Idiom: No. Word Example Meaning Burn The Candle at Both Ends (Oh, Denise Is

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Roudhoh Nur Fatimah


No. Word Example Meaning
1. Candle Burn the candle at both To overwork or exhaust
ends (Oh, Denise is oneself by doing too many
definitely burning the things, especially both late
candle at both ends—she's at night and early in the
been getting to the office morning.
early and staying very late
to work on some big
2. Candy Brain candy (The play Entertainment that is
won't make you think too pleasant, enjoyable, and
hard about the meaning of appealing to a broad
life or the human audience but not
condition, but it's a nice intellectually stimulating or
little piece of brain candy demanding.
all the same.)
3. Camera In Camera (We need to In private. This phrase
meet in camera so that the comes from Latin and
paparazzi don't see us means "in the chamber."
4. Calculated Calculated risk (We A risky action that has been
decided to take the carefully considered
calculated risk of going to beforehand, in which the
trial, rather than settling chance or likelihood of a
out of court beneficial outcome
outweighs the risk or cost of
5. Bald Bald as a coot (My father Totally Bald
had long hair as a teen,
but now he's bald as a
6. Badly Badly off (She was laid off Without enough money to
from her job last year, and get by poor.
she has been quite badly
off since then.)
7. Bag Bag it (You're really Go away and leave me
annoying me, so bag it!) alone.
8. Bagged Bagged (Well, I had to go Arrested or apprehended.
down to the police station
this morning because it
seems that my son got
bagged last night on his
way home.)
9. Backyard In your (own) backˈyard in or near the place where
(The residents didn’t want you live or work
a new factory in their
10. Backward Backward(s) and Back and forth; moving in
forward(s) (I was pacing one direction and then the
backwards and forwards opposite. Can be used
in my room last night, literally to refer to
worrying about this something or someone
morning's exam.) moving in such a way, or
figuratively to refer to a
situation in which no
progress is made (e.g., an
11. Awe Stand in awe of (someone To have a great amount of
or something) (Everyone respect or admiration for
in town stood in awe of the someone, sometimes to the
movie star as he came point of feeling nervous or
through on his vacation.) fearful around them.
12. Avail To little avail (We did our Having or with very little or
best to keep Sarah from no benefit, efficacy, or
finding out about her dad, effect.
but to little avail.)
13. Ascendant In the ascendant (With Gaining in status, power,
nationalist extremism in influence, or rank; on the
the ascendant again, many rise.
are worried that the
divisiveness in the country
is going to get worse
before it gets better.)
14. Back door Back door (The school Describing something that is
board is trying to rush this done in a deceptive, corrupt,
major change through the or indirect manner,
back door, and we need to especially with the intention
fight them on it!) of reducing the visibility of
an action.
15. Backhanded Backhanded An insulting or negative
compliment(What a comment disguised as
backhanded compliment!) praise. She said my new
pants really make my legs
look much slimmer.
16. Dying for something Be dying for (something) To be desperately longing or
(I'm dying for a chance to hoping for something.
introduce myself—he's one
of my favorite actors!)

17. in depth (We discussed In thorough and complete

the issue in depth, but we detail. Often hyphenated.
still couldn't find a
suitable solution.)

18. By degrees By degrees (I've been Gradually; in steps.

putting $50 aside every
month to increase my
savings account by

19. Default In default of (something) Due to the absence or lack

(Though it was only a of something; through the
speeding ticket, Janet was failure of something.
imprisoned in default of
paying the fine.)

20. Deal Deal with (someone or To manage or handle

something) (I just can't someone or something
deal with him when gets (usually someone or
hysterical like this.) something unpleasant). The
phrase "deal with it" can be
used dismissively to leave a
task to someone else.
21. Dear Old dear (That poor old An old lady
dear can't remember much
these days, but she's a real

22. Daylight Daylight robbery (I need A situation in which one is

to find another mechanic charged an exorbitant price.
because this bill is just
daylight robbery! I can't
believe how much he
charged for a simple

23. Day Day by day (With house Daily

prices climbing day by
day, I think we'll be able to
sell for the price we want
in a couple of months.)

24. At ease At ease (At ease, In relaxed posture, as of

gentlemen!) soldiers in the military.

25. Date To date (To date, the Up to the present time.

company has never
released a product that
generated less than $100
million in profit.)
26. Darn darn it (A mild alternative An exclamation of
to "damn it.”) frustration.
27. Deadwood Deadwood (Based on Those who are ineffective
these consistently low and unproductive.
numbers, there's a lot of
deadwood in that
28. Early Early on (I knew early on, In the beginning stages of
probably after just a few something; at the start.
dates in fact, that I wanted
to marry Annabelle.)

29. Eff Eff and blind (there was a slang to use obscene
lot of effing and blinding language
going on)
30. Element In your ˈelement (Julie is doing something that you
in her element with enjoy and do well,
anything mechanical. She especially with other similar
just loves fixing things.) people:

31. Employ Employ (someone) for To employ someone in a

(something) (I thought particular role or job.
they were just going to
employ me for filing, but
because they needed help
with data entry, I wound
up doing that instead.)

32. Essence Of the essence (It goes Absolutely necessary; of

without saying that great importance or key
discretion is of the essence consideration.
in this situation.)

33. Even Even as (Even as I worked At the same time as

on my degree in something else (is
psychology, I knew I happening).
would never be happy as a
34. Even Even though (Even In spite of (something).
though it rained, we still
had a great time at the

35. Even Even if/though (I’ll get in spite of the fact or belief
there, even if I have to that no matter whether:
36. Everything And everything (I need to A phrase used to indicate
find a stylist to do our hair nonspecific things that are
and makeup and similar or somehow related
everything on the day of to that which is being
the wedding.) discussed.

37. Example For example (You should A phrase used before the
bring something in case speaker gives a specific
you get cold on the plane, example to further explain
like a sweater or scarf, for or illustrate what they are
example.) referring to.

38. Eyeball Eyeball to eyeball (I had In direct contact; face to

been trying to avoid my face or eye to eye.
math teacher, but then I
came eyeball to eyeball
with her in the cafeteria.)

39. Face Face the music (After Fig. to receive punishment;

failing a math test, Tom to accept the unpleasant
had to go home and face results of one's actions.
the music.)
40. Fair Fair and square (No, I Completely fair(ly); without
won that round fair and any unfair methods.
square—no rematch!)
41. Family Run in the ˈfamily (He (of a physical characteristic
was never going to live or moral quality) be
long because heart disease something that many
runs in both families.) members of a family have:
42. False By false pretenses (I'm By or under a false
afraid you were brought impression created through
here by false pretenses.) intentional

43. Fault To a fault (He was Excessively, extremely, as

generous to a fault. ) in

44. Fit see fit (to do something) to decide to do something.

(If I see fit to return, I'll
bring Bill with me. )

45. Flat And that's flat! (Look, I old-fashioned And that

told you I'm moving to (decision) is final!
Canada after high school,
and that's flat!)

46. Flight Take flight (The would-be To flee or run away (from
burglars took flight as someone or something).
soon as they heard the
police sirens.)

47. Float float (one's) boat (A: To make someone happy.

"What do you want for Often used in the phrase
dinner?" B: "Whatever "whatever floats (one's)
floats your boat, I'm not boat."
even hungry.")

48. Fold Fold (someone) in (one's) To hug or embrace

arms (I started to feel someone.
better as soon as my mom
folded me in her arms.)

49. First Feet ˈfirst (If you want me (informal) dead or

to leave this house, you’ll unconscious:
have to carry me out feet
50. Follow Follow in (one's) To pursue something that
footsteps (My father was someone else (often a
an engineer, and I plan to family member) has already
follow in his footsteps and done.
study engineering in

52. Pay Pay someone (for to make payment with

something) (with something to someone for
something) (I will pay you something or for doing
for the loan you made me something.
with the money I get from
selling my car. )

53. Patch patch up (I patched up my To mend or fix something

jeans with that fabric. ) that has separated or has
holes by using some
material to reconnect its
54. Pass up Pass up (someone or To skip, ignore, disregard,
something) (I know you're or reject (someone or
on a diet, but this pie is something).
way too good to pass up.)

55. Pass into Pass into (something) To shift gradually into some
(The band was something state or condition.
of a one-hit wonder for a
while, but now even their
most popular song has
passed into obscurity.)

56. Pad out pad something out (lf we to make something appear
pad the costume out here, to be larger or longer by
it will make the person adding unnecessary
who wears it look much material.
plumper. )

57. Pack up Pack up (Students, please To put one's belongings into

don't pack up before I'm a box, suitcase, or other
done the lesson.) container to be transported

58. Read on Read on (Sorry for the To carry on reading.

interruptions, class. Please
read on, Tommy.)
59. Residen in Reside in (The power to To be an inherent trait or
change the world resides property of someone or
in all of us—we just have something.
to have the determination
and motivation to do so.)
60. Ride out Ride out (You could try to To endure or survive
ride it out, but I think something that is
you're better off dealing unpleasant, difficult, or
with the scandal up front.) dangerous. In this usage, a
noun or pronoun can be
used between "ride" and
61. Ring out Ring out (The monk To sound with a clear,
pulled on the rope, and the resonant tone
bells rang out.)

62. Rise above Rise above (Listen, I know To act more maturely than
they get on your nerves, someone; to disregard or
but you've got to rise refuse to engage in petty or
above such belittling unimportant actions or
comments.) behavior.
63. Roll out Roll out (Would you mind verb To flatten something
rolling out the dough while by rolling something over it.
I look for the cookie A noun or pronoun can be
cutter?) used between "roll" and

64. Vote with one’s feet Vote with one’s feet in. to show one’s
(When the audience votes displeasure by walking out.
with its feet, you know you
don’t have a hit. )

65. Virgin territory virgin territory (The Completely unexplored or

entrepreneur made his untested field(s) or area(s)
millions when he set up of activity
one of the world's most
popular search engines
back when the Internet
was still considered virgin

67. Vicious circle a vicious circle (The common If you describe a

economy couldn't create difficult situation as a
jobs because consumers vicious circle, you mean
weren't spending.) that one problem has caused
other problems which, in
turn, have made the original
problem even worse.
68. Vale of tears vale of tears (I'm only Life or the world at large
glad that she is at peace regarded as a source of
and can leave this vale of sorrow, strife, or tragedy.
tears behind.)

69. Under wraps Under wraps (Keep this Secret.

under wraps for now, but
Greg is definitely the one
getting the promotion.)

70. Up Up a/the creek (without a slang In a challenging or

paddle) (I have no troublesome situation,
savings, so if I get fired especially one that cannot
from my job, I'll be up the be easily resolved.
creek without a paddle.)

71. Ugly Ugly duckling ( I thought A person or thing once

that fledgling company considered unattractive or
would dissolve in months. unlikely to succeed that
No one foresaw that it was becomes beautiful or
just an ugly duckling and successful in time. The
would have great success.) phrase refers to Hans
Christian Andersen's fairy
tale of an ugly duckling that
grows up to be a beautiful
swan. The phrase can apply
to physical appearance or to
the level of success of
72. Wouldn’t Wouldn't be caught dead common If you say that you
(I wouldn't be seen dead in wouldn't be seen dead or
a black straw hat. The wouldn't be caught dead in
modern cowboy wouldn't particular clothes, places, or
be caught dead in such an situations, you are
old-fashioned place. ) emphasizing that you
strongly dislike or
disapprove of them.
73. Waste Waste not, want not (I If you use something
plan our meals very wisely, sparingly, and
carefully each week so that completely, it will be less
we use almost everything likely that you find yourself
we get in the groceries— in need of anything.
waste not, want not.)
74. Wouldn`t wouldn't be seen dead Would never (do the thing
(doing something) (You being discussed). I wouldn't
can burn it for all I care.) be seen dead wearing that

75. Wild Wild-goose chase a worthless hunt or chase; a

futile pursuit.
(I wasted all afternoon on
a wild-goose chase.)

76. Weather Under the weather (I'd Common if you are under
been feeling a bit under the weather, you are feeling
the weather for a couple of ill.

77. Up Up in the air (Becky and I Uncertain; subject to

were supposed get brunch change.
this weekend, but things
are up in the air now
because she's not feeling

78. Take take (something) with a To consider or evaluate

pinch of salt (I heard that something, such as a
you can get a free movie statement, while keeping in
ticket if you wear red, but mind that it may not be
Kevin told me that, so I'm completely true or accurate,
going to take it with a typically due to the
pinch of salt.) unreliability of the source.

79. The ball is in your The ball is in your court COMMON If the ball is in
court (We've made him an offer your court, it is your
but now he has to decide responsibility to decide
whether to accept: the ball what to do next in a
is in his court.) particular situation.

80. The final The final straw (I'm The last in a series of
already fed up with your negative actions or events
lazy, selfish behavior, Jim, that makes the situation no
but if you can't be longer tolerable
bothered to come with me
to my own mother's
funeral, well that will be
the final straw!)

81. Twist Twist someone’s arm (I to pressure someone.

had to twist her arm a
little, but she agreed.)

82. Through Through thick and thin Despite difficult or

(She's always been there troubling circumstances or
for me through thick and setbacks; through good and
thin, so I can't turn my bad times.
back on her now.)

83. Sleep on Sleep on (something) To postpone a decision until

(Why don't you sleep on the following day so that
the offer and let us know one has additional time to
your decision in the consider it.

84. Sit sit tight (I know you're To wait patiently without

anxious to hear how you taking any immediate
did, but just sit tight— action.
they'll let you know the
results when they're

85. Shed Shed (some) light on To reveal information or

(something) (We've hired details about something; to
a private investigator to clarify or help people
help shed light on the understand something.
clandestine dealings of the

86. See see eye to eye (His mother To agree with someone; to
and I don't see eye to eye share someone's position or
about his decision to drop opinion.
out of college.)

87. Scratch Scratch (one's) back (The To provide one with a favor;
president has been to do something generous,
accused of scratching the helpful, or beneficial for
oil industry's backs with a someone. Usually implies
series of executive actions that the favor is expected or
that put them in a position hoped to be returned in the
to make a lot more future.

88. Later Later on (I'm meeting At some undefined point in

Jared and Jennifer later the near future.
on at the mall.)

89. On the latch On the latch (In the small Of a door, closed but not
village where I grew up, locked. Primarily heard in
you knew everyone around UK.
you, so everyone left their
doors on the latch.)

90. At long last At (long) last (My Finally. Typically said after
husband returns from his a long period.
trip today at last—I've
missed him so much!)

91. At large At Large (That change in As a whole; in general.

curriculum has not been
accepted by the teachers at
92. Mind mind/watch your be careful about what you
ˈlanguage (Watch your say in order not to upset or
language, young man!) offend somebody:
93. Tomorrow Jam Tomorrow (The Good things that are
refused to settle for a promised in the future but
promise of jam tomorrow.) never happen.
94. The patience The patience of job (You The quality of being
need the patience of job to extremely patient and not
deal with some of our complaining.
95. Out of kilter Out of kilter (His views Not agreeing with or the
are out of kilter with world same as sth else.
96. With knobs on With knobs on (It isn’t Used to say that sth is a
art-it’s just a horror movie more complicated version of
with knobs on!) what you mention.
97. Land Land a blow (She landed To succeed in hitting sb/sth.
a punch on his chin.)
98. Wall Up the wall (I've been up In a state of intense
the wall trying to get this frustration, vexation,
problem with my tax bill distress, or anxiety.

99. Woe Woe is me! (Woe is me! I I am unfortunate.; I am

have to work when the rest unhappy. (Usually
of the office staff is off. humorous.)
Woe is me.)

100. Wobbly Throw a wobbly (John To suddenly become very

threw a wobbly at work upset or intensely angry and
after the boss criticized his make a big display of it.
report.) Primarily heard in UK,

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