Soda Solvay Dense For Export: Soda Ash / Sodium Carbonate
Soda Solvay Dense For Export: Soda Ash / Sodium Carbonate
Soda Solvay Dense For Export: Soda Ash / Sodium Carbonate
Appearance White powder
Density in kg/dm 2,533
Melting point C 851
Solubility in water at 20 C, in g/1000g 214
pH (1% in water) 11,3
Glass Industry – Raw Material for melting
Chemical Industry – Production of sodium derivatives
Detergents – Alkaline support
Metallurgical Processes – Desulfurization of pig iron – Raw material for melting, …
Flue Gas Treatment – Removal of acidic components
Some applications of this product may be regulated or restricted by national or international standards (e.g. food additives, feeding stuff, water treatment, the cosmetic or
pharmaceutical industry, etc). The buyer and the eventual user, in his sole and entire liability, shall respect those standards, orders of any relevant authority, and all existing
patents and intellectual properties rights; and shall comply with the laws and the regulations applicable to our products and/or to his activity. The buyer and the eventual user
must independently determine the suitability of this product for any particular purpose and its manner of use.
Bulk: wagon, truck, ship
Packaging: plastic bags, bulk bags
Typical Analysis Minimum Maximum
Na2CO3, % (Ex Works) 99,8 99,4
Na2CO3 as Na2O, % 58,4 58,3
Na2SO4, % 0,01 0,04
NaCl, % 0,03 0,10
Fe, ppm 3 30,0
CaO, ppm 50 110
MgO, ppm 65 130
Free Flowing Density, 1,00 0,89 1,09
Granulometry Cumulative
Weight Percent
Typical Minimum Maximum
> 0,6 mm 2 5
> 0,15 mm 93 85
< 0,075 mm 1 3
Before using, read Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this chemical.
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