Vapor Phase Soldering Technique
Vapor Phase Soldering Technique
Vapor Phase Soldering Technique
Unleaded soldering LS 230 (230°C The first vapor phase machines gave users not many options
HS 240 (240°C) to control the temperatures on the boards. The boards were
and new IBL 225 (225°C) transported inline through the machine. The temperature
IBL 235 (235°C) gradients were high which was critical for many
components and boards due to varying expansion
In case there is no exact information on the solder used for coefficients of the different materials.
BGAs or other important components of a board, pre-tinned
PCB boards etc., the recommendation is to use a 235°C
boiling point. This provides the best compromise for all lead
free applications and best possible results.
There are a number of machine types and manufacturers on
the market. They offer different solutions in a wide range of The PCB boards are moved into the vapor
machine sizes, starting from small laboratory equipment for where they heat up and solder
prototyping, testing and rework, over mid-size batch up to A protective layer reduces too high
inline machines for high volume production. Some of the temperature gradients and reduces fluid
batch machines can be upgraded to inline use later as it consumption
might be needed.
When outstanding quality is needed and voids in solder LEVEL ADJUSTMENT
joints or solder areas must be prevented, vacuum vapor A first step to have a temperature control was to adjust the
phase machines are the solution. temperature gradients by regulation of the power for the
heating elements. The more power is put on the heaters, the
Vacuum Vapor Phase Soldering more vapor is produced and the more heat will be
transferred at the same time. The boards are positioned just
above the fluid and remain there for the time of heating and
soldering. The raising vapor creates an inert atmosphere.
Soldered with linear profile The boards are heated and soldered in an oxygen-free
atmosphere. Less oxide means better wetting in return. This
machine concept influences the machine design as well and
Soldered with plateau profile
allows a very compact footprint.
Despite the drastically increased benefits of this machine
concept, a slight time delay in the heater control prevents the
Soldered with optimized plateau profile
creation of sophisticated temperature profiles. The effect is
known from a boilerplate, with a pot of water. After turning
on power, it takes some time for the water to boil; in return
Soldered under vacuum at 50 mbar
after switching off the power, the water continues to boil for
a while.
IR for preheating can be helpful to shorten process times or Thus the heat level adjustment is suitable for linear
for glue hardening, although this can be all done in the temperature profiles, as soon as temperature plateau profiles
vapor as well. are required for soldering complex boards, this technology
reaches its limits.
In General, vapor phase ovens have a small footprint so they
need less space than a comparable convection oven. The Heat Level adjustment
energy consumption is by far the lowest of all reflow-
soldering methods.