Clayton, C. R. I. (2001) Urban Site Investigation
Clayton, C. R. I. (2001) Urban Site Investigation
Clayton, C. R. I. (2001) Urban Site Investigation
C. R. I. Clayton
Abstract: This paper provides a written version of a Keynote Presentation made at the 10th International Congress of the
Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), held in Nottingham in September 2006. It identifies the
objectives of site investigation, as stated in the British Standard. It then reviews the difficulties that face the investigator,
and identifies factors that have in the UK been found to have an influence on the success of site investigations. Developments
in general UK ground investigation strategy are outlined. The challenges of urban site investigations are identified, as is the
vulnerability of urban development. Recent advances in investigation techniques are described, and conclusions drawn.
As noted in the introduction to BS5930 (BSE 1999), site (2) Design. To allow an adequate and economic design to
investigations are widely seen as ‘an essential preliminary be prepared, including the design of temporary works.
to the construction of all civil engineering and building (3) Construction. To plan the best method of construction;
Works’. The unforeseen ground conditions that frequently to foresee and provide against difficulties and delays that may
occur during construction, and that can lead to very large arise during construction as a result of ground, groundwater
cost and construction time over-runs, have frequently been and other local conditions; in appropriate cases, to explore
blamed on inadequate site investigations (e.g. Rowe 1972). sources of indigenous materials for use in construction; and
In the first part of this paper, recent developments in UK to select sites for the disposal of waste or surplus materials.
site investigation practice are reviewed. In the second part, (4) Effect of changes. To determine the changes that may
some of the special challenges associated with site investi- arise in the ground and environmental conditions, either
gation for urban redevelopment are discussed. naturally or as a result of the works, and the effect of such
changes on the works, on adjacent works, and on the
environment in general.
(5) Choice of site. Where alternatives exist, to advise on
Recent developments of site investigation the relative suitability of different sites, or different parts
in the UK of the same site.
(6) Existing works. Unless the contrary can be demon-
As a result of the perceived problems with UK site investi- strated, it should be assumed that site investigations are
gation, there have been a number of attempts to improve necessary in reporting upon the existing works, and for
the effectiveness of UK site investigation, including work investigating cases where failure has occurred.
by the Construction Industry Research and Information These complex requirements cover most foreseeable uses
Association (CIRIA) (Uff & Clayton 1986, 1991), the UK of site investigations. However, in almost all cases, routine
Site Investigation Steering Group (ICE 1993a–d), and the site investigations are carried out on land that is already in
Association of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental the ownership, or control, of the project developer, before
Specialists (e.g. AGS 2006). planning, design and construction. The objectives of site
investigation are necessarily much more restricted. There
Site investigation objectives is generally no choice between different sites, and little or
no debate about the suitability of the given site, as the con-
The British Standard Code of Practice for Site Investigations struction professionals involved in the project are assumed
(BS5930: BSI 1999) identifies the primary objectives in to be capable of producing a satisfactory design on any
making site investigations as follows. given ground conditions. Given the lack of site investigation
(1) Suitability. To assess the general suitability of the site data at this stage, key geotechnical details of construction
and environs for the proposed works, including, where appli- (e.g. pile types, diameters and depths, dewatering methods
cable, the implications of any previous use or contamination and other temporary works) will probably remain unknown
of the site. until the main construction works are tendered.
From: CULSHAW , M. G., REEVES , H. J., JEFFERSON , I. & SPINK , T. W. (eds) Engineering Geology for Tomorrow’s Cities.
Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 22, 125–141.
DOI: 10.1144/EGSP22.9 0267-9914/09/$15.00 # The Geological Society of London 2009.
126 C. R. I. CLAYTON
Fig. 6. A geotechnical model (after AGS 2006). mAOD, metres above Ordnance Datum.
130 C. R. I. CLAYTON
remove uncertainties of geometry and material properties. details of some construction may not be available until after
On a typical geotechnical project the amount of ground the main works tender period. This, coupled with the need
sampled will be less than 1 part in 106 of that affected by for early information on ground conditions, suggests that it
construction (Broms 1980). It is impossible to eliminate will be difficult to avoid up to four different phases of geotech-
these types of uncertainty. The author’s experience has nical site investigation: (1) desk study, walk-over survey and
been that, even when exceptional amounts of drilling, capture of prior experience for risk analysis; (2) direct ground
boring and testing have been carried out, the ground can investigation (geophysics, boring, drilling, in situ and labora-
still produce major surprises during construction. So, as tory testing of soils and rocks); (3) supplementary direct
von Clausewitz (1832) said, ‘Decisions that are made with investigations to obtain parameters for temporary works,
the awareness of doubt are in most cases better than ground works and geotechnical processes; (4) observation
decisions in the case in which the doubt is pushed into the and monitoring of ground conditions during construction.
background. Pushing doubt into the background will back Communication of data on the risks perceived at different
fire; correctly fostered doubt on the other hand can be used stages of the project, by different people and organizations is
to support well thought through actions.’ vital, and is increasingly being done through the use of risk
In addition to the problems created by complex subsoil geo- registers (Godfrey 1996; Clayton 2001; HR Wallingford
metry, a ground investigation is increasingly hampered by a 2001) (see below).
lack of knowledge of exactly what will be constructed and Desk studies are best carried out systematically, not only
how. The use of specialist geotechnical knowledge through by people experienced in engineering geology, geotechnics
subcontracted design and build (e.g. of piling, dewatering, and contaminated land but also by those with knowledge
anchoring, grouting, temporary works) means that the and experience of the special needs and weaknesses of the
types of construction that are envisaged, if the detection of Table 2. Survey of types of problem encountered during
hazard and all possible risks is to be achieved. Because geo- tunnelling and their costs (US National Committee on
technical engineering practice is regionalized, it would seem Tunneling Technology 1984)
sensible to search for hazards using lists based upon aggre-
gated experience, under the headings geological hazards, Type of problem Proportion of Claims
geomaterial hazards, geotechnical engineering hazards, projects on which (%)
and land-use hazards. Because risks are related to hazard encountered (%)
through vulnerability (Fig. 8), it can be seen that early use
Running ground 27 9
of engineering geological and geotechnical expertise, during Flowing ground 5 4
pre-project planning and conceptual design, can be used to Squeezing ground 19 8
avoid many issues. For example, buildings may be relocated Groundwater inflow 33 6
away from areas of made ground or pre-existing slope Noxious fluid 6 4
instability. Methane gas 7 2
The use of experience during desk studies and walk-over Existing utilities 1 0
surveys is vital. Some experience is necessarily tied up in Pressure binding of tunnel 4 4
individuals and can be best obtained by employing senior boring machine (TBM)
Mucking 5 2
staff (whether within the company of from outside it) Surface subsidence 9 2
during the desk study, for geotechnical design reviews and Face instability; soil 11 5
during construction. However, other types of experience Obstructions (boulders, etc.) 12 11
are in the public domain. As examples, Table 2 shows the Steering problems 4 0
results of a survey of the frequency of various types of
problem encountered during tunnelling, and their costs,
carried out by the US National Committee on Tunneling
Technology. Figure 9 shows similar data obtained for These are clearly the areas that it might pay to get right
general UK construction projects. during site investigation but, alternatively, identifying des-
The results of this type of study are invaluable, not only igns that are relatively insensitive to such changes (e.g. of
much because they warn us about what may go wrong but ground geometry) may be a more economical way forward.
also because they show how frequently the same problems We are lucky that there are a great many ready sources of
occur. In the UK a similar survey was carried out as part desk study information in the UK. Examples of desk study
of the ICE/DETR project on ‘Managing Geotechnical information and advice on undertaking walk-over surveys
Risk’, to identify ground-related problems on more routine can be found in textbooks (e.g. Clayton et al. 1995) and else-
civil engineering construction sites (University of Surrey where (BRE 1987, 1989; DoE 1994a, b; BSI 1999; AGS
1999; Clayton 2001). The results of a survey of 28 projects 2006). Figure 10 gives some examples of on-line topographi-
(Fig. 9) showed that just five types of problem, associated cal maps, aerial photographs, geological maps, old topogra-
with soil boundaries, soil properties, groundwater, contami- phical maps, existing borehole records and the British
nated ground and obstructions produced 75% of the unfore- Geological Survey’s borehole database available through
seen ground-related problems during routine construction. their GeoIndex (NERC 2008). Increasingly, sources of infor-
mation and desk study services (e.g. for land contamination
and other environmental factors) are Web-based and their
use in the UK has become routine. It is now easy to
produce a basic desk study at low cost.
The key to good hazard and risk identification remains the
use of high-level expertise and experience in the interpret-
ation of the desk study and walk-over survey data during
pre-project planning. The UK’s Highways Agency (1996)
suggested the use of risk workshops, focusing on: risk identi-
fication (brainstorming), based upon the desk study; risk
ranking for impact (based upon group experience); establish-
ment of the risk register; association of risks with the phases
of the project when they may be encountered; estimation of
costs and variances, and probability (based upon group
experience). Figure 11 shows an example of a risk register.
These should be simple documents based on relatively few
levels (four or five) of impact and probability of occurrence.
A simple approach to the creation of geotechnical risk regis-
ters is given in Appendix A of the ICE/DETR Managing
Fig. 8. Classification of hazards. Geotechnical Risk document (Clayton 2001). An Excel
132 C. R. I. CLAYTON
add-on is available from the UK Construction Industry leave chemical or biological contaminants in the ground,
Research and Information Association (HR Wallingford which may pose a hazard for drilling rig operators (ICE
2001). It is widely agreed that these documents should be 1993d) and laboratory technicians, and is likely to have
updated continuously throughout both the design and con- left obstructions, thus limiting the volume of ground that
struction of the project and should be made available to all can be satisfactorily be investigated.
organizations connected with ground work. However, the importance of the geological model, and of
local geological knowledge, must not be forgotten, and
should continue to be the starting point for site investigation.
The urban environment The 1:50 000 geological map shown in Figure 10 is for an
area near Bristol, which was some years ago developed for
a superstore. The map shows the presence of thin coal
At the beginning of the 20th century, 7% of the world’s seams beneath the site and, as a result of the recognition
population could be considered ‘urban’. Most urban dwellers that coal mining might have taken place in the 18th or
lived in developed countries. By 1950 30% of the population 19th century, an additional site investigation was required
lived in urban areas and by 2000 47% was urban. By 2030, it to assess the possibility that cavities might be present.
is expected that more than 60% of the world’s population Figure 12 shows the geometry of steep-sided ‘scour
will live in towns and cities. Most of the new urban areas hollows’ to be found beneath Battersea Power Station,
will be in developing countries. near Central London (Buro Happold Consulting Engineers,
The urban environment is more difficult for site investi- pers. comm.). These features, which are probably inter-
gators than the rural one. To the normal challenges presented glacial (Berry 1979) in origin, penetrate the Pleistocene
to new construction by the geology are added the vulner- Thames Terrace Gravels (Bridgland 1994) and, at this
ability of the proposed project to more difficult shallow location, can also cut right through the London Clay
ground conditions, the effects of development on existing Formation. Because of their steep-sided 3D form, they are
buildings and infrastructure, and the special difficulties of extremely difficult to locate with routine quantities of
carrying out site investigations in urban areas. site investigation.
Previous land use produces increased complexity of
Urban ground ground and groundwater conditions. Examples from the
London area include: (1) the existence of significant thick-
Ground conditions in urban areas, and particularly in old or nesses of artificial deposits (termed ‘fill’ or ‘made ground’
ancient cities, can be even more demanding than those in a in the UK); (2) lowered groundwater as a result of local
green-field or recently developed areas. The geometry of but widespread abstraction (e.g. Amos 1860; see also
the ground is made more complex, and its properties more Mather 2004); (3) significant undiscovered ordnance (such
variable, by previous land use. Previous land use can also as bombs) in the ground, as cities have often been important
Fig. 11. Example of a risk register (courtesy of Arup; after Clayton 2001).
targets in 20th-century wars; (4) both shallow and deep has archaeological significance in itself (see below).
foundations, left in the ground by previous use; (5) services, Figure 15 shows street plans from the 18th and 20th centu-
tunnels and cellars in close proximity. ries. Realignment of streets since the 18th century means
Made ground will typically be loose-tipped and will be that 19th- and 20th-century services may pass through old
variable both in composition and mechanical properties. It basements in this area.
can be associated with chemical or biological contaminants; Since the 1920s, repetitive reconstruction of areas of
for example, derived from previous industry on the site, or central London, sometimes as a result of wartime bombing
simply from previous sanitation arrangements. but also simply because of the needs to modernize office
Figure 13 shows an archaeological reconstruction of the buildings, has resulted in the construction of several
extent of the River Thames and the islands within it in phases and types of foundation. The introduction of concrete
Roman times. Before it was confined by the construction of and steel piling in the early 20th century has allowed pro-
the embankments in Victorian times, about 150 years ago, gressively taller buildings to be constructed. Because, gener-
the Thames was much wider. As can be seen, in this area ally, it is impossible to remove existing foundations (and
its right bank was over 1 km south of its present position. particularly piled foundations), a build-up of obstructions
The large area to the north of the old river bank is underlain is occurring. The simplest approach is to locate and avoid
by penecontemporaneous (relatively recent) alluvium as existing foundations, tunnels and services, but in areas
well as the (relatively ancient) made ground described below. such as central London this is likely to become impossible
Most cities have been redeveloped very significantly over in the near future. Obstructions are clearly a major target
the centuries. Figure 14 shows a record of an excavation for a for urban site investigations.
hotel lift shaft in the London Bridge area, which is one of the One option is to reuse these foundations, but this requires
older areas of development in London. About 3 m of geome- even greater investigation of the site. Figure 16 shows a
trically complex medieval (.500 years old) and Roman sketch of the existing foundations within Battersea Power
(.1600 years old) backfill exists, all of which is potentially Station (Buro Happold Consulting Engineers, pers.
rich in archaeological material and the geometry of which comm.), a large derelict power plant in central London that
Fig. 12. Scour hollow geometry, Battersea Power Station (courtesy of Buro Happold Consulting Engineers).
Fig. 13. Archaeological reconstruction of the extent of the Thames in central London, in Roman times (after Yule 1988).
136 C. R. I. CLAYTON
Fig. 15. Eighteenth- and 20th-century street plans in the London Bridge area, showing realignment.
Fig. 16. Three-dimensional visualization of existing foundations inside Battersea Power Station, London (Buro Happold
Consulting Engineers, pers. comm).
evidence and artefacts can lead to long delays during rede- prospecting and extensive hand-dug trenching. Methods of
velopment, as the discovery of the remains of the obtaining greater archaeological information from routine
16th-century Shakespearean Rose Theatre, during the rede- ground investigation are under development.
velopment of an office block in London, in 1989, shows Given that urban and inner-city sites have often been the
(Rose Theatre Trust 2008). Not only did the archaeological subject of a number of phases of land use and redevelop-
excavation delay construction but redesign of the substruc- ment, the opportunities for the land to become contaminated
ture was necessary to ensure the preservation of archaeolo- are greatly increased. Contaminated land is a risk not only
gical heritage. for the public and those who may ultimately work or live
The UK Department of the Environment’s Planning in the development. Site investigation personnel are in the
Policy Guidance Note PPG 16 (DoE 1990) required local front line and need to be protected (ICE 1993d).
planning authorities to make archaeological concerns a
‘material consideration’ for all planning applications. Site investigation challenges
There is now a demand on many sites that the archaeological
resource, if significant, be preserved in situ by ‘good As discussed above, urban site investigation needs more skill
engineering practices’. Sites must be thoroughly evaluated and care because of the following factors.
archaeologically and often require a separate archaeological (1) The underlying geology can be expected to be no less
investigation. This investigation may involve geophysical complex than elsewhere.
138 C. R. I. CLAYTON
(2) There will be limited (if any) exposures of the geology potential for land contamination, and as a basis for planning
in an urban area and its surface expression will often be direct further ground investigations.
suppressed. (2) As a result of this, national and company borehole data-
(3) Previous land use will have made near-surface bases and urban geological models have been developed.
materials more geometrically complex, whilst adding the (3) Specialist drilling and sampling apparatus is used to
chance of contamination and the presence of ordnance. deal with shallow and potentially contaminated ground.
(4) Regional dewatering (e.g. for water supply; Mather (4) In uniform ground, sophisticated drilling, sampling,
2004) and future movements of the groundwater table need in situ and laboratory testing methods are used to obtain
to be understood. advanced geotechnical design parameters for complex
(5) Archaeological features and artefacts may be present, numerical (finite-element or finite-difference) modelling.
which need to be identified, perhaps excavated, and at least (5) At the same time, index testing and back-analysed par-
avoided during construction. ameters from monitoring of previous construction in similar
(6) Property owners and developers will have paid a ground conditions, are used as a check on site investigation
premium for an urban site and, generally, will wish to maxi- data and for use in more routine design work.
mize the use of it, perhaps by using deep basements and (6) Methods of adapting geotechnical investigations to
construction up to the property line. meet archaeological needs are under current consideration.
(7) Nearby buildings, tunnels and services must be taken Site investigation workers can be at risk if they work on
into account, their condition assessed and the effects of con- contaminated sites. The first and most cost-effective phase
struction on them estimated. In London, as in most cities, the of any assessment of likely contamination will rely heavily
presence of very close pre-existing buildings and critical on desk study records (BS10175, BSE 2001). In urban site
infrastructure such as tunnels is the norm, as described in investigation this must be carried out very early during
many academic papers (e.g. Clayton et al. 1991; Mair & pre-project planning, so that the nature and extent of
Harris 2001). possible contamination hazards can be identified and con-
(8) Access for drilling rigs will be restricted and may trolled. In the UK, the British Drilling Association has pre-
be difficult. pared a classification system that provides a framework
The consequences of a geotechnical failure in a built-up within which the investigation of urban and brownfield
environment are generally far more severe than in a rural sites can take place (ICE 1993d) and this is currently
setting, as failures of the Heathrow Express tunnels in under revision.
London (Health and Safety Executive 2000), the Merrie- Site investigation databases are in common use in the UK.
spruit tailings dam in South Africa (Strydom & Williams Major and local specialist geotechnical consultants and con-
1999) and the Po Shan slope in Hong Kong (Au 1998) all tractors and local authorities have traditionally maintained
show. Even if fatalities are avoided, the financial effects collections of site investigation reports but for a very long
can be very large. As has been described above, ground con- period there were no publicly available records. The decision
ditions in urban areas are likely to be more challenging but of the British Geological Survey to build a borehole data col-
because the cost of urban development is, generally, lection (NERC 2008) and the widespread use of the AGS
greater and every piece of development is likely to affect electronic data transfer format (AGS 2005b) in the UK
numbers of adjacent structures and services, higher levels (and increasingly elsewhere) has meant that paper borehole
of certainty are likely to be needed before urban develop- records have become easily accessible for desk study pur-
ment can proceed. poses and are likely to be replaced with downloadable elec-
tronic records (and possibly additional data) in the future.
Although borehole records can rarely be used to avoid a
Responses new, bespoke, ground investigation, they are invaluable
when used in conjunction with an engineering geological
Despite the potential difficulties inherent in urban site inves- interpretation, as they can give information on the local
tigations, there are likely to be some compensating factors. thickness of formations, the composition of the material
High property values and the severe consequences of geo- (through the engineering descriptions they contain), the
technical failures can encourage clients to spend more on approximate value of properties of different strata (such as
direct methods of site investigation, if this can be justified SPT N value and undrained shear strength), and the level
in terms of greater exploitation of the site (e.g. deeper base- of groundwater strikes.
ments, or building closer to existing buildings or infrastruc- Specialist compact drilling equipment is increasingly
ture) and reduced risk. Written records and maps relating to being used for the investigation of shallow, often contami-
previous land use are likely to exist for both the site itself and nated, urban ground. An example of a drilling rig and
its environs. Borehole and other data may be available from some samplers is shown in Figure 17. Such machines are
previous site investigations. typically track mounted and have an automatic hammer
The following strategies have developed in the UK. that can be used to drive sampler tubes into the ground, or
(1) There is heavy reliance on desk studies; for example, carry out dynamic penetration testing. Additionally, they
to investigate existing services, old foundations and the may have some limited hydraulic rotary drilling capability.
of communicating information on ground-related risks to all AGS 2006. A Client’s Guide to Desk Studies. Association of
those involved in a project. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists, Beckenham.
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for ground investigations. The geometry of the deeper cations/Deskstudies.pdf.
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of targets. Providing data to assess the effects of new con- BRE Digest, 318.
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