As 1334.12-1996 Methods of Testing Conveyor and Elevator Belting - Determination of Combustion Propagation CH

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This standard provides a method for testing the combustion propagation characteristics of conveyor belting. It outlines sample preparation, test apparatus dimensions, and procedures for determining damage after testing.

This standard aims to determine the properties of conveyor and elevator belting through testing. It specifies a method for testing the combustion propagation characteristics of conveyor belting.

Samples must be prepared according to DIN 22100 and tested in a gallery with specified dimensions. The test measures the damage to samples after exposure to a flame for a specified time period.


AS 1334.12-1996 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator belting - Determination of combustion propagation characteristics of
conveyor belting

Licensee: Mr Steve Perry

Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 5:00 PM

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1 AS 1334.12—1996

Australian Standard
Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).

Method 12: Determination of combustion

propagation characteristics of conveyor


This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Conveyor and
Elevator Belting, to supersede AS 1334.12— 1986, and is one of a series for determining
the properties of conveyor and elevator belting.
This edition of the Standard includes modifications to the test gallery dimensions to bring
it into line with European test galleries, and preparation of the test samples in accordance
with DIN 22100. The changes to the samples were considered necessary to cope with steel
cord belting with thick covers which would not suffer damage to the core rubbers during
the test. The trestle shown in Figure 2 has been stiffened to include a centre longitudinal
bar to minimize deflection of the transverse round bars when large test pieces such as
steel cord belts are placed on the trestle. A sketch showing the preferred method of
restraining the test pieces during test is also provided.
This test has been adopted due to the proven inability of small laboratory scale flame tests
to safeguard against propagation of fire along conveyor belting.


1 SCOPE This Standard sets out a method for determining the flame propagation
characteristics of a horizontally orientated specimen of conveyor belting.

2 APPLICATION This method is primarily used for type approval of conveyor belting
for use in underground coal mines.

3 PRINCIPLE Large test pieces (approximately 2 m × 1 m) of belting are, in turn,

located horizontally on the trestle of a test gallery in a controlled airstream and subjected
(from underneath) to controlled flame from a propane burner for a specified period and
then left on the trestle until all flame and glow have disappeared. Measurements of the
undamaged length of each test piece are then taken.


the belting is a function of the characteristics of the belting. It is related to how belting is
installed and how it is used. The environment in which it is present is also of major

* Commonly referred to as the ‘Propane Burner Gallery Flame Test’.

AS 1334.12— 1996 2

Consequently, no single test can give a full assessment of fire hazard under all conditions
that may apply. Therefore, there has to be a constant awareness of these interrelated
factors and the effects of important variables in using this test to assess the fire hazard in
any particular situation.

5 APPARATUS The following apparatus is required:

Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).

(a) A horizontal gallery consisting of a nominal rectangular section, 2.4 m high by

2.5 m wide (through which air current is drawn) and not less than 20 m long.
(b) Trestle (see Figure 2) 2.20 m long × 1.25 mm wide, with a framework of steel
tubing having an external diameter of 10 mm to 25 mm. The upper sides of the
frame shall be notched at 75 mm, 150 mm and multiples of 150 mm from the burner
end of the frame in order to position and loosely retain 15 18/8 stainless steel bars.
The bars shall be 10 mm diameter × 1.4 m long and shall form the frame on which
the test piece rests. The upper surface of the bars shall be 350 mm from the floor.
A tray made from black mild steel in the condition as delivered from the mill may
be placed at floor level under the trestle to collect belt debris. The tray may have
longitudinal lips not exceeding 130 mm but shall not have any lips at the end.
(c) Burner (see Figure 3) consisting of a 450 mm square frame, supported so as to have
an overall height of 220 mm from the floor, and made of welded steel tubing having
an external diameter of 22.5 ±2.5 mm. The tubing shall have 52 holes, 1.5 ±0.1 mm
in diameter, drilled at 50 mm intervals.
(d) Fuel supply consisting of bottled gas containing at least 85 percent propane fed
through a pressure reducing valve and a length of high pressure hose having a
minimum internal diameter of 6 mm. The gas cylinder shall not have been emptied
at the end of a test by more than 90 percent of its gas mass capacity. The total mass
of gas consumed (at a constant rate) during a 10 min test period shall be
1.30 ±0.05 kg.
NOTE: This may be achieved by —
(a) controlling the gas flow through a temperature-compensated mass flow controller
which is inserted into the gas pipeline after the reducing valve and calibrated to
ensure the correct mass of gas is consumed; or
(b) controlling the gas pressure at a standard orifice.
The gas is passed through a coil which is immersed in a bath of water at a
temperature of 25 ±3°C. The coil is inserted into the gas pipeline after the reducing
valve. A regulator is used to control the gas pressure at approximately 160 kPa
when the orifice plate which is 1.7 mm thick with a hole 2.5 mm in diameter, is
fitted into the ‘handle’ of the burner (see Figure 3). A sensitized precision pressure
gauge that has been calibrated to ensure consumption of the correct mass of gas is
used to monitor the pressure in front of the orifice plate. Alternatively, the orifice
plate and sensitive pressure gauge may be replaced by inserting a flowmeter,
calibrated to ensure that the correct quantity of gas is consumed, into the gas
pipeline after the reducing valve.

6.1 Samples The length of the sample of belting with top and bottom covers of equal
specified thickness shall be not less than 4 m. For conveyor belting with top and bottom
covers of unequal specified thickness, the length of the sample shall be not less than 6 m.
The width of the sample shall be between 1050 mm to 1200 mm.

3 AS 1334.12— 1996

6.2 Test pieces Full width rectangular test pieces, each 2 m long, shall be cut from the
sample (i.e. two test pieces for belting with covers of equal specified thickness and three
test pieces for belting with covers of unequal specified thickness). On the side exposed to
the flame, a strip of cover material 50 mm wide shall be removed from the left edge
(viewed from the burner end) of the sample. A second 50 mm wide strip of cover parallel
to the belt axis and at a distance of 200 mm from the axis on the section of belt opposite
the first strip of removed cover, shall be removed from the samples. A rectangular or
Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).

trapezoidal slot cut through the belt thickness, and located at 150 mm from the end of the
belt exposed to the flame, and of dimensions 10 mm × 110 mm, shall be cut on each
sample (see Figure 1). The test pieces shall be laid out for at least 24 h in shade, in dry
conditions at a temperature between 0°C and 40°C immediately prior to testing to remove
residual curvature.
NOTE: With steel cord belting, the cords may be left in place with the covers removed, and the
core elastomer removed from between the cords as far as practicable.

7 PROCEDURE The procedure shall be as follows:

(a) Install the trestle centrally on the longitudinal centre-line of the gallery floor with
the burner end located at a distance of 8 m from the downwind end of the gallery
and facing the direction of ventilation flow.
(b) Place each test piece, in turn, centrally on the trestle with its transverse edge flush
with the burner end of the trestle. The test piece shall be lightly restrained, using
approximately 1 mm steel or iron wire laid transversely on the belt at four positions
(see Figure 4) during the test to prevent rolling up, but allowing longitudinal
movement and slight curling of the belt edges. For belting with covers of unequal
specified thickness, test one test piece with the thicker cover facing upwards, one
with the thicker cover facing downwards and a third to provide a retest of the worst
condition found in the previous two tests.
NOTE: This procedure is necessary to ensure that the minimum two samples are tested in
identical conditions.
(c) Adjust the air current in the gallery to give an average velocity of 1.5 ±0.1 m/s at
the height of the belt. Take measurements on the centre-line of the trestle and at a
distance of 750 mm upwind of it.
(d) Light the burner and adjust the rate of gas consumption as specified in Clause 5(d).
(e) Place the burner centrally with the four parallel burner tubes in line with the
longitudinal axis of the test piece and positioned so that the distance from the top of
the burner to the top of the bars on which the belt rests is 130 ±5 mm, with the
transverse end row of burner holes 50 mm inside the vertically projected transverse
edge of the test piece. Immediately start timing the burn period.
(f) At the end of 10 min, switch off the gas and withdraw the burner from under the
NOTE: This procedure prevents molten and charred material from falling onto the burner
and blocking the holes.
(g) Leave the test piece on the trestle until all flame and visible glow have disappeared
and separately record the time duration for each.
(h) Make a measurement from the trailing edge on both upper and lower surfaces of the
test piece of the length which remains undamaged (not blistered or charred) over its
full width (see Figure 5).

AS 1334.12— 1996 4

Make the measurement in each case in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of
the belt. If edges of the test piece are not parallel because of uneven shrinkage,
judge the direction of the longitudinal axis visually. Make the measurement along
the surface of the test piece even if the test piece has become curved.
Take care to avoid confusing combustion damage with damage due to sooty or
greasy deposits.
Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).

NOTE: It may be necessary to remove sooty or greasy deposits with a dry cloth in order to
inspect the belt surface for combustion damage. Heat may cause a shiny surface to become
matt but this should not be regarded as combustion damage.
Criteria for assessing damage to belting are listed below:
(i) Damage shall include any embrittlement, cracking, blistering and other
blemishes not originally present.
(ii) Small blemishes defined as blisters or other damage having no dimension
greater than 5 mm shall be dealt with as follows:
(A) In making the measurement of belting left undamaged, up to five small
blemishes nearest the trailing edge of the belting sample can be
regarded as not being damaged.
(B) Small blemishes more than 25 mm from each other and from any other
damage shall also not be regarded as damage and shall be ignored.
(C) Any further small blemishes shall be formed into groups occupying
regions of the belt surface and enclosed within circles of up to 50 mm
diameter. The size and arrangement of these regions shall be chosen in
such a way as to produce the most favourable test result. Any one such
region shall not be regarded as damaged and shall be ignored. Any
additional regions shall not be regarded as damaged and shall be
ignored, provided that such regions are separated by at least 300 mm of
undamaged belt surface.
(i) Record the two measurements made on each test piece of the length which remains
undamaged over its full width on the upper and lower surfaces, measured in
accordance with Step (h) above. The lower of the two measurements made on each
test piece defines the length of full width belt remaining undamaged.
NOTE: There should be an interval of 30 min between consecutive tests to allow time for the
trestle to cool to ambient temperature in the air current.

8 REPORT The following information shall be reported:

(a) Time taken for all flame and visible glow to disappear.
(b) The measurements for each test piece which remains free from damage on both the
upper and lower surfaces of the lengths.
(c) Ambient air temperature at the start of the test.
(d) Condition of the longitudinal edges of the sample, e.g. cut or moulded.
(e) Belt sample specification and cover thickness.
(f) Cover thickness exposed to flame.
(g) An explanatory statement as follows:
These test results on their own do not indicate the fire hazard of the belting under
actual fire conditions and consequently, should not be applied to the assessment of
fire hazard without taking into account additional supportive information.

5 AS 1334.12— 1996


reference to this Standard is incorporated in other Australian Standards for materials,
products and the like, the form of the cross reference and the expression of criteria shall
be as follows:
‘Determination of Combustion Propagation Characteristics of Conveyor Belting The
belting shall be subjected to the test for combustion propagation characteristics as
Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).

specified in AS 1334.12 and the results determined in accordance with the provisions
thereof shall comply with the following requirement:
‘The length of belting undamaged by the test shall be not less than (value to be

10 COMMERCIAL LITERATURE It is imperative in the interests of public safety

and consumer protection that reference to the results of fire test methods in commercial
literature should follow the appropriate form set out in Clause 8.



Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on networ

AS 1334.12—1996 6

NOTE: It may be necessary to adjust the second bar so that it does not coincide with the test piece slot.


Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).


AS 1334.12—1996
AS 1334.12—1996 8
Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).





AS 1334.12—1996 12

This Australi an Standard was prepared by Commit tee RU/2, Conveyor and Elevator Belti ng. It was approved on behalf of
the Council of Standards Australi a on 16 August 1996 and publi shed on 5 November 1996.
Licensed to Mr Steve Perry on 19 February 2013. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10363402).

The foll owing interests are represented on Commit tee RU/2:

Australasian Instit ute of Mining and Metallurgy

Australi an Chamber of Commerce and Industr y

Australi an Chamber of Manufactures
Australi an Coal Associati on
Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australi a

Depart ment of Mineral Resources, N.S.W.

Electr icit y Supply Association of Austr alia
Instit ution of Engineers, Australi a
Plasti cs and Rubber Instit ute

The Instit ute of Quarrying

WorkCover Authorit y, N.S.W.

Review of Australi an Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject to periodic
review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editi ons as necessary. It is important therefore that
Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edit ion, and any amendments thereto.
Full details of all Australi an Standards and related publications wil l be found in the Standards Australi a Catalogue of
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Suggestions for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head offi ce of Standards Australia, are welcomed.
Notific ation of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australian Standard should be made without delay in order that the
matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

Originated as AS 1334.12— 1986.

Second edit ion 1996.

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 95427.


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ISBN 0 7337 0700 9

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