QAQC Assign
QAQC Assign
QAQC Assign
CPB 30603
1.0 Objective 1
2.0 Introduction 1
3.0 Method 2
4.0 Justification 2
5.0 References 3
1.0 Objective
2.0 Introduction
It is not possible to produce all items of a product exactly alike through a production
process; a certain amount of natural or inherent variability will exist always. The variability
may arise due to the presence of assignable causes or chance causes. Though the chance
causes cannot be eliminated, the assignable causes can be found out and eliminated. The
use of statistical tools may help to determine the presence of assignable cause and give a
warning to make adjustments in the process and avoid the process going out-of-control in near
future. The statistical quality control techniques have been tried many times in the paper
industry earlier, but there had always been a little bit of difficulty in exactly concluding the
presence of assignable causes thus those techniques have been unsuccessful to some extent.
There may be several technical reasons for this fact, but the main one is the non-acquaintance
with certain control charts, referred to as special, and related to control continuous processes,
as in the case of the paper machine. This paper tries to introduce the applicability of
Exponentially Weighted Moving average (EWMA) control chart (Gan, 1993; Tang et al., 2018)
in paper industry, useful in detecting small shifts in the process.
3.0 Method
Bulk is used to measure the paper thickness to its weight in centimeter per gram (gsm).
Basis weight is another property of paper that need to be known to determine bulk. Thickness
or also known caliper can be measured with the used of micrometer. The data set will be
collected from the company within the time interval of 30 days. The bulk density of paper in a
day’s production various time points is gathered from a paper industry analyzed through
EWMA control chart. The EWMA control chart is very effective against small process shifts.
The design parameters of the chart are the multiple of sigma used in the control limits (L) and
the value of λ. The suggested values of L are between about 2.6 and 2.8 and λ is 0.1
(Montgomery, 2007). This procedure creates an EWMA individuals chart Bulk density. It is
designed to determine whether the data come from a process which is in a state of statistical
4.0 Justification
5.0 References
Braimah, O. J., Osanaiye, P. A., Omaku, P. E., Saheed, Y. K., & Eshimokhai, S. A. (2014). On
the use of exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart in monitoring road
traffic crashes. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention (IJMSI), 2(5), 01-
Costa, A. F. B., & Rahim, M. A. (2006). A single EWMA chart for monitoring process mean
and process variance. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 3(3), 295-305.
Gan, F. F. (1993). An optimal design of EWMA control charts based on median run length.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 45(3-4), 169-184.
Haq, A., Gulzar, R., & Khoo, M. B. (2018). An efficient adaptive EWMA control chart for
monitoring the process mean. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 34(4), 563-
Jones, L. A., Champ, C. W., & Rigdon, S. E. (2001). The performance of exponentially
weighted moving average charts with estimated parameters. Technometrics, 43(2), 156-167.
Montgomery, D. C. (2007). Introduction to statistical quality control. John Wiley & Sons.
Schilling, E. G., & Nelson, P. R. (1976). The effect of non-normality on the control limits of X
charts. Journal of Quality Technology, 8(4), 183-188.
Simões, B. F., Epprecht, E. K., & Costa, A. F. (2010). Performance comparisons of EWMA
control chart schemes. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 7(3), 249-261.
Tang, A., Castagliola, P., Sun, J., & Hu, X. (2018). The effect of measurement errors on the
adaptive EWMA chart. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 34(4), 609-630.
Wheeler, D.J. (1996). Advanced topics in statistical process control. Knoxville, SPC (2nd
You, H. W., & Khoo, M. B. (2015). A study on a memory type EWMA control chart with
unknown process parameters. In Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM7).