PULS User Manual

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Puls version 2.0.9

Hull program version 11.0

Developed and marketed by

DNV Report No.: 2004-0406, Rev. 02

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Nauticus Hull User Manual PULS
ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9 January 2009 1

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Approach...................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Revision history ........................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Buckling of hull elements - problem identifications.................................................. 10

2 U3 – UNSTIFFENED PLATE ELEMENT ............................................................ 13

2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Overview of element characteristics .......................................................................... 13
2.3 Element limitations - slenderness requirements......................................................... 15
2.4 General U3 element design principles ....................................................................... 15
2.5 External prescribed loads ........................................................................................... 15
2.6 Boundary conditions .................................................................................................. 17
2.7 Available Results ....................................................................................................... 18
2.8 Safety margin ............................................................................................................. 18
2.9 Capacity curves .......................................................................................................... 19
2.10 Lateral pressure .......................................................................................................... 19

3 S3 - STIFFENED PANEL ELEMENT................................................................... 21

3.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Overview of element characteristics .......................................................................... 21
3.3 Element limitations- slenderness requirements.......................................................... 23
3.4 General S3 element design principles ........................................................................ 24
3.5 External prescribed loads ........................................................................................... 26
3.6 Boundary conditions .................................................................................................. 27
3.7 General available results ............................................................................................ 27
3.8 Local level: Elastic Eigenvalue and reduced stiffness properties .............................. 28
3.8.1 General .................................................................................................................. 28


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3.8.2 Local eigenvalue; LEB.......................................................................................... 29

3.8.3 Orthotropic material coefficients........................................................................... 30
3.9 Global level: Overall elastic eigenvalue of panel; GEB ............................................ 32
3.10 Local stress limit states: Ultimate strength evaluation............................................... 34
3.10.1 General .................................................................................................................. 34
3.10.2 Steel ....................................................................................................................... 36
3.10.3 Aluminium............................................................................................................. 37
3.11 Safety margin ............................................................................................................. 37
3.12 Capacity Curves ......................................................................................................... 39
3.13 Lateral pressure .......................................................................................................... 39


4.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 43
4.2 Overview of element characteristics .......................................................................... 43
4.3 Element limitations- slenderness requirements.......................................................... 45
4.4 General T1 element design principles........................................................................ 46
4.5 External prescribed loads ........................................................................................... 46
4.6 Available results......................................................................................................... 46
4.7 Safety margin ............................................................................................................. 47
4.8 Capacity curves .......................................................................................................... 47

5 PULS CODE APPLICATION – USAGE HINTS ................................................. 49

5.1 General assumptions- Boundary conditions .............................................................. 49
5.2 Applications ............................................................................................................... 51

6 USING THE PULS 2.0 ADVANCED VIEWER PROGRAM.............................. 53

6.1 Program structure....................................................................................................... 53
6.2 Menu, Toolbars and Tree view control menu ............................................................ 54
6.3 Tolerance specifications............................................................................................. 58
6.4 Opening and Saving files ........................................................................................... 59
6.5 Input window- Defining the S3 element (stiffened panel)......................................... 59
6.6 Input window- Defining the U3 element (unstiffened plate) ..................................... 63
6.7 Input window- Defining the T1 element (triangular plate)........................................ 65
6.8 Running the program - Standard mode or Capacity Curves ...................................... 67
6.9 3D plots of buckling modes, UC modes and UC membrane stresses........................ 72
6.10 Output window- Detailed result S3 element (stiffened panel)................................... 74
6.11 Output window- Detailed result U3 element (unstiffened plate) ............................... 76
6.12 Status bar.................................................................................................................... 76
6.13 Program hints ............................................................................................................. 77

7 PULS EXCEL SPREADSHEET ............................................................................ 81

7.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 81


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7.2 Input columns............................................................................................................. 81

7.3 Buttons in input sheet................................................................................................. 82
7.4 Option buttons............................................................................................................ 82
7.5 Result sheets............................................................................................................... 83

8 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 85


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1 Introduction

The present report gives a User’s guide to the Windows program PULS 2.0 with a brief review
of theoretical background, design principles and purpose. Main emphasis is on program features
and functionality, input description, results and example illustration.
PULS is a computerised buckling code for thin-walled plate constructions. It assess the elastic
buckling stresses and ultimate load bearing capacities under combined loads of stiffened and
unstiffened plates used as building blocks in larger plated constructions such as ships and
offshore constructions. The PULS element library is illustrated in Fig.1 below

PULS 2.0

U3 S3 T1
Unstiffened plate Stiffened plate Stiffened plate
Non-linear theory Regular geometry Non-regular geometry
Non-linear theory Linear theory

Fig.1 PULS element library

The present PULS 2.0 version has three elements, which are briefly summarized in the
following. A detailed description of each element is given in separate chapters. For more
theoretical details see publications given in the reference list at the end of this report.

1) Element U3: Unstiffened plate

Field of application: Integrated hull element between laterally rigid structures such as frames,
bulkheads etc. Rectangular plate without stiffeners. Based on non-linear theory.


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Material: Steel and aluminium.

Loads: Buckling Strength (BS) and Ultimate Capacity (UC) can be estimated for linearly varying
longitudinal compression/tension, linearly varying transverse compression/tension and uniform
shear, and for all possible in-plane load combinations of these. Lateral pressure can also be
Boundary conditions: For all load combinations simply supported out-of-plane (free to rotate but
laterally fixed) and constrained in-plane (straight but movable in-plane) edges are by default
assumed along all four boundaries. Alternative boundary conditions may be specified by the

2) Element S3: Uni-axially stiffened plate

Field of application: Integrated hull element between laterally rigid structures such as frames,
bulkheads etc. Rectangular plate with primary stiffeners in axial direction. Based on non-linear
Primary Stiffeners: Welded open profiles; Angle, T, bulb or flat bar profiles.
Secondary Stiffeners option: Perpendicular to primary stiffeners, simplified theory.

Material: Steel and aluminium.

Loads: Buckling Strength (BS) and Ultimate Capacity (UC) can be estimated for uniform
longitudinal compression/tension, linearly varying transverse compression/tension and uniform
shear, and for all possible in-plane load combinations. Lateral pressure can be specified and is
assumed to act across several bays in the continuous primary stiffener direction.
Boundary conditions: For all load combinations simply supported out-of-plane (free to rotate but
laterally fixed) and constrained in-plane (straight but movable in-plane) edges are by default
assumed along all four boundaries. When lateral pressure is specified a symmetric (clamped)
boundary constraint is introduced at transverse frame supports by adding an extra set of
deflection forms on top of the regular asymmetric regular (simply supported) forms. Alternative
boundary conditions may be specified by the user.

3) Element T1: Stiffened plate with non-regular geometry

Field of application: Hull element between laterally rigid structures such as frames, bulkheads
etc. Rectangular plate with arbitrary oriented stiffeners. The model is based on linear theory.
Stiffeners: Welded open profiles; Angle, T, bulb or flat bar profiles.
Material: Steel and aluminium.
Loads: Buckling strength (BS) can be estimated for linearly varying axial and transverse
compression/tension and uniform shear, and for all possible in-plane load combinations.
Boundary conditions: For all load combinations simply supported out-of-plane (free to rotate but
laterally fixed) edges are by default assumed along all four boundaries. Alternative boundary
conditions may be specified by the user.


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1.2 Approach
The PULS buckling models for the S3 and U3 elements apply the non-linear large deflection
plate theory of Marguerre and von Karman. Discretizations of the buckling displacements follow
the Rayleigh-Ritz method using Fourier series expansions across the plate and stiffener surfaces.
Energy principles are used for establishing the algebraic non-linear equilibrium equations and
incremental perturbation techniques are used for solving these. Hot spot stress control using the
redistributed membrane stresses in a selection of critical locations determines the ultimate
strength allowing for overcritical strength.
For stiffened panels (S3 element) an orthotropic version of the same theory is used for the global
buckling mode. The local buckling model treats the plate and stiffeners as discrete elements
including all relevant effects such as buckling of the plate between the stiffeners, buckling of the
stiffener web plate as well the rotational restraints between plate and stiffeners. The interaction
between local and global (lateral) stiffener buckling is coped with using modified orthotropic
stiffness coefficients (reduced stiffness/modulus coefficients).
For the T1 element (plates with stiffeners in arbitrary direction), linearized plate theory is used
(not overcritical strength). This means that the buckling capacity predicted for this element is
maximum the minimum eigenvalue. The incremental approach and hot spot stress control is used
also for this element for assessing the strength of geometrical imperfect plates.
The PULS code is programmed in a Windows environment using Visual Basic (VB) tools.
Subroutines are programmed in Fortran 2000.
Two different user-interfaces are available
i) Advanced Viewer (AV). Provides 3D graphical presentation of buckling modes,
membrane stress redistributions, load interaction curves etc.
ii) PULS Excel version with compatible input/output data files with the AV version.

1.3 Revision history

The PULS revision history is summarized in the following table:

Prog. Date Theory updates New program Comments

Version* functionality
1.2-4 April New imperfection model for U1 As for 1.2-3
2002 element

1.3 May New local buckling model -Local eigenvalues for Aluminium
2002 implemented for stiffened panels: pure shear and shear in option locked
S2. comb. with normal ( alu can be
stresses shown. Shown specified in
-More correct local buckling
in: steel mode but
assessment of slender stiffener webs,
no HAZ
rotational restraint effects from ..detail result window,
..in local eigenmode included.)
-Local shear buckling assessment window,
with rotational restraint effects from
..in capacity curves


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8 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

-Improved imperfection modelling as window

default, user specified imp. as option -Status bar
-Recalculate the project
option(File menu)
-Extended imperfection
-Increased control of
change of input values
(cell control)

1.4 Sept. Improvements of stiffened panel S2 - Automatic Profile Aluminium

2002 theory: Table: Bulb profiles, L- option locked
profiles etc. (from ( alu can be
i) Generally more degrees of freedom
Nauticus Hull) specified in
for local buckling description.
steel mode but
Consequences: - Button for switch
no HAZ
between ULS estimates
Max allowable aspect ratio plate effects
(load bearing capacity)
between stiffeners from 8 to 14. included.)
and SLS (buckling
estimates) w.r.t. usage
factor assessment
ii) Modified imperfection model. PULS ver. 1.4
Consequence: - New application of supports ver.
dialog box for selecting 1.3 data files
Predicts more conservative ULS element/panel type
strength (than 1.3) for some rare
geometry’s and loading: Typical very -Two options for
high stiffeners and dominating secondary transv.
transverse compression. stiffeners; sniped or
tripping stiffeners.
-Extended 3D graphics
Improvements of unstiffened plate for S2 element, similar to
U1 theory: U1 element
i) Generally more degrees of freedom
-All 3D graphics sorted
for plate buckling description. into panel tree menu:
Consequences: eigenmodes,
- Max allowable aspect ratio plate imperfections, ULS
from 6 to 20. modes, ULS stresses.
ii) Modified imperfection model. -Automatic Word Report
Consequence: generator: Updated to
support both S2 and U1
Predicts more smooth bi-axial elements
capacity curves. ULS usage factor
estimates marginally changed
(compared to 1.3).

1.5 Feb. Improvements of stiffened panel S2 New functionality: Comments:

2003 theory:
- New 3D graphics PULS ver. 1.5
i) Improvements of local shear visualizing cont. supports
buckling model stiffeners in S2 element version 1.3
(x1-direction). and 1.4 data
ii) New non-linear global buckling
files, but not
model with lateral pressure option. 3D graphics in panel
the graphics.
Consequence: For most geometries tree menu: eigenmodes,


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new model gives same in-plane imperfection modes, necessary for

ULS strength prediction than ULS modes/stresses, S2 updated
version 1.4 for default lateral pressure graphics and
imperfections settings. However, graphics: pure global detailed result
new model gives improved and pressure deflections summary
more realistic ULS estimates for
- New: Three options for
tolerance exceed.
secondary transv.
iii) lateral pressure included stiffeners; sniped
stiffeners, tripping
iv) Modified local buckling theory
stiffeners or tripping
for coping with three types of
secondary transverse stiffening;
sniped stiffeners, tripping stiffeners - New: Standard
and tripping brackets parameter output list –
placed in a separate tab
v) Modified imperfection model for
strip under “detailed
high and slender stiffeners; added a
result” folder. It gives
short wave local pattern for axially
linear parameters such as
compressed panels having a min.
cross-sectional data,
eigenmode in local (1,1) mode.
moment of inertia of
Consequence: Predicts more
stiffener/plate unit etc.
conservative and realistic ULS
strength (than 1.4) for axially - Animation of non-
compressed panels with very high linear buckling
webs and flanged profiles response: separate
menu on tool bar for
v) Updated aluminium model with
animation of non-linear
HAZ corrections
buckling response (NB!
vi) aspect ratio of plate between may take long time for
stiffeners from 14 ( PULS 1.4) to thin plates and cases
range 0.25 - 10 for covering cases with much elastic
with closely spaced secondary buckling; 10-15
stiffeners minutes)
Improvements of unstiffened plate - Lateral pressure as
U1 theory: “preload” in Capacity
Curves modus.
i) Updated aluminium model with
HAZ corrections - Separate option in
“capacity curves
settings”: GEB cut-off
and scaling of ULS
capacity curve as
allowable usage factor.
This gives the capacity
curves as “required
strength envelope”.
2.0 April Stiffened panel S3:

2004 i) Linearly varying load in the

transverse direction
ii) Alternative in-plane boundary
iii) Sniped primary stiffener option
iv) Tilted primary stiffener option
v) Improved imperfection control
vi) Improved lateral pressure model


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vii) Capacity curves prestress option

Unstiffened plate U3:

i) Rotational restraint may be
specified for each edge individually
ii) Corrugated bulkhead option
iii) Alternative in-plane boundary
iv) Improved imperfection control

Non-regular stiffened plate T1:

i) New linear element formulation for
plates with arbitrary oriented

* sub-versions will include bug fixing, minor relevant improvements etc.

1.4 Buckling of hull elements - problem identifications

A thin-walled stiffened panel is the basic building block in ship hulls as illustrated in Fig.2. They
are typically located in the bottom, ship sides, longitudinal and transverse bulkheads and in the
deck structure. Each stiffened panel is composed of individual component plates joined together
along junction lines.
Depending on where in the structure the stiffened panel is located, i.e. bottom, deck, shipside,
girder webs etc, it will be subjected to different types of local loads.

Global hull sections

Stiffened panels


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Fig. 2 Ship hulls with stiffened panels as main building block

Typically the main load components acting on a local stiffened panel/plate are
i) In-plane load in the direction of the stiffener, compression or tension
ii) In-plane load in the direction perpendicular to the stiffener, compression or tension
iii) In-plane shear
iv) Lateral pressure from sea or cargo

Buckling and ultimate strength of plates depends on the nature of the locally applied loads and
the boundary conditions enforced from the surrounding structure. The boundary conditions can
be categorised in two groups, i.e. out-of-plane support and in-plane support.
Out-of-plane support: In most codes the out-of-plane support along the outer plate edges is
assumed to be rigid in the lateral direction while free to rotate. This corresponds to the classical
simply supported boundary conditions. This is also the default for the present PULS elements,
but alternative boundary conditions may be specified. See also description for each element type
for more details.
In-plane support: The in-plane (membrane) support is also important particularly with respect to
the elements ability to carry loads beyond the elastic buckling load (LEB and GEB eigenvalues)
level, i.e. the nature of in-plane support influences the postbuckling and ultimate capacity
behaviour (UC) of thin plates.
The PULS elements U3 and S3 are by default assumed to be integrated elements, Fig.2.
Integrated elements mean that the plate edges can transfer second order normal membrane
stresses to neighbouring elements, compressive as well as tension (i.e. tension fields). In a
theoretical language this means that the plate edges are constrained to remain straight but free to
move in-plane. This is a constraint that is very much used both in the analytical and numerical
published literature on plate buckling. In practise this constraint means that the present PULS
elements are relevant for dimensioning and strength control of “internal” plates and panels such
as in bottom and deck structures, bulkheads, shipsides etc. Weaker “free to pull in edges”
membrane conditions may be specified as an alternative being more relevant for plate girders etc.
For some type of structures and type of loadings (e.g. serviceability loads, SLS) it may be that
elastic buckling and thereby large deflections are not acceptable. This philosophy implemented
in a design code means that the plate thickness and stiffener proportions are to be increased as
compared to a ULS philosophy. For girders in particular such a SLS philosophy will be very
reasonable and ensure robust designs with extra margins to take “additional redistributed” loads


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coming from accepting elastic buckling of surrounding structures, i.e. typically inner and outer
bottom plating in ship hulls.
For all elements the present PULS code gives a buckling control (BS) and ultimate capacity
control (UC) under a given load combination (nominal applied stresses, load control) as
specified by the user. This corresponds to the standard mode of program operation. The results
are presented as elastic buckling (eigenvalues) and ultimate strength nominal capacities and
summarized in a detailed result table. As a single parameter result, the safety margin in the form
of usage factor is given, both related to buckling (BS) and ultimate capacity (UC). The usage
factor provides a measure of the difference between the user specified loads and the
corresponding ultimate capacity (UC) or buckling strength (BS).
The PULS AV program also provides capacity curves under combined loads. The capacity
curves are illustrated in two-dimensional load-spaces. They are to be understood as limit
boundaries covering the load-space selected by the user. They inform about the strength of the
plates in the different load directions and under any load combination. In this mode the usage
factor is not calculated as it is not defined. The term capacity curve is demonstrated in Section


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2.1 General
The U3 unstiffened plate element applies Marguerre’s non-linear plate theory (geometrical non-
linearity). The elastic buckling (eigenvalues) and non-linear postbuckling problem are solved
using a multiple degree of freedom model in terms of Fourier expansions.
The plate can be subjected to combined load situations, and the numerical procedure scale the
applied loads up to collapse. Stress control criteria describe the onset of material yielding in the
highest loaded position along the plate edges using the redistributed membrane stress
distribution. The redistributed membrane stresses consist of the external applied nominal stresses
added to the second order stress distribution arising due to elastic buckling and due to presence
of geometrical imperfections from production.
The values of the proportionally scaled loads, at the onset of first edge membrane yield, is taken
as representative for the UC values. UC values based on such first yield criteria for thin-walled
designs are close to the real UC values, and on the conservative side. In addition to the UC value,
the ideal elastic buckling stress (eigenvalue) is calculated (Linear Elastic Buckling).
Using default tolerance settings and boundary conditions, and characteristic yield strength as
specified in the rules, the code predicts UC strength values representative for integrated plates in
larger flat plate constructions. Alternatively, the in-plane boundary conditions may be specified
as free, so that an isolated unstiffened plate is represented.
User specified tolerance input for the max amplitude is optionally. The default tolerance
amplitude is specified in terms of a maximum amplitude (delta = s/200). The tolerance shape is
automatically taken to harmonise with the minimum eigenmode with some added trigger modes
for safe UC strength assessment. The latter is called imperfection model and is not possible to
control by the user.

2.2 Overview of element characteristics

The main characteristics of the U3 element are summarized in Table 1.


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Table 1 Overview of U3 element characteristics

U3 element – unstiffened plate

Theory: Non-linear
Structural Rectangular unstiffened plate
configuration: - Uniform plate thickness

Loads: - Linearly varying normal stress along long edge

- Linearly varying normal stress along short edge
- Uniform in-plane shear stress (x1-x2 plane)
- Uniform lateral pressure p (fixed)
Materials: - Isotropic elastic material (E, ν)
- Steel
- Aluminium
- HAZ correction option
Boundary conditions: Out-of plane support (bending support)
- All four edges supported laterally in plate plane
- Rotational restraint control of each edge; free to rotate, rotationally restrained
(spring) or clamped
Two options for in-plane support (membrane support)
- I : Integrated panel , all four edges restrained to be straight (decks, bottom etc)
- G : Girder panel, two opposite plate edges free to pull in (web girders etc.)
Model imperfections: - Default model imperfections consistent with as welded steel panels and normal
production tolerance standards
- User defined tolerances: Damages, imperfection sensitivity studies etc

Output: - Ultimate Capacity (UC)

- Buckling Strength (BS) (minimum of UC, LEB)
- Usage factor UC (ratio: applied loads/ UC)
- Usage factor BS (ratio: applied loads/ BS)
- Minimum Eigenvalue (LEB)

Validity limits: Plate slenderness: (Lshortest) / tp < 200

Max aspect ratio of plate; Llongest / Lshortest < 20


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2.3 Element limitations - slenderness requirements

A limited number of degrees of freedom is used in the PULS code, in order to achieve high
computational efficiency. Therefore, some limitations are put on the geometric proportions of the
plates that are to be analysed. The limitations set in the PULS 2.0 version are:

Aspect ratio limit: L1/L2 < 20 for L1 > L2 (or equivalent L2/L1 < 20 for L1 < L2)
Plate slenderness ratio: Li/tp < 200 (Li = minimum of L1 and L2)

2.4 General U3 element design principles

The U3 element applied in an ULS design setting is based on the following main principles
i) Elastic buckling is accepted.
ii) Permanent buckles are not accepted.

By ensuring the maximum membrane stresses along the plate edges to stay below the yield stress
condition (von Mises), excessive permanent sets and buckles are prevented ( principle ii) above).
In plates second order bending stresses adds to the second order membrane stresses. The
resulting surface stress is generally accepted to exceed the yield condition in local areas. This is
not considered critical for the ULS strength of plates and it will not induce permanent sets
beyond what is normally accepted in ship designs.
In some cases, it will from serviceability/functional reasons (SLS), not be acceptable that elastic
buckling takes place. In such cases the local elastic buckling stress (LEB cut off) can be used as
the upper limit of allowable load application. In effect a SLS type of strength assessment allows
no elastic buckling and may prove to be a useful approach in particular for girder webs, webs
frames i fore and aft ship etc. and in general for designs that are not accepted to buckle
elastically nor plastically.

2.5 External prescribed loads

The U3 element can be subjected to a combined external load situation covering linearly varying
in-plane loads in bi-axial directions and constant in-plane shear. The five in-plane external
nominal stresses are given as

σ1,1 = Λ σ10,1
σ1, 2 = Λ σ10, 2
σ 2,1 = Λ σ 20,1
σ 2,1 = Λ σ 20, 2
σ 3 = Λ σ 30


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where Λ is the proportional load factor automatically controlled by the program. A subscript 0 on
the nominal external stresses indicates the values of the input values, i.e. they corresponds to Λ=
1. This correspond to a proportional load history control up to elastic buckling (LEB) and
beyond to final collapse (UC).
Lateral pressure can also be specified. However, it should be noted that by default the plate is
assumed to have simply supported boundary conditions along all four edges, i.e. a type of single
span model in both directions. This is not relevant for analysing cases where the lateral pressure
is acting across several spans (i.e. several stiffener and girder spans) since then symmetric
(clamped) deflection modes needs to be included on top. In order to analyse this case more
realistic a multi span plate model is needed. Multi span unstiffened plate model is not available
in the current PULS version. Alternatively, the boundary conditions should be prescribed so that
all four edges are clamped if this can be documented to be realistic boundary conditions.
In practical cases the stiffeners will be designed to carry the lateral pressure and thus the S3
model will ensure all relevant failure modes.
For strength assessment the lateral pressure p is kept fixed, equal to the input value, while the in-
plane loads are scaled proportionally until elastic buckling and UC strength is identified.
Alternatively, a plate subjected to lateral pressure alone may be analysed. In this case, stress and
deflection results are presented for the specified pressure magnitude, and no UC assessment is
The considered external loads typically take the form as illustrated on Fig.3.


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σ3 σ2,1
σ1,2 σ1,1


Fig. 3 External load system;

linearly varying normal loads in perpendicular directions and constant shear

2.6 Boundary conditions

All four edges in the U3 element are supported in the lateral direction. By default, the rotational
restraint of the edges is set to zero, representing a plate simply supported on all edges. The
rotational restraint may be set for each edge individually. The edges may be specified either as
simply supported, clamped, or as a specified spring stiffness.
A corrugated bulkhead option is included. The rotational restraints of the edges are then set to a
value that increases the eigenvalue of the plate with 25%, but limited to that of clamped edges.
This is equivalent to using a buckling factor from C = 4 for unstiffened plates to C = 5.
The in-plane boundary conditions are by default so that all four edges are forced to remain
straight. This is representative of an integrated plate that is part of a larger structure.
Alternatively, two opposite edges may be specified as free to pull in, which is more
representative for web girders, stringers, etc.


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2.7 Available Results

The numerical results from the U3 element are:
i) Local Elastic buckling stresses; minimum eigenvalue (LEB)
ii) Ultimate stresses (UC)
iii) Buckling load (BS) = minimum of ultimate load and minimum eigenvalue
iv) Usage factor η with ultimate load or buckling load as reference

Graphical results available are plots of the minimum eigenmode, the imperfection mode, and the
ultimate limit state deflection mode. Membrane stress plots for the ultimate limit state are also
available. For pure lateral pressure computation, it is possible to request bending stress output,
rather than membrane stress output.
For a given prescribed load combination, the code calculates the value ΛE of the load factor at
ideal elastic buckling. The elastic buckling stresses follow as

σ1E ,1 = Λ E σ10,1
σ1E , 2 = Λ E σ10, 2
σ 2 E ,1 = Λ E σ 20,1
σ 2 E , 2 = Λ E σ 20, 2
σ 3E = Λ E σ 30

The corresponding UC strength values are

σ1u ,1 = Λ u σ10,1
σ1u , 2 = Λ u σ10, 2
σ 2 u ,1 = Λ u σ 20,1
σ 2 u , 2 = Λ u σ 20, 2
σ 3u = Λ u σ 30

2.8 Safety margin

The safety margin is presented as the usage factor defined as

(σ1u ,1 ) 2 + (σ1u , 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 u ,1 ) 2 + (σ 2 u , 2 ) 2 + (σ 3u ) 2
(σ10,1 ) 2 + (σ10, 2 ) 2 + (σ 20,1 ) 2 + (σ 20, 2 ) 2 + (σ 30 ) 2


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The calculated usage factor η is to be measured against the allowable ηallow (or called ηmax) as
specified in the relevant Rules and Standards.

2.9 Capacity curves

The PULS code can also assess 2D capacity curves under combined loads. The capacity curves
are illustrated in two-dimensional load-spaces. The notation of capacity curves and buckling
boundaries are illustrated in Section 6.7. Current version handles pre-stress for any of the three
independent in-plane load component and lateral pressure p, i.e. 2D capacity curves can be
generated within limits set in the program:

i) Bi-axial load space σ1-σ2 for constant shear say τ12 = 10, 20, 30 MPa and for fixed p
= 0.0, 0.1 MPa etc.
ii) Axial-shear load space σ1-τ12 for constant transverse compression say σ2 = 10, 20, 30
MPa and for fixed p = 0.0, 0.1 MPa etc.
iii) Transverse-shear load space σ2-τ12 for constant axial compression say σ1 = 10, 20, 30
MPa and for fixed p = 0.0, 0.1 MPa etc.

2.10 Lateral pressure

Lateral pressure can be prescribed acting uniformly across the whole plate surface. In the
buckling analysis the specified lateral pressure is kept fixed, while the in-plane loads are
increased until subsequent collapse is reached. Alternatively, a plate subjected to lateral pressure
alone may be analysed. In this case, results are presented for the specified pressure magnitude,
and no ULS assessment is performed.
It is remarked that the U3 plate element by default assumes all four plate edges to be simply
supported out-of plane and constrained to be straight in-plane. For application on, say bottom
panels in ships having uniform lateral pressure acting across many plate-spans between stiffeners
and frames, this SS assumption is not fully consistent, and clamped boundary conditions may be
more appropriate. Option for any rotational edge restraint is available.
When using the PULS program, an indicator/warning always pops up as a dialog box for
pressure beyond a fixed limit. This fixed limit is based on a linear clamped plate unit strip model,
i.e. pf is defined as

p f = 2σ F ( ) 2

which corresponds to first material yielding in extreme fibre along the long edges due to pure
bending stress across the plate thickness.


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3 S3 - STIFFENED PANEL element

3.1 General
The S3 element code applies Marguerre’s non-linear plate theory (geometrical non-linearity) in
combination with stress control criteria for ultimate strength assessment.
The stiffened panel may be subjected to combined loads. The model calculates the ideal elastic
buckling loads (eigenvalues) as a separate procedure. A non-linear model is used for assessing
the elastic postbuckling strength, while stress control criteria covers the inelastic response and is
used for determining the ultimate strength. The stress control criteria describes the onset of
material yielding in a selection of critical positions in the panel (hard corners) and are called
limit state functions.
The stresses in the hard corners are calculated as the sum of the direct applied membrane stresses
added to the second order membrane stress due to buckling. The second order membrane stresses
have contributions from the local buckling of the plate between stiffeners-sideways/torsional
buckling of the stiffeners and global buckling of the stiffeners (out-of plate bending of
stiffeners). Membrane stresses are mid-plane stresses of each component plate in the cross-
section. Bending stresses across any component plate thickness are not included in the limit state
yield criteria. The limit states solved explicitly gives the ultimate strength.
Using default tolerance settings and characteristic yield strength as specified in the rules, the
code predicts UC strength values as being representative for integrated plates in larger flat plate
constructions consistently including redistribution of stresses between primary stiffeners and the
User specified tolerance for the maximum amplitude input is optionally. The tolerance shape is
always (automatically) taken to harmonise with some critical modes being most influential for
the ultimate strength. The latter is called the imperfection model and can not be controlled by the

3.2 Overview of element characteristics

The main characteristics of the S3 element are summarized in Table 2.


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S3 element --- stiffened plate --- regular geometry

Theory: Non-linear
Structural Rectangular stiffened plate
configuration: - Uniform plate thickness
- N equal constantly spaced main stiffeners in x1-dir. Continuous or
- Secondary stiffeners perpendicular to x1- dir.
a) Sniped between main stiffeners
b) Supporting stiffener sideways
(Secondary stiffeners = only strengthening the plate between
main stiffeners, carry no axial stress)
Loads: - Uniform normal stress in main stiffener direction (x1- direction)
- Linearly varying normal stress perpendicular to main stiffeners (x2-
- Uniform in-plane shear stress (x1-x2 plane)
- Uniform lateral pressure p (fixed)
Materials: - Isotropic elastic material (E, ν)
- Steel (different yield stress in plate and stiffeners optionally)
- Aluminium (different yield stress in plate and stiffeners)
- HAZ correction option
Boundary Out-of plane support (bending support)
conditions: - All four edges supported laterally in plate plane
- Long edges locally elastically restrained as along primary stiffeners
- Transverse edges simply supported
Two options for in-plane support (membrane support )
- I : Integrated panel , all four edges restrained to be straight (decks,
bottom etc)
- G : Girder panel, two opposite plate edges free to pull in (web
girders etc.)
Model - Default model imperfections consistent with as welded steel panels and
imperfections: normal production tolerance standards
- User defined tolerances: Damages, imperfection sensitivity studies etc
Output: - Ultimate Capacity (UC)
- Buckling Strength (BS) (min of UC, LEB, GEB)
- Usage factor UC (ratio: applied loads/ UC)
- Usage factor BS (ratio: applied loads/ BS)
- Local Eigenvalue (LEB)
- Global Eigenvalue (GEB)


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Validity limits: Plate slenderness: s/tp < 200 (s, shortest edge between primary and sec stiffeners)
Max aspect ratio of plate between prim/sec. stiffeners; 0.17 < L1/s < 20

Primary stiffeners:
Stiffener web slenderness for flat bar stiffeners, h/tw < 35
Stiffener web slenderness Angle and T profiles; h/tw < 90
Free flange slenderness for Angle and T profiles; ff/tf < 15
Minimum width of flange for Angle and T profiles bf/hw > 0.22

Secondary stiffeners(AV):
Stiffener web slenderness for flat bar stiffeners, h/tw < 15
Stiffener web slenderness Angle and T profiles; hw/tw < 33
Free flange slenderness for Angle and T profiles; ff/tf < 15

Table 2 Overview of S3 element characteristics

3.3 Element limitations- slenderness requirements

The present PULS S3 element has one local macro material routine with the following
characteristics and range of application:

Geometry: Uni-axially stiffened plate with open continuous profiles welded to plating. The
stiffeners may also be specified as sniped. The stiffeners may have a tilt angle
relative to the plate normal.
Profiles: Open profile type with standard angle shape, eccentric angle, symmetric T or flat
bar shape. Standard profile table included. Profiles run continuously across
several spans. Bulb profiles are modelled as equivalent angle profile.
Sec. stiffeners: Secondary stiffeners perpendicular to continuous stiffeners; option for sniped
stiffeners, continuous stiffeners or tripping brackets.
Loads: Uniform membrane stresses in axial σ10 direction, linearly varying stresses in
transverse σ 20 direction, and constant shear stress σ 30 . All combinations of bi-
axial compression/tension and shear can be analysed. Uniform lateral pressure
acting across several bays is included.
Edge Support: All four edges are assumed to be straight, free to move in-plane and free to rotate
out-of-plane(simply-supported edges) and constrained to be straight and stay in
the original plate plane. This implies full utilisation of normal compressive and
tension fields. Alternatively, two opposite edges may be specified as free to pull
in, for analysis of web girders, stringers etc.


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In order not to exceed the range of validity of the theory used in the S3 sub-element, the
following slenderness requirements of component plate elements in a cross-section are

i) General:
Web slenderness for flat bar stiffeners: hw / t w < 35

Web slenderness for L or T profiles: h / t w < 90

Free flange for L or T profiles: f f / t f < 15

Plate between stiffeners: s / t < 200

Aspect ration of plate between stiffeners 0.17 < L1/s <20 *
Flange width for L or T profiles hf/hw > 0.22

* NB! Note that the “real” validity limit for the plate between stiffeners may well exceed this recommended limit if
the actual load condition analysed enforces a wave pattern sufficiently described by less than 20+1=21 half-waves in
the axial direction (x1-direction). The local minimum eigenmode can give a hint of the “real” validity limit of the
ULS capacity calculated by PULS.
These validity limits are checked by the program. An error message is given when limits are
exceeded. A summary is given on the status bar shown in the bottom of the PULS AV window.

3.4 General S3 element design principles

The S3 element applied in an ULS design application is based on the following main principles:

i) Elastic local buckling of any of the component plates in a panel section is accepted.
Local buckling is classified as all modes where the stiffener/plate junction lines act as nodal lines
in the buckling pattern.
For open profiles local elastic buckling means buckling of the plating between stiffeners,
sideways/torsional buckling of stiffeners, stiffener web plate buckling and interactions between
these modes.

ii) Permanent buckles are not accepted.

By ensuring the maximum membrane stresses within a panel to stay below the yield stress
condition (von Mises), excessive permanent sets and buckles are prevented.


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iii) Global (overall) buckling of the panel is not accepted (GEB cut-off).
This principle ensures the panel as a whole to have sufficient out-of plane bending stiffness to
avoid global buckling (overall stiffener buckling, see Fig.8 for illustration). Sufficient overall
bending stiffness of the stiffeners ensures lateral support to the component plates, which is a
reasonable requirement for accepting local elastic buckling of these (principle i).

In sum the present ULS philosophy predicts an ultimate strength value accepting elastic local
buckling deflections of plates and stiffeners while preventing excessive permanent damages.
ULS design for ships corresponds to an extreme load condition typically the probably largest
loading experienced in a 20 years period.
These ULS design principles are established in order to constrain the panel designs to have some
minimum stiffness properties for efficient in-plane load transfer. The principles are consistent
with the present DNV rules and guidelines, even though in the latter they are not explicitly stated
and not consistently included for combined load situations.

In some cases, it will from serviceability/functional reasons (SLS), not be acceptable that local
elastic buckling takes place. In such cases the local elastic buckling boundary (LEB and GEB
cut-off) can be used as the upper limit of allowable load application.

The ultimate limit state calculation procedure for the S3 element can be split into three levels:

i) Local level: Establishment of orthotropic macro material coefficients and assessment of

local eigenvalues. Non-linear analysis.
ii) Global level: Eigenvalue calculation of the global/overall mode (GEB), and nonlinear
global deflection analysis, including knock down effects from local buckling,
postbuckling and local imperfections/residual stresses.
iii) Ultimate limit state: Global non-linear analysis with explicit solution of different limit
state functions for identifying the most critical failure hot spot location and
corresponding loads acting on the panel.

The calculation procedure is illustrated schematically in Fig.4.


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Local level Global level Ultimate limit state

Orthotropic macro material

Open profiles;
T, L, bulb, flat-bar

Closed trapezoidal profiles

Open corrugations

Profile type: n

Profile type: n+1

Fig. 4 Calculation procedure in PULS S3 element

A Rayleigh-Ritz expansion of the out-of-plane displacements, using trigonometric functions, is

used both at the local and global level. Different types of simplifications are introduced in order
to limit the degrees of freedoms. These are not discussed here.

3.5 External prescribed loads

The S3 sub-element can be subjected to a combined external load situation covering uniform in-
plane load in the axial direction, linearly varying load in the transverse direction, and constant
in-plane shear. The four in-plane loads are given as
σ 1 = Λσ 10
σ 2,1 = Λσ 20,1
σ 2, 2 = Λσ 20, 2
σ 3 = Λσ 30
where Λ is the load factor automatically controlled by the program. A subscript 0 on the nominal
external stresses indicates the values of the input values, i.e. they correspond to Λ=1.
For strength assessment the in-plane loads are scaled proportionally until elastic buckling and
ULS strength is identified.

The considered external loads typically takes the form as illustrated on Fig.5.


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Stiffeners σ3



σ3 σ2
σ1 σ1


Fig.5 External load system;

Constant axial load and shear, and linearly varying normal loads in transverse direction

3.6 Boundary conditions

All four edges in the S3 element are taken as simply supported in the global buckling model. In
the local model, the rotational restraint of the plate is determined by the influence from the
stiffener. The same restraint is implicitly assumed to act at the ends of the stiffened panel.
The in-plane boundary conditions are by default so that all four edges are forced to remain
straight. This is representative of an integrated panel that is part of a larger structure.
Alternatively, two opposite edges may be specified as free to pull in, which is more
representative for web girders, stringers, etc.
The stiffeners are by default continuous in the axial direction, but may alternatively be specified
as sniped. This will reduce the support from the stiffeners to the plate.

3.7 General available results

When operated in the standard mode the PULS 2.0 code applies a proportional loading history I
load space. Along the proportional load history the following strength parameters are calculated:


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i) Local eigenvalue (LEB) (SLS)

ii) Global eigenvalue (GEB)
iii) Ultimate capacity stress (UC)
iv) Buckling load = minimum of eigenvalues and ultimate load
v) Usage factor η with reference to ultimate load and buckling load
vi) Orthotropic macro stiffness coefficients; Cαβ, Dαβ

i) and ii). The eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenmode are ideal elastic buckling stresses
with associated buckling shape for a stiffened panel with perfect flat geometry. They are
categorised into local (LEB) and global (GEB) modes. They represent an idealized reference
state at which the panel will start buckling (deflecting out of plane).
iii) The ultimate stress (UC) is the maximum nominal stress the panel can carry for the defined
proportional load history.
iv) The buckling load is defined as the minimum of the eigenvalues and the ultimate load.
Applicable if functional requirements are to be imposed (SLS) with the purpose of avoiding
elastic buckling deflections of plates and stiffeners.
v) The UC usage factor describes the margin between the applied loads and the corresponding
ultimate capacity stresses. The usage factor BS is measured against the buckling load.
vi) Orthotropic macro coefficients represent the in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness of the panel
in an unloaded and loaded state. They are reduced compared to the linear smeared macro
coefficients taking into account the non-linear effect of local elastic buckling of plates and
stiffeners. They can be used as reduced efficiency elements in linear FE models or as reduced
stiffness elements in simple hull girder models.

Graphical results available are plots of minimum eigenmodes, imperfection modes, and ultimate
limit state deflection modes. In addition, membrane stress plots are produced.
The calculated parameters are more thoroughly explained in the following sections.

3.8 Local level: Elastic Eigenvalue and reduced stiffness properties

Local buckling is classified as modes associated with pure local deflections of the component
plates in the cross-section, i.e. as per definition the stiffener junctions to the continuous plating
act as nodal lines in the local buckling pattern. The local level assesses the eigenvalue and the
postbuckling strength of panels buckling exclusively into local modes. Local geometrical
imperfection effects and residual stress effects are implicitly considered in a set of orthotropic
macro material coefficients. From an overall point of view the stiffened panel is then considered
as an orthotropic panel in which the orthotropic macro material coefficients have reduced
stiffness/efficiency properties (compared to linear elastic values) thus accounting for the local
buckling on the overall strength.


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For all buckling and deflection modes the stiffener flanges are considered locally strong and they
bend and twist like a beam constrained to follow the stiffener web deflections.


For panels stiffened by open profiles the following three categories of local buckling modes are
typical in stiffened ship panels
i) plate buckling
ii) torsional stiffener buckling
iii) stiffener web plate buckling interaction with plate buckling

Interactions between these mode categories are typical for stiffened panels. Fig.6 illustrates the
three main categories as assessed by PULS

i) plate buckling (strong stiffener sideways); LEB

ii) torsional stiffener buckling (typical for tall profiles and flat bar profiles in particular); LEB


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iii) stiffener web plate buckling interaction with plate buckling and some torsional stiffener buckling; LEB

Fig. 6: Examples of local buckling modes; junction line between stiffener

and plate straight (assessed by PULS)

The values for the in-plane stresses at the instant where local elastic buckling starts are defined
σ1LE = Λ LE σ10
σ 2,1LE = Λ LE σ 20,1
σ 2, 2 LE = Λ LE σ 20, 2
σ3LE = Λ LE σ30

where Λ LE is the eigenvalue of the load proportionality parameter Λ calculated by the program.
The values σ 1LE , σ 2,1LE , σ 2, 2 LE , σ 3 LE are called the local elastic buckling stresses under a
combined load situation.
The local elastic buckling stresses are not critical with respect to the ultimate load bearing
capacity of integrated panels. Higher loads can be carried due to a positive postbuckling effect.
In an ultimate strength context the local buckling stress (LEB) can be viewed as a reference state,
beyond which there exist extra load bearing capacity (typically for thin plates or high local
slenderness in general).
The local elastic buckling stress can be useful as an upper limit for panels constrained to follow
strict functional requirements (SLS), i.e. for design where elastic buckling deflections are not


In a simplified mathematical model, the stiffened panel can be considered to be equivalent to an
orthotropic material where the stiffeners are smeared out over the plate surface. The PULS code
is based on a six-dimensional orthotropic macro material law, e.g. Brush and Almroth (1975),
Ref.[1], Fig.7.


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Fig. 7 Six-dimensional macro model for stiffened panels

According to non-linear plate theory this macro material law takes the form of an incremental
relation between the in-plane loads ( N 1 , N 2 , N 3 ) and moments (M 1 , M 2 , M 3 ) , and the
corresponding strains (ε1 , ε 2 , ε 3 ) and curvatures ( κ1 , κ 2 , κ 3 ) of the continuous plating. In
mathematical terms the orthotropic macro material law takes the following form

⎡ ΔN 1 ⎤ ⎡ C11 C12 C13 Q11 Q12 Q13 ⎤ ⎡ Δε1 ⎤

⎢ ΔN ⎥ ⎢C
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ 21 C 22 C 23 Q 21 Q 22 Q 23 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ Δε 2 ⎥⎥
⎢ ΔN 3 ⎥ ⎢ C 31 C 32 C 33 Q 31 Q 32 Q 33 ⎥ ⎢ Δε 3 ⎥
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢ ΔM 1 ⎥ ⎢Q11 Q 21 Q 31 D11 D12 D13 ⎥ ⎢ Δκ1 ⎥
⎢ΔM 2 ⎥ ⎢Q12 Q 22 Q 32 D 21 D 22 D 23 ⎥ ⎢Δκ 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ ΔM 3 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣Q13 Q 23 Q 33 D 31 D 32 D 33 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ Δκ 3 ⎥⎦

The symbol Δ indicates incremental properties. By accepting local elastic buckling in stiffened
panels under extreme loads, the panel will behave in a non-linear and more flexible way than
under the standard linear response hypothesis. This local panel flexibility is assessed in the
PULS code as a set of reduced orthotropic macro stiffness coefficients defined as

C αβ ≡ C αβ + C αβ

D αβ ≡ D αβ + D αβ α, β = 1, 2, 3

Q αβ ≡ Q αβ + Q αβ

Each of the coefficients in the stiffness matrix has two contributions, i.e. a linear part and a non-
linear part. The linear part represents coefficients with the full stiffener rigidities smeared out


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over the total plate area. The non-linear corrections C αβ , D αβ , Q αβ are assessed using a
numerical procedure. This and more details about the theory is explained in the Theory Manual,

The macro model stiffness relation is written on sub-matrix notation as

⎡N⎤ ⎡ C Q⎤ ⎡ ε ⎤ ⎡ε ⎤ ⎡M S⎤⎡ N ⎤
⎢M ⎥ = ⎢Q T D ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ κ ⎥⎦
⇔ ⎢ κ ⎥ = ⎢S T F ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣M ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣

The bending/extension coupling coefficients Q αβ , (Q) enter due to the eccentricity effect of the
one-sided welded stiffeners. This coupling effect is eliminated using a simple neutralisation
procedure. The resulting uncoupled moment-curvature relation is

M = Dκ

where neutral orthotropic bending stiffness matrix is

D = D − (Q) T (C) −1 Q ] (= F −1 )

The PULS S3 element calculates the macro model submatrices C, Q, D, D for the linear state, for
the initial unloaded geometrically imperfect state and for an averaged state (secant) being
representative for the ultimate strength assessment.

3.9 Global level: Overall elastic eigenvalue of panel; GEB

Global buckling is associated with an overall mode lifting the stiffeners out-of-plane together
with the continuous plating assuming lateral support along all four outer edges, see Fig. 8 for


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a) b)

Fig. 8 Examples of global buckling modes; stiffeners lift out-of-plane together

with the plating (assessed by PULS); GEB
a) Example for an axially compressed panel
b) Example for a transversely compressed and shear loaded panel

The corresponding global elastic buckling level (GEB eigenvalue) is assessed using the classical
orthotropic plate theory, though as explained in chapter 3.6.3, with modified orthotropic macro
material coefficients accounting for the local buckling effects.
With reference to the DNV rules, Ref.[4], Ref.[5], the lateral buckling mode (or column
buckling) corresponds to the global buckling mode in PULS. However, in the DNV rules, and
most other international codes, the lateral buckling mode neglects the plate effect altogether (i.e.
the column approach assumes lateral support only at two opposite edges typically being at
transverse frame supports). This is the reason while the column approach is not suited for
analysing integrated stiffened panels in ship and offshore structures addressing the problem of
combined in-plane bi-axial and in-plane shear loads.

According to design principle iii), Section 3.2, the present S3 element takes the global
eigenvalue as the upper limit of the buckling capacity of the panel. This is refereed to as GEB
cut-off in the present code and is consistent the Perry approach much referenced in the literature.

In the standard program mode the global eigenvalues are found by scaling the simultaneously
combined loads σ 10 , σ 20,1 , σ 20, 2 , σ 30 in proportion until global buckling takes place. The global
buckling loads are accordingly

σ1GE = Λ GE σ10
σ 2,1GE = Λ GE σ 20,1
σ 2, 2GE = Λ GE σ 20, 2
σ 3GE = Λ GE σ 30


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where Λ GE is the global eigenvalue of the load parameter Λ found by the program. The nominal
stresses σ 1GE , σ 2,1GE , σ 2, 2GE , σ 3GE are called the global elastic buckling stresses under a combined
load situation.

The eigenvalue problem is formulated as

(K − ΛK g ) q = 0

K is the small displacement stiffness matrix, Kg is the geometrical stiffness matrix and q is the

3.10 Local stress limit states: Ultimate strength evaluation

3.10.1 GENERAL
The S3 element includes non-linear elastic models for both the global mode (orthotropic plate
theory) and the local mode (isotropic plate theory with plate-stiffener compatibility). These non-
linear models are run in sequence with a logging of the response for local stress registration to be
used in the subsequent limit state evaluations.
The limit state evaluations are based on the redistributed membrane stress distributions within
the stiffened panel. Membrane stresses in this context means stresses in the middle-plane of the
individual thin-walled component plates (plating, stiffener web, stiffener flange) of which the
stiffened panel is built. Thus membrane stresses can be a purely local effect due to local
plate/stiffener buckling or they arise from global bending effects of the stiffener, the latter due to
compressive in-plane forces or lateral pressure.
Due to local buckling of the component plates in a cross-section the membrane stress will
redistribute as compared to neglecting buckling effects. For thin plates and stiffeners the
redistributions will be significant. Typically the stresses in the hard corners/critical positions =
along plate edges/plate-stiffener junction lines etc. will be higher than in mid regions of local
buckles. The degree of redistributions depends on the slenderness/plate thickness of each
component plate and on geometrical imperfections shape/size and residual stresses present.
The current PULS version apply six limit state functions fi’s (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) for identifying
critical conditions in different locations in the panel. A function fi > 0 corresponds to applied
loads less than the critical condition in the corresponding point. Moreover, fi = 0 solved
explicitly give the values for the applied loads corresponding to the ultimate limit state. The
ultimate strength is found from the minimum of all defined limit states.
The six limit states are formulated for capturing critical stress conditions in selected critical
positions, see Fig. 9.


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Fig. 9 Stress control points in critical positions in a panel defining the ultimate limit states

The six limit states fi’s are stress controls in the following positions:

i = 1; Plate criterion: Stress control along plate edges – based on max edge stresses along
supported edges (typical: transverse load when local buckling dominates)
i = 2; Stiffener tension criterion: Stress control in stiffener; at midspan x1 = L1/2 ; in stiffener
flange for global panel deflecting towards stiffener flange, tension criterion - rare for
compressive loads, but kicks in for tension loads (will also kick in for transverse
compressive loads for panel with small stiffeners, i.e. large global effects)
i = 3; Plate compression criterion: Stress control in plate; at midspan x1 = L1/2; in plating
for global panel deflecting towards stiffener flange, compression criterion (PI collapse)
i = 4; Stiffener compression criterion: Stiffener criterion Stress control in stiffener; at
midspan x1 = -L1/2: in stiffener flange for global panel deflecting towards plating,
compression criterion (SI collapse) (typical for pure axial load)
i = 5; Plate tension criterion: Stress control in plate; at midspan x1 = -L1/2; in plating for
global panel deflecting towards plating, tension criterion – rare for compressive loads,
but kicks inn for tension loads


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(Note that the limit state criteria i = 2-5 is not always evaluated at midspan. Maximum
curvature in x1 – direction, and thereby the highest bending stress, could be closer to the
ends for certain geometrical proportions of stiffened panels. Typical are cases with small
stiffeners for which the panel behaves more as a plate than a “column”, with a global
buckling mode pattern flattening in the mid-regions.)

i = 6; Stiffener bending stress criterion at support: Stress and capacity control at support x1
= 0; compressive or tension criterion, kicks in for cases with lateral pressure. This limit
state is used to control the bending and shear capacity of the stiffeners under the
influence of combined lateral load and in-plane loads. Yielding in the stiffener flange at
the transverse frames is accepted, since stiffeners have significant strength reserves after
first yield when subjected to lateral pressure. The panel is loaded until the plastic capacity
of the stiffeners is reached. Two criteria are used for this limit state. The first is the
capacity of the top and bottom flanges to carry the combined axial force and bending
moment resulting from the applied loads, and the second is the capacity of the web to
carry the shear force and axial force due to the applied loads.

The value for the four independent in-plane stresses at the point of ultimate strength is defined as
σ1u = Λ u σ10
σ 2,1u = Λ u σ 20,1
σ 2, 2 u = Λ u σ 20, 2
σ 3u = Λ u σ 30

The value of the Λ u factor is calculated as the minimum explicit solution of the six limit states
functions. The solutions are found using a numerical procedure. There exist one Λ u for each
limit state and the minimum of these is used as representative for the ultimate strength. It follows
per definition that it is the inverse of the UC usage factor η as defined in Chapter 3.9.

3.10.2 STEEL
The steel limit states follow the six main stress control points as given above.
Different material yield stresses can be specified in the plate and stiffeners (same in all
stiffeners) while only one set of values for the Young’s modulus E and Poisson ratio ν is
The geometrical imperfection size and shape effect, and the residual stress effects, are implicitly
considered in the ULS values when using default tolerance values. The imperfection values used
as default values are typical for welded and fabricated steel plates used in ships and offshore


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A special option for analysis of aluminium panels, including HAZ effects for NV 5082 T6, is
implemented in PULS 2.0.
A first membrane yield criterion in the HAZ zone is added to the limit states used for steel. This
first HAZ yield criterion will be conservative, but reasonable as a design limitation since limited
knowledge is available for soft HAZ zones strained beyond the material yield level. Crack
initiations and fracture can be the result if the HAZ zones around welds frequently are loaded
beyond the first yield level.

3.11 Safety margin

The calculated UC usage factor η in the PULS code represents the ratio between the applied
combined loads and the corresponding ultimate strength. It is defined as
η = L0 / Lu (= 1 / Λ u )
where the radius vectors L0 and Lu in load space are defined as

L u = (σ1u + σ 2 u + σ 3u )
2 2 2

L 0 = (σ10 + σ 20 + σ 30 )
2 2 2

see Fig. 10 for illustration

Applied loads


Usage factor:
η= L0/LU

Fig. 10 Definition of safety margin/usage factor; capacity curve example for bi-axial loading


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38 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

For the single load cases the definition of usage factor becomes

η = σ i 0 / σ iu i = 1, 2, 3

as is the familiar form used in the DNV steel ship rules. For the present PULS code approach the
final rule acceptance criterion will be in the form
< η allow i.e. η < ηallow

where η allow (or also called η max ) is to be specified in the rules and η is calculated by the PULS
In the offshore marked the LRFD format is used, i.e. the acceptance criterion is on the form
Sd < R d
where Sd is the load effect and Rd is the design resistance. The design resistance is related to the
characteristic resistance as
Rd = Rk / γm
For offshore application of the PULS code, the following definitions applies:

Characteristic resistance:

R k = (σ1u + σ 2 u + σ 3u ) (= L u )
2 2 2

Load effect:

S d = (σ10 + σ 20 + σ 30 ) (= L 0 )
2 2 2

The offshore strength format is then:

Sd 1
Rk γm
which in Ship rule terminology is
1 Sd
i.e. η< where η=
γm Rk
The ratio S d / R k is the same as the actual Ship Rule usage factor η and is calculated by the
PULS code. Load factors are to be included in load effect parameter Sd since it represents the
actual load situation to be checked against buckling.


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3.12 Capacity Curves

The PULS code can also assess 2D capacity curves under combined loads. The capacity curves
are illustrated in two-dimensional load-spaces. The notation of capacity curves and buckling
boundaries are described more in detail in Section 6.7. Pre-loading of pressure and for the in-
plane uniform stresses is handled for any of the three in-plane uniform stress components.

i) Bi-axial load space σ1- σ2 for fixed shear σ3 (τ12) and fixed p (MPa)
ii) Axial-shear load space σ1- τ12 for fixed transverse stress σ2 and fixed p (MPa).
iii) Transverse-shear load space σ2 - τ12 for fixed axial stress σ1 and fixed p (MPa)

Limits for acceptable lateral pressures are set in the program and capacity curves generation will
be aborted if these limits are exceeded. The pressure limits are summarised in the detailed result
menu under standard parameters.

3.13 Lateral pressure

Lateral pressure can be prescribed acting uniformly across the panel. In the Ultimate Capacity
analysis the specified lateral pressure is kept fixed, while the in-plane loads are increased until
subsequent collapse is reached.
It is remarked that the S3 stiffened panel element assumes the main stiffeners to be continuous
across several bays to match typical ship bottom/side designs and the pressure distribution is
uniform all across all bays. Theoretically this means that the model includes both symmetric
deflection modes (CS) for assessing the pressure effect and asymmetric modes (SS) for assessing
the buckling effect with respect to the global stiffener bending (in x1-direction) as illustrated
schematically in Fig.11 below.

SNx1 Sx

Fig. 11. Deflection of a stiffener in the simply supported mode (SS asymmetric modes, top)
and the clamped mode (CS symmetric modes, bottom)


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Maximum pressure criteria are introduced representing practical design boundaries for the
stiffeners. They kick in and present themselves in dialog boxes with stated limits not to be
exceeded. Two different pressure limits are specified; one for controlling the bending stiffness of
the stiffener/plate unit and one for controlling the shear area of the stiffener web. They are based
on linear beam theory.
The bending stiffness pressure limit pFs is

p Fs = 12 σ F 2
s L1

where Wmin is the minimum section modulus of the stiffener/plate unit normally being at the
stiffener flange position

Wmin =
h w + 0.5 t f + 0.5 t p − z g

where the moment of inertia of the plate/stiffener unit is

I = 121 b f t 3f + b f t f (h w + 0.5t f + 0.5t p − z g ) 2 + 121 t w h w + h w t w (0.5h w + 0.5t p − z g ) 2 + 121 st 3p + st p z g2


and zg is the neutral axis measured from the plate middle-plane. This limit correspond to first
bending stress yield at support for a clamped stiffener with span L1. The pFs value is tabulated in
the PULS output detailed result/standard parameter list for info.

The lateral pressure which gives shear stress yielding in the web is

p τs =

where the shear force which gives shear stress yield is

σ Fs t w I
V =
3S p


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where the moment of area about the neutral axis, where the maximum shear stress occurs, is

S p = st p z g + 0.5t w ( z g − 0.5t p ) 2

This pressure limit correspond to first pure shear yield in the stiffener web as calculated for a
clamped stiffener with span L1. The pτs value is tabulated in the PULS output detailed
result/standard parameter list for info.
Another pressure limit of practical interest is the first onset of surface yield due to pure local
bending of the plate between stiffeners. This limit is simply

p F = 2σ F ( ) 2

and is based on a clamped plate unit strip formulation. This limit is not included as design limit
in the present PULS 2.0 version as it will be too strict for practical applications. For ship bottom
designs, pressure level significantly beyond this pF is normal. It is also documented using
advanced elasto-plastic FE analysis, that pressure levels well beyond pF can be carried for plates
supported by typical solid stiffener/frame structures. It is also well documented that the in-plane
uls capacity for stiffened panels is not very influenced by local surface yielding along
stiffener/plate supports. The pF value is tabulated in PULS output detailed result/standard
parameter list for info.

Conclusion: The present S3 lateral model has practical pressure limits implemented
reflecting reasonable design requirements to the stiffener/plate unit. These are based on the
philosophy that the stiffeners shall carry the pressure and transfer these to the supporting
transverse frame/bulkhead structures without significant plastic deformations. Input
pressures beyond these limits are not accepted by the program and warnings are given in
dialog boxes.


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4 T1 – STIFFENED plate element (non-regular


4.1 General
The T1 stiffened plate element applies a linearized version of Marguerre’s non-linear plate
theory. Linearized in this context is means that the theory do not assess the non-linear
postbuckling strength (no overcritical strength), i.e. loads beyond the ideal elastic buckling level
(eigenvalue) is not possible. The elastic buckling (eigenvalue) is found using a multiple degree
of freedom model in terms of Fourier expansions of lateral deflections. Stress control criteria
checking the onset of material yielding in hot spot stress locations along the plate edges and in
the stiffeners are used as method for the buckling strength assessment.
The stiffened plate can be subjected to combined load situations and the numerical procedures
implemented scale the applied loads up to buckling. The results are presented in terms of a single
parameter called the usage factor. The numerical algorithms are based on the linearized load-
deflection solution using the minimum eigenvalue in the amplification factor.
The element can be used for assessing the buckling strength of panels where the stiffener can
have variable geometry and arbitrary orientations. This means it is suitable for non-regular
stiffener arrangement and triangular plates.
More details concerning the T1 element can be found in ref.(18).

4.2 Overview of element characteristics

The main characteristics of the T1 element are summarized in Table 3.


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44 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

T1 element – stiffened plate – non-regular geometry

Theory: Non-linear
Structural Rectangular stiffened plate, non-regular stiffeners
configuration: - Uniform plate thickness
- N arbitrary oriented stiffeners, (N = 1, 2,.., 25)
- The stiffeners may have different proportions
- Stiffener input:
- direct input of scantlings
- as springs with lateral and/or rotational stiffness
(The stiffeners are secondary in the sense that they carry no axial stress)

Loads: - Linearly varying normal in x1- direction

- Linearly varying normal stress in x2-direction
- Uniform in-plane shear stress (x1-x2) plane

Materials: - Isotropic elastic material (E, ν)

- Material yield stress in plate used in buckling strength assessment

Boundary Out-of plane support (bending support)

conditions: - All four edges supported laterally in plate plane
- Rotational restraint control of each edge; free to rotate, rotationally
restrained or clamped
- Stiffener with rotational spring stiffness to simulate partly restrained edges

Model - Automatically set default model tolerances consistent with as welded panels
Output: - Buckling Strength (BS)
- Usage factor BS (ratio: applied loads/ BS)
- Minimum Eigenvalue

Validity limits: Max slenderness

squash von Mises yield
λ≤4 ; λ=
min eigenvalue
Max stiffener slenderness
Stiffener web slenderness for flat bar stiffeners, h/tw < 35
Stiffener web slenderness Angle and T profiles; h/tw < 90
Free flange slenderness for Angle and T profiles; ff/tf < 15

Table 3 Overview of T1 element characteristics


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4.3 Element limitations- slenderness requirements

The present PULS T1 element has the following range of application:

Geometry: Rectangular stiffened plate, with stiffeners oriented in any direction

Profiles: Open profile type with standard angle shape, eccentric angle, symmetric T or flat
bar shape. Standard Profile table included. Bulb profiles are modelled as
equivalent angle profile.
Loads: Linearly varying membrane stresses in axial σ10 and transverse σ 20 direction,
and constant shear stress σ 30 . All combinations of bi-axial compression/tension
and shear can be analysed.
Edge Support: All four edges are assumed to be supported laterally. Rotational constraint may be
specified. In-plane boundary conditions is not necessary to define due to the use
of linear theory.

The theory for stiffeners is simplified in sense that they are not considered to carry any axial
stress. This means that buckling of stiffener web is not checked and thus a certain max
slenderness of the stiffener web has to be ensured. The T1 stiffener model is similar to the
secondary stiffener option in the S3 element, and the web proportions should fulfil the table 2
requirements at least if the stiffeners are continuous across the boundaries. For sniped stiffeners
the stiffener web requirement can be relaxed. As an upper max slenderness limit the following
ratios are implemented:

i) General:
Web slenderness for flat bar stiffeners: hw / t w < 35
Web slenderness for L or T profiles: h / t w < 90
Free flange for L or T profiles: f f / t f < 15

These validity limits are checked by the program. An error message is given when limits are
exceeded. A summary is given on the status bar shown in the bottom of the PULS window.

Another alternative option for modelling stiffeners is also available using directly a user defined
effective moment of inertia and rotational spring stiffness. This option enables the user to specify
his own preferred stiffener efficiency properties.


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4.4 General T1 element design principles

The T1 element applied in an design setting is based on the following main principles

i) Elastic buckling of the plate and/or stiffener is not accepted.

ii) Permanent buckles are not accepted.

By ensuring the maximum membrane stresses along the plate edges and the plate/stiffener
connections to stay below the yield stress condition (von Mises), excessive permanent sets and
buckles are prevented ( principle ii) above). In plates second order bending stresses adds to the
second order membrane stresses. The resulting surface stress is generally accepted to exceed the
yield condition in local areas. This is not considered critical for the strength of plates and it will
not induce permanent sets beyond what is normally accepted in ship designs.
Since linear theory is used, the ULS strength calculated will always be below the local elastic
buckling load.

4.5 External prescribed loads

The T1 element can be subjected to a combined external load situation covering linearly varying
in-plane loads in bi-axial directions and constant in-plane shear. The five in-plane external
nominal stresses are given as
σ1,1 = Λ σ10,1
σ1, 2 = Λ σ10, 2
σ 2,1 = Λ σ 20,1
σ 2,1 = Λ σ 20, 2
σ 3 = Λ σ 30

where Λ is the load factor automatically controlled by the program. A subscript 0 on the nominal
external stresses indicates the values of the input values, i.e. they corresponds to Λ=1.

4.6 Available results

The following strength parameters are calculated for the T1 element:
i) Eigenvalue
ii) Buckling load
iii) Usage factor η with reference to buckling load


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i) The eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenmode are ideal elastic buckling stresses with
associated buckling shape for a stiffened panel with perfect flat geometry. They represent an
idealized reference state at which the panel will start buckling (deflecting out of plane).
ii) The buckling load is defined as the load at the onset of yield. Since linear theory is used, the
buckling load is always lower than the eigenvalue.
iii) The usage factor describes the margin between the applied loads and the corresponding
buckling load.

Graphical results available are plots of the minimum eigenmode, the model imperfection, and the
ultimate limit state deflection mode. In addition, membrane stress plots are produced.

4.7 Safety margin

The safety margin is presented as the usage factor defined as

(σ1u ,1 ) 2 + (σ1u , 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 u ,1 ) 2 + (σ 2 u , 2 ) 2 + (σ 3u ) 2
(σ10,1 ) 2 + (σ10, 2 ) 2 + (σ 20,1 ) 2 + (σ 20, 2 ) 2 + (σ 30 ) 2

The calculated usage factor η is to be measured against the allowable ηallow (or called ηmax) as
specified in the relevant Rules and Standards.

4.8 Capacity curves

Capacity curves under combined loads are available for the T1 element. The capacity curves are
illustrated in two-dimensional load-spaces. The notation of capacity curves and buckling
boundaries are described more in detail in Section 6.7. Pre-loading is handled for any of the
three in-plane load components.
i) Bi-axial load space σ1 - σ2 for fixed τ12 shear.
ii) Axial-shear load space σ1 - τ12 for fixed transverse σ2 stress.
iii) Transverse-shear load space σ2 - τ12 for fixed axial σ1 stress.


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5 PULS Code application – Usage hints

5.1 General assumptions- Boundary conditions

The current U3 and S3 elements by default assess the buckling and ultimate strength of
integrated thin-walled panels in ship and offshore structures. The strength characteristics of an
integrated element in larger structures depend on the structural geometry and profile type, nature
of prescribed loads and not at least the boundary conditions. Two sets of boundary conditions are
of particular importance for buckling and ultimate strength assessment, i.e. i) out-of plane
(bending) boundary conditions and ii) in-plane (membrane) boundary conditions.
i) Out-of-plane (bending) boundary conditions.
The U3, S3, and T1 elements by default assume the plate edges to be rigidly supported
out-of-plane along all four edges, with the edges are geometrically (physically) free to
rotate (simply supported boundary conditions). This is a conservative set of boundary
conditions. For the U3 and T1 elements, alternative rotational restraints may be specified
by the user for each edge individually. For the S3 element, the rotational restraint at the
outer edges is less important than the restraint from the stiffeners, which is automatically
accounted for.
Out-of-plane boundary conditions are important for the buckling load (eigenvalue), but
not so much for the elastic postbuckling behaviour which controls the amount of
incremental ULS margin beyond elastic buckling.
ii) In-plane (membrane) boundary conditions.
In-plane boundary conditions are important with respect to elastic post-buckling
behaviour and they therefore dictate to a large extent the ULS strength margins. In other
words they control the available strength beyond ideal elastic buckling (overcritical
strength). Plates compressed beyond the minimum eigenvalue develop second order
membrane stresses which need to be transmitted to neighbouring plate fields and
surrounding structures. By default, both the U3 and the S3 elements are assumed to be
integrated elements. Alternatively, two opposite edges may be specified as free to pull in,
which may be more representative for girders and stringers. For the T1 element, the in-
plane boundary conditions are not relevant, since linear theory is used.

The U3 element is assumed to have uniform plate thickness. The S3 element is assumed to have
constant plate thickness and stiffener proportions across the panel. The T1 element is assumed to
have uniform plate thickness, but may have stiffeners with different proportions.


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The PULS code concept isolates a rectangular panel and prescribes a set of external loads across
the panel surface. For the S3 element the prescribed external nominal loads (stresses) have to be
uniformly distributed in the axial direction, but may be linearly varying in the transverse

Short edge σ30 σ20 Long edges

Short edge

Fig. 12 Rectangular panel; definition of supported edges and applied loads

Limitations and fields of applications of the PULS 2.0 code are summarised in Table 1 in Section
5.2. Usage hints are given in Chapter 6.


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5.2 Applications
For overview, typical ship hull areas of application for the U3 and S3 elements are tabulated

Short edges Long edges Remark Misc. PULS element

Edges 1 Edges 2 Application
Deck Transverse Long. BHDs, S3, ULS OK
webs or deck girders U3, ULS OK
Inner bottom Floors Girders S3, ULS OK
Bottom shell Floors Girders S3, ULS OK
BTM girder Floors Inner and outer S3 SLS OK
bottom U3 SLS OK
BTM floor Girders Inner and outer Check area by Variable S3 SLS OK
bottom area as thickness? No U3 SLS OK
Side shell Deck and Transverse Variable S3, ULS OK
bottom webs thickness? U3, ULS OK
Impl. in
Section model
Side shell, Transverse Upper and Variable S3, ULS OK
bulk carrier BHDs lower sloping thickness? U3, ULS OK
BHD Impl. in
Section model
Long. BHD. Deck and Transverse Variable S3, ULS OK
(vertical) bottom webs thickness? U3, ULS OK
Impl. in
Section model
Long. BHD. Shell or inner Transverse Variable S3 SLS OK
(hopper) skin and inner webs thickness? U3 SLS OK
bottom Impl. in
Section model
Transverse Horizontal Inner skin and Check area by Variable S3, ULS OK
BHD girders Longitudinal area as thickness? No U3, ULS OK
BHDs thickness

Table 1. PULS application matrix. ULS OK means that local elastic buckling is accepted; i.e. a GEB cut-off
is implemented ensuring sufficient stiffener proportions, but plate between stiffeners can buckle elastically.
SLS OK means that not any type of elastic buckling is accepted; i.e. both GEB and LEB cut-off are


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6 Using the PULS 2.0 Advanced Viewer program

6.1 Program structure

The PULS program has a multi document (MDI) layout for easy input and output. All
parameters are given in cells with text identification and unit assignment.
The program has two levels of organising data. The highest level is the “Project” typically being
a specific ship identification or similar. The level below is the “Panel” level typically being a
specific panel in the ship. Any number of “Panels” can be specified, but it is recommended not
to exceed 15 especially when there are generated graphics for most panels.
The “Project”, with the corresponding “Panels” organised as subfolders, are saved in a file with
a format notation of *.pbp. The Project name will automatically be updated to be the same as the
name given to the file using the Save as… option in the File menu. The Panel can be given any
name by directly editing in the Tree view control menu or using the identification text box.
The program features and the project control is facilitated using the
Menubar, Toolbar, Tree view control menu and the Window


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6.2 Menu, Toolbars and Tree view control menu

The following roll down curtains are available
File curtain:
Specification of new “panel” geometry. Also possible to copy data from
existing panels.

New project definition, top level identification – saved as separate file

Open existing “project”; existing saved file

Delete panel

Save project; default name equal to project

Save project as…; any name can be used on file, preferred equal to project

Print Word report or data Windows; directly or to file Recalculate all panels

Edit curtain:


Copy and paste Data Windows into Word documents;

implemented for 3D graphics and capacity curves

Remove all 3D graphics in the project. Useful for saving

response time for large files with many panels and graphics


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Panel settings curtain:

Set tolerances; default or user specified. U3: one plate

parameter only. S3: three independent parameters.
Default values correspond to acceptable code strength

Define stiffener from Profile table; Bulb profiles etc.

Define secondary stiffeners in transverse direction;

sniped stiffener, continuous stiffener or tripping bracket.

Solve panel curtain:

Calculates results for a given load combination; standard
mode of program operation, external stresses have to be
specified different than zero, proportional load history for all
in-plane loads assumed. Lateral pressure fixed.

Result curtain:

Windows for: Eigenmodes, Imperfection modes, ULS

modes (deflections and stresses), Detailed results, Pressure
deflections. “All results” activate all available windows.


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56 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

Capacity curves curtain:

Generate capacity curves in 2D load spaces; local and global

eigenvalues and ULS boundaries. Prestress option = third
load component fixed, zero or non-zero. S3 and U3 also
support lateral pressure.

Curve settings; type of curve, number of points in 2D load

space, scaling against accept levels, scaling of axes etc. Also
available from dialog box under Generate..

Window curtain:

Arrange data windows

Active data windows

Help menu not implemented.

Check of current PULS version: Version 2.0


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A toolbar for direct operation of some menu items is implemented as follows

New panel; same as “new Open project; same as Direct button for
panel” from File menu “open project” from File Capacity curves

Animation of Profile table; same as

buckling process “define stiffener”
under panel menu

Save file; same as Print report in Word format to Solve Buttons for
“Save project” on printer or to file. Input button; 3D graphic
File menu parameters and main results same as operations.
“Solve Alternative:
Panel” in right hand
Panel menu, mouse click
requires when in 3D
values on graphic
input loads! window


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The tree view control menu operates equal as to Windows Explorer. It has the following layout

Three view control menu Active Window

6.3 Tolerance specifications

Explicit geometrical model tolerances can be specified. For the unstiffened element (U3) there is
only one model tolerance amplitude available, i.e. the maximum initial plate amplitude δp0. For
the stiffened panel (S3) three independent imperfection amplitudes can be specified, i.e. see
figure below; δP0, δS0, and δT0. Default model tolerances correspond to ULS code strength values
according to normal fabrication standards of welded integrated structures used in the
shipbuilding and offshore industry.


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The model imperfection shape is not operated by the user, only the imperfection amplitude.
Imperfection models combining eigenmodes for constructing relevant imperfection modes are
pre-set in the program. They can be viewed in the tree control menu after a calculation has been
carried out.
Both amplitude and shape is defined by the program for the T1 element.

6.4 Opening and Saving files

Opening an existing file is done by clicking the Open button on the toolbar or by using the Open
option in the File menu.
A new blank input page is generated by clicking the New file button on the tool bar or using the
New option in the File menu.
After an analysis is run the results are saved by clicking the Save button or using the Save or
Save as… in the File menu. Save as…will provide a dialog box for setting of file name, which is
automatically set to be the same as the “Project” name.
The “Panel” identification names can be edited and given any name by clicking on the
corresponding labels in the Tree view control menu.

6.5 Input window- Defining the S3 element (stiffened panel)

NB!! Note that all input numbers entered has to be followed by a tab entry for proper registration.
A tab reminder is given on the status bar at bottom whenever a new number is entered into a cell.
Having defined a Panel identification name, the input parameters are added most conveniently
by stepping through the cells using the tab key on the keyboard. Alternatively the cursor may be
used. It is important that the tab key is pressed upon entering new data in a cell, in order for data
to be registered.


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60 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

The Input Window for stiffened panels takes the following form

Profile table, see Stiffened panel figure - automatically adjusted

next page with correct proportions and number of stiffeners

factor is
defined in
the rules

Calculated actual
usage factor

Both ultimate capacity and

buckling strength usage factor

Input: Plate dimensions and number Tab strips for material, load and
of continuous stiffeners Ns. boundary condition specification-
Secondary transverse stiffener option: see next page
own dialog if different from zero.


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Profile table for flat bars, bulbs, angles and T-bars (same as in DNV Nauticus Hull)

Secondary transverse stiffeners; three options: i) Sniped stiffeners ii) continuous

stiffeners, iii) tripping brackets.


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62 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

Material class: Steel or


Input: Material
NB! G not input.

Only pressure
computation: Linear
computation of
deflections for
specified pressure. No
ULS computation.

Input: Applied loads –

average nominal stresses; bi- Input: Pressure fixed.
axial and shear. Scaled Negative pressure is on
proportionally for assessing stiffener side.
elastic buckling and ULS
Sign convention:
Positive normal stresses
(“loads”) in compression
Location of panel: Choose
between intgrated panel or
girder panel. Girder panel sets
restrictions to which load
components that can be non-


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6.6 Input window- Defining the U3 element (unstiffened plate)

NB!! Note that all input numbers entered has to be followed by a tab entry for proper registration.
A tab reminder is given on the status bar at bottom whenever a new number is entered into a cell.

Unstiffened plate figure - automatically adjusted with correct aspect ratio proportion

defined in
the rules

Geomtry input, plate length

L1, plate width L2, plate
thickness tp.


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64 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

Specification of
material properties.
properties also

Specification of
applied loads.

Only pressure mode.

Same computation
method for membrane
and bending but
different stresses are
shown in the stress
plots, membrane and

Location of panel: Choose

between integrated panel or
girder panel. Girder panel sets
restrictions to which load
components that can be non-

Rotational support of plate:

Specify either clamped,
simply supported or user
specified. Also possible to
specify corrugated panel.


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6.7 Input window- Defining the T1 element (triangular plate)

NB!! Note that all input numbers entered has to be followed by a tab entry for proper registration.
A tab reminder is given on the status bar at bottom whenever a new number is entered into a cell.

Active picture for easy definition

of stiffener location. Define new
stiffener by clicking on picture.
Change location of stiffener by
clicking on relevant end point.
The plate dimensions must be set
before the stiffeners can be

Change between
moment of inertia
input or stiffener
scantlings input.

Defining the end Buttons for defining and Profile data for
points of each deleting stiffeners. each stiffener
stiffener. Stiffeners can be defined or individually.
deleted with buttons or
directly in picture.


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Material input.

Load input. The loads are

only acting on the plate
and not the stiffeners.
Note the difference
between positive and
negative shear stresses.

Rotational spring
support for plate from
surrounding structure


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6.8 Running the program - Standard mode or Capacity Curves

The common use of the program is to use the Standard mode. The standard mode gives the
results by clicking the “=” button on the toolbar or alternatively using the Solve option in the
Panel menu. The “=” button have to be bold (active) for a case to be analysed. A non bold “=”
button indicates a finalised analysis ready for saving.
In order for the Solve routine to work, non-zero external loads have to be specified in the input
window. Non-zero external loads are automatically used as the reference load combination
through which a proportional load history is prescribed. The final result in the standard mode is
the actual usage factor, which is given in the Input Window as well as in the Detailed Window
page (see below).
The program can also be run in an alternative mode giving Capacity Curves. This option is
given in a separate Menu.
Capacity curves mean elastic local buckling (eigenvalues), elastic global buckling (eigenvalues)
and ULS buckling boundaries in 2D load spaces. If this mode is used the actual usage factor is
not defined and consequently not calculated.
The 2D load spaces for capacity curve visualisation are
i) bi-axial loads σ1 − σ 2 ;
ii) axial/shear loads σ1 − τ12 ;
iii) transv./shear loads σ 2 − τ12 ;

For pre-stress selection of the “ULS collection” in the dialog box (see next page) will put all
ULS curves into one diagram. The S3 and U3 elements assess capacity curves for preloading
w.r.t. a set of specified lateral pressure levels and stresses. In girder mode the prestress option is
limited. The T1 element supports prestresses, but not lateral pressure.

The dialog box for capacity curves is given under Capacity Curves on the menu (or separate
button) and it takes the form


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2D load space

Fixed/prestress loads:

Generate curves

For the S3 element the Curve settings for the 2D curves are given in the following dialog box
(for the U3 and T1 elements the dialog box is similar but no distinction between global and local
elastic buckling is necessary)

Curve selection: Type of

curve or all in one chart,
selection by arrows or
double clicking

Load range: extent of load

combination in 2D load
spaces – three options

Scale ULS curves with

specified factor. Option
for cancelling GEB cut-

Scaling of axes: Number of points: Number of points

None: axes in MPa describing the capacity curves in
Alternative: non.dim. axes scaled with yield specified Load range (= number of
stress analyses). Max. allowable - 64 points.


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A set of capacity curves in the 2D load space (according to i) classification above) is shown in
Fig.13 for a constructed S3 element example. The red curve indicates the global elastic buckling
boundary (GEB), which always will be the very outer curve according to the adopted design
principles (see chap.3.3.. design principle iii)). The blue curve indicates local elastic buckling
(LEB) and the violet curve is the ULS curve. Note that the local elastic buckling boundary (LEB)
is below the ULS boundary in a limited region in load space for this example. This is typical for
cases where the plate is thin. For thicker plates the ULS boundary curve will be the inner curve
in the whole load space. See Fig.14 for illustration of such a case.

Fig. 13 Capacity Curves in 2D load space; bi-axial loading, all quadrants, thin plate


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Fig. 14 Capacity Curves in 2D load space; bi-axial loading, all quadrants, thick plate

Similar capacity curves are available in the other two load spaces where shear stresses are one of
the load components. Fig. 15 shows an example including shear. Note the symmetry in the shear
load τ12 (= σ3).

Fig. 15 Capacity Curves in 2D load space; transverse load σ2 and shear σ3(τ12), all quadrants.


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Fig. 16 Capacity Curves in 2D load space for U3 element (unstiffened plate); axial stress σ1 and shear stress
σ3(τ12), all quadrants.

An example of 2D Capacity curves for the U3 element is given in Fig.16 for combined axial
nominal stress σ1 and nominal shear stress σ3 (= τ12). As can be seen, the example is for
relatively thin plate for which the UC strength is beyond the elastic buckling stress for most of
the load combinations.

NB!! The Capacity Curve Windows has some extra features:

- The axis can be stretched/compressed and the origin can be moved by a drag option using the
mouse. Stretching/compressing axes: Press the shift key on the keyboard and drag the mouse
with left button pressed. Moving origin: Press the shift key down and drag the mouse with the
right button pressed. The Window frames can be moved and resized in a standard Windows
- The capacity curves can be copied and pasted as numbers into e.g. Microsoft Excel for
comparison purposes.


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6.9 3D plots of buckling modes, UC modes and UC membrane


In the standard mode of program operation 3D plots of the eigenmode, model imperfections,
pressure plots, ULS mode and ULS membrane stresses is available. These data can be found
under the Result menu.

U3 unstiffened plate element:

For illustration Fig. 17 below shows 3D plots for an U3 element subjected to pure in-plane
bending, a) elastic buckling mode, b) ULS mode and c) ULS membrane von Mises stresses.



Fig. 17 a) U3 sub-element : LEB; eigenmode, b) UC mode, c) UC von Mises membrane stresses

In particular, the ULS membrane stresses show the non-linear redistributed stress distribution at
the first edge membrane yield condition. This is then, as per definition in the PULS approach, the
ULS state. Some more capacity may be expected for thin plates involving spread of plasticity,
and consequently involving permanent sets, but the extra capacity is marginal.


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S3 stiffened plate element:

The stiffened plate shows similar results as for the unstiffened plate. The difference is with
respect to categorisation of modes, i.e. stiffened panels buckles into local and global modes
3D plots of LEB and GEB eigenmodes and ULS modes are available for the capacity curves.
The 3D visualisations are generated by double clicking on the corresponding point in the
capacity curve Window figure. 3D plots are shown in Fig.18 for a S3 element example
subjected to bi-axial loading in two different points in load space illustrating different types of
collapse modes.

Fig. 18 Capacity Curves in 2D load space with associated 3D visualization of ULS modes for two different
points in load space


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6.10 Output window- Detailed result S3 element (stiffened panel)

Detail result summary sheet: In the standard mode a detailed results window is available by
selecting Detailed results from the Result menu. The output parameters are commented in figure
Ultimate loads with Minimum local
GEB cut-off = do Buckling loads, eigenvalue; LEB
Applied loads, not accept global GEB and LEB cut-
mapped from stiffener buckling off Minimum global
input window eigenvalue; GEB
Real ULS; accepts
global stiffener

usage factor


Ultimate stress and usage factor for each Table showing the maximum
limit state, minimum ultimate stress displacement selected locations
given in detail result summary above. in panel.

Stiffness coefficients sheet: Orthotropic macro stiffness coefficients, L-linear, I-initial, U-

ultimate secant.


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Standard Parameters sheet: The stiffened panel element has also a Standard parameter list. Most
of these parameters are not a part of the PULS buckling models and they are only meant as
general user info.
They are categorised into
- Cross-sectional data; cross sectional data for plate and stiffener, x1 = const.
- Cross-sectional bending data; valid for one stiffener/plate unit, full plate width s is included
- Cross-sectional capacity parameters; standard moment and shear load capacities
- Numerical parameters; number of increments in PULS procedure
- Design lateral pressure parameters; Stresses in single stiffener/plate unit according to linear
beam theory for the prescribed pressure
- Maximum lateral pressure parameters - one stiffener/plate unit; pressure limits according to
linear beam theory for a single plate/stiffener unit
- Maximum lateral pressure parameters - plate; reference pressure limit pF based on first edge
bending stress limit for a clamped plate unit with length s.

JTP requirements sheet: Not implemented yet.


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6.11 Output window- Detailed result U3 element (unstiffened plate)

In the standard mode a Detail results Window is available by selecting Detailed results from the
Result menu. The output parameters are commented on figure below.

External Ultimate Buckling Elastic nominal

prescribed nominal stresses: buckling stresses
nominal stresses Minimum of (eigenvalues)
stresses elastic
stresses and

6.12 Status bar

The status tool bar is located at the bottom of the Window. Below is given examples for the
stiffened panel S3.

Ready - program ready.


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Press Tab key - a new number has entered a cell, tab to next field to register the
Recalculation necessary A new set of data has been registered, recalculation is necessary
for updated buckling and ULS strength.

6.13 Program hints

The usage hints are given here for overview. It refers both to program operation and how to
address special problems and applications cases.
i) User specified model tolerances can be specified for the plate and stiffener (U3 and S3),
see under Panel menu on tool bar. In current version only model imperfection amplitudes
not imperfection forms can be specified. Default settings correspond to normal
fabrication standards of steel structures.
ii) Excel Report can be printed, see under File menu. .
Always remember to press the solve button before printing in order to avoid mismatch between
input data and results. This is controlled also by the status bar information at the bottom of the
PULS Windows.

General: Eigenmode, Imperfection, Pressure and ULS mode windows:

i) The windows, figures and plots can be copied and pasted into other programs such as Word
ii) By clicking the right mouse bottom a property menu for the graphic is available
iii) By holding the pointer over the panel a tool tip box appears and shows the displacement or
stress (depending on plot) in the selected point.

General: Capacity Curve Windows:

i) The capacity curves (elastic buckling and ULS) can be copied and pasted as numbers into e.g.
Microsoft Excel for comparison purposes.
Click once with the left mouse button on the curve to be copied. This marks all points on the
curve. Then follow the standard copy and paste procedure for transferring the numbers into
Excel for recreating the capacity curve. NB! When clicking the first time on a capacity curve the
marked points (black) may seemed moved somewhat relative to the coloured continuous curve.
This “error” is eliminated by e.g. a slight drag on the outer curve frame before clicking on the
curve or e.g. by a stretch or move operation on the axes described above.
ii) The axes can be stretched/compressed and the origin can be moved by a drag option using the


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Stretching/compressing axes: Press the shift key on the keyboard and drag the mouse with left
button pressed.
Moving origin: Press the shift key down and drag the mouse with the right button pressed.

iii) The text box in the capacity curve figures can be resized and moved in the window
iv) Graphical visualisation of buckling (or ULS mode) mode from any point in load space laying
on the capacity curves.
Procedure: A point in load space is selected by first select the whole curve (all points visualised
by coloured marks) and then click once more on the point of interest (only this point is to be
marked by colour symbol). Then double click on the selected point and the buckling mode
window pops up. The corresponding co-ordinates in load space are given in the inserted frame
above (always given in MPa). Several points may be “called up” and moved around inside the
window for comparison purposes, illustrating different type of failure modes as function of the
load combination.

U3 element:
i) Detailed results summary
The applied nominal stresses are listed together with the ultimate stresses, buckling loads, the
eigenvalues and the usage factor.
The results are based on a proportional load path for the in-plane stresses meaning the same ratio
between each nominal stress component; applied, at the point of elastic buckling (eigenvalues)
and ultimate state. The lateral pressure is as specified in the input, i.e. it is kept fixed.

ii) Eigenmode
The eigenmode shows the minimum ideal elastic buckling mode according to linear elastic
buckling theory. The deflections are normalised to unity.

iii) Imperfection mode

Shows form of geometrical imperfections used in the non-linear analysis. Deflection wimp in

iv) Pressure
The pressure plot shows the displacements in the plate caused by the applied pressure. The plot
generated by a regular solution is non-linear while the plot generated by the only pressure mode
is linear. The shown stresses are bending stresses or membrane stresses depending on the users
choice in the load tab strip.

v) UC mode
Shows the deflected form in the UC state.


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The UC deflection shown in the figure is the total deflection (wtot) including the geometrical
imperfection and the deflections due to pressure; wtot = wimp + wload + wpressure.
By clicking on the UC figure a yellow frame pops up showing the co-ordinates of the point and
the corresponding UC out-of-plane deflection in [mm].

vi) UC membrane stresses

Shows membrane stresses in the UC state.
By clicking on the figure a yellow frame pops up showing the co-ordinates of the point and the
corresponding UC membrane stresses stress in [MPa].
The membrane stresses for any required load level can be visualised by adjusting a “fictive”
material yield stress in the input cell such that the applied nominal stresses becomes equal to
ultimate stresses. A bit tricky approach, but it is necessary to limit the storage of data.
Only membrane stresses are given. However, bending stresses are easily calculated from the
method, but not included in the current PULS versions due to storage limitations.

vii) Capacity curves

Only uniform nominal stresses σ1, σ2 and σ3 are possible for capacity curve calculations.
Capacity curves can be generated in load space σ1- σ2 with fixed σ3, σ1- σ3 with fixed σ2, σ2- σ3
with fixed σ2. Five levels of the pre-stress may be specified using the add button in the dialog
box. Lateral pressure can also be specified covering a special application of local pressure on a
NB! Capacity curves involves a sequence of non-linear calculations for different load paths and
may require some computer time (number of load paths = number of points in load space *
number of fixed stress values)

S3 element:
i) Detailed results summary
The applied nominal stresses are listed together with the ultimate stresses, the eigenvalues in
local and global mode and the usage factor.
The results are based on a proportional load path for the in-plane stresses meaning the same ratio
between each nominal stress component; applied, at the point of elastic buckling (eigenvalues)
and ultimate state. The lateral pressure is as specified in the input, i.e. it is kept fixed.
The results for each of the five limit states are listed. The critical limit state is picked out and
given in the detailed summary list.
A set of orthotropic stiffness coefficients are given indicating the degree of reduced stiffness
(increased flexibility) of the panel due to local buckling from the plate between stiffener and
sideways buckling of stiffeners. The stiffness coefficients given in PULS 1.5 represent linear
values (sub/superscript L) and tangent values for zero load (sub/superscript I) and at the secant
values as representative for the ultimate state (sub/superscript U). A superscript N symbolises
neutral relevant for the bending stiffness about the instaneous neutral axis of plate and stiffener


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ii) Eigenmodes
Shows the minimum ideal elastic buckling mode according to linear elastic buckling theory in
the local and global mode separately.
The global eigenvalue is calculated based on an orthotropic plate theory with the reduced
bending stiffness coefficients in the ultimate state.
The eigenmodes are normalised to unity.

iii) Imperfection mode

Shows form of geometrical imperfections used in the non-linear analysis. Deflection wimp in

iv) Pressure
The pressure plot shows the displacements in the plate caused by the applied pressure. Both the
solution for regular and only pressure mode is linear.

iv) UC mode
Shows the deflected form in the UC state separated into local and global modes.
The ULS deflection shown in the figure is the total deflection (wtot) including the geometrical
imperfection and the displacements due to pressure; wtot = wimp + wload + wpressure.

v) UC membrane stresses
The membrane stresses is shown at the local UC state. This is not exactly as the same as the real
UC state, but for qualitative illustration of non-linearly redistributed stresses the 3D graphics
may be useful. The graphical presentation is only an added feature, it has no influence on the
UC results which consider interaction between local and global buckling effects.

vi) Capacity curves

Capacity curves can be generated in load space σ1- σ2 with σ3 = fixed, σ1- σ3 with σ2 = fixed, σ2
- σ3 with σ2 = fixed.
NB! Capacity curves involves a sequence of non-linear calculations for different load paths and
may require some computer time (number of load paths = number of points in load space *
number of fixed stress values)

vii) Secondary stiffeners

The standard UC and buckling check in present 2.0 version control the strength of the secondary
stiffeners by using a simplified theory. The secondary stiffeners are modelled as lateral springs
and their strength are controlled by a max deflection criterion. Thus their bending stiffness is
considered, but not their axial nor their rotational/torsional stiffness.


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7 PULS EXCEL Spreadsheet

7.1 Introduction
The PULS Excel spreadsheet and the PULS GUI use the same computational routines. The
spreadsheet offers easy input of a large number of panels, and therefore makes parameter studies
easy to perform. The spreadsheet is organized in input sheets and output sheets for the S3 and U3
elements. The input and output parameters are the same as in the Puls GUI. The Puls spreadsheet
is able to read and write pbp-files which are compatible with the Puls GUI.

7.2 Input columns

Most of input columns are self explanatory. The input parameters that are found necessary to
explain are tabulated below.

Input parameter Relevant Description Input options

Stiffener type S3 Choose stiffener profile by L – Angle profile
entering either L, T or F. User
T – Tee-bar
defined stiffener profile is not
an option. F – Flatbar
Stiffener S3 Stiffener end support. C – Continuous stiffener
boundary S – Sniped stiffener
Tilt angle S3 Angle between plate normal Any angle between -45 and 45.
and the undeformed stiffener.
Default is 0 degrees.
In-plane support S3, U3 In-plane membrane support. In Int – Integrated panel
girder mode: Loads can not be
GL - Left/right edges free
specified for free edges.
GT - Upper/lower edges free
Rotational U3 Specifying rotational support SS - Simply supported
support of plate. Both numerical values CL - Clamped
and strings can be specified.
Corr - Corrugated (left-right or
upper-lower must be specified


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as corrugated)
Numerical values can also be

7.3 Buttons in input sheet

A summary of the buttons in the input sheets are tabulated below.

Button Relevant Description

Clear input sheet S3, U3 Removes all input data in sheet
Panel illustration S3, U3 Opens a window displaying a general panel.
Import panels from S3, U3 Opens a pbp-file generated of either the Puls GUI or the Puls
file spreadsheet. Only steel panels are opened.
Calculate and S3, U3 All panels are calculated and written to a pbp-file.
export panels to
Define corrugated U3 The spreadsheet sets the necessary options to generate a
panel corrugated panel successfully.
Calculate panel S3, U3 Calculate all panels in the input file and writes all input and
output into the output sheet. If an error occurs during the
computation, an error message is written in the output sheet.
Profile table S3 Lets the user pick profile types from a table.
Hide/Show S3 Hides/shows the columns for the secondary stiffener
secondary stiffener properties
Program info S3 Displays message box containing release date and

7.4 Option buttons

There are two groups of option buttons in the input sheet:
1) Row by row/ combinations of input: These options let the user choose how the panels
are generated from the input sheet. The row by row option makes a panel out of each row
(one row = one panel, two rows = two panels…). The combination of input combines
input from every cell in each column with every other multiple cell colums. The figure
below shows an example of a “combination of input”-input. There are specified two
lengths, three thicknesses and two load sets which results in 12 panels. All parameters
can be combined this way. When combining loads, all loads in each row must be
specified as shown in the example.


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2) Delete/save old results: Delete or save the results already written to the output sheet.

7.5 Result sheets

All parameters regarding each panel are written to the output sheet. A Set extent button is made
so that the user easily can hide and show the desired columns. An alternative to this button is to
manually hide or unhide the columns.
It is written an error message for the panels that were not solved successfully.


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8 References

1 Brush and Almroth. “Buckling of Bars, Plates and Shells”, McGraw-Hill 1975

2 Washizu, K. (1975). “Variational methods in elasticity and plasticity”, Pergamon Press,

Second Edition, Bath, Great Britain.
3 DNV RP-C201, “Buckling Strength of Plated Structures”, October 2002

4 DNV, Rules for Classification of Ship, Part 3, Chapter 1, Sec.14, January 2000
5 DNV, Classification Note No.30.1, July 95
6 Steen, E., Østvold, T.K and Valsgård, S. “A new design model for ultimate and
buckling strength assessment of stiffened plates”, PRADS 2001, Shanghai, China.
7 Byklum, E. and Amdahl, J. “Nonlinear Buckling Analysis and Ultimate Strength
Prediction of Stiffened Steel and Aluminium Panels”, The Second International
Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics,
Pusan, 21-23 August 2002.
8 Steen, E. “Application of the perturbation method to plate buckling problems”,
Research Report in Mechanics, No. 98-1, ISBN 82-553-1149-1, University of Oslo,
Department of Mathematics, Mechanics Division, 1998.
9 Steen, E. “Buckling of Stiffened Plates using a Shanley Model Approach”, Research
Report in Mechanics, No. 99-1, ISBN 82-553-1182-3, University of Oslo, Department
of Mathematics, Mechanics Division, 1999.
10 Steen, E and Østvold, T. K. “Basis for a new buckling model for strength assessment of
stiffened panels”, DNV Seminar: Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Ship structures, 20
September 2000, Høvik, Norway.
11 Østvold, T. K and Steen, E. “Windows program implementation of new buckling
code”, DNV Seminar: Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Ship structures, 20 September
2000, Høvik, Norway.
12 Steen, E and Østvold, T. K. “Simplified treatment of buckling effects in global linear
FE ship models using an orthotropic macro material modelling technique”, DNV
Seminar: Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Ship structures, 20 September 2000.
Høvik, Norway.
13 Byklum, E. and Amdahl, J. “A simplified method for elastic large deflection analysis


PULS Nauticus Hull User Manual
86 January 2009 ProgramVersion 11.0 / PULS Version 2.0.9

of plates and stiffened panels due to local buckling”, Thin Walled Structures, vol. 40,
no. 11, pp. 923-951, 2002.
14 Byklum, E. “Ultimate strength analysis of stiffened steel and aluminium panels using
semi-analytical methods", Dr.ing. thesis, Department of Marine Technology,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2002.
15 Byklum, E., Steen, E. and Amdahl, J. “A semi-analytical for global buckling and
postbuckling analysis of stiffened plates”, Thin Walled Structures, vol. 42, no. 5, pp.
701-717, 2004.
16 Steen, E. , Byklum, E. and Vilming, Kjetil G. “Computer efficient non-linear buckling
models for capacity assessments of stiffened panels subjected to combined loads”,
ICTWS 2204, Fourth International Conference on Thin-Walled structures, 22-24 June,
Loughorough University, UK.
17 Steen, E. , Byklum, E., Vilming, K. G. and Østvold, T. K.“Computerized Buckling
Models for Ultimate Strength Assessment of Stiffened Ship Hull Panels”, PRADS
2204, Lubeck/Travemunde, Germany
18 Brubak, L., Hellesland, J., Steen, E., Byklum, E. “Aprroximate buckling strength
analysis of plates with arbitrarly oriented stiffeners”, NSCM 2004, Nordic Seminar on
Computational Mechanics, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden


σ1 - Nominal uniform stress in stiffener direction, i.e. along x1 – axis, compression positive –
tension negative, unit N/mm2
σ2 - Nominal uniform stress in perpendicular to stiffener direction, i.e. along x2 – axis,
compression positive – tension negative, unit N/mm2
σ3 - Nominal uniform in-plane shear stress, positive/negative, unit N/mm2
τ12 Shear stress; same as σ 3

σF - Characteristic yield stress, unit N/mm2

σ Fp - Characteristic yield stress of plate, unit N/mm2

σ Fs - Characteristic yield stress of stiffener, unit N/mm2

E - Young’s modulus N/mm2
ν - Poisson’s ratio
G Shear module (not input), G = E/(2(1+ν))
η - Calculated usage factor for actual applied load combination


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ηallow Allowable usage factor defined in rules

L1 - Plate length in x1 direction, stiffener span between rigid lateral supports, distance
between transverse frames
L2 - Plate length in x2 direction, total pane width for S3 (not input), L2 = (Ns + 1) s
Ns - Number of stiffeners for S3
Nsec Number of sniped stiffeners perpendicular to continuous stiffeners (for S3)
s- Stiffener spacing (for S3)
h- Stiffener height including flange thickness (for S3)
tw Stiffener web thickness (for S3
bf Total flange width (for S3
tf Flange thickness (for S3
tp Plate thickness
ef Flange eccentricity, distance from centroid of flange to web plate middle-plane (for S3)
Dij Bending stiffness coefficients, macro material coefficients ref. plate middle-plane, D
Cij Membrane stiffness coefficients, macro material coefficients ref. plate middle-plane, C
Qij Coupling bend.-memb. stiffness coeff., macro material coeff. ref. plate middle-plane, Q
~ ~
D ij Neutral bending stiffness coefficients, macro material coefficients ref. centroid, D

N1 Line load in x1-direction, unit N/mm

N2 Line load in x2-direction, unit N/mm
N3 In-plane shear load (x1-x2 plane), unit N/mm
M1 Line moment about x2-axis, ref. plate middle-plane, unit N
M2 Line moment about x1-axis, ref. plate middle-plane, unit N
M3 Twisting line moment , ref. plate middle-plane, unit N
x1 Cartesian in-plane co-ordinate in continuous stiffener direction, plate middle-plane
x2 Cartesian in-plane co-ordinate, perp. continuous stiffener direction, plate middle-plane
x3 Cartesian co-ordinate perpendicular to plate plane
ε1 Normal strain in plate middle-plan in x1-direction
ε2 Normal strain in plate middle-plan in x2-direction
ε3 Engineering shear strain in plate middle-plan in x1-x2 plane (ε3 = 2 ε12)
ε12 Shear strain tensor in plate middle-plan in x1-x2 plane
κ1 Curvature in plate middle-plan in x1-direction, κ1 = − w ,11

κ2 Curvature in plate middle-plan in x2-direction, κ 2 = − w , 22

κ3 Twisting curvature in plate middle-plan in x1-x2 plane, κ 3 = − w ,12


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Λ Load proportionality factor, unit load factor (Λ=1) corresponds to applied loads
σ10 , σ 20 , σ 30
ΛE Load proportionality factor at ideal elastic buckling for U3, eigenvalue
ΛGE Load prop. factor at ideal elastic buckling in global mode, global eigenvalue GEB
ΛLE Load prop. factor at ideal elastic buckling in local mode, local eigenvalue LEB
Λu Load proportionality factor at ideal ultimate load
L0 Load effect (= Sd)
Lu Characteristic resistance (= Rk)
Sd Load effect (= L0)
Rk Characteristic resistance (= Lu)
γm Material factor, offshore rule notation

Superscripts or subscripts
L Linear properties
N Non-linear properties
U Ultimate limit state
I Initial properties for zero load
T Transposed
0 Applied nominal stresses/loads, reference nominal stresses/loads

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