Action Learning Optimizing The Power of Action Learning Marquardt

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Optimizing the Power of

Action Learning
Solving Problems and Building Leaders in Real Time

by Michael J. Marquardt
Davies-Black © 2004
210 pages

Focus Take-Aways
Leadership & Mgt.
• Action learning is incredibly powerful, incredibly effective and incredibly do-able.
• Action learning builds effective leaders, teams and organizations.
Sales & Marketing
• Action learning strikes a balance between too much and too little structure by
Corporate Finance establishing ground rules defining responsibilities and priorities.
Human Resources • Action learning coaches focus on helping the group solve the problem, not on
solving the problem itself.
Technology & Production
• Action learning teams are responsible and accountable for solving real problems.
Small Business
• The action learning group, or team, is the core of action learning and should include
Economics & Politics
people with different backgrounds and perspectives.
Industries & Regions
• The action-learning group should include a few members who are expert about
Career Development the problem.
Personal Finance • Action learning team members learn to ask good questions.
Concepts & Trends • Action learning is a valuable way to expand an organization’s knowledge.
• A coach is not merely a facilitator; a facilitator attends to the group process, a
coach works on improving the team itself.

Rating (10 is best)

Overall Applicability Innovation Style

7 7 6 7

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What You Will Learn
In this Abstract, you will learn: 1) How to apply action learning; and 2) Why this is an
effective way to solve your organization’s problems.

People with an intense interest in knowing all the details of action learning will find the
answer to their prayers in this book. Author Michael J. Marquardt writes with the zeal of
a revival tent preacher, filled with the sincere belief that action learning can help solve
any problem, meet any challenge or achieve any aspiration. As he clearly explains, action
learning is intended to build both knowledge and leadership. He sets out the steps your
organization should pursue to implement action learning, and to use it well. He includes
questions, checklists and extensive examples. All he omits are any caveats or cautions
about this approach. He’s a booster and an expert, just so you know where he’s coming
from. recommends his manual to human resource professionals.

Action Learning Basics
An intellectual innovator named Reg Revans first applied the principles of action
learning in the Welsh coalfields in the 1940s. Action learning involves assigning a group
to solve a real problem, making it clear that their future depends on how well they solve
it. Coaches assist the team but do not engage in solving the problem. Action learning
is suited to fast-paced organizations which face daunting challenges without the luxury
of first learning how to solve a problem and then implementing the solution. Instead,
they have to learn, act, solve and implement at the same time. This kind of rapid action
learning has six components:
1. The problem — The action learning team is responsible for grappling with and solv-
“Briefly defined, ing one or more important actual problems.
action learning is
a powerful prob-
2. The action learning group — This team of four to eight diverse members wrestles
lem-solving tool with a problem whose solution is not obvious but whose consequences or implica-
that has the amaz- tions are damaging the organization.
ing capacity to
3. Questioning and listening — Action learning assumes that asking the right questions
build successful will lead to the right answers, so it stresses questioning and reflecting on answers.
leaders, teams Questions help the group develop communication and cohesion.
and organiza- 4. Action — Group members must be able to take action or must receive assurances
from those with authority that their recommended actions will be implemented.
5. Commitment to learning — Action learning is about both action and learning. The
learning is even more valuable to the organization than the solution to the problem.
6. The coach — The coach poses questions and guides the team’s reflections. The
coach’s questions help the team monitor and improve its group performance, and help
individual members improve their listening, communication and thinking skills.

Component One: the Problem

Action learning requires a problem to address. Much depends on selecting the right
problem. Problems must be important challenges, with a lot at stake and within the
sphere of the team members’ responsibility. Select an actual — not hypothetical —
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problem with no existing or easily identified solution. Typical action learning problems
might be how to create a new service business, how to keep new staff, how to build
market share or how to manage risk.
“Action learning
holds that the most Component Two: the Action Group
significant learning The composition of the action-learning group depends on commitment, knowledge,
occurs when mem-
bers reflect on the
power, familiarity, diversity, the selection process and attendance. Ideally the group
results of their is six people, not many more or less. A diversity of members gives the group several
actions and not perspectives, a variety that allows the group to break out of predetermined intellectual
just on their plan- constructs and see things freshly. At least one member must have a real stake in
solving the problem and one member should have the power to implement the group’s
decision. One member, or more, should be knowledgeable about the problem. However,
do not overweight the group with subject experts because they tend to be too steeped
in traditional ways of thinking about their topic. Their expertise may also give them
disproportionate authority in the group.

Component Three: Questioning and Listening

Questions help group members understand, elucidate and take the discussion in new
directions to find innovative solutions. Action learning spotlights the questions, not the
solutions. Questions are more powerful than declarations and the quality of questions
“Coaches should is, perhaps, the single most important element in action learning. Everyone, not just the
be cognizant of the
fact that group
coach, asks questions, and no one makes statements except in response to questions.
members will be Questions may be:
continuing to work • Open — Giving members the widest possible latitude in possible responses.
on the problem • Affective — Asking members to express feelings.
during a coaching
intervention and,
• Reflective — Inviting someone to explain motives, reasons or assumptions behind a
when returning to statement or opinion.
the problem, will • Probing — Seeking more detail or greater depth on a topic.
be rejuvenated • Fresh — Demanding a new and different perspective or challenging orthodox
and more creative
than before the assumptions or opinions.
intervention.” • Connecting — Linking ideas, events or issues not previously connected.
• Clarifying — Rephrasing or seeking to better define what someone has said.
• Explorative — Opening a new dimension on a problem, perhaps by asking, “Have
you considered this resource?”
• Analytical — Asking why.
• Closed — Asking for a yes or no answer.

Components Four and Five: Action and Learning

Action learning is, of course, about action as well as learning. The problem the group
addresses offers an occasion to learn, practice and develop skills at the individual, team
and organizational levels. Solving problems and taking action unfold in four steps:
“Dialogue involves
the suspension of 1. Understand the problem and reframe it — Often, the originally presented problem is
opinions and criti- a symptom, not an underlying cause. Addressing the symptom instead of the disease
cism, and instead
promotes a cre-
is not effective. The group reframes the problem to find the crucial underlying issue.
ative exploration of 2. Identify the goal — Having reframed the problem, the group identifies a goal, per-
issues and prob- haps not the one the problem’s presenter originally envisioned. The goal should be
lems.” “SMART,” that is, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.
3. Develop and test action strategies — Action strategies address what to do and how
to do it. The action must be appropriate and achievable in the relevant time period.
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For instance, a strategy to change the corporate culture behind customer service in
three weeks is not realistic or achievable. At this stage, groups members sometimes
prefer to think in anecdotes and talk about past experiences. Action learning seeks
to move from anecdotal to analytical thinking. Group members also tend to focus
“Most leadership on programmed knowledge or assumptions formed by their experiences. Action-
development pro-
grams, whether learning groups seek to break the constraints of programmed learning and make it
corporate or aca- possible for members to think and learn in new ways.
demic, have been 4. Action and reflection — At the conclusion of each session, the group agrees on some
ineffective and
specific, measurable action and records the decision. At the beginning of the next ses-
sion, they refer to and review the action, asking what was learned from pursuing it.

Component Six: the Coach

The coach’s unique role distinguishes action learning from other learning styles. The
coach facilitates the group process, and is a team builder and motivator. While the team
focuses on the problem, the coach focuses on how the group works. One coach can serve
for the group’s duration, or the coaching job can rotate among group members. Each
option has pros and cons. Using members may save money and help members build
coaching skills. Using an outsider, often a consultant, ensures having a qualified coach
and allows team members to direct all their energy, all the time, toward solving the
assigned, urgent, high stakes problem.

Addressing Problems with Action Learning

Single-problem action learning groups try to solve one problem. The organization
“Many of the prob- identifies the problem and appoints group members. After the problem is solved, the
lems faced by group may disband or the organization may send it more problems to address. The choice
today are more of who to appoint to a single-problem group depends on the problem at hand. Groups that
complex than the aim to solve leadership problems will include leaders, and so on. By contrast, in multiple-
problems encoun- problem groups, each member brings a problem, task or project to the group to seek the
tered five or fifteen
years ago.”
help of other members. The organization does not determine the group’s membership.
Each self-selected member receives an allocation of time during which the group will
address his or her problem. For instance, a six-person group meeting for three hours
typically would spend a half an hour on each member’s problem, task or project.

Rules and Chaos

Without direction and ground rules, any group may deviate and begin to wander
aimlessly. However, with too much structure, groups get overwhelmed by rules and
procedures, and can’t accomplish anything innovative or constructive. Successful action-
learning groups balance between too many rules and not enough, a fine line between
paralysis and chaos. Make the ground rules clear at the group’s first meeting. Norms that
enhance group learning are:
• Questions come before statements — Every statement must be in response to a ques-
tion. Several statements may respond to a single question.
“Questions help • The coach may intervene — Action-learning coaches do not focus on solving the
the group to rec- problem but rather on helping the group function effectively. When the coach inter-
ognize and reor-
venes, the group should stop working and listen to the coach’s questions.
ganize their know-
ledge.” • The coach only asks questions — The coach does not make statements, but rather
asks questions. The coach should recognize that the members may have a great deal
at stake in solving the problem, and should be considerate and economical about
intervention. The coach should not take a position or make a sweeping statement (or
any other kind of statement) to get the group quickly to his or her desired resolution.
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The seven stages of action learning are:
1. Group formation — The organization may determine the group’s membership or the
“The growth of
members may be volunteers; the group may address a single problem or multiple
each individual is problems, and may be continuous or time-limited. Action learning requires a group.
important to the 2. Problem presentation — The organization presents a single problem or the members
ultimate under-
each present a problem. Then members ask questions to clarify their understanding
standing and solv-
ing of the problem of the problem.
that has been giv- 3. Problem reframed — After discussing and reflecting on the problem with the help of
en to the group.” the coach, the group re-phrases and reframes it. Sometimes the rephrased problem
may differ from the original. The original problem may have been how to reduce the
time that customers wait in line for customer service; after probing questions, the
problem as rephrased may be how to schedule counter staff or improve technology
to enable a quicker resolution of customer problems.
4. Identification of goals — Having identified the crucial issue, the group sets goals
whose achievement will solve the problem in the long term.
5. Devising strategies for action — Using inquiry, probing questions and careful reflec-
tion, the group identifies possible action strategies and undertakes pilot trials to iden-
tify the best strategy, all things considered.
6. Implementation of the strategy — The group gathers information, builds support and
takes action to carry the strategy forward.
7. Learning capture — The group is recorded throughout the action learning process,
from when the coach asks questions that prompt reflecting on what the members have
“The potency
learned to how they have performed and what they can do to improve.
gained from this
learning trans-
forms individuals,
The twelve steps to take to introduce an action-learning program in your organization are:
teams and organi-
zations.” 1. Enlist top management backing.
2. Schedule a workshop to prepare for action learning.
3. Select problems or issues for the group to address.
4. Designate and train coaches.
5. Decide on members of the action learning groups.
6. Conduct orientation for the groups.
7. Implement the action learning process.
8. Define problems as they are reframed and identify strategies.
9. Conduct pilot tests and make action recommendations.
10. Implement the recommended actions.
11. Wrap up, review and capture the lessons learned.
12. Review and calculate the value of action learning. Expand it in the organization.

About The Author

Educator and consultant Michael J. Marquardt, is professor of human resource development
and Program Director of Overseas Programs at The George Washington University. As
president of Global Learning Associates and director of The Global Institute for Action
Learning, he has trained thousands of managers around the world. His previous books
include Building the Learning Organization, Action Learning in Action and Global Teams.

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