Assessment 2213774 Booklet 12
Assessment 2213774 Booklet 12
Assessment 2213774 Booklet 12
Directions: Read the passage below and answer the question(s) that follow.
Ice Cream
1 Rebecca loves to eat ice cream. She would eat it after every meal. Her favorite flavor is vanilla.
2 Rebecca got an ice cream maker for her birthday. Now she makes ice cream for all of her friends.
3 Rebecca has to go to the dentist! She ate too much ice cream.
Part B:
Which sentence from the passage BEST
supports your answer in part A?
A. Her favorite flavor is vanilla.
B. Rebecca got an ice cream maker for her
C. Now she makes ice cream for all of her friends.
D. Rebecca has to go to the dentist!
Rainforests are special forests that receive a large amount of rainfall. Many rainforests are located in the tropical
areas of the world. Rainforests exist on every continent on the Earth except Antarctica. Rainforests cover only
about 6-7% of the total land area of the Earth. But many scientists believe that 50% of the world's plants and
animals are found in rainforests.
There used to be 6 million square miles of rainforest on Earth. Human activity is causing the world's rainforests to
disappear at a rapid rate. Every second, a piece of rainforest the size of a football field is destroyed. Now, there
are only 2.6 million square miles of rainforest on Earth.
People want to do many things where the rainforests grow. They want new and bigger cities. They want houses,
furniture, and paper made from rainforest trees. They want to raise farm animals, like cattle. They want the
minerals from under the rainforest ground. To get all of these things, people cut down the rainforest.
Losing the rainforest is causing a lot of problems. The animals that live in rainforests lose their homes and their
food. The original people of the rainforest also lose their homes and can no longer live there. Many important
plants are lost when the rainforest is destroyed. Some of these plants help treat diseases, like cancer. All of these
plants help provide water and oxygen to the rest of the world. Without the rainforests, temperatures on the Earth
would feel too hot or too cold.
Many people understand how important the rainforests are to our planet. They work hard to help others learn
about the rainforest. They ask their governments to protect the rainforest. Even children are doing their part every
What you can do to save the rainforests:
3 The text says that one effect of destroying the 7 Read this sentence from the list of things you can
rainforests may be that do to save the rainforests.
A. cities will have to be smaller.
1. Use less paper.
B. cattle will have nothing to eat.
What could happen if everyone used less paper?
C. temperatures will get too hot or too cold.
D. there will not be enough minerals. A. Fewer people would learn about the rainforest.
B. Fewer trees would be cut down in the rainforest.
4 Which sentence in the text shows how quickly the C. More animals, such as cattle, could live in the
rainforests are disappearing? rainforest.
A. Rainforests cover only about 6-7% of the total D. More minerals would be found in the rainforest.
land area of the Earth.
B. Every second, a piece of rainforest the size of a 8 Select the sentence below that tells where
football field is destroyed. rainforests get their name from.
C. To get all of these things, people cut down the Web Only Interaction
D. Many important plants are lost when the Which of the following sentences describes what
rainforest is destroyed. 9
happened FIRST?
A. People living in the rainforests lost their homes.
5 Based on the text, what is one reason people cut
down the rainforests? B. Earth had 2.6 million square miles of rainforest.
C. People asked their governments to protect the
A. to raise cattle
B. to make football fields
D. Rainforests covered 6 million square miles of the
C. to study animals Earth.
D. to get oxygen
Meat-Eating Plants
1 Have you ever heard about meat–eating plants? That's right, plants that eat meat. There are about
four hundred and fifty meat–eating plants in the world. They can be three inches to five feet tall.
2 These plants are often found in swampy areas. They usually live where the soil quality is bad.
3 Meat–eating plants need to trap insects and small animals for their food. Most of these plants give off
a sweet smell to bring in prey. They may also have brightly–colored flowers and leaves to bring in insects
and small animals. The plants have different ways to trap food. Some of these plants have leaves that work
to pull in and then trap unsuspecting insects. Some plants, like the Venus flytrap, have leaves with tiny hairs
on them. These trigger the leaves to close when an insect lands upon them. Other plants, like the sundew
plant, have leaves that produce a sticky dew–like substance that glitters in the sunlight. Insects are attracted
to the dew and become stuck when they land on the leaves. The leaves then close around the insects.
Some other plants drown animals in poisonous liquids or water. The pitcher plant is an example of a meat–
eating plant that drowns its victims. The inside walls of the leaves are covered with a waxy surface that
makes them very slippery. Insects may slip and fall to the bottom of the pitcher. This is where the plant
digests them.
4 Meat–eating plants are harmless to humans. Most animals are also safe. Insects and small frogs are
the most common feast among meat–eating plants.
10 What is the meaning of the word feast in the 12 Which of the following is NOT a way that meat–
sentence below? eating plants catch insects?
Insects and small frogs are the most common A. Insects get caught in the vines and cannot
feast among meat–eating plants.
B. A sticky dew–like substance that glitters in the
A. meal sun makes insects become stuck.
B. friend C. Tiny hairs trigger leaves to close around the
C. threat insects.
D. lure D. Insects fall into a poisonous liquid or water and
A. to not know
B. to know
C. to look at closely
D. to ignore
13 Why did the villagers refuse to come help the boy 15 How does the shepherd boy's opinion on lying
at the end of the passage? change from the beginning of the passage to the
A. They were afraid of finding a real wolf this time.
B. They were playing a trick on the boy to get even A. In the beginning, the shepherd boy thinks lying
with him for lying. is bad because when you finally tell the truth no
one will believe you. In the end, he thinks that
C. They thought he was lying and did not want to lying is fun.
be tricked again.
B. The shepherd boy's opinion does not change;
D. The villagers were too busy to come help this he thinks that lying is a bad thing throughout the
time. passage.
C. The shepherd boy's opinion does not change;
14 Why did the shepherd boy tell the villagers that he thinks that lying is fun throughout the
he saw a wolf the FIRST time? passage.
A. He wanted to make sure they would come D. In the beginning, the shepherd boy thinks that
quickly if he needed them. lying is fun. At the end, he thinks that lying is
bad because no one will believe you when you
B. He saw something he thought looked like a wolf. finally tell the truth.
C. He really did see a wolf and needed help.
D. He was bored and wanted to find something to Place the events from the passage in the order in
amuse himself. 16
which they happen. Click on the sentences to
drag them into the correct order.
Web Only Interaction
1 Fish and Frog were playing at the pond. Frog jumped onto a slippery rock. He lost his balance and fell into
the water. Fish, who was watching this, laughed to himself. "I'm so much faster than Frog," thought Fish. He
never fell or made a mistake. He could speed through the water with ease. He was quick and slick.
2 The next day, Fish was talking with Turtle. While they talked, Turtle's shell got hot in the bright sun. He dove
into the water to cool off. Again, Fish, feeling very proud of himself, thought, "I never have to worry about the
sun. How foolish of Turtle to sit in that hot sun!" Fish turned his nose on Turtle and swam away. "Other
animals are so foolish. They are not as quick and smart as I am!" thought Fish.
3 A few days later, the sun was still very hot. It had not rained for days. Soon, the water in the pond started to
dry up. The shallow pond was not big enough anymore for all the animals. So, Frog hopped across the
grass and found some shade under a tree.
4 The hot days continued. Turtle found a small rock cave to crawl into. After another few days, it seemed like
the whole pond would disappear. There was barely any water to cover Fish's body. He could not swim. He
tried to stay still in the little puddle that the pond had become.
5 Fish's friends took pity on him. They knew he was not always nice, but he had learned his lesson by now.
6 Turtle and Frog gathered friends who lived close to the pond. They found logs and curved stones that could
hold water. They went to a nearby stream. They made several trips between the stream and the pond,
dumping water into the pond, little by little. It took a full day's work, from sunrise till sunset. Finally, the little
pond was almost full again.
7 Fish was very thankful and never made fun of his friends again.
A. the fish
B. the turtle
C. the frog
D. the author