Ijita21-02-p05.Wireless Data Transmission Options in Rotary In-Drilling Alignment (R-Ida) Setups For Multilateral Oil Drilling Applications
Ijita21-02-p05.Wireless Data Transmission Options in Rotary In-Drilling Alignment (R-Ida) Setups For Multilateral Oil Drilling Applications
Ijita21-02-p05.Wireless Data Transmission Options in Rotary In-Drilling Alignment (R-Ida) Setups For Multilateral Oil Drilling Applications
A. Multilateral oil drilling applications
Multilateral drilling technology is a recently emerging evolution in oil well exploration in which several smaller
wellbore branches deviate from their parent borehole [Pasicznyk, 2001] (Figure 1a). Horizontal drilling (HD) has a
better chance of intersecting more fractures than a vertical well, but there is a limit to how far horizontal wells can
be drilled. By drilling other laterals from the same wellbore, twice the number of fractures can often be exposed at
a much lower cost than drilling long horizontal sections or another well [Bosworth et al., 1998]. Horizontal wells
and their related branches usually target the same reservoir interval. The goal of this type of well is to increase
production rates, improve hydrocarbon recovery and maximize production from that zone.
Directional drilling techniques can be used to drill vertical multilateral wells, which is the other type of multilateral
drilling. Vertical multilaterals are additional wells sunk down from a main wellbore (Figure 1b) and stretched
laterally to up to 100 meters. Multilaterals can be as simple as an open hole sidetrack, or they can be more
sophisticated with a junction that is cased and has pressure isolation and reentry capabilities [Bosworth et
al, 1998]. Multilaterals are usually being used where production can be incrementally increased with less capital
International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 21, Number 2, 2014 155
costs. They can also be employed for offshore drilling where the numbers of slots are limited [Bosworth et al,
Figure 1a. Horizontal multilateral oil drilling Figure 1b. Vertical multilateral oil drilling
A successful multilateral well that replaces several vertical wellbores can reduce overall drilling and completion
costs, increase production and provide more efficient drainage of a reservoir. Furthermore, multilaterals can make
reservoir management more efficient and help increase recoverable reserves.
B. Rotary In-Drilling Alignment (R-IDA) for error compensation in downhole navigation systems
Traditional downhole navigation is based on the so-called Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) systems, which
incorporate triad orthogonal accelerometers and triad orthogonal magnetometers to determine the position and
altitude of the bottomhole assembly (BHA). However, the magnetometers are susceptible to external magnetic
interferences, including randomly located ore deposits, drill string rotations and drilling fluid circulations
[Shelkholeslami et al, 1991; Torkildsen et al, 2004]. Typically, magnetic interferences are addressed by shielding
the BHA with very expensive and bulky nonmagnetic collars, which can only minimize, rather than eliminate
magnetic artifacts. Degradation of the magnetometers is sometimes dramatic and the oil industry has to employ
alternative wireline gyroscopes to determine BHA’s attitude, which costs it tremendous time and money.
An inertial navigation system (INS) is autonomous dead-reckoning (DR) approach of tracking the position and
orientation of an object by 3 mutually perpendicular accelerometers and 3 mutually perpendicular gyroscopes,
which are not influenced by magnetic interferences. Commercially available Micro-Electromechanical Systems
(MEMS)-based inertial measurement units (IMU) that contain accelerometers and gyroscopes are excellent
candidates for complete INS due to their low cost, small size and low power consumption, which are critical
factors for downhole drilling. However, the unlimited error growth in the measurements might be prohibitive for the
long-term utilization of this technology. New methods to reduce the INS error include In-Drilling Alignment (IDA)
[Jurkov et al, 2011] and its reduced version, Rotary In-Drilling Alignment (R-IDA) [Wang et al, 2013], which are
both utilized to increase the observability for their Kalman filters (KF) by precisely inducing controlled motions
during operational breaks in the drilling process. Previous study [Wang et al, 2013] has shown that a MEMS-
based autonomous IMU produced by Memsense LLC (Rapid City, SD, USA) employing the R-IDA method
achieved error reduction 2 times greater than the same device utilizing the mainstream error compensation
method known as zero-velocity update (ZUPT). However, these results were obtained in laboratory conditions,
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and the autonomous Memsense IMU noise and temperature characteristics were not adequate for real downhole
oil drilling applications.
C. Problems of data transmission in downhole navigation
Harsh downhole environment encountered in drilling applications presents particular challenges, especially for
reliable data transmission between the surface and the drilling devices due to the high pressure, extreme
temperatures and huge distances downhole. At the bottom of the drill string is the BHA, which includes the drill bit
along with electronic components such as sensors, control mechanisms and required circuitry [PetroWiki, 2013].
The sensors in the BHA typically contain surveying of various properties of the formation and the fluid within it as
well as the navigation measurements. The processes that require information from such downhole sensors
include MWD and Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) systems. Once MWD/LWD logs the downhole parameters and
measurements, there are mainly three methods to pull the information upward. They are discussed separately
Mud-pulse telemetry (MPT)
Mud-pulse telemetry (MPT) is the most common and standard method of data transmission downhole and is
especially used by MWD/LWD tools developed in the 1970’s [Wasserman et al., 2008]. The conventional
MWD/LWD tool incorporates an electronic sensors package and a mudflow wellbore telemetry device. The drilling
fluid called mud is pumped from the surface to the downhole BHA along the drill string. The mud serves as a
cooling and lubricating circulation fluid and continuously carries the derbies back up to the ground during the
drilling process. The mudflow wellbore telemetry device can selectively restrict the passages of the mud through
the drill string to control and manipulate the pressure in the mud lines by operating a valve. These manipulations
create pressure fluctuations which represent information that is being encoded in binary format and propagated
within the mud towards the surface where it is received from pressure transducers [Wasserman et al., 2008]. The
problems with this type of data transmission are exactly two: (1) slow speed of the serial mud-based interface;
and (2) high power consumption.
Electromagnetic telemetry (EMT)
Electromagnetic telemetry (EMT) employs a downhole current source to emit an electromagnetic signal into a
formation. The signal can be detected and received at the surface due to a small voltage drop between the top
part of the BHA (the main drill string) and the bottom part of the BHA. Typically, the EM tool can generate voltage
difference between the drill string sections at a very low frequency, below 30 Hz [Gao et al, 2006]. The
information then is converted into modulated EM waves by digital modulation. The typical transmission rate of the
EMT tool is around 10 bits/sec. Compared to the MPT, the EMT method does not require changes in major
drilling parameters such as rotation of the drill pipe and mud flow rate, to send information to the surface. It also
does not rely on the composition of the mud flow, since most of the mud is compressed, gas-filled fluid for the
underbalanced drilling (UBD) in order to reduce the equivalent density. This results in high signal attenuation
during the data transmission that severely handicaps the MPT’s communication capability. EMT tool is usually
employed for certain specific applications such as UBD because of its immunity to the drilling fluid. However,
EMT can also lose strength dramatically in some types of formations, becoming unpredictable at several
thousand feet of depth [Gao et al., 2006]. Its cost is also significant.
Wired cable data transmission
Some research has been focusing on the development of wired drill pipe system since the beginning of the 21st
century [National Oilwell Varco, 2014; Jellison et al., 2003]. It is based on the theory that composite drill pipes can
also facilitate high-speed data transfer rates via special materials such as fiber optic cables embedded within the
pipes during construction. A great benefit of such system is its superior data transmission rate which makes a
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real-time monitoring system downhole in drilling completely feasible. The IntelliServ wired pipe, offering data rates
upwards of 1 million bits/sec became commercial in 2006 [National Oilwell Varco, 2014]. However, cables can
cause reliability problems attributed to installation, connections and drilling fluid migration. In addition, the high
capital costs and lack of advanced technology in drill pipe material and manufacturing is still limiting its
Since the data transmission rate of the MPT and EMT correlated with bandwidth is less than 100 bits/sec [Jellison
et al, 2003], most of the useful information provided by the MWD and LWD will be lost or stored in a memory
logger associated with the downhole instrumentation near the drill bit. Therefore, the so-called “real-time drilling”
can be applied in a very limited scope. Comparisons of the commercialized downhole transmission methods are
given below (Table 1).
A. Rotary ln-Drilling Alignment (R-IDA) design for multilateral drilling navigation
For lateral drilling applications, a capsule-based, high-performance IMU wireless module has been proposed in
R-IDA context. The capsule includes microcontroller unit (MCU), wireless radio frequency (RF) module and IMU,
all of which are finally integrated on a printed circuit board (PCB) to be packaged for downhole mounting. The
stepper motor-based system [Wang et al, 2013] rotates the capsule freely at a certain speed during the
scheduled operational stops. The data from the wireless IMU module are transmitted to an embedded wireless
RF module residing at an appropriate distance. The RF module then automatically sends the received data to
another module. By setting a number of wireless RF modules within the entire drill string at certain distances from
each other, the wireless IMU measurements are transmitted along the drill string towards the surface. A computer
equipped with a receiver at the surface captures and decodes downhole data and runs the Kalman filtering (KF)-
based navigation algorithms [Wang et al, 2013] to compute attitude and position of the BHA within a very short
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A. Proposed Rotary In-Drilling Alignment (R-IDA) setup
A high performance MEMS-based IMU ADIS16488A (Analog Devices Inc., Norwood, MA, USA) was selected for
the proposed R-IDA design. This IMU provides tactical grade precision of the gyroscope measurements. The
angular velocity range is 450°/s with a gyroscope bias instability of 5.1°/h and angle random walk (ARW) of
0.26°/√h. The system is very compact at 47 × 44 × 14 mm, 48 g weight, and uses 0.8 W of power [Analog
Devices, 2014]. The temperature resistance standalone is as high as 105 degrees Celsius, which in conjunction
with its low power consumption and small size, presents it as a very competent candidate for multilateral drilling
applications. However, the ADIS16488A has a wired cable connection interface based on the Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) protocol, which is prohibitive for R-IDA applications. At the IMU end, it is proposed to employ an
XBee Pro Series 1 (Digi International Inc., MN, USA) RF wireless module. The selected wireless module is
ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4)-based protocol with an asynchronous interface while the IMU’s interface is synchronous.
To allow these two different interfaces to communicate in real time, a low-power mbed microcontroller LPC11u24
(ARM Holdings plc, England) with an ARM-Cortex M0 processor embedded is incorporated. The role of the
microcontroller is to perform an SPI-to-ZigBee interface translation operation since the ADIS16488A’s interface is
SPI-based while the XBee Pro S1 wireless module is UART-based. At the computer end, free open source Tera
Term software (Tera Term Project, Japan) was installed to display and log the IMU measurements in real time
through the wired connection with the XBee Explorer USB (Sparkfun Electronics Inc., CO, USA), which acts as a
receiver. The block diagram in Figure 2 illustrates the high-level wireless design suggested in this paper. The real
wireless navigation module (Figure 3) will also incorporate a downhole battery on a PCB in a casing package.
PC running
Analog Device UART to Xbee Xbee USB
ADIS16488A SPI(Master) Wireless Wireless
USB Evaluation
(IMU) Mbed MCU Module Module
Figure 3. Design of wireless MEMS-based IMU navigation module. All dimensions are in mm
The proposed wireless data transmission for a downhole IMU-based R-IDA setup makes precise controlled
rotation during R-IDA error compensation procedures possible, since rotating an IMU with wired cables would be
impractical and would result in constant forces and torques applied to the wires, leading to uncontrollable noise
induction. This approach makes the practical implementation of the IDA method downhole feasible, which can
lead to the replacement of traditional magnetometer or compass-based navigation with modern inertial navigation
This study was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and
PetroJet Canada Inc.
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Authors' Information
Zhenhua (Robin) Wang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4, Canada; e-mail:
[email protected]. Major Fields of Scientific Research: Oilfield drilling navigation and
Tao Li is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary,
2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4, Canada. Major Fields of Scientific Research:
Downhole navigation and instrumentation.
Myles McDougall is the founder and President of PetroJet Canada Inc., Calgary, AB, Canada,
website: http://www.petrojet.ca/leadership-team.php. He obtained a BA degree in Economics
from the University of Calgary and a joint MBA from the University of Western Ontario/ IESE -
University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain.
Dan McCormack is the Vice President of PetroJet Canada Inc., Calgary, AB, Canada, website:
http://www.petrojet.ca/leadership-team.php. He obtained a B. Sc. degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the University of Alberta.
Martin P. Mintchev is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the
Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4,
Canada; e-mail: [email protected]. Major Fields of Scientific Research: Biomedical
engineering, Oilfield instrumentation.