Paul Kept The Faith: Big Group

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Paul Kept the Faith

Main Objective
To cause the kids to learn that Paul’s life models a life that was well-lived as
a follower of Jesus.
Memory Verse
2 Timothy 4:7 (NASB) “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I
have kept the faith.”

Point: Live for Jesus!

Refer to the last page for the routine. Kindly inform your level coordinator
about the materials you will need for your class one week before.

Count 1 to 10, Jesus!

Suggested Worship Songs

Check our NXTGen Spotify Link:
 Trust and Obey
 Everlasting God

Opening Prayer

Welcome and Birthday Greetings

Most Important Truths

Class Rules

Game Time
I HAVE DECIDED TO FOLLOW JESUS (patterned after the game, “Simon
1. We will practice to obey what Jesus says. We will know for sure what
Jesus wants us to do through the Bible and so as soon as we learn
how to read, we should spend time everyday reading the Bible.
Through that we will get to know Jesus and what He wants us to do.
However, just for practice, we are going to play a simple game.
2. LISTEN AND WATCH! You will only follow what I will say if I start with,
“Jesus says” but if I don’t say it, you shouldn’t follow what I will ask
you to do. You will do nothing. Again, you will do the action if I say,
“Jesus says” and you won’t do anything if there’s no “Jesus says” at
the beginning of my command.
3. PRACTICE! Are you ready? Alright, let’s practice first:
a. Jesus says, “Stand up!” (Give feedback if they were able to do
the action or not; comment that they should have followed since
you mentioned, “Jesus says.” Do the same for the other practice
b. “Sit!” Oooops! You should remain standing because I did not say
“Jesus says.” It is very important that you listen to my command.
c. Jesus says, “Hug your friend”
d. Jesus says, “Stop!” Great! I think we are ready for the game.
4. GAME! Make this fun for the kids but reinforce the importance of
listening to the commands and following them properly.
a. Jesus says, “Smile”
b. “Stop!”
c. Jesus says, “Laugh!”
d. Jesus says, “Stop!”
e. Dance!
f. Wiggle your fingers
g. Jesus says, Shake the hand of your squadmates.”
5. Good listening! You also did well in following instructions!

Say: That was fun to play, “Jesus says”. We had a great time laughing
while playing the game and we also learned that it is important to obey
what Jesus says. The only way we would know what Jesus wants us to do
is through hearing and reading from the Bible. Therefore, ask your
daddies and mommies to read Bible stories to you especially the stories
that we talk about here in NXTGen Sunday School. Share to them what
we learn here in NXTGen. You and I need to live for Jesus.

Bible Story
This story can be told using a variety of methods. Your team can be as creative or as simple
as your resources will allow. Remain true to the facts found in the Bible but help children
connect to its meaning by using illustrations, drama, visual aids, object lesson, voice
modulation, and student interaction.

Note: You need two soft puppets (Popoy and Pepay), two volunteers who will
hold the puppets and be their voices, and the big group leader. They were
not able to talk in the past but for their last Sunday, they will both have a
chance to share what they have been learning about Paul. Set up the puppet
theater as well. Provide a microphone to each of the volunteers who will be
the voices of Popoy and Pepay.

BIG GROUP LEADER (BGL): Kids, do you remember our friends? What are their
names? (Popoy and Pepay). That’s right! Say hi to them, kids. (Hi Popoy! Hi

PEPAY (whispers to the BGL):

BGL: Pepay and Popoy, I know that you’re a bit shy but it would be good if you
could greet them, too. Come on, try it. Your friends here would like it.

PEPAY (whispers but can be heard by the kids): Hi kids. I am here with my
brother, Popoy. Popoy, say hello.

POPOY (whipsers but can be heard by the kids): Hello there.

BGL: You see kids, Popoy and Pepay are really trying their best to speak a bit
louder so they can tell you a summary of Paul’s story. You see, they’ve been
reading the Book of Acts as they have been attending NXTGen Sunday School just
like you.

BGL: Let’s go back to God’s story about a man named Paul. Back then, being
born in Tarsus was about as cool as being born in an amusement park. So,
Paul thought he was cooler than other people, especially the ones who were
following Jesus.

PEPAY: That’s right. Paul turned into a real bully, he found ways to get people
especially the ones who were following Jesus thrown in jail, beat up or even

POPOY: One day, Jesus yelled from the sky, “Paul! Paul! Why are you acting
this way?” Then Jesus shined a really bright light, brighter than the sun, right
into Paul’s eyes. Paul couldn’t see anything for three days.

BGL: After Paul could see again, he decided he would listen to God.
And not just listen, Paul decided to spend his whole life telling people about
God and God’s Son Jesus. Paul knew if he was going to tell people about God,
then Paul better get to know God.

PEPAY: Paul found different ways to get to know God. Sometimes Paul fasted,
which is when you skip a meal or many meals and spend time praying

POPOY: Other times, Paul snuck off alone so he could sit and listen to God.
Paul said getting to know God was like training to run a big race. Sometimes
training for a race takes work, especially if you want to win. Just like it can
sometimes take hard work to fast or sit quietly and listen to God. But for
Paul, knowing God was way better than winning first place, even if the prize
was a million billion pesos.

PEPAY: Once Paul knew God, he was so excited that he wanted to tell
everyone, even people he didn’t know. Paul became a missionary. A
missionary is a person who goes to new places and tells people about Jesus.
And even while he was doing this, Paul was writing lots and lots of letters
telling other people about Jesus.

BGL: Now sometimes, Paul found out that not everybody wanted to hear
about God. But he told them about God any way just to make sure everybody
had a chance to hear. Have you ever tried talking to somebody while they
were not listening to you?
The people started really getting mad at Paul when he talked. They threw
rocks at him, beat him up, put him in jail and even tried to get rid of him
completely. Guess what Paul did! He said he’d be happy to go to jail, get beat
up, even die if it means more people know about Jesus.

Well, God was with Paul when he was getting beat up and put in jail. Tell
them what happened one night, Popoy.

POPOY: One night, God even sent an earthquake to open the doors of jail so
Paul could be free, but instead of escaping, Paul stayed to tell the prison
guard about Jesus.

PEPAY: Later, Paul was sent to a bigger city with a bigger jail. To get there, he
had to take a boat during storm season! One of the storms hit Paul’s boat and
it got shipwrecked. So, Paul had to swim all the way to a nearby island.
BGL: Picture swimming in the North Pole with penguins; that’s how cold Paul

PEPAY: That’s right! But as soon as he saw there were people living on the
island, what do you think he did? (Let the kids respond).
Yes, he taught them about Jesus. Paul never stopped telling people about
Jesus, and how Jesus loves everyone, and wants to help them stop doing
wrong things and teach them how to know God.

BGL: Did you know that Paul got put in jail at least 4 times, was shipwrecked
three times, and was even bitten by a poisonous snake, but Paul didn’t care
what happened. He was so happy knowing God that he just wanted
everybody else to know God too.

BGL: We can see from God’s story of Paul that his life wasn’t easy but he
continued to trust God and never stopped praying to Jesus and sharing about
Him to all the people he met.

POPOY: Teacher _______, I would like to follow the example of Paul.

BGL: Do you also want to share about Jesus to your family and friends?

POPOY: Yes, Teacher _________. I will tell them that even if sometimes I do not
follow my parents or do not choose to do good things, Jesus still loves me. He did
not want me to stay bad; He died for me on the cross to pay for the penalty of my
sins. When I placed my trust in God, He now the one leading my life and not me.

PEPAY: I am so blessed to hear that from you Popoy and just like you and Paul, I
will also tell my friends about Jesus and what He is doing in my life.

BGL: That’s very encouraging to hear. My heart is joyful to know that even at a
very young age, you are choosing to follow Jesus. I also decided to follow Jesus
when I was about your age.

How about you kids? Do you already know how much God loves you and that we
need Him as our Lord and Savior because we normally choose to do bad things
because we are sinful? Our squad leaders will tell us about the Good News after
we recite our memory verse.

Memory Verse
2 Timothy 4:7 (NASB) “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I
have kept the faith.”


Today’s memory verse is 2 Timothy 4:7 (NASB) “I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

(Demonstrate): 2 Timothy 4:7 (Pretend to get your Bible) “ I have fought the
good fight (show starting position when one is about to fight karate), I have
finished the race (pretend to run but just jog in place), I have kept (put hands
together in a clasped position parallel to your chest) the faith (and then place
them near your chest).”

Repeat after me. 2 Timothy 4:7 (Pretend to get your Bible) “ I have fought the
good fight (show starting position when one is about to fight karate), I have
finished the race (pretend to run but just jog in place), I have kept (put hands
together in a clasped position parallel to your chest) the faith (and then place
them near your chest).”

Can we say that again? Let’s do it per squad.(Showcase each squad’s practice to
the big group). 2 Timothy 4:7 (Pretend to get your Bible) “ I have fought the good
fight (show starting position when one is about to fight karate), I have
finished the race (pretend to run but just jog in place), I have kept (put hands
together in a clasped position parallel to your chest) the faith (and then place
them near your chest).” 2 Timothy 4:7 (Pretend to get your Bible)

Praise God for His Word!

Review Memory Verse
Reinforce 2 Timothy 4:7 (NASB) “I have fought the good fight, I have finished
the race, I have kept the faith.”


Today’s memory verse is 2 Timothy 4:7 (NASB) “I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

(Demonstrate): 2 Timothy 4:7 (Pretend to get your Bible) “ I have fought the
good fight (show starting position when one is about to fight karate), I have
finished the race (pretend to run but just jog in place), I have kept (put hands
together in a clasped position parallel to your chest) the faith (and then place
them near your chest).”

Repeat after me. 2 Timothy 4:7 (Pretend to get your Bible) “ I have fought the
good fight (show starting position when one is about to fight karate), I have
finished the race (pretend to run but just jog in place), I have kept (put hands
together in a clasped position parallel to your chest) the faith (and then place
them near your chest).”

Can we say that again? (Check if the children can do it on their own) 2 Timothy
4:7 (Children pretend to get their Bible) “I have fought the good fight (show
starting position when one is about to fight karate), I have finished the race
(Children pretend to run but just jog in place), I have kept (put hands together
in a clasped position parallel to your chest) the faith (and then children place
them near their chest).” 2 Timothy 4:7 (Pretend to get your Bible)

Praise God for His Word!

Point: You and I need to live for Jesus!

Gospel Necklace and Faith Medal
This activity is designed to help young children believe the Gospel. This will also
help them remember the memory verse and point of the Bible story. We take
advantage of a more focused attention in a small group setting
1. Ask more volunteers to help big-sized squads. The ideal ratio is 1
squad leader is to 5 children.
2. Prepare the materials:
a. Cut 2-feet red or white or green yarn with masking tape
wrapped at the end that will function as the needle. This will be
the “chain” of the necklace. Prepare 1 necklace chain: 1 student
plus 10% buffer.
b. Cut strips of gold/ yellow, black, red, white, and green paper.
Make 32 pcs. for every paper sized 8.5inches X 11 inches.
Prepare 1 strip per color: 1 student plus prepare 10% extra
strips for every color.
c. Get one strip of colored paper. Tape the ends using double-
sided tape to make a thick ring. This will be the paper bead of
the necklace. Do the same for all the strips of paper.
d. The pendant will be the memory verse and the point of the
lesson in a circle. See the file- Lesson 35_printable
pendant_memory verse and point.
e. Prepare each set for each student for easier distribution. Each
set should contain:
o 1 red/ white/ green yarn (necklace chain)
o 1 yellow/ gold paper bead; 1 black paper bead; 1 red paper
bead; 1 white paper bead; and 1 green paper bead
o 1 pendant
f. The extra yarn and beads are for when some materials get lost
or destroyed. Make sure that you also include the big group and the
squad leaders in your material provision.
3. Memorize the Gospel presentation in number 4 by heart.
4. Demonstrate how to make the necklace first. Share the Gospel as
you show how you make your necklace.
a. I am going to share the Good News.
b. (Show the gold/ yellow paper bead) This gold/ yellow bead
represents heaven, which is covered with gold. Revelation
21:21 describes heaven, “And the twelve gates were twelve
pearls; each one of the gates was a single pearl. And the street
of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. Heaven is a
wonderful place like no other. God loves us and wants us to be
with Him in heaven.
c. But because we have all sinned, we cannot be with God. (Show
the black paper bead). This black paper bed represents sin. Sin
is something that we do that does not follow what God wants.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” as
Romans 3:23 says. Everyone has sinned- you and me. That
would mean that we have to pay for our sins by going to hell.
“For the wages (or payment) of sin is death” as it is said in
Romans 6:23.
d. The good news is that God has a solution to our problem. Jesus
took our place and died on the cross. You see, He is the only
one who is without sin, can take our place in paying for the
penalty of our sins. (Show the red paper bead). This red paper
bead represents the blood that was shed on the cross for the
forgiveness of our sins. “For the wages of sin is death, but the
free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” In
Romans 6:23.
What do we need to do? We need to believe in Jesus Christ-
that He is the only one who can save us and that we also need
to follow Him everyday.
e. When we believe in Jesus, we will be made clean from sin
(show the white paper bead) like this white paper bead
represents. When we believe in Jesus, we now can have a
personal relationship with Him and will one day be with Him in
heaven. Even now, we can be sure about that. John 1:12 says,
“But as many as received Him, to them he gave the right to
become children of God, even to those who believe in His
name.” What do we need to do to become children of God?
Believe in Jesus Christ.
f. We also begin to enjoy a growing relationship with Jesus upon
knowing and obeying Him everyday. Since plants are green and
they grow, we use the green paper bead to show this growing
relationship with Jesus. How do we get to know Jesus more and
what He wants us to do? We pray. This way we can talk to God.
We read the Bible or ask our parents/ grandparents/ uncles and
aunts to read the Bible to us. This way, we would know more
who God is and what He wants us to do. We go to church to
fellowship with other believers. We also share about Jesus to
our family and friends. Let’s pray to thank God for His love and
what He did on the cross. (Make this prayer short but on point).
g. To finish this necklace, I will place the pendant, which shows
our memory verse and point for the day. (Lead your squad to
recite the memory verse again). Just like Paul, as believers of
Jesus, we pray that we will always follow Jesus because “You
and I need to live for Jesus!” Then finally, wear the necklace to
model to the children.
5. Then help the children create their own necklace. Feel free to
repeat the Gospel as you help the kids make their own necklace to
make the activity more meaningful. Let them wear their own
6. If there’s still time, review the Gospel briefly using the necklace that
they are wearing.

Best Squad Awarding

Review the Class Rules to reinforce why the best squad was chosen. Encourage
the rest of the children to follow the rules next time so they may be given the
bonus of being awarded as best squad. Remind them also that it is not the main
goal of going to Sunday School; that the main goal is to get to know more about
God and enjoy Him forever.

Wrap Up/Closing
The big group leader may review the Gospel presentation in the big group. Then
just before closing, he/ she may review the memory verse and point of the lesson
as a summary of the life of Paul.

The squad leaders will help in endorsing the kids to their parents. They will
encourage them to join a DGroup if they do not have one yet and to volunteer in


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