November 3, 2019
November 3, 2019
November 3, 2019
We are so glad you have joined us today! Our desire is that God Sunday, November 3rd - Memorial Roll Recognition
8:30am & 10:50am Morning Worship Services
would bless and direct our time together. Worship is an interactive, 9:45am Sunday School
participatory experience and our prayer is that the service today 4:45pm Choir Practice
would strengthen and encourage you on your spiritual journey. 5:00pm Christmas Musical Practice
Whether you are new to faith, just coming back to church, or a 6:00pm Evening Worship
long-time follower of Jesus, we hope you find your time with us
engaging and meaningful. Wednesday, November 6th
11:00am Morning Bible Study with Pot Luck Luncheon
If you are a first time Guest, we have a special gift for you. One of
our pastors will be in the foyer following the service to meet you 5:15pm to 6:15pm Family Suppers Menu: Sloppy Joes
and give you a gift. 6:30pm Men's Bible Study in the McCormack Center (Men’s SS Room)
Women’s Bible Study in the McCormack Center (Fireside Room)
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
WHAT TO EXPECT TODAY Youth Group Gathering in the Children’s Chapel
CARAVAN meets in the Sunday School Rooms
Worship: We take time together to connect with God through
Sunday, November 10th
song, scripture, fellowship, and prayer. Something special
8:30am & 10:50am Morning Worship Services
happens we focus on God together. We invite you to stand and 9:45am Sunday School
sing with us as we praise God, but adopt whatever posture of 4:45pm Choir Practice
worship is best for you. The song lyrics and scriptures are 5:00pm Christmas Musical Practice
projected on screen so that you can follow along. A typical service 6:00pm Evening Worship
lasts about 65 minutes.
Children: We have a fully-staffed Nursery for ages three and
below. Kids ages 4-12 will be dismissed during the service to the NURSERY WORKERS
children’s chapel to be taught by Pastor Linda and her staff. TODAY:
1st Service: Carley Rigsby, Jessica Neece, Pat Neece
Sermon: The teaching time seeks to communicate biblical truth in 2nd Service: Jessica Graham, Darlene Norrell, Alicia Hodge
compelling, relevant ways. All of our sermons are available on our PM Service: Samantha Goodwin, Elizabeth Crace
website,, and are also podcast. NEXT Sunday, November 10th
1st Service: Brenin Hutchings, Ally Champion, Ruth Champion, Shanna Layne
Response: When God is speaking, we take time to respond. 2nd Service: Cora Brown, Mikey Butner, Tracy Butner
Many times this is after the message, but other times it may be in PM Service: Ricky & Sharon Arnold
the middle of the service. Listening and responding to God is one
of the most important things that we do. An invitation is never FINANCIAL STATISTICS: 105 Flower Lane Drive
needed if you want to pray at the altar. October 27, 2019 Estill Springs, TN 37330
Phone: 649-3867 Fax: 649-3410
Communion: We take time regularly to celebrate Communion and Tithes & Offerings: Emails:
welcome all followers of Jesus Christ to participate in this act of Received: $4,390
worship and remembrance regardless of membership or
denomination. Faith Promise: November 3, 2019
Received: $25
Offering: We give tithes and offerings as a part of worship in Office Hours:
obedience, celebration, and thanksgiving to the Lord. It’s also just Fiscal Year is 5/1/19 to 4/30/20
Monday - Thursday
our way of saying, “We love our church and we want to support it!” 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
FAMILY MINISTRIES Choir Practice Tonight at 4:45pm
Our guest preacher today is Bailee
Hastings Davis. She is a recent Family Thanksgiving Dinner
graduate of Trevecca Nazarene Wednesday, November 20th - 6:30pm We will be having baptism on November 10th.
University and holds a degree in The church will provide turkey, dressing, rolls, and drinks. We need you If you would like to be baptized,
Intercultural Studies. She has a to bring side dishes and desserts. Remember the Giving Tree will be please call the church office at 649-3867.
heart for the marginalized and presented this night.
disenfranchised, especially the
We need 15 volunteers to cook a turkey breast that the church will
unchurched and dechurched. She Christmas Gift Bags...
provide. Please contact Brenda Wells 931-212-6244. Pans &
and her husband, Matthew, are on We have an opportunity to give each inmate (men
turkey breast to be picked Sunday the 17th.
staff at our district’s new church and women), in the Franklin Co. Jail, a gift bag at
plant in McMinnville, TN, Arbor Christmas this year. Last year we were able to
Church. give them a pair of socks, bar of soap, individual
Giving Tree bag of chips and a snack cake. You can be a part of this by making a
Helping families for Christmas donation to the jail ministry. Just mark “jail ministry” in the memo line on
How it works: your check and place in the offering plate. There are around 250
• Pick an ornament off of the tree inmates. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES • Purchase the item listed on the ornament
Christmas Musical • Return item to the church to be delivered
December 15th at 6:00pm There are items needed in all price points, Thank you…
Practice Schedule: so that everyone can participate We would like to thank all of you for your cards, gifts, and kind
Sunday, Nov. 3rd at 5:00pm Return non-perishable items along with ornament words during Pastor Appreciation. We do not take for granted the
Sunday, Nov. 10th at 5:00pm to 7:00pm attached to a designated table opportunity we have to serve with you all. Your love and
Sunday, Nov. 17th at 5:00pm to 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall encouragement is felt by us all year long. We are truly blessed!
Sunday, Nov. 24th at 5:00pm to 7:00pm Perishables need to be brought to church by --the Pastoral Staff & Families
Sunday, Dec. 1st at 5:00pm to 7:00pm Sunday, December 15th.
Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Sunday, Dec. 8th at 5:00pm MICAH 6:8 MINISTRY from Sandy Schefcik
Wednesday, Dec. 11th at 6:00pm to 7:30pm Did you know… that "This whole concept of political correctness ... it's going
Saturday, Dec. 14th from 1:00pm to 3:00pm to destroy our nation" was the response of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) Secretary Ben Carson to Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.)
Saturday, December 14th earlier this week? Wexton was trying for a "gotcha" moment in a congressional
hearing when she asked Dr. Carson if he would "apologize" for being quoted
from 3:00pm to 4:00pm for expressing concern over "big, hairy men" trying to gain entry into an Alaska
Kids Birthday Party for Jesus women's homeless shelter. Carson made it clear he will not kowtow to political
FOR ALL KIDS Ages 4 thru 6th Grade correctness. "It's foolishness because, you know, the First Amendment
guarantees people freedom of speech. What political correctness does is it
makes people afraid to express themselves. So coming in the back door, it
All women are invited! actually suppresses the First Amendment. And we need to be very, very wary
of anything that takes away our constitutional rights. Anything that doesn't
There will be a candle exchange this year. agree with them is a hateful word, and that's what I mean when I said we need
CARAVAN Ceremony Bring breakfast/brunch type food to be more mature than that. That's what I might expect from a third-grade
playground. If we make everything such a sensitive subject and everybody has
Wednesday, November 13th - 6:30pm to sit down and filter everything that they say, and we're listening carefully to
Need 10 to 12 ladies to host/decorate a table. their words instead of what their meaning is, what do we become as a society
All classes/groups will be Currently, we have 3 signed up. and as a people? We've got to nip it in the bud before it gets to the place where
If you are willing, please contact Cathy Frame at 273-9211 everybody just is silent. And they can't say anything because it's going to
meeting in the sanctuary offend somebody."