Architectural Component Sheets: Programme-Wide Details
Architectural Component Sheets: Programme-Wide Details
Architectural Component Sheets: Programme-Wide Details
L2019-ARP-AX-GEN-RP-EN-0010 - B - 25/01/2018
- 03/11/2017 - CD EU
Games Family/ VIP Seats Amenity Seating for ambulant disabled people Wheelchair user companion seat
Number * With double arm at the end of seating row/ next to gangway
* Amenity Seats have additional space in front of and to one side to Relocatable seat
provide greater room for ambulant disabled people.
Regular Seat Wheelchair user space Wheelchair user Seat to accommodate Seat for those with Guide Dogs Amenity seating for ambulant
companion seat different shapes/sizes disabled people
800 x 500 mm 1300 x 800 mm 800 x 1000 mm Assento para os Deficientes Físicos
Assento Regular Espaço de Cadeira de Roda Assento de Acompanhante Assento para Obesos Assento para Aqueles com Cães-Guia
1300 x 500 mm 1100 x 800 mm 1100 x 600 mm
Regular Seat Wheelchair Space Wheelchair Companion Seat Seat for the Obese Seat for those with Guide Dogs Seat for the Mobility Impaired
800 x 500mm 3200 x 900mm 3200 x 500mm 1100 x 800mm 1000 x 800mm 1100 x 600mm
Índice de Assentos Indisponibilizados = 1 3200 x 900 = 7.2 3200 x 500 = 4.0 1100 x 800 = 2.2 1000 x 800 = 2 1100 x 600 = 1.7
800 x 500 800 x 500 800 x 500 800 x 500 800 x 500
Seat Kill Ratio = 1
Índice de Assentos Indisponibilizados = 7.2 Índice de Assentos Indisponibilizados = 4.3 Índice de Assentos Indisponibilizados = 2.2 Índice de Assentos Indisponibilizados = 2 Índice de Assentos Indisponibilizados = 1.7
Seat Kill Ratio = 7.2 Seat Kill Ratio = 4.0 Seat Kill Ratio = 2.2 Seat Kill Ratio = 2 Seat Kill Ratio = 1.7
Introduction • Front railings shall be removable and easily relocatable to the BS 4875:1985 – “Furniture Performance Testing” - Rating 5
reconfigured front row.
Retractable seating will be utilised in sports halls to provide flexible BSEN 13200-5:2006 - Spectator Facilities Part 5: Telescopic
utilisation of a space that will be used for sports competitions or • All railings shall be finished in epoxy RAL colour polyester Stands.
retracted to create space for training. powder coat.
BSEN 13200-4:2006 – Spectator Facilities Part 4: Seats –
The seating system will be fixed in place below two or three rows Seats Product Characteristics
of fixed seating and will be extended by the use of either integral • Seats shall tip-up type with automatic lift, cantilevered, self-
power operation or independently powered tugs. The system can be centering, maximising seat-way when seat lifted for ease of Operation
configured to create wheelchair user platforms by truncating the seat passage and cleaning access • The entire seating system shall open and close by friction drive
rows at a few specified rows indicated on the drawings. system. The manufacturer will determine the number of power
• General spectator seats to have a nominal seat spacing of units required.
Components • The power units shall operate the telescopic platforms under
• VIP seat spacing to be a nominal 550mm normal conditions but detect and stop operation should
Steel row construction significant obstacles be encountered.
• Each row will comprise two frames comprising high tensile steel • See ‘Spectator Seats’ Component Data Sheet for plastic and
upper cantilever arm, vertical column and wheel channel. metal parts description. Seat strength
• Two row locks per row per section to be both spring loaded and • Seats shall be tested and certified to BS EN 12727: 2000 Grade 4
gravity driven. • VIP seats to be padded with a single arm. (Severe)
Side Railings Design Codes • The retractable system shall incorporate a locking system
• Side rails shall removable, folding or self-storing to include • The design to be carried out with reference to the following key permitting the use of one, several or all rows, each locked in the
steel guard rails fixed permanently to each row of the platform industry guidelines: extended position.
nesting together upon closure of the system.
• “Recommendations for the specification and use of telescopic Dynamic loading
• Side rail to be tubular rail outer frame with beech veneered MDF and other spectator seating”. British Association of Spectator
panels, tubular rail construction or tubular rail outer frame with Equipment Suppliers, 1998 (Available to download from www. • Structure to be designed for notional horizontal load of 10% of
steel mesh panel. or similar Peruvian guidelines. vertical imposed load.
• Structure to be designed with a minimum fundamental natural
• Durability Testing: The seating is to be Certified to the following: frequency of 8.4Hz vertically and 4Hz horizontally.
Front Railings
• Railings shall adapt to the front row of seating when the EN 12727 – “Furniture – ranked Seating- Test methods and
remaining lower rows are stored beneath. requirements for strength and durability”. *All photos and sketches are for reference purposes only
Fire standards
• Seats incorporating recycled material, or renewable materials
such as sugarcane ethanol shall be constructed from as much
recycled material as possible and have a reduced embodied
• All recycled or recyclable materials shall be marked accordingly
by manufacturer.
• All materials and products shall comply with the Sustainability
Strategy for the Lima 2019 Pan Am Games
Typical Vomitory Plan
DETAIL 6 - Lateral aisle handrail
Bowl metalwork comprises all the metalwork and glass required in These recommendations have been benchmarked against the
the seating bowl to ensure the safety and comfort of spectators. International Paralympic Committee (IPC) ‘Accessibility Guide’ (2013).
It will comprise guardrails, barriers, balustrades, railings and all DETAIL 4 - Vomitory handrail
associated fixings and fasteners. • Handrails should have a continuous inside handrail or if not
continuous extend at the top of the stairs parallel with the floor
surface to a distance of 300mm or if at the bottom of the stairs
continue at slope for a distance equal to one tread and then SEAT
extend parallel to the floor surface not less than 300mm and
DETAIL 3 - Lateral vomitory handrail
• All bowl metalwork shall be hot dipped galvanised steel return to wall floor or post
• All glass shall be toughened laminated or similar safety glass. • It is recommended to provide a second height handrail for
• Bowl Metal Work design to be structurally efficient and visually children / people of varying stature. GANGWAY
DETAIL 2 - ‘P’ Rail
elegant to avoid distracting or impeding spectator views.
• Handrails to be no less than 42mm diameter.
• Height generally 1000mm (800mm solid + 200mm glass), but
1100mm at end of gangways and wherever there is a drop of
more than 380mm.
• Wheelchair accessible seating platforms will have kick rails as DETAIL 1 - Front row handrail
well as balustrade
• Upper tier handrails will be installed to gangways
• Temporary elements designed to facilitate reuse (bolted rather
than welded). Handrail fixed to concrete
• All recycled or recyclable materials shall be marked accordingly vomitory wall
by manufacturer.
• All materials and products shall comply with the Sustainability
Strategy for the Lima 2019 Pan Am Games. Handrail Handrail
Clamp fixing
800mm Concrete
Section - Set On
Indicative products
• Q Railing
• SC Railing
*All photos and sketches are for reference purposes only • CMF
• All fixtures, fittings and finishes requried will incorporate
• These changing rooms are permanent blocks of accommodation recycled materials and shall be made from as much recycled (LRV) of 30 points difference is required. 1,000mm (minimum), 1,500mm (standard), 1,800mm (best
to be used for both the Pan American & Para Pan American material as possible and have a reduced embodied energy. • Space should also be allocated for the storage of day wheelchairs practice)
Games and in legacy use. • All recycled or recyclable materials shall be marked accordingly (e.g. for after the events, when athletes want to transfer back to • Door width: 1,000mm required for sport wheelchair user access.
• The changing areas will take the form of unisex changing rooms. by manufacturer. their standard wheelchair).
• The changing rooms shall be designed to be used as team sport • All materials and products shall comply with the Sustainability • Consideration of assisted use (e.g. peninsular layouts with Indicative products
or individual sport changing rooms. Strategy for the Lima 2019 Pan Am Games space to both sides of the toilet for assistance, Changing Places
• The changing rooms shall be designed as accessible spaces facilities) and team sports within this area - more space may be • Vanesta
providing toilet, shower and changing facilities for disabled Accessibility required to accommodate this.
athletes • Consider adjustable sanitary ware (toilets, benches, sinks) to • Amwell
• For team sports such as football, rugby or hockey, locate a These recommendations have been benchmarked against the provide maximum flexibility.
massage room, managers room and kit room nearby. International Paralympic Committee (IPC) ‘Accessibility Guide’ (2013). • Locks for lockers to be suitable for use with limited strength and • Petal
Components • All key surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings) and features (e.g. • The accessible toilets, should have a clear space of 1,700mm x • CETCryospas (Ice bath)
columns, grabrails, furniture etc.) should contrast visually with 1,800mm.
Floors the background they are seen against. A light reflectance value • Circulation spaces should have at least the following widths:
• Generally non-slip rubber/synthetic - textured finish to dry areas
• Non-slip ceramic floor tiles to shower areas.
Accessible showers should have a Folding seat minimum of 480mm Additional bench if required Double stack lockers above benches
Walls 800mm deep clear manoeuvring space deep and 850mm long or table or massage bed
• Blockwork wall, hard plaster, vinyl silk emulsion finish. along 1500mm or enclose with curtain. Approx.
• Ceramic wall tiles to shower/wet areas.
• Generally - suspended demountable moisture resistant
mineral fibre tiles. Changing
Fittings Showers
• Shower cubicles with space to change
• Wheelchair user shower cubicles as per drawings Accessible
• WC, urinals and basins as indicated on drawings shower
• Benches and lockers as indicated on drawings Ambulent disabled toilet
Introduction Accessibility
• Concessions will be located on all spectator concourses. • These recommendations have been benchmarked against the
• They will mostly be Food & Beverage(F&B) concessions with a International Paralympic Committee (IPC) ‘Accessibility Guide’
few merchandising outlets as indicated on the venue layouts. (2013).
• The F&B concessions will serve ready-made food, snacks and • There should be prominent visual contrast between ropes, bars
drinks and will not be cooking concessions. or barriers to define the queuing areas and the surrounding
• They will be single sided and will include water supply and environment. Hearing enhancement systems should be provided
drainage and a store. for hard of hearing spectators.
• Total venues counter length shall be based on between 4.8 linear • Provide at least 1800 mm clear queuing width to allow for
meters - 5.0 linear meters/ 1000 spectators counter flow of wheelchair users.
• Final requirements of all food and beverage concessions shall be • Avoid queueing rails as these are restrictive for access.
designed and specified by a catering consultant. • Signs associated with counters should be large enough to be
read at a distance and placed at a height that is convenient for
Components wheelchair users to read (BS 8300 11.1.1)
• Signage should have big letters and strong visual contrast.
Construction and finishes • It is recommended to provide knee recess also on some portions
• The concession units will be constructed in blockwork and of the counter on the staff side to allow equal employability.
rendered with a paint finish. • Merchandising outlets service counters should be at a height
• The finishes to be easily cleaned with hard surfaces washable of 850mm with 750mm of knee clearance underneath, with
paint finishes throughout. a depth of at least 500mm to allow people to get close to the
• Counters to include drop down zones for wheelchair users or counter.
have a single height of 850mm to suit both standing and seated
Queueing Zone Typical Components Fire rated enclosure
• Concession will be planned as shells with capped off services for 1. Hot/Cold food counter Roller Shutter Fire rated
fit-out design by a catering consultant. 2. Freezer if required
• The shell will be built as a fire compartment with a fire shutter 3. Waste Storage
activated by smoke/fire detectors. 4. Bar
• If fire shutters are not required, then security shutters must be 5. Wash Area
provided. 6. Payment register
• Electrical and Data supply
• Includes 3 - phase PoS PoS PoS 4 PoS PoS PoS
• Water and drainage provision 3
• Fire alarm/smoke detection
• Multiple power sockets along front and back walls. Total power Points of Sale 6
requirement 30KW(tbc)
Work area Store
Sustainability Knee Clearance
• All fixtures, fittings and finishes shall be made from as much Handwash Sink
recycled material as possible and have a reduced embodied
energy. 5 Counter 1 2
• All recycled or recyclable materials shall be marked accordingly
by manufacturer.
• All materials and products shall comply with the Sustainability Typical concessions section
Strategy for the Lima 2019 Pan Am Games
Typical layout of concessions on concourses
*All photos and sketches are for reference purposes only
Introduction Components
Different sports often require a variety of playing surfaces. Likewise The build-up of each of the above three is as follows;
competition surfaces can be different from the training surface. For
indoor activities, many sports can share the same surface in a multi- Area elastic – timber
court arrangement. • 20mm solid Maple 57mm in width of varying lengths on
• Top sleeper 2.4m x 100mm x 17.5mm
This component sheet addresses indoor sports surfaces and focuses • Lower sleeper 1.22m x 100mm x 11.4cm
on training surfaces only. Competition surfaces will be provided as • Polyurethane pads
Area elastic – synthetic/polyurethane
There are three basic indoor surfaces as follows; • 2mm Polyurethane finish on
• Area elastic – timber • 2 x 12mm* thick plywood on
• Area elastic – synthetic/polyurethane • Polyurethane Shock Pads on 20mm thick solid maple floor
• Combined elastic - (combination of area & point elastic) - • 0.03mm polyethylene foil on
synthetic/ polyurethane • concrete
*tbc based on bleacher loadings Top sleeper 2400 x 100 x 17.5
The advantages and use of these three generic surfaces are as follows Lower sleeper 1220 x 100 x 11.4
Combined elastic - synthetic/polyurethane
Area elastic – timber • 7mm Polyurethane finish on Resilient Pad
This system gives high levels of shock absorption and will be the • 2 x 12mm* thick plywood on
preferred surface for Basketball. With a long traditional relationship • Polyurethane Shock Pads Area elastic – timber floor
with Basketball as its basis. The floors have large amounts of shock • 0.03mm polyethylene foil on
Concrete sub-base
absorption which give protection against repeat impact injuries. • concrete
The floors have good ball bounce characteristics excellent longevity
from a legacy perspective. The solid maple is an extremely durable This training/recreation floor will have multi-court marking for
product. training layouts
Area elastic – synthetic/polyurethane Cover issues such as fixing points for nets and other sports
Floor will perform in a comparable way to above with the difference equipment if required and protection from retractable seating
being the playing surface will be a PVC surface rather than a solid
timber. From a whole life cost perspective the floor will not need as Performance
much heavy maintenance as surface treatments negate the need for Floors to conform to EN14904 the standard set for Indoor Sports
sanding and re-sealing procedures. This floor would not be expected Surfaces
to last as long as the timber option. Floor surfaces to comply with International Sports Federation’s
recommendations. This may be compromised by line marking
Combined elastic - synthetic/polyurethane restrictions.
A ‘combined elastic’ floor is a combination of an area elastic base 2mm PVC top surface - Area elastic
floor with a point elastic top surface that offers impact protection as Sustainability 7mm PVC top surface - Combined elastic
well as high levels of shock absorption. All timber and PVC/polyurethane to comply with Peruvian/
international best practice sustainability standards.
The floor benefits from the same whole life cost benefits as the 2x12mm thick plywood (depends on bleacher seating height)
synthetic area elastic option. As well as impact protection it also Indicative Products
offers shock absorption to users that may not impart enough force Gerflor; NeoShok Pads
on an area elastic floor to gain any benefit. This is the notion that sport.html
an area elastic floor has to have a certain amount of force exerted Mondo; 0.03mm polyethylene foil
to actually action the undercarriage. The point elastic floor starts to Dynamic:
give benefit regardless of what force is exerted. This floor type would Area Elastic / Combined Elastic floor
Concrete sub-base
be the required surface for most sports including volleyball, handball, synthetic/polyurethane (2mm / 7mm)
table tennis, badminton to name a few.
*All photos and sketches are for reference purposes only
Introduction Sustainability
Lima 2019 and the legacy operators of the Pan American indoor A sun pipe installation would be a key component in achieving a
sports venues are looking to minimise the use of artificial lighting on sustainable environmental for a Lima 2019 venue. It could reduce the
the Fields of Play. Therefore, the opportunity for natural daylighting base lighting load by at least 60%.
should be maximised, with daylight sensors integrated into the
artificial lighting controls system to reduce energy wastage when Indicative Products
natural daylight is sufficient.
Effective daylight levels to enable use of the spaces without artificial Sunpipe by Monodraught
lighting should be achieved. An average daylight factor of 5% is
deemed necessary for this.
Natural daylighting can be achieved via traditional roof lights or via SOLARTUBE
more energy efficient sun pipes which let in daylight but exclude heat
gain. These sun pipes are described in this daylighting component
Note, however, that Games time use of the artificial light will not be
possible due to broadcasters requirements and therefore all roof
lights / sun pipes will have to blackened out for the duration of the
Standard sun pipes used for large sports halls or halls over swimming
pools would normally be between 1 -1.5m in diameter.
Sun Pipes are now a standard building component and are now
being used with great success in a London 2012 Olympic venue. They
are an excellent ‘passive’ design and will substantially decrease the
requirement for artificial lighting.
• The cradle is made from an aluminium frame for lightweight
strength and rigidity.
• A bespoke PVC cover is then attached to hold the netting, and it
is all winched using a heavy duty 3-phase winch.
• The winch can be operated from a wall fixed control panel or
using a remote control.
• The system shall be installed as a mesh barrier along the wall or FOP Dividing Nets
as a freely hanging mesh partition. Net dividing training areas
• The net shall be collected in the ceiling in a curved or angled
position to match roof profiles
• All finishes shall retain their appearance under heavy use and
shall be resistant to impact and abrasive damage consistent with
their situation in the building.
• All surface finishes shall be uniform in texture, colour and
appearance within the limits of the approved samples and
without irregularities or distortions.
• All elements and installations shall be designed and constructed
in accordance with relevant Peruvian Standards and Codes.
• All materials/components shall achieve the loading
requirements in accordance with the relevant Peruvian
standards and codes.
• Temporary elements designed to facilitate reuse (bolted rather
than welded).
• All recycled or recyclable materials shall be marked accordingly
by manufacturer.
• All materials and products shall comply with the Sustainability
Strategy for the Lima 2019 Pan Am Games.
A successful Indoor sports hall should be easily adaptable for elite
sports, training and non-sporting events. The lighting and acoustic
requirements vary significantly between differing functions, so it is
important to have a simple and efficient system in place to enable a
quick turnaround between events.
Having a rigging system that can be lowered to the floor without the
need to access the roof is ideal, significantly improving health and
safety issues.
A rigging system shall be provided to cover the entire FOP. Field of play
For a typical sports hall that can be divided into three smaller training
areas, three rigging systems are recommended as indicated on the
diagrams opposite.
Rigging zone across FOP
Performance Exact size and location to be agreed
• Gantry systems can be fixed and hung in a variety of different Possible sub-division of sports hall
ways. Winch mechanisms will be used to raise and lower the
equipment, operated electrically with a manual override.
• All finishes shall retain their appearance under heavy use and = = =
shall be resistant to impact and abrasive damage consistent with
their situation in the building.
• All surface finishes shall be uniform in texture, colour and
appearance within the limits of the approved samples and
without irregularities or distortions.
• All elements and installations shall be designed and constructed
in accordance with relevant Peruvian Standards and Code.
• All materials/components shall achieve the loading requirements
in accordance with the relevant Peruvian standards and codes as
• Bolted rather than welded elements are recommended to create
reusable elements.
• All recycled or recyclable materials shall be marked accordingly
by manufacturer.
• All materials and products shall comply with the Sustainability
Strategy for the Lima 2019 Pan Am Games.
The Designer shall develop all statutory and back of house (BOH) • BOH accommodation - dressing rooms, event management
signage together with any signage and wayfinding required for the facilities, media facilities, operational areas, etc. Every room will
venue to achieve a permit for use. Signage shall be provided in and have a sign name that can be easily removed and changed.
around the venue, including all car parks, in accordance with local
authority codes and guidelines and international good practice. Accessibility
Provide clear, legible architectural layouts and use of intuitive
wayfinding elements as natural light etc.
• These recommendations have been benchmarked against the 7 4 Block entrance point along concourse at each vomitory
Signage is a vitally important aspect of venue design. The venue shall International Paralympic Committee (IPC) ‘Accessibility Guide’ 6
be designed to be easily legible to create natural way finding and (2013). 3 5
opportunities for people to orientate themselves. Clear and simple • Consider wayfinding devices / systems to take into account a 4
signage will enhance a spectator’s experience of an event, contribute wider range of disabled people, including tactile maps, visual
to a safe venue, and help in the efficient operation of the venue. information, tactile information, audible information. 2 3
• All accessibility related signage should be clear and legible
The designer shall focus on the visitor experience in development and incorporate the appropriate international symbol and 1 Key plan Colour coded block of each quadrant for clarity
of the wayfinding systems to design a contextual signage program pictograms, in addition to words. This signage shall be provided
while complementing the overall venue brand and public realm, at regular intervals but at least at every major change of
architecture, interiors, and thematic aesthetic. Signage should be direction and have a minimum 30 LRV points difference between
properly sized to take into account viewing at different heights, and the signage panel and surrounding background, and 70 LRV
from both close and afar. points difference between the information and background. 5 Block numbers painted on walls along concourse
• Signs should have characters and symbols that contrast visually at each vomitory
A consistent aesthetic shall apply to provide continuity to celebrate with the background of the sign by 70 LRV points. Single colour
entry, event areas, building identity, vehicular direction, drop off, backgrounds are preferred.
parking, pedestrian circulation systems including maps, directional, • The use of international symbols is encouraged in all signage.
grand stand seating, and regulatory type signs and continue through • Signage highlighting specific areas e.g. toilets (male/female/
interiors and BOH areas. accessible) shall be installed on the entry door at a height of
2,500mm to maintain visual sight lines above a crowd of people.
The sign system throughout shall have a consistent design aesthetic • Refrain from the use of reflective surfaces for signage.
that shall both provide clear information and enhance the character
of the venue and public areas. All signage shall be designed to
accommodate both Spanish and English. Where appropriate, tactile
signage for blind and partialy sighted people shall be provided.
Signage and wayfinding will encompass the following main areas: 6 Directional signage on vomitory walls color coded