Ansys Fluent: Industry Solutions
Ansys Fluent: Industry Solutions
Ansys Fluent: Industry Solutions
easily set up any problem from standard fluid flow analyses to complex
interacting systems with simple drag-and-drop operations. Users can
easily assess performance at multiple design points or compare several
alternative designs. Within ANSYS Workbench, applications from
multiple simulation disciplines can access tools common to all, such as
CAD connection, geometry and meshing tools. ANSYS CFD-Post software
can be used to compare results and to perform final data analysis. Data
transfer from ANSYS FLUENT to the ANSYS® Mechanical™ program
permits one-way FSI calculations.
ANSYS FLUENT software leads the engineering simulation industry in the
number of complex physical models offered for solution on unstructured
meshes. Combinations of elements in a variety of shapes are permitted,
such as quadrilaterals and triangles for 2-D simulations and hexahedra,
tetrahedra, polyhedra, prisms and pyramids for 3-D simulations. Meshes 1 billion cells were used to model the
can be created using ANSYS or third-party meshing products and, in fluid flows around the spinnaker and
the case of polyhedra, via automatic cell agglomeration directly within main sail of a racing yacht design
ANSYS FLUENT. Meshes containing many cells, even over a billion, can Courtesy Ignazio Maria Viola.
quickly be automatically partitioned when read into ANSYS FLUENT
software running on a compute cluster. Additional built-in tools can be
used to further manipulate meshes.
Industry Solutions Numerics and Parallel Processing: Inside ANSYS FLUENT, sophisticated
numerics and robust solvers — including a pressure-based coupled
solver, a fully segregated pressure-based solver and two density-based
solver formulations — help to ensure robust and accurate results for a
nearly limitless range of flows. Advanced parallel processing numerics
can efficiently utilize multiple multi-core processors in a single machine
and in multiple machines on a network. Dynamic load balancing
automatically detects and analyzes parallel performance and adjusts
the distribution of computational cells among the processors so that
a balanced load is shared by the CPUs even when complex physical
models are in use. ANSYS FLUENT is available on Windows®, Linux®
and UNIX® platforms.
Scaling of ANSYS FLUENT software is Turbulence: ANSYS continually defines the cutting edge of turbulence
nearly ideal up to 1,024 processors and modeling in commercial CFD software and offers the engineering
78 percent of ideal at 2,048 processors. community an unparalleled breadth of models. Inside ANSYS FLUENT,
Data courtesy SGI, based on the SGI several popular k–epsilon and k–omega models are available, as is
the Reynolds stress model (RSM) for highly swirling or anisotropic
Altix® ICE 8200EX using quad-core Intel®
flows. Advanced computing power at reduced cost is making large
Xeon® processor E5472 with Infiniband®
eddy simulation (LES) and the more economical detached eddy
simulation (DES) turbulence models attractive for industrial applications.
Also available are innovative new models such as those for predicting
laminar-to-turbulent transition and the novel scale-resolving
Scale-Adaptive Simulation™ (SAS) model for flows in which steady-state
turbulence models are insufficient. Wall functions and enhanced wall
treatment options allow for the best possible representation of all
wall-bounded flows. The range of turbulence options and the ability
for further customization ensure that turbulence for any flow condition
can be simulated using ANSYS FLUENT software.
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Industry Solutions magnetohydrodynamics are available for
many special applications.
ANSYS, ANSYS Workbench, Ansoft, AUTODYN, CFX, FLUENT, and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product,
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