Foundation Analysis
Foundation Analysis
Foundation Analysis
Soil properties
Density of soil; soil = 19.0 kN/m3; Characteristic cohesion; c'k = 0 kN/m2
Char.effect.shear resist.angle; 'k = 30 deg; Characteristic friction angle; k = 20 deg
Foundation loads
Variable surcharge load; FQsur = 10.0 kN/m2; Self weight; Fswt = 15.0 kN/m2
Soil weight; Fsoil = 11.4 kN/m
Design approach 1
Partial factors on actions - Combination1
Partial factor set; A1
Permanent action; G = 1.35; Variable action; Q = 1.50
Partial factors for soil parameters - Combination1
Soil factor set; M1
Angle of shearing resistance; ' = 1.00; Effective cohesion; c' = 1.00
Partial factors for spread foundations - Combination1
Resistance factor set; R1
Bearing; R.v = 1.00; Sliding; R.h = 1.00
Bearing resistance (Section 6.5.2)
Forces on foundation
Force in x-axis; Fdx = -106.7 kN; Force in y-axis; Fdy = 66.5 kN
Force in z-axis; Fdz = 1262.1 kN
Moments on foundation
Moment in x-axis; Mdx = 4486.2 kNm; Moment in y-axis; Mdy = 2026.6 kNm
Eccentricity of base reaction
Eccentricity in x-axis; ex = 1304 mm; Eccentricity in y-axis; ey = -644 mm
Effective area of base
Effective length; L'x = 1891 mm; Effective width; L'y = 3211 mm
Effective area; A' = 6.073 m2
Pad base pressure
Design base pressure; fdz = 207.8 kN/m2
Net ultimate bearing capacity under drained conditions (Annex D.4)
Net ultimate bearing capacity; nf = 688.5 kN/m2
PASS - Ultimate bearing capacity exceeds design base pressure
Sliding resistance (Section 6.5.3)
Forces on foundation
Force in x-axis; Fdx = -106.7 kN; Force in y-axis; Fdy = 66.5 kN
Force in z-axis; Fdz = 496.6 kN
Sliding resistance verification (Section 6.5.3)
Horizontal force on foundation; H = 125.7 kN; Sliding resistance; RH.d = 180.7 kN
H / RH.d = 0.695
PASS - Foundation is not subject to failure by sliding
Library item: Check sliding summary
Design approach 1
Partial factors on actions - Combination2
Partial factor set; A2
Permanent action; G = 1.00; Variable action; Q = 1.30
Project Job Ref.
Concrete details (Table 3.1 - Strength and deformation characteristics for concrete)
Concrete strength class; C20/25; Char.comp.cylinder strength; fck = 20 N/mm2
Partial factor for concrete; C = 1.50; Maximum aggregate size; hagg = 20 mm
Design compressive strength; fcd = 16.7 N/mm2; Design tensile strength, plain; fctd,pl = 1.0 N/mm2
Reinforcement details
Characteristic yield strength; fyk = 410 N/mm2; Partial factor for reinforcment; S = 1.15
Design yield strength; fyd = 357 N/mm ; Nominal cover; cnom = 50 mm
Shear diagram, x axis (kN)