin of the network) then, there is no need for
introducing the rotations in the model because the enforcement of Laplace equation guarantees the
parallelism of the axes of the global astronomic and ellipsoidal systems and hence ensure that the
spatial computations take place in f , l , h system whose axes are parallel to the global system
X , Y , Z . This is why differential projective transformation models deal with translation of the
origin and changes in ellipsoid size and shape.
In the differential projective method, three spatial displacements of the ellipsoid with respect to the
geoid and a variation in the ellipsoidal parameters are permitted and also, the parallelism of the
geodetic and global system is maintained. With this, rotation is excluded from the definition of the
geodetic datum, which defines ellipsoidal parameters a and f , the orientation of the f , l , h or
x, y, z system with respect to the X , Y , Z system, and hence, with respect to the body of the earth
The derivation of a differential approach to projective transformation method has been discussed by
many authors. The detail of this can be found in (Rapp, 1981). The differential method discussed
in this study is the one described by
a. a , f , N 0 , x 0 , & h0
b. a , f , f0 , l0 , & h0
c. a , f , x0 , y0 , & z0
The expression (c) above is different but equivalent to expressions (a) & (b). Where,
x 0 = F 0 - f0
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Geometric Geodesy by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem
h0 = ( L 0 - l0 ) cos f0
N 0 = h0 - H 0
a & f are the dimensions of the reference ellipsoid (semi-major axis &
flattening respectively)
N 0 x 0 & h0 are the relative orientation of the reference ellipsoid with respect to
the earth or the geoid [geoidal undulation, Meridian & Prime Vertical
components of the deflection of the vertical at an initial point P1
(local geodetic datum system origin) respectively]
f0 l0 & h0 are the geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height
of the initial point P0 )
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Note Contact: [email protected] 5
Geometric Geodesy by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem
Datum Ellipsoid dX dY dZ n of eX eY eZ Remarks
Minna Clarke 1880
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Geometric Geodesy by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem
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