FHH Forest Pathology

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Forest Pathology

Forest Diseases

Forest Pathology

Tree diseases are the leading cause of timber losses the disease triangle, which visualizes disease as an
each year in the U.S. In fact, the average total loss of interaction between three components: host, pathogen,
timber due to disease-caused mortality and growth loss and environment. If one of the three components is
nearly equals the losses caused by all other stress agents lacking, disease cannot occur.
combined. Diseases have and will continue to result in
catastrophic epidemics that can wipe-out entire tree Host
species and destroy native forest ecosystems. Chestnut
blight was the first of many such epidemics, which
virtually eliminated the most common tree species in the
eastern U.S., the American chestnut, from its natural
range in less than 40 years. Dutch elm disease, dogwood
anthracnose, beech bark disease, sudden oak death, and Disease
laurel wilt have since followed. Other diseases pose
little or no threat to tree survival, but are no less
problematic because they reduce growth significantly,
degrade wood, destroy fruit and seed crops, or make
landscape trees and ornamentals unsightly or hazardous.
Pathogen Environment
Pathogens are parasitic microorganisms that cause
disease, meaning they attack plants to obtain the energy
and nutrients necessary to complete their life cycle
resulting in harm to their host plant. Pathogenic
(disease-causing) microorganisms include bacteria,
viruses, nematodes, and most commonly, fungi. Not all
microorganisms are pathogenic; in fact, most
microorganisms are obligate saprophytes meaning they
can only feed on dead organic material. These
microorganisms play an important role in decomposing
dead plant material and recycling nutrients. Most plant
The remains of the chestnut blight epidemic Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus)
Forest pathology is the study of tree diseases are obligate saprophytes
including diseases of trees in forests, plantations,
nurseries, urban areas, and landscape settings. In
addition, forest pathology also encompasses the science
of wood degradation and decay. In fact, the field of
forest pathology is considered to have begun with Robert
Hartig’s investigations of wood decay by fungi in the
1850’s. Forest pathology is a sub-discipline of plant
pathology which is the study of plant diseases. A plant
disease is defined as a sustained disruption in
physiological or structural functions of a plant due to an pathogens are facultative pathogens, meaning that they
attack by a pathogen that results in death, damage to can live on dead plant material, but can also attack living
cells or tissues, reduced growth or vitality, or economic plants and cause disease. Other pathogens are obligate
losses. A disease is an interaction between a pathogen pathogens that can only survive on a living host plant.
and its host that can only occur under certain
environmental conditions. This can be demonstrated by

Forest Pathology

prevent the pathogen from parasitizing the plant and

causing disease. Of course, pathogens continue to adapt
induced plant defenses by hiding the chemical signals
that alert plants to an attack or adding developing
additional virulence factors.

Ophiostoma ulmi, the causal agent of Dutch

elm disease, can only infect elm species
Fusiform rust is caused by Cronartium quercum
f. sp. fusiforme ; an obligate pathogen

All plant pathogens are infectious and transmissible,

meaning they can spread from one host plant to infect
another. Plant pathogens cause disease, they are not
diseases themselves. For instance, the fungus
Cryphonectria parasitica is the name of the pathogen
that causes chestnut blight in American chestnuts.
Remember: a disease is the resulting interaction
between a host, pathogen, and environment.
Plant pathogens cannot attack and parasitize any
plant species; instead, plant pathogens are host-specific.
A host is a plant that can be infected and parasitized by a
specific plant pathogen. Most plant pathogens have only
one or a few suitable host species; however, some
pathogens can attack hundreds of plant species. The
mechanisms that determine which pathogens can attack
which plants are very complicated and result from
complex interactions and signals between the two
Trees have evolved structural and chemical defenses
such as thick bark, waxy leaf coatings, root secretions, A plant that possesses the ability to prevent
and anti-microbial toxins that prevent infections. These infection is completely resistant to that specific
“pre-formed” defenses are always in place and provide pathogen. Some resistant plants can become infected,
general protection from all microorganisms. But certain but are able to minimize disease development and are
plant pathogens have developed virulence factors that therefore considered to be partially resistant.
enable them to overcome general plant defenses. Susceptible plants are vulnerable to pathogen attacks
Virulence factors such as enzymes that degrade plant that result in severe and damaging disease. Resistance
tissues, special structures that can pierce plant cells, or and susceptibility form a continuum that ranges from
specialized metabolic pathways that can neutralize host completely resistant to highly susceptible. A plant can
toxins, may allow a microorganism to become be resistant to one pathogen but susceptible to another.
pathogenic. In response, plants have developed methods Each host-pathogen interaction is unique.
to detect pathogens that can overcome pre-formed Regardless of how susceptible a plant may be to a
defenses, and in response, they initiate powerful given pathogen, disease cannot occur unless the
“induced” defenses. When one of these pathogens is environmental conditions are just right. Pathogens have
detected during the infection process, induced defenses very specific environmental requirements to complete
such as increased production of anti-microbial their life cycle. Many fungi only produce spores within
compounds or instantaneous death of infected cells can a very narrow temperature range. Some spores can only

spread in splashing rain, high winds, or with a specific new hosts. Some pathogens are transmitted in plant
insect vector. Certain fungal spores can only germinate if seeds or can grow from one tree to another through
the leaf surface is wet, and can only infect through a interconnected root systems.
natural plant opening or wound. Even if all these
2) Infection is the act of the pathogen entering the host.
conditions are met, some fungi can only infect a host
Some pathogens can directly penetrate plant cells or
that has been sufficiently weakened by predisposing
tissues by physical force; others must enter through
factors. The environmental conditions for each host-
natural plant openings such as stomata. Some
pathogen interaction are unique. If conditions are not
pathogens can only infect through open wounds in
correct, disease will not result.
the plant, and insect vectored pathogens may only
enter the plant during the insect’s feeding process.
Most anthracnose fungi can only infect The actual location of the infection is known as the
leaves during cool wet weather infection court. Many infection courts are only
vulnerable to infection under certain environmental
conditions, for example when leaves are wet, when
wounds are fresh, or when young seedlings first
emerge from the soil.

The interactions between a host, pathogen, and

environment that result in disease occur in several
distinct stages that together make up the disease cycle. Fresh wounds are one of the infection courts for
Ceratocystis fagacearum which causes oak wilt
The Disease Cycle
1) Transmission is the movement of the pathogen from
one host plant to another. While some pathogens
can simply grow through the soil from one plant to
another, most pathogens cannot survive for very
long outside their host, so transmission usually
involves special mechanisms. Many pathogens
require an insect vector to carry them from one plant
to another; the insects unknowingly carry the 3) Colonization is the invasion of plant tissues by the
pathogen in their mouths or on their bodies and pathogen. The pathogen must spread through the
transmit them to new hosts while feeding. Some plant by growing through or between cells, or by
fungi produce special spores that can be carried by spreading through the plant’s vascular system. Most
the wind or splashed around by rain drops. fungi for instance grow through the plant using long,
Phytophthora species (fungus-like organisms) and filamentous structures called mycelia. Bacteria on
nematodes can swim through moist soil in search of the other hand, must swim or be carried in the

Forest Pathology

plant’s vascular system. The extent of colonization 7) Transmission is most often accomplished by
by some pathogens is very limited (e.g. leaf spot reproductive structures such as spores, so therefore
diseases) while other pathogens colonize the entire successful transmission follows reproduction and is
plant (e.g. vascular wilt diseases). necessary for the pathogen to complete its life cycle.
Diseases caused by pathogens that complete their
4) Parasitism occurs when the spreading pathogen
life cycle only once per year are known as
begins to feed on plant tissues. In most cases, plant
monocyclic diseases; diseases caused by pathogens
cells are penetrated and killed by the pathogen, and
with the ability to complete their life cycle more
the nutrients are absorbed. It is the act of parasitism
than once in a growing season are polycyclic
that causes most damage to plants by killing plant
diseases. Pathogens that are not transmitted before
cells and tissues, interfering with physiological
the end of the growing season must reside within the
processes or structural functions, and draining a
host plant or form survival structures to overwinter.
plant of its energy reserves.

Needle spots, a symptom of brown spot The disease cycle for each host-pathogen-
needle blight, are actually dead cells that environment interaction is unique. Therefore most forest
have been parasitized by Scirrhia acicola pathology references provide detailed information on the
disease cycle for each specific disease. Identifying
“weak points” or vulnerabilities in the disease cycle is
the first step in designing control or management
strategies. Familiarity with the disease cycle of common
or potentially damaging diseases is important for proper
forest management.

5) Symptom development occurs in response to the Fungi are filamentous microorganisms that lack
damage caused by the pathogen. Symptoms are a chlorophyll and must therefore obtain nutrients from
plant’s reaction to colonization and parasitism by the living hosts or organic matter. At one time, fungi were
pathogen. Some symptoms are a direct result of considered to be plants. However, they differ from
pathogen activity (leaf lesions caused by a fungus plants in so many ways that they are now classified in
killing leaf cells), while others may be caused their own kingdom separate from both plants and
indirectly (wilting of a tree due to a pathogen animals. Over 75,000 species of fungi have been named
attacking the root system). In most cases, symptoms and described, but it is thought that over one million
are the only visible evidence that a plant is diseased. species of fungi may exist world-wide. Mycology is the
study of fungi and closely related organisms such as
6) Reproduction of the pathogen is necessary to
slime molds and water molds (e.g. Phytophthora
complete its life cycle. Different pathogens
species) which are not true fungi.
reproduce in different ways. Viruses are replicated
The diversity of fungi, their biology, roles, and uses
by the plant cell’s own genetic machinery. Bacteria
are so vast and varied they cannot be described in detail
and some yeast-like fungi simply divide to create
here. Most fungi can only feed on dead organic
new individuals. Nematodes are animals that lay
material. These fungi play crucial roles in
eggs or may even give birth to live offspring. Most
decomposition and nutrient recycling. Some fungi
fungi produce special fruiting bodies that are capable
produce chemicals or have special metabolisms that are
of producing hundreds of billions of spores. Most
utilized by humans to produce antibiotics, beer, wine,
plant pathogenic fungi produce microscopic fruiting
bread, soy sauce, industrial enzymes, and detergents.
bodies, but some produce larger fruiting bodies that
Some fungi are edible, and the mushrooms of many
we know as mushrooms. All plant pathogens are
fungi are prized by mushroom hunters and chefs alike.
capable of reproducing asexually (without mating),
Others are highly toxic or even psychotropic to humans
and most are capable of sexual reproduction in some
and/or other animals. Some fungi cause disease in

humans; others parasitize insects and nematodes and can an infected plant. Spore shapes, colors, and sizes vary
be used as biological controls. Fungi are also the most widely, and can be used to identify fungi when examined
common and important plant pathogens. The vast under a microscope. The number of spores produced by
majority of plant diseases are caused by fungi, even
though only a relatively small percentage of fungi are Orange tendrils of thousands of sticky spores emerging
pathogenic. from small fruiting bodies called pycnidia
In their most basic form, fungi are networks of
filamentous or thread-like strands known as mycelium.
A single thread of mycelium is called a hypha. Hyphae
are microscopic tube-like cells that can branch, grow
very quickly at their tips, and are generally considered to
be the main body of the organism. The cell walls of
fungi are composed of chitin (as opposed to cellulose in
plants), and each hyphae is filled with protoplasm that
flows throughout the mycelium network. Some species
a fungus is nearly incomprehensible. For instance, a
single “artist’s conk” from the common wood rotter
Ganoderma applanatus can produce 30 billion spores
each day (the equivalent of 350,000 spores per second).
Because of their small size and tremendous numbers, the
air we breathe is literally filled with fungal spores. This
is necessary for the fungi to ensure that at least some of
their spores will land on a suitable host plant or
Spores are specialized fungal structures that serve
Hyphae are the microscopic thread-like cells many purposes. First and foremost, spores are like
that make up the body of fungi fungal seeds that germinate under the right conditions,
forming new hyphae that grow down into their host plant
form dense clusters of mycelium that can be visible to or substrate. Because they are so small, spores can be
the naked eye. For instance, some Armillaria species
Microscopic spores often have distinct shapes and
(common wood and root rotters) form dense mycelial colors that are useful in identifying the fungal species
strings called rhizomorphs beneath the bark of their host
that resemble black shoestrings. Others may form thin
fan-like mats, or even thick clumps that can rupture the
surface of tree bark. However, the most commonly
visible sign of fungi are mushrooms, which are the large
spore-producing fruiting structure of the fungus.
Compared to the network of mycelia, mushrooms are a
relatively small structure produced on the surface of the
substrate the fungus is growing in. Mushrooms are only
formed by a relatively small percentage of fungi
carried for hundreds or thousands of miles, allowing
however; most mushroom-forming species are
transmission of fungi over long distances. Some fungal
saprophytes as opposed to plant pathogens.
spores are specially adapted to survive in water or in the
Most plant pathogenic fungi do not form
mouths of insects. Some may be excreted in sticky
mushrooms. Instead, they produce microscopic spore-
secretions that allow them to adhere to insects or the legs
producing fruiting bodies that are seldom visible to the
of birds and small mammals. Others may be so small
naked eye. Some fruiting bodies, and the spores they
they can be translocated in a plant’s vascular system.
produce, are very colorful and become so numerous that
Many spores serve as a fungus’s overwintering structure.
they may occasionally become visible on the surface of

Forest Pathology

Some fungal spores can survive for years without release extracellular enzymes that degrade and digest
germinating and still remain viable. Fungicides used to plant cells, providing the nutrients necessary for growth
kill plant pathogens may be ineffective against spores and multiplication. Bacteria invade and colonize the
because they are generally physiologically inactive or spaces in between plant cells, and as populations grow
dormant. Only after they germinate will those rapidly, plant cells can be crushed by the vast number of
compounds be effective. bacteria and overwhelmed by high concentrations of
bacterial enzymes. In addition, bacteria produce large
Bacteria amounts of gummy polysaccharides that clog the plant’s
Bacteria are single celled organisms that lack a vascular system and reduce water movement in the
nucleus or organelles. They are much smaller than xylem. Toxins that prevent photosynthesis or other
fungi, and are only visible under very powerful essential physiological processes may also be produced.
microscopes. There are several important tree diseases
caused by bacteria but none are responsible for major Some bacteria have one or more flagella
losses of forest trees. However, bacterial diseases such that help them move through water
as fire blight can have a significant impact in fruit
orchards for example, and many such as wetwood and
crown gall commonly affect landscape trees and

Bacteria cannot survive complete desiccation, and

therefore, their survival is dependent upon a constant
association with water. During the winter months,
bacteria survive either within their host, in the soil, in
Bacterial leaf scorch can be a serious problem seeds, or in their insect vectors. In the case of trees,
on landscape trees and ornamentals many bacteria will survive at the edges of perennial
cankers, within the vascular system, or in association
Plant pathogenic bacteria are either spherical or rod- with the roots. Some bacterial colonies will produce a
shaped, and some have one or more flagella that enable gummy substance that prevents desiccation. Bacteria
them to move through water. Bacteria multiply by that cause foliage diseases usually perish after leaf fall
division (or fission), which can occur in as little as 20 to because they cannot compete with other saprophytic
30 minutes. Therefore, bacterial populations can grow bacteria and fungi that feed on the dead plant material.
exponentially, meaning they have remarkable potential Instead, these bacteria overwinter in and are transmitted
for rapid population growth. For example, single to new hosts in the spring by insect vectors.
bacteria can give rise to a population of 2 sextillion
bacteria in a single day! Viruses
Bacteria do not form spores, and therefore cannot be Viruses are extremely small pathogens that cannot
disseminated on the wind. Instead, most bacteria are be seen using normal light microscopes. Instead, they
spread in water droplets (e.g. in rain splash or wind- can only be seen using very powerful electron
driven rain) or by insect vectors. Bacteria can also be microscopes. Unlike other pathogens, viruses are not
spread from plant to plant on contaminated equipment cellular organisms (in fact, most scientists do not
used for pruning or cultivation. Unlike fungi, bacteria classify them as living organisms), but are instead
lack the ability to directly penetrate their host. Instead, composed of a nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) protected
they must enter through natural plant openings or by a protein coat. They come in a variety of shapes
wounds. As they spread through an infected plant, they including rod-shaped, spherical, or crystalline. Because

they are not classified as living organisms, they are Nematodes
simply named for the host they infect and symptoms Nematodes are the only animals that are considered
they cause (e.g. tobacco mosaic virus). While most to be plant pathogens. Nematodes are microscopic
viruses are species specific, a few can cause disease in a roundworms that posses a stylet (spear-like mouth
wide range of hosts. This occasionally leads to some appendage) that is capable of piercing the plant cell wall,
confusion in the naming of viruses because two distinct injecting digestive enzymes, and sucking out nutrients.
diseases in two different hosts may actually be caused by While nematodes lack the ability to multiply as rapidly
the same virus. as fungi, bacteria, and viruses, the damage they cause
when piercing cell walls and injecting toxins can be
devastating. A single nematode can destroy hundreds or
thousands of plant cells during its lifetime, and each
plant can be attacked by millions of nematodes at once.
Parasitized plants are seldom killed, but may be stunted
and weakened making them more susceptible to nutrient
deficiencies, cold damage, drought, and other pathogens
and insects.

Viruses are protein coated

packets of genetic material

Viruses are not true parasites because they do not

feed on the cells of their host, and they lack an ability to
replicate themselves. Instead, viruses are able to
replicate and cause disease because of their ability to
“reprogram” infected host cells to produce more viruses,
and in the process, the host cell is damaged or killed.
After entering a host, the virus injects its nucleic acids Nematodes are microscopic worms that feed on plant
(usually RNA for plant viruses) into a host cell. The cells with a spear-like mouth appendage called a stylet
nucleic acids contain all of the genetic information
necessary to replicate the virus in its entirety. The host Each generation of nematodes takes approximately
cell does not distinguish the virus’ genetic material from 30 days to develop, and each female can lay 200 - 500
its own DNA, and as a result, it is essentially tricked into eggs. Nematode larvae resemble small adults and seek
producing thousands of copies of new viruses. out feeding sites. During feeding, the nematodes mature
Eventually, the cell is overrun with the virus and is into adults. Some plant parasitic nematodes become
destroyed. The viruses are then released from the cell to sedentary when mature, while others remain mobile and
attack surrounding cells. may continue to move from cell to cell to feed. Some
Because viruses cannot survive for long outside of species of nematodes have separate male and female
their host, their transmission is limited to insect vectors, individuals and are capable of sexual reproduction. If
seeds, and vegetative propagation of plant material. males do not exist or are rare in a species, the females
Insects feeding on an infected plant may harbor the virus are capable of parthenogenesis. Nematodes prefer
in their digestive system for weeks or months, and can warm soil temperatures and the length of the life cycle
transmit the virus to every plant it feeds on during that may be shortened considerably in warmer climates
time. Fortunately there are few serious tree diseases resulting in larger populations. Nematodes overwinter in
caused by viruses. Most tree viruses, such as elm all life stages, but populations may dramatically decline
mosaic virus, maple mosaic virus, ash ring-spot virus, if the winter is particularly cold.
and birch line pattern virus are minor nuisances. Others, Nematodes are capable of moving for short distances
like blackline disease of walnut caused by the cherry through the soil, but movement is generally limited to a
leafroll virus, can cause death. few feet annually. These organisms are not very strong

Forest Pathology

and can only travel through porous soils or existing

passageways formed by other soil-inhabiting organisms.
Nematodes are also able to spread more rapidly through
well cultivated and aerated soils because of the
decreased soil density in these situations. Nematodes
are easily transported in soil or on contaminated
equipment, and can be spread rapidly in irrigation water
and runoff. A few plant parasitic nematodes can be
transmitted by insect vectors.
There are few serious tree diseases caused by
nematodes; most nematode infections go undetected and
only become problematic because they weaken the tree
and make the host more susceptible to other stress
agents. However, some nematodes such as the pine wilt
nematode of Japanese black pine have drawn serious
attention because of their ability to spread and cause
disease in both introduced and native southern pine


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