Supreme Court of India: F.Noa

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F.NoA/ Judl./2016
New Delhi, Dated: 14.12.2016


In Continuation to this Registry's Circular No.FA/Judl./2016· dated

08.09'.2016 it is hereby notified that advocates seeking relief in urgent matters either
on court hQlidays or after COHn hems shall first appreaeh-'a--senier officer of -the
Registry specially deputed for the said purpose, who shall after screening the papers,
seek directions from Hon'ble the Chief Justice of India/Hon'ble Judges and
thereafter inform the advocates concerned about the directions.

In this connection the following officers, whose residential addresses and

Telephone Nos. are given below, are deputed for the aforesaid purpose during the
months shown against each:

Sl. Officer on duty Period Address Tel Nos.


lo Mr. Vinod Kulvi, January, A-134, Pandara Road, 23111430(0)

Deputy Registrar 2017 New Delhi. 9818309354(M)

2. Mrs. Rita Chopra, February, 12, Meena Bagh, 23072408(0)

Additional Registrar 2017 Maulana Azad Road, 23061400(R)
New Delhi-1100ll.

3. Mrs. Kanchan Jain, March, JD-73/A, Pitam Pura, 23111466(0)

Additional Registrar 2017 New Delhi. 2731324l(R)
9811189873 (M)

(Ravindra Ma\th~ni)
Secretary General

Copy to : All concerned

The Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association, New Delhi.
The Secretary, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association, New Delhi.

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