M3-Schlumberger - World's First Level 6 Intelligent Completion Drilled

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World’s first Level 6 intelligent completion drilled

CHINA NATIONAL OFFSHORE longer horizontal borehole, as spread- optimizes slot utilization on offshore
Operating Company (CNOOC) and ing the production inflow across two or platforms or subsea templates. Fewer
Schlumberger recently designed, drilled more laterals reduces frictional pres- main wellbores reduce repeated expo-
and performed the world’s first TAML sure losses during production. sure to shallow drilling risks. Multilater-
Level 6 intelligent completion. The two- al wells also minimize the size, or foot-
leg multilateral well was drilled and print, of surface locations and mitigate
completed from the NE Intan “A” plat- environmental impact onshore.
form in the South Java Sea, Indonesia,
in approximately 75 ft of water, during LATERAL JUNCTIONS
the fall of 2002.
Lateral junctions are critical to the
The NE Intan A-24 well, in addition to effectiveness of multilateral comple-
being the world’s first intelligent com- tions. These completion components
pletion in a Level 6 multilateral well, is can fail when subjected to high forma-
the first TAML Level 6 multilateral well tion stress, temperature-induced forces
drilled in Indonesia. The TAML Level 6 and differential pressures during pro-
is the highest rating given in the TAML duction.
multilateral rating system.
Junctions are divided into two broad
The A-24 well provides an example of groups: those that do not provide pres-
how multilateral completions can bring sure integrity (Levels 1-4); and those
on new production at lower capital that do (Levels 5 and 6). Success
investment expense and reduce ongoing depends on junction durability, versatili-
operating costs. ty and accessibility.

Adoption of this technology is enabling Level 3 and Level 6 systems have

CNOOC to contact more of the reservoir emerged as preferred multilateral junc-
by drilling dual drainholes through a tions. Level 3 junctions incorporate a
single primary wellbore. Benefits liner tieback and mechanical connection
include greater production efficiency to the primary casing that permit selec-
and optimized use of limited well slots tive access and reentry of lateral
on the NE Intan platform. branches. Level 6 junctions are an inte-
gral part of the primary casing string
In addition, the use of the Schlumberger The world’s first TAML Level 6 intelligent multi- that provides pressure integrity and lat-
RapidSeal* multilateral completion sys- lateral completion was recently drilled and eral access.
tem was instrumental in CNOOC achiev- completed by CNOOC in the NE Intan A-24 well
ing an approximately $1 million reduc- Intelligent well completions provide the
tion in well construction costs compared in the Java Sea off Indonesia. The inset shows ability to monitor and control one or
with a similar Level 3 multilateral well a cross-section of the junction before and after more zones of a producing reservoir.
previously drilled by the company. expansion. Hydraulic flow-control valves and This is accomplished through the instal-
Furthermore, CNOOC anticipates that sensors measure pressure, temperature and lation of permanent downhole sensors
the multilateral and intelligent comple- and gauges, integrated with surface
flow rate for each well branch. data collection and metering facilities,
tion technologies incorporated in the A-
24 well will work in synergy to improve and the incorporation of remote control
Drilling dual opposed laterals, the pat-
life-of-the-field oil production and technology.
tern chosen on the NE Intan A-24 well,
reserves recovery, helping to maximize can reduce flowing friction pressure The latter allows interactive response to
the asset value of the reservoir. compared with a single-bore horizontal real-time downhole changes disclosed
well with the same reservoir exposure by the sensor and gauge data.
MULTIL ATERAL COMPLETIONS and production rate.
Multilateral completions increase pro- In multilateral completion designs,
Multilateral wells require additional ini- zones are isolated through specialized
ductivity by penetrating more reservoir
tial investment in equipment but poten- valves and related technology to enable
than a single-bore vertical or horizontal
tially reduce total capital expenditures separate flow control of multiple zones
well. Multilateral wells allow higher flow
and development costs, as well as oper- for more efficient reservoir manage-
rates at lower pressure drops than sin-
ational expenses, by decreasing the ment.
gle-bore wells.
number of required wells.
In certain situations, producing through R A P I D S E A L M U LT I L AT E R A L S Y S T E M
This technology reduces wellhead, plat-
shorter lateral branches may prove
form-riser and subsea completion Schlumberger RAPID* products include
more cost-efficient than producing the
requirements, which decreases cost and the RapidSeal multilateral system,
same reservoir section through a single,

32 D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R March/April 2003
which uses standard drilling and com- branch included an ECP for zonal isola- form. It also reduces operating costs
pletion techniques in a low-risk well tion. through achieving greater production
construction process. It utilizes proven efficiency.
well technologies to achieve pressure Advanced well-completion equipment
integrity with the casing at the multilat- installed above the junction included: Further, major project savings in well
eral junction. construction costs, on a comparative
• Downhole hydraulic valves to mini- basis, resulted from use of the Schlum-
The RapidSeal junction is formed by mize water influx and selectively control berger RapidSeal multilateral comple-
integrating either two sections of 7-in the flow from either leg; tion system.
casing below the 9 5/8-in parent casing or • Sensors providing real-time pressure,
two sections of 9 5/8-in casing below the Incorporating an intelligent completion
temperature and flow rate measure- in both branches of this multilateral
13 3/8-in parent casing to provide two ments for each well branch;
identical outlets placed symmetrically. well, with its full mechanical and pres-
•A Schlumberger (REDA) electrical sub- sure integrity, will enable real-time data
In the RapidSeal junction manufactur- mersible pump to optimize oil flow from gathering and remote, selective flow
ing process, the two outlet sections are the wellbore. (The pump system lifts control for each branch.
plastically preformed to yield a reduced hydrocarbons to the surface through
effective outside diameter so that the This makes it possible to optimize
4½-in tubing and includes a downhole reservoir management and increase
junction can be installed through the MultiSensor* well-monitoring unit for
upper casing. production and reserves recovery over
submersible pump completions and a the life of the well.
This unique design features strong but variable-speed drive at the surface.);
highly ductile components. When the Taken together, the benefits of the TAML
• A SCADA system and multiphase flow Level 6 intelligent completion in the A-
junction is placed in the wellbore, the meters on the surface to monitor pump
junction is reformed to the original 24 well are helping CNOOC to maximize
parameters and well performance, and the return on its investment in the NE
geometry to provide full API drift in both transmit real-time data to CNOOC via
outlet sections. Intan field and the value of field
the Web. reserves.
The system allows dual laterals to drain The well was drilled in 25 days. Cost
the same reservoir, as was done in the * Mark of Schlumberger
savings for the well project as a whole
NE Intan A-24 well. amounted to about $1 million, compared ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
With RapidSeal, it is possible to control with the earlier AC-06 well, a Level 3
multilateral completion of similar depth This article is based upon an article in
the separation distance and prevent
and lateral lengths by CNOOC in the the Oilfield Review, Volume 14, Num-
communication between the laterals,
East Rama field. ber 3 (Autumn 2002), pp. 52-69, titled
providing increased production efficien-
New Aspects of Multilateral Well Con-
The ability to influence near-wellbore
The CNOOC A-24 well, the world’s first The article is authored by Jose Fraija,
flow patterns can improve control of
TAML Level 6 multilateral intelligent Herve Ohmer, Tom Pulick and Mike
water coning and gas migration.
completion, demonstrates the effective- Jardon, Schlumberger; Mirush Kaja,
This system also provides the flexibility ness of today’s rapidly evolving multilat- ENI Agip; Ramiro Paez, China Nation-
to produce from either isolated tubing eral well technology. al Offshore Operating Company;
strings with different pressure regimes Gabriel P.G. Sotomayor, Petroleo
It reduces project capital expenditures Brasileiro S.A.; and Kenneth Umud-
or an injector/producer application.
through contacting more reservoir via joro, TotalFinaElf. I
NE INTAN A-24 COMPLETION dual lateral branches and optimizing
limited well slots on the NE Intan plat-
After the 9 5/8-in RapidSeal junction was
oriented, expanded and cemented in
place at 2,770 ft, both lateral branches
were drilled with M-I Drilling Fluids syn-
thetic OBM.

The first lateral extended 1,655 ft and

was drilled with a 6 1/8-in PDC bit. The
second lateral, extending 2,335 ft, was
drilled with a 6-in by 7-in bicenter bit
using a PowerPak PDM that had a 1.83°
bent housing.

CNOOC completed the first and second

laterals with 3½-in and 4½-in premium
sand control screens, respectively. Each

March/April 2003 D R I L L I N G C O N T R A C T O R 33

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