Library Management System

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(Project Term January-April, 2017)


Submitted by-

Course Code: CSE320

Course Name: Software Engineering

Under the Guidance of

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Document Conventions 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 1
1.4 Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations 1
1.5 Scope…………………………………………………………………………………… 3
2. Overall Description 3
2.1 Product Perspective 3
2.2 Product Features 4
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics 5
2.4 Operating Environment 5
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 5
2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies 7
3. Specific Requirements 7
3.1 Functional Requirement 7
3.2 Requirements of the bank computer for the ATM…………………………………… ………..11
4. External Interface Requirements 13
4.1 User Interfaces 13
4.2 Hardware Interfaces 13
4.3 Software Interfaces 14
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 14
5.1 Performance Requirements 14
5.2 Safety Requirements 14
5.3 Security Requirements 14
5.4 Software Quality Attributes 15
6. Other Requirements 15

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Library
Management system. The document gives the detailed description of the both functional and
non-functional requirements proposed by the client.The purpose of this project is to provide a
friendly environment to maintain the details of books and library members.The main purpose of
this project is to maintain easy circulation system using computers and to provide different
reports. This project describes the hardware and software interface requirements using ER
diagrams and UML diagrams.

1.2 Document Conventions

➢ Entire document should be justified.
➢ Convention for Main title
● Font face: Times New Roman
● Font style: Bold
● Font Size: 14
➢ Convention for Sub title
● Font face: Times New Roman
● Font style: Bold
● Font Size: 12
➢ Convention for body
● Font face: Times New Roman
● Font Size: 12

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The intended audiences for this document are:

The team members of Innovative library Solutions.
The administrative staff of Lovely Professional University who is the

This document will be reviewed frequently by the above audiences to

check if the different phases of the project are being completed by
meeting the given requirements.
If there are any changes in the requirements in the course of the
project they must be included in this document by making
the necessary changes.

1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

JAVA -> platform independence
SQL-> Structured query Language
ER-> Entity Relationship
UML -> Unified Modeling Language
IDE-> Integrated Development Environment
SRS-> Software Requirement Specification
ISBN -> International Standard Book Number
IEEE ->Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

1.5 References
➢ Books
● Software Requirements and Specifications: A Lexicon of Practice, Principles and
Prejudices (ACM Press) by Michael Jackson
● Software Requirements (Microsoft) Second EditionBy Karl E. Wiegers
● Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach Fifth Edition By Roger S. Pressman
➢ Websites

1.5 Scope of Development Project

Library Management System is basically updating the manual library system into an internet-
based application so that the users can know the details of their accounts, availability of books
and maximum limit for borrowing.
The project is specifically designed for the use of librarians and library users. The product will
work as a complete user interface for library management process and library usage from
ordinary users. Library Management System can be used by any existing or new library to
manage its books and book borrowing, insertion and monitoring. It is especially useful for any
educational institute where modifications in the content can be done easily according to
The project can be easily implemented under various situations. We can add new features
as and when we require, making reusability possible as there is flexibility in all the modules.
The language used for developing the project is Java as it is quite advantageous than other
languages in terms of performance, tools available, cross platform compatibility, libraries, cost
(freely available), and development process.

2. Overall Descriptions
2.1 Product Perspective
Use Case Diagram of Library Management System
This is a broad level diagram of the project showing a basic overview. The users can be either
staff or student.. This System will provide a search functionality to facilitate the search of
resources. This search will be based on various categories viz. book name or the ISBN. Further
the library staff personnel can add/update the resources and the resource users from the
system.The users of the system can request issue/renew/return of books for which they would
have to follow certain criteria.

2.2 Product Function

Entity Relationship Diagram of Library Management System
The Online Library System provides online real time information about the books available in
the Library and the user information. The main purpose of this project is to reduce the manual
work. This software is capable of managing Book Issues, Returns, Calculating/Managing Fine,
Generating various Reports for Record-Keeping according to end user requirements. The
Librarian will act as the administrator to control members and manage books. The member’s
status of issue/return is maintained in the library database. The member’s details can be fetched
by the librarian from the database as and when required. The valid members are also allowed to
view their account information.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The system provides different types of services based on the type of users [Member/Librarian].
The Librarian will be acting as the controller and he will have all the privileges of an
administrator. The member can be either a student or staff of the university who will be
accessing the Library online.
The features that are available to the Librarian are:-
➢ A librarian can issue a book to the member.
➢ Can view the different categories of books available in the Library
➢ Can view the List of books available in each category
➢ Can take the book returned from students
➢ Add books and their information to the database
➢ Edit the information of existing books
➢ Can check the report of the existing books
➢ Can check the report of the issued books
➢ Can access all the accounts of the students
The features that are available to the Members are:-
➢ Can view the different categories of books available in the Library
➢ Can view the List of books available in each category
➢ Can own an account in the library.
➢ Can view the books issued to him
➢ Can put a request for a new book
➢ Can view the history of books issued to him previously
➢ Can search for a particular book
2.4 Operating Environment

The product will be operating in windows environment. The Library Management System is a
website and shall operate in all famous browsers, for a model we are taking Microsoft Internet
Explorer,Google Chrome,and Mozilla Firefox.Also it will be compatible with the IE 6.0. Most
of the features will be compatible with the Mozilla Firefox & Opera 7.0 or higher version. The
only requirement to use this online product would be the internet connection.
The hardware configuration include Hard Disk: 40 GB, Monitor: 15” Color monitor, Keyboard:
122 keys. The basic input devices required are keyboard, mouse and output devices are monitor,
printer etc.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

The assumptions are:-

➢ The coding should be error free
➢ The system should be user-friendly so that it is easy to use for the users
➢ The information of all users, books and libraries must be stored in a database that is
accessible by the website
➢ The system should have more storage capacity and provide fast access to the database
➢ The system should provide search facility and support quick transactions
➢ The Library System is running 24 hours a day
➢ Users may access from any computer that has Internet browsing capabilities and an
Internet connection
➢ Users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into their online accounts
and do actions

The dependencies are:-

➢ The specific hardware and software due to which the product will be run
➢ On the basis of listing requirements and specification the project will be developed and
➢ The end users (admin) should have proper understanding of the product
➢ The system should have the general report stored
➢ The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is accessible by the
Library System
➢ Any update regarding the book from the library is to be recorded to the database and the
data entered should be correct

2.6 Requirement

Software Configuration:-
This software package is developed using java as front end which is supported by sun micro
system. Microsoft SQL Server as the back end to store the database.
Operating System: Windows NT, windows 98, Windows XP
Language: Java Runtime Environment, Net beans 7.0.1 (front end)
Database: MS SQL Server (back end)

Hardware Configuration:-
Processor: Pentium(R)Dual-core CPU
Hard Disk: 40GB
RAM: 256 MB or more

2.7 Data Requirement

The inputs consist of the query to the database and the output consists of the solutions for the
query. The output also includes the user receiving the details of their accounts. In this project the
inputs will be the queries as fired by the users like create an account, selecting books and putting
into account. Now the output will be visible when the user requests the server to get details of
their account in the form of time, date and which books are currently in the account.

3. External Interface Requirement

3.1 GUI

The software provides good graphical interface for the user and the administrator can operate on
the system, performing the required task such as create, update, viewing the details of the book.
➢ It allows user to view quick reports like Book Issued/Returned in between particular time.
➢ It provides stock verification and search facility based on different criteria.
➢ The user interface must be customizable by the administrator
➢ All the modules provided with the software must fit into this graphical user interface and
accomplish to the standard defined
➢ The design should be simple and all the different interfaces should follow a standard
➢ The user interface should be able to interact with the user management module and a part
of the interface must be dedicated to the login/logout module
Login Interface:-
In case the user is not yet registered, he can enter the details and register to create his account.
Once his account is created he can ‘Login’ which asks the user to type his username and
password. If the user entered either his username or password incorrectly then an error message

The member or librarian can enter the type of book he is looking for and the title he is interested
in,then he can search for the required book by entering the book name.

Categories View:-
Categories view shows the categories of books available and provides ability to the librarian to
add/edit or delete category from the list.

Librarian’s Control Panel:-

This control panel will allow librarian to add/remove users; add, edit, or remove a resource. And
manage lending options.

4. System Features
The users of the system should be provided the surety that their account is secure. This is
possible by providing:-
➢ User authentication and validation of members using their unique member ID
➢ Proper monitoring by the administrator which includes updating account status, showing
a popup if the member attempts to issue number of books that exceed the limit provided
by the library policy, assigning fine to members who skip the date of return
➢ Proper accountability which includes not allowing a member to see other member’s
account. Only administrator will see and manage all member accounts

5. Other Non-functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirement

The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief performance system
within the different campuses of the university which interacts with the university staff and
students. Therefore, it is expected that the database would perform functionally all the
requirements that are specified by the university.
➢ The performance of the system should be fast and accurate
➢ Library Management System shall handle expected and non-expected errors in ways that
prevent loss in information and long downtime period. Thus it should have inbuilt error
testing to identify invalid username/password
➢ The system should be able to handle large amount of data. Thus it should accommodate
high number of books and users without any fault

5.2 Safety Requirement

The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure.
Therefore, it is required to take the database backup so that the database is not lost. Proper
UPS/inverter facility should be there in case of power supply failure.

5.3 Security Requirement

➢ System will use secured database
➢ Normal users can just read information but they cannot edit or modify anything except
their personal and some other information.
➢ System will have different types of users and every user has access constraints
➢ Proper user authentication should be provided
➢ No one should be able to hack users’ password
➢ There should be separate accounts for admin and members such that no member can
access the database and only admin has the rights to update the database.

5.4 Requirement attributes

➢ There may be multiple admins creating the project, all of them will have the right to
create changes to the system. But the members or other users cannot do changes
➢ The project should be open source
➢ The Quality of the database is maintained in such a way so that it can be very user
friendly to all the users of the database
➢ The user be able to easily download and install the system

5.5 Business Rules

A business rule is anything that captures and implements business policies and practices. A rule
can enforce business policy, make a decision, or infer new data from existing data.This includes
the rules and regulations that the System users should abide by. This includes the cost of the
project and the discount offers provided. The users should avoid illegal rules and protocols.
Neither admin nor member should cross the rules and regulations.

5.6 User Requirement

The users of the system are members and Librarian of the university who act as administrator to
maintain the system. The members are assumed to have basic knowledge of the computers and
internet browsing. The administrators of the system should have more knowledge of the internals
of the system and is able to rectify the small problems that may arise due to disk crashes, power
failures and other catastrophes to maintain the system. The proper user interface, user manual,
online help and the guide to install and maintain the system must be sufficient to educate the
users on how to use the system without any problems.
The admin provides certain facilities to the users in the form of:-
➢ Backup and Recovery
➢ Forgot Password
➢ Data migration i.e. whenever user registers for the first time then the data is stored in the
➢ Data replication i.e. if the data is lost in one branch, it is still stored with the server
➢ Auto Recovery i.e. frequently auto saving the information
➢ Maintaining files i.e. File Organization
➢ The server must be maintained regularly and it has to be updated from time to time

6. Other Requirements
6.1 Data and Category Requirement

There are different categories of users namely teaching staff, Librarian, Admin, students etc.
Depending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means if the user is an
administrator then he can be able to modify the data,delete, append etc. All other users except the
Librarian only have the rights to retrieve the information about database. Similarly there will be
different categories of books available. According to the categories of books their relevant data
should be displayed. The categories and the data related to each category should be coded in the
particular format.

6.2 Appendix

A: Admin, Abbreviation, Acronym, Assumptions; B: Books, Business rules; C: Class, Client,

Conventions; D: Data requirement, Dependencies; G: GUI; K: Key; L: Library, Librarian; M:
Member; N: Non-functional Requirement; O: Operating environment; P: Performance,
Perspective, Purpose; R: Requirement, Requirement attributes; S: Safety, Scope, Security,
System features; U: User, User class and characteristics, User requirement;

6.3 Glossary

The following are the list of conventions and acronyms used in this document and the project as
➢ Administrator: A login id representing a user with user administration privileges to the
➢ User: A general login id assigned to most users
➢ Client: Intended users for the software
➢ SQL: Structured Query Language; used to retrieve information from a database
➢ SQL Server: A server used to store data in an organized format
➢ Layer: Represents a section of the project
➢ User Interface Layer: The section of the assignment referring to what the user interacts
with directly
➢ Application Logic Layer: The section of the assignment referring to the Web Server. This
is where all computations are completed
➢ Data Storage Layer: The section of the assignment referring to where all data is recorded
➢ Use Case: A broad level diagram of the project showing a basic overview
➢ Class diagram: It is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a
system by showing the system’s cases, their attributes, and the relationships between the
➢ Interface: Something used to communicate across different mediums
➢ Unique Key: Used to differentiate entries in a database

6.4 Class Diagram

A class is an abstract, user-defined description of a type of data. It identifies the attributes of the
data and the operations that can be performed on instances (i.e. objects) of the data. A class of
data has a name, a set of attributes that describes its characteristics, and a set of operations that
can be performed on the objects of that class. The classes’ structure and their relationships to
each other frozen in time represent the static model. In this project there are certain main classes
which are related to other classes required for their working. There are different kinds of
relationships between the classes as shown in the diagram like normal association, aggregation,
and generalization. The relationships are depicted using a role name and multiplicities. Here
‘Librarian’, ‘Member’ and ‘Books’ are the most important classes which are related to other

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