(OK (Wilson Et Al 2015 Wasteware Benchmark Indicators For Integrated

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Waste Management
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‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste

management in cities
David C. Wilson a,⇑, Ljiljana Rodic b, Michael J. Cowing c, Costas A. Velis d, Andrew D. Whiteman e,
Anne Scheinberg f, Recaredo Vilches a, Darragh Masterson a, Joachim Stretz g, Barbara Oelz h
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Education and Competence Studies, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands
Independent Consultant, Saint Lucia
School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
RWA Group, Sofia, Bulgaria
WASTE, Gouda, The Netherlands
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Cairo, Egypt
GIZ, Eschborn, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper addresses a major problem in international solid waste management, which is twofold: a lack
Received 19 June 2014 of data, and a lack of consistent data to allow comparison between cities. The paper presents an indicator
Accepted 3 October 2014 set for integrated sustainable waste management (ISWM) in cities both North and South, to allow
Available online xxxx
benchmarking of a city’s performance, comparing cities and monitoring developments over time. It builds
on pioneering work for UN-Habitat’s solid waste management in the World’s cities. The comprehensive
Keywords: analytical framework of a city’s solid waste management system is divided into two overlapping
Benchmark indicators
‘triangles’ – one comprising the three physical components, i.e. collection, recycling, and disposal, and
Performance monitoring
Solid waste management
the other comprising three governance aspects, i.e. inclusivity; financial sustainability; and sound
Governance institutions and proactive policies. The indicator set includes essential quantitative indicators as well
Developing countries as qualitative composite indicators. This updated and revised ‘Wasteaware’ set of ISWM benchmark
Recycling rates indicators is the cumulative result of testing various prototypes in more than 50 cities around the world.
This experience confirms the utility of indicators in allowing comprehensive performance measurement
and comparison of both ‘hard’ physical components and ‘soft’ governance aspects; and in prioritising
‘next steps’ in developing a city’s solid waste management system, by identifying both local strengths
that can be built on and weak points to be addressed. The Wasteaware ISWM indicators are applicable
to a broad range of cities with very different levels of income and solid waste management practices.
Their wide application as a standard methodology will help to fill the historical data gap.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction developing countries, with both direct effects on child health, and
indirect effects through blocked drains causing the spread of
Solid waste management is one of the most important functions water-borne diseases and widespread flooding (Wilson et al.,
of a city government, as a key utility service on which the public 2013c); on the other, a clean city is attractive to tourists, business
health and the external ‘image’ of a city depend. On the one hand, people and investors. It has been suggested that the effectiveness
uncollected solid waste is still a serious public health issue in many of a city’s solid waste management system can be used as a proxy
indicator of good governance (Whiteman et al., 2001), and hence of
Abbreviations: ISWM, integrated sustainable waste management; 3Rs, reduce,
a local government who can be trusted and with whom one can do
reuse, recycle; GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit business. Appropriate benchmark indicators allow a city to judge
GmbH; GNI, Gross National Income; MSW, municipal solid waste. its own performance regarding delivery of solid waste manage-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, ment services, provide information for decision-making on priori-
Imperial College London, Skempton Building, South Kensington Campus, London
ties for the limited funds available for service improvements, and
SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 118 946 1117.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.C. Wilson).
monitor changes over time. In addition, internationally consistent

0956-053X/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
2 D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

indicators, which make possible comparison of the cities’ perfor- et al. (2010) proposed a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach. Some
mance irrespective of their income level, are useful in various con- proposals have been tested in one case study city, e.g. Polaz and
texts, including for example, development cooperation efforts Teixeira in Brazil, Sharma et al. (2010) in India and Mendes et al.
aiming at better protection of public health and the environment, (2012, 2013), who applied a BSC methodology in Portugal.
increased resource recovery, and better urban governance; and Munizaga and Garcia (2013) have recently proposed an indicator
also in comparing different policy approaches in ‘similar’ countries. set termed the ‘Garbometer’, which is currently being tested in
Interest in performance indicators for solid waste management Spain. Perhaps the most developed of these alternative approaches
is long-standing. MacDonald (1996) examined bias issues in the is the ten solid waste management indicators which are being
then-standard set of three benchmark indicators: waste generated tested in over 400 urban local bodies in the two Indian states of
per capita; proportion of waste being managed by different Gujarat and Maharashtra as part of a 5-year project to develop
methods; and proportion of households with a regular collection and demonstrate a performance measurement framework for
service. Similar indicators are still used as part of composite sus- urban water and sanitation (CEPT University, 2010).
tainable development indicators in cities (Tanguay et al., 2010); The work reported here has used the set of ISWM benchmark
an example is the Global City Indicators Facility (GCIF, 2012), indicators developed in the original work for UN-Habitat as its
which does promise an improvement in the current level of avail- starting point – they remain the broadest in their coverage of both
ability of comparable data as more cities sign up. Currently the best physical and governance components; the most widely tested
that the literature can offer on a worldwide basis is compilations of across a number of countries; and the only indicators that have
older data, of dubious comparability and often just at the national both the ambition to be, and the experience of having been, applied
level (Chalmin and Gaillochet, 2009; Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, across the full range of income levels. Experience in their use led
2012; Karak et al., 2012). first to an intermediate update, which was tested in a further five
There has been much recent attention to developing indicators cities as part of a 2012 GIZ project (Soos et al., 2013), and subse-
for particular aspects of ‘modernising’ a solid waste management quently reported on at the ISWA World Congress 2013 (Wilson
system. Most of the published research has focused on high-income et al., 2013b). This intermediate update was further tested in
countries, with only a few that have focused on developing coun- another 12 cities, with the cumulative results and feedback used
tries (designated here with a ⁄). Examples include indicators for as the basis for the comprehensive update and revision presented
waste prevention (Wilts, 2012), for zero waste management sys- in this paper.
tems (Zaman and Lehmann, 2013; Zaman 2014a,b) and for 3R We have called the final indicator set the ‘Wasteaware’ ISWM
(reduce, reuse, recycle) policies to transition from waste manage- benchmark indicators, in order to reflect one of their primary pur-
ment to resource management (Hotta, 2014⁄); for extended pro- poses of raising stakeholder awareness of the state of the local
ducer responsibility systems (Wen et al., 2009); for tracking solid waste management system. If they are widely applied in
compliance with European Union requirements (Cifrian et al., the future as a standard methodology, that will help to address
2010, 2012, 2013; Fragkou et al., 2010; Nicolli, 2012) or to rank the historical lack of comparative data on solid waste management
the performance of US cities (Greene and Tonjes, 2014); for recy- in the World’s cities.
cling systems (Suttibak and Nitivattananon, 2008⁄); for selective
collection for recycling (Bringhentia et al., 2011*; Caio and
Fernando, 2013*; and Passarini et al., 2011); for waste collection 2. Methodology and approach to developing the benchmark
(Karagiannidis et al., 2004; Huang et al., 2011); and for comparing indicators
technologies for waste treatment, recycling and disposal
(Marchettini et al., 2007; Chirico, 2010; Handakas and Sangiannis, 2.1. Analytical framework – ISWM and ‘UN Habitat’ ISWM indicator
2012; Coelho et al., 2012*; Manikpura et al., 2012, 2013*). Indicators set
for comparing and selecting technologies overlap with the use of
life cycle analysis (LCA) in solid waste management. The literature The analytical framework is built around the concept of inte-
here has been reviewed for example by Cleary (2009), Del Borghi grated sustainable (solid) waste management (ISWM) (Schübeler,
et al. (2009), Michaud et al. (2010) and Laurent et al. (2014a,b). 1996; Van de Klundert and Anschütz, 2001; IJgosse et al., 2004).
A notable recent attempt to develop benchmark indicators and The ISWM framework distinguishes three dimensions for analysis
apply them to the comparison of cities both North and South was of solid waste management and recycling systems: the physical
the report prepared for UN-Habitat on the state of solid waste system and its technological components, sustainability aspects
management in the World’s cities (Scheinberg et al., 2010). A large (social, institutional, political, financial, economic, environmental
international team took up the challenge of collecting new data for and technical) and the various groups of stakeholders involved.
20 ‘representative’, reference cities in low-, middle- and high- This was simplified in the UN-Habitat work to two ‘triangles’ as
income countries across all six inhabited continents; and a set of shown in Fig. 1 below, the physical components and the gover-
Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) benchmark nance aspects, with the stakeholders implicitly included in the
indicators was defined for waste systems, covering both physical measures around ‘‘inclusivity’’.
components and governance aspects. A detailed comparison of The first ‘triangle’ focuses on three key drivers for development
the results for the 20 reference cities was subsequently undertaken of waste management (Wilson, 2007), corresponding to the three
(Wilson et al., 2012). The results also inspired the authors to revisit key physical, ‘hardware’ components: protection of public health
what we really mean by ‘good practice’ in solid waste management which depends on a good waste collection service; environmental
(Wilson and Scheinberg, 2010; Wilson et al., 2013c). protection particularly during waste treatment and disposal; and
The UN-Habitat work is not the only recent attempt to develop resource value, the ‘3Rs’ – reduce, reuse, recycle. The second
benchmark indicators to compare solid waste management sys- ‘triangle’ focuses on ISWM ‘software’, the governance strategies
tems in cities. Several proposals and/or theoretical frameworks to deliver a well-functioning system. These have been identified
for indicator sets have been made: Desmond (2006) proposed an as inclusivity, allowing stakeholders to contribute and benefit, both
indicator set for use in Ireland; Beccali et al. (2007) proposed the as service users and service providers; financial sustainability,
application of the dashboard of sustainability; Armijo et al. ensuring that solid waste management services and activities are
(2011) proposed an indicator set using the Driving Force- cost-effective and affordable; and a base of sound institutions and
Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model; and Guimarães pro-active policies.

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

1: Public health – 6: Sound Instuons

Collecon & Pro-acve Policies

2: Environment
5: Financial
– Treatment Physical Governance Sustainability
& Disposal
W: Waste
Related Data
4: Inclusivity
3: Resource Value – – User and
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Provider

B: Background
Fig. 1. The Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) framework used by the Wasteaware indicator set. This is a simplified version of the original ISWM concept
(Schübeler, 1996; Van de Klundert and Anschütz, 2001; IJgosse et al., 2004). This ‘two triangles’ analytical framework was first devised for the UN-Habitat methodology
(Scheinberg et al., 2010), grouping together the three physical components and the three governance aspects, as represented by the two triangles. This version of the figure
was drawn by Darragh Masterson. Figure Ó David Wilson, Ljiljana Rodic, Costas Velis.

Accordingly, the original ‘UN-Habitat’ ISWM benchmark ‘next steps’ in developing a city’s solid waste management system
indicators were developed using – and recombining – the 300 by revealing both the local strengths that can be built on and any
data-points for which information had been sought for each city. weaker points which would merit priority attention. Moreover,
One quantitative indicator corresponded to each of the three the UN-Habitat methodology departed from most previous work
physical components. Two of these – percentage waste collection on indicators by comparing cities on a consistent basis even when
service coverage corresponding to public health and percentage they have very different levels of income.
recycling corresponding to resource value (3Rs) – follow wide- The comparative analysis revealed some interesting and per-
spread international practice (GCIF, 2012). The third, pertaining haps unexpected findings, including the significant progress that
to disposal for environmental protection, was novel, being the per- has been made in middle income countries over the last decade
centage of total waste which goes to any sort of controlled disposal in improving collection coverage and introducing basic environ-
(Rushbrook and Pugh, 1999) or treatment facility rather than to mental control over disposal; the relatively high recycling rates
open or uncontrolled dumping or open burning. In addition, a in some of the lowest income countries, due to an active informal
fourth quantitative indicator, total waste captured by the waste recycling sector that makes their livelihood from extracting sale-
management and recycling system, was introduced to provide a able materials from the waste; and relatively patchy performance
useful cross-check on both collection coverage and controlled against the qualitative governance indicators even among the high
disposal. income countries (Wilson et al., 2012, 2013c).
For financial sustainability, a range of quantitative data points
was available related to the solid waste budget and the effective- 2.2. The methodology for updating the indicator set
ness and affordability of cost recovery mechanisms; unfortunately,
data on actual costs, and particularly on costs per tonne of waste Experience with using the original UN-Habitat ISWM indicator
handled by the system, were often either unavailable or inconsis- set also pointed up some weaknesses and opportunities for
tently reported in the initial 20 cities. Consequently, the quantita- improvement, which have been addressed in a series of phased
tive indicator ultimately selected was the percentage of total updates, resulting in the ‘Wasteaware’ indicator set presented in this
number of households both using and paying for waste collection paper. These improvements are discussed below, as appropriate.
services. For the remaining governance aspects, qualitative indica- The first major revision was carried out in 2012 in conjunction
tors were constructed for user and for provider inclusivity, and for with a study commissioned by GIZ which focused on comparing
sound institutions & pro-active policies, each comprising five or six the ‘operator models’ used to deliver waste management services
criteria, which were assessed on a nominal scale (yes/no answers in cities around the world (Soos et al., 2013; Garcia Cortes et al.,
to a series of questions) (Scheinberg et al., 2010; Al-Sabbagh 2013; Wilson et al., 2013a). For the project, an interim revised
et al., 2012; Sim et al., 2013). indicator set was first developed and used in five locations in
The UN-Habitat methodology was tested on at least 25 cities, low and middle-income countries; user feedback then led to some
the results for 22 of which have been published (Wilson et al., additional modifications, and the indicators for the five locations
2012; Al Sabbagh et al., 2012; Sim et al., 2013). The cities were were updated. In doing so, the project developed five case studies:
chosen to provide a wide representation across all six inhabited Maputo Mozambique (low-income); Qena Egypt and Surat India
continents and the four standard categories of income level (lower-middle-income); Castries St Lucia and the CIGRES inter-
(low-, lower-middle-, upper-middle- and high-income; World municipal association Brazil (upper-middle-income); the indicator
Bank, 2012). The new approach proved to be both very useful set was used to provide a uniform methodology for their character-
and a substantial step forward from the then existing situation in isation. This first or intermediate update of the ISWM indicator set
terms of adequately measuring performance for both ‘hard’ physi- became available at the end of 2012; it was described in a ‘progress
cal components and ‘soft’ governance aspects, and in prioritising report’ to the 2013 ISWA World Congress (Wilson et al., 2013b);

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
4 D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

and both the user manual and full indicator forms for the five case Lange, 2013; Wilson et al., 2013c): both are explicitly considered
studies have been published (Wilson and Cowing, 2013). here. Informal service providers working in the private waste ser-
The intermediate update of the ISWM benchmark indicators vice sector are defined primarily in terms of their lack of a formal,
was further tested during 2013 across a wide range of cities: of recognised status within the municipally-organised solid waste
the 11 cities for which results became available within the time- management system – they can be and often are registered with
frame, four were updates of earlier UN-Habitat indicator sets the authorities and pay taxes (Velis et al., 2012).
(marked ⁄), while seven were new applications, across a range of The analytical framework of the ‘two triangles’ version of ISWM
income levels. The cities were: Dhaka⁄ Bangladesh and Monrovia has been retained. The graphical representation in Fig. 1 now
Liberia (low-income); Bangalore⁄ India, Jakarta Indonesia, Kampala explicitly shows that a summary of background and waste-related
Uganda and Lahore Pakistan (lower-middle-income); Sofia Bul- data is required to interpret the indicators and provide a proper
garia (upper-middle-income); Adelaide⁄ Australia, Bahrain⁄, Belfast comparison between cities.
Northern Ireland and Singapore (high-income). Additionally, the The supporting information has been reduced to a reasonable
intermediate indicator set was used to establish the baseline situ- minimum, so as to complement the indicators. General background
ation in 19 cities and larger villages in one country (Egypt) (Zaki information comprises the Gross National Income (GNI) per capita
et al., 2013). The cumulative results and feedback from all the users for the country and the corresponding income category (World
to date, and from a number of independent experts acting as peer Bank, 2012); the population; and the total municipal solid waste
reviewers, provided the basis for the comprehensive update and (MSW) generation. Key waste-related data comprise the calculated
revision presented in this paper. Again, this second round of major MSW generation per capita per year and six components of MSW
revision and updating was carried out in two stages, with an composition which both vary most between cities (Wilson et al.,
interim version being prepared and further tested (‘debugged’) in 2012) and are important for resource recovery and/or technology
Guadalajara in Mexico (which filled an obvious gap – a developing, selection. The six items are four basic composition categories:
upper-middle-income country – in the list of test cities), prior to organic (food and green waste) fraction; paper and cardboard;
finalising the revisions. plastics; and metals; plus two over-arching physical parameters:
Since the Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators have been waste density, and moisture content.
completed, an automated excel indicator form has been developed The original three main quantitative indicators for the physical
to make them easier to use in practice. This has been further tested components have proved their merit in terms of their being infor-
and debugged in a number of cities as follows, both to update an mative, practical and available, and have been retained. The fourth,
earlier version of the indicators: Rotterdam⁄ Netherlands (high- waste captured by the system, proved quite difficult to measure on
income); Castries St Lucia (upper-middle-income); Nairobi⁄ Kenya a consistent basis, and was not included in the published compar-
and Bishkek⁄ Kyrgyzstan (low-income); and in additional cities: ison of the original 20 cities (Wilson et al., 2012). However, feed-
the conurbation of Buenos Aires Argentina (upper-middle-income); back from the subsequent testing of the first updated indicator
Warangal India (lower-middle-income); and Dar-es-Salaam, set suggested that in some cases collection coverage could be high,
Tanzania (low-income). but that this did not adequately measure uptake of collection ser-
vices – the recommendations for an additional indicator were very
3. Revised ISWM indicators: overview similar to the original ‘waste captured’, so this has now been
The aim of the Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators is to The experience with the application of the existing quantitative
use existing data, not to carry out primary survey work. The results indicators in various cities also revealed a need to refine them
are intended to provide an overview of a city’s solid waste manage- beyond a numerical score so as to discern significant differences
ment performance, to reveal clearly those aspects which are per- in performance levels between cities with apparently similar
forming well and not so well, in order to point the way to next scores: e.g. even if collection coverage in a middle income city is
steps on the road to improvement, and to allow benchmarking close to 100%, the quality of the collection service may not yet be
against other cities. It is important to note that this is not a ‘scor- comparable to the best systems in the region. So the quantitative
ing’ mechanism, and the intention is not to produce any single % indicator(s) for each physical component are now complemented
overall or absolute number as a performance index. by a composite, multi-attribute ‘quality’ indicator assessed against
The scope includes all municipal solid wastes – defined as waste five or six component criteria.
from households plus waste of a similar composition from other Separating the physical components of a waste and resource
sources in the city (Scheinberg et al., 2010). This generally means management system into just three parts is a simplification and
including some commercial and industrial wastes from small requires some compromise judgments to be made. Component 1
shops and offices, together with small-scale construction and is driven primarily by public health and focuses on waste
demolition wastes from household repairs. Commercial and indus- collection, but also includes waste transport and transfer prior to
trial process wastes from larger industries and ‘bulk’ construction delivery at a treatment or disposal facility. As such, it is not even
and demolition wastes are generally excluded. It is important for on the waste hierarchy. Component 2 is driven by environmental
transparency that each city reports clearly the precise definition protection and focuses both on eliminating uncontrolled disposal,
that it is using – these do vary a lot among countries. bringing waste management onto the bottom level of the waste
The system boundary includes both public and private activities hierarchy, and also on the technologies for proper treatment and
in waste management, along with reuse and recycling of valuable disposal. Component 3 is driven by the resource value of the waste,
resources contained in the waste. This has become standard prac- and focuses on the ‘3Rs’ at the top of the waste hierarchy – reduce,
tice over the last 30 years as solid waste management systems reuse, recycle.
have been modernised in high-income countries, although the One key issue is under which component the various available
‘waste industry’, responsible inter alia for municipal recycling, technologies for waste treatment are assessed. The conventions
and the long established secondary materials industry are still in adopted here can be summarised as follows:
many ways separate industrial sectors (Scheinberg, 2011). In addi-
tion, many city authorities in developing countries view their i. Component 3 includes materials recycling but not energy
waste management systems as quite distinct from the largely recovery, as per the definition of the 3Rs and of the waste
informal recycling systems which exist alongside (Linzner and hierarchy.

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

ii. Organics valorisation (including composting, anaerobic to an overall score in the range 0–20% and is coded as red; LOW/
digestion and animal feeding) and dry materials recycling MEDIUM to 21–40% and red-amber; MEDIUM – 41–60%, amber;
from both waste sorting and waste treatment facilities all MEDIUM/HIGH – 61–80%, amber-green; and HIGH – 81–100%,
‘count’ towards the recycling rate, indicator 3. green. In the examples shown later, the colour amber (orange) is
iii. All waste treatment facilities are assessed for their environ- also shaded, to make the colour coding more legible for the col-
mental impact under component 2. our-blind as well as when printed in black and white.
iv. As discussed below, one of the multi-attribute components The same traffic lights coding system from LOW to HIGH has
of criterion 2E explicitly assesses energy efficiency, for those been used to rate performance for each quantitative indicator.
cases where energy recovery is a major objective of the The values that are currently considered good practice differ,
treatment system. which means that the indicators do not follow the same gradation
pattern when assessing relative performance, and that gradation is
Linking the physical components with key drivers is very not linear. This ‘normalisation’ is presented in Section 4 below.
useful for ease of presentation, but is a simplification of reality. A complementary means of visualising the results is through a
Public health is the primary driver for waste collection (component radar diagram, which shows a city’s performance against all 12
1) – but health and safety are included as an explicit criterion in indicators on a zero to 100 scale. The main difference is that the
assessing all three ‘quality’ indicators 1C, 2E and 3R. Similarly, traffic lights ‘normalise’ performance against all the indicators into
environmental protection is the primary driver for component 2, a five-fold scale from ‘low’ (red) to ‘high’ (green), while the radar
where the focus is on waste treatment and disposal – but environ- diagram shows the scores against each indicator without such nor-
mental protection in collection and in reuse and recycling is malisation. Hence, the radar diagrams omit the normalisation step
considered as well, in at least two criteria under 1C and as an expli- for the quantitative indicators against an agreed standard of good
cit criterion under 3R. practice, which is likely to change over time as better performance
Most of the governance indicators in the original UN-Habitat standards are achieved worldwide; as a result, the radar diagrams
indicator set were composite, qualitative indicators, but that for do require more interpretation on the part of the user.
financial sustainability was quantitative: the % of total households The role of the ‘user’ – the person or persons applying the indi-
both using and paying for waste collection services. While being cators – is very important; ideally this will be (or include) a local
novel and informative, this addressed just one specific component solid waste professional who is familiar with the local situation,
of financial sustainability. So a composite, multi-attribute ‘qualita- covering both the formal solid waste and possible informal recy-
tive’ financial sustainability indicator has been devised instead, cling parts of the overall system. Consistency in application of
assessed against six criteria. the Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators is critical – eight of
The original UN Habitat qualitative indicator for sound institu- the 12 main indicators here are composite indicators based on a
tions and pro-active policies used a mixture of criteria, some of qualitative assessment against a series of criteria where the user
which were assessed at the national and some at the city level, needs to apply their professional judgment. So the User Manual
which made it relatively insensitive to differences when comparing provides detailed guidance on definitions used, interpretations
the performance of cities within the same country. In the revised and the scoring system used for each criterion– this is provided
version, there are now two separate indicators, one for the National as Supplementary Information accompanying this paper. Prospec-
Framework (which will generally remain constant for all cities tive users are also provided with one or two worked examples,
within the same country, although allowance is made for it to vary showing how the indicators have been applied to other cities to
between different States or Provinces in a Federal country), and the assist in orientation. It is important that the Indicator Form com-
other for Local Institutions. The criteria for both user and provider pleted by the user contains as much detail as possible on the
inclusivity have also been extensively revised. sources, assumptions, local definitions (e.g. the definition of ‘muni-
In the revised Wasteaware ISWM indicator set, there are now cipal solid waste’), information used and the rationale behind the
eight composite, multi-attribute, ‘qualitative’ indicators, based on scores; such traceability is essential also for the transparency of
assessment against five or six criteria for each. This assessment the assessment process, so that anyone reading the assessment
was originally at a nominal scale (yes/no, or latterly yes/maybe/ report can immediately know where the information came from
no in Sim et al. (2013)); this has now been changed to an interval and how it was scored. Wherever possible, the user should provide
scale (Stevens, 1946), consisting of a standardised, five-fold scoring supplementary evidence, such as available reports, photographs of
system with a score of 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 being assigned against each the waste management system, and other sources, alongside the
criterion. The scores for each of the criteria comprising a qualita- completed Indicator Form.
tive indicator are summed together into a score for that indicator,
which allows the very different aspects of performance – each ide-
ally being assessed by its own distinct and traceable criterion – to 4. Revised ISWM indicators: physical components
be combined into one indicator. Methodologically, this assessment
is consistent with Likert type measurement scales (Likert, 1932; The Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators for the physical
Carifio and Perla, 2008), where the scores are assigned to answer components of the system include four quantitative indicators, as
choices to individual questions (Likert items that measure the shown in Table 1, plus three multi-attribute, composite indicators
same concept); these scores are summed together to get the over- of the ‘quality’ of service provision for each component, as shown
all Likert score for the qualitative indicator. in Tables 2–4.
The resulting score is then converted into a qualitative In Table 1, indicator 1.1, waste collection coverage, focuses on
assessment of the system’s performance regarding that indicator. access to a reliable waste collection service; indicator 1.2, waste
This qualitative assessment is also five-fold, to match the scoring captured by the system, quantifies the actual percentage of waste
system for the individual criteria comprising the indicator. In addi- generated that is handled by the waste management system; and
tion, resulting ranges of scores have also been colour-coded using a indicator 2 represents the percentage of waste destined for treat-
‘traffic lights’ system, to assist with a rapid visual assessment of the ment or disposal that is handled in at least a ‘controlled’ facility.
tabulated data and to illustrate, at a glance, areas of performance Each requires information from a materials flow diagram for their
requiring immediate attention – as denoted by the colour red. accurate estimation. An excellent system will score 100% for all
The convention used is that an assessment of LOW corresponds three; but in cities still developing their solid waste management

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
6 D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Table 1
The four quantitative indicators for the physical components of a solid waste management system.

Traffic light colour coding

Physical Indicator name and LOW/ MEDIUM/
component definition MEDIUM HIGH

Waste Collection
1.1 % households who have 0-49% 50-69% 70-89% 90-98% 99-100%
access to a reliable waste
Public health - collection service
waste Waste Captured by the
collection solid waste management
and recycling system:
1.2 0-49% 50-69% 70-89% 90-98% 99-100%
% of waste generated that is
collected and delivered to an
official facility
Controlled treatment or
disposal: % of the total
municipal solid waste
destined for treatment or
2 control - 0-49% 50-74% 75-84% 85-94% 95-100%
disposal which goes to either
a state-of-the-art, engineered
or ‘controlled’ treatment /
disposal site
Recycling rate:
% of total municipal solid
Resource waste generated that is
value - ‘3Rs’ - recycled. 65% and
3 0-9% 10-24% 25-44% 45-64%
Reduce, reuse, Includes materials recycling over
recycle and organics valorisation
(composting, animal feed,
anaerobic digestion).

Table 2
Criteria used to assess Indicator 1C: Quality of the waste collection and street cleaning service.

No. Criterion Description

1C.1 Appearance of waste collection points Presence of accumulated waste around collection points/containers
1C.2 Effectiveness of street cleaning Presence of litter and of overflowing litter bins
1C.3 Effectiveness of collection in low income districts Presence of accumulated waste/illegal dumps/open burning
1C.4 Efficiency and effectiveness of waste transport Appropriate public health and environmental controls of waste transport
1C.5 Appropriateness of service planning and monitoring Appropriate service implementation, management and supervision in place
1C.6 Health and safety of collection workers Use of appropriate personal protection equipment and supporting procedures

Table 3
Criteria used to derive indicator 2E: Degree of environmental protection in waste treatment and disposal.

No. Criterion Description

2E.1 Degree of control over waste reception and general site This criterion should be applied to all treatment and disposal sites, whatever the specific process
management being used
2E.2 Degree of control over waste treatment and disposal The focus here is on the waste treatment or disposal process in use at each site and over any
potential emissions. This covers both the presence of the necessary technologies, and the
operating procedures for their proper use
2E.3 Degree of monitoring and verification of environmental Includes the existence and regular implementation of: robust environmental permitting/licensing
controls procedures; regular record keeping, monitoring and verification carried out by the facility itself;
AND monitoring, inspection and verification by an independent regulatory body
2E.4 Efficiency of energy generation and use (used for energy Assesses the energy efficiency of those facilities for which a major purpose is (or could be) energy
recovery facilities only) recovery
2E.5 Degree of technical competence in the planning, An assessment of the level of technical competence at three points in the system: (i) the authority
management and operation of treatment and disposal responsible for service provision; (ii) the management of the treatment and disposal facilities; and
(iii) the frontline operational staff
2E.6 Occupational health and safety Use of appropriate personal protection equipment and supporting procedures

system, these three indicators when taken together reveal comple- 1.1; but if the waste is then disposed off at a ‘wild’ dumpsite rather
mentary information about complex local realities. Where wastes than an officially recognised site that charges a gate fee, or even
are collected regularly by either formal municipal or informal dumped into a nearby river, this information will be revealed
sector collectors, this counts towards a higher value of indicator and reflected in a lower value of indicators 1.2 and 2. Similarly,

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 7

Table 4
Criteria used to derive indicator 3R: Quality of 3Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – provision.

No Criterion Description
3R.1 Source separation of ‘dry recyclables’ Assessed on the basis of the proportion of the total quantity of materials collected for recycling that are
collected as clean, source separated materials
The focus here is on the relative % of clean, source-separated materials that are recycled, as opposed to
materials that are sorted out from ‘mixed’ wastes – where there will inevitably be much higher levels of
contamination. Detailed guidance is provided in the User Manual
3R.2 Quality of recycled organic materials A qualitative assessment of the likely quality of the recycled product (i.e. animal feed, compost, and the
organic product (digestate) from anaerobic digestion) – assessment guidance based on both separation
at source and quality control
3R.3 Focus on the top levels of the waste hierarchy An assessment of the degree of both policy and practical focus on promoting reduction and reuse in
‘higher waste generating cities’; and on the ‘3Rs’ – reduction, reuse, recycling – in ‘lower waste
generating cities’
3R.4 Integration of community and/or informal recycling An assessment of how far and how successfully efforts have been made to include the informal
sector with the formal SWM system recycling sector (in low and middle-income countries) and the community reuse and recycling sector
(in higher income countries) into the formal solid waste management system
3R.5 Environmental protection in recycling Environmental impacts of the recycling chain, from collection through to the separation and processing
of the separated materials. NOTE: the environmental impact of waste treatment facilities that also
produce materials for recycling (e.g. composting, MBT plants) is considered elsewhere under Indicator
3R.6 Occupational health and safety Use of appropriate personal protection equipment and supporting procedures

indicator 1.1 will measure ‘access’ to a pay-for-use service, while possible, but the level of detail possible varies widely between
indicator 1.2 will measure the actual uptake of that service, as the criteria. Regarding the allocation of scores, one frequently used
users may opt out of the system, choose not to pay, and instead scheme is to explain for the particular criterion what a high com-
burn or ‘fly-tip’ their wastes – such practices are quite widespread, pliant operation would look like: scoring is then based on the users
for example in many neighbourhoods in African cities and in apart- assessment – no compliance scores 0, low compliance scores 5,
ment blocks across the former Soviet Union. medium 10, medium/high 15 and high 20.
The User Manual provides further elaboration of the definitions Table 2 sets out the six criteria used to assess the quality of the
used for each of the quantitative indicators. Indicator 3, the recy- municipal waste collection service. The first three criteria focus on
cling rate, includes both formal and informal recycling (Velis ‘primary collection’, the first step of getting waste from communi-
et al., 2012); and both dry recyclables and organic valorisation ties into the solid waste management system, and on the
(from composting, anaerobic digestion and animal feed); quanti- inter-related service of street cleaning. Criterion 1C.4, Efficiency
ties collected for recycling should be adjusted downwards to allow and effectiveness of waste transport, focuses on the next step, getting
for any materials subsequently rejected and sent to disposal or the waste to (perhaps more distant) final treatment or disposal
thermal treatment; and materials recycling from treatment plants, facilities. The last two criteria, 1C.5 and 1C.6, examine respectively
including e.g. paper or plastics recycling at MBT plants or metals the appropriateness of service planning and monitoring, and health
recovery from waste-to-energy bottom ash, is ‘counted’ here. and safety of collection workers, with the User Manual providing
As explained in Section 3, the complementary multi-attribute guidance on what is considered ‘appropriate’ planning and moni-
composite or ‘qualitative’ indicators are summarised as a fivefold toring for service provision by both the public and private sectors,
assessment of relative performance, corresponding to a ‘traffic-light’ and on the reference requirements for ‘appropriate’ personal
coding. Table 1 provides a similar conversion for the quantitative protection.
indicators, showing what values for each indicator can be consid- Table 3 summarises the six criteria used to assess indicator 2E,
ered as demonstrating both relatively good and relatively poor per- the degree of environmental protection in waste treatment and
formance. Obviously, the values that are currently considered good disposal. The first three criteria focus in turn on different aspects
practice differ for each physical component, which means that the of environmental protection at a treatment/disposal facility: 2E.1
indicators do not follow the same gradation pattern when assessing looks at waste reception and general site management; 2E.2 at
relative performance and that gradation is not linear. For example, the specific waste treatment and disposal processes and the
collection coverage or waste capture or controlled treatment and operating procedures for their proper use; and 2E.3 focuses on
disposal at 50% is relatively low, while a recycling rate of 50% is rel- environmental controls. Criterion 2E.4 assesses efficiency of energy
atively high. It is worth noting that reaching agreement on Table 1 generation and use. This is an ‘optional’ criterion: it should only be
was one of the major challenges faced by the project team – assign- assessed if thermal treatment and/or energy recovery is a substan-
ing the categories is both a matter of judgment and would vary from tial part of the overall mix of technologies used for waste treat-
the point of view of countries at different stages of the modernisa- ment and disposal. It should always be used where there is a
tion process. Table 1 thus represents a compromise that is reason- thermal treatment facility accepting municipal solid waste, includ-
ably applicable across the full span from high- to low-income ing incineration of residual wastes, advanced thermal treatment
countries. It would be possible to define alternative versions for (e.g. gasification or pyrolysis) or production of a refuse-derived
use in particular applications where the focus of comparison is nar- or secondary recovered fuel (RDF or SRF) for combustion elsewhere
rower, such as comparing cities across a single country, or compar- (e.g. in an industrial plant). The last two criteria focus on technical
ing cities across the European Union. competence (2E.5) and on occupational health and safety (2E.6).
These quantitative indicators are now supplemented by a For criterion 2E.2, the nature of controls required will depend
multi-attribute, composite indicator of the quality of service provi- on both the process employed and on the potential emissions.
sion for each physical component, assessed using best professional For land disposal, the guidance given in the User Manual generally
judgment against a defined set of six criteria. The User Manual pro- follows that of the World Bank (Rushbrook and Pugh, 1999;
vides full details of the assessment and scoring systems defined for Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012); detailed guidance has also been
all of these ‘qualitative’ criteria. To encourage consistent assess- attempted for thermal treatment. Similar principles should be fol-
ment by users in different cities, the User Manual is as explicit as lowed for other types of treatment; however the detail will vary

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
8 D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

with the type of process, so that it is not possible for example to and safety (3R.6) aspects of the recycling system – which have
generalise windrow composting, in-vessel composting and anaero- been dealt with in a similar way to collection under 1C.
bic digestion into one set of guidance for ‘biological treatment’. For
the purposes of counting towards the overall quantitative % of 5. Revised ISWM indicators: governance aspects
‘controlled treatment or disposal’ under indicator 2, the threshold
is now set as a score of 10 under criterion 2E.2. This is a ‘tightening A major principle in developing the ISWM benchmark indica-
up’ from earlier interpretations to ensure consistency: for example, tors has been that they should reflect also the ‘soft’, inherently dif-
in applying the original UN-Habitat indicators to the city of Bish- ficult to measure, governance aspects. If adequate attention is not
kek in Kyrgyzstan, Sim et al. (2013) assessed the local landfill sites paid to these governance aspects, then any attempt to modernise
as semi-controlled (which would now score 5), which was counted solid waste management systems through technological improve-
as ‘controlled’, whereas it would now count as ‘uncontrolled’. This ments are likely to fail (Scheinberg et al., 2010). So the indicators
can make a substantial difference: for Bishkek, a score of 92% for here are again ‘qualitative’, multi-attribute, composite indicators
controlled disposal is now a score of 0%. assessed in each case against five or six criteria.
Table 4 summarises the criteria used to assess indicator 3R, the Inclusivity addresses the degree of involvement, interest and
quality of 3Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – provision. The first two crite- influence of key groups of stakeholders, with separate indicators
ria focus on the quality, of recycling for dry recyclables (3R.1) and for user and provider inclusivity (Table 5). For user inclusivity, cri-
of valorisation for organics (3R.2): each is assessed on the basis of terion 4U.1 equity of service provision, assesses the extent to which
the proportion of the total recycled material that is separated at all citizens, irrespective of their income level and whether they live
source (the quantitative indicator 3, the % recycled, is adjusted in planned neighbourhoods or in slums, receive a good service
down to allow for materials collected for recycling but later which they can afford, which meets their expressed needs, and
rejected). Criterion 3R.3 assesses the policy and practical focus on which protects public health and environmental quality. Criteria
the ‘top of the hierarchy’: for a higher waste generating city, above 4U.2 – 4 focus on assessing the degree to which users, or potential
1 kg capita 1 day 1 (365 kg capita 1 yr 1), this means reduction users, of the solid waste services (i.e. households, business and
and reuse, whereas for lower waste generating cities, below the other waste generators) are involved in the planning, policy forma-
threshold, it is primarily diversion from treatment and disposal tion, implementation and evaluation of those services. The remain-
to recycling. Criterion 3R.4 integration of community and/or informal ing criteria address complementary aspects of public awareness
recycling sector with the formal SWM system recognises the role of and education: 4U.5 assesses the level of activity and 4U.6, its effec-
the ‘community sector’ in high-income countries and of the infor- tiveness in achieving the desired behaviour change.
mal recycling sector in middle- and low-income countries. Detailed The indicator for provider inclusivity, 4P, represents the degree
guidance for assessing informal sector integration (part of 3R.4) to which service providers from both municipal and non-municipal
follows the recent framework developed for the International Solid (including the formal private, community or ‘informal’) sectors are
Waste Association (ISWA)’s Task Force on Waste and Globalisation included in the planning and implementation of solid waste and
(Velis et al., 2012; Mavropoulos et al., 2014), which examines four recycling services and activities. This is in line with recent evidence
key aspects of integration initiatives: one focuses on organisation that all forms of ‘operator model’ for the delivery of solid waste and
and capacity building of the informal sector; while the other three recycling services can be appropriate, with each model likely to be
focus on its interfaces with formal solid waste management, sec- more suitable in particular ‘niches’ and according to the local cir-
ondary material markets and society as a whole. The last two cri- cumstances (Soos et al., 2013). The criterion 4P.1, legal framework,
teria focus on the environmental protection (3R.5) and health assesses the presence of legal instruments which enable both the

Table 5
Criteria used to assess indicators 4U and 4P: Degree of user and provider inclusivity.

4U – Degree of user inclusivity 4P – Degree of provider inclusivity

No Criterion Description No Criterion Description
4U.1 Equity of Extent to which all citizens (users and potential users), 4P.1 Legal framework Degree to which laws and/or other legal
service irrespective of income level, receive a good solid waste instruments are in place and implemented at
provision management (SWM) service- i.e. a service which they national or local level, which enables both the
can afford, which meets their expressed needs, and public and private sectors to deliver solid waste
which protects public health and environmental quality management services on a stable basis
4U.2 The right to be Do authorities have a legal obligation to consult with 4P.2 Representation of Organisations or structures in place which
heard and involve citizens in decisions that directly affect the private sector represent the private waste sector and actively
them? participate within solid waste management
planning forums, task forces, committees and/or
4U.3 Level of public Evidence of public involvement at appropriate stages of 4P.3 Role of the ‘informal’ Evidence of acknowledgement and recognition of
involvement the solid waste management decision-making, planning and community the role of the organised ‘informal’ and community
and implementation process sector sectors within the formal solid waste management
4U.4 Public Existence and use of public feedback mechanisms on 4P.4 The balance of public Degree to which appropriate checks and balances
feedback solid waste management services vs. private sector are in place locally, so that waste services are being
mechanisms interests in delivered by either the public or private sector, in a
delivering services manner that is mutually beneficial and does not
substantially disadvantage either party
4U.5 Public Implementation of comprehensive, culturally 4P.5 Bid processes Degree of openness, transparency and
education and appropriate public education, and/or awareness raising accountability of bid processes
awareness programmes – focus here on the level of activity
4U.6 Effectiveness Change in habits and behaviours of both the public and – – –
in achieving businesses regarding their waste management/handling
behaviour practices – focus here on the effectiveness of education
change and awareness programmes

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 9

Table 6
Criteria used to assess indicator 5F: Degree of financial sustainability.

No Criterion Description
5F.1 Cost accounting Extent to which the solid waste management accounts reflect accurately the full costs of providing the service and the relative
costs of the different activities within solid waste management; and whether the accounts are open to public scrutiny
5F.2 Coverage of the available Is the annual budget adequate to cover the full costs of providing the service?
5F.3 Local cost recovery – from Percentage of the total number of households both using and paying for primary waste collection services
households The focus here is on the number of households, NOT on the percentage of the total costs which they pay
5F.4 Affordability of user charges Are practices or procedures in place to support charges for those who can least afford to pay?
5F.5 Pricing of disposal Degree to which all the wastes coming to the final (treatment or) disposal site(s) are charged at a rate that covers (at least) the
operating costs of (treatment or) disposal
5F.6 Access to capital for Has adequate provision been made for necessary capital investments, both to extend collection coverage to any un-served areas;
investment to upgrade standards of waste disposal; and to replace existing vehicles, equipment and sites at the end of their life?

public and private sectors to get involved in providing stable waste for investment. The guidance in the User Manual on scoring against
management services. Criteria 4P.2 and 4P.3 focus in turn on rep- each criterion is particularly detailed for this indicator, partly
resentation of the private sector and acknowledgement of the role because the assessments combine any available quantitative data
of the informal/community sectors respectively. Criterion 4P.4 with qualitative information; but also to ensure that the indicator
looks at the balance of public and private sector interests, and can be applied to both high- and to low-income cities, which is
assesses whether appropriate contract terms, checks and balances particularly challenging. To take just one example, criterion 5F.3
are in place for a mutually beneficial system. The user manual elab- focuses on the % of households who pay at least some direct con-
orates relevant contract features, including objectives, perfor- tribution to the cost of primary collection – that is the part of the
mance measures, duration, flexibility, incentives and penalties. service which ensures that waste is removed from individual prop-
Criterion 4P.5 assesses the bid process, to ensure that: there is a erties, either via some sort of individual service or via the provision
level playing field (i.e. bidding and/or contract management is of communal collection points. Primary collection has been
not corrupt); the process is open to all interested parties from selected here because experience shows that even in slum areas
the formal private, community-based and/or organised ‘informal’ of low-income cities, people are prepared to pay to keep their
sectors; and the contract is clear and fit for purpose. neighbourhood clean and thereby help protect their children’s
Indicator 5F is assessed against six criteria covering the full health. Payments can be either through a direct charge for waste
spectrum of financial sustainability (Table 6). Criterion 5F.1 assesses services, or indirect, e.g. via property tax, communal service
transparent cost accounting procedures; 5F.2 the adequacy of the charges or a utility bill or a component of a utility bill linked to
total budget, irrespective of the source of revenues; 5F.3 local cost water/wastewater or electricity bills.
recovery from households; 5F.4 affordability of user charges; 5F.5 cov- Two benchmark indicators are defined for sound institutions and
erage of disposal costs, focusing on how far disposal is ‘priced’, as proactive policies, allowing separate assessment of the national
the evidence suggests that such price signals are necessary if solid framework and the local institutions, enabling the comparison of cit-
waste management is to be taken seriously by waste generators ies within a country. Table 7 summarises the six criteria used to assess
and handlers (Scheinberg, 2011); and 5F.6 ability to raise capital each. Indicator 6N assesses the adequacy of the national solid waste

Table 7
Criteria used to assess indicators for sound institutions and proactive policies: 6N – National framework and 6L – Local institutions.

6N – Adequacy of national framework for solid waste management (SWM) 6L – Degree of local institutional coherence
No Criterion Description No Criterion Description
6N.1 Legislation and Is there a comprehensive national law(s) in place to 6L.1 Organisational The degree to which all solid waste management
regulations address solid waste management requirements? structure/ responsibilities are concentrated into a single
Does the legislation require regulation in order to coherence organisation or department, that can be held
bring it to force and have these regulations been put accountable for performance, or if multiple
in place? organisations, the presence of a significant
concentration of responsibilities in one named
6N.2 Strategy/policy Is there an approved and recent national strategy for 6L.2 Institutional An assessment of the organisational strength and
solid waste management, and clear policies in place capacity capacity of the department(s) responsible for solid
and implemented? waste management
6N.3 Guidelines and Are there clear guidelines for local authorities on 6L.3 City-wide SWM Is there a recent strategy or plan in place and being
implementation how to implement the laws and strategy? Are there strategy and plan implemented at the city (or regional) level for solid
procedures effective mechanisms in place for facility siting? waste management?
6N.4 National institution Is there a single institution at the national level 6L.4 Availability and Is there a management information system (MIS) in
responsible for which is charged with the responsibility of quality of SWM place? Are data regularly measured, collected and
implementing SWM implementing, or coordinating the implementation data monitored?
policy of, solid waste management strategy/policy?
6N.5 Regulatory control / Is there a well organised and adequately resourced 6L.5 Management, A measure of the strength of control by the city, as
enforcement environmental regulatory agency? Does it enforce control and ‘client’ for solid waste management, over the on-the-
the legislation so as to ensure a ‘level playing field’ supervision of ground delivery of solid waste management services.
for all? service delivery The services may actually be delivered by the private
or public sector, or a combination of the two.
6N.6 Extended producer Has engagement been made with national and 6L.6 Inter-municipal Waste collection is often delivered at a local level,
responsibility (EPR) international companies who produce the packaging, (or regional) co- while treatment and disposal may require co-
or Product electronic goods and other products that end up as operation operation city-wide or at a regional level. Regulatory
Stewardship (PS) MSW? Do they share at least some of the costs of the control may be organised at regional or national
solid waste management service and/or recycling? level. How well does such co-operation work?

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
10 D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Table 8
Summary results for the Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators in five case study cities.

No Category Indicator Results

City Monrovia Maputo Lahore Guadalajara Belfast
UK -
Country Liberia Mozambique Pakistan Mexico Northern
Background information on the city
World Bank Upper-
Country income Low Low Lower-middle High
B1 income category Middle
GNI per capita $370 $450 $1,140 $9,640 $38,250
Total population 218,000
B2 Population 1,021,768 1,131,149 8,160,000 4,664,924
of the city City only
Waste MSW generation
B3 287,000 508,000 1,916,000 2,000,000 149,000
generation (tonnes/year)
Key Waste-related data
MSW per capita
W1 Waste per capita 230 316 219 440 683
(kg per year)
W2 Waste composition: 4 key fractions - as % of total waste generated
Organics (food
W2.1 Organic 50% 65% 65% 53% 35.1%
and green wastes)
W2.2 Paper Paper and card 5% 8.5% 2% 9% 21%
W2.3 Plastics Plastics 13% 8% 12% 10% 6%
W2.4 Metals Metals 2% 2.5% 0.1% 1.4% 3.3%
Physical Components
Waste collection 33% 82% 77% 95% 100%
coverage (L) (M) (M) (M/H) (H)
Public health – Waste captured by 30% 75% 80% 95% 98%
waste collection the system (L) (M) (M) (M/H) (M/H)
Quality of waste M M/H M M H
collection service (58%) (63%) (58%) (50%) (100%)
70% 0% 8% 95% 98%
2 treatment and
(L/M) (L) (L) (H) (H)
Environmental disposal
control – waste Degree of
treatment and environmental M L/M L/M M H
2E disposal protection in
(45%) (21%) (37%) (60%) (100%)
waste treatment
and disposal
8% <5% 35% 12% 35%
3 Recycling rate
Resource (L) (L) (M) (L/M) (M)
management – Quality of 3Rs –
reduce, reuse Reduce, reuse, L/M L/M L L H
3R and recycle recycle – (33%) (29%) (17%) (13%) (83%)
Governance Factors
4U User inclusivity
(67%) (46%) (37%) (46%) (79%)
Provider M M M L/M M/H
inclusivity (60%) (60%) (50%) (40%) (80%)
Financial Financial M M/H M L/M H
sustainability sustainability (46%) (67%) (54%) (40%) (100%)
Adequacy of
Sound L L/M L/M M/H M/H
6N national SWM
institutions, (17%) (29%) (29%) (67%) (66%)
policies Local institutional M M M/H M H
coherence (46%) (58%) (62%) (46%) (100%)

Key: GNI – Gross National Income; MSW – Municipal solid waste. Indicators assessed into five categories and colour coded: low
performance (L) – red; low/medium performance (L/M) – red-amber; medium performance (M) – amber (shaded); medium-high
performance (M/H) – amber-green; and high performance (H) – green. For scaling of the quantitative indicators 1.1, 1.2, 2 and 3, see
Table 1.

management framework and to what degree it has been imple- for the products that either form a large – and further increasing – pro-
mented. The criteria cover the basic legislation and implementing portionof the solid waste stream, such as packaging; and/or that often
regulations (6N.1); an approved and recent national strategy and contain hazardous and/or scarce substances, such as batteries and e-
clearpolicies(6N.2);guidelinesforlocalgovernmentonimplementa- waste. Both the growing quantities of such ‘end-of-life’ products and
tion (6N.3); the designation and capacity of a single national chronic budget shortages for the solid waste management service for
responsible authority for solid waste management (6N.4); the envi- their adequate treatment, make this an attractive policy for countries
ronmental regulatory agency responsible for enforcement (6N.5); with developing economies as well; therefore EPR is included here as
and the use of extended producer responsibility (EPR) policy instru- a ‘normal’ part of a national framework for all countries.
ments (6N.6). EPR is increasingly being used in industrialised coun- Indicator 6L is a measure of the institutional strength and
tries as a means to share at least some of the costs of the municipal coherence of a city’s solid waste management functions, with the
solid waste management service with the companies responsible individual criteria including organisational structure, institutional

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 11

Comparave Monrovia Maputo

Lahore Guadalajara Belfast

Fig. 2. Radar diagrams summarising the 12 Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators for the five cities for which the data is presented in Table 8, where the indicator
numbers (1.1–6L) are also defined. Ordered from low-income (Monrovia) to high-income (Belfast).

capacity, availability and quality of data and inter-municipal co- decision makers and also to international agencies with an interest.
operation. In this way, areas of good or satisfactory performance are easily
Again, detailed guidance is provided in the User Manual on identified and attention is drawn to the priority areas for potential
assigning the scores against each criterion. For example, for crite- improvement in each individual city. Both the ‘traffic light’ assess-
rion 6N.4, national institution responsible for implementing solid ment and the complementary radar diagrams are helpful to allow
waste management policy, detailed guidance is given on how to easy comparison between cities.
assign the scores depending on the degree of integration and To illustrate the use of the ISWM indicators, Table 8 presents
autonomy of that institution and its separation from the environ- the results for a selection of five cities, ranging from low- to
mental regulator. For criterion 6L.2, institutional capacity, the high-income. The data presented are taken from the ‘summary
assessment considers three questions: Is there a detailed organisa- page’ of the Indicator Form, and shows first selected background
tion chart of the solid waste management department(s)? Are all information on the city and the key waste-related data, followed
key positions filled and are staff suitably qualified? Is there struc- by the 12 indicators for both physical components and governance
tured career progression and are staff provided with appropriate aspects. Fig. 2 presents the corresponding radar diagrams.
training – both in the class-room and the field? Examining the data in Table 8 and Fig. 2, one can see evidence of
serious efforts for solid waste management improvement in all of
6. Comparing cities the middle and low-income cities. While waste collection coverage
is still very low at 33%, Monrovia in Liberia is working particularly
Using the revised Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators to on controlling disposal, with a new sanitary landfill site opened in
assess the solid waste management system in a city results in a 2012; in contrast, Maputo in Mozambique (Stretz, 2013) and Lahore
set of detailed tables containing not only values of the four quan- in Pakistan (Massood et al., 2014) have focused on extending collec-
titative indicators and assessments/scores assigned to the eight tion coverage above 70% but have little or no controlled disposal
qualitative indicators, but also documenting the data used to calcu- yet. Guadalajara in Mexico has reached 95% for both of these indi-
late the quantitative indicators, and how ‘best professional judg- cators. Belfast is interesting as a city in a high-income country that
ment’ has been applied to assign scores against the criteria used admits to less than 100% waste captured and disposal controlled, as
to calculate each of the qualitative indicators. This level of detailed they find illegal disposal practices difficult to eliminate completely.
reporting is essential, so that it is possible to audit and check the Recycling is highlighted as a major priority for further improvement
assessment and to ensure that a consistent approach is applied in a number of the cities: interestingly, the highest recycling rates
when cities are compared with each other. Notwithstanding the among the five cities are estimated for Lahore and Belfast, although
above, it is also important that a one-page summary of the indica- both their recycling systems and their ‘quality’ indicators 3R are
tors is available, in an attractive and easy-to-interpret format such very different; proposals which would address this in Lahore, con-
as the use of the ‘‘traffic light’’ colour coded system and/or the cerning integration of the informal recycling sector, have been
radar diagram, for a concise presentation to local and national made by Massood and Barlow (2012). Performance against the gov-

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
12 D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

ernance indicators is rather mixed, with no clear trend as income addition, most applications of MCA go a step further than the
levels rise: in several of the cities, a particular priority would appear Wasteaware indicators regarding amalgamation of the individual
to be to improve the national policy framework (indicator 6N). In indicators into an average ‘performance index’ (using stakeholder-
most cases, the indicators would suggest that further improvement derived weighting factors), which results in a loss of valuable infor-
in the physical components is likely to require a parallel focus on mation on the specific aspects of the system’s performance.
some of the pertinent governance aspects. We are aware that our objective of having one set of indicators
that can be applied to all cities has resulted in a number of compro-
7. Discussion, conclusions and recommendations mises, particularly in relation to the evaluation of more advanced
technologies for waste treatment – we could instead have come
One of the primary purposes of the Wasteaware ISWM bench- up with two different indicator sets each optimised for the com-
mark indicators presented here is to raise stakeholder awareness parison of high-income cities, or of developing and emerging coun-
of the state of the local solid waste management system. The indi- try cities – but we have chosen to develop a common set because
cator set combines relatively well-established quantitative indica- we all live in the one globalised economy where resources are
tors for the three main physical components – collection, finite and it is useful to compare all cities, North and South, on a
(treatment and) disposal, and recycling – with a corresponding, common basis. For particular national or regional applications,
qualitative, composite indicator for the ‘quality’ of service provi- however, it would be equally valid to substitute a more tailored
sion for each physical component, as well as five qualitative, com- version of Table 1 assigning ‘traffic light’ gradings to the four
posite indicators which assess performance for the three main non-linear quantitative indicators. For example, the Wasteaware
aspects of governance, namely inclusivity of stakeholders, financial indicators have already been used to establish a baseline for 19 cit-
sustainability, and sound institutions and proactive policies. ies in Egypt: a more tailored version of Table 1 would facilitate
The Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators have been nearly their use in monitoring progress over the next few years towards
five years in development, and have gone through three major iter- step-by-step national targets for improvement of the solid waste
ations. They have benefitted from the experience of testing various management system.
prototypes in 39 cities around the world, and in a further 19 cities The Wasteaware indicators have been designed primarily to be
within one country (Egypt). Feedback from a variety of users and applied at the city level. However, indicator 6N does provide a use-
reviewers confirms their utility in prioritising ‘next steps’ in devel- ful assessment of solid waste management performance at the
oping a city’s solid waste management system, by identifying both national level.
local strengths that can be built on and weak points to be The Wasteaware ISWM benchmark indicators have now
addressed. The strengths of the Wasteaware ISWM indicator set reached a level of maturity where they can be made available for
include its comprehensiveness in enabling performance measure- widespread use. If widely applied as a standard methodology, the
ment and comparison of both ‘hard’ physical components and ‘soft’ Wasteaware indicators will help address the historical lack of com-
governance aspects; and its applicability to a wide range of cities parative data on solid waste management in the World’s cities. The
with very different levels of income. indicators will allow rapid benchmarking of a city’s solid waste
A lack of up-to-date and detailed data is often the norm for real- management performance; comparison of cities, both high- and
ities in solid waste management, particularly in developing coun- low-income, on a common basis; and monitoring the progress of
try cities. In practice, this can either constitute a barrier to a city over time, towards a sustainable solid waste management
action, or allow potentially incorrect assumptions to lead action system which meets the needs and aspirations of its citizens and
into a wrong direction. The ability of the Wasteaware indicators contributes to sustainable resource management.
to provide an overview of the system performance even in the rel- Recommendations which have been incorporated into our
ative absence of detailed data is an important strength. Having the future plans include the development of learning instruments to
user apply their best professional judgment based on knowledge of help the user apply the indicators; a procedure for quality control,
the local situation and input from local stakeholders – and docu- to check consistency in interpretation; developing a database for
menting exactly how this has been done – allows for the results comparison of cities on a consistent basis; and compiling feedback
to be a starting point that can be checked and improved in the on the use of the ISWM indicators. A further review and update of
future. It is suggested that the initial results be used to facilitate the Wasteaware ISWM indicator set should be undertaken in a few
discussion among the full range of local stakeholders, both about years, so that this remains a living tool which evolves in parallel
the performance of the solid waste management system and also with developing policies and practices for solid waste management
during the subsequent stages, in which decisions are taken about and resources management around the world.
the priorities and future actions to improve the system.
Feedback suggests that the Wasteaware indicators are relatively Conflict of interest statement
easy and quick to apply. As previously stated, the user will ideally
be a local solid waste professional who is familiar with the local The authors do not have any potential conflicts of interest to
situation. Where such a user is found, then our experience is that declare.
filling in the indicator form is not so onerous – it can take any-
where between a few hours and a few days. It is also very useful
and appropriate to have a level of independent verification or ‘arbi- Funding
tration’, to ensure consistency of interpretation between assessors
in different cities. The work reported here has been undertaken in distinct phases.
An alternative approach to the assessment could be to use a Initial work was carried out as part of the Solid Waste Management
multi-criteria analysis (MCA), which would involve soliciting the in the World’s Cities project, which was initiated and funded by
views of many stakeholders on each criterion making up all the indi- UN-Habitat. The next phase of work analysed the data from the
cators. However, such an approach would negate some of the 20 cities and further tested the methodology – this research
advantages of the current indicator set, as it would significantly received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public,
increase the complexity and reduce the practicality of the process, commercial or not-for profit sectors, with the exception of travel
and involve considerable training to ensure that all the stakeholders support for work in Bishkek from the Worshipful Company of
share a common understanding of each criterion and indicator. In Paviors and support-in-kind from WASTE and RWA. The first major

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006
D.C. Wilson et al. / Waste Management xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 13

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en.pdf> (accessed 08.04.14)).

Please cite this article in press as: Wilson, D.C., et al. ‘Wasteaware’ benchmark indicators for integrated sustainable waste management in cities. Waste
Management (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2014.10.006

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