Goverance of ICS
Goverance of ICS
Goverance of ICS
i. The research reported in this dissertation, except where otherwise indicated, is my original
ii. This dissertation has not been submitted for any degree or examination at any other university;
iii. This dissertation does not contain other persons’ writing, unless specifically acknowledged as
being sourced from other persons;
iv. This dissertation does not contain text, graphics or tables copied and pasted from the internet,
unless specifically acknowledged and the source being detailed in the dissertation and in the
reference section.
Barend Pretorius
Eerbewys en glorie aan die belangrikste, God. Vir my vrou, Elserie en my ouers, Dr Buks en Charlotte
Pretorius, wat my bygestaan het gedurende hierdie tyd, die skripsie is opgedra aan julle. Vir die res
van my familie en vriende, baie dankie vir al julle ondersteuning.
To my supervisors Dr Brett van Niekerk and Mr Karna Naidoo, your direction, proficiency and
nurturing during this Master’s journey is greatly appreciated. You are a continuous source of energy
and inspiration for my academic career. You both have gone beyond the call of duty. Dr van Niekerk,
you have consistently guided and supported me without which I wouldn’t have complete this research.
My colleagues and friends who participated or supported me with my research, thank you, it is much
appreciated. To my language editor, Ms. Trishana Ramluckan, your assistance was much appreciated.
Industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory, control, and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have
evolved from operating in a relatively trusting environment to the current prevalence of public
networks. Cyber-threats are evolving to become more sophisticated. The Stuxnet malware brought
home how vulnerable ICS/SCADA systems potentially are. There is no or limited information
available as to the current state of ICS/SCADA in South Africa including the factors influencing
ICS/SCADA and how they are secured and governed. Due to the nature of the systems, ICS/SCADA
cyber-security and governance faces additional challenges compared to the corporate networks, and
critical systems may be left exposed. There exists control frameworks internationally, however there
are new South African legislation that needs to be taken into account. South Africa is also falling
behind in cyber-security, therefore there is a concern in securing ICS controlling key infrastructure
critical to the South African economy as there are little known facts about this.
This aim of the study is to assess the current state of ICS/SCADA in South Africa, determine the main
governance frameworks employed, and to develop a control framework addressing the shortfalls.
Elements of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT)
are used to guide the study. Quantitative methods are used to determine the perceived susceptibility,
security confidence, and governance for ICS/SCADA environment. Qualitative methods were used to
review the current control frameworks, standards and legislation relevant to this environment.
The study found that the top threat/risk for ICS/SCADA are malware and the top vulnerability is
unpatched systems. Furthermore, the framework used most in South Africa to secure and govern
ICS/SCADA environments are Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)
and from the document analysis the best suited framework overall is Centre for the Protection of
National Infrastructure (CPNI). Taking these frameworks into account as well as relevant risks, threats
and vulnerabilities, a consolidated framework aligned to South Africa were developed suggesting
leading practices for securing and governing ICS/SCADA systems in South Africa.
Declaration ........................................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Acronyms................................................................................................................................ xx Vulnerability........................................................................................................... 10
v Risk ........................................................................................................................ 11 Monitoring.............................................................................................................. 14 Sony........................................................................................................................ 16 eBay........................................................................................................................ 16
2.3 ICS/SCADA environments ................................................................................................ 19 Malware.................................................................................................................. 29
vii Other incidents ....................................................................................................... 30
3.5.8 Data Quality Control .................................................................................................. 43
3.5.9 Measurements............................................................................................................. 43
4.2.2 Sector.......................................................................................................................... 48
4.3.6 Do you have controls in place to mitigate the vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA? .
.................................................................................................................................... 59 How many times did such events occur in the past 12 months? ............................ 64
ix How long did it take to discover the threat? ........................................................... 65
4.5.2 Which of the following control frameworks do you make use of? ............................ 66
4.6 Usability of governance and security controls for an ICS/SCADA environment .............. 67
4.6.2 How effective are the following controls implemented in your ICS/SCADA
environment? .............................................................................................................................. 69
4.6.3 How easy is it /was it to implement the following controls implemented in your
ICS/SCADA environment? ........................................................................................................ 71
4.6.4 What type of intelligence do you rely on to detect threats aimed at your ICS/SCADA
systems? .................................................................................................................................... 74
4.6.5 How confident/certain are you that the implemented controls mitigating the threats and
risks are sufficient?..................................................................................................................... 74
4.6.6 What are your top three priorities when it comes to implementing effective controls for
the security of your control systems or ICS/SCADA systems that you have encountered? ...... 76
x Security Standard/Frameworks used ...................................................................... 91
6.2 Research Objective 1 – To determine the factors (vulnerabilities and threats) influencing
ICS security in South Africa ........................................................................................................ 108
6.3 Research Objective 2 – To determine what the best mitigating controls to govern and secure
ICS/SCADA systems in South Africa are. ................................................................................... 112
6.4 Research Objective 3 – To determine the impact of non-governed ICS. ......................... 115
6.5 Research Objective 4 – To determine how ICS in South Africa are secured and governed ..
.......................................................................................................................................... 116
6.6 Research Objective 5 – To establish if the confidence levels of implemented
controls/measures mitigating the threats and risks are sufficient ................................................. 118
6.6.3 How confident/certain are you that the implemented controls mitigating the threats and
risks are sufficient?................................................................................................................... 120
6.7 Research Objective 6 – To develop a control framework addressing the shortfalls for ICS
security in South Africa................................................................................................................ 122 Monitoring (SIEM or Security Intelligence Centre and Audit logs) .................... 129
xii System Change Control ........................................................................................ 129 Remote Access and 3rd party remote access ......................................................... 129 Segregation from other networks and Firewalls in place ................................. 130
7.2.1 Research Objective 1 – To determine the factors (vulnerabilities and threats)
influencing ICS security in South Africa ................................................................................. 135
7.2.2 Research Objective 2 – To determine what the best mitigating controls to govern and
secure ICS/SCADA systems in South Africa are ..................................................................... 136
7.2.3 Research Objective 3 – To determine the impact of non-governed ICS. ................. 136
7.2.4 Research Objective 4 – To determine how ICS in South Africa are secured and
governed .................................................................................................................................. 136
7.2.6 Research Objective 6 - To develop a control framework addressing the shortfalls for
ICS security in South Africa .................................................................................................... 137
7.5 Future work ...................................................................................................................... 141
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Graphical representation of Chapter 1 outline ................................................................... 2
Figure 2.1: Graphical representation of Chapter 2 outline ................................................................... 8
Figure 2.2: Defence in Depth ............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.3: CMM example ................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2.4: Alignment of Information Governance and Security Frameworks for SCADA ............. 26
Figure 2.5: Framework development steps ........................................................................................ 34
Figure 2.6: Framework Development Methodology .......................................................................... 35
Figure 3.1: Graphical representation of Chapter 3 outline ................................................................. 37
Figure 3.2: Research Framework ....................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3.3: Research Onion for the Study .......................................................................................... 41
Figure 4.1: Graphical representation of Chapter 4 outline ................................................................. 47
Figure 4.2: Type of organisations ...................................................................................................... 48
Figure 4.3: Sector ............................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 4.4: Job function ..................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4.5: Number of employees ...................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4.6: Primary interaction with ICS/SCADA ............................................................................ 51
Figure 4.7: Experience with ICS/SCADA ......................................................................................... 52
Figure 4.8: Level of visibility of threats for ICS/SCADA ................................................................. 53
Figure 4.9: Threats related to ICS/SCADA environment .................................................................. 53
Figure 4.10: Top threats related to ICS/SCADA environment .......................................................... 55
Figure 4.11: Impact of threats related to ICS/SCADA environment ................................................. 56
Figure 4.12: Vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA environment ..................................................... 58
Figure 4.13: Controls mitigating vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA environment ..................... 60
Figure 4.14: Impact of non-governed ICS/SCADA environment ...................................................... 62
Figure 4.15: Threats occurred in ICS/SCADA environment ............................................................. 64
Figure 4.16: No of time a threats occurred in ICS/SCADA environment .......................................... 64
Figure 4.17: Time it took to discover a threats that occurred in ICS/SCADA environment.............. 65
Figure 4.18: How ICS/SCADA is governed ...................................................................................... 66
Figure 4.19: Control frameworks used ............................................................................................... 66
Figure 4.20: Maturity of governance and security of ICS/SCADA environment .............................. 68
Figure 4.21: ICS/SCADA maturity .................................................................................................... 68
Figure 4.22: Effectiveness of controls implemented .......................................................................... 70
Figure 4.23: Ease of implementation of controls in ICS/SCADA environment ................................ 73
Figure 4.24: Methods/intelligence use to detect threats in ICS/SCADA environment ...................... 74
Figure 4.25: Confidence of implemented controls ............................................................................. 75
Figure 4.26: Top priorities for implementing effective controls ........................................................ 76
Figure 4.27: Risk (Impact vs Probability/Likelihood) ....................................................................... 77
Figure 4.28: Effectiveness of control vs Ease of implementation ...................................................... 79
Figure 5.1: Graphical representation of Chapter 5 outline ................................................................. 84
Figure 5.2: Symantec Report years 2013 to 2015 combined ............................................................. 86
Figure 5.3: Symantec Report 2013 to 2015 comparison .................................................................... 87
Figure 5.4: ICS-CERT 2014 and 2015 combined .............................................................................. 88
Figure 5.5: ICS-CERT 2014 and 2015 comparison ........................................................................... 89
Figure 5.6: SANS Threat Vectors 2013 to 2016 ................................................................................ 90
Figure 5.7: SANS Security Standards used 2013 to 2015 .................................................................. 92
Figure 5.8: Kaspersky ICS Vulnerabilities ........................................................................................ 93
Figure 5.9: Wolfpack Top Vulnerabilities ......................................................................................... 94
Figure 5.10: Vulnerabilities................................................................................................................ 96
Figure 5.11: Comparison Year 1 vs Year 2 ........................................................................................ 96
Figure 5.12: Graphical representation of the comparison of Control frameworks and standards .... 100
Figure 5.13: ICS/SCADA Device type with known default passwords ........................................... 101
Figure 5.14: ICS/SCADA Account type with known default passwords ........................................ 102
Figure 5.15: Shodan results for Port 502.......................................................................................... 103
Figure 5.16: Shodan results for Port 102.......................................................................................... 104
Figure 5.17: Shodan results for Port 20000...................................................................................... 104
Figure 5.18: Shodan results for Port 44818...................................................................................... 105
Figure 5.19: Shodan results for Port 47808...................................................................................... 105
Figure 6.1: Graphical representation of Chapter 6 outline ............................................................... 107
Figure 6.2: Risk (Impact vs Probability/Likelihood) ....................................................................... 111
Figure 6.3: ICS/SCADA maturity .................................................................................................... 117
Figure 6.4: Effectiveness of control vs Ease of implementation ...................................................... 121
Figure 6.5: Research Framework (unpopulated with results) .......................................................... 122
Figure 6.6: Research Framework populated with results ................................................................. 125
Figure 6.7: Framework Development Methodology ........................................................................ 126
Figure 6.8: Defence in depth approach ............................................................................................ 132
Figure 7.1: Graphical representation of Chapter 7 outline ............................................................... 135
Figure 7.2: Defence in depth model for ICS/SCADA...................................................................... 138
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Information Security Control for different Threats ............................................................ 12
Table 2.2: Common Vulnerabilities ................................................................................................... 28
Table 3.1: Data collection methods .................................................................................................... 42
Table 3.2: Outline of questionnaire .................................................................................................... 45
Table 3.3: Research Objective linked to Questions ........................................................................... 45
Table 4.1: Summary of respondent’s knowledge of ICS/SCADA ..................................................... 52
Table 4.2: Frequency and descriptive statistics table of threats ......................................................... 54
Table 4.3: Frequency and descriptive statistics of the impact of threat ............................................. 57
Table 4.4: Frequency and descriptive statistics of vulnerabilities ...................................................... 59
Table 4.5: Frequency and descriptive statistics of controls mitigating vulnerabilities ...................... 61
Table 4.6: Frequency and descriptive statistics of impact of non-governed ICS/SCADA ................ 63
Table 4.7: Frequency for Maturity of governance and security of ICS/SCADA environment .......... 67
Table 4.8: Frequency and descriptive statistics for effectiveness of controls implemented in
ICS/SCADA environment .......................................................................................................... 69
Table 4.9: Frequency and descriptive statistics for how easy it is/was to implement controls in
ICS/SCADA environment .......................................................................................................... 72
Table 4.10: Frequency how confident/certain the respondents are that the implemented controls
mitigating the threats and risks sufficiently ............................................................................... 75
Table 4.11: Partial correlation Matrix between Probability/Likelihood and Impact of threats .......... 78
Table 4.12: Partial correlation Matrix between Probability/Likelihood of threats and Vulnerabilities
.................................................................................................................................................... 81
Table 4.13: Cronbach Alpha for each question .................................................................................. 82
Table 5.1: Symantec reports years 2013 to 2015 combined............................................................... 86
Table 5.2: ICS-CERT report 2014 and 2015...................................................................................... 88
Table 5.3: SANS Threat Vectors 2013 to 2016.................................................................................. 89
Table 5.4: SANS Top Threat Vectors 2013 to 2016 .......................................................................... 91
Table 5.5: SANS Security Standard used 2013 to 2015..................................................................... 91
Table 5.6: Comparing vulnerabilities ................................................................................................. 94
Table 5.7: Comparing threats, ............................................................................................................ 95
Table 5.8: Vulnerability categorised .................................................................................................. 96
Table 5.9: Comparing vulnerabilities ................................................................................................. 97
Table 5.10: Comparison of Control frameworks and standards ......................................................... 98
Table 5.11: ICS/SCADA Vendor with known default passwords ................................................... 101
Table 5.12: List of ICS/SCADA device exposed to the internet ...................................................... 103
Table 6.1: Summary of Research objectives .................................................................................... 108
Table 6.2: Summary of Top vulnerabilities and status of relevant controls ..................................... 113
Table 6.3: Summary of Top technical vulnerabilities and status of relevant controls ..................... 114
Table 6.4: Summary of Top international technical vulnerabilities and status of relevant controls 114
Table 6.5: ICS/SCADA controls prioritised .................................................................................... 128
List of Acronyms
BCP Business Continuity Plan
CD Compact Disk
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
HR Human Resources
IT Information Technology
OT Operational Technology
PMT Protection Motivation Theory
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Cyber-espionage and cyber-attack tools have been evolving to become more sophisticated, resulting
in the increased speculation over nation-sponsored malware and campaigns. An increase in cyber-
criminal gangs and other groups increases the complexity of the threat landscape. Industrial control
systems (ICS) and supervisory, control, and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have evolved from
operating in a relatively trusting environment to the current prevalence of public networks. In 2010
Stuxnet brought home how vulnerable control systems potentially are. There have been subsequent
cases where advanced cyber-attack and cyber-espionage tools have targeted ICS/SCADA, and there
are numerous examples of compromises of such systems. Due to the nature of the systems,
ICS/SCADA security and governance faces additional challenges compared to the corporate networks,
and critical systems may be left exposed. This research explored the increasingly complex cyber-war
and cyber-espionage threat landscape, and illustrate cases where South Africa has been affected.
Vulnerabilities and threats related to the ICS/SCADA environment in South Africa are discussed,
compared to international vulnerabilities and threats. Suggested controls for addressing risks,
vulnerabilities and threats relevant to ICS/SCADA in South Africa are discussed. Figure 1.1 is a
graphical representation of the outline of this chapter and overall structure.
Introduction and Chapter 1 Introduction
Background Introduction
Background of the
Chapter 2
Literature Review Research Problem and
Literature review
aim of the Study
Research Design and Chapter 3
Methodology Methodology
Research Questions
and Objectives
Chapter 6 Publications
Conclusions and Structure of
Recommendations Dissertation
Chapter 7
Conclusions and
Recommendations Conclusion
A number of security incidents relate to ICS/SCADA world-wide. These incidents increased and
became more sophisticated by the introduction of Stuxnet in 2010. Stuxnet exposed how vulnerable
control systems are when it bypassed a number of security controls to cause physical damage to an
Iranian nuclear facility. Recently more variants of Stuxnet, namely Flame, Gauss, Duqu (Nakashima
& Warrick 2012; Nakashima, Miller & Tate 2012; Rodionov 2012) have been found as well as new
malware including Havex/Dragon fly (Walker 2014) which are more advanced.
South Africa is lacking in cyber-security, and it is a growing risk to business in South Africa. Neither
the government nor business are adding adequate resources to combat it (Jones 2014). State Security
Minister David Mhlobo announced in 2015 that cyber-security and the government’s ability to combat
cyber-crime would be a top priority in 2015 (Davis 2015).
Internationally there are control frameworks in place, however in South Africa new legislation is being
released e.g. POPI as well as existing legislation and frameworks such as the King III Report and
requirements for Public Sectors such as the Minimum Information Security Standard (MISS) that
needs to be taken into consideration. South Africa is falling behind in cyber-security, therefore there
is a concern in securing ICS controlling key infrastructure critical to the South African economy.
1.4 Justification
ICS/SCADA Security is still a growing field in South Africa and has not as yet been fully established.
As mentioned in Section 1.3, this study is intended to fill a gap of limited academic studies done in
the South African context. This study assessed what the current state of ICS/SCADA Security in South
Africa is and develop an ICS/SCADA control framework to address common concerns by taking into
account new and existing legislation. This ICS/SCADA control framework will enable organisations
to improve security and governance of their ICS/SCADA systems which will lead to greater
availability and reliability of computer systems running their operations.
What are the factors (vulnerabilities and threats) influencing ICS/SCADA security in South
What are the best measures to govern these factors that influence ICS/SCADA security in
South Africa?
What is the impact of non-governed ICS/SCADA?
How are ICS/SCADA secured and governed?
What are the perception of the suitability of the implemented controls/measures to mitigate
the treats and risks?
What would an ideal framework be given the results of the previous question?
To determine the factors (vulnerabilities and threats) influencing ICS security in South Africa.
To determine what the best mitigating controls to govern and secure ICS/SCADA systems in
South Africa are.
To determine the impact of non-governed ICS.
To determine how ICS in South Africa are secured and governed.
To establish if the confidence levels of implemented controls/measures mitigating the threats
and risks are sufficient.
To develop a control framework addressing the shortfalls for ICS security in South Africa.
A cross-sectional study was done to determine the state of ICS/SCADA in South Africa at a single
point in time. The sample size for the questionnaire was at minimum 30 people across various
professional organisations and companies running ICS/SCADA systems, these include Information
Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) and a large State Owned Company (SOC). Data
collected from questionnaires was analysed using descriptive statistics, and documents was analysed
using thematic analysis. Shodan was used to collect data on ICS/SCADA systems. Tools such as Excel
was used for the coding and summarising process.
The study used elements of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Protection Motivation
Theory (PMT) to develop a conceptual framework. The results of the questionnaires, questions, data
analysis and decisions formed part of the input in the methodology to develop a control framework to
address the gaps.
1.8 Limitations
It was difficult to determine the exact population as there are limited studies on governance and
security of ICS/SCADA in South Africa conducted and difficult in determining the individuals with
ICS/SCADA knowledge. The questionnaire was sent out to the broader community (refer to Section
1.7) and a question was included upfront to determine the relevance of the respondents. From the
document analysis, inconsistency of reports from Security vendors were discovered. This includes
differences between current and previous year’s categories as well as different categorisation used
between the various vendors. This complicated the overall analysis and could lead to some bias
towards certain vulnerabilities and threats. Although this might have a small implication on the study,
this might impact someone in the industry trying to use various reports to determine the top
vulnerabilities and might wrongly place emphasis on non-prevalent vulnerabilities.
1.9 Publications
This is a Masters by dissertation, however the following publications emanated from the research:
Academic journal: Pretorius, B., & Van Niekerk, B., 2016, ‘Cyber-Security for ICS/SCADA:
A South African Perspective’, International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism
(IJCWT) 6(3), pp 1 – 16. Available from
Academic conference: Pretorius, B., & Van Niekerk, B., 2015, ‘Cyber-Security and
Governance for ICS/SCADA in South Africa’, in The Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Academic Conferences and Publishing
International Limited, UK, pp 241-251;
Practitioner conference: Pretorius, B., & Van Niekerk, B., 2015, ‘Cyber-Security and
Governance for ICS/SCADA in South Africa’, ISACA South Africa Annual Conference 2015;
Invited presentation: Pretorius, B., & Van Niekerk, B., 2016, ‘Cyber-Security and Governance
for ICS/SCADA in South Africa’, KPMG CIO Agenda June 2016.
3 discussed the research methodology and the research design that guided this study, while Chapter 4
presented the quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Chapter 5 looked at various documents from
local and international as well as network security device data and analysed and compared these.
Chapter 6 presented a discussion based on the quantitative and qualitative data analysed and in relation
to the secondary data analysis. Chapter 7 concludes the study by presenting the conclusions, the
limitations, proposes areas for future research and a final conclusion.
1.11 Summary
Industrial control systems (ICS) and Supervisory, Control, and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
have evolved from operating in a relatively trusting environment to the current prevalence of public
networks and evolving cyber-threat environment. ICS/SCADA is still a growing field in South Africa
and no or limited information is available on the current state of these systems in South Africa. This
research aims at determining the factors influencing ICS/SCADA in South Africa, their impact, how
they are currently secured and governed and determine the best measures to mitigate the risks.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
Industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory, control and data acquisition (SCADA) are terms that
are often used to describe all forms of control systems and automation in industrial and process
controls. However, this is not entirely accurate. It has been become practice that ICS is used as the
general term, and SCADA is a subset of this and generally refers to systems that span a large
geographic area (Byres 2012). These types of systems are often used in critical national infrastructure
(Miller & Rowe 2012) such as pipelines and electric power generation and distribution (Chileshe &
van Heerden 2012). These types of systems were being implemented using mechanical pneumatics
prior to the advent of microelectronics, and the introduction of microcontrollers and microprocessors
revolutionised the field (Byres). ICS/SCADA systems were originally separate from the corporate
network and operated specialist communication protocols, however they slowly started implementing
standardised protocols and were connected to the corporate networks and the Internet (Brodsky &
Radvanovsky 2013; Miller & Rowe). Control systems were originally limited to a specific plant or
site, however with the evolution of computing and networks there was a drive towards real-time
monitoring and control of geographically separate sites. As the ICS/SCADA developed to
interconnected systems with standard protocols, they became more vulnerable to attack (Brodsky &
Radvanovsky; Krutz 2006).
This chapter discusses information security and governance principles and incidents, then goes on to
introduce ICS/SCADA environment and its components. International ICS/SCADA incidents are
discussed as well as vulnerabilities and threats. The background of the research objectives, namely
ICS/SCADA in South Africa is discussed as well as legislation and challenges. The chapter concludes
by introducing a methodology on developing a control framework for ICS/SCADA in South Africa.
The next chapter explores this methodology and the studies research methodology in more detail.
Figure 2.1 is a graphical representation of the outline of this chapter and overall structure.
Introduction and Chapter 1
Background Introduction
Chapter 2
Literature Review Introduction
Literature review
Chapter 4 ICS/SCADA
Primary Data Environments
Survey Results and
Data Analysis
Chapter 5 ICS/SCADA
Secondary Data and Governance and
Document Analysis Security
Information Security refers to securing a company’s information assets. Securing information assets
is not only about implementing usernames and passwords; it plays a significant part in the securing of
a company’s intangible assets which also improves its business processes and increases stakeholder
confidence (Susanto, Almunawar & Tuan 2012: 67). Information security refers to the safeguarding
of information, including critical elements such as systems, hardware, and storage of information,
transport of information, people and processes involved. The safeguarding of information is achieved
through the implementation of policies, procedures, awareness programs and training of users, as well
as information security tools or technology (Whitman & Mattord 2012:10).
Information security requires a complete approach that includes every part of the company, (RSA
2014). This can be achieved by performing active monitoring, detection of abnormal events and
appropriate response to threats (Esri 2014:2). The following categories needs to work together to
jointly secure a company’s information assets (Carroll, 2014: 12):
1) Physical security and environmental controls: procedures to protect an organisation’s assets, and
people from threats which include unauthorised physical access or natural disasters;
2) Operations security: procedures to ensure the organisation can perform its operations with limited
interruptions or compromises. This includes its ability to prevent, detect and recover from an incident
or compromise such that normal operations can continue;
3) Communications security: this include the protection of the organisation’s transport of data and
media with supporting tools to enable its objectives;
4) Network security: protection and monitoring of an organisation’s networks and devices to ensure it
is used according to its purpose without compromise or downtime;
6) Storage security: this includes expert techniques to protect an organisation’s information in its
storage area networks (Whitman & Mattord 2012: 8).
Information Security Governance according to (Whitman & Mattord 2012:29-33), is agreed upon roles
and responsibilities implemented by the board and executive management in order to provide and
achieve strategic alignment of information security and business strategy, ensuring objectives are
achieved and to mitigate and manage risks and threats to information resources.
Confidentiality refers to the access of information or data (physical or electronic) and that only people
that should have access to sensitive information or data and need to access it, have access. Anyone
else having access that should not have access is refer to as an unauthorised person. Confidentiality is
breached when unauthorised persons either intentionally or unintentionally gain access to sensitive
information that they should not have access to (Whitman & Mattord 2012:11-13).
Integrity refers to the reliability of information or data (physical or electronic) which include complete,
uncorrupted and uncompromised. The integrity of information or data is compromised when it is not
complete or damaged, corrupted, compromised, or destroyed (Whitman & Mattord 2012:11-13).
Availability refers to information or data being available to authorised users when required. This
includes not only data but infrastructure as well. Availability is compromised when data, information
or infrastructure is not available to authorised users when it should be (Whitman & Mattord 2012:11-
The CIA concepts needs to be taken into consideration when designing and building a secure system
as well as improving existing systems. Depending on the type of information system, certain elements
of CIA plays a more important role than others. For example, for operational systems availability is
more crucial than confidentiality, where as a financial system, confidentiality and integrity is more
crucial than availability.
Mechanisms to ensure that user’s actions cannot be denied, is referred to as non-repudiation, of which
examples include sending an email, or signing a document. Vulnerability
A vulnerability is a fault in a software program or program code that allows unauthorised modification
or destruction of data, or single point of failure or misconfiguration which could result in the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of information being compromised (Shahriar & Zulkcernine
2012). Threat
Exploiting a weakness in a current vulnerability is known as a threat (Dahbur, Mohammad & Tarakji
2011:3). This could cause damage to the data and systems. A vulnerability could be used to gain
unauthorised access to a company’s network, systems and ultimately sensitive data (Dahbur et al.).
A company’s information assets are at all times under threat (Whitman & Mattord, 2012:11). An
organisation needs to identify the threats and possible mitigating controls in order to reduce the risks
these threats represent to ensure correct balance of Information Security controls. Threats may differ
from company to company and environment to environment. Threats should be classified, categorised
and prioritised in order to adequately mitigate them. Someone who is acting out the threat is referred
to as a threat actor. Incident
An incident is defined by Jones (2013:8-9) as an event that could include: Risk
According to the System Administration, Audit, Network and Security (SANS) SANS Institute (2006)
risk is the possible damage that may arise from a current or future process. From an ICT perspective
risk is the damage to a process or related information resulting from an intentional or unintentional
event that negatively impacts the process or the related information. The process of understanding and
responding to the factors that may lead to a failure in the Information Security triad or CIA of a system
is called risk management.
SANS Institute (2016) also defines Risk as a function of the likelihood of a given threat source’s
exploiting a potential vulnerability, and the impact of that it has on an organisation.
The general definition used to calculate risk is that risk is the product of the probability and impact
(Boehm 1991):
Risk = Probability x Impact
The threats and vulnerabilities also need to be consider when calculating the risk. SANS Institute
(2012) mentions that risk, threat and vulnerability needs to be used together and defines risk as
Communications security;
Network security;
Database security; and
Storage security
Multiple implementations of each of the information security control in the above categories needs to
be considered in order to protect against different threats, (Rhodes-Ousley 2013):
Administrative Controls – Policies, procedures and standards defined and enforced by senior
Physical Controls – Controls that are physically present;
Logical/technical – Controls performed by software/technology;
Operational Controls – Control performed by people as part of operations; and
Virtual Controls – logical/technical controls that are triggered when certain situations occur.
Table 2.1 provides examples of Information Security controls that fall within a particular category and
method of implementation.
12 Defence in Depth
The basic principle of information security architectures is to implement layered security, this is
referred to as defence in depth (Whitman & Mattord 2012). Defence in depth originated from a military
term in which multiple layer of defence is used to protect something valuable from the enemy. This
makes it more difficult for the enemy to attack. An example is a castle back in the medieval times.
There are multiple layers used for defence. These include a moat, a draw bridge with water, high castle
wall, a heavy steel gate and watchmen.
This similar concept can be applied in securing sensitive information and protection a company’s
information assets. It is an information security best practice to use Defence in depth. Defence in depth
is achieved through implementing multiple layers of controls. Example data sitting in a database is
encrypted with restricted access control via the application, the database and application is installed
on a server running appropriate anti-virus software, the server sitting on a secure network behind a
firewall and in a secure physical location. Figure 2.2 illustrates the Defence in depth concept. Rhodes-
Ousley (2013) also refers to this as the onion model.
13 Monitoring
Threat management is a modern technique that is used every day to perform network security
correlation. Data gathered from different sources needs to be correlated to identify relationships,
patterns, and trends. A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems of Security
Intelligence Centre (SIC) can assist with this, can collect and aggregate the relevant data from the
following sources: Firewall logs, Intrusion detection and prevention systems, Network device data and
Operating system or application logs (Amoroso 2013).
Level 1: Initial or Basic - Information security activities are ad hoc and in most cases, no
formal information security program is in place. A very minimal or basic level of information
security controls are in place;
Level 2: Developing or Evolving - Informal responsibilities are assigned to an individual who
is developing an information security program, policies and procedures. Informal
communication around information security issues are taking place. Information Security
Controls are inconsistently applied;
Level 3: Defined or Established - Policies and procedures are defined, roles and
responsibilities are defined but minimum accountability or enforcement;
Level 4: Managed or Advanced – Clear defined Information security roles and responsibilities
with formal information security committee consisting of business and operations managers.
Information Security Controls are consistently applied; and
Level 5: Optimising or Leading - Business have accepted the residual risk associated with
their use of information and technology. Full accountability from business for information
security failures or policy and procedure violations. There are continuous self-improvement
processes in place that are regularly reviewed and updated. The company has an information
security aware culture.
CMM increases the efficiency and effectiveness of information security programs by focusing on
comprehensive processes that can advance, develop to be more automated and become integrated into
the overall operational infrastructure (Acohido 2015). An example of a CMM is displayed in Figure
Current State Desired State
0 1 2 3 4 5
None Initial Developing Defined Managed Optimising COBIT
The Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) was first released by
ISACA (2012) in 1996 to assist financial audit community to control and govern their IT
environments. The latest version of COBIT, version 5 was released in 2012. This included a section
on Information Security and how to oversee and manage it. ITIL
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) was developed by the Central Computer
and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) as a set of best practices for IT service management.
2.2.5 Global incidents
There have been a huge number of security incidents worldwide. The most notable ones in the last
five years are: Sony
Although Sony is more famous for the hack in 2014, the company was also compromised back in
April and October 2011. Around 77 million users had their names, addresses and other personal, data
stolen from the PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment accounts (Quinn & Arthur, 2011)
In November 2014, a devastating cyber-attack was launched on Sony Pictures. Malware written by
hackers spread across Sony’s global network, destroying almost half of the network. The attackers
even had an extraordinary deleting algorithm that overwrote the data seven different ways and the
code destroyed each computer’s start-up software leaving the computer unusable (Elkind 2015).
Valuable company data were stolen and leaked online. This included sensitive emails from executives,
personal data from employees and copies of upcoming films. Sony’s co-chairman had to resign
because of the hack (Groden 2015). Adobe
In 2013 Adobe’s networks were breached by hackers. User information was stolen as well as the
source code for certain Adobe programs. The user information includes email addresses and passwords
for 150 million users, and credit card data for 2.9 million users (Howley 2015). Target
In 2013, a Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor working within Target, had
his credentials compromised (Riley, Elgin, Lawrence & Matlack 2014). The credentials were used by
hackers to gain access to Target’s network resulting in over 40 million credit and debit card numbers,
and 70 million consumer email addresses being stolen. The CEO Gregg Steinhafel resigned and Target
had to settle a class-action lawsuit for $10 million. (Howley 2015) eBay
In May 2014, hackers gained access to eBay’s network via compromised employee login information
resulting in more than 145 million user data being stolen (Howley 2015). Although information such
as login credentials, encrypted passwords, email addresses and physical addresses was stolen, no
payment information was compromised (Groden 2015). Anthem
In March 2015, a healthcare insurer, Anthem was hacked by suspected Chinese government-sponsored
hackers (Howley 2015). Around 80 million customer’s Social Security numbers, employment details,
and other personal information was stolen. Luckily no medical data was compromised. (Groden 2015).
16 Ashley Madison
In August 2015, hackers stole and revealed online the information of 32 million users of a dating
website for married people wanting affairs (Groden 2015). The site has a policy of not deleting users'
personal information (names, addresses, credit cards and search history), which left many users fearing
that they might be blackmailed or publically shame. Speculations are still out on how the site was
breach. Day (2015) speculate that it was either an inside or external threat or most likely a cross-site
scripting vulnerability.
According to IT News Africa (2016), 8.8 million South Africans have fallen victim to cyber-crime
and Vicente (2016) indicated South Africa is the top cyber-crime target in Africa. Cyber-crime has
cost the South African economy around R35 billion in 2015 (Chiloane 2016) as South African
organisations are unprepared and ill-equipped to handle emerging cyber-threats. They also rely on
outdated protection strategies (Alfreds 2016).
17 South African Police Service
The South African Police Service (SAPS) had their website hacked to reveal the personal details of
almost 16 thousand whistle-blowers. This was in retaliation for the Marikana shootings. In addition,
hundreds of SAPS personnel had their names, ranks and contact details leaked by the hacker (Roane
Also in June 2016, Anonymous performed DDoS attack on Gupta owned websites including The New
Age (newspaper), ANN7 (news channel), and Sahara and Oakbay Investments (Solomon 2016). This
was a statement by the hacktivist group against corrupt parties and corporations.
to hack and breach the data. This was part of the hacktivists plan to target corrupt African governments
as Armscor was in the news related to a contentious tender for a VIP Aircraft for the South African
2.3.1 Overview
Industrial control system (ICS) is a common name for various types of control systems (Stouffer,
Falco & Kent 2006), these include Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or known as SCADA
systems, Distributed Control Systems (DCS), and other smaller components such as Programmable
Logic Controllers (PLC). These systems are mostly found in the critical infrastructure and industrial
sectors. ICS/SCADA are normally used in industries such as oil and gas, automotive, chemical, food,
transportation, water, electrical, pharmaceutical, paper, and certain manufacturing. These systems are
key and critical to the operations of these industries.
According to Stouffer et al. (2006), SCADA systems are dispersed systems used to control
geographically distributed equipment, sometimes scattered over couple of square kilometers, where
data acquisition and control are centralised and critical to the operations. They are used to control
systems such as transportation systems, electrical power grids, water and sewage systems, and
pipelines transporting chemicals.
RTUs – Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) is often housed in a substation or remote part of the
plant. RTUs aim is to monitor field devices and transmit the data to next level device and
finally to a central station that is monitored (Knapp 2011).
MTU – Master Terminal Unit is a central located unit that collects data normally from RTU
and feed it through to a central station (Knapp 2011).
PLCs – Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) is a specialised machine, similar to a
computer, which are used to automate functions within an ICS/SCADA network. They are
specially configured for specific inputs and outputs, generally from field devices (Knapp
HMI - The Human Machine Interface (HMI) is a physical control panel that allows users to
monitor, change or configure settings of the underlying process. (Stouffer, Phillitteri,
Lightman, Abrams, Hahn 2015).
Supervisory workstations – These workstations run generally on Windows operating
systems and give the user a graphical overview of the ICS/SCADA environment. These can
sometimes be the central station from where operations are monitored and controlled (Knapp
Data Historians – Data Historians are specialised software that stores the collected values
and information in a database build for this purpose. Data points that are stored in the Historian
are sometime referred to as tags. These can contain anything from frequencies of motors,
temperatures to weights or cargo (Knapp 2011).
Other components – Field devices are sensor, devices in the field that provide input or output
to either PLCs or RTUs. These devices can be anything from a sensor that measures weight
or temperature to a motor that control the frequency of motors. These are also referred to as
an intelligent electronic device (IED) (Knapp 2011). There are also other components such as
industrial network switch which are used to convert industrial protocols to IT protocols.
Physical access scanners, printers, routers, and wireless routers are also found in ICS/SCADA
ICS/SCADA protocols are real-time communication protocols, designed to interface and connection
between ICS/SCADA systems and components via the designated ports. There are dozens of
protocols, however the following protocols and ports are the most common:
Modbus (Port 502) – Modbus is the oldest and most common used ICS/SCADA protocol.
Modbus is commonly used for communication between PLCs and HMIs, however can be used
between any I/O device, sensors and other communication devices. Modbus typically lacks
authentication, encryption and checksum (Knapp 2011). Modbus uses the Transport
Communication Protocol (TCP) and the port that is most often used is Port 502 (Project
SHINE 2014).
Siemens/ICCP (Port 102) – The Inter Control Center Protocol (ICCP) is a protocol used for
communication between control centers within the energy industry (Knapp 2011). ICCP also
lacks authentication and encryption. Siemens use Port 102 for remote programming and PLC
connections via the Ethernet (Project SHINE, 2014).
DNP3 (Port 20000) – The Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) us mainly used for
communication between master control stations and remote or slave devices. It is more
common in the electricity and water industries (Project SHINE 2014). The authentication and
encryption is not inherent within DNP3. There are a number of vulnerabilities due to the
complexity of the protocol. The Port 20000 is dedicated to DNP3 (Knapp 2011).
Ethernet/IP (Port 44818) – Ethernet/IP uses the standard Ethernet frames and combines it
with the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) to communicate (Knapp 2011). Ethernet/IP is
used in most industries including automotive, manufacturing, and hybrid (Project SHINE
2014). Ethernet/IP is a real time Ethernet protocol and contains vulnerabilities. Ethernet and
IP security, similar to that of an IT network, is required at the perimeter (Knapp).
BACNet (Port 47808) – BACNet is a protocol used for communication in building
automation. This includes air conditioners and heating, light controls, access controls, and fire
detection systems. It uses Port 47808 for communication between building automation
ICS/SCADA networks should not have access to internet or email, and should be segregated from
corporate IT networks, either standalone or via a firewall. Traditionally IT networks are segmented
into subnets.
ICS/SCADA devices need to be in separate network zones according to their security and access
22 Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
Safety is an essential aspect of any plant operation, and these systems are responsible for ensuring
safety by placing any process into a safe state if it is detected that the conditions of the process could
threaten safety. SISs are distinct from ICS/SCADA systems but they can be integrated. The SIS
network and components are proprietary and should be securely isolated or segmented from the ICS
network. There is no equivalent system under traditional IT networks.
ICS/SCADA components of critical infrastructure should have limited exposure to removable
media and mobile computing devices, as these could accidentally bypass security mechanisms
and introduce malware or viruses. Most often ICS/SCADA systems does not have antivirus
or have outdated antivirus and malware or viruses are not detected (Pretorius & Van Niekerk
Inventory of ICS/SCADA components and network diagrams are generally outdated or not as
comprehensive as IT network diagrams. In some cases, the networks, components, and safety
systems are not even documented (Pretorius & Van Niekerk 2016);
Physical security and environmental for ICS/SCADA differ from traditional IT networks.
ICS/SCADA equipment most often resides in operational areas such as substations, cranes,
conveyors, and haulers, which do not conform to best practices for IT server rooms. There are
also additional environmental elements that needs to be considered, such as dust and
protection thereof (Pretorius & Van Niekerk 2016); and
Wireless communications are a point of debate: it is best to not use Wi-Fi for ICS/SCADA as
these extents the range of attack, e.g. an attacker can sit outside the plant and hack the
ICS/SCADA systems. However, in some ICS/SCADA environments there exist other
wireless networks or wireless links, such as radio links and point to point wireless connections.
Unfortunately, most of these wireless networks/link either use weak encryption mechanisms
or old technology (Pretorius & Van Niekerk 2016).
The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) published a standard
called, Protecting Industrial Control Systems: Recommendations for Europe and Member States.
(ENISA 2011). ENISA conducted a research and survey-based study to obtain the current perspective
of ICS/SCADA protection for Europe, but including international environments. This includes threats,
risks and challenges related to ICS/SCADA security. From the study they proposed seven
recommendations for Europe and Member states in securing ICS. Others
21 Steps to Improve Cyber Security of SCADA Networks - The U.S. Department of Energy
(2007) and President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board developed this guide
containing 21 steps to assist any organisation to improve their security for ICS/SCADA
NERC CIP – The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) Critical
Infrastructure Protection (CIP) contains standards and security measures for protecting the
North American bulk electric systems and it carry heavy fines for non-compliance (Knapp
2011); and
Safeguarding Australia from Cyberterrorism: A Proposed Cyber-terrorism SCADA Risk
Framework for Australia - Beggs and Warren (2008) propose a risk framework to assess
Australian SCADA systems threats from cyber-terrorism. The framework integrated a cyber-
terrorism capability assessment model with Australasian standards for SCADA risk
Figure 2.4 shows a high level comparison between the NIST, CPNI, and the frameworks from Section
2.2.4, namely COBIT 5 and ISO/IEC 27002. This shows at a high level how they align and which
sections overlap. An in depth analysis between frameworks are discussion in Section 5.4.
Figure 2.4: Alignment of Information Governance and Security Frameworks for SCADA
Internal attackers;
Staff undertaking unauthorised actions;
Disgruntled staff;
Illegal information brokers;
Corporate intelligence;
Organised crime;
Foreign intelligence services; and
Protesters and activists (environmental, political, animal rights).
The CPNI (2008) also list the following threat types that should be considered: Malware (including
viruses, Trojans, worms, backdoors, bots and spyware); loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability
(denial of service); hackers (internal, external, external with insider knowledge); and unauthorised
The SANS Institute (2013) performed a survey and list the top 5 threat vectors as:
Internal threats;
External threats;
Phishing; and
Industrial espionage.
To determine if any vulnerabilities exist and to fully understand vulnerabilities, a detailed assessment
of all the system components, (e.g. servers, workstations, network infrastructure) need to be performed
(CPNI 2008). Table 2.2 provides a list of common vulnerabilities as listed by CPNI (2008), National
Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (2014) and Stamp, Dillinger, Young and
DePoy (2003). These vulnerabilities relate to administration, network architecture, devices and
platforms. If problems exist with the SCADA security policy, this could lead to poor administrative
procedures and vulnerabilities in the SCADA system. Each vulnerability has a significant impact on
the SCADA operations (Stamp et al. 2003).
According to the 2014 and 2015 Internet Security Threat Reports, (Symantec 2014a, 2015), the
number of newly discovered public SCADA vulnerabilities have decreased from 129 in 2011 to 85 in
2012 and a significant decrease to 39 in 2013 and 35 in 2014. This decrease could be due to attention
that has been placed on SCADA security following the discovery of the Stuxnet worm in 2010. Denial
of service (DoS), buffer overflow and information disclosure vulnerabilities account for over 60% of
the detected vulnerabilities in 2014 and 2015. Detailed analysis is discussed further in Section 5.2.1.
Table 2.2: Common Vulnerabilities
Category Vulnerability
There are no password controls (password length, complexity, passwords don’t
expire etc.)
Passwords are often stored in plain sight near critical systems.
This shows the importance that the availability characteristic of information plays in the SCADA
environment. SCADA systems can be classified as high availability systems. Availability enables
SCADA systems to be provide information, when needed, without interference or obstruction to
authorised users in the right format (Whitman & Mattord 2012). In order to ensure availability of
SCADA systems, denial of service attacks must be stopped.
2.4.3 ICS/SCADA incidents
A number of ICS/SCADA security incidents have been recorded. The most notable of these are: Malware
In 2003 the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant’s Safety Parameter Display System and Plant Process
Computers were disabled for a few hours due to a SQL Slammer infection as a result of an unpatched
machine (Chileshe & van Heerden 2012; Miller & Rowe 2012). The CSX Corporation had a number
of their systems shot down in 2003 due to the Sobig virus. This caused train delays and impact on the
business (Miller & Rowe 2012).
From 2010 to 2012 a series of malware variants, including the infamous Stuxnet and Flame malware,
infected machines. These variants are reportedly related to Duqu and Gauss. Stuxnet affected
programmable logic controllers, and resulted in physical damage to an Iranian nuclear facility
(Nakashima & Warrick 2012; Nakashima, Miller & Tate 2012; Rodionov 2012). In June 2014 the
Havex malware was reported to be collecting data from ICS and SCADA systems in the energy sector
(Walker 2014).
The BlackEnergy malware was used to target the Ukrainian power grid and contained modifications
to disrupt industrial control systems (Kovacs 2016). This was the first known instance where a cyber-
attack caused a blackout. The hackers gained access to the control systems via a SSH backdoor.
Reports indicate that the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline control systems were compromised in 2008,
and this resulted in an explosion (Robertson & Riley 2014). Speciously hackers super-pressurised the
crude oil in the pipeline and shut down alarms and communication to warn about this. They gained
access to the alarm management system via a vulnerability in the camera communication software. A
professor of the national security affairs at the US Naval War College stated this “rewrites the history
of cyberwar.”
A disgruntled employee of the company supplying controllers to an Australian sewerage company,
Maroochy Water System, gained remote access in 2000 to the sewerage system and released sewerage
into the waterways in an attempt to get a job with the municipality (Abrams & Weiss 2008; Wyld
The Target breach was traced back to stolen third party credentials, where the vendor was a heating,
ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) sub-contractor (Krebs 2014). This hack was discussed in
more detail in Section 2.2.5. Hackers
For over a month in 1994 a hacker used a dialup modem to gain access and install backdoors to access
billing information of Salt River, however could also gain access to the monitoring and delivery
systems for power and water. The attacker had a five-hour session connected to the canal control
systems (Miller & Rowe 2012).
In 2001 foreign hackers gained access to the California System Operator computer networks for two
weeks, but were not able to access the PCS networks (Miller & Rowe 2012). Polish trams were
derailed in 2008 due to a switching system being compromised and change using basic remote control
electronics (Leyden 2008). Late in 2014 a blast furnace at a German steel mill was damaged after
hackers obtained access to the mill’s control systems (BBC 2014). Vulnerabilities
In September 2014 a vulnerability in the Bash shell of Linux was announced. This vulnerability
allowed for remote code execution, and some SCADA systems were vulnerable. The full extent of
device affected by the ShellShock bash bug is still not known. Siemens released an update for the
SIMATIC PCS 7 to patch several vulnerabilities. The SIMATIC PCS 7 is affected by the
vulnerabilities because of the software WinCC being incorporated into the product (Kovacs 2014). It
was revealed in 2015 by researchers of the existence of vulnerabilities in SCADA components used
in modern railways (Paganini 2016).
Carmel Tunnels Toll Road – on 8 September 2013 a Trojan infected the Israeli toll plaza,
specifically targeting the security camera system, hindering essential operations over two days
and caused financial damage (Ashford 2013);
Saudi Aramco – on 15 August 2012 Saudi Aramco was forced to shut down its network due
to a serious malware infection affecting approximately 30 000 machines, however the main
operations systems were not affected (Leyden 2012; Mills 2012);
Conficker – in 2009 the Conficker worm affected a French military airfield, preventing aircraft
from taking off, and British warships (Kirk 2009; Willsher 2009);
Antwerp port – in 2013 hackers used remote access devices to aid smuggling operations at the
port; it is possible that the hackers could control the logistics system (Dunn 2013);
Oil rigs – in 2014 it was reported that an oil rig was disabled after hackers tilted it, and another
was inoperable for 19 days due to malware infection (Wagstaff 2014);
Warsaw airport – in 2015 aircraft were grounded after a denial of service attack disrupted the
network (Brook 2015); and
Researchers have demonstrated that many vehicles can be hacked if physical access can be
gained, and once hacked some vehicles can be controlled (Higgins 2015). Another researcher
reportedly compromised an aircraft’s controls by hacking the in-flight entertainment (Zetter
These incidents indicate that the threats against ICS/SCADA systems are real and not unnecessary
panic. The following section outlines the vulnerabilities and the attacks methods that threats use to
target them.
As many of these implementations are related to critical infrastructure upon which the South African
economy is based, a major cyber-attack disrupting any of these process-driven industries could have
drastic economic and secondary social consequences.
In December 2009 a South Africa petro-chemical company’s SCADA systems were affected by the
‘PE_Sality’ virus, resulting in the operators have to run the plant with limited of no visibility for eight
hours before the infected servers were recovered (Cusimano 2010).
The Wolfpack Information Risk team, recently conducted a survey in South Africa on Critical
Infrastructure (Wolfpack 2016). This research was conducted independently and at the same time as
this study was being conducted and the report, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Report,
was released in June 2016. A small section of the survey and report was dedicated ICS/SCADA
systems while the rest of the survey and report was on Critical Information Infrastructure such as
Information Security Governance and Risk Management, Legal Regulation and Compliance, Critical
Access Management, Human Resource Management and Supplier Security, Physical (Environmental)
Security, Security Architecture and Design, Telecommunications and Network Security, Access
Control, Operational Security, Cryptography, Software Development and Application Security, and
the National CII landscape. The Wolfpack survey was distributed to a different audience as this study
and the number of participant related to the ICS/SCADA part could not be determined. The Wolfpack
survey found that the top four threat vectors for ICS/SCADA systems are: Insider exploits, and
combined secondly, External threats, Attacks originating within the internal network and Information
security policy violations. Detailed analysis is discussed further in Section 5.2.5.
The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act (Government of Republic of South Africa 2013)
requires the protection and safeguarding of personal as well as corporate data by ensuring safeguarding
of the information. Certain ICS/SCADA systems host critical information on their databases and
vendors may have access to this information or sensitive configuration information. In such cases it
will be necessary for controls to be implemented to ensure compliance with the act.
The National Cybersecurity Policy Framework provides for national and sector response teams, a
National Cybersecurity Advisory Council, and other initiatives. Furthermore, a draft Cybercrimes and
Cybersecurity Bill (Government of Republic of South Africa 2015) has been released and could also
have a potential impact on the ICS/SCADA environments in South Africa if enacted. King III is a
corporate governance framework, which apportions accountability to the board and executives of the
organisation. ICS/SCADA systems will need to be adequately governed in order to comply with the
The acts discussed in this section may not be obliviously applicable to ICS/SCADA environments,
however as is evident, under certain conditions they are applicable. Therefore, IT governance and
security functions may in future be required to have more oversight into ICS/SCADA systems.
2.5.3 Challenges
The differences between SCADA and traditional IT discussed in Section 2.3.2 result in a number of
challenges, which need to be taken into account when developing a control framework for South
Africa. The outdated systems, particularly Windows XP which is no longer supported, makes
implementing patching impossible, resulting in vulnerabilities that are difficult to mitigate. In addition,
patching and security mechanisms often cannot be done on a live production environment, which
limits the time period in which to do this. In some environments, there are only one or two days in the
year in which the company’s operations or plant are not operational.
ICS/SCADA often falls under the responsibility of engineering and not IT, therefore IT security has
less influence over the systems. Therefore, there are extra challenges in achieving buy-off from all
stakeholders, particularly given the other challenges and business impact described above.
The process can also be group together as displayed in Figure 2.5.
Before a control framework is developed, it is important for a company to understand the risk they
face from likely compromises to ICS/SCADA systems. To fully understand the business risk, an
organisation needs to start by understanding of the system or environment, then the threats, impact
and vulnerabilities that could have an impact to the environment. Each of the steps from
‘Understanding the business risks’ needs to be conducted as a step on their own. The following steps
all from part of the framework development and is grouped thereunder: Implement secure architecture,
establish response capabilities, improve awareness and skills, manage third party risk, engage projects
and establish ongoing governance. This can be displayed in a process or methodology on developing
a control framework, taking into account the above. The steps in the methodology is illustrated in
Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6: Framework Development Methodology
35 Understand vulnerabilities
Vulnerability assessments should be conducted for the ICS/SCADA environment to determine
possible vulnerabilities. Section 2.4.3 contains a list of possible vulnerabilities to ICS/SCADA
systems CPNI (2008).
2.6 Summary
Information Security, its risks and controls in general were discussed. Internationally cyber-crime has
increased and in South Africa, millions have fallen victim to cyber-crime. Cyber-crime has cost the
South African economy billions in 2015. The vulnerabilities and threats related specifically to
ICS/SCADA were discussed. As is evident from the incidents that have already occurred, the
ICS/SCADA environment can be targeted and can cause significant disruption.
South Africa has a number of ICS/SCADA implementations in infrastructure that is crucial to the
economy; it is therefore important that these are protected. Security in the SCADA environment face
a number of challenges. There exist international control frameworks, which if organised with a
defence-in-depth approach, may overcome these challenges and provide a sufficient level of protection
to these ICS/SCAD systems. The methodology to develop control framework for ICS/SCADA was
also discussed. The next chapter discusses the research methodology.
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Introduction
This chapter highlights the research problem and the significance and contribution of the study. The
research questions and research objectives are discussed. Methods of the research design are examined
in relation to the research onion. The sampling strategies including the population, size, and data
collection methods are explored. The data analysis and conceptual framework together with
questionnaire design are mentioned. Figure 3.1 is a graphical representation of the outline of this
chapter and overall structure.
Research Problem /
Chapter 2
Literature Review Statement of the
Literature Review
Chapter 4
Conceptual Framework
Primary Data
Survey Results and
Data Analysis
Chapter 5
Secondary Data and Research Design
Document Analysis
3.1.1 Significance and Contribution of the study
This study provides a unique South African view point. ICS/SCADA security is still a growing field
in South Africa and has not as yet been fully established. There are limited academic studies done for
South Africa (Chileshe & van Heerden 2012) therefore this study aimed to fill this gap.
This study assessed the current state of ICS/SCADA security in South Africa and from the analysis
an ICS/SCADA control framework was to address common concerns by taking into account new and
existing legislation. This ICS/SCADA control framework will enable organisations to improve
security and governance of their ICS/SCADA systems which will lead to greater availability and
reliability of computer systems running their operations.
What are the factors (vulnerabilities and threats) influencing ICS/SCADA security in South
What are the best measures to govern these factors that influence ICS/SCADA security in
South Africa?
What is the impact of non-governed ICS/SCADA?
How are ICS/SCADA secured and governed?
What are the perception of the suitability of the implemented controls/measures to mitigate
the treats and risks?
To determine how ICS/SCADA in South Africa are secured and governed.
To establish if the confidence levels of implemented controls/measures mitigating the threats
and risks are sufficient.
To develop a control framework addressing the shortfalls for ICS/SCADA security in South
The protection motivation theory was initially developed by Rogers (1975) to better understand the
impact of fear appeals and how to cope with them. He later expand on the theory (Rogers 1983) where
he expanded the theory to a general impact of persuasive communication. The PMT suggests
protections based on the following factors:
The perceived severity of a threatening event (impact);
The perceived likelihood of the occurrence (probability) or threats and vulnerabilities;
The efficacy of the recommended preventive behaviour; and
The perceived self-efficacy.
The protection motivation theory was used in a cyber-security study by Sommestad, Karlzen and
Hallberg (2015) and recently in an information security study by Kinnunen (2016).
The first two variables of PMT, (perceived severity of a threatening event and perceived likelihood)
forming the Threat Appraisal and the latter (the efficacy of the recommended preventive behaviour
and perceived self-efficacy) the Coping Appraisal. When combining this with the elements of TAM,
the perceived usefulness (usability of security) and perceived ease-of-use (ease of use of security), the
model as shown in Figure 3.2 is formed. In summary, the probability and impact (red blocks) and
coping response (blue block) are from the PMT model. The usability of security (green block) from
TAM and the perceived ease-of-use (green block) from both TAM and PMT.
Impact Perceived
Threats and
Coping response
(Propose ICS
Usability of
Ease of use of
The general definition used to calculate risk is that risk is the product of the probability and impact.
I.e. Risk = Probability x Impact. (Boehm 1991). The risk together with the threats and vulnerabilities
(Red Blocks) creates the perceived susceptibility (Red Block). Combining the usability and the ease
of use of security (Green Blocks) provides the security confidence (Green Block). The security
confidence and perceived susceptibility is used to create the proposed coping response or ICS/SCADA
control framework (Blue Block).
be considered in relation to other design elements (the outer layers of the research onion). Figure 3.3
is a representation of the proposed ‘Research Onion’ and the different design elements that were used
to conduct this research. Each layer is discussed in Section 3.5.2.
Mixed methods
A survey strategy is used. It offers a highly economical way of collecting large amounts of data to
address who, what, where, when and how of the factors influencing the frameworks in South Africa.
This strategy generated both rich and statistical data.
A mixed methods approach was used for data collection and analysis, refer to research
Approaches/Paradigms in Section 3.5.3.
The next layer in the research onion is a cross-sectional study, which analyses data or responses from
a survey at a specific point in time. This type of study is used as one of the research objectives is to
determine the state of ICS/SCADA in South Africa and the cross-sectional study, which uses
qualitative and quantitative research surveying both people and documents measured the state of
SCADA/ICS in South Africa at a single point in time.
The inner layer of the research onion includes decisions on the sample groups, and content of the
questionnaires. The results of the questionnaires, questions, data analysis and decisions forms part of
the input in the methodology to develop a control framework to address the gaps.
A mixed methods approach is used. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are used in the
process of the study, data collection and analysis. This includes questionnaires, systems data, results
from Shodan and analysis of documents from security alerts and advisories. Using mixed methods
assists to offset limitations and fill/predict gaps in data should these exist in the individual methods.
A combination of exploratory and design research is used to develop the research or conceptual
framework, refer to Section 3.4.
3.5.6 Target Population
The target population included information security, governance and SCADA/ICS professionals. The
intent was to specifically focus on people with relevant SCADA/ICS experience in order to obtain
valuable/useful information. The ISACA South Africa chapter, which is the largest IT security and
governance professional body in the country, as well as a large SOC, both contain members with the
relevant professional experience to participate in the questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed
to members of the ISACA community and the large SOC.
As the number of organisations and professionals that have knowledge of ICS/SCADA systems was
unknown, a sample size could not be determined upfront. A sample size for the questionnaires was
anticipated to be at minimum 30 people across various professional organisations and companies
running ICS/SCADA systems. These include ISACA and a large SOC, as mentioned in Section 3.5.6.
These organisations were selected based on convenience of access. ISACA is the largest body of
professionals with cyber-security and IT governance knowledge in South Africa and therefore there
was a higher change of receiving valid responses.
The sample for the document analysis was chosen by selecting common and freely available
framework and standards related to Governance, Information security and ICS/SCADA. International
best practices (e.g. standards from CPNI, COBIT) were used.
3.5.9 Measurements
A combination of sematic differential and Likert scales were used. The first to determine the
population’s attitude toward ICS/SCADA security and the latter, Likert, to scaling responses from the
questionnaires. Secondary data was measured as explained in Section 3.5.10.
documents is defined according to Bowen (2009) as document analysis. Data was collected through
questionnaires, and documents was analysed using thematic analysis method which identified themes
within the data and reporting them. This is method is suitable as the analysis of the data using this
technique consolidates or groups the data collected and then describes the data sets in detail.
The data from questionnaires was analysed using descriptive statistics. Data collected from Shodan,
reports and advisories, was also analysed using descriptive statistics which summarised and described
the data to determine the perceived susceptibility.
Data from multiple network security devices were obtained for a two-year period and anonymised.
The data from the network devices was categorised into the vulnerability categories for further
COBIT was initially selected as it is a well-documented control framework aligned with other
frameworks. The relevant categories were divided into pre-determined categories based on
Information Security controls as described in Section 2.2.3. As the other documents were analysed
additional categories were included if they were not already considered. Microsoft Excel was used for
the coding and summarising process. The coding was as follows: red if nothing is mentioned about
the control, orange if the control is briefly mentioned, yellow if the control mentioned cannot be
implemented immediately and require modification to align to an ICS/SCADA environment and green
is the control is relevant to an ICS/SCADA environment
Reports from security vendors was used as secondary data. Data from reports were categorised into
various threat categories and compared to each other to determine the top threats and vulnerabilities.
Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data to show patterns and summarise the data to
determine the perceive threats, risks and vulnerabilities to be in order to develop a control framework
for ICS/SCADA in South Africa. Due to the author’s Honours Degree in Statistics, the statistical
analysis was performed by the author.
Correlation is used to determine the relationship between two variables. Where the correlation
coefficient, r, is between example -0.3 to -0.1, the correlation is weak. A strong correlation is when
the correlation coefficient, r, is between -1 to -0.5 or 0.5 to 1 (MathBits 2016).
Using a combination of the various analysis enables data to be treated in a way that will make it
possible to interpret the requirements to develop a control framework to address the short falls in
ICS/SCADA security and governance.
3.6 Questionnaire design
The questionnaire was one of the main research instruments. Closed-ended Likert scale questions were
used in line with the study’s objectives. A covering question was asked to determine the experience
of the respondent with ICS/SCADA systems. Those with no knowledge of ICS/SCADA systems was
then further excluded from the study.
Table 3.2 lists an outline of the questionnaire. The complete questionnaire can be found in Appendix
A. Table 3.3 links the research objectives to the relevant questions.
Section Details
Section A Demographics
Section B ICS/SCADA experience
Section C Factors influencing ICS/SCADA
Section D Best measures to govern and protect
Ethical approval for this research was obtained from the University of KwaZulu-Natal Ethics
Committee, a gate keeper memorandum from large State Owned Company (SOC), who wished to not
be named, and a gate keeper’s letter from ISACA South Africa. There is no impact on human dignity.
Informed consent from respondents was obtained prior to them participating in order to allow them to
make the decision to participate based on adequate knowledge of the study. All the respondents to the
questionnaire were anonymous. Any corporate data used in the study was anonymised and names were
de-identified to ensure confidentiality and integrity.
Inconsistency of reports from security vendors were discovered during the document analysis. This
includes differences between current and previous year’s categories as well as different categorisation
used between the various vendors. This could lead to some bias towards certain vulnerabilities and
threats complicated the overall analysis. From the study’s perspective, this might only have a small
implication, however this might impact someone in the industry trying to use various reports to
determine the top vulnerabilities and might wrongly place emphasis on non-prevalent vulnerabilities.
3.8 Summary
This chapter discussed the research problem and objectives and the research methodology that was
used in the study as well as limitations. This study employed mixed methods that were discussed. The
target population, sampling strategies, data collection and data analysis was described. A conceptual
framework was also discussed. The next chapter analyses the primary data which is the survey or
Chapter 4 Primary Data
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents analysis of the online questionnaire as described in Section 3.6. The sample of
this study was selected from information security, governance and SCADA/ICS professionals who
have experience with SCADA security. The online questionnaire was distributed via mail to members
of two communities (ISACA South Africa Chapter and a large SOC). A covering question was asked
in the questionnaire to establish the experience of the respondent and attempts to address the research
objectives as mentioned in Section 1.5. The reliability tests in Section 4.8, show high internal
consistency. Figure 4.1 is a graphical representation of the outline of this chapter and overall structure.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Literature Review
Factors influencing
Research Design and Chapter 3
Methodology Methodology
Impact of non-
governed ICS/SCADA
Chapter 4
Primary Data Best Methods to
Govern and Protect
Survey Results and
Data Analysis
Chapter 5 Usability of
Secondary Data and Governance and
Document Analysis Security Controls for
Chapter 6
Discussion Comparisons and
Discussion, Correlations
Conclusions and
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Conclusion
4.2 Demographics
The Demographics relates to the following questions in the questionnaire:
4.2.2 Sector
Figure 4.3 shows that 24 (35%) of respondents were from a Transport/Logistics sector; 10 (14%) from
Government, 8 (12%) from Consulting, Finance and IT/Telecoms respectively; 2 (3%) each from
Energy, Human Resources, Manufacturing and Other; while Education, Mining and Public services
(Fire, Police, Health care) each was 1 (1%). The respondents from Human Resources are abnormal
as there is not necessary ICS/SCADA systems used in Human Resources. However, when looking at
the rest of the questions answered by those from the Human Resources sector, they indicated they had
no knowledge of ICS/SCADA systems.
Figure 4.4: Job function
4.2.5 Primary interaction with ICS/SCADA
Figure 4.6 indicates that 21 (30%) of respondents had No knowledge of ICS/SCADA, 15 (22%)
interacted with ICS/SCADA via Audit/Consulting, 11 (16%) through IT, 7 (10%) through
Governance/Risk/Compliance, and 12% split between Security 4 (6%) and Management of
ICS/SCADA 4 (6%). From the respondents, 3 (4%) showed Some awareness of the risks/issues of
ICS/SCADA, 2 (3%) interacted with ICS/SCADA through Engineering, 1 (1.5%) through Operations
and through Academic research each.
After this question, the 21 (30%) participants that had No knowledge of ICS/SCADA were excluded
from answering further questions. A summary of the respondents is listed in Table 4.1.
Figure 4.7: Experience with ICS/SCADA
The responses received from the respondents for demographics in Section 4.2 included respondents
with no knowledge of ICS/SCADA systems. The respondents with no knowledge of ICS/SCADA was
excluded from this point. A summary of the respondent’s knowledge of ICS/SCADA are listed in
Table 4.1.
Figure 4.8: Level of visibility of threats for ICS/SCADA
From the responses, it was noted that the top three threats likely to occur are Malware with a mean of
3.06 (Medium - expected to occur in some circumstances), Staff undertaking unintentional
unauthorised actions with a mean of 2.96 (leaning towards Medium - expected to occur in some
circumstances) and disgruntled staff (intentional) with a mean of 2.71 (also leaning towards Medium
- expected to occur in some circumstances).
Corporate intelligence/Industrial
Staff undertaking unintentional
Natural disaster/environmental
Disgruntled staff (intentional)
Organised crime/Criminals
Illegal information brokers
Individual Hackers/script
Social engineering
Very low 19 14 9 8 9 13 19 16 19 3 14 14
Low 15 15 11 9 20 15 13 12 9 10 15 10
Medium 7 15 15 11 11 12 9 12 14 20 15 11
High 7 4 11 17 8 7 6 7 6 11 3 10
Very high 0 0 2 3 0 1 1 1 0 4 1 3
2.1 3.0
Mean 2.04 2.19 2.71 2.96 2.38 2.33 2.27 2.15 2.21 2.54
0 6
1.2 1.0
Variance 1.15 0.92 1.32 1.49 0.96 1.21 1.31 1.19 1.02 1.66
9 4
- -
- - - -
Kurtosis -1.04 -0.85 0.5 -0.89 -1.31 0.2 -0.24 -1.13
0.79 0.99 0.90 0.74
5 5
- 0.7 0.0
Skewness 0.67 0.21 -0.28 0.30 0.40 0.42 0.31 0.47 0.25
0.01 0 0
0.3 0.3
e Level 0.31 0.28 0.33 0.35 0.28 0.32 0.33 0.32 0.29 0.37
3 0
Rank 3 2 1
The 95% confidence intervals for the top three threats are 0.30 for Malware, 0.35 for Staff undertaking
unintentional unauthorised action and 0.33 for disgruntled staff (intentional). This indicates that with
a 95% confidence, the population mean for each of the above are Malware with a population mean of
between 2.77 (mean – confidence = 3.06 – 0.30) to 3.36 (mean + confidence = 3.06 + 0.30), Staff
undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions with a population mean of between 2.60 to 3.31 and
disgruntled staff (intentional) with a population mean of 2.38 to 3.04.
The bottom three threats likely to occur are: Individual Hackers/script kiddies with a mean of 2.04,
Terrorist with a mean of 2.10 and Protesters and activists (environmental/political/animal rights) with
a mean of 2.15 all leaning strongly towards Low (Expected to occur in a few circumstances).
Comparing the top three threats with the top three threats in Section 4.3.2, it is observed that the top
three correspond with the previous question, however the order is slightly different. Staff undertaking
unintentional unauthorised actions (e.g. making changes without following change control process)
was second in the previous question and Malware (worms/viruses/Trojans/spyware) 63% came out
first. The threat, disgruntled staff (intentional) remained third in both questions showing consistency.
4.3.4 Impact of threats
This relates to Question C3 of the questionnaire. Figure 4.11 shows the impact of threats related to
ICS/SCADA environments. Table 4.3 shows the frequency of the impact of the threat rating from Very
low or no impact (e.g. no impact of service) to Very high impact (e.g. service disruption for significant
time). In order to generate the descriptive statistics, the responses were rated from ‘1’, Very low impact
to ‘5’ Very High impact.
From the responses, the top three threats likely to impact ICS/SCADA systems are Malware with a
mean of 3.88 (Medium impact – e.g. some service disruption, but also leaning towards High impact –
e.g. service disruption), disgruntled staff (intentional) with a mean of 3.83 (also Medium impact -
expected to occur in some circumstances, but also leaning towards High impact – e.g. service
disruption), and Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions with a mean of 3.77 (Medium -
expected to occur in some circumstances but also leaning towards High impact – e.g. service
The 95% confidence intervals for the top three threats are 0.30 for Malware, 0.32 for disgruntled staff
(intentional), and 0.31 for Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised action. This indicates that
with 95% confidence, the population mean for each of the above are Malware with a population mean
of between 3.58 (mean – confidence = 3.88 – 0.30) to 4.17 (mean + confidence = 3.88 + 0.30),
disgruntled staff (intentional) with a population mean of 3.51 to 4.15 and Staff undertaking
unintentional unauthorised actions with a population mean of between 3.46 to 4.08.
Table 4.3: Frequency and descriptive statistics of the impact of threat
Corporate intelligence/Industrial
Individual Hackers/script kiddies
Natural disaster/environmental
Foreign intelligence services
Organised crime/Criminals
Illegal information brokers
Social engineering
Disgruntled staff
Very low 5 6 2 1 1 7 4 4 8 1 3 5
Low 12 10 5 6 12 11 6 4 8 4 7 12
Medium 7 19 6 9 10 10 7 8 10 10 6 8
High 13 7 21 19 19 15 15 22 14 18 14 19
Very high 11 6 14 13 6 5 16 10 8 15 18 4
Mean 3.27 3.83 3.77 3.35 3.00 3.69 3.63 3.13 3.88 3.77 3.10
Std 1.35 1.10 1.06 1.06 1.25 1.29 1.16 1.35 1.02 1.28 1.19
Deviation 7
Variance 1.82 1.21 1.12 1.13 1.57 1.67 1.35 1.81 1.05 1.63 1.41
0.5 0.36 -0.28 -0.95 -1.08 -0.53 0.21 -1.12 0.05 -0.56 -1.03
- 0.1
Skewnes -0.96 -0.65 -0.21 -0.13 -0.74 -0.91 -0.24 -0.73 -0.77 -0.29
0.19 3
ce Level 0.39 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.36 0.37 0.34 0.39 0.30 0.37 0.35
Rank 2 3 1 3
The bottom three threats likely to have less impact on ICS/SCADA systems should they occur are:
Illegal information brokers with a mean of 2.94, Foreign intelligence services with a mean of 3.00
and Social engineering (phishing emails etc.) with a mean of 3.10 all leaning strongly towards Low
(Expected to occur in a few circumstances).
The top 3 threats are consistent with the answers received from the respondents in Section 4.3.3,
although the order of the top three is slightly different.
vulnerability rating from very low to very high. In order to generate the descriptive statistics, the
responses were rated from ‘1’, Very low to ‘5’ Very High.
From the responses, the top three vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA systems are Patching
(outdated or unpatched systems) with a mean of 3.27 (Medium), No or limited Monitoring with a mean
of 3.23 (also Medium), and Access control (No or weak passwords) with a mean of 3.15 (Medium).
The 95% confidence intervals for the top three vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA systems are 0.33
for Patching, 0.31 for No or limited Monitoring and 0.36 for Access control (No or weak passwords).
This indicates that with 95% confidence the population mean for each of the above are Patching with
a population mean of between 2.94 (mean – confidence = 3.27 – 0.33) to 3.60 (mean + confidence =
3.27 + 0.33), Monitoring with a population mean of 2.92 to 3.54 and Access control with a population
mean of between 2.79 to 3.51 and.
The bottom three vulnerabilities on ICS/SCADA systems are: Wireless connections – overlooked and
poorly configured with a mean of 2.73, Network perimeter – Unsecure, firewall don’t
exist/misconfigured, direct connections to internet with a mean of 2.77 and Remote access –
authentication not secure/shared passwords for vendors with a mean of 2.94 all leaning strongly
towards Medium vulnerability.
Table 4.4: Frequency and descriptive statistics of vulnerabilities
Remote access
Access control
Very low 4 4 6 8 2 7 7 9 6
Low 13 8 11 13 11 11 11 12 10
Medium 11 12 11 13 14 13 12 12 12
High 12 19 16 10 16 12 12 13 14
Very high 8 5 4 4 5 5 6 2 6
Mean 3.15 3.27 3.02 2.77 3.23 2.94 2.98 2.73 3.08
1.24 1.12 1.19 1.21 1.06 1.23 1.26 1.18 1.23
Variance 1.53 1.27 1.43 1.46 1.12 1.51 1.60 1.39 1.52
Kurtosis -1.06 -0.52 -0.96 -0.87 -0.69 -0.93 -1.01 -1.07 -0.94
Skewness -0.01 -0.47 -0.20 0.16 -0.14 -0.02 -0.03 -0.01 -0.16
ce Level 0.36 0.33 0.35 0.35 0.31 0.36 0.37 0.34 0.36
Rank 3 1 2
4.3.6 Do you have controls in place to mitigate the vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA?
This relates to Question C6 of the questionnaire. Figure 4.13 shows the controls in place to mitigate
the vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA environments. Table 4.4 shows the frequency and full
descriptive statistics of the controls mitigating vulnerability. In order to generate the descriptive
statistics, the responses were rated from ‘1’, Have not implemented anything to ‘5’ Implemented and
operating effectively. The mean, etc. have been calculated by removing the N/A and Not sure
From the responses, it is noted that the top three controls mitigating vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA
environments are Configuration (Default configuration, no backup of configuration) with a mean of
3.91 (Partially Implemented/in progress, but leaning strongly towards Implemented control requires
improvement), Physical security with a mean of 3.89 (Partially Implemented/in progress, but leaning
strongly towards Implemented control requires improvement), and Network perimeter (Unsecure,
firewall don’t exist/misconfigured, direct connections to internet) with a mean of 3.85 (Partially
Implemented/in progress, but leaning towards Implemented control requires improvement).
Figure 4.13: Controls mitigating vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA environment
The 95% confidence intervals for the top three controls mitigating vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA
environments are 0.39 for Configuration, 0.34 for Physical security, and 0.31 for Network perimeter.
This indicates that with 95% confidence the population mean for each of the above, taking into account
those who responded are Configuration with a population mean of between 3.53 (mean – confidence
= 3.91 – 0.39) to 4.30 (mean + confidence = 3.91 + 0.39), Physical security with a population mean
of 3.55 to 4.24 and Network perimeter with a population mean of between 3.54 to 4.16. This further
indicates that the top three controls mitigating vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA environments are
between Partially Implemented/in progress, and Implemented control requires improvement.
The bottom three controls mitigating vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA environments are: Monitoring
with a mean of 3.34, Patching with a mean of 3.39 and Wireless connections with a mean of 3.43 all
Partially Implemented/in progress. The top three controls do not address the Top threats as mentioned
in Section 4.3.3 as well as the top three vulnerabilities. The control for addressing one of the top three
vulnerabilities, lack of Patching/inadequate patching, is one of the three bottom controls as indicated
by the respondents. There is a clear misalignment in prioritising controls to address top threats and
Table 4.5: Frequency and descriptive statistics of controls mitigating vulnerabilities
Remote access
Access control
Have not implemented
4 6 4 1 4 1 1 4 3
Plan to implement in
2 5 3 5 8 4 7 5 6
the next year
Implemented/in 10 11 7 8 13 21 7 12 7
Implemented control
13 13 11 18 12 7 13 14 19
requires improvement
Implemented and
18 11 21 14 10 11 19 9 12
operating effectively
Not sure 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1
N/A 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Count (n-N/A -
47 46 46 46 47 44 47 44 47
Mean* 3.83 3.39 3.91 3.85 3.34 3.52 3.89 3.43 3.66
Std Deviation* 1.24 1.32 1.30 1.05 1.24 1.05 1.17 1.21 1.18
Variance* 1.54 1.75 1.68 1.11 1.53 1.09 1.36 1.46 1.40
Kurtosis* 0.13 -0.81 0.05 -0.06 -0.85 -0.62 -0.61 -0.50 -0.24
Skewness* -0.95 -0.47 -1.05 -0.76 -0.26 0.06 -0.73 -0.50 -0.77
Confidence Level
0.36 0.39 0.39 0.31 0.36 0.32 0.34 0.37 0.35
Rank 1 3 2
* The mean, Standard Deviation, Variance, Kurtosis, Skewness and Confidence Level have been
calculated by removing the N/A and Not sure responses.
In order to generate the descriptive statistics, the responses were rated from ‘1’, Insignificant (no
impact on service/regulation) to ‘5’ Extreme/Catastrophic (Service interrupted for significant
time/major adverse publicity not avoidable).
From the responses, the top three impacts of non-governed ICS/SCADA environments should threats
and vulnerabilities materialise, are Loss of Availability/Denial of service with a mean of 3.67 which is
Moderate (Some service disruption/potential for adverse publicity), secondly Loss of Integrity with a
mean of 3.46 also Moderate (Some service disruption/potential for adverse publicity), and
Unauthorised control with a mean of 3.44 also Moderate (Some service disruption/potential for
adverse publicity).
The 95% confidence intervals for the top three impacts of non-governed ICS/SCADA environments
should threats and vulnerabilities materialise are 0.32 for Loss of Availability/Denial, 0.29 for secondly
Loss of Integrity, and 0.33 for Unauthorised control. This indicates that the population mean for each
of the above, with 95% confidence, are Loss of Availability/Denial with a population mean of between
3.34 (mean – confidence = 3.67 – 0.32) to 3.99 (mean + confidence = 3.67 + 0.32), Loss of Integrity
with a population mean of 3.17 to 3.75 and Unauthorised control with a population mean of between
3.11 to 3.77.
Table 4.6: Frequency and descriptive statistics of impact of non-governed ICS/SCADA
Loss of Integrity
of service
Loss of
Loss of
Insignificant (no impact on service/regulation) 10 1 2 3 Have any of the threats occurred in your organisation or an ICS/SCADA environment that
you have encountered?
This relates to Question C8 of the questionnaire. Figure 4.15 indicates that 37% of respondents did
not have a threat occurred in their ICS/SCADA environment. 25% of respondents indicated that a
threat did occur, 15% Can’t disclose, 13% are Not sure while 10% indicated Maybe. From this it could
be concluded that only 37% did not have a threat occurred in their ICS/SCADA environment, while
the remaining 63% might possibly have had a threat that occurred in their ICS/SCADA environment.
This strengthens the need to secure ICS/SCADA systems as 63% of respondents might had a threat
occurred in their ICS/SCADA systems.
Figure 4.15: Threats occurred in ICS/SCADA environment How many times did such events occur in the past 12 months?
This relates to Question C9 of the questionnaire. The respondents that answered Yes, indicating a
threat occurred in Question C8 in Section were further asked regarding the threat. Those who
answered No, Maybe, Not sure or Can’t disclose were excluded from Questions C9 and C10. Figure
4.16 indicates that 42% of respondents indicated that the threat/event occurred 2 – 4 times in the past
12 months, 41% of respondents had a threat/event occurred Once and 17% of respondents had a
threat/event occurred 5 – 10 times in the past month. This further strengthens the need of a control
framework as 59% of respondents indicated that a threat occurred more than twice in the last 12
64 How long did it take to discover the threat?
This relates to Question C10 of the questionnaire. Figure 4.17 indicates that 42% of those respondents
that had a confirmed threat materialising took between one week to one month (7 – 30 days) to
discover it. A quarter or 25% discovered the threat within one day, 17% took between 2 to 7 days, 8%
between 1 to 3 months, and 8% were unable to answer.
Figure 4.17: Time it took to discover a threats that occurred in ICS/SCADA environment
Figure 4.18: How ICS/SCADA is governed
4.5.2 Which of the following control frameworks do you make use of?
This relates to Question D2 of the questionnaire. Figure 4.19 indicates the control frameworks used
by the participants to secure and govern ICS/SCADA systems.
From the responses it is noted that the top three frameworks used by the respondents to govern and
secure their ICS/SCADA environments are COBIT, secondly ITIL and the ISO 27001 series. The
three frameworks that used the least by the respondents to govern and secure their ICS/SCADA
environments are ISA99, ENISA and CPNI. COBIT is suitable from a governance and security
perspective, however ITIL is more suitable in standard IT environment as it focuses more on IT service
management. The own develop framework might fit if it is adequately aligned to address threats,
vulnerabilities and risks in the respondents’ environment. The CPNI is a framework used by UK and
although suitable for ICS/SCADA systems, it might not be popular in South Africa, refer to Section
5.4 for framework comparisons.
Table 4.7: Frequency for Maturity of governance and security of ICS/SCADA environment
1 - Basic (Very minimal or basic level of controls)
2 - Evolving (Inconsistently applied controls) 12
3 - Established (Controls in place, but there is a need
for enhancement)
4 - Advanced (Control are consistently applied) 5
5 - Leading (Controls are established, consistently
applied, regularly reviewed and coordinated)
Mean 2.40
Std Deviation 1.05
Variance 1.10
Kurtosis -0.64
Skewness 0.17
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.30
Figure 4.20: Maturity of governance and security of ICS/SCADA environment
From the responses, the mean for responses of the maturity of governance and security for
ICS/SCADA environment is 2.40.
The 95% confidence intervals for this is 0.30. This indicates that with 95% confidence, the population
mean for the maturity of governance and security for the ICS/SCADA environment is between 2.10
(mean – confidence = 2.40 – 0.30) to 2. 70 (mean + confidence = 2.40 + 0.30). This indicates that the
population mean for the maturity of governance and security for ICS/SCADA environments, as per
the CMM discussed in Section, is between Evolving (Inconsistently applied controls) leaning
slightly towards Established (Controls in place, but there is a need for enhancement). The CMM is
displayed in Figure 4.21.
0 1 2 3 4 5
- Current State
- Desired State
4.6.2 How effective are the following controls implemented in your ICS/SCADA
This relates to Question D4 of the questionnaire. In order to generate the descriptive statistics, the
responses were rated from ‘1’, Have not implemented to ‘5’ Implemented and operating effectively.
The mean, etc. have been calculated by removing the N/A and Unsure/Unknown responses. Table 4.8
shows the frequency and descriptive statistics for effectiveness of controls implemented in
ICS/SCADA environment for the Top three and bottom three, the full list is displayed in Appendix B.
Table 4.8: Frequency and descriptive statistics for effectiveness of controls implemented in ICS/SCADA
Environmental standards
Strategy of ICS/SCADA
Physical access control
intelligence centre
Firewalls in place
SIEM or security
Data encryption
12 2 4 11 9 2
Have not implemented
Plan to implement in the next
2 2 2 3 6 2
Partially Implemented/in
10 9 7 11 9 11
Implemented but requires
15 14 14 15 15 11
Implemented and operating
9 21 19 7 6 21
Unsure/Unknown 0 0 2 1 2 0
0 0 0 0 1 1
Count (n-N/A -
48 48 46 47 45 47
Mean* 3.15 4.04 3.91 3.09 3.07 4.00
Std Deviation* 1.46 1.09 1.24 1.40 1.36 1.12
Variance* 2.13 1.19 1.55 1.95 1.84 1.26
Kurtosis* -1.21 0.80 0.46 -1.14 -1.15 0.32
Skewness* -0.39 -1.11 -1.13 -0.36 -0.30 -0.96
Rank 3rd last 1 3 2nd last last 2
* The table of frequencies listed. The mean, Standard Deviation, Variance, Kurtosis, Skewness and
Confidence Level have been calculated by removing the N/A and Unsure/Unknown responses.
Figure 4.22: Effectiveness of controls implemented
From the responses, as shown in Figure 4.22, the top three effective controls implemented in the
ICS/SCADA environments are Physical access control with a mean of 4.04 (Implemented but requires
improvement), secondly Firewalls in place with a mean of 4.00 (Implemented but requires
improvement), and Environmental standards with a mean of 3.91 (Partially Implemented/in progress
but leaning strongly towards Implemented but requires improvement).
The 95% confidence intervals for the top three effective controls implemented in the ICS/SCADA
environments are 0.32 for Physical access, 0.33 for Firewalls in place, and 0.37 for Environmental
standards. This indicates that with 95% confidence, the population mean for each of the above are,
Physical access with a population mean of between 3.72 (mean – confidence = 4.04 – 0.32) to 4.36
(mean + confidence = 4.04 + 0.32), Firewalls in place with a population mean of 3.67 to 4.33 and
Environmental standards with a population mean of between 3.54 to 4.28.
The bottom three effective controls implemented in the ICS/SCADA environments are: Strategy of
ICS/SCADA with a mean of 3.07, SIEM or security intelligence centre with a mean of 3.09 and Data
encryption with a mean of 3.15, which all relates to Partially Implemented/in progress.
4.6.3 How easy is it /was it to implement the following controls implemented in your
ICS/SCADA environment?
This relates to Question D5 of the questionnaire. In order to generate the descriptive statistics, the
responses were rated from ‘1’, Very difficult to implement to ‘5’ Very easy to implement. The mean,
etc. have been calculated by removing the N/A responses. Table 4.9 shows the frequency and
descriptive statistics for effectiveness of controls implemented in ICS/SCADA environment for the
Top three and bottom three, the full list is displayed in Appendix C.
From the responses as see in Figure 4.23, it was noted that the top three easiest controls to implement
for the ICS/SCADA environment are Physical access control with a mean of 3.59 (Implement with
some challenges), Environmental standards with a mean of 3.48 (Implement with some challenges),
and Virus/malware protection with a mean of 3.47 (Implement with some challenges).
The 95% confidence intervals for the top three threats are 0.28 for Physical access control, 0.29 for
Environmental standards, and 0.30 for Virus/malware protection. This indicates that with 95%
confidence, the population mean for each of the above are Physical access control with a population
mean of between 3.31 (mean – confidence = 3.59 – 0.28) to 3.86 (mean + confidence = 3.59 + 0.28),
Environmental standards with a population mean of 3.19 to 3.76 and Virus/malware protection with
a population mean of between 3.16 to 3.77.
Table 4.9: Frequency and descriptive statistics for how easy it is/was to implement controls in
ICS/SCADA environment
Virus/malware protection
Environmental standards
Systems hardening
Remote access
1 1 2 1 1 1
Very difficult to implement
Difficult to implement 4 4 7 6 6 12
Implement with some challenges 15 16 20 23 14 19
Easy to implement 19 16 10 10 16 9
Very easy to implement 7 5 2 1 6 2
2 6 7 7 5 5
Count (n-N/A) 46 42 41 41 43 43
Mean* 3.59 3.48 3.07 3.10 3.47 2.98
Std Deviation* 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.77 0.98 0.89
Variance* 0.87 0.84 0.82 0.59 0.97 0.79
Kurtosis* 0.16 0.18 0.27 0.75 -0.31 -0.13
Skewness* -0.44 -0.33 -0.15 -0.17 -0.29 0.26
Rank 1 2 3
* The table of frequencies listed. The mean, Standard Deviation, Variance, Kurtosis, Skewness and
Confidence Level have been calculated by removing the N/A responses.
The bottom three most difficult controls to implement for the ICS/SCADA environment are: Systems
hardening with a mean of 2.98 (Difficult to implement leaning highly towards Implement with some
challenges), Remote access with a mean of 3.07 (Implement with some challenges) and 3rd party
remote access with a mean of 3.10 (Implement with some challenges).
Figure 4.23: Ease of implementation of controls in ICS/SCADA environment
4.6.4 What type of intelligence do you rely on to detect threats aimed at your ICS/SCADA
This relates to Question D6 of the questionnaire. Figure 4.24 shows what type of intelligence the
respondents rely on to detect threats aimed at their ICS/SCADA environment. 32 respondents Rely on
staff to know when to search out events, 25 Use anomaly detection tools like SIEM/SIC to identify
trends, 20 Review audit logs and 3 had No (none) intelligence to detect threats in their ICS/SCADA
environment. 1 had another method.
4.6.5 How confident/certain are you that the implemented controls mitigating the threats and
risks are sufficient?
This relates to Question D7 of the questionnaire. Figure 4.25 indicates how confident/certain the
respondents are that the implemented controls mitigating the threats and risks sufficiently. 35% of
respondents indicated that they are Moderately confident that the implemented controls mitigate the
threats and risks sufficiently, 29% indicated that they are Somewhat confident and 23% indicated that
they are Confident that the implemented controls mitigate the threats and risks sufficiently, whereas
13% respondents indicated that they are Not confident at all that the implemented controls mitigate
the threats and risks sufficiently. No one indicated that they are Very confident that the implemented
controls mitigate the threats and risks sufficiently. In order to generate the descriptive statistics, the
responses were rated from ‘1’, Not confident at all to ‘5’ Very confident.
Figure 4.25: Confidence of implemented controls
Table 4.10: Frequency how confident/certain the respondents are that the implemented controls
mitigating the threats and risks sufficiently
Frequency Percentage
The 95% confidence intervals for this is 0.28. This indicates that with 95% confidence, the population
mean for how confident/certain the respondents are that the implemented controls mitigating the
threats and risks sufficiently for ICS/SCADA environment is between 2.41 (mean – confidence = 2.69
– 0.28) to 2.97 (mean + confidence = 2.69 + 0.28). This indicates that the population mean for how
confident/certain the respondents are that the implemented controls mitigating the threats and risks
sufficiently for ICS/SCADA environment is between Somewhat confident leaning heavily towards
Moderately confident.
4.6.6 What are your top three priorities when it comes to implementing effective controls for
the security of your control systems or ICS/SCADA systems that you have encountered?
This relates to Question D8 of the questionnaire. The top 3 priorities when it comes to implementing
effective controls for the security of ICS/SCADA systems are: 1. Preventing control system service
interruption which majority 24 (50%) of the respondents selected, 2. Preventing financial
loss/Protecting shareholder value 20 (42%) and 2. Protecting health and safety of employees 17 (35%)
as depicted in Figure 4.26.
We can conclude from Figure 4.26 that 24 (50%) of respondents indicated that their top priority is
Preventing control system service interruption, which aligns to Section 2.2.1 which indicated that for
ICS/SCADA systems availability is more important than confidentiality and integrity.
impact of the threat from Section 4.3.4. The means of each threat’s Probability/Likelihood vs the mean
of each threat’s Impact was plotted in Figure 4.34.
From Figure 4.27 it was observed that the top three risks to ICS/SCADA environment are Malware,
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions and disgruntled staff. Comparing this to the top
three threats likely to occur, it is noted that this is exactly the same with Malware being the top threat,
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions and disgruntled staff (intentional). Also
comparing this to the top three threats likely to impact ICS/SCADA systems, the top three is similar
but in a slightly different order. Malware is still the top threat to impact ICS/SCADA systems,
secondly is disgruntled staff (intentional) and Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions.
We can also see from Figure 4.27 that there are almost three distinct clusters. The first being the top
three risks; Malware, Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions and disgruntled staff. The
second cluster or grouping consists of Organised crime/Criminals, Natural disaster/environmental,
Terrorists and Corporate intelligence/Industrial espionage, all having Probability/Likelihood above
two (Low - Expected to occur in a few circumstances) but higher impact, above 3.6 (leaning towards
High impact – e.g. service disruption). The third cluster consist of threats also have a
Probability/Likelihood above two (Low - Expected to occur in a few circumstances) but lower impact
just above three (Medium impact – e.g. some service disruption). The threats that make up this cluster
or grouping are: Foreign intelligence services, Illegal information brokers, Protesters and activists,
Individual Hackers/script kiddies and Social engineering.
4.7.2 Correlation between Probability/Likelihood and Impact of threats
The correlation between the Probability/Likelihood of a threat occurring and the Impact of threats on
ICS/SCADA environments were calculated. Only the components were the two variables are
correlated are shown and the self-correlation has been removed for convenience, hence there is no
Table 4.11: Partial correlation Matrix between Probability/Likelihood and Impact of threats
Natural disaster/environmental
Disgruntled staff (intentional)
Organised crime/Criminals
Illegal information brokers
Social engineering
Individual - - - - - - -
0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1
Hackers/script 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3
6 6 7 0 0
kiddies 9 3 3 9 6 0 1
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2
Illegal information 0.1
9 6 1 0 8 5 0 9 6 4 2
brokers 7
- - - - -
0.0 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.0
Disgruntled staff 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
6 1 7 0 6 2 7
(intentional) 1 2 2 3 9
Staff undertaking -
0.0 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1
unintentional 0.0
8 7 0 9 1 5 9 2 3 5 4
unauthorised actions 9
Corporate - - - - -
0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.4
intelligence/Industria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 8 3 1 2 0 5
l espionage 5 9 2 5 7
0.1 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4
threat (Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions (e.g. making changes without following
change control process)) and the impact that the threat (disgruntled staff (intentional)) have. This
could indicate that the respondents see Probability/Likelihood of Staff undertaking unintentional
unauthorised actions similar to the impact that disgruntled staff (intentional) would have.
There are also strong correlations between the Probability/Likelihood of the threat (Protesters and
activists) with the impact of the same threat. This is similar for the Probability/Likelihood and the
impact of the threat (Protesters and activists).
From Figure 4.28 the top five security confidence controls are Physical access control, Environmental
standards, Backup and recovery, Firewalls in place, and Virus/malware protection. Comparing this
to the top three effective control implemented in the ICS/SCADA environments, it is noted Physical
access control is also first followed by Firewalls and Environmental controls. (Partially
Implemented/in progress but leaning strongly towards Implemented but requires improvement).
Also comparing the security confidence controls with the top three easiest controls to implement for
the ICS/SCADA environment, Physical access control is again first followed by Environmental
standards which the same as the security confidence shown. Virus/ malware protection is third under
easiest controls to implement for the ICS/SCADA environment, but is fifth of the security confidence
We can also see from Figure 4.28 that there is a distinct group of controls which have less security
confidence. These are User awareness training, ICS/SCADA strategy, SIEM or SIC,
Communication/encryption and Data encryption. From the effectiveness of the controls implemented
it is noted that these controls are Partially Implemented/in progress and from ease of implementation
the controls are Implemented with some challenges.
From the partial correlation matrix in Table 4.12, it is noted there is a strong correlation (where the
correlation coefficient, r, is greater than 0.5) between the Probability/Likelihood of the threat (Staff
undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions (e.g. making changes without following change
control process)) and the vulnerability Patching - outdated/unpatched. This could indicate that the
respondent sees Probability/Likelihood of Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions
occurring where there are no patching or patches is outdated.
Table 4.12: Partial correlation Matrix between Probability/Likelihood of threats and Vulnerabilities
Probability/Likelihood of threat
Staff undertaking unintentional
Individual Hackers/script kiddies
Natural disaster/environmental
Foreign intelligence services
Organised crime/Criminals
Illegal information brokers
Social engineering
Disgruntled staff
Access control - No or 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0
weak password 5 8 7 3 4 5 5 0 1 0 3 2
Patching - 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2
outdated/unpatched 9 4 3 0 6 4 6 0 3 1 4 5
Configuration –
Default configuration, 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1
no backup of 3 7 9 5 1 1 2 4 3 3 6
Network perimeter –
Unsecure, firewall
don’t 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.1
exist/misconfigured, 5 3 2 7 6 4 2 1 7 0 2 9
direct connections to
0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2
Monitoring – No or 0.1
3 1 3 9 5 3 8 6 6 6 9
limited 2
Remote access –
authentication not 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3
secure/shared 9 9 2 8 1 1 3 9 6 6 9 7
passwords for vendors
Physical security –
inadequate protection 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1
and/or no 2 9 2 6 4 8 7 2 5 4 8
environmental controls
Wireless connections –
0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4
overlooked and poorly
4 3 7 3 5 9 0 2 6 5 0 9
Anti-virus/malware –
No software 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2
installed/unused/outda 3 7 2 4 1 6 2 2 8 5 3 8
4.8 Reliability
The questions listed in Table 4.13 contained questions for which the Cronbach Alpha coefficient could
be calculated. Questions A1 – A4, B1 – B2, C4, C8, D1 – D3 and D6 –D8 contained one variable and
the Cronbach Alpha’s coefficient could not be calculated. Where the Cronbach Alpha coefficient is
between 0.8 and 0.9, the internal consistency is good and where the Cronbach Alpha coefficient is
greater than 0.9, the internal consistency is excellent. Overall the internal consistency ranges from
acceptable to excellent. This shows great reliability of the data.
4.9 Summary
The chapter presented the results from the questionnaire survey. A third of respondents that had a poor
or very poor visibility of threats on their ICS/SCADA environment which could indicate that these
ICS/SCADA environments are not governed. The top three threats likely to occur as well as have an
impact are malware, staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions and disgruntled staff. This
was triangulated to another question where the respondents indicate the same top threats.
The study found that the top three vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA systems are patching
(outdated or unpatched systems), no or limited monitoring and access control (no or weak passwords).
The top three controls mitigating vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA environments are configuration
(default configuration, no backup of configuration), physical security and network perimeter
(unsecure, firewall don’t exist/misconfigured, direct connections to internet) all partially
implemented/in progress, but leaning towards implemented control requires improvement.
It was noted the top three impacts of non-governed ICS/SCADA environments should threats and
vulnerabilities materialise, are loss of availability/denial of service, loss of integrity and unauthorised
Almost two thirds of respondents might possibly have had a threat that occurred in their ICS/SCADA
environment. The study found that the top three frameworks used by the respondents to govern and
secure their ICS/SCADA environments are COBIT, ITIL and the ISO 27001 series.
The maturity of governance and security for ICS/SCADA environments is between evolving
(Inconsistently applied controls) leaning slightly towards established (controls in place, but there is a
need for enhancement).
The top three effective controls implemented in the ICS/SCADA environments are physical access
control, firewalls in place, and environmental standards and the top three easiest controls to
implement are physical access control, environmental standards and virus/malware protection. Only
the virus/malware protection addresses one of the top threats. This shows a misalignment of focusing
and implementing controls that does not mitigate the top threats and vulnerabilities.
Chapter 5 Secondary Data and Document Analysis
5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the analysis of secondary data and documents. The documentary methods to
collect the data from open source, security system data, reports and advisories, was analysed using
descriptive statistics which was then summarised in order to address the Research Objectives as
mentioned in Section 1.5.
Data from Shodan and from security systems was obtained, sanitised and analysed. The document
analysis was performed by selecting existing frameworks, security alerts reports and trends. The data
from the documents was then divided into pre-determined categories, coded and summarised. Figure
5.1 is a graphical representation of the outline of this chapter and overall structure.
Chapter 6
Conclusions and
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Conclusion
5.2 Reports and Security Alerts and Advisories
The sample for the document analysis was chosen by selecting common and freely available security
alert reports and trends related to Governance, Information security and ICS/SCADA. International
reports, trends as well as one study from South Africa was used.
The Symantec reports were obtained for a three year period, 2013 (Symantec 2014a, 2014b), 2014
(Symantec 2015) and 2015 (Symantec 2016a, 2016b). The vulnerabilities for ICS/SCADA were then
categorised based on their description into the broader vulnerability type categories as displayed in
Table 5.1. From Table 5.1, denial of service was the top vulnerability in 2013 with 37.5%, Memory
corruption/buffer overflow second with 18.8% and information disclosure third at 15.6%. In 2014
denial of service declining and dropped from first in 2013 to seventh place in 2014. Memory
corruption/buffer overflow increased to 28.6% as the top vulnerability in 2014. Info disclosure second
with 22.9% and remote code execution and privilege escalation combined third with 11.4%. In 2015
security bypass was the top vulnerability at 22.8% followed closely by remote code execution at
21.9%. Third place was denial of service at 14.9%.
Combining the totals for the three years it is noted that the top combined vulnerability is security
bypass at 17.7%, denial of service and memory corruption/buffer overflow both second with 17.1%
each. Thirdly was remote code execution at 16.6%. The graphical representation is presented in Figure
From Table 5.1, Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3 it is observed that the total number of vulnerabilities from
2013 to 2014 have increased at a minimum margin, however the increase between 2014 to 2015 have
increased significantly from 35 in 2014 to 114 in 2015. The number of Security Bypass vulnerabilities
have significantly increase from 3 in 2014 to 26 in 2015, a 767% increase. Denial of Service
vulnerabilities have also significantly increase by 750% from 2 in 2014 to 17 in 2015. Remote code
execution vulnerabilities have increased by 525%, 4 in 2104 to 25 in 2015. An increase of 400% was
seen for Code injection, moving from 1 in 2014 to 5 in 2015. There was also a 50% increase in the
Memory corruption/buffer overflow vulnerability, 10 in 2014 to 15 in 2015. Other vulnerabilities
increase by 100% from 3 in 2014 to 6 in 2015. This indicates that more and more vulnerabilities are
being discovered and the rate of new vulnerabilities almost double year on year leave ICS/SCADA
systems more exposed.
Vulnerability 2013 2014 2015
No % No % No % No %
Cross site scripting 1 3.1% 0 0.0% 6 5.3% 7 3.9%
Denial of service 12 37.5% 2 5.7% 17 14.9% 31 17.1%
Info disclosure 5 15.6% 8 22.9% 9 7.9% 22 12.2%
Memory corruption/buffer
overflow 6 18.8% 10 28.6% 15 13.2% 31 17.1%
Other 2 6.3% 3 8.6% 6 5.3% 11 6.1%
Remote code execution 1 3.1% 4 11.4% 25 21.9% 30 16.6%
Security bypass 3 9.4% 3 8.6% 26 22.8% 32 17.7%
Code injection 2 6.3% 1 2.9% 5 4.4% 8 4.4%
Privilege escalation 0 0.0% 4 11.4% 5 4.4% 9 5.0%
Grand Total 32 100% 35 100% 114 100% 181 100%
Adapted from: Symantec (2014a, 2014b, 2015, 2016a, 2016b)
Figure 5.3: Symantec Report 2013 to 2015 comparison
5.2.2 ICS-CERT
As part of the Industrial Control Systems Computer Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) mandate
to reduce risk on critical infrastructure across the US, they compile an annual report to share security
incidents and mitigating measures. The reports for 2014 (National Cybersecurity and Communications
Integration Center 2014) and 2015 (National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center
2015) were obtained. The ICS-CERT responded to 245 incidents and to 295 incidents in 2014 and
2015 respectively. The ICS-CERT reports for 2014 and 2015 are listed per sector in Table 5.2.
From Table 5.2, and Figures 5.4 and 5.5, it was noted that the top sector in 2014 where incidents
occurred were the Energy Sector with 32.2% and secondly Critical Manufacturing Sector where 26.5%
of the incidents occurred. In 2015 there was an increase in the overall number of incidents as well as
in the sectors, Critical Manufacturing Sector contributing 32.9% of the incidents and the Energy Sector
experiencing 15.6% of the incidents. Combining the incidents for the two years, the top sectors
experiencing incidents are Critical Manufacturing Sector with 30% and the Energy Sector with 23.1%.
The other sectors all contribute less than 10% each. This shows that since the number of vulnerabilities
increased year on year, see Section 5.2.1, so does the incidents increase. The increase in incidents in
the Critical Manufacturing Sector, Transportation system and Water and Wastewater system sectors
indicate that ICS/SCADA systems in critical operations are more and more becoming a target.
Table 5.2: ICS-CERT report 2014 and 2015
Adapted from: National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (2014, 2015)
Figure 5.5: ICS-CERT 2014 and 2015 comparison
Adapted from: National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (2014, 2015)
Figure 5.6: SANS Threat Vectors 2013 to 2016
From Table 5.3 and Figure 5.6 it is noted that the top threat vectors in 2013 were Malware, Internal
Threat and External Threat. 2014 saw Internal Threat moved to first place, External Threat second and
Malware dropped to third. In 2015, External Threat increase to first place while Internal Threat
dropped to second. The third place in 2015 was attributed to a new Threat, Integration of IT into
Control System Networks. 2016 repeated the exact same pattern as 2014 with Internal Threat in first
place, External Threat second and Malware third.
External Threat has slightly decreased from 2013 to 2014 and then increased in 2015 just to decrease
again in 2016 to a similar level as 2014. Internal threat remained the same for 2013/2014, decreased
in 2015 and returned to approximately the same level in 2016 as it was in 2013/2014. Malware trend
indicated that the threat has decreased from 2013 to 2014 and decreased again in 2015, but remained
the same in 2016.
Phishing Scams generally decreased as well as Industrial Espionage and Other Threats. Integration of
IT into Control System Networks Threat was introduced in 2015 and decreased in 2016. Cyber-
security Policy Violations was a new Threat that only appeared in 2014. This implies an increase in
internal threat as internal staff are violating policies.
The top three threat vectors for each year are summarised in Table 5.4:
Table 5.4: SANS Top Threat Vectors 2013 to 2016
The top threats overall are: Internal Threat, External Threat and Malware. All these threats could have
an impact on the operation of ICS/SCADA systems and could lead to disruption to the operations or
organisation. This is further discussed in Section 6.2.2.
As part of the SANS survey, 2013 to 2015, the participants were asked to list the security standard or
control frameworks used. The results are displayed in Table 5.5.
From Table 5.5 and Figure 5.7 it was noted that the most frequent standard used in 2013 is the NIST
Guide to SCADA and Industrial Control Systems Security (40%), followed by the 20 Critical Security
Controls (34%) and NERC CIP (30%). The ‘Other’ category was at 26%. Like 2013, the control
framework used the most in 2014 were the NIST Guide (32%) again followed by the Critical Security
Controls (26%). The NERC CIP and ISO 27000 tied in third position at 20%. The Other category
decreased from 26% in 2013 to 6% in 2014 as new frameworks/standards being selected by the
participants. These include: ENISA Guide to Protecting ICS—Recommendations for Europe and
Member States (6%), ISA100.15 Backhaul Network Architecture (5%), and Qatar ICS Security
Standard (4%). There was also however 27% of participants that were unsure of what control
framework/standard is being used.
Figure 5.7: SANS Security Standards used 2013 to 2015
In 2015 similar results show NIST being the most popular at 49%, but NERC CIP moving to second
spot from 20% in 2014 to 37% in 2015. The Critical Security Controls also made the top 3 again at
34%. There was an increase in the use of the ISA99 standard as it moved from 18% in both 2013 and
2014 to 29% in 2015.
Combining the results from all three years the top three frameworks/standards consistently used are:
NIST, Critical Security Controls and NERC CIP. There has been a general increase in the use of NIST
and NERC, while the use of the Critical Security Controls remained similar.
The Kaspersky report for 2015 was obtained and analysed. From Figure 5.8 it is noted that the top
three vulnerabilities are: Buffer overflow, use of hard-coded credentials and cross-site scripting.
Figure 5.8: Kaspersky ICS Vulnerabilities
5.2.5 Wolfpack
Wolfpack Information Risk conducted a survey on Critical Information Infrastructure in South Africa
(Wolfpack 2016). This research was conducted independently and at the same time as this study was
being conducted and the report, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Report, was released in
June 2016. Although this report focused on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection in South
Africa, only a small section was dedicated ICS/SCADA systems. Similar questions were asked
compared to the SANS report, as discussed in Section 5.2.3. The Wolfpack survey was distributed to
a different audience as this study and the number of participant related to the ICS/SCADA part could
not be determined.
From the survey conducted by Wolfpack Information Risk, as displayed in Figure 5.9 the top three
threat vectors for ICS/SCADA systems were: Insider exploits (selected by 63%), and combined
secondly, each selected by 56% of the participants, are External threats, Attacks originating within the
internal network and Information security policy violations. Malware was selected by 31% of the
Figure 5.9: Wolfpack Top Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities:
Table 5.6 compared the vulnerabilities reported from Symantec to Kaspersky for the year 2015.
Security Bypass was reported as the Top vulnerability from the Symantec report, while Kaspersky
reported the Top vulnerability as Buffer overflow, second use of hard-coded credentials compared to
remote code execution reported by Symantec and cross-site scripting whereas denial of service was
reported as the third biggest vulnerability by Symantec.
The most prevalent vulnerabilities for 2015 are security bypass, remote code execution and buffer
overflow. Others include denial of service, use of hard-coded credentials and cross-site scripting.
94 Threats
Table 5.7 compare the vulnerabilities reported from SANS to Wolfpack for the year 2016. SANS
reported internal threat as the top threat which is similar to the top threat, insider exploits reported by
Wolfpack. Similar external threat was reported by both SANS and Wolfpack as the second biggest
threat, although attacks originating within the internal network and Information security policy
violations were combined the second biggest threats as reported by Wolfpack. Malware was reported
as third biggest threat by SANS whereas Wolfpack reported it as the fifth biggest.
Top three perceived threats from SANS report are Internal Threat, External Threat and Malware. The
reports from 2013 to 2015 have similar threats appearing in various orders each year.
The most prevalent Threats are: Internal/Insider threat, External Threat and Malware.
From Table 5.1 and Figure 5.11 the total number of vulnerabilities from Year 1 to Year 2 has
decreased. This could be due to patching and vulnerability management that were more effective. The
percentage Cross site scripting has increased from 43.5% in Year 1 to 52.7% in Year 2, an increase of
9.2%. Information disclosure has decreased from 30.7% in Year 1 to 13.7% in Year 2, a decrease of
17%. Other vulnerabilities that have increased include Remote code execution which has increased
from 3.8% in Year 1 to 7.7% in Year 2 and Privilege escalation from 6.3% in Year 1 to 8.4% in Year
Table 5.8: Vulnerability categorised
Year 1 Year 2 TOTAL
No % No % No %
Code Injection 779 2.7% 611 3.9% 1,390 3.1%
Cross site scripting 12,425 43.5% 8,248 52.7% 20,673 46.8%
Denial of Service 127 0.4% 61 0.4% 188 0.4%
Info Disclosure 8,772 30.7% 2,148 13.7% 10,920 24.7%
Memory corruption/buffer
overflow 34 0.1% 29 0.2% 63 0.1%
Other 1,584 5.5% 682 4.4% 2,266 5.1%
Privilege escalation 1,801 6.3% 1,307 8.4% 3,108 7.0%
Remote code execution 1,081 3.8% 1,211 7.7% 2,292 5.2%
Security Bypass 1,940 6.8% 1,355 8.7% 3,295 7.5%
Grand Total 28,543 100% 15,652 100% 44,195 100%
Author Compiled, Source: Network Security Device Data
5.3.1 Comparing to other reports
Table 5.9 compare the vulnerabilities from Symantec and Kaspersky to the network security device
vulnerabilities. For 2014 it was noted information disclosure was the second biggest vulnerability for
both Symantec and the network security device with memory corruption/buffer overflow being the
top vulnerability for Symantec and cross site scripting for the network security device. Remote code
execution and security bypass taking third largest vulnerability for Symantec and the network security
device respectively. In 2015 it was observed security bypass being the top vulnerability from the
Symantec report, while cross site scripting remained the top vulnerability for the network security
device. Kaspersky reported the top vulnerability as buffer overflow, second use of hard-coded
credentials and cross-site scripting. This is further discussed in Section 6.3.2.
A comparison between seven control frameworks and standards that could be used to protect the
ICS/SCADA environment. The following control frameworks or standards were compared:
ISO 27002:2013 Code of practice for information security controls, (ISO/IEC 2013);
CIS 20 Critical Controls (SANS Institute 2016); and
NERC CIP (Knapp 2011).
The standards were coded or rated as follows: red if nothing is mentioned about the control, orange if
the control is briefly mentioned, yellow if the control mentioned is partially relevant to ISC/SCADA
environment, i.e. the control cannot be implemented immediately and require modification to align to
an ICS/SCADA environment and green is the control is relevant (i.e. no modification is required and
can be implemented immediately) to an ICS/SCADA environment. Table 5.10 shows a summary of
the comparisons and Figure 5.12 a graphical representation of the comparison.
5 SP800- 21 27002 critical CIP
82 steps controls
Audit logs
Incident response
SIEM/Security Intelligence
Strategy of ICS/SCADA
Policies, Procedures,
Standards, and Frameworks
User awareness training
Project Management
Risk Management
3rd Party and vendor management
3rd party management
Vendor Management
3rd party remote access
In order to represent the above table on a graph, the legend was rated and the sub categories was
averaged as follows:
Red/No mention to 0;
Orange/Briefly mentioned to 1;
Yellow/Partially relevant to 2; and
Green/Relevant to ICS/SCADA to 3.
Figure 5.12: Graphical representation of the comparison of Control frameworks and standards
From Table 5.10 and Figure 5.12 it was noted the CPNI framework is best suited overall as it covers
all the security areas, secondly the NIST SP800-82 and then the ISO27001/2 series. The DOE 21 steps
are the worst suited as it is lacking in a couple of areas, including Platform security, Logical access,
Physical security and 3rd party and vendor management. From a governance perspective the COBIT
framework (ISACA, 2012) is the best suited as it covers the governance areas substantially. The NERC
CIS and SANS’s 20 Critical controls are the worst suited in terms of Governance as it fails to cover
areas such as Strategy, Policies, standards, Project and Risk Management.
Figure 5.13: ICS/SCADA Device type with known default passwords
The ICS/SCADA vendors with the most known default passwords are Schneider Electric with 24,
Siemens with 22 and Emerson with 21. Table 5.11 gives a summary of the vendors and know default
It was noted from the analysis the type of account that was listed. Although it was not possible to
determine what type of accounts some of the default passwords and accounts were, it is evident that
around 85% of the accounts belonged to an administrator type of account as displayed in Figure 5.14.
This would provide the user of that account full access to the ICS/SCADA system/device.
Figure 5.14: ICS/SCADA Account type with known default passwords
It can be concluded that the most common known default password would be a Network device from
the Vendors, Schneider Electric, Siemens or Emerson, which would have administrator type access.
This would make these the most vulnerable devices in the ICS/SCADA environment should the default
password not have been changed.
5.6 Shodan
Project SHINE (2014) released a report in 2014 that contained information of ICS/SCADA devices
that are directly connected to the Internet. This was partly replicated, but made specific for South
Africa. From Section, the five most common protocols and ports are Modbus (Port 502),
Siemens/ICCP (Port 102), DNP3 (Port 20000), Ethernet/IP (Port 44818) and BACNet (Port 47808).
The open source search engine, Shodan (, was used to search for these protocols and
port in order to determine the number of ICS/SCADA devices in South Africa are exposed to the
internet. There were 2,213 ICS/SCADA devices in South Africa exposed to the internet. Table 5.12
gives a summary of the results and Figure 5.15 to Figure 5.19 the results from the Shodan searches.
The 2,213 ICS/SCADA devices in South Africa that are exposed to the internet poses a huge risk. This
means they are easy accessible to hackers and do not have effective controls in place, such as
segregation of ICS/SCADA via a well configured firewall.
Table 5.12: List of ICS/SCADA device exposed to the internet
Source: Shodan
Figure 5.16: Shodan results for Port 102
Source: Shodan
Source: Shodan
Figure 5.18: Shodan results for Port 44818
Source: Shodan
5.7 Summary
The document analysis was conducted on alert reports and trends based on international studies as
well as one local study relevant to South Africa. There is consistency across all sets of analysis and
results showing high levels of confidence. From the document analysis, it was observed that the most
prevalent vulnerabilities are Security Bypass, Remote code execution and Buffer Overflow while the
most prevalent Threats are: Internal/Insider threat, External Threat and Malware. The top sectors
where incidents occurred were the Energy Sector and Critical Manufacturing Sector.
Comparing international best practices, it was determined that the CPNI framework is best suited
overall as it covers all the security areas, and the COBIT framework is the best suited from a
governance perspective.
The most common known default password would be a Network device from the Vendors, Schneider
Electric, Siemens or Emerson, which would have administrator type access. This would make these
the most vulnerable devices in the ICS/SCADA environment should the default password not have
been changed. It was noted that 2,213 ICS/SCADA devices in South Africa that are exposed to the
internet. These do not have effective controls in place, such as segregation of ICS/SCADA via a well
configured firewall.
The next chapter discusses the results from the survey and the document analysis and link them back
to the study’s objectives to draw meaningful outcomes.
Chapter 6 Discussion
6.1 Introduction
Chapter 4 presented the results and outcomes of the online survey and Chapter 5 the findings from
document analysis. This chapter revisits the study’s objectives and discusses the findings and results
per research objective. The results are also triangulated and discussed in line with the results from the
document analysis in order to draw meaningful implications and comparisons to international studies.
Figure 6.1 is a graphical representation of the outline of this chapter and overall structure. The research
objectives are listed in Table 6.1 and the study’s outcomes in line with each objective follow.
Research Objective 1
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Literature Review
Research Objective 2
Research Design and Chapter 3
Methodology Methodology
Research Objective 3
Chapter 4
Primary Data
Research Objective 4
Survey Results and
Data Analysis
Chapter 5
Secondary Data and
Document Analysis Research Objective 5
Chapter 6
Discussion Research Objective 6
Conclusions and
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Conclusion
Table 6.1: Summary of Research objectives
6.2.1 Vulnerabilities
It was noted in Section 4.3.5 from the questionnaire that the top three vulnerabilities related to
ICS/SCADA systems are outdated or unpatched systems, no or limited monitoring, and access control
(no or weak passwords), all three listed as a medium vulnerability.
Looking at technical vulnerabilities, in Section 5.3 from the network security device data, it was
evident that cross site scripting is the top vulnerability, second highest vulnerability is information
disclosure and third security bypass. These technical vulnerabilities take priority above the perceived
vulnerabilities as they are actual measured data.
From the document analysis in Section, it was evident that the most prevalent vulnerabilities
are security bypass, remote code execution and buffer overflow. Others include denial of service, use
of hard-coded credentials and cross-site scripting.
The document analysis was conducted on reports based on international studies as well as one local
study relevant to South Africa. The document analysis found security bypass as the prevalent
vulnerability, as discussed in Section while from the network security device in South Africa
it was found as the third highest vulnerability. Cross site scripting is the highest vulnerability from the
network security device in South Africa while internationally it is in the Top 6. Cross-site scripting
vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls, the categorisation of the international
reports could list a cross-site scripting vulnerability under security bypass.
There is a challenge that each report categorise the vulnerabilities differently. This might have a small
implication on the study as there are no consistency between categories and this could lead to some
bias towards certain vulnerabilities and threats. Also this might impact someone in the industry when
trying to use various reports to determine the top vulnerabilities and could wrongly place emphasis on
controls for vulnerabilities that are not really the most prevalent.
It was also noted that no or weak passwords, as listed by the respondents, as the third highest
vulnerability coincide with the third highest vulnerability found from the analysis of the network
security devices. With outdated or unpatched systems and no or limited monitoring being the top two
vulnerabilities as indicated by the respondents, there are big gaps in terms of securing and having an
overview of vulnerabilities for ICS/SCADA in South Africa.
From the document analysis in Section 5.5, it was determined that there are at least 234 known
ICS/SCADA default passwords with most having privilege access in the form of administrator or root
accounts. This strengthens and align with the third highest vulnerability of no or weak passwords from
the survey and third highest vulnerability from the document analysis on the network security devices.
It was determined from the analysis in Section 5.6 that a number of ICS/SCADA devices in South
Africa are exposed to the internet. At least 2,213 ICS/SCADA devices in South Africa are exposed to
the internet and poses as a huge risk. The implication is that they are easy accessible to hackers as
these ICS/SCADA device do not have effective controls in place. There is a lack of appropriate
segregation of ICS/SCADA networks and IT or corporate networks via a well configured firewall
leaving them exposed and easily accessible via the internet.
The vulnerability factors influencing ICS/SCADA in South Africa are outdated or unpatched systems,
no or limited monitoring and access control while the technical vulnerabilities are security bypass,
cross-site scripting and remote code execution.
6.2.2 Threats
The results in Section 4.3.2 illustrated that the top three threats likely to occur are:
This was triangulated to the question in Section 4.3.3 as the respondents listed the top 3 threats as:
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions (e.g. making changes without following change
control process) which 67% of the respondents selected, malware (worms/viruses/Trojans/spyware)
63% and disgruntled staff (intentional) 48%.
From the document analysis of SANS report in Section 5.2.3 it was noted that the top three perceived
threats from an international perspective are internal threat, external threat and malware. This relates
to the top threats selected by the respondents in Section 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. Internal threats can be directly
linked to staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised action as well as disgruntled staff, and malware
remained in the top three.
From a local perspective, from the Wolfpack report discussed in Section 5.2.5, it was evident the Top
threats are: Insider exploits, and combined secondly, external threats, attacks originating within the
internal network and information security policy violations. Malware was in the top 5. This also relates
to the top threats selected by the respondents in Section 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. Internal threats and
information security policy violation can be directly linked to staff undertaking unintentional
unauthorised action as well as disgruntled staff while malware remained the in the top three. Apart
from malware, the results are consistent between the local survey conducted by Wolfpack and this
study. The survey performed by Wolfpack might have targeted a different audience which perceived
malware as top 5 threat and not top 3. This is a small deviation and no material impact on the results.
This suggests that from both an international and local perspective the threats are similar and the
following three threats are perceived as the Top threats: staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised
actions, disgruntled staff and malware. There is consistency across all sets of analysis and results
showing high levels of confidence.
6.2.3 Risks
As discussed in Section 3.4, risk is defined as impact times probability/likelihood (Boehm, 1991). The
probability/likelihood of threat vs the impact of threat was plotted in Figure 6.2.
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions and
Disgruntled staff
Figure 6.2: Risk (Impact vs Probability/Likelihood)
This aligns to the threats discussed in Section 6.2.2 and strengthen consistency across all sets of
analysis and results showing high levels of confidence.
6.2.4 Summary
There are three factors influencing ICS/SCADA in South Africa. They are vulnerabilities, technical
vulnerabilities and threats. The vulnerability factor influencing ICS/SCADA in South Africa are
outdated or unpatched systems, no or limited monitoring and access control while the technical
vulnerabilities are security bypass, cross-site scripting and remote code execution. A number of
ICS/SCADA devices are exposed to the internet indicating that there is a lack of appropriate controls
to effectively segregate the ICS/SCADA network from IT or corporate network. The threat factor
influencing ICS/SCADA in South Africa are staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions,
disgruntled staff and malware. These factors could potentially influence the availability of
ICS/SCADA systems by causing distribution to operations and the business and ultimately financial
loss. There is also a bigger risk if these factors influence the operation of ICS/SCADA systems
whereby human life could be at stake.
6.3 Research Objective 2 – To determine what the best mitigating controls to govern
and secure ICS/SCADA systems in South Africa are.
In order to determine the best mitigating controls to govern and secure ICS/SCADA systems, the
vulnerabilities and threat related to ICS/SCADA needs to be taken into account. The controls should
be implemented based on vulnerability and threat priority. Control preference should be given to these
technical vulnerabilities as these were detected and not perceived as in the case of the top perceived
vulnerabilities and threats.
It was also noted the bottom three controls mitigating vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA environments
as selected by respondents in the questionnaire are: monitoring, patching and wireless connections all
partially Implemented/in progress as indicated by the respondents.
Looking at the vulnerabilities discussed in Section 6.2.1, the top three vulnerabilities related to
ICS/SCADA systems are patching (outdated/unpatched), monitoring (no or limited), and access
control (no or weak password). The controls to govern or mitigate the vulnerability for
outdated/unpatched is by implementing patching control, which are neither top or bottom three, but
the respondents indicated that patching control is partially implemented/in progress.
Similarly, for the vulnerability in no or limited monitoring, the control to govern or mitigate it is to
implement a monitoring control, which are the bottom control implemented as respondents indicated
this is partially implemented/in progress. The third top vulnerability is in access control (No or weak
password), and the control to govern or mitigate is to implement effective access controls like
passwords and user account management. This control is neither top nor bottom three, but the
respondents indicated that access control is partially implemented/in progress, but leaning strongly
towards implemented control requires improvement.
Although this is a slightly lesser risk than the other two top vulnerabilities, this is still a risk as the
control should be implemented and operating effectively in order to successfully govern or mitigate
the vulnerability. This shows a clear gap in governing/mitigation of all three the top vulnerabilities.
Table 6.2 show a summary of Top vulnerabilities and the status of controls.
Table 6.2: Summary of Top vulnerabilities and status of relevant controls
The best mitigating controls to govern and secure the top perceived vulnerabilities for ICS/SCADA
systems in South Africa are to patch ICS/SCADA systems, to monitor them and to ensure appropriate
access control in the form of user account management is in place.
From the discussion in Section 6.2.2 it was noted that the threat factor influencing ICS/SCADA in
South Africa are staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions, disgruntled staff and malware.
In order to adequately mitigate these, effective access control and anti-virus software needs to be
The controls to govern or mitigate the technical vulnerability for cross site scripting and information
disclosure is configuration management, which are the top control implemented as indicated by the
respondents. They indicated that the configuration control was leaning very strongly towards the
category of Implemented control requires improvement. Although the focus is on mitigating the
technical vulnerabilities, the implemented control was still not at optimum level, which were
implemented and operating effectively.
Similar for the technical vulnerability, security bypass, the control to govern or mitigate it is to
implement effective access controls such as passwords and user account management. This control is
neither top nor bottom three, but the respondents indicated that access control is partially
implemented/in progress, but leaning strongly towards implemented control requires improvement.
Although all three of these technical vulnerabilities have a slightly less risk than the other
vulnerabilities mentioned in Section 6.3.1, there are still a risk as the controls should be implemented
and operating effectively in order to successfully govern or mitigate the vulnerabilities. This shows a
clear risk in governing and mitigation of all three the top vulnerabilities.
Table 6.3: Summary of Top technical vulnerabilities and status of relevant controls
From the document analysis in Section, the international reports indicated that the most
prevalent vulnerabilities are security bypass, remote code execution and buffer overflow. Others
include denial of service, use of hard-coded credentials and cross-site scripting.
As noted above, security bypass, requires access controls such as passwords and user account
management, to govern or mitigate it. This control is neither top nor bottom three, but the respondents
indicated that access control is partially implemented/in progress, but leaning strongly towards
implemented control requires improvement. For the technical vulnerability remote code execution, the
control, remote access is neither top nor bottom three, but the respondents indicated that remote access
control is partially implemented/in progress.
The third top technical vulnerability, memory corruption/buffer overflow requires effective
configuration management, which although is the top control implemented, the implemented control
is still not at optimum level, which are implemented and operating effectively. Respondents indicated
that configuration control is leaning very strongly towards the category of implemented control
requires improvement. This shows a clear gap in governing/mitigation of all three the top international
technical vulnerabilities.
Table 6.4 provides a summary of the most prevalent international technical vulnerabilities from the
document analysis with the status of controls.
Table 6.4: Summary of Top international technical vulnerabilities and status of relevant controls
The focus is wrongly placed on the implementation of physical security and network perimeter
controls. These controls do not however address the technical vulnerabilities in security bypass, being
the third top vulnerability from the local network security device, and the top technical vulnerability
from an international perspective. The focus should also be on the other top two international technical
vulnerably (remote code execution and memory corruption/buffer overflow) as they might come or
become relevant to South Africa at a later stage.
From Section 4.6.5 it was noted that the Top 3 priorities when it comes to implementing effective
controls for the security of ICS/SCADA systems are: Preventing control system service interruption,
preventing financial loss/protecting shareholder value and protecting health and safety of employees.
The top threats and vulnerabilities discussed will cause system service interruption and possible
financial loss, thus strengthening the need to shift the focus towards mitigating the top threats and
vulnerabilities as a priority.
6.3.3 Summary
The state of ICS/SCADA is one of ungoverned and unsecure systems. The best mitigating controls to
govern and secure the top perceived vulnerabilities and threats for ICS/SCADA systems in South
Africa are to patch ICS/SCADA systems, to monitor them and to ensure appropriate access control in
the form of user account management is in place as well as appropriate anti-virus software.
The best mitigating controls to govern and secure the technical vulnerabilities are the implementation
of appropriate access control, implementation of appropriate and secure configuration as well as
implementing controls to govern and secure remote access. Preference is given to these technical
vulnerabilities as these were detected and not perceived as in the case of the top perceived
vulnerabilities and threats.
We also saw that the bottom three threats likely to have less impact on ICS/SCADA systems should
they occur are: illegal information brokers, foreign intelligence services and social engineering
(phishing emails etc.) all leaning strongly towards low (Expected to occur in a few circumstances).
In Section 4.4 it was indicated top three impacts of non-governed ICS/SCADA environments should
threats and vulnerabilities materialise, are loss of availability/denial of service, secondly loss of
integrity and unauthorised control all having a moderate impact which could lead to some service
disruption/potential for adverse publicity.
The author observed in Section 4.4.1 that 37% of respondents did not have a threat occurrence in their
ICS/SCADA environment. It was not that 25% of respondents indicated that a threat did occur, 15%
cannot disclose, 13% are not sure while 10% indicated maybe. From this it could be concluded that
only 37% did not have a threat occurrence in their ICS/SCADA environment, while the remaining
63% might possibly have had a threat that occurred in their ICS/SCADA environment. From the
respondents that had a threat occurring in their ICS/SCADA environment, it was noted that 42% of
respondents indicated that the threat/event occurred ‘2 – 4’ times in the past 12 months, 41% of
respondents had a threat/event occurred once and 17% of respondents had a threat/event occurred ‘5
– 10’ times in the past month.
The top perceived threats and vulnerabilities is expected to occur in some circumstances and
potentially lead to loss of availability or denial of service, loss of integrity and unauthorised control.
This impact could cause some service disruption or potential for adverse publicity.
6.4.1 Summary
The impact of non-governed or unsecure ICS/SCADA is loss of availability or denial of service. The
top perceived threats and vulnerabilities could potentially lead to service disruption which could cause
distribution to operations and the business and ultimately lead to financial loss. There is also a bigger
risk if these factors influence the operation of ICS/SCADA systems whereby human life could be at
stake. This could also have a potential for adverse publicity.
6.5 Research Objective 4 – To determine how ICS in South Africa are secured and
In Section 4.5.1 it was noted that the majority of the respondents (69%) have control frameworks in
place. 17% of respondents indicated that ICS/SCADA is regulatory monitored, 8% were unsure how
ICS/SCADA systems are secured and governed, 4% indicated that ICS/SCADA systems are not
governed while 2% indicated other.
The effectiveness of controls is discussed in more detail in Section 6.6.1 and indicate the
implementation levels of controls which also have an influence on how ICS/SCADA systems are
secured and governed.
We also saw in Section 4.5.2 that the top three frameworks used by the respondents to govern and
secure their ICS/SCADA environments are COBIT, ITIL and the ISO 27001 series. The three
frameworks that are used the least by the respondents to govern and secure their ICS/SCADA
environments are ISA99, ENISA and CPNI.
From the document analysis in section 5.4 it was observed that the CPNI framework is best suited
overall as it covers all the security areas, secondly the NIST SP800-82 and then the ISO27001/2 series.
From a governance perspective the COBIT 5 framework (ISACA, 2012) is the best suited as it covers
the governance areas substantially
From this it was established that the majority of respondents in South Africa have control frameworks
in place that mostly govern the ICS/SCADA environment. As the majority indicated they use COBIT,
which is the best suited from a governance perspective. However, what is lacking is the security aspect.
As per the document analysis the best suited framework, the CPNI, is one of the least used frameworks
by respondents in South Africa. This shows a gap in the securing ICS/SCADA systems or
environments in South Africa.
In order to fully determine how ICS in South Africa are secured and governed the maturity of
governance and security of an ICS/SCADA environment in South Africa was looked at. In Section
4.6 it was noted that 38% of respondents indicated that the maturity of governance and security in
their ICS/SCADA environment is established, 25% indicated the maturity of their environment is
evolving and 25% also indicated their environment is basic. It was also note that 10% of the
governance and security of ICS/SCADA environments are advanced and only 2% leading. From the
responses, it was noted the mean for the responses of the maturity of governance and security for
ICS/SCADA environment is 2.40 and that, with 95% confidence, the population mean for the maturity
of governance and security for the ICS/SCADA environment is between 2.10 to 2. 70. This indicates
that the population mean for the maturity of governance and security for ICS/SCADA environments
is between evolving (Inconsistently applied controls) leaning slightly towards established (Controls in
place, but there is a need for enhancement).
The desired state for ICS/SCADA environments are at minimum advanced or leading (refer to Section, however it can be concluded that although a majority of respondents have control frameworks
in place to govern the ICS/SCADA environment, the maturity of the controls is between evolving
(Inconsistently applied controls) and established (Controls in place, but there is a need for
enhancement) as indicated in Figure 6.3.
0 1 2 3 4 5
- Current State
- Desired State
6.6 Research Objective 5 – To establish if the confidence levels of implemented
controls/measures mitigating the threats and risks are sufficient
In order to establish if the confidence levels of the implemented controls/measures mitigating the
threats and risks are sufficient the effectiveness of controls as well as the ease of implementation of
controls needs to be look at, which gives us the security confidence as discussed in Section 3.4 and as
depicted in Figure 3.2.
The bottom three effective controls or less effective controls implemented in the ICS/SCADA
environments are: strategy of ICS/SCADA, SIEM or security intelligence centre and data encryption
which all relates to partially implemented/in progress.
Looking at the vulnerabilities from Section 6.2.1, the top three vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA
systems are patching (outdated/unpatched), monitoring (no or limited), and access control (no or weak
password). The controls to govern or mitigate the vulnerability for outdated/unpatched is by
implementing patch management, which are neither top or bottom three, but the respondents indicated
that patch management is partially implemented/in progress.
Similar for the vulnerability, no or limited monitoring; the control to govern or mitigate it is to
implement a SIEM or security intelligence centre, which are the second least effective control
implemented. The respondents indicated this is partially implemented/in progress. The third top
vulnerability is in access control (no or weak password), and the control to govern or mitigate is to
implement effective user access management. This control is neither top nor bottom three, but the
respondents indicated that user access management is partially implemented/in progress, but leaning
strongly towards implemented control requires improvement. Although the control, user access
management is a slightly lesser risk than the other two top vulnerabilities, this is still not sufficient as
the control should be implemented and operating effectively in order to successfully govern or mitigate
the vulnerability. This shows a clear gap in governing and mitigating of all three the top vulnerabilities.
The threats influencing ICS/SCADA security as discussed in Section 6.2.2, were malware, staff
undertaking unintentional unauthorised action and disgruntled staff as the top three threats. Looking
at controls to govern or mitigate these threats, the control to govern or mitigate malware is
virus/malware protection. The respondents indicated that anti-virus/malware control is partially
implemented/in progress, but leaning towards implemented control requires improvement. This shows
a risk in governing and mitigation of the top threat, namely malware. Similar gap for the threat, staff
undertaking unintentional unauthorised action, the control to govern or mitigate it is policies,
procedures, standards and frameworks. Respondents indicated this is partially implemented/in
progress. For the third top threat, disgruntled staff, the control to govern or mitigate this is to
implement effective user access management in order to remove the user’s account should they be
terminated. Effective policies, procedures, standards and frameworks is also required to mitigate
disgruntled staff. For both these controls the respondents indicated that the controls are partially
implemented/in progress, but leaning strongly towards implemented control requires improvement for
user access management. Although this is a slightly lesser risk than the other two top threats, this is
still a risk as the control should be implemented and operating effectively in order to successfully
govern or mitigate the threat, disgruntled staff.
For both the threats and vulnerabilities, the focus might be wrongly placed on the implementation of
physical security and network perimeter controls, and does not however fully address the above threats
and vulnerabilities. Although physical security might prevent disgruntled staff to do physical damage,
more emphasis should be placed access control, the focus should be shifted towards the threats and
vulnerabilities that are relevant to the ICS/SCADA environment.
Looking at the vulnerabilities from Section 6.2.1, the top three vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA
systems are patching (outdated/unpatched), monitoring (no or limited), and access control (no or weak
password). The controls to govern or mitigate the vulnerability for outdated/unpatched systems is by
implementing patch management, which are neither top or bottom three, but the respondents indicated
that patching control as implement with some challenges.
Similar for the vulnerability, no or limited monitoring, the control to govern or mitigate it is to
implement a SIEM or security intelligence centre, which respondents indicated this as implement with
some challenges. The third top vulnerability is in access control (No or weak password), and the
control to govern or mitigate is to implement effective user access management. This control is neither
top nor bottom three easiest to implement, but the respondents indicated that user access management
as implement with some challenges.
This indicates that the mitigating controls for the top vulnerabilities are not difficult to implement nor
is it easy, but that it can be implemented with some challenges. This shows that some effort has been
made to implement these controls.
The threats influencing ICS/SCADA security from Section 6.2.2, were malware, staff undertaking
unintentional unauthorised action and disgruntled staff as the top three threats. Looking at controls to
govern or mitigate these threats, the control to govern or mitigate malware is virus/malware
protection. The respondents indicated that anti-virus/malware control is the third easiest control to
implement and indicated as implement with some challenges. This shows that some effort has been
made to implement the control to mitigate one of the top three threats, malware. Similar risks for the
threat, staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised action, the control to govern or mitigate it is
policies, procedures, standards and frameworks. Respondents indicated this as implement with some
challenges. For the third top threat, disgruntled staff, and the control to govern or mitigate this
implement effective user access management in order to remove the user’s account should they be
terminated as well as effective policies, procedures, standards and frameworks. For both these
controls the respondents indicated that the controls as implement with some challenges. Similar to the
vulnerabilities, this indicates that the mitigating controls for the top threats are not difficult to
implement nor is it easy, but that it can be implemented with some challenges. This shows that some
effort has been made to implement these controls.
6.6.3 How confident/certain are you that the implemented controls mitigating the threats and
risks are sufficient?
In Section 4.6.4 it was noted how confident/certain the respondents were that the implemented controls
mitigating the threats and risks sufficiently. The average of respondents indicate that they are
somewhat confident leaning towards moderately confident that the implemented controls mitigate the
threats and vulnerabilities sufficiently. This indicates that the confident levels are lower than it should
From Section 4.7.3, the security confidence is made up from usability of security and ease of use of
security, as depicted in Figure 6.3. The top five security confidence controls are: physical access
control, environmental standards, firewalls in place, backup and recovery and virus/malware
protection. These controls should be focused on or prioritised when developing a control framework.
This relates to similar controls as discussed in Section 6.6.1 and Section 6.6.2.
Figure 6.4: Effectiveness of control vs Ease of implementation
6.6.4 Summary
Although focus is placed on certain controls to mitigate the perceived threats and vulnerabilities, more
emphasis should be placed on controls that address the threats and vulnerabilities that are relevant to
the ICS/SCADA environment.
The perception is that the mitigating controls for the top threats and vulnerabilities are not difficult to
implement nor is it easy, but that it can be implemented with some challenges. This shows that some
effort has been made to implement these controls. The confident levels of the respondents are lower
than it should be for the controls that have been implemented to mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities
6.7 Research Objective 6 – To develop a control framework addressing the shortfalls
for ICS security in South Africa
The research framework was discussed in Section 3.4, and is populated with the relevant data and
results that was found by the study. Refer to Figure 6.2 for the unpopulated research framework.
Impact Perceived
Threats and
Coping response
(Propose ICS
Usability of
Ease of use of
In Section 6.7.1 to Section 6.7.8 following, the top results that was used as input into the Research
framework listed. The red blocks are represented from Sections 6.7.1 to 6.7.5.
6.7.1 Probability
From the discussion in Section 6.2.2, the top three threats likely to occur are:
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions; and
Disgruntled staff (intentional).
6.7.2 Impact
From the discussion in Section 6.2.2, the top three threats likely to impact ICS/SCADA systems are:
Disgruntled staff; and
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions.
6.7.3 Risks
As discussed in Section 6.2.3, the top three risks to ICS/SCADA environment are:
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions; and
Disgruntled staff. Threat
From the discussion in Section 6.2.2, the top three threats likely to occur are:
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions; and
Disgruntled staff (intentional). Vulnerabilities
The discussion in Section 6.2.1, indicated that the top three vulnerabilities related to ICS/SCADA
systems are
Outdated/unpatched systems;
No or limited Monitoring;
ICS/SCADA not appropriately segregated; and
No or weak password.
Security Bypass;
Cross site scripting; and
Remote code execution.
Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions;
Disgruntled staff;
Security Bypass;
Cross site scripting;
Remote code execution;
Outdated/unpatched systems;
No or limited Monitoring;
No or weak password; and
ICS/SCADA not appropriately segregated.
The green blocks are represented from Sections 6.7.6 to 6.78 and relate to the TAM model.
The research framework has been populated with the list of all the relevant input from Sections 6.7.1
to Section 6.7.8. Note that the blocks inside the black dotted line (Probability, Impact, Threats and
Risk) have the same list, namely malware, staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions and
disgruntled staff.
Probability Risk
1. Malware
2. Staff undertaking
Impact 1. Malware unintentional
2. Staff undertaking unauthorised actions
unintentional unauthorised 3. Disgruntled staff
actions 4. Security Bypass
3. Disgruntled staff 5. Cross site scripting
6. Remote code execution
7. Outdated / unpatched
8. No or limited
9. No or weak passwords
10. ICS/SCADA not
appropriately segregated
1. Outdated / unpatched systems
2. No or limited Monitoring
3. No or weak password s
4. ICS/SCADA not appropriately
Technical Vulnerabilities:
1. Security Bypass
2. Cross site scripting
3. Remote code execution
Usability of security:
1. Physical access control
2. Firewalls in place
3. Environmental standards
1. Physical access control
2. Environmental Coping response
standards (Propose ICS/
3. Firewalls in place SCADA framework)
4. Virus / malware
5. Backup and recovery
Ease of use of security:
1. Physical access control
2. Environmental standards
3. Virus / malware protection
6.7.9 Coping response (Propose ICS/SCADA framework)
Taking the perceived susceptibility from Section 6.7.5 and the Security Confidence from Section 6.7.8
as in put into the coping response, the framework for protection of ICS/SCADA in South Africa can
be developed.
A. Understand the system
As discussed in Section, an organisation or company needs to conduct a formal inventory and
analysis of the ICS/SCADA systems and components in the environment. This was excluded as there
were various organisations from different industries consisting of multiple ICS/SCADA systems.
D. Understand vulnerabilities
The vulnerabilities affecting the organisation needs to be assessed under this step. The vulnerabilities
for ICS/SCADA systems in South Africa was determined, as discussed in Section 6.2.1 and populated
in Section
E. Development of framework
A SCADA control framework was developed taking into account the relevant risks, threats and
vulnerabilities to the South African ICS/SCADA environment. From the document analysis in Section
5.4, the CPNI framework is best suited overall as it covers all the security areas and the COBIT
framework is best suited from a governance perspective and was also used by most respondents as
discussed in Section 6.5. The high level framework is listed in Table 6.5 with prevalent controls to
implement based on the Perceived susceptibility, as discussed in Section 6.7.5. The time frame for
each control is based on priority. Priority 1 controls need to be implemented within three months,
priority 2 within six months and priority three within a year. The details of each control is discussed
in Section to Section
Table 6.5: ICS/SCADA controls prioritised
Policies, procedures,
3 6 – 12 months
standards, and frameworks
3 6 – 12 months
Risk Management 3 6 – 12 months
Incident Response 3 6 – 12 months
User Awareness Training 3 6 – 12 months
Third Party Management 3 6 – 12 months
Project Management 3 6 – 12 months
Vendor Management 3 6 – 12 months
Communication: Wireless Bottom 3 3 6 – 12 months
and mobile
Strategy of ICS/SCADA Bottom 3 3 6 – 12 months
Data encryption Bottom 3 3 6 – 12 months
128 Virus/Malware Protection
To ensure that the ICS/SCADA environment is protected against malware and external threats by
implementing vendor accredited and configured anti malware software. Where anti malware software
cannot be deployed, other protection measures should be implemented, such as gateway anti-virus
scanning or manual media checking.
129 Patch Management
To ensure that vendor certified security patches are implemented. Thoroughly test all patches on a
test-bed prior to installing on production systems. Where security patching is not possible or practical,
alternative appropriate protection measures are considered.
to date to ensure recovery of ICS/SCADA systems in a way to minimise business impact in the event
of a major disruption. Communication/Encryption
To ensure that critical and confidential communication of the ICS/SCADA network, whether wired or
wireless are appropriately encrypted and are regularly monitored and reviewed.
131 Strategy of ICS/SCADA
To ensure that the ICS/SCADA strategies and organisational strategies are aligned.
6.8 Summary
The factors influencing ICS/SCADA in South Africa are: vulnerabilities, namely, outdated or
unpatched systems, No or limited monitoring and Access control; technical vulnerabilities such as
Security Bypass, Cross-site scripting and Remote code execution; and threats which include Staff
undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions, disgruntled staff and Malware. These factors could
potentially cause distribution to operations and the business and ultimately lead to financial loss or
possibly human life.
The best mitigating controls to govern and secure the top perceived vulnerabilities and threats for
ICS/SCADA systems in South Africa are to patch ICS/SCADA systems, to monitor them and to ensure
appropriate access control in the form of user account management is in place as well as appropriate
Anti-virus software. While the best mitigating controls to govern and secure the technical
vulnerabilities are the implementation of appropriate Access control, implementation of appropriate
and secure Configuration as well as implementing controls to govern and secure remote access.
More focus was placed on certain controls to mitigate the perceived threats and vulnerabilities that are
relevant to the ICS/SCADA environment. The perception is that the mitigating controls for the top
threats and vulnerabilities can be implemented with some challenges. A control framework consisting
of governance and security controls, was develop to take into account these perceived threats and
vulnerabilities in order to mitigate the risk of ICS/SCADA in South Africa. Priority was given to
controls that mitigate the perceived threats, risk and vulnerabilities. The controls were rearranged into
a defence in depth model. The next chapter concludes the study and provide recommendations.
Chapter 7 Conclusions and recommendations
7.1 Introduction
The previous chapter interpreted and discussed the results of the analysis of the data gathered by means
of the online questionnaire, and secondary data analysis. This chapter concludes the study and
examines whether the research objectives were achieved. This dissertation consisted of seven chapters
(including this chapter).
Chapter 1 introduced the study and described the research approach. The aim of the study was to assess
the current practices of ICS/SCADA in SA, and to develop a consolidated framework aligned to South
Africa taken into account new and existing legislation. Chapter 2 presented a literature review on
ICS/SCADA. Chapter 3 discussed the research methodology and the research design that guided this
study, while Chapter 4 presented the quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Chapter 5 looked at
various documents from local and international as well as network security device data, analysed and
compared these. Chapter 6 presented a discussion based on the quantitative and qualitative data
analysed and in relation to the secondary data analysis.
This chapter concludes the study by presenting the conclusions, the limitations, proposes areas for
future research and a final conclusion. Figure 7.1 is a graphical representation of the outline of this
chapter and overall structure.
Introduction and Chapter 1
Background Introduction
Chapter 2
Literature Review Conclusions
Literature Review
Chapter 4
Research outcomes
Primary Data
Survey Results and
Data Analysis
Chapter 5
Secondary Data and Future work
Document Analysis
7.2 Conclusions
The research objectives were met and are discussed further in the section below.
7.2.1 Research Objective 1 – To determine the factors (vulnerabilities and threats) influencing
ICS security in South Africa
The study found that the factors (vulnerabilities and threats) influencing ICS/SCADA environments
in South Africa are Patching, Monitoring, and Access control for vulnerabilities and Cross site
scripting, Information Disclosure and Security Bypass as technical vulnerabilities. The other factors
(threats) that influence ICS/SCADA in South Africa are Malware, Staff undertaking unintentional
unauthorised actions and disgruntled staff. Figure 6.1 shows the Risks related to ICS/SCADA. The
Top risks are the matching the top threats. Comparing this with analysis of reports from both an
international and local perspective it was noted this coincides with the top threats as found by the study
showing consistency in the results. These factors could potentially cause distribution to operations and
the business and ultimately lead to financial loss or possibly human life.
7.2.2 Research Objective 2 – To determine what the best mitigating controls to govern and
secure ICS/SCADA systems in South Africa are
The study found that the top three controls mitigating vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA environments
as indicated by the respondents were Configuration Management, Physical security and Network
perimeter. The respondents indicated these controls were Partially Implemented/in progress. This
however does not address the top threats and vulnerabilities in the ICS/SCADA environment. It was
also noted the controls mitigating the top threats and vulnerabilities were at best Partially
Implemented/in progress. This shows there are still risks as the controls should be Implemented and
operating effectively in order to successfully govern or mitigate the top threats and vulnerabilities. The
state of ICS/SCADA is one of ungoverned and unsecure systems. The controls need to be prioritised
to focus on the top risks, threats and vulnerabilities.
The threats (Malware, disgruntled staff (intentional) and Staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised
actions) likely to impact ICS/SCADA systems all have a Medium impact, which indicate the threats
are expected to occur in some circumstances but could also have a Higher impact like service
7.2.4 Research Objective 4 – To determine how ICS in South Africa are secured and governed
The study found that the majority of the respondents in South Africa have control frameworks in place.
These frameworks however mostly focus on the governance aspect and not so much on the security
aspect of an ICS/SCADA environment. There is a clear gap in securing ICS/SCADA systems or
environments in South Africa.
Furthermore, the respondents indicated that the maturity of the controls are between Evolving, i.e.
inconsistently applied controls, and Established i.e. Controls in place, but there is a need for
enhancement. It was concluded that although a majority of respondents have a governance framework
in place, the controls are not consistently applied or operating effectively.
7.2.5 Research Objective 5 – To establish if the confidence levels of implemented
controls/measures mitigating the threats and risks are sufficient
The study found that the confidence levels of implemented control/measures mitigating the threats
and risk are low as the respondents are only somewhat confident that the implemented controls
mitigating the threats and risk are sufficient.
The effectiveness of controls as well as the ease of implementation of controls were also investigated.
The top three perceived as effective controls implemented in the ICS/SCADA environments (Physical
access control, Firewalls and Environmental standards) were at best implemented but requires
improvement. This further strengthen the results in Section 7.2.4 which indicates the controls are not
consistently applied or operating effectively. Figure 6.3 shows the effectiveness of control versus the
ease of implementation. It was observed that the top three easiest controls to implement for the
ICS/SCADA environment (Physical access control, Environmental standards and Virus/ malware
protection) were at best implemented with some challenges. This indicates that not only are the controls
difficult to implement, but even if controls are implemented, there still requires improvement as they
are not operating effectively.
The confident levels of the respondents are lower than it should be for the controls that have been
implemented to mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities sufficiently. From the discussion, the controls
that should be prioritised or focused on are: Virus/malware protection, Physical access control,
Environmental standards, Firewalls in place, and Backup and recovery.
7.2.6 Research Objective 6 - To develop a control framework addressing the shortfalls for ICS
security in South Africa
The ultimate and final objective was to develop a control framework for ICS/SCADA in South Africa
addressing the shortfalls. A SCADA control framework was developed taking into account the COBIT
and CPNI frameworks. The high level framework is listed in Section 6.7.9 with prevalent controls to
implement based on the Perceived susceptibility.
The process for the development of the control framework was discussed in Section The
controls were prioritised to focus and address the top risks, threats and vulnerabilities based on the
Perceived susceptibility. The control framework was developed with the high priority controls first.
From the control framework, the controls were rearranged in a defence-in-depth model as depicted in
Figure 7.2.
Figure 7.2: Defence in depth model for ICS/SCADA
7.3 Recommendations Malware
In order to effectively protect the ICS/SCADA environment against malware and external threats,
vendor accredited and configured anti-malware software should be implemented and regularly
updated. Where anti-malware software cannot be deployed, other protection measures should be
implemented, such as gateway anti-virus scanning or manual media checking.
implemented. These should also be communicated to all relevant stakeholders. In addition, regular
system monitoring of the ICS/SCADA infrastructure (including processes, network, and field devices)
should be performed. This includes network traffic and user access to detect anomalies, and external
threat intelligence to receive early warnings of potential threats or newly discovered vulnerabilities as
well as anomalies caused by internal staff undertaking unintentional unauthorised actions.
7.3.3 Vulnerabilities
In order to reduce or mitigate the vulnerabilities to ICS/SCADA environment, the following are
recommended as discussed in Section 6.3: Patching
Implement vendor certified security patches. Thoroughly test all patches on a test-bed prior to
installing on production systems. Where security patching is not possible or practical, alternative
appropriate protection measures are considered Monitoring
Regular system monitoring of the ICS/SCADA infrastructure (processes, network, and field devices)
should be performed. This includes network traffic and user access to detect anomalies, and external
threat intelligence to receive early warnings of potential threats or newly discovered vulnerabilities.
Appropriate password policies for ICS/SCADA systems should be defined and implemented. This
should include the applicable users, strength of passwords and expiration times, changing of default
vendor passwords, and for ICS/SCADA systems or functions where passwords may not be deemed
necessary (such as view only mode) compensating controls should be documented (e.g. for control
room staff).
7.3.4 Technical vulnerabilities
The following mitigating actions would reduce the following technical vulnerabilities, as discussed in
Section 6.3:
In addition, security features should be activated, unused services and ports in the operating systems
and applications should be disabled. The use of removable media (such as CDs and USB drives)
should be restricted. Where use of removable media is necessary, procedures are in place to ensure
these are checked for malware prior to use.
7.4.1 Contribution to Theory
This research developed a conceptual model from two existing models or methodologies which
assisted the researched in development of a Security and Governance control framework. The model
takes elements from TAM and PMT to develop a model that will take into account Risk, Threats and
Vulnerabilities to determine the Perceived susceptibility. The usability of control and the ease of use
of the controls will form the Security confidence which will assist together with the Perceived
susceptibility to develop and Coping response or Propose ICS/SCADA framework.
included inconsistency between categories which could lead to some bias towards certain
vulnerabilities and threats and complicated the overall analysis. Although this might have a small
implication on the study, this might impact someone in the industry trying to use various reports to
determine the top vulnerabilities. They might wrongly place emphasis on controls for vulnerabilities
that are not really the most prevalent.
The state of ICS/SCADA is one of ungoverned and unsecure systems. Controls needs to be prioritised
to focus on the top risks, threats and vulnerabilities. Although a majority of respondents have a
governance framework in place, the controls are not consistently applied or operating effectively. The
confident levels of the respondents are lower than it should be for the controls that have been
implemented to mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities sufficiently.
A SCADA control framework was developed taking into account the COBIT and CPNI frameworks.
The control framework gave prevalent controls to implement based on the Perceived susceptibility.
The controls were prioritised to focus and address the top risks, threats and vulnerabilities based on
the Perceived susceptibility. The control framework was developed with the high priority controls
first. From the control framework, the controls were rearranged in a defence-in-depth model.
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Appendix A Questionnaire
Appendix B Additional Tables: Effectiveness of controls
Table B1: Frequency and descriptive statistics for effectiveness of controls implemented in ICS/SCADA
Patch management
Systems hardening
Firewalls in place
Remote access
Have not
3 2 2 4 12 4 3 4 7 3
Plan to
implement in 3 2 3 6 4 3 3 5 4 1
the next year
Implemente 13 11 15 10 6 6 14 14 10 13
d/in progress
d but
requires 11 11 14 15 13 21 16 17 17 17
d and
16 21 11 9 12 13 11 7 10 13
1 0 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Count (n-
N/A -
46 47 45 44 47 47 47 47 48 47
Mean* 3.74 4.00 3.64 3.43 3.19 3.77 3.62 3.38 3.40 3.77
1.20 1.12 1.07 1.23 1.56 1.18 1.11 1.13 1.32 1.09
Variance* 1.44 1.26 1.14 1.51 2.42 1.40 1.24 1.28 1.73 1.18
Kurtosis* -0.27 0.32 -0.03 -0.61 -1.43 0.53 0.07 -0.24 -0.67 0.69
Skewness* -0.68 -0.96 -0.51 -0.51 -0.33 -1.08 -0.65 -0.54 -0.61 -0.89
Rank 2
Table B1 (Continued)
Environmental standards
Password policies
Data encryption
Have not
4 12 7 2 4 5 6 3 4 5
Plan to
implement in 6 2 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 2
the next year
Implemente 10 10 11 9 7 8 5 10 12 9
d/in progress
d but
requires 16 15 11 14 14 15 17 16 12 15
d and
11 9 17 21 19 15 15 17 16 17
1 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Count (n-
N/A -
47 48 47 48 46 47 47 48 46 48
Mean* 3.51 3.15 3.64 4.04 3.91 3.66 3.66 3.88 3.74 3.77
1.23 1.46 1.39 1.09 1.24 1.31 1.36 1.14 1.24 1.28
Variance* 1.52 2.13 1.93 1.19 1.55 1.71 1.84 1.30 1.53 1.63
Kurtosis* -0.56 -1.21 -0.51 0.80 0.46 -0.40 -0.42 0.54 -0.09 0.05
Skewness* -0.57 -0.39 -0.78 -1.11 -1.13 -0.79 -0.87 -1.00 -0.80 -0.96
Rank 1 3
Table B1 (Continued)
Strategy of ICS/SCADA
Vendor management
Project management
intelligence centre
Risk management
Incident response
Audit logs
Have not SIEM
6 3 11 9 6 6 5 6 4 3
Plan to
implement in 4 6 3 6 3 5 2 2 3 3
the next year
Implemente 10 12 11 9 12 15 12 13 13 14
d/in progress
d but
requires 14 14 15 15 13 16 18 17 17 15
d and
12 13 7 6 13 5 9 8 8 9
2 0 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Count (n-
N/A -
46 48 47 45 47 47 46 46 45 44
Mean* 3.48 3.58 3.09 3.07 3.51 3.19 3.52 3.41 3.49 3.55
1.33 1.20 1.40 1.36 1.32 1.17 1.19 1.22 1.14 1.11
Variance* 1.77 1.44 1.95 1.84 1.73 1.38 1.41 1.49 1.30 1.23
Kurtosis* -0.68 -0.57 -1.14 -1.15 -0.57 -0.47 0.08 -0.19 0.04 0.05
Skewness* -0.60 -0.51 -0.36 -0.30 -0.62 -0.47 -0.80 -0.71 -0.69 -0.60
* The table of frequencies listed. The mean, Standard Deviation, Variance, Kurtosis, Skewness and
Confidence Level have been calculated by removing the N/A and Unsure/Unknown responses.
Appendix C Additional Tables: Ease of implementation
Table C1: Frequency and descriptive statistics for how easy it is/was to implement controls in
ICS/SCADA environment
Patch management
Systems hardening
Firewalls in place
Remote access
difficult to 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Difficult to
9 8 7 6 7 6 12 9 8 7
with some 20 19 20 23 17 14 19 15 19 21
Easy to
10 12 10 10 9 16 9 15 11 12
Very easy to
4 3 2 1 2 6 2 3 3 3
5 6 7 7 13 5 5 5 7 4
Count (n-
43 42 41 41 35 43 43 43 41 44
Mean* 3.21 3.24 3.07 3.10 3.17 3.47 2.98 3.23 3.22 3.20
0.89 0.85 0.91 0.77 0.82 0.98 0.89 0.95 0.85 0.88
Variance* 0.79 0.72 0.82 0.59 0.68 0.97 0.79 0.90 0.73 0.77
Kurtosis* -0.38 -0.43 0.27 0.75 -0.22 -0.31 -0.13 -0.49 -0.37 0.12
Skewness* 0.42 0.26 -0.15 -0.17 0.34 -0.29 0.26 -0.14 0.32 0.01
Rank 3
Table C1 (Continued)
Environmental standards
Password policies
Data encryption
difficult to 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 0
Difficult to
8 9 8 4 4 5 6 4 5 9
with some 22 13 13 15 16 23 24 20 23 19
Easy to
13 12 17 19 16 10 8 13 11 10
Very easy to
1 2 3 7 5 3 5 5 2 4
4 12 6 2 6 5 5 4 6 6
Count (n-
44 36 42 46 42 43 43 44 42 42
Mean* 3.16 3.19 3.31 3.59 3.48 3.16 3.28 3.34 3.19 3.21
0.75 0.89 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.85 0.96 0.80 0.90
Variance* 0.56 0.79 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.73 0.93 0.65 0.81
Kurtosis* -0.41 -0.85 -0.44 0.16 0.18 0.66 -0.02 0.31 0.78 -0.45
Skewness* 0.08 0.11 -0.32 -0.44 -0.33 -0.13 0.62 -0.26 -0.07 0.40
Rank 1 2
Table C1 (Continued)
Strategy of ICS/SCADA
Vendor management
Project management
intelligence centre
Risk management
Incident response
Audit logs
difficult to 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 1 2
Difficult to
5 4 10 8 10 7 6 5 6 6
with some 19 18 15 20 17 16 18 19 21 19
Easy to
9 16 11 8 12 11 12 12 10 10
Very easy to
5 3 2 2 3 4 4 4 3 4
9 7 10 10 5 7 7 8 7 7
Count (n-
39 41 38 38 43 41 41 40 41 41
Mean* 3.31 3.44 3.13 3.11 3.14 3.15 3.29 3.38 3.20 3.20
0.95 0.78 0.88 0.80 0.94 1.06 0.93 0.84 0.87 0.98
Variance* 0.90 0.60 0.77 0.64 0.88 1.13 0.86 0.70 0.76 0.96
Kurtosis* 0.01 -0.26 -0.71 0.09 -0.41 -0.30 -0.05 -0.33 0.35 0.07
Skewness* 0.10 0.04 0.24 0.48 0.07 -0.17 -0.04 0.28 0.07 -0.08
* The table of frequencies listed. The mean, Standard Deviation, Variance, Kurtosis, Skewness and
Confidence Level have been calculated by removing the N/A responses.
Appendix D Index
3 E
3rd party management, 99, 168, 171
Encryption, 128, 131, 132
3rd party remote access, 72, 99, 119, 128, 129, 166,
Environmental controls, 28, 80
Environmental standards, 69, 71, 72, 80, 124, 137,
167, 170
Access control, 12, 58, 59, 61, 81, 113, 114, 128, 133, External threats, 27, 32, 93, 95
Backup and recovery, 80, 98, 124, 128, 137, 167, 170
Governance Frameworks, 15
Business Continuity, xx, 98, 128, 130, 167, 170
Disaster recovery plans, 128, 130, 167, 170
Redundancy, 12, 98, 128, 130, 167, 170
Hackers, 26, 30, 54, 55, 57, 77, 78, 81, 145, 147
Capability Maturity Model, xx, 14
Communications security, 9, 11 ICS-CERT, xvii, xviii, xxi, 87-89, 92, 94, 148
Confidentiality, xx, 9, 23, 63 Illegal information brokers, 27, 54, 57, 77, 78, 81
Configuration, xx, 28, 59-61, 81, 98, 114, 128-129, 133, Incident, 11, 99, 128, 131, 146, 168, 171
Control frameworks, xvi, xvii, xviii, 66, 98, 100 Integrity, xx, 9, 10, 12, 62, 63, 136
Corporate intelligence, 27, 54, 57, 77, 78, 80, 81 Internal attackers, 26
Criminals, 26, 54, 57, 77, 78, 81 Disgruntled staff, 27, 54-57, 77-79, 81, 109, 110,
122-124, 128, 133, 135, 136, 139, 142
D Internal threats, 27, 110
Staff undertaking unauthorised actions, 27
Data encryption, 69, 71, 80, 98, 128, 167, 170
Database security, 9, 12
Defence in Depth, xvi, 13
Denial of service, xx, 27, 62, 63, 86, 94, 97, 133, 136 Kaspersky, xvii, 92-94, 97, 146
M Project management, 168, 171
Protesters, 27, 54, 55, 57, 77-79, 81
Malware, iv, 16, 27-29, 53-57, 77, 78, 81, 89-91, 93, 95,
105, 109-110, 122, 123, 128-129, 133, 135-136, 138, R
142, 147
Duqu, 2, 29, 149 Remote access, 28, 58, 59, 61, 72, 80, 81, 114, 166, 169
Risk management, 168, 171
Flame, 2, 29, 147, 149
Gauss, 2, 29, 149
Haves, 2, 29, 152
Stuxnet, iv, 1, 2, 27, 29, 147, 149 SANS, xvii, xviii, xxii, 11, 15, 27, 89-95, 98, 100, 110,
Virus, 11, 71, 72, 80, 98, 124, 128-129, 137, 144, 143, 150
146, 153, 166, 169 Shodan, xvii, 4, 42, 44, 84, 102-105
Monitoring, 14, 28, 58-61, 81, 99, 113, 123-124, 128, Social engineering, 54, 57, 77, 78, 81
129, 135, 139, 142 Standards, xvii, xxi, 12, 24, 91, 92, 97-99, 128, 130, 131,
143, 146, 151
N Storage security, 9, 12
Strategy, 69, 71, 99, 100, 128, 132, 168, 171
Natural disaster, 54, 57, 77, 78, 81
Network perimeter, 28, 58-61, 81, 136 Symantec, xvii, xviii, 27, 85-87, 94, 97, 151, 152
Patch management, 23, 166, 169
Patching, 58-61, 80, 81, 113, 135, 139, 142 Vendor management, 168, 171
Phishing, 17, 27, 89, 90 Virtual Controls, 12
Physical Vulnerability, xviii, 10, 28, 36, 42, 86, 96, 98, 128, 131,
Physical access control, 69, 71, 72, 80, 98, 124, 128, 166, 169
137, 167, 170 Vulnerability management, 131, 166, 169
Physical Controls, 12, 98
Physical security, 9, 11, 24, 59-61, 81, 100, 136 W
Policies, 12, 14, 99, 100, 128, 130, 131, 168, 171
Procedures, 12, 99, 131, 146 Wireless connections, 28, 58, 59-61, 80, 81
Wolfpack, xvii, 3, 32, 93-95, 110, 153
Appendix E Letter from the Language Editor
Appendix F Ethical Clearance