Compre - 15-16
Compre - 15-16
Compre - 15-16
Note: For all questions, write your answers in the main answer sheet only. Part A is open book, 30 marks
and it consists of MCQ and fill-in-the-blanks. Part B is closed book, 50 marks and it consists of 5 descriptive
type questions. Each wrong answer of Part-A question carries -0.5 marks.
Q.3. Which of the following environment causes less corrosion to the cast iron
a. Industrial atmosphere having 90 % of the humidity b. processing water containing hydrogen sulfide
c. acids such as HCl, H3PO4, HClO4 d. Dust with PM2.5 particles (particulate matter <2.5 micron size)
Q.5. Referring to galvanic series of some commercial metals and alloys in seawater, mark the condition which would
lead to minimum corrosion by galvanic coupling
a. coupling of 18-8 stainless steel (active) with stainless steel (active) having 13 % chromium
b. 70-30 brass with pure copper c. silver and copper d. magnesium and aluminium plates
Q.6. Which of the following would be most effective in preventing galvanic corrosion
a. avoiding unfavorable area ratio b. adding inhibitors
c. using welded joints of the same alloy as the alloy to be welded d. a,b,c
Q.10. With respect to boiler corrosion which of the following sentence is correct
a. Dissolved oxygen in pure water @65 OC is found to be 6 times less corrosive than a molar equivalent conc. of CO 2.
b. carbonate and bicarbonate are eliminated by soda lime softening
c. the combined corrosion caused by oxygen and CO2 is less than that caused individually by oxygen and CO2
d. the ph of the condensate is generally high because of the presence of CO 2
Q.11-16. Relate the terms presented in column A and column B.
Column - A Column-B
Q.17. The Iron Delhi pillar shown in 2000 years old. The high corrosion resistance of the pillar is due to the
a. composition of the iron alloy (with its high P content conferring protection by the formation of the crystalline iron
hydrogen phosphate).
b. Delhi weather (the environment providing alternate wetting and
drying conditions)
c . excellent coating (ancient natural coating which are proven to be crack resistant)
d. a and b, but not c
Q.22. Stainless steel (SS) with 18 Cr-18 Ni in concentrated H2SO4 and HNO3 mixtures at elevated temperatures
shows active-_______________________ with increased ratio of nitric to sulphuric acid.
Q.23. Agitation and velocity __________________on the corrosion rate if corrosion process is controlled by activation
Q. 25. SS contain sufficient Cr to form a passive film of chromium oxide Cr 2O3, which prevents oxygen diffusion and
blocks corrosion from spreading into the metal's internal structure, and due to the similar size of the
________________________they bond very strongly and remain attached.
Q.26. Stray currents cause the _______________________ of underground pipes. The lowest resistivity soil is
______________for placement of galvanic anode.
Q.27. What is the essential difference between the plug type and layer type of dezinfication?
Q.28. How is the debris which is formed as a result of oxidation affects fretting?
Q.29. How the shot peeing can prevent the Stress corrosion cracking of metal ?
Q.30. Write the four different agents which can degrade the polymers
BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
First Semester 2015-16; COMPRE (Regular, Closed Book+Open Book)
Date: 10th Nov. 2015 Weightage: 40%
Time: 2 - 5 PM Marks: 80 Marks
Q.1.Write the type of corrosion and its mechanisms that would have resulted the metal as shown
below after months of service? (5+5=10M)
Q.2. Describe the corrosion testing used to estimate the corrosion levels of nuts-bolts, weld joints,
impellers and pipe fittings used in chemical industries (2+2+2+4=10 M).
Q.3. Write the advantages and disadvantages of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites
with respect to their usage as implant materials including invivo corrosion, compatibility with bone,
etc. (4+2+2+2=10 M)
Q.5. Describe cathodic protection and coatings which are used as corrosion prevention
techniques (6+4=10M)