Ay Short Skit - A Light To Shine Out of Darkness

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The family was going through difficulties but found hope through the missionaries who shared God's light. The missionaries were encouraged to shine God's light on others despite challenges. Prayer also helped lift Linda and Leonard's burdens and brought the family back to worshipping together.

The missionary leader reminded them of God commanding light to shine out of darkness and that God is with them wherever they go. He encouraged them to show God's light to others.

When the missionary leader visited them and shared a Bible verse promising rest, he prayed for them. This lifted their burdens and they felt free and grateful to accept God's grace again.

“A Light to Shine Out of Darkness”

***SCENE 1 (Setting: Home-Living Room)

Family is worshiping but very slow and like are not happy. Each of them are very busy with their individual
tasks. Linda (Mother) and Leonard (Father) has a problematic face and really looks tired and haggard.
Lloyd (Son) is preparing his bag full of cigarretes and alcohol drinks for his party with friends. Lizell
(Sister) is busy chatting with her friends.

ALL: (Sings very slowly) We gather together to ask the -

LLOYD: (cuts the worship time) I have to go! (Exit).
LIZELL: (phone rings and answers it) Hello? Hi catty, where? Sure! (Exits without informing her
(Husband and Wife Quarrel)
LINDA: (Blaming her husband of the many problems they are facing) See, what’s happening you are too
busy in your work and you have not event took time to discipline you children! Your too busy with your
work but can’t still pay in full our debts it just increases every month! Even our electric bills high! What
kind of husband are you? If only I followed the advices of my friends when I was still single – (cuts).
LEONARD: Oh so its about me now! Am I the only one responsible for this freaking family!? Every day,
I am so tired when I get back home from work late night! And even you bargaining to me your problems!
You just don’t know how burden you are to me! You always blame me of everything! You are the one
who spends more time with Lloyd and Lizell
LINDA: I can’t take this anymore! I hate you! you just ruined my new year! (Linda walks out)…
LEONARD: what? You can’t just walk out? Talk to me we’re not yet finished! (breathes deeply and
walks out on the opposite side). ***END OF SCENE 1

***SCENE 2 (Setting: Meeting Room)

Group of Missionaries (1 Leader and 4 Members) having their short meeting. Missionary Leader is
reminding them of something before they go out for mission.

MLEADER: Before you go out, I would like to remind you of this bible verse found in the book of 2
Corinthians 4:6-9. 6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts,
to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.7 But we have this treasure
in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.8 We are troubled on
every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast
down, but not destroyed; We have that great responsibility to show the light to others as God has
commanded us. Remember that where ever you go, God is with you always. And as you go out and show
the light to others.
M1: Me and my partner will go out on the street and influence our fellow youth with the word of God
through these books.
M3: Me and my partner distribute flyers for the upcoming bible prophecy seminar.
M4: and we will also post it on social media.
(Missionaries exit in opposite sides) ***END OF SCENE 2
***SCENE 3 (Setting: Street)
Lloyd is with his friends drinking alcohol, smoking, laughing, and etcetera. The two guy missionaries is
going to them but the other missionary is hesitant.

M2: Wait, Are you sure with this? We might be in danger.

M1: We were just reminded by our leader of the great responsibility that God has commanded us to do.
And that is to show the light to others. How can we do it if we will just stand here?
M2: Ah. Yes. You’re right. If God is with us, who will be against us? (and they went on).
M1: (To Lloyd and his friends) Good Afternoon! We would just like to- (cuts)
LLOYD: Don’t come here! We don’t need your books! You’re just wasting time out here!
M2: (Frightened) Aaahhh Okay sir, we’ll go now… (M1 is staying. M2 went back to call M1 to go) Hey!
Let’s go! Can’t you see they’re drunk? We won’t gain anything there!
M1: I don’t know, but I feel something powerful is going to happen. (The two missionaries went closer
to the guys.) Good Afternoon again my name is Tim and here’s my friend Ian. We are missionaries and
we want to – (cuts)
LLOYD: Have we not rejected you already? You better away now, or else.
M2: Pardon me sir, I have to leave now…
LLOYD: (to M1) What’s your problem? What are you fighting for!? Have you seen your God? Huh? So
you believe in something you can’t see? What are you? Stupid?
M1: Wait! I have an answer to your question. Are you ready to hear it?
LLOYD: (unseriously) All right. All right let’s hear the wisdom of his rituals! Hahaha!
M1: Let me answer your question with a question. Have you seen your brain before?
LLOYD: of course not! Are you crazy?
M1: Well, how did you know if you have one? Let me ask you another question. Have you ever seen the
wind before?
LLOYD: No! What’s your point?
M1: Of course, we can’t see the wind. But we can see it moving through these trees. I don’t believe in
God because I’ve seen Him with mine eyes. I believe in Him because He moved so beautifully in my life.
I was just like you before. I don’t care of my life before. I just do anything to satisfy my happiness. I felt
so empty. Until 1 day, someone went to me and invited me on a Bible prophecy seminar. And by one
prayer, God helped me overcome those vices. God helped me to leave those desires. And now, I’ve found
the true Joy that the world doesn’t have. That’s why I continue to do this to share the hope to others.
LLOYD: (With teary-eye) Bro, what a story. I wish God would send someone to help me stop what I am
doing. And my family as well. I’m sick of my life.
M1: Can I pray for you? (M1 prayed for them) ***END OF SCENE 3
***SCENE 4 (Setting: Mall)
Lizell and her friend Catty is strolling at the Mall. They passed to the two Missionary Ladies, Lizell ignores
them because she was on her earphones and Catty receives the flyer.

CATTY: Thanks! Hmm… Hey Liz! (Tapped Lizell) Look at this! A bible prophecy seminar.
LIZELL: Ah, I already saw that on Facebook!
M3: Glad to hear that maam. We hope and pray that you can come!
M4: You and anyone is cordially invited and very much welcome.
CATTY: Do you want to attend?
LIZELL: No, thanks! I think it’s just a boring religious sermon...
CATTY: Let’s just try! It seems interesting tho…
LIZELL: Hmmm… Okay.
M3: Can we offer a prayer for you maam?
LIZELL: While in the mall? hmmm… K! (The two missionaries prayed for them)

***SCENE 5: (Setting: House-Living Room)

Linda and Leonard are sitting in the living room, not yet in good terms, and still carrying heavy bags. The
Missionary Leader visited them.

LINDA: Good Afternoon Sir! We are very with our home, what can we do for you?
LEONARD: Sorry sir, but we still have a lot of bills to pay, we cannot but your books.
ML: Oh, I understand my brother and sister in Christ! I’m just concern because your attendance I church
services seems unpredictable already. It’s been months already that you’ve been absent in our services. I
would like to help you. Please tell me what the problem is.
LINDA: (Emotional) We are already sick of our lives! We have a lot of debts and very high home bills
that we can’t pay! We can’t handle our children’s attitude already! My friends and neighbors don’t like
me anymore! I can’t relate with them anymore! I’m so shameful that they may see me like this.
LEONARD: (Emotional) I have been bullied several times in my work place. I always can’t concentrate
in my work because I am thinking if my family have eaten already! We don’t have enough money
anymore! I can’t handle my family already. I hate myself. Your God is not even helping us. That’s why I
don’t go to church already because He has no use to me at all.
ML: I understand that you are already tired, burdened, and so much worried about your life. I would like
to share to you this message from God found in Matthew 11:28-30. “Come to Me, all you who labor and
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am [a]gentle
and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Please believe this words because this is a beautiful promise that God has given us. So we should not
worry about anything because God is always with us. Can I offer a prayer for you?
LINDA: Yes Please…

ML: (Linda and Leonard takes off their bags while the Missionary leader is praying)...
LEONARD: (Grateful) Thank you sir. Wow! I never felt like this before. I feel so free and fine!
LINDA: Yes. Me too… I praise God for everything! I feel sorry for my iniquities, now I’m ready to accept
again His grace for us and not to abuse it.
ML: Praise the Lord. I hope and pray to see you again in His ministries. God Bless you and your family.
***SCENE 6 (Setting: Home-Living Room)
Family worship

ALL: (Family sings) We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing; He chastens and hastens His will to
make known. The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to His Name; He forgets
not His own.
LLOYD: Jesus never forgets us. Despite of what happened to our lives, He never stops moving our hearts
to come back to him and stay closer.
LIZELL: He stays true to His promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us. I will always sing
praises to His Name!
LINDA: Praise the Lord for His burden is Light! God is also carrying our burdens so that we will not
LEONARD: He is worthy of glory, honor, and praise! Let us always cling on to Him that others may see
the light shine out of darkness and others may experience that great hope! Let us carry the torch of the
Lord until He comes!
“We will Carry the Torch” song…


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