GPS U19 Rugby 2011
GPS U19 Rugby 2011
GPS U19 Rugby 2011
Department of Sport Science, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1 Matieland, 7602 South
Africa; E-mail: [email protected]
This study attempted to use Global Positioning System (GPS) devices to obtain information on
elite Under-19 rugby union forward and back players with regard to selected movement patterns,
as well as impacts from collisions experienced by players. Seventeen Under-19 male rugby
players from a provincial rugby institute in Stellenbosch, South Africa, were studied during five
games in a Super League A competition. Data revealed that players covered on average 4469.95
± 292.25 m during a game. Players spent 72.32 ± 4.77% of the total game time either standing or
walking. Props and locks spent more time jogging (26.11 ± 3.77%), compared to outside backs
(15.6 ± 2.3%). The outside backs spent more time sprinting (1.11 ± 1.18%) than inside backs
(0.72 ± 0.30%) or the front and back row forwards (0.48 ± 0.23% and 48 ± 0.13%) respectively.
Back row forwards had the highest total amount of impacts (measured in G-force, g) during the
games (683.4 ± 295.04). The inside backs experienced the highest amount of severe impacts
(>10g) (12.16 ± 3.18) per match. The intermittent nature of Under-19 rugby union match play, as
well as the unique roles and requirements of positional groups, were confirmed. The use of GPS
technology also offered valuable insight into the severity of impacts experienced by players in
different positions, which was not previously available. An understanding of match-play
requirements, as well as the number and intensity of collisions experienced by players, can assist
coaches with planning specific training programmes, as well as adequate recovery between
training sessions and games.
tackles. These demands vary depending on the position played (Duthie et al.,
Key information on the game demands of team sports not only focuses on
movement patterns, but also relates to differences between players in various
positions, effects of tactical changes, effects of rule changes (Wisbey,
Montgomery, Pyne & Rattray, 2010), as well as the impacts experienced through
collisions (Gabbett, Jenkins & Abernethy, 2010). This information can be used
to enhance the specificity of training to better prepare players for competition
(Aughey & Falloon, 2010).
Numerous studies have used time-motion analysis to quantify the movement and
physical demands of team sports such as hockey (Spencer, Lawrence, Rechichi,
Bishop, Dawson, & Goodman, 2004), rugby union (Deutsch, Kearny & Rehrer,
2007; Duthie, Pyne & Hooper, 2005), rugby league (King, Jenkins & Gabbett,
2009), and soccer (Burgess, Naughton & Norton, 2006). Although time-motion
analysis is a popularly used method, the process has some limitations such as
errors w i t h regard to the categorization of locomotor activities, subjectivity
involved when interpreting the data (Cunniffe et al., 2009), measurement error
(Duthie et al., 2003), and the time taken to complete the analysis (Aughey &
Falloon, 2010).
The use of portable global positioning system (GPS) devices has become a
popular and convenient method to quantify movement patterns and physical
demands in sport (Wisbey et al., 2010). It has been reported that GPS devices are
reliable and valid for assessing the movement patterns of field hockey players
(Macleod & Sunderland, 2007), and also have an acceptable level of accuracy
and reliability for total distance and peak speeds during high-intensity,
intermittent activities in team sports (Coutts & Duffield, 2010). In court-based
sports or movements in confined spaces, GPS technology under reported
distance covered, and both mean and peak speed of movement (Duffield, Reid,
Baker & Spratford, 2010).
Although GPS technology has been used to analyse game demands of various
sports, there is a dearth of published data on the use of GPS technology in rugby
union. The aim of the study was to use GPS technology to obtain information on
elite Under-19 rugby union forward and back players w i t h regard to movement
patterns, as well as impacts from collisions experienced by players. Data
collected could provide some insight into the game demands associated w i t h
Under-19 rugby union players. Such quantitative data can provide deeper
understanding of rugby game demands, w i t h which coaches could design and
implement appropriate training programmes and recovery regimes according to
specific positional requirements.
The use of GPS tracking devices in rugby match 3
The players were divided into four groups based on the assumption that they
have the same on-field requirements (Duthie et al., 2003). The four groups were:
front row forwards (props and locks) (body mass: 99.4 ± 4.9 kg, height: 187 ± 6
cm), back row forwards (hooker, flanks, and eighth man) (body mass: 97.1 ± 7.6
kg, height: 187 ± 7 cm), inside backs (fly halves and centres) (body mass: 81.9 ±
5.0 kg, height: 174 ± 3 cm) and outside backs (wings and full backs) (body mass:
76.1 ± 3.1 kg, height: 177 ± 5 cm). Similar to Deutsch et al. (1998), the scrum
halves were not included in the study, as a result of their m i x responsibilities
during a game.
Players were randomly selected for assessment before the warm-up for the game.
The selected players wore an individual GPS unit (mass: 76 g; dimensions: 48 x
20 x 87 mm) encased w i t h i n a vest w i t h a small protective pocket below the
neck, between the shoulder blades. The tracking devices (SPI Pro; GPSports
Systems, Canberra, Australia) were switched on just before going onto the field
for the game, worn for the duration of the entire game, and switched o f f directly
after the game. GPS data were recorded w i t h a 5 GHz processor. Data stored
included position, distance, velocity, direction, and intensity of player impacts as
measured in " g " force. After the game, the vest and GPS devices were collected
and the data were downloaded onto a computer. Analysis was carried out w i t h
the use of the system software provided by the manufacturer (Team A M S ;
GPSports, Canberra, Australia), which was also used in other research on the use
of GPS devices (Coutts & Duffield, 2010). The duration of the games was
supposed to be 70 minutes each, w i t h 35 minutes per half. Data from the first 30
minutes of the first half, as well as the first 30 minutes of the second half were
analysed, because none o f the halves lasted for a full 35 minutes. The Under-19
matches were often stopped before full-time, because they were played as
4 Venter, Opperman and Opperman
curtain-raisers to the main games and the main games had to start on time.
Players were asked to subjectively report any inconvenience while wearing the
GPS units. No negative reports were received from any player and the
assumption was made that wearing the units did not negatively affect their
performance during the game.
Distances covered by the players, as well as the speed at which they were
moving, were recorded. The readings for the speed zones were recorded in 0.2
seconds intervals. The speed of the players was divided in six different speed
zones similar to the study by Duthie, Pyne, Marsh, & Hooper (2006), namely:
standing (0-1 km.h ), walking (<20% Vmax), jogging (20%-50% Vmax),
Data on player impacts were gathered from accelerometer data provided in " g "
force. An impact is counted by the system if the force applied is more than five
G-force units (5g). The software displays the total impact count from collisions,
the intensity, as well as the time in the game where the impact occurred. A
scaling system between 5-10+g for grading the impacts is used: 5-6g: light
impact, hard acceleration/deceleration/ change of direction; 6-6.5g: light to
moderate impact (player collision, contact w i t h the ground); 6.5-7g: moderate to
heavy impact; 7-8g: heavy impact; 8-10g: very heavy impact (scrum
engagement); and 10 g: severe impact/ tackle/ collision (Carling, Reilly &
Williams, 2009). Impacts above 10g were used to report on the number of severe
impacts that the players received during games.
Data were presented as the mean±standard deviation and were analysed using
Statistica v9.0 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma). Analysis of variance ( A N O V A )
was used to test any significant differences in the mean data and disparity
between the groups, w i t h Bonferroni post-hoc method. Statistical significance
was set at p<0.05.
W i t h regard to the time spent walking, the outside backs spent on average 36 m i n
12 s ± 2 min 21s (60.34 ± 3.92%) of the time walking, which is significantly
more (p<0.05) than the 25 min 15 s ± 5 min 59s (42.1 ± 9.99%) of the front row
forwards. Time spent jogging also showed a significant difference (p<0.05).
Props and locks spent on average more time jogging (15 min 40 s ± 2 min 16 s or
26.11 ± 3.77%), compared to outside backs (9 m i n 22 s ± 1 m i n 23 s or 15.6 ±
2.3%). The outside backs spent more time sprinting (39.96 ± 4.48 s or 1.11 ±
1.18%) than inside backs (25.92 ± 10.8 s or 0.72 ± 0.30%), the front row
The use of GPS tracking devices in rugby match 5
forwards (17.28 ± 8.28 s or 0.48 ± 0.23%), and back row forwards (17.28 ± 4.68
s or 0.48 ± 0.13%), although the differences were not significant (Table 1).
Table 1: Percentage time spent in the six speed sones by front row forwards, back row forwards,
inside backs, and outside backs
Speed sone 2: Walking 42.17 9.99* 46.88 6.53 53.57 5.80 60.34 3.92*
(<20% Vmax)
Speed sone 3: Jogging 26.11 3.77* 23.58 5.88 19.99 3.03 15.63 2.30*
(20-49% Vmax)
Speed sone 4: Striding 9.58 4.59 6.04 1.83 6.22 3.67 2.84 0.45
(50-79% Vmax)
Speed sone 5:Sprinting 0.42 0.22 0.42 0.12 0.66 0.26 1.05 1.15
(80-95% Vmax)
Speed sone 6: 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.04
Maximum sprint
(>95% Vmax)
*p<0.05; Vmax = maximum speed players reached during the match.
k m . h ) , back row forwards (26.01 ± 2.32 km.h"i), and then the front row
forwards (23.01 ± 2.03 km.h"i). The highest average player running speeds over
the games were 4.69 ± 0.38 km.h"i (outside backs) and the lowest were 4.30 ±
0.47 km.h"i (back row forwards).
Back row forwards had the highest total amount of impacts (measured in during
the games (683.4 ± 295.04), while the outside backs had the least amount of
impacts (474.33 ± 81.92). More severe impacts (>10g) were experienced by the
inside backs (12.16 ± 3.18), while the front row forwards had the least amount of
severe impacts (8 ± 4.58).
6 Venter, Opperman and Opperman
It should be taken into consideration that there are little or no studies to our
knowledge which assessed the game demands of Under-19 players using GPS
technology over a number games, which makes it difficult for us to make
comparisons. In the present study, players covered an average total distance of
4469.95 m ± 292.25 m during the games. This is less than the average total
distance of 6 953 m reported by Cuniffe et al. (2009), who also used GPS
technology w i t h two participants (mean age 25 ± 3.6 years) from an elite rugby
union club team during one game. It should, however, be noted that Cuniffe et al.
(2009) analysed 83 minutes from the game, while we analysed 60 minutes each
from five games. Match running data showed that players in professional rugby
league covered between 5908 ± 158 m and 6265 ± 318 m in a match (King,
Jenkins & Gabbett, 2009), while players in elite Australians Rules Football
covered 12 939 ± 1145 m on average during a match (Coutts et al., 2010).
Similar to a study by Deutsch et al. (1998) who used time-motion analysis to
monitor six under-19 players during four games, our data also showed that the
back row forwards (hooker, flanks, and eight man) covered the shortest distance.
Previous studies found that the backs travelled greater total distances than their
forward counterparts (Deutsch et al., 1998; Roberts, Trewartha, Higgitt, E l - A b d
& Stokes, 2008), while we found that the front row forwards (props and locks)
covered the greatest distances, followed by the outside backs (wings and full
backs). Quarrie and Hopkins (2007) stated that factors such as ground
conditions, weather, and the tactics employed by the teams could play a role in
the variability of game activities. This study was also conducted on only one
team and results could reflect the playing style of the team. The technology used
(GPS versus time-motion analysis) could also have made a difference in the data
In the present study, players spent on average 72.32 ± 4.77% of the total time of
a game either standing or walking, which is similar to findings reported in the
study by Cuniffe et al. (2009) that the players were standing or walking 72% of
the total time. Similar to our study, Cunniffe et al. (2009) also found that
forwards spent less time standing and walking than backs (66.5 vs. 77.8%,
respectively). Props and locks spent more time jogging than the outside backs.
This might be as a result of the nature of the game where forwards are
continuously moving to get into position for non-running intense activity
(Bompa & Claro, 2009), while the backs are typically walking, standing or
waiting for the ball to be delivered from the contest (Duthie et. al, 2003).
Our study supports the findings of Cuniffe et al. (2009), in that the outside backs
reached higher maximum speeds than the front row forwards. The higher average
maximum speed and average player running speed for the outside backs might
be attributed to their position on the field and specific requirements of their
playing position. The average player running speeds reported for rugby union
The use of GPS tracking devices in rugby match 7
players are less than the measured speeds of 7.5 ± 0.6 km.h" for Australian
Back row forwards (hooker, flanks and eighth man) had the highest total amount
of impacts during the games. The inside backs (fly halves and centres) were
exposed to the most severe impacts (>10g), while the front row forwards (props
and locks) had the least amount of severe impacts. Bompa and Claro (2009: 65)
wrote that the centres and fly halves must use their speed and power to run onto
the ball and straight at defenders, and also compete for the ball in the air. These
specific roles expected of the players exposes them to severe impacts during
Results from this study confirm the intermittent nature of Under-19 rugby union
match play, as well as the unique roles and requirements of positional groups.
The use of GPS technology offers valuable insight into the severity of impacts
experienced by players in different positions, which was hardly available
previously. An understanding of the number and intensity of collisions can assist
coaches in planning for adequate recovery between training sessions and games.
Current GPS technology registers activities such as pushing in scrums and
pulling in rucks and mauls as low-intensity collisions, alhough it might be
intense static efforts. Therefore, w i t h current GPS technology, it could be useful
to combine the GPS data w i t h video recordings for more detail on non-running
intense efforts by players. Future research could also focus on the severity of
collisions and the incidence of injury. Further studies on the use of GPS
technology in rugby union are warranted.
The authors would like to thank Steph Nel and the players and coaching staff of
the Western Province Rugby Institute, Stellenbosch, South Africa, for their
participation. We also thank Peter Schnetler, Carel du Plessis and Marius van der
Westhuizen at Fika Sport Management Systems for the use of the GPS
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8 Venter, Opperman and Opperman
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