Seismic Pipeline
Seismic Pipeline
Seismic Pipeline
Journal of Earthquakes
Volume 2014, Article ID 818923, 9 pages
Research Article
Seismic Behaviour of Buried Pipelines:
3D Finite Element Approach
Received 13 April 2014; Revised 27 June 2014; Accepted 7 July 2014; Published 5 August 2014
Copyright © 2014 Smrutirekha Sahoo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
This paper presents a numerical investigation on six pipeline models to study the seismic response of single and double buried
pipelines using finite element method. Different depth and spacing of pipes are considered to investigate their prominent role
in the seismic response of buried pipelines under an earthquake loading having PGA of 0.2468 g. In case of single pipeline, the
maximum magnitude of final displacement as well as the stress at the end of the seismic sequence is found at the burial depth
equal to the pipe diameter. In case of double pipeline, the maximum magnitude of final displacement is found when the spacing
between pipes is equal to half the pipe diameter and there is an increasing tendency of developed stress with increase in spacing
between pipes. In addition to the above results, the response of the buried pipelines with a particular bend angle (artificially induced
bend/buckle) to the permanent ground deformation which is assumed to be the result of seismic wave propagation has also been
studied. Remarkable differences in these results are obtained and with these results the designers can reduce seismic risk to their
buried pipelines by taking proper precautionary measures.
1. Introduction and 1995 Kobe earthquake [4] were the famous examples
of lifeline failures which drew more attention towards the
Earthquakes are one of the most destructive natural hazards investigation of circumstances that cause pipeline failures.
which can severely damage several lifeline utilities in both In 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, the urban subway system of
urban and nonurban areas. The potential damage because Taipei encountered damages [5]. The seismic behaviour of
of earthquakes has been intensified with the rapid growth buried pipeline under earthquake conditions has been inves-
of urbanisation, hence the initiation of recovery efforts is tigated by many researchers [6–9]. The response of buried
required to restore some of the indispensable services like pipeline to lateral ground movements is critical for design
lifeline utilities by identifying the most vulnerable areas to and risk evaluation in a variety of adverse environmental
limit the impact of structural as well as human damage and conditions which also include earthquake induced faulting
destruction caused by intensive earthquakes. These lifeline as stated by various researchers [10–12]. The soil stresses and
utilities include water supply, sewage system, and oil and gas deformations, which in practice are difficult to characterize,
supply pipelines, whose failure could worsen the damages due are the main factors in finding the seismic response of
to earthquakes. For example, in case of gas and petroleum buried pipelines. Each source of ground movement (e.g.,
transferring pipelines, other than the economic loss and earthquake) can cause significant pipeline strain by means
contamination of the ecosystem, leakage of gas or oil from of (1) bending and (2) increased longitudinal friction from
the damaged pipelines would cause fires in case of electricity high lateral soil stresses. Permanent ground displacement
sparks as discussed by Scawthorn and Yanev [1]. In addition, (PGD) is a substantial source of damage to water facilities
the destruction of water pipelines could prevent the fire [13, 14]. Types of PGD include fault rupture, settlement,
fighter’s activities to make the fire under control. The 1989 subsidence/uplift, and liquefaction induced lateral spreading
Loma Prieta earthquake [2], 1994 Northridge earthquake [3], or landslides deformations. Damage occurring to water and
2 Journal of Earthquakes
gas pipelines during PGD has been well documented by side soil boundary nodes and the bottom soil boundary
several researchers in the literature [15, 16]. The damage to nodes, respectively. At the free-roller boundary which is
pipelines caused by the San Fernando earthquake in 1971 usually used to represent a far field boundary condition, soil
has been evaluated and it is concluded that almost half of particles are free to move in the direction which is parallel to
the total pipeline damage occurred in specific areas where the wall boundary. The geometry and generated mesh with
fault rupture was observed [17]. In view of these findings and the boundary conditions of a single and a double pipeline
the uncertainties, a series of numerically developed models model are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. All the
are analysed on six pipeline models with different burial six models developed using the finite element method with
depth and spacing parameters. The effect of the depth and different depth and spacing parameters are analysed under a
spacing on the seismic response of the buried pipelines has seismic excitation having PGA as 0.2468 g. The time history
been examined and also the response of the pipelines to the data having PGA as 0.2468 g adopted during the numerical
earthquake induced PGD has also been addressed. analysis are chosen from the available inbuilt earthquake
histories in the finite element software, MIDAS/GTS [18]. The
time history of the acceleration chosen for the finite element
2. Details of the Numerical Model analysis is shown in Figure 3. These data are used in finite
Three-dimensional solid numerical models are developed element analysis to provide unidirectional seismic excitation
for the simulation of soil consisting pipeline models with (i.e., lateral to the orientation of pipeline and here it is along
different depth and spacing. In each model, the hollow the 𝑥-direction in Figures 1 and 2). The reason behind the
steel pipeline is surrounded by gravelly soil and then sandy lateral directional seismic excitation is its criticality in terms
soil is provided around the gravelly soil. The pipelines are of both stress and deformation magnitudes in comparison
modelled as two-dimensional elastic plate structures. The to longitudinal (along the axis of pipe) seismic excitation
outer diameter (designated as “𝐷” in Figures 1 and 2) and the of the buried pipelines. Hence the response of the buried
thickness of the pipelines used in FE analysis are considered pipelines to the lateral directional seismic excitation is taken
as 2.1 m and 0.015 m, respectively. The water table is assumed into consideration for the present analysis.
to be at the ground level. The water pressure on the surface of In this research, behaviour of both single and double
pipeline from inside due to the flow of water in the pipeline buried pipelines under the effect of PGD has also been
is considered as 25 kN/m2 . The material parameters of soil included using finite element models idealized with shell
and pipeline adopted for the FE analysis are shown in Table 1. elements. A bend has been manually created at the centre
The Mohr-Coulomb model is adopted for soil to simulate of the pipeline with a particular bend angle, that is, 30∘ ,
the elastoplastic behaviour of soil. The interface elements which has been assumed to be the result of permanent ground
are created around the pipeline by calculating the normal deformation as a result of the seismic excitation [19]. The
stiffness modulus, shear stiffness modulus, cohesion, internal outline of the model is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 also shows
friction angle, and the assumed strength reduction factor the image of parameters where the bend angle is kept as 30∘
from the material properties of soil and pipe to provide the while all other parameters like radius of bend and the PGD
interface between soil and pipe. In this study, the damping encounter angle remain fixed for all the cases.
constants, that is, “𝑐𝑝 ” and “𝑐𝑠 ”, required for the time-history
analysis are calculated as follows [18]:
3. Results and Discussions
𝜆 + 2𝐺 𝜆 + 2𝐺 The effect of depth in case of single pipeline and the effect
𝐶𝑝 = 𝜌 ⋅ 𝐴 ⋅ √ =𝑊⋅𝐴⋅√ = 𝑐𝑝 ⋅ 𝐴
𝜌 𝑊 ⋅ 9.81 of spacing between pipelines in case of double pipeline
(1) shown in Figures 5 and 6 to examine the pipe stress and the
deformation behaviour of the pipeline under an earthquake
𝐶𝑠 = 𝜌 ⋅ 𝐴 ⋅ √ =𝑊⋅𝐴⋅√ = 𝑐𝑠 ⋅ 𝐴, loading having PGA of 0.2468 g are studied in detail as
𝜌 𝑊 ⋅ 9.81 follows.
where 𝜆 = ]𝐸/((1+])(1−2])) and 𝐺 = 𝐸/(2(1+])). 𝐴 is cross- 3.1. Effect of Depth in Case of Single Pipeline. One of the
sectional area (m2 ); 𝐸 is modulus of elasticity (kN/m2 ); 𝑊 varying factors in this study is the burial depth of pipe. Three
is unit weight (kN/m3 ); 𝜆 is volumetric modulus of elasticity analyses have been carried out on the single pipeline with
(kN/m2 ); 𝐺 is shear modulus (kN/m2 ); and ] is Poisson’s ratio. outer diameter as 2.1 m and thickness as 0.015 m at different
In FE analysis, the meshing for soil elements has been depths of 1.05 m, 2.1 m, and 4.2 m (i.e., 𝐷/2, 𝐷, and 2𝐷,
done using 10-noded tetrahedron elements whereas, for resp.) under the acceleration record as depicted in Figure 3
the plate elements of pipeline, 8-noded quadratic element with PGA of 0.24 g. The final displacement found at the
meshing is chosen. The boundary conditions have also been end of the seismic sequence along the length of pipeline
provided as it is well known that the accuracy and stability is plotted in Figure 5. The maximum stress induced in the
of any FE based computation depend on the boundary pipeline versus the normalized burial depth is plotted in
conditions. In this paper, two types of boundary conditions Figure 6. It is found from Figure 5 that the magnitude of
are considered: free-roller and full-fixity. The free-roller and final displacement for all the cases is higher at the middle
the full-fixity boundary condition are considered for the portion and decreases gradually towards the end portions
Journal of Earthquakes 3
14 18.018
Burial depth = D = 2.1 m
20 m
0.5 m 0.5 m
D = 2.1 m
0.5 m
D = 2.1 m
25 kN/m2
0.5 m
D = 2.1 m Y
50 m X
Figure 1: FE modelling of the single pipeline (pipe depth = 𝐷). (a) Front view of the whole model in 𝑋𝑍 plane and (b) 3-dimensional view
of the pipeline.
of the pipeline. The pattern of displacement curves along the magnitude of stresses developed on both top and bottom
the length of pipeline at each burial depth in case of single plates in case of single pipelines is maximum at the depth
pipeline is similar in nature. The magnitude of displacement equal to the diameter of the pipe and both the curves followed
is maximum at the burial depth equal to the diameter of the a similar pattern.
pipe whereas it is minimum at the burial depth equal to half Hence it is safer to avoid the installation of a pipeline
the diameter of the pipe. From Figure 6, it is quite clear that at the burial depth equal to the diameter of pipeline. Hence
4 Journal of Earthquakes
Spacing = D = 2.1 m
Ground water table
40 m
0.5 m Spacing = D = 2.1 m 0.5 m
0.5 m
D = 2.1 m
3.1 m
25 kN/m2 25 kN/m2
0.5 m
D = 2.1 m D = 2.1 m
D = 2.1 m
50 m
Figure 2: FE modelling of double pipeline (pipe depth = 𝐷; pipe spacing = 𝐷). (a) Front view of the whole model in 𝑋𝑍 plane and (b)
3-dimensional view of both the pipelines.
Acceleration (g)
Bend angle
Bend Pipeline
PGD encounter Y
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) Image of parameters taken to create a bend with bend angle of 30∘ in the pipeline in the 𝑦-𝑧 plane and (b) 3-dimensional FE
modelling of the single bend pipeline (pipe depth = 𝐷).
0.015 1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Along the length of pipeline (m)
Single-0.5D Double-0.5D 2.00E + 03 2.50E + 03 3.00E + 03 3.50E + 03 4.00E + 03
Single-D Double-D Maximum stress in pipe (kPa)
Single-2D Double-2D
Single top plate Double top plate
Single bottom plate Double bottom plate
Figure 5: Variation of burial depth and spacing of pipes with
the maximum displacement of pipelines at the end of the seismic Figure 6: Variation of burial depth and spacing of pipes with the
excitation. maximum stresses in pipelines at the end of the seismic excitation.
From Figure 6, it is quite clear that the magnitude of stress the contour diagrams in Figures 7(a)–7(c) and Figures 7(d)–
on pipelines increases with increase in spacing between pipes. 7(f) for single and double pipeline, respectively. From Fig-
It has also shown that the magnitude of stresses developed ures 7(a)–7(f), it can be seen that the zone of maximum
on both top and bottom plates in case of double pipelines is deformation along the length of the pipeline is found around
maximum with the spacing between pipes equal to double the middle portion of the pipelines and decreases gradually
diameter of the pipe and both the curves followed a similar towards the ends. The reason behind this kind of deformities
pattern. Hence it is better to provide a spacing between pipes can be the direction of seismic excitation applied to the
equal to the diameter of the pipe in case of installation of pipelines. Because when the direction of seismic excitation
double pipeline with the burial depth equal to the diameter was along the longitudinal direction of the pipelines, the
of pipe. This can help in maintaining the magnitude of deformities were distributed all over the pipe length rather
displacement of pipelines to the minimum and in avoiding than concentrating only on the middle portion.
the maximum magnitude of stress induced in the pipeline at
the end of the seismic sequence. The final deformed diagram 3.3. Effect of PGD on Buried Pipelines and Bends. In addition
of all the pipeline models at the end of the seismic sequence to the above results, the response of the buried pipelines
having PGA = 0.2468 g has been shown schematically with to the permanent ground deformation (PGD) has also been
6 Journal of Earthquakes
Displacement Displacement
Unit (m) Unit (m)
3.4% +1.43003e − 002 13.8%+1.75370e − 002
0.511 15.767 21.023
7.7% +1.39502e − 002
0.557 15.836 21.115
7.3% +1.70075e − 002
13.1%+1.36001e − 002 6.0% +1.64779e − 002
8.4% +1.32499e − 002 5.5% +1.59483e − 002
7.3% +1.28998e − 002 4.6% +1.54188e − 002
6.2% +1.25497e − 002 4.9% +1.48892e − 002
5.5% +1.21995e − 002 3.9% +1.43597e − 002
5.5% +1.18494e − 002 5.1% +1.38301e − 002
5.0% +1.14992e − 002 3.8% +1.33005e − 002
4.9% +1.11491e − 002 3.8% +1.27710e − 002
4.9% +1.07990e − 002 5.1% +1.22414e − 002
4.9% +1.04488e − 002 6.4% +1.17118e − 002
5.1% +1.00987e − 002 5.4% +1.11823e − 002
Z 6.1% +9.74854e − 003 Z 6.2% +1.06527e − 002
7.9% +9.39840e − 003 Y
7.0% +1.01232e − 002
4.2% +9.04826e − 003 X 11.1%+9.59359e − 003
DXYZ (V), time history min(2) +8.69812e − 003 DXYZ (V), time history min(2) +9.06403e − 003
(a) (b)
Displacement Displacement
Unit (m) Unit (m)
+1.52035e − 002 9.2% +2.53180e − 002
77 29.569 12.5%
+1.47433e − 002 11.084 16.625 22.167
7.4% +2.48048e − 002
+1.42832e − 002 6.0% +2.42916e − 002
+1.38230e − 002 4.8% +2.37784e − 002
+1.33628e − 002 4.6% +2.32653e − 002
+1.29026e − 002 4.5% +2.27521e − 002
+1.24424e − 002 4.0% +2.22389e − 002
+1.19822e − 002 4.1% +2.17257e − 002
+1.15220e − 002 3.7% +2.12125e − 002
4.3% +1.10618e − 002 4.0% +2.06993e − 002
4.1% +1.06016e − 002 3.7% +2.01861e − 002
4.3% +1.01414e − 002 3.9% +1.96729e − 002
4.9% +9.68124e − 003 4.1% +1.91597e − 002
Z 5.3% +9.22104e − 003 Z 9.1% +1.86465e − 002
7.5% +8.76085e − 003 Y
11.4%+1.81333e − 002
DXYZ (V), time history all(3) X
7.4% +8.30066e − 003 X
15.4%+1.76201e − 002
+7.84047e − 003 DXYZ (V), time history max(1) +1.71070e − 002
(c) (d)
Displacement Displacement
Unit (m) Unit (m)
11.2% +2.38789e − 002 +2.48995e − 002
1.330 16.994 22.659
8.4% +2.32368e − 002 11.863 17.794 23.726 6.8%
+2.44049e − 002
6.4% +2.25947e − 002 8.5%
+2.39103e − 002
5.8% +2.19526e − 002 6.0%
+2.34157e − 002
5.3% +2.13104e − 002 5.1%
4.6% +2.29211e − 002
5.2% +2.06683e − 002 4.4% +2.24264e − 002
4.8% +2.00262e − 002 4.2% +2.19318e − 002
4.7% +1.93841e − 002 4.0% +2.14372e − 002
4.7% +1.87420e − 002 3.7% +2.09426e − 002
4.8% +1.80998e − 002 3.8% +2.04480e − 002
4.7% +1.74577e − 002 3.8% +1.99534e − 002
5.0% +1.68156e − 002 3.6% +1.94588e − 002
5.5% +1.61735e − 002 7.3% +1.89642e − 002
Z 5.7% +1.55313e − 002 Z 10.4%+1.84696e − 002
7.1% +1.48892e − 002 Y
10.3%+1.79750e − 002
10.5% +1.42471e − 002 X 13.6%+1.74804e − 002
DXYZ (V), time history min(2) +1.36050e − 002 DXYZ (V), time history all(3) +1.69858e − 002
(e) (f)
Figure 7: Deformed diagram of single and double pipeline at the end of the seismic excitation. (a) Burial depth = 0.5𝐷, (b) burial depth = 𝐷,
(c) burial depth = 2𝐷, (d) spacing = 0.5𝐷, (e) spacing = 𝐷, and (f) spacing = 2𝐷.
studied by creating a bend in the pipeline which is assumed has been observed with the burial depth of 0.5d which is
to be the result of earthquake induced permanent ground beyond the yield limit of the pipe and then it decreases and
deformation. To include this issue in the present FE analysis becomes constant with further increase in the burial depth
regarding the response of the buried pipelines to PGD, the of bend pipe. In case of double pipe also, no variation in
final deformation of the pipeline observed at the end of the the magnitude of maximum displacement with the spacing
seismic excitation and a bend with a bend angle of 30∘ has between pipes has been found for the straight pipe case.
been manually applied to the pipeline models for all cases. But for the bend pipe case, the curve clearly indicates that
Nonlinear static analysis has been carried out on both there is a steady increase in the magnitude of displacement
straight and bend pipelines after the seismic excitation to with increase in the spacing between pipes. It has also been
observe the pipe axial strain for all the cases with different observed that the magnitude of maximum displacement in
burial depth and spacing. Hence the effect of different burial case of straight pipe is very small as compared to the bend
depths and spacing of pipelines to the PGD induced bend has pipe for both cases of single and double pipelines.
been addressed in terms of displacement as well as axial strain In Figure 9 the exact same tendency to that of Figure 8
in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. has been found. It means that a similar tendency of developed
From Figure 8 it is found that, in case of single pipeline, strain like that of the maximum displacement has been found
there is no variation in the magnitude of maximum dis- for both straight and bend pipe cases in both single and
placement with the burial depth of pipe for the straight pipe double pipes. The only thing to be observed from Figure 9
case. But for the bend pipe case, a very high displacement is that no development of strain has been found in case of
Journal of Earthquakes 7
Displacement Displacement
Unit (m) Unit (m)
4.8% +3.57160e + 002 21.1%+5.55239e + 000
21.329 28.438
6.1% +3.34873e + 002 1.420 28.561
+5.25946e + 000
6.8% +3.12585e + 002 6.7%
+4.96654e + 000
6.1% +2.90297e + 002 5.5%
+4.67362e + 000
+2.68009e + 002 4.8%
+4.38069e + 000
+2.45722e + 002 4.1%
+4.08777e + 000
+2.23434e + 002 4.3%
+3.79485e + 000
+2.01146e + 002 4.3%
+3.50193e + 000
+1.78859e + 002 4.5%
+3.20900e + 000
+1.56571e + 002 4.6%
+2.91608e + 000
+1.34283e + 002 5.0%
+2.62316e + 000
+1.11995e + 002 4.6%
+2.33023e + 000
+8.97076e + 001 6.8%
+2.03731e + 000
+6.74199e + 001 4.3%
+1.74439e + 000
Y 6.4%
+4.51321e + 001 Z
Y 1.0%
+1.45147e + 000
X 6.1%
+2.28444e + 001 X 0.3%
+1.15854e + 000
+5.56651e − 001 +8.65620e − 001
(a) (b)
Displacement Displacement
Unit (m) Unit (m)
21.6% +5.08833e + 000 10.3% +6.10222e + 000
1.317 28.423
18.1% +4.82079e + 000 22.239 29.651
9.4% +5.80405e + 000
6.7% +4.55325e + 000 13.9% +5.50587e + 000
5.3% +4.28572e + 000 12.2% +5.20770e + 000
4.8% +4.01818e + 000 5.6% +4.90953e + 000
4.1% +3.75064e + 000 5.0% +4.61136e + 000
+3.48310e + 000 4.9% +4.31319e + 000
+3.21557e + 000 4.9% +4.01502e + 000
+2.94803e + 000 4.8% +3.71685e + 000
+2.68049e + 000 5.0% +3.41867e + 000
+2.41296e + 000 5.1% +3.12050e + 000
+2.14542e + 000 6.4% +2.82233e + 000
+1.87788e + 000 6.1% +2.52416e + 000
+1.61035e + 000 4.7% +2.22599e + 000
+1.34281e + 000 Z
Y 1.5% +1.92782e + 000
+1.07527e + 000 X 0.2% +1.62965e + 000
+8.07737e − 001 +1.33148e + 000
(c) (d)
Displacement Displacement
Unit (m) Unit (m)
+8.20029e + 000 3.1% +2.78746e + 001
22.357 29.810
+7.85786e + 000 23.736 31.647
7.9% +2.62749e + 001
+7.51544e + 000 6.7% +2.46753e + 001
+7.17301e + 000 4.6% +2.30756e + 001
+6.83059e + 000 3.6% +2.14760e + 001
+6.48816e + 000 3.0% +1.98763e + 001
+6.14573e + 000 2.5% +1.82767e + 001
+5.80331e + 000 2.4% +1.66770e + 001
+5.46088e + 000 2.4% +1.50774e + 001
+5.11846e + 000 2.7% +1.34777e + 001
+4.77603e + 000 2.5% +1.18781e + 001
+4.43361e + 000 2.7% +1.02784e + 001
+4.09118e + 000 2.7% +8.67878e + 000
+3.74876e + 000 2.9% +7.07913e + 000
Y 5.1%
+3.40633e + 000 Z
Y 25.0% +5.47948e + 000
X 1.8%
+3.06391e + 000 X 25.6% +3.87983e + 000
+2.72148e + 000 +2.28018e + 000
(e) (f)
Figure 10: Deformed diagram of single and double bend pipeline due to PGD at the end of the nonlinear static analysis. (a) Burial depth =
0.5𝐷, (b) burial depth = 𝐷, (c) burial depth = 2𝐷, (d) spacing = 0.5𝐷, (e) spacing = 𝐷, and (f) spacing = 2𝐷.
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Journal of Earthquakes 9
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