Idiom: No. Word Example Meaning Burn The Candle at Both Ends (Oh, Denise Is
Idiom: No. Word Example Meaning Burn The Candle at Both Ends (Oh, Denise Is
Idiom: No. Word Example Meaning Burn The Candle at Both Ends (Oh, Denise Is
No. Word Example Meaning
1. Candle Burn the candle at both To overwork or exhaust
ends (Oh, Denise is oneself by doing too many
definitely burning the things, especially both late
candle at both ends—she's at night and early in the
been getting to the office morning.
early and staying very late
to work on some big
2. Candy Brain candy (The play Entertainment that is
won't make you think too pleasant, enjoyable, and
hard about the meaning of appealing to a broad
life or the human audience but not
condition, but it's a nice intellectually stimulating or
little piece of brain candy demanding.
all the same.)
3. Camera In Camera (We need to In private. This phrase
meet in camera so that the comes from Latin and
paparazzi don't see us means "in the chamber."
4. Calculated Calculated risk (We A risky action that has been
decided to take the carefully considered
calculated risk of going to beforehand, in which the
trial, rather than settling chance or likelihood of a
out of court beneficial outcome
outweighs the risk or cost of
5. Bald Bald as a coot (My father Totally Bald
had long hair as a teen,
but now he's bald as a
6. Badly Badly off (She was laid off Without enough money to
from her job last year, and get by poor.
she has been quite badly
off since then.)
7. Bag Bag it (You're really Go away and leave me
annoying me, so bag it!) alone.
8. Bagged Bagged (Well, I had to go Arrested or apprehended.
down to the police station
this morning because it
seems that my son got
bagged last night on his
way home.)
9. Backyard In your (own) backˈyard in or near the place where
(The residents didn’t want you live or work
a new factory in their
10. Backward Backward(s) and Back and forth; moving in
forward(s) (I was pacing one direction and then the
backwards and forwards opposite. Can be used
in my room last night, literally to refer to
worrying about this something or someone
morning's exam.) moving in such a way, or
figuratively to refer to a
situation in which no
progress is made (e.g., an
11. Awe Stand in awe of (someone To have a great amount of
or something) (Everyone respect or admiration for
in town stood in awe of the someone, sometimes to the
movie star as he came point of feeling nervous or
through on his vacation.) fearful around them.
12. Avail To little avail (We did our Having or with very little or
best to keep Sarah from no benefit, efficacy, or
finding out about her dad, effect.
but to little avail.)
13. Ascendant In the ascendant (With Gaining in status, power,
nationalist extremism in influence, or rank; on the
the ascendant again, many rise.
are worried that the
divisiveness in the country
is going to get worse
before it gets better.)
14. Back door Back door (The school Describing something that is
board is trying to rush this done in a deceptive, corrupt,
major change through the or indirect manner,
back door, and we need to especially with the intention
fight them on it!) of reducing the visibility of
an action.
15. Backhanded Backhanded An insulting or negative
compliment(What a comment disguised as
backhanded compliment!) praise. She said my new
pants really make my legs
look much slimmer.
16. Dying for something Be dying for (something) To be desperately longing or
(I'm dying for a chance to hoping for something.
introduce myself—he's one
of my favorite actors!)
29. Eff Eff and blind (there was a slang to use obscene
lot of effing and blinding language
going on)
30. Element In your ˈelement (Julie is doing something that you
in her element with enjoy and do well,
anything mechanical. She especially with other similar
just loves fixing things.) people:
35. Even Even if/though (I’ll get in spite of the fact or belief
there, even if I have to that no matter whether:
36. Everything And everything (I need to A phrase used to indicate
find a stylist to do our hair nonspecific things that are
and makeup and similar or somehow related
everything on the day of to that which is being
the wedding.) discussed.
37. Example For example (You should A phrase used before the
bring something in case speaker gives a specific
you get cold on the plane, example to further explain
like a sweater or scarf, for or illustrate what they are
example.) referring to.
46. Flight Take flight (The would-be To flee or run away (from
burglars took flight as someone or something).
soon as they heard the
police sirens.)
55. Pass into Pass into (something) To shift gradually into some
(The band was something state or condition.
of a one-hit wonder for a
while, but now even their
most popular song has
passed into obscurity.)
56. Pad out pad something out (lf we to make something appear
pad the costume out here, to be larger or longer by
it will make the person adding unnecessary
who wears it look much material.
plumper. )
62. Rise above Rise above (Listen, I know To act more maturely than
they get on your nerves, someone; to disregard or
but you've got to rise refuse to engage in petty or
above such belittling unimportant actions or
comments.) behavior.
63. Roll out Roll out (Would you mind verb To flatten something
rolling out the dough while by rolling something over it.
I look for the cookie A noun or pronoun can be
cutter?) used between "roll" and
64. Vote with one’s feet Vote with one’s feet in. to show one’s
(When the audience votes displeasure by walking out.
with its feet, you know you
don’t have a hit. )
76. Weather Under the weather (I'd Common if you are under
been feeling a bit under the weather, you are feeling
the weather for a couple of ill.
79. The ball is in your The ball is in your court COMMON If the ball is in
court (We've made him an offer your court, it is your
but now he has to decide responsibility to decide
whether to accept: the ball what to do next in a
is in his court.) particular situation.
80. The final The final straw (I'm The last in a series of
already fed up with your negative actions or events
lazy, selfish behavior, Jim, that makes the situation no
but if you can't be longer tolerable
bothered to come with me
to my own mother's
funeral, well that will be
the final straw!)
86. See see eye to eye (His mother To agree with someone; to
and I don't see eye to eye share someone's position or
about his decision to drop opinion.
out of college.)
87. Scratch Scratch (one's) back (The To provide one with a favor;
president has been to do something generous,
accused of scratching the helpful, or beneficial for
oil industry's backs with a someone. Usually implies
series of executive actions that the favor is expected or
that put them in a position hoped to be returned in the
to make a lot more future.
89. On the latch On the latch (In the small Of a door, closed but not
village where I grew up, locked. Primarily heard in
you knew everyone around UK.
you, so everyone left their
doors on the latch.)
90. At long last At (long) last (My Finally. Typically said after
husband returns from his a long period.
trip today at last—I've
missed him so much!)