Certificate: Project Guide Principal
Certificate: Project Guide Principal
Certificate: Project Guide Principal
I am very much thankful to our classmates and other respected teachers and
staff members for their valuable guide for our project
This application is used to conduct online examination. The students can sit at
individual terminals and login to write the exam in the given duration. The
questions have to be given to the students. This application will perform
correction, display the result immediately and also store it in database. This
application provides the administrator with a facility to add new exams.This
application provides the Instructor add questions to the exam, modify questions
in the exam in a particular exam. This application takes care of authentication of
the administrator, Instructor as well as the student.
Easy to use the application means in search the user and the exams
No special documentation required
Exams are online so no paper works.
Results are displayed as soon as you give the exams.
Feasibility Study
Feasibility study is conducted once the problem is clearly understood.
Feasibility study is a high level capsule version of the entire system analysis and
design process. The objective is to determine quickly at a minimum expense how
to solve a problem. The purpose of feasibility is not to solve the problem but to
determine if the problem is worth solving.
The system has been tested for feasibility in the following points.
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility.
1. Technical Feasibility
The project entitles "Courier Service System” is technically feasibility
because of the below mentioned feature. The project was developed in Java which
Graphical User Interface.
It provides the high level of reliability, availability and compatibility.
All these make Java an appropriate language for this project. Thus the
existing software Java is a powerful language.
2. Economical Feasibility
In this project, the management will know the details of each project where
he may be presented and the data will be maintained as decentralized and if any
inquires for that particular contract can be known as per their requirements and
Hardware Requirements:-
256 MB Ram
512 KB Cache Memory
Hard disk 10 GB
Microsoft Compatible 101 or more Key Board
Software Requirements: -
Web-Technology: PHP
Back-End: MySQL
o Open Source: PHP is an open source technology, which means its source code,
development environment etc. are freely available. Also, PHP community is
continually developing new functionalities of this language thus improving its
code package, base libraries and various classes.
o Simple & Easy: PHP developed websites or applications have much simple code
to write or understand. The level of complexity of a php code is much lesser than
its competing technologies for developing web applications or dynamic sites.
o Platform Independent: Applications developed in PHP are platform independent
and can be executed on a variety of platforms and web servers. Websites
developed using PHP can be hosted on nearly all the web-servers available in the
market. The only constraint which can be considered is the version
incompatibility, which is also not a major issue because most of the time servers
are back-compatible with the language versions.
o Enhanced graphics: PHP can be used to generate images dynamically or at run-
time. Using the image functionalities, more number of image formats could be
supported in a website or web application.
The code is interpreted by a Web server with a PHP processor module which
generates the resulting Web page. It also has evolved to include a command-line
interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications.
PHP can be deployed on most Web servers and also as a standalone shellon almost
every operating system and platform free of charge.
Project Flow
Database Design
Home page:
Test page:
Admin login:
Add quiz:
The package was designed in such a way that future modifications can
be done easily. The following conclusions can be deduced from the
development of the project.
This application avoids the manual work and the problems concern
with it. It is an easy way to obtain the information regarding the different
scheduled examinations information that are
Currently issued.
Well I and my team members have worked hard in order
to present an improved website better than the existing one‟s regarding the
information about the various activities. Still ,we found out that the project can be
done in a better way. Primarily, when we request information about a particular
schedules it just shows the exam date and platform. So, after getting the
information we can get access to the onlineexam.
The enhancement that we can add the searching option.
We can directly search to the particular student details from this site.
The following books were referred during the analysis and execution
phase of the project
Websites Referred: